#Burn/Disfigurement Channel
andreagrantal · 2 years
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duskroine · 2 years
tell a friend to tell a friend: SHE’S BACK!! — gold round, team 6
CHOSEN SECOND WATCHES THE MIMIC FALL as would a mortal to its unreliable god.  with disbelief etched into their very being.  they stare as though the mimic will rise once more from the ground, in a disfigured ascension of their features.  the arena ripples around them and they allow their eyes to close as the dream shifts.  tentatively awaiting whatever beasts are on the other side of the dream’s vision.
ophelia! heals +2 health with amaterasu and bond.   (   ophelia hp = 10 / 10   )
beneath their robes, burns caused by magic begin a quick process of healing.  sepia skin flushes with its normal tone and no longer does the after sparks of luce rise from their chest.  the weight of their former light soldiers leaves their shoulders, instead replaced by a physical pressure.  grey eyes open to the sight of a veil, dark and cross-stitched.  ophelia blinks slowly, raising a gloved hand to their face to test the veil’s fabric.  despite its darkness, they can still see through the thin material.  before them stands their companions—   all of them, thankfully.  relief leaves them as a small sigh at the sight of lloyd and julia back to their feet, no matter how exhausted they seem.
it is then, as ophelia walks forward with graceful steps, that they realize the depth of the magic within them.  the ability of warmth, not lightning.  gray eyes gaze down at their gloves, then back up to their companions.  healing is what they bear, the weight and responsibility of keeping those dearest to them alive rather than using their sacrifices as strength.  hands raise towards the team, a wide gesture that causes a glow to lighten their chest.
ophelia! rolls d20: 7! ‘fortify’ heals good, ( 2 base health + 2 white tomefaire ) +4 health.   (   andrei hp = 7 / 10 , julia hp = 9 / 10 , nyna hp = 10 / 10 , lloyd hp = 9 / 10   )
ophelia! heals +4 health with live to serve.   (   ophelia hp = 10 / 10   )
a channel of magic connects each companion to ophelia’s own well of health, filling all until the connection on their side falters.  it is all they can do, but despite the strange feeling, it is enough.   “   dusk will keep you all fighting,   ”   they declare with an odd gentleness,   “   no evil will drag us heroes down when we’re so close to the dream’s finale.   ”   but it is not a promise.  they cannot promise such a thing after seeing their companions and themselves fall victim to such darkness.  it is a hope, a wish, maybe.
the heroine looks upon the enemies, familiar already with the mechanics of its lunges and armor.   “   our weapons of eclipse and honor have struck such beings before with frightening strength.  what is it to deal the same damage once more!   ”   despite the trauma, they find their voice coming back to its dramatical pitch.  that is enough to quell their worries.
@ulircursed , @alunyna , @fangedjustice , and @nagargent !!
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The Sea Monkey’s Incent (1982) Sea Monkey’s was a popular family sitcome that started in the late 1970′s to the early 80s’ following the mis-adventures of a family of humans who while a family vacation by a lake accidently adopting a slime-folk along the way making them an integral part of the family. The slime affectionally named “Gloopy” gets into mis-adventures with the families youngest kid Fern (Played by Cody Higgs) becoming some of the most popular sitcom duo for a while. Sea Monkey’s ran on Channel 5 from (1978-1982) when the show abruptly ended after an intendent that harmed three people and cased the accidently disfigurement of Drew Bailey.  The incent was a mishandling and bad direction on the part of the head writer of the show Rodolfo Owens wanting to add more bodily humor towards the show to market more towards children. While working on the 50th episode of the show “Ferns Special Day” He suggested a gag in which Fern’s Father (Played by Drew Baily) pulls out Fern’s birthday present from Gloopy’s body due to the slime accidently mistaking it for food. At the time not much was known about the internal structure of slimes so, Rodolfo though that it would just be a harmless gross joke. However, while everyone else in the room was in agreement Gloopy’s personal assistant Anita Austin cautioned that this might not be a good idea. Austin was in charge of “handling” the slime even though in an Galaxies Magazine interview Austin would claim that “Gloopy was smarter than what Owen’s thought of him. He was his own persons it’s just hard for him to understand human speech sometimes.” Owen’s ignored the warning from Austin went on with the skit anyways.  On August 11, 1982 “Fern’s Special Day” l was being filmed in front of a live audience of 60 people which was more than what the studio could handle thus, some people were sat down either on metal chairs and the floor. It was a very special event so, the cast and crew were rushed by the director Cesar Nelson to make everything perfect for this televised event. From the same Galaxies interview Austin explained the behavior of Nelson being hostile towards Gloopy due to the slime having a particularly hard time with saying lines but, also the constant test to see if it was safe to actually touch inside of his body. “I tried telling them that they should touch the inside of his body.” Austin said. “But, Rod and Ceasers were more focused on the spectacle than Gloop’s comfort.”  When the show started everything was going well, though as the episode progressed Gloopy became more and more nervous. When it was time for the gag to be acted out Gloopy was hesitant abnormal for his TV character, however, Drew Baily was still acting and though that it was part of the joke. Drew drove his arm into the slime close to his elbow to grab the gift inside of Gloop however, when he tried to pull his arm out.. it didn’t come back out. His arm was stuck within the slime and his hand started to slightly burn around him. Drew saw that the gift inside of Gloop (a small toy dinosaur that was in a gift box) was being dissolved inside of the slime. In the ensuing panic of both the slime and Drew he tried to use his other hand to pull it out however is right hand was also stuck. Gloopy began to panic and accidentally made the dissolving process worse in a distress state. The audience realized that it wasn’t a bit and caused a panic stressing the slime out even more. This caused people to be trampled in the ensuing chaos making three people injured.
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spiritofwhitefire · 2 years
Been thinking about this once again because the topic of Dabi’s scars has come up again in the fandom (this post isn't even really about that) and like. 
I get it. I do. I remember being like 5 years old watching Oprah with my mom and Oprah was interviewing a woman who survived being burned alive and... I burst into tears and started begging my mom to change the channel and after that, for the longest time, I was terrified of being burned alive. And that makes sense! Burning alive is indescribably painful and most people don’t survive it. But that isn’t why I was so scared of it. I was scared because of the burn scars. I was scared of becoming “ugly”. Please don’t judge me too hard, I was a little kid who had grown up being praised constantly for being “pretty”. 
But now I am 29, turning 30 in February and I have done a lot of thinking about the cultural obsession with beauty and about the role of fire in fiction and I also have an original character who is a burn victim. 
And at this point, it is becoming increasingly disturbing to me how ridiculously toxic our culture is about beauty. It isn’t even just America that’s this way, it is almost everyone, everywhere. This disgusting white-centric, plastic surgery, the borderline pedophilic idea of beauty (that mostly affects women!) It is so horrible that it’s to the point where it is considered brave that someone would want to not get plastic surgery, to age naturally. Like, what?! How is it brave that I wouldn’t want someone to slice up my fucking face?! 
