#Siegfried & Roy
prattlinpeach · 4 months
Indian Motorcycle, New York New York, Yum, Freemont Street, and the Strip!
Was that enough? Well…there is one thing I left out, but I will tell you about that in another post, promise! Let’s start with Saturday morning first thing. We got up, no alarm, thank you very much! Headed downstairs to grab some food, ran into Uncle A, Auntie L was still asleep, he had already had breakfast, but stayed and sat with us while we had breakfast. We chatted, caught up, it was a lot…
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fly-pow-bye · 6 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Small World: Abra-Disaster” (Part 1)
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Written by: Haley Mancini, Jake Goldman
Written & Storyboarded by: John West, Angela Zhang
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
Like this reboot was a world of laughter before...
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This special begins with Penguin Pete's, complete with their theme song: "Penguin Pete's, Penguin Pete's, yum yum yum yum yum." It's certainly no Cookie Cat jingle. This special will really focus on each of their personalities, at least early on, and this starts right from the beginning in this scene.
Buttercup has a brownie chocolate fudge that is so extreme, it's banned in six countries. Blossom, on the other hand, has gelato made of wheatgrass and soy. Because only nerds would want to be healthy. Bubbles has all 42 flavors, because, fitting to her character in more than the ways that they intended, she couldn't decide on which one to get.
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However, this all gets interrupted by a bunch of minor villains starting crime. The Gnat is also swatting some poor sap with a giant fly swatter. And all of this is happening at the same time.
When the original Puffs had to do something like this, it ended with them getting exhausted to the point where they had to consider creating another sister. The Reboot Puffs can barely take on one crime at a time, so I highly doubt they're just going to beat up all of these villains and then eat their ice cream.
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Except, that’s exactly what they do in this episode! In fact, they don’t even let go of their ice cream while they’re easily trouncing these villains. They even beat up some villains that didn't make it into that intro, like Pot-Head, Fuzzy Lumpkins, and even the Amoeba Boys.
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Discount Jojo shows up with his Baggy Jeans Bot. Apparently, he's very conscious about being with the latest trends in fashion when he's committing his crimes. He even confirms to some random hipster passing by that it is acid-washed. With real acid, as he almost douses that hipster with it from a hose. At least it's because Jojo missed, and we can't use this as proof that the regular Townsville population have better reaction time than the Reboot Puffs.
With this powerful jeans robot that seems to fit the Fashionistas more than him, nobody can stop Jojo now...
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...until Blossom pops him right in the kisser. Another big surprise: we actually see Blossom punch Jojo in the face without a hit flash! They just bash him left and right. Bubbles even takes over the jeans robot, and kicks his butt with its giant butt.
Unfortunately, before the Powerpuff Girls can punch him repeatedly and take him to jail just like the old days, with Buttercup even threatening to actually "lock him up for good", he suddenly disappears in a puff of smoke. The Powerpuff Girls say "huh" at this, but don't seem to pay it any mind. After all, maybe they were just so strong that Jojo ran out of HP!
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However, that turns out to not be the case, as we see where Discount Jojo ended up. He has a decent theory just after waking up in this overly fancy place.
Discount Jojo: Oh no! Those Powerpuffs punched Mojo so hard, he landed in another dimension!
Didn't think this reboot would steal from the old Dragon Ball Z dub. Discount Jojo does seem like an infinite loser to me. No, not really, as the owner of this "another dimension" turns out to be a villain of legend! The Archduke of Anarchy! The King of Coiffures!
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Lester Van Luster!
Don't worry if you never heard of him before, because it turns out this is his first appearance. However, we're supposed to see this guy as this legendary villain who managed to shrink the Eiffel Tower. I think this guy is supposed to be like some sort of Siegfried and Roy parody, but he looks more like some overly sugary cupcake to me. A Cupcake Shrinky Boy, if you will. I wish I came up with that.
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But none of that matters to Discount Jojo, who is this guy's biggest fan. He kept a scrapbook of him, and even asks him to sign his brain when he shows off the shrunken Eiffel Tower. Yeah, in a way far too similar to Gru from Dispicable Me, this guy's gimmick is that he likes to shrink things.
