#Business women
theambitiouswoman · 1 year
How To Network 🤝📱💬
Have a Plan: Because everyone is important, it's really important to know what you're good at. Before you go to any networking event, figure out what you're good at – like things you can do well, what you know, and the people you know. Plan what you want to talk about, especially how you can help others, either now or later on.
Start with Who You Know: Talk to people you already know, like friends and colleagues. Ask if they can introduce you to others.
Go to Events: Attend conferences, seminars, workshops, industry meetups, and social gatherings related to your field of interest.
Use Social Media: Make profiles on websites like LinkedIn or Instagram to meet people in your niche online.
Elevator Pitch: Create a concise and engaging intro that highlights who you are, what you do, and what you're seeking. This way you can make a strong first impression.
Ask Good Questions: When you talk to someone, ask questions that show you're interested in what they're saying.
Provide Value: Networking is a two-way street. Offer your expertise, assistance, or connections to others whenever possible. When you start paying attention to what people can do, you might see that one person could help another person. Try to introduce people who you think have something valuable to share. When you make these good connections, you're helping the networking event go well. This will help you establish a good reputation and create strong relationships.
Say Thank You: After meeting, send a message to say you enjoyed the talk.
Follow up & Follow Through: If you said you would talk to someone later, make sure you actually do it and let them know you're still happy to help. If you promised to introduce one person to another, take a moment to make that introduction.These small things really matter to people, and just one introduction could make someone's life better.
Meet Different People: Don't just talk to the same kind of people. Meet people from different jobs and places.
Never dismiss anyone as unimportant: Don't think someone is not important just because of their job title. They could know important things or have helpful friends you wouldn't know about if you didn't give them a chance.
Join Groups: Be part of clubs or groups related to your work. You can meet more people there.
Be Yourself: Just be you. Don't pretend to be someone else.
Learn New Things: Keep learning about your interests. It helps you have better conversations.
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upprahfunnel · 5 days
Help a Mother Overcome Hardship and Provide Stability
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Hi, I’m a single mom of 3 amazing children, all under the age of 3. Unfortunately, their father walked out on us the day after we found out I was pregnant with our third child. Since then, I’ve been doing my best to keep things together, but it’s been incredibly difficult managing everything on my own.
Right now, my biggest dream is to create a safe, stable, and loving home for my children—something we desperately need. We've been living in temporary situations, moving between family members and friends, but I want to give my kids a permanent place to call home where they can grow up with the stability and security they deserve.
Every day, I’m working hard to make ends meet, but it’s become clear that I can’t do this alone. I’m turning to the kindness of others in hopes that you might be able to help us on this journey.
How You Can Help: The funds I raise will go directly towards securing a home for us—a place where we can finally start to build the life we’ve been dreaming of. Any contribution, no matter how small, would mean the world to us. Even if you can't donate, sharing this campaign with your network can make a huge difference.
Donate Here : https://gofund.me/a852abcc
I want to give my children the best childhood possible, and your support will help me provide the stability and security we currently lack. Together, we can make this dream a reality.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read our story and for any help you can provide. Your generosity will make a lasting impact on our lives.
Donate Here : https://gofund.me/a852abcc
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gem-femmes · 29 days
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How & Why Gatekeep Yourself
I loved this tweet so much that I sat down and brainstormed how to gatekeep myself. ✨💋🍷
This is something that has been on my mind since entering the business world and representing our family business at events, in negotiations and meetings.
As a naive 20-something, I had to make a conscious effort to learn not to share too much about myself and family.
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Even if I had a row with my sibling that same morning, at the afternoon industry mixer I'll only talk about how harmoniously we work together.
People in business, as well as any acquaintances, are not your friends. Most people you encounter daily as a young woman don't have your best interests in mind.
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Here are the minor details you can share with anyone that seem personal but don't reveal anything significant about your life:
Favorite foods: Mentioning your favorite snack, dessert, or a specific dish you enjoy.
Music preferences: Sharing a song or artist you’re currently listening to.
Pet peeves: Mentioning small things that annoy you, like loud chewing or slow internet.
Daily routines: Talking about how you like your coffee or a morning ritual like reading the news.
Hobbies: Discussing a hobby you’re interested in, like gardening, knitting, or collecting something simple.