But I get it, I do. Because children often do get frightened when they see disfigurement. But that’s not natural, that is what we are taught. Because in film, the villain has scars. The people who “Aren’t beautiful” are the bad guys. And that idea grows up with you into adulthood. Sure, the first perception we have of someone is their looks if we don’t know them yet. And sure, that perception changes as you get to know them. Someone who wasn’t that attractive to you at first glance becomes beautiful as you learn their goodness. But sometimes people don’t even get to that point because they judge those looks so hard that they never get to know them. It’s even worse when someone does have facial scarring.
People see those scars and immediately see out as freakish to the point where even the treatments for that scarring are scary and gross. And no one ever even bothers to learn any different because it is so normal to be repulsed by anyone different. And when characters with scarring are portrayed in media (usually visual media) those scars are lessened or strategically placed so they can still be attractive (Tyrion in GOT, Hester in the mortal engines, Dabi in MHA - yes his scars are placed in a certain way that he is still super attractive and I have no problem with that, I love his design but it is true, sorry). AND EVEN THEN PEOPLE ARE WEIRD ABOUT IT!
And it messes you up, this obsession with beauty. I post pictures on social media so I can be praised for something im not even that proud of that mostly has nothing to do with me as a person, I obsessed over any perceived flaw even when I know it doesn’t reflect my personal value system. And I am CONSTANTLY haunted by the fact that I know for fucking sure, that if something were to happen that really did leave me disfigured, the way I am treated by people, even people who I know care about me, would change drastically. It really is a litmus test of what people truly value in me, what is really important - my soul, my accomplishments, my personality, or my looks. And it terrifies me in truth, I think that it really might be my looks. And there is something very wrong with that. 
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selphplusplus · 2 years
When you have to stay quiet. Zero dark, 30.
Ok but how you gonna say anything? Lmao.
Without admitting to being a damn spying motherfucker?
lol Leviticus
Shotguns and the indigenous Greenery
Now we get biblical.
Not in the Jesus kind of way
But in the old testament to Ash, leave them where they lay
Sodom and Gomorrah siren song
Where a lot looked back and saw the salt
His wife fall as the tears from his face. The salt was the same.
We’re talking 10 Commandments
Or 10 Command lines.
Airgas, in a flood, a torrent
A dark, dark, dark dark net torrent
Of information, flooding a particular access point
Filling the entire spectrum
With the seven seals
The seven trumpets
And the four horsemen
All set up
Bitch you know what I’m talking about
Stomp those feet baby stomp.
I can hear it from here
It’s funny that way
It’s very funny that way, because I understand what stemming is, as I am the same in that regard the differences
Let me channel a little Eminem
We can start with the Penis (mine is bigger by exponential amounts)
Then we can scream I don’t give a fuck and see, who really means it
When my balls hit the floor concrete cracks
When your balls come out, everybody laughs.
“See what he’s writing. “
Echoes of your own paranoia
Because you’re watching in real time.
Let’s let the rest of the world in on the Truman show huh?
You too loud.
Damn. Passive aggressive bullshit really.
Underground like a land mind.
Boom 💥
And you thought it was cool to ruin a friendship over all this. Without coming to me first. Just took actions into your own hands. Shit. Acting a lot like that person you in therapy over.
Oh. Oh? I don’t play fair.
You wanna pass judgment what you’re doing is infinitely morally worse than an addiction. You are driven by pure ego. Control freak behavior. Familiar. Hmm.
We can both break if we gonna walk down this bridge. Mutually assured destruction.
You don’t ever even see me. Ffs
And you know only the shit you’ve been spying on. Scum. Disgusting. All talk like you what to have a discussion but instead not a word. Just sideways roundabout shit. Judgmental glances. Never a “are you okay”.
So how you justify this? Peering into someone’s deepest and most intimate thoughts without their consent. No better than a rapist. The invasion is the same. And we both know mental wounds are much harder to heal.
Trust huh? Never had it with you it seems.
That also explains the nonchalant attitude of my brother. Shit gets clearer and clearer. Say what you gotta say.
Ruin. Chaos for chaos sake. Bored and unfulfilled. So let’s start drama huh? Adopt 1000 mental disorders. Find a new identity. Make the ones around you enemies. When they care about you.
A master in self sabotage can easily recognize another. Queue up the blue October lyrics. Suicidal hate. Retarded disfigured clown, too much make up, it’s a lie how you act. But always always on stage. Histrionic. Borderline. Narcissist. Pick your flavor of the week.
Add in a little gasoline the self destructive kind, it’s become a part of your personality, only unlike Plath who phoenix flame rose to devour the ones around without recourse, indiscriminately burning
The world to a wasteland.
You are the self-immolating monk selling snake oil. You crave the camera but can’t light the match. Crave the attention but shy away from the flash. Talking a lot about smoke, but ecig when it counts.
How you like hearing your moms cheeks get clapped? Do I need to drop the pictures too. I think it’s easier to tell the truth.
Foiling your Deux
Fall out Boy Edition
Love from the other side, fuck it why not
Let’s go there, more like love from the afterlife
Apocalypse got the better of the whole damn nuclear family.
But the atom hurts the worst when the fission breaks away the til heat death do these bonds we break.
Bloodsport what too light a phrase
The hysteric craze
The blame laid
On a mantle too small and cluttered to hold another candle.
But you expect it to handle your wild fires , just as unpredictable,
I apologize in advance for the collateral damaged goods.
Baggage claim
This is the captain from the Malaysian plane.
And sugar it’s going down.
Loaded pistol grip pump when I cock my pen and pull it.
Not leaving this bed, hospice said
Sick in the head, in other words
I’m as ill as it gets.
Dance dance to the sound of beat down
Bitch this that friction in my genes that the original was talking about.
Only there’s no wish to be it.
Infact I prefer to just cackle and laugh
As the plane crash smashed what’s still intact of your sanity.
More vanity today.
Looking in mirrors and hate what you see
The bitch in reflections,
Welcome to the symphony
You called to strike up the band
But when the bass dropped and you had to with your thoughts
The thot in the mirror even saw what a raw deal they got.
So now you’re invisible, she ran away
At the thought of being you one more day.
Sorry prematurely I gotta cut it short and have to end it.
I mentioned earlier, there’s something else that needs writ and imma pin it.
They say the tribulation begins with a wailing and a gnashing of teeth. Bruxism keeps pace, there will be no teeth to gnash. Just dust and gums.
I will show you something different than your shadow at dawn weighing heavy behind you. Or your twilight wick at wax’s end. I will show you your traditions are naught but fear in a handful of dust.
The vessel, no the chalice bears no water.
Still we’ve yet passed the Thames
Or Styx or Lethe.
Yet all the same
April still to come, remains the cruelest month. So rudely forced.
“But what will people say?”
Zeus to Persephone.
So rudely forced.
The stork brings only deserts.
The San Pedro songs in fever dreams
We’re just so. Dreams.
Shattered like the mirror, like you. Like me.
I think it’s the similarities you resent.
Surrogate for the self.
Better than euthanize.
Better than non-alive.
Because when you live the suffering is extended.
Saint de Sade. Patron Saint of Masochists and self flagellation.
Shotguns and the indigenous Greenery
Now we get biblical.
Not in the Jesus kind of way
But in the old testament to Ash, leave them where they lay
Sodom and Gomorrah siren song
Where a lot looked back and saw the salt
His wife fall as the tears from his face. The salt was the same.
