#But I can guarantee you that I'll cry about it the moment I'm alone. And then probably again in the shower later.
eucalyptus-lvs · 2 months
Your Girl? - Carmen Berzatto x Reader
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When I first started writing this it was going to be a stand-alone, but I could also see it as a pt. 2 to Good Luck Charm. Either way, I hope you enjoy it. If you have any thoughts or constructive criticism it's always appreciated. May not be the most canon portrayal of Carmy, but after S3 I need some happy moments. - Elli <3
TW: None. Maybe a suggestive comment or two.
Walking into The Beef you’re immediately hit with the smell of fresh bread and cooked meat. Before you can even make it to the counter Richie's face breaks into a bright smile as he spots you. "You're not supposed to be in today. Couldn't stay away from me, sweetheart?"
Most people found him to be rough around the edges, maybe even misogynistic, but you preferred to think of him as old-fashioned. 
The two of you grew close in the time you spent working together.
Although you started as a dishwasher, Mikey had switched you to the front after two weeks of working there when Richie almost made a kid cry for trying to order a hotdog with ketchup. You quickly learned that your new job was about keeping the peace and making things run as smoothly as the people around you would allow. 
Regardless, it was hard to see the man in front of you as a bad guy after watching him get on his knees to put a Hello Kitty bandaid on Eva's hand at a time when she was adamant about being “champion of the monkey bars”.
"Oh, I never wanna be away from you, honey." You share a laugh. "I just came by to drop something off for the boss. Then I'll be on my way."
"He's in the back if you wanna go on through."
"So I can get sucked into the vortex of chaos on my day off? I don't think so." The fighting has slowed down a bit at the restaurant, but it was still pretty busy. Guaranteeing that the energy level was always high. 
"Good point. I’ll tell him you're here." 
“Thanks, Rich.” You move to stand off to the side in a less crowded part of the restaurant. Taking out your phone, you check the time as you watch him retreat into the back. 
If you make this quick you can still get to the coffee place a couple blocks over before it closes for the day.
After a moment you see them both enter from the kitchen. Richie goes back to the register to attend to the customers, while Carmy heads your way.
"Hey. Richie said you had somethin' for me?" Wiping his hands on a towel and tossing it over his shoulder as he approached you. “Everything okay?”
"Yeah. I was getting ready this morning and saw this on the bathroom counter." You reach into your pocket to pull out a gold chain.
His gold chain.
Dangling between you both from your fingers.
"Shit, I don't even remember takin' it off." Grasping it from your hand to undo the clasp and put it on.
"That's because I did right before we got in the shower. I'm surprised it's still together with all the wear and tear you put it through."
"Yeah, yeah. Thanks for droppin’ it off. I coulda stopped by tonight though. After I close up?" The phrasing of his statement sounding more like a question.
"I was close by. I wanted to try that coffee shop down the street I was telling you about." You took a step toward him and whispered, "As for tonight, you know I want you over, but we're gonna have to make an effort to get some actual rest before we both develop a sleeping disorder."
"You seem to be doin’ just fine.” A grin broke out on his face.
"Did you forget the part where I told you I have to go get coffee?" You reminded disapprovingly.
"Okay, I get it. Sleep sounds really fuckin' good right now actually." He ran a hand through his hair as he paused. "You eat somethin' already?"
You break eye contact to look around the room aimlessly and avoid the question until your eyes land back on him. “....Huh?”
“We talked about this. You can’t starve yourself all day and then do your fuckin’ girl dinner shit when you get home.”
“First of all, you will never know the joys of girl dinner because you refuse to participate. It's the most well-balanced meal I'm capable of. Second, I've been running around all day and I forgot.”
“First of all, the fact that you call a plate with butter noodles, kimchi, a hard-boiled egg, and some red cherries ‘the most well-balanced meal you're capable of’ is scary. It's really fuckin’ scary. Second, I know you're busy. I'm a chef! What kinda asshole do I look like lettin’ my girl eat like that because you refuse to let me cook you somethin’?” He shot back, growing exasperated with the topic at hand.
“It literally covers all the major food groups! Wait-” You paused, tilting your head. Only just processing his full statement. “your girl?”
You can see the exact moment he processes it too. His eyes widened in panic. “Uh I-I meant, I mean we’ve kinda been-”
“Oh my god, you poor baby boy. You're blushing.” A smirk grows on your face.
“Fuck off” His eyes focusing on the floor, shaking his head. The heavy blush spread up his neck as well as his face.
“I'm afraid I can't do that at this particular moment, but maybe we both will later after you ask me to be your girlfriend.” You replied in a sing-songy voice. “Yknow for future reference you typically ask someone when you want to be exclusive with them.”
He leaned closer to you, eyebrows furrowing as he lowered his tone so he wouldn't be overheard. “I-I thought we've been exclusive. I haven't seen anyone else since you.” 
“I haven't either, but I guess if you want it to stay that way you're gonna have to ask me and make this official. Unless,” You lean away, kissing your teeth as you cross your arms. “you're too scared?”
“You know what? I'm not gonna ask.”
“Wow, you've already backed out. You sure there's not some other girl I should know about?” You mocked, knowing he barely had the time and energy to keep up with you. 
Even if he did, you knew there was no one else. Spending most of your nights at each other's place testing new recipes or wrapped up together in the early hours of the morning before the restaurant needed attending. 
That's why it never occurred to you to define what this is. He was making an active effort to have a life outside of the restaurant and he was doing it with you. 
That doesn't mean you couldn't enjoy making him sweat a little though.
“What?! No. I'm not asking because you're gonna ask me.”
“I’m gonna ask you to be my girlfriend?”
“No, smart-ass.” He let out a breathy chuckle, gesturing vaguely. “Your yknow- boyfriend.”
“Well, that's never gonna happen.” You stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Why not?”
“Because you're right. I should get a boyfriend that’ll take care of me and all my food-related needs.” Shrugging your shoulders you wave a hand in the direction of the register. Shouting, “RICH-”
“Stop.” He cut you off, raising his hand. “That's not even funny.”
“Oh, come on. It's a little funny.” You giggle, nudging his arm with your hand.
Shaking his head, he leads you to a table to sit down. “I've gotta get back in there.” Leaning close to your ear he whispers, “Sit tight while I make somethin’ for my girl.” Cupping the underside of your jaw with his calloused hand, he places a quick kiss on your cheek before walking off. 
You smile as you watch him disappear past the doors and back into the kitchen. 
You weren't gonna make it to the coffee shop today, but that was okay. Maybe you could go together on your way to work tomorrow.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Richie came up and put a hand on your shoulder, squeezing. “You call for me?”
You put your hand over his and squeezed back. Looking up at him you replied, “Just fuckin’ with Carm.”
“Good girl.”
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dsireland86 · 5 months
Take Me First PT. 2 (Never Know)
(Prequel for Noah in The Things We Could Never Change)
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"Lying Is Hard But The Truth Comes Out Anyway" The Grey
A regretful mistake, a car accident, and a baby. God didn't listen to Noah when he begged him to take him first the night of the accident. God had other plans it seemed; plans that brought Noah down to his knees cursing, crying, and praying. In time he began to believe he was nothing but a lost soul trying to find his happiness in the ugly world he lived in, until... she found him and began to return the lost parts of him, piece by piece, he'd thought he'd lost forever.
TAGS: @lma1986, @myownthoughts12, @xslavicprincess, @foliosgirl, @glitterydeputyshepherdwagon, @jilliemiw86, @sthnog, @lookwhatitcost
 “Show me you're better off without me/ Choking on every word you said, we'll see, we'll see / Don't breathe another word about me I'll leave and you can finally rest in peace, we'll see” -NEVER KNOW-
By the time you read this, I'll be gone. You have to understand that it's better for both of us this way if I just vanish from your life and wipe your slate, your consciousness completely clean. Once you're finished with this letter, I guarantee you will hate me and loath just the thought of me. My name will become a bitter poison on your tongue and the tongues of those who will no longer be my family because of their loyalty to you. You'll never want to breathe my name, let alone any other words about me, to anyone. I'm warning you now, Noah, what I'm about to tell you is going to ruin you. It's going to break your heart so badly that you're probably going to wish you were dead. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm doing this to you, but it's the only way. You have to know the truth about what happened during those three days in Montana on that last tour we were on together; you deserve to know because it was the moment that everything changed for us. You're better off without me, and in time, you'll see. In time, you'll be able to rest in peace. 
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“I didn't want to finish the letter. Knowing she was already gone was enough, and reading it, having it spelled out in front of me would’ve only made things worse. But I chose to finish it anyway but regretted the instant I did. I swear I could feel myself slowly slipping away as her words started to bring out the worst in her that I never knew existed."
I rested my forehead against the back of her shoulder.
“I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you were feeling. Being abandoned is hard, but the lonely place it takes you to is worse.” “You would know, wouldn't you,” I said while playing with her fingers. She leaned back against my chest while sitting between my legs. Turning her head at just the right angle, she glided the tip of her nose softly along my jawline that filled with a deep yearning to be inside her again. “Not the same way you do.” I shivered when her lips left a trail of soft kisses on my skin. “Read me more, please. I want to know everything,” she urged. I sighed, and even though I really didn't want to, I knew sharing this part of my life was important for us. So, I continued.
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“Lying in between the memories choking me, and I don't know which way to go, but I'm okay to never know” -NEVER KNOW-
The night you told me the truth about cheating on me, it broke me, but not in the way you might think. I was angry, full of guilt, relief, sorrow, and regret that created a huge mess of emotions I didn’t know how to deal with. Running was my only option. I had to escape the pain of knowing how horribly I'd hurt you and you didn't even know it. Noah, you were brave enough to be honest with me about what you did. You admitted your guilt and how ashamed it made you feel. You truly believed you'd hurt me and watching the way it tore your mind and heart apart left me in agony. I wanted to tell you the truth then, but I just couldn't bring myself to, so I took the coward's way out and ran away. 
I called Jolly and cried to him. He couldn't understand anything I was saying, let alone any idea of what I was talking about, but he did his best to console me anyway. The guilt I felt, knowing what I’d done to his best friend just made everything numb and blur together. The way I was driving I didn’t see the headlights of the other vehicle in my lane. Jolly was still on the phone when I screamed right as the collision happened. That was the last thing I remembered before I woke up in the hospital. So, what is the truth that was too hard for me to tell you even though I was given the chance to say many times? Noah, I hope you're sitting down because what I'm about to say is going to be the death of whatever peace your mind had about me.
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“Noah?” Her soft voice calling to me made me lower my head and when her hand collided with my cheek, her touch brought me back to reality. The past wasn't real, but she was, and so was the feeling of her naked body against mine. Turning herself around so that her legs were on either side of me and her arms were resting on my shoulders, she leaned in and kissed me, slipping her tongue inside my mouth little by little. She was making me so hard and I knew she could feel me between her legs, pressed tightly against that sweet soft spot of hers I loved so much. I couldn’t control the constant twitching that was happening each time she purposely pushed herself into me either.
"She knew exactly what she was doing to you, and that’s what hurt you the most. I'm sorry she hurt you,” her voice whispered in my ear before she took a little bit of it in her mouth. “Ughh, fuck baby,” I moaned, squeezing her hips tighter and tugging her closer to me. “That’s what happens,” she said, brushing her breast up against me, her perky nipples grazing across my skin, making it scream. “You let people in and they destroy you. But I won’t.” She sat back and looked at me, the look in her eyes nearly making me cum. She had me wound up so tight that I swallowed hard when she pushed herself into me again and her warm, shaky breath washed over my face. “You deserve so much more than you believe you do, Noah.” Slipping her hands beneath the waistband of my box-briefs, I lifted my bottom up and she slid them down my legs, tossing them aside, retaking her spot over me. “I’ll give you the world, if you want it,” she admitted, laying her mouth on mine and taking my lips to hers as if she owned them; she did. “The moon, the fucking stars. Anything you ask, it’s yours. I’m yours. You can have all of me,” she confessed through a shaky, tear filled voice.
I pulled her way to look at her and my heart felt like it had busted through my chest. She had tears streaming down her cheeks, but the prettiest smile on her lips. I sat up and kissed her tears away tasting their saltiness. “I want all of it,” I admitted, brushing some hair out of her face. “I want all of you, but not just what you let the world see. I want all the broken, busted up parts too; the parts that make you, you. I meant it when I said I would fight the battle for you. I would, I still will. If I have you, then you have all of me too.” She started to cry and I pulled her into me as she laid her head on my shoulder. I fucking loved this girl in my arms more than I ever thought possible. More than the girl in the letter, and that scared me.
