#Building Gondola
suspensionplatform · 2 years
Temporary Suspended Platform
The Safety Measures for Using a Building Gondola
The construction gondola or the building gondola is a new kind of high-altitude work equipment that can easily replace conventional scaffolding, improve work efficiency and reduce labor intensity. It’s a movable platform that is driven by a motor and suspended along a building’s vertical surface by steel wire ropes, connected with a suspension mechanism placed at the top of the building.
The features of a gondola allow higher construction, strong construction adaptability, easy erection, high construction efficiency, and the need for less manual labor.
Gondola is an efficient and easy-to-use solution that is widely used for the installation of windows, and billboards, decoration of bridges, painting, and plastering jobs, external renovation, window cleaning, etc. It can also be reused for different purposes. Because of the large size and flexible dimensions that a gondola comes with, workers are more confident working on it.
Before working on such a platform, it’s important to remember a few things.
What should be done?
The fully loaded platform should be tested by raising it a few feet off the ground. Before each shift and before erecting, all equipment must be inspected. For each worker, appropriate fall arrest systems must be used. The toe boards and guard rails should be in place. The platform should be secured when not in use. The power source should be secured and properly grounded. The hand tools should be properly secured to the platform. The attachments and roof beams of the electrically-operated temporary suspended platform must be secured. Contact should be prevented between grinding or welding equipment and suspension ropes or wires. It should be made sure that all brakes, override switches, stops, and safety equipment work properly. The ropes should be secured at anchor ends. Signs of damaged or kinked ropes should be checked.
What shouldn’t be done?
• Unless each and everyone working on it is protected by a quality fall arrest system, the work platform shouldn’t be moved. • For lowering or raising the materials or tools, the fall arrest systems shouldn’t be used. • The components of the platform shouldn’t be removed, substituted, or altered. • Unless they are designed for this purpose, the platforms shouldn’t be joined. • The platform load capacity shouldn’t be exceeded ever. Are you looking for a quality, affordable temporary gondola for a major high-rise project? Get in touch with a renowned China-based construction equipment supplier and solution provider today!
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illustratus · 11 months
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Venice, A Canal in the Moonlight by Ludwig Mecklenburg
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life-spire · 2 years
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Venice, Italy (by Federico Bottos)
See more of Venice | Italy | Europe.
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run2thesky · 1 year
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I'm already too big brained for this game.
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cahierenblanc · 3 months
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Gondola (2024)
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terengineer · 3 months
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New chick the link video!
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prattlinpeach · 4 months
Indian Motorcycle, New York New York, Yum, Freemont Street, and the Strip!
Was that enough? Well…there is one thing I left out, but I will tell you about that in another post, promise! Let’s start with Saturday morning first thing. We got up, no alarm, thank you very much! Headed downstairs to grab some food, ran into Uncle A, Auntie L was still asleep, he had already had breakfast, but stayed and sat with us while we had breakfast. We chatted, caught up, it was a lot…
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helene-brennan · 1 year
– I feel I am probably one of the last people I know to visit Venice. I read many years ago that Venice was in a sad state of decay, and I knew I would have to get there before it disappeared. Thankfully, its demise is not as rapid as I thought from reading that item. I’m happy to say that I finally did go there for a few days recently. My intention here was to capture this amazing place with…
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littlelamy · 1 month
drew x younger!reader; date night in Venice
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as the sun sets on the canals of venice, the evening breeze carries a soft warmth, brushing against your skin. drew had just finished the last of his commitments for the film festival, and now, the night was yours. he emerges from the bathroom, freshly showered, wearing a sleek black shirt that fits him perfectly, the top two buttons undone, teasing you with a glimpse of his toned chest.
“ready for our night?” drew asks with that irresistible smirk, eyes glinting with excitement. his hand reaches out for you, pulling you into a slow, intimate kiss. the scent of his cologne lingers as he whispers, "i’ve been looking forward to this."
the two of you step out onto the streets of venice, the lights reflecting off the water making everything glow in a dreamy, golden hue. drew insists on taking a gondola ride, guiding you into the boat with his hand on your lower back, sending a wave of warmth through you.
as the gondola glides through the canals, drew pulls you closer, his arm draped lazily around your shoulders. you lean into him, the soft hum of the gondolier in the background as drew tilts your chin up to meet his gaze. his thumb brushes against your lip, and he gives you that boyish grin before leaning in for another kiss, deeper this time, his hand finding its way to your ass.
“you look beautiful tonight,” he murmurs, his voice low and husky. his fingers trace lazy circles on your thigh as you sit beside him, completely captivated by his presence. “i don’t think I’ve ever wanted you more.”
you finally make your way to a quiet, hidden restaurant, the dim candlelight casting a golden glow on his face. throughout dinner, his gaze never leaves you, filled with a mix of adoration and desire. every touch, every smile, every stolen kiss heightens the electricity between you two.
by the time dessert is over, you can feel the anticipation building. drew takes your hand, his thumb brushing gently over your knuckles as he whispers, “let’s get out of here, princess.”
back at your hotel, the door barely closes before drew pulls you against him, his lips finding yours in a heated kiss, his hands wandering down your sides as he pushes you back onto the bed. the night, filled with passion and desire, is everything you had both been waiting for.
and just before you drift off to sleep, tangled in each other, drew pulls you closer, his lips brushing against your forehead as he whispers, "i love you."