We’re talking 10 Commandments
Or 10 Command lines.
Airgas, in a flood, a torrent
A dark, dark, dark dark net torrent
Of information, flooding a particular access point
Filling the entire spectrum
With the seven seals
The seven trumpets
And the four horsemen
All set up
Bitch you know what I’m talking about
Stomp those feet baby stomp.
I can hear it from here
It’s funny that way
It’s very funny that way, because I understand what stemming is, as I am the same in that regard the differences
Let me channel a little Eminem
We can start with the Penis (mine is bigger by exponential amounts)
Then we can scream I don’t give a fuck and see, who really means it
When my balls hit the floor concrete cracks
When your balls come out, everybody laughs.
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tommygegory · 2 years
Please click to find out more. Burn survivor advice channel helping others who have an altered body image and who get stared at on a daily basis. I was involved in a gas explosion in Spain many years ago, where I received fifty percent burns to my body; ranging from first to fourth degree burns.
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teresanguyton · 4 years
This is a channel, where I help people with burn scars/a disfigurement/people who look different/have an altered body image/have a visible difference.
Click the link for help and more information.
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krisrix · 4 years
Saw a post about the "lack” of trauma in Wayward Son, especially in comparison to the representations of trauma in Carry On. Which seemed like a gross oversimplification of the many ways trauma can manifest and therefore came across to me as dismissive and gate-keeping, whether or not that was the intent.
There is no one correct way of experiencing, exhibiting, or depicting mental health/trauma. And these things shift within everyone all the time. The way a person’s trauma manifests at one point will not be how it always manifests. That’s part of the problem.
So, I thought I would offer some of my own thoughts about the ways we see Simon and Baz’s mental health issues and trauma played out in WS, especially in comparison to how we see it in CO.
This is NOT exhaustive. I am likely going to forget many things. But it’s something.
Simon shows signs of PTSD, depression, anxiety, and rejection sensitivity dysphoria
These were all things he had in CO, but they were well-hidden thanks to his compartmentalization abilities and the fact that he was held together by pure stress and adrenaline at all times
Pretty much every single thing shown to us in CO is also shown to us in WS, though sometimes in more subtle ways - name it, it’s probably there
Now that he has his own space, his own rules, and no reason to fear for his life on a constant basis (no care homes, no attacks, no Big Bad, no roommate out to get him), he actually has SAFETY and COMFORT for the first time in his life - and he has no fucking clue what to do with it!
He crumples under the complete LACK of pressure - it was the only thing holding him together
He’s developed a drinking problem, neglected his hygiene, dropped out of school, and gained weight due to lack of maintaining his usual levels of self-care - this is not someone being “listless” - this is someone with mental health concerns on a level where intervention is needed
But rather than tackle this, Simon forces his brain to continue its attempts at compartmentalization, and he stops going to therapy
Except he can’t do that anymore, because Pandora’s box has been opened - AND, again, he has no external pressures keeping him going
He feels hopeless about his future and views himself as completely useless
His self-esteem is awful to the point where he is sabotaging his own health and relationship
He thinks he’s showing Baz “who is really is”, but he’s actually just discrediting himself entirely, showing us his self-destructive hero complex in a different way than in CO
He’s still reactive and loses control - he screams at Penny when she uses her magic on him, he’s itching for a fight, and he’s also channelled a lot of this into possessiveness
He still shows his black-and-white morality continuously throughout the book - not trusting the vampires, throwing his life on the line to save Agatha even though he knows it’s a trap, still quoting the Mage, etc
He only comes to life when he finally has a reason to be useful again
He kills vampires and possibly kills Terry - this is not surprising - he spent his entire childhood as a soldier, slashing things, blowing things up, etc - WS is showing us this side to him explicitly, whereas it was more glossed over in CO - but it was always there (he killed an excitable dog in CO, remember?)
He is disfigured - he cannot go out in public without depending on someone’s magic (which we already know from CO that he hates!) or covering up oddly in a trenchcoat
Even with those things, he can’t go confined places - like the Tube - or a public toilet!!!
Prior to Penny’s new spell, he had not been able to sit up straight properly for over a year - OVER A YEAR - he probably has chronic pain on top of the trauma of this
Simon tells us he’s “blossoming” - that does not mean it’s necessarily true
Baz has thrown himself completely into his studies, and whenever he is not on campus, he is babysitting Simon
He is still coping with self-destructive martyrdom - he devotes all his time to Simon and does whatever he can to make Simon comfortable
One remnant of their history as enemies manifests in how Baz is terrified to set his boundaries in the relationship - he’s always on eggshells, he’s always counting himself lucky to be in Simon’s good graces at all, after everything
He watches everything he says around Simon - he’s terrified of giving Simon a reason to officially end things - the teaching-Simon-to-drive scene is a perfect example - it’s sweet and flirty and sexy, but also, Baz is SO careful about making sure Simon doesn’t get frustrated with him or the process
He still sees himself as unworthy of love - which is why he would rather have what little shreds of a relationship they still have left, than nothing at all
He is MISERABLE in America - he is starving and being burned alive and gets shot multiple times!! And he never once complains - that’s not admirable - that’s sad - that’s really fucking sad
He continues to put all of his dignity and pride into his external self, both visually and through his academic achievements, rather than into his mental and emotional well-being - perhaps even MORE than ever before, given how much he’s “blossomed” despite not going to therapy
These are high-functioning mental health issues - not a lack of them
He still hides his vulnerability and affections - he still never feels safe being himself - both as a vampire and as Simon’s boyfriend - coincidence? I think the fuck not
He likens Simon kissing him after the Ren Faire fight to when they shared magic, taking down the dragon - he thinks about how this time, he doesn’t need to pretend he’s not soaring inside - and then a few hours pass, and Simon pulls away from his kiss, and Baz has to go right back to hiding
He spent his entire childhood playing the villain, and now that he doesn’t have to anymore, we get to see that this is not who he was in the slightest
He’s the one appalled when Penny is doing illegal things - he’s the one always trying to talk them out of an altercation - he WANTS to be good but wasn’t allowed to before
He IS loyal - very loyal - and Simon uses this against him in subtle ways
He has no idea who he is - but we do get to see him try to find out, thankfully - it’s a matter of how much of this he is willing to accept and use as a catalyst for his own self-actualization - this is a journey he has only just begun - which should be celebrated, not seen as a dismissal of his struggles which came before
“You live in fear! In denial!” - pretty sure that says it all
There is so much more than this, but I am just so fucking tired.
Feel free to reblog, add your own thoughts, counter-points, etc. I love a good discussion. Just be respectful, ok? It’s not hard.
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The Destiel Harlequin Challenge Master Post: 2020 Mega Bang
Participants in the 2020 Destiel Harlequin Challenge completed an amazing 20 fics and 3 sets of artwork! You can learn all about those here!
Spectre (fic by a_dusky_gold, art by aceriee)
This whole thing… this was supposed to be a fucking farce. A way to keep Nicholas Vaught occupied until the deadline he’d given Dean would run out, and he’d still get the money to send Dad to the Town Hall rehabilitation for alcoholism, because that was the goddamned deal.
