#Bus booking Singapore
limoz-3241 · 2 years
Are you looking to avail top quality and dependable Limo Bus Booking Singapore for attending mice events? Look no further and get in touch with us. We are LIMO Z PTE. LTD, we will also offer you safe and affordable luxury bus and Shuttle Bus hire Services upon your request.
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rakeshraseo123 · 6 months
13 Seater Maxi Cab Singapore
Travelling around Singapore can be a hassle, especially during peak hours. That's why many people book a cab and 13 seater minibus according to their comfort for their daily commute or special occasions. However, cab fares can add up quickly, making it an expensive option for transportation. But don't worry; there are ways to find the best deals on cab booking in Singapore. In this article, we'll share some tips and tricks to help you save money on your cab bookings. Mr. Maxi Cab provides various vehicles according to your requirements, such as 13 seater maxi cab Singapore, minibus, and more.
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zot3-flopped · 22 days
Reading that article from the sunday times and just gagging:
"Upstairs, in a corner room, was where she asked for three books to be read and five songs to be played to her every night",
"According to family friends they drove a Chevrolet Suburban — an SUV fit for the secret service — sent Christmas cards showing their impressive holidays and brought their daughter’s pony to school for show and tell.",
"The family would also give teachers the keys to their holiday home as a thank-you present.",
"They had a hot tub on the patio, a jetty with a boat from which they waterskiied and two jet skis. They were also members of the sailing club.",
"“When Taylor was young, the family came over for dinner and the kids were all swimming,” Hand says. “They [Swift’s parents] asked me if I had the Disney channel and I said no. There was some country singer on that was Taylor’s idol — and so they got up and they left.”,
"Her father, Scott, now 72, grew up nearby. He was a financial adviser at the investment firm Merrill Lynch. Swift’s mother, Andrea, now 66, was a marketing executive born into a wealthy family who grew up between Singapore and Houston, Texas. Andrea’s father was the president of a construction company, her mother an opera singer.",
"A third-generation banker and former radio salesman, he updated them on which songs she had cut (I am told he spent $10,000 on building her a recording studio at their home); which singles were coming out next (by the age of 15, Taylor had a record deal with a company in which Scott had bought a 3 per cent stake); where she was touring (he had bought Cher’s former tour bus for her); and the awards for which she needed votes.",
"During the long, hot summer days Swift would walk through town, her guitar slung across her back, much to the judgment of the local girls.",
"Swift gave out wallet-sized photos of herself as Sandy to the kids in the years below her at school",
"Her notebook, he claims, was filled with pages of her own autograph.",
"Many, however, thought she was “a bit of a brat”, from the moneyed side of town and modelling clothes for Abercrombie & Fitch. At 16, Swift bought a Lexus SC430 convertible, the car driven by Regina George, the meanest girl in Mean Girls.",
"Swift made an entrance when she first arrived at Hendersonville High School, says a former classmate, telling people she was going to be a star. “We kind of rolled our eyes because, being in Nashville, we hear that a lot,” she says. “It was just such a strong statement for someone of that age.”
Underdog who??? Tbh it's not just TS being obnoxious, rich, spoiled brat flaunting her wealth left and right, it's her entire immediate family.
“There were times when, in middle school and junior high, I didn’t have a lot of friends,” she told the Great American Country network in 2008." damn, I wonder why. /s
Classic nepo baby.
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always-outlander · 1 year
Outlander 7x05 Easter Eggs and Spoilers - “Singapore”
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Spoilers below the cut!
Singapore is the name of this episode, and it opens with goats on a cliff face. This is in reference to the Highlander’s whom fight for the British, we later find out. The title is a direct reference to the battle of Singapore and the attack of the Japanese, which Claire describes to Jamie as a parallel with the impending attack on the fort, which informs his actions for the episode.
Gem and Mandy are playing in a graveyard, as Mandy wanted to talk to Jamie. Jemmy tells Bree that Jamie told him to leave him a stone and built him a cairn if he ever came to Lallybroch. I try very hard to tolerate Sophie’s acting but she’s so wooden at times. Other times she’s fine (mainly in the more emotional scenes) but her line delivery is quite hard to swallow sometimes. She has changed her pronounciation of ‘Da’ like 4 times now, and that’s hard for me to ignore.
Roger and Bree read another letter from Jamie and Claire. The letter is dated June 18, 1777, which is our ONLY way of knowing the timeline and how much time has passed between episodes. In it, Claire writes that Jamie continues to dream about the children and Bree reveals she’s been to the fort before with Frank. Her and Roger decide not to look at the history books and find out what happened there.
