Hey I wrote like three things for a red string soulmate au with Chris and Trilby
Would anyone be mayhaps interested in me posting it here instead of just in discord
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angelic-writer · 6 months
Modern AU for the 5 headcanons thing?
*looks at Actors AU that has been collecting dust for years* Welp, time to bring it back!
Despite Chris and Trilby bickering about a lot of things, deep down, they really care about each other. Chris is the kind of person who would put others' well-being first before himself. Like, when Trilby is sick from working himself too much, Chris would drop everything and just help him get better.
Victor may be struggling with conflicting feelings about Adam. He tells himself that he is just his friend, his feelings for him are strictly platonic, but his actions say otherwise.
Alison, like in the original DEDA Files book, is dealing with some self esteem issues due to her being the lead role. Luckily, her co-workers help her through her issues.
Whenever things get tough, they would hang out at a pub in town. It was the place where they would commonly hash things out between the actors.
It took a long time for Trilby to finally pop the question to Chris, but when he did, everyone was like "Finally!!"
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I have awakened like an ancient evil. It's so good to be back in the fandom after all this time! And I'd like to warm up a bit.
I'd love to try to write something! Prefer trilby x siobhan or quinnby
Gen is fine 2
Be free to offer prompts.
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rational-mastermind · 2 years
"your hands are warm..."
Thanks for the requests dude. ^^
...he knew the name of the king...
...and he knew the name of the king...
A̸͉̿N̴͖̎D̷̼͛ ̴̱͐Ḫ̷̆E̷̱̚ ̷̡̃K̸̞͝N̵͚͝E̶͔̿W̶̨͆ ̷̒ͅT̶͎̒H̶̤̉E̸̡̎ ̶̮͗N̸̦̅Ǎ̷̺Ṃ̴͊Ė̸͈ ̴̰͐Ò̸͜F̶̛̲ ̴̘̀Ṭ̵̂Ḧ̶͉Ȅ̵ͅ ̵̤̽K̸̢͝Ǐ̷͇N̵̛̦G̸̭̓
Ṫ̶̮H̸̹̎E̴͚͝ ̸̥͐N̴̳̚A̶̡̍M̸̹̏Ẽ̸̥ ̴̫̒O̷͉̎F̶͕̎ ̷̩̿T̸̯̃H̶̲̅E̷͓̓ ̸͇͛K̷̮̓I̴̡̅N̵̢͂G̵̠̋ ̷̱͒Ṯ̴͂H̴̨̍Ë̴̦́ ̴̎͜Ṋ̷͗A̶̮͌Ṃ̵̊E̴̪͒ ̷̖͝Ŏ̴͙F̷͇̂ ̴͓̉T̷̩̏H̷͉̄E̴̙̒ ̴͓̽Ḱ̴̟Ĭ̸͇N̸͔̾G̷͓͝ ̵̠̃T̸͉̀H̷̼̀E̵͍̕ ̶̛͖Ń̸̲A̴̗͝M̵̦͝E̵̯͠ ̸̻̑Ơ̶̻F̴͙̕ ̸̼̀T̴̬̈Ȟ̷̭E̷̮̋ ̴̟͗K̶̇ͅI̶̟̓N̸͙̄Ǵ̸̳
Trilby felt his whole body jump as reality crashed around him. He panted, looking around in a fresh panic, desperately taking everything in.
"Trilby! Trilby, it's okay." said a familiar voice beside him.
Trilby looked down and saw Chris looking back, sitting up with him. In bed. In a motel somewhere west of Kingston. Slowly...reality settled in. His nightmare disappearing like ash on the breeze. He began to relax, his breathing returning to normal.
"It's okay.. It's not real." Chris reassured him.
Trilby tried to believe him. He really did. But it felt all too real...
Chris carefully placed a hand on his back. Trilby flinched and he pulled away a moment.
"..May I?"
"..Sorry.. Yeah.." Trilby nodded.
Chris placed his hand on his back, making sure Trilby felt him as he carefully moved along until he had an arm wrapped around him for comfort.
"It's just a dream.."
Chris held him for a bit until Trilby had fully calmed down. Once in a rare while, Chris was actually quite capable. It touched Trilby to know he had a partner he could rely on.
For years, Trilby had to learn how to make due on his own. Having a partner was only bound to lead to trouble and heartache. Unnecessary drama. And besides, it was hard to find someone who truly understood him. He was lucky now to have someone who did... Someone who was aware of the horrors of this world. Someone who knew how to face each day, despite them.
“Hey...” A thumb wiped away a tear he hadn’t realized had slipped. Chris cupped Trilby’s face in his hands, giving him a reassuring smile. “It’s okay...”
“I know... Thank you.” Trilby leaned into his touch. “..your hands are...warm.”
“Heh. Yeah? Feels nice?” Chris leaned in to kiss but Trilby pulled back, frowning.
“No, your hands are really, really warm...” he took Chris’ hands in his and checked his forehead. “Chris you’re burning up!”
“Am I? Thought it was just how cute you were when you’re all scared~” Chris grinned stupidly and leaned into kiss him again. Trilby kept him at arm’s length though.
“Leave it to you to get sick on the job!” he grumbled and got up from the bed to get dressed.
Chris whined and flopped on the bed watching him.
“Nooooo come baaack...!” he pouted, weakly reaching out for his boyfriend.
“No! The last thing I need is to get sick too! Try not to set the place on fire while I find some dayquil.” Trilby huffed, sliding his blazer on and stepping out.
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p0kern1ght · 5 years
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happy late valentines day from the ministry of occultism!