TV shows/movies: Mentioning the show or movie you’re currently watching or have recently enjoyed.
Childhood memories: Sharing a funny or light story from your childhood that doesn’t reveal much about your personal life.
Weather preferences: Talking about how you prefer rainy days to sunny ones, or vice versa.
Travel dreams: Mentioning a place you’d like to visit one day, without giving away any travel plans.
Favorite color: Sharing your favorite color or type of clothing you like to wear.
These details create the illusion of being open without revealing anything that could be used to deeply understand or analyze your life.
Gatekeep yourself, stay classy. 🎀🪞🩰🦢🕯️
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dread-red-queen · 6 months
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🚫Don't re-upload/edit my Shots/Art without my permission🚫
Raven in her office clothes love this clothing set the shirt is so cute
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thegoodmorningman · 6 months
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In my professional opinion, follow me on linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/thegoodmorningman
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jazzysameerworld · 1 year
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Any Serious wanabe cuck who have issue how to convince betterhalf. Experience bull here convince 7 orthodox, religious, homely Wify. "Converting fantasy into reality "
Follow me at Tumbler , FB, Miwi , Insta
Connect me at Telegram as @jazzysameer
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Kylie Jenner in Los Angeles wearing her KYE Clothing Collection 24'
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bankssims · 10 months
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Business Women Look Book
look 1: top, skirt, shoes, bag (hermes kelly)
look 2: top, pants, shoes
look 3: dress, tights, shoes
look 4: top, pants, shoes, bag (mina)
Creator Credit:
@gorillax3-cc @greenllamas @rimings @magic-bot @mermaladesims @sentate @arethabee @simpliciaty-cc
Thank you so much to these creators for their talented hard work. I apologize to the creators I could not list.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 11 months
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Christabel Pankhurst, right, the British-born suffragist and evangelist, speaks to three businesswomen at the John Street Methodist Church, October 30, 1931. Daughter of the famous suffragist Emmeline Pankhurst and radical socialist barrister Richard Pankhurst, she moved to the U.S. after World War I and became an evangelist for the Second Adventist Movement.
Photo: Associated Press
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x-e-n-i-a-nice · 1 year
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Beautiful Business Women
𝐷𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
When I was 19 I had a job that I absolutely hated. I would cry in the mornings because I did not want to work. Making money online was foreign to me. Entrepreneurship was foreign to me. Sounded hard and expensive.
Why? Because it was not my reality. My friends were into different things. I was clueless about how attainable and easy these things were because I was so busy being distracted by useless things, that wasted my time and kept me stuck in the same cycle.
I was the child of low income immigrant parents who only taught me to work hard my whole life. They could not offer me money or knowledge. So I was back to square one in my comfort zone. Working hard, going out, gossiping and being miserable.
Until I decided I wanted more for myself.
Except I did not know what to do.
So I quit.
I started focusing on myself and the things I enjoyed doing.
I stopped keeping up with my friends, or what the plans were for the evening.
I started doing what came natural to me in hopes that something would dawn on me and I would just figure out. At one point, I got super depressed. But found comfort in those hobbies. And if there was one thing I was going to do in the day, it was sit in front of the computer and create.
A few weeks later, someone reached out to me to help them with their new business. The work was basically to do what I was already doing on my free time. While making no income.
So I said yes.
I did not know what I was doing.
In retrospect, I don't think they did either.
But I was committed to making sure my work was the best.
So I researched and I studied. I thought to myself "if this makes sense for that company, it should make sense here". And I went with it.
I was clueless but relentless. Committed. Refused to fail. Knew I was giving my best and doing my all.
The end result was 15 new clients within 3 months. Before I realized it, I had my own business that was growing exponentially right before my eyes.
Nothing in life is more important than alignment. There are a lot of other important factors and qualities that contribute. But you won't know what you are capable of achieving until you decide to commit to yourself. You don't have to have the answers. You don't even need to have much of a plan. You just need to commit to be your authentic self. And commit to everything that pertains to and includes along the way.
