#But I think a good place to start isss
radiates-confusion · 1 year
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Welp, we're back at it again. Another 30 day concoction of prompts to reach an end goal I wish to have! (It's litterally just the second time I'm doing this) This time, I'm worldbuilding! And will ramble about it below the break!
So we're going to have some section of worldbuilding related to each prompt, whether it be a town, a lifestyle, a job, a character themselves, a situation for potential DnD-ing etc etc.
Each worldbuilding block made will include a character design related to it. This is for two reasons!
Reason 1 is that it helps jumpstart my brain into making more Npcs, and that it helps me consider how what I have built affects the larger world!
Reason 2 is that this will help keep my brain engaged, as whilst worldbuilding can sometimes be very stop start for me, I am always willing to indulge into character design.
This is really helpful, because it means I will find it a lot easier to stick to the one design/worldbuilding block a day timeline!
Plus! This timeline gives me something to do towards the end of my summer, and will be able to follow me for awhile as I transition back into actually having to go to college again, soooo, fun!
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
duties of the local hotel manager lesbian, plus one very desperate snake man
Sir Pentious: "PLEAAASSSSSE!!!"
Vaggie: "Ugh.” (reading clipboard) “Not now."
Sir Pentious: "PLEASSSE HELP ME!"
Vaggie: "I'm busy."
Sir Pentious: "PLEASSSSe? I will do anything! I, ah, I will do ALL the THINGSSS!!"
Vaggie: "I'm not giving you dance lessons! Do you know what my job here is?"
Sir Pentious: "YES! You are the expert in the loving of women!!"
Vaggie: "I'm hotel manager, and it's one woman singular-"
Vaggie: "Hostia! Let go!"
Sir Pentious: (clinging to her ankles) "I AM BEGGING YOU!"
Vaggie: "And what did I just say? No!"
Sir Pentious: "Help me, purple female! You're my only hope!!"
Vaggie: "Stop calling me that." (starts walks)
Sir Pentious: (still clinging) (getting dragging) "Forgive me! I will call you anything you want, anything you desssire!"
Vaggie: (glaring) (dragging him) "How 'bout my name."
Sir Pentious: "Your... name??"
Vaggie: "That thing I have that no one other than Charlie ever bothers to use-"
Vaggie: -just like the fucking hotel doormat."
Charlie: (distant) "Not it!"
Sir Pentious: "I'm alssso innocssssent!"
Vaggie: (at charlie)"I know it wasn't you, sweetie! You like the brushy sound the mat makes too much NOT to use it." (at pentious) "And no shit it wasn't you, Pentious. You don't have legs."
Sir Pentious: "And I alwaysss wipe my tail!"
Charlie: "Speaking of wiping, can we add some more disinfectant to the shopping list? I think I'm about to use all ours up..."
Vaggie: "Sure thing. Use it up on what though?"
Charlie: "We-lll..."
Angel Dust: "Hey don't look at me like that, Cheery'O! Not my fault ya walked in without knocking first!"
Charlie: "Angel." (deep breath) "The library is a common area..."
Angel Dust: "Any common area can be a CUMming area if ya jerk at it hard enough~"
Charlie: "VAGGIEEEE! Disinfectant?!"
Vaggie: "On it." (scribbling on clipboard) "No problem."
Sir Pentious: "SSORDID SSSALASCIOUSS SPIDER! Sssee? Aren't I a better guessst than he isss? Perhapss dessserving of one, ssssmall favor?? I do not befoul the hotel with my bedroom bodily fluidsss!"
Vaggie: "No, you just keep blowing holes in it."
Angel Dust: "Ohhhh! Blowing!"
Sir Pentious: "Aha! Not thiss week I haven't!!!"
Charlie: "Angel, not that I don't appreciate the help but, could you maybe not lounge right on the shelf I'm trying to look through-?"
Vaggie: "Really? No major property damage in seven whole days?"
Angel Dust: "I'm finding the perfect book for ya, Charlie chip. Here, look!"
Sir Pentious: "Oh ah, welll, there might be a sssmall hole sssomewhere.."
Charlie: "...you know Moby Dick is about a whale, right?"
Vaggie: "I guess it's still improvement."
Angel Dust: "And gaaaaaay shit yeah."
Charlie: "I'm kinda looking for a bedtime story..."
Sir Pentious: "Improvement yes exsssactly! Jussst has my DANSSCING could be improved!"
Angel Dust: "Two dudes share a bed an' everything in this and ya share one with Vaggity Fair. Perfect fit, I tell ya."
Vaggie: (groaning) "Not this again...."
Charlie: "...I guess.. she does like nautical things like ships..."
Charlie: ".. hey why are some pages stuck together OH ANGEL DUST EW!"
Angel Dust: "That's a five star review right there ain't it?"
Charlie: "I mean I GUESS so but UGH!"
Vaggie: "Charlie? Content warning for the book- the whale kills Ahab at the end."
Charlie: "He WHAT!? No!"
Charlie: "BUT- but they're FRIENDS! BESTIES!"
Vaggie: "Not when your dad isn't reading the story sweetie, sorry."
Charlie: "Nooooooo...!"
Angel Dust: "Eh, nothin' some porn without plot fic can't fix. You can be the whale mermaid, V Gal can be the broody crazy ship captain, an' by the third paragraph someone's getting harpooned reeeeeal good and deeep-"
Charlie: "Stop helping me, please."
Angel Dust: "Nah. I'm too booored. Ya place is booooring, Charlie chip."
Sir Pentious: "I disssagreee! WHOLEHEARTEDLY!"
Charlie: "Thanks, Pen!"
Sir Pentious: (stares up at vaggie hopefully) (tail wagging)
Vaggie: "Pentious...." (sigh)
Vaggie: "Look. How the fuck do you even expect me to teach you dancing stuff when all you have is a tail? Do I look like I know how to do tail dances?"
Sir Pentious: "I DO NOT KNOW! I have no expertissssse in dancssssing! That issss why I sssso dessssperately require your help, oh wissssse and fearful hotel manager!!"
Vaggie: "Still not my name."
Sir Pentious: "PLEEEEEEEEESE-"
Vaggie: "Hold that thought. TO THE OTHER NON-CHARLIE IDIOTS LIVING HERE! Why won't you use the fucking doormat? What the fuck kind of first impression are you trying to make the hotel have!?"
Husk: (slumped over bar) "If we were aiming for a fucking honest impression, we'd need more blood and shit in this place."
Niffty: "Ooooh~" (puts two bugs and some ice in cocktail shaker and shakes) "Blooood."
Husk: "Case in fucking point you little creep."
Niffty: (GIGGLES)
Sir Pentious: "I! I think thisss isss a fine and upssstanding essstablissshment!!"
Husk: "Then you're a dumbass."
Sir Pentious: (HISS) "Ssslander! I DO NOT EVEN HAVE AN ASSSS!"
Vaggie: "Ignore him. Go back to sleeping off the hangover, Husk. You're still shit company right now."
Husk: (grumbles) (curls up under wing)
Niffty: (drapes washcloth over him and pulls out needle) "Blooood..?"
Vaggie: "No Niffty, whoever did this should deal with it this time. You go, uhhh- go catch and juice some more cockroaches or something-"
Vaggie: "ROACHES YOU MORON! Bugs! Small unsexy creepy crawlies! And so help me you'd BETTER be unsexily helping Charlie decontaminate the library or I sWEAR-!"
Vaggie: "Wait I know those stupid dancing shoe tracks- maldita sea-!"
Vaggie: "ALASTOR!"
Alastor: (oozing from shadows) "Yeeees~?"
Vaggie: "These your shoe marks?"
Alastor: "Indeed they are! And I am TOUCHED you know me so well!"
Vaggie: "Wipe your feet next time. Or do I need to grab you by the scruff of your neck and rub your face in the mess you've made?"
Alastor: "Oh that won't be necessary my dear, even if you WERE capable of it!"
Vaggie: "So you know how to use a doormat?"
Alastor: "Of course~ I am QUITE skilled-"
Vaggie: "Great. Then wipe your feet."
Alastor: "..Now?"
Vaggie: "Now."
Alastor: "......"
Sir Pentious: (tugging at his pants leg) "Do asss sssshe ssasys, pleasse! I need her in a good mood!"
Alastor: "Hm..."
Alastor: (steps out of each and onto the mat) (whips shoes)
Alastor: "Satisfied?"
Vaggie: "Getting there. Now clean up your mess before Niffty has to."
Alastor: "Oh I wouldn't want to DEPRIVE her! All that fresh blood and viscera? You know how much she adores-"
Vaggie: "Then she can go out and clean the streets of hell in her free time for all I care but in this hotel she is not gonna waste her time picking up after you just because you can't be bothered to show her, or the HOTEL, a little fucking respect. You clean this up. Got it?"
Alastor: "You know, my dear." (shadows looming) "I'm not entirely certain you yourself 'get' wHo you ArE tALkINg TO....."
Sir Pentious: "AHHH!" (cowers behind vaggie) "SSSAVE ME MOTH WOMAN!"
Vaggie: (at alastor) "Ohh. Terrifying."
Vaggie: (at pentious) "Also not my name."
Vaggie: (at charlie) "Charlie!"
Charlie: (distracted) "Listen to Vaggie, Alastor! She's hotel manager for a reason- Oh EW what oh shit-"
Vaggie: "Babe?"
Charlie: "I'm okay, I'm fine!!! We didn't need that glass cabinet anyway, not after what Angel Dust did all over it yesterday!"
Angel Dust: "SIX TIMES bab-y!"
Vaggie: "I don't want to know." (points at alastor) "You heard her."
Alastor: "I.. did."
Vaggie: "Then get cleaning."
Alastor: (sweeping bow as shadows start cleaning) "My pleasure my dear! Anything to stave off the inevitable FAILURE of this quaint little venture and so prolong your DAILY SUFFERING~"
Vaggie: (checking clipboard) "Uh-huh whatever."
Vaggie: (heads for door) (stops)
Vaggie: "Pentious. Let. GO."
Sir Pentious: "But-! Danssscing???"
Vaggie: "No."
Sir Pentious: (wailing) "Mercy, spear wielder! Take pity on meeeee!!!!!"
Vaggie: "Spear wielder? Seriously? Are you allergic to my name?"
Sir Pentious: "H-how could anyone be have an adverssse reaction to ssssomething sssso marvelousss ass-"
Vaggie: (crosses arms) "Then say it."
Sir Pentious: "Errr..... it???"
Vaggie: "My name."
Sir Pentious: "Oh! OH YESSS your NAME of coursssse!! Which issss lovely, but ah. Ah- that would be too- it would be too INFORMAL! Yesss! I am not worthy!"
Vaggie: "You don't know what my name is do you."
Sir Pentious: "I DO!!! Obviousssly!!"
Vaggie: "Then say it."
Sir Pentious: "Um..."
Vaggie: "Say my name, one time, and I'll pencil you in later for dancing tips."
Sir Pentious: "......that'ssss very.. generoussss... yesss, thank you...."
Sir Pentious: "...Erm...."
Sir Pentious: "....Miss... Morningsstar'ssss mate?"
Husk: (SNORTS)
Alastor: "Well I DO suppose that one COULD say~"
Vaggie: "I'm leaving." (pries pentious off) "Don't follow me."
Sir Pentious: "AH NO! NO I KNOW IT!!! Your name isss- VAGELISS!"
Vaggie: "Charlie? I'm heading out now, okay babe?"
Sir Pentious: "V- VIGILANTY???"
Charlie: "Okay! Love you, kissing you, missing you already! Be safe!!"
Sir Pentious: "VIRGINA! No ah, no wait-"
Vaggie: (blows kiss in charlie's direction) "Love you too sweetie~"
Sir Pentious: "You are VIRGINITY!!!!"
Husk: "HA."
Angel Dust: "Is she?!"
Charlie: "Noooope!"
Vaggie: "My name's a lot less ironic than that. Life didn't shit on me that hard." (heading out the door)
Sir Pentious: "NooooOOOOO!" (wiggling after her)
Sir Pentious: "Sssweet lesssbian, ssspare me! I would be on my kneesss if I had any! SSCION OF SSSSSAPPHO I IMPORE YOU- APHRODITE HASSS SSSTRIKEN ME WITH LONGING FOR A PYROTECHNIC HAZZZARD!!!!"
Vaggie: (stops)
A bug: (scurries by frantically) (pursued by cackling niffy)
Vaggie: "...you know Sappho's stuff?"
Sir Pentious: "Yesss? Ssshe isss, one of the greatessst loversss of women in hissstory! Asss a fellow lover of women, I admire her greatly!!"
Charlie: "Oh my dad- my dad and mom did to!!! Neat!"
Vaggie: "Hmm. I... guess..."
Sir Pentious: (eyes huge) "You, guesssss..?"
Vaggie: "Fine. I'll trade help with the shopping bags for a couple of dance lessons tonight. Fair?"
Sir Pentious: "Yess? YESSS! Mossst fair!" (claps hands) "MINIONS-!"
Vaggie: "No minions. You want the lessons you carry the bags."
Sir Pentious: "Ma'am!" (salutes) "My noodlessssque armsss are at your sssservissce!"
Vaggie: "I guess they're also gonna be what we mainly focus on in dancing."
Sir Pentious: "Oh- isss the bag carrying, for practicess then??"
Vaggie: (flexing shoulders) (wincing) "Uh, sure."
Sir Pentious: "P-practicesss for dipping my dansssce partner, or for getting dipped???"
Vaggie: "Whatever floats your boat. Ship. Whatever."
Sir Pentious: "Then I sssshall do my besst! Anything for HER!!"