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pk-sonica-omega · 5 years
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this is old but huHGFkjdg I’ve been thinkin ab Miitopia again
here’s boys, also
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justicewinged · 4 years
"Mom, Valor and Beatrice are at it again!" The silver haired child giggled, pointing out the window. "Dad says they are wrestling. Why do Valor and Beatrice like to wrestle so often during spring?".
quinn’s kiddos - [x]
Quinn is tired as she so usually is. It was not her choice to be with Swain, though self-preservation and the preservation of Valor’s life, at one time, was of paramount importance to her. 
“Valor gets irritable when he’s molting. And Beatrice enjoys teasing him, normally. He’s a good bird and he lets things go most of the time, but it isn’t very comfortable to shed your feathers.” A sigh leaves the former ranger-knight. “... Why don’t you run along, mm? I’m sure your dad needs help somewhere.”
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the-art-lizard · 6 years
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I recently gave my android oc Quinn a redesign! (With a bunch of alternate/extra refs under the cut)
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Without hat
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Without bandanna
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Without either
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And one with a pride bandanna
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Part three!
Since that exchange in the hospital, Trilby and Chris’ dynamic had become much more… agreeable. It still wasn’t exactly what would be expected from soulmates, but Chris tried not to be so bitter, and Trilby tried not to let his mind be made up ahead of time when it came to the demon slayer.
And while, with or without previous bias, Chris was still loud, brash, and impulsive, Trilby had also found him to be capable, sweet, and funnier than he’d openly admit.
And when they weren’t at each other’s throats, their missions together just worked. Chris was an expert at his job, and fearless in the field to boot. And Trilby was levelheaded and knew when to be cautious. They were almost unstoppable.
Of course this wasn’t always the case. You take two deeply flawed men, and put them on the same team, and sometimes things go wrong.
This was the second time Trilby had ended up in some sort of panic while on the job. The first time he’d managed to choke down some tranquilizers and keep going, even if Chris had been suspicious of how quickly he’d fallen asleep on the ride back.
This time he’d forgotten the bloody pills at home, and all he could think of was how he was positive he’d seen someone who had to be with the order. They weren’t even at the place they were meant to investigate yet. It wasn’t far from the motel so Chris had suggested walking.
And Trilby had locked eyes with someone in all red, staring directly at him. He swore him and Chris turned a corner right as the person started to cross the street, to the side where he was.
He was trying not to let his fear show, after all it could be paranoia, he’d seemingly gained a fair bit of it after the events of the hotel.
Then he glanced behind him and saw the guy heading straight towards them.
Chris seemingly noticed Trilby’s discomfort because he moved closer to him, whispering, “What’s wrong?”
“… we’re being followed. Guy in red.”
“Right.” Suddenly Trilby’s hand was in his work partner’s, and he was being lead through streets and alleys, that guy never far behind them, and Trilby’s panic continuing to grow until he was almost being dragged along more than consciously moving his feet.
Once they were a good ways away from where anyone else was, in some back alley, Chris suddenly stopped. Trilby turned around just in time to see the red clad weirdo pull a knife and run at him and-
He stepped back, stumbling and falling in an attempt to avoid an attack that didn’t come. In a series of swift motions Chris whacked the attacker in the head with a gun, and shot him.
For a moment there was silence, Chris watched the corpse, waiting for something to happen. Trilby wasn’t the type of person to be spooked by a random guy, maybe he’d been a monster or… possessed or… but nothing happened. Except Chris hearing mumbling behind him.
“Fuck no-no no no they’ve found me-fucking hell I thought it was over I-“ Trilby was breathing fast, wide eyed and staring at the body. Chris barely thought about it before he was at his side, holding out his hands but not grabbing Trilby’s in case he made things worse.
“Hey hey hey, look, guy’s dead. He’s not getting up from that trust me, you need your brain to be alive. Breathe for me, okay Trilbs? He was just some wanker, you’re fine.”
“No no no-Chris he’s with the- he’s with the order! He knew who I was I could tell I-“
“The order of blessed agonies?”
“Yes!” Trilby got up, “Chris we have to leave we’re not safe.” Chris had heard about the pain cult plenty of times. He’d had his own experiences with them too, nothing to leave the type of impression they’d clearly had on poor Trilbs though.
“Okay, okay, we’ll leave. How about this, we go back to the motel-“
“We won’t know if it’s safe.”
“Okay, we go back to grab our stuff and bring it to my truck then.” Chris assured, rising with Trilby, “Trust me nobody’s getting to us in ole Susan, she’s a good girl. Saved my ass from a lot of weirdos. We can drive somewhere out of town and come up with a game plan okay?” Trilby stared at him, still breathing heavily, tears starting to well.
“How’s a truck supposed to stop them??” Chris hated seeing him all freaked out like this, he wished he could meet the assholes who did this and give them a piece of his mind. Those pretty eyes were meant to be looking over an area for the stealthiest route through, or rolling at one of Chris’ jokes. Not darting around in fear.
“Trilbs.” Chris finally just grabbed the other’s hands, “Do you trust me? Actually don’t answer that-do you trust that I know how to do my job?”
“… yes.” Chris moved one hand to wipe tears off that gorgeous face.
“Then trust me to get us out of this safe.”
Trilby had been having these episodes since Dafoe Manor, something looked or smelled or felt a certain way and suddenly all he could think about was how he was doomed, how surely those horrible situations would play themselves back out, and he’d end up frozen with fear. A particularly nasty flashback-should he call them flashbacks? That one was one at least.- had landed him in the situation that lead to him dealing with the ministry.
He’d almost had a handle on it before the hotel.
Everything was worse now.