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sapphosdesires · 1 month
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Snatched moments in the corridor..... office romances are seldom easy
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neopolitanica · 2 years
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Doyenne of Punk
Vivienne Westwood, 1941 - 2022
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gem-femmes · 20 days
7 Subtle Ways People Try to Sabotage Young Women
In my teens and twenties, people often told me I'd look great with short hair or suggested I buy clothing that didn't suit my figure, age, or personal style.
Their unsolicited "advice" confused me. For the longest time, I thought, why would you suggest this? Don't you have eyes in your head?
Oh, how young and naive I was.
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Now, in my thirties, I know what all that poor unsolicited advice people dumped on me was about.
The point was to try to nerf my natural attractiveness and personality. That way, others who felt like they operated with less would look better in comparison.
Sabotage, especially subtle sabotage, can come in many forms. It's often disguised as advice or concern.
These are the most common ways people, intentionally or not, try to undermine young women.
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Take the following "advice" with a grain of salt, even if coming from a close person.
🔪1. Appearance-Based Sabotage
Hair and makeup: Telling you to cut your hair shorter or wear less makeup, implying that you should be "less high-maintenance" or that natural looks are "more professional," when in reality, they may be trying to diminish your confidence or attractiveness.
Clothing: Suggesting you wear baggy or unflattering clothes under the guise of being "more comfortable" or "modest," which could be a way to make you appear less confident or attractive. Also suggesting clothing that ages you unnecessarily.
Body shaming: Making comments that subtly criticize your body, such as implying you should lose or gain weight, which can undermine your self-esteem.
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🔪2. Career and Ambition Sabotage
Downplaying achievements: Minimizing your successes or implying they are due to luck rather than your skills, which can erode your confidence in your abilities.
Discouraging ambition: Telling you to be "realistic" or not aim too high, suggesting that you should settle for less in your career or personal goals.
"Nice girl" syndrome: Advising you to be more agreeable or not to assert yourself too much, as it might make you "unlikable" or "bossy," which can inhibit your leadership potential.
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🔪3. Relationship Sabotage
Undermining relationships: Suggesting that you are "too picky" or should settle in your relationships, which can lead to accepting less from a partner than you deserve.
Toxic advice on boundaries: Encouraging you to ignore red flags or be more accommodating in relationships, which can lead to unhealthy dynamics.
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🔪4. Emotional and Mental Sabotage
Gaslighting: Making you question your reality or decisions, leading to self-doubt.
Playing the victim: Acting hurt or upset when you succeed or make decisions for yourself, making you feel guilty for your achievements.
Competitive undermining: Subtly competing with you in a way that makes you feel less than, such as constantly comparing themselves to you or highlighting your flaws.
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🔪5. Social and Networking Sabotage
Isolation: Encouraging you to distance yourself from certain people or networks that could be beneficial to you, under the guise of protecting you from "bad influences." When in reality these very people or networks could help you succeed in your career/school or lead to other opportunities to advance.
Gatekeeping: Withholding information, contacts, or opportunities that could help you advance, while pretending to be supportive.
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🔪6. Critiquing Your Personality
Labeling assertiveness as aggression: Calling you "aggressive" or "too much" when you stand up for yourself, which can push you to be more passive.
Mocking your passions: Dismissing your hobbies or interests as childish or unimportant, which can make you doubt your own preferences and values.
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🔪7. Advice to Conform
Encouraging compliance: Advising you to fit in or conform to certain norms, especially if those norms are limiting or don't align with your true self. (This is different from fitting in in environments where a certain level of professionalism is needed)
Discouraging uniqueness: Telling you that certain behaviors or styles are "too out there" or "not ladylike," pushing you to suppress your individuality.
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Recognizing these behaviors is important so that you can protect yourself on time, i.e. before others manipulate you into making a choice that does you no favors.
Trusting your instincts, maintaining a strong sense of self, and surrounding yourself with genuinely supportive people can help you nip these negative influences in the bud.
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wondermutt20 · 1 year
“Accessibility allows us to tap into everyone’s potential.”
Debra Ruh - American Businesswoman
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alexisnotstraight · 9 months
In January 9 2024 its the 1 year anniversary of that time I bought 8 Elton John vinyls at 35 dollars
The guy that i bought them from abandoned all his social media accounts. At work a costumer asked me if I had his contact because he bought some stuff from him and never got it
Its not about the vinyls anymore
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