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won4kiss · 1 month
── ❝ ꒰ 𝐼’𝑀 𝐼𝑁 𝐿𝒪𝑉𝐸 𝑊𝐼𝑇𝐻 𝒜 𝒞𝑅𝐼𝑀𝐼𝑁𝒜𝐿 .ᐟㅤ ៸៸﹙ 박성훈 ﹚ ᶻ𐰁
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𝓢𝙐𝙈𝙈𝘼𝙍𝙔﹕in the glamorous world of italian high society, you, a detective, are on the trail of sunghoon—a charismatic art thief who targets the morally corrupt. as you close in on him, the line between duty and desire blurs, leading to a series of encounters filled with tension and unexpected twists. amidst a glittering art party and a shocking betrayal, you must confront your own emotions and decide between justice and an irresistible connection with sunghoon. with danger and passion entwined, the stakes couldn’t be higher.
୨୧ 𝓖𝙀𝙉𝙍𝙀﹕forbidden romance au, in love with a criminal trope!! strangers to lovers, romance, slight angst, fluff, oneshot.
୨୧ 𝓟𝘼𝙄𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂﹕criminal!sunghoon x detective! reader, platonic best friend! jisung (nct jisung god i love him!!) LIBRARY . . .
୨୧ 𝓦𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙎﹕angst (happy ending dw!!), character death, blood, weapons, gun mentioned, slightly suggestive? (barely..), swearing, kissing, obviously robbery and illegal things!! + not proofread & y/n being a shit detective…
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𝓟𝗟𝗔𝗬𝗟i𝗦𝗧 ﹕venice bitch, lana del rey! chemtrails over the country club, lana del rey! white mustang, lana del rey! lust for life, lana del rey! kiss it better, rihanna! heartbeat, childish gambino! marjorie, taylor swift! labyrinth, taylor swift! my tears ricochet, taylor swift! how to disappear, lana del rey!
﹙ ℒ ﹚── the playlist was mostly lana.. neways THIS IS MY THANK U FOR 1K FIC AAA, its almost been a week but i wanted to make the perfect post for u guysss<3 enhablr is full of some of the nicest most amazing cutest ppl i’ve ever met and a superrrrr big thank u to my moots ily guys sm :( thank u thank u thank u﹗ ❞ ⸝⸝
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VENICE THRIVES IN THE IN-BETWEENS—IN THE SPACES BETWEEN LIGHT AND DARK, in between the past and present, in between beauty and decay.
it’s in these in-betweens that you find yourself as you walk the narrow streets, your footsteps echoing off the stone walls.
you're a detective, dedicated and relentless, known for your sharp instincts and unwavering determination to society— but for the past few months, one case has consumed you—one man who continually slips through your fingers.
park sunghoon.
his name alone is enough to make your blood boil.
sunghoon lives in the shadows of the city, a ghost who appears only to vanish again.
he’s a thief, a murderer, but also something more—a man who has captivated you in ways you’re reluctant to admit.
he’s a contradiction, an enigma, a man who does terrible things but for reasons that are almost noble— almost.
your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of water lapping against the side of a gondola.
you pause, looking out over the canal, your breath misting in the cool night air.
you have to find him. you have to stop him.
but there’s something else, something deeper, that drives you—and that’s what you fear will be the end of you.
the first time you encountered sunghoon, it was supposed to be a typical routine raid.
the intel had come in just hours before—an illegal auction was taking place at a high-end gallery hidden in the heart of venice.
rare paintings, priceless artifacts, things that should have been in museums, were being sold to the highest bidder.
and at the center of it all, the man you had been hunting: park sunghoon.
you arrived at the gallery with your team, your heart pounding with anticipation.
you had studied every detail of the building, memorized every possible escape route.
this time, you were going to catch him—you were sure of it.
but when you stepped inside, you realized that park sunghoon was always one step ahead.
the auction was over, the gallery nearly empty, except for a few lingering figures in the shadows.
and then you saw him—a tall, lean figure dressed in black, standing before a painting that had just been sold for an obscene amount of money.
for a moment, you were frozen in place— you had seen pictures of him, of course, but seeing him in person was different.
he was... striking, with sharp features and an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance.
but what caught you off guard the most were his eyes—dark, intense, and filled with something you couldn’t name.
“ah and you’re.. detective y/n, i presume?”sunghoon’s voice is smooth, almost playful, as he turns to face you.
“i’ve heard so much about you.”
you snap out of your daze, your hand quickly moving to the gun at your side.
“you’re under arrest, park sunghoon. don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”
he chuckles softly, a sound that sends a shiver down your spine. “oh, but where’s the fun in that?”
before you can react, sunghoon moves, faster than ever, slipping through the shadows as if he were a ghost— never even there.
you curse under your breath as you chase after him, your heart pounding with adrenaline.
you can hear his footsteps echoing in the empty hallways, always just out of reach.
he leads you on a chase through the gallery, up staircases and through darkened corridors—until you reach the rooftop.
the moonlight had an eerie glow over the city as you finally cornered him, your gun trained on his chest.