Before Bree heads to work, these two have another attempt at a romantic scene that doesn’t quite land (a hard hat in bed and his hands down her pants just made me uncomfortable). These two try but they just don’t have it!!!! And I think Richard Rankin could if he wasn’t opposite Sophie, as he is a great actor.
Jemmy gets off the bus from school and Roger follows him into his hide out (which I think is referenced in the books as a place Fergus used to play). Roger tries to talk to him about it and Jemmy says he got in trouble at school for defending their family in Gaelic. This child actor playing Jemmy is so great!!! He’s doing such a good job!
They have now been there for months, and Jamie once again organically finds himself leading men, this time they refer to themselves as ‘Fraser’s Irregulars.’ Claire is practicing medicine under Lieutenant Stactoe, and the fort is under the command of Saint Clair. We also meet General Formoy (who is mirroring the ignorance of the Bonny Prince). Ian has reunited with them as well.
Sugarloaf hill is mentioned as a point the English can attack from. For those unfamiliar with the location of Fort Ticonderoga, it sits on the edge of the New York and Vermont boarders, along a narrow portion of Lake Champlain. The fort is surrounded by water on three sides, and as of now it doesn’t look like there is a Sugarloaf hill near the site. There’s a sugarloaf ski mountain in Maine, though!
Jamie has a dejavuex moment with Formoy when he uses his knowledge to advice against an attack and is found denied and insulted, akin to a goat for being Scottish (like the episode preview implies). Jamie is once again being sidelined and watching history repeat itself with the ignorance of leaders like Formoy and the Bonnie Prince (and simultaneously history is…happening? But where they know the outcome, could you consider that history repeating itself?).
Denzel Hunter and Claire finally meet towards the end of the episode and the two of them help a man named Walter Woodcock together. It’s the dream team finally united! They successfully opperate on Mr. Woodcock and amputate his leg, but only after Denny so kindly recognizes Claire’s struggle to be taken seriously and back door allows for her to help him.
The Hunters and William
Denzel makes a comment about attending medical school in London via a distant relative after their parents died. Their mother died in childbirth having Rachel, and their father died a few years later in a flood having drown. The Quakers who took them in made that connection for Denzel when they learned of a shared last name Hunter, so this scene hammers home the importance of their Meeting (and reminds us that they are now kicked out).
William and Denzel debate over morals and how Denzel can be within his beliefs while practicing medicine. They come upon a man on the road who offers them a place to stay for the night and they are fed a disgusting meal of rat stew. William is shown the realities of the war and he and Rachel speak outside. In the few short scenes they’ve had you can tell William has a crush on her, which is exactly how the books describe their relationship from Williams internal monologue.
While sleeping, the Johnsons attempt to attack William, Denny and Rachel with knives and William is able to show his strength and skills as a fighter. Charles is such a great casting, as he is every bit the young man described in the book and his size and strength is akin to Jamie’s. The Johnson’s have evidently done this many times before so to steal from un expecting visitors.
William feels guilt over taking that man’s life and tells Rachel that he’d never killed anyone before. This scene you can see Jamie’s heart come through in him. He has a flurry of feelings about it that he cannot sort through and worries that Rachel might think less of him due to her beliefs but she reassures him she knows him well enough to know he did it to save them.
When they part William tells them to ask for his uncle should they run into trouble. He gives them the money from Ian and keeps the rosary beads. When Rachel watches him leave with fond eyes Denny reminds her that he is a British soldier, and violence follows men like that. There’s a sweet scene between the siblings where Denny gives Rachel an out, but she insists they stay together.
Loch Errochry
The Land Rover Bree and her boss drive around in is a dream, I want one. The setting is also stunning, having driven through the highlands last year it’s still so hard to believe that country looks like that. Bree meets her new male employees including Rob Cameron (!!!). He immediately locks her into the tunnel like a jackass and Bree discovers the light they gave her has no batteries. She quickly lights a match and finds some lights and proceeds to inspect the tunnel. I’d be clostrophobic down there and it feels like something out of a nightmare watching her walk through the tunnels.
She hears buzzing halfway down and a weird blue light at the end that she has to walk through (the graphics are strange but hey, hard to depict what was written) and it leads her to her escape. It’s implied that somewhere in the tunnel may be a portal for time travel.