Vaggie: "That's the woman-loving spirit."
Sir Pentious: "Ssssweet victory ssshall be mine at lassst! By the way, what ISSS your name?"
Vaggie: "You were close. It's very gay."
Sir Pentious: "You are miss Very Gay???"
Vaggie: "These days? Yeah. I sure am."
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jennifer-jeong · 7 months
Fluff + Mild Angst | JJK Men x GN!Reader What Made Them Fall For You?
Itadori Yuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Gojo Satoru
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SUMMARY Headcanons on what makes the JJK pookies fall for you <3
CONTENT NOT SPOILER FREE (includes manga and anime spoilers), fluff, gender neutral reader, men falling for reader, reader is a sorcerer, CHARACTERS ARE 18+
AUTHOUR NOTES YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT TIME IT ISSS Yes I’m back with this prompt because I love it so much and it basically summarizes my little daydream storylines I have in my mind about each character. Also note that I’m not caught up on the manga (but I do know all the spoilers hehe) so I apologize if any of this is inaccurate! (Yes I believe Gojo’s coming back so please pretend like the angst in his part isn’t alluding to his death being permanent. His body was successfully recovered and I’m coping with that fact)
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I think Yuji would start to fall for you because when you first learned about Sukuna and Yuji being his vessel, you swore right then and there that you’d beat Sukuna’s ass and save Yuji. He was shocked at first because while that is the plan, no one had ever said it out loud to him like you did, and no one specifically ever said “I’ll save you.” He didn’t take it in a romantic sense but ever since you said it, he’s been getting closer and closer with you. You two always have a great time together and Sukuna never fails to make Yuji flustered by popping out and saying some random vulgar or violent jumble of words.
Yuji enjoys the lightheartedness you bring into his life, it’s refreshing like a spring breeze. It’s been much needed in his life recently and he appreciates your unplanned but good timing. He doesn’t like to worry people with his emotions because he’s such a genuine ray of sunshine. But, he will tell you about them when he finally breaks from time to time because he knows you’ll coax it out of him anyways. He tells you about his childhood and his grandpa and it breaks your heart that he sounds so content with his simple life despite barely having anyone close to him. You tell him that he’s so loved by everyone around him and he thanks you. It’s just that his death is constantly looming over his head and he has no idea what’s in store for him or his new loved ones. He wants to save everyone so badly and sometimes forgets about himself. That’s why he’ll never forget your promise to save him. He trusts that if he loses himself in some sort of sacrifice, that you’ll somehow rescue him. And that’s also why he’ll never break his silent promise to protect you for as long as he lives.
I think Megumi would start to fall for you because of the care you put into everything you do, especially in how you treat others. You never fail to notice and treat your allies' wounds, even when they’re convincingly pretending like they’re fine. You always prioritize civilians during missions. You haven’t missed how his shikigami all have different personalities and different places they like to be pet. And you never miss it if Megumi’s feeling upset, you can somehow just tell by looking at him, even when others think he just looks mad like usual. Megumi knows your care for the little things is just how you express your desire to help others. The two of you mirror each other in that way. Megumi is the epitome of sacrificing oneself to protect their allies and it makes him smile when you mention that to him because he knows you’re exactly like him in that sense.
Megumi feels so relaxed around you because you just seem to understand him without needing him to explain. He’s gotten used to bottling everything up since he was young. He’s been forced to be an adult since he was a kid, understanding things that children shouldn’t even know about. It’s made his life feel cold, devoid of the warmth a child typically receives in their youth. He’s felt betrayed by all parental figures, his dad, his mom, and his step-mom. Even though Satoru tried his best and Megumi appreciates him, he couldn’t fully repair what he didn’t break. Megumi only really had his sister Tsumiki, but now even she’s unreachable and cursed. His life has warmed up slightly as he’s got found family now, but it’s really only you that makes the burning sun shine like it should in his life. As a sorcerer, he’s always worried that more lives will be taken from around him, especially yours. But he likes to joke and think that with the two of you constantly sacrificing yourselves for the other and getting stronger, you might just be okay.
I think Satoru would start to fall for you because you don’t treat him like “the strongest,” you treat him like he’s human, like he’s just Satoru. Satoru has always faked a smile and you’ve always been able to figure him out. He’s been through so much and always struggled to make meaningful connections because of his powers. His family putting immense pressure on him as a child definitely didn’t help his emotional state either. He’s been so lonely his whole life and just as he starts to create a found family with his friends, he loses them. He doesn’t know what to do other than smile to make sure that those that are still alive don’t worry about him. But you see straight through him, you always have, and it comforts him. You’re the same age as him so you’ve been through it all with him since he started at jujutsu high. He started to fall for you at the start because even before all the additional trauma, you already wiggled your way past his emotional walls. He was always clearly too excited to see his friends, had so much love to give, and hated being alone. You thought it was obvious that he was hiding something and you approached him, asking if he was ok and if he wanted to talk about it. At first, he just laughed it off but as the months passed and your friendship grew, the more and more comfortable he was with telling you about his struggles.
Even now, you’re the only person he confides in about everything. You’ve always helped him back onto his feet after the world knocks him down. He might be the strongest sorcerer in the world, or maybe ever. But in his world, he’s never actually been stronger than you, you’re always the one helping him up anyways. He loves that you don’t treat him like most do. You’ve never catered to him or let up on lecturing him just because he’s strong. Additionally, you also never failed to make sure he felt loved, because you always knew that he was still just a kid on the inside that was forced to grow up too fast. Satoru fell for you willingly but has held off on confessing to you because he’s too scared to indulge himself while there’s still danger in the world. He wants to make the world safer for you, whether he’s there to see it with you or not. But he’s pretty sure he will, he is “the strongest” after all.
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|| MASTERLIST <3 || Thank you for reading! ||
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seas-storyarchive · 7 months
redeemed rosie - au
Rosie, hell born, was redeemed. This was.. a shock.
"How did this happen?" Charlie asked Emily, after they broke the news during a monthly meeting. The woman was a murderous cannibal. So, how the hell!?
"We have a theory." Sir Pentious said, looking from Charlie to the woman.
"The whole system of Heaven is getting a closer look. Those in the seventh and eigth rings are looking over all records, of those in both Heaven and Hell." Emily said, before looking at Rosie. "Well, congratulations, miss Rosie. You made the cut."
"I'm sssure thisss isss a sssshock, missss. I've made ssssure with thosssse on high that you'll have time to get your affairsssss in order." Oh, how kind of him.
"What if I don't want to go?" Rosie was.. oh goodness, this was a shock to her.
Emily shook her head. "This isn't negotiable, ma'am. We," whe gestured to herself and Sir Pentious, "didn't choose, and you can't get out of it."
Well shit. Rosie sighed. "Alright, alright. I'll.." she paused. "I'll get started."
It took about three weeks, sadly, for those affairs to be in order. Organizing her leave from Cannibal Town, passing off her shop, and saying goodbye to her people - it was hard, although Susan's apearance made it just a tad easier. Oh how she'd miss that "ornery old bitch", as Alastor called her.
Oh.. oh Alastor..
Rosie moved into the hotel, finding out that the news had already spread.
"Congrats on da redemption, toots." Angel raised a glass to her.
"We'll miss you!" Niffy had climbed up her dress, holding her around the neck tightly while crying.
"Oh Niffty, tears don't suit that sweet face, little one." Niffty was cradled by Rosie who wiped her tears.
Husk took Niffty back, looking at her with a sad expression. "See you, eventually."
The hotel shook - oh, you thought Alastor was downstairs and saying goodbye? Nope. In his room throwing a tantrum. That shook the building.
Yup, that was what Husk was afraid of.
"He sounds so sad." Niffty said, looking up the stairs.
He's grieving, Lucifer recognized the pain in the roars - having made many of the same noises when Lilith finally left with Charlie.
"Give him a bit." Lucifer said to them.
"He's out of time!" Charlie snapped. "He's got.. I don't know, 12 hours! He should be down here!"
"Charlotte, doll.." Rosie's voice was heavy. "I.. I think I should go to bed." She smiled. "It's.. been a day."
"Oh, okay Rosie." Charlie said to her. "Uh, call if you need anything."
"Thank you dearie." Rosie said, before leaving up the stairs. Why not use the elevator? She needed to think.
Her mind had been so scrambled, she admitted to herself as she walked about the third floor to her room. 333, funny, really. That holy number. Rosie supposed she'd get used to seeing that eventually.
She entered her room, and closed the door. It was quiet, eerily.
"I know that your in here, Al." She said, her voice shaky as she removed her coat, hanging it up. Seeing the red coat opposite to the hook she was placing her coat on.
Taking her eyes off the coat, to her room, she saw the chair now played host to a man with red deer features, his shadow moving about on the floor. Who seemed to be busying himself with something on the coffee table. Upon walking to it, there was a large bottle of whiskey - huh, unopened, such control with his favorite drink - and two glasses.
"Apologies for not going downstairs." Alastor said, pouring the glasses.
Anger filled Rosie first. "Why weren't you? Look, I know that you're hurting, but that doesn't mean that you get to not say anything!"
Alastor looked up at her, something in his eyes made her stop talking. "I am sorry, Rosie." Apparently he internally said fuck it, and downed some whiskey, before continuing. "I didn't want you to see me and decide this.. thing wasn't for you "
"It's non-negotiable." Rosie said, taking a glass and drinking it as well. "I don't have a choice."
As Alastor poured another glass for himself, snorted.
After another drink, she looked at him curiously and angrily as he put the bottle down. "What?"
"The fact that going to Heaven is a non-negotiable, what a bit of dribble." Alastor said, taking a long drink of his glass.
"I'd say more than a bit." Rosie said, taking another drink. When she finished, she looked at him. "Why are you here?"
Alastor sighed, his glass was empty again, and pulling the bottle up and drinking from it. Long and quick, before he said, "isn't it obvious, I enjoy small talk-"
"Shut your mouth." Rosie took the bottle, taking a swig herself - it's one of her last times with her friend, might as well indulge a bit. She set the bottle back down. "We heard your tantrum from downstairs. You know you'll miss me. Hell, I'll miss you, Alastor!"
He kissed her, having jumped from his seat and kissed her. Rosie pulled him against her, gripping his hair in one hand and shirt in the other.
"Don't leave." Rosie said, against his lips.
"That's," he kissed her again, "supposed to be my line."
"I meant tonight you adorable idiot." Rosie kissed him harder, tasting rye, tasting the flesh of whatever he'd last eaten, tasting him.
"I wasn't planning to." Alastor said, letting her pull him back over her. Wrapping his arms around her for their final embrace. That was all he wanted tonight.
The next morning, it was time for Rosie to go.
Rosie said her goodbyes to everyone - making them all promise to look after Alastor for her.
Their hugs were tearful - Angel didn't know the woman too well but he was upset she was leaving, Husk was losing a good friend, and Niffty was screaming from the top of her lungs. The only partial goodbye was Lucifer.
When they piled into the limo, Alastor accompanied them - being Rosie, himself, Charlie and Vaggie - glued to Rosie's side.
They rode and walked into the builing in silence, Charlie on one side of Rosie, Vaggie on Charlie's other side, and Alastor on Rosie's other side.
When they reached the light that was a pillar to take Rosie to the top, it was time.
"Oh Rosie!" Charlie hugged the woman, who she had learned so much from, holding her tight.
"Hey, hey." Rosie held Charlie, shushing her before they pulled back and she cupped her face. "Where's that strong princess? Hm?" She wiped the tears from Charlie's face.
"I'm gonna miss you!" Charlie said, still crying.
"Oh dearie." Rosie kissed her forehead. "You'll be fine, trust me. You got moxie, a strong heart, and good friends." A smile crossed her lips. "I look forward to hearing about all you've been doing down here." She let her go, and passed her treasured cane with a skull to her.
Charlie looked at it, and then to her.
"Something tells me that you'll make good use of this, darling. Keep your head and sporits up, Princess. You'll be great." Rosie smiled to Charlie as she backed up towards Vaggie, who put her arms on Charlie's shoulders.
"Take care of her, alright? She's gonna need you." Rosie said to her. "All of them will."
Vaggie nodded to her with a smile, squeezing Charlie's shoulders. "I- I promise, ma'am. Thank you, for everything." Vaggie's tears fell silently as she looked at the woman, surprised when she was hugged too. They hugged and when they separated, Vaggie smiled again.
Rosie moved back from them to look at Alastor, the man was stone faced save for his eyes. "Alastor.."
His voice came out as a soft croak, "Rosie.."
Who hugged who first, they'll never know. Both holding each other tight, both taking in each other's scents for the final time - him of metal and ink lined book pages, her of roses and vanilla. His tears falling into her hat, hers soaking into his jacket.
When they pulled back - Rosie pulled him into a deep kiss, which surprised him at first, before he relaxed into it. He'd later deny that one of his feet raised and the sight of something moving about under his jacket above the coat tail.
They separated again, their eyes locked together.
"I want you to promise me something, Alastor." Rosie said softly, reaching a hand up to touch his face.
"Anything." Alastor said just as softly, leaning into her hand.
"I want you to try this redemption thing." Rosie said to him. "I want you to promise me that you'll give this a try."
Alastor, after a moment, nodded to her, and quietly saying, "I'll try."
"That's my love." Rosie said softly, giving him another kiss, before fully breaking away, and backing away from him slowly as she said, "look after them, okay, Alastor? Let them in, let yourself heal."
Alastor nodded, his claws running across the sleeves of her dress but not catching as much as he desired to. "I.. I love you." He said, finding his voice, when it was just their hands connected now.
"I love you too, my dear deer." Rosie said, letting go of his hands, letting them run along each other as she stepped into the pillar of light.