After a few moments of silence had passed and I was about to continue reading, but the warmth from her hand found my hard cock. Slowly she  ran her hand down my shaft, then back up, the grip she had applying the perfect pressure needed to stimulate what I was dying for on the inside. I laid my head back against the couch, zoning into nothing but the feeling of what her hand was doing. The faster she went the harder her grip became and reminded me of what being inside her felt like; heaven. I found her entrance between her wet folds and quietly slipped a finger inside her warm sex enjoying the way she melted into my touch and sucked in a quick breath, followed by a beautifully moan that filled the room. I felt her wetness coat my fingers, making me feel like I had all the power over her I wanted. The truth was though, she was the one with all the power. “I need to be inside you, now.” I ordered. She didn't hesitate to obey but instead shifted enough so that her pussy was aligned perfectly with my hard length.
“Noah, look at me,” she commanded and I listened. Her eyes were vibrant and full of something indescribable, something that I could never put into words; but I felt it and I knew she did too. “I fucking love you.” It slipped out before I could stop myself and I was scared I crossed a line. But her smile took that feeling away. It was genuine, and made me feel the exact way, if not more, I felt when I first saw her. “I love you too; all of you.” She pushed into me and took all of me into her and I watched her expression change as soon as I filled her. Her tight, wet walls closed in on my throbbing cock now buried deep inside her, searching for that special spot that was going to pull all the pretty cries and moans from her that I loved to hear. I gripped her hips, sighing once she began to move slowly, with her hands placed firmly on my chest. But I wanted more and I knew she did too. “I want you to grind on me, baby, ride me till you're satisfied. Ride me till you cum.”
That seemed to be all she needed. Soon I had her crying and moaning so loudly that she dug her nails deep into my skin, squeezed me tighter with her thighs, and let my name fall from her lips like a sacred prayer. It was beautiful. She was beautiful. She pulled my hands to her small breasts, indicating to me she wanted stimulation and I all too willing obliged her. I took each nipple between my finger and thumb, squeezing them until she cried. Once hard and perky, I dragged my tongue lazily over the soft, delicate skin, circling and lapping every part until taking it in my mouth. Her moans pulled my organism closer and I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. Luckily, I didn't have too. Her hands found the back of my head, holding me in place while she fucked me slow and gently and I got her off by sucking my favorite parts of her. “Noah, baby,” she didn't finish her sentence, but she didn't have to. I looked up, grinning at the face I saw. With eyes closed, she was in perfect ecstasy. “Are you gonna cum for me, Princess.” She didn't say anything, just moaned and nodded. “Cum for me then baby, let it go and give us both what we want.”
Her lips crashed into mine and our tongues danced as she came undone all over me and I quickly followed. It wasn't loud, it wasn't messy; it was just us, falling apart for one another together quietly. It was love making in its purest form and in that moment with her I realized the difference between straight fucking with foreplay and making love and how they were very different. We weren’t each other's first. She had a fucked up ex and I had many experiences that left me feeling used. But what she and I had just shared had so many emotions involved, ones that I didn't even know I could feel anymore. She pulled them out of me somehow and allowed me to willingly feel what I had buried away. They were tangled together, knotted and rooted in the dirt of my past. But, thanks to the beautiful human in my arms, for the first time in my life I felt the difference and wasn't afraid to feel them. She made me feel so fucking alive and I loved it. 
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“Speaking in languages we can’t read, no need for you to spell it out for me/ Swallowed up and I’ spit you out, like a drug that just wouldn’t stay down" -NEVER KNOW-
Montana was beautiful, Noah, and the idea of visiting it with you was a dream come true. I'll never forget when you came home and told me that it was on the list of states the band was playing. Your excitement was contagious and the way your eyes sparkled and lit up your entire face will forever haunt me. It was one of the last times we were truly happy together. Those three days haunt me, Noah. They hold the worst, but also the best memories. So here it goes… the whole truth.
The first show day went smoothly; you remember I'm sure. We all went out and had a small celebration in that little country bar where Folio rode the mechanical bull until he bled… like seriously bled. I thought I was going to pass out seeing all the blood from his arm. The day of the second show, however, was utter chaos and hell. Everyone woke up late, the venue wasn't unlocked when we got there, and some of the equipment malfunctioned. You were miserable and because you were miserable, so was everyone else. I tried to help, but now know how worse I actually made it for you. And the moment you yelled at me in front of not just the crew but the guys too, I knew things were going to be different between us. It wasn't that you yelled at me, Noah, it was what you said that was the slap to my face. You accused me of being selfish and too self conceited to understand what you were going through, and you know what? You were right. I was, I am those things. And to prove I was, I decided to get back at you in my own way; the way I regret now more than anything. 
After storming out of the venue and turning my phone off, I found a bar away from the venue, away from every memory of you. I wanted you out of my head, but mostly out of my heart because I was hurting. So, the first guy who sat down next to me and bought me a few rounds was it. He was the one I chose to make my biggest mistake with. He took me back to his hotel room, which ironically was in the same hotel as ours, you were just one floor above me. I was too drunk to worry about anything, not even caring if the receptionist recognized me. 
Noah, I will save you the details of what I did with that man in that hotel room that night. It wasn't at all what I thought it would be, and in the end he left me hurting way more than when I started out. Not just emotionally, but physically too. Thankfully there were no marks on my body, yet, but the bruises would show the following day. I lied and said you did them to me and the look on your face was devastating. I felt like a piece of shit. Maybe I was. No, I know I was. I should burn in hell for what I did to you; what I said to you. You didn't deserve it. But the worst was yet to come when the events of the night you fucked some girl who wasn't me happened and you found out I was pregnant. Nicholas said at first you were too shocked, but when it was time for me to leave the hospital, Matt said it was all you could talk about; how you were going to be a dad and how you had so much faith that the baby would be the thing to tie us back together after your actions ruined us. It wasn't you who ruined us, Noah, it was me, but I couldn't tell you that. Not now. Not with a baby on the way. So, I kept my silence and avoided you as much as I could, using your cheating as the excuse. And I lied to you every day up until… well you know when. 
Losing the baby was never, ever the intention, that, I promise, you can believe. I never wanted any harm to come to my baby. But when I woke up last month at seventeen weeks pregnant in a pool of blood, I knew it was over. The lies could stop, the truth could come out and everything would be okay. Except it wasn't, was it? Losing the baby was too hard for you. It made you do things you regret doing and I regret watching, knowing I had the power to stop it all. I know the feeling of loss is still very raw in your heart. You're wounded and reading this letter, knowing I'm long gone, soon to be nothing but a distant memory you'd do anything to forget, is going to throw salt on that wound, but I think it's time for me to help you put your demons to rest. 
Noah, the baby…. the baby was never yours to begin with. I mean, honestly, think back to the first time we had sex after that fight. Think…. and you'll remember. If you don't let me help. You wore a condom, Noah and you filled it, but I lied to you and told you it broke because I was scared. The night I spitefully killed us in every way possible was the night I conceived another man's child. 
So, you see, none of it was your fault after all. It was mine all along. Did I feel guilt? Yes. Remorse? No. Not until now. Now that I’m walking away from you, I feel every bit of remorse possible, but it’s too late now, isn’t it. The you I knew and loved is gone and so is the girl you knew. And that’s the difference between us, Noah. You felt remorse and it made you so vulnerable. 
I hope the next girl you fall in love with is good to you. I hope she is never afraid of your darkness or the demons who dance in your eyes sometimes. I remember the time when you thought no one could ever love you if you revealed what lurks inside you. You’ve always been different, Noah, you know that and how could anyone understand that? But I hope she understands and is never afraid to follow you into your darkness so that she can learn to love the beast that’s inside. I tried to, but in the end I realized that sometimes, true love comes in the form of a loving demon, or a protective monster, or even a dark angel who sits and waits patiently for you to arrive. You are all those things Noah; and I hated you for it. I’m sorry I hated you, because now I know that you were the only one to ever, truly love me. 
With All My Love, Always, Sarah
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I woke up, flat on my back, head off the pillow, but the blanket over top of me. As my vision cleared, Sophie was nowhere to be seen. My heart started pounding, thinking maybe she regretted last night; the things we did, the things I said. Was it all too much and she felt pressured or overwhelmed? I started to panic, running my hands over my face, trying to convince myself everything was okay, but it didn't help. I sat up, looking around for my shirt only to remember that I'd used it on Sophie, making me remember the corner I threw it in; it was still there.
I needed to find Sophie and make sure everything was good between us, especially now that she knew the truth about me and Sarah. I needed to know if she was still willing to commit herself to me, to us, with this kind of baggage attached, but first I needed a shower. My stomach suddenly hurt, the anxiety nipping away on the inside and it felt like there was a giant hole in me. I needed to fill that hole. I need my girl.
Chapter 1: The Things We Could Never Change
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seramilla · 3 months
Let’s pile a little bit more on Sera in the AU where Emily chooses Hell: Emily does, eventually, want to introduce Sera to Charlie even before she’s involved with her and Vaggie. Emily likes her a lot and they click well as friends even before romance happens, and Emily loves her ideas about the hotel and potentially redeeming sinners.
Sera agrees because, well, Emily. And then Charlie ends up being the sweetest thing who genuinely cares about her people and looks at Emily (and Vaggie) with much love and Sera’s like hm. Well. Okay. I begin to understand why Emily chose Hell.
Emily doesn't know if she'll ever get the chance to introduce Sera to Charlie in person. The ultimatum from the elders has come down hard on her, like a hammer of retribution. Emily’s options to communicate with Sera are limited, other than through Lucifer’s own method of calling Heaven…but Heaven monitors all his calls, so it's not exactly private.
Still, the first sight of Emily through the sphere in Lucifer's office makes Sera lean in closer, desperate to see her sister again, who has been absent now for several months. Standing next to Emily are Lucifer, Charlie, and Vaggie. Charlie stands close beside Emily, holding her hand.
"Sera!" Emily shouts, putting her other hand to the glass of the sphere in front of her. Sera matches the gesture with her own hand...both sisters are openly crying. Sera had missed Emily so much...she's so happy she's okay.
"Emily!" Sera says, choking back tears. "I'm so relieved to see you! Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Sera," Emily says, squeezing Charlie's hand. "Vaggie and I are both fine. Charlie has been keeping us safe. And she's doing her best to find a way to redeem Sinners...and maybe better improve relations with Heaven. So I can hopefully come and go freely!"
Sera sits in silence for a second, taking in what Emily is saying.
"I don't..." Sera starts. "I don't know how likely that is, Emily. You know how the elders are."
"I know, Sera!" Emily shouts. "I do! But Charlie has such wonderful, innovative ideas! I think if they just listened to her make her case...Vaggie and I could see you all the time! It doesn't have to be this way! We can be, and do, better!"
Sera is still looking at Emily, the smaller angel's face so full of hope and optimism. She's so young...Emily thinks she knows the elders, but she really doesn't. But if Charlie can get an audience with Heaven...then Vaggie and Emily could come up with her. She could see Emily again! Even predictable failure is worth the possibility of seeing her sister back home again, if only for a while.
"I miss you, Emily," Sera says, looking away for a moment. "I know you're trying to do the right thing...and I'll do what I can to help. I know you believe in Charlie. She seems far more reasonable than many angels up here. I can try to get you an audience...but you know I can't make any promises."
"I miss you, too, Sera! I know you'll convince them. Just a chance is all Charlie needs! I promise she'll be able to get through to them!"
Sera nods. She adores her sister's spirit, indomitable will, and conviction to fight for what, and whom, she loves. Sera hopes that it's enough to save her sister, let alone all the wretched, poor Sinners in Hell. There are no guarantees. But an audience is at least a step forward. It's better than sitting on her laurels, and doing nothing for Emily. She braces herself for the difficult conversations she's about to have with the elders, and what it will mean for Emily’s fate.
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
okkkk, i got tempted, too
10, 17, 32, 33, 35
For drarry! I know they're FIVE questions!! So if you get bothered, answer whichever you want!
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
How could you make me choose? I'll go with the Manor sequence though in book 7. (And as a bonus, in the movies I like the extended dialogue in the Room of Requirement where Harry brings up the fact that Draco totally recognized him and didn't say anything.)