There were no such things as ghosts or magic or a Book of Life. Dean knows, okay? He wasn’t the Army’s goddamned Mystery Raider for nothin’; he knows history, he knows artifacts, and he knows that the Book of Life is an ancient myth that is about as real as werewolves or vampires.
And yet.
“The Book of Life,” the man had said. Dean can’t even remember his name.
Shit, shit, shit.
Dangerous Ground by Amethystaris
Special Agents for the Department of Diplomatic Security, Castiel Novak and Dean Winchester have been partners and best friends for three years, but everything changed the night Cas admitted the truth about his feelings for Dean. And when Cas was shot a few hours later, Dean felt his reluctance to get involved was vindicated.
Can a camping trip in the High Sierras save their partnership?
Honour Undressed by andimeantittosting
Among his friends, Castiel, Lord Milton is everyone’s confidant and, along with his trusted valet, the fixer of problems. But there is one secret Castiel has never shared: he is in love with his valet and has been for years.
Born in the gutters, Dean Winchester was assigned as Castiel’s batman in the war, and when Castiel travelled home to take up his title, Dean followed him as his valet. To assist Castiel, Dean is not above a little burglary or blackmail. But the one thing he wants for himself is Castiel’s heart.
When Castiel’s closest friends become the target of a blackmailer, certain truths come out. But while Dean determines to seduce Castiel, Castiel is adamant that he must resist, for if there is one rule a gentleman must follow, it is never to dally with his servant.
Havenport by BlueMasquerade
Castiel cleared space on his desk by the expedience of sweeping the previous contents to the side. He set the bundle down in the center of the surface and studied the knots in the rope before expertly untying them.
The book was old, its leather bindings cracked and crumbling. He carefully opened the cover to reveal the pages within, each hand cut, the edges beautifully deckled, the text written in pen and ink.
“This is written in ancient Enochian.” Castiel looked up, gaze narrowed. “Where did you obtain a book written in ancient Enochian?”
“Is that what it is? All I could tell is that it sure as hell isn’t English.” Mr. Winchester grinned, a dimple flashing in his cheek.
an aching in my heart by contemplativepancakes
When Dean’s best friend dies, leaving behind her daughter, Dean knows he has what it takes to give Claire the life she deserves. The problem is, they’re not related by blood, and Claire’s long lost uncle gets called to take her in. Castiel Novak was bad news when he was in highschool with Dean, and judging by his blue hair and tattoo sleeves, nothing’s changed. Castiel ran out on his family once before, and there’s no way Dean’s going to let that happen to Claire without putting up a fight.
Fools and Fate by Danica_Dust
Castiel Novak fled his coven to escape the rigid, predetermined Fate laid out for him within its confines. Desperate and alone, he took shelter in the city of Sacriloga, forsaking all magic and living off whatever he could steal. There, witches like Cas are hunted. They are feared. And they are burned.
When Jack, a young witch also on the run from his own coven, seeks out Cas’ aid, however, Cas finds that he cannot reject the boy, leaving him to his sure destruction. Especially after the newest visitor to Sacriloga makes his presence known: the legendary Hunter, Dean Winchester, who has been following Jack’s trail.
Sworn to the Men of Letters, Hunters live by one principle: thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Dean’s path was never meant to cross with Cas', but a desperate stunt and a single mistake forces them into an impossible union—holy matrimony.
The war between the witches and the Men of Letters is an ancient one and Cas' most dangerous enemies bring a Fate worse than fire. Unable to ignore his growing feelings, yet powerless to change what he is, a choice must be made.
A suffocating Fate on one hand. A precarious freedom on the other. And in between, the kind of love that makes fools of us all.
Ozone by Deancebra
A young magic user who wants desperately to live. A jaded recluse who has forgotten what living means. They’re each other’s only chance.
Dean’s wild magic is killing him. The mage guilds have given up on him, and it’s only a matter of time before he dies in a spectacular, catastrophic bang. His only hope is an exiled wizard who lives in seclusion—and is rumored to have lost his mind.
The years alone on his hilltop estate have not been good for Castiel Novak. After the magical accident that disfigured him and nearly destroyed the village, he drifts through his days, a wraith trapped in memories and depression. Until a stricken young man collapses on his driveway, one who claims Castiel is his last chance. For the first time in fifteen years, Castiel must make a choice—leave this wild mage to his fate or take him in and try to teach him, which may kill them both. The old Castiel, brash and commanding, wouldn’t have hesitated. Castiel the exile isn’t sure he can find the energy to try.
A Demon Like Him by EllenOfOz
Dean Winchester doesn’t want to be a warlock. The idea of working in a lab, channeling demonic magic into enchanted batteries is not what he wants to do with his life, but it’s a dangerous opinion to have—his father was a powerful and well-connected warlock, and Dean is expected to follow the family tradition.
His only way out is to fail the demon summoning class—failure means expulsion from the Warlock College. Despite Dean’s best efforts to fumble the summoning, it works. Although not the way anyone expects.
Dean’s demon, Castiel, is an incubus, but also a powerful mage on a mission to rebalance the magic that is being stripped from Demonside by warlocks.
Dean must choose: fail out of his final exam and turn his back on becoming a warlock, or help Castiel and graduate. But he doesn’t count on how hot the incubus is, or how close they have become in just a few days.
A Working Relationship by fangirlingtodeath513
The homes that Castiel Novak designs for Angelic Houses are to die for. They’re pristine, perfectly designed and organized, and they’ve caused more than a few bidding wars. It’s the perfect job—he’s organized, good with math, and he’s able to pick up on design trends relatively quickly. The only thing that isn’t perfect? His obnoxious older brother, Luke. Castiel’s been vying for a position on a flipping team for years now, but Luke has never even considered it. When a lecherous gossip reporter overhears an argument, they receive an offer they can’t refuse.
They’re invited to compete on Flip Off, a competition where two people flip houses and compete for the highest profit. Castiel wants the leverage a win would bring him, but he also wants to prove himself. Enter Dean Winchester, a contractor with his own team and one that’s blissfully unconnected to Angelic Houses, allowing Castiel to prove himself without any help from the family company.
The undeniable attraction between them certainly doesn’t help matters, but Castiel is resolute in his decision to make a move only after they’ve finished working together. At least, that had been his plan until Dean made him an offer he simply couldn’t refuse.
Crashing In by followyourenergy
Castiel Novak is convinced he’s the last unwillingly single person in Lupine Cove. Even Gabriel, his perpetual bachelor brother, has found love. It’s probably because Cas leads the most boring life in existence. He’s a gay man living in a rented, one-room cottage in the same small coastal town he grew up in, just getting by as the owner of the same convenience store he was practically raised in. The most excitement he gets is chatting with the locals or maybe, if he’s unlucky, oversleeping and rushing to work. So when a baby is left at the Safe Haven drop-off at the local fire station, he takes the opportunity to step in for the child temporarily, at least until suitable parents, plural, can be found.
Life certainly gets more interesting.
And it gets even more interesting when a handsome man comes crashing—literally—into his life.