And soon, she was gone.
Vaggie looked from Charlie, who was wiping her eyes, to Alastor, who was staring at the pillar. Staying quiet, giving the two a moment.
"Guys, we should go home now." Charlie said, after a few minutes of silence.
"I.." Alastor's words died in his throat, before wordlessly following the two.
Charlie was hurting, gripping the cane as she tried to keep it together. Vaggie was sad and trying to find words of comfort. The two were looking from each other to Alastor.
Alastor was stting there, quietly staring at his hands.
"Alastor.." Charlie put a hand on his, only to feel a tear hit it. When Charlie hugged Alastor, the man started to sob.
Vaggie said nothing, just watched, with a sympathetic frown on her face.
Rosie had been given a warm welcome and an apartment in Heaven. A cozy little place. Bedroom, bathroom, living room, small kitchenette. Her favorite feature was a small radio on the counter. When she looked at it, she noticed the dials - 1890, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930.
She turned it on, and a familiar voice came through the radio.
"Welcome, residents of Big Easy, New Orleans. It's your radio host Alastor, on for another evening shift. Sit back, relax, and let this classic track from Buddy Bolden fill your souls."
An old radio show, but oh it warmed Rosie's soul to hear Alastor.
After a few days, Rosie was walking through a park, seeing a dark skinned woman with a short cut curled afro sitting on a bench. "Pardon me, miss. Is the other half taken, or.."
The woman shook her head, smiling, moving her bag. "Non, miss. You do be feelin' free to sit here, if you'd like."
"Why thank you." Rosie smiled as she sat down, taking in the view of famies in the park. "It's.. sad, really. Seein' kids, up here." And she came from hell, so that was.. saying something.
"That it is." The woman's voice made Rosie turn to her, looking at the families around her, love and loss mixing in her eyes and a frown on her face.
"Hey, turn that frown upside down." Rosie said with a smile, the woman turning to look at her. "A friend of mine, he always used to say, that you're-"
"Never truly dressed without a smile."
The two were surprised, but Rosie told herself it had to be a coincidence. And then, she forgot her manners. Tsk, Alastor had rubbed off on her, it seemed.
"Pardon my manners, miss. My name is Rosie Hunt." She offered a hand to the woman.
The woman smiled at her, taking her hand, "Lenora Dupuis."
D.. Dupuis!?
"Uh, pardon my askin', but um.. are you related to a charmin' fella by the name ah Alastor Dupuis."
Lenora's eyes widened as well. "If he be about six foot, unruly light curls in his hair that he keeps straight'ned, and speaks in a white man's accent for dah radio, than yes. That would be mah son."
Tall, hair that's naturally curly but he straightens it, and a voice made for-
"I.. I know him." Rosie couldn't stop herself, finding that she wasn't alone and that Alastor had family here was - oh she wasn't about to stop talking to this woman.
"You knew mah son?" Lenora wanted to know more. "Where is he? Is he alright?"
Rosie could just hear the record scratching. "Yes, I- I was very close with him. He's alright. Um, he's.. he's in hell." At the heartbroken look on this woman's face, Rosie quickly said, "but he's in a rehabilitation center for sinners that want to come up here!"
That seemed to calm this woman. "So.." she paused. "How did you know my son, miss?"
"Oh, it's.. complicated. I mean! Oh, where to start.." Rosie took a breath. "We were friends for the longest time. And then.. I fell in love with him, somewhere along the line. And.." she sighed. "As I was leaving.."
"Yes, cher?" Lenora asked, with baited breath.
"We kissed. And.. he told me that he loves me." Rosie said. "He loves me, can you believe it?" She asked the woman who would know Alastor best.
Lenora smiled, a wide grin - no where near where Alastor's stretched, but just the same - and it made Rosie smile too. "I do believe it, cher." She laughed. "I do, indeed." She laughed until she cried. "My boy, mon petit faon, he found love."
Rosie waited until Lenora stopped crying, watching as she pulled a tissue from her pocket and dab her eyes.
Maybe this could be a great friendship, between the two - she'd always wanted to know more about Alastor. They could trade stories and such, get to know each other.
Alastor, after a few days, walked out of his room. He was hungry, tired, had a headache. But he still wanted to bring something up to Charlie.
Alastor began, grabbing a serving of macaroni and some meat that looked edible from the fridge, trying to figure out how to work the microwave.
"Hey Al." It was Charlotte, who was smiling at him - before seeing what he was doing. "Oh, here let me help you." She put the dish in a position where it would heat up the most amount of food, started it and the she turned to the man.
"Are you.. um, how are you?"
Alastor sighed. "Honestly? Not in top shape."
Charlie nodded. "I understand." She smiled. "But hey," she put a hand on his, "let's take it one day at a time."
Alastor nodded. "Oh, and um.. I was wondering.." he took a deep breath. Well, now or never.
"I was wondering.. how one actually gets this redemption process started."
Charlie's mouth dropped open as the microwave dinged.
"Um.. we'll get started after you eat, okay?" Charlie stepped aside, letting the man get to his food, seeing Vaggie walking by, and saying to Alastor. "Uh, I'll let you eat in peace."
As Alastor tucked in, Charlie pulled Vaggie aside. "Hey, Vaggie.."
"What? Did he say something?" Vaggie summoned her spear.
"No.. he.." she sighed. "He wants to be redeemed."
Vaggie dropped her spear. "Are you sure?"
Charlie nodded to her. "Yes. I think Rosie being redeemed, it changed him. He wants to make that change."
"You're serious?"
Charlie nodded. "Yes."
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ghostlychief · 8 months
maybee a nsfw beach day with Simon? All of 141 goes out to the beach and has a water balloon fight or something fun and ofc reader if wearing a bikini and isss HOTT and yk Simon gets a little jealous since the rest of 141 (especially Johnny) was giving glances up on down so he goes and claims what’s his 😛
love your writing hope everything is going okay in your life !!!!!💞🦔
thank you so much! I hope everything is going okay in your life too <3 I'm so sorry for the late reply to your request, i know this was sent in months ago. I hope you enjoy what i threw together <3
Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader
wc: ~1,627
warnings: NSFW, SMUT, MINORS DNI; fingering, heavily making out, missionary, implied creampie, unprotected sex
You should have known that multiple eyes would be following you throughout the day when you decided to wear your hot pink bikini that left little to the imagination. It just so happened that those “multiple eyes” were Simon’s friends and colleagues from work, aka task force 141.
Could anyone really blame you though? You were on a tropical beach, you were young and pretty, and you had curves in all the right places. Of course, you wanted to pack your sexiest and brightest bathing suits. And also, it’s not your problem that men can’t keep their eyes off you. Nope, not your problem at all. You’re simply existing, and doing nothing wrong except wanting to enjoy the pleasant beach.
So, here you were, just minding your business laying on the beach, enjoying the sunrays and summer breeze, completely unaware of your brooding boyfriend sitting next to you in a beach chair. Earlier, you tried to convince Simon to lie down and sun bathe with you, but he politely declined and opted to sit in a chair instead, with a hat and sunglasses on to cover his face.
You weren’t oblivious to the stares some of the 141 men gave you. Some tried to be more subtle about it, and others seemed to have slipped into a trance, completely unaware that they have been more or less looking at you for a good minute (Johnny).
You never gave a reaction or said anything to any of them, because you really didn’t care what they thought of you. Again, you were only there to enjoy the beach and spend time with your boyfriend.
You thought you heard Simon mutter “Fucking hell,” at some point, but you’re unsure if you were just hearing things and continued to lay in the sun, with the breeze caressing your hair.
An hour or two later, you’re sharing the umbrella with Simon, sitting on towels, eating a small lunch when Johnny, aka “Soap,” jogs up to you guys with a volleyball in hand.
He smiles at you guys, and if you were paying closer attention, you would have noticed that his smile was slightly strained and that his throat bobbled a couple times as he looked at Simon.
“Do you guys want to join us for a round of volleyball?” His question seemed innocent enough to you, so you eagerly answered, “Yeah! I’m down.” You turn to Simon and your smile drops a little when you notice he’s kind of glaring at Johnny. Weird.
Simon looks at you for a second, his eyes softening a hair, but then he turns back to Johnny and they’re hard again. His voice is gruff as he explains, “Actually, I think we were going to go back to the house for a break. Y/N’s been laying in the sun for a while, and I could use a good AC break.”
Your eyebrows furrow, and you open your mouth to protest, but Simon cuts in again, “Right, Y/N?”
He’s giving you a strained look, and you just nod, and then look back up at Johnny. “Yeah, Simon’s right. I could use a break. We can play next game.”
Johnny looks between you and Simon before saying his goodbyes then runs off to where the other 141 men are, all waiting to start the game.
You and Simon start to pack up your lunch, and you harshly whisper, “What was that about?” Once all packed, you guys start walking back to the house, which is only a five minute walk.
“Literally, all of those men have been gawking at you the whole day. I don’t think there’s been one moment where one of them has not been looking at you.”
You let his words sink in for a moment, and you realize that he was right. I didn’t do anything to make him feel insecure, did I? No, no I didn’t. You quickly shake those thoughts out of your head because you didn’t give anyone any attention besides Simon. Guilt still slowly creeps through you even though you did nothing, but you understand why Simon feels upset.
You rest your hand on his bicep, the motion signaling him to stop walking and he turns to face you. You look up at your boyfriend, and you’re still taken aback by how good looking he is. The sun has slightly tanned his skin to perfection, and has lighted his hair so that blonde highlights reflect brightly in the sunlight. The tan that developed on his arms accentuates his brawny muscles and his forearm tattoo, looks darker, and more contrasting than before. Basically, summer is a good look on Simon, and you love to see your boyfriend let loose and enjoy himself for once.
Your voice is soft as you ask, “Are you okay?” You leave your hand on his arm, hoping to provide some level of comfort to your boyfriend. He lets out a sigh, but then gives you a small smile, “Of course. Sorry, I didn’t mean for this to get me wound up. I was just feeling annoyed at all of them.”
You grant him a nod, understanding his point of view. He continues, “They have no fucking shame, those bastards.” This makes you laugh and you say, “Agreed, no shame at all.” This makes Simon laugh and you both continue walking to the house.
Once there, you ask, “So, what’s the real reason why you wanted to bring me back to the house while everyone was still at the beach?” Your eyebrows are quirked up, and you have a shit-eating grin on your face.
“So I can do this!” Simon quickly grabs you and picks you up bridal style, which has you squealing in shock and you’re laughing. He takes you to your room and kicks the door shut before placing you on the bed.
“Ahhhh, I see now.” You’re still grinning like a fool in love and Simon leans down to hover over you, hands braced on either side of your head.
He’s smiling then he finally closes the gap between you, and kisses you. The kiss quickly deepens and his tongue slips into your mouth, while his hand trails down your stomach and dips down in your bikini bottoms. He runs two fingers down and up your slit, and you’re already wet from his touch. He preps you with one finger, slowly pumping in and out as he continues to make out with you. Your hands are roaming his shoulders and down his arms before traveling down to tug at the hem of his shirt.
He helps you remove his tank top, and he goes back to kissing you, and then adds a second finger. The stretch feels heavenly, and you’re letting out the prettiest moans that he’s swallowing with his kisses. You figure you should return the favor, so your hand dips under his waistband and you grab his length, pumping up and down.
His thumb flicks over your clit, and you feel your high build and build, threatening to drop any minute. When it finally hits you, hot waves of pleasure wash over your body and Simon starts kissing down you neck, gently nipping at your skin. He kisses your collar bones, then makes his way back up your neck until he’s on your lips again. He swiftly removes your top, followed by your bottoms and you do the same for him by removing his swimming shorts.
Simon kisses down your chest and leaves small, quick kisses all over your stomach, which makes your heart flutter. He rubs your clit in soothing circles with two fingers and then leans down and spits, adding more lubrication. He moves back up your body, kissing you behind your ear as you continue to pump him. You voice to him that you’re ready, and you guide him into you, and he enters you slowly, taking in the full stretch of him.
Once settled, he starts moving, setting a generous rhythm which has your high building up again and quickly. Your trace your hands down his abs, feeling the distinct ridges of each muscle, and then trace them along the hard planes of his arms. His fingers continue to rub you, and the feeling of his hands plus his dick moving in and out of you has you reach your high quickly, waves of pleasure washing over you once again.
You’re heavily panting and he soon follows, he too breathing heavily. His head is dipped, and you bring your hands up to cup either side of his face, so that he’s looking at you. Grinning at him you confess, “I love you.” You admit this while he’s softening inside of you, and he lets out a chuckle, “I love you too.”
You guys clean up and put your bathing suits back on, getting ready to go back to the beach.
“So, what are they odds that they’ll know we just had sex?” You see Simon look slightly above you, no doubt looking at the state of your hair. Subconsciously, you start to smooth it down, and you guys begin walking to the beach, hand in hand.
“I don’t really care what they know. They’re nosy fucks, and maybe now they won’t feel comfortable gawking at my girlfriend.” You think it’s kind of cute that he’s a little jealous, but you refrain from giggling at his statement, so you just smile and squeeze his hand. “No worries, babe, I only have eyes for you.” You give Simon an over-exaggerated wink, and his only response is a large laugh.
Once back at the beach, you join everyone in the volleyball game, and you can’t help but notice how many times Simon spikes the ball over the net, right at Johnny’s face.