Bree tells the kids at dinner about being trapped in the tunnel and how she escaped but you can tell she’s still unsettled by the event. Her and Roger step away from the table to discuss it. She’s worried the men are never going to respect her and Roger reminds her Claire did it at Harvard. A bit of a turn around from him being slightly sexist last episode about her working in general.
While in the office they uncover a hidden drawer in the desk and he gifts her a pen. Doesn’t undo his comments from last episode but that’s just me, and his insistence on her wearing knickers and a hard hat needs to stahhhhhp.
Bree heads to the bar where the men and Rob Cameron are hanging out and tries to awkwardly earn their respect. They all try and play it off as a joke and she tries to insert her dominance. Sophie also can’t say the word “anything” without a Scottish accent.
Young Ian
Joseph Brant of the Mohawk is at Shadow Lake and Ian is recruited to deliver a letter to him. Ian is reluctant because of personal reasons. He asks Claire how baby’s come to be and why he was unable to get his Mohawk wife pregnant. His belief is that his spirit was not strong enough and fears he cannot get a woman pregnant again and would refuse to take another wife. He tells Claire that Jamie told him about sperm and asks her to look at his (had to laugh). When asked, Ian tells her Iseabell was perfect and not deformed, but Claire has a Frank conversation to help Ian understand that it’s not a matter of his spirit but science and gives him renewed hope he may be able to have a child with another woman one day.
When he arrives at the Mohawk camp he sees Emily, who is happy to see him. She tells him she now has two children and is happy. Ian seems to finally be at peace with that, and asks to meet her son (who does not look Mohawk). He tells Ian that Emily’s mother tells him he’s the child of his spirit. Ian gives him the name Ian James and I’m sat here smiling like a fool over how cute that scene was.
Simon Fraser
One of the few scenes we get with Claire and a Jamie this episode, Jamie tells Claire that a Simon Fraser is one of Burgoyne brigadiers on the side of the British. Book readers will know that he is a ticket home to Scotland for them later on, and Jamie tells her it is not the same Simon Fraser she met in season 2 but not the old fox or his son but one of Jamie’s second cousins from Balnain (located outside of Inverness, not far from Loch Ness). It is also now understood that with their troops low on supplies they will need to attack the fort sooner than later. Jamie knows that a Fraser in the camp, the troops will know well enough to attack from higher ground as Highlanders do.
Jamie brings Formoy and the men to higher ground to show them that it is possible to the English can reach them by cannon, and once again finds himself standing across an incompetent soldier (with a terrible accent). These scenes are so short and choppy, and for that I dislike them. It’s not enough time with Jamie (or Claire for that matter) before we are abruptly switched over to another character. The atmosphere of them walking around at the Fort was palpable in the books, and we are missing it so far in the show sadly.
Later on the British set up shop in the exact place Jamie warned of, and Jamie uses his knowledge how Highlander warfare to help lead an evacuation by boat. Claire won’t allow Walter Woodcock to leave the fort because his injury is still too fresh, and sadly has to leave him. She tells him due to his injury the British will have to show him mercy, but also gives him laudanum. I was surprised she didn’t outright show him how to use it if he needed to drift off to sleep. The civilians are all put into boats in the lake and the fort is abandoned. The next sequence of events in the books is fairly action packed so I’m curious how they go about it all next episode.
Ian and Rachel
When Ian returns to the fort, he spots Rachel. A critique I have of this season is that they make the traveling seem so fast, and it’s incredibly hard to keep track of time passed. Ian was just in Virginia, now he’s suddenly back in New York. That said, these two have great chemistry without even trying, and Ian let’s Rachel know Claire is his aunt. It’s implied they will be seeing much more of one another, thankfully. I think the actors have done a great job of establishing the differences between Rachel and Ian and Rachel and William - Izzy plays Rachel differently around Ian and it’s great work on her part.
In the End
Roger goes out into the dark to search for the Nucklavee and we see a camera angle from across the yard watching the front door of the house. I suspect next episode we will actually set eyes on Buck for the first time.
The episode ends when Bree goes to the graveyard to talk to Jamie and brings him a stone. She tells him about her new job, buying Lallybroch, etc. and it fades to black (a weak ending and my least favorite thus far). Nothing happens this episode action wise, and it was mainly an episode used for establishing upcoming plot. The pacing is getting really bad in that such large expanses of tiem are not being explained. How in one episode did Jamie have two conversations about Sugarloaf Hill and the British Invasion, and The Hunters / William Travel by Horse to New York from Virginia, Ian leave camp to go see Emily and return…it’s so many moving parts and it’s not clear how they all make sense. Even having read the books I’m getting confused with how they are choosing to speed things up.
