crimescrimson · 4 months
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Claire Redfield & Steve Burnside in Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles (2009)
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alfredsimp · 7 months
honest, I'm a tired of people saying "Steve so much like Leon!".
I mean, no.
maybe they really have a somewhat similar exterior design (hairstyle with bangs, + Leon in RE2 original seems more red than blond), but all the similarities end there. they have completely different stories, characters and personalities. yes, they both interact with Claire, but they have an absolutely different dynamic with her.
some seem to devalue Steve as a character, the terrible experience he went through as a prisoner on the island, or the fact that Steve literally overcame the virus in his body, just not to harm Claire, he loved her so much. but it all boils down to "look, this guy like Leon!". (he don't)
this wouldn't be a problem if I hadn't seen people who claim that would be good if the CV Remake "cut the role of Steve and added Leon" (we know that this will never happen and are grateful to Capcom for that). this teenage guy went through a terribly traumatic experience as a prisoner of the camp (which, according to Capcom's first plans, should have parallels with the end camp, they even have a gas chamber), became a victim of an experiment and curbed the virus in himself (can you imagine how strong he is?) for safety the woman he fell in love with. but in the end, some people call him "annoying" and want him erased from his own story for the sake of some ship (which doesn't even exist in the canon).
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thecodeveronica · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Burnside/Claire Redfield Characters: Claire Redfield, Steve Burnside Additional Tags: Fluff and Humor, First Dates, Arcades, this got majorly out of hand as you can see from the word count Summary:
Claire and Steve fight off another zombie outbreak, but this time with much lower stakes. Along the way, they try their hand at other games while spending an evening out together.
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tearsoftime0086 · 4 months
😍for the fic ask game!
Thank you so much for sending an ask :)
😍 published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing?
I have a couple, but the one that first comes to mind is the burnfield scene I put in An Eternal Warpath for You and Me:
“Hey.” Steve tilts her head towards him with gentle fingers. It hurts to see the guilt on her face. “But that’s not how it happened. Things turned out alright. And they’ll keep going well, as long as I have anything to say about it. You’re never getting rid of me.” Claire scoffs, but the faintest trace of a smile flits across her lips. “Do you really have to word it like that?” “It’s the only way I’ll get you to listen.” “Gah; how did I survive fifteen years with you?” she drones, but the brightness in her tone makes it hardly an insult. And to seal the deal, she gives him a quick kiss on his cheek. Steve grins and returns the favor. Claire doesn’t shy away from his fanged kiss; it’s something he doesn’t take for granted. “Well, we must be doing something right.” The flutter in his heart from hearing Claire’s laugh never fades. “I love you so much.”
This scene means a lot to me because it's my little attempt at giving Claire and Steve some happy closure. It's 2013, they've had their troubles, but despite it all, they're here. And that silly teenage love from 1998 never left :')
(kindly ignore the fact that I am busy writing said troubles for Claire and Steve in a separate WIP XD)
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velvetrambles · 4 months
This is how DSC Chapter 6 went right (additional editing by @reallolattack thank you!!)
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spiderbunnifics · 2 months
Bow, Backstep, and twirl
The plane was completely silent, all except for the chain of frustrated groans of Steve Burnside as he tried to turn the plane on; trying furiously to floor the rudder pedal, only for the plane to be silent as it, well, doesn’t turn on at all, makes no notion to move. ‘Nada’, Steve thinks, now glaring at the keyhole on the control panel, the thin red circle around the keyhole only serving to taunt him, he could almost hear it laughing at him, almost saying ‘You’re not done yet!’
“Seriously?!” he bellowed, getting up and making a move to kick the seat out of sheer frustration; searing pain that this caused him be damned!
This outburst caused Claire Redfield to snap her head to look at the ginger boy, to which he put his hands up and sat on the instrument panel, shifting uncomfortably to not sit too close to the flight controls, and muttering a brisk “Sorry.”
Claire’s head tilted subtly, starting to look at Steve, her eyes softening at the sight of him, now resting his arm at his knee, she noticed his hands rub at his left eye, occasionally blinking his restlessness away, as he’s not slept in a while -- well, not a proper sleep -- Steve’s ginger hair stuck to his sleepless face from earlier exhausts of fighting the undead, oh, and his dad, too; That must be the weirdest way for your dream girl to meet your dad, him being a zombie and trying to tear her larynx out.