“it’s over, sunghoon,” you say, breathless but determined.
but instead of surrendering, sunghoon just smiles—a small, almost amused smile.
“sorry pretty—not quite.”
with a swift movement, he disarms you, the gun falling to the ground with a clatter.
you barely have time to register what has happened before sunghoon is gone, disappearing into the night like he had never been there.
as you stand there, alone on the rooftop, you realize two things: sunghoon is unlike any criminal you’ve ever faced, and you’re in deep, deep trouble.
the second time you cross paths with sunghoon, it’s at a private villa along the canals.
the villa belongs to an infamous art collector, a man with a taste for the illicit.
word has gotten out that sunghoon is planning to steal a painting that has been missing for centuries, a masterpiece worth more than most people would see in a lifetime.
you’ve been waiting for him, hidden among the shadows as you watch the party unfold.
the guests are wealthy, powerful, the kind of people who think they’re untouchable.
but tonight, you’re not interested in them.
you’re interested in the man who is about to absolutely ruin their night.
you spot him just as he’s making his move—dressed in a black suit, he blends in perfectly with the other guests, but you knew better.
you can feel his presence, like a predator stalking its prey.
you wait until he’s just about to grab the painting before making your move.
“going somewhere?” you ask, stepping out of the shadows, your gun aimed at his back.
sunghoon doesn’t even flinch. he turns to face you, his expression calm, almost bored.
“you again? i must say, detective y/n, you’re persistent.”
“and you’re under arrest,” you reply, your voice steady.
“hands up. now.”
he raises his hands, but there’s a glint in his eyes that makes your stomach twist.
“you know, you’re much prettier in person,” he says, his tone teasing.
you grit your teeth. “this isn’t a game, sunghoon.”
“isn’t it?” he replies, taking a step closer.
“you chase me, i run. it’s all part of the fun, isn’t it?”
“fun?” you can hardly believe what you’re hearing.
“you’ve stolen millions of dollars, you’ve killed people, and you think this is fun?”
he’s right in front of you now, so close you can feel the warmth of his breath against your skin.
“only the ones who deserve it,” he whispers, his voice low and dangerous.
“and trust me, detective, they all deserved it— and i think you know that.”
your grip on your gun tightens, but before you can react, sunghoon moves, faster than you can follow.
in an instant, he has disarmed you, his hand closing around your wrist as he twists your arm behind your back.
you struggle, but he’s stronger, his grip like iron.
“you really need to work on your technique,” he murmurs in your ear, his voice sending a shiver down your spine.
“you’re good, but not good enough.”
with that, he releases you, stepping back with a smirk.
“until next time, detective y/n.”
and just like that, he’s gone, leaving you standing in the empty room, your heart pounding with a mix of frustration and something else you don’t want to name.
a few weeks later— you’re yet again attending another event.
by the time you find yourself at the gala, you’re more determined than ever to catch sunghoon.
you’ve been tracking him for months at this point, chasing him through the streets of venice, but he always manages to slip away, but this time, you’re ready.
this time, you won’t let him escape.
the gala is a grand affair, held in one of venice’s most luxurious palazzos.
the guests are the crème de la crème of society, dressed in their finest clothes, sipping champagne as they admire the beautiful pieces of art on display.
you’re there undercover, wearing an elegant red dress that clings to your curves, your hair styled in loose curls that cascade down your back.
you feel out of place among the wealthy elite, but you don’t let it show.
you’re focused, your eyes scanning the room for any sign of park sunghoon.
you know he’ll be there—he can’t resist a good heist, especially when there’s a painting as valuable as the one on display tonight.
it doesn’t take long for you to spot him—he’s standing by the bar, dressed in a perfectly tailored suit, looking every bit the part of a wealthy art connoisseur.
but you know better. you know what he really is.
taking a deep breath, you make your way over to him, your heart pounding with anticipation.
this is it. this is your chance.
“care for a drink?” sunghoon asks as you approach, his voice smooth as silk.
you resist the urge to roll your eyes. “you know why i’m here, sunghoon.”
he raises an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his lips. “do i?”
“yes,” you reply, your voice firm.
“and i’m not letting you get away this time.”
sunghoon chuckles softly, shaking his head slightly.
“you’re always so serious, detective. i mean— seriously—you should relax more.”
his words are casual, but there’s something in his tone that makes your heart skip a beat.
he’s toying with you, like a cat with a mouse.
you try to ignore the way your pulse quickens, the way his proximity affects you.
“this ends tonight,” you say, your voice steady despite the inner turmoil inside you.
“i’m bringing you in.”
“is that so?” he murmurs, leaning closer until you can feel the heat of his breath against your cheek.
“and how exactly do you plan to do that?”
your breath catches in your throat, your resolve wavering for a split second.
but you can’t afford to let your guard down—not now— you felt it, you were so close.
you reach for the gun hidden beneath your dress, but once again— sunghoon is faster.
he grabs your wrist, pulling you against him, his grip firm but not painful.