I will say this until I’m blue in the face, but this show works best when Claire and Jamie are together and on screen, and every time I dislike an episode it’s in large part due to a lack of them. That can be said with this episode, but I’m optimistic we will see much more of them next episode thanks for the preview.
Episode 6 Preview
Preview for episode 6 shows what looks to be an action filled attack on the Fort - we see Jamie attacking British soldiers, William in a red coat again, Roger running into the yard angrily, and Ian and Rachel getting closer. Lots of good things that I hope we get proper screen time to dissect.
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my-japanese-corner · 2 months
10 Countries Names in Katakana Edition (Asia - South/East Asia Edition) - Learning Katakana Script!
<< Part 1
China, Korea & Japan are written in Kanji - so would be skipped from this list :) still I'll write them at the end for anyone who wants to know. I have something bonus at the end of the post hehe!
1. インド (いんど)
2. スリランカ (すりらんか)
3. パキスタン (ぱきすたん)
4. シンガポール (しんがぽーる)
5. べトナム (べとなむ)
6. インドネシヤ (いんどねしや)
7. ブタン (ぶたん)
8. バングラデシュ (ばんぐらでしゅ)
9. ネパール (ねは一る)
10. カンボジヤ (かんぼじや)
1. 日本 (にほん)
meaning: Japan
pronunciation/romanji: ni-ho-n
kanji breakdown: 日→に (meaning: Sun) & 本→ほん (meaning: Book, also origin, basis depending on context the meaning changes). The Kanji essentially means "Sun's Origin" or as Japan is also called "Land of the Rising Sun"
2. 中国 (ちゅうげく)
meaning: China pronunciation/romanji: chu-u-go-ku kanji breakdown: 中 -> generally this kanji means "inside, in or center" 国 -> くに (meaning: country). Together we can say these words mean "Center Country" or "Middle Kingdom"
3. 韓国 (かんこく)
meaning: Korea pronunciation/romanji: ka-n-ko-ku kanji breakdown: 韓 -> this kanji is referred to as Korea in both Japanese and Mandarin (I believe) and the kanji is taken from Mandarin into Japanese. I couldn't exactly find the meaning of this particular kanji or why has it come to mean Korea, however, if someone knows please do comment or reblog :) to note: generally Korea is written in Hiragana and not Kanji.
1. インド (いんど)
meaning: India
pronunciation/romanji: i-n-do
2. スリランカ (すりらんか)
meaning: Sri Lanka
pronunciation/romanji: su-ri-ra-n-ka
3. パキスタン (ぱきすたん)
meaning: Pakistan
pronunciation:/romanji pa-ki-su)ta-n
4. シンガポール (しんがぽーる)
meaning: Singapore
pronunciation/romanji: shi-n-ga-poo-ru
5. べトナム (べとなむ)
meaning: Vietnam
pronunciation/romanji: be-te-na-mu
6. インドネシヤ (いんどねしや)
meaning: Indonesia
pronunciation/romanji: i-n-do-ne-shi-ya
7. ブタン (ぶたん)
meaning: Butan
pronunciation/romanji: bu-ta-n
8. バングラデシュ (ばんぐらでしゅ)
meaning: Bangladesh
pronunciation/romanji: ba-n-gu-ra-de-shu
9. ネパール (ねは一る)
meaning: Nepal
pronunciation/romanji: ne-paa-ru
10. カンボヅヤ (かんぼじや)
meaning: Cambodia
pronunciation/romaji: ka-n-bo-ji-ya
I wanted to introduce another Kanji, because I believe it is very effective in learning countries and how to say a nationality together.
meaning: person pronounced: ひと (hi-to) kanji breakdown/usage: this kanji is a person indicator, the pronunciation changes depending on context. for the sake of this post, I will only talk about it's "じん" (Jin) usage.
When referring to a person from a country you can say "country name [either in kanji or Katakana] + 人" and that it! You can say your nationality :)
インド人 - Indian (Indo-jin)
日本人 - Japanese (Nihon-jin)
カンボジア人 - Cambodian (Canbojiya-jin)
Basic sentence from this: I am Indian -> 私はインド人です![watashi wa indojin desu] - Although people general would just say インド人です (indojin desu) or 私はインド人 (watashi wa indojin)
So, if you made it this far in the post, please do post where you are from / your nationality :)
<< Part 1 | Part 3 >>
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cometchasr · 9 days
so i have a chinese book presentation due tomorrow. due to the weekend thing, im currently on a bus and obviously dont have the book with me. so i finished reading it on my phone, with an online pdf. and i finished SO FUCKING FAST. granted i had no dictionary but WHAT! it feels so unreal. legitimately like its fake. the feeling of how long it took is miles off.
and this is the normal version too. the one im supposed to use is a special singapore school edition, which one would think is simpler. but NO.