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eatbabies0 · 11 months
So I'm just a concerned or curious Stendy shipper and I'm not starting a war with you so I Know you don't you ship Stendy but Should you, and your style buddies should be Happy That Stendy Fans and myself got Stendy back in the deep learning episode tbh I like that episode and don't worry Me and @unknown343343 respect your opinion and Don't worry I just prefer Stan and Kyle as Super Best Friends and I'm not like those Stendy fans on tiktok or Unknown343343 we both respect your opinion on Stendy.
i wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time stare at the ceiling while i hold back what’s on my mind and when they ask me how i’m doing i say i’m just fine and when they ask me how i’m doing i say i’m just fine but the fact is. i can never get off of my mattreess and all that they can ask isss. why are u so sad kid why are u so sad kid that’s what the mask is that’s what the point of the mask is so u can see i’m trying but u won’t see me crying i’ll just keep on smiling i’m good yea i’m good and it just keeps on piling and it’s so terrifying but i’ll just keep on smilin i’m good yea i’m good i’ve been caring too much for so long been comparing myself for so long been wearing a smile for so long it’s real so long it’s real so long it’s real always being judged by a bunch of strange faces scared to go outside haven’t seen the sun in ages but i’ve been places so i’m okay ish so i’m okay yea i’m ok bitch but the fact is. i need help i’m failing all my classes they think that i need glasses i just really wish that i could pass this that’s what the mask is that’s what the point of the mask is so u can see i’m trying but u won’t see me crying i’ll just keep on smiling 8m good yea i’m good and it just keeps on piling and it’s so terrifying so i’ll just keep on smiling i’m good yea i’m good i been caring too much for so long been comparing myself for so long been wearing a smile for so long it’s real so long it’s reeall so long it’s real
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Day 12 - bites/nibbles
Baizhu x Changsheng
This is completely platonic because Changsheng is a damn snake. We’re better than this guys why do I have to clarify these things😭
“I think that was the lassst patient of the day, Baizhu.”
“Me too, Changsheng,” Baizhu talks to his snake companion as he waves Herbalist Gui goodbye as the man leaves the pharmacy for the day.
“Ssso what now? Do we clossse ssshop?”
“Now, now, you know we have to check the stock of herbs before we end the shift.”
Changsheng hisses under her breath. She hoped that Baizhu forgot about that part- it’s so boring.
“Changsheng, behave.”
“Hmph, I am.”
Baizhu walks to the storage room of the pharmacy, taking notes of the stock at the end of the day.
“That’s…thirty violetgrass…here’s seven Qixing- wait…seven? How…?”
“Qiqi sssaid sssomething about SSShenhe arriving for more herbsss to sssnack on.”
“Ah, you’re right.”
Changsheng continues waiting impatiently as Baizhu continues taking stock.
“Fifteen silk flowers- ah!”
Baizhu flinches, jerking his head to the side.
Changsheng snickers, “hshshs, sssorry~”
Baizhu sighs, “Changsheng you know the rule.”
“I know, I know, but sssometimesss I can’t help myssself.”
“What’s gotten into you, then, hm? It’s rare that you ever- hey!”
Changsheng makes a sudden dive for the certain spot behind Baizhu’s ears and the pharmacist raises his hands to block the attack.
“Sssorrry, I think I just slipped, hshshs~”
“Sure, you did. Can I continue my stock intake now? I still need to do the top shelf.”
“Yesss, be my guessst.”
Baizhu talks with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, “thanks, how kind of you.”
Baizhu raises his arms to take down the boxes of herbs from the top shelf.
Changsheng dives into Baizhu’s shirt, slithering all over his torso.
“Ah- hah-! Changsheng!”
Baizhu clamps his arms back down, hugging himself as he tries to catch the sneaky snake.
“Stop that-! Ah! Hahaha!”
“My kind hasss poor eyesssight…where isss the way out…? Isss it here?”
Changsheng wiggles her tail underneath Baizhu’s arms.
“Wait- hahahahah! Changsheng- hahahaha!”
“What isss the matter?”
“Changshahahahaheng! St- hahahahaha!”
“Ah, sssorry…maybe thisss isss the exit, then?”
The snake slithers downward, out of Baizhu's shirt and onto his stomach.
With Changsheng now exposed, Baizhu tries to grab the snake but she coils around his wrists, holding them together. Changsheng nibbles around the perimeter of Baizhu’s belly button.
The pharmacist wheezes, “hah-! Wait- hahahaha! Ah- hahahaha!”
“What wasss that, Baizhu?”
“Changshen- gah! Hahahahaha! Stop- hihihit! Hahahaha!”
The snake starts nibbling the inside of the Baizhu’s belly button and the pharmacist falls over, collapsing onto the ground.
Changsheng stops immediately, “isss everything okay?”
“Ah…haha…I just…lost my breath…aha…sorry about that…”
“No, it’sss fine. I wasss the one that went a bit overboard.”
Baizhu takes a deep breath as Changsheng takes her usual place around his neck once more.
“What was...all of that for, if I may ask?”
“I wasss bored.”
“Is that all?”
“Well…I alssso don’t want to be here anymore. I’m ssso sssleepy…”
“Aha, well, I suppose that I’ll let you sleep then…just don’t do that again, how’s that sound?”
“Hm, fine, thanksss…”
Baizhu sighs with a smile, “no problem, but you could’ve asked to take a nap, instead of going through all this.”
“Hehe, maybe I wanted to sssee you sssmile.”
Baizhu clears his throat with a small blush, “ahem- I see…well, thank you…I suppose I needed that pick me up…I’ve been thinking a lot lately.”
“I know you have…but it’sss inevitable, ssso why dwell on it?”
“I suppose I just can’t help myself sometimes.”
“Well, next time talk to me about it, ssso it’ll be lessss daunting, okay?”
“Hmm…perhaps- ah!”
Baizhu feels a nibble at his collarbone, “okay-! I will-! Changsheng!”
Changsheng snickers, “hshshs, very good. Now hurry up with the ssstock ssso we can go.”
“Of course.”
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it's been a good while so...more robin thoughts it isss! anyway thinking of sleeping over at robin's place. you have a great time and all. that's until you wake up in the middle of the night, panties most definitely soaked from a very vivid dream.
and as if that's not bad enough, robin's thigh is shoved between your legs in all the right ways. of course you know you should just go back to bed, but when you rub against her in the process of turning away, you can't help yourself anymore. so when robin wakes up to the sound of your moans and the creaking of the bed, she also feels your bare cunt against her thigh...
yep i'll leave the rest to your imagination! have a nice day <333
the robin brainrot is still in full force so ty for this
nsfw under the cut👀 just gonna be a short lil guy tho <- that was a lie i didn't know i would say tonight
robin x fem!reader (obvs), 1.1k words (thigh riding (one party is asleep), praise, fluff at the end)
Your movie night at Robin's ended with the two of you asleep in her bed, in a casual way. You had moved there after the movie ended because you didn't want to leave and Robin didn't want you to either, so instead you both got comfy on robins bed and talked for an hour, maybe two. Before long the two of you were out.
Now, though, you're awake. And the dream you just left is still running circles in your mind like Robin's tongue that was running circles around your clit—but that was the dream.
Your skin is flushed and hot and you move to pull your shirt back over your stomach where it rode up, but then your hand wanders down further and moves slowly over your clothed pussy and you can feel your wetness through your short shorts. When you start to pull your hand back you feel someone else's skin.
Robin's thigh is resting atop yours, her calf laying between your legs.
You turn your head towards her, and take in the softness that sleep has put on her face. She looks so sweet and calm, you want to kiss her but know you shouldn't. Just like you know you shouldn't want to ride her thigh, the weight of it heavy on your own.
You shouldn't want this. Shouldn't want to risk her waking up and being angry, telling you off for using her and never talking to you again. But would she do that? Would she breakup your friendship? Or did the passing glances and the soft touches to your hand, knee, wrist, neck, skin, mean something more.
You need her. In any way you can have her at this point. Your pining had taken away too much time, too many thoughts about what chapstick her lips would taste like, how soft her hands would feel, what her pussy would taste like.
So instead of waiting until she asks or you do, you're shuffling as quietly as you can and shimmying your shorts and panties down and your legs.
All thoughts of "this is wrong," "what if she wakes up," "what if she get's mad," are thrown out the window as soon as you lay on your side and your bare cunt presses onto her thigh. A moan threatens to leave you at the feeling of her warm soft skin agains your wet pussy but you smother it into your pillow.
You keep your face turned into your pillow as you slowly rock your hips and try your best to keep quiet. The need in your belly grows with each shift of your hips and drag of your cunt on Robin's bare thigh, so you move faster.
The slight creak of the bed and the soft moans you let go go unnoticed by you. But not by your bedmate.
Robin wakes up slowly, she heard a noise that sounded like you needed help and is greeted with the most perfect sight—your face turned up in pleasure, eyes screwed shut and mouth open in a silent plea for more.
And then see hears it, the creaking of the bed, the soft, breathy moans leaving your pretty lips—moans of her name.
"Robin, yes, ah."
She feels it before she hears it, but the wet squelch of your warm cunt on her thigh brings a smiles to her lips. She shifts her leg to put more pressure on your pussy as you rut up against her and your eyes shoot open in worry.
"Robin, I-"
"Keep going," she smiles sweetly. "Go on, use me like you need to."
"Are you-?"
"Please baby, wanna make you feel good. Use me to make you feel good ok, angel?"
You nod and resume your pace on her thigh, your eyes searching her face for anger and finding none.
"Good girl, you're doing so good taking what you need."
You whimper and her hand reaches out to cup your cheek hesitantly. Turning your head slightly, you nuzzle into her outstretched hand and kiss her palm.
"Can I kiss you?" you ask in a haze.
"Do you want that? Will that help you?"
"Mhm, yeah," you whimper at a particularly good circle of your hips.
"Ok, c'mere."
You shift your head closer to Robin's and lean your head up. Your eyes are closed as you continue to grind on her thigh, coil in your belly tightening with every rub of your cunt on her.
The kiss is soft at first, like Robin is testing the waters, seeing if this is something you actually want. But when she notices you chase her lips with yours as she pulls away, she knows you want this as much as her and she kisses you deeper the second time.
It's a lot. Your bare cunt on her naked thigh, her lips on yours, her teeth nipping at your bottom lip, her tongue in your mouth. The sensations are too much all at once and it has your head reeling and your pussy clenching around nothing.
"Mm, ah," you moan, braking away from Robin's lips. She moves her kisses to your jaw and neck, kissing and licking and biting. " 'm gonna cum," you whine, your legs starting to shake.
"Yeah?" Robin asks breathily. "Go ahead, soak my thigh baby, be my good girl and cum ok?"
She swallows your moans with her mouth as your cunt contracts around nothing and your release soaks her thigh and comforter. She keeps her leg pressed against you as you ride your high. Letting your lips free of hers she kisses your forehead softly and praises you.
"My sweet girl, my sweet y/n. You did so good."
" 'm sorry," you whisper, eyes downturned. "I get it if you don't wanna see me again, I shouldn't have-"
"Don't be sorry," Robin says, lifting your chin so you can look at her. "Can't tell you how long I've been wanting to tell you how I feel. How long I've been wanted to help you feel good."
"Yeah?" you question, voice laced with surprise.
"I wasn't sure if you were queer," she laughs. "I didn't want to risk our friendship, you mean too much to me."
"Well," you chuckle. "Now you know."
"Yeah," she laughs with you. "Now I do."
Theres a pause, the two of you looking at each other for a moment before your eyes flit to her lips and you ask, "can I kiss you again?"
Robin smiles and nods and lets you take the lead this time. It's short and sweet and laced with unsaid feelings and then Robin is pulling away.
"We're a lil'...messy," she chuckles while your cheeks turn red. "Wanna hop in the shower? I'll stick the comforter in the wash and then I can come join you?"
"Yeah," you smile at her. "That sounds good."
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Mirrorverse Crossover- Adrien
Jafardrien hissed with discontent when he walked into the room. This... Varient of him was almost too paintful to look at, from that blindingly white smile of his to those God-awful shades of pink he's actually wearing. The young sorceror made no effort to hide his disgust, making the prince curl in on himself a bit and look away. 'Good.'
Adriunzel clears his throat a bit and manages a smile. "So! You're... Me."
"No kidding," Jafardrien retorted without so much as looking away from his snake staff. He gives it a quick polish with the hem of his jacket as he takes his seet across from the Prince. "Would you care to ssstate more obviousss factsss, or keep sssmiling there in sssilence like the idiot Prince you are?" To his surprise, Adriunzel didn't flinch or even cry like he was hoping he would. He bristled a bit, but, the sorcerer could work with that.
Adriunzel's eyes then zeroed in on the golden staff in his counterpart's hand, specifically the cobra-shaped topper. "Oh, I'm guessing that you like snakes? So do I, actually." When Jafardrien arches an eyebrow, he holds his hand up to what looks like a scale-print scrunchie in his hair, only for it to move into his hand and reveal itself as a snake. "This is Sass." He admitted bashfully, "He's sort of been my best friend since forever."
If Jafardrien were impressed, he tried not to show it. When he reached a hand toward the turquoise snake, it bit his finger, making him quickly retract.
"Sass!" The Prince lightly admonished. "We don't bite people." He whispers a quick, "Even if they are villains." Sass only curled up around his neck and nuzzled against his cheek as an apology. "I-I am so sorry-"
"Don't be," Jafardrien interrupted. "A little venom never hurt anyone, now hasss it?" With that, he licked up the venom beginning to ooze from his bite with a forked tongue. Adriunzel tried not to gag. "It isss quite an impresssive feat though, that sssuch a... Ditzy young prince sssuch asss yourssself, ssso naive and vulnerable to the outside world managed to tame sssuch a thing." Sass bared his fangs at the remark, and Jafardrien bared his larger set.
