#Business Planning For Online Teaching
pomefioredove · 1 month
may I please request Headcanon of the overblot gang + Adeuce when a reader that’s normally very sweet and shy goes absolutely apeshit and TEARS INTO some bully, absolutely roasting the hell out of them please? Thank you :3
of course anon!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ going apeshit!!!!
type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, ace, deuce, leona, azul, jamil, vil, idia, malleus additional info: romantic or platonic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu
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being the magicless newcomer makes you a favorite target for some of Night Raven College's less kindly students.
your loved ones know this, too, so when a group of brutish first years approach, they're ready to defend you. except...
Riddle had seen them coming towards you and already had his hand on his magical pen
how stupid of them to pick on you in his presence
a week or two without their heads would serve them well
but before he can even step between you and the ruffians (very gallantly, I might add; he had it all planned out in his head),
you just...
even he blushes at the profanity you spew
he didn't even get to scold them
...then you turn back to him with that same sweet smile as if nothing had happened
Ace had actually been the first student to get an earful from you
once at the beginning of the year, and never again
now, he takes great pleasure in watching you verbally eviscerate the other students
it's a... guilty pleasure, we'll say
and Deuce knows not to intervene
he tried... once
after all, he's been in your place before
nothing's better than the feeling of putting some snob in his place
BUT OF COURSE, that's the old Deuce
...he just lets you go on because he knows he can't stop you
...not because he's enjoying it. obviously
and here Leona was, thinking you were some helpless little herbivore...
but can you blame him?
you're always so... cute
skipping around Savanaclaw, all happy to be helping out Ruggie and Jack after practice...
you were bound to run into trouble, looking like an easy meal
he almost feels... bad for you...
but before he can step in and tell the freshies to buzz off, you...
damn, you've got a mouth on you
you switch up real quick on them, and they scamper off to go lick their wounds
color him impressed...
Azul was on his way back to the dorm when he heard you shout
you sounded... upset
and as much as he would like to, he can't just walk by and let you get bullied
damn sympathy...
so, he follows the sound of your voice, ready to intervene... on...
a group of embarrassed freshman run past him, scattering in the opposite direction
he steps around the corner
and there you are, perfectly fine, if not a little winded
...of course
and he didn't even get to be your hero... tch
"Always full of surprises, aren't you? Just don't give Floyd any of those new words to use,"
it's none of his business... it's none of his business...
until it is his business
Jamil wouldn't have come running to your rescue like some prince
but he is in the middle of a civil conversation with you!
how insulting! honestly!
those freshmen must take him for some kind of witless fool
just this once, he'll teach them not to disrespect him...
of course, he doesn't even get a word in
he's never seen anyone so...
your insults are poignant, your tone sharp and dangerous, your usage of puns perfect...
you're like a work of art
Vil has no problem with putting others in their place
and he has a particular dislike of the brutish, arrogant students at NRC
he can actually sense their unwashed presence in the hall before he sees them
one little snide comment and...
oh, my
you verbally tear them to shreds, insulting everything from their shoes to their posture, their cowardice, even their own insults
he's going to have to have a talk with you about your language later
but, for now...
...he's enjoying this little performance of yours
Idia starts the most heated discourse over his faves and biases online, but this is different
this is real life
and the second he can feel a shift in the atmosphere, he's hiding behind you
you can handle it yourself, right? you've done it before!
honestly, he has no clue how you deal with the normies at this school
delusion, probably
he'd die if anyone talked to him the way they talk to...
you're using words he hasn't even heard in real life
even he is freaked out
you can get real scary when you want to, huh?
...maybe he'll just stick with you for now...
poor Malleus
he actually kinda sorta wanted to defend your honor...
he could be your fairytale prince!!! he could!!
it's the gentlemanly thing to do, anyway
and, better yet, he wouldn't even have to say anything! just one glare from him and the perpetrators would run screaming
...the one benefit to his reputation
but, of course,
you are not as innocent and weak as you seem
and he can't help but feel... impressed? with your ability to defend yourself
after this is all over, he'll have to joke that you should join his guard
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the-boy-meets-evil · 1 month
building blocks | yjh (teaser)
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(agreeing to be the teaching assistant is the last thing you want in a semester where you're already swamped with work. but, you need a letter of recommendation from the professor and you're out of other options. enter jeonghan, the menace who signs up for the class seemingly on a whim and disrupts your entire routine.)
pairing: master's student!jeonghan x TA!f!reader genre: university!au, strangers to ?? | fluff, some angst, smut rating: explicit, minors DNI (for the full fic) word count: 842 for the teaser (est. 12-14k) warnings: none for the teaser (full fic: smut, drinking, eating, etc.) full fic: september 13th!
a/n: i wanted to drop a teaser of my fic for the TA collab hosted by the amazing @camandemstudios. those two have been working so hard on this and i can't wait to read all the fics. but go easy on me because i know next to nothing about structural engineering. credit to @caelesjjk for this banner, it's so amazing 🥰
join my taglist here or leave a comment to be tagged in the full fic!
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Your entire academic (and professional, for that matter) career has been a battle. A fight to be taken seriously. A fight to get the right classes. A fight to make the right connections. A fight for every inch that you’ve gotten. There are times that you wonder if it’s all worth it, wonder if anything should be as hard as this. But, all you’ve ever wanted was to be an engineer. To be able to leave your mark in some sort of meaningful way, even if that’s also a little conceited. It’s all you want and you’re so close to getting some much needed room to breathe. 
You have to make it through one last semester of this damn Master’s program. You had been able to find a sponsor to allow you to commit to a final semester full time, with only part time research work. That’ll put you in a good position to carry on for your Ph.D, with your dissertation topic already picked and funded. Things had been going entirely too smoothly, in hindsight. You should have known. Everything about your application to the upcoming program is perfect. Except for the final recommendation. And, of course, the professor to give that recommendation won’t just give it to you to recognize the years you’ve put into this. No. He implies that there’s something he needs from you.
Nothing really awful, in the grand scheme of things. Not for someone that does want to return as a lecturer at some point down the road. It’s just that you didn’t really want to be forced into a teaching assistant position for Professor Choi’s introductory structural engineering course. It’s the course that weeds out who’s actually going to carry on with the civil engineer branch of the Master’s program from those who may switch out to something that better suits them. Which, again, isn’t a huge deal, except that you remember how burnt out the TA looked from when you took the course and it’s the last thing you need during your last semester. It’s also hard to know that some portion of your future hinges on doing this. It’s also hard to forget another friend of yours admitting Professor Choi had given him a recommendation without the hoops.
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and all that. 
So you schedule your regular meetings with the professor, make a separate email folder for all course related communication, jot down the important dates, and figure out which lessons you have to help plan. First up is going to be the introductory class. Professor Choi comes in and introduces himself while you distribute the syllabus, an odd task when everything is available online through the portal, but he likes things in hard copy. Once he’s done his introduction, he leaves the rest of the first class to you, as he had with the TA in your course during your first semester. For a moment, you consider pointing out that this is a Master’s level course and you don’t really need to do the typical introductions. Most of these people have busy lives and, even though they’ll have to work together on projects, can manage without syllabus week. But, Choi is old school and you know it. You also need his letter, so what’s the point in trying to change his system? You’re not here to do anything other than fill a spot that he was having trouble filling, get your letter, and go. 
When you scan the roster before the first day, nobody particularly sticks out. There are a couple of relatively familiar names, though you’re not sure you can place faces to them, but most of the students seem to be in their first semester of the program. It only takes getting to the introductions for someone in the course to stick out.
“Well, I’ve always been good at building Legos. I figure, how different can it really be?” one student answers.
It takes everything in you to school your face back into a politely interested expression when the rest of the class bursts out laughing. Your initial reaction had been incredulity. Surely he couldn’t be serious. There’s no way someone just wandered into this program because he liked building Legos. The laughter from the rest of the class dies down and you keep your attention on him.
“Why did you really join the program?” you ask. That’s what every student was supposed to be sharing. A problem for this student, apparently.
“That is why I joined,” he says with an infuriating smirk. 
“What did you say your name was?” you ask.
“Jeonghan,” he answers without anything else.
You consult the roster in front of you and put a star by his name. This is someone you know you’re going to have to keep an eye on. 
“Did I get a star already?” he prompts, earning another few chuckles from his classmates.
“Something like that,” you say and then turn to the person next to him. “And why did you join?”
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i hope you enjoyed it! and less than a week til the full fic is posted 🫣
taglist: @newjihoonie, @tinyelfperson, @dokyeomkyeom, @miriamxsworld, @hongrizon, @klecksstorys, @sunflowergyeomie, @gyuminusone, @aaniag, @straykidswhoo789, @kimseokgen, @beomesbabe, @haolistic, @vanishingboots, @babybae-shisui, @harry-the-pottypus, @okiedokrie-main, @nuttywastelandmentality, @writingbarnes, @gyuhao365, @jjin-kun, @divinityyy, @dibidibidismynameisleeknow, @jelly-n (strikethrough means can't tag)
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richardtheteacher · 2 years
Simple Marketing Strategies You Should Be Using to Make Your Education Business Grow
Whether you're running a martial arts school, selling resources for teachers online or have some other education business, you'll need to let as many people know that you exist if you want to secure more customers. This blog post tells you how to do that:
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qirongshusband · 5 months
Hi reqesting a headcanon where in another au toji's wife died while giving birt to megumi and so Toji was by himself and had no clue on how to raise a kid so he went to a parenting class where he met male!reader who also his also a single father. Toji starts falling for male!reader
₊˚ʚ Toji HC’s . ₊˚✧ ゚.
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Note ~ of course, thank you so much for the request!!
MENTIONS — MaleTeacher!Reader, SFW, Fluff?, mentions of death and struggle, kissing, Toji falls in love with reader, Reader takes care of Megumi, some angst-ish, love confessing.
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— After Toji’s wife died he wasn’t really in a good state but he still had to try for the thing she left, their child, Megumi. He didn’t know how to take care of their child and he was completely lost, he’d searched up online if there were any type of learning ways on how to raise a child, there were classes he could attend for people like him. Who were also confused on how to raise a child.
— Toji started attending these parenting classes, at first he was confused but he kind of got the hang of it?..you’d have to help and correct him here and there but that’s what these classes were for, for you to help those who were confused, especially him.
— Toji appreciated your help a lot, he’d even ask if you could give him extra time to figure some things out he wasn’t sure on and you agreed, he was a nice guy and was a caring father trying for his child of course you’d say yes with no hesitation.
— During the times you did extra lessons with him the more you knew about him, and his child. You felt bad for him especially his child. The mother had passed away to birth due to a lot of blood loss, you felt bad for Toji and his child, Megumi. Toji would assure you that it’s okay and he’s grateful he has a helping hand with Megumi and someone who could help him during these hard times.
— Toji was a tough guy to crack, you couldn’t really read his emotions or tell how he was feeling. You both weren’t on that level of trust yet to were he’d tell you everything, Toji needed help with his child that is what he was there for. Not for friends..he didn’t see you as a friend a bad thing though. He just didn’t want to get distracted from the main point at hand, his child’s future.
— Little by little Toji has been picking up what you’ve been teaching him and he was glad he was able to raise Megumi correctly, he would thank you and you were a great help. He’d sometimes gave you a small genuine smile that you rarely see, a different side of him. He really was a sweet guy.
— as weeks, months, and maybe a year went by Megumi was growing up fast, Toji would sometimes come to you for help with Megumi when he was confused on behavior or what to do with Megumi’s change of growth. He’d even tell you that Megumi took his first steps recently and began speaking slowly, you were happy to hear that especially from the lessons you gave Toji you were glad he was putting them to use.
— Time from time Toji would invite you over to his place or even ask you out, as friends of course. He wanted to show his appreciation and also wanted to get closer to you, to be close with someone who helped him through a hard time and is still helping him. Usually he would take you for a bite to eat or a stroll out bringing Megumi, of course you didn’t mind because he was a single father and had no one else to take care of him.