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abyrondeans · 4 months
New Rap Lyric and Reflections
I wrote a rap lyric today on the bus coming back from Petra. For whatever weird reason, it seemed to relieve my soul. What I suppose is the problem with my soul's feeling is the casual integration of people around the world I experienced at MUM: it's reasonable to say that just the prisons and overpopulation alone, much less all the other factors, would shut the door so hard in the face of certain countries, there's nothing mellow about anything casual between them. I haven't been assuming a casual posture recently. I was listening to "watch", trusting in my taste that that would be a really good song to have her perform, and how it says something about the rest of the world, and how they just don't cut it musically.
"Did anyone book 5 nights of dome in Singapore
Anyone can take out the book of holy smoke and make 'em snore
Like Bangladesh, it's about making people take interest".
T just did her first Singapore show, hence the reference to Singapore.
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mizumech · 2 days
hows iowa and also hows literature
thanks for asking and im sorry that it took this long! iowa was great albeit it took way too long to get there (i dont perceive time but i know it was long)
i had to stop over in taipei (met two Hong Kong teams) before landing in chicago and then taking a long bus to iowa uni
honestly iowa uni was so big i feel like i could have placed the whole NUS campus in there twice and we took a whole shuttle bus to get to the walmart (it was the last stop on the line)
literature went great although none of our drills worked when we got there (we had to borrow from another Singapore team lmao) and we met a surprising amount of China teams (they met my piss poor chinese proficiency). we got 2nd place for our division/problem!
we had two cyclones but nothing bad really.
Here’s a pic of a pin i got from a bus driver on the way to the prep venue:
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(i still haven’t read the book this whole project was based on i feel terrible about it)
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ninja-muse · 2 years
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Another reading month that wasn’t my strongest ever, numbers-wise. My excuses this month?
Weather and latitude, since I get a good bit of my reading in while waiting for or travelling on public transit and it’s really difficult to do that when it’s dark, raining, or the bus is full of people because—did I mention the rain?
Me going “to heck with reading goals” mid-month and signing out 800 pages of history which I knew was going to take me weeks.
But eh, whatever. It’s been a very enjoyable reading month apart from that! I finally read my sixth/last Austen novel and I think it might be my favourite now? I absolutely see why booklr had a collected meltdown over the Netflix movie. No way could that set-up do the story justice. And I got my hands on A Restless Truth at last, and rediscovered my love of Alan Smale, and read my last of the Oseman novels also.
Watch for The Great Believers near the top of my December wrap-up, by the way. I’m nearly done and it’s good.
Persuasion - Jane Austen Anne Eliot dutifully turned down Frederick Wentworth but eight years later, he’s back in town—and courting a neighbour. - warning: misogynist society, agism, some fatphobia Hot Moon - Alan Smale Vivian Carter just wants her quiet Apollo mission. Unfortunately, the Soviets attack almost as soon as she hits orbit, and it goes downhill from there. - Chinese-American, Black, and Latino secondary characters - warning: blood, battle injuries Now You See Us - Balli Kaur Jaswal Three Filipina maids in Singapore find their daily injustices brought to the fore when a fourth maid is falsely accused of murder. Out in March. - Asian cast, 🏳️‍🌈 POV character, minor 🏳️‍🌈 character, Indo-Singaporean author  - warning: abuse, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia A Restless Truth - Freya Marske Maud has until her boat docks to catch a killer and retrieve an artifact, but she’ll need a team and a whole lot of creativity. - 🏳️‍🌈 protagonists, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters, Black secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 author
Solitaire - Alice Oseman Tori’s life is boring and pointless and she doesn’t get why her friends care—or why everyone think Solitaire’s pranks are funny, not dangerous. - 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 author - warning: accurate depiction of depression; suicidal thoughts, homophobic characters
Be the Serpent - Seanan McGuire Toby’s happily married and due for a break. Unfortunately, an old friend might just be the worst enemy she’s ever faced. - 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters, 🏳️‍🌈 author - warning: blood, violence, death of a child
The Collectors - Philip Pullman with Tom Duxbury (Illustrator) Two art collectors discuss some recent acquisitions with otherworldly provenance.