Adriunzel only shrugged his shoulder. "Well, it wasn't like he was going to bite me, or anything. I found Sass out on the balcony, and he was hurt, so I healed him. We've been friends ever since."
"And that is ssso lucky for you," Jafardrien hissed. "But, had it been a diferent sssnake, who knowsss? That kindnesss will get you killed, Princey." His eyebrow raised the same time as Adriunzel's.
"Look," Adriunzel started. "I think I see what you're trying to do, and I hate to break it to you, I really do, but I've grown accustomed to insults hidden in the form of concern and "compliments,"" he said with finger quotes. "So, if this is an attempt to break my self-esteem or something, I don't know what to tell you."
"That's my boy!" Fairy GodBro hollered, much to to irritation of Honest Nino. "That oversized garter snake's got nothing on him!"
Marinette De Vil gritted her teeth. "You shut your mouth, you... You-!"
"Oh!" Madame Aurore raised her hand. "Pixie punk?"
"Bubble-brain?" Maxdrome offered.
"Over-glorified babysitter?" Lady Chloé sneered.
Marinette De Vil seethed and crossed her arms. "All of the above!" Before she could confront the fairy, a wooden spoon was held up to her face, courtesy of TiAlya.
"Take one step closer to him," she threatened with a glint in her amber eyes. "I dare you."
Out of the corner of her eye, the designer saw Doctor Cabello gesturing with their hands to back down. Trusting the shadow witch's experience with Louisiana chefs in the past, Marientte De Vil wisely stepped away, but still shot Fairy GodBro a glare before joining up with Shan Kagami and DiabLuka to watch their boyfriend put that Prince in his place.
Lacey Gothel was eyeing the door with a greedy look in her eyes. If she could just have one little snip of that Prince's hair, then that'll be enough! She'll remain young and beautiful forever until the end of time!
Without giving it another thought, she raced toward the door with her scissors already on hand, only for Demolition Denise to suddenly into view and restrain her arms in one hand. "Nice try, crazy."
"I NEED HIS HAIR!" She all but screamed. "UNHAND ME!" She made an attempt to slash Denise with her scissors, only for Simon Pan to snatch them out of her hand.
"I'll say to you what I've never said to anyone," he snarked. "Grow up."
Jafardrien barked out a laugh. "It had taken you that long to realize that'sss now how a parent should treat their own kid? Even if I were not the massster of all deception, I would be able to tell that old bassstard is a piece of shit."
"Well, pardon me for never knowing life outside of the tower," Adriunzel said as his eye began to twitch. "See, there, it was either set foot on the grass and be killed or stay safe with father and be constantly belittled and treated like a three-year-old at the age of thirteen."
"Now, now, no need to get worked up Princey," Jafardrien simpered. "I'm sssimply ssstating factsss. Surely, you had to have known that parent should not imply that their children are ditzy little onesss and make sure that they never leave the confinementsss of home, right? And if my pathetic sssperm donor in your universsse is anything like Lacey, then-" He lets out a fake gasp and brings his hand up to his chest with a faux sympathetic look. "He mussst've loved your hair more than you, correct?"
He laughs again as a dark look crosses Adriunzel's face. "That isss too pricelesss! Oh, your own father loved your magic hair more than you, and you didn't see any red flagsss there?! You really are the lesser me! Oh, how your own girlfriendsss can ssstand to be around sssuch ssstupidity isss- HRK!" He's suddenly jerked forward by a coil of Adriunzel's unbraided hair wrapped around his neck.
The Prince stared him dead in the eye while keeping a white-knuckle grip around his locks. "Never talk about my girlfriends ever again," he threatened. "You think you or any of those other villains can make me feel inferior? Like an idiot? When every day since I was just born, I have dealt with all sorts of psychological and emotional manipulation. Compared to that, you all are just the world's smallest mosquito, buzzing around for hours on end until your slapped out of the air."
He eventually unwrapped his hair from around the sorceror's neck. Before Jafardrien could back away, Adriunzel grabbed his arm and pulled him close so he could whisper, "Go tell your girlfriends and boyfriend to not bother my partners until this is all over. Understood?" Without waiting for a response, he let Jafardrien go, allowing him to barrel out of the room. Now alone, he turned to Sass and asked, "Think I over did it?"
Sass only nudged his cheek with his head.
"Yeah, I think he's fine."
The villains and heroes all stared at the bubble with various expressions. They ranged from shocked, to disturbed, to terrified.
Mireides broke the silence first. "... That was... Chilling."
Suddenly, the door swung open. Jafardrien walked in with a vacant look in his toxic green eyes, much to the alarm of Shan Kagami and Marinette De Vil.
"Adrien-" Whatever the general was about to say got cut off by by Jafardrien suddenly wrapping his arms around her and Marinette De Vil and ushering them far away from Kagamerida and Marilan.
"I, uh..." He finally says. "I'm not gonna be the sssame for a while.”
Just then, Adriunzel walked into the room with an innocent smile, looking nothing how he did earlier. While rebraiding his hair, he said, "I'm so glad we had that talk!" Jafardrien seemed to twitch at those words.
Lacey Gothel, who was hellbent on stealing his hair, seemed to calm down in Demolition Denise's hold.
@imsparky2002 @msweebyness
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flickys-courage-club · 7 months
Barry Meets The Seven Tribes of Honour (CTCD OC Story)
[Characters: Barry(OC), Chief Azrael(OC), Twigs the Mole(OC), Claude(OC), Nigel(OC), Blizzard(OC), Iram the Fox(OC), Lucifer the Puppeteer of Terrors(OC) and Smiler the Puppet(OC)]
[Barry gets to a meeting from Chief Azrael to meet the elite members of Team Frostbite and they are also members of their solo elite team known as 'The Seven Tribes of Honour']
(Cuts to Barry entering Chief Azrael's office)
Barry: Hey Chief
Azrael: Ah Supporter Kitten! Welcome! I suppose you want to know why I want you to come here
Barry: Mmhmm, (worries)
Azrael: Don't worry my friend, your not in trouble. I like to introduce you to seven new members of our team
Barry: Seven?!
Azrael: Yes, seven. (Places hand on Barry's shoulder) And I think you'll be interested to see them all.
(Then the two hear sounds)
Azrael: That must be them. (Claps hands) Seven Elites of Honour! I may have brought someone in here, who would want to meet you all
(The voices are heard from upstairs. Then something from the ground, digs towards Barry and Azrael. Barry goes behind him. Until it pops out of the ground, it then turns out to be a mole with goggles)
???: You called Chief?
Azrael: Yes Twigs, I like you to meet our youngest supporter; Barry. Barry, this is Twigs
Twigs: (looks at Barry) So your the supporter that has been with our whole team eh? Chief has told me and my pals some things about you kid.
(Barry becomes silent a bit)
Twigs: I meant that I heard good stuff about you from Chief
Barry: Oh! Uhh, thanks Twigs
Twigs: It's alright kid (raises his claw out to Barry)
(Barry raises his paw out and the two began to handshake)
(Azrael watches the two handshake, then the three hear a pleasant singing voice coming ahead. It comes from a red cat wearing London style clothing and holding a cane, and a blue cat wearing French style clothing walking together)
???: You brought us here Chief Azrael sir
Azrael: Indeed I do, Claude
Twigs: Alright con cats, Chief brought us here to meet his young supporter of his team, aaand he isss right here (pulls Barry over to Claude and his blue cat friend)
Claude: Good evening boy (tips his hat) Allow me to introduce myself, I am Claude and this right here is Nigel, my blue French companion
Nigel: (bows to Barry) Greetings chat(cat)! That means 'cat' in French
Barry: It's nice to meet you guys
Claude: Oh yes a marvelous pleasure to meet you dear boy
(The five then hear sounds of a running animal, it comes out with someone riding a giant warthog who turns out to be a reddish orange fox wearing warm western style clothing and chewing a small skewer stick in his mouth)
???: Howdy here Chief!
Azrael: Pleasure you came here Iram
Iram: Hell yeah I do Chief, so what you got me here today for? (Grabs out his ladle) Oden?
Azrael: (laughs) Oh no no no no Iram. It's just that I like you to meet the supporter of Team Frostbite, this is Barry
Iram: Whoa! I never seen your supporter to be this... frickin' adorable! I mean look at you fella!
Barry: Uhh thanks? I think?
Azrael: (laughs a bit) Ok Iram, maybe try give lil ol' Barry some of his personal space here
Iram: Oh right, sorry pal (tips his hat to him, then steps back a bit to give Barry space)
(The six then hear a glass window break)
Nigel: Oh no
(It releases a windy blizzard towards the office, which makes their bodies start to freeze in the cold)
(Then Barry, while couldn't see well in the blizzard, he sees a silhouette of a woman in it)
Barry: Huh? (Sees the silhouette) guys there's someone out there
Twigs: It's... her
Barry: Who?
(The silhouette vanishes into an female ice demon when she enters the chief's office, she unleashes an icy blast in her hand at the broken window, frosting it)
Twigs: Thanks Blizz
???: (turns her head at Twigs and glares at him) Excuse me!?
Twigs: Damnit, I mean uhh... thanks Blizzard
Blizzard: That's better. Oh hey Chief. (Looks at Barry) Oh! (walks to him and kneels down to about his height) now who's this little fella right here?
Azrael: This is my supporter Barry. Barry, this is Blizzard
Barry: Uhh hi, miss
Blizzard: (smiles) Well aren't you so sweet, and so pure (pats his head)
Barry: Your hand is kind of freezing
Blizzard: Oh, sorry my dear. How about a kiss in your cheek
Barry: Hmm sure, I won't mind
(Blizzard kisses Barry in his cheek, then walks off to the others)
(Barry then looks at them talking to eachother and hanging out and he smiles to that)
(Azrael smiles at them too, he looks at Barry)
Azrael: Aren't these guys wonderful Barry
Barry: Yeah, they sure are sir
(Suddenly they all became shocked when they hear banging sounds coming from up on the top)
Claude: Blimey!
Twigs: Chief, what's going on
Azrael: I think he's found an another victim to torture for his entertainment
Barry: What do you mean by that- (becomes really shocked and scared) Oh... god... no (quietly) No no no no, it can't be. I thought what he is now is a classic urban legend tale but now... no no no no no no!
(A scream of horror is heard along with gruesome, bloody sounds coming out of it. Then the door slowly opens to reveal a shadow travelling itself down the stairs and onto Barry's own shadow. It then rises onto the wall, but then the shadow begans to laugh maniacally, which made Barry really unsettled to hear)
Barry: Oh... g-god! (Clings onto Azrael's leg)
(The shadow now reveals as a pale white demon wearing a black suit with blonde yellow stripes over it, a red bowtie and a black tophat with a comedy theater mask on top. He also has four mini puppets, two each sitting on his shoulder)
???: Now that was good show of mauling, ain't that right Smiler
Smiler: Yeah it really is master
(They do a handshake but a really fun one and they both laugh off)
Azrael: Whoa Lucifer... I don't know what to say on how you tortured that person alive... and given that you appear as a shadow and go downstairs as one (laughs) that's really unsettling but it fits you so damn well my man
(Azrael and Lucifer high five eachother)
Lucifer: (laughs) Man this is why I'm in your ginormous team Azrael
Azrael: (laughs)
(As the two laugh Barry who is still silent in shock sees Lucifer's eyes staring at him. Until he is heard by Smiler)
Smiler: Hey! Hey cat! Buddy! Hello?
Barry: Gah! (Falls over and catches his breathes) What the hell!? (He sees Smiler's hand, he grabs hold off and gets back up)
Smiler: (helps Barry get back up) You weren't hearing that much though lil buddy, you might've went into a big shock there right
Barry: (shakes his head) Am I seeing you right now or have I gone back to reading my book about the Puppeteer of Terrors
Smiler: (gasps) You know who my master is? (To Lucifer) Hey master!
Lucifer: Yes Smiler
Smiler: (has Barry in her arms) I believe someone has known so much about you. (Quietly) from that book he has been reading
Lucifer: You read my own story about my life as a terrorist and a puppeteer!? (as his eyes change from yellow to black with light yellow pupils)
(Barry becomes intimidated by his eyes changing. But then Lucifer's eyes change back to yellow)
Lucifer: I cannot believe that in my own 2 eyes (chuckles) (or perhaps 10 because I have my four mini puppets sitting on my two shoulders) I have someone who ultimately admires my own stories! (Gives Barry a medal) Here you go my little admirer!
Barry: (looks at his medal) Hmm "The best admirer of my stories ever award!" Huh never knew that there was a medal like that, but thanks for that sir
Lucifer: (laughs) It's no problem my dear cat friend! (handshakes Barry) Now allow me to introduce myself; my name is Lucifer or you might know me as 'The Puppeteer of Terrors!" And over on my shoulders are G, R, I and N, my mini puppets. Come say hello to my admirer my children.
The Mini Puppets - G, R and I: Hi!
Mini Puppet - N: Hello!
Lucifer: And over here on the left beside you is my best accomplice ever; Smiler!
Smiler: (hugs Barry) It's a great pleasure to meet you honey
Barry: (feels squeezed) Mmhmm, it's nice to... see you too
Lucifer: Pff. Smiler dear, would you mind
Smiler: Oh right, hehe (lets Barry go, which left him dizzy)
Barry: (rubs his head and looks at the Seven Tribes of Honour all together) So I guess that's all of them Chief
Azrael: Yep
Lucifer: Yep your correct there Barry boy (playfully elbows Azrael)
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bawdy-booster · 6 months
Sheriff Edd stood in the middle of town, standing alone amidst an empty street.  The sun beat down upon the dust-covered road, baking every inch of lifeless terrain under a dry heat.  Edd reached up to mop his brow – the townsfolk were all gathered, watching from the safety of the shade and looking on with bated breath.  They all expected their beloved sheriff to put up a good fight, but they all knew he had no chance of winning.
