#Bun PLEASE go to sleep i am so tired
toastytoaster22 · 1 year
Hi! If you don't mind answering fanfic questions, what was you inspiration for nightjar's premisce ? I guess the idea comes from imagining claw attacking earlier and in a harsher way, but is there a theme or a message that you thought would be much better expressed through this specific au ?
Thank you for your writing, hope your family is well and that you're getting good rest ❤️
Hello!! I am always happy to answer fic questions!
The funny thing about Nightjar is that it came into being completely and entirely backwards. Claw taking over the world didn't have anything to do with it until the very end of the brainstorming phase.
My original thought was titled "Feral Teru" revolved around a Teru who lived on the street and was running from Claw. An AU where his parents didn't leave him with an apartment and he never attempted to keep up appearances. I wanted to get him off the street and give him kindness and a home... and yet I didn't want to stray too close to Issho and the concepts that I had already explored there.
I attempted to branch out further. Go deeper. I wanted to explore what it would take for a Teru who'd entirely lost trust in others to open up to Reigen or the Kageyamas. And that was my first major roadblock and story diversion. There was NOTHING. No scenario that I could whip up where this kind of Teru would willingly go to a second location with a stranger, reveal that he was an esper, take food, help, ect. from anyone. I was stuck. And whenever I get good and stuck with a fic, I know I need to make a big change.
So what if i inverted the trope? What if instead of getting the kid off the street... I got the family ON the street? What if Teru was able to have the advantage over them? The 411 on the bad guys? The experience in dealing with homelessness, and all the struggles that go with it?
Well, now THAT was not only a much more believable way for Teru to slowly talk with the group, and it was way more unique. I wouldn't end up repeating anything from Issho.
SO. What would get all the Kageyamas and Reigen out of their homes for extended periods of time? Hooray! Claw and a canon house fire! So I ended up switching the timeline up a bit and with that came a lot of fun themes to toy with:
Letting adults take the lead
It's okay to run away
What does a "good person" do?
There's a whole lot more that is going to happen in the story and I don't want to spoil anything, but believe me when I say there's going to be some big surprises. :DDDDDD I am excited!
The current plan is to finish Resonate by the end of the year and then get back to Nightjar. I am about halfway through chapter 6, so progress is being made. Finally.
Thank you for asking abut the family! It's been a rough road and having a baby (who doesn't sleep at night) and working, and trying to keep the house from being a dump is holy shit hard. I'm doing my best
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alotofpockets · 5 months
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Roommates | Kyra Cooney-Cross x Gorry!Reader & Katrina Gorry x Sister!Reader
Where you start dating your sister's bestfriend after she becomes your roommate.
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.8k
"You're still going to pick up Kyra from the airport and drive her to her introduction at the Arsenal training grounds, right?" Your sister has asked you this question at least ten times now. Her Matilda's teammates, and one of her closest friends Kyra Cooney-Cross was making the move from Australia to the UK, just like you had done two years ago, and your sister had asked you to look out for her there. 
"Yes Mini, don't worry. I will pick up Kyra and drive her to London Colney. You can go to sleep and stop worrying, I promise I've got her." 
Katrina seemed to finally relax a bit, "Okay, text me when she gets there? I told her to do that too, but she'll probably be too tired from the flight to remember.” Your sister loved Kyra like family, and it was sweet to see how similarly she cared for Kyra as she does for you. 
“I will text you when I see her at the airport, now please go to sleep.” You laughed at the slightly annoyed sigh that escaped her mouth. “Thank you again, and goodnight.” You hung up the phone after wishing Katrina a good night as well.
You finish your workday, and run some errands, before you head home. You made a funny poster to welcome Kyra to London before you head to bed for an early wake up call to head to the airport.
When you saw Kyra walk down the gate hall, she looked exhausted from the long flight, a feeling you knew all too well yourself. She was wearing a pair of sweats and a hoodie, combined with a messy bun. When she laid eyes on your poster her face lit up. Welcome to London, my favourite Tillie!
"Oh we're so showing Mini your sign." She greets you with a hug. “Yeah, let's send her a picture. I promised I'd text her when you landed.” The two of you pose together with the sign, while someone next to you takes your picture. 
“Are you hungry?” You ask while you take half of her bags. “I ate on the plane, but am in desperate need of a coffee.” In the coffee shop you catch up for a bit over coffee, and breakfast for you, before Kyra gets a call. She walks out of the shop to take the call, while you scroll on your phone.
“What’s wrong?” The panicked look on her face as she walked back in immediately grabbing your attention. “That was the landlord of my apartment, he just let me know that he accidentally double signed. In other words, I don’t have a place to stay anymore.” Without a second thought you had a solution for her problem. “I’ve got a spare room that I never use. It’s yours if you want it.”
The following week you helped Kyra get settled and went with her for her introduction meeting at Arsenal. Initially you would just drop her off and pick her up later in the day, but she had insisted you’d join her. Together you got the Arsenal tour, and you sat to the side for all her video and picture moments. All in all, it ended up being a fun day.
The two of you had gotten close quickly over the days that passed, sure you had known each other already, but now living together brought you on a whole new level of friendship.
Tomorrow would be Kyra's first training session at Arsenal, as well as meeting the team for the first time. Besides her Aussie teammates Steph and Caitlin, she didn't know anyone more than a familiar face. You had known she was nervous, but you didn't realise just how much until she knocked on your bedroom door.
“Hey Ky, what's up?” The usual smile the girl was wearing was replaced by a frown. “Were you homesick when you first moved here?” You had been so adamant that she was just nervous, that you hadn't taken the move to another continent into consideration. “Yeah, I did. Come here.” Patting the spot on your bed besides you, you offered her a place to sit. 
You talked for a while before you both fell asleep. The next day you drove Kyra to her first practice with Arsenal. You were just going to drop her off, but when you saw Caitlin get out of her car, you had to go say hi. You knew all of the Tillies from the many times you had met them in the family and friends hall after matches. 
“Y/n, hi, what are you doing here?” She greeted you with a quick hug. You point back to your car where Kyra appeared from behind the trunk. “Ky has been staying with me.” 
On queue Kyra appears beside you, and drops her bags to hug Caitlin tight. While the two of them embrace, another player walks up to greet you. You knew it was Katie, but as far as you remembered you had never properly met. “Hi, I'm Katie, nice to meet you.” She extends her hand. “Y/n, nice to meet you too.”
Katie inspects you, trying to figure out where she knew you from, until it finally clicked. “Oh you're Gorry’s little sister, aren’t you?” Kyra stepped out of her hug with Caitlin to defend you. “She's her own person you know.” It was really sweet, but you really didn't mind. “It's fine Ky, I am.” You rolled your eyes at her defensiveness, but behind that facade you secretly loved how she stuck up for you. 
From then on Caitin and Katie picked up Kyra for practice, since you basically lived on the route to the training centre.
Kyra joined you in your room on more days than not over the next few weeks, and you would be lying to yourself if you didn’t enjoy the moments you spent together. You were quickly falling for her, and every part of you hoped that she felt the same way. 
Then one morning you woke up with Kyra cuddled into your side, and her leg draped over yours. You lift your hand to gently play with her hair, she hums with enjoyment and cuddles further into your side. “Good morning to you too.” You were like a deer in headlights, caught by the fact that she had, unbeknownst to you already been awake. “Don’t stop.”
You release the breath you were holding and continue. You must have laid there for another hour before you got out of bed. “Can I maybe take you out for breakfast?” The way her eyes lit up at your question was enough for you to realise that she did indeed feel the same way. “I would love that.”
The two of you had been together ever since, just keeping it to yourselves to enjoy your time together away from prying eyes. Which is why you were stressed since your sister had called that she was coming to visit with her family, because she was meeting with the West Ham United team. You had offered your home as a place for them to stay while she had her meeting, and while her and Clara would be looking at homes for their family. 
“Relax babe, we never changed my room back to a guest room, so they won’t notice a thing if we act like just friends for a couple days.” Kyra tried reassuring you. You had talked about telling her, but ultimately you decided that you weren’t ready to tell her yet, and Kyra was fine with that. 
Kyra offered Mini and Clara her room, while she took the couch, and your niece Harper was overjoyed to be having a sleepover in your room for a couple of days. It was nice having your family around, and you were excited to have them closer after the move as well. 
Mini and Clara were out house hunting while you and Kyra spent some time with Harper. Harper insisted on some painting, and you could not stop laughing when the girl had started painting Kyra instead of her paper. While Harper was dancing and singing her little heart out to Frozen, you cleaned Kyra’s face. When you were done you placed a quick kiss on her lips. “All done.”
Meanwhile a few blocks over Mini’s mind was on something besides house hunting. “I think they’re together.” She stated to Clare, who was busy inspecting the kitchen of the place they were currently in. “Who?” 
“Y/n and Kyra.” This got Clara’s attention. “What makes you think that?” Mini went on and on about how Kyra’s room looked like it hadn’t been touched in weeks, that you looked so comfortable together, the glances she had noticed between the two of you, and just the general vibe when the two of you were in a shared space. “Well, if they are, what would you think of that?” Mini thought for a moment before ultimately deciding that she thought the two of you would be cute together and good for each other. 
Mini had not expected to get answers to her question on if the two of you were together or not, but when she put Harper to bed, her little girl snitched on you right away. “Did you have fun today?” The girl nodded her head enthusiastically before telling her mom all about the things that you had done today and finished her story with, “Oh and Auntie and Kywa was kissing.” Mini smiled to herself. “Oh did they now, sweetheart? I am glad you had a good day. Sweet dreams.” 
The next morning you head out to breakfast all together, before your sister and her family fly back for a couple more months. “This place is great, y/n. Where did you find it?” You’re glad that they are enjoying the food just as much as you do. “I took Kyra here when she was all settled in.” You were soaking in all the time with your little niece as much as you could, so you were helping her colour in her drawing while you were speaking to the adults at the table.
“Oh, did you go here for your first date?” Since you were so focussed on the colouring you didn’t think before speaking. “Yeah- oh.” Your head shot up at your older sister, though you relax when you see the proud smirk on her face. “You knew?”
Mini points to Harper, “We’ve got ourselves a little snitch on our hands, she saw you two kiss yesterday. I did also have a feeling already.” You felt relieved now that your sister knew, because she was the person you were most scared of telling, with Kyra being one of her best friends and all.
You drove Mini, Clara, and Harper to the airport with Kyra, where you said your temporary goodbye’s. Knowing that they would be back in two months to move to London. You couldn’t wait to have your family close again. 
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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bangchansgirlsblog · 1 year
Broken Headsets PT 2
Warning: A lot of Angst.
Pairing: BangChan x reader.
Summary: where he snaps at you while working.
!Not proofread!
“Baby I’m so sorry, please open up the door.” Chan’s voice echoes through the door and into the bathroom.
My knees against my chest as I was calming down from a panic attack. The sleeves on my sweater now dump from all the tears it was sucking up.
“G-go away” I cry louder. My body shaking and my salty tears freely running down my hot face.
“I don’t…I don’t want to talk to you right now!”
“Babe I’m sorry okay? I didn’t mean to snap like that. Just let me talk to you. Let me hold you. I’m worried. Your going to have another panic attack”
“BangChan leave me alone. I don’t want to talk to you.” I throw whatever was in my reach at the wooden door. Making him jump on the other side of the door. Now HE couldn’t hold back his tears. He wanted to be able to sort it out because he genuinely didn’t mean to snap Or cause anyone pain.
“Okay I’ll give you some time my love, please don’t be angry with me. I’m sorry.” His voice now low and quiet. I had no response because I was so angry and so hurt by him.
I wasn’t being dramatic right?
The sound of his footsteps disappear down the hall making me quickly but softly wipe my tears away and get up to wash my face. The cold water making my body shiver. I stare at myself. Hair up in a bun, eyes red and eye bags deep from all the lack of sleep. A fucking mess.
The front door slamming was what made me jump getting me out of the trance I was in. Had he left? I pick up the container that was on the ground due to the fact I threw it and open the bathroom door.
I find Berry sat in-front of it as if waiting for me. I give her a soft smile and pick her up.
Walking through the house looking for any sign of Chan but there was none.
I glance at the clock and it read 12:45. Anger rises up my chest once again because how dare he leave the house at this hour knowing how much anxiety I have when his out late? Such a selfish bastard!
Get home.
I send him a text and switch off my phone to look around. A mess the house was.
“Shall we clean up Berry?” I look at the dog in my hands who didn’t even seem to be bothered by anything. “I swear I talk to you more than I talk to Chan” a chuckle leaves my lips when she starts licking my face.
“Now come on let’s get started.” I place her down and pick up things and put them away. My body needing the distraction but my mind and thoughts running at a speed of lightning.
Emotions running through “my mind and soul”. Cringe lol.
2:30 am.
The sound of the clock ticking was starting to irritate me and craw under my skin.
Worry slowly crawling up my chest. Where was he? Was he safe? Was he okay? Where could he be?
I hated myself for putting my self through this because after the little stunt he pulled causing me to sit in the bathroom crying my heart out for 2 hours begging for someone to come save me. I was still sat in our living at 2:30 am waiting and wondering where he had gone too.
Did he leave me? Surely he hadn’t cause all his stuff was still here.
My feet slowly taps the floor, something I do when I’m nervous. I tag on my sweater which is now stretched out due to the constant pulling. The material laying between my fingers feeling very satisfying.
“Why do you have to do this to me Chan?” I say softly, talking to myself.
The house was quiet once again like I’m used too.
The lights were off except for his studio room led lights that were on and passing through the glass window.
Berry was now sat on my lap cuddling me because I knew she sensed the stress my body was going through. She always just knew and she always tried to cuddle of just play around whenever Chan or I where going through something.
A sigh leaves my lips. I was tired. I needed sleep but I needed to know if he was safe.
I check my phone to see if he had responded but nothing came through and when I was about to set down the phone it stars to buzz making me jolt up. Han’s name pops up with a picture of me and him when we were at an adventure park in Japan.
I quickly pick up the phone hoping that somehow Chan was with him and they were doing some project.
“Hello?” My voice rough but still soft from all the crying.
“Hey baby.” He says softly from the other end of the phone.
“Are you doing okay?” He asks, I could hear the nervous tone in his voice.
“Mhm” a hum in response.
“Channie Hyung is with us in the dorms okay? He showed up here really upset so we told him to just stay over until everything is calm,”
I feel my heart break into pieces. Was he really that upset that he didn’t want to stay in the same home as me? He knew how I hated when he didn’t sleep at home.
“Oh, okay that’s alright. Thank you for letting me know,” I tell him. A weigh being lifted off my shoulder because now that I knew he was safe I could sleep or so I thought.
After hanging up the phone. I slowly put Berry aside and cleanup the cold plate that’s till say on the table and decide to finish up the dishes.
The scent of soap filling my nostrils and a warm liquid running down my face. Tears.
Who would have thought that I would be here at the age of 25 doing dishes at 2 am while crying.
My vision was blurry and my legs were weak. My heart beating fast as I could hear it in my ears.
My face was hot and my body trembled from the heart aching sobs that left it.
I couldn’t be under this much stress.
It wasn’t good for the baby.
Pt 1 ⬇️
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
part of the el!hughes au
summary: y/n (lovie) and jack get into their biggest fight yet
warnings: fighting, mention of bad parents (lovie’s)
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my head slumps on the back of the couch as Eleanor’s cries pierce my eardrums.
“El, baby, c’mon.” i groan out.
my recently turned one year old is sprawled out on the apartment floor, throwing a fit over something of which i have no idea.
i tried to pick her up, but she just kept pushing my hands away, screaming ‘mama! no! mama, no! no, mama!’
it’s been two weeks of this, and i have a sneaking suspicion that her constant sour mood has been all because of the particular absence of her favorite person. Jack.
it’s been two weeks of early wake-ups and late nights. two weeks of El having meltdowns if i mess up even one thing, like giving her cheetos in a bowl instead of her snack cup, or suggesting Moana instead of watching Lilo & Stitch for the billionth time, or reading her the wrong book at bed time. it’s been two weeks of sleep regression, no naps, and her throwing her food every chance she gets. two weeks of her screaming if i try and leave the room, but screaming if i try and pick her up as well. two weeks of bags under my eyes, messy buns because my hair is horribly greasy, and surviving purely on coffee.
i’m tired. my feet hurt because every time i sit, El screams at me. my head hurts from her screaming. and now my stomach cramps because i, of course, both started my period, and have not had a moment to eat all day. i’ve broken down in tears nearly every night once i finally get El to sleep, because i don’t know how much more of this i can take.
tears well up in my eyes at this very moment, and it takes everything in me to hold back my own screams. not necessarily directed at my daughter, but just in frustration. i can’t think clearly. it’s nearing midnight and i’ve tried everything to get her to sleep, but she just keeps fighting it.
i know she’s tired, just like i am. she’s been up since five in the morning, which means so have i.
“i give up.” i cry out, burying my face in my hands, weeping into them in frustration and exhaustion. “i get it, El. you want your father. i know. please, i know.”
El’s cries pause and i peek through my fingers to see her watching me with a tilted head, before she bursts back into tears.
i steel my spine, wiping my own tears, and strengthening myself. i rise from the couch, scooping my daughter up, despite her smacks to my chest and pulls on my now-falling-out bun, and shuffle towards her bedroom.
going for the last ditch effort, i grab the hidden pacifier in her top dresser drawer, and pop it into her mouth before turning on the white noise machine in the corner and placing her in her crib.
i gaze down at her, watching as she yawns, tears still slipping from her eyes. her eyelids flutter closed before she pries them back open and stares back at me.
“Eleanor Elizabeth Hughes, you have to sleep.” i scold in a whisper.
retreating from the room, closing the door and listening for her wails; i nearly cry in relief when nothing comes. nothing but silence and the sound of the white noise.
my feet pad across the wooden floors as i walk to the kitchen, keeping an ear out for El’s possible whines. too drained to make myself anything sustainable, i settle for a yogurt cup and a cheese stick. bringing my snacks with me into Jack and i’s bedroom, i settle under the blankets.
i have no energy to put into paying attention to a show or movie, and not nearly enough to read a book; so i sit in silence, staring at the wall as i eat.
placing the now empty yogurt cup on my nightstand, i pick at the cheese stick, lost in thought.
i’m struggling.
i feel like a single parent half the time.
i’m not sure how actual single parents do it. the ones who have to work and take care of their children. because parenting in and of itself is a full time job.
i know it’s not fair of me to think so little of myself, but i can’t help feeling like a horrible mother. she never wants me anymore; only ever yearning for Jack.
and i get it. i yearn for him too when he’s gone.
but can’t she be happy with me?
i miss the sound of the front door shutting; too deep in my own head. too far gone in my own thoughts.
but i do hear the not-so-hushed whispers of my husband and his brother as they venture farther into the apartment.
i hear the ‘goodnight.’ from Luke before his bedroom door shuts. i hear the nursery door opening, the white noise from the room getting louder. and then a few minutes later, i hear the nursery door click shut and the sound of my husbands footsteps getting closer down the hall before our bedroom door opens.
my cheese stick is long gone, and my fingers now settle for playing with each other. my nails picking at the others as i still sit in a catatonic state of exhaustion; staring at the wall in front of me.
Jack lets out a breath of surprise when he notices i’m awake in the dim lighting of the bedside lamp.
“hey, lovie.” he leans down, his fists pressing down on the mattress top, and lays a swift kiss on my cheek before rising back up to his full height.
i glance over as he throws Eleanor’s pacifier onto his nightstand.
“i thought we agreed no more pacifiers when she turned one? she hasn’t had one in the past month.” he huffs, stripping his shirt off and throwing it towards the hamper in the corner of the bedroom, narrowly missing by an inch. he eyes the shirt for a millisecond before shrugging and repeating the process with his pants, this time making it in the hamper.
“yeah, well, you weren’t here to attend to her screams and i was.” i retort.
“so you resorted to the paci?” he questions, pulling a pair of flannel pajama pants out of his dresser drawer.
“stop mom-shaming me.” i snap, scooting down and flopping onto my side, my back facing Jack.
“lovie.” he sighs. the bed dips as he sits behind me. “that’s not what i was doing.”
“yes. you were.” i accuse. “you’re saying i’m a bad mom for giving my daughter what she needed in order to fall asleep.”
i turn in the bed to look up at him and he parts his lips to speak, but i keep going.
“but you weren’t here, Jack. you didn’t hear her cries, or have to try every trick in the book to calm her down. you weren’t awake with her for nineteen hours with no nap only to still have her fight bed time. so, yes, i resorted to the pacifier. and ya know what? it worked.”
“i get that you’re in a bad mood, but why are you taking it out on me? i wasn’t even here for you to get angry at me.” he remarks.