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Mikky Ekko's song Who Are You, Really? No idea why really. Just has the right vibes I guess. But sometimes I listen to it for inspiration when I'm working on my drarry fics.
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Each other. After the war, after they get together, they both get just a little bit softer - at least when they're together. They still snark at each other constantly - but now there's no hostility to it. It's playful banter. And they enjoy it so much. And enjoy each other so much. They're constantly bickering back and forth in an easy, comfortable manner and teasing smiles and laughs out of each other.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
The death of a loved one.
35. Their idea of a perfect day
There's two answers. First of all, there are the days where everything is safe and nothing happens and they can just be, together and at peace in a way neither of them ever really imagined after everything they went through. Where they are surrounded by friends and no one is trying to murder them and somehow, miraculously they have each other and all the old enmity is gone. That's what they would think of as their perfect day. And they love those days.
But here's the deeper truth - when they have too many days in a row like that, they get a tiny bit bored. They are inquisitive, active people with a penchant for getting into shenanigans for all they both strenuously deny this and claim the shenanigans simply find them. This would be true anyway, and especially after all they lived through a life with no excitement at all would just seem a bit too dull. Plus, after all the dangers they've faced their sense of what constitutes a risky situation is a bit skewed. What has other people saying 'Merlin why didn't you call for backup?! Yes it worked out this time but you couldn't have known that' is just a fun bit of excitement to them.
They're not daredevils by any means, but really, compared to what they've accomplished and survived, getting themselves temporarily pretend captured so they can bust an anti werewolf extremist group trying to tamper with the wolfsbane supply or rounding up an errant herd of escaped hippogriffs is not that big of a deal. Especially when they two of them are doing it together. Because they're both quite skilled alone and they compliment each other perfectly. And if sometimes they have a bit too much fun doing it and love watching each other being competent, well, that's nobody's business really.
(Also an answer here about Draco that touches on drarry.)
Send me a character/ship from any fandom and a number.
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movedtolilmouzee · 2 years
Can you write something where Wayne is dying (I know, angst SORRY) and Eddie is upset so one night after he and reader come home from the hospital he tries having rough sex with them (you know, just to feel something/have some control in the moment) and reader is confused but goes along with it until he says something about “not wanting to lose her” and she makes him stop and he finally tells her that she’s his only family now if Wayne dies so he thought getting her pregnant and having a kid would be the best way to ensure that he’s guaranteed a family and that he won’t feel like he’s losing everyone and she reassures him that while that’s sweet and she’d love to have his kids, it’s not time for that right now and he needs to be there for Wayne and I’m sorry if this is too much but I am feeling SAD with a side of angsty sauce 😂 ty!
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𝔒𝔫𝔢 𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔱 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢, 𝔭𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔢 𝔟𝔞𝔟𝔶?
𝘔𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩, 𝘛𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘰𝘧 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳, 𝘓𝘰𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵, 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵, 𝘚𝘮𝘶𝘵.
(𝙕𝙚𝙚'𝙨 𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚- 𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙩 𝙖𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙞𝙯𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚. 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙥𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙪𝙥 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪. 𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙤𝙤 𝙢𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡 <3)
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Eddie had gotten the phone call that his uncle was in the hospital about a week ago while performing during a show. Everything fell apart that night, Eddie freaked out backstage crying and screaming in your arms while everyone packed their equipment up and offered to take care of the rest so eddie could see his uncle which you both said yes to and drove to the hospital. At first eddie didn't have the heart to step into the hospital room, stuttering about how he didn't want to cry in front of his uncle and how this was all some big nightmare, until the doctor came out of the room telling eddie his uncle wanted to see him.
Eddie immediately dashed into the room and next to his uncles side, tears quickly taking over his vision. Eddie couldn't think of what to do, to say, anything. He was just frozen, a statue holding your hand crying a million tears like a little boy who just dropped his favorite ice cream. Death was something that scared eddie so bad he wished he could be immortal.
The visits continued on for a few more days until the doctors told eddie that the treatments werent working and his uncle didn't have much time left. Something just snapped inside of eddie when he heard those words, he didn't speak a single word on the drive home, just staring at the road while his hands gripped the steering wheel. Though when eddie got home he was like a whole other person, he was immediately all over you, hands roaming your body. Eddie just told you it was a way to distract his mind and you went with it, not understanding what was happening with your boyfriend, all you knew what that eddie had carried you to the bed and was making quick work to remove every piece of clothing.
The next minute eddie had already prepped you for his cock and had sat you on his lap, holding you close to him while he slowly slid his cock inside your gummy walls moaning out your name. Sex with eddie was always so good. He was always gentle, soft and calm but tonight he was like a bunny in heat. His thrust were so rough that if he went any faster he'd break the bed.
This had gone on until eddie was close to cumming, you could tell something was wrong by how he held you so close to his chest and whispered "I don't wanna lose you, Y/N" this was you finally stopped eddie, climbing away from him. Cleaning yourself and eddie off while asking what was going on in his mind. Hearing those words send eddie into a crying episode, tears spilling from his eyes. "I'm scared, Y/N. I'm losing Wayne and I'm scared that I'll lose you too, when Wayne dies all ill have is you. What happenes if you die? I just thought that if i got you pregnant and build a family, I won't feel so alone anymore." He whispered, constantly wiping tears away from his face as he slowly calmed down now that he finally got everything off his chest.
"Eddie, I understand where your coming from but now isn't the time to try and get me pregnant. Nows the time for you to spend every moment you can with wayne, you don't know how much time you'll have with him. You need to cherish every moment, and while I love the thought of us having little eddies running around, we should wait until your in the right headspace." That was all it took for eddie to calm down.
Eddie took your advice and went to spend every moment he could with wayne. Making sure to have a hold of your hand every step of the way, still scared he'd lose you. Eddie lost Wayne three days later after that night. Though he acted fine with everyone else, he let everything out when around you, head resting on your shoulder while he cried his heart out, saying that it wasn't fair.
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starbvrr · 1 year
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𐃘 sanemi shinazugawa x fem!reader
When saving a girl in the forest became something way more for Sanemi
series masterlist 
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You run as fast as you can. After seeing that moment when your family was on the floor. Nothing could erase that from your mind. You couldn't believe that your family was attacked. This was the last thing you expected to come home to. You look over your shoulder to make sure that the demon wasn't close enough to catch you. You suddenly bumped into someone. You look up and see a man with white hair.
"Help me, please help me" you beg.
"What the hell" he looks down in disgust.
He sees a demon in the back running towards you. He grabs your arms and drags you through the forest at this point you don't care that the branches of the trees are cutting your skin. you want to be as far away as possible. even if that means leaving with a couple of scars.
Suddenly you trip over a branch and fall on top of him.
"I'm so sorry please don't leave me to die" you cry grasping his robe.
"Hey get off me! Get off me!" He starts pushing her away  "Don't think you can trick me into helping you! I'm the wind, and the wind doesn't care for dead leaves like you"
You feel his hands pushing you and feel the power, they're hard like rocks, and his muscles are tough, if you're not careful he might end up hurting you.
"Hey, you're hurting me" You wince in pain.
"I thought you'd help me and get me out of here." 
"You're gonna get yourself killed, it's people like you who make me want to kill demons more than anything" he was getting more and more angry as he yelled at you.
"Why are you yelling at me!" you yell
"You're acting like an ass right now"  you murmer to yourself
He eyes the mark and returns his focus to you. he chuckles "Oh you shouldn't have done that, look around, what do you see? We're miles from the nearest village and demons are everywhere! Who's gonna help you now?"
You glare at him. which sends a shiver down his spine. "I'd rather die, I have more of a peaceful death by a demon than being killed by you."
He rolls his eyes "You have 2 options, you either come with me and I guarantee your survival, or you can stay here and I'll watch you get eaten alive by demons, make the smart choice". he was starting to get annoyed by your attitude.
suddenly a gust of wind passes through the woods, which causes you to jump and look around.
He lets out a sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose "Are you sure you want to come with me? You should probably be scared of any person who's willing to help you after trying to attack them. I won't hurt you don't worry, I'm a demon slayer, not a psycho. But this is your last chance to make the smart choice."
you reach out and grab his hand to make sure he doesn't leave you "Is this fine, I know you're not a fan of physical touch but I don't want to get lost and die." tears begin to stream down your face "I'm really scared"
He looks down and blushes, he doesn't remember the last time he's held another person's hand let alone a girl "Uhmmm... okay fine"
He then helps them up and then holds their hand tightly, he starts walking with them still holding hands and walks in silence, it looks like his hand is a little sweaty, and he seems to be nervous.
after a while of walking in silence you decide to say something "Thank you so much again for helping me, I appreciate it". he turns back to acknowledge what you said "Of course, I can't just leave you here to die, now can I"
You continue to walk and talk for a while, the night begins to get dark and the trees start looking scary. But he just keeps walking, talking about random things you don't care about, and holding your hand. Eventually, he starts to relax and doesn't seem mad anymore. Maybe what they needed was some company?
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ley-med · 8 months
Hey! I want to apologise in advance because well I'm going to cry about my life in your asks and ruin your mood. I'm a second year? First year student? I'm not sure anymore. I had my first year final exams and got my results 2 days ago. I failed anatomy. Not by just a bit but by 18 marks. People who have not studied even a single day the whole year somehow passed. I was blaming the system, the checkers and what not but my mom kinda said that your failure is your fault more than anyone else's and she's not wrong. I always dreaded studying anatomy, I hated it cuz it was hard, maybe? Idk on the other hand i scored pretty good in biochemistry and physiology. I have a month roughly to prepare for my supplementry exams that are in February and if I pass I can rejoin my batch , I'll be with my friends again. But to study alone this month feels so difficult, fomo as my friends and classmates go to clinics and OT's constantly makes me anxious. My parents are very supportive, they were very positive and that I have gotten a chance to resolve my fear. My mental health is fluctuating so bad, a moment I'm so motivated that I can do it! And the next minute I'm in pits of sadness and dispair. Idk why im sharing all this but as a fellow in medical field I hope maybe i could have a word of encouragement or maybe a reality check. My friends believe hundred percent that I'll pass and I'm hopeful too but my anxiety does not rest. If I fail I'd have to repeat the year and be with my junior batch. Thank you for listening and I'm sorry again.
Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry, I feel your pain!
Do you know how many times I failed anatomy? Well I won't say the exact number because that's frankly embarrassing, but I'm probably on some sort of list of "worst students to ever disgrace the halls of the anatomy department"... I failed anatomy and biochemistry and had to repeat first year. Then I failed anatomy and physiology and had to retake second year too... Shit happens.
Do you know why they say med school is hard? It's because it is damn hard. Most students will fail some exams here or there, some will fail more than just a few exams, and very few will pass all of theirs. (Even those who don't study and somehow seem to always pass? Even their luck runs out sometimes). Sometimes it's unfair, and sometimes it's our fault.
Your exam results has nothing to do with how good of a doctor you will become! It's just school, nothing more, nothing less. See me, I was so bad at med school, just terrible at it, and now that I'm a doctor, I might not be the best ever out there, but I'm good at my job.
I know this sucks now, it sucks to fail, and it sucks to study again when you could be doing something else. But it's just an exam, not the end of the world. You cry, then you dry your tears, sit back, and study as hard as you can.
And there is no guarantee you will pass the next time either, passing is never ever guaranteed! You just study and hope for the best. And if you fail again, you cry some more, then realise that maybe your "study as hard as you can" wasn't really your hardest, or you realise you aren't studying effectively and you need to find a way of studying that better suits you. We all have to learn how to study...
And sometimes you just say, fuck it, and pass purely out of spite.
Anyways. Don't compare yourself to others. You live your life, not theirs. And unfortunately, yours now includes some more exams and studying... Allow yourself some time to wallow in despair, you absolutely deserve that relief, but after that, give yourself a pep talk sweetheart and get back to studying. And do something fun, and have some treats! You deserve that too!
And hey? You can do this! I believe in you, anon, you absolutely got this. Just be patient with yourself :)
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
Chidi+ it's time to go
Taylor Swift Writing Challenge: it's time to go
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Chidi Anagonye | #taylor swift writing challenge | AO3
synopsis: The only way to guarantee that people on The Good Place could live a meaninful afterlife was to make sure that they could die. You just didn't imagine Chidi would ever make that decision.
warnings: angst. pure angst. i'm so fucking mad someone else made the conection between that song and that character and it wasn't me. i'm not over his death, okay? it still hurts.
ps: i swear to god, you anon that made that decision it's a horrible horrible human being. how can you do that to me? that song. that character. after the finale. that was mean. fucking mean. an asshole move, to be honest. love ya.