“you really should know better by now,” he whispers, his lips brushing against your ear.
“you can’t catch me, angel.”
you struggle to pull away, but he holds you close, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that makes your heart race.
for a moment, you’re caught in his gaze, unable to look away.
there’s something there, something dark and dangerous, but also something that draws you in, makes you want to know more— makes you want to find out.
but you can’t afford to let yourself get distracted, not now. you wrench your arm free, taking a step back, your gun trained on him once more.
“don’t move,” you warn, your voice trembling slightly despite your best efforts to keep it steady.
but sunghoon just smiles, that infuriatingly smug smile that makes you want to wipe it off his face.
“you won’t shoot me,” he says confidently.
“and what makes you so sure of that?” you demand, narrowing your eyes at him.
“because you’re a good person,” he replies simply.
“and good people don’t shoot unarmed men.”
you hate that he’s right, hate that he knows you so well.
but more than that, you hate the way your heart flutters when he looks at you like that, as if he knows every thought running through your head.
before you can respond, sunghoon takes advantage of your hesitation, disarming you with a slick motion.
the gun clatters to the floor, and you find yourself pinned against the wall, his body pressed against yours.
“let me go,” you demand, but your voice lacks conviction.
his presence overwhelms you, his scent, his heat, everything about him consuming your senses.
he leans in closer, his lips just inches from yours. “you don’t really want that, do you?” he murmurs, his voice low and the most serious it had been the entire night.
your breath hitches, your resolve once again crumbling under his intense gaze.
you should resist, should push him away, but instead, you find yourself leaning in, your lips brushing against his in a moment of weakness.
it’s a kiss filled with all the pent-up frustration, the unspoken tension that has been building between you since the moment you first met.
it’s wrong, so wrong, but it feels so right, and for a moment, you let yourself get lost in it, forgetting everything else.
but then— reality comes crashing back, and you pull away, your heart pounding with a mix of fear and desire.
“this- this doesn’t change anything,” you whisper, your voice shaky.
sunghoon’s eyes darken, his expression unreadable.
“doesn’t it through?” he asks tilting his head, almost taunting you.
before you can respond, he steps back, releasing you from his grip gently.
“until next time, detective,” he says, his tone both teasing and sincere.
and then he’s gone, disappearing into the crowd before you can even process what just happened.
you stand there, breathless and confused, your mind racing with conflicting emotions.
you should be furious, should be focused on catching him, but all you can think about is the way his lips felt against yours.
the final confrontation comes on a misty night by sile river.
you’ve tracked sunghoon to this place, a place he visited quite often—secluded spot away from the prying eyes of the public.
the river flows quietly, the water reflecting the lights of the city in the distance.
it’s a beautiful, peaceful sight, but the tension in the air could be cut with a knife.
you spot him standing by the water’s edge, his back to you— for a moment, you hesitate, your heart pounding in your chest.
this is it. the moment you’ve been waiting for.
but as you approach, something in you shifts—you can’t deny the feelings that have been growing inside you, the connection you’ve felt with him despite everything, despite all your differences.
“sunghoon,” you call out, your voice carrying over the sound of the water.
he turns to face you, his expression unreadable.
“y/n,” he greets you, his tone surprisingly soft.
you take a deep breath, bracing yourself for what’s to come. “this.. has to end.”
sunghoon nods slowly, his gaze never leaving yours. “i know, y/n.”
you swallow hard, your emotions warring inside you— the way he whispered your name.
“i can’t keep doing this. i can’t keep chasing you, knowing that… knowing that i…”
“that you what?” he prompts gently, taking a step closer.
you close your eyes, the words catching in your throat.
“that i.. that i care about you,” you finally admit, your voice barely above a whisper.
sunghoon’s expression softens, and he closes the distance between you, his hand reaching out to cup your cheek.
“i don’t like it— trust me, but i care about you too,” he confesses, his voice full of sincerity.
your heart aches with the truth of it, with the impossible situation you found yourselves in.
“but you’re a criminal,” you say, your voice trembling in hurt.
“i’m supposed to catch you, to stop you.”
he nods, his thumb gently brushing over your skin. “i know. and you will. but not tonight, okay?”
you shake your head, tears stinging your eyes.
“i don’t want to hurt you.”
“you won’t,” he assures you, his voice steady.
“but i can’t stop what i’m doing—i can’t let the people i care about— the city suffer at the hands of monsters.”
“i know,” you whisper, your heart breaking for him, for both of you.
“but i can’t keep pretending that this is just a game, that it doesn’t matter.”
“it matters,” he says softly, his eyes filled with emotion.
“it matters more than anything.”
before you can say anything else, he pulls you into his arms, his lips finding yours in a kiss that is both desperate and soft.
you kiss him back, pouring all your conflicted feelings into the embrace, knowing that this may possibly be the last time.
when you finally pull away, you rest your forehead against his, your breath mixing with his.
“what happens now?”
sunghoon sighs, his hand still cradling your face.