“i’m not.” i deny, closing my eyes and hoping he’ll take it as a sign to just let me sleep.
“you are.” he grunts. “and it makes me feel like i’m the bad guy for doing my job.”
“well, i wouldn't have to do this all alone if it weren't for your fucking job.” i know as soon as i say it that my words were uncalled for. but, before i can take them back, Jack stands from the bed, making my eyes fly open to look at him.
“do i not help when i’m home? i’m so sorry that me providing for our family is so hard for you.” he sneers. his sarcasm is not appreciated, and i sit up in the bed in anger. “i’m so sorry that you have to be a mother, while i’m gone making money so that you don’t have to work.”
i shuffle onto my knees on the bed, glaring daggers at my husband.
“when have i ever complained about being a mother? and when have i ever said that i don’t want to work? i never asked to stay at home! but it’s what i do, because not both of us can work without putting El in daycare. which you said you didn’t want to do.”
my finger juts at my chest before poking his. my words harsh in delivery, but quiet in attempt to not disturb the sleeping baby down the hall.
“i never once complained about being a mother. i love her.” i continue.
“are you implying that i don’t love her?” Jack fumes.
“i never said that!” i cry. “you’re putting words into my mouth!”
“i’m just trying to provide for us!” our attempted quiet is long forgotten now, and i can only hope that the white noise in El’s room is enough to mask our argument.
“you think i don’t know that?” i exclaim, he opens his mouth but i don’t let him get a word in. “i’m just saying that you don’t understand how exhausting it is being a single parent half the fucking hockey season! you leave and play games and go out to fucking bars to celebrate wins and i stay here and take care of our daughter, who for the past two weeks, only wanted you!”
Jack throws his hands up in the air, huffing in anger.
“well, i can’t help that! i get that it’s hard, but you’d think you’d be a bit more grateful. it’s part of my job to leave, y/n!”
of everything he’s said, it’s those words that cut me the deepest. and what hurts the most, as small as it may seem, is that within all of our fights, big or small, throughout our entire six years together, never once has he called me by my name while we fought.
it’s always ‘lovie’.
but suddenly, i’m ‘y/n’.
i lower myself onto my butt on the mattress. tears are streaming down my cheeks and i try to wipe them away before Jack can see them.
“now you’re gonna cry?” he lowers himself onto the bed and i push myself off of it in order to gain distance, now standing a couple feet away.
“i quit.” my voice is quiet and surrendered, my words sheltered. i watch as his face drops, lips parting in shock.
“what?” he mumbles, his eyes softening.
i shake my head, letting my tears flow freely now as i round the bed and i head toward the cracked open door.
“where are you going?” he questions, his tone still holding a dash of anger.
“to sleep in Luke’s room.” i reply. he calls after me but his words fall on deaf ears.
i need space.
i don’t bother knocking on Luke’s door, opening it to find him just now sitting down in bed, his hair wet and leftover steam drifting from his en-suite bathroom.
his head snaps over to the door as i close it, and at the sight of my tears, he pats the bed beside him.
a sob racks my chest as i crawl into bed with the boy i look at as a brother. he pulls me into his side, no words spoken between us as he rubs a hand over my hair, letting me cry into his chest and soak his plain white t-shirt.
a muffled cry escapes my lips and he squeezes me tighter, pressing a kiss to my scalp. nothing needs to be said, no words needed to be shared, just quiet shushes and his hand rubbing up and down my back, the other still holding my head tight to his chest in grounding.
i’m not sure how long passes before i cry myself to sleep, Jack’s words echoing on a loop inside my head.
‘you’d think you’d be a bit more grateful.’
i’m unsure what time it is when i awake, but Luke is gone from the bed, and the sun peeks through the bedroom window.
i know Luke and Jack have the day off, so if Luke is already up, then i must have slept in later than i usually do.
despite the apparent long sleep, i don’t feel as well rested as i should. my eyes flutter shut for a few moments, but at the sound of the familiar squeal of excitement from my daughter, drifting in through the crack in the door, my eyes fly back open.
i kick my legs free from the tangle of blankets and throw them over the side of the bed, peeling my tired body up off the mattress. i rub my eyes as i walk over to Luke’s bathroom, ignoring the mess amongst the counter and looking in the mirror.
my eyes are still red and puffy from crying, and i turn on the faucet, cupping my hands under the cold running water and splashing it on my face before drying it with the hand towel that’s thrown haphazardly on the counter.
exiting the bathroom and bedroom, i’m immediately met with the sight of El’s smiling face bounding down the hall. her chubby little legs wobble as she runs.
“mama! dada!” she squeals, motioning behind her. a grin overtakes my lips at her excitement.
“yeah? is dada home?” i ask with a laugh as she runs smack into my legs, reaching up with grabby hands.
my heart melts in my chest. for the first time in two weeks, she wants me.
“mama! dada!” she repeats as i hoist her up, lifting her above my head and rejoicing in her giggles.
my eyes are all too soon drawn to my husband at the end of the hall. he stands leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, a faint smile on his lips while my own falls at the sight of him.
our fight replays in my mind; flashes of his red face and his defensive stance. echoes of his harsh tone and his cruel words.
Jack approaches us, leaning down to press a kiss to my lips, but i shift my face, his lips landing on my cheek instead. pulling back, his face falls, hurt shining in his eyes. it hurts me to see him upset, but i can’t bring myself to feel too bad, as i, too, am hurting.
i maneuver around him, padding down the hallway with El in my arms, making my way to the open layout of the living room and kitchen.
Luke is sat on the couch, eyes on his phone while Lilo & Stitch plays on the tv, and i flop down beside him. El crawls into his lap, pushing his phone out of the way and pushing her smiling face into his line of sight. i watch his eyes light up, sliding his phone into his pocket and tickling her sides.
a laugh escapes my lips as he lifts El upside down in front of his face, making her giggle contagiously. but once again, my lips fall back straight as Jack enters the room again.
the day continues like this, living amicably with Jack, but not happily. as the day goes on, the more i reflect on our fight the night prior, and the worse i feel. i was in the wrong. i knew that last night and i know it now.
i know leaving El is hard for him, just as taking care of her without him is hard for me. but my guilt doesn’t erase his words.
i know he didn’t mean it, just as he knows that i didn’t mean mine, but it still hurts. he cut deep. he accused me of being ungrateful, the very same thing he knows my parents called me when i told them i was moving out.
‘you’re so ungrateful. we offered you to keep living with us even after your graduation, and you’d rather move out with your unstable little boyfriend than live with the people who raised you. well, don’t come crawling back to us, we don’t take ungrateful children.’
a lump grows in my throat as i compare the fights. it’s nine at night and Jack is in El’s room, putting her to sleep, Luke long having retired to his own bedroom, leaving me alone on the couch. my knees are pulled up to my chest, my arms hugging them tight, as tears stream down my cheeks.
a small part of me tells me i should apologize. i know if i do, he will too. he already seems to want to move past it.
but the larger part of me says to wait. to let him apologize to me. to make him acknowledge that we fought. instead of brushing past it like it never happened.
Jack strides into the living room, child free, and it’s the first time we’ve really been alone together all day.
i avoid his gaze, rather wiping my tears and averting my eyes to the television, which still plays the credits of The Little Mermaid from our before bedtime movie.
he sighs, taking a seat on the opposite side of the couch. his hand reaches out to graze my leg and i flinch at the soft touch. the larger part of me wins and i rise from the couch, stalking off to our bedroom and away from him.
i quickly change into my pajamas, hoping to be out of the bedroom before he comes in, but i’m not so lucky.
he enters the room as i’m pulling my t-shirt over my head. my t-shirt. not his. he notices this change quickly and shakes his head.
he stands silently, his back leaning against the now closed door as i pull on sweatpants, watching my every move.
i move to the en-suite bathroom when i’m done. making quick work of washing my face and brushing my teeth. when i finally finish with my nightly routine, i head back out to the still blocked bedroom door.
Jack eyes me up and down, and a quick wetting of his lips tells me he’s horny, but i laugh inside at the thought.
does me angry and upset, turn him on? does he really think he has any chance of getting lucky tonight when he hasn’t even apologized?
“can you move?” i huff, crossing my arms.
“where are you going now?” he questions, shaking his head.
“Luke’s room. again.”
“you know we have a bed, right? the one you were in last night before you left me alone in here.” his words twist my heart, but i stand my ground.
“oh, you mean the same bed i was sitting in when you implied that i’m ungrateful and selfish?” i mock, tilting my head.
“lovie.” his tone is defensive enough to let me know that he doesn’t plan on apologizing tonight, so rather than waiting and hoping for Jack to move, i push him aside lightly with my shoulder and slip through the door.
i knock lightly on Luke’s door and it doesn’t take long for him to open it, letting me slip through into the room.
“you guys are still fighting?” Luke asks, shutting the door and walking over to sit on his bed.
“i promise, this is the last time i’ll sleep in your room. if we’re still fighting tomorrow night, i’ll sleep on the couch.” i assure him, crawling up the bed and laying on my side, facing him.
“i don’t have a problem with you sleeping in here, lovie.” he sighs, laying down on his side so that we lay face to face. “i’ve just never seen you guys fight like this, ya know? you guys are usually so in love, it just scares me to see you fight. i want the best for both of you.”
my eyes soften and i raise my hand, running it softly through Luke’s unruly curls.
“Lukey, i’m still madly in love with your brother. one fight isn’t gonna change that.” i tell him. “he said some things that hurt me. i said things that i’m sure hurt him too. but we’ll get through this. we love each other.”
i speak with assurance, but at this point, i’m not sure if i’m reassuring Luke, or myself.
“you should go to sleep, bubs. you have practice in the morning.” i press a kiss to Luke’s forehead before he turns his bedside lamp off and flops down on his side, his back now facing me.
i follow suit, my back facing Luke as i close my eyes and let myself drift to sleep.
i’m woken up by little hands smacking my cheeks, immediately followed by the sound of my husbands whispers.
“oh no, El, we don’t smack mommy. we’re gentle.” he tells her softly, and soon after, i feel her open mouth press against my cheek; her version of a kiss.
my eyes flutter open and i’m met by the smiling face of my daughter. she’s held hovering above me by Jack, who seems worried for my reaction.
“hi, baby!” i coo, a smile stretching over my lips as i take her from him. “good morning, beautiful!”
“mama!” she cheers, followed by a steady stream of babbling.
“she woke up a couple hours ago. she was looking for you.” Jack tells me. “i just changed her diaper, and she already ate breakfast, but i noticed she’s been chewing on everything this morning, so i threw a couple of her teething toys in the freezer and she’ll probably want a popsicle soon to sooth her gums.”
i look up at him and nod, acknowledging that i heard him, before i sit up and lay El down on the bed, tickling her tummy and listening to her joyous giggles fill the room.
“Luke and i are off to practice, we’re running late.” he runs his hand over El’s hair, leaning down and kissing her forehead before turning to look at me again. “Luke said he wants to take El to the park after we get back. he said for me to ask you if you can have her dressed and her diaper bag ready for when he and i get back.”
“yeah, i can do that.” i reply and he nods, pushing off the bed and laying a kiss on my own forehead before he leaves the room.
i heave out a sigh, looking down at El, who’s already looking up at me.
“you wanna go take a shower with mommy?” i baby talk, pasting a smile back on my face. she smiles right back, grabbing at my shirt. “yeah, you do. you love showers, don’t you? my little water baby.”
El is all dressed and ready to go when Jack and Luke arrive home, while i stick the last snack into her diaper bag.
“hey, lovie.” Luke chimes, throwing an arm around my shoulder and squeezing my head into his chest. “she ready?”
“mhm! she should be good to go.” i confirm as i push out of his hold, stuffing the bag into his arms instead. “you have the stroller, right?”
“yeah, i’m taking Jack’s car and it’s already in the trunk.” he confirms, slinging the diaper bag over his shoulder and scooping his niece up from where she was already staring up at him by his legs.
“alright, say bye-bye to mommy and daddy!” Luke sings out, waving to us. El copies him, waving her entire arm about in order to wave goodbye, and with that, they’re out the door; leaving Jack and i in silence.
i busy myself by picking up the toys strewn about the living room floor, while Jack unloads the dishwasher. but tension lingers in the air.
maybe i should just apologize.
i hate this feeling.
i hate not being cuddled up with him right now.
we usually spend any El free hours curled up in our bed. napping, watching a movie, talking, or just taking part in general bedroom activities.
but instead, we’re across the room from each other, doing daily household chores and trying hard to avoid the screaming silence between us.
i drop a barbie into the toy box and stand up straight, looking towards my husband, who’s already staring at me with gentle eyes.
“i’m sorry.” i sigh, squeezing my eyes shut, holding my hands to my face. “i hate fighting.”
his hurried footsteps click against the wooden floors, stopping when he gets in front of me. his hands come up to mine, delicately pulling them away from my face before his arms encircle my waist.
“i hate it too.” he whispers, and i know his words hold a double meaning. he hates fighting and he hates leaving.
“i shouldn’t have said the things that i did. i shouldn’t have taken my bad mood out on you.” i let my head bob forward, my forehead laying against his chest. “i was tired, and i was angry at the situation, but not at you. never at you. you’re providing for our family, and i’m so glad that you get to do that by doing something you love.”
he kisses the top of my head, his lips lingering on my scalp.
“i’m sorry too.” he mumbles against me.
“i’m sorry for making it seem like i was mom-shaming you, i should’ve chosen my words more carefully. i’m sorry for making you feel bad. i’m sorry for accusing you of saying i don’t love her, i know that’s not what you were saying. and most of all, i’m sorry for implying that you were ungrateful. you’re not. i know you’re not. i should’ve never implied that you were.
“you’re an amazing mom, lovie. the best i could’ve ever hoped for El. i should’ve been more understanding about how hard it is for you to take care of her alone while i’m gone.”
i peer up at him, my chin still resting on his chest, and give him a pointed look.
“and i’m sorry for not calling you ‘lovie’.” he huffs out through a laugh. the corners of my mouth quirk up and i pull his head down to push our lips together.
my whole body melts even further into his, finally at peace for the first time in over two weeks.
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Sweet Mornings
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Summary: A sweet morning with the love of your life is something you just need sometimes.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Warnings: None that I know of but if I should add anything let me know
Word count: 1143
a/n: I’m a sucker for morning fics omg. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
With a small stretch, Wanda feels the empty spot next to her in the bed, still warm. Sitting up she blinks herself awake staring at herself through a vanity mirror running a hand through her messy hair and tying it into a bun. The smell of bacon immediately draws her out of her room, a plate of bacon and pancakes being neatly made for her. 
Wanda sneaks up on Y/n from behind wrapping her arms around her waist and kissing her neck a few times before resting her chin on her shoulder. Y/n turns around facing Wanda with a cheeky grin, “Well this is a nice surprise.”  
“Suprise?” Wanda asks with a raised eyebrow, still sleepy. “You usually go for your coffee before even talking in the morning,” Y/n gestures to the still-steaming mug on the dining table. Y/n quickly kisses the top of Wanda’s forehead, “It was a good surprise though.” Turning back around quickly Y/n holds out two plates of pancakes and bacon, “Now how about breakfast?” 
Wanda takes the plate with an enthusiastic smile sitting at a small dining table next to her mug of coffee. Before she begins cutting into her pancakes Wanda quickly looks up at Y/n, “What time is it?” 
“Close to noon last I checked. You seemed tired last night so I figured I’d let you sleep in.” Y/n pours herself a cup of coffee and sits across from Wanda. “Oh! And by the way, I got Clint to babysit the boys, they’re going to have a sleepover with his kids.” 
A suggestive smile grows on Y/n’s lips as she takes a sip of her coffee, “I figured we could have a night alone together maybe in the bedroom.” Wanda nearly chokes on her bite of food a red blush spreading across her face. Wanda stutters, “Uh, ye- yeah. That sounds good. Really good.” 
Y/n grins to herself taking a big bite of one of her pancakes, “Sometimes I forget how easy it is to make you flustered after you wake up.” Wanda rolls her eyes giggling at how proud of herself Y/n looked. 
“You wanna go out today?” Y/n pauses mid-bite at Wanda’s question, “I thought you said you wanted to stay in last night?” Wanda could barely contain her grin as she took a big sip of her coffee shrugging, “I changed my mind, it’s too nice of a day to stay inside.” 
Y/n finishes off her last bite of pancake leaning back into her chair, “You have any ideas of what you want to do?” Wanda shrugs again as she pushes her plate to the side feeling full, “Not really, but I’m sure there’s something we could do.” Y/n gives her a satisfied look, “Okay, just let me know if you think of anything.” 
Y/n reaches over to Wanda’s plate to put it in the sink at the same time as her own, but Wanda brushes her hand to the side. Wanda picks up both plates, “Let me.” As Wanda places both plates in the sink quickly rinsing them off Y/n turns in her seat admiring Wanda. 
“Have I ever said how thankful I am to have you in my life? I feel like I don’t say it enough.” Wanda can already feel prickles of tears start to well up in her eyes. “Oh yeah?” she asks her voice a little shaky. 
Y/n quickly gets up cupping Wanda’s face noticing the tears starting to form in her eyes. “Yeah, of course. I’m always thankful to have you in my life. I love you, Wanda, I wouldn’t ever change that.” The tears that had started to well up in Wanda’s eyes immediately started streaming down her face at the reassurance. 
Brushing away a stray piece of hair to the side Y/n looks at Wanda attentively, “Hey. Talk to me, what’s going on in your head right now?” Wanda does her best to restrain her tears feeling her walls crumble. 
“I’m just thinking about my parents,” she sniffles, “and my brother.” Y/n lets go of Wandas' face hesitantly, “Wanda you don’t have a brother.” Wanda’s face told Y/n everything she needed to know. Y/n quickly puts some distance between Wanda and her sitting back in her seat. 
Crossing her arms Y/n’s jaw clenches as she looks at Wanda, “Who are you?” Wanda stammers trying to reach over the table, “Look Y/n I can explain okay.” Expecting some kind of comment from Y/n Wanda takes a pause but Y/n simply looks at her with no change in her face. 
“I’m still Wanda. Similar to your Wanda. But in my universe, I’ve lost a lot, including you.” She starts to feel her tears build up again, “And after I lost you I was basically on my own. The worst part was the dreams. I was dreaming of other universes where I didn’t lose you.” 
“So those nightmares were you?” Wanda cocks her head at Y/n confused. Y/n clears her throat awkwardly, “My Wanda I guess you could say started having nightmares a couple of months back. It was the same one over and over, I didn’t want to believe it was real though.” 
Wanda bites her tongue, “Yeah, me neither. That’s why I started dreamwalking. Dreamwalking is like-”
“I know what dream walking is,” Y/n interrupts. “But out of all the universes, why come here? Why steal someone’s life? My wife’s life. Is there no other universe where you die and I live?” Wanda wipes away a few tears, “Not one that I’ve found yet. And you can’t dreamwalk in a dead body. But, when you lose someone you love you get desperate to see them again. You don’t think clearly. I just wanted to see you again, be able to feel you again.”
Y/n sighs, “You need to think clearly about this though Wanda. I get what it’s like to lose people believe me. Going about this though you need to remember you are tampering with real people’s lives.” 
Y/n gets up from her seat again kneeling in front of Wanda and moving her chair to face her. Holding on to Wanda’s hands Y/n looks up at her, “I need you to leave Wanda.” Wanda cocks her head back not being able to hold in the tears anymore. 
She looks back at Y/n, “Can I just get a hug?” She pleads, “Please?” Y/n swallows the lump growing in her throat, “Yeah.” 
Wanda takes in the moment trying to burn it into her memory. Y/n whispers into her ear, “I hope you get help first. But if you have to go through with this, I hope you find you find your way to me.” 
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unseededtoast · 8 months
Turtle Doves | Joel Miller x F!oc
Part One
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Chapter Directory
Series Summary: In which two broken souls connect so deeply, that if one should perish, the other would surely die of a broken heart. (slow burn, timeline changes. After TLOU1, before TLOU2, assumed knowledge of infected, uses elements from both show and game)
Series Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, and sexual content.
Also cross-posted on Wattpad and AO3. Link to my masterlist for everything else I’ve posted!
wc: 2.9k
a/n: Thank you for checking out this story! This is by far one of my favorites that I've ever written and I am beyond ecstatic to finally be able to share it with you all. I will be uploading a new part every week, and let me know if you'd like to be tagged! Once again thank you so much!
"What do you think of all this?" My voice is unusually hoarse as I take in the images before me. There have been reports of some sickness going around, mainly in the bigger cities, far enough from here to make us feel safe, for now.