And the triggers for it were always so… mundane. Mannequins, too much red, large houses, welding masks, the smell of an old building, just to name a few.
So he was glad Chris’ usual quips were absent as he let himself basically be lead to the motel. He still wasn’t too sure of his own feet, but Chris had wrapped an arm around him, pulling Trilby as close as possible without looking strange, and Trilby’s hand had almost absentmindedly found itself gripping tightly onto the fabric of his trenchcoat.
Once they were in the vehicle and out of town, the panic started to dissipate, and Trilby was left feeling rather silly at his earlier reaction. Finally Chris found a spot to park and turned to him. “Trilbs are you-“
“I’m fine. I don’t want to talk about it.”
Chris paused before reaching for his hand, “Are you sure-“
“Yes.” Trilby snapped, yanking his hand back, immediately feeling a bit guilty for the reaction, “… sorry.”
Chris paused, before reaching for the radio, and Trilby had to keep from covering his ears at the idea of that rock and roll channel he insisted on listening to. But surprisingly enough he quickly turned it down, then changed it to a classical station before turning it up slightly. The thank you that was muttered out didn’t do much to express how much that actually meant to him in that moment.
He closed his eyes, trying to focus on the music and not what had happened earlier, or the order, or anything else.
He heard quiet humming and felt a comforting warmth radiate throughout his chest, spreading and encompassing his entire body in a warm safe feeling. When he opened his eyes again Chris was calmly running his hand over the string, holding it to his chest as he did so.
They stayed like that for a while before the silence was broken.
“… I’m sorry-I’m not normally like that. I shouldn’t have let that get to me so quickly…”
“Hey. We’ve all got our broken pieces, Trilbs. And we all need to be pieced back together sometimes. It sucks less when you don’t have to do it alone.”
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angelic-writer · 2 years
“And then-hey! Are you listening?!”
"Huh? Wha-?" Chris looked up at Trilby who was staring at him not amused.
"Have you seriously been spacing out the whole time?"
"Uh, sorry. I was just um... admiring your new hat!" Chris said, totally telling the truth.
Trilby blushed. "Um, thanks. I got it last week."
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froglegsz · 3 years
i like your thoughts quinnby
thanks. never speak to me again.
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rational-mastermind · 4 years
@angelic-writer, Happy Birthday! Thought I’d surprise you with a Quinnby ficlet for your special day. nwn Hope you have a good one! tw for sensitive readers: it gets kinda suicidal and depressing. 0x0;;
  When you begin a line of work, you begin to understand very quickly what it is you have willingly signed on for. When you work retail, you understand there’s going to be one customer who demands to see the manager. When you work as a manager you know there’s always one customer who demands to see you.
   When you work as an STP field operative you know there’s likely going to be something supernatural in the works and you’ll likely be scarred for life if you’re not emotionally stable nor compromised enough to just simply accept that yes, that is a cultist hanging from the ceiling and yes, we’re likely dealing with another pagan god of old, if not the common house demon.
   I, Trilby, am of the former. The kind of agent who is emotionally stable enough to simply accept what I am given if there is no other logical explanation. My partner, Chris Quinn, is more of the latter, mentally compromised enough to where he does not look for logical explanations, but simply takes it at face value and deals with such, usually in an appropriate manner, that meaning appropriate for him. Not entirely appropriate for the supernatural, nor myself.
   This is all to say, Chris and I were currently investigating another cult’s attempt at creating a bridge, however flimsy, between our World of Technology and the World of Magic. They managed one entity to escape into our world, before being swiftly shut down by us and the exact nature of said entity is unknown. Hence, our current circumstance as we continue to travel through the ramshackle hideout of an abandoned warehouse, hoping to at least gain some insight on what we’re up against.
   “Hey Trilbs?” Chris broke the deafening silence with a whisper as we tread carefully through the warehouse.
   “Yes?” I replied, sparing him a glance, careful to keep my voice as low as his.
   “Can you possibly chill out?”
   “What do you mean?”
   “You’ve been tense all night and frankly it’s starting to kinda get to me too. Loosen up. It’s just another demon.”
   Chris is, of course, blind to the situation. While I would admit to my more cautious nature, the reasoning for such was complicated and I would say, well justified. The simple answer would be to say I was tense because the exact timing of this ritual and the similar nature of it all was too eerily familiar to previous experiences.
   The more complicated answer would be to say it was currently a warm night in mid July and it reminded me too much of my personal dealings with an insane cultist attempting to please his self-proclaimed god. The encounter left me scarred in both a physical and mental way and the last thing I would wish for was a repeat of that.
   Normally I would try to avoid working too many cases this time of year, but alas, we were unfortunately, yet again, short-staffed and turning away a job offer by the government wasn’t exactly an easy thing to do. So here we were, wandering through a warehouse with a supposedly malicious entity on the loose. It didn’t help that this abandoned warehouse just so happened to work with mannequins in particular and the faceless dolls and disassembled limbs only added to my ever-growing anxiety.
   A part of me knew that it would only be a matter of time before I rounded the corner and would once again gaze upon the clean-slated pale white face of the horrendously stretched out monster that was The Pri-
   To explain, after I told Trilby to loosen up, he had rolled his eyes and lapsed into another internal monologue. It’s a narcissistic thing I think. So I did the natural thing, started poking around, finding a prop to help lighten up the mood around here. If things were to remain as uptight as Trilby’s ass, it’d be hard to fight whatever hell-spawn escaped the ritual. And wouldn’t you know it? There were just so many expressionless styrofoam heads in these crates! It’s like they were just WAITING for a punchline!