Would the real Mojo Jojo look up to anyone, never mind someone like Cupcake Shrinky Boy here? Even this Jojo was angry over someone being better than him in previous episodes, but now we're supposed to believe he's a total fangirl of someone who we never seen before. That's one of the many reasons why we call him Discount.
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Speaking of Not So Secret Service, the Powerpuff Girls are celebrating their victory by playing another violent fighting game. The Professor's strategy from keeping them from those has been replacing One Must Fall 2041 with Brutal: Paws of Fury. Nobody would want to play a fighting game ever again after playing that, but sadly for him, it didn't work.
As they're beating each other up in the game, they talk about how everything is just so easy for them. I understand that it was a general problem that the Reboot Puffs get beaten up, but this is really overcompensating that. In other episodes, they could get beaten by glitter, the Dewey Decimal System, and air, but not this time. Here, they can beat anyone, anywhere...
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Bubbles: ...with any hair!
Ah, a running gag that even the other characters are annoyed by, as Buttercup tells her to stop doing that the very first time she does it. This running gag is supposed to be bad, guys! Laugh!
This episode goes in the complete opposite direction of most reboot episodes, which usually sees the Powerpuff Girls getting defeated rather easily so someone else can save them. It does not even try to ease us into it. Do not give us 90+ episodes of Monster Punch, Girls Down, and then tell us “these girls are invincible! Anytime, anywhere, any hair!”
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Suddenly, their video game gets interrupted with a message from Discount Jojo. How did he get on the moon? How can he breathe in space without any kind of space suit? How did he hijack a video game like it was a late night Doctor Who rerun? He'll give us the answer in just a minute!
Blossom is, of course, worried. Via a bunch of stock images with some decent amount of work to make them a little more animated. Bubbles adds that if the moon blows up, the cow wouldn't have anything to jump over!
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Cow: (scare chord) Mooooo!
Yes, that's a cow. The reboot needed to let us know what a cow is, just in case we didn't know. They were even helpful enough to make it moo. Who said this show wasn't educational for your toddler?
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Much like the last beatings they dished out, they’re not even going to focus 100% of their energy on beating him. They bring their video game with them, which manages to still work even though there’s no electricity around. Maybe this is one of their other rare superpowers: the ability to give out electricity to video game consoles.
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While speculating on how many seconds it would take to take Jojo down for what is supposed to be the umpteenth time, they’re suddenly whacked in the face with a magician's top hat. Discount Jojo the Not-So-Magnificent shows his face to these Puny-Puffs, and Blossom can't help but point out something I already pointed out.
Blossom: Hey, how can you even breathe in space?
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Discount Jojo: MAGIC!
Oh, hush, Discount. Even Buttercup calls this a lame excuse. They rush in, and I'm sure they're going to beat this monkey up again and finish their video game just like they said they would do.
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Magic Punch, Girls Down, womp womp. In several different "magic" ways, too. He's really taking his new gimmicks very seriously. He uses playing cards to stick Bubbles to a rock. He bashes down Blossom and Buttercup with a hammer after doing a disappearing trick. Bubbles then gets distracted by the classic "pulling a rabbit out of a hat" trick. Despite what Rocky says, that trick may work after all! The last one's a bit slow, but the others are okay.
It seems like it's another "Powerpuff Girls get beaten up until some magic being shows up to save them in the end" scene. Thankfully, that doesn't happen, as they do manage to get up and do a few parlor tricks of their own. Just like a certain episode of the original, really.
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Specifically, Abra-Cadaver. It is one of the episodes they definitely have seen, since they referenced it in Memory Lane of Pain. In that episode, Abra-Cadaver, not Memory Lane of Pain, a magician is thwarted by the Powerpuff Girls learning a few magic tricks of their own. That's essentially what they do here, even combining it with their own aura powers for good measure. Fighting fire with fire, and there's some good gags here, too.
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It all ends with Blossom doing a grand finale: putting him in a coffin. Thankfully for Jojo, Blossom decided not to use an iron maiden this time. Jojo gets put in iron chains instead. Probably not as strong as ordinary rope, but that probably terrifies them.