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(use this link for geographical reference points)
Upbeat music sounds through the house, bright sunshine beaming through the open windows. The crisp breeze whips in every few seconds, blowing the sheer curtains and cooling the house. It all makes it seem more real that summer is finally here. I lightly bob my head to the beat, enjoying the first day of warmth and excited for our first cookout of the year. I hear a few of the guests in the back yard already, laughing and clinking bottles together.
I turn around and open the freezer door, grabbing the ice tray off the top shelf and breaking up the frozen water inside, so that I can dump the cubes into the glass pitcher sitting on the kitchen counter. The ice clings as it falls to the bottom of the pitcher, and I go to fill it with water to finish the lemonade. With another gust of wind, the smell of grilled burgers floats in, making me all too excited to get back out there.
The doorbell rings out and I quickly turn the water off so that the lemonade doesn't overflow into the sink. I set the pitcher off to the side and dry my hands on the towel laying on the counter. Quickly, I make my way to the door and open it, greeting the next arrivals with a wide smile on my face.
"Thank you guys for coming, please make yourselves at home! I think the burgers are just about done out back." I say and close the door behind them, grabbing a dish from my friend's full hands and placing it on the counter. Her daughter toddles through the house, mumbling about something that's apparently very important to her. I smile softly at the little girl and turn my attention to my friend, who I haven't seen in forever. Her husband quickly finds his way to the back yard with the other guests.
"Sorry we're late, someone did not want to wear shoes today." She breathily laughs, setting down a diaper bag as she watches her daughter walk around the house.
"I understand, shoes are a pain." I joke with her and open the fridge to grab a chilled bottle. I hand the wine cooler to her and she pops the cap, taking a sip. I look at my friend, who I notice looks tired and stressed, more than usual. There are dark circles under her eyes and her hair is haphazardly thrown up into a bun. Her appearance is out of character for her, she's typically always primped and dressed for the occasion.
"Tell me about it. I was half tempted to just let her come barefoot. How's Lucas?" She asks about my son, taking another sip. I turn my head to look out the back door, seeing my son being held by my husband.
"He's loving all the attention out there, that's for sure. How are things going, Lisa? I feel like I haven't seen you since last year." I inquire, casually grabbing the lemonade pitcher and setting it beside the veggie tray I took from her. She sighs,
"Things have been better. John has been working more hours lately. Which is fine, it's just that I feel like I never sleep anymore." She tries to joke, but I can sense the exhaustion in her. Her husband works as a physician at a local hospital, and has been on call for the past two weeks. I offer her a small smile and put a hand on her shoulder,
"You and little miss Amelia are welcome here anytime. Lucas would enjoy the company and I know you'd enjoy the rest. I mean it, I don't mind watching her." I tell her, knowing that she will likely never take me up on the offer. Lisa doesn't like to impose on people, though she wouldn't be imposing at all.
"I appreciate it Noelle, thank you." She nods gratefully. Amelia finds her way to the back door and puts her slobber-covered hands on the glass, mumbling nonsense but making it clear she wants out there with everyone else. I laugh at her silliness and balance the veggie tray in one hand and grab the lemonade in the other.
"I think Amelia wants to get out there. Feel free to just relax, we can watch over her. Enjoy yourself, mama." I say and make my way to the backdoor and expertly open it with my elbow. Amelia squeals and runs out onto the grass with the other kids.
Lisa goes to sit on the couch, taking another drink, and I close the door behind me. I set the veggie tray down on a foldable table where the other side dishes are and place the cold lemonade beside the other beverages. The burgers smell amazing and I can't help but glance over to the grill to see if they're done yet. To my disappointment, they're not ready, so I walk over to my husband Ryan, who has Lucas in his arms.
"Do you want me to take him?" I ask, knowing that even though Lucas is a small kid, he gets quite heavy after a while. Ryan nods and hands him off to me, kissing me on the forehead before he goes to grab a beer out of the cooler. Lucas lays his head on my shoulder and I can tell he's ready for his afternoon nap.
I go back in the house to find Lisa chilling on the couch, her drink empty in hand and her head resting back on the cushion with her eyes closed. Quietly, I make my way to Lucas' room and lay him down in bed. Of course, as soon as he's on the mattress he's starts to throw a fit, because he's so obviously not tired.
"Shhh, it's okay." I soothe him, running a hand through his short hair and tucking a light sheet around him while he curls his tiny little hand around my fingers. He always likes to be holding someone's hand as he falls asleep, I think it must be some sort of security thing for him. And thankfully, he's out in just a few minutes. Skillfully, I wiggle my hand from his grasp and close his door softly, hoping he'll sleep for at least an hour or two.
Lisa is now sitting up on the couch, her elbows resting on her knees as she leans forward, listening intensely to whatever is on. Something on the TV must have caught her attention.
I go to the fridge and grab a drink, wanting to indulge a little since Lucas is down for a nap. The words on the TV pique my interest, and I go to sit beside Lisa, who only glances at me out of the corner of her eye.
"Los Angeles is the latest city to be placed under Martial Law. The number of confirmed deaths has now passed two hundred. And according to a leaked report from the World Health Organization, recent vaccination attempts have failed." The reporter seems uptight and rigid as she speaks. Absentmindedly, I take another sip of my drink, feeling uneasy about what I'm hearing. The upbeat music from the yard starkly contrasts the severity of what's on the television.
The news broadcast switches to a helicopter view of Los Angeles and shows a temporary military camp being set up. Large armored trucks line the streets and soldiers instruct people where they need to go. There's smoke in the air from fires that have been set, and it looks like some foreign, war-torn country.
"What do you think of all this?" My voice is unusually hoarse as I take in the images before me. There have been reports of some sickness going around, mainly in the bigger cities, far enough from here to make us feel safe, for now. But seeing the devastation and panic of those in New York, Detroit, and now Los Angeles is making me more uneasy about the whole thing.
"I don't like it. John says we shouldn't worry about it. Whatever it is, they'll find a cure for it soon. He says he hasn't seen anything come through the hospital yet and that we're okay. But I don't know, I can't help but worry, you understand." Lisa's voice is soft, but serious. She tears her eyes away from the screen and looks to me as she finishes her sentence, and I nod my head.
"I understand. Ryan says the same thing. But we aren't that far from Detroit, really. I mean what, a few hours by car? I told him we should at least stock up on some canned goods, just in case." I say, knowing that we share the same anxiety about this mysterious sickness. The back door slides open quickly,
"Burgers are done!" Ryan's voice calls out into the house, snapping Lisa and I out of our contemplation. I clear my throat and take another drink before standing and offering Lisa my hand. She takes it and I help her up as well, and we both go outside, trying to forget what we just saw on the screen.
We join the others in the back yard and Lisa makes quick work to fix Amelia a plate. I urge others to get a plate before I do, feeling unnerved from the news report. After everyone goes through the line, I grab a plate as well, but can only bring myself to put some fruit on it, and that's just for show.
I join Ryan at the patio table and he's tucking into his burger with all the fixings. I take another drink and try my absolute best to act perfectly normal and unperturbed. Ryan swallows and looks between my plate and my face, his eyebrows scrunching together.
"Only fruit?" I nod my head, knowing it's out of my usual to not load up with a burger, chips, and some type of sweet.
"Just not feeling too well." I passively offer as an explanation and take a strawberry into my mouth. He takes another bite of his burger, keeping his eyes on me. I know he can see through my lie, but I know he won't push it in front of people. He puts a hand on my thigh and gives it a squeeze, and I place my hand on top of his.
I take another strawberry and look out into our back yard, seeing Amelia happily nibbling on a bun Lisa gave her. Another little kid sits beside Amelia, Ethan is his name, and he is content with his bowl of chips his mother gave him. Ethan's mother, Rebecca, met Lisa and I at a birthing education group a few years back and we all clicked together instantly. Rebecca's husband, Tim, fit right in with our husbands as well.
Others mill about the yard, associates of Ryan who I don't know very well, but they're friendly enough and I don't mind them. I've never been able to connect with them too well, seeing as there's a sizable age gap between me and the majority of them. Plus, they're all lawyers and I'm a florist, there's not much common ground between the two. Sometimes I wish I had more in common with Ryan's friends, but over time I've accepted that it's okay for us to have differences.
My eyes drift from the people to my flower beds, which are all manicured to perfection. Luckily, all the flowers are vibrant and full, adding more life to the yard it sometimes lacks in the colder months.
After a while, I go about collecting plates and cleaning up the food as the sun begins to disappear behind the horizon. Ryan is entertaining a newly energized Lucas as Lisa and I pack away the leftovers and hunt out the s'mores supplies. No Allen family cookout is complete without s'mores.
I turned the television off as soon as we started bringing things in, not being able to bear the words and images that were sure to be there. If I can just push those thoughts from my mind for another couple hours and make sure people enjoy the cookout, then I can worry about it for the rest of the night after they leave.
Lisa hands me a platter of leftover burgers to put in the fridge and breaks the silence,
"Your flowers are beautiful this year, I really like the tulips you have here." She compliments my fresh pink tulips on the counter. I had picked them this morning before everyone got here so they looked their best. I smile, appreciating the compliment.
"Thank you, I tried to pick the best ones. You can take those with you if you want. I have plenty." I say, motioning to the backyard. It's true, I have an abundance of flowers to choose from, and I want Lisa to have something nice for herself, she deserves it.
"Oh no, I couldn't. You worked hard on those." She dismisses with a wave of her hand, but I give her a stern look.
"Lisa, please take the flowers or I will make sure John takes them." I say, pushing the vase across the counter to her. She knows she's not going to win this argument and concedes, taking the vase in her hands.
"Thank you, Noelle." Her voice is quiet, and I give her a nod.
"Don't mention it. Now let's get these kids full of sugar before bed!" I laugh and hand her some of the s'mores ingredients to take out.
A few of the men had started the fire and have it at a nice height, it should last us long enough to get the s'mores made and for people to say their goodbyes for the night. I hand out the skewers and place the ingredients on the foldable tables, allowing people to help themselves.
Lucas waddles over to me with a marshmallow in his tiny hand, and I smile, knowing he wants me to toast it for him. I grab him in my arms and take his marshmallow, placing it on a skewer before sitting us on a chair close to the fire. Lucas is on my lap as I watch the marshmallow to ensure I don't burn it, but toast it perfectly for him. Lucas is kind of a marshmallow snob, he won't eat one that's been burnt or under-toasted, he only wants the golden-brown ones.
After rotating the marshmallow with patience, I think it's finally good enough for his standards. I grab it off the skewer and blow on it so that he doesn't burn his mouth on the hot sugar. His hands reach towards it, but I lean away to cool it off as much as possible. I can tell he's getting frustrated, and so as soon as I'm sure it's an acceptable temperature, I give it to him. He wastes no time in shoving it in his mouth, a wide, gummy smile on his face with tiny little teeth barely visible.
I watch him lovingly, enjoying seeing him so happy with something so simple. As Lucas finishes his marshmallow, some people begin filtering out for the night. I wave goodbye to them and take Lucas inside to clean him up before bed. His hands and face are sticky with marshmallow fluff, and the last thing I want is for him to touch everything in his reach and get everything coated in stickiness.
I set him up on the counter beside the sink and grab a fresh rag, wetting it lightly so I can get the gross off of him. Rebecca, Tim, and Ethan are the next ones to leave, and I wish them a safe drive home, and thank them once more for coming. Lisa, John, and Amelia are the last ones to leave, and I make sure Lisa takes the tulips with her despite her protests.
After Lucas is cleaned up and Ryan has tidied the back yard, I'm ready for bed. My eyelids are heavy with sleep, and I can't wait to get underneath my warm covers. Lucas fights his bedtime as per usual, but finally lays down for me after minutes of whining.
I close his door and turn off the main lights in the house and ensure the night lights are on, just in case Lucas gets up in the night and needs to get to our room. I rub my eyes as I enter my bedroom and go to the bathroom to do my nightly routine. Ryan is already in bed, flipping through channels to find something.
I rush through my routine and get underneath the covers, sighing with relief as I feel my spine decompress from the day. Rolling over into Ryan's side, I rest my head on his shoulder and look at the television screen. Immediately, I'm displeased with what I see. A bold headline is front and center and it reads 'Death Toll Rises, When Will This End?'. Luckily the TV is on mute so I can't hear what the news reporter is saying.
"I think we need to stock up on things tomorrow. I don't like how this is looking." I say, standing my ground this time. Ryan can believe whatever he wants about this sickness, but I won't risk Lucas going without food or any necessity if things get bad.
"First thing in the morning we can go." Ryan's voice is raspy, and he turns the TV off, not bothering to watch anything else. He adjusts his position and pulls me into him, kissing me goodnight before he rolls over to turn off his bedside lamp.
I cuddle into his side, enjoying the safety I feel in his arms and close my eyes, ready to fall asleep. As I feel myself drifting off, I hear muffled sirens in the distance.
Part Two
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mizuki80 · 2 months
Chapter 5: United as one
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Warning: Blood
Word count: 2.6k
Note: Chapter 5 is here! Hope you all like it! Sorry for the grammar errors, will most likely go back and fix them. Also, let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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Chapter 5:
After the eventful family dinner, everyone had gone to her chambers. Visenys finds herself walking alone in the dark halls of the Red Keep and she makes way for her apartments. As she entered and was about to close the door, Aemond slipped past the small crack.
“I do not wish to see, or talk to you,” Visenya said as she tried to close the door on him but failed as he pushed back, now entering her room.
Aemond felt heartbroken hearing her say those words to him, “I’m sorry,” he said watching as she turned away from him
“I do not think I am the one you should be apologizing to,” Visenya said, turning to glance at him with a disappointed expression.
“I lost my temper.” Aemond said
“Lost your temper….” Visenya scuffed “Did you have to insult my Aunt…” looking him in the eye “Your Sister, the heir…. Just for a jest someone did to you when you years ago.” Visenya said angrily “You may hate them if you wish but they are my family… You insult them, you insult me.” Visenya said, stepping closer “What happened to you?...” she said as Aemond remained quiet “Did your father or mother’s negligence growing up really affected you so badly?”
“You happened!” Aemond said, spitting back “The day you left was the day I lost everything.” he said clearly upset
“Oh please… spare me the excuses.” Visenya said
“Visenya… You were the only good thing in my life when I was younger…” Aemond said cupping her face made Visenya look at him “Father was too sick or was too busy running the kingdom, Mother was too busy tending to Helaena or keeping Aegon in line…” he said “But you…you were there through everything.”
“Aemond… you shoul-” Visenya started
“No, please let me finish…” He said cutting her off “I promise… I will try to get along with my nephews… Let me prove to you that I am still that same person you knew back then.”
“Do not make promises you cannot fulfill.” Visenya said
“I promise you, let me earn your trust, and…” He paused “Love once again”
“You must go…” She said pulling was from him
As Aemond sighed and started to walk toward the door he was able to hear her last words.
“Do not make me regret this.” Visenya said as she watched him walked out
Those words were the one thing he needed.
~Time skipped ~ 
Visenya was awakened by the sun’s rays entering her room. Servants walked in with her breakfast and helped her get ready. Putting her hair back in a half up bun with braids intricately placed framing her face and got her in her riding garments, making her look regal, fitting for a princess.
As she makes her way out of the keep, she is able to see servants running around preparing for the grand feast. As she approaches the dragonpit, she is able to see Aemma standing in front of Vermothor as Silverwing waits patiently for her, letting out a pur like sound as she sees her rider.
“Hello, sister…” Aemma said turning to her twin “You sleep in this morning, very unusual of you.”
“I must be tired from our voyage and the events that followed the day before.” Visenya said as she pets Silverwing. Aemma looks at her sister as if she knows something.
Visenya noticed this and looked at her “What?” she said clearly knowing something is up
“Nothing… I didn't say anything.” Aemma said avoiding Visenya’s gaze as she licks her lips, doing so when ever she lies
“You’re lying…” Visenya said, stepping closer to her sister “You lick your lips whenever you do… Now tell me.”
Smirking at her sister “Are you sure you weren’t up talking to a certain one-eyes-prince.” Aemma said, teasing her sister.
“How did yo-” Visenya said “It wasn’t what you think.”
“I know all the things that are happening around you..” Aemma said “And I saw him walking out of your room with a stupid grin on his face.” Aemma said
Visenya rolled her eyes as she got on Silverwing and left Aemma on the ground screaming for her to wait.
After their flight Aemma and Visenya went to the training yard to find their cousins and Aemond training. They were in separate corners but it appears they are able to co-exist together, which surprised the two girls. 
Aemond was able to see them enter “Are you here to train nieces?” 
This got the twins attention “Yes, would that be a problem uncle?” Aemma ask
“Sorry princesses but…” Ser Criston paused looking at the two princesses “Swords are not proper for delicate flowers as yourselves.”
“Even roses shed blood with their thornes.” Visenya said looking at the member of the Kingsguard 
“I mean not to offend y-” Ser Criston was cut off
“Let them join if they wish Cole, this should be indeed interesting….” Aemond says  directly at Visenya “Dual them…”
“My Prince, I do not think it Wise.” Criston Cole said
This whole interaction was watched by many but especially their father.
“Let my girls have at it Ser Criston….” Their father yelled out from the balcony “I have full confidence in my daughter’s skills in combat.” smirking as he says this.
“As you wish my Lord….” Ser Criston says “Princesses” Nodding at the princess as he raises his sword to them. Everyone in the training yard watches, some disagreeing with the situation, others ammoused. 
As ser Criston gave his final blow, “ I will say princess… you are a strong opponent…” he said looking at the Aemma “But not strong enough.”
“Are you sure about that Ser Criston…” looking at her sword pointing at his stomach then signaling behind him, where Visenya holds her sword on the back of his neck. “You forget… you're fighting the two of us.” Aemma said smirking as they all lowered their swords.
Everyone was silent, until their father yelled out “Well done my darlings, your mother is looking for you…” he said proudly “Must get ready for the feast.”
The twins glance at each other before making their way into the Keep. Everyone in the yard was too shocked at what happened, two princesses defeating a knight of the Kingsgaurd with combat experiences. Aemond was one of those people completely shocked by the turns of events, knew Visenya trained as a child in combat, but he thought that interest would go aways through time.
~Time Skip~ 
Visenya was on her way to the grand hall where the feast was to take place. She wore a beautiful pale blue and cream short sleeve modest dress, complimenting her eyes, with her hair up in a half-up bun with braids framing her face beautifully.
During the feast her family gathered at the front of the room on a pedestal, Houses came to them greeting and showing respect to the King and his family.
As the king stood up with all the strength he had, every house looked “Your presence is greatly appreciated….” he says as he looks around “Be welcome, as we join together in celebration. For the Houses of Old Valyria grow stronger and united as one, a grand celebration will be held. As we all know there will be a tourney and hunt to be held for the uniting of my Family ....” The King paused “A Special treat is to be presented ... .The winner of the Hunt shall be welcome to spend a day with my Granddaughter… The Princess Aemma….” He paused as he motioned to the younger twin “And as for the Tourney…. Whichever Lord or even knight of the great houses before me shall be welcome to spend the day with my eldest granddaughter… Princess Visenya, heir to the Spine Islands.” 
As the King said this everyone in the room started to whisper amongst themselves. The last particular announcement got a certain one-eyed prince’s attention, one who does not “Give a shit for tourneys”.
“Now this is not a marriage proposal, only an acquaintance with the princesses. Now let us dine together.” With that the King sat back down, that took a large toll on his body, but wanting to be with his family he carried on.
As they dined, they were approached by none other than House Stark of Winter fell.
“My King, this is Cragen Stark the New Lord of Winterfell.” the Hand Otto Hightower introduced before taking his seat.
“My King…” Cregan Stark bowed, greeting the King “It brings me and my house honor to be invited to such a joyous night.”
This interaction certainly got Aemma’s attention “Sister…you are drooling.” Visenya whispered to Aemma’s ear
“Shut up!” whispering back causing Visenya ya to giggle
“Your presence ... .is certainly appreciated…. Lord Stark.” the King said
As the feast commenced, everyone danced, Lords fought to dance with the twin Princesses.
“My family holds many riches,” Jason Lanister said with a smug grin a man that is 3x her age “One that will give my Lady Wife comfort for all her days, never will she ever need to lift a finger.”
“I see… well whoever that Lady will be most honored … Oh and I am very sorry about you Late Lady wife.” Visenya gave a forced smile “I believed my sister was calling for me…” Visenya smiled and walked away out of view, and standing on the balcony looking at the stars is solitude.
Minutes later Aemma appeared “I see you are hiding from Jason Lannister… when he could not find you he came after me….” Looking at her twin sister “How could you!” Aemma said jokingly to her sister.