   Emphasis on punch as Trilby literally punched the head off my shoulders, after giving a terrified shriek in response to my surprise.
   I thought it was funny, but I was actually surprised when Trilby went on to scream at me.
   “What? They look just like that Prince you told me about from last year! I thought it’d be hilarious!”
   Trilby only scowled for a moment before I felt a sharp and jolting pain searing through my body and everything went black. Only previous experience would tell me when I woke up that he obviously tased me with his grolly.
   When I did wake up, he was dragging my body back to the car. He was roughed up. Must’ve fought the demon. As soon as I was able to register that much he dropped the rest of me back on the ground.
   “Good. You’re awake. You can get to the car yourself.”
    I groaned and rubbed the back of my head.
   “Did you use your taser on me?”
   “Because you’re an asshole.”
   I pulled myself up and Trilby was already at the door to the warehouse. I sighed and followed after him.
   “Did you defeat the-?”
   “Yes. It was just an elemental.”
   “Oh… Should I write the uh..?”
   “No. Best you leave it in more capable hands. I’ll write it when we get back.”
   We headed out to the car and while I moved to get to the driver’s side, Trilby cut in front of me and got in. I sighed, confused, and climbed into the passenger’s side instead.
   “I wouldn’t have minded driving.”
   “I merely assumed someone more sensible should be behind the wheel.” Trilby replied coldly.
   I continued to puzzle over his behavior as we pulled away and got back on the main road. As far as I understood it, I played a prank, he got mad. But.. I didn’t understand why. It was innocent enough. Just a harmless jump-scare, isn’t it?
   The mood was dower and I was stewing over things for too long. Fortunately I remembered the radio was left on a great channel when last we were in the car. I turned it on.
   “Here we are now, entertain us! I feel stupid and contagious!”
    I started to lighten up almost immediately but just as soon as the music started, Trilby turned it off. I frowned and started to turn it on again but he swiftly smacked my hand away.
   “Don’t.” was the only warning he gave, through gritted teeth. “I’m not in the mood.”
   I sighed and simply shrugged. I guess he really was just in a bad mood. I hoped it would clear up by tomorrow.
   Obviously it didn’t.
   I came into the STP, same as normal. When I got to Trilby’s office I found Claire, talking with him. Trilby was smiling well enough but as soon as our eyes locked, he scowled.
  Claire glanced back and her grin also disappeared. A worried frown instead.
  “Oh.. Um.. Anyway I should get going.” Claire quickly grabbed a few papers off his desk and headed out the door. “Morning Chris.”
  “Morning. See ya later, Claire.”
  “See ya.” she rounded the doorway and hurried back into her own office, across from his.
  I looked back at Trilby who was busying himself with the computer.
  “Hey. So uh.. How’s it-”
  “Chris I’m horribly busy. If you’re not here to discuss work then get out.”
  “I just wanted to ask how you’re do-”
  “Get. Out.” He bit out, scowling up at me. “I’m still upset about yesterday. I’ll come fetch you when we have a new assignment.”
  “So what, Claire gets to talk to you but I-?”
  Trilby smacked his desk as he stood up and rounded its corner.
  “Don’t you have your own work to do? Or anyone else to bother?” Without wasting any time he shoved me out into the hallway.
  And just like that, I was standing out, staring at Claire’s office. She peeked around the doorway back at me, worried.
  “...What got into him?” I asked her.
  She sighed and came fully into view. She leaned on the doorway and gave me a skeptical look.
  “Well, from what I gathered, you played a pretty harsh prank on Trilby the other day.”
  “I wouldn’t say it was harsh.”
  “No? What happened?”
  “I grabbed a fake head and held it over mine to give him a scare. You know, to lighten the mood.”
  “Chris..” Claire sighed and pushed her glasses up. “Nevermind. Maybe it’d be better if I just let you and Trilby settle it.”
  “No, what?”
  “Chris, I don’t wanna play translator for you two. You guys figure it out. I’ve…” she paused long enough to glance back at Trilby behind me. She sighed and shook her head. “I’ve got my own work to do.”
  Claire went back into her office. For the rest of the day, Trilby avoided me. When we did have to go on a mission, a ghost-hunting one, he made an obvious effort to work separately from me. And I wished it was only for the day, but he continued to act like this the next day. And the next day.
   And then one day I bumped into Jim from the morgue division in the elevator.
  “Oh! Hey Chris! I didn’t expect to see you still hanging around.” Jim smiled back at me.
  “What do you mean?”
  “I thought you already left. With Mr. Trilby.” he shrugged.
  I frowned.
  Jim’s smile faltered.
  “Didn’t he…? He.. Got a mission just earlier. I thought for sure he’d take you.”
  “The fuck? No. He didn’t get me. What mission?”
  “Oh. Uh…” Jim quickly became uneasy. He fidgeted with his clipboard. “Umm.. Nothing! Nothing too bad! Just a small mission!”
  I normally try to get along with most anyone here in the STP, save for David Smith, and I know it’s not easy to pull off, being over 6 feet tall and usually smeared in someone’s blood with heavy bags under my eyes. People say I look deranged and unstable and while normally that’s a compliment in my eyes, I try not to let it be the only thing I’m known for among my co-workers.
  But in this case I wasn’t above stepping a little too close for Jim’s comfort and drawing myself up to my full height. My hand slipped onto the hilt of my trusty machete, not that I intended to use it.
 “Jim.” he was visibly cowering underneath me. “Tell me the truth.”
 “H-He uh.. W-w-well he um.. Mr. Trilby went to track down a rift.”
 My stern expression suddenly dropped and I felt my blood drain. Rift? A RIFT?!