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But, uh oh, they spent all of this time beating up Jojo the Not-So-Magnificent, they forgot all about the bomb! The Powerpuff Girls decide to stay in one place and do a big no, knowing that even if they tried, they would just fail anyway.
How do they manage to get rid of this bomb without making that poor cow angry? Turns out, they didn't need to, in a twist that even I couldn't expect. If you read this far, I'm sorry to say I do not do the ellipsis any more because I now assume you read these after you watch the episode. Right?
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The bomb "explodes", with confetti and a big sign that says "BOOM". The bomb turned out to be a fake, and it was all just a distraction; an "opening act" for the real act. Besides, with his brains, Discount Jojo knows the dangers of blowing up the moon. I mean, what would the cow jump over?
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Cow: (scare chord) Mooooo!
Just in case you missed it, kids. This is a cow. She goes "moo". He then uses his magic hat to show a projection of said "real act": Sparkly Sprinkles is about to do his biggest magic trick yet from his sky-high Secret Lair. Pretty sure you can't really be that secret if you're up in the sky, but that's beyond the point.
Blossom gets a call from the Mayor on her smartphone, which apparently gets really good reception on the moon. She hears the Mayor is adoring this big shiny light in the sky that is getting ever so closer. They fly all the way down to the place they called home for so long, only to find that...
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Blossom: It's...it's gone.
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Wow. I mean, that's actually a very powerful end for this first part. No unneeded random quips, no farting, no fancy dream catchers, just "oops, Townsville's now a giant crater, and it's all our fault!" It made me anxious to see the next part, and that is something I didn't expect.
Does this part’s title fit?
Yeah, this is the one that really plays up the magic angle.
How does this part stack up?
The “we’re invincible” gag got really old, especially considering this reboot tends to go against that far too often for me to take that seriously. That’s really the only problem with this particular part. The whole special has its own issues, which I’ll detail when I’m done with this.
Some decent magic trick jokes, some good cameos in the beginning, and an ending that actually hooks you in for the rest of the special. All in all, a pretty good opener.
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With a relatively good opener, it could only go downhill from here, right? See you tomorrow for Part 2.
← Salamander ☆ Small World: Stone Cold Spider (Part 2) →
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betttingjunkie · 4 years
Las Vegas: A Guide to Must See Places
Although the casinos and gambling are usually the first things that may come to mind when you think of Las Vegas, there are plenty of other things to see and do while visiting. Viewing wild animal exhibits has always been a very popular attraction in the city. The unique exhibits that are scattered in various places are a treat for everyone, offering an amazing look at several wild species of animals. Wildlife in general usually fascinates people of all ages, and a trip to Las Vegas will certainly not let anyone down if viewing animals peaks your interest. There are plenty of live shows that involve wild animals, as well as exhibits that are designed to be not only entertaining but educational at the same time. Although you may think it's an odd place to showcase wild animals such as lions and tigers, the displays which cater to these types of wildlife have proven to be quite successful.
I have created a list of several attractions which you may consider looking into during your next visit to Las Vegas. Everyone's interest will vary, so do a little research and see if you find something that appeals to you. The ones I have mentioned are by no means the only exhibits that are available. These are simply some of the more common and popular attractions that you should become familiar with if you are looking to get the most from you Las Vegas vacation.
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The Mirage
One of the most popular places to visit in Las Vegas is The Mirage. Not only is The Mirage an incredible hotel and casino in Las Vegas, it showcases a variety of unique shows and is home to Siegfried  amp; Roy's Secret Garden  amp; Dolphin Habitat. While visiting Vegas, I usually make it a point to spend a little time at this exhibit, simply because their displays of exotic animals have always been a relaxing and entertaining experience.
The whole family will enjoy viewing lions, tigers, panthers, dolphins, and more. The exhibit even offers the chance to be a dolphin trainer for the day, where you can simply transcend from a tourist to a trainer for an incredible all day experience. If you are an animal lover, the Secret Garden  amp; Dolphin Habitat will truly be something you don't want to miss. Visit the official website of the Secret Garden  amp; Dolphin Habitat to learn full details on what you can expect to see while spending time at their attraction.