“That man is undoubtedly clueless…. After all the attempts I hinted at him not wanting to converse… he still made an offer to dance.” Visenya said sighing in annoyance
“You still said yes….” Aemma looking at  her sister with a confused brow
“I did not want to seem rude.” Visenya defended “And you simply declined every offer
“Sister, you are simply too kind…” Aemma said as she pulled her sister back inside.
As they made their way back into the celebration, they were stopped by none other than Lord Cragen Stark.
“Princesses..” he greeted the two princesses with a bow“I have not seen both of you on the floor for quite some time..”
Visenya looked at her sister, Aemma was frozen. As if she was dropped off in the North during the dead of winter. “Lord Stark… Yes, we just thought to rest our feet from all the dancing.” 
“I see… if it is alright with…” Cregan paused looking at Aemma then back at Visenya “It would give me a great honor to dance with Princess Aemma…. If it pleases her.” 
Visenya looked between the two waiting for her sister to give an answer, but there was only silence.” She would be delighted too.” pushing her sister forward “Right… Aemma.”
With this Aemma’s trance was finally lifted “Y-yes… I would be delighted too.” She said, taking Cregon Stark’s hand.
Visenya watched as they walked away, Aemma looked back at her one last time before conversing with the Stark.
Visenya stood there watching, not before seeing Jason Lanister make his way to her. This causes the girl to walk the opposite direction away from the man as she looks back to see if she lost him, she then hears a voice..
“A dance… dear niece”
As she turned to the voice she was met with sapphire blue eyes as she looked up, “I- '' she started looking back seeing Jason Lanister bumping into people ``I would.. Be delighted too…. Uncle”  She said as she took his hand… seeing the interaction Jason Lanister simply just stood there.
“You are simply getting all the Lords attention, dear niece.” Aemond said as he danced with Visenya
“I can’t say I enjoy the attention…” she said looking at him “I have yet seen you dance with the young ladies in attendance.” 
“I do not think they would enjoy a dance…” He paused, “they seem to fear me.”
This softens Visenya’s gaze “I do not see why….” She said looking into his eyes “You… are easy on the eyes… even with one eye.” she said
This caused Aemond to let out a laugh “Well that gives me relief…that you do not fear me” 
They smiled at each other, a genuine smile, catching the attention of their mothers. Knowing that there is some affection still remaining.
As the feast concluded everyone made their own chambers. Aemma and Viseya stayed up talking to each other, laying in Visenya’s bed as she read
“I cannot believe I just stood there.” Aemma said as she buried her head out of embarrassment. Earning a laugh from her sister “Do not laugh!” She said, throwing a pillow at her.
“ It was quite entertaining…I have never once in my life seen you so speechless, and with not snarky remarks to say.”
“You are insufferable.” She said getting up from where she layed “I’m going to bed” Aemma said storming out.
“I didn't mean to laugh!” She said laughing seeing her sister close her door
~ Time skip ~
It was the day of the tourney Visenya sat with her family watching every Lords or knight come from far and wide to compete with each other to simply spend a day with her…. People could have thought it would be for her hand.
Visenya watched as the houses lined up on their horses and loud cheers could be heard from the crowd. The Herald started to speak, naming all the rules of the tourney. And with that he started to introduce every house that is in participation. However Visenya simply was in her own world, she never really cared for tourney, though it can be exciting. 
“The winner of this tourney will have the honor of spending a day with the Pearl of the realm, Princess Visenya of House Bealtheos….” The Herald was interrupted by someone whispering in his ear, expressing a confused look on his face “I have just been informed of a late entry.” This announcement got Visenya to break from her mind.
“Prince Aemond of House Targarian!” The Herald yelled out causing cheers from the crowd
Visenya looked at her sister in confusion as she sat up straight looking back seeing Aemond riding on his horse dressed in armor looking back at her.
The Queen Alicent was shocked on seeing her son enter, His brother Aegon though drunk gave out a yell of cheer for his brother, Ser Criston smirked at the memory of when they dueled together and Aemond saying “I don’t give a shit about tourneys.”
“Well sister, isn’t this a surprise.” Aemma said as she looked out watching the tourney, Visenya simple glance at her
“With this Prince Aemond will now choose his first opponent.” The Herald announce
As Aemond’s horse walked back and forth, he finally stopped, picking out a random Lord from the line. As the tournament went on all of Aemonds’s opponents simply fell off too injured to stand back up or simply died either from impacted or getting pieces of the Lance gorged in them and bleeding out.. The next opponent was Jason Lannister, but as they were about to begin Jason Lannister was making his way to where Visenya and Aemma sat. 
“I would like to ask the favors of both Princesses Visenya and Aemma the Precious Jewels of the realm.” Jason Lannister said grinning at both of the princesses.
Visenya and Aemma simply look at each other before standing up and grabbing their flower crowns and putting it on Jason Lannister’s lance
“We wish you good luck..” Visenya said 
“And hope that you fall off..” Aemma said 
This caused Jason Lannister to be embarrassed and simply back off. 
In the end Jason was knocked unconscious after falling off his horse hard, leaving Aemond the winner of the tourney. 
“I present to you the winner of this tourney…”The Herald said “Prince Aemond of House Targaryen” He yelled out hearing the crowds go wild “And his price for such a battle…. A day with the realm’s Pearl, Princess Visenya of House Bealtheos.” Everyone cheered
Visenya made her was to the balcony looking back at Aemond “You did well my prince” She said
“Thank you Princess” Smiling at her
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wandafiction · 7 months
Accent - Just Us Chapter 5
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1805
Series List | Chapter 4 | Chapter 6
I'm woken from my slumber by a small slither of sun pushing through the small gap in the blinds. I go to get up, but feel an extra weight on top of me. Oh right Wanda. Looking down I see the beautiful redhead laying practically on top of me, her head resting on my chest hair spread out in many directions. Her mouth partially open, with small and very cute snores being released with her calm breathing. Her arms wrapped around my chest securely, with her legs tangled with mine. She looks so peaceful. This is different, I don't normally wake up with my one night stand still here. Usually they get what they want and either leave during the night or at some point in the morning.
I feel her shuffle on top of me, so I hold my breath hoping the early morning sunrise hasn't woken her up. It takes a few seconds but she seems to settle back down and a small huff of air escapes her lips...good she is still sleeping. Gently, I remove her arms from my chest so I can lean over to the bedside table; grabbing the remote for the blinds, making sure to shut them and turn off the timer for when they open. I know high tech. I then use another remote to set the lights around the room to a soft ember colour to set a calm atmosphere. They are on a low as to not wake the sleeping beauty on top of me, but bright enough so when she does wake up she can see what she is doing and not in total darkness. 
Slowly, I crawl out of bed but stop and turn to look back at my bedside table where the picture sits. It's a beautiful picture. An brunette haired woman standing under a beautiful white archway covered in pink roses. Her white dress glistened in the sunlight as the picture captured it moving about in the wind. The woman is smiling the biggest toothy grin in the world while holding hands with another woman under the same archway. They both have so much love in their eyes. Picture perfect. I move back to the table and move the picture into one of the draws placing some paperwork on top of it. Must remember it's there though.
Heading straight out my door, closing it gently behind me. Heading to the bathroom further down the hallway so I can shower and brush my teeth, I do have an ensuite but I feel like being woken up by someone's morning routine in practically the same room as you can be deemed a rude awakening. I hop in the shower once I deem the water a hot enough temperature, wincing slightly when it hits my back. I turn to see why and my eyes bulge a little bit when I see the scratch marks on my back, I'm going to wear them with pride...anyway. I wash everything including my hair. Both of us were too tired last night to do proper after care in the shower or bath so a wet towel was the solution. 
Smoothing out my long hair took a while, nothing a bit of conditioner can't help with, and am now making my way to one of the guest bedrooms to get some clothes. Walking into the walk-in closet, I tie my wet hair up into a messy bun not caring what it would look like. I don't have to go to work so it doesn't matter. Deciding on a pair of loose jogging bottoms and sports bra, I make my way down to the kitchen to start some coffee and get a head start on some work that needs doing. 
"S.U.S.I.E let me know when my bedroom door opens please. Don't scare the guest by introducing yourself, just inform me." I say into the quiet kitchen.
"Of course Boss." S.U.S.I.E is my interface in this place, much like Tony Stark's F.R.I.D.A.Y system I have S.U.S.I.E.
"Play Morning Vibes Playlist from Spotify, low volume. Limited to the kitchen only." With that the sound of music gently starts playing as I shuffle over to the coffee machine I have.
Electing not to wake Wanda by the sound of grinding beans, I use my kettle (very handy thank you Europe) and place a scoop or two of the coffee grounds I have into a cafetiere. I'm a fancy coffee drinker, sue me. I dance around the kitchen a little, losing myself to the soft music as I open up my laptop, letting it wake itself up. I spin back to the kettle, pouring the water to the top of the cafetiere just in case Wanda wakes up and it's still hot. I grab a large cup from the cupboard and put some caramel syrup around the inside of it and bring it and the cafetiere over to the counter next to my laptop. I settle down on the stool and load up my emails to get to work. 
It's been about 20 minutes since I sat down when I hear the robotic voice above me. "Boss, your bedroom door has been opened, the guest is on their way down."
"Thank you S.U.S.I.E. Start up the hob for me." I hear the flick of the switch informing me she has in fact done as asked. God I love technology sometimes. 
I save my work, hopping off the stool to grab the pancake mix, a pan and two plates. Putting the pan on the heat I slowly pour in some of the pancake mix swaying my hips to the songs that still echo through the kitchen. Humming to myself I completely go into my own world forgetting that I have a guest, until I feel her wrap her arms around my waist and place her head between my shoulder blades. 
"Good Morning." Holy shit! She has a fucking accent. That's so Fucking hot. She didn't have an accent last night, maybe it's because she is tired. 
"Good morning Wanda. How are you feeling? Also I like the accent." I feel her stuff her face more into my back, it is slightly hotter than a minute ago. Aww she is blushing.
"The accent only comes out early in the morning or when I'm very emotional. And I'm feeling amazing, last night was amazing. Thank you, though I am a little sore not going to lie." I hear her giggle behind me. 
"Well I'm glad you enjoyed last night, sorry about making you sore. Maybe after food you should have a bath, relax, unless you have anywhere to be? The accent I know is...Sokovian right? Also glad I'm hearing this because you're tired and not emotional. Angry Sokovians are scary as fuck." Her laughs are muffled by my shirt but I can feel her nod.
"Mhmm, I am from Sokovia, how did you know? What day is it?" I now turn around to meet her eyes after plating up the pancakes and handing her her plate.
Wanda is wearing my dress shirt from last night that comes right down almost covering all her thighs. She looks so cute and hot all at the same time in my shirt. She thanks me before moving to the stool to sit and eat while I lean against the counter to eat.
"I have been to Sokovia a few times. Helped out with some relief foundations down there, but put some of my own money into helping the people down there. And for the day it's Saturday. Did we really go that many rounds that you forgot the day? She hums in thought. 
"I lost count at like round 6." I let out a laugh, Stamina seems to be our strong suit. "Well I don't have work today so a bath sounds like a good way to relax. What did you think of Sokovia?" Wanda likes asking questions.
"Ever the curious one, aren't you Wanda?" I move to sit next to her offering her some coffee which seems to excite her a lot. "I think Sokovia is a very beautiful country, yes it has issues and to anyone on the outside just sees the civil war going on there. But for someone who has been there multiple times and for months on end, it is a hidden gem of the world." 
"You are not just saying that to impress the sokovian woman sitting in front of you?" I turn to look at her, she has decided to hide the accent going back into her American one. Odd. 
"Not at all. There is just something about Sokovia...it's almost magical. Sure the newly instated leader Ultron is, how do I say…"
"A fucking dick!?" Wanda interrupts with a small laugh.
"Glad to see we think the same of the man. But other than Ultron and his few followers it is truly a beautiful country." 
"It is indeed. I don't meet many people from Sokovia out here in the States, all too afraid to leave you know?" She finishes off her coffee and pancakes standing up from her stool. "Uh, which way is the bathroom?" 
"I will show you. S.U.S.I.E set up the guest bath please." 
"Of course Boss." Wanda jumps a little at the unknown voice.
"Sorry Wanda I forgot to say. S.U.S.I.E is a very helpful interface around the house, if you need anything just say S.U.S.I.E and then what you need her to do for you."
"Wow okay, thanks." She gives me a shy smile.
"S.U.S.I.E this is Miss Maximoff please save her voice in your system as such. If she requires anything today she may call upon you." 
"Understood Boss. Welcome Miss Maximoff." 
I lead Wanda back upstairs to the guest room, which has a big ensuite bathroom too with a bath big enough to comfortably fit two people in and still have room to move about. I lay a towel and some spare clothes down on the sink counter and make my way towards the door.
"Thank you y/n. Truly, the small gesture of breakfast and a bath are really appreciated. I mean it's been a while, and it feels nice to be treated like this." Wasn't expecting that.
"It's not a problem at all Wanda. It's just basic human respect and decency to ensure that someone is cared for afterwards." She gives me a shy smile and nod, I turn to leave the bathroom before turning to look at her once again. "Oh and Wanda."
"Yeah?" She turns to look at me, our eyes meeting easily.
"Don't hide the accent, it's cute. You don't need to pretend to be someone your not around me." She blushes slightly but has the biggest smile on her face. I leave, gently closing the door behind me.
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hearts4golbach · 7 months
The Night Shift.
Chapter 7.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
I sat at the counter with my notebook and pen, scribbling down ideas for new recipes or drinks. My mind frequently wandered to johnnie, and it worried me. I couldn't get what Jake asked me out of my brain. did I like johnnie? I couldn't tell if what I was feeling was just having a really good friend or something more. I cringed at myself. I doodled on the side of my page, drawing hearts and stars until someone walked in.
"Hello, miss." the man said with a heavy southern accent. I suppressed a laugh, thinking about Jake.
"Hi, what can i get for you?"
"Let me get the peanut butter mocha, please. That'll be all." he sighed. I nodded in response. "You got a boyfriend?"
I furrowed my eyebrows. I'm sure he didn't mean it the way it sounded. I immediately thought about johnnie. "No, sir."
"Well, don't worry. once you find someone, you'll know." he had a crooked tooth grin.
"Oh, thank you." I smiled. it confused me where this came from. "Why do you say?"
"You learn to read how people feel when you have a bipolar wife." he snorted.
"Well, you were spot on."
a woman walked in behind him on her phone. she looked up and smiled at me. she was beautiful, even if she had a messy bun and no makeup. she seemed sweet.
"Listen, you seem like a nice girl. you've got looks on your side, too. I say go for it. I know I don't know your situation, but when you look back, you'll regret it."
I was getting a little more concerned each second. this was almost creepy. how could he be so right? I passed his coffee over the counter. "Thank you." I said genuinely.
he nodded, not saying a word as he walked out of the cafe.
"What was that about?" the girl asked, walking up to the counter.
"Apparently, he could sense how I was feeling. I've been overthinking about this guy I met, and he was spot on." I shrugged.
"so, when's he going to tell my fortune?" she joked, pulling out her wallet. "tell me about this guy."
"well, I met him a few days ago. I think he's really cute and we've had our... moments, I guess. i think I might be gaslighting myself into thinking I don't like him like that. I've never had a boyfriend, let alone a genuine crush." I rambled. "I genuinely do not know why I'm opening up to strangers."
"I mean, who knows if we'll ever cross paths again."
"still, I feel stupid." I shake my head. "anyway, what can I get for you?"
"can I just get an iced caramel coffee?" she asked with a sweet smile on her face.
I hum, turning around to make it. What a weird night, I'll probably end up rephrasing to tell johnnie later. we talked little after she asked.
"I hope you have a good night." I smiled softly as I handed her coffee over the counter.
"you too." she smiled back before walking out.
I sat back down and continued to try and write, but my mind frequently wandered back to johnnie. was he even coming tonight?
about an hour and a half later, the door bell rang. "Hey, y/n." Johnnie's tired voice called. I looked up, he carried his computer under one arm.
"johnnie, how bad is your sleep schedule?" I teased, "this is the 3rd night in a row you've come to see me. you must love my face to come here at like 2 am every night."
"what can I say? I get really bad nightmares and your face does in fact make me feel better."
my gaze softened as I smiled.
"do you mind if I hang out in here and edit a video?"
"I'd love that." my heart fluttered at Johnnie's presence.
I turned around to clean the counters as he chose the table closest to where I was. he lazily opened his computer and pulled up the needed footage.
I hummed quietly to what was playing in my headphone as I finished wiping everything down. I fixed myself a coffee and went to sit across from him.
"I had the weirdest fucking encounter today." I mentioned.
he looked up. "what happened?"
"This guy came in and told me that I seemed stressed over a guy and that I'll know if he's the right person and I shouldn't fight my feelings off." I blurted, not bothering to rephrase it.
he made eye contact with me again, curiosity glistening in his eyes. "so, like, a connection you can't explain? thats really poetic."
"yeah, it's scary cause he's right." I mumbled.
"well, if you think you've found that person, then go for it. life's too short to not." he looks back down at his laptop.
"what if I'm not sure if he likes me back?"
a twinge of hurt flashed in his eyes. he seemed to be scrounging for ways to respond. "well, what if he's just as unsure as you?" he asked knowingly.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "so should I really think on it?"
"you might be wasting time, but you never know. maybe waiting is a good decision." he avoided eye contact with me.
"are you good?"
"yeah." he trailed off, rubbing his arm.
silence filled the room for a good minute, I zoned out, staring into my coffee once more.
"have you ever felt that way?"
"felt like what?"
"when you like someone but you're terrified it'll ruin something good?" I pondered.
he looked up, his gaze softening. "yeah, the fear of losing someone so special even though nothing has happened yet?"
"yeah, exactly."
"well, I guess we have to take risks. step out of our comfort zone, you know?" he paused. "at least we could say we tried, right?"
"right." I whispered, awkward tension filled the room.
he cleared his throat. "when you know, you know."
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muffinlance · 2 years
Hello Dragons Here: Gaang Meeting Outtakes
Alternates to part four. Or read part one here.
Take 2: Hallway Meet & Greet
So they tried his office, but that was empty too, and there was only so long they could wander the palace before they were caught.
“I think it’s tactical retreat time,” Sokka whispered, as they huddled in an empty corner of the halls. “As long as they don’t know we were here, we can try again another night. We’ll just park Appa up in the mountains and… dragon?”
“What?” asked Katara.
“Baby dragon,” Sokka said, pointing down. The ferret-cat sized dragon blinked up at him, its snakey tongue flickering from its mouth. Aang resisted the urge to squeal.
“Please come back,” came a very tired voice, right before a teenager who walked really quietly rounded the corner and straight into them. Kind of literally. Sokka reached out to steady him, as he wobbled post-impact. And then they had a Fire Nation servant that they really couldn’t let leave blinking at them.
“...You’re very short assassins,” said the teenager. Whose long hair was partially tied up in a frazzled bun, but mostly down his back. And whose sleep robe was really rumpled. And who was blinking at them through a pair of glasses that were almost an exact match for the ones in fashion at King Kuei’s court, like he’d gotten them from the same artisan. And also there were some ink stains on his face, like maybe he’d fallen asleep on some still-drying documents. So… maybe a scribe? The stains were on the scared side of his face, which was where the Fire Lord was supposed to have one, but his was smaller on his face than the portraits Ozai had commissioned, especially with the way the hair fell over it. And Aang also knew from Ozai how much the Fire Lord liked sharing his facial scars with the people around him.
“We’re, ah. New hires?” Sokka said.
“I,” the teenager said, “am not dealing with this. I am taking Druk back to the hatchery, and then I’m finishing my work, and then I’m going to bed. If you’re assassins, make an appointment.”
“Is that… something assassins usually do?” Aang asked.
“They should,” the teenager said.
Take 1: In a Happier World
Did I write an entire prompt reply only to scrap it and replace it with Sifu Ozai? Yes. Yes I did. The original:
Aang is escorted between bending teachers, kept away from exploring. Kept away from the Fire Nation, and most of the coastlines of the Earth Kingdom, which are called the colonies now. 
The first thing he was told, when he woke up, was There was a war. It lasted for ninety-eight years.
The second thing was, It’s over now.
No one tells him, but by the time he’s studying earthbending, he knows the third: It’s over because the Fire Lord said so. 
“But… it’s good he ended it, right?” Aang asks that night, in the safety of his room with Sokka and Katara, who started as his escorts from the Southern Tribe but ended up as friends. He thinks they’re friends. 
“It’s good he’s not marching new armies into places,” Sokka says, staring up at the ceiling. “Less good, that he hasn’t marched the old armies back out.”