  “That’s why I thought he took you along!” Jim cowered.
  “What the hell is he thinking?! Where’d he go??”
  The doors to the elevator opened up and Jim slowly inched his way to it but I was too blinded by concern to really notice.
  “I.. I would say but.. I-I..”
  “I don’t think Mr. Trilby would want me telling you.” He finally confessed before ducking out of the elevator. “I’m sorry!”
  I normally would’ve screamed. Or chased him. Demanded an answer. But I was just stuck on the simple fact that…Trilby didn’t want me to come with him. Trilby didn’t want me with him.
  I felt a pain I couldn’t laugh at as my heart sank down low into my gut. I was worried and angry and confused but the most bizarre thing was that I was just simply hurt. I haven’t been genuinely hurt in years and I honestly didn’t understand why… Why was he doing this?
  I couldn’t stop thinking about it until Trilby finally came back into the office two days later. As soon as I heard he was back I immediately tracked him down only to find him slumped over a table in the breakroom, a cup of coffee in hand and barely awake.
  “TRILBY!” I couldn’t help but shriek, making him jump up in his seat with a yelp of his own. “HOLY CRAP where have you been?! Are you okay?! Oh crap oh fuck you’re bleeding!”
  Trilby was clutching his heart and shaking, recovering from the shock, and when I got to him he immediately shoved me away.
  “Get the fuck away from me.” he growled half-heartedly and fixed me with a scowl. “I can take care of myself.”
  I rolled my eyes. He was still going on about this.
  “Trilby, where the hell have you been??”
  “None of your concern, Chris.” Trilby sipped his coffee.
  “Well what the hell were you thinking, trying to close a rift alone!? You know how dangerous that shit is! You need a partner!”
  “No, I actually don’t.” Trilby argued. “I don’t need a partner, I never did need one. I’m not required to have one. Despite however dangerous any mission would be, we’re not required to team up unless specifically instructed because frankly with as understaffed as this infernal organization really is, they could use as many operatives on the field as they can doing separate jobs to cover more ground without any concern for their well-being seeing as it’s more than easy enough for them to drag in another convict or psychopath to replace the previous agent. To further illustrate the matter, Christopher Quinn, LOOK AT WHO WE REPLACED AND HOW EASY IT WAS TO DO SO. Bottom line is I. DO NOT. NEED. YOU.”
  With that he stood up and left with his coffee in a huff. I chased after him.
  “Trilby, look if this is about that stupid prank I pulled on you back in the factory, I’m sorry! Alright?? Is it really worth getting yourself hurt like this? Are you that fucking pissed at me? Trilby! Come on! At least let me apologize!”
  I grabbed his hand to turn him around but he snatched it back and scowled at me.
  “I don’t want your apology, Chris.” he replied. “I don’t wanna hear it. Yes I’m still angry. No, you can’t just get off the hook with an apology. I don’t want you to try to make it up to me. I don’t want you to-”
  I leaned in and kissed him but that was immediately reciprocated with a punch to the face.
  “I ESPECIALLY DON’T WANT YOU TO DO THAT.” Trilby all but shouted at me. “I HATE IT when you try to pull that shit off, thinking it’ll just magically make me forget to hate you! Especially at work! Why don’t you just take a hint and FUCK OFF?!”
  Trilby walked away again, leaving me behind. I didn’t know what to do anymore. I had never seen him get so angry. I was surprised to find tears pricking my eyes, but I guess that’s a normal response.
  Trilby kept it up for a couple of weeks after that. Avoiding me. Refusing to speak to me. Keeping his distance. Going on missions alone and coming back looking like dog shit. All I could do was stand there and keep hurting. Wishing I could make it up to him. Wishing I knew what exactly I did wrong. Wishing I could fix it, somehow.
  Then one day, while I was having lunch with Claire and Jim, Trilby came into the room, looking around. His eyes locked on our table and he came over.
  “Good, you’re here. I’ve thought about it and decided I needed another pair of hands for this mission.”
  I stood up so fast I almost lost my lunch.
  “You mean you’re not-??”
  “Mind coming along, Jim?” Trilby utterly ignored me and looked down at the kid.
  Jim was immediately put on the spot and looked up with big, confused eyes.
  “HIM?!” Claire and I both asked as Jim also responded at the same time.
  “Yes, Jim, I need you. There’s talk of a tv celebrity who was murdered in her apartment under mysterious circumstances and I need your help.” Trilby replied smoothly.
  “O-Oh… Um.. Y-Yes Sir.”
  Trilby smiled. “Thank you. It’d be nice working with someone competent.”
  I would’ve loved how well he cut into me with words alone, if it was under any other circumstance. Claire and Jim seemed to think the same, as they frowned at him.
  “Trilby… Come on, isn’t that a bit harsh?” Claire asked.
  “How is that harsh? I simply paid Jim a compliment by saying he was going to be good to work with.” Trilby glanced back at her.
  “Well…  Yeah…  But…” Claire looked up at me but all I could focus on was the split-second glance Trilby gave me. The kind of pointed glance that easily conveyed that he wasn’t as innocent as he sounded.
  He turned to leave, with Jim following close behind him. All I could do was watch in frustration.
  “....He really knows how to hold a grudge, huh?” Claire asked as I slowly sat back down.
  “Yeah… Who would’ve guessed?” I huffed and jabbed my cold leftovers.
  I stewed over the comment for the rest of the day, only getting angrier and angrier about it. The way he said it, the stupid look he gave me, that kind of smug air of a kid who thinks he’s so fucking smart by “not touching” you.