Mandalay Bay Shark Reef
Imagine yourself entering into the deep waters, becoming surrounded with our planet's most incredible underwater creatures. That is exactly what you will experience if you visit Mandalay Bay's Shark Reef. This family friendly Las Vegas attraction allows you to practically walk through an aquarium which holds over 1.5 million gallons of seawater. Although sharks are the most popular attraction, you also have the opportunity to view other aquatic wildlife such as piranhas, green sea turtles, and even golden crocodiles.
Education and conservation are key elements to the Mandalay Bay Shark Reef exhibit. There is an educational program that is offered to students of all ages, which includes a guided tour through the aquarium. Reservations are required for the educational program, so visit the official website for additional details. A visit to the Mandalay Bay Shark Reef website will provide you with everything you need to know if you plan on spending some time at this popular Las Vegas attraction.
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Lion Habitat at MGM Grand
The MGM Grand Hotel and Casino offers an incredible unique exhibit which will put you up close and personal with it's beautiful lions that are showcased in their own habitat. This exhibit is free to all visitors, making it one of the most popular free attractions in Las Vegas. Visitors to the Lion Habitat at MGM Grand are able to view lions on a daily basis from 11AM until 10PM. Be sure to have a camera with you, because you'll find yourself with the opportunity to capture some of the best lion photographs you have ever been able to take.
Southern Nevada Zoological-Botanical Park
The Southern Nevada Zoological-Botanical park is more commonly known as the Las Vegas Zoo. Although the zoo may not be as big as other zoos across the country, the variety of species that are on display offers a fantastic experience for those who visit. A visit to the Las Vegas Zoo will treat you to animals such as large and exotic reptiles, parrots, ostriches, chimpanzees, flamingos, and much more. Those who visit the zoo will find it a rewarding and educational experience, with the chance to view over 150 species of both plants and animals. The Southern Nevada Zoological-Botanical Park is located just 15 minutes northwest of the Las Vegas Strip.
The attractions and exhibits I have mentioned are all places which I have found most entertaining for wildlife enthusiasts. They all offer wonderful viewing opportunities and are worth learning more about. Don't forget to check out some of the many different live shows that take place throughout Las Vegas, offering additional chances to get up close with a variety of incredible animals.
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newsaryavart · 4 years
लास वेगस: कोरोना वायरस से प्रसिद्ध जादूगर रॉय हॉर्न की हुई मौत, 75 की उम्र में ली आखिरी सांस
लास वेगस: कोरोना वायरस से प्रसिद्ध जादूगर रॉय हॉर्न की हुई मौत, 75 की उम्र में ली आखिरी सांस
ख़बर सुनें
ख़बर सुनें
प्रसिद्ध जादूगर रॉय हॉर्न की कोरोना वायरस से मौत हो गई है। हॉर्न ने 75 वर्ष की उम्र में आखिरी सांस ली। ‘सिगफ्रीड एंड रॉय’ की जोड़ी दुनियाभर में लाखों लोगों को अपने जादू से अचंभा कर देती थी। हॉर्न 2003 में एक करतब को दिखाते वक्त घायल हो गए थे, इसके बाद उन्होंने लगभग संन्यास ले लिया था। 
हॉर्न ने शुक्रवार को लास वेगस के एक अस्पताल में कोरोना वायरस से…
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sauolasa · 4 years
Covid-19: addio all'illusionista Roy Horn, del duo Siegfried & Roy
Covid-19: addio all'illusionista Roy Horn, del duo Siegfried & Roy
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newsfind · 4 years
Roy Horn of Iconic Duo Siegfried & Roy Dies at 75 of Complications from Covid-19
Roy Horn of Iconic Duo Siegfried & Roy Dies at 75 of Complications from Covid-19
Source: http://www.mediaite.com – Friday, May 08, 2020 Ethan Miller/Getty Images Roy Horn , one half of the iconic duo Siegfried & Roy, died Friday due to complications from the coronavirus. Horn was recently diagnosed with Covid-19 and a spokesperson said in a statement that both he and Siegfried Fischbacher “send positive wishes to everyone impacted by the pandemic.” Siegfried said in a…
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klawlv · 4 years
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scottbcrowley2 · 4 years
Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy dies from coronavirus at 75 - Fri, 08 May 2020 PST
Magician Roy Horn of the famed Vegas act Siegfried & Roy has died of complications from the coronavirus. He was 75. Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy dies from coronavirus at 75 - Fri, 08 May 2020 PST
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fly-pow-bye · 8 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Somewhere Over The Swingset“
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Written by: Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Julia Vickerman, Diego Molano
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
Swingsets! Rainbows! The worst GIF I have ever created!