“If he’d ended it a year earlier, our mother would be alive,” says Katara, her face to the wall. 
Fire Lord Zuko celebrated his sixteenth birthday just before the winter solstice, when Aang was still in the south pole. The Avatar was sent a formal invitation to attend. But Aang had… he’d been awake for only a few weeks. All he’d wanted to do was go home. He’d tried, and—
And going into the Avatar state had apparently alerted sages the world over to his existence. So. That was great. The Fire Lord’s hawk carried another message, as unsaid as so many other things: I know exactly where you are, Avatar.
Chief Hakoda politely declined on his behalf. 
He trained under the same master as Katara; one of the women who’d come south, when the blockades between the poles had been lifted. He wasn’t a natural healer like the Chief’s daughter, but it… it was good, healing. Healing was what he needed. Waterbending had a fighting branch, too, and he could go to the north pole if he wanted to learn it, but they’d already turned Katara away and. And he didn’t see what learning how to drown someone, or cut them with ice, would help. They sent an offer, to send one of their best masters south.
Gran-Gran declined on his behalf. He didn’t read what she’d written, so he could pretend it was polite. 
The Earth Kingdom was… it was fracturing. Ba Sing Se had been the cultural and political center in Aang’s time, and it was still supposed to be a great city, but it was great because it had expanded its walls to ring in enough farmland for itself and then… sort of ignored what was going on outside them, for the next few decades. The generals living there still plotted tactics, still lead the armies, but the nobility lived like there wasn’t even a war. And then the news came out that the Earth King really hadn’t known about the war, and. 
Aang was in Gaoling when the news hit. The Beifong family had invited him to stay during his travels, and Sokka had a firm always-accept-free-stuff-from-rich-people policy, so. So he got to look out over their estate walls as people rioted. When he finally made it to Omashu, Bumi took one look at the girl who’d kidnapped herself into his saddle and snorkel-snorted. And then they’d had an arm-wrestling contest over who got to teach him. Toph cheated, but so did Bumi, so it was fair? 
“Two cheats make a right,” Sifu Toph told him.
“No they don’t,” said Katara.
Toph declared him a passable earthbender. Within the week, another hawk from the Fire Lord arrived: an invitation to be tutored by Crown Princess Azula herself.
I know exactly how much you’ve learned, the letter didn’t say. It didn’t have to.
“So,” said Toph, “we’re coming with to see how creepy this guy is in person, right?”
Aang was so, so glad for his friends. 
And now they were in a suite of rooms in the palace, graciously being allowed the night to recover from their travels, before their meeting with the Fire Lord and his heir in the morning. 
“On the bright side,” said Sokka, which was never a phrase that ended well from him, “if he wanted to assassinate you, he’s known where you are for months.”
“Thanks, Sokka,” Aang said. And went for a walk, in the palace halls, because… Because.
Because he was the Avatar. And no one was saying it outright, but every time they said The war is over what they meant was Because the Fire Lord forced the terms. Because he offered to stop killing our people if we signed. Because he has dragons, dragons big enough to scorch armies to ashes without ever getting in range of benders or archers, and no one can fight against that.
No one but the Avatar. Master of all four elements, if he did what every nation in the world had done, and accepted the Fire Lord’s generous offer.
“He’s not even offering to teach you himself,” Sokka had snorted, when he’d first read the letter. “What, is he too busy counting his war spoils?”
The halls were quiet. Aang was looking for one of those courtyard gardens they’d seen from the air, but what he found instead was—
“No, come back, why can’t you stay in the hatchery—”
A very frazzled young man, and a very noodly baby dragon, who both slid around a corner with the same scrabbling-over-polished-floors grace and crashed right into him. 
“Umm,” said Aang. “Oww?”
“Catch him,” ordered the young man, as the dragon wormed its way between them and bolted again. 
And then Aang was on a baby dragon chase which was... probably exactly what he needed. At least, he was out of breath and laughing by the end of it, and his new friend was grumpily down an outer robe, which had been sacrificed to the cause of bundling the baby into a sort of squirmy burrito-pretzel. Also it kept trying to light the robe on fire with its dragonbreath, and the teenager kept blowing his own sparks which somehow swirled with the fire and put it out, and Aang absolutely had to know—
“Can you teach me to do that?”
“Uh,” said the teenager, leaning back from Aang’s face, which was maybe a little closer to his own than most people found comfortable. But they were dragon buddies, like he and Kuzon had been, so it was totally justified. “I’m, uh. Not really that good? I barely have any time to practice real forms, the dragons just have me play games and creatively roast their meat—”
“But you’re breathing rainbows.”
“...Please don’t say it like that in front of my sister.”
“I won’t,” Aang said, smile broadening, “if you teach me. And come meet my friends!”
The teenager didn’t say no, and Aang recognized this hallway, so he hooked their arms together and dragged him off. 
“Guys!” Aang said, sliding open their door. “I met the palace dragonsitter!”
“...Please don’t say that in front of my sister, either,” the teenager sighed. 
“That’s nice, Aang,” said Sokka. “Hello, dragonsitter. How does it feel, to be kidnapped?”
“Familiar,” said the teenager, in a kind of worrying deadpan. “I really need to get Druk back to the hatchery. I’ll… see you tomorrow?”
“Nuh-uh,” said Toph. “This is my first team kidnapping. No leaving until we get a ransom.”
“...I can order snacks?” offered the teen.
“We’re keeping you,” Toph said. “Now get us more of those fire flakes. Snozzles keeps trying not to cry while eating them, it’s hilarious.”
“It is not my fault they are both delicious and trying to kill me,” Sokka said. 
“...I’ll send tea, too,” the teenager said. “But, uh. I really should… not be here?”
“Relax,” Sokka said, slinging an arm over his shoulders. “It’s not like we’re going to snitch on you to the Fire Lord.”
The dragonsitter mumbled something Aang couldn’t quite catch, but it sounded a lot like I can see the family resemblance. But he got a passing servant to send for their snacks, and he let the little dragon down for some supervised exploration that ended in all of Sokka’s emergency seal jerky being gulped down its throat as it ran circles around the room, and the teenager finally sat down and leaned back and laughed, which Aang wasn’t sure was a thing he did a lot of. 
And then he met them the next morning, in formal robes, on his throne.
“...Hello, Sifu Rainbows!” Aang said, and the girl next to His Majesty cackled.
#Azula: This is the best casual roasting
#since you came back home to father
#Zuko: can you please not use that comparison every time
#Azula: absolutely not <3
#All Adults: terrified of the Fire Lord
#Team Avatar: terrorizing the Fire Lord
#and then they broke it to him that people had signed his peace treaties under pain of dragon eating
#Sokka: thank you for that information Fire Lord Dragonsitter
(Read more prompts || Longer ATLA fics || Original works)
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anglophiletraveler · 20 days
In My Life Chapter 40
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Written by Paul McCartney and John Lennon
Sorry that it’s taken so long for this chapter.  I had a hard time writing this one, which is probably why I titled it Help!  Thanks for sticking around and supporting this story!
There was a mutual gasp in the room when Ross called out Elizabeth’s name.  A startled Demelza covered her mouth and looked at everyone around her… Dwight, Grace and Joshua and Verity.  Of course the staff in the room didn’t realize what was going on.  
Dr. Brown looked at Demelza, “Are you Elizabeth?”
Demelza couldn’t speak, she just shook her head.
Grace spoke up hoping that maybe she could make sense of what just happened, “Ross, dear, can you hear me?”
He shook his head and mouthed the word ‘yes’.
Grace smiled, “You’ve given us a scare!  Especially Demelza!”  Grace waved her hand nonchalantly but in a hope that Ross noticed Demelza was in the room.
It worked.
Ross tried to sit up, “Demelza!”  
“Mr. Poldark lay back down, you can’t get up,” a nurse was trying to get him to settle back down.
Demelza grabbed his hand and kissed it, “I’m right here.  I’m not going anywhere.” Tears were rolling down her cheek.  She could find out why Ross called out for Elizabeth later.  It was more important that he’s awake and feeling better.  
Joshua spoke up, “Son, do you remember what happened?”
Grace gave Joshua a dirty look.
“Not a whole lot.  Elizabeth had just called me.  I answered… phone on….  bluetooth, didn’t know it was her.”  It was obvious Ross was having a hard time breathing.  “She… bitch…”
“Shhhh Ross, calm down.  We don’t have to talk about this now.  It’s not important.  Just relax, I don’t want you to get upset.  She’s not worth it,” Demelza’s voice was a little stronger as she tried to get Ross to settle down.  
“I think maybe we should let Ross get some rest.  The last thing we need to do is tire him out right now,” Dwight spoke up in his doctor voice.
“I think you are correct Dr. Enys,” Joshua said.  He leaned over and gave Ross a kiss on the forehead.  “Son, it’s so good to see you awake.”
“Thanks dad.”
Verity walked up to Ross’s bedside and gave him a kiss on the forehead, “Behave yourself Ross.  I love you.”
Grace got up out of her wheelchair, “We’ll be back later on darling.  Get some rest.”
Ross looked at Demelza, “Don’t go.”
Demelza looked at Dwight.  “Alright you can stay, but I don’t want either one of you getting upset.  Ross needs to rest.”
Demelza smiled, “I promise.”  Dwight smiled at Demelza and Ross as he left the room.
Demelza scooted her chair closer to Ross’s bedside, and picked up his arm and kissed and leaned her face against it and sighed.
Ross noticed that Demelza looked tired.  Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, her eyes had dark circles under them along with being bloodshot.  He moved his arm so that he could run his fingers through her hair, “You look… very tired, love.”
She hummed at the feel of his fingers in her hair.  She was worried that this simple gesture of love would never happen again, “I’m fine as long as you’re awake and doing better.”
“I’m sorry… that.. I worried you,” Ross’s voice was weak.
“Shhhh, you have nothing to apologize for.  It wasn’t your fault.  Just relax and get some sleep.”
“Did you… spend the night…here?”
Demelza sighed and looked him in the face.  He would know if she lied to him, “Yes, well not here in the room.  I slept on the couch in the waiting room.  The nurses were nice to me and gave me a pillow and a blanket.  I wasn’t going to leave you here!  I wanted to be here when you woke up.”
Ross smiled and let his finger caress her cheek, “Demelza, promise… me that you’ll …go home and get some rest.  Please baby.”
“I am totally fine.  I don’t need to go home.  Drake is taking care of Seamus for us, so I don’t have to worry about that.  So, Mr. Poldark, I am all yours!”  She was trying to convince him that she wasn’t tired and didn’t need to leave him.  “Honest Ross.  I’m fine.  If I get tired, I’ll go out in the lobby and take a break.  I almost lost you and I don’t want to leave you just yet.”
Ross smiled, “Right… but I’m not going anywhere.  Hey did … anyone find my cell phone from the accident?”
“Um no, if someone did find it nobody told me.  Do you remember the accident?” Demelza asked.
“A little.  Everything’s kind of foggy right now. I remember talking to Elizabeth on my bluetooth, and then I hung up on her.  Then she called again and after that …. I don’t remember anything.  My throat is really sore.  Can you help me with a glass of water?”
“Of course.”  Demelza got up to search through a drawer to find a straw for Ross to drink through.  “Here you go babe.  Does that help?”
“Yes, thanks.  I’m really tired. I think I’m going to take a nap.  Why don’t you go home so you can get some proper rest and then come back later,” Ross suggested.
“I don’t know…” Demelza looked at Ross and he definitely looked knackered, “Maybe I will.  But I will be back, so you are not going to be rid of me.”
Ross grabbed her hand, “Babe, I don’t ever want to be rid of you.  Lean down here and give me a kiss before you leave.”
Demelza leaned down to kiss Ross’s lips, then his nose and his forehead,  “I love you Ross.”  Demelza couldn’t help the tears dripping down onto Ross’s cheeks.
Ross raised his hand to run it over Demelza’s cheek, “I love you too, love.  I can’t wait for us to get married.” Demelza smiled but couldn’t keep herself from crying even more.  “Hey there, shhhh.  Everything’s going to be fine baby, please don’t cry.  You need to go home and get some rest.  You’ve worn yourself out.  I can see it in your eyes.”
Demelza stood up and wiped her tears away, “I’m sorry.  You’re probably right.  I’ll be back later.”
A couple days later, Ross was stable enough that he was able to be moved into a step down unit and also to be interviewed by police about the accident.  Joshua and Grace just happened to be in the room when the police arrived.  They were able to return his phone to him after they pulled the call history from it, to see if he was on a call when the accident happened.  He explained to him that his ex-fiance had called him and he hung up on her while wearing his blue tooth, and that she called back again.  At least he assumed it was Elizabeth, he never actually heard a voice from the other end and then the accident happened.
Secretly, Ross was more concerned if he was actually the one to cause the accident, but fortunately the police officer told him that another driver in the lane next to him caused the accident when he was distracted by his friend in the seat next to him. They were a couple of young college students not paying attention to what they were doing.   It turns out that he not only hit Ross’s car, but he rear ended the car in front of him, causing a chain reaction.  In total, there were seven cars involved.  Luckily there were no fatalities.  There were plenty of witnesses that all confirmed what happened.  The police officer left all of the paperwork with Ross that he would need to turn into his insurance company.
All three of them sighed after the officer left.  “Well, that’s a relief,” Ross said.
Grace looked at her son, “What’s that dear?”
“I was afraid that I caused the accident while talking on the phone with Elizabeth.”
“Well, you were honest with the officer and told him that you were on the bluetooth.  You weren’t actually holding the phone.  I still can’t believe that bitch Elizabeth tried to convince you not to marry Demelza!  Who the hell does she think she is!” Grace answered.
Ross gasped at his mum, “Mum! Watch your language!”
Joshua was smirking at his wife, got up and stretched his legs, “ I’m sure your precious BMW is totaled,” Joshua smiled at Ross.  
“Yeah, that’s what I’ve been thinking.  That really pisses me off.  I loved that car.  It was the first thing I bought when I got my job at the firm.  Now we’ll have to get two cars… one for Demelza and one for me now.”
Grace smiled and raised her eyebrows and hummed, “Hmmm interesting…”
Ross tilted his head at his mother and the dark Poldark eyebrows furrowed, “What?  What are you thinking, mother?”
She sat back and smiled while her crossed legs started bouncing, “Oh nothing, just…”
Joshua was spying the evil grin on his wife’s face.
“Just what mum?  What are you thinking?”
“Nothing!  My goodness you’re so suspicious!  You need to lay back and rest.”
“I am not going to relax until you tell me what you’re up to!” Ross’s voice was getting louder now.
“Shhh!  Don’t get all rattled, love.  I was just thinking that you might want to get a bigger vehicle, you know, for the future, like a van or…”
Joshua and Ross both gave Grace a dirty look.  “Mum, there is no bloody way in hell that I’m getting a van!  We don’t need a van!  Bloody hell!  What are you thinking!?”
“Calm down!  I was just thinking that maybe you might need something bigger with Demelza’s cello, and… and… the trips you might take, and if you start having babies you’ll need something bigger,” Grace was still grinning.
Ross shook his head and looked up at the ceiling, “Mother!  I told you that we might not even have kids.  We haven’t decided on that for sure.  Mum please don’t say anything to Demelza about this.  I promised not to pressure her about kids.”
“Is that something that you and Demelza are definite on?” Now Joshua was in on the conversation.
Ross looked at his father and then looked down, “Look, it’s… undecided at this point.  Demelza’s not sure about kids.  You have to remember that she basically raised her six brothers, so the thought of having her own children is a bit overwhelming to her.”
Joshua moved to sit back down next to Ross, “Ross, I always thought that you wanted children?  This is a big decision to make, have you really thought about what a life without children will be like?  Don’t get me wrong, I really love Demelza and think she’s a wonderful woman, but to not be totally certain about something this important before you get married can really cause trouble down the road.”
Ross let out a big sigh, “Dad, Demelza and I have talked about this plenty of times.  Yes, I want children, but I love Demelza more, and if she decides not to have children, then I will just have to live with it. I don’t want to lose her.   Now can we please change the subject before she gets here because I don’t want her walking in here with all of these long faces.  Please.”
Grace and Joshua both looked into their son’s face and saw how serious he was about his words, and knew they wouldn’t be able to change his mind.  
Luckily a nurse came into the room to check Ross’s vitals so the tension in the room lightened up. 
Ross looked at his parents, “So are two still staying in the hotel?”
Joshua nodded, “Yes, it’s nice that it’s just across the street and we can pop over so that your mother can have a kip.”
“Well, you can always stay at our place.  I’m sure Demelza wouldn’t mind…”
Just then Demelza walked in with a smile on her face, “What wouldn’t I mind?”
Ross’s face broke out in a bright smile, “There’s my girl!  I was just saying you wouldn’t mind if mum and da stayed at our place while they’re here in town.”
Demelza leaned down to kiss Ross, “Of course not.  You’re more than welcome to stay at the house.”
“Oh thank you Demelza, I was just telling Ross that the hotel across the street is really convenient for us so that Grace can go to the room and take a quick nap.  But if you need me to drive you to rehearsal and pick you up, I’d be more than happy to do that for you,”  Joshua responded.
Demelza sat on the bed next to Ross and grabbed his hand, “Thank you.  Maestro said if I wanted to take the rest of the week off, he wouldn’t have a problem with it.  But thank you anyway!”
Ross looked at Demelza, “Babe, are you sure you want to miss that much rehearsal time?”
“Well Ross, I didn’t even ask.  He called me so I think it’ll be alright.  Plus I’ve still been practicing at home.  And speaking of home, Seamus is really missing you.  He’s been moping around like crazy.”
“Aww poor Seamus!” Grace said.
“You should sneak him in for me!” 
“Ross, how am I going to sneak in an Irish Setter?” Demelza was smiling at her fiance.
“Nobody will mind.  Just say that he’s a therapy dog!”  All three just shook their heads 
at Ross.
Joshua stood up, “Well on that note, I think your mother and I will go get something to eat and head back to the hotel for the night.  Demelza dear, let us know if there’s anything we can do for you.”
Demelza stood up to hug her future in-laws, “Oh I will, thank you again.  Take care Grace.  Get some rest.”
“Good night Demelza.  You get some rest also!”
Demelza turned around and raised her eyebrows at Ross, “We're finally alone!”  She went over and put her hands on Ross’s face, careful not to knock off his oxygen hose, and gave him the deepest, lustful kiss that she could give him.  
Ross moaned, “Mmmm I could use more of that Mrs Poldark.”
“Hey now, don’t jinx us!  What… what is this stuff?”
Ross opened the envelope and bag and showed Demelza the contents, “The police brought it by.  It’s my phone and some other stuff that was in my car.  I guess I’m going to have to get a new phone.  Maybe then I’ll be able to find out for sure if it was Elizabeth calling back a second time.”
“Well, I can work on getting you a new phone tomorrow.  I don’t think the store will be open now.  Have they said when you can come home?”  Ross tried to pull Demelza closer to him, but she was resisting, “Ross, not here!”
“Oh you’re no fun!  Come on baby, just snuggle a little bit. I miss you,” Ross was starting to whine.
“Alright, just a little,” Demelza wrapped herself under Ross’s arm.  She couldn’t help herself and started caressing Ross’s belly.  “Mmmm I have to admit this does feel good.  Ross..”
“I think we should postpone the wedding.  It’s going to take a while before you’re feeling better, so I think we should postpone it.  When you’re feeling better and stronger, then we will have the dresses and the suits and we can go ahead and get married,” Demelza’s voice was soft.
Ross sat up, “Absolutely not!  We are not changing a thing.  You hear me?” 
Demelza looked up in Ross’s eyes, “Yes, I heard you.  But it doesn’t make me happy.  Ross, you’re going to take a while to recover, it’s not something that can be rushed.
“I am going to be just fine by the time of the wedding.  My respiratory treatments are going well, my physical therapy started today.  I will be fully healed and strong when I say my vows to you.   Speaking of which, do we have an officiant lined up?”
“Oh, um I don’t know.  I’ll have to check with Caroline about that,” Demelza weaved Ross’s fingers through hers.
Ross’s eyebrows furrowed like they always do when he’s thinking, “Speaking of which, I haven’t seen Caroline since I’ve been in the hospital.  I mean, not that I’d expect her to be here for hours on end, I just thought…why are you looking that way?  What’s wrong?”
Demelza let out a sigh, “Well she was here with me the whole first day while you were in surgery, but I just got the feeling that there’s something wrong going on between Dwight and Caroline.  That whole day they barely said two words to each other.”
“Did you ask them about it?  That is kind of weird for them.”