At least I’m getting out of here alive. Steve thought bitterly, he hoped his dad would be happy with him keeping his memory alive, after he escapes from Rockfort.
“Well, this plane was a fuckin’ bust.” He breathed, and it was only now that Claire noticed that his breathing was more noticeably heavy, his entire body subtly heaving, each breath more labored than his last. He kept his gaze on her, but it was much softer than she was used to from him.
“Yeah, no kidding..” Claire murmured breathlessly, feeling those breaths subtly quicken like her heartbeat, her own gaze keeping close to him, but never quite making eye contact, she didn’t like keeping eye contact.
The auburn-haired woman glanced at the Ashford manor from the large window next to the cockpit, her blue eyes narrowed while she tried to visualize the floor and overall structure of the manor and prison; the floors, ceilings, it’s strange golden yellow lighting -- which honestly gave her a headache, she hated yellow lights --.
Upon staring at the structure and build of the place, Claire bit her bottom lip, eyes rapidly shifting glance as she tried to think.
“Say,” she turns back to face Steve, seeing that he almost jumped, racing to meet her gaze, freezing; no longer fidgeting with the hem of his prisoner jacket, the dull navy-coloured fabric being caught between his pointer and ring
fingers, and staying that way. Claire noticed his gaze as he examined her face, a mannerism that she’d steadily started to notice a lot more, but dared not to comment on; she thought it was cute, him trying to be subtle.
Claire briefly smiles, savoring the slow flood of confusion on his then almost stoic face, before continuing.
“I see this big rectangle window, Did we explore that room? It might have that key you’ve been looking at!” she suggests, blinking at him when she sees him make rapid eye movement, thinking.
“Good idea, yeah” Steve nods, his narrowed eyes looking up to his right as he speaks, as if he was trying to remember the room. By the time he looked back at her, she was already climbing out of the cockpit, auburn hair almost ethereally falling, even if it was in a low ponytail.
Steve almost had to catch his breath, looking at her, before calling out,
“Hey, wa-wait up!”
Now, the two wait in a large dining room area, only illuminated by uncomfortably bright light emanating from the chandelier, as it casts a warm, but lonely golden yellow light around the room. The warmth of the room heavily contrasts the cold dimness of the rainy outside.
Steve slowly walked towards one of the small tables on the side, a mahogany coffee table that was only decorated with red tablecloths, three photos -- of course, of members of the Ashfords, dancing, out of anything else -- lined at the back of the table, one wide photo, surrounded on each side by one long photo, depicting who Steve could only guess was Alexia and Alfred, with a fancy family photo being framed in the longways picture.
‘Wonder if they had family reunions..’ He thinks, ‘That would sure be weird, huh?’ Steve could hardly imagine how those would turn out.
“ ‘Hey fellow Ashford, have you killed anyone recently yet?’. ‘Why I have not, other Ashford!’ “
Wow, Steve thought, when was his last family reunion? He didn’t think family talked to each other like that.
While Steve occupied himself with the awkwardness of an Ashford family reunion, Claire stayed in a crouch in front of the large painting of Veronica Ashford. She took the time to study the numbers and faint circles on the floor, they looked to be dance instructions, out of anything else.
She glanced back at the painting, Veronica was depicted in a dull purple dress that looked more like a babydoll dress than a ball gown. Veronica’s purple dress was frilly, adorned at the hems and sleeves with delicate silk-esque lace. Claire stared up at the painting, her blue gaze fixed on the regality of the blonde’s stance, her poise, and elegance. She absently brought her left hand to her face, feeling at her lip, abruptly becoming acutely aware of her own messy hair, unkempt from her struggles of the day.
After a brief pause, she hears concern from her partner,
“Hey Claire, are you uh … alright?” Steve asks, to which she responds with a quick nod, the woman moving to stand up while she keeps her gaze on the floor.
Claire’s arms crossed behind her back as she tapped the heel of her boots on the floor a few times and her mouth remained agape. Without really thinking on it, Claire positioned herself at the first circle-step, her foot kept idle on it as she looked for the second step; then the third, fourth, fifth, and eventually, by the sixth, she thinks she gets it!
There were small symbols with each of the circles, with step six, the symbol notioned for Claire to twirl -- which she did carefully -- to step seven, which wanted her to face step two and bow, gracefully traipsing to step eight, before backing towards nine, one more spin, then she was done.
By the end of it, she could practically feel Steve glancing at her as if she was insane.