— Toji felt closer to you, trusted you more, he told you how he was feeling more often and was more soft with you. He felt a strange feeling when around you or when talking with you..a good feeling? Like his body was happy and his insides felt fuzzy and warm, he couldn’t help but smile around you. He’d always ask how you are and if you are busy with work so the both of you can make plans, and if you’re free he’d always snatch you up after work. You loved when Megumi came along he was really cute, he even learned how to say your name. It made your heart melt, he was such an adorable kid and Toji was such a good father, you also felt a way towards him but you tried to push those feelings aside, he lost his wife almost a year ago and he was a single father, plus was he even gay? You were sure but didn’t want to push the matter. You were glad the both of you were good friends anyways.
— months go on, you both are still great friends. Toji would still come around to your work place here and there to ask for help or what he should do with/for Megumi. And of course..you were more than happy to help.
— Toji starts to feel something towards you..at first he thought it was just him being comfortable with you but he figured out it was more than that, at first he tried to deny it. He wasn’t gay, he couldn’t be, he has a wife..or well he had one. He feels a romantic feeling towards you and he’s unsure if it’s mutual, he assume it isn’t because he’s just some guy who could barely afford his rent and needs help to take care of a kid. Who’d want a guy like that? Sure he was good looking but he didn’t think he’d even have qualities of a partner. He tried to push those feelings aside and just wanted to remain your friend, he doesn’t want to lose what he has with you already.
— Toji who would always text and call you showing you how Megumi was doing and always made sure to thank you, it really made your day. It was so cute on how good of a father Toji was, he was so sweet towards Megumi honestly so heart warming, you’d reassure him it was no problem and that was what you were there for.
— Toji was usually busy with work to provide for himself and Megumi, but he managed to pull through. Especially thanks to your help, it didn’t help his feelings what so ever, his feelings towards you grew even stronger. He was beginning to love you and he couldn’t control it. To Toji you were such a sweet and cute guy, he’s never felt that way about a man like that before, and he’s never even gave it though..dating a guy? He wasn’t sure anyways. He tried to shove those thoughts away but couldn’t due to the image of you he had in his head. A sweet, caring, loving guy who was great with kids. To him you were also very pretty, very handsome, you made his heart flutter whenever he saw you.
— Toji couldn’t get you out of his mind so he got a sitter for the day and invited you out, he wanted to take a walk and have a talk with you. You happily obliged and were curious to what he wanted to talk about, once the both of you were hanging out he explained to you how he was feeling.
“Hey, sorry for the random call, jus’ wanted to talk to ya’ about sumthin’.” He spoke looking at you, gazing into your eyes before looking away, you told him it was okay and not to worry about it! As the two of you were walking and taking a stroll in the park he confessed..he told you how he was feeling about you and wanted to know how you felt, you looked happy, your eyes where glimmering with happiness as you gave him a warm smile and spoke back to him, “I’ve also felt that way towards you as well, Toji! I did not know you’d feel something like that towards— towards me..it’s honestly quite shocking but I’m really happy.” You hugged him tightly as he hugged you back wrapping his arms around your torso. He smiled before he used his hand to lift up your chin and slowly lean towards you, he kissed you gently and softly. You gasped but got used to it and kissed him back, melting into the kiss as you felt like you were on cloud nine.
— Toji who started dating you after that day happened, he’d cover Megumi’s eyes when you and him would kiss, he’d compliment you, tell you how much he loves you, he’d try his best to spoil you in anyway he can. He’s completely infatuated with you, Inlove, it wasn’t a bad thing because so were you.
— you and Toji moved in together a few months after dating, you would help around with Megumi as he was working, of course you still did you job too you would even bring Megumi to work with you occasionally. You and Toji shared a room, he was sweet to you, he’d help you as much as he could, he’d go on about how much he loves you, protects you, tells you he will always make sure you’re safe and loved when you’re with him
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dreamdolldeveloper · 8 months
back to basics
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mostly free resources to help you learn the basics that i've gathered for myself so far that i think are cool
gcfglobal - about the internet, online safety and for kids, life skills like applying for jobs, career planning, resume writing, online learning, today's skills like 3d printing, photoshop, smartphone basics, microsoft office apps, and mac friendly. they have core skills like reading, math, science, language learning - some topics are sparse so hopefully they keep adding things on. great site to start off on learning.
handsonbanking - learn about finances. after highschool, credit, banking, investing, money management, debt, goal setting, loans, cars, small businesses, military, insurance, retirement, etc.
bbc - learning for all ages. primary to adult. arts, history, science, math, reading, english, french, all the way to functional and vocational skills for adults as well, great site!
education.ket - workplace essential skills
general education
mathsgenie - GCSE revision, grade 1-9, math stages 1-14, provides more resources! completely free.
khan academy - pre-k to college, life skills, test prep (sats, mcat, etc), get ready courses, AP, partner courses like NASA, etc. so much more!
aleks - k-12 + higher ed learning program. adapts to each student.
biology4kids - learn biology
cosmos4kids - learn astronomy basics
chem4kids - learn chemistry
physics4kids - learn physics
numbernut - math basics (arithmetic, fractions and decimals, roots and exponents, prealgebra)
education.ket - primary to adult. includes highschool equivalent test prep, the core skills. they have a free resource library and they sell workbooks. they have one on work-life essentials (high demand career sectors + soft skills)
youtube channels
the organic chemistry tutor
professor leonard
readworks - reading comprehension, build background knowledge, grow your vocabulary, strengthen strategic reading
chompchomp - grammar knowledge
not the "free resource" part of this post but sometimes we forget we can be tutored especially as an adult. just because we don't have formal education does not mean we can't get 1:1 teaching! please do you research and don't be afraid to try out different tutors. and remember you're not dumb just because someone's teaching style doesn't match up with your learning style.
cambridge coaching - medical school, mba and business, law school, graduate, college academics, high school and college process, middle school and high school admissions
preply - language tutoring. affordable!
revolutionprep - math, science, english, history, computer science (ap, html/css, java, python c++), foreign languages (german, korean, french, italian, spanish, japanese, chinese, esl)
varsity tutors - k-5 subjects, ap, test prep, languages, math, science & engineering, coding, homeschool, college essays, essay editing, etc
chegg - biology, business, engineering/computer science, math, homework help, textbook support, rent and buying books
learn to be - k-12 subjects
for languages
lingq - app. created by steve kaufmann, a polygot (fluent in 20+ languages) an amazing language learning platform that compiles content in 20+ languages like podcasts, graded readers, story times, vlogs, radio, books, the feature to put in your own books! immersion, comprehensible input.
flexiclasses - option to study abroad, resources to learn, mandarin, cantonese, japanese, vietnamese, korean, italian, russian, taiwanese hokkien, shanghainese.
fluentin3months - bootcamp, consultation available, languages: spanish, french, korean, german, chinese, japanese, russian, italian.
fluenz - spanish immersion both online and in person - intensive.
pimsleur - not tutoring** online learning using apps and their method. up to 50 languages, free trial available.
incase time has passed since i last posted this, check on the original post (not the reblogs) to see if i updated link or added new resources. i think i want to add laguage resources at some point too but until then, happy learning!!
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dreamauri · 7 months
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♪ — 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦 𝗥𝗢𝗖𝗞 - part three max verstappen x fem! driver! reader (fluff) series summary . . . when the lives of an f1 and wec prodigies collide, hey find out hey find out that they're not that different and carve out a place for their selves in each others hearts. the commentators from sky sports call this puppy love
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liked by landonorris maxverstappen1 and 21.6k others y.ln p4 on first our race, not where we wanted to be but we'll get there!! round one, check ✅ imola next, can't wait 👋
landonorris Y/NNN ⤷ yn.halimi LANDOO
username good luck
ferrarihypercar you did an amazing job out there! ⤷ yn.halimi forza ragazzi ❤️
username Wtf Porsche dominated like Red Bull in f1. A lot of work to do for Ferrari. But forza Ferrari
carlossainz55 Ojalá hubiera podido venir a mirar [wish i could have come and watched] ⤷ yn.halimi La próxima vez! Acabo de recibir noticias sobre tu p3, va a ser una gran temporada👍[next time. i just received news about your p3, it's going to be a great season] ⤷ carlossainz55 cuándo será la próxima vez? imola? [when will be the next time? imola?] ⤷ yn.halimi sí, Imola en abril. eso es hasta ahora [yea, imola in april] ⤷ landonorris soy lago ⤷ yn.halimi dora the explorer did not teach you well
username Consider Qatar 1812 a race about discovery, of finding out a lot about the car 🏎️🐎
maxverstappen1 thumbs up ⤷ landonorris soy lago ⤷ landonorris i think max is having a stroke? ⤷ yn.halimi soy lago? you trying to show off your spanish skills?😂
username I see the F1 ferrari energy slowly transferring to WEC
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thumbs up. you couldn't hold in the smile that curled on your lips as you re-read the comment. exiting your profile and going to dms, you didn't scroll far to reach the desired contact.
'saw you asked for me the other night' you typed, turning you phone off after so you could slip in your bed and shut your eyes for the night. it had been a long day for you and now that you were finally back in your hotel you couldn't wait for some proper rest.
but maybe you could stay up a little longer. Once your phone buzzed from on the nightstand you'd snatched it and unlocked it. 'we were playing fifa and i wanted to beat you' you couldn't feel the wide smile that stuck on your face. 'fifa you say? i might not have my console with me but i have some free time and my soccer shoes' you typed back quickly seeing he was still online and in the chat.
'what do you have in mind?' if your smile could have gotten any bigger, it would've. you sat up looking around your room. after a few seconds of thinking you looked back down at your phone. 'see you in jeddah?'
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The weather didn't bother you that much. you barely ever wear revealing clothes so wearing modest clothes didn't feel odd. you were too busy dribbling the football to be bothered by something irrelevant as clothes anyways, especially since max was chasing you and trying to steal the ball away.
Unlike the dutch who didn't waste any of his time going over to jeddah, you arrived during the evening, sometime after four. it was only at 5:30 did the two of you decide to actually go through with the plan of having a small football match together.
You were very surprised that the dutchman had accommodated for your time together at his hotel, somehow managing to book the tennis courts and take out the nets so you could makeshift a football field. It was a single goalie match, your shoes that you never got to wear making where the goal was.
"That's cheating." You huff-laughed, pushing him back with your shoulder. You must not have been in race mode because Max's reaction time skills were still on. in your moment of weakness he was able to steal the ball and take his shot to the bake shift goal. "Yea!" He cheered throwing his hands up, dabbing.
Crouched down on your knees, you tried to hold in a laugh at max. "That doesn't cpunt! You cheated!" You accused, getting back up on your feet. the time was sometime in early 6 and the sky had taken a nice gold and orange colour. "Contact!" Max fiend hurt as you you pushed your side into his sending him a couple of steps to regain his balance. "a 5-second time penalty for ms. L/N." "A fine for mr. verstappen." "A fine?" max put a hand on his chest making a shocked face. "Oh dear, go easy my bank account."
"Hmm" you put your hands on your hips, pretending to think. "I'm sorry mr. verstappen, but it's pretty big fine." "oh no. How much?" he played along, pretending to be worried and shocked.
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"It's bad they don't serve wine here, I'd be getting two gorgeous bottles of 1945 Domaine de la Romanee-Conti." You hummed, whispering about the wine once the waiter severed your table and left. "1945 what?" Max chuckled as took a sip of his drink ( which was actually just redbull in a fancy glass ) before picking up his fork to begin with the mini feast you ordered.
"Expensive french stuff." you shrugged, starting to eat from your own plate. "How expensive." He asked, chewing and looking at you. You gave another shrug, drinking your own drink (which was also just redbull in a fancy glass) to help swallow. "about 558k?" Max chocked on his food momentarily and you laughed at his reaction.
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shuenkio · 4 months
In the Sauna 🔥
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Paring: Ni-ki x male!reader
Cw: mentioned of dick, naked, masturbate.
Genre: soft smau, crack, [not a smut]
Summary: He wants to teach you how to be brave.
Read at your own risk.
Lack of perfect words/Non proof read ><
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You have been friends with Riki ever since kindergarten, and it's incredible how strong your bond has remained despite the challenges that come with long-term friendships. There have been moments when he has irritated you to no end, and you have had your fair share of disagreements. However, Riki always manages to swallow his pride and apologize, pleading for your forgiveness and seeking your companionship once again.