  I finally went on a search for him near the end of the work day. It wasn’t hard. Trilby was pretty much a creature of habit and I knew if he wasn’t in any closet or dark corner befitting an ex-thief, he would only, naturally, be on the roof.
  Trilby seemed surprised though, as I kicked open the locked door and made my way out onto the roof.
  “Oh for heaven’s sake, won’t you leave me ALONE?” Trilby sighed.
  “No, dammit!” I stormed over to him. “Cause this shit has gone on long enough!”
  “Chris, I don’t want to hear your apology.”
  “WHY NOT?!”
  “Cause I can’t take you seriously!” Trilby snapped at me. “How am I supposed to? You’re nonstop with being utterly ridiculous!”
  “I’M ridiculous!? I think you’ve been! It was just a joke!”
  “Oh yes, I forgot to laugh! HA! HA HA HA HA! Yes let’s all laugh at my pain!” Trilby stepped up onto the railing and scooped up his grolly. “Everybody come witness the fool who went and got himself tormented on his first case! Let’s all laugh at the idiot who experienced death first-hand, MULTIPLE TIMES! I’m SO sorry Chris! I FORGOT HOW HILARIOUS PAIN IS.”
  He knelt down and leaned in close to scowl down at me. I couldn’t help but shrink back, feeling the same twisted pain in my gut from before in the breakroom.
  “Trilby I didn’t mean it like-”
  “Oh yes you did, Christopher.” he seethed. “You only think it would be funny to point and laugh at pain, but you never consider who’s pain, do you? I know you have mental issues, but you see the real problem was that I do too. I just don’t go announcing it to the world like you do.”
  “Well I’m so-”
  “Let’s see how well your apologies matter when I finally give in and just let go, Chris.” Trilby stood back up and it was now that it really hit me how dangerously close to the edge he was.
  Fear had an icy grip on every nerve in my body as Trilby took one giant, swinging step.
 “DON’T!!” I shrieked.
  He turned around almost effortlessly in one full swing and sat his foot on the railing again. I looked up only to find him grinning back down at me.
  “Hm, things are a little different on this side of the railing, aren’t they?” He turned and began walking very quickly along the edge, making me follow helplessly behind him.
  “Trilby, okay I get it! This isn’t funny!” I continued shouting.
  “No? Oh, I thought this was hilarious to you! Especially if I were to-” he suddenly stopped, faster than I could register and started walking backwards, as if it was only natural.
  “TRILBY!” I skidded, trying to stop, slipped, skinned my hands on the floor as I twisted around and tried to catch up to him.
  “See, isn’t it so funny? Let’s all laugh at the man who suffers from PTSD!” Trilby continued.
  When I got close I reached out to pull him back down.
  My heart froze in mortal terror as he suddenly jumped.
  It didn’t start again until he landed, feet away from me. He turned back around and sneered.
  “Let’s see how well you laugh, when the man who suffers from horrific flashbacks, visions, and suicidal thoughts plaguing his mind both day and night, finally gives in…”, he shrugged. “...finally sick of all the nonsense and teasing. Too tired to keep on fighting and caring anymore like he struggles to, every single day. Let’s see how well you laugh when I finally… take the plunge.”
  There really wasn’t an excuse for allowing it to escalate to such heights, just as there shouldn’t have been any excuse for me to lose balance.
  But I think, if nothing else, it got the message across.
  Of course I hadn’t fallen too far before I made use of the grolly. I caught myself and looked back up as Chris was leaning over the edge, a look of pure fear on his face. He was actually tearing up.
  When I finally pulled myself back over the railing Chris scooped me up and clung tighter than ever before, crying into my shoulder and apologizing over and over.
  I took a breath, my anger finally quelled though my heart still raced, and held him, apologizing back for the way I treated him.
  When we calmed down, we ended up sitting, with our backs to the railing, his arm wrapped securely around me, and mine around him.
  “To be fair, I do spend the better half of my efforts into hiding my own problems.” I said, breaking the silence. “And that’s not entirely fair to you.”
  “Well.. I could stand to pull my head out of my ass more often.” Chris shrugged. “...But it would be nice for you to tell me.. I had no idea you were…”
  “Well…” I shrugged. “No one does. I doubt even Claire really knows how hard some days are… Surprisingly enough your antics do sometimes help.”
  “They do??”
  “Well… It… Keeps me distracted I guess.” I scratched the back of my head, for once unsure of how to properly phrase my thoughts. “… It’s easier to get out of bed some days when I think about you. When I worry about… how bad it would be to leave you. Especially after we’ve… Well..”
  Chris grinned and I couldn’t resist leaning in and kissing him for it. Until half a minute later when the consequences of my word-choice came to mind.
  “That’s not an excuse to just be an asshole though.” I warned him, pulling away quickly.
  “Aw but Trilby-!”
  “But Trilby…!”
  “For the love of- DON’T.”
  “I thought you liked my-”
  I shoved him away and shook my head as he rolled with laughter. Stupidly enough I couldn’t stop grinning myself. Before I could say anything else, he suddenly pulled me close and kissed me passionately.
 And it’s in moments like this, that I couldn’t have possibly expected for when taking on this job. And it’s moments like this that I find a reason to push on with every day.