“You sure you’re okay?” He asks, his expression somewhere between genuine concern, and him trying not to laugh his ass off. “Never thought I’d see Claire Redfield dancing.”
“Yes, I am!” she chuckles, “I took dancing lessons when I was twelve, only for like... a day,” she states jovially, her brief smile never escaping her face as she talks with Steve. “I never thought I’d remember how!” Her smile did, however, falter a bit, as she opened her mouth to bring up her dad, and how he even said that same thing, -- after telling Claire that he was sure she would quit the lessons regardless -- but, the last thing Claire wanted to bring up was fathers at the moment.
“Me neither, it’s such a girly hobby” Steve remarks, his tone still cheerful and playful as his smirk widened, watching as Claire narrows her eyes at him in faux annoyance.
“Hey, I might make you help me, Burnside!” she taunts, silently going over the steps once more.
“Ohh noo, close contact? Anything but that!” He jabs, returning Claire’s faulty smile as he studies her movements; trying to copy them at certain moments; with more of a faux-mocking tone, of course, keeping up the playful banter they had going on. “You’re .. really into that huh?”
Claire nods, face remaining stoic in her haze of concentration; “it almost feels like muscle memory..” she mutters, only barely doing a twirl without losing any semblance of balance.
“C’mon Steve, if you’re such a knight in shining armor why don’t you come help your damsel in distress?” she chuckles, looking over at Steve after trying again on the twirl.
With a laughing sigh, Steve crossed his arms as he walks towards the painting; towards Claire; who welcomed him with open arms -- well, hands -- as she leaned forward and took his hands in her own, and pulled him close, “You’re-” she interrupted herself with a gasp after Steve tripped, “Cold!” she laughed softly, was he really that nervous?
Steve rolled his eyes, deflecting the statement by confidently saying “If you wanted to hold my hands, you coulda just asked”
Claire only made a ‘pff’ sound, before toeing over to step four.
The two tried following the same step at the same time, but occasionally bumped into eachother, or into objects, so that was a no-go.
Every misstep just caused a fit of laughter to befall the two, their closeness -- and maybe deliriousness from staying up so long -- only making the two laugh like they were put on laughing gas in a dentist's office.
Eventually, they felt like they had it figured out.
Steve started at step nine, Claire started at step one, with a mutual bow, -- which both ended up losing their balance and messing up with a little -- they started; both teenagers made sure to keep their arms close to their partner, but was it due to not wanting to risk one of them getting injured by a dastardly fall to the ground? Or was it due to remaining close to eachother? Not even they knew, really. Claire had properly pulled off a spin, followed by Steve properly leading her to step seven, even if it almost resulted in Claire tripping.
“Hey, you’re doing great, Steve!”
“Really? Or are you just saying that?”
“No, I’m serious!”
Cue the two going into another fit of laughter as they messed up step eight.
Steve huffed, rubbing his eye as he turned a little to look at Claire, who looked ready to jump in again; as always.
“Well, we almost had it! Wanna go again?”
And so, the two went at it one more time, hand-in-hand; Every twirl, spin, bow or curtsy, every traipse they took towards the next step seemed to deepen their bond as they tried for the dance.
The two didn’t really seem to realize how close -- emotionally and physically -- they had gotten, up until that very last bow, backstep, and spin;
Claire’s hand leading Steve’s as he stood to twirl, where he was briskly secured in her arms; the twirl, was followed by a moment where their foreheads were gingerly pressed together; their arms seemed to mingle, along with their heavy, and strained, hitching breaths.
For a moment, it was as if everything paused, as if everything around but the two of them, was pushed to the side, it was their turn to be the focus of each other's own little worlds.
Claire’s mouth kept slightly agape as she looked into the eyes of her partner -- now, as she understood, in more ways than one -- she was sure that both of them were pulling the other closer to them, mutually attracting and pulling each other closer, with the likeness of a magnet...
Until the wall right beside the coffee table pushed itself in with a loud BANG! Not only revealing the moth-wing key they had needed, but also effectively scaring Steve half to death, he had let out a yelp, followed by a jump as he instinctively let go of Claire, and reached for the gun holstered at his hip, and pointed it to the wall; only realizing after two seconds, that it was just the wall; his face flushing a little in embarrassment as he heard Claire’s warm laugh, walking towards the key, and bending over to pick it up.
Claire held the key in her hand as she brought it up to the light of the chandelier, having to close her left eye due to the way the light glossed blindingly over the key’s faux-membranous wing.