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You knew exactly what Chidi was going to say before he even opened his mouth. Still, hearing each word spoken with that constant care of his broke your heart. A thousand poisoned cuts in your soul. You drank the rest of your wine.
"How do you know?" You were trying not to cry, and not a single tear was spilled, but you couldn't control your lachrymose voice. "How can you be sure you won't regret it? You don't know what will happen. No one does. What if you prefer this life?"
Chidi took the cup from between your fingers and covered your hand with his. It was so warm, so domestic, how could Chidi be so affectionate after saying he was going to walk through the door? No. This must be a dream. An mean and bitter dream.
"When the dinner gets cold and the chatter gets old", Chidi spoke with his teacher's voice. "You ask for the tab."
"It's different." You hold his hand, like your grip would be enough for him to not walk away. "It's not the same."
"It's." Chidi smiled, and a tear almost fell. "Sometimes you just know. You know when it's time to go."
You could her the snaps from the same little breaks in your soul. "Please... Don't leave me alone. Don't make me live without you. Stay with me. Haunt me."
Chidi caressed your face, held it as if it were the most delicate thing in the world, and kissed you. You felt the taste of farewell. The iron of certainty. "Don't give up on me", you plead. You face was pure salt. "You don't even know what will happen to you."
"Imagine a wave in the ocean. You can see it, measure its height, the way the sunlight shines through it. You can see, you know what it is. It's a wave. And then it breaks down on the beach and disappears. But the water is still there. The wave was just a different way of being from water for a brief moment. This is the Buddhist conception of death: the wave returns to the ocean, where it came from and where it should be.
"But what about me?" You licked the salty lips of crying.
"One day you will go after me. I'll be waiting for you." Chidi spoke gently, but you saw his tears forming. "One day you'll when it's time to go and then... you just go."
"Don't leave me now." You asked him. "Go by the morning. When I'm still sleeping."
"Okay." Chidi kissed you again. "Okay."
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
THE GOOD PLACE TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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meannelle · 3 years
Prison Playbook: The unparalleled in its genre
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Writing this review makes me nervous, to be honest. The drama is so good, and I'm afraid my review won't give justice to how good it is.
The story revolves around Kim Je-hyeok, a baseball superstar who was imprisoned over excessive self-defense. It follows his life inside the prison and how he survives living there.
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The plot alone will tell you that this isn't your regular Korean drama. Like the director's (Shin Won-ho) past works, the most notable is the Reply series, this drama centers more on life and friendship. The representation of characters is realistic. This one doesn't have an eye-candy and extremely wealthy oppa. Or a cutie cheerful female lead or the badass fashionista main character. This one has an average looking-guy named Kim Je-Hyeok (Park Hae Soo), who is mighty in the baseball field but quite dense in other aspects of life. His character is similar to Taek of Reply 1988. Park Hae Soo's performance is admirable. The transition from being calm and simple-minded to temperament is remarkable. The love interest, played by Krystal, whose performance is equally pleasant, is the perfect representation of a college student. No fancy outfits, no good-looking son-of-wealthy family running after her, no prolong unnecessary love triangle. Jung Kyoung-Ho, who played Lee Joon-Ho, best friend of Kim Je-Hyeok, performance was terrific. The chemistry between him and Park Hae Soo as best friends is effective and impressive. Good thing I don't see posts that people are shipping their bromance.
The secondary characters are unique, and each has their own personality, which is evident and consistent throughout the story. They have their own stories that reveal their own depth. Among them, Lee Kyu-Hyung, who played Han-yang, stole the spotlight. He stood out the most with his exceptional acting and good chemistry with the rest of the cast. Kudos to him!
The casts were great, but Lim Hwa-young can do better. Her acting is a bit bland, and she's lagging behind the others. But in all, I couldn't imagine other actors playing their respective characters. They were able to radiate the emotion from the small screen to the viewers.
Some will think that this drama is too heavy and dark. They are not wrong, but they are not right either. Thanks to their unique characterization, comedy comes naturally out of it. I can guarantee that you're going to love the humor, and you can especially look forward to Kyu-Hyung's character. I wouldn't spill so much about it as I don't want to spoil and lose the charm of this drama.
Of course, it's not just all laughs. This drama is a rollercoaster of emotions. You'll laugh, cry, get shocked and mad. Just when you thought everything is fine comes another storm. Every end of the episode will have you at the edge of the seat. I'll bet that you couldn't help but click for the next episode because you couldn't wait for what will happen next. There are lots of heartwarming and tearjerker moments as well without the overly-sugar-coated dialogue. The script is more beautiful because it is realistic, and one can reflect on it. There are also great rare shots in the drama, which are surprising and refreshing.
Overall, Prison Playbook is a sensational drama with a great script, plot, casts, and production. So, do yourself a favor and watch it now!
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jaycewrites-192000 · 3 years
The Rest Of Our Lives
Levi Ackerman x Reader
It had all finally came to an end, the world could finally try its best to heal from years upon years of death.
Speaking of healing, he had gone through the worst of it over the years. And finally, he has the rest of his life to heal.
But he can't do it alone...
(Spoiler Warning!!! This story contains spoilers for the end of the Attack on Titan manga!!!)
It had been three years since that fateful battle. So many lives had been lost that day, good and bad, friend and enemy. Even the majority of the human population, eighty percent to be specific, had been wiped out just for the slim chance of peace, and even then, it wasn't completely guaranteed. But for now, all was calm. That day, was the battle between titan and human, heaven and earth. The day the dreaded rumbling had began, and soon ended. It resulted in many deaths and plenty of injuries, the worst landed upon Levi Ackerman. Humanity's strongest soldier was nearly killed, but he wasn't given that title for nothing. He was still living today, though missing a few fingers, a working eye, and finally his permanently damaged leg. It wasn't too much of a problem, as there were no longer any titans to fight. Though, it was somewhat, shameful in his eyes. That after everything, a busted leg is what holds him down. He wasn't even elderly, and yet he needed constant help. He grateful for the help however, though he wished he didn't have to burden people with his problem so much.
But, it wasn't a burden or a problem to her.
She was there by his side for as long as he can remember. She fought by his side during expeditions, comforted him during his low points, and even risked her life over and over to keep him safe and alive. He can't say he's never done the same for her. Maybe it was her constant attention and care, that made him fall in love with her. At the time, it was horrible. He fell in love with someone he could so easily loose, but now in a world free of titans, he could love her as much as he wanted. And the same goes for her. They both confessed their love for each other shortly before the rumbling began, then he proposed to her after everything settled.
And so, here they were, in their own little cabin next to a beautiful lake, surrounded by tall pine trees. They both were outside today, rested on the bench that sat right before the lake. Hand in hand, her head leaning on his shoulder. Their gentle breaths in sync with one another. The calmness of the quiet air, aided to their ease. For once in their lives, they felt no need for worry or panic, or when the next attack from the titans would be. And they would never need for such worries again.
Her eyes slowly opened, she smiled as the first thing she saw, was her soon to be husband. Even with the scars, he was still as handsome as ever. Though, his eyes were distant and somewhat empty. Why? "Levi?" She spoke softly. "Are you ok?" Levi finally blinked, sighing softly he looked down at you. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?" She sits up to meet his gaze. "You seem, a little distant. Are you tired?" Levi shakes his head before placing his hand on his scar. "Just thinking." He muttered. Was that what this was about? This would happen every now and then, Levi would just stare at himself in the mirror. Well, less himself and more at his blinded eye, the two long scars that covered it. It started from the top of his eye down to his lip. He considered himself lucky, that explosion Zeke Yeager caused could have just killed him all together. But it only costed him an eye and a few fingers.
Still she wondered, did he hate how he looked now? He never commented on it before, so she just assumed he didn't care. But the way his overall expression would falter anytime he saw it, or tried to lifted his hand, or even when he tried to stand. "Levi? You know I didn't think less of you because of those scars." She placed her hand on top of his damaged one. "Or your hand. Or your leg. I still love you. I always have and I always will. This doesn't change a thing." Y/n say softly, trying to reassure him. "I...I know that Y/n. But....it's not that...not this time." Levi looks up at the sky. It was a soft orange, signifying the end of the day. "Every time I wake up, I wonder when it will happen." Y/n blinks a few times, not really understanding. "When what will happen?" She asks. "When they will come back. The titans. Before, at any moment, we could die at the hands of those giant bastards." Y/n would be lying if she said she hadn't felt the same at sometimes.
"But Levi, that was before. They're gone now. There are no more titans, we're safe." She explains to him.
"For how long?"
The panic in his voice was clear. Y/n took both of his hands and held them in her own. Her eyes full of sincerity as she spoke. "Levi, I know how you're feeling. But, you were there that day. We both were, the titans are gone. They died along with Eren." It still pained you to say it. Though in the end Eren was acting rash and out of hand, you still remembered him as the same young boy with hope in his heart that one day, the world would be a one without titans. It was a shame that he let it go to his head, and because of that, he was responsible for nearly exterminating all of humanity. Therefore, he had to face the consequences of his actions and pay the ultimate price. Poor kid...
"There are no trace of titans left. We're safe. You're safe. And you will never have to worry about stuff like that ever again." You bring his hands up and kiss them gently. Making sure he felt your love, even through his missing fingers. "And I won't ever leave your side. I'll always be here for you Levi. To care for you, to love you, for the rest of our lives."
A sudden wetness on your hands made you flinch. You look up to expecting to see rain, but instead, you saw Levi, crying. He sniffles a few times before leaning closer to you, until his head rested on your shoulder. You smiles and rub his back in a soothing manor. Through his sobs, you could make out a feint "thank you" from Levi.
You meant every word. You will always be there for him. And he in return would always be there for you. You two will always have each other, for the rest of your lives.
Another year has come to pass, Levi and Y/n had finally married, and proud to call themselves Mr and Mrs Ackerman. And Mrs Ackerman was expecting and due to deliver soon. There were congratulations given all around. From Armin, Jean, Connie, Annie, Reiner, even Falco and Gabi. Even Mikasa. It was a bit surprised that she came to visit. Mikasa had became distant ever since Eren died, she was the one that killed him after all. She had been by Eren side for many many years, and in the end, she was the one that put him to rest. It took quite a toll on her. But she was recovering, slowly but surely.
Y/n wished so desperately that Hanji and Erwin could have been here today. Though, she bet that Hanji would have been pretty sad without having anymore titans to experiment on. But deep down she knew, that they were still here, even if she couldn't see them. Levi knew it as well. They would both regularly visit their graves to pay respects and generally just talk about what's going on in their lives. Hanji would have been so thrilled to know that Levi and Y/n settled down to start a family. From the very beginning, Hanji had always hoped you two would get together. She even went as far as teasing her and Levi, which would normally result in a kick to the back from Levi. Not too hard though, he didn't want to break her spine. And Erwin, he would just be happy to see Levi happy with someone. And of course Levi's former squad would be happy that he was at peace with himself. They all would be so proud of him.
When it came time for Y/n to deliver, it was one of the most stressful and wonderful days of Levi's life. Fortunately, Y/n was just fine afterwards and gave birth to a healthy and beautiful little girl. She resembled Levi the most, with her black hair and her grey-blue eyes. She had some of Y/n's features as well, like her skin tone and her facial features.
"What should we name her?" Y/n spoke softly as she held her baby close. "We haven't came up with a name for her yet?" Levi mutters. They were spending more time preparing themselves for a new addition to their small family, that they hardly had time to think of one. Levi gently stroked his daughter's cheek, she gave a tiny smile in return before her face returned to a more sleepy one. It made Levi's heart race. This was his daughter, he made that! Well, really Y/n did, but it meant just as much to him. Never in his wildest dreams would he ever think that he would have children. Then again, he never thought he would meet someone like Y/n either. Levi's stone expression dropped, a smile of his own made it onto his face.