“i don’t know. but i do know that i can’t stay away from you. not anymore.”
you close your eyes, letting the weight of his words sink in.
you know that this is far from over, that the road ahead will be difficult and uncertain.
but in this moment with him, with him holding you close, you can’t bring yourself to care about what is eventually coming to take place.
it had been weeks since that night by the sile river, the night when sunghoon had held you close, confessed the unspoken feelings, and kissed you with a desperation that left you breathless.
since then, you’ve been wrestling with the conflicting emotions inside of you, caught between your duty as a detective and the growing affection you feel for sunghoon.
you’re in a dimly lit warehouse, pacing back and forth—the shadows dance around you, lit by the single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.
your thoughts are consumed by sunghoon, the way he looked at you, the way he made you feel.
it’s a constant tug-of-war between your professional responsibilities and your personal feelings.
jisung, your best friend and partner, is hunched over a stack of files on a table.
“you alright, y/n?” he asks, his voice breaking through your pacing thoughts.
you nod, forcing a smile. “yeah, just thinking. we’re close to getting sunghoon this time. i can feel it.”
jisung raises an eyebrow, a hint of concern in his eyes.
“you sure you’re up for this? you’ve seemed... distracted lately— no one would blame you.”
you bite your lip, unsure how to explain the conflict rising inside you.
“i’m fine ji... just focused.”
but you know the truth, every encounter with sunghoon, every conversation with him, has only deepened your feelings— and it’s making your job increasingly difficult.
the art party is in full swing. it’s an extravagant affair, filled with the elite of italy’s society.
elegant gowns and tuxedos move gracefully through the luxurious venue, their laughter mingling with the clinking of champagne filled glasses.
the centerpiece of the evening is a rare painting, the very piece sunghoon has been eyeing for years.
you and jisung are undercover, dressed to blend in with the crowd.
you’re wearing a stunning white dress that feels both empowering and confining.
it’s hard to focus on anything other than sunghoon and the swirling emotions inside you.
you spot sunghoon across the room, and your heart stops— his dark suit and confident demeanor making him stand out even among the wealthy guests.
he’s conversing with a group of influential individuals, but you can’t shake the feeling that he’s aware of your presence.
his gaze occasionally flickers toward you, sending shivers down your spine.
jisung nudges you, breaking your concentration. “keep it together, y/n. remember the plan.”
you nod, trying to refocus. “right.. we wait for him to make a move.”
but sunghoon isn’t making it easy—he’s playful, almost taunting you with his confident demeanor.
his eyes lock onto yours from across the room, a smirk playing at his lips.
the way he looks at you makes your heart race and your resolve waver, he knows he’s getting to you.
you glance at jisung, who’s preoccupied with monitoring the guests.
the party goes on, the noise and glamour creating a number of distractions.
you can feel the tension building, the stakes high— you know that tonight is crucial.
the night carries on as planned— and just as you think you’ve cornered him, all exits blocked and all streets surrounding the venue closed, a sudden commotion erupts.
you hear gunshots—your heart leaps into your chest.
panic flows all around you, and you see jisung— your best friend fall to the ground, a look of shock and pain on his face.
your breath catches as you rush to jisung’s side, desperately trying to stop the bleeding— the blood staining your dress a bright red, a sight out of a horror movie for most people.
“jisung! ji.. stay with me!” you shout, tears clouding your view but his eyes undeniably are already growing dim.
a criminal, someone you don’t recognize but who clearly knows the world you’re dealing with, slips through the chaos— running towards the exit.
you’re too late to catch him, your focus is entirely on jisung, but as you look around, you see the grim reality—your team is more concerned with capturing sunghoon than with jisung’s life.
with jisung’s final breath, he manages a faint, painful smile as his fingers laced with yours grow faint.
“i’m- i’m sorry, y/n. i’m sorry...”
tears blur your vision as you hold him in your arms, your heart breaking into pieces.
you scream for help, but the response from your team is cold and detached.
they tell you they can’t redirect resources to find the man who did this because they need to focus on capturing sunghoon.
“you can’t be serious,” you say, your voice breaking with disbelief.
“jisung is dead, and you don’t care?”
“detective y/n!— remember the main priority at point!”
the team’s response is a dismissive shrug, their focus entirely on the bigger picture.
anger and sorrow floods through you— you storm out, leaving behind the cold, indifferent faces of those you once considered allies.
you arrive at the sile river, why? you really don’t know— maybe you were there because you were in need of comfort, of sunghoon.
all you could do was hope he would come find you.
your white— now red dress was an eerie contrast against the dark night.
the river’s surface reflects the dim city lights, but it offers little comfort.
you collapse onto the grass, sobbing uncontrollably.
the weight of jisung’s death and the betrayal of your team bear down on you, crushing your spirit— crushing everything you’ve ever believed.
as you weep, a figure approaches— you look up, your tear-streaked face illuminated by the faint light.
it’s sunghoon, his eyes are filled with a mix of sadness and something deeper—something that mirrors your own turmoil.
“you’re here,” you say, your voice trembling.
you pull out your gun, but your hands are shaking too much to hold it steady.
sunghoon watches you with a sad, resigned smile.