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
Cozy Cove: Emotional Turmoil
Saved by an Angel , A side of tits with your pancakes ,Fires Burn Hot , spending the nights , Learning and Loving , The end is not always the end,   Axel Grease, Big Decisions, Sex and Jet Skis, Late night fun , Old Wounds , Storms pass, Dangerous Waters  Nursing the patient , Making it Work , Never Have I Ever   , The Masquerade ,  The Proposal, Emotional Turmoil, sneaking
tag: @dragsraksllib @super-pink-a-palouza @loomiz @waywardtigersandwich @shkaboodle​ @theskarsgardcult @babyboy-cody @bskarsgardlove92​ @bill-skarsgard-owns-my-ass @shenevertricks1831 @hornyhetero @taintedglass  @grandpa-sweaters​ @bskarsgardlove92​
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Warnings: the title says it all, dash of fluff and angst
Axel shivered wrapping his arms around himself as he got off the plane in Ohio. He had not even thought of the temperature difference when he got on the plane in jeans in a thin black t-shirt. He bought  a I LOVE OHIO sweatshirt on his way to the rental car area. They had his car ready as soon as he showed his ID, insurance card and signed the paperwork.  
He was glad the black Infinity QX80 SUV had a GPS and the heater warmed the vehicle up quickly. It was 3am by the time he got to the hospital. Axel did not think they would let him see her this late so stopped for a quick restroom break before heading to the ICU. Her parents were in the waiting room.  
“Axel.” Her Mother whispered to him as he came around the corner. “She is just getting settled. The receptionist said we could see her for a few minutes, tonight. I can’t believe you flew all the way here tonight.”
“I love your Daughter so of course I did.” Axel muttered.  
Her Father smiled. “Good man. Do you have a place to stay tonight?”
“I was just going to crash here until they let me see her again in the morning.” He covered his mouth as he yawned.  
“None sense.” Mr. Quinby told him. “You are staying with us tonight. You could use some sleep, so Susie doesn’t reprimand us for treating you poorly.”
Axel chuckled. The night clerk looked at him sternly and pointed to the quiet sign. He mouthed he was sorry. A nurse came out. She walked over to Susie’s parents motioning for them to follow her. Axel went along. Susie was hooked up to an automatic blood pressure cuff, heart monitor and had IV fluids hanging.  
“You can only stay a few minutes.” The nurse glared at Axel. “Who is he?”
“I’m her boyfriend.” Axel didn’t move his eyes from looking at his sleeping angel hooked up to all her medical needs.
“You should wait outside.” She said gently as not to provoke the obvious, to her, hoodlum
“No, he should be here for her.” Her Mother reprimanded softly. “Is she doing alright now?”
“Your daughter will be taken to a regular room in the morning.” The nurse informed them. “She will be released in the afternoon. Her toxicology report showed a blood alcohol level well below the legal limit. There was Fentanyl in her system that could have caused her to pass out. Somebody,” she looked to Axel. “must have slipped it in her drink. The police will be asking her about it tomorrow.”
“I think I talked to the guy who did it.” Axel smirked. “This really creepy blond guy was trying to get her back in the party while she was video chatting me. I scared him off. I would definitely recognize him if I saw him.”
“I see.” The nurse smirked. “So, you were not with her all night?”
“I was in California.” Axel was trying to keep his composure even though this nurse seemed to be trying to blame him for drugging Susie.  
Susie’s Mother put her hand on his should. Her Father told the nurse to let their family have the room for the few minutes they were allowed.  
“I’m sorry that nurse was rude to you Axel.” Mr. Quinnby shook his head. “People can’t see beyond their own fears sometimes.”
“I would never hurt her.” Axel gritted his teeth as he sat by the bed to hold her hand.
“You take a minute alone with her.” Mrs. Quinnby suggested. “We will be right outside the door.”
“And I will talk to that nurse’s boss.” Mr. Quinnby opened the door to lead his wife out.
Axel kissed Susie’s knuckles as she laid there sleeping. Susie’s lips were dry and flaky. He kissed them anyway before he got up to leave. A good night's sleep would be a good idea. He was starting to crash from the adrenaline that pushed through his system just a few hours ago.  
“Axel?” Her eyes fluttered focusing on the unbelievable sight. “Is it really you?”
Axel rushed back to her side. “Yeah, I’m here for you, Babygirl. Your Mother and Father are right outside. They are making us leave soon.”
“drink.” She murmured hoarsely.
He poured her a glass of water and held the straw to her lips. “Here, just little sips. I’m not sure how you will handle it since they pumped your stomach.”
She took a small sip and her stomach retched. “Maybe ice on my lips. I’m tired.”
Axel lightly brush ice over her lips. “Go to sleep. We will be back as soon as they let us in in the morning.”
The nurse opened the door and more politely said, “I’m sorry Sir...”
Axel stood. “I’m leaving peacefully Nurse Rachet.  She woke for a minute for a drink. I think a sip made her feel sick.”
“That is to be expected.” The nurse replied. “She just needs some rest. And I am sorry I insinuated you had anything to do with this. It was unprofessional and wrong.”
Axel just nodded. He was used to people thinking he was the bad guy because of his tattoos. His neck tattoo only showed the first two words in the sweatshirt, but it was enough to get subjected to instant criticism. Susie’s parent put their arms around him when he came out. Maybe it was his exhaustion or worry for Susie, but he just broke down crying there.  
Susie’s Father drives Axel’s rental while her Mother cared for him as she drove home. “Susie will be fine now Axel. I think you just need some rest.”
“Yeah,” is all Axel managed embarrassed by his emotional outburst. He was still sniffling and holding a tissue to dab his eyes as he looked out into the early morning before the sun was even ready to rise.
They set Axel up in the guest bedroom. Her Mother made him some calming tea. He was laid out cold before he finished it.
The Quinnby’s didn’t wake Axel when they started their day. Mr. Quinnby went for a morning walk as his wife got to work on a huge stake of pancakes, sausage and hash browns. A large pot of coffee was brewing also. As soon as Axel smelled all the goodness he sat up. He was a little disoriented for a moment. Then remembered it all and jumped out of the bed to shower and get back to his girl’s bedside.  