…is that a rainbow? No, it can’t be. There’s not as many memes anymore, so they must be learning from previous mistakes, right?
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A carny with rainbow eyes introduces a new swingset, and challenges all of the kids of Townsville to stay on it. At the first second, I already know what the twist is. I think having an overly happy fat guy introduce the swing is a good enough hint; we didn’t need the rainbow eyes. Not only that, but the swing’s seat is rainbow colored, and a rainbow also shows up in this introduction. There's foreshadowing, and then there's just giving it away.
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Big Joey, the big kid that exchanged with Donny in Odd Bubbles Out, tries to conquer this challenge, but almost immediately flies off into the distance, causing a mushroom cloud. Because it was funny in Spongebob, so surely it must be funny here, right? It turns out, no kid can last more than 3 seconds on the swing, as we see a bunch of children lying on the ground. Maybe they should try not letting go? There must be someone who could figure that out, especially kids that have powers beyond any mere mortal.
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The Powerpuff Girls show up, dressed up in fancy costumes. I think they’re trying to go for some sort of Siegfried and Roy effect, but all I’m seeing is a desperate plea to the toy makers. Yeah, I have a feeling all of this is for naught.
They walk up to the swing, because the director never realized how awkward that is, to a bunch of cheering fans. All of this gets interrupted by the Professor.
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This seems to be a recurring spot for the Professor’s character: he’s going to tell them to do something, which they will do anyway, and he’s going to end up being right in the end. Blossom tells him that they do dangerous stuff all of the time, citation needed for the reboot, but the Professor is only okay with putting his “kids” in danger if it’s for the safety of Townsville, also citation needed for the reboot.
That rascally little green princess outright tells the Professor that they’re not showing off, they’re just showing that they can do something other people can’t. Like lifting buildings full of people and fighting giant monsters, but clearly being on a swing set is more impressive.
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We get another Blossom stock image monologue, another reaccuring bit of joy. Her speech concludes that they want to inspire and show the power of “female determination”. Because the Powerpuff Girls are girls. The writers wanted people to know that. Oh, and they want to go on the Townsville Book of World Records. Makes me wonder; does the DC universe have a world record book? Do they have to disqualify Superman and The Flash from breaking every record in it? Thinking about that is more entertaining than this.
Needless to say, the Professor doesn’t budge. He urges them to promise not to go on the swing set. They promise…
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Buttercup: …to wait until you fall asleep, then go down in swing set history.
Blossom: Got to hand it to you, Buttercup, it was sneaky for you to wait this long to finish that sentence till just now.
They send out a group text to all the kids, waking them up past their curfews, so that they can have an audience. I guess that’s required for that world record book. By the way, that book doesn't show up again, because it fufilled its purpose of being an excuse.
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Even though the only challenge was stay on the swing, they decide to up the ante by swinging over the bar. Swinging over the bar is a physical impossibility for a human being to do by themselves. In fact, even with help, the Mythbusters couldn’t do it. Well, I guess that's why the Powerpuff Girls can do it and nobody else can.
The Professor shows up at the last second to try to stop them, but it’s too late. They go over the bar, and they seemingly disappear in an explosion.
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They find themselves back in bed. They immediately assume they must have been knocked out after falling out of the swing. Sad that even the Powerpuff Girls know how easy they can get knocked out in this reboot. The Professor comes in, and he apparently took it very well!
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Professor Utonium: Good morning, girls!