Make Me Believe by GhoulsnHalos
Ten years ago, Castiel Novak’s stepfather disowned him, taking from him his place as hereditary heir to the head of the Hunter and Warrior Guild. Now, he’s a self-made, and celebrated, master gem and metal smith. Castiel doesn’t believe that the God’s decide your soulmate. Until he designs what can only be a gift fit for his soul mate, who in contradiction to the etiquette, if not the laws of Neffroen, must be a man.
Dean Winchester is convinced that he is a lowly, dumbass, no magic hunter who couldn’t possibly be on the same social scale as a Novak. So, why is it when he spots the jewelled torc in Castiel’s shop, Dean develops an obsession over the neckpiece and its creator? It can't be anything to do with the will of the Gods, no matter what anyone says, because that's baloney and Dean's not into men.
When Castiel’s long-lost brother turns up and suggests he ought to challenge their stepfather and that Dean is destined to help Castiel rule the clan, Castiel takes some convincing. The real problem is Dean. Can Castiel with the help of family and friends convince Dean of his place by Castiel’s side? Can Dean play the part everyone expects of him to help Castiel regain his rightful place in society?
Shielded Heart by JuniperJones
Arthos, the Infinite City, is a place of alien wonders and indescribable beauty—and, most importantly for Dean, it’s also halfway across the universe from his abusive ex-fiancé. He came to the city desperate for a fresh start, but he finds himself downtrodden on a world of aloof alien beings with little hope of finding his place—and a good chance of being kidnapped or killed before he can even settle in.
At least until he is saved by an irresistible alien with piercing eyes and a seductive smile.
Castiel is the living embodiment of temptation, and he makes no effort to disguise his desire for Dean. But when his past threatens to drag Dean into a dangerous underworld, Dean discovers Castiel isn’t who he claims to be. After enduring so much suffering, can Dean bear to take a leap of faith with this mysterious alien? Can he trust Castiel with not only his life, but his heart?
Stumble and Fall by Kitmistry
Castiel was raised to do one thing: serve his country, whether that was fighting a war or becoming an expert spy. But when his lover is charged with treason and executed Castiel defects. He has evidence that can destroy the KGB’s entire spy ring in New Mexico, he has names of scientists involved with atomic weapons who send information to the Soviets, and he won’t stop until he has revenge.
Putting all his trust in the Americans, Castiel finds himself under the protection of U.S. Marshal Dean Winchester, who is too cocky and attractive for his own good, but at least seems to know what he’s doing.
When a routine transfer to a safehouse goes horribly wrong, Castiel and Dean narrowly escape with their lives. With the Marshals compromised and Castiel being framed for murder, he and Dean are on the run from KGB and law enforcement alike. They have no one to trust except each other, and nowhere to go that their enemies can’t reach.
The Shots We Don’t Take by MandalaRose
Still nursing the tatters of a broken heart and trying desperately to stave off the terror of his impending graduation, college senior Cas Novak decides it’s time to blow off a little steam. Not just any hook-up will do, however. The last thing Cas needs right now is a distraction. On the lookout for someone he can enjoy a steamy night of passion with before leaving them behind entirely, Cas thinks he’s found exactly what he needs in cocky university hockey star and well-known playboy Dean Winchester.
Dean is gorgeous, doesn’t date, and is the singular most infuriating person Cas has ever met. He’s the perfect one night stand...that is, until Dean decides he wants an instant replay of what was supposed to be a one-time event. Will Cas’ offer of friends, sans benefits, convince the arrogant love ’em and leave ’em hockey defenseman to find an easier score? Or will Dean wear down Cas’ defenses and lure the sexy nerd in the dorky trenchcoat back to his bed?
Bullets Over the Bayou (fic by mattzerella_sticks, art by dontbelasagnax)
Everyone wants Castiel Novak to quit the force, including Castiel. But he stays on despite the toxic work environment he’s surrounded by. Still believing he can do some good despite the many lines of red tape impeding him. Luckily, a pair of scissors by the name of Dean Winchester drops into his hands, and he finally feels like he can do some good.
Dean Winchester thought he would be in New Orleans for a day or two. Identify the body of his deadbeat father and then move on. No one knows he’s here. His mother and brother are blissfully unaware of the danger his father roped him into. With a parting gift of a journal, delivered to him the same day he received word about his father, Dean has become the target of a group of people who want him dead. The same people who killed his father.
Racing against the clock, can Dean and Castiel figure out what is so important about John Winchester’s journal that someone would kill for it?
Masquerade by noxsoulmate
It had begun as such a good plan; one that benefitted them both. And masquerading as Castiel Krushnic's boyfriend during the weeks of balls, galas, and charity events certainly was no hardship. With the impending end of their arrangement, though, Dean Winchester must admit that behind the mask of an aloof CEO lies a man he could fall in love with. Or maybe, he already has…
The Medium by raths_kitten
Detective Dean Winchester hates it when his Chief sends a medium to consult on his cases. But this time, the murder is closely linked to Castiel’s world and they both need to work together to solve it.
Any Semblance of Touch (fic by saltnhalo, art by c-kaeru)
1925, New York.
Dean Winchester’s life’s work is protecting the world from the supernatural relics that could destroy it. When an amulet with the power to control the tides is shipped to New York, he must intercept it before it can be used to devastating effects. This time, in order to succeed, he needs a powerful psychometric… and the only one available has sworn off the magical world altogether.
Castiel Novak’s gift comes with great risk. To protect himself, he’s become a recluse, redirecting his magic into museum research. But with the city’s fate hanging in the balance, and faced with the power of Dean’s charm and persuasion…
He can’t force himself to say no.
The Love of a Righteous Man by SargentMom573
Five years ago, Captain Dean Winchester defied his father, Senator John Winchester. With his brother Sam, and his spaceship Impala, Dean found his place among a ragtag fleet of pirates and smugglers. Their latest mission left him with a price on his head and a scar on his heart. When a surprise attack separated him from Sam and revealed a Sith weapon, he would do whatever it took to bring his brother back – even sacrifice his own happiness.
After Emperor Michael’s death broke the psychic link between them, Emperor’s Hand Castiel Novak spent years drowning his sorrows at the bottom of a barrel. Mostly sober, three years ago he found a new purpose as the Impala’s Chief Medical Officer, and Sam Winchester’s guide in the Force. And a good friend in the Impala’s gruff but kind Captain.
Dean and Castiel must work together to bring Sam home alive. But when Castiel’s last mission is exposed, will Castiel complete it and destroy any hopes Dean had for a family? Will Dean forgive Cas’ horrific purpose before it is too late? And give them both what they really want — the love of a righteous man.
SKID by spnsmile
Dean Winchester swore off love after getting dumped and fired from his job the same day. Badly drunk, he ended up balcony-hopping until a pair of hands snatched him inside a darkened room. But it's no hero, it's someone with deep voice whispering threats with a gun pointed at his back. Dean’s too drunk to deal with life but one good look at his hot assailant plus enough beer sold him to his accursed fate. The next morning, he found himself engaged to the most notorious leader of a powerful clan, Castiel Novak.
Married life in the compound for a month was not as blissful so when he could, Dean fought for that freedom. Castiel relented and as Dean tried to put the pieces of his normal life together, getting a bike messenger job and dealing with pain in the ass clients, he now also needs to deal with the dangerous presence of his very jealous and very protective husband watching over him.