“if you really want to do it, i’m not stopping you,” he says softly.
you felt your heart break at his words—your resolve shatters. the gun falls from your hands, landing with a soft thud on the grass.
you collapse into a heap, your sobs shaking your entire body.
sunghoon sits beside you, his presence both comforting and agonizing.
he wraps his arms around you, holding you close. “it’s okay,” he murmurs.
“i’m here y/n, i’m not leaving.”
as you let yourself be comforted by him, the feelings you’ve been fighting against surge forward.
you realize that despite everything, you’ve never felt more connected to anyone.
his touch was soothing, his warmth comforting presence to your broken heart.
after a while, you pull away slightly, meeting his gaze.
“i.. sunghoon- i don’t know what to do anymore. i know what we have is wrong, but it feels so right.”
sunghoon’s expression softens, his eyes filled with understanding.
“i know. but it doesn’t have to be wrong. it doesn’t have to end like this.”
you lean in, and he meets you halfway—the kiss is both tender and desperate, a mix of all the feelings you’ve been trying to suppress.
it’s a kiss filled with promise and hope, even in the face of overwhelming uncertainty.
as you pull away, you rest your forehead against his, your breath mixing with his.
“what now?” you ask, your voice a whisper.
sunghoon sighs, his hand still cradling your face. “we’ll figure it out. together.”
in that moment, you feel a glimmer of peace amidst the chaos.
the future is uncertain, and the road ahead is filled with challenges.
but for now, with sunghoon by your side, you feel a sense of belonging that you haven’t felt in a long time.
the journey is far from over, but as you stand together, you try to convince yourself that with whatever happens next, you’ll face it side by side.
weeks have passed since that night by the river.
you’ve struggled to find balance between your duty and your emotions.
sunghoon remains there in your mind, but your heart is no longer in the chase.
the trauma of jisung’s death and the betrayal you felt have left you reeling.
you’ve made a decision that changes everything— you arrange a meeting with sunghoon in a secluded location, away from prying eyes.
when he arrives, there’s a mix of surprise and hope in his eyes.
“i’m done,” you say, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside you.
“i can’t keep doing this anymore..”
sunghoon’s eyes search yours, his expression unreadable.
“what are you saying?”
you take a deep breath, your heart pounding.
“i’m saying that i’m done chasing you. i’m done pretending that i don’t care. i want to be with you, sunghoon. but i can’t do that and be a detective at the same time.”
sunghoon’s gaze softens, a glimmer of relief in his eyes.
“i understand, took you long enough..” he whispered with a childish pout which you let out a small grin at.
you step closer, taking his hand. “i don’t know what the future holds, but i just want to be with you. no more fighting my feelings, no more running. just us.. and i think jisung would’ve wanted me to be happy too..”
sunghoon looks at your intertwined hands, his expression filled with affection.
“are you sure about this, y/n?”
“yes,” you say, your voice filled with honestly.
“i’m sure, park sunghoon.”
he pulls you into his arms, holding you close.
“then we’ll figure it out. together.”
as you stand there, wrapped in his embrace, you feel a sense of resolution.
the future is uncertain, but with sunghoon by your side, everything feels okay once again.
for now, all that matters is that you’re together. and that’s enough.
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© won4kiss 2024
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alchemistc · 3 months
Thinking about Tommy sending Buck increasingly unhinged thirst traps of women trying to figure out if there's something within his sexuality that ties his attraction across the board, and Buck constantly sending back shit like 'oh her hair's cool' and 'i like the way she smiles' and 'i feel like she'd suffocate me with her thighs /pos' and Tommy eventually coming around to the idea that Buck finds interesting quirks more attractive than faces or bodies.
Thinking about Buck sending Tommy Instagram posts of buff dudes that Tommy is constantly going 'meh they're fine ig' until Buck finds a few reels of guys doing, like, housework or taking care of their kids or building a gondola for their wife in the backyard and Tommy lingering on them long enough for Buck to get a picture of what catches Tommy's attention - this man speaks in quality time but accepts love in acts of service and Buck can do that, Buck loves doing that, actually, on his days off he wakes Tommy up and takes him to Lowes and lets him drive the cart around while Buck fills it up and then he makes Tommy lemonade at home and sits him out on the porch while he measures and saws and hammers and when Tommy is actually awake and ready they build him the raised beds for his garden he's been talking about for like a year now.
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cq-studios · 8 months
Do you have any screenshots of your favorite details from KHUX?
Gonna just drop a read more here 'cause if y'all know me at all you know this post is probably gonna be 10KM long lol
So, I'm gonna try to hold myself back a little because I literally have like 10 pages of notes about specifically stuff in the backgrounds and I doubt the internet will find my bench and lamppost count interesting. (Also image limit lol)
I'll list just 4 things for now (in no particular order) and talk about them a bit underneath.
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So there are four street signs that we’ve seen in Daybreak Town. Two are in the Fountain Square (A and B), one is in the Marketplace (C), and one is in the Clocktower Outskirts map (D).
For B and D it’s pretty easy to figure out what the represent. B is a clock, probably representing the Clock Tower… or maybe the best place to see the Clocktower because it’s in Fountain Square. The overall shape of it is different from the rest of the signs so I imagine that means something. D is a gondola or canoe of some sort, which makes sense because it’s next to stairs that seemingly lead to the canal that runs through town. Maybe there’s a ferry system of some sort?