The faint hiss of scales against sand echoed down the street, accompanied by that awful rattling.  Sheriff Edd held steady, though, and eyes drew cold as that awful rattlesnake lamia slithered into view.  Just the sight of them made Edd twist up in anger – dressed from head to scale in black, the only color on their person the sky blue bandanna tied around their neck.  They slithered with a saunter in their coils as if they knew no one would dare touch them unless they wanted them to.  The lamia carried an air of danger to them, ravishing towns and leaving them broke and hungry for their serpentine attention wherever they went.
The young man was determined to see an end to that.
“Rattler Andy,” the Sheriff began, “My name is Edd Howard.  I have a warrant for your arrest.”
The lamia didn’t stop in their slither and continued toward the sheriff, their tail rattling that awful song.
“For the charges of robbery, assault, extortion, and murder of Henry Scopes, I have been authorized to place you under my arrest by the Attorney General of this State.  Surrender yourself now or–”
“Sssurrender…” The lamia hissed with a chuckle.  They continued forward, their hips swaying side to side tauntingly.  The lamia’s long brown tail swayed through the empty street, leaving a massive ripple of sand in its wake.
Edd composed himself.  “Surren–”
“Surrender yourself–”
This outlaw was starting to get on Edd’s nerves.
Edd reached for his gun, pointing to the outlaw with his unarmed hand. “You slither one inch closer and I’ll shoot you, you dirty snake!”
The rattler lamia stopped in their tracks, mere feet away from the sheriff.  A couple of gasps echoed from the watching townsfolk.
“Ssso, there isss a fight in you after all, Sssheriff.”
Edd scowled.  He didn’t trust being within tail’s reach of an outlaw like Andy.
“Come on, Andy.  There’s no point in spilling blood on an awful hot day like this.”
“Yesss,” Andy agreed, “It would be awful to ruin that pretty face of yoursss.”
Edd felt a bit of heat come over his face.  He hoped that was just the sun getting to him.
“Of courssse, there are other meansss of sssettling thisss matter… a sssnake fight, perhapsss?”
The sheriff grew stern.  “If you think for a moment I’d put the safety of my town at risk, you’ve got–”
Andy’s tail sprung from behind them, kicking up a cloud of dust into the sheriff’s face.  Edd coughed and spluttered, trying his best to recompose himself.  He turned his head back to Andy, catching the brief shimmering of something blue amidst the dust.
“What’sss the matter, Sssheriff?” the lamia hissed.  “You’re not ssscared of me, are you?”
“No…” Edd answered, his voice somewhat lost.  He shook his head and steadied himself.  “I mean, I can take you in a fight.”
“Very well,” the lamia sighed, “If you win, I sssurrender to you… but if I win…”  Andy flashed a self-assured grin, showcasing their fangs for Edd to see clearly.  “You and your town sssurrender to me.  Deal?”
Edd didn’t know what happened next.  His mind must have been focused on something else or been distracted by somebody watching from afar or or or something, because in no world would he have told that goddamn outlaw “Deal.”
Like a spring, Andy leaped forth at the sheriff, tackling him down to the ground.  Edd’s arms reached out in a struggle, trying to block the grappling lamia as the two tussled about in the dirt.  In a matter of moments, the two were intertwined together – Edd had been fortunate enough to have had his arms out and was able to lock them around the lamia’s head, forcing them into a bind with his toned arms.  Andy, however, had plenty more to fight with, and while their arms reached up to break themself from the sheriff’s hold, they looped two thick and heavy coils around Edd’s torso and tightened with a fervent grip around his abdomen, as their tail wound its way down his legs.
For a time, the world seemed to have frozen around the two of them, onlookers watching with shock and awe at the fight that unfolded in the streets of their town.  Their embrace in battle was vigilant, each side unwilling to grant so much as an inch to the other.  Edd maintained his grip on Andy’s head, not letting them get so much as a breath within his hold.  Andy did their best to fight back, their tail rapidly squeezing again and again around Edd.  The sheriff howled in agony as he was attacked again and again by those clenching, binding scales, but still, he would not let Andy win.
“Surrender!”  shouted Edd.  The lamia’s reaching hands slowly began to still as their eyes began to droop from consciousness.  Their coils' constricting grasp began to calm, turning into a gentle rhythmic pulse around Edd’s body.  For a moment, the sheriff believed himself to have won, but then, something within him shifted…
In his attempts to choke out Andy, Sheriff Edd had let his eyes wander away from the rattling tip of Andy’s tail.  And while the sheriff had approached victory over his foe, he had paid no mind to the tip of the lamia’s tail as it gently slithered up his back, before beginning its awful rattle right in his ears.
A familiar hiss echoed through the sheriff’s mind.
The toned arms locked around Andy’s head stilled, gently pulling away from the lamia.  A devilish grin curved up Andy’s face as they turned their head up to Sheriff Edd, whose eyes stood frozen in conflicting thoughts.
Edd’s arms were quickly bound up by the tip of Andy’s tail, stretching them up above the Sheriff’s head and binding him completely within their embrace.  Edd still resisted, trying his best to fight off that awful sensation of bliss as it overwhelmed his body, mind, and soul.
Sheriff Edd fell pliant within Andy’s binding coils, a dull groan escaping his lips as they squeezed his limp form like a kid clutching their newest toy.  And for Andy, they couldn’t wait to start playing with it.
“You put up a good fight,”  The outlaw grinned, “But your resssissstance wasss ussselesssss.”
Andy’s eyes exploded into a beautiful blue hue, pulsing and writhing with hypnotic color that swarmed over the sheriff’s senses.  He had gotten just a taste of them before, but now his mind was awash with hypnotic bliss from that wonderful feeling.
“Ressst, Sssheriff.”  Andy soothed, “Sssurrender to my touch.  Lossse your mind to my wonderful colorsss.  Lisssten to my sssoothing rattle.”
“But… But…” the sheriff muttered.
“Ressst… Ressst…”
After all that fighting, it rang clear in Sheriff Edd’s head for the first time that Andy was right.  Sheriff Edd just needed to rest.  Sheriff Edd just needed to surrender to their touch.  Sheriff Edd just needed to lose his mind to their wonderful colors.  Sheriff Edd just needed to listen to their soothing rattle.  There was no use in resisting such an arresting presence.  Andy was everything he needed.  Everything the town needed.
And he was a fool for not seeing it sooner.
… … …
“I’m so sorry for the trouble I’ve caused you, Rattler Andy,” the Sheriff apologized.  “I hope you can accept us and this pardon back into your good graces after today.  As a friend of the town, you are more than welcome to anything you need from us.  Don’t even bother asking.”
“Why thank you, Sssheriff,” Andy hissed with delight.  “I am honored by your hossspitality.  It’sss ssso wonderful to have friendsss in high placesss.”
The Sheriff murmured in agreement, silenting blabbering to himself within Andy’s coils wrapped snugly around him.
“In fact, I’d love to hear that again.”
The Sheriff’s face gaped in awe as Andy’s coils squeezed tight, rings of varying shades of blue flashing in his eyes as he accepted Andy’s command.
“I’m so sorry for the trouble I’ve caused you, Rattler Andy,” the Sheriff apologized.  “I hope you can accept us and this pardon back into your good graces after today.  As a friend of the town, you are more than welcome to anything you need from us.  Don’t even bother asking.”
“Why thank you, Sssheriff,” Andy hissed with delight.  “I am honored by your hossspitality.  It’sss ssso wonderful to have friendsss in high placesss.”
The Sheriff murmured in agreement, silenting blabbering to himself within Andy’s coils wrapped snugly around him.
“In fact, I’d love to hear that again.”
The Sheriff’s face gaped in awe as Andy’s coils squeezed tight, rings of varying shades of blue flashing in his eyes as he accepted Andy’s command.
“I’m so sorry for the trouble I’ve caused you, Rattler Andy,” the Sheriff apologized.  “I hope you can accept us and this pardon back into your good graces after today.  As a friend of the town, you are more than welcome to anything you need from us.  Don’t even bother asking…”
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
possibly scenes between masquerade canon aka who left the two hotel grumps together who did that. don't do that. what if they start bonding and shit
Vaggie: “Okay… Angel’s off to work, and Charlie’s off to work on that… looks like it’s just us assholes here.”
Husk: “Do not lump me in with you motherfuckers.”
Vaggie: "You're literally worse than them."
Husk: "Bullshit." (swig) "And there's no them without including YOUR sorry ass too."
Vaggie: (glares) "Har. Har."
Sir Pentious: “Can WE, er, ah- sssswitch off the porn now..?”
Niffty: “No~” (kicking heels) “Let’s rewind to part where the bad boy actually EATS Angel’s ass.”
Vaggie: “Niffty- ugh, can you just, take it back to your own room?”
Niffty: “The hotel air vents don’t have a TV!”
Vaggie: “You live in the- okay. Pentious. I won’t kill you for watching me and Charlie sleep IF you rig Niffty up with her own TV somewhere that’s not the lobby.”
Sir Pentious: “Do I HAVE to ssspend time with the pessst-”
Vaggie: (punches fist into palm) "Now."
Sir Pentious: “-AH yes!!  PORN ISSS A RIGHT NONE SHOULD BE DENIED!” (scoops up nifty) “Come sssmall pessst, let uss inssstall a sssscrene for your PRIVATE viewing pleasssure!”
Niffty: (giggling) “Do you even know what privacy means-?”
Sir Pentious: “AAAHAHA OF COURSE I DO!!!” (hurriedly slithers away)   
Husk: “… and these are the fuckers you and your little miss princess are trying to rehabilitate.”
Vaggie: “That’s the plan yeah.”
Husk: “Ha! Good fucking luck.”   
Vaggie: (sigh) “Husk?”
Husk: “What?”
Vaggie: “You’re fired.”
Husk: (spits drink) “FffUCK-” (cough) “-you I’m WHAT!?”
Vaggie: “Can’t keep to the code of not talking about shit you know you weren’t supposed to hear? Fine. No more bartender therapy for you."
Husk: "You can't fucking do that."
Vaggie: "Hotel fucking manager, asshole. Watch me. From now on you serve drinks ONLY to go, NO more people sitting at your bar for you make yourself feel better listening to. Not until you treat them like people instead of a damn telenovela."
Husk: “You think I LIKE listening to you all bitching?”
Vaggie: “No. I’m saying I’m not the only self-hating bastard here who gets off on judging others.”
Husk: “Fuck you.”
Vaggie: "Wow what a comeback. Look Husk, if you’re gonna break our trust just to score points in a dumb argument then you can go get your gossip somewhere else.”
Husk: “It’s the only way I’m getting paid in this crappy place!”
Vaggie: “And who’s fault is that? Did I sell your soul to a creepy smug disc jockey?”
Husk: “You’re sure using it either way.”
Vaggie: “Can’t be judgmental without being a fucking hypocrite too, right? Might as well own it, since now everyone knows that’s my thing.”
Husk: “I was trying to help you motherfucking losers!”
Vaggie: “Like hell. Telling others how much they suck feels good doesn't it? Feels like you've got it all figured out. No reason to get your own shit together when you can point at people who're an even bigger mess than you. No, you've already learned your lesson, you fucked up but won't be making any more mistakes. At least you're not in denial over it. At least you're coping with it the right way, aren't you."
Husk: "Well you'd sure fucking know since you're doing it right now."
Vaggie: "Takes one to know one."
Husk: "Tell yourself that if it helps."
Vaggie: "Oh you wanna talk about helping? Charlie’s trying to help every one of you assholes here. She's the one opening up and risking fucking up and getting hurt trying to reach you! Not that it matters to any of you.”    
Husk: “…”
Sir Pentious: (muffled) “It matterssss to me!!!”
Sir Pentious: “….not, ah, lisssstening in from the hotel air ventilashhhtion ssssystem…?”
Niffty: “Carrrrreful. Don’t crawl through my disembowel rat corpse collection~”
Sir Pentious: (shrieking)
-later that night-
Vaggie: “Hey."
Husk: "Hey your fucking self."
Vaggie: "Angel Dust said you had a drink with him.”
Husk: “Yeah? What if he did?” (ears flattening) “He didn’t even get fucking tipsy and I’m not telling anyone what that loser would’ve said to me while drunk off his ass anyway. I don’t hate you motherfuckers that much.”
Vaggie: (smiles) “Yeah. I know.”
Husk: “…. your miss princess asleep?”
Vaggie: “Technically she’s in bed. Angel Dust came over for a sleepover girls night and I kicked Pentious out of a shadowy corner to join them. You seen Niffty?”
Husk: “No. Sounds like she’s still enjoying that shitty film though.”
Vaggie: “Sounds like? What-”
Husk: “Shh. Listen.”
Vaggie: “…… are the air vents..”
Husk: “Moaning.”
Vaggie: “That’s Angel Dust’s moaning. That’s his work moan- Fuck, I never wanted to know what that sounded like- but does that means the hotel ventilation system is-?”
Husk: “Piping hot garbage throughout the hotel like hell’s shittiest surround sound.”  
Vaggie: “Great.”
Husk: “Hope your princess is ready for the audiobook.”
Vaggie: “Ugggghhhh.”
Husk: “Drink?”
Vaggie: “Just break the bottle over my head....”
Husk: “Fuck no.” (grins) “I’m not wasting a whole bottle on you.”
Vaggie: “Pour it out for yourself then. Tonight you’ve earned it.”
Husk: “Earned what, a fucking hangover?”