Claire spotted Steve, watching as he leaned back against a table, hand to his heart, easing its poundings; he occasionally laughed at his own scare, remarking inwardly about how easy he was scared.
Steve’s playfulness was one of the things she would always remember him fondly by; She would miss him when he was gone; it was hard to believe that this would be his last day alive.
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banillahare · 3 months
Don’t know how popular it is to post edits on tumblr, but I’m too scared of bullying to post it on tiktok.
This is like, my very first edit, and of course it’s going to be Cleve! I love them so much, man, I need more content with them
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horsefriends · 2 months
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Friend by Taylor Burnfield
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umegalettingsblog · 2 months
Edinburgh Letting Agents Reveal the Best Areas to Buy Property in Edinburgh
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Are you looking to buy property in Edinburgh could be found out by the letting agents in Edinburgh. In this blog post, we are going to discuss with you some of the best listings currently available on the market. These include properties to rent in Edinburgh, property to let in Edinburgh and property for sale in Edinburgh. We will also reveal Umega’s top areas very soon.
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hidingoutbackstage · 2 years
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Code Veronica X / Darkside Chronicles / “the love was there”
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re4make · 2 years
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#1141 - And we are the dreamers of dreams. #1088 - burn it down #1209 - dare to be stupid
-> a softer world x resident evil
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crimescrimson · 4 months
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Red's Favourite Games Of All Time: Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (2000)
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alfredsimp · 7 months
I have no questions about the fact that Steve died. It was tragic, but good storyline. his death definitely made sense from the point of view of history, and was not prescribed only for the sake of "shock value" (Alexia had a direct motivation to do this: it was clear how angry Alexia was because of her brother's death, so revenge was expected). so we got a bold and good-tragic ending for a this wonderful character?
this would have been the case if Capcom hadn't said in Wesker's words that Steve would live, ahem.
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many dismiss these words as that Wesker was just mocking Claire, he had no reason to resurrect Steve, so shouldn't take these words seriously. but this was clearly a Chekhov gun, they have no reason to prescribe: "maybe he will rise like me and even see your sister," if this is not what Capcom had in mind for the next games. we are talking about the moment where Wesker, who was pierced through by a Tyrant, stands in front of the protagonists alive and fatly hints that "maybe" Steve will also come to life ("maybe" is clearly superfluous here).
it's look like Steve's death was not supposed to be "final" for them, their story should have been planned to continue. just like they did with Ada. (we can see some parallels, yeah)
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but they got away from it and we will never see such.
maybe Steve would become something like the Winter Soldier from Marvel for "The Organization"/Albert Wesker, who knows? would become something like was Jill in RE5?
anyway, Capcom "kinda forgot about this".
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thecodeveronica · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Burnside/Claire Redfield Characters: Claire Redfield, Steve Burnside Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Canon-Typical Behavior, Mentioned Chris Redfield (Resident Evil), Mentioned Leon S. Kennedy, Injury Recovery Summary:
One week after they both survived the horrors of Rockfort Island and the base in the Antarctic, Claire goes to visit a recovering Steve. Knowing that their fight against Umbrella isn't over, they make a promise to one another.
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tearsoftime0086 · 4 months
fueled by the power of code veronica remake rumors, it's the next chapter of the burnfield fic!
what goes up must come down, and the three of them learn there are consequences to bringing a B.O.W. out of Antarctica
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velvetrambles · 3 months
Velvet’s Guide to Understanding the AUs I Work on (Resident Evil: Rainstorm Edition)
(Once again none of this would be possible without my lovely boyfriend @reallolattack who is also co-creator of the AU!! I’d also like to thank @tearsoftime0086 for supporting the AU these last few months as well as inspiring me to keep writing, you’ve been a major help in fleshing everything out :] )
------------------- Oh hey it’s been a while since I did one of these. I just kinda forgot to,,,, But hey Resi brainworms returned and I started writing again so here goes nothing!!
Resident Evil: Rainstorm
"Imagine if Resident Evil was written by Oingo Boingo songs and bisexual people" - @reallolattack Okay first off; change!! What have we done? What will we do? (a lot of a pain for our characters that’s for sure)
The RC outbreak is delayed by a month.