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A and C I’m less sure about. The designs don’t really bring anything obvious to mind. Maybe C is Munny because it leads to the Marketplace? I’m not sure.
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See what makes this interesting to me isn’t just the fact that apparently Fountain Square is hollow underneath (maybe for pipe repairs or something, I don’t know) but just the general fact that a lot of structures in this town, that maybe shouldn’t be, are hollow.
If you look even some archways have windows, so there has to be an open space inside, right? Most of them seem at least connected to houses so I assume they’re basements or something. (The one by murder house gets me tho, like that’s right under the bridge. Who’s living right under the bridge)
And I also feel like this leads into the fact that, similarly but not as extreme as in Scala, Daybreak Town is kinda built on top of itself. Maybe that’s a symptom of being around so many (and possibly on) mountains but I still feel like it should be talked about more.
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There is so much to unpack here but I’ll try to keep it brief.
So I’m pretty sure this is one of, if not the oldest building in Daybreak Town. Two reasons.
1. Instead of having little wall lamps, like the rest of the town and buildings, all the light seems to come from mounted candles.
2. There are swords (A) on the walls and not Keyblades. Why would the Keyblade town not have Keyblades on its little shield emblem? Is it possibly because it was there before Keyblades?
This staircase here (B) is also the only known (not sewer drain) way into the waterways. It leads into the sewers then out to the little dock below the Lighthouse with the boat, hence the sign.
There’s these maps here (C) that I don’t really know what to say about, but is definitely worth pointing out. They’re all the same and I assume show the layout of the area surrounding the town (the darker parts being water). It could be a world map though (darker part being continents)… I don’t think we’ll ever really learn lol
And also I don’t know what this is (D) but I think it’s interesting that it has writing on it. It kinda gives me the vibe of those flat on the ground gravestones…
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Daybreak Town actually has a flag it’s all over the place and you’ll start to see it everywhere if you look for it. They also kind of look like the banners in Radiant Garden. The colours and shape/mounting are the same but the designs on the flag itself (and mounting) is different.
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I have no clue what that implies, if anything, but I figure it’s worth pointing out ‘cause it’s interesting.
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Chapter 11
Chap 1 Chap 2 Chap 3 Chap 4 Chap 5 Chap 6 Chap 7 Chap 8 Chap 9 Chap 10 on Ao3
Day 11: SONUEGL = lounges
As June unfolds into July, Kurt is a cat in the sunshine. His whole existence is warm and gold-dipped and he feels obscenely grateful and lucky. He doesn’t even mind Elliott’s constant ribbing about how happy he is. Because he is.
The inaugural show at Muse is drawing to its close and has been by all accounts a great success. The gallery is in the black, which is unheard of in these early days. Several artists have asked about exhibiting and there seems to be an ever-increasing stream of patrons with means and enthusiasm. 
Serena Mbali’s name and Rachel Berry’s notoriety have done wonders in a very short time. Serena’s works have sold well, three of Elliott’s paintings have little red stickers on their title cards, and Kurt has sold every piece on the gallery wall. His head spins when he thinks about it.
He’s dropped his Thursday shift at the restaurant entirely, feeling cautiously optimistic that he can get by, now that Elliott’s able to pay him for his gallery shifts. He uses the extra time in the studio, caught in a spiral of inspiration-creation-bliss-inspiration that he’s never experienced before.
And then there’s Blaine.
Kurt’s had his share of relationships, ranging from a couple of one night stands, when the mood was right, to Eric, who lasted a year and a half before his career took him to the West Coast and out of Kurt’s life. But he’s never had anything like this. He’s been utterly swept off his feet. By a lawyer.
On Fridays, they go out. Usually to somewhere fancy that Kurt never dreamed he’d see. They’ve ridden through Central Park in a horse and carriage like tourists and on a gondola while Blaine fed Kurt sugar-dipped strawberries. They’ve had dinner at the Empire State Building and Kochi and seen Broadway shows and Kurt’s first opera at the Met.
It was awkward at first. He was uncomfortable with the ostentation and wealth that seems entirely unremarkable to Blaine. But Blaine never seems like he’s preening or bragging or even concerned. He does things because he wants to and he can , and Kurt just needs to relax. He feels pampered and adored and giddy with it.
On Saturdays, Kurt lounges in Blaine’s bed for as long as he can before heading to Muse for the day. They lie there and talk lazily about nothing and everything, kissing and giggling and dreaming. They take turns making each other breakfast or dance around each other in the kitchen as they cook together.
And of course, between Friday nights and Saturday mornings, they fuck. Heated and intense and gentle and nuanced, loving and frenzied. It’s pure ecstasy and Kurt can’t get enough.
He feels stupid talking to Elliott. Like he’s a kid or naive or both. But if he doesn’t get out of his own head and get some perspective, he’s going to explode. Or eat an entire cheesecake. Or something. They’re in the living room drinking wine when Kurt brings it up.
“Do you think I need to ask Blaine if we’re exclusive?”
Elliott looks mildly confused when he replies, “Why are you asking me?”