She-Hulk, Vol. 1 - Rainbow Rowell Jen Walters is rebuilding her life again when an old friend mysteriously returns—from the dead?
Currently reading:
Beneath Another Sky - Norman Davies A world tour of countries subsumed by the colonial West and the ways they’re rebuilding after. - warning: colonial mindsets
The Great Believers - Rebecca Makkai Yale is trying for a massive bequest to his gallery while navigating a relationship and watching his friends die of AIDS. Thirty years later, Fiona is searching for her daughter and reckoning with how Yale’s friend-group has affected her life. - largely 🏳️‍🌈 cast, Jewish protagonist, Jewish secondary character, Black secondary character - warning: deaths from AIDS, period-typical homophobia, including apathy and hate crimes
The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle Victorian detective stories - major disabled character
 - warning: colonialism, racism


Monthly total: 8
 Yearly total: 136 + 1 
Queer books: 4 
Authors of colour: 1
 Books by women: 6
 Canadian authors: 0
 Off the TBR shelves: 1
 DNFs: 0
January February March April May June July August September October
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redsamuraiii · 11 months
Our Japanese Obsession
The Business Times explores the fascination with Japan in Singapore, which continues to grow at the speed of a Shinkansen.
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Photo by Fikri Rasyid on Unsplash
Everyone has a personal story to tell about Japan's hold on them. Apart from Mr Goh, Lin Weiwen's 11-year 'addiction' led him to quit his job in July just to spend two months in Japan and work on a book on Japanese wines.
"For some time, I'd been thinking of how to combine my love for Japan with my profession," says the former editor of Wine & Dine magazine. "I knew I wouldn't have time to do this and stay in my full-time job. So I decided to leave."
He became fascinated with Japan - besides watching Ultraman cartoons on TV as a kid in the early 80s - when he started learning the language in 2005. Once you do that, "you're already embracing its culture", he believes. Plus he always enjoyed Japanese food and movies - "especially the works of Akira Kurosawa and Takeshi Kitano" - and had Japanese friends at university in Adelaide, who shared stories of home with him.
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Photo by Jeremy Santana on Unsplash
His first trip to Osaka in 2008 was an experience everyone can identify with.
"Things were orderly, streets were safe and clean, people were helpful and service was top notch. Here was a country that in many ways resembled Singapore and yet was different in just as many ways. It was familiar and foreign at the same time - that was its allure."
That allure takes different forms for different people. "The music was what hooked me," says Dawn Yip, group operations director of the Jean Yip group. "Almost all the Cantonese and Mandarin songs were translated from Japanese in the 80s and 90s. The melodies were so beautiful it made me want to go there to study music and singing."
She was a teenager at the time, and was "very impressed with the way they do things - they're very organised and take a lot of pride in everything". Now she visits every year for work, food, the changing seasons and to practise the Japanese she learned in school. "It's the aesthetics, the way they carry themselves and behave."
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Photo by Victoriano Izquierdo on Unsplash
"The Japanese believe in eating well and in doing your work well, whether you're a bus driver, waiter or business owner. It's about treating the environment and people with respect - this attitude is why I love Japan."
Take a bowl of ramen, says Mr Lin. "It's simple, comfort food but presented with care. The char siu slices, spring onions, egg, squirt of garlic oil. They have their own position in the bowl like planets in the universe - they don't overlap. It may be a 500 yen product but the person doing it is giving a 1000 yen effort, making sure everything is in its rightful place.
A bak chor mee hawker is not going to say, 'I'll put the minced meat here, fish balls there'. It's a $3 dish and a $3 effort. It's not a bad thing. It's our culture. We were not raised to pay attention to detail, or to take pride in trivial or simple tasks. The Japanese are. It's something we can learn from them."
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Photo by Sofia Monteiro on Unsplash
Not a single person we spoke to can imagine the obsession with Japan abating any time soon. Come hell or high water (and occasional typhoon), we'll be there. So, see you desu neh?
Full Article : businesstimes.com.sg/lifestyle/our-japanese-obsession
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wellingtonnz · 1 year
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Bye bye Wellington and New Zealand.
Been through immigration and security, waiting to board my rebooked Qantas flight to Melbourne and on to Bangkok with Thai Airways 12.30am tomorrow, then four hours by bus back to the family around noon Sunday.