Even the classic duo of Tom and Jerry pales in comparison to the dynamic tension between you and Riki.
On an evening Sunday, you and Riki decide to visit a sauna for a relaxing steam, a plan that had been in the works
Upon arriving at the Sauna, you are instantly captivated by the surroundings, feeling the tension in your shoulders melting away. Despite having seen it in pictures online, nothing compares to the real thing, the atmosphere bustling with life and activity. Everywhere you look, people stroll by with boil eggs and head towels shaped like sheep, creating an adorable sight.
As Riki leads the way, your eyes continue to roam curiously, taking in every detail of the Sauna. Sensing your distraction, he gently grabs your hand, guiding you to the reservation room that you booked together the previous day.
*Inside the sauna*
The steam sauna room is a cozy haven for relaxation and stress relief, with its small, enclosed space filled with warm, humid air generated by a steam generator. The room is equipped with benches for comfortable seating, smooth walls, and soothing lighting, creating a tranquil atmosphere for sweating and unwinding.
As Riki settles down and taps the empty space beside him, motioning for you to join him, you take a seat, feeling a bit self-conscious about revealing your skin in this public setting.
"I can't believe we're in a place like this riki, wild free like we're in some kind of jungle," you said, as you covered your chest with your hands, still not used to exposing your skin in a crowded place like this.
Riki chuckled under his breath, shaking his head in disbelief. You've always been the shy type one and never changed ever since he first met you.
"Relax, this is our private room, nobody gonna stare at you just look at me! Do like this" He swung both of his hands and leaned against the wall, as he closed his eyes enjoying the warm the man spreading sight.
Being friends with him, you've to get used to seeing him being like this, didn't give af about anyone around him, he likes to do whatever crosses his mind.
The small towel that wrapped around his waistband began to strip down a little, loosening its grip, but looking at him right now, he was already in a daydream.
"Hey hey, your towel is about to loosen!" You said, alerted him. If he let it go, he'd be naked.
No response from him.
"Yahh are you deaf—" You turn your head toward him, gesturing him to do something. Imagine someone burst in by accident, wouldn't he be embarrassed? Or not?
"Ughh you're so annoying mn, imma just" his eyes are still closed, while he pulls out his towel, and throws it beside him. Spring free his long length, all sweaty with his uncut.
Your mouth dropped open, stunned at what you have just witnessed. This dude is a definition of brave for real. The urge to fire back at him stopped, you know that no matter what you say, he won't listen to you anyway. Let him be.
You take a deep heavy sigh before minding your own business. His being naked is not the first time you've seen it, countless times on record, however, acts like he's at home in this place, giving you a second hand embarrassed, anxious that someone could break in, and misunderstood.
"Can you just not for a day? What if someone comes in?" You said, slightly mad at him for his behaviors, he acts like he is a child.
"Ijbol who cares? Maybe I'd left them impressed with my big dick here" He smirked, teasing you was one of his joy to see your priceless reaction. He then stroked slowly on his length in a playful manner, pushing you to the edge.
A flashed red blush spreads across your face, even though you get used to it, his size always turning you on, clicking your button every time. You act as if you don't care, so he'll stop giving you a hard time.
Nevertheless, as he continues to play with his crotch, you feel your member poking under the towel, begging to set them free. The aroused feels growing on you a little by a little until it's fully hard.
You don't have anything to cover it up, in this steam sauna room, your leg could be used for some help. You cross your leg hoping that, he wouldn't notice your dick although his hawk eyes are already piercing your towel.
"Did I turn you on mn? My apologies if I give you a hard dick" his cocky face after he say that, irritated you so much. This is all his fault.
"Shut up you duck" you reply, as you try your best to not let your member leak. This towel is so short, barely covers your ass up, which makes your temperature even worse mixed with horny.
The moment of silence, suddenly filled with wet noises. Riki is now holding on to his dick, jerking off, chasing for his pleasure. Biting on his towel, moving his palm in a fast pace.
A gasp escapes his mouth, as he maintains the speed on his fingertips. You stay frozen, cherish the moment, and behold the sight.
In a few more strokes, his glans are dripping with his pre-cum, showering his shift in transparent wet sticky pieces of stuff. Despite not reaching his goal yet, he increases the tempo, running his fingers rapidly.
Leaving him more breathless, heaving his chest in unstable motions. Gritting his teeth tight on his towel, bites back his moans painfully.
Soon enough, he splashed out the wet cum all over his thighs. Arching his back in ecstasy, shooting out the mess on the spot he is sitting on.
"S~ee You gotta take not from me, cumming in a steam sauna lol" He uttered in an exhausted voice, worn out from the sensation of masturbated.
You didn't realize that your dick also dripping in pre-cum.
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ crd to all pics&dividers
🗣️ small update ~
🗣️ Don't by shy, request me 😔 I still need idea for Sunoo one 🫣
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astroismypassion · 3 months
Credit goes to astrology blog @astroismypassion
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Cancer Sun people in your life. You could make money via starting your own small business from home or take a leadership role, especially in the kitchen, family matters, children, education, history and geography. You may be an excellent tour guide of your local town. You may also find wealth through becoming a coach, personal trainer or someone who suggest meal plan for a specific sport, for example meal plan for runners.
You feel the most abundant when you have Taurus and Cancer Sun people in your life. You could make money via real estate, gardening, landscaping, art and craftsmanship. You can sell handmade items, such as pottery, jewelry or home decor. You may also offer gardening services, sell plants or draw plants and sell your drawings online. You could start a home-based catering service, bakery or sell homemade goods at a local market. You might be able to create financial plans for families since you have a knack for helping others to manage their finances.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini and Cancer Sun people in your life. You could make money via writing articles, blogs, even e-books from home. Especially on platforms like Medium, Substack or starting your own blog from the comfort of your home. You may also offer tutoring services o reven create online courses in subjects you are passionate about (Udemy, Coursera, VIPKid).
You feel the most abundant when you have Cancer Sun people in your life. You could make money via a home-based business, such as home bakery, daycare or arts and crafts. You could find abundance in life by becoming a life coach, counselor or therapist. You may earn money from a home-cooked meal delivery. You can also each yourself interior design.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Cancer Sun people in your life. You could make money via music, singing, performing from home, tutoring someone in music and teaching them how to play an instrument. You may also post tutorials (for example guitar tutorials) online from the comfort of your home.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Cancer Sun people in your life. You could make money via selling your homemade jams, pies or granola mix. You may also offer healthy student snacks or offer tips on how to make those at home with cheap and easy ingredients. Again, you could feel abundant when starting a podcast or your own local book club or even themed book club.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra and Cancer Sun people in your life. You could make money via designing and selling your own T-shirts, designing logos for other people. You could be good at doing make up for weddings or birthday parties. You have a knack to be an excellent host at your own home. You feel the most abundant when you have balanced family relations and friendships, partnership.
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Cancer Sun people in your life. You could make money via teaching people how to overcome tough situations in life and helping them find their purpose, hosting a leadership course online or from home. You may also enjoy talking about mental health and psychology.
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius and Cancer Sun people in your life. You could make money via showing tourists your hometown, hosting a culinary course in a foreign language on the local cuisine. You could also find abundance by becoming a local tour guide, even offering virtual tours of your local town.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn and Cancer Sun people in your life. You could make money via working with your parents, helping other families finding structure and order in the home, organising someone's closet.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius and Cancer Sun people in your life. You could make money via video gaming from home and streaming. You could also start a home-based business. You feel the wealthiest when you are being progressive, unique and standing out from the community. You may attract wealth by starting a podcast with your close friends, building websites from home or launching your own social media channel, platform.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces and Cancer Sun people in your life. You could make money via taking photos of families or pregnant women. You may also do videos for someone's wedding, anniversary or birthday. You may host themed parties at home for your friends or poetry nights.
Credit goes to astrology blog @astroismypassion
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 years
Mercury ☿️ in Houses- What you are good at?
Mercury in 1st : Good at starting conversations, asking different questions, thinking of different possibilities, cognizing the environment.
Mercury in 2nd: Good at making money, good at finding new source of income, good at public speaking, good at cooking ingredients.
Mercury in 3rd: Good with gathering information, good with hands and manual jobs, good at making friends/acquaintances.
Mercury in 4th: Good with psychology, understanding people's emotions and feelings, good with remembering past events, good with real estate.
Mercury in 5th: Good with young children, kids, story telling, drawing, speculation, writing short stories, romance fiction.
Mercury in 6th: Good with exercise plans, fitness lessons, diet and nutrition, cooking, loans, finance, accounting.
Mercury in 7th : Good with PR, sales, marketing, advertising, business, counselling, law.
Mercury in 8th: Good with astrology, occult, psychology, finding secrets, detective jobs, investigation, medicine.
Mercury in 9th: Good with teaching, preaching, managing travel itineraries, tour guide, foreign languages, law, publishing.
Mercury in 10th: Good with executive jobs, admin jobs, good with Government work, paper work, documents. Good at time management.
Mercury in 11th: Good at networking, making new friends, building online presence, social media, good at influencing, promotions, business skills, entrepreneur.
Mercury in 12th : Good at imagining, contemplating, good with abstract concepts, psychology, poetry, medicine, chemistry, fiction.
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ayylovley · 7 months
Could you do some windbreaker characters with a fem s/o that likes to wear lolita dresses :) you can choose the windbreaker characters I can’t decide they are all so hot ^ - ^
Yess hope you enjoy ✨
𝔚𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔟𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔯 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔵 𝔏𝔬𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔞 𝔣𝔢𝔪 𝔰/𝔬
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✧.* JayJo
Once he saw you for the first time he’s bug-eyed and curious. Normally your style isn’t common so you stand out a lot. Some people around you compliment you and ask where you got your outfits. Others are annoying and mean and want to make fun of you and sometimes it’s very subtle. But Jay is very observant and can see the talking shit behind your back, and he’s not going to have any of it. Even if he doesn’t know you that well your style grabbed his attention, so little by little he’ll start talking to you. Being one of the people that compliment you but something was different with him, his smile was warmer and his body language exposed slight interest. Whatever you wear is his excuse to talk to you, for example if you’re holding an umbrella on a nice day he wants to talk about your outfit and then ends up asking more questions.
Conversations become about what type of music you guys like, what artists, recommendations, anything you recommend he will listen to it once he’s at home while he’s studying. But he can barely concentrate because you’re on his mind constantly. The music turns into eventually exchanging phone numbers to talk more, Jay is trying to stay friends for very long though because a month later he asked you out. Now that you guys are dating anything you wear he loves, even looking up the Lolita style online to search for dresses and accessories and send you pictures of them ‘Do you like this?’ ‘This reminds me of you.’ ‘I think you’d look good in this one’
He’s more protective of you because ain’t no way he’s gonna let anyone make fun of you now. Warnings and threats can turn into physical fights because people are so petty. He teaches them a lesson though, and he’s extra romantic with you afterwards. He admires your confidence and how you embrace yourself he doesn’t want that to end. A confidence booster, for sure. He’s your biggest fan, probably wants to take pictures of you a lot. Even if he doesn’t show it, trust me he’s obsessed with you and wants to be around you every second of every day
(That was long idk what happened just brain meats poured scenarios out of my head)
✧.* Vinny Hong
(This got a bit angsty)
Ok Vinny isn’t going to be as… responsive to how he likes your style, but he still thinks it’s really cool. If you’re dating him since he’s poor he’ll feel guilt for not being able to afford to buy you more outfits but at least he can afford flowers that match the color of what you’re wearing that day on a date. Whatever he can’t afford, he comes up with a plan to give whatever he has. He acts cold but he genuinely cares about you and wouldn’t want to lose you for the world. If you’re still dating him when he’s rich that’s when he’ll spoil you. He doesn’t expect anything back he just wants you to be happy.
You won’t be able to see Vinny as much due to crew business, but once he makes time for you he doesn’t want to leave you. These times are actually the hardest because if he’s going through it he will want to hold you. No need for words when you finally see each other he just wants to be in your arms again. And once he has to leave again he is even worse than before, your smiles just give him peace and comfort again and he needs that more than ever.
