#mizumech mumbles
mizumech · 5 months
keisuke ramen and ethoslab sweep
so true :D
(keisuke ramen food of the gods)
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mizumech · 4 days
is august (merlion) gay
what a curious question to be asking me
yeah ofc he is he’s such a little twink and i bet he’s dating merli (he reminds me of enjolras from les mis who said that his only mistress was france to try and defend his virginity [that guy was definitely somewhere on the gayness spectrum])
merli and august for the win! :D
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mizumech · 4 days
hows iowa and also hows literature
thanks for asking and im sorry that it took this long! iowa was great albeit it took way too long to get there (i dont perceive time but i know it was long)
i had to stop over in taipei (met two Hong Kong teams) before landing in chicago and then taking a long bus to iowa uni
honestly iowa uni was so big i feel like i could have placed the whole NUS campus in there twice and we took a whole shuttle bus to get to the walmart (it was the last stop on the line)
literature went great although none of our drills worked when we got there (we had to borrow from another Singapore team lmao) and we met a surprising amount of China teams (they met my piss poor chinese proficiency). we got 2nd place for our division/problem!
we had two cyclones but nothing bad really.
Here’s a pic of a pin i got from a bus driver on the way to the prep venue:
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(i still haven’t read the book this whole project was based on i feel terrible about it)
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mizumech · 5 months
hey who was gonna tell me that Back To School 3 was so goshdarn queer before we had it screened at a family reunion
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