"Levi, I've actually had one in mind for a while. But, I wasn't sure if...you would be ok with it." Y/n spoke hesitantly. Levi held her hand, such a small gesture, made sure she knew she didn't have to keep anything from him. "I know how close you were to Farlan and Isabell." Levi's breathing halted for a second. "More specifically, how much Isabell looked up to you. I know she saw you as a brother, but...what I'm trying to say is, what if we named her, Isabell?" Y/n looked down at her baby, who was sleeping peacefully in her arms. It was true, Farlan and Isabell were like family to Levi, it was devastating the way they died. He wasn't there to help them, if he was, maybe they would be here today. He missed them dearly...
When Levi didn't respond, Y/n became worried. "I-I mean, we don't have to. I was just-"
"It's perfect." Levi cut her off. "Our little Isabell." He says with another warm smile. Y/n returned the smile before kissing her daughter's head. "Welcome to the world, Isabell." She whispers.
With this, Levi knew he was living for so much more. He had a woman who loved him with all her heart, despite how he looks now. And now, he had a child. Though this world was without titans, it doesn't mean there won't be another danger that was out there, just waiting to snatch his happiness away from him. But Levi wouldn't let it. Levi swore this very day, to protect his wife and daughter with everything he had. Despite injury, despite age, he would never let anything or anyone harm his family. Because for now on, it will be only them, together.
For the rest of their lives.
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(This was not stolen! This story was reposted from my Wattpad account!)
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Morrigan Watches: Doctor Who - The Day of the Doctor
So, this is the second time I'm typing this post, and I hope to God that I manage to get it all down this time and not have it all disappear like last time, but I just finished watching this episode, and the only thought that's going through my mind right now is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, because even though I've seen this episode about 4 times now, it still makes me feel some kind of way.
I don't even know how to put into words how I feel about this episode. The way it shatters my heart and heals it all at once. They way it makes me laugh, and want to cry. In my mind, this episode means more to me than any episode of any TV show ever will. And not just because of the plot, or how it's written, or the fact that I get to see David Tennant and Billie Piper again, but because this is the episode that got me into Doctor Who to begin with.
Yes, that's right. It wasn't the first episode I watched (I started with Nine like everyone should), but it was the reason I started watching the show at all.
In elementary, a friend of mine was hosting a party to watch the 50th. Since I hadn't seen the show, I couldn't attend. (Was that shitty? Maybe, but that's not the point.) Not wanting to be left out, I started watching Doctor Who, and I fell in love. I'm still in love, and every few years I fall in love all over again. So, thank you to The Day of the Doctor for getting me here.
And of course, I can't make this post without noting that this year is the 60th anniversary of the show. Doctor Who, I love you, and I can't wait to see where (and when) the show goes next.
[long rambling essay about specific details under the cut.]
There's so many details about this episode that make me lose my mind, but I'll try and be at least semi-coherent.
Firstly, this episode is quite possibly my favorite episode of the whole show, because it does such a good job of tying everything together. Working the Zygon Invasion plot seamlessly into the War Doctor's decision. The effect that it has on all three versions of the Doctor. The way that, after 7 seasons of hints and mentions, we finally get to see the day the Doctor pushed the button. (and as an added bonus, after 4 seasons, we finally get an explicit reason why Queen Elizabeth the First was mad at the Doctor in The Shakespeare Code.)
And the way they tied Capaldi in, not just via his little cameo, but also by giving him The Zygon Invasion / The Zygon Inversion plotlines, which are a direct follow-up to this episode. So, he's still involved, still making his mark.
The fact that all three of them, even the one who forgot, and the one who could never forget, were ready to push that button, so that the War Doctor didn't have to be alone.
The way that Clara was the one who noticed, who knew that the War Doctor hadn't done it yet, even though Ten and Eleven assumed he had. The way she was the one who convinced them to go and help him, or maybe stop him.
The way the Moment took Rose's form, and therefore confirmed that she is quite possibly the most important person who ever has or ever will travel with him.
And the look on Ten and Eleven's faces when the War Doctor said "Bad Wolf Girl, I could kiss you!". You could see both of their hearts stop, their brains freeze. They didn't have much time to think about it, but I can guarantee that if Ten in particular had remembered that encounter, those words would have haunted him for centuries.
The way the War Doctor told Ten and Eleven that he was proud of the men they were, even though they became that way by believing they had burned Gallifrey.
And the way that Ten and Eleven, who had been so adamant that the War Doctor wasn't the Doctor, and never would be, called him Doctor, because they understood. They didn't hate him anymore. They knew he did what he could, and together they found a way to fix it.
And Ten's last words being "I don't want to go." nearly broke me, because I never wanted him to go to begin with, and now I got him back, if only for an hour, and I have to say goodbye again. (And as a bonus, Eleven saying "he always says that" because he remembers the regeneration.)
And the under-gallery being the Curator's TARDIS. (I mean, seriously, the hexagons on the wall and everything!!)
The way Ten and Eleven went from mocking each other to being so confident and synchronized when they were setting up the peace treaty, because they knew now, that they were the same man, and they could trust each other.
And of course, the infamous "You redecorated. I don't like it." and the bit about the round things, and you can just see the pure joy on David and Matt's faces, because they're having the time of their lives, one last time.
I love this episode more than I can put into words, and I could spend hours talking about it, but I love it dearly, and I just want to say,
Happy Anniversary, Doctor Who.
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The beauty in the choice that is Glimmadora
Season 1, episode 2, roughly 18 odd minutes into the runtime, with Theymore in ruins and Glimmer and Adora having a moment that defines them both as people. Aka, the /exact/ moment I fell head-first into Glimmadora hell. And keep falling
First of all, because of how Adora says 'Glimmer'- softly, disbelieving, just the tiny bit hopeful- and then for what they both say next.
Adora- "Glimmer..? What are you doing? Why did you save me?"
Glimmer- "We need you. We need She-Ra. *brings out the sword* I should have given this back to you in the ruin. *Adora stares* You could have saved us in there and I knew that... but I was stupid, *starts crying* and a jerk, and I almost got us killed and I'm sorry!"
Adora- "You're not any of those things. I'm the Horde soldier! How do you know you can trust me now?"
Glimmer- "... I don't. But I hope I can. I feel like, maybe, you're here to help us. *holds out the sword*"
Adora- *slowly reaches out* *sees a Horde bot closing in on her and a magically exhausted Glimmer, who just spent some of her last magic saving Adora* *reaches for the sword again, hesitates*
Adora- *grabs the sword and puts herself between the charging Horde bot and Glimmer*
This right here? This is beautiful.
And here is why i think so
I'm a sucker for moments when characters make their own choices. When things line up and they stand on a crossroads, all the power of which way the story swings resting in their hands...
I'm even more of a sucker for two characters, both given that power of choice, picking the path they feel is right for them, and that also leads them to each other.
After two episodes of build up, showing why they believe what they believe, how that pits them against each other, and how it also opens the door to them realizing they actually share a common goal- protecting people- there is a pause. A gap of open space. Glimmer and Adora are given room to make their decisions, and there is no outside push that forces them together. Actually, THEY are the ones who have to push towards each other, in SPITE of everything.
The sword doesn't glow or start magically tugging itself towards Adora, the new She-Ra, prompting Glimmer to give in and bring it to her. Bow doesn't nudge her into going after Adora. He's shocked when she suggests it! Even rebuts by pointing out that Adora had just (seemingly) sold them out to the Horde!
It's Glimmer's choice, and hers alone, to go find Adora.
Apologizing for being a jerk also wasn't required, she could have given her the sword without that. But she wanted to say sorry. She felt bad about what she'd done. She wanted to own up to her mistakes, and do it in front of someone who she was not long ago calling a 'monster'.
Leading up to this, it was Adora's choice to try stopping the Horde's attack on Theymore. Her choice to leave the Horde, even if it meant losing everything she had, everything she'd ever known- Her best friend (who she asked to come with her, and who's choice to stay she accepted. Who she apologized to, because it was hard to go, but she had to), her promotion, her home, her idea of who she was and how the world worked, all of the certainty in her life. In the face of seeing innocent unarmed people fleeing in front of the Horde's crushing tanks, Adora gave it all up, without know what, if anything she would find to replace it with.
She wasn't part of the Rebellion yet. She didn't have the sword.
The narrative could have made her a Rebel first. It could have had her accepted in Bright Moon and be given a place there. It could have had Glimmer give her the sword before confronting Catra. Adora could have been safely herded into her new life outside the Horde. A better life, with security and power and no fear of Shadow Weaver hurting her best and only friend and then putting the responsibility of that pain on her. Faced with that choice, would it even be much of a choice at all?
Adora doesn't get that though. She has no certainty, no sword, no acceptance. Even after doing her She-Ra thing and driving off the Horde, she panics, asking what she's going to do now she's gone against the Horde. She doesn't even know where she will go, afterwards. She doesn't know if she will have a place outside the one she just threw away. And she still left.
And when she talks to Glimmer, she didn't have to reassure Glimmer that she wasn't a jerk or stupid of "any of those things". That was just something she wanted to say, right then, to the girl who took her prisoner. To the girl who took a Horde soldier prisoner. To the girl who didn't leave her to die in the collapsing ruin, and came for her again, saved her from being dragged back to the Horde as a traitor.
She wanted Glimmer to know that she, Adora, didn't think any of those bad things about her. Didn't blame her for being furious at someone from an army that is destroying her home, or think she was stupid for not trusting a Horde soldier with a powerful weapon.
Adora didn't have to ask how Glimmer can trust her now. She wanted to know the answer, herself. She was a Horde soldier. She understood what that meant, now, and she didn't want to be that anymore. But what had she done so far, to earn Glimmer's trust?
Glimmer could have said platitudes to that, could have smoothed it over with The Power Of Friendship or maybe just Well You Haven't Killed Or Betrayed Us Yet When You Had The Chance, or even, I'm Out Of Options And The Magical Sword Likes You So Destiny Maybe.
She doesn't say any of that. It might be easier for Adora to hear, but it's not true. To the girl who is suddenly questioning her whole life and everything she was ever told, Glimmer says the truth instead.
It's not what Adora's done so far that's convinced Glimmer. It's what Glimmer thinks Adora wants to do from now on. That's what Glimmer is putting her trust in. Adora's own choices, not the ones that were made for her.
And what does Adora do? The very first thing she does, when Glimmer hands her an incredibly powerful magical sword?
She protects Glimmer. She uses the sword, to protect. To defend. That is her choice.
That's what Glimmer saw in her, the hope she found. That's what she put the Rebellion on the line for, risked ruin by handing the sword over to someone who still has the Horde symbol on their back. There was who Adora had been, up to this point. And then there was who she wanted to be.
A Horde soldier who didn't want to hurt people, argued with Glimmer not because she thought that hurting others was justified, but because she didn't want to believe the Horde HAD hurt people. A Horde soldier who didn't scoff at the people of Theymore for being weak or unguarded or try to take advantage of these trusting people- the opposite, in fact. Adora was enthralled. Awed. When she realized this was the place the Horde would be attacking, she couldn't believe it. She wanted it be a mistake. She listened, finally, when Glimmer showed her that it wasn't.
And faced with Glimmer and the sword, the terrifying leap from her old life into some new unknown, Adora looks at Glimmer's choices for guidance. "I'm the Horde soldier!" she says, "How do you know you can trust me now?"
How does Glimmer know she's doing the right thing? How can Glimmer be sure?
Glimmer isn't sure. She says as much. She's making the choice anyway.
How does Adora know she's also making the right choice? How can she be sure?
She can't be.
She can only see what Glimmer did, confronted with the same risk, and decide if that's an example she wants to follow. If this girl, angry and pained, brave and protective, imperfect and trying, strong enough to look at her own mistakes and apologize for them- is this someone Adora wants to see in herself? Is THIS who she wants to be like? At the cost of everything else? With no guarantees how it will end for her?
Yes. She decides it is.
She takes the jump with Glimmer. She follows this strange, rebel princess into the unknown.
And in that moment, they aren't strangers anymore.
It's so wonderful, even re-watching it for the millionth time- The dialogue, the voice acting, the emotional and narrative payoff from everything that had been shown before. Everything Glimmer has lost (her father, her relationship with her mother, her own sense of worth tied up in a war she keeps losing). Everything Adora stands to lose (her home, her self worth so tied up in the captains rank she's been trained for. Her childhood friend, her enemy now)
The pressure that was on both Glimmer and Adora to stay the way they were- (Through Angella, and even a little from Bow, through Shadow Weaver and Catra) (Even Light Hope and the sword only confuses things, the simple question of where Adora came from suddenly getting tied up in mystery and treason, the answer that was supposed to give her a sense of belonging threatening to isolate her instead)- that pressure to walk away is very real. Don't take that risk. Don't make that jump. It frightening and hard. You might be wrong.