Not the end, but a big life change ahead, and no plans on returning to NZ, didn't intend to be here this long.
Thanks for the memories.
1 April 2023.
April Fool's day from Air NZ!
NOTE: I was booked to fly to Sydney at 6.30am but Air New Zealand cancelled, not postponed, that flight. It was a ten hours wait, and fortunate to get a seat with Qantas.
Then in Melbourne a further six hours waiting for the re-booked flight with Thai Airways, my favourite airline.
Extremely disappointed with Air NZ. Their communication was appalling. I don't usually fly with them (Qantas, Singapore, Thai my preferences) and certainly would not ever book international flights with them again.
Our overnight hotel booking and airport transfers in Bangkok were wasted - I wasn't there!
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charleslebatman · 9 months
If Alex didn't go to Monza because she's shy and private then why the fuck did she go to Monaco. Monza is the Ferrari race but Monaco is Charles, if you're dating Charles but keep it on the DL you don't go to Monaco even if it's the closest race to where you live. Sorry but there's literally no excuse you could use to justify her not going to Monza but going to Singapore and Japan. She didn't have school work because she immediately skipped two weeks back at a school that's a bitch with attendance and she didn't do it online because it doesn't offer online classes and she only took a book with her not a laptop.
People need to stop making excuses for this grown woman acting like a child who threw herself under the bus by being in her friends tiktok to show the gossip pages she's obsessed with stalking why she wasn't at a race and that she hadn't broken up with her bf.
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yuppielionheart · 1 year
KLOOK Official Experience Partner for Taylor Swift The Eras Tour
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KLOOK Official Experience Partner for Taylor Swift The Eras Tour
Ticket bundles available on July 7, 2023.
Click here!
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Book now using my unique promo code to get 5% off!
Check out below the other useful KLOOK deals for the Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour:
1. M1 Sim Card for Singapore
- Stay connected via mobile and cellular data during your stay.
2.  Hotels:
V Lavender Hotel 
- 4 star hotel beside MRT station, very accessible and just a few stations away from National Stadium Singapore. Stayed here during my visit and I highly recommend this hotel. They have a luggage storage, swimming pool, gym and a buffet restaurant. The location is also nearby to other restaurants and just one station/bus away from Bugis wherein you can shop and try different hawker stalls.
Hotel 81 Changi 
- walking distance to bus station, if you love walking, you can also walk towards the MRT station from here
Village Hotel Bugis 
- walking distance to bus station
Venue Hotel 
- walking distance to bus station
Hotel Mono 
- near DT station, a good alternative.
Hotel 81 Lucky
- Nearby National Stadium Singapore
>>> Click here for search for more hotels.
3. Attractions
-  SG Klook Pass Singapore Multi-Attractions Pass today and get up to 52% OFF!
- Jewel Changi Airport Ticket
- Changi Studio Experience
- Singapore Flyer
- Universal Studios Ticket Located in Sentosa Island
- Skyline Luge Ticket Located in Sentosa Island (This is a must try! I really enjoyed this one.)
- Gardens by the Bay
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zrspace · 1 year
15 questions for 5 mutuals
Rule: You have to answer truthfully and you have to tag 5 mutuals in your post.
tagged by: @jemedesean thank you for the tag! Much love <3  
1. Are you named after anyone?
I don’t think so? My name is Nurhakeem, Nur for “sunlight” and Hakeem for “wise”. Not of anyone that I know
2. When was the last time you cried? Why?
Recently, I was with my close friend and she was describing her emotional struggles and pain that she was going through, and everytime that happens, I tear up abit. 
The one time which I REALLY cried was during a movie for Demon Slayer. I cried like 5 times during a span of 90 min lol.
3. Do you believe in Soulmates? 
Yes I do. Actually, it is part of my faith and religion to believe in not just soulmates, but destiny (or Divine Decree). Everything has been planned out by God. Ever wondered how you end up where you are now at? Ever wondered how everything worked out in the end? But maybe that’s just me haha.
Regarding soulmates, the name of your spouse has already been written too. Now it’s up to me to reach to her. I think some of yall already know who that is lol *wink wink*
4. Do you drink liquor? 
No. Haram baby. I know some Muslims that do drink, but I just try to remind them. I can’t force them to not want to drink it.
Plus, drinking alcohol causes cancer. I think there was a recent study that says that no small amount of alcohol is good for you.
5. What do you usually daydream about?
Umm... good question. Going out with my close friend? XD
Also, how can I go to Japan or Switszerland or Austria in the future, and what do I need to do to make it happen.