Vaggie: (rolls eye) “Just drink up, old man. I’ll drag you back to your room and toss you in when you’re done getting drunk off your own ass.”
Husk: “Huh!”
Vaggie: “I also won’t tell your princess he left you smiling like a dumbass for the rest of the night either.”
Husk: (opens bottle) “You better fucking not...” (swigs) (still smiling)
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sleepy-vix · 7 months
hi! i’m the anon that asked for music recs and left a really long review, (now the 💿 anon if it’s not taken) i’ll try to keep this short tho 😭
so to start, i listened to “somethin’ stupid” and “the world we knew (over and over)”. i’ve heard somethin’ stupid before but didn’t know it was frank sinatra, so when i listened to it i was like omg i’ve heard this before. overall it was a good song, so was the world we knew. it was different because i’ve never really listened to something like that but it was good, i really liked it! i like frank sinatras voice in both of these songs, it’s very relaxing.
next i listened to “femme fetale”, this was another relaxing kind of song. i feel like the lyrics are the kind of lyrics you’d here in a 90’s punk/pop song. overall, i liked it :)
next up is the strokes. i listened to “call it fate, call it karma”, “the adults are talking”, and “welcome to japan”. call it fate, call it karma sounds like the kind of song you’d hear in one of those cute small cafes that have the perfect atmosphere for studying. i found that very nice. the adults are talking has a really nice beat to it, and a nice sound in general. i have listened to this one before though, and i still liked it. it reminds me of my friend group a few years ago. i feel like if i gave this song to me back then id like it even more (that kinda makes it sound like i don’t like the song, i do tho😭) next there’s welcome to japan, this one had a nice beat to it as well. all of these songs kinda have a separate tune, i really like that. it kinda gave 15skk vibes, not just because the name i swear 🙏. overall i really liked the strokes and i’ll probably start listening to them more :)
and the final one isss matt maltese. the only song i’ve heard from him was “as the world caves in”, and i liked that song when i listened to it (idk how you feel about that song but imo it’s just a bit overrated) so i was glad to know his other musics good too. i listened to “you deserve an oscar” and “curl up and die”. i really liked you deserve an oscar, it felt like a warm hug. then “curl up and die”, this was so woah. in a good way of course, really liked it. i feel like this song would’ve been on my lover playlist when i had one.
i don’t think this one’s as long as the other one, but it’s still pretty long. i apologize for that 😭
ALSO WHAT?? you know bsd?? the 15skk reference was such a pleasant surprise awh
i'm glad that you liked the songs, especially "you deserve an oscar" because it has such a special place in my heart and it's soo damn comforting TvT
oh also it just occured to me that i never actually asked you, but-
what are your favourite music genres? (is there a specific criteria u follow when listening to music? how do u pick ones that u like?)
oh and while we're at it, what are your favourite musicians, bands and songs? :}
hope to see u in my inbox again soon!
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starlostastronaut · 10 months
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PAIRING: han jisung x reader
GENRE: idol au (jisung is a soloist), not angst, but bittersweet?, ambiguous ending
WC: 1.14k
CW: idol trainee!reader, implied felix/reader
PROMPT: coming back after years apart
here it isss! to the person who asked for no angst... well guess what lol (pls dont kill me ilyy). i remember having a great idea for this when i wrote the masterlist so naturally i forgot it 😭 but i have this instead. tbh i think i spent more time on backstory than the actualy story but oh well. and yes, i did put felix/reader in the story, but you can read it as past relationship if you want ;) enjoy <3
title from laughter lines - bastille
general masterlist here
<< previous | mctc masterlist | next >>
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Jisung looked out of the window again. His head was bobbing to the rhythm of the song playing through his headphones, and he watched the landscapes and cities pass by as the train made its way back to Seoul. He looked at his phone to check the time again. Exactly three minutes went by since he last checked. With a frustrated groan, he sank into his seat. The train was too slow, and Jisung was starting to regret deciding to ride it in the first place. He was visiting some of his friends down in Busan while also filming a music video, and against his better judgment, he decided to take the train back. He hoped he would have lesser chances of getting recognized, since no one would expect an idol on a train of all places. So there he was, tormented to several hours on a train. Normally, he wouldn't really mind, though. He had his beanie, headphones, and mask on, looking unrecognizable even with his manager sitting opposite him. He had his peace and quiet. Normally, he would be happy to relax on the train, but not today. Today he was seeing you and that made him extremely restless and giddy with excitement.
You and Jisung went way back. You were trainees at the same company, which is how you met. Your first conversation was a fight over the last piece of cheesecake at the company café. Having agreed to share it, you began talking, and ever since then, you became inseparable. You and Jisung would wait for each other after vocal lessons, he would give you pointers on your rapping, and in return you helped him with the JYPE basic dance routine. You had this symbiotic relationship that worked really well between you. Until Jisung's debut date approached. He would spend more time in the studio, going over his performance over and over again. You saw him less and less. And then he debuted, and you haven't seen him at all for a month because the public immediately fell in love with him, and as the new sensation, he was pushed from one music show to another. But he promised you that when you debuted as well and the initial whirlwind of chaos calmed down, it would go back to how it was. Except none of you thought of the fact that just a few weeks before your group was set to debut, you had been kicked off. The company never gave you a good enough reason, just some talk about “not fitting the group's vibe and concept” . You took it hard - harder than anyone expected. With your dreams being crushed, you packed all your things and moved to Australia. Jisung would never find out if it weren’t for another trainee named Chris, who helped you sort everything out. You didn’t even get to say goodbye. Not that you didn't want to, but Jisung and his success was just another painful reminder of the fact that you failed, and you didn't need that at that time.
In Australia, your life has gone pretty well. You applied to college, got your first boyfriend - a very sweet guy named Felix -  and slowly healed from your failure back in Korea. Meanwhile, Jisung was busy with his idol career. You watched him thrive via social media once the pain eased a little. You even bought some of the albums. Felix convinced you to get tickets for Jisung's concert last year, but you never told anyone you went there. You did it mostly for your boyfriend anyway, who, as it turned out, was Jisung's fan. He almost lost his mind when he found out you and Jisung used to be best friends. But despite all of that, you never tried to contact Jisung, not even when he was in Sydney for his first tour. You were too scared of his reaction. After alll, you ran away without a proper goodbye. And Jisung never made contact either anyway, so you took it as a sign of your friendship truly being over.
Which eventually brought Jisung here, three years after he spoke to you for the last time. While he was in Busan, Chris messaged him to tell him that you were visiting Seoul in the next few days. Jisung spent a lot of time thinking about why Chris told him that. At first, he felt bitter and jealous, because clearly you've kept in contact with Chris but not him. His second thought was that he had to message you because he hadn't seen you in forever. His third thought was fear, because if you hadn't tried to contact him all this time, why would you want to see him now? But after two phone calls with Chris, he somehow found the courage to ask for your number and send the first text. He did it right before he went to sleep, knowing that otherwise he would be checking his phone every five seconds.
You left him on read for almost the whole day, carefully weighing the pros and cons. Ultimately, you decided to agree to his offer, the longing to see your former best friend again winning over the fear. So there you were, sitting in a small café alone, the half-empty cup of coffee in front of you slowly going cold. You almost decided to give up when Jisung came stumbling through the door. Your breath hitched in your throat. He looked the same as he did back then, but older and more mature. His hair was different, too. He spotted you almost immediately, rushing to your table.
“Hi! Hi, sorry I'm late, I-” He stopped and looked at you properly. “Hi.” 
“Hi,” you replied, smiling as you watched him sit down. He still had that nervous smile and the joyous spark in his eyes. You decided to break the tension by asking the most trivial, most hated question. But in your case, it only made sense. “How have you been?”
At first, it was awkward; both of you were unsure how to act with each other. But with every new topic, the conversation flowed more easily, until it felt like old times. You told him about Australia, about your time with Felix and about your life there. He told you stories from the tour, he told you about the people he's met and about his career. By the end of the afternoon, it was as if you had never left. You realized you missed this. You missed him. Suddenly, you didn't know how you managed to go three years without talking to him. 
Jisung nervously checked his watch. “Look, I need to go in a moment, but I have the day off tomorrow?” he asked, gathering his things and taking out his wallet to pay the bill.
You smiled. “Yeah. I would like that.”
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taglist: @stayconnecteed @saintriots @vivioluh @ivaneedssleep @jazziwritesthings
©starlostastronaut 2023 | do not repost/translate my work without permission
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sevikas-whistle · 3 years
Ours: Part Four: Clique
A/N: I AM SOOO FOOKIN SORRY THIS IS SO LATE. I watched euphoria last night and it took me out BUT HERE SHE ISSS! WARNINGS: Stalker behavior and nastiness 🔞 18 PLUS ONLY
As always, any feedback and constructive
Criticism is appreciated.
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 Ours: part 4
You are startled awake with a feeling that you slept through too much. Glancing out of your open window you gathered it must be well past noon, the looming clouds making it difficult to know for sure. With a groan you moved out of bed, the night before finally catching up with you. Sore muscles and a lingering headache prevented you from having your usual spring in your step.
Water. Water is good.
Making your way into the small kitchen, you scoured for a glass and filled it. Simultaneously grabbing a random fruit from the basket on your counter, scarfing it down in the most unlady like manner. Feeling more human with something in your system, you paced around your living room. Attempting, to mentally prepare for tonight.
Outfit, that’s a good start as any? Looking out of your balcony door, you paused and felt the glass. A surprising chill against your fingers made you reconsider the meeting spot for tonight.
‘Would it be too forward to meet up here?’ You wondered
Despite the implications, it seemed like the best idea to avoid the building storm outside.
You could make a nice dinner, keep it causal. Cosy. Something that rarely happened on this side of Piltover.
‘But the bed is also here..’
Ignoring the shiver that went through your body. You shook your head to focus before reaching out to your bonded
You didn’t have to wait long for a response. Almost immediately, you felt her presence ripple though the bond. If she felt your excitement, she didn’t comment. Instead a small dip of curiosity made its way through before she responded.
‘Yes?’ Her warm voice came through your mind
Suddenly feeling stupid, your question jumbled and she sent you an amused wave of reassurance as she waited for you to continue.
‘It looks like we’re in for a storm tonight. Would you feel comfortable meeting at my place instead? I figure it would be more comfortable than talking in the cold.’ You sent, finally getting your thoughts together
She seemed to think it over before amusement seeped it’s way through the bond, ‘Is this you trying to get us into your bed? Not that I’m complaining.’
You didn’t have to be in her physical presence to know she was smirking. Your face burned as you tried to compose yourself from her words.
‘No! Not that, I just thought it would be-‘
‘I’m fucking with you sweetheart, I’ll ask Silco. One moment.’
You felt a slight pull from her as she focused more energy on connecting with Silco. Your embarrassment grew the longer it took.
‘Oh gods what if they aren’t comfortable with that?’
Sevika’s full presence returned before you could spiral more into doubtful thoughts and you swear you felt her roll her eyes.
‘You’re something else. It’s fine by us y/n.’
You quickly sent your building address, feeling Sevika’s genuine surprise.
‘You live near the capital building?’
You nodded and answered back, ‘Yes. But I’ll be moving soon.’ You mentioned, off handedly
Apparently that was the wrong thing to say, as A feeling of dread came from her,
‘Y/N…we JUST found you.’
Eight years of meticulous study and hundreds of hours of learning how to be an effective communicator, leader, and public speaker couldn’t prepare you for sharing such an intimate bond and STILL messing it up.
‘I’m not leaving Piltover Sevika, I’ve just been granted a seat on the Senate. I’ll be moving to a Senate quarters, you know, for security purposes. And it’s a little closer to the Councils chambers. Makes it easier for work.’
Your bonded was unusually quiet as she took in this information, something told you this was news that she wasn’t expecting.
You sat down on the edge of the couch, waiting for her response. You tried reaching out through the bond, to better understand what she was feeling. Despite your attempt, you felt her guards up. You would be lying if you said it wasn’t a little off putting. Your parents faces flashed through your mind, just as they did when you ran from her the night before… their ominous message on why they sent you to piltover echoed trough your mind. The seriousness of the situation suddenly becoming very real. Who were your soulmates, really, that your own blood would sacrifice so much to keep you away from them?
It saddened you that this news would make her feel so uncomfortable..That she felt the need to hide her true feelings from you, when the night before her very presence and openness had brought you a comforting satisfaction that you had never felt before. It hadn’t been a full 24 hours yet, but her purposefully withdrawing from you left a pit in your stomach. Was this going to be a regular occurrence when you met Silco? What could be going through her head right now to cause such an uncomfortable drift?
She still felt distant. And this made more than a few alarm bells go off in your head.
After you had been accepted into Piltovers university, you had access to books and scrolls you had only dreamed of while growing up. It took some time, but you found archives about soulmates, and what little science was known about these soul bonds. You had read about rejections, but you never thought it would happen to your own trine… it might be in your highest interest to prepare for the worst case scenario.
Would it even be possible for a rejection to take place in a trine? Just the thought alone made your throat tighten. You hoped not..
The excitement you once felt for tonight was majorly replaced with unease. It felt weird being in such a state while in the comfort of your own home. These were feelings that you usually experienced outside of these walls. Where you would have to prove yourself, over and over again to most of the topsiders around you. Over the years, you had quickly learned to create a persona, a mask if you will, to give the illusion of confidence, that you not only deserved to play with the big dogs, but you could do it twice as good. You became so good at this, you actually believed it. You were used to being twice as good in your studies, and you had already mentally prepared to be twice as good when you were to be on the senate floor, going through the ringer on behalf of your constituents, but you never prepared to have to be something else when it came to your soulmates.