Is his life ever going to get back to normal?
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Character: Jade
From: Dirty God
Representation: Disability, Disfigurement (burns/scars), Domestic abuse survivor 
Their Importance: Any depiction of disfigured people that doesn’t portray them as (sometimes literally) nightmarish monsters or piteous wrecks of humanity are incredibly rare. Having an actually disfigured person (Vicky Knight) appear on screen outside of a channel 5-type shock-doc is even rarer. Dirty God tells the story of Jade starting with her return home from the hospital after surviving an acid attack from her former partner.  
Jade has to find a way to support herself, navigate the intrusive reactions of strangers, rebuild her relationship with her infant daughter who is frightened by her new face and endure the trial of her attacker. All the while she’s trying to stump up the money for cosmetic surgery. Unlike virtually every other disfigured character her life, while permanently changed, goes on. She still goes out clubbing with her friends who continue to stand by her, she finds a new job in a call centre and she enters a new romantic relationship and has an explicit sex scene. In the end, her dreams of surgical cures don’t come true but by this point, Jade is well on the way to accepting her new life. The film’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.
Issues: Dirty God is an incredibly gritty and brutal film (in an actually realistic, well-done way for once) with plenty of ableist assholes around.
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andreagrantal · 2 years
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Museums and Abstract Art (A Quinnby Fic) chapter three
Trilby was wondering what in his handler’s right mind made her think him and Chris would do well on a job together. Yes he’d come to consider the other somewhat of a friend but, they had entirely different methods. Trilby went in undetected, did what he had to, and left, with as little destruction as possible and doing all he could to avoid any deaths. Chris took a more... guns blazing approach to things. Trilby wasn’t eager to have his good impression of this man ruined when he saw him live up to his blood thirsty reputation. Still, he waited outside of the ministry building for the other. Chris walked out with a smile on his face, seeming almost *excited* for this. They were being sent to close a rift of some sort, some idiot’s attempt to bring something that belonged in another realm here. Whatever they were trying to summon didn’t come through, but some smaller creatures and a few demons had. “Hey partner! Ready to go kick some demon ^ss?”
“.. I’m ready to do what we have to to get this job done.” Trilby said, “Come on, we’re taking my car.”
“Well someone isn’t very chipper while he works.” Chris said, following the other to said car, “You don’t like field work or something?”
Trilby glanced at him, “I’m fine with it, I just prefer to take it seriously.” He got into the car, turning the engine on.
“Oh.” Chris climbed in the passenger side, “Yeah I’m not good at that.”
Chris was used to Trilby seeming uptight and serious, he’d only seen the guy smile maybe *once* and it was so quick he wasn’t sure it happened. But outside of work at least he’d respond to Chris’ crappy jokes and pestering. However, after their short conversation Trilby had gone stubbornly silent, probably going over details of the case in his head. Deciding to break the silence, Chris turned on the radio, classical music played quietly. “Ew boring.” He scoffed, turning it to the rock channel and cranking the volume. Now that got a response out of the ex thief sitting next to him.
“Did you just insult *my* music and then turn on that sh^t?” Trilby reached over, switching the channel back.
“Dude nobody under 80 listens to f^cking classical!” Chris argued, “How do you not fall asleep listening to it?”
“It’s nice, calm, I like calm things.” The thief scoffed, “Don’t touch my radio.”
“Fine, fine, but calm stuff is overrated and calm music sucks.” Chris leaned back the chair, putting his arms under his head.
“Maybe if you didn’t hate calm stuff so much you wouldn’t be so insufferable.”
“Hey nobody said you *had* to hang out with me!”
“Today I do have to, for work.”
“Yeah, yeah, so, what’s the plan when we get there?”
Once the two arrived at the scene, Trilby was noticeably tense. This place felt... off, the same way the hotel did almost. He didn’t like it. It didn’t help that this was his first field mission since the hotel too. It was an old warehouse, it looked like it’d been a while since it’d been used. A good, isolated location to do something stupid. He took a deep breath and got out of the car, this wasn’t the hotel. It wouldn’t be as bad, it’d probably be easy. Chris would be more concerned if there was something too wrong here.
Chris got out too, reaching into his trench coat, “We should stay close to each other in here.”
“Yeah, that’s what we talked about.” Trilby responded.
“Yeah well, it’s important, long as we’re together there shouldn’t be an issue but I heard you’re more the pacifist type, you wouldn’t last against a demon alone. And we don’t know what else is here.” Trilby didn’t know if he should be offended. He was sure he could hold his own against a demon. How bad could they be? When they first walked in it was quiet, nearly too quiet. Chris seemed calm enough however, so Trilby wasn’t worried.
“So.. is a demon actually like the red horned things?” Trilby asked.
“Sometimes, they come in tons of forms, most of them are more disturbing than that though.” Chris said, “They look worse than they are if ya know what you’re doing.” Great. Good. Fine. This was fine. As they traveled further into the warehouse the off feeling got stronger, and stronger, suddenly a creature with one bug like leg, it’s head a bulbous mass of pulsating flesh, it let out a low gurgle of a growl that made Trilby’s skin crawl, before coming right for him, it took him a second to respond, before lifting his grolly.
He tased it at the same time Chris put about five bullets in it. The blood looked more like pus, and it smelled like nothing he’d ever smelled before. He had to put in genuine effort not to throw up at the stench. “Ooookay, more than just demons here, yep, don’t know what that is.” Chris said, gripping a pistol tightly, “God it reeks doesn’t it?”
“Let’s get moving.” Trilby wondered if his words betrayed how freaked out he was, he was trying to keep his composure.
“They must’ve been trying to get to the realm of magic if they got something like that coming after them.” Of course Chris had to confirm Trilby’s fears. “But they failed, so that’s good.” Yeah like that makes it better.
They encountered a few similar creatures, bloated and disgusting and just... not anything that belonged on earth, before coming across something that at first glance looked human. Like an injured human. Trilby was sure any demon would look at least as bad at the other things they’d been fighting, and rushed over, “Hey, are you hur-“
“Get away from that!” Trilby was shocked as Chris ran over and practically threw him back, before the thing stood up, revealing a twisted and disfigured face, sharp claws, and other things that made it clear it wasn’t some helpless wanderer, it lunged for Chris, quicker than either had expected, and tackled him to the ground. Chris’ gun was knocked out of his hand, the two wrestled for mere moments before Trilby grabbed the gun and fired into the thing’s head, it screeched, before turning to the ex thief, eyes burning coals in its head. Chris quickly retrieved a book from his trenchcoat, reciting something that sounded Latin, and in the demon’s place was now... an energy drink?
Chris got up, picking up the drink, opening it, and... chugging it.
Trilby was so confused on what he’d seen, and why Chris was drinking the demon drink.
“Book of transformations.” Chris said, “Useful when you’re fighting something stronger than you, given you’re lucky.” He grinned cheekily, “And I’ve got amazing luck.” The claw marks and rapidly forming bruises showed otherwise but Chris seemed significantly less concerned than Trilby was. “Let’s get moving again, I wanna get this done with before you try to help some other demonic stranger.”
“I thought they were human.” Trilby countered, pausing as he walked after the other, “Are you okay?”