Don't reach out to each other, don't change, don't meet each other there, in that terrifying middle ground.
And THEN, their decisions to both say 'fuck it' and do what they thought was right instead. Even if they weren't sure what would happen next.
If it might let them help others more than they have so far, save the rebellion, protect the people who really need protecting, well then, for Glimmer and Adora, that made it worth it, to do the right thing. To be the people they both really want to be.
Which, in the end, meant being a lot like each other, at their core.
I love that.
There is nothing in a story more powerful to me, than when a choice like this is made. When it feels earned, and meaningful. When it grows out of the story that had been unfolding up till then, and changes the way it will end.
When it's two women making that change, that choice, together? I'll never get enough of that.
And the intimacy. My god.
After being so open, honest, raw, it's not surprising when Glimmer and Adora come together in the aftermath. Enemies one episode ago, fire forged friends now, them holding onto each other feels right, by the episode's end. Physically reaching out, mirroring and confirming what they both had already done. Especially how gentle Glimmer is with Adora's moment of panic, how she reaches out to calm her, reassures her she DOES have a place, and friends. The moment when she offers her hand to help Adora stand again, and Adora looks up, smiles at her before taking it...
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Yeah. my little wlw heart didn't stand a chance. i will be smitten forever with these two, from the force of a couple of episodes and some vERY nicely handled writing
..... also, the way Adora helps a fainting Glimmer and props her up against a rock, but with her hands just resting on Glimmer for a moment like...
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i've stared at this screencap for a long time, ngl
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acciocriativity · 4 years
Spark of Happiness II ||Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
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Summary: You already went through a lot in your life, but while dating Draco the world you knew has changed dramatically and it seems like it couldn’t get any worse...
Word Count: 2,7k
A/N: I just discovered that tumblr has a limit of words per post, that’s why I had to make a part two of this when it wasn’t supposed to be that way but I hope you’ll like it anyway.
Part I
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I found myself in a sort of tunnel between nothing and everything, my body was molded several times like a play dough but in the hands of the universe, the only solid thing I had was Draco's cold hand, which I held tighter to help me through the pain. I also lost my sense of time, it seemed like an eternity in there, it never had an end.
Until the moment I felt my feet touch the ground again and my legs gave out, if it wasn't for Draco I would have fallen. I could hear his voice but could not make out any sound coming out of his mouth for a few seconds.
"Draco, I'm fine...just a little dizzy”, I clutched the sleeve of his shirt and I could see the concern in his eyes.
Every corner meticulously tidied and cleaned, worthy of a family like the Malfoy's, the room was particularly dark and cold, as if no one really spent time there, the only thing that decoration passed to me was anguish.
His arms still firmly around my waist, his face analyzing mine carefully.
"Are you sure you're alright?", he asked softly and I just nodded my head slightly and leaned on his shoulder, closing my eyes a little.
I hadn't realized that we were still in the presence of his parents, who watched the scene with sharp eyes but soon disappeared inside the house.
We were silent until a loud noise next to us made me lift my head and moved away from Draco, it was just a house elf carrying our bags upstairs.
"We can pick it up later, let's at least get some breakfast. It's still early”, he held my hand and I understood the meaning in his words.
"If you're sure, that's fine by me", I didn't have the guts to speak in a normal tone, as if the house was being watched constantly.
He called out to the elf, who came running downstairs eager to please his master and immediately followed the order to prepare breakfast for us. I couldn't relax even if his presence helped me, I was wondering if we could escape so easily, if they would just leave us alone.
Throughout breakfast I was tense in my chair, we both were and it would only end when we got out of there at once and for all.
We left the dining room to get our things a minute after we finished breakfast, since neither Narcisa nor Lucius had shown up again, with luck we could leave without either of them noticing for quite some time.
"Narcisa, we need to ... oh Draco and ...who is that?", I took a deep breath having to contain my startle when caught in the act.
The woman didn't seem impressed and walked over to us with a strange smile on her face. I had a few seconds to absorb her features but it was possible to feel a bad aura coming from her.
"Aren't you going to answer me? I'd forgotten, has your age of bringing girls home already came?", the cynical, amused smile didn't leave her lips.
"It is none of your business Bellatrix, as you see, my mother is not here", his direct and even rude tone caught me off guard, I had never seen him talk like that before.
"Oh, how cute, you're showing your claws to defend your girlfriend but only because you're Narcisa's son, don't ever think you can speak in that tone with me."
Before she could say anything else, other voices erupted out of nowhere, more people began to appear, paying less attention to our presence as the room became more crowded.
"Ah, it's time.You have to leave little girl, my lord doesn't like intruders", she said lord with a glint in her eyes that made me sick.
"Come on, I'll take you outside...", he saw the opportunity and immediately took my hand so we could get out of there.
"This girl looks so much like you Avery", a male voice spoke and in a few seconds all eyes were on me, analyzing me from head to toe.
It didn't take me long to recognize this Avery guy, he had the most shocked expression among all the people there.
The same color hair was the most I could tell from the distance, we all stood in silence not knowing what to say.
"Did you really have a daughter, you bastard?", another man said before punching him lightly on the shoulder.
"It's impossible, my parents don't have that last name and neither do I. Excuse me...I shouldn't be here", I squeezed Draco's hand tighter and made my way through the death eaters.
My heart was beating so fast that I was afraid they would be able to hear but no one stopped us from leaving since we really shouldn't be there, or at least, not me.
How long would we have before you-know-who arrived? I couldn't think about it, as soon as we reached the door we started to run, and run and run some more until our feet hurt. There was no time to breathe, to think, to stop.
We needed to get to the city, we needed a fireplace, we needed to get to my house but how? No one around would be kind enough to help us, so we walked a long way until we were far enough to the point that no one would recognize Draco.
We end up in a simple part of town, the houses were smaller and further apart from each other and all were on the side of the road. Obviously we were exposed there and there was nowhere else to go, so we had to take our chance.
"Let's knock on one of the doors, we can't walk all the way to London", I said standing in front of a little white house with a large and well-kept garden. "Someone who takes such good care of plants can't be bad, right?"
"Let's hope we don't pick the only bad HufflePuff in history", he said and I might have laughed if my worry wasn't so real.
We walked side by side, taking our last steps before our legs gave out from exhaustion. "Be at home, please be home...", I crossed my fingers as soon as he knocked on the door.
The door was opened by a little blonde girl, she just stuck her head out the door to see who was there, she gave a little scream and closed the door hard as soon as she saw us. We looked at each other without understanding what the hell had happened until another voice was heard inside the house, this time a lady opened the door and held it open.
"I'm sorry, do you guys need help?", she didn't have to look us up and down to guess that, we were soaked.
"Yes we do, we need to get to my house but it is too far, perhaps you have a flu net in your house, Mrs?", I spoke up as Draco was making too much effort even to stand upright.
"Yes I do, come on in, you guys can sit for a bit too. You look like you ran a marathon", she made room and we could see inside the house.
The furniture made of wood was modest but beautiful, the living room was well decorated and the wallpapers went in shades of yellow and blue. Draco seemed more impressed than I was since I'm used to this style, but contrary to what anyone would imagine the expression on his face was not bad at any time.
"Your house is beautiful Mrs., we don't want to trespass on your kindness but could we get a glass of water?", his voice even huskier than usual rang through the walls of the house and I was truly surprised and somewhat proud of his attitude.
"Sure, I'll get it, you can sit on the couch. You guys need it", I didn't wait a second to sit down and for Merlin's sake, I could spend the rest of eternity there.
"Forget about everything, I never want to get up from here again", he said almost crying with happiness and I had to laugh, I laughed a lot.
"Sorry love but it's really funny, you have to admit", I said, still laughing softly when the lady came back with two glasses full of water.
We drank as if we had spent 40 days in the desert and my feeling was not so different from that.
"I can bring you another glass if you like. I just don't understand how two teenagers could have ended up in this condition...", she looked genuinely concerned, we were very lucky.
"We had a problem, a huge problem and we need to get home as soon as possible", he said with certainty in his voice but made no effort to actually get up.
"Thank you very much, ma'am, we can’t thank you enough for helping us", I said with a smile right after I stood up, even though my whole body contested this decision.
"It was a pleasure dear, I hope you get home well. The flu powder is by the fireplace, go ahead", she smiled gently and took a step to the side.
I went ahead while Draco still seemed to muster the courage to stand up. The stone fireplace was small, there was no way we could both go at once.
"Draco, do you remember the address I told you about?", I turned back to look at him and he was still in the same position but now massaging his own foot, "Draco? Will you hurry up? I'll guarantee you a massage from an expert after we're home," and as if they were the magic words, he was at my side ready to leave in a flash.
I took a deep breath and we could hear a giggle coming from behind the couch, only the girl's big, bright eyes were in view but as soon as she realized she was caught she went back into hiding.
"Goodbye madam and goodbye little one,"I took a handful of the powder and walked into the fireplace. "Don't forget the correct pronunciation", I said to the blonde before throwing the powder on the floor and speaking my address out loud.
The last thing I saw were two pairs of blue eyes staring at me before I disappeared and the first thing I saw when I got home were my clothes covered with scoot and the angry voices of my parents came soon enough.
"What's all this racket! Y/N, you should be at Hogwarts right now. Now you're breaking school rules?", my mother said as soon as she arrived in the living room.
She was wearing an apron over the comfortable clothes she wore indoors, then I noticed the delicious smell coming from the kitchen, it was already lunchtime.
Before I could reply, I was pushed forward and almost lost my balance and fell on the small coffee table.
"Honey, what's happening here? Y/n? Draco? Get out of there right now, why did you come home early?", my dad was more confused than angry and I was even more relieved that they were both okay.
Even though I had a lot of explaining to do, I could only run to hug them without caring that I was getting them or even the floor of the room dirty.
Too many emotions consumed me, I had put too many people I cared about in danger and now no one would be truly safe there.
"Don't worry about it, Dumbledore let us leave early for Christmas but so much has happened, I'm so sorry, we're not safe here", my tears flowed without me realizing it, slowly the despair and fear that I had held all this time was consuming me.
"Love, come sit down, we are all fine and whatever has happened, we will work it out. Draco, sit here too.You both look so pale", the woman's angry voice turned to a honey-sweet tone but if I had looked into her eyes, I could have seen the concern in them.
"I'll get some tea, you need to calm down and rest, then we'll talk about whatever happened on the way here", my father got up and hurried out of the room after my favorite tea.
My mom kept hugging me from the right side, her presence was always enough to bring me comfort. Draco had sat down on my left side and the first thing I did was to intertwine his hand in mine and squeeze it lightly, he did it back to reassure me.
The conversation was postponed until after lunch, since we were too hungry to wait and too dirty, according to my mother.
We both took a shower and Draco wore some of my father's clothes as they would fit perfectly, then we went to eat and afterwards, in a calmer mood, we explained what had happened.
The look of horror on my parents' faces had broken my heart, I never told them anything about this dark side of the Wizarding World, especially when I was so close to it all. I wanted to protect them but now I had no other choice.
"I'm sorry I got you into this situation Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, I can stay somewhere else, I can think of a plan and fix it", he said this several times but neither I nor my parents agreed.
"This is absurd, no matter what happens. You're here as part of the family, we'll figure it out if we have to move out of here", my father interrupted for the second time my boyfriend tried to apologize, even though it wasn't his fault.
The conversation didn't last long because we soon came to the conclusion that the best idea would be to send a letter to Dumbledore, explain what happened and ask for help because no other wizard in the world could be better.
"Rest for a while now, as soon as we get an answer we will call you", my mother said from the kitchen. I tried to help with the dishes but she insisted that we deserved a longer rest.
Then I took Draco to my room, I left the door open because it would be better not to leave room for complaints from my father.
The decoration of the room was in several shades of blue, which was always my favorite color, blue from the walls to my closet.
"Let's get some sleep, I'm sure from now on our life won't be easy but it will be better than it was before", I said and lay down on the bed, leaving enough room.
His body snuggled up next to me in silence but I could almost hear the amount of negative thoughts going through his head.