✧.* Dom Kang
Dom is simping… you’re a goddess to him that whenever he sees you he gets flustered and embarrasses himself a little. He’s not shy about showing how much he loves you, random kisses, hugs from behind, lots of compliments. He likes to brag and show you off (didn’t mean to reference the Doja Cat song lmao) But seriously he does… Especially when you’re rooting for him during the tournaments and he wins. He’s proud of himself and especially when you shower him with praises and hugs. Watch him melt and turn into a puddle.
✧.* Shelly Scott
One of the most romantic characters and your biggest supporter. If you don’t pull the strings she does and a lot of the times being the flirty one. You got her attention with your stand outish style like Jay. She genuinely wanted to be your friend at first, but she fell first and she fell hard. You fell hard too from how her charismatic personality and caring so much was pulling you in. It’ll take a little longer to confess to each other because you both assume you might not be into girls. But with little hints from Shelly, it started with subtle flirting comments like “If you were my girlfriend I’d spoil you.”
Finally she got the courage for just one date and see how it goes. Pretty much by the second date you’re official. She’s a bit clingy but that’s just her way of showing that she loves you. When she was training hard twitch her dad to help Humming Bird unfortunately she couldn’t reach out to you much but would send occasional texts like ‘😚’ or the cutesy love gifs
✧.* Wooin Yoo
Wooin might fun of you… Especially when he met you, but in his head he thinks he looks good and he can think it’s pretty hot that you don’t care what people think. And just like Dom, I feel like he enjoys when you watch him during his races. But compared to Dom, Wooin is kissing his own ass, “did you see how awesome I am, babe?” So you’d probably be mostly quiet until he’s done talking about himself or notices that you’re not saying anything to hype him up and comments on it
If someone made fun of you that’s when his limit comes because only he can make fun of you. He doesn’t care who it is even if his crew were to make fun of you. Though that wouldn’t really happen because 1. They know Wooin would be pissed 2. They actually don’t care how you dress. Surprisingly when you spend more time with The Sabbath Crew they aren’t as mean as you thought. Well, compared to your own boyfriend. But really when it comes to Wooin he is on high alert when you’re out with him making sure no one is looking at you the wrong way
✧.* Joker
Joker is the quiet type. But he’ll make up with it with physical touch and kisses. Just like Wooin he can’t stand it when people talk shit. Except Wooin doesn’t get into fights unless he’s provoked to, Joker on the other hand is violent. So he isn’t giving any warnings he’s giving a punch to a face. If you tell him that you don’t like when he gets into fights he will just not do it in front of you
On the cutesy side of things you met his brother and he thought you were cool. And his new puppy might finally have a babysitter while he’s in tournaments if you’re ok with it. If not he can just take the puppy with him like usual. Now he has someone to gush over animals with.
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yoitsjay · 3 months
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Hands On (MDNI 18+)
Pairings: Tech x Fem!reader
Summary: Tech can't keep his eyes off you, so you decide he needs to give you some private demonstrations of why.
Warnings: unprotected sex (p in v), rough ish smut, porn with a loose plot, Tech jealousy, cream pie, pussay eating, squirting.
Word count: 3,176
You had a special affinity for ships, and metal parts which was rare for the Jedi, but even though you were a good fighter, you typically busied yourself underneath a ship’s console amidst the wiring. It wasn't hidden that the jedi thought you were… strange, but you didn’t really care what they thought, you just fixed ships and even modified them.
You had been fighting with the 501st since you first became a jedi knight, but the council had decided that three jedi for one battalion was too much, so they placed you with a different squad.
That’s how you ended up with Clone Force 99, your newfound family who were oh so grateful for your mechanical skills, repairs on the marauder went ten times faster with you on board, and you created some pretty special bonds with each of the men on board.
You and Tech have an especially unique bond, both very smart when it comes to useless information on subjects the other bad batchers didn’t need to know. But you and Tech often had some very thoughtful conversations about which jedi was more likely to trip in battle, or about mechanical parts on ships and speeders.
You ended up becoming a permanent part of their unit after a year, and because of that connection you had between the 501st and the bad batch, it opened up some teamwork opportunities. Like today for instance.
Captain Rex had commed you, and requested your presence specifically on the planet of Aeos Prime which was under attack by separatists, and had requested aid from the republic. But the separatists apparently had a new cannon that could disable ships and speeders, and so they needed you to come fix the speeders and teach some of the clones what to do in case it happened again.
So that brought you to now, helping Tech pilot the MArauder as it was shot down from the sky by one of those cannons. “It's gonna be a bumpy landing!” You called out to the boys behind you as you and tech pulled the steering controls upward to try and glide over the water to reach the island that the 501st was beached on.
The Marauder shook violently, but with a press of a button and pull of a lever you momentarily restored power and tech was able to somewhat land the ship before power was lost again. But you were on ground and that's all that mattered.
You stood up, grabbing your large tool box as you grinned at Tech. “I’m going to go help the regs if you wanna start getting the ship back online.” You suggested, and when he nodded you walked off the ship, jumping off the ramp since the ship was at an angle and the ramp was more up than it was down.
A couple clones were already waiting, clones you recognized as Kix and Jesse. “Hey boys! called for a pick me up?” You joked as you reached them, letting out a happy squeal when Jesse ruffled your hair which was currently down instead of up in a braid or ponytail.
Tech noticed the way you immediately got comfortable with the other clones, and something sparked inside his chest, foreign and uncomfortable… He sighed, and turned away as he pried off a panel on the outside of the panel, and got to work like you suggested.
Soon you were with the majority of the 501st and they all greeted you with hugs and smiles. Anakin and Ahsoka were there as well and waved quickly before going over whatever plans they needed. Jesse and Kix lead you to a group of speeders, and to fives who is trying his best to rewire one of the speeders but is failing miserably. “Your wires are too messy, and you're touching the wrong colours together.” your voice carried out, and Fives sat up immediately to greet you, only for him to smash his head into the bottom of the speeder.
He grunted, but sat up regardless, grinning at you. “Hey, it's my favorite jedi!” He exclaimed, standing up to pull you into a tight hug which you happily reciprocated, pulling away to fix your glasses with a grin.
When you worked alongside the 501st fives always flirted with you, and it was cute but you know it would never go past flirting, as much as he tried you always turned him down. “Hey fives, Rex said you needed my help, so i'll show you how to rewire the speeders and then you can do it on your own!” You explained happily, setting your toolbox down as you knelt down, Fives following your lead.
You started instructing fives, and a few shiny clones on how to rewire the speeders, and once you fixed one, fives booted it up, and it worked, revving into action with no issue. “Ta da!” You exclaimed and made your way to another speeder that a shiny seemed to be struggling with. And with some gentle instruction he managed to get his speeder started too.
Fives whistled in appreciation, standing by your side as he flashed you a grin, and you knew what that meant. “No fives, I'm not getting drinks at 79’s with you.” You huffed, rolling your eyes and adjusting your glasses as he huffed. “No fun… but uh listen- i could use some more help on this speeder, i don't think i did it correctly.” He spoke, a sly tone lacing his words.
You raised an eyebrow but followed him regardless. By now the heat of the sun had started affecting you so you unzipped the top part of your coveralls, and wrapped the arms around your waist which left you in your spaghetti strap tank top, and you were already sweating through that too.
regardless you worked through the heat, showing fives how to rewire the speeder again for the upteenth time. In the meantime, Tech had almost finished with the ship, his brothers were off talking with Rex and Anakin so he decided to take a small break to go find you.
You were by the speeders still, but as Tech approached he noticed Fives extremely close to you, his hand resting on the small of your back as you instructed him, that focused look that Tech loved sprawled across your face, sweat dripping down your brow. He saw you adjust your glasses again, and then wipe the sweat off your face.
As he got closer, he heard Fives follow your instruction to the letter, and then grin at you with a mischievous look in his eyes when he asked what was next. Tech then stepped forward, the flash of his armor catching your attention. You moved away from fives, and Tech noticed the frown on his lips when you moved to Tech.
“Hey honey, are you done with the ship already?” You asked, but Tech should his head. “No, I am doing what you advised and I am taking a designated pause in my work.” He replied, almost melting when he heard the giggle that left your lips, and the sweat that dripped down past them. “Cool, maybe you can tell fives that he doesn't need my help and that he can start teaching the shinies what to do.” You joked, nudging Fives with your hand.
“Hm, if she says your work is adequate then i believe her, best let her fix the rest of the vessels.” Tech stated, tapping on his datapad before hearing fives scoff. “I mean I could totally get something wrong in the wiring, it's best if Y/n just shows me one more time, right?” Fives asked you.
You huffed, and opened your mouth to speak, only for Tech to speak up before you could. “Do you even know how to take what you’ve learned and apply it to your work, reg? At least I know what a regulator is on an A9-51 spacecraft.” Tech snarked, and you turned to look at him with slightly widened eyes. an A9-51 was your favorite type of ship and how he knew that caught you off guard since you never told anyone.
He could have guessed… but that’s such an intricate ship to guess… It kind of made your heart flutter, knowing that he knew about such intricate work…
You snapped back to the conversation when fives finished replying with something snarky, mentioning something about a repulser core which had nothing to do with spaceships or speeders. You scrunched up your nose slightly, crossing your arms over your chest as they bickered back and forth about ship parts and weapon parts before you finally spoke up.
“Okay boys settle down, there's only one of me.” You joked and gently placed your hand on Tech’s shoulder, biting down on your bottom lip as you thought of what to say before turning to look at Fives. “You’ve got the speeder's fives, you don’t need my help.” you stated, looking at Tech. “I could use your help though.” You added, your eyes meeting his for a moment.
God you felt dirty looking at Tech this way, seeing the sweat drip down his face and neck before disappearing under his armor.. you wanted to see what was underneath that armor…
you exhaled, and glanced back at the bigger ships before you flagged over a shiny trooper. “start on rewiring the ships, here's a little guide for you to follow.” You explained, handing the trooper a hastily scribbled post it note on what wires to touch together and what not to touch. It was simple, nothing crazy. But once the trooper walked away you basically curled your fingers around the top part of Tech’s chestplate, and started dragging him behind you as you headed to the Marauder.
“Are you okay Y/n?” Tech asked as you climbed on board before you closed the ramp and marauder doors, leading him to the empty cockpit. “Tech, I think you need to demonstrate how to undo the bundle of wires in the Extrapolator core.” You whined out, his eyes widening as it clicked in his mind what exactly you meant. He gulped, and made sure the cockpit doors were locked as he removed parts of his armor.
“I can definitely give you a much needed demonstration, darling.” Tech nearly purred, eyes widening as you pulled off your coveralls, leaving you in tight black workout shorts and your tank top. He hastily ridded himself of the rest of his armor just as you started pulling off the last thin layer of clothes.
“Oh my-” Tech choked out once your tank top was removed, and a perfect perky set of tits popped out from underneath as he quickly realized you were wearing no bra. “kriff-” Tech cursed, gawking at your lavish thighs, and muscular shoulders. You were not thin, or tiny like a lot of the women in brothels or bars that tried to flirt with his brothers, no you were full, and strong and that's another thing he fell in love with.
You approached him, now completely naked in front of him. He felt your fingers yank at the hem of his blacks, and he aided you in pulling them off, his skin tingling everywhere you touched him, starting from his shoulders and down to his chest, before traveling even lower now.
A gasp suddenly fell from your lips as you felt Tech’s fingers make contact with your clit, your legs trembled but Tech was quick to swoop you up and place you down on the center console. He lowered himself on his knees in front of you, sliding his hands up and down your thighs as he started placing small kisses closer and closer to your dripping cunt.
“I have done much research on this subject.” he kissed a different part of your inner thighs with every word he spoke, a gasp leaving your lips as his nose just barely brushed against your clit. “I hypothesize that you will enjoy this experience, and I will make you- what women call- squirt.” He spoke bluntly, but said nothing else as he moved in and wrapped his lips around your clit.