6. First thing you notice about other people?
Their smile
7. What's your favorite quote from a TV show/movie/book?
“Friendship means little when it’s convenient” - Koji Shimazu (from John Wick 4)
“Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum” - Kakashi/Obito/Naruto
8. Some of your pet peeves?
When people refuse to put their bags down on the floor when they’re on the bus or train. As a result, they take up more space than they need to.
9. Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why?
Japan, because it’s cheaper than travelling to Switzerland haha. Also, I want to visit Mount Fuji one day and visit a Japanese Mosque and see how they are different than the ones in Singapore. I want to go with someone. It’s no fun to go alone
10. Where were you born? 
Singapore, KK Hospital
11. What are your hobbies?
Hanging out with my close friends, reading religious books, playing video games, exercising, going for hikes, watching movies, going for dinners and exhibitions. Having fun basically. OO and I like to cook when I can. 
12. What's the best joke you've ever heard?
Hey baby. You look like a baby. Want to be my baby?
13. What’s your love language? 
Quality Time and Words of Affirmation are on the same level at the top, followed closely by physical touch
14. Topics you never get tired of to talk about.
Religion and life and emotional struggles. AND Naruto and anime that I am interested in. And movies. 
15. What would be the title if your life were a movie? 
Where is the love?
tagging: @apoloniaspiegelgold @agreeablewitch @dennnnsworld @looshipoh @maybecoolpuppets
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Phu Quoc and Ho Chi Minh City
After leaving Singapore I returned to Vietnam to travel around and see more of the country that I’m calling home for the next few months.
I started in Phu Quoc, an island in the South of Vietnam located off the shores of Cambodia. I stayed in Duong Dong, which is the centrally located main town on the island. I think if I returned I would stay in a different area, however, as Duong Dong was more touristy and kind of gave me Myrtle Beach vibes. The beach there was still nice to go and this is where the Phu Quoc Night Market is located. The best street food I’ve had so far in Vietnam was at this night market. They have fresh seafood spreads that they grill in front you, fresh fruit juices and smoothies, and much more. There was one crepe stand that I really liked. Street food is a big part of Vietnamese culture and one shouldn’t shy away from trying it while here.
Phu Quoc was really just a relax at the beach kind of trip, rather than sightseeing as I have been doing. I mostly stayed at the pool and beach access by my hotel, but I did make it across the island to the fishing town of Ham Ninh. There wasn’t much there except for some seafood restaurants that were suspended over the water on piers, but I did stop in one to enjoy some fresh clams and look out at the open ocean.
In general Phu Quoc was okay for a few days of relaxation by the beach and eating great seafood. And the one highlight of Duong Dong was that I could watch the sun rise over the mountains and set over the ocean, which was a beautiful way to start and end my day.
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Phu Quoc was a short plane ride away from my next destination: Ho Chi Minh City/Saigon. While it’s official name is Ho Chi Minh City, a lot of people still call it Saigon and it’s airport code is even “SGN”. A lot of businesses there also use Saigon in their name.
HCMC is the most populous city in Vietnam and has a much bigger city feel. I think it is also more popular for tourists and expats, as I saw a lot more foreigners around than in Hanoi.
I spent a lot of time just walking around seeing the city. Singapore softened me so I had to reacclimate to Vietnamese traffic. As a pedestrian in cities here you have to always be on high alert as you never know where a car or motorbike will appear from. My first day in Saigon I bent down to tie my shoe and was nearly grazed by a BMW driving down the sidewalk. Despite this I was still able to make my way around to a lot of good spots around the city.
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For my last day in Ho Chi Minh I booked a guided tour of Mui Ne, a beach town about a five hour bus ride from the city. The many hours in the bus were worthwhile, as Mui Ne was absolutely beautiful. Our group’s guides took as around in Jeeps to all the main spots in the area. We walked along the Fairy Stream, stopped by a fishing village, rode ATVs around the white sand dunes, and watched the sunset from the red sand dunes. Every stop was great and I took so many photos. Mui Ne is definitely an underrated area in Vietnam that I’m glad I was able to see.
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I still have an entire week (!) off of class, so my travels will continue.
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talwarishikaaa · 2 years
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Kuala Lumpur to Singapore- Places to Visit
Singapore is one of most beautiful destinations for experiencing the amazing food, infrastructure and rich culture. Book bus tickets online at redBus and explore the hidden gems within Singapore.
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