(laugh track)
Yes, a laugh track. An ironic laugh track, but a laugh track nonetheless. At least I can know what lines were supposed to be funny.
Not only is he not mad about the girls doing that dangerous stunt, he was impressed! They eventually get a call to the Mayor's office. Something is clearly not right; this is the reboot, we don't have time for actual emergencies!
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It turns out, there isn't one. They go in and find a Mayor that is competent. He can open jars of pickles by himself! He wins Nobel Prizes! He even has assistants! Huh, I guess assistants can be "fitting to our messages" if they're generic and not strong independent women. Why did the Mayor need the Powerpuff Girls? Beats me.
He then cartwheels into a helicopter, because running would take more money away from the marketing would be less impressive. Honestly, even the Cheat would scoff at the animation for this television show. The Powerpuff Girls get another call, saying that they're needed back home!
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Reboot Jojo and Reboot Fuzzy are there, but they're not tearing up the place. The villains are all good guys now, and are more interested in book clubs rather than causing crime! Insert long and unfunny scene about books.
If you haven’t noticed, this episode is a ripoff of Tough Love with dashes of Speed Demon, except done in reverse. Not just in the way everyone’s so positive and not hateful, and that this world is apparently a utopia, but also in the quality of the episode.
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Well, maybe there’s one good scene. They see the Professor in a mirror, crying over his missing girls. It certainly sets the Twilight Zone tone of this episode. If only they could go all the way and have the Narrator play the role of Rod Serling.
Other than that, it's just wacky scenes that are wacky. Maybe if this episode started with a call to the Mayor's office to open a pickle jar and them beating up Reboot Jojo and Reboot Fuzzy, there could have been some contrast. Sure, I know the Mayor usually has trouble with pickle jars and that Reboot Fuzzy doesn't act like this, but how is anyone going to know from this slice-of-life non-superhero comedy?
The Powerpuff Girls instantly decide that this "perfect world" is too much for them, and go outside to find a way out. In episodes like this, there's usually some pondering about whether they should stay in this world, and that doesn't exist here. Whoever is doing this is doing a terrible job. Speaking of which...
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After seeing the entirety of Townsville welcoming them to their new home, the rainbow swing set guy from the opening descends down from the heavens on the giant swing set. He talks about how this is the perfect place, and they can stay forever! He swings forward…
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…and Allegro swings back, turning the world into a rainbow nightmare. If the traumatic flashbacks aren’t coming back, this is the villain from Painbow, the episode that proved to me that not only will this reboot not live up to the original, but not even live up to my lowest expectations. He's happy that all of that energy the Powerpuff Girls used to go over the bar revived him! Painbow II: Electric Buttercup Boo-a-Hoo.
The townspeople are wandering to them like zombies. I guess this is supposed to mirror the affection they were trying to get by going over the bar. Blossom laments that she shouldn’t beat up people they know. After the Mayor tries to eat her, just go with it, they decide it’s for the best. A fight scene? Maybe?
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The girls beat up all of the Townspeople, who turn out to be Allegro’s party minions in disguise. Not in any clever disguise, but they just poof into their real forms when they get punched in the face. Of course, much like most of the violence in this show, it’s ruined by more Nike product placement!
At first, I thought it was the usual “gotta make it G for the toyset“ censorship, and it is, but I noticed a peculiarity when I made that GIF. I decided to cut out every frame of that dreadful hit flash, and…
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…I realized the hit flashes didn’t cover anything, they’re just there. Sure, there isn’t a frame where Buttercup’s fist makes contact with Barry’s face, but the mind fills the blank. All the hit flash does is make the scene pause for a quarter of a second, distracting from the action and making it not as exciting as it should be.
Three paragraphs on this one little fight. I’m really delaying the inevitable.
Since Allegro is too busy partying, he’s not on the swingset anymore, and the girls plan to get on it to go back home. Blossom calls on the other girls to join in. Buttercup shows up immediately, but Bubbles is a too busy doing…
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You know what, 🚚🚚🚚 this.
Final Verdict:
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Next episode, who cares.
← Snow Month ☆ Anything Else →
Nah, I won’t do that, but I really should have.