Whatever you were going to say was cut off by the sensation, and you automatically closed your thighs around his head for a moment, grinding into his face before he managed to pry your thighs open, and get a better angle. “Fuck- Tech-” You whined out, sliding one of your hands to his hair as he glanced up at you.
Another moan fell from your lips as his ungloved fingers started circling your entrance, gathering up your fluids on his fingers before he gently slid one finger inside you, a sharp gasp leaving your lips as you tensed up. “Wait-” You choked out, and tech paused, pulling his head back as he looked up at you, panting slightly.
He removed his finger, and you whined but said nothing, looking almost embarrassed. “Darling? what’s the matter?” He asked, gently squeezing your thighs. “I- im…” You trailed off, biting down on your lower lip before blurting it out. “I’m a virgin… so be gentle please.” You muttered to him. Buttech looked unphased.
“Do not worry Cyar’ika, I'll take care of you.” He muttered, placing a kiss to your thigh which helped relax you. Your eyes fluttered closed for a moment, only to shoot open when tech’s mouth attached to your pussy again, and his finger gently slid back inside, unmoving for a couple seconds before he started pumping it in and out, stretching you before he added in a second finger.
A louder moan left your lips now, and you tried to cover your mouth but Tech’s spare hand had reached out and grabbed your wrist, silently encouraging you to be as vocal as you wanted.
He continued to flick his tongue over your clit and suck at your folds while pumping his fingers inside you, and you could feel something start to wind up in your lower belly, your moans becoming desperate whimpers as you tighten your grip on his hair. “Please-” You choked out, but you didn’t even know what you were begging for.
Tech seemed to get the idea however, as his fingers curled up and brushed against your g-spot, a shrill moan mixed in with a soft scream leaving your lips as you came. But you didn’t just cum, Tech had made you squirt like he said he would, and you got it all over his face.
You gawked at him, your juices dripping down his face and his chest as he pulled back to admire you, allowing his thumb to brush against your clit which made you jolt in surprise, still recovering from the first orgasm.
Tech somehow managed to find a clean cloth which he used to wipe off his goggles and face, tossing it to the side as he stared at you hungrily, pulling down the bottom half of his blacks followed by his briefs. Your eyes widened as you looked at his cock, he was thick, not long but not short either, and the tip was flushed bright pink with a bit of pre-cum leaking from it.
You licked your lips, nodding to him. “Yes- Fuck me Tech.” You begged softly, spreading your legs a bit wider, hearing him grunt in response as he walked towards you, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. His hands traveled around your body, one hand reaching between you, squeezing one of your breasts while the other rested on your waist for only a moment before he reached down to guide his cock to your entrance.
You felt the tip press against you and a soft whimper was felt against Tech’s lips, he pulled back slightly, and started trailing his kisses down your cheek and to your jaw and neck, where he started sucking marks into your skin. “Relax Cyare… I've got you.” Tech muttered into your skin, and every so slowly he pushed himself into you, reveling in the soft gasps and moans that fell from your lips as you muttered soft praises to him until he had bottomed out inside of you.
You both stayed like that for a moment, just relaxing in each other's arms until you gave him the go ahead. “Fuck me Tech, make me yours.” You whispered, feeling him pull out, only to thrust back in, catching you off guard.
“You were mine the moment your clothes were off Mesh’la” He grunted, and continued thrusting into you, gripping your thighs and your breasts before his lips landed back on yours, swallowing all the moans that tumbled from your mouth.
Your hands were on Tech’s back, scratching up a storm on his skin, digging your nails into him every time his tip nudged against your cervix or your g-spot. You were starting to get close again, and you assumed Tech was too, with the way his thrusts were progressively getting harder and sloppier.
Tech groaned against your breasts, lifting his head up so he could admire the expressions on your face. “Tell me to pull out-” He grunted, but you simply shook your head. “Protection?” He asked, and again you shook your head, before whispering. “Cum inside me honey.” You whimpered, feeling him pause for a moment.
You were out to say something, until Tech had lifted you off the console and pressed you against the cold metal door of the Marauder instead and just pounded into you, your moans filling the room until a pleasured scream broke through as he came inside you, his hot cum filling you at the same time your orgasm had barreled through you.
You held each other for a long few minutes before tech gently set you on one of the chairs and pulled out, watching as his cum leaked from your sopping wet cunt, which fluttered now that it was exposed to the cold air. Tech grunted, and grabbed that cloth from earlier, pressing a kiss to your temple as he gently cleaned the juices and cum from the both of you.
After a few more minutes the both of you were back in your under clothes, and tech had moved you so you were sitting on his lap in the pilot's chair. You rested your head in the crook of his neck, letting your eyes stay closed as he held you. “Did you… enjoy it?” Tech asked, catching your attention. You grinned, cupping his cheek in your hand.
“You made me cum twice Tech, of course i enjoyed it.” You giggled, pressing a kiss to his lips, and then to his nose. “We should shower.. and probably get back to work.” You muttered, and slowly stood up. Tech’s hands stayed on your hips for a moment as your legs wobbled, but you quickly gained your balance and gathered your clothes, opening the cockpit door so you could head to the fresher.
You turned back to Tech, smiling coyly. “Coming?” You asked, and Tech gulped.
Yeah you wouldn’t be leaving the Marauder anytime soon.
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ioaezz · 2 years
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ STAR CHILD aib characters having a s/o who is a kpop idol (headcannons!)
hikari kuina —
( before borderland!)
- she would be your biggest fan and supporter
- she’s definitely coming to all your concerts
- probably would have stalked you online
- listens to your songs when you are busy practicing and she misses you
- would be best friends with all of your group members
- they would all adore her oml
- she’d definitely steal your clothing but you don’t mind
- your fans would also adore her
- you’re her wallpaper and phone case lol
- she’d collect all of your picture cards and switches it online whenever she gets someone else
- she would be so embarrassed when she’d show you her room which was covered in posters with you on them
- likes to watch your interviews whenever she’s bored
- would 100% accompany you to any events and would fit right in
- but if you have to keep it secret you’d tell everyone that she’s your best friend
- she would do your makeup whenever she can
- will kiss your forehead right before your concert for luck
- she’ll teach you how to defend yourself from any perverts
( in borderland!)
- when you entered the beach her jaw dropped
- she was almost drooling at the sight of you
- chishiya would be so confused lol
- she’d nervously approach you after having stared at you for like ten minutes straight
- would blush anytime you’d smile at her
- she felt like she could faint when you sat down next to her at the bar
- kuina would be so annoyed whenever a guy tried to hit on you and had to resist rolling her eyes
- would protect you from anyone 24/7
- knows all your songs by heart
mira kano —
( before borderland! )
- she would listen to you while working on her plans bc your voice soothed her
- after a while she wanted to know whose angelic voice has been helping her for the past few months
- the moment she saw your face pop up on her screen she was in love
- she carefully planned a meeting where she would make you fall for her
- her mission to make you fall in love with her went smoothly
- she’d kiss you lovingly when you came home everyday after practise
- would be so proud and would show it
- she’d hide her sadistic side from you to make sure that you won’t leave her
- does anything you ask for
- makes you food everyday and makes sure that you stay healthy
( in borderland! )
- she would have been so fascinated by you
- she makes sure that she can protect you from the militants while trying not to seem suspicious
- it started with soft smiles and long eye contact but it developed into passionate kisses and loving words
- won’t hesitate to kill someone if they wronged you (not openly but through the games)
- makes sure that you get easy games with a 100% chance of surviving
- loves it when you sing to her
morizono aguni —
( before borderland! )
- would be your own personal bodyguard
- keeps paparazzi away from you
- doesn’t know anyone from the industry but will attentively listen to you when you rant about it
- will come to most of your concerts but don’t expect him to sing along
- he will tap his foot to the beat tho
- hatter will beg him to meet you
- you’d become best friends with hatter and aguni wouldn’t know how to feel about it
- definitely regrets introducing you to hatter bc now he always demands to go to your concerts
- he claims that hatter is a bad influence
- your group members would be so intimidated by him lol
- hates going to events but does it anyway because he wants to keep you safe
- he’ll turn up the radio whenever he hears one of your songs playing
- but will immediately turn it back down when it ends
- your fans would definitely make memes about him lol
- he would roll his eyes anytime someone mentions it
- people would be so confused as to why someone like you would date someone like him
- idk why but i feel like he would be kinda insecure about it but won’t tell a soul
( in borderland! )
- would meet you during a spades game
- thinks you’re attractive but also thinks you’ll die first
- is surprised when he finds out that you have the best condition out of everyone
- sticks to you like a bug because he likes you but won’t say it
- you’d have to start all the conversations
- at first he wouldn’t know what kpop is lol
- so when you tell him you were a kpop idol before the borderland he would be like ‘a what??’
- after you explain he’d be like ‘cool’
- he’ll search the city to find a cd/poster of you
- would be kinda weirded out how there is a whole ass shop with your face everywhere
- will find a picture card of you to carry around in his pocket
- tries to keep your overenthusiastic fans away
- especially the good looking ones
- likes it when you hum one of your songs under your breath while cuddling
- would listen to kpop songs for you and only you
rizuna ann —
( before borderland! )
- would be so annoyed by paparazzi
- she’d make sure you stay healthy and makes sure that you rest enough
- your group members would be kinda intimidated by her but would like her eventually
- she would talk to your manager whenever she sees that you’re uncomfortable in the clothing that you had to wear during a performance
- doesn’t often come to your concerts because she’s a busy woman but would if you ask her to
- finds it amusing when people find out that she’s dating the famous y/n
- she would make sure that you eat enough and will always make you something to eat for during practice
- you would definitely spoil her and she wouldn’t really mind it unless it’s really really really expensive but you won’t budge when she tells you to return it
- she will shamelessly walk around the house in your clothing
( in borderland! )
- wouldn’t know who you are
- probably heard someone talking about you in the hallways
- would be annoyed whenever someone flirts with you
- overprotective but won’t actually act on it??
- you will spend a lot of time around dead bodies if you want some quality time
- won’t let niragi 6 feet near you
- makes sure that you are always safe and checks for injuries after games
- silently hums her favourite song of your group under her breath while she works
ryohei arisu —
( before borderland! )
- hardcore fan
- buys every piece of merch even when you’re dating
- you always having to tell him to stop buying it because you could just give it to him for free
- he won’t listen tho
- will blast your songs in any car
- would be annoyed anytime his brother speaks with you
- karube and chota would straight up laugh in his face when he tells them he’s dating you
- but when he invites you to hang out with them they’d stare at you for at least five minutes
- arisu has to keep chota as far away as possible bc he keeps staring at you and it’s freaking him out
- while he also has to make sure that karube doesn’t flirt with you 24/7 lol
- worried about you because of the amount of hours that you have to train
- loves to see you wearing his clothes
- likes to read all the kpop drama
- would go to all your concerts and events
- but at your events he would feel so awkward
- upset over the fact that you have to keep your relationship on the low
- always makes sure that you eat, sleep and drink enough while he’s dying from dehydration
- he knows the choreography of your dances like the back of his hand
- he sings your songs like the national anthem while he showers
- you always save him the same seat at concerts that he loves because he claims to have the best view
- is your biggest supporter
- i’m almost a 100% sure that he has read every y/n fanfic there is
( in borderland! )
- won’t believe his eyes
- usagi had to hold him back from running up to you and asking for your signature
- you would find his silliness amusing
- would blush anytime you’d touch him even if you had to pull him away before he’d get shot
- staring at you 24/7
- you would be kinda freaked out but you’re used to it
- would definitely have gone to at least three of your concerts before the borderland
- makes sure that you’re safe during the games
- would definitely be jealous anytime a good looking person talks to you but he trusts you completely
shuntaro chishiya —
( before borderland! )
- he’d watch your interviews even though he claims that he doesn’t
- absolutely loathes paparazzi
- would hum your songs under his breath whenever he’s alone
- i feel like he’d have a shelf with all of your albums on it but won’t speak to you about it
- he’d feel so annoyed whenever you’d wear high heels because he’s so short
- would find it attractive tho
- while he doesn’t like physical contact in public he’ll often hold your hand if you get nervous because of paparazzi/fans
- will stalk your instagram
- uses your eyeliner and eyeshadow
- would smirk whenever one of your fans says that he’s hot
- he’d make sure that you stay healthy
- he’ll have a tea cup with your face on it but he would hide it from you
- he will kiss you softly after you have a hard day
( in borderland! )
- he honestly wouldn’t care tbh
- would be glad that you and kuina get along
- he’d kinda get annoyed if kuina is one of your fans and talks about you 24/7
- the reason is that he’d be like ‘she’s my girlfriend??’