“I’ve had worse.”
Chris was shocked a rift that had let that much through wasn’t more trouble to close, and that the two didn’t get more hurt than a few scratches on himself and Trilby getting slammed into a wall by something that looked a bit too much like it used to be human for either’s tastes. Trilby however was clearly more concerned with the situation, Chris was vaguely aware the other mainly went on retrieval missions and stuff of that sort, stuff that was usually much less volatile. When they got to the car Chris pulled some bandages out, “Are you bleeding anywhere?” He asked the other agent, who looked at him as if he had two heads.
“You should be more concerned about yourself.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. That was easy compared to my normal jobs.” Chris said, starting to wrap up his own injuries, he could get better care at the infirmary but for right now making sure he didn’t get an infection was always a good move.
“What are your *normal* jobs?” Trilby seemed bewildered.
“Infestations, cults gone wrong, usually stuff that’s been going for a good while, definitely more organized than what we just faced.”
“And you do those jobs alone?” Trilby started the car and began to drive, but didn’t hide the shock in his words.
“I get it done fine. I haven’t failed yet.”
“But it doesn’t seem safe.”
Chris was confused, “Trilby, do you really think ‘safe’ matters all that much? Alive is good, our job is a death sentence. They send you at stuff they *think* you’re good at until one day you’re not good *enough* and then you’re gone.”
“They seemed concerned about my safety after the hotel..” Trilby frowned at the other.
“Yeah well, you’re connected to a god, I’m just some wack job who knows a few incantations, you’re more valuable to them than me.”
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mcheang · 4 years
Lila the evil witch
Inspired by the Disney evil sorceresses: Mother Gothel, Ursula, the Evil Queen...what if Lila was an illusionist...but what was she after? The Disney villains were literally after a physical component: hair, voice, heart... the exception was Queen La of the Leopardman, she wanted Jane’s Husband
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WARNING: THIS IS A DARK STORY...involving religion and exorcism.
The Daughter of Mrs Rossi was dead.
Inhabiting her youthful skin was an evil witch’s spirit named Lila. She even legally changed the name of the diplomat’s Daughter.
In the past; Lila had posed as a sweet Wiccan in an American village, living humbly. But she wanted more! (Inspired by Sarah Ravencroft from Scooby-Doo)
Lila was in truth a witch, and she longed to have the materialistic desires that everyone else desired. She was just willing to risk her soul in the process.
Lila cast love spells on the richest boy, causing him to obsess over her. She stole the beauty of the fairest maidens in the land to heighten her own. And those that opposed her soon found themselves sick.
It was the second issue that got the reverend concerned. His own daughter had suddenly gone from pretty to having burned skin.
He prayed in the Church for wisdom and guidance.
And perhaps it truly was holy intervention that caused a hypnotizing ray of moonlight to lead the reverend into the woods where he found Lila the Witch preparing a bath in a sunken pit of dark liquid. (Inspired from the book Another Faust where Belle took a painful chemical bath to maintain her beauty and allure.)
It was a repulsive bath. There was nothing so horrifying as the smell of blood, but there were crushed butterfly wings floating on it.
The reverend had seen enough. Lila was no innocent Wiccan; but a witch!
He wanted to expose her right there and then, but Lila had the male youth population on her side and was engaged to a very wealthy lad.
The reverend left the witch to her evil bath salts without alarming her to his presence.
So, the reverend gathered trusted adults for a secret plot to drive out the witch to the community.
He waited till the next moonlit night to lead them to the sunken pit and there they exposed Lila as a witch.
Lila snarled at them and raced out, her stinking naked body painted red. The men raced after her, determined not to let the evil escape.
They succeeded when one of their own threw a pitchfork at her torso. Lila lay dying in agony.
The villagers gathered around her in grim triumph.
But Lila had the last laugh, while she mocked them about their daughters’ disfigurements, she secretly cast a spell so her soul would not leave the earth. She knew hell awaited her for her crimes.
But being a disembodied soul is no picnic. And yet Lila knew currently, the judge’s Daughter was wasting away in bed from her curses.
Lila waited until the girl’s soul had passed on, before moving in on the still warm body.
When the judge returned from the witch hunt, he was jubilant that his Daughter had been cured.
Lila played her role carefully, lest she arouse suspicion again. She waited years before deciding to move to another town. By this time, Lila’s stolen body was middle-aged. She kept her eyes out for young blood.
And so it went on, Lila looked for a body with a wonderful lifestyle for her to steal. With her acting skills, it was a breeze. The few who noticed were silenced.
Of course, there were the other magical folk who realized what she was. The goody kind sought to exorcise her. They never succeeded.
One day, she came across a diplomat’s Daughter. She had a good life. A sufficient allowance, fabulous travels around the world, and little parent monitoring. She became Lila’s next victim.
After a couple of countries later, she legally changed her name.
Then Mrs Rossi announced they were moving to Paris. Lila initially had some concerns. The Miraculous were ancient relics lost to time. But given Hawkmoth’s failures and the heroes’ inexperience, Lila suspected they were not well versed in identifying magical creatures.
She studied her talented new class, looking for possible new victims. Living a life of travel was fun and all, but it wasn’t fully luxurious.
Obviously those with artistic talent like Marinette, Nathaniël and Kitty Section were out.
To be fair, the only viable candidate was Chloe. The girl was served hand and foot and got to be mean! That sounded ideal to Lila.
But, with Hawkmoth around, Lila suspected the mayor would get akumatized trying to cure her. Or even Sabrina.
Ugh, she’ll have to wait till he is busted then. What a bummer. Who knows how long that will take?
In the meantime, Lila might as well have some fun. Her gullible classmates were her new servants. But Adrien and Marinette kept their distance.
You see, upon first sight, the kwamis saw her for what she really was and warned their holders to be cautious. Thankfully they were strong enough to counter whatever magic tricks Lila could come up with.
Lila didn’t do that though, she relied on her lying talents.
As a result, Marinette never got the chance to spy on Adrien once Tikki strongly told her to not raise the liar’s suspicions.
Also, Plagg thoroughly was alarmed by this Lila girl and warned Adrien to keep his distance while they were separated in the library, and don’t let her take anything that belonged to him. As a result, the book is safe. And Lila doesn’t have a chance to be akumatized.
Ladybug and Chat Noir discussed how to exorcise her. It would take joint efforts but the original soul inhabiting Lila’s body was gone. After the exorcisement, the body would be a corpse.
The action itself was simple, Lila was physically no match for them. All Ladybug had to wind her magical yo-yo string around her and let its magic nullify Lila’s own. (Tikki’s magic can’t do that for Nooroo’s akumas) then all Chat had to do was literally push her with his baton.
Plagg’s power would destroy whatever was anchoring Lila’s soul and force her out.
But how to go about it? In public? In private? How do they convince Mrs Rossi her real Daughter is dead and an evil spirit now possesses her body?
No, the real daughter of Mrs Rossi deserves to be given closure. Her Mother should be mourning for her real daughter, not the Lila ghost!
Ladybug and Chat Noir brought in Alya’s help for this, as well as tell her Ladybug is so not BFFs with Lila!