Steeling yourself up, you reached out to Sevika one more time. Finally getting her attention.
‘Alright Y/N, we’ll see you tonight.’
And with that you felt her ebb away.
You looked at the clock without even having to, Silco’s name was burning on your wrist, a tell sign that they were close. Appreciating their punctuality, you made one last mental checklist of the food, wine and water beautifully adorned on your kitchen table. Your years in Topside had taught you a lot. Namely a good presentation will get you far. Or at least ease the nerves to a point where it would serve as a good ice breaker. You had a few more minutes of being nervous before you had to put on your poker face. Making your way into your bathroom, you looked at the display in front of you. Hair and make-up done up, perfectly. Your first level of defense. You remembered when Marina and Chani had taken you in, showed you the ropes on how not to only survive, but thrive in topside.
‘As long as you look good, the rest will follow.’
They had told you.
Sad, but true.
The black dress you chose for the evening complimented the thigh chain resting on your leg. Eying yourself as you turned, the chain on your opposite arm laid out perfectly. ‘This is what we call controlling what we can control’, you had laughed about it at the time, but it actually came in handy more often than not.
An abrupt knock on the door shook you from your thought. Taking one more breath before leaving the bathroom, you made your way to the front door. Pausing only for a moment before opening, only to reveal a massive bouquet of beautifully fragrant flowers. Butterfly’s made their home in your gut at the kind surprise. This definitely wasn’t what you had been preparing yourself for.
“Congratulations, Senator!”
The bouquet of flowers was lowered to reveal Senator Dane in pristine robes.
You suddenly felt entirely too exposed in his presence. A look of awe made it’s way through his conventionally handsome face as he finally took you in.
“Wow…you look breathtaking Y/N.” He whispered, “Were you expecting me?” He laughed.
Genuinely shell shocked, it took a moment for you to collect yourself in front of the Senior Senator. This was the most rotten timing for him to be here, trying to congratulate you with the most beautiful floral arrangement you had ever seen in your life when your soulmates were bound to arrive any minute. How the fuck were you going to explain Dane with things already seeming tense? By the burn in your wrist, you could tell they could easily be in the building right now. Suddenly greatful that you kept your cuff on that hid their names, you grabbed the extravagant bouquet that was being handed to you.
“Senator Dane! What a beautiful surprise! You shouldn’t have!”
Like you Really shouldn’t have.
At least the massive bouquet helped conceal your red face as you brought it inside, the ever so generous man followed you in and you immediately felt regret at the low back dress you chose for the evening. You could feel his eyes on you as you bent over to place the flowers on the side table closest to you. Quickly turning around and dusting your hands free of pollen, you mustered up a polite smile.
“Please, Y/N. We’re not in a session right now. Call me Dane.”
Successfully hiding the grimace you continued on, “Dane”, you started,
His immediate smile threw you off guard as he took a step towards you.
Oh no.
“We’re not interrupting, are we?” A smooth voice drawled out.
Both you and Dane looked out of your still open front door to reveal a handsome man who could only be Silco. Your suspicion was confirmed when Sevika made her way beside him, intimidating as ever. Her red cape billowing as she eyed the man in your apartment suspiciously. Silco on the other hand seemed more open of the two. The burn in your wrist increasing dramatically, but at least you knew what to expect now.
“Oh! I apologize, I fear I might be the one interrupting!” Dane said warmly, “I just came to offer Piltovers newest Senator my congratulations.”
“Yes, we are quite proud of our girl.” Silco hummed, eyeing you for the first time.
Damnit it wasn’t supposed to be like this. Out of all the possible scenarios you played out in your head, you never imagined this one.
As if feeing your frustration, Sevika smirked. Shit she probably was. This made your head tilt slightly.
“Well any friend of Y/N’s is a friend of mine! Pleasure to meet you.” Dane smiled
When neither Silco or Sevika made no intention to move, you stepped forward.
“Thank you again for the flowers Dane.”
Now Please leave. You wanted to say.
“Well I’ll get out of your hair, I’ll see you at the commencement ceremony sweet girl.”
Sweet girl? The fuck, is he trying to insinuate-
“Enjoy the rest of your night, Dane. I know we will.” Silco smirked, turning fully towards the both of you. Your breath hitched as you saw Silcos red and black eye. Scars stretching across the side of his face that had been hidden from you previously. It was beautiful, yet incredibly intimidating. A pang of sadness moved through you as you wondered what caused it.
Danes eyes hardened for a moment before he forced another smile, making one last look towards you before quickly moving past your soul mates.
It was quiet as the three of you listened to Danes retreating footsteps. You looked up to see both your soulmates’ gazes burning into you.
Feeling the same electricity you had felt last night with Sevika, the breath left your body as you uttered a simple:
“Come in.”
Silco made his way through first, while Sevika glanced around the hallway before entering and closing the door behind her. They analyzed your apartment as they made their way through. You Gestured towards the couches, and they made themselves comfortable.
“Would you like anything to drink? Water, wine, tea?” You asked as you poured yourself a large glass of wine.
Silco raised an amused brow, “Wine.”
You poured two more glasses and carefully passed them. Before making your own way towards the remaining couch.
“So..is he someone we need to be worried about?” Silco murmured over his glass of wine.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, taking a huge gulp of your own beverage before answering.
“Not even a little bit. He’s a soon to be coworker.” You reassured.
Sevika smirked at this, “Is he aware of that? Not many of our coworkers would drop coins like that on flowers. Much less make a surprise visit to hand deliver them.”
You sighed and leaned back. Tonight was not panning out at all how you imagined.
“Can we change the subject? Please? I’m dealing with it.”
Silco stood, quickly finishing what was left of his wine. Smiling for the first time, “Of course.”
As he made his way to grab the bottle, you noticed that Sevika still seemed uptight. You weren’t sure if it was from your earlier discussion or from Dane.
“I must admit, I’ve looked forward to our meeting for quite some time now. Even more so after Sevika completed her bond with you.” He said softly
You looked over to him, and he seemed to be more relaxed now with the subject change. But you weren’t foolish enough to think it would be the last time Dane would be mentioned. Something about your soulmates demeanors told you that they wouldn’t let something like that slide. Hells, you could feel Sevika was still debating on going after Dane herself.
“I told you she was beautiful.” Sevika mentioned, offhandedly, taking you by surprise as she got up from her spot on the couch.
“Yes, you did dearest. It’s one thing to see our bonded through your eyes, it’s something else entirely having the opportunity to behold her myself. I might be the luckiest man alive to have such extraordinary soulmates.”
Not about to be the only one sitting down, you got up and made your way to where they looked out of your patio window. The storm outside blocked the usual view of the city. You focused on the small droplets gathering on the window seal, before Silco continued
“Y/N,” Silco started, turning towards you, holding out a hand, “Forgive my being forward, but I’m finding it entirely too difficult having you within my grasp, yet our bond remains incomplete. Would you do me the honor?”
This, you had prepared for. However it still struck a cord that you didn’t even really know him, know them. Despite this, you couldn’t deny the magnetic pull you had towards each other. The universe itself had destined you three towards each other…For some reason beyond your comprehension..Who were you to even question that?
You took his hand, immediately the burn in your wrist ceased and you felt the bond solidify. Silco smiled and bent towards your hand, kissing it softly. As soon as his lips made contact you suddenly felt light headed, and Sevika was behind you, grabbing your waist, allowing you to lean on her.
“Oh” you whispered, looking up, trying to collect yourself. Three different energies pulsed through your body, recalibrating and settling within you.
“Shhh.. I’ve got you.” She whispered into your ear. Her presence bringing an immediate comfort as you fought to steady yourself once more. You took the opportunity to look at her, a pout on your lips.
“Don’t think this excuses you shutting me out today.” You mumbled
A laugh escaped her as she shook her head, placing a light kiss on your neck.
Silco stood up and caressed your face. A strong feeling of adoration coursing through from him.
‘Finally.’ He whispered through the bond.
Despite the lightheaded mess you were feeling, you couldn’t help but to agree. Everything felt as if it had fallen perfectly into place. Like the three of you could handle anything this crazy world threw at you, as long as you were together.
Danes POV
Replaying the event, I tried making sense of where it went wrong. The look of surprise on her face meant I did something right. And that dress, gods, this woman was going to be the death of me. No matter how good my sweet angel looked, it doesn’t change the fact that she had me leave and them stay!
“This wasn’t how it was meant to be!” Slamming the door I made my way through the apartment. The sanctuary that once offered peace now served as a glaring reminder of tonight’s failure.
Who the FUCK were they?!
I opened the bedroom door that allowed a view to my loves apartment. Ignoring the pictures of her that scattered as I grabbed the telescope, I set the device so I could see perfectly though her windows. No light came from her bedroom, and I felt my chest loosen at this. Aiming towards her patio window I noticed the three of them standing there, talking. Those two weren’t from around here. I was sure of it.
My Y/N was too trusting. Who knew what they could do to her…WHO were they? Stepping away from the telescope, I made my way towards the desk against the wall. Going through all the files I had of her friends, family members, teachers, classmates… none matched their descriptions. Looking out the window again, I scoffed. Desperately trying to find a reason for why they would even be there in the first place. Running a hand through my hair, I tried to think rationally. I knew her well enough. And that’s probably why it’s so shocking. She never deviated from routine… I used the telescope to see if anything had changed. And my stomach dropped at the sight before me.
My Y/N, leaning and being held by that brute of a woman, and that monster kissing her beautiful hand. They weren’t worthy to breathe the same air as her.. much less TOUCH her. Why would she allow this? Why would she go to them when I was RIGHT. HERE.
‘Awww she’s probably too embarrassed to come to me for her needs..!’ The thought came through, and I couldn’t help but laugh because it made perfect, perfect sense. These had to be escorts of some kind. My poor, sweet girl had found these two imbeciles to do a job that only I was worthy of doing. I’ll have to be more direct so she knows that I’m here for her. That she didn’t need…anyone else But me. I watched her sweet body and couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like, if I were the one she was wantonly leaning on. I would run my hands up the slip of her dress, feeling her soft skin..
I felt my length harden and I immediately unbuckled my pants, letting them fall on the floor to grip my cock, already leaking with precum.
“The things you do to me sweet girl.” I groaned jerking myself off to my lover, in someone else’s arms.
I can fix that.
But first..
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garrothromeave · 3 years
I want your opinion on Kawaii Chan as a character (mystreet version) and her dynamic with Zane
ohhhh boy. okay so i won’t lie i don’t think my opinion is much different than a good handful of aphblr users, and that being:
ew. what.
now allow me to explain!
[real fast, i would like to say that i have not ever watched season 5 and i haven’t seen season 2 in years, so take this with a grain of salt. (i am aware to an extent about the character development she gets in season 5 and i will mention it, so don’t worry).]
to start it off simply, mystreet kawaii-chan is not an interesting character. she’s an annoying, obnoxious and stalker-y person, and that in itself is enough to make me want to turn off any episode with her in it. i’m not saying she doesn’t have potential to be a good character, because she… kind of does, if you really, really look hard enough, but the character she is that we’re given, in my opinion, isss shit.
not only is kawaii-chan the most annoying character i’ve ever come across (excluding kim because kim just takes the cake,) she’s actually a horrible influence in general. i’m going to speak from experience here. back in 2016/17, when i was first into mystreet, kc’s character made me genuinely think it was okay to ship friends in real life. and that i did, and it made manyyy people uncomfortable. and i look around and people are still doing this with kc’s influence, and that’s not good. her little “aarmau frenzie” thing she had going on was nothing more than to force watchers to consider aarmau and make her friends uncomfortable. (like, legit, kc was asked many times by aphmau to chill out on the whole aarmau thing and kc literally did nothing with that. it’s fucking awful.)
i think kc as a character was significantly more interesting character in mcd. but the moment she was thrown into mystreet, like many characters, she was done horribly dirty.
of course, i could also bring up the whole japanese anime girl stereotype, but that’s already been said so many times. just know that i agree with that as well. the uses of the whole ‘-chan’ and ‘-sama’ etc etc are actually rather inaccurately used on a general basis. (not saying all of them are, but… over time, yes, they’re just not right.) also back in the day that also influenced me and i was also using those terms on my friends anddd yikes… yeah please don’t do that.
and her character development. if i’m wrong about it, i apologize, because i’ve just heard things here and there about it. but from my understanding, her whole “kawaii-chan” persona was just that. a persona. something to make her stand out in her family. which — okay, yeah, i can see where her character could get better from here. she dials down how annoying she is after this i think, but i still don’t think that fully erases the three and a half seasons of her awful characterization. and i dunno, i just don’t like her so it’s hard for me to see her in a much better of a light :thumbs_up:
i feel like there’s much more to be said about her specifically, and yes there definitely is, but eh i don’t really like talking about her so i’m not going to go into major detail.
now for her and zane’s relationship and dynamic.
personally? whyyyy.
okay. look. i think their dynamic has a lot of potential. i just personally wouldn’t make it a romantic one. i feel like zane and kawaii-chan would be absolutely amazing friends given time, but the yin-yang dynamic was forced onto them and hard. i see the appeal, i do, but it seemed so sudden and it was mostly to just satisfy the zane-chan shippers (in my opinion). i love the idea of zane being able to open up around someone else, and based on interests alone kawaii-chan could have been that perfect person, but in the light it was given it falls flat. i can appreciate how zane helps her grow in s5 of course, but their relationship felt sudden and out of place. like why did zane even sneak her in anyways??
overall for their dynamic: yeah, okay, sure, but do it better at least.
final thoughts!
i just don’t like kawaii-chan lmao. she could have been something, but she’s not, andddd yeah. amen
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