- and kuina would then say ‘so?’
- and he’d roll his eyes before telling her to go find her own gf instead of obsessing over his
- he’d hate it whenever someone approaches you and starts flirting when he’s standing right beside you
- during games people will often recognise you and chose to stay with you
- he’ll use it to his advantage and won’t hesitate to use them as bait if needed
- thinks you’re soft so he’ll try to keep you out of harm’s way
- secretly plans on going to one of your concerts as soon as you leave borderland
- listens to your music whenever he’s wearing his earphones
suguru niragi —
( before borderland! )
- man would be shocked but he wouldn’t show it
- he says he doesn’t listen to kpop but secretly does
- purposely puts an arm around you to show the world that you’re taken
- he always looks good whenever the paparazzi takes a picture of you two
- only goes to concerts if you ask him to (borderline beg him to)
- while he almost never goes to the concert he does always pick you up
- likes going to events because they make him feel important since he’s surrounded by rich people but he’s only there bc of you lol
- won’t let paparazzi bother you
- will get overprotective of you whenever you feel uncomfortable
- he’s going to let everyone know that he’s dating the famous kpop idol y/n
( in borderland! )
- he’d just think you’re hot
- when you tell him though he’s surprised but doesn’t show it
- says that it’s stupid but thinks it’s literally so cool
- you will have to hold him back from attacking your fans lol
- he’s your personal guard dog
- protects you at all costs
- makes sure that your songs are blasting through every possible speaker on the beach
- hot make out sessions oml
- if you ever wrote a love song he’d go around telling people that you wrote it about him even though you didn’t even know that he existed before all of this happened
- he’d definitely take advantage of the fact that your very agile during your private time
takatora samura —
( before borderland! )
- let’s be honest guys the only possible way for you two to meet is through the internet
- i mean this dude practically doesn’t leave the house
- he would’ve liked one edit of you on tiktok and now your the only thing that’s on his fyp lol
- he wouldn’t know who you were and just thought that you sing pretty and look attractive
- i feel like he’d love your songs because they are so comforting and relatable
- then he’d look you up and follow you on instagram
- he’d probably write about your extraordinary on his blog
- his jaw would drop when you liked his post and left a thank you in his comment section
- after a while he would buy himself a ticket to one of your concerts bc he enjoyed your music
- he was slightly late so there weren’t much people outside
- you had also gone outside to mentally prepare yourself when he caught your eye
- you would smile at him and wave which he shyly returned
- unfortunately your short meeting had to end bc the concert was about to start
- i honestly have no clue as to how he managed to catch your attention later on but he did
- he’d go to all of your concerts knowing that singing is one of your passions
- absolutely hates going to events with every fiber in his body
- he’d be literally so supportive of you omg
( in borderland! )
- the moment that you walked into the beach for the first time his eyes were glued to you
- after a while you noticed his unwavering stare and smiled at him which made his face heat up slightly
- fortunately for him his face was covered by his tattoos
- when he found out that you are a kpop idol he started following you to make sure that nobody would do something to you
- when you kept seeing him everywhere you went you decided to greet him one morning after you saw him standing in the hallway not too far from your room
- man was flabbergasted but managed to hide it
- he just nodded at you in return so you made it a routine to wish him a good morning whenever you saw him guarding your room
- he’d never make a move even if he wanted to so you’ll have to do all the work
- whenever you tell him his tattoos look pretty he would blush so hard oml
- when fans recognise you in borderland they would be so shocked to find out that you’re dating him
- he’d definitely get your initials tattooed on his body
- you’d also decided to get his tattooed but really really small and somewhere where you can’t see it bc you’re an idol
- when he finds it he would be so obsessed with it
- he would pull out his katana to anyone who even dares to make you uncomfortable
- in public he’d stay slightly behind you to make sure that nobody can harm you in any way
- in private though he won’t let go of you
- your shared room would be filled with soft kisses and sweet words (mostly coming from you)
- he would roll his eyes anytime niragi would approach you
- you’re his first and only priority
yuzuha usagi —
( before borderland! )
- her dad would be your biggest fan oml
- i feel like he’d always put on your music during car rides
- she definitely discovered you through her dad
- would feel attracted to you and would like your music but that’s kinda it??
- until she meets you oml
- my girl has almost heart eyes but manages to hide it
- would shyly smile at you while her dad asks you for your signature
- you’d secretly give her one of your phone numbers with a ‘text me :)’ message written next to it
- she would be so shocked but when she turned to look back at you, you were already meeting other fans
- she rushes home with her dad to text you
- would smile so widely when you reply
- your daily texts and phone calls would increase and eventually you would want to meet her again
- you arrange a meeting where no one would recognise you
- when you make your relationship official you decided to keep it private
- she’d invite you over to dinner with her dad to officially meet him
- this man would be so in shock
- but he still manages to interrogate you about your intentions
- when he goes missing you’ll be the one to comfort her despite your busy scheme
( in borderland! )
- i think she would recognise you from somewhere but wouldn’t really know
- she would befriend you during a game when you help her
- while time passes you would become closer and more comfortable
- you’d tell her stories about how you travelled to all across the world for your job while she told you about her dad
- she would be comforted by you and will slowly fall for you
- soft kisses before games
- a lot of hand holding
- comforting words at night
- she will always make sure that you are alright
- during one of her searches for food she will see a kpop shop
- she would search for any cd’s, pictures, etc and would always carry it on her
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©cupidsheqrt , 2022.
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transrevolutions · 3 months
asoiaf modern au where agot takes place in the most dysfunctional secondary school ever. arya has an accommodation plan for her adhd that gives her permission to draw in class but cersei (who is the kind of teacher that hates having to follow inclusion policies) gets mad and throws away one of arya's wolf oc drawings except that particular drawing was actually sansa's and when sansa finds out she gets so pissed off that she dumps joffrey over it. joffrey gets cersei to try and get ned removed from his position of assistant principal even though he's basically running the school at that point because robert baratheon (the real principal) keeps getting drunk when he's supposed to be working.
jon joins an after-school self-defense/outdoor survival skills club and somehow ends up in a weird leadership role because he's one of the only ones who knows what he's doing. tyrion shows up sometimes to try and sell him shitty weed. arya is always begging him to let her come even though she's still under the age limit. daenerys is a transfer student who spends every single one of her classes doing wings of fire rp on scratch.mit.edu but still manages to get good grades so a bunch of the teachers hate her because they're convinced she's cheating.
robert baratheon gets fired after the school board gets an anonymous tip about his drinking on the clock. the anonymous tipper is actually cersei because she's mad that he won't let joffrey run for student council because he's gotten in trouble for bullying too much. when ned finds out about this cersei gets him fired too which makes arya mad so she makes jon teach her mma so she can beat up joffrey. catelyn gets so upset about ned getting fired that she convinces herself that tyrion was in on it bc he's cersei's sister despite the fact that cersei fully and actually hates his guts and tyrion wasn't even remotely involved because he was too busy trying to hide from jon's uncle benjen after he caught him trying to sell jon weed.
robb stark (low level admin position but everyone thinks he's just there bc nepotism which is actually sorta true) tries to get the rest of admin to band together to expose cersei but most of them don't give a fuck so he has to try and network with their longtime rival school to try and find allies. he also may or may not have introduced bran to the online furry community and he really really doesn't want ned or catelyn to find out. daenerys somehow manages to get a whole squad of jocks to basically be her personal bodyguards after she introduces them to wings of fire and they get hooked.
catelyn almost kicks jon out because she thinks he taught rickon to curse when actually rickon overheard sansa ranting about joffrey while on the phone with jeyne poole.
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mochatsin · 1 year
Drawing and the arts is one of the things you’re most passionate about. There’s a lot of things, and certain demons, that are out there to give you inspiration to draw. How will the brothers react when they find out you’re a great artist?
literally in the middle of drawing when I thought about this and i'm wondering why it took me this long to think of an Artist!MC prompt damn. Enjoy reading!
He already had a vague idea that you have a keen eye for the arts when he took you to a gallery once. You’re familiar with a lot of paintings in the human realm, but none of them could quite compare to the styles down here in Devildom.
Lucifer wanted to teach you more about the cultures of Devildom through painted histories and stories which is why he took you to the gallery, and he notices how observant you are of the details on the artwork. He assumed maybe you’re just very educated with the arts up in your world.
Though one day he found you in your room trying to draw a piece with the styles similar to the paintings you both saw the other day. The linework and colors are very on point, Lucifer would have assumed this wasn’t done by your own hands if he saw it displayed on the walls. 
“You’re quite talented if you drew all this after just one art gallery tour.” Lucifer says as he moves closer to further inspect your art. If you ask him how to improve it or how the method works, he would be happy to give you some tips or pointers. 
“As impressive as this is, I would like to see something you’ve made in your own style.” Lucifer would want you to show something that speaks more about you, not about Devildom. He’s curious to see what makes your art style original. He wants to see you take pride in whatever you create of course. 
He’d love to have one of your artworks be framed somewhere in the house. You can use his office for that peace and quiet so that none of his brothers would disturb you while you worked. Lucifer wanted it framed in his room for him to enjoy, though after his brother’s protests and one heated dinner discussion, the piece was placed in the living room instead for everyone. 
Mammon doesn’t really have the best sense of boundaries when it comes to your room, so he ends up barging through the doors to see what you were up to and maybe try to whisk you away for a bit of gambling for the evening. Though he finds you on your desk doing some homework, papers scattered on your bed.
You tell him you’re busy working on a project so he whines but stays with you in your room. You have homework about summoning circles so you had several discarded drafts resting on your bed. Mammon can’t help but go through the papers while he waits out of pure boredom. 
Mammon eventually spots under the pile a few of your own personal artworks you’ve made. You forgot to keep them away since they got buried underneath all those papers. “EY!! This ain’t part of a class project right?! This looks freakin’ fantastic!” 
You can tell he’s being genuine about his compliments just by seeing the look on his face. “I-I'm not just sayin’ that cuz you’re my human! I know a gold mine when I see one yaknow?” Mammon says while he goes through the pile to see if there are more works out there for him to admire. He might be tempted to steal one of them just so he can piece of something you’re passionate about so close to him. 
He would definitely urge you to sell some of them for profit, put up commissions online or advertise it on RAD. At first you wondered if this was part of his money-making schemes… he admits it was at first but he wants you to succeed in this if it’s something you genuinely want to do.
“You gotta cut me some slack sometimes ya know? I bet you’ll make bank outta this. I know my old plans for quick grimm haven't worked out, but this one I'm SURE won’t fail” his enthusiasm is almost contagious. Regardless of your decision, Mammon is happy enough to sit back and enjoy your artwork. 
He is going to be so ecstatic knowing that you’re actually really good at drawing in any form of medium. Levi found out one day when he asked to borrow your notes for class and you lend him your notebook. He was flipping through the pages until he noticed that you’ve been doing little doodles at the back. “I-is that…”
Your peaceful little afternoon got chaotic when you heard an excited scream from down the hall, followed by rampant footsteps that got louder in a matter of seconds until your door opened. Levi has your notebook in hand, with the biggest grin plastered on his face. 
“Y-YOU COULD DRAW RURI-CHAN?!” Levi doesn’t even give you the time to speak when he shows you the doodles and starts going on a rant on how you captured the details of her outfit so perfectly. Even the magic staff is actually on point! 
There’s times he would be peeking by your door while you’re doodling something in your room. Levi wanted to ask if you could draw his favorite characters but he’s too shy to do so, but he’ll be the happiest when you agree to it. 