“Yeah it is, and yes I did.  I asked Caroline when Dwight had stepped out if they were alright, and she just said something like they were going through a rough patch.  Later on Dwight said the same thing and that it was nothing to worry about.  I haven’t seen her since, but  I have talked to her on the phone a couple of times, but we really haven’t had time to talk about it.  I’m really worried about them though.  Maybe you could talk to Dwight?  See if he will talk to you about it.”
Ross kissed Demelza’s hand, “If I get the chance without a bunch of staff around, I will.  Now, talk less, snuggle more.”
Demelza rolled her eyes and followed Ross’s instructions.  But of course, with snuggling, eventually comes snogging, until…
“Oh please!  Really Ross!  In a hospital!  Don’t you have more respect for yourself than that!”
Ross and Demelza jumped out of their skin and looked towards the door and there stood Elizabeth hand on hip, a very expensive handbag hanging from the other arm, a very expensive dress hugging all of her curves, hair and makeup perfectly done.
Ross sat up in bed, inadvertently yanking his oxygen tube from his nostrils, “Elizabeth, what the fuck are you doing here?”  Demelza’s face quickly turned beet red.  She climbed off the bed and straightened herself up in her embarrassment.  
“I came here to talk some sense into you.  I wasn’t expecting to visit your hospital room while the two of you are screwing.  Very tacky even for you Ross,” Elizabeth said.
“Elizabeth, you’re the reason why I’m in this hospital bed, so… please… leave!” Demelza noticed that Ross was starting to have trouble breathing, so she hit the nurse call button.
“Elizabeth, I think you should go, you’re upsetting Ross,” Demelza raised her voice to try to get Elizabeth to leave.  
“I am not going anywhere until I talk with Ross.  Alone!”
The nurse came in and immediately put the oxygen mask back on Ross instead of the hose that was previously in his nostrils.  She was an older nurse who looked like she didn’t take shit from anybody.   “Alright, calm down Mr. Poldark, you’ve got your heart rate up.  Take some nice easy breaths.  That’s right, nice and slow.  Okay gorgeous, now, which one of these birds got you riled up?”  Ross pointed to Elizabeth.  The nurse looked right at Elizabeth, “Alright sweetheart, it’s time for you to leave.”
Elizabeth just stood still, “I am not going anywhere, I need to speak with Mr Poldark before I leave.”
“Look lady, I don’t know who you are, and I don’t care who you are except that you’re upsetting my patient and now he can’t breathe.  So either you leave on your own, or I call security.  It’s your choice.” Demelza couldn’t help but smirk.
Elizabeth gasped and scowled at the nurse, so the nurse reached for the phone to call security, so Elizabeth finally left.  
Demelza was standing by the bed and rubbing the hair out of Ross’s forehead, trying to get his breathing to settle down.  
The nurse got a cool wet washcloth and placed it on Ross’s forehead.  She took a listen at his lungs, and looked at his heart rate blip across the screen.  “Now that we got her out of the way, I’ll put a note up on your door that all visitors are to check at the desk before they come in.  Alright?  So just calm yourself down.  We’re going to keep this mask on you for a little while longer.” the nurse looked at Demelza, “So redbird, are you his girlfriend?”
Demelza smiled at the nickname the nurse gave her, “We’re engaged.  That woman was engaged to him years ago but is married now to his cousin.”
“Ahhh she’s trying to have her cake and eat it too!  I get it now.  Well, we will take care of this at the desk.  Now, I think you should be going in a little while. Your future mister needs his rest after Miss Fancy Pants disrupted him.”
Demelza frowned, “Is he going to be alright?  What about his breathing?”
“Don’t you worry, I’ll keep both my eyes on ‘im for ya, and if there’s anything you need to know, I’ll call you.  You have to take care of yourself too, ya know. I’ll give you 30 minutes.”  The nurse smiled at Demelza and then left the room.
Demelza looked at Ross wearing the oxygen mask again.  He looked pale like he did a few days ago and that worried her.  “Oh Ross, I could just smack Elizabeth!  How could she come charging in here like that!  I’d like to get a handful of her hair and drag her around a bit!”
Ross smiled at Demelza picturing her dragging Elizabeth by the hair of her head.  He held her hand and tried to comfort her, “I’m fine, I shouldn’t…  have let her…  get to me like that.  She’s… not worth…it.”
“I don’t want to leave you Ross.  I’m worried now, and I want to stay and keep watch over you,” Demelza was almost in tears now.
“My love… I am fine and I’ll… be okay.  I have all of this equipment monitoring…me, and that nurse … watches me like… a hawk…  so don’t, worry, my redbird,” Ross smiled at her new nickname.  
Demelza gave a weak smile at that, “Alright. I’ll go, but I’ll be back first thing. I love you Ross,” she leaned down and kissed his forehead.
“I love you too Demelza.”
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saltsicklover · 1 year
Part Eight
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Hey lovely people, here's another update for you! There might be a little bit of a wait for the next part, as this is pretty much everything I've had back written. I hope you enjoy it!
Title: Once an Asshole, Always an Asshole
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2500+
Rating: R
Warnings: Swearing, Crying, Tobacco, Smoking, the Daggers not knowing a damn thing about Bob.
Second Chance Romance!
Disclaimer: I do not own Bob Floyd, or anything related to Top Gun Maverick within this piece. Not Proof Read or BETA'd. All mistakes are my own.
I do not consent for my work to be edited, reposted, or translated.
You are responsible for your own media consumption. This is a work of fiction that may contain mature themes. If you are sensitive to those subjects, please do not read.
Once Hangman and Phoenix stop yelling over each other, Bob doesn't bother trying to unshrink from himself. Hangman finally walked away, red in the face and angry. He wanted to hit Bob, he really did, but he knew better than to hit a fellow Aviator in the Hard Deck. So, to keep his fits at bay, he turned on his heel and headed for the front door- he needed to take a walk. That walk turned into red taillights shining through the windows of the Hard Deck, tires squealing as he took off. 
Phoenix pulled herself up into one of the stools, the tension of her body wearing on her muscles. Bob slides up next to her, still curled in on himself. The pair sit in silence, the bustle of the bar filling the air around them. The jukebox plays some off-radio country song that Bob catches bits and pieces of as the noise from the crowd ebbs and flows. 
It makes him think of her, how she still invades the pieces of his life the same way the song reaches his ears. Just when he hasn't thought of her, the memory of her would cross his mind again. And just a half a hour ago, she was standing right in front of him and he didn't even recognize her. That kills him. It makes all of the yelling he endured feel justified. 
"I can't believe this," Natasha's voice is quiet now, her fingertips buried in the slicked back hair of her bun. "Goddamn it Bob! How am I supposed to bring her back to our place now? How am I supposed to ask her to come back to a place that is basically yours- I'm just sleeping in your fucking guest room,"
Bob opens his mouth to try and argue that the house is just as much hers as it is his, even though it's not technically true. He owns the house, hell, he owns a house outside of each base he has been stationed at. The moment he was no longer bound to the barracks with in processing, he went out and purchased something. A new home that never quite felt right. His pockets have always been lined with money from his Father's oil business- not that any of his fellow Aviators knew that fact. 
It was easy to keep that secret, since no one really asked about him anyway. And when he moved Natasha in, he conveniently failed to mention that the house was paid off.  She didn't ask, and he liked it that way. Just another way he could put space between the person he used to be and the person he is becoming. The person he is now is a work in quiet progress- at least it was until Sunny walked into the bar tonight. 
"Oh my God, Sunny, I've been in here yelling at you instead of going after her!" Phoenix is disappointed in herself as she speaks, "God, Bob, you know I care about you, right? You're my back seater and I will continue doing everything in my power to make sure you make it home each day, but, I can't even stand to look at you right now. I've gotta go find Sunny,"
Natasha doesn't even make it two steps towards the door before Bob speaks.  
"Rooster followed her out," He hooks a thumb behind him, gesturing to the back door, "They went that way, and I-" Bob's eyes glaze over with tears, anger bubbling inside of him at the thought of his fellow Aviator out with her. 
"What is it?" Phoenix asks, her voice softer than it had been all night.
"If I hadn't lost her before, I sure have now," 
Phoenix moves to Bob's side, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You and I are going to talk tonight, about everything," She gives it a reassuring squeeze with as much emotion as she can muster before she is out the back door, leaving Bob alone in the crowded bar. 
For the first time since he started hanging out at the Hard Deck, Bob reaches into his back pocket, pulling out his silver cigarette case. He plucks one of the small Cigarillos from the confines of the case, placing it between his teeth. With the strike of a match he lights the cigar; the smell of cherry tobacco permeates the air around him. The nicotine fills his lungs, and yet, he feels no less heavy.  
"You know what really gets me?" Sunny mutters, a weak smile pulling over her lips. She leans her head back against Rooster's shoulder, sticky trails of past shed tears still damp on her cheeks. She balances an elbow on her knee, her hand coming up to brush over her brow. "God, it's so stupid," 
"What's that?" Bradley gives her elbows a small squeeze, encouraging her to continue. 
"He didn't even smell like himself," Her words are quiet but so sure, yet she speaks them with a shake of her head. She tries to dismiss them the moment they leave her lips, slightly ashamed that she admitted that fact to a stranger. 
"What do you mean?" Bradley leans a little, craning his neck to try and get a look at her face. He takes her hand from her brow, giving him a better look at her face now that she isn't hiding behind her hand. He gives it a gentle squeeze before letting go. 
"Bobby, he-" A small sniffle breaks her sentence apart, "He has always smelled exactly like the tobacco he smokes, you know? It's cherry and smokey and full and God, that fucking smell gets me every single time, and yet, he- it wasn't-" Sunny attempts to keep more crying at bay, a hand coming up to cover her mouth. She lays her other hand over Bradley's shin, her nails digging into the light fabric of his jeans. 
Bradley knows he shouldn't ask, but the confusion of the whole situation causes the words to leave his lips faster than his brain can stop them. 
"Bob smokes?" 
The question causes the loose hiccup of a sob to morph into a giggle, the whole thing sounding rather painful to Bradley, but a Sunny's lips quirk up in the corners. 
"We are talking about the same person, right?" Sunny asks, wiping her her cheeks with her fingertips, "Bob Floyd, ladies man, notoriously rude but hard working so people tend to look past it, always walking around with the smell of tobacco caked to his clothes, that Bob Floyd?" 
"I don't think we are talking about the same Bob Floyd, here Sunshine," Bradley admits, a light hint of laughter in his tone. 
"Yeah, I'm starting to put that together," Sunny almost grumbles, her demeanor slumping along with her body. 
"Hey, am I interrupting something?" Phoenix's voice breaks through the solitude Sunny and Bradley had found themselves in. Her words come out a bit apprehensively, unsure of how Sunny is going to take her presence. 
"No, not at all," Bradley chimes in, squeezing the tops of Sunny's arms. She takes the cue, scootching herself forward and away from his embrace. Bradley pulls himself from the ground, "Take my place, I think you guys need to talk," 
He moves past Phoenix, a small, knowing smile on his face. He gives her shoulder a reassuring squeeze as he passes her, one that Natasha answers with a small upturn of her lips. She moves into the spot Rooster had just been occupying, sitting Sunny between her legs and pulling her friend back into her own chest. 
"I see Bradley's mothering instincts got to you, too," Phoenix starts, feeling out the situation, "He has sat with me like this too. It was something his Mother used to do with him after his Father died. I think it's the only way he knows how to comfort some-," 
"I owe you an apology," Sunny's cuts her friend off, leaning just a bit away from her chest. 
"What? No. I owe you and apology!" Natasha counters, grabbing at Sunny's shoulders. 
"How could you have possibly known that your back seater is the man who broke my heart, huh?" Sunny laughs a small, tired laugh. Tears would run down her face if she hadn't been to dehydrated to cry. "I was the one who freaked out- God, I never thought I would see him again. I was purposely planning on avoiding the class reunion just so I wouldn't have to- I just, I should've been more adult about the situation. I feel like such an idiot."
Sunny hugs her knees to her chest, laying her chin atop them. Natasha rubs her friend's back carefully, her touch gentle over the exposed skin. She isn't quite sure what to say, so she just keeps reassuring Sunny that she isn't an idiot, no matter if she felt like one. 
Phoenix goes over the sleeping arrangements in her head, Sunny was supposed to be in the empty bedroom across from her own, the guest bedroom that just to happened to share a jack and jill bathroom with Bob's. 
When they moved in, he insisted that she take the master bedroom, claiming something about how women need more space. Nat found it ridiculous at the time, the dated concept no doubt having come from the mouth of his Mother as justification for his sister having the larger bedroom as children. But, since it worked in her favor, she didn't argue. The arrangement hadn't posed a problem until now. 
"I can practically hear you thinking," Sunny chimes in, tapping the hands that sit on her own shoulders. Natasha shakes her head, lacing Sunny's fingers with her own. 
"I am just-" Natasha takes a deep breath, bringing her forehead to rest on Sunny's shoulder, "I don't want to bring you back to my place now... Bob and I live together and I don't want to make things worse for you," 
"Nash, I am a big girl," A little low laugh escapes Sunny's lips, "Most of the time, at least. I can be civil. I didn't throw my drink on him, now did I?" 
Natasha laughs at that, the sound a bit strangled as it leaves her throat. 
"It's either that or you go stay with Hangman," Natasha jokes, her tone a bit too straight. 
"I think that man might lose his mind if I am inside of his house," Sunny tightens her grip on Nat's hand, squeezing her fingers. "And I think the Navy would be pretty mad to find out that one of their Aviators died because a woman was sleeping in the next room," 
"You're totally right," There is a sort of joy in Natasha's voice now, "I'd of offered to make Rooster take you, but I'm not making you sleep on his awful couch, that is a special form of punishment," 
Sunny pushes herself up from Natasha's grasp. When she gets to her feet she turns to look at Natasha, a small smile on her lips. That was a look Natasha was happy to share with her friend, a smile of her own on her lips. 
"Then lets get going home, okay? I desperately need a shower. I feel like I look like someone just found me dead in a river with all this crying. I can practically feel how swollen my face is," Sunny runs her hands under her eyes, trying to wipe away the feeling of the sticky trails of tears that have dried to her skin.  
"You are the most beautiful corpse I've ever seen," Natasha winks, taking Sunny's outstretched hands. She pulls Nat up from the sand, neither of them bothering to brush the sand from their clothes. 
They head around the outside of the building, arms link together. "I need to grab my bag from the back of Jake's truck, then we can head out, I'll order a rideshare to come pick us up," Sunny speaks as the round the corner to the parking lot. 
"Oh god," Nat wipes her hand down her face, another large sigh escaping her lips. "Hangman left a while ago, pissed beyond belief and God only knows where he is now. I doubt he is at home, probably off at some Civ Bar, drinking up a storm. I'll call him, but you probably won't get your bag back until tomorrow," 
"Fuck, okay," Sunny sounds defeated. 
"Hey, ladies!" Rooster's voice breaks through the breeze. He is leaned up against a large blue Toyota Bronco, arms crossed over his chest. The tear stains are still lightly visible on his shirt, but it has been tucked back in. "Your chariot awaits!" 
Natasha shoots a look to Sunny, both shrugging before making their way to Rooster. Sunny lets out a large yawn, her hands coming up to shield her face. 
"Hey, Rooster, I've gotta call Hangman and see if we can track down Sunny's bag, do you mind hanging out a minute?"
"Not at all, Phoenix, not at all," He smiles widely at the pair, "How you feeling, Sunshine?"
"I'm livin' the dream," Sunny speaks through another yawn, her eyelids beginning to droop. 
"Want to climb in the back and lay down until we can get the situation with your bag sorted out?" Bradley opens the door, gesturing in with a wave of his hand. Sunny turns to see Natasha dialing her phone again, pacing back and fourth just a few feet away.
"Sounds like a plan," Sunny moves towards Rooster, taking his outstretched hand. She grabs onto the rail inside the door with her other before hoisting herself into the large vehicle. She moves around the folded down front seat before practically throwing herself against the bench in the back. 
"Close your eyes, Sunshine. You deserve a rest. I'll wake you when we get to where we are going. For now, I'm gonna wrangle Phoenix and then we will head out, okay?" Rooster places a kind hand on the ankle of her boot. All Sunny can do is nod, a makeshift sound of agreeance coming from behind her closed lips. 
She tucks a hand underneath her head before drifting off, her other hand resting over her stomach. Bradley slides the front seat back so Natasha can slide herself in before he waves her over. 
"Any luck?" He asks her, the breeze caressing his skin. He runs a hand through his hair, messing the already unkempt curls atop his head. 
"No," Natasha joins Rooster's side, looking at Sunny curled up in the back seat. "I guess we head home and I'll head to his place tomorrow and grab it from the truck myself. God knows where he ran off to tonight," 
Rooster agrees with a silent nod as Phoenix climbs into the passenger seat of the Bronco. She buckles her seatbelt hastily as Bradley climbs into the drivers side. He buckles his seatbelt as the engine roars to life, the whole vehicle shaking a bit. The group pulls of of the parking lot, headed towards Bob and Natasha's house. 
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 10 months
P&C | Ch. 7: Clinging Onto Me
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➪ Playlist (Spotify) l Series Masterlist
Waking up to the beam of sunlight in my eyes, I shift in the soft bed, one leg out of the duvet searching for the perfect cold spot. Slowly opening my eyes, my body jolts up as I scan the surroundings. Where the heck am I? It feels like my heart is beating in my throat as panic consumes me. Trying to get off the bed, I feel like my legs stumble on something hard.
“Oww,” Jungkook lets out a soft groan, flipping on his back, as my eyes widen. 
“Jungkook??” What the heck are you doing here??” I screech, pulling my legs to my chest and moving back from his form. 
“I’m fine thank you for asking,” he scoffs, rubbing his eyes. Moving his head to the side, our eyes lock as he lets out a small chuckle. 
“Well, it's my room so …” he giggles with a teasing grin. Getting up on his butt, he begins to fold his blanket, tattooed biceps popping under the black shirt. I shake my head and get up. My second attempt at interrogating Jungkook was abrupted by my reflection in his mirror. Looking dumbfounded, I am left analyzing the white graphic T-shirt and black shorts on my body, which look two sizes too big so I assume it’s his. 
“Th … then, what I am doing in your room?” I snap back stuttering, trying to remember yesterday night, before falling back on the edge of the bed from the sudden stomach ache. 
“Miraya!” Jungkook lets out a yelp, turning his body towards me, placing his hands on either side of my form. I let out a soft cry, covering my eyes from both the embarrassment and pain. He reaches for the water bottle set on the nightstand and gets me to drink it. 
“After the party last night, Jimin took Jiah back to the dorm and offered to take you as well, but you refused, clinging onto me,” he explains, looking me dead in the eyes. I can feel the flush in my cheeks as my eyebrows furrow. 
“I was going to drive you back but it was too late, so we ended up in my apartment which was closer.” 
“Pardon?? Why would I cling to you? Jungkook, did you drug me?” I scream, trying to push his arm out of the way which remained still as he let out an appalled scoff. 
“What!? No, of course not. Who do you think I am?” he snaps back. 
“I don’t know, I don’t remember anything,” I reply, softer this time. Within a second I become teary-eyed, nibbling on my lips to calm the nerves. 
“Shhh Miraya, it’s ok, you’re fine. Nothing happened, I promise,” Jungkook reassures, trying to meet my eyes, rubbing my hand with his thumb. A soft sorry escapes my mouth, as I try to breathe through the pain in my stomach. 
“Now I know not to let you drink, you’re even worse of a drunk than Tae,” he grins, shaking his head. To be honest, I don’t even remember what I drank, quite literally everything from last night is erased from my memory. Putting my hair in a messy bun, I wipe my tears and slowly get up from the bed. 
“Could I please use your washroom?” I ask softly, as Jungkook replies with a nod. 
“It’s on your first left, just beside the living room,”
Closing the door behind me I tip-toe towards the bathroom trying to be as quiet as possible. That is until I am met with Jimin’s morning hair. He looks tired, eyes puffy from the lack of sleep. Before I can say anything I am interrupted by his loud laugh. 
“You look just like Jungkook, oh I wish Tae could see this,” he giggles, holding onto his stomach. I roll my eyes, as a sarcastic smile forms on my face. He gets the memo and quickly stops, letting out a soft sorry. 
“How’s Jiah?” I ask, trying to change the subject from the fact that I look like a mini Jungkook. 
“She’s fine, still sleeping,” Jimin replies with a soft smile, opening the fridge in a hunt for something that could be considered remotely close to ‘breakfast’. I excuse myself and head towards the bathroom. 
Splashing my face with cold water in hopes of regaining my memory I look into my reflection. I bet Jungkook thinks I am a fool. You refused, clinging onto me. I shake my head, trying to erase the images from my head. So, not only did Jungkook drive me back to his place, but he also let me sleep on his bed, and wear his clothes. I’m once again overwhelmed by a sudden flow of emotions, trying to stay as quiet as possible. 