"Hey, you can stop that. We deserve to be a little hopeful and even more so, rest. So you can tell your little head to think about other things, okay?", I put my arm around him and felt him do the same to me, until we were face to face.
"How could you possibly know what I'm thinking? You're horrible with silent spells", he said with a sly smile that opened into a satisfied grin at the sight of my angry expression.
"First of all, I know you very well so of course I know about your pessimism and second, I'm going to have a lot of time to learn and it's not like you're great so shut up", I replied as he laughed but soon, I was the one laughing after he fell off the bed, "Oops, sorry, it was just a little accident”.
That was the first night that he had more than 5 hours of sleep because we were truly safe with Dumbledore's protection. Until Christmas we stayed at my house and we had more truly happy moments in a span of 3 days than in the whole year and all I wished for was more of that forever.
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Harry Potter Masterlist
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vocalxtributes · 4 years
[Tw// Violence, mentions of blood and death]
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13 tributes. No guaranteed number of winners.
No more practices or do overs. This is it.
This is the beginning of the Décès Match.
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The first batch of tributes were revealed to the whole nation. The reigning champion. Académie céleste, in other words, Yoon Jeonghan's team.
Trumpets were blaring. Camera's were flashing. Cheers could be heard everywhere. People were excited for this year's match. Almost everyone was watching the match. It would be the first ever match where all four of the cursed abilities would be present. Three of which Jeonghan had.
To say that the tributes were nervous was an understatement. Almost all of the five tributes were being affected by pressure and worry. Jihoon was pacing back and forth the waiting area, Joshua was muttering words to himself, Seungkwan was bouncing his leg up and down, and Seokmin was already crying while talking to someone on the phone. However Jeonghan... He seemed the most calm out of all the tributes but if one looked closely, they would see the leader's eyes constantly flashing from red and black as his fingers twitched, small amounts of smoke appearing and disappearing.
It was not until it was announced that the tributes would be transported in five minutes that Jeonghan snapped out of his little moment and walked towards his members.
"Gather around everyone. I have a few words to say to all of you."
Everyone did as the leader said, gathering around and linking arms with each other. "I want you all to remember that the first thing we have to do is find each other okay? We need to stay alive and find each other. That's our best straight to keep everyone alive", The leader reminded. "And please keep in mind that no matter what happens out there, I am proud of you. You've all come such a long way to be as amazing as you all are right now. I'm sure everyone will do great. And... You all mean a lot to me. Let's all survive yeah?" His members nodded and hugged each other tightly, "We can do this! We've trained hard for this!" Jihoon exclaimed, trying to hype up the others, the healer smiled "We'll win. We have the best team ever."
"Yes we do. They should be nervous." Seungkwan joked. The team was in good spirits, ready for the game when a staff member approached the team, informing them that they would be transported to the arena now.
One by one the tributes were taken to random safe places in the arena where they would wait.
10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
The buzzer goes off.
The match has officially begun.
Each of Jeonghan's members spread out, doing their best to locate each other without having to run into the other tributes. All his members were doing well, some of them pausing the search to create weapons for themselves, some trying to look for food.
[The paragraph after this will be focusing mostly on Jeonghan.]
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Jeonghan sprinted into one direction, fast enough to explore the area quicker, while still trying to be quiet in order to not attract the attention of others.
A sharp wooden spear came flying from nowhere, grazing the leader's arm. Jeonghan hissed in pain, there was no way that that was a normal knife. He gripped the wound and looked around before he was tackled to the ground, the spear pointed against his throat.
The leader looked up at his attacker, reading the name and position embroidered on the male's uniform.
'Xu Minghao/The8'
Jeonghan met the eyes of the attacker, a merciless glare in his eyes. "Would you rather die here right now from this spear? Or would you like to suffer and die from my poison that entered your body him?"
"How touching that you're letting me choose how to die in such a threatening way." Jeonghan chuckled. "You have no idea who I am don't you?"
"And why would I care about who you are?" Minghao replies, pressing the spear harder against the leader's throat, puncturing Jeonghan's skin. Jeonghan let out a gasp as he felt a sticky substance from where the spear was at, he didn't need to see it to know that it was his own blood. "Well, you should care about who I am because if you knew who I was, you would've known better and just leave me be." He smiles and uses his ability to stop Minghao from moving, paralyzing him temporarily and getting him off of his body.
"You're t-the cursed one-" The attacker mumbled.
"Indeed I am." Jeonghan says as he ripped the sleeve of his uniform, tying it around his neck to slow down his bleeding. "Lucky for you, I'm not in the mood to kill yet. I'll leave you alone. You'll be able to move in a couple hours. Goodluck." He says, chuckling as he walked away from the attacker.
The leader continued to explore his surroundings, only to be caught in an illusion just a few hours after his first encounter with another tribute.
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Hours into the match, the exact moment the leader was caught in an illusion, Seokmin felt an intense feeling that his leader was in danger. And he set out to find him.
Only to cross the paths of two other tributes.
He was sent into a fit of panic, and he froze on the spot.
"See hyung? I told you there was another tribute around here." The Oracle snapped his head towards the owner of the voice, seeing a male with dark brown hair, on his uniform the word 'Oracle' and the name 'Dino' were embroidered, the other male having 'Leader/Healer' and 'Hoshi' on his uniform.
Seokmin calmed down a bit after knowing that he encountered two people who were the least likely to attack him.
He was wrong.
The two ganged up on him and it all happened too fast. Seokmin was on the ground clutching his eyes that was burning in pain.
"You're a h-healer- You're supposed to h-heal people. N-not hurt them-" Seokmin says once he's steadied his breathing. "Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do." Hoshi shrugs as he nods at Dino, giving him a knowing look. Dino grabs a vial of water and opens it, splashing water on Seokmin's face. "The water will help with the pain." Hoshi mutters, a slight smirk appearing on his lips.
The Oracle removes his hands from his eyes, opening them slowly once the pain has subsided. But... He couldn't see anything.
He was blind.
"How dare you take away my sight..." The oracle weakly spat.
The two teammates erupt in laughter. "We wanted to have our fun with you." Dino says, trying to calm himself down as Hoshi crouched in front of Seokmin, holding onto his jaw.
"Fun time is over."
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Meanwhile, Jeonghan was still trapped in the middle of the illusion, a scene that Jeonghan had always dreamed of was happening to him right now. He was seated on a swing, next to the love of his life. And slowly they both leaned in. His wildest dream was about to happen, he wanted to stay in the moment forever.
A loud canon sound booms through the entire arena, followed by a robotic voice.
"Two Oracles have been eliminated."
That statement snapped Jeonghan out from the illusion. He realized he was in the match and what has happened was all fake. Rage and worry filled his system and he unleashed his smoke, hearing the screams of the trickster responsible of the illusion. And he kept going. Until the illusion was gone and the screams were no more.
The leader walked up to the dead body hidden by some fallen trees, reading the name of his first victim.
Wen Junhui.
Another canon.
"A trickster has been eliminated."
He suddenly remembered the robotic voice alerting them of the elimination of two oracles and he started running frantically looking for Seokmin.
He stumbled and fell, landing next to a body. Eyes pitch black, neck snapped. He propped himself up, looking closely at the body, and then realization struck him.
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[This is based from a story that admin wrote. Everything is purely fictional.]
[PS. Don't come @ me]
Tags: @moonlit-jaemin @yanlee (og) @ekjjh @m00n-purplerose-chatbot @seventeen-chatbot @boxer-joshua @decadewonwoo @marcelinethevamp-cb @bimbo-sana @bimbo-somi @iceskater-sana @vampiremomo @seleneminnie @yanderechae @bossladylisa @baristadahyun @kaanghana @vampireprince-jeonghan @shin-haneul @yandere-bc @maniac-yeonjun @badboyjjh @shyboicya @midari-jieun @fairy-twice @demon-lee @heathenxbovs @hunter-chaeyoung @scholar-lia @thewolfpack-cb @split-jiu @la-soleilmafia-cb @urboys @camboy-superm @yourlele @yanderejoy @playboyyoungk @hybridteez @yanderetzuyu @neodaddies @npc-haechan @m-brian (DM for +/-)
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broughtdawn · 4 years
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BEFORE    ––   how  far  would  you  go  to   right  the  wrongs  wrought  to  your  blood?  you  and  your  red  right  hand  of  vengeance  are  wound  up  and  itching  to  strike  before  you  can  even  place  a  face  or  a  name  to  your  target.  fury.  fury  in  the  way  your  body  shakes  at  night  under  a  cloak  of  invisibility.  how  many  sleepless  nights  does  it  take  to  alienate  yourself  from  everyone  who  ever  knew  you,  to  ward  off  anyone  who’d  ever  try?  you  hide  behind  your  coping  mechanisms  that  do  more  harm  than  good,  and  willfully  blind  yourself  in  doing  so.  you  would  do  anything,  anything,  anything,  to  make  it  right.  would  he  be  proud  to  see  you  bloody  both  hands?  would  that  make  it  right?  potter,  when  those  rose-colored  glasses  come  off,  what  do  you  see?  
AFTER    ––   the  truth  spills  out  in  bittersweet  twists  and  torrents.  almost  everyone  you  knew.  everyone  you  loved.  everyone  you  ever  loved.  and  you,  jerked  around  between  them  like  an  unwitting  jester.  did  they  have  to  try  hard  to  stifle  a  laugh  when  you  spoke  to  them  in  confidence?  they  made  a  mockery  out  of  you,  out  of  him,  but  you  helped  them  do  it.  the  game  is  over  because  you’ve  overturned  the  board.  a  finality  payed  for  by  the  ruin  of  your  old  life,  your  old  self.  you  roll  onto  your  back  and  stare  into  the  sun  for  the  first  time,  truly  seeing.  make  peace  with  lady  death,  and  let  her  come  to  you  on  her  own  terms.  you  live  for  yourself,  now.  rise  from  the  ashes,  dawn  bringer,  and  realize  :  unless  you  fight  for  something,  you  will  die  for  nothing.