Leon and Claire team up to investigate what’s going on because Chris isn’t telling her shit
I went and revived Steve Burnside because FYUCKKK YOU
Steve works under Wesker between CV and RE5. The prototype for P30 is also developed to keep him under control
Carla is drastically changed from her canon counterpart (main thing is that she isn’t well. Ada 2. But she also plays a much bigger part)
Aeon, Burnfield, and Valenfield are all very much canon here
Sherry and Steve meet and they are FRIENDS
Basically everything about RE6 has been mutilated beyond all recognition for the sake of self indulgence
Carlos is a member of the BSAA
These will mostly be from rps between @reallolattack and I. They do have the possibility of becoming a fic in the future, so if you happen to see these paragraphs pop up again that's why! :] ------------------- Rebecca stares at the words, weakly strung up on some makeshift poles and hanging over their desks. The typo sticks out to her like a sore thumb, but she knows she can’t mention it now, not while they’re on a time limit. Yet, she keeps staring, like her eyes will magic away the extra ‘O’.
A few of the others are busy handling other equally cheap decorations to even notice it, leaving the burden of such knowledge to fall to her.
Did this happen at her welcoming party? Did she get a typo? Is this a running gag she’s unaware of? Or is whoever got sign-duty dyslexic?
You think Captain Wesker would point it out, but no. He’s too busy arguing with Chris over wacky glasses. Jill’s got cake duty. And Barry’s probably acknowledged its existence for all of five seconds before choosing to ignore it. Richard hasn’t even bothered to glance at it.
She takes a deep breath. He won’t notice, surely. She has to stop overthinking typos or simple mistakes before she ends up worrying more about being embarrassed than investigating a grisly murder. - Written by me. ------------------- They were mostly for minor injuries anyway, she hasn’t been bitten or scratched by these things, yet, only sliced by glass and broken metal, she’s more likely to get tetanus than infected.
Or so she hopes, really.
It’s one of those things constantly gnawing at her mind, always aware of her symptoms, always aware of any sign that she might be turning. She hates it, the around-the-clock paranoia, the small moments of panic when she thinks she’s developing symptoms.
Ever since Marvin, she.. she can’t begin to imagine what it’d be like once she actually gets infected. - Written by me. ------------------- Steve tests the shoulder as he shakes his head, which is also aching. Just his damn luck. The plane crash really did a number on them, and if the cold doesn’t kill them - internal bleeding just might.
Okay, best to avoid thinking about that. They’re not going to die here. They’ve got this far, right? Or well, Claire certainly won't perish here. With a wound like this, he’s already a liability. Honestly, it’d be better if she left him here, might increase her odds.
Damn, did he hit his head that hard? - Written by me. ------------------- He doesn't let himself entertain the thought of becoming one of… them. As far as he knows, he's the only cop left in the city. It wouldn't be a good look for the R.P.D. if all of their workforce died in the one situation they couldn't protect people from, right?
Well, except S.T.A.R.S., maybe. They would've owned the apocalypse.
Especially Wesker. God, he's cool. - Written by @reallolattack ------------------- He sits down with a sarcastic grin.
"Nope. Intentionally avoided it. I walked."
And he walked with tank controls!
"Needed to get the cardio in, anyway. I've been hunched over a desk for so long, I forgot what good posture was. Which- thank you for getting me out of the White House."
Which is a sentence that no-one on Earth has ever said before. Claire Redfield is just that strong.
He uses this opportunity to straighten out his back against the chair, keeping his posture in line. You just straightened out yours.
I know what you are. - Written by @reallolattack ------------------- Yeah, he was expecting something vague. Nothing affirmative, no dates, just- "once in a while". How long exactly is a while? Is he really okay with the bait of something stable, if it even is, hanging in front of him for god knows how--
… she told him not to think too hard.
It's something. It's… something. Hope. Tangible, material hope. The most he's had in- fuck. Ada's faint pulse against his chest made his own heart feel like it's finally beating again. She is his oasis.
"My window's always open."
Except when it's locked. But hey, she has a knack for these things. Maybe she has one of those Hollywood laser glass-cutters? She's used to destroying government property by now. Hell, his couch is probably next.
"So…" His teeth latch onto the inside of his bottom lip for a moment. "… how long are you staying?" - Written by @reallolattack -------------------
Stories set in Rainstorm
Every fic I post to AO3 set in this AU will be linked here!!
Early Morning Cuddles
As per usual; questions are welcome!
This AU has so much content sitting behind the scenes that things may get confusing quick, but I’m always willing to clear things up if needed!
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