Walking back into Jungkook’s room, there he was, sitting on the now-made bed. Closing the door behind me, a soft smile forms on my face as I sit beside him. 
“Listen, I’m sorry for snapping at you, I was just shocked,” I try to explain without stuttering. Looking up at his face, he studies my emotions, nodding at every word that comes out of my mouth. 
“Sorry for giving you so much trouble, I wish I could erase last night,” I shake my head, lowering my gaze toward the floor. 
“I don’t. You had so much fun, and I had fun watching you kill it on the dance floor.” he chuckles. I let out a giggle, wiping the tears rolling down my face. 
“Was I really clingy? I promise I’ll keep a 10-foot distance between us from now on,” I exclaim, looking him dead in the eyes. 
“I don’t mind it. You were like a cute koala,” he reassures, a grin forming on his face as he closes his eyes, picturing us on the dance floor. My head on his chest, his hands on my waist. The smell of my fabric softener lingering between us. 
“Peaches” he softly whispers, shaking his head back into reality. 
“Sorry?” I interrupt, trying to make out what he said, but he simply gets up and walks towards his closet. Handing me a black hoodie, Jungkook tells me that he’ll drop me off at the dorm. 
“What about your clothes?” I look up at him, furrowing my eyebrows. 
“Keep them, unless you want to change into your dress?” he raises his eyebrow as a genuine offer. I let out a sarcastic laugh before zipping up. Saying goodbye to Jimin, we walk towards Jungkook’s car. I would tell you the brand but I’m a complete noob when it comes to cars, so let's just settle with the fact that there are four wheels. 
He opens the passenger door and motions for me to sit, which I do, trying to reach for the seatbelt before coming face-to-face with Jungkook’s side profile as he buckles me up. The smell of his fresh cologne lingers between us as he turns to face me, gaze lowered on my lips. I let out a soft smile and nod as a thank you. 
Locking the front door behind me, I plop onto the sofa. Letting out a long sigh, I’ve never been so relieved to be back in my dorm, despite it looking like a complete mess from last night. Checking my phone, I see the 10 missed calls from Jiah and a message from Tae. Opening it, my mouth drops as I let out a loud gasp. It’s a photo of Jungkook and me, except I’m quite literally sleeping on him. 
Y'all looked too cute not to capture, Tae writes under the picture with a bunch of purple hearts. I lean my head back on the sofa and shut my eyes trying to regain memory from last night. Nothing. Getting up I quickly dial Tae’s phone number, grabbing my keys and ID before heading out the door once again. 
“Hello there Flip-flops, have you finally awakened?” Tae chuckles with a raspy voice. 
“Tae can you please meet me at our usual spot, it's urgent,” I exclaim as the elevator doors shut. 
I make it to the local coffee shop in about 10 minutes, getting an iced Americano for the both of us. Sitting there waiting nervously for his arrival, I think of ways to justify my drunk state. Pathetic really. That was until Tae walked in, waving at me with a teasing boxy slime. I try not to roll my eyes and wave back. 
“What’s up, princess?” he leans in, sitting in the chair across from me. 
“Don’t call me that,” I quickly snap back, rolling my eyes at his teasing self. 
“Why? Can only Jungkook call you that?” he can’t help but laugh before I kick his shin. He lets out a quiet gasp. 
“YAH! I was just joking. Flip-flops you’re too mean,” he scoffs back, face softening with each word. We both giggle and take a sip of the americano. Neither of us likes the taste but it’s the only thing keeping us awake during nursing lectures so we got used to it. 
“So, I was going to ask you about last night, was it really that bad?” I ask softly, face already cringing just thinking about that photo. He notices my reaction and lets out a soft giggle. 
“All I saw was you falling asleep on Jungkook’s chest as Megan Thee Stallion blasted on the speakers. He looked quite scary when I tried moving the hair out of your face though,” Tae added, raising his eyebrows and imitating Jungkook’s gesture. I can’t help but let out a soft smile. He didn’t want Tae touching me, I think to myself. That is until I snap back out of my delusion, shaking my head and burrowing myself in the hoodie. As the smell of Jungkook still haunts me, I realize that I’m covered in his clothes from head to toe. Quickly taking it off I lean my head back. Mira, you are such a fool.
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cardigan-ns · 1 month
Back to school
Pairing: Luther x Sloane
Request: Could I please request a Luther Sloane where they have another child. Between Luna and Fei, with it being a boy maybe, named Roderick. And it's back to school! (SPACE CADET UNIVERSE)
A/N: I am loving the little universe we’ve made, another addition to the Hargreeves family! Roderick Hargreeves.
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Sloane has practically been up all night preparing for two of her children to head back to school. After Grace’s birthday party, Luther put the fear of god back in her as he reminded her that Luna broke her water bottle before Christmas break. Also that Roderick was having a late start to his school year, because his pre-school was going through repairs, so she almost forgot to buy him new appliances. She felt so unprepared. Then sweet little Fei was blissfully existing without the weight of the world on her shoulders yet. And not to mention, that after Grace’s birthday they drank one Sake bomb and BOOM their powers are back, thankfully Sloane wasn’t too ill, one painkiller and she was running about again, but Luther was bedridden for DAYS. So they had to gain control of their powers again, and was happily getting the hang of it. The kids loved having super parents, they couldn’t wait to tell everyone at school.
Sloane ironed and hung up both of their outfits for school, and she sang along to “I think we’re alone now” as it played on the kitchen radio, she ticked each chore off her checklist, it’s how she kept so on schedule, mostly. She had the marker in her mouth and mumbled to herself, looking at the name tags she was putting on everything the kids owned. “Okay, Roderick has the Spider-Man lunch box, and Luna has the little Einstein’s.” She attached the name tags on the boxes and sat them on the kitchen table.
Luther walked into the kitchen in his pyjamas, yawning a little as he just finished giving Fei her bottle to send her to sleep. “Damn you’re moving through that fast.” Luther was amazed at Sloane’s speed of organisation. Sloane just laughed as she continued working on her mission. Luther got himself some milk too, pouring a glass and taking it in one gulp. He gently placed it in the sink, he didn’t want a reanimation of yesterday where he smashed it in the sink due to his strength.
Sloane floated over the kitchen table to grab some more stickers to put on the kids stuff and floated back over to her work station. Luther went over to a seated Sloane and kissed the top of her head, “Please go to bed soon, early start in the morning.” Luther reminded her and she looked up at him with tired eyes. “I’ve just got one more set to do, and I’ll be up.” She smiled and went right back to her task. Luther nodded and wandered tiredly up the stairs.
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Once his head hit the pillow it seemed like it’d been seconds and his morning alarm rung. “Holy shit.” He grumbled as he scratched his forehead. He rolled over to check on Sloane and she wasn’t there, she better not have pulled an all nighter, Luther thought to himself.
Sloane ran into the bedroom with her hair in a messy bun and sweatpants on, toothbrush in mouth, throwing a shirt to Luther and running back to the bathroom to rinse her mouth. She must’ve heard the gravitational pull on him moving in the bed. He grumbled and shoved the shirt over his wide frame and got out of bed, changing into some presentable trousers and socks. Luther quickly walked to Rodericks room, shaking the boy awake and the kid giggled, “Surprise, I’m dressed.” The 3 year old laughed as he pulled the covers away from him to magically show Luther how he got dressed himself, his shirt was inside out but it’s the effort that counts.
“Come on, roddie, let’s go get your backpack filled and get some breakfast in your tummy.” He tickled his child before lifting him high enough in the air so he was on Luther’s shoulder, they then made it into Luna’s room, who was brushing her hair, her backpack was already on and she put a little bow in her hair, before running to her brother and father. “We’re going to be late.” She warned them, and Luther smiled, she was so much like her mother with her punctuality. “Actually, sweetie, we have 20 minutes so get some toast.” By that point she had bolted down the stairs and Sloane had got her coat on and was holding Fei, who had her plushie of a bat in her hand. “Jesus they’re hectic.” She shook her head in bewilderment, walking towards Roderick and ruffling his hair, “You excited for big boy school?” She asked him, she called it that to make him feel grown up because he always reminded his parents that he’s “not a baby anymore” and Roderick nodded excitedly and tugged Luther’s hand, “Dada come on, breakfast!” And the rest of the family precipitated down the stairs.
Luna had already gotten herself a bowl of cereal, albeit half of it was on the kitchen table and floor, but it’s the effort that counts. She munched on that as she twirled her water bottles on the table, Sloane used her powers to fling it over to her free hand and she shook her head to her eldest. “Lu, you’ve gotta be careful, remember what happened to the last one?” Luna put her hand to her mouth in a shocked motion and remembered how upset she was when she broke her last one. Which was upsetting because it was limited edition with an astronaut helmet as the lid. Now she’s stuck with a basic pink one with no space symbols.
Luther buttered some toast and handed it to Roderick and he took a big bite, leaving crumbs all over his jumper, Luther gritted his teeth and knelt down to wipe them off him before Sloane caught it. Sloane then opened the fridge and handed Fei a pre made bottle and she was delighted, she was an easy child to please. Sloane then scanned the kitchen to see that everyone was getting food in their stomach, and the school was 8 minutes away so they’d need to leave somewhat soon. “Okay everyone have a drink of water and head to the car.” She alerted that it was almost time to go, Luther slipped his shoes on and grabbed the car keys, heating up the car so it was nice and toasty whenever the kids sat down in from the icy weather.
Luther rubbed his hands together to ease the frost from nipping his fingertips and he ran back into the house to see them all congregated at the door ready to go. He took a moment to look at his babies all grown up and ready for school. “You all look so smart.” He got down to their level and tickled them a little, causing little giggles to ripple through the hallway, even Fei was giggling in her carrier seat. “Alright let’s get to the car!” Since Luther just vacuumed the car last night he didn’t particularly want ice to get on the carpeted floor, so he picked up his 2 eldest and held them in each arm carrying them to the toasty car. Sloane laughed as her husband had their 2 babies clinging on him like a couple of chimps, she gracefully carried baby Fei and strapped her into her baby booster.
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Luther and Sloane chatted to each other in the car as the kids looked out the window in anticipation at the thought of going into a classroom with all new kids and teachers. It was a little nerve wracking. It was convenient enough as Roddie’s pre school was right beside Lunas building, they could stick together and it’d make big school a little less scary. Luther parked in the lot and Roderick seemed a little upset, Luna just looked at her little brother and held his hand, “I’ll walk you to your class…” she assured him, she was a really good kid. Roderick got very happy when he knew that he wouldn’t be alone, and Sloane and Luther looked at their kids like they’ve done the best job in the world having them.
Luther got his kids out of the car and all 5 of them walked into the school, a few kids looked at them weird wondering why they treated school like a family day out, but Luther thought it was amazing how tight knitted they were, how they would each help ease Rodericks nerves about going back to school. Luna found her friend Stacey and they went hand in hand into their familiar classroom. Sloane kissed her cheek and waved her goodbye, and Luther and Roddie raced into the pre-school. Maybe going back to school wasn’t so bad after all.
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genieofthebooks · 2 years
How are you?
Would you write a story where Kent x Reader end up having a child?
Tired Young Parents
A/n: Sorry this request took so long. In this you and Kent still go to Nevermore but share a dorm. Readers abilities are not mentioned. You have a daughter called Cordelia (Delia and Coral for short, It means daughter of the sea) The photo's are just references to what you do nothing like what the reader looks like.
Pairing: Kent x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, children, Wednesday being Wednesday
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"Where is your child?" Was the first thing you heard when you slumped down on the picnic bench for lunch. Enid saw how tired you were and started to rub your back in comfort even though the soothing movement was making you more tired and you nearly fell asleep at the table. Waking up when Wednesday nudged you with the blunt end of her fork.
"With Kent, somewhere" you muttered into the table trying to keep yourself awake for later classes. Swatting away the fork Wednesday was poking into your side, contrsting with the feeling of Enid now patting your head.
"Speak of the devils" Divina spoke noticing her brother and her niece walk into the courtyard looking way more alive than you, who was falling asleep at the table.
When Kent finally reached the table Divina held her hands out in front of her and made grabby motions. "Now give me my favourite niece"
"She is your only niece" When his daughter was safely secured in his twin sister's arm he sat down next to you and gently pulled you into his arms noticing that you were asleep and your head slumped against his chest and you curled into him.
"Why is she so tired? I mean you look alive, you better be helping her dingus" Bianca asked reading to softly hit Kent on the head if he said something she did not like.
"Oh I help with Cordelia, but she has been trying to catch up on her school work, I offer to help her with that but she is stubborn as hell" The whole table nod in agreement with that statement.
"Why are you talking about me like I am not here?" You stirred and quietly muttered, finally sitting up for the first time you arrived your group of friends noticed the state of your exhaustion. Your eyes were slightly sunk into your eye sockets and had black under the eyes signifying lack of sleep. Your movements were slow as if it takes too much energy just to do that task. "Please can I have my daughter"
Divina passed Cordelia into your arms where you immediately brightened up and started to pull faces at her causing Cordelia to let out coos and a gummy smile at her parents and to grab onto Kent's hair as he was resting his chin on your shoulder and pulled on it. You thanked yourself for not being bothered to wash your hair so it was put up in a surprisingly neat bun and was out of the way from your unusually strong daughter. Kent unfortunately did not get that message.
The Table started to laugh at Kent's betrayed face at his daughter in which your small daughter started to get excited at all the laughter and started to clap her hands letging go of Kent's hair.
"Hey, Y/n, Kent, I could take Cordelia for a while and you guys could catch up on sleep" Xavier spoke up with a fond look on his face.
However, that look soon became one of shock as the whole table chourused "No"
Ajax poked Xavier's side trying to defend his other best friend and goddaughter. "Remember what happened last time?"
Sorry it is so short
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thesullengrrrl · 4 months
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We'll Meet Again - Chapter 4
Rosie and Elaine spend the day around Hammersmith.
A/N: Hi, hi, hello there. Here's the AO3 link of you prefer reading there! This chapter is a bit of a slice-of-life chapter so it can be a little longer than the previous chapters. Again, thank you for reading! On to the chapter!
Chapter 4: little corner of the world
Upon learning that her reservation did not push through in the art gallery she was intending to visit, Elaine made her way back to the hotel. Happy fucking birthday. She scanned every establishment she passed by, hoping to find a friendly-looking café where she could sit and take a breather. Few more fancy charity shops and various stores later, she found Hilly’s—a small café with outdoor seating. She sat at the table nearest to the sidewalk and read the menu. 
“What can I get you, miss?” a tall blond waiter in a navy apron asked her.
“Uh, a flat white, please.” 
He scribbled her order and left. She checked her watch and saw it was only 8:30 in the morning. Few more hours left before she sees him again. 
Her phone pinged and before she could even open the message, Bunny was already requesting for a video call. Rolling her eyes, she clicked the green button. Her friend appeared from the other side of a screen, on her bed and wrapped in a blanket. Elaine’s eyebrows furrowed with worry. 
“Bun, are you all right? It’s like three in the morning in New York now,” she said. 
Bunny cleared her throat. “Yeah, but I can’t sleep because I watched Scream.” 
“Why would you do that? You hate watching horror.” 
“I’m tired of being the only one who hasn’t seen it, so I did,” she explained. “So, what are your plans today?”
Elaine’s order arrived. “We’re gonna have lunch later.”
“Later?” Bunny asked. 
“Yeah, later,” she confirmed, sipping her flat white.
“Why not meet him now? You got nothing else going on.” 
“Well…we said lunch. What if he made plans too?” 
“I don’t think there’s much to do in Hammersmith before nine in the morning. That guy might already be awake and picking out clothes for later.” 
Elaine laughed at Bunny’s idea. “Come on, what if he went out?”
“Then go back to 2026,” Bunny sighed. “Lane, are you afraid of getting to know him?” 
“I’m afraid?” Elaine scoffed. “I’m meeting him for lunch!”
“When you could meet him right now! Honestly, Lane, come on, don’t be afraid to get to know the guy.”
“I’m not. If I am, then I wouldn’t be here in Hammersmith,” Elaine defended. “Also why would I be afraid?” 
“Hammersmith was a last minute decision. You were supposed to stay in Norfolk this entire trip,” Bunny reminded her. “That’s why you didn’t write to him, too, right?” 
It was true. In New York, she was decided. She was going to see him in Hammersmith. However, the moment she stepped foot in Norfolk, her stomach churned. Now what? Should she go? Would he like to see her? Without any notice of arriving? 
In the end, her desire to apologize and curiosity got the best of her and asked her dad to drive her.
“Okay, correction. I never sent anyone a letter from the present to the past, that’s why I never sent him a letter. I never dared, which in hindsight, was a rookie mistake,” Elaine clarified.
Bunny sighed, her face softening at her friend. “Lane. You seemed happy when you called me last night. Why not have it while you can?”
Elaine kept quiet for a second. She sipped her coffee, thinking about Bunny’s words. She could be happy this weekend. She could have fun and drink and just enjoy her life away from her phone or the pressures of work. 
In 1943, she’s just Elaine from New York. Alleged Robert Rosenthal’s girl. Not a time traveler.
Was she actually afraid of getting to know Rosie? To see what’s beneath the guy?
“Hey,” Bunny called out. “You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” she answered, putting her cup down. “I’m fine. I was just thinking about what you said. And I get it, weekend with a cute pilot? Who wouldn’t want that? It’s just that, I know how this ends, Bunny.”
“I know that, but isn’t it better to experience this again? Than never again? You never really time traveled intentionally until now, so why not enjoy it? Make this like your last hurrah or something,” Bunny encouraged. “I know you’ll know what to do this time.”
Elaine could only smile at her friend’s words. Knowing she was right (again), she simply nodded. “Okay. I’ll try to enjoy this weekend with him. Dance, laugh, whatever people did at that time.” 
Bunny smiled, finally sleepiness evident to it. “That's more like it. You already know what you’re going to do. You’re just afraid to admit it.”
“Again, with that advice!” Elaine complained.
“You’ll get it soon, Laney baby. Don’t forget to bring me something. Happy birthday!”
“I thought you would not remember!” 
“Why would I stay up until this time? Love you Laney!” 
“Love you too, Bunny. Thank you so much.”
The phone darkened and went back to her home screen. Bunny liked having these dramatic exits. When she finished her coffee, she asked for her bill and left a few notes. 
Minutes after, Elaine found herself lying in her present day bed. She watched the sun beams hit the table and the floors. It was a beautiful day, clear skies and everything looked alive–even the buildings and its pastel colors. Is the weather the same in his time? 
She looked at her watch and it said 10 in the morning. Is he still asleep? Is he awake? Did he have breakfast already?
The wardrobe is wide open. The clothes hanging in her rack seem to call to her, as if asking her to choose now and get herself in 1943. What is a good color to wear today? Remembering her green collared dress, she stood up to try it in front of the mirror.  
After trying her other dresses, she settled on the first dress and fetched her coat. She went inside the wardrobe and closed her eyes.
Taking a deep breath, she knocked at room 217. Few seconds later, Rosie opened the door. He was wearing a brown plaid housecoat over his pajamas and his unkempt curly hair all over. She smiled at how cozy and boyish he looked, away from his usual clean and poised demeanor.
“Elaine! What are you doing here?” Rosie questioned. 
“Is that Birdie?” a voice from inside yelled. 
“Bucky’s there?” Elaine asked. As if on cue, Bucky appeared behind Rosie, his aftershave strongly smelling from his face. 
“Birdie! You’re going out on a date with my boy later?” Bucky wondered. 
“Date? I’m not so sure—” Elaine answered, motioning her hand towards him.
“I haven’t really—” Rosie cut off, stammering out words.
Then they started talking over each other about the mechanics whether their upcoming lunch is a date or not. Rosie pointed things out to Elaine while she countered them, and vice versa. Bucky watched the two talk it out, amused by the pair’s confusion and reasoning. 
“You know what!” Elaine declared, making her voice louder. “It’s not a date. It's lunch. Okay?” 
“And why not?” Bucky challenged. “Don’t deflate my boy’s ego here, Birdie. He’s been trying to pick clothes for half an hour now.” 
“That’s not true!” Rosie denied. 
Elaine ignored their ribbing and spoke. 
“If we,” she started, motioning her hand to her and Rosie. “Declare that it is a date, then there will be pressure to impress each other. We’ll just shoot ourselves in the foot and then it won’t go well. So it’s just lunch. We decide at the end of the day, right, Rosie?” 
Rosie seemed satisfied with her answer. “Yeah, at the end of the day.” 