001  red  right  hand  :  laura  marling    ––   on  a  gathering  storm  /  comes  a  tall  handsome  man  /  in  a  dusty  black  coat  /  with  a  red  right  hand 
002  in  your  world  :  muse    ––   i'm hurting you again / too lonely to pretend / like everything is new / i promise you to / blow it all away / in your world / no one is crying alone / in your world / no one is dying alone
003  one  way  or  another  :  until  the  ribbon  breaks    ––   one  way  or  another,  i'm  gonna  find  you  /  i'm  gonna  get  you  /  one  way  or  another,  i'm  gonna  win you  /  i'm  gonna  get  you,  get  you  /  one  way  or  another,  i'm  gonna  see  youI  /  i'm  gonna  meet  you  /  one  day,  maybe  next  week  /  i'm  gonna  meet  you,  i'm  gonna  meet  you
004  bloodhail  :  have  a  nice  life    ––   can't  you  see  it's  all  flown  out  of  my  hands?  /  and  our  clothes  are  all  too  often  ripped  /  and  our  teeth  are  all  too  often  gnashed  /  and  it  lasts  as  long  as  it  possibly  can  /  but  i  just  don't,  but  i  just  don't  accept  this  /  i  just  don't  accept  this  at  all  /  and  i  just  don't,  and  i  just  don't  accept  this  /  i  just  don't  accept  this  at  all
005  hiding  :  pianos  become  the  teeth    ––   and  i  know,  you  can't  stay  angry  forever,  or  so  i'm  told  /  but  the  house  gets  so  quiet  /  sitting  here  wishing  for  just  an  hour  or  two,  alone  with  you  /  well,  it's  always  too  personal,  /  always  too  close  to  comment  /  they  all  mention  how  tired  you  look  /  and  you  realize  you  haven't  said  a  word  in  hours  /  i  guess  it's  the  things  that  i  don't  say
006  telefony  :  have  a  nice  life    ––   if  science  is  half  the  man  it  says  it  is  /  then  i  can  build  it  /  the  machine  that  snaps  /  all  of  time  in  half  /  i  can  break  its  back  /  i  can  break  its  back  /  i  can  build  a  door  /  and  i  can  travel  through  /  you  don't  see  it  much  anymore,  but  /  but  surely  i  /  but  surely  i  /  if  i  could  just  hear  your  voice  /  if  i  could  just  hear  your  voice  /  but   i  don't  think  i  have  the  choice
007  stare  at  the  sun  :  thrice    ––   i  am  due  for  a  miracle  /  i'm  waiting  for  a  sign  /  i'll  stare  straight  into  the  sun  /  and  i  won't  close  my  eyes  /  ‘til  i  understand  or  go  blind
008  should  have  known  better  :  sufjan  stevens    ––   i  should  have  known  better  /  to  see  what  i   could  see  /  my  black  shroud  /  holding  down  my  feelings  /  a  pillar  for  my  enemies  /  i  should  have  wrote  a  letter  /  and  grieve  what  i  happen  to  grieve  /  my  black  shroud  /  i  never  trust  my  feelings  /  i  waited  for  the  remedy
009  never  is  a  promise  :  fiona  apple   ––   you'll  say  it  looks  as  though  i  might  give  up  this  fight  /  but  as  the  scenery  grows,  i  see  in  different  lights  /  the  shades  and  shadows  undulate  in  my  perception  /  my  feelings  swell  and  stretch,  /  i  see  from  greater  heights  /  i  realize  what  i  am  now  too  smart  to  mention  to  you  /  you'll  say  you  understand,  you'll  never  understand  /  i’ll  say  i'll  never  wake  up  knowing  how  or  why  /  i  don't  know  what  to  believe  in,  you  don't  know  who  i  am  /  you'll  say  i  need  appeasing  when  i  start  to  cry  /  but  never  is  a  promise  and  i'll  never  need  a  lie
010  backyard  skulls  :  frightened  rabbit    ––   here  lies  the  first  time  that  i  was  wrong  /  and  there  is  no  more  sign,  no  x's  mark  this  spot  /  the  ancient  encounters  with  foreign  skin  /  all  but  perished  by  now,  but  you  can't  erase  the  grin
011  ever  after  :  marianas  trench    ––   apologies, i'm  not  myself  but  i  can  guarantee  /  that  when  i  get  back,  you  won't  believe  /  that  you  knew  me  well  /  don't  want  to  think  about  it  /  i'm  fuckin'  tired  of  getting  sick  about  it  /  now  stand  back  up  and  be  a  man  about  it  /  and  fight  for  something,  fight  for  something,  fight  for  something
012  the  deepest  sighs,  the  frankest  shadows  :  gang  of  youths    ––   so  say  the  unsayable  /  say  the  most  human  of  things  /  and  if  everything  is  temporary  /  i  will  bear  the  unbearable  /  terrible  triteness  of  being  /  alone  in  my  house  /  frozen  away  /  but  don't  get  me  wrong  now,  honey  /  i'm okay
013  tonight,  tonight  :  the  smashing  pumpkins    ––   and  you  know  you're  never  sure  /  but  you're  sure  you  could  be  right  /  if  you  held  yourself  up  to  the  light  /  believe,  believe  in  me,  believe  /  in  the  resolute  urgency  of  now  /  we'll  make  things  right,  we'll  feel  it  all  tonight  /  we'll  find  a  way  to  offer  up  the  night  tonight  /  the  indescribable  moments  of  your  life  tonight  /  the  impossible  is  possible  tonight  /  believe  in  me  as  i  believe  in  you,  tonight
014  underneath  the  sycamore  :  death  cab  for  cutie    ––   we  were  both  broken  in  our  own  ways  /  sifting  through  the  rubble  for  the  wrong  things  /  i  know  you've  got  a  vengeful  heart  /  i  cannot  be  stopped  soon  as  i  start  /  but  you  have  seen  your  darkest  rooms  /  and  i  have  slept  in  makeshift  tombs  /  this  is  where  we  find  our  peace  /  this  is  where  we  are  released  /  we  are  the  same
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sanfl0werrr · 5 years
the meaning of love
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| part one | x | part three | part four |
you felt weird, like really weird. the ride back home with jaemin was weird. the both of you barely spoke and he looked as if he was so done with everything. it felt as if he didn't want anything to do with you either.
i mean, he could have just rejected me, you thought, why go through all the trouble?
you decided to not think about it anymore. the run in with the dreamies were too weird, and it was probably the first and last time you will ever interact with them. at least you hoped it was.
just as you were about to leave the house, your mother called out to you, "i don't see wonwoo anymore. did you have a fight with him?"
you rolled your eyes, "no, i didn't. there's rumours that he's dating someone now. i don't know who's the lucky girl though."
"y/n doesn't need any man! she has me," your little brother ran to hug you, with his arms wide open.
"that's right, my little prince! i only need you," you kissed him on the cheek as you carried him up.
"what about me, princess?" your father coughed from behind the newspaper, "i'm practically the first man you love."
both you and your mother looked at each other and laughed, "well, someone's craving for some love."
"i'm going now. bye!" you shouted as you put your shoes on.
the rumours of wonwoo having a girlfriend was spreading like wildfire in school. no matter where you went; canteen, garden or even the toilet; you will keep hearing about it.
you sighed. your heart was hurting after all, and the fact that everyone was talking about it, made it worse. it was as if you were invisible, like you weren't the one who's been next to him all these while. everyone dismissed your existence now that wonwoo has a girlfriend.
break came, and when it was break, wonwoo would usually find you to eat together. ever since the rumour had spread, he no longer finds you anymore. so, you secluded yourself in the music room at the end of the hallway.
you entered the music room, finding solace in the silence as you sat down in front of the piano. wonwoo and you would usually hang in the music room from time to time, just catching up or even talking about random topics.
the music room was also one of the reasons why you fell for him. because when two people spend so much time together, they're bound to be alike. that was what happened to you and wonwoo, the both of you were inseparable.
remember when you told me you liked the colour green? you smiled to yourself, remember when you told me you wanted to write?
remember you told me you wouldn't leave me? your smiled faltered, remember you told me you loved me?
"it was probably as friends, though," you sighed.
"as friends? what is?" a voice boomed from behind you.
you jumped in shock, "oh god, make a noise! you nearly killed me!"
"you're exaggerating," you could sense the sarcasm in his tone.
you turned around to give the boy a piece of your mind, but you didn't expect it to be him, out of all people.
"jaemin?" you squealed.
"cat got your tongue?" he raised his brows.
before you could even say anything, the rest of the dreamies entered the room.
"y/n is here!" chenle shouted excitedly.
"luck is not on my side today," you huffed.
"what do you mean by that? we're the best you've got!" donghyuck snapped in fingers.
"i suddenly don't feel so good," you joked as you grabbed your unfinished lunch, trying to get away.
"she just called you thanos!" jisung laughed really hard, slapping mark's and jeno's arms.
"jisung!" both of them shouted in unison.
you were just about to escape the chaotic scene until someone closed the door shut from behind you.
"going somewhere?" jaemin voiced out.
you turned around, his tall figure hovering above you, "yes, i'm trying to get away."
"why!?" chenle questions you, very loud.
"i mean, aren't i intruding? seems like the music room is your hangout place," you shrugged.
"y/n... come sit with us. like chenle said yesterday, you're always welcome to hang with us," mark softens.
"why is mark so soft towards y/n? suspicious," donghyuck scratches his chin.
"yucks, i can't get used to mark being soft," jeno chides in.
"mark, i didn't know you had a crush on me," you cooed.
"oh god, y/n! stop teasing me so much. you always do that during our committee meetings!" he shrieked, "not here too, please."
you laughed, "i'll try."
the moment you looked up, your eyes made contact with jaemin's. you didn't realise how pretty he looked up close, almost too sinful to be that beautiful. you blushed momentarily and looked away, walking to take a seat to finish your lunch.
as you sat down, jaemin plopped next to you immediately after that. you looked around to see that there were a few other seats available, but didn't really heed much attention.
"so, y/n! do you like games?" renjun started the conversation.
"mobile games? not so. arcade games? hell yeah," you grew excited the moment you mentioned arcade.
jeno placed a hand on his heart, acting offended. you just laughed and stuck your tongue out as a joke.
"let's go to the arcade after school, then!" chenle suggested.
"that's very impromptu though," you widen your eyes.
"you don't like it?" renjun asked.
"hell no, i love it! let's go! i'm so excited!" you danced a little, out of excitement.
the rest of the dreamies laughed, except for jaemin. he tried stifling his smile, because he found you really cute and all he wanted was to squish your cheeks. not that you know anything though.
you were just fidgeting in class, and knowing that you're gonna go to the arcade right after that you couldn't control the excitement.
"ms y/n. i will have you know that my class hasn't ended yet," the teacher voiced out.
the bell rang right after that, signalling the end of class.
"well, it has now," you winked at the teacher.
you spranced out the door to get some of the things out of the locker that was needed for the weekend.
"arcade! let's get it," you whispered to yourself.
just as you closed your locker, someone called out to you. you turned around to see who it was and it was none other than, jeon wonwoo. right next to him was a girl, whom you assume to be his girlfriend.
"y/n!" wonwoo greeted you excitedly.
"oh, hey!" you forced a smiled.
"i know i've been missing in action a lot and i know you've probably heard the rumours and i'm super sorry for the late introduction!" he clasped his hands together, hoping you'd forgive him, "her name's aera, and she's my girlfriend!"
and those assumptions were correct.
"finally, jeon wonwoo! i've been dying to know who's the lucky girl!" you took his hands and jumped around gleefully, while your heart literally broke into a million pieces yet again.
"i wanted you to be the first one to know and i'm sorry for keeping this from you. you're my best friend," wonwoo smiled.
you're my best friend, he said.
"o-of course! you're my best friend too," you repeated to assure him but it somehow left a bitter taste in your mouth.
"let's catch up soon, y/n!" wonwoo waved goodbye.
looking at their silhoutte fading away, your tears threatened to fall any minute. i thought i told you to suck it up, you said to yourself again, suck it up!
he isn't worth any tears, you tried brainwashing yourself again, but the tears fell anyway.
you ran to the music room. you didn't care if anyone saw you or judged you, but you kept running. you just needed to be alone.
the moment you slammed the door open, you were face-to-face with 7 familiar faces.
"y/n?" chenle whispered.
"oh my god, what happened?" donghyuck tried to come closer.
you stepped back, shock evident on everyone's faces, including yours.
"i-i have to go, i'm sorry," you ran away.
"y/n!" you heard jaemin calling out to you.
you ran till you reach the one place with no memories of wonwoo and you together; dream book cafe.
with a heavy breathing, you tried to make yourself comfortable at the restricted section that was located at the end of the room. you hated that you cried easily, and the fact that you've fallen deeply in love with your best friend.
everyone said don't ever fall for your best friend, and you could see why now. there wasn't any guarantee that he/she will love you back. you only realised that now, which sucks.
"y/n?" a voice call out to you.
you immediately looked up and widen your eyes, "h-how did you know i was here?"
"i live around here remember? and you mentioned this cafe once before," jaemin sighed.
he came closer and sat right next to you, "wanna tell me what happened?"
"n-no," you stuttered.
"really?" he asked once again.
you hiccup, "n-no."
jaemin chuckled, "come here."
he placed his hand over you, making you lean onto his broad shoulder.
"are you comfortable?" he peered into your face, making sure that you're okay.
you nodded, "very comfortable, thanks to you."
jaemin chuckled once again, "so, do you wanna tell me why you were crying?"
you waited and contemplated for a little while, wondering if you should opened up to jaemin. i mean, he was actually the one who didn't talk to you, but also, what's the harm in letting him know.
you breathed in, wondering how to start, "um, well.. i like someone, and he turns out to be my best friend."
you looked at jaemin, and he was staring back at you, listening to every word you were saying.
"maybe it's more than just a like. maybe it's love, but i don't know. we've spent every day together and doing things together and that made me grown to like him so much, so the thought of us being together most of the time was never really weird. i thought maybe we had a chance together, until i saw his girlfriend."
you paused again, and you felt jaemin hugging you tighter.
"his girlfriend was so pretty and they really look compatible together. maybe, it was just me, being my delusional self, you know. wonwoo deserved way better and i can never match up to him, i would never. i was never meant to be loved by him but i wanted him to love me badly."
"you're fine the way you are, y/n. my words probably won't be of any comfort but, believe me when i say you deserve just as much love as wonwoo. maybe even more. the love you give to people is the love you're definitely gonna get back. wonwoo's girlfriend is pretty, you say? i think you're even more stunning and charming than anyone i've met."
you didn't dare to look up to meet his eyes. you didn't want him to see you've became a mess, a blushing mess. it wasn't even a confession, you know it, but it drove you mad, a wreck.
from then on, you knew things will never be the same.
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