“I-if you need the references i have a few!” He would say ‘few’ but ends up giving you what’s almost an entire album of art references that you could use. If you want, he can even take the figurines of said characters off his shelf (which is rare) so you can have a better look at it from all angles. 
Levi would definitely have it posted on the walls, keeping all your artworks like a new collection. He would gush about how he wishes he could draw because it’s another way of expressing your love for something you care about. Would definitely commission you for certain things because he doesn’t want to keep asking you for free art.
Recently he got you hooked on this detective novel series, and you both spend a lot of time together just talking about your favorite parts. Satan loves that chase scene between the detective and thief since it was written so well, it’s almost like you can play the scene in your head.
He’s with you in his room, sitting on the couch with the book propped up by your knees. He assumes you’re just rereading the book and does his own thing. He likes that about your company where the silence is comforting, though there are times you ask Satan what he thinks the detective or the thief looks like in his head.
By the time Satan had to answer one more query that he realized you’re not actually reading the book. He sees that you’re holding onto a pen as you scribble something behind the book, so he decides to sneak behind you while you’re distracted out of curiosity.
He’s surprised to find you drawing on a notebook, looking at the chapter of the book with the chase scene that he mentioned the other day. “You’re… drawing the scene?” He asked, the corners of his lips tugging into a smile. He’s impressed that you got the compositions so well too. To him, you brought this scene to life. 
“Is this why you were asking me all those questions? Well, I’d say you perfectly captured the scene and-” He’d talk about the details you’ve drawn and how it matches what’s written in the book, like a professional critique. He’d love to see the piece once you finish, and even see all your other works you’ve done in the past as well. One cat drawing would make him excited for sure. 
One time you made him a bookmark by using your art for the designs. The brothers know that Satan doesn’t use those as often because he tends to finish books in one sitting, but he began to have that cute little bookmark pressed between the pages of his current book. Not only is the design so perfect, it’s from his precious human too.
Asmo is adoring the attention he’s been getting from you recently whenever he would make a little fashion show in his room with all the new outfits he’s bought. He loves the awe he hears from you and how you eye him up and down after he strikes a pose. 
He even saw you buying a magazine with him on the cover, and he just can’t help but feel giddy at the thought of how much you probably adore him because who wouldn’t? You must really love how he looks, right? Asmo even thought of giving you a private show just for your eyes. 
Though he found out eventually that you’re using the poses in his magazines as reference when he saw that you’re trying to copy the pose he made on the cover. “I’m rather offended that you didn’t reference me, the source material itself! I’m always ready to be your model, hun!” 
Asmo would make the perfect model because being in model magazines, he’s used to holding on poses for periods of time without complaint. He’s not shy about his body either so you can ask him to be in any sort of pose for you (but you have to stop him from being not so family friendly when you try to fix his position).
If you’re good at designing clothes then Asmo is going to fall for you even harder. He would admire all the designs you can do, and if you’re open to suggestions then as someone who works and shops frequently at Majolish, he would have a lot of good ideas. He’ll have the connections to make your designs come to life and model it for you.
“I just know if you posted these fine works on Devilgram, it’ll get you tons of views for sure! Especially if the muse is me” Asmo says with a wink as he admires your art. If you made an account then he’ll be loud about it on his social media, wanting people to feast their eyes on it.
He does a lot of home workouts so often you spot him doing a lot of stretches or lifts around the house. There’s even times you offer to help like sitting on his back while he does his push ups or just being his little moral support. 
Though he noticed all the attention you’re giving on his muscles recently. You offered to wipe off the dirt and sweat he got from his Fangol practice, and Beel sees how much you’re staring intently at his muscles while you wipe him dry with a towel. “MC… is there something wrong?” 
It's only then you realize that your eyes have been glued to him for so long so you decide to explain. You tell Beel that you’ve been sketching recently with someone of his body type but you can’t seem to get the muscles correctly. Hearing that makes Beel smile though. 
“Well, if you want me to help I could. But I want to see your works, if that’s okay with you” Beel said. He’s not much of an artist himself (Satan notes that Beel’s art still haunts him to this day), so he’s very supportive knowing that you can draw.  
He has this awe in his face like how he looks when the restaurant serves him the biggest platter of food as soon as he sees your artworks. Beel is happy you’re sharing such talent with him. “This piece is so colorful. It reminds me of the rainbow layered parfait we had the other day… oh, now I'm hungry.” Even if Beel can eat books and things that aren’t exactly food, he never once tried that with your artworks. 
He’d invite you more often to his little home workouts so you can study his muscles more closely. Beel would love it if you sit on his back while he does push ups as you draw. The sound of the pencil scribbling would bring him to focus.  
There’s an upcoming event for RAD that requires a lot of decorations. Since a lot of people are busy with their own tasks, you and Belphie were paired up to think of possible decor for the stage.
Belphie complained how Asmo or Levi should’ve been here instead but since they’re both in charge of the outfits, then he’ll settle with this because at least it requires minimal work. You both were trying to discuss the backdrop designs and the props but he fell asleep midway. 
Belphie wakes up in a few minutes later to the sound of scribbling pens when he saw you creating the designs. You asked him to pick from one of the sets you made but he’s too stunned to even decided when all of them are so good. “You made all of that while I was asleep?” Belphie is in a state of disbelief. 
The one that struck him the most is the starry sky landscape. For someone who loves to watch the stars, this one was particularly mesmerizing for Belphie. So out of personal bias he chose that one.
He never stopped bugging you about your art, always wanting to see what you’re drawing when he spots you on your notebook. He’s not much of a ‘draw me next’ kind of person, but he’d be absolutely happy if you did. More so if you drew him and Beel together. 
Whenever you’re drawing, Belphie wants to take a nap by your lap while you do your work. He likes the look you make whenever you’re trying to figure out something in your art before he drifts off to sleep. His favorite part is waking up to see that you’ve already finished your piece so he gets to admire it first.
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zia-saturn · 2 months
TIME. [AU fic] Chapter 1: Reunited
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SUMMARY: Frenemies becoming lovers later on in their adult years. A while after you and Dabi moved in together, becoming roommates, he comes across your diary and reads your deepest and filthiest of fantasies. It was certainly an invasion of privacy but, you were glad that he was able to get an idea of how sexually curious and experimental you could be. Dabi was willing to teach you and allow yourself to express yourself the way you wanted to with him. He wanted to experiment with you.
Soft! Dabi x Virgin!Reader
Sweet! Dabi x Virgin!Reader
18+ readers ONLY
[DISCLAIMER: The characters respectfully belongs to the creator of 僕のヒーローアカデミア Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia, Kohei Horikoshi. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of the respective owners. The author of the fanfiction is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.]
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: This story contains explicit adult sexual content. If you are easily offended or are under the age of 18, please leave now. Reader discretion is advised. This fanfiction is intended for mature audiences only.
Another day. Another dollar.
It was only five minutes into the bus ride and your head was throbbing.
The back of your neck had so much tension from the added stress. You hardly had any time to sleep. The most sleep that you were lucky enough to get was about four hours. Your body requires more sleep. Your job was stressful but the payout was certainly worth it in the end. You looked forward to the money arriving in your bank account. You had many plans on how you would spend that money. Of course, the rent would be number one on your list of priorities.
You retrieved two pain reliever capsules from your purse and swallowed them with the help of a gulp of water that you purchased from the little mom-and-pop corner store located nearby your place of business.
It was difficult for you to take any medication dry. There was a time not too long ago that you made an attempt in doing so but, it resulted in you almost choking. After that, you swore never to try that method again.
The bus trip was silent and peaceful for the majority of the time you were on it. Most of the ride was spent with you scrolling through your phone, mindlessly checking your e-mails and social media. Afterwards, you logged into your online bank account and noticed that the payment from your job was posted as the most recent transaction. You felt satisfied about that.
You were so occupied with your screen that you weren’t able to hear your name being called out by someone that was on board the bus.
It wasn’t until you heard your name the second time that you brought your attention back to your physical surroundings.
“[Name]?” A very raspy voice called out to you. It had a strong hint of smoke and grit laced with it.
The voice tingled your ear just by the tone alone. You did not know anyone with a rough voice such as theirs. It felt strange and you did not feel comfortable acknowledging the person who kept calling you. With a shrug, you turned your attention back to your phone with the hopes that this random individual would take the hint and leave you alone.
“[Name].” There was that voice again. This time, it was a bit louder.
It caught the attention of a few passengers for a split second. The bus was almost empty except for about six people.
“[Name].” The voice grew sterner, as if this person was intent on getting your attention.
You lifted your head up to look around for the source of the voice. Your search ended in a nanosecond when your eyes landed on a rather tall young man. The first traits you noticed about him were his white tank top and tattooed covered arms. You were almost eye level with his steel skull belt buckle, which held up a pair of loose fitting black denim jeans.
Your eyes slowly panned from his belt buckle, up to his stomach, from his collar bone before your vision finally landed upon his face.
He had full sleeve tattoos that were inked from both of his shoulders to his wrists. And the tattoos did not stop at his arms. His entire upper chest was decorated with tattoos as well. Each piece of his body art was very well executed.
The 'stranger' stood in the open aisle right next to you where you were seated. He had the most vibrant turquoise eyes. They had slight dark bags underneath them. His eyelids were partially hooded over his eyes, giving him this sleepy 'laid-back’ vibe to him. There were three tiny nose studs and three upper helix piercings on both of his ears.
"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" Your [color] eyes met with his. His stare did not waver from yours, not even for a second.
The man's head tilted to the side. The corners of his lips curled into a sly smirk. "Really [Name]? Is that how you treat an old friend when he's trying to get reacquainted with you?" He leaned closer to you by approximately an inch. "C'mon, girl. Don't act like you don't know who I am."
At first, you assumed that this was some kind of manipulation tactic to get you to engage with him in order to persuade you to let down your guard. You were not about to fall for any of his tricks. You were too exhausted to deal with anyone's nonsense.
You squint your eyes as your brain rapidly files through your memories like a rolodex. Different names and different faces of the many people you crossed paths with were trying to make their way to your consciousness.
"Yo. It's me. Touya." A fox-like grin stretched his face. "Touya Todoroki. From our old high school.”
You squinted harder, observing his appearance from head to toe. Then, as you made eye contact with his teal blue eyes once more, that's when the pieces of those scattered memories came together. It definitely was Touya.
His natural spiky red hair that he once had was now dyed to a midnight black. It really complimented his features really well. He looked more mature and rugged.
There were noticeable muscular definitions to his previously scrawny physique. He buffed up while still maintaining his slender frame.
His voice was much deeper and raspier than you remembered. The man that stood before you was so fine as HELL.
Scratch that.
He was more than 'fine'; his new appearance made him look so damn sexy. He had this natural sex appeal to him that wasn’t contrived.
'Well, I'll be damned. It really IS him.' You thought.
It was a shame that he recognized you but you did not recognize him. However, he did not blame you one bit. So many life changing events happened to the both of you in all of those years since you parted ways.
You shook your head before you exclaimed, "Oh! Touya!"
"Yea…well….I go by the name 'Dabi' now."
"Oh? You changed your name?"
"I guess you can say that. It's a long story." This 'Dabi' individual yawned and rubbed the back of his neck, craning it in his hand.
Cordially, you offered him a seat next to you.
Dabi previously sat a couple of seats away from you, near the front. You guessed that his stop was coming real soon, compared to your destination which was about forty five minutes away so you had plenty of time to converse with him and catch up on old times. He accepted your offer and sat next to you with a gruff, "Thanks."
You could not believe that it was really him. You would be lying to yourself to say that you did not miss him because you most certainly did. There were so many things that you wanted to know about him and his life.
"Well. Well. Well. Little Miss [Name]. I didn't think I would see you again." It was Dabi's turn to eye your entire physical form.
You wondered what happened to Touya or — 'Dabi' throughout these past recent years. There was about thirty minutes left to your ride so it would have been a good idea to allow him the opportunity to catch up on old times. Maybe share a couple of brief laughs and casual jokes between one another.
And, Oh Boy! You were about to hear more than you bargained for.
He reached over your shoulder to rest his arm on the top of your seat.