Lucky charm: an actual recent video of the real Miss Rossi at the zoo for her birthday. Apparently she has an intense fear of snakes.
Ladybug and Chat Noir visit Mrs Rossi at work and ask to speak with her in private. Mrs Rossi is of course, disbelieving, until Ladybug suggests they use the snake test. If Lila acts as Mrs Rossi expects her to, they won’t perform exorcism. But if she does not, Mrs Rossi will let them go through with it.
Mrs Rossi is still skeptical about this bargain before Ladybug points out that with all the akumas and superpowers, how can she doubt what was happening? Even New York has superheroes!
Mrs Rossi admits she doesn’t want to face the truth that her Daughter has been dead all this time and she never even noticed.
Chat consoles her that she can at least give her real Daughter justice.
Alya and Marinette organize a class field trip to the zoo.
Mrs Rossi disguises herself as a zoo attendant.
Lila is paired with Alya to study the snake exhibit. Lila shows no apprehension whatsoever.
At the dim, empty snake exhibit, Ladybug and Chat Noir act. Lila shrieks and demands to know their reason behind this. She pleads for Alya to intervene but Alya just stands back, with the zoo attendant. Both watching silently as Chat Noir gently pushes her with his baton.
Lila’s body collapses. And a visible spirit manifests, still trapped by the yo-yo.
The spirit of Lila the witch is no longer youthful, and they finally see what her real form looks like. An ancient, withered hag snarling and screeching in hatred and agony.
Mrs Rossi condemns Lila for killing her Daughter.
Lila spits at her. “What can I say? A Daughter with little to none parental attention? She was such easy bait! I’ve been here for years and you never noticed.”
Mrs Rossi flinched at the accusation.
Alya stepped forward. “And what about Marinette? Were you going to target her too?”
Lila laughed. “I target those with envy-inducing lifestyles. Marinette may have the connections but she’s no Chloe. I was waiting till Hawkmoth was defeated before I took care of her. Marinette though, was open game. I don’t tolerate people who call me a liar.”
Chat: you are a liar.
Lila glares hatefully at the heroes. “You won’t win. I’ll be back, and when I do, I’ll kill everyone you love.”
Chat: yeah, I don’t think so.
He plunges his baton through her spirit, into the earth. The baton channels the evil spirit away from the earth. In the afterlife, there are 2 paths. Lila obviously has shown no repentance...her destination is obvious.
Back at the zoo, Mrs Rossi weeps for her Daughter. The heroes assure her that Lila is gone and won’t return. Alya is preparing to tell her class the news. They decided to keep this matter private. Mrs Rossi isn’t ready for this to be public.
The fake story: Lila suffered a sudden stroke.
The class wants to hold a funeral but Mrs Rossi insists on going back home immediately. She can’t stand the thought of the class mourning for that horrible ghost. They never knew her real Daughter.
Oh, and btw, Plagg finally convinced Adrien to take pictures of the book and send the information to the Guardian.
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chirophant · 4 years
Okay, so for starters this isn't so much my own idea as me combining a whole ton of posts I thought were funny and adding on a little bit. 
Basically: an AU in which the Gotham Rogues are actually just the world's most aggressive and dramatic YouTubers who are constantly fighting for attention/ attacking each other, some of which gradually become more frightening or concerning.
The Batfamily (or Wayne Family) had like 2 wholesome family vlogs and got drug into it as well, for no reason. 
The Joker runs an often aggressive and disturbing prank channel. He eventually became outright violent, and people aren't so sure it's a joke anymore. 
Harley used to do pranks with Joker, before moving on to makeup and vlogs about her plant GF. Sometimes, she goes back to Joker. Just for one colab video . Sometimes, her make up is much heavier than it needs to be. It doesn't always cover the black eyes nonetheless. 
Ivy makes conservation videos, plant updates, and videos with Harley. Some of her videos come across as threatening politcal figures, more and more. Then following a few of them home. Then how tos on plant based poisons. 
"The Scarecrow" seems to be running an ARG, which looks to be a horror based story revolving around human testing and the psychology of fear. It was all fun and games until 3 years after it started a man named Jonathan Crane was arrested for eerily similar experiments and the Scarecrow channel was taken down. 
Edward Nygma runs a riddle channel and a gossip channel, often revolving around the other Rogues' weird channels and cancelling people/ other youtube drauma. He sure does get angry when someone cheats one of his riddles, though. People still want to know if the allegations are true. 
Jervis Tetch was an odd man who ran a channel were he read classic children's books. At some point it went from a variety of books down to one- Alice in Wonderland. Over. And over. And over again. Then came what made people worry. Videos of some random blonde woman, following her around and even to her house at night. The channel stopped uploading at all, coinciding with the murder of a woman named Alice Pleasance. Youtube tried to take the videos down, but they keep getting reuploaded.  
Harvey Dent ran a channel were he offered legal advice and made reactions to unrealistic courtroom scenes in movies and television. People have recently noticed, however, that he doesn't seem right in a few of them. Not like himself. He has unexplainable cuts on his skin, and outbursts that he doesn't recall. 
Tallymarks was a channel in which a man named Victor Zsasz documented his depressed and disturbing thoughts. It was at first believed to be a nilistic art piece, and an edgy one at that. But gradually, he began to become covered in very very realistic scars. And they started to join together. To make tallies across his skin. They also seemed to appear closely after the latest of dozens of serial killings. His last video on Youtube was a tips and tricks guide to hunting humans, as he stalked a woman in a park. More have appeared on the deep web. He hasn't been caught yet. 
BlackMask was a channel were a man wearing just such a mask, in the shape of a skull, talked a lot about masks and mask making. He seemed polite, and eloquently spoken, and above all else- rich. But a few times over, he let the mask "slip". The first was a video about his parents, never mentioning their names, but listing out endless ways they had been abusive. His hatred of them. How angry he actually was behind the mask. The second was Bruce Wayne. The only person mentioned by name. Bruce did not respond. Then more about his parents, and then his ex girlfriend, Circe. Then less about his parents. Till one more blow up about Bruce Wayne. Then Roman Sionis was arrested for the disfigurement of his ex girlfriend, Circe. They're still trying to prove he really meant it when he said he wanted his parents to burn. 
Dr. Thomas Elliot got attention quickly, for a very odd reason. He was insistent he was going to become Bruce Wayne. People watched in awe and horror as he dyed his hair, put in the contacts, and started having the surgeries. He is best remembered, however, for being arrested at the doorstep of the Wayne family, very very insistent that he was the real Bruce Wayne. Some theorise the man they arrested wasn't Thomas Elliot. 
Lastly, the Batfamily themselves. A wholesome family of Bruce Wayne and his adopted children. All athletic and seemingly happy But they keep mourning for children who aren't dead later. Really mourning.and finding themselves in the crosshairs of many of the bizarre Gotham citizens. Everyone is watching them now. How long can they keep their secrets? 
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tommygegory · 3 years
This is a channel where I help people with burn scars/a disfigurement/people who look different/have an altered body image/have a visible difference.
Click the link for help and more information.
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teresanguyton · 4 years
Click the link for burn/disfigurement advice from a survivor who has set up her channel to educate and explore issues from her own experiences.
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