“I don’t know,” Kurt sighs. “I don’t trust myself? Like, what if I ask and he’s insulted that I even had to ask, because of course we are. Or what if I don’t ask so he assumes I don’t want to be? Or what if he just laughs at me because I’m making a big thing out of nothing –”
“Kurt,” Elliott interrupts gently, ‘does it feel like nothing?”
“No,” Kurt tells him. “It kind of feels like everything.”
Elliott’s lips tighten into a tiny, repressed smile. “You need to talk to him,” he prods. 
“I know,” Kurt groans. “I know I do. But I just … I don’t wanna jinx it. It’s been so perfect I just don’t want to make waves, you know? I’m ridiculous.”
“You love him?” Elliott’s voice is quiet and his eyes are intent on Kurt’s face.
“I don’t,” Kurt replies. “Not fully. Not yet. But I’m starting to. Or I could. But sometimes it feels like he has all the power and that’s – Oh my god, never mind.”
“Kurt, that’s not okay.” Elliott suddenly looks concerned. “You guys need to be on equal footing if a relationship is going to work. You can’t be feeling less than. And he can’t be in charge all the time. That’s not right.”
“Oh god, no.” Kurt rushes to reassure him. “It’s just me. My head. It’s not anything he’s doing. I guess I just feel… inferior sometimes. Because he’s able to give me so much. And I can’t give him anything.”
Elliott’s eyebrows shoot upward and his face is earnest when he says, “Kurt, I’m pretty sure you’re giving him something he wants. He’s still here, isn’t he?”
“Was that a sex joke?” Kurt asks.
“It really wasn’t,” Elliott says, in that plainly honest way he has. “I mean, if you’re being truthful that he’s not lording it over you or anything, then it sounds like you just need to come to terms with the fact that you’ve got yourself a boyfriend who can spoil you if he wants to.”
“Is he my boyfriend, though?” Kurt whines.
And now Elliott does laugh. “Oh my god, Kurt. Talk to him.”
Kurt doesn’t talk to him. The timing hasn’t been right. He will. He’s going to, but right now Kurt’s still waiting tables and making art and helping Elliott change over the show in the gallery.
Several of the pieces from the first show, including all of Kurt’s except one, were sold online to anonymous collectors. In the sales records for each of them is a note reading, ‘ agent will call ,’ so those need to be packed up. 
Elliott’s unsold pieces will stay. He’s the gallery owner and it’s a good conversation starter to have some of his own work on display. But they move it further back.
The modular walls are moved into a new configuration and artists for the next show are coming in to hang their work. Posters and fliers and press releases are designed and typed. Kurt feels like a professional artist for maybe the first time in his life. It’s a strange, wonderful, giddy feeling.
Blaine sends him flowers. Or has lunch delivered for both him and Elliott. Or texts let me know the minute you're free, and Kurt is just over the moon with how perfect his life feels right now.
Which is why it’s such a dizzying fall when it all goes wrong.
Chapter 12
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Idea: a mangrove swamp fantasy version of Venice! The buildings are barely floating upon islands made from roots, there are tropical birds in the branches and rooftops. People ride down the canals on barges and sleek gondolas pulled by alligators and swimming snakes and giant striding herons.
A powerful faction in the city is devoted to keeping the trees healthy so the city doesn’t sink. They clash with a group of… are they meteorologists? Witches? Some of them claim to predict the weather but actually control it, while others claim to control the weather but actually use scientific methods rather than magic. People pay protection money to either the tree wardens or the storm watchers.
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terengineer · 3 months
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New chick the link video!
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sokkas-therapist · 2 years
your favourite zukka moment/headcanon?
Hi!! I’m completely indecisive and incapable of choosing just ONE, so I have comprised a list!
Favorite Zukka moments:
The zoom in on Sokka grabbing Zuko’s arm and just…holding it there for a second in TBR????
The whole thing in the Southern Raiders episode where Zuko told a mediocre joke and Sokka laughed for way longer than everyone else then called Zuko his hero 😭
And lastly, a 3 in 1: that entire end scene of The Boiling Rock where Zuko pushed Sokka out of the way of fire, then jumped because he knew Sokka would catch him, and GRASPED Sokka’s hands for like a solid 45 seconds after saving him from falling off of the gondola (like ok Zuko….he’s safe now…..you can stop being gay now let go-)
Favorite headcaon;
#1 of course is that they raised Izumi together and became a sweet domestic family that gave her all the love and support they wished they received growing up <33
After the war ended, Sokka goes back and stays in the Fire Nation with Zuko for a bit so that he doesn’t feel so alone up in the palace (totally as buddies and good buds looking out for each other nothing more), and together they work towards remodeling the palace to make it a home. Let the light in, fill it with art, have a variety of colors, and build a little community with all the new ambassadors and staff (and obviously fall in love along the way). THEN after a while of Sokka taking trips back to the SWT, Zuko asks to go with him, and they say “fuck Firelord duties” and spend a lot of time down there. Zuko learns about their culture, and they all work to build the SWT back up again :)
Ok, I have so many more but I’m gonna leave it at that for my favorites! Thank you so much for this ask, I loved answering this question!!
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