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Another netball tournament! 🏀
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My boy passed stage 3 swimming 🏊‍♂️
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He’s now onto stage 4 🙌🏻 I’m so proud of him as he does struggle with his confidence in swimming and I’m not sure why because he is such a strong and good swimmer!
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Mason is really into his writing at the moment!
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He asked to use my laptop so he can write a horror story which he has been working on every night!
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Mason got picked for the schools football team ⚽️
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They played their first proper match against another school 😊
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Previous World Book Days 📖
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World Book Day 2024!
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Gone are the days where he wants to dress up as stickman or Dennis the menace! He chose to go as footballer ⚽️ Still looks cute though! Only one more World Book Day for us 😭
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Came 4th in cross country 🏃‍♂️
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Netball tournament ready!
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Mason was picked to play in the schools netball team 🙌🏻 They attended a netball event where 24 other schools all got together and had tournaments. Masons team came 4th 🙌🏻
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Football..All day everyday ⚽️
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Even reading about football now 😂
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Parents evening 2024!
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Lovely, polite, kind, good friend, mature learner are just some of the things that were said about him 😍😍 So proud of him!!!
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Star of the week 🌟
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For his positive attitude in all that he does 🌟
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Getting started on his Cadburys Chocolate football that he got for Christmas! It’s really thick, it’s going to take a while!
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Super proud of my boy 🤗 He’s working so hard at school and an absolute angel at home, he’s also doing lots of after school activities, Monday he does netball, Wednesday and Thursday football, swimming lessons on Friday and he’s really enjoying it all! Love that he’s so active!
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Space Day 🧑🏻‍🚀🚀
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My boy was showing me how to use google slides to make cool presentations!
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He made one all about football..of course! ⚽️
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Mason & Willow 🤍🩶
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He made her some really yummy treats bless him!
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Love when he gets a haircut..I can see more of his handsome face 😍😍😍
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