There was a scent of spicy deodorant, mixed with cigarette smoke and a faint hint of his sweat that wafted past your nose. You sort of liked the odd mix.
Dabi managed to get a solid minute worth of a stare at you. It was amazing how much you blossomed from a dorky, adorable and shy girl into a beautiful poised woman.
A blushed warmed up your cheeks as you watched Dabi's long inked-up arm maneuver itself over your head to position itself on top of your bus seat. You could have sworn that he wanted to wrap his arm directly around your shoulder.
Nostalgia made its way back into your memories when you were both in high school. You remembered those days very fondly. The individual that you used to know as: 'Touya Todoroki' was your ex-classmate. He wasn't your friend nor was he an enemy either.
You were both 'frenemies'.
The dynamic between you two was hard to define.
There were times that the eldest Todoroki targeted you just for the sole purpose of antagonizing you. There were various instances where he did things to annoy you. Everything from snapping your bra strap from behind, flicking and pulling on your hair as he sat behind you in class, mimicking your voice whenever you spoke to him or throwing small pieces of paper towards you for no reason other than to cause constant aggravation in you.
However, there were times he would shield you from the other students that made an attempt to bully you. He would kick the asses of anyone who would even think to lay a hand on you. Touya's sudden switch from protector to nemesis and back to protector really confused the hell out of your little younger self.
Touya's emotions regarding you were very hard to pinpoint. He really liked you but it annoyed him at the fact that he had possessed those amorous feelings for you. It made him frustrated that he could not express his thoughts and words the proper way so, he usually unloads his confusion and frustration out onto you. During Dabi's later years, he realized that he was such an asshole to you.
As a matter of fact, Dabi would sometimes recall those moments and those memories made him cringe so hard. He would slap the shit out of his younger self for treating you the way he did.
Dabi's changed so much since you last saw him. It was almost seven years ago since he vanished from your life. He wasn't able to graduate high school with you.
And there was a reason for that…
A couple of months before graduation, he suddenly stopped coming to school. At first, you thought he ditched school to hang out with his friends as he usually did. But those days stretched to an entire month. That's when you grew a bit concerned.
Was he ill?
Did he pass away?
Out of concern, you tried to get answers out of the teachers, the principal and your other fellow students. None of them ever gave you a straightforward answer. They either gave you vague statements or cut the conversation short by pretending they were busy and had somewhere else to go.
You even tried to ask two of Touya's 'friends' of his whereabouts. They refused to talk about him at all. They acted as if he was some kind of non-existent entity, like a ghost. Any time you crossed paths with them, they would scurry off in the opposite direction. Their behavior was so skittish and shady that it made you feel so uneasy for a while.
Did they have something to hide?
It was a mystery that plagued your thoughts for a while after that.
Onto the truth…
"Well, what the hell happened to you? I was so worried. You just up and left. Here one day and completely gone the next." You blinked at him, waiting for an explanation. The bus hit a couple of potholes and cracks in the road, making the entire vehicle rock and bounce up and down.
Dabi sat silent and stared ahead, looking at nothing in particular. He made a deep exhale as he rubbed his forehead and the bridge of his nose. You noticed his shifty and agitated body language and did not want to back him into a corner if he wasn't ready to talk. You were patient. "I mean, I understand if you don't feel comfortable and I won't pressure you–"
"No." Dabi just sighed and shook his head. "It's okay. I guess its time I told you the truth anyway. You're very astute and I know that I cannot keep secrets from you for too long. You could read me like a book."
Then another sigh came from him before he revealed what ACTUALLY happened to him before the high school graduation took place.
Dabi (or Touya as you knew him), went to jail for arson and armed robbery. He torched an old abandoned warehouse for unknown reasons. It was his idea. Him and his friends used that same warehouse as a hideout spot just in case the police searched for them. They were trying to rob a convenience store while wielding a couple of switchblades towards the owners, demanding the victims to give the thieves all of the cash that was in the register.
Touya and his accomplices got the money and they knew that the police would soon be on their tail. The surveillance footage caught the images of the 'would be burglars' and the law enforcement was able to catch them within a matter of hours.
Fortunately, there were no fatalities.
"But, those phony, pussy ass motherfuckers snitched on me. They were with me but they decided to throw me under the bus. They only got a slap on the wrist while I took all the heat." Dabi sucked his side teeth. It infuriated him even just talking about them.
So, that explained his friends' avoidant demeanors.
Dabi continued his small tirade. "Fuck those sons of bitches. They can go choke on a sick dick for all I care. If I see their sorry ass faces again, there's gonna be problems. Big problems."
You felt the anger coming out of his voice, even though his demeanor was mellow. There was so much heat laced with his words.
Instead of picking out a corsage and tuxedo for the senior prom, Touya went back and forth between his holding cell in the county jail and standing before the judge inside of a courtroom as twelve jurors decided his fate. The only thing he wore was a set of steel handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit to those occasions. A huge feeling of regret painfully kept looping through his thoughts.
Since Touya was eighteen years of age at the time, he was tried as an adult.
Touya was about to be locked away for years to come.
Seeing you in a beautiful dress as you dance the night away? Touya will never be able to experience that.
Him wanting to walk the grass with you during graduation was also something that he would have loved to do as well. The plan did not stop there. After the ceremony was over and after all of the graduates tossed their caps in the air as they cheered loudly in unity, he would give you a kiss as a way to apologize for all of the trouble he put you through.
But alas, these moments never came…
Those opportunities were snuffed out…
He would be ordered to serve a five year prison sentence. The pounding of the judge's gavel made the situation all too real.
He thought that he would never see you again.
After graduation, you never received the closure that you were looking for.
Both of you went completely opposite paths in life.
You tried to find him on every social media that was out there on the web but results showed absolutely no signs of his presence.
The one that he used to have was deactivated.
You would not hear from him in nearly seven years.
Not until that moment at your unexpected reunion riding on the city bus together.
Dabi missed out on so much of his youth…
….all because he was locked up….
He realized that he took so many things for granted. Most of his family pretty much shunned him for life. He brought so much shame to the Todoroki family. His father Enji, bitterly scorned him, telling Dabi that he was 'dead' to him. It was as if his own flesh and blood child did not exist to Enji in the first place. Prison was a very, VERY hard life lesson for him.
Dabi had a great amount of time to reflect on his life during the five year prison sentence. It took him some time to adjust to the outside world again once he was finally released. Everything felt so foreign to him.
He knew that he had a lot of work to do in order to rebuild his life. He was willing to invest the necessary time and energy into accomplishing his goals. Being a convicted felon meant that there were many opportunities that were closed off from him. His road to redemption was a tough one. He had to prove to so many people that he could be trusted to fly the straight and narrow path. Everyone from his parole officer, to his social workers, to his landlord and employers.
He told you all of that, making sure to not leave any details out.
Your eyes sprung wide for a second as Dabi finally revealed the truth about his disappearance and the questions that you had regarding his association with his so called ‘friends’. "So you were locked up this whole time?"
Just great. You were sitting next to a convicted felon. You tried not to cast judgment on him and write him off so quickly. Of course you thought he deserved a second chance at life but that did not stop you from feeling anxious and uncomfortable. You scooted closer to the window, tightly clutching your purse towards your tummy.
Your blood ran cold in your veins.
Yes. Cliffhanger. I originally posted this fanfic about three years ago but, I wasn't able to complete this story due to personal issues. But now, I'm thinking about returning to writing. Yes, there will be smut in the story. I hope I can make it super spicy. How do you guys like this story so far? Should I continue this? I also posted this fic on AO3 as well. Feedback is definitely appreciated. I thank you all so much for stopping by and taking the time to read this story.
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fearlessword · 5 months
I’ll meet you in my dreams - Chapter 1
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Summary: You dreamed of the boy who played piano before you knew who he was. Humming the melodies you heard in your sleep brought BTS into your life and you thought it was just meant to be.When you finally have the chance to see him perform live, you realize that the dreams you have are more than a coincidence. You hope he dreams of you too.
Chapter 1
Wake up. Teach. Eat. Plan. Overthink. Cry. Sleep.
You didn’t know how your life turned out to be like this. You hated it. You hated the city streets were empty. You hated that the principal kept watching each lesson just to criticize your teaching.You hated teaching online and how burned out you were because of it. You hated not being able to see your friends, or what’s left of them. You hated that fucking virus that postponed all of your plans. You hated how much you missed your cheating ex and that traitor you once called best friend.
Everything sucks in 2020.
At first, it seemed like it was just for a while, which also meant a good break before the craziness that came with Spring and the end of the school year. Two months after the government announced the quarantine, you were burned out, rethinking life choices, crying yourself to sleep because of a break up you thought you had moved on from. Your roommate and coworker Camila was the only good thing. She became a nice friend who could relate to you. Both of you were just two tired teachers trying to survive in New York City during a pandemic. The growing friendship you had made it bearable. When nights were especially hard for you and you’d sob and cry at 3 am, your friend wouldn’t say a thing, only to greet you with open arms, a mug of hot coffee, and a silent promise of ice cream and movies after dinner. You didn’t deserve it, considering you were the reason she’d wake up in the middle of the night, but she didn’t hold it against you, and you were grateful for that.
If you were being honest with yourself, you knew you shouldn’t be crying for a relationship that finished two years ago. It was hard not to, especially now that there wasn’t much, besides work, to keep you busy. It was the last week of May, Summer was just around the corner and you yearned for the joy the season brings. At the same time, shaking off the feelings that came with the isolation was not an easy feat. He cheated on you with your best friend, after all! You tell yourself he doesn’t deserve your tears, but it takes time to erase things like that.
You are lonely and confused, angry to feel the way you felt. Grieving the youth you’re giving away while staying at home. So, on that night of May, you did what you should’ve done 2 years ago. You got your blue journal, a pencil, bursted your earbuds with the saddest songs you could find, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, you wrote.
The words spilled from your mind to the paper, a letter addressed to the one who made you feel like this. How you met, how you became friends, the moment you realized you loved him. The memories you wanted to erase flowing so easily through your hands. The story was kept in your head for so long, suffocating you a little bit every day, it was like you could exhale for the first time. How you missed this!
You were so focused on revisiting all of the moments to write, that you didn’t check the time. It was late, so late. And you needed to sleep now if you wanted to have energy for the long day of teaching you had ahead of you.
You checked the amount of words you’ve written. Seven pages. It was still just the beginning. Your eyes were red and wet and you got yourself a headache. As cathartic as it was to write like this, it had left you with zero to no energy to keep going. As you were embraced by your sleep, you wished the part of your brain that processed traumatic experiences just did its job.
That night, you dream of a man and a piano.
Not exactly a piano, it was more like a keyboard.
All you could see was that he was making music.
The room was compact, so much it didn’t look like a room. “Maybe he’s camping”, you thought. There was a bunk bed and a tiny table underneath it, which was where he was working with a yellow notepad and pencil positioned close to the laptop. His pale skin was in contrast with the black straight hair covering part of his face. Still, you were able to see some of his facial expressions. He was so concentrated in his craft, long fingers testing notes in the mini keyboard connected to his laptop.
You wish you could listen to the melody he is so focused on, he was clearly showing signs of conflict, while listening to it on his headphones. He throws his head back and breathes loudly, like he needs a break, the hair moves out of his face and you can see his eyes now. Deep, dark, catlike eyes.
Oh God. He 's beautiful.
You could feel a pull, an inexplicable warmth inside of you… You were curious about him. You were curious about the circumstances. Why were you consciously dreaming about a man you have never seen in your life? Why aren’t you in this dream? How could he fascinate you so much in minutes?
A door opens and there’s light in the room. You hear a voice speaking a language you don’t understand. You hear a deep voice, his voice, replying in the same language. Then, everything goes black.
You were pulled out of the dream, eyes open, back in your room, but with remains of the comforting warmth inside of you.
It stayed with you the whole day, just like the memory of the boy making music.
That night, the crying is not that loud, your writing process still hard, but not unbearable.
You were still tired, still heartbroken. The routine was the same.
But there was that warm feeling in your chest. And as your head touches the pillow in the middle of the night, you hope to dream of him again.
>>> Next Chapter
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