Bucky Egan passed through between them, the strong aftershave and perfume wafting from him. “Well, you two better let me know. Thanks for the razor, Rosie.” 
He winked at Rosie and went to the room next door. 
Rosie and Elaine looked at each other.
“So,” Rosie started. “Why are you here again?” 
“I had a ticket for this gallery but it got canceled. And now I’ve got the whole day,” she answered. “I was thinking…maybe let's have an early lunch? Go watch something?” 
“Are you…asking me on a date, Elaine Byrne?” 
A beat.
“We’ll decide at the end of the day.”
He placed his hand over his mouth, fighting a grin forming in his face. “You know what, just let me get myself fixed and then I’ll come for you.” 
“All right. Just slip a note if you can’t make it,” she teased. “Gotta report it to Major Egan, no?”
“He expects it.”
“Okay. See you later, Rosie.”
“I’ll be fast,” Rosie promised. She nodded.
He watched her open her door. Elaine absentmindedly gave him finger guns and when she realized it, he was beaming in amusement. Instead of feeling embarrassed, she just laughed at herself, finally entering her room. 
Maybe I could enjoy this weekend.
When Elaine heard the knocking, her heart started beating really fast. She knows it’s Rosie. She knew she was dressed decently enough to not be a sore thumb in a sea of actual people from the forties, and yet, she still found herself gazing at the mirror and nitpicking whatever she could in her face or dress. 
“Elaine? It’s me,” a voice announced from the other side of the door. She smoothed her dress, inhaled deeply, and went to the door. Opening it, she saw Rosie without his uniform—in a blue shirt tucked in a burgundy vest with a jacket over it and some blue pants. His hair is neatly combed and with less pomade. He looked…like a normal person. 
“Hey,” she greeted breathlessly. Hey?? 
“Hi, I thought you couldn’t make it,” Rosie smiled. 
“Gotta keep you on your toes, Rosenthal. Shall we?” 
They walked towards the elevator and entered inside. There’s an operator which pushed the button that said G. Moments later, it pinged and they were out of Brooke Green. The day was now slightly cloudy, yet no visible signs of pending rain. 
“Can I ask you something?” Rosie asked, turning to her.
“Yeah, sure.” 
“How long will you be in England?” 
“Until Monday. Why?” 
Rosie paused. Of course, they only have the weekend.
“Rosie?” she called. “Where are we going, by the way?” 
“Major Egan suggested a place called Hadley’s, which is a pie shop, I think. He says it’s homey, classic British,” Rosie answered. 
Few more blocks later, they reached a small shop painted bright yellow and had a wide grid window. Above the door, there was a rectangular sign with Hadley’s written in cursive. The inside was already full, but they were able to snag a table on the sidewalk. 
A middle-aged white haired woman came to their table. She handed the menu and brought out her pen and notepad. “What can I get you, darlings?” 
The two browsed the small selection of the menu. It consisted of classic British cuisines and Elaine is not familiar with some of them. 
“What do you recommend?” Elaine asked the lady. 
“Pie and mash, love,” she answered.
She smiled. “I’ll have that. How about you, Rosie?”
“I think…I’ll have the bangers and mash, please.” 
The lady quickly wrote down their orders. “Dessert? How about jam roly-poly?” 
Both of them did not know what it was, but the word jam is enough to convince Elaine. The lady took their menus and went back inside. 
“Do you know what a jam roly-poly is?” Rosie questioned when he was sure the lady was out of earshot. 
“No, but jam sounds nice. It’s probably some biscuits and jam. Or scones.” 
He nodded. While they wait, Elaine thought it would be a good idea to ask questions. 
“What do you write home?” she wondered. “I’m sure you can’t talk about your missions.” 
“I omit my missions, of course,” he answered. “I just tell my mother I’m fine.”
“Even when you aren’t?”
“Even when I’m not,” he confirmed. “I don’t want to worry her. Who knows, she might suddenly appear in the base and demand to see me while I’m in the air.” 
“Do you want me to worry your mother?” she joked.
Rosie chuckled. “No, please don’t. She’s had enough worry with my sister.” 
He felt a little self-conscious. He looked at Elaine. It has been a while since he went out with a girl since he was focused on his training, and no one in the base caught his attention. Is he boring? Should he say something? This is the first time they’re spending time with each other in broad daylight! 
“Here we go!” The white haired lady appeared with a tray of food. Their food arrived still smoking hot. Elaine wasn’t exactly sold with the combination of mashed potatoes and smashed peas, but the pie was perfectly golden brown and the smell made her stomach rumble. Rosie seemed pleased with his choice as well. 
“Do you have any plans after lunch?” he asked, slicing a piece of sausage.
“No, none really. Why?” 
“I thought maybe we should go watch a movie,” Rosie suggested.
What films would be shown today this year? She thought of Casablanca or maybe catching an early Hitchcock film. Seeing Psycho on its actual release date a few years back made her ecstatic. 
“Sure,” Elaine agreed. “What’s good these days?” 
“Not sure. I mostly watch movies from the base now. Whatever they send us, that’s what we watch.” 
“What do they screen? Recent films?
“Sometimes. Mostly it’s comedies, which I found out can be boring if you watch it a couple of times,” he answered, then popping a piece of sausage in his mouth. 
“How come?” 
“I guess I want a variety? Horror, drama…but then I get it if they send comedies only. The last thing they want men to feel is to think much of home,” he reasoned. 
“That makes sense.” 
Elaine took a few more bites of her pie and the jam roly poly was served on a plate. It looked like a pudding with red jam in it. She asked what jam it was, and the lady replied that it was strawberry.
“Have some,” she offered, pushing the plate towards him. He forked some and popped in his mouth. She liked how he could be unguarded when eating—she watched him enjoy the gravy-slathered sausages and potatoes and couldn’t hide his disdain towards his peas. Half of it was gone, probably to be polite.
Rosie asked for the bill. When the waitress handed it to him, she took out her wallet. When he noticed this, his eyebrows rose. 
“You know I’m paying, right?” Rosie told her.
“I know,” she acknowledged. “But I am going to leave a tip.” 
Rosie stared at her with curiosity. “All right…”
He pulled out his wallet and took a few notes and left it on the table. She motioned for the bill to be handed to her and gave a few notes and pennies. After that, they fetched their coats and went on their way. 
She noticed that they were walking so close to each other that their fingertips touched. She turned to him, curious on what he would do. His eyes were straight ahead, but she noticed his eyebrows furrowed for a moment. Amused, she shook her head and turned to the road. 
Elaine picked Casablanca when she noticed Rosie’s face upon mentioning how beautiful Ingrid Bergman was in the film. The man has the biggest crush on Ingrid Bergman, she thought when he smiled at the mention of her name. Who wouldn’t have a crush on her? 
They lined up for a short while and their film will start in five minutes. Elaine got themselves a bag of popcorn and two cups of soda. The lights turned down and the opening music to the film started. Elaine already watched this for quite a long time ago, so she turned to him to watch his face. His face looked calm, but when he turned to her, he smiled and motioned his head to the screen.
“With the world crumbling, we pick this time to fall in love.”
“That’s pretty bad timing.” 
Elaine found it jarring to watch a war-adjacent movie while being in the war. She can only imagine what these people could feel. A few sniffles were heard, and some men wrapping their arms on people beside them. 
When she turned to Rosie, he wiped his eye from the scene before him. 
“But what about us?” 
“We’ll always have Paris.” 
Elaine’s eyes started to form tears. Yes, she has seen this film before, but it doesn’t mean it won’t affect her. She leaned on Rosie, who himself was also getting emotional seeing Ilsa reason with Rick to come with her. He hesitantly placed his arm around her shoulder, rubbing her arm to comfort her.
“Is this okay?” he asked. 
“Yeah, you’re good.”
She looked up to him and he seemed to sense it and he gazed down at her. They stared at each other, ignoring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman for their own moment. Her watery eyes glistened against the light from the screen. 
They have each other, not in Paris, but in London.
Rosie was about to lean in to her when a man screamed, “Just get on the plane! Come on!”
“Shush!” a woman complained and it followed a chorus of same concerns.
The yelling made them snap out of their little reverie, and sat up properly. Rosie focused on the screen while Elaine cleared her throat. The people cheered when the plane flew away from Morocco, away from Rick Blaine, away from the Nazis.
When the lights went up, Elaine saw some women wipe their eyes with their hankies, while some men tried to be discreet about it. 
Rosie was one of those. 
They remained in their seats, waiting for all the people to leave so that they would not be crowded. 
“Did you like it?” Elaine questioned.
“It was all right,” Rosie replied, trying to be nonchalant. “They’re all great.” 
“‘All right’? You were sniffing,” she observed. “I won’t judge you. When I first saw it, I cried. Snot and all.” 
Rosie chuckled at the mental image. “You cried that hard?” 
She shrugged. “Movies make me emotional.” 
“They make me emotional, too,” he admitted. 
They passed by a curious photo booth near another establishment. She pulled his sleeve to stop him from walking further.
“I thought these were only a thing in America,” Elaine said, her hand running through the sign. “Do you want to?”
Rosie looked at what she was referring to. “Yeah, sure.” 
He took a few coins from his pocket and they entered the cramped sitting area. They sat beside each other and Elaine pulled the curtains to close. Rosie placed a coin in the slot. Moments later, the flash started lighting up. 
They both didn’t have the time to practice their poses and were surprised when the flash lit up. It stopped and the machine whirred lightly for the photo to print. 
“How long is it going to take?” Rosie asked. 
“A minute, I think.” 
True to its advertising, the photo came out after a minute. It came out as a framed photo of them completely candid. Rosie blinked, while it captured Elaine mid-speak. She passed the picture to him, who was also disappointed with the result.
“We should do two more,” Elaine said, jabbing her finger in the picture. “We’re so unprepared.”
“What the lady wants, lady gets,” Rosie said, smiling and pulling her back to the cramped sitting area. 
This time, they properly sat beside each other. 
“Now, we just smile,” she directed.  Rosie nodded. 
He placed the coin in the slot and the flash lit up again. After blinking for a few seconds to let their eyes recover, Rosie inserted another coin and waited for the blinding flash. 
The photos came out clear this time. The first one was them smiling towards the camera, which they were both pleased by. The second one was the two of them, looking at each other, like the first one they had at Minton’s. 
“So, which one are you going to take?” Rosie asked. Elaine picked the one where they’re looking at each other. He took the one she did not choose and pocketed it in his jacket. 
They continued walking, now aimless where to go but neither wanted to go back to the hotel yet.
“What’s your zodiac sign?” Elaine questioned. 
“Uh, huh,” Rosie started, his index finger and thumb on his face. “I’m not sure but I was born on June 11th…”
“You’re a Gemini?” 
“Yes!” Rosie confirmed. “That’s what my sister said. She loves reading those on the papers everyday…I think my mother scolded her once for that.” 
“Huh, a Gemini. Interesting…” Elaine trailed off.
“Why is that?”
Aside from the fact that most of the men I’m attracted to are Gemini? Nothing to see here, Robert! 
“Geminis are intelligent, witty, curious…” Elaine recited.
“That seems about right,” Rosie deadpanned. 
She lightly slapped his shoulder in amusement. “That’s conceited. You don’t believe in astrology, do you?” 
“Isn’t it obvious?” 
“Well. It’s fine. I just think that there’s something comforting about believing in it. Some things are just out of your control,” she shared. 
“What about you, what’s your zodiac sign?” he asked.
“I’m a Scorpio. November 6.” 
Rosie looked at her, then slowly realized today’s date. 
“It’s November 6 today.” 
“And you haven’t greeted me!” Elaine ribbed.
“What, I didn’t know!” he argued. “You should’ve told me, maybe we could buy you a gift or something.” 
Elaine laughed. “I’m joking! It’s okay, don’t worry. I will happily treasure our picture as a gift.” She then tapped the pocket of her coat where she kept it.
“How old are you, then?” he continued. 
“I’m twenty-eight,” she admitted. “How about you?” 
“I’m twenty-six,” he replied.
She groaned. “Seriously? God, that makes me feel old.” 
She remembered being blackout drunk on her 26th birthday, and this guy’s just bombing Nazis and leading men to battle. Greatest Generation, indeed.
“If it helps, you don’t look a day over twenty-five,” Rosie replied sincerely.
“Fuck off,” Elaine laughed. His eyebrows rose at her casually dropping an expletive. “Oh, god. You know, I used to think that getting older is nice. But now that I’m actually nearing thirty, it’s just terrifying.”
“Why is that?” 
“It’s terrifying aside from the biological clock, it’s because…I feel like I can’t afford to make mistakes anymore. If I have a coupon book of allowable mistakes, I’m probably on my last leaf,” Elaine explained, sighing. 
“But I also know that people make mistakes no matter how old they are. It’s confusing, knowing whether or not you should beat yourself up over a mistake. Or until when.”
Rosie only nodded, not knowing what to say. He wondered what mistakes she made.
“Sorry, that was depressing,” she apologized
“No need, it’s probably birthday blues,” he assured her. “Would you like a balloon?”
“If you can find a red one.” 
“All right.”
Little did he know, his eyebrows were furrowed. Elaine saw this and placed the tip of her index finger to ease them. “Men could get wrinkles too, you know.” 
Rosie relaxed and she removed her finger. 
They fell into silence. Only the sounds of children enjoying themselves and distant passing of cars remained. Elaine promised Bunny she would enjoy this weekend. With him sitting beside her, the clear skies, the gentle breeze in her face…it’s her good omens.
Rosie cleared his throat. “Major Egan and I will be heading to the Palais later. Do you want to come with us?” 
Elained turned to him, nodding. “Should I meet you there or you’ll just knock?” 
“We’ll come get you,” he answered her. “Is seven okay?” 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
At exactly seven p.m, two knocks filled the air. Elaine opened up the door and saw two American officers standing before her. Bucky and Rosie looked dapper and fresh with their crisp dress uniforms and styled hair. The image of two army officers ironing frantically made her grin.
“My, my!” Elaine exclaimed in her best transatlantic accent. “Two officers, for little ol’ me?”
“Yes ma’am,” Bucky replied, tipping his hat. Rosie’s eyes are only at her, admiring her in her new red dress. It was cut low and made him a bit anxious about men who might ogle her. She had a gold necklace with a pearl pendant and small pearl earrings.
“Shall we, boys?” 
An elderly woman in the hallway shushed them. Bucky caught her glare and he winked at her. Meanwhile, Elaine and Rosie waved at her. Before the elevator doors closed, she leaned towards the opening to see the old woman. 
“Have a great night, you beautiful lady!” she screamed, winking at her. The two men had to pull her back before the doors caught her hair.
“Are you drunk already?” Bucky questioned. 
“I wish. You know one day, there will be songs written about how we only have tonight,” Elaine shared. “Tons of it. We don’t have enough of that right now.”
The two men only turned to each other both in confusion and amusement.
“It’s her birthday,” Rosie whispered. 
“Ah,” Bucky nodded in understanding.
When they arrived at the Palais, Bucky was able to easily snag seats for them, thanks to his newfound friendship with the bartender Rick. He ordered a round of drinks and some bowls of peanuts to snack on. 
After a few shots among themselves, Bucky stood up and extended his hand to Elaine. 
“Already?” she asked. 
“I’m gonna borrow the birthday Birdie, Rosie,” Bucky explained. “Gotta show the ladies how I move.”
“Won’t it scare the ladies more?” Elaine teased. 
Rosie was surprised with this, but she immediately leaned to him and whispered, “All the slow songs are only for you.” That promise was enough to convince him. 
He nodded at them and the two took off the dance floor. 
Bucky and Elaine hit off the dance floor and two jauntt dances later, they came back to their booth, sweaty and thirsty. Elaine took a hanky and dabbed her face and neck with it, while Bucky took a shot. She excused herself to go to the ladies room. 
“You like her, huh?” Bucky observed. 
“Yeah, she’s…nice,” Rosie replied, feeling a little embarrassed to talk about his date with his officer. 
“You do know we’re only here until tomorrow night, right?” he reminded him. “Don’t get too attached. You might never see her again.”
“Yes sir,” Rosie whispered.
Bucky drank from his glass. “Weekends are for dalliances like that. We still have to go back, you know.” 
Probably for you, Rosie thought to himself. “Are you speaking from experience, sir?” 
The two watched Elaine walk back to their table. 
“What did I miss?” 
“I’m gonna go back out there and I now hand Birdie to you, Rosie. I know you’ve been wanting to dance with her since lunch,” Bucky teased and walked back to the dance floor. 
“That’s not true,” Rosie denied. 
“No need to be shy, Rosie,” Elaine patted his shoulder. “I’ve spilled my guts in the park, so no big deal. Shall we?” 
Like the first time they met, she led him towards the dance floor and squeezed through couples until they found a decent enough spot for them. 
Rosie slid his arm on her back and Elaine intertwined her fingers with his. Then they started swaying along to the music. 
“I think Bucky likes dancing with you,” Rosie commented. 
“Good job, Sherlock,” she teased. “Anyway, I prefer dancing with you…twinkle toes.”
His eyes widened. “How did you—” 
“I have my ways,” she winked.
“Why does Major Egan keep calling you Birdie? I feel a little left out,” Rosie asked. 
“Aww, don’t be,” she assured him. “When I introduced myself, he heard it as Byrd, not Byrne. Then he just came up with Birdie.” 
Rosie nodded. He wondered if he could come up with any nickname for her, since Bucky’s nickname for her is witty and personal enough. 
“I don’t think I’ve greeted you,” he observed. “Have I?” 
She shook her head. 
“Happy birthday,” Rosie said, smiling. “How's twenty-eight so far?”
Elaine looked sideways, acting like a child thinking. 
“Hmmmmm. I don’t feel anything yet. Maybe later.” 
We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when…
The familiar line from a sultry female voice made Rosie and Elaine turn to each other. It was a very different version from what they heard in New York, which was sung by a male singer. This version felt more heartfelt, sincere, and apt for the two. 
“I think I like this one better,” Elaine told him. He nodded in agreement. Rosie watched her watch the lady singing, who was wearing a sparkling black evening dress, complementing the Palais’ atmosphere. 
She sensed him looking at her, so she turned to him. “What is it?” 
“Can I..?” Rosie whispered, his eyes lowering his gaze to her lips then back to her eyes.
Oh boy.
Elaine’s eyes widened at him. For a moment, she debated if this was the right thing to do. But with the music and his blue eyes seemed like the only good things left in the world…why would she say no? 
She nodded, letting go of any control. 
And in the middle of the dance floor, while the band plays their song, he leaned in ever so slowly until his lips captured hers. The sensation of his mustache was something new to her, but she did not mind. They held the position for a few seconds until he pulled back. His lips still parted open, while she beamed at him. 
Elaine rested her head at the crook of his neck and they continued to sway to the music. She couldn’t think of anything else other than this place—smoky, under the lights, him in her arms, his hand at the small of her back…when was the last time she had something like this? 
Rosie rested his cheek on the side of her face that he could reach. At this moment, no war could reach them. He’s not a pilot. There’s no Major Egan telling him not to get attached. As long as their song plays, he’s just a twenty-six year old man in a foreign land, dancing with a woman whose worn out note resides in his cap. 
But I know we’ll meet again, some sunny day…
It was midnight.
The jazz band and the people around them are still going. Bucky is still dancing with a platinum blonde. Elaine and Rosie watched him from the sidelines, leaning her head against his shoulder. 
“Are you tired?” Rosie asked.
“A bit. This is what twenty-eight feels like. Tired by midnight.”
He chuckled. “Do you want to go back?”
She nodded. 
The two stood up and squeezed on the dance floor to say goodbye to Bucky. 
“Thank you and good night, love birds! Happy birthday, Birdie!” Bucky screamed. 
Rosie led Elaine out of the crowd until they reached the exit. The cold air blasted to them, a welcome change from the stuffy air of the dance hall. He took her hand and they walked towards Brooke Green. 
“I thought my feet were going to fall off,” Elaine commented.
“You danced with me and Bucky, and I thought he wasn’t going to let you go,” Rosie replied. “He enjoys dancing with you.” 
“He’s a good partner,” she added. 
Rosie suddenly slid his arm at the small of her waist and dipped her. “Is that so?” 
“I was being objective!” Elaine defended.
“So he’s a better dancer than I am?”
He lowered her even more. “Really?” 
“Robert, get me back up!”
“Who’s the better dancer first?” he continued.
“Fine! You!” she surrendered, giggling. “Idiot.”
He lifted her back again and leaned down to press his lips against hers. Elaine wrapped her arms around his shoulders, deepening the kiss. When they parted, her gaze went to his slightly swollen lips. She kissed it lightly and looped her arm around his. 
“Let’s go home.” 
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