Mrs. Quinnby heard his feet on the wooden surface that only had a runner rug to pad his steps. She waited a few moments for him to get in the shower before knocking. She inched the door a hair open so he could hear her. “I hope you slept well Axel. Breakfast will be ready shortly. Fresh cloths are on top of the dresser. They should get you by for today.”
“Thank you, Sandra.” Axel mumble as he was letting the water beat down on his neck. “I’ll just take coffee to go. I want to be there when Susie wakes.”
“We all do, but first a hearty breakfast.” Her voice was insistent. “We can’t get in to see her for another two hours. You can eat with us.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” Axel sighed.  
She closed the door. Axel was tense. He felt bad about flaking on his brother and leaving his workplace to someone for at least two days without much notice. But he would have been going nuts not seeing Susie was okay himself.  
Axel is surprised yet grateful for the huge meal Mrs. Quinnby had ready when he walked out to the kitchen. He sat and she slid a cup of coffee his way. “We have several different flavors of creamer and sugar if you need it Axel.”  
She smiled kindly like he always thought a Mother should. She was so different than the Mother he had for a time in his life. The maid always made him cereal or sometimes eggs. Nothing like the feast that was laid out in front of him.  “I just take sugar. You didn’t have to go to all this trouble to make a huge breakfast just because I am here.”
“Don’t be silly.” She chuckled. “This is normal for us. I just usually make slightly less. It was no big deal. The pancakes are not even as good as you are used to, I am sorry to say.”
He poured syrup over them and took a bite. They were missing a little something, but they were light and fluffy. “Good, thanks.”
Mr. Quinnby came in and kissed his wife on the cheek squeezing her around the waste as he whispered something that made her laugh. He sat across from Axel. “Good morning young man. How did you sleep.”
“I slept good enough, Richard.” Axel cut a piece of sausage with his fork and stabbed at the hash browns to. “Thanks for the hospitality.”
“You’re welcome.” He took a sip of the coffee his wife put down for him. “Thank you for breakfast sweetheart. So as soon as we eat, and I shower we will go check on Susie. Sound like a plan?”
“Yes, Sir.” Axel continued to devour his food. Susie’s Mother filled his plate again as her Father went to shower. “Thank you. I hope I am not eating more than my share.”
“don’t be silly.” She was smiling at him like nothing made her happier than to make sure he was full. “It would just go to waste if you didn’t eat it Axel.”
Axel’s mind was blown. This was a different world. With a Mother that seemed to care. Even care for him when he was not her kin at all. He thought this was the way it should be. The way a Mother should act. The way Susie was going to treat their children someday.
It fucking blew his mind even more something like that even crossed his mind. Even though he loved her, there was no guarantee she would want to come back to him when her education was over. He pushed that out of his mind as he finished a second cup of coffee and second plate of breakfast.  
They arrived at the hospital minutes before visiting hours. The desk clerk in the waiting area was just sitting down when Axel went up for the group to ask if they could see Susie. The clerk got up and went to check with the nurse.  
“Miss Quinnby is just getting ready to move to Eight East.” The clerk told the family. “If you take the elevator up to the eighth floor, take a right, she will be in room 805 shortly. I would check with the desk to make sure. Sometimes room assignments change.”
“Thank you.” They said in unison. They walked to catch the elevator.
“She must be doing well this morning to movie to a regular floor.” Her Mother felt some relief.
“Yeah.” Axel mumbled in the elevator.  
“That is a really good sign.” He patted Axel on the back. “No worries, Axel. She is alright.”  
Susie was being rolled in a wheelchair into her room as they made their way down the hall of Eight East. They stood outside a moment for her to get settled in the bed. Axel let her parents go in first.  
Susie looked up with a smile. “Hi guys, sorry I worried you. I...” She saw Axel when he stood up straight behind her parents. “Axel? I thought I dreamed you were here last night.”
“It’s no dream Susie Q.” Axel smiled with relief.  
“We are glad you are feeling better Susie.” Her Dad stood behind his wife who sat in the chair beside her bed.
Her Mother took a deep breath, “What were you doing at a party like that anyone? Not one of your friends had each other’s back. Those are not good friends. I don’t think...”
“Please, Mom stop.” Susie looked away from everyone. “I get it. I fucked up. I made the decision to go out. The decisions leading up to this moment were on me not on my friends. Of course, I could have stayed home but I chose not to. The bad decisions are done now. Don't blame my friends.”  
“I’m just glad you got on the phone with someone that helped you.” Her Dad added. “It could have been much worse. Do you need anything?”
“I think I will be going back to the dorm this afternoon.” Susie sighed as she looked back at her parents. “Thanks Dad.”  
“Let’s leave the kids to talk sweetheart.” He squeezed his wife’s shoulders.
She got up. “Just be more careful Susie. That is all we ask.”
Susie just nodded.  
Her parents left and Axel sat beside the bed. “I would have come without the hospital stay. You just had to ask, Babygirl.”
Susie smirked. “And here I thought getting myself into a dangerous situation was the only thing that would get your attention.”
They stared at each other for a minute. Then broke out into laughter.  
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fullbottles · 6 years
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ogata for quinnby on ko-fi! i haven’t seen any golden kamuy so i hope i got him right. thanks for the request!
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p0kern1ght · 5 years
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chris + trilby wasnt good but i SURE did get emotionally attached to them together
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pk-sonica-omega · 5 years
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Boy time Me? Drawing the same character the same way consistently??? Unrealistic. 
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