I could at least, with a very, very, very tiny sliver of honesty, say that the scene from Painbow could be defended. Blossom and Bubbles were hypnotized by the dancing lobsters, and Buttercup reacted with disgust. It was supposed to be gross. Here, Bubbles is just shaking her butt with a hippo out of her own volition, and it’s treated as another “oh, that silly Bubbles” joke.
It’s not funny, it doesn’t add to the plot, and it doesn’t really help Bubbles’ character. This scene could have been removed, and only one thing would have changed: this reboot would have one scene involving barely-out-of-kindergarten girls twerking instead of two.
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There is no point in continuing, but I might as well say what happens at the end: They beat up Allegro while on the swing, he turns into a gummy bear again, and the Powerpuff Girls successfully return to their own universe. The Professor, while glad that they’re okay, still grounds them. Aren't your expectations subverted?
I would say if they took out that scene, they could have room for the hearts, but they didn’t really save the day here. They stayed up past their bedtime, too. Odd in this episode that rips off two episodes of the original, they couldn’t be further from the original’s tagline.
Remarks (for real this time):
Is the title accurate?: I guess they do go somewhere when they go over the swingset.
Better use for the title: A Wizard of Oz parody would have been better. A 12 minute still shot of a jar of mayonnaise would have been better, but still.
Fun fact: The Powerpuff Girls, the real ones, co-hosted an airing of Wizard of Oz on TCM back in 2002. They were big in the early 2000s.
Final Verdict:
It’s slightly better than Painbow in that it doesn’t have any tired memes, and there is some logic in this episode in that I don’t have to ask why the Powerpuff Girls aren’t affected by Allegro. Still, it’s not much of an improvement, and when you’re not much of an improvement over Painbow, that’s not even a mediocre sign. As it stands, the only alternate universe where this episode is good is the one where it doesn't exist.
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Next, probably the falsest title of any episode of anything judging by the reboot. Yeah, even falser than “The Return of Slade.“
← Snow Month ☆ People Pleaser →
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mickeyotoole-blog · 8 years
Siegfried and Roy Will Tell Their Story in Upcoming Biopic
Siegfried and Roy Will Tell Their Story in Upcoming Biopic
Siegfried Fischbacher and Roy Horn will co-produce a biopic based on their lives directed by The Physician’s Philipp Stölzl for Germany’s UFA Fiction. “The image of Siegfried and Roy floating down onto the stage in their fantastical outfits, landing amidst a pack of snow-white tigers, has been burned into my mind since I was a boy,” said Stölzl. He went on to say, “The ability to direct their…
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newscultofficial · 8 years
Siegfried & Roy to Get the Lavish Biopic Treatment
Prepare yourself for the following statement: “The image of Siegfried and Roy floating down onto the stage in their fantastical outfits, landing amidst a pack of snow-white tigers, has been burned into my mind since I was a boy.” Those are the words of German film director Philipp Stölzl, who has been tapped to helm the biopic of former Las Vegas mainstays Siegfried Fischbacher and Roy Uwe Horn.…
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insidemagic · 10 years
Dynamo: Stage Magic Needs Reinventing
Dynamo: Stage Magic Needs Reinventing
UK Magician Dynamo says traditional magic shows like those of David Copperfield and Siegfried & Roy helped magic but it is time to bring stage magic “up to date” and change “what people see as the stage magic show.”
He is moving from the television series Magician Impossible arena and stage venues and looks to ‘reinvent’ live magic.
Dynamo told reporters at a recent Edinburgh International…
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stardustfalloutmedia · 10 years
Hofbräuhaus Las Vegas Celebrates Its Biggest Oktoberfest Yet
Hofbräuhaus Las Vegas Celebrates Its Biggest Oktoberfest Yet
  Raise a stein and join Hofbräuhaus Las Vegas for its biggest Oktoberfest celebration ever beginning with the magicians of the century Siegfried & Roy® striking the first mallet on Saturday, Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. The Bavarian festivities run every day until Oct. 31 and feature celebrity keg tappers every Friday and Saturday along with live entertainment, traditional fare and, of course, plenty of…
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travelivery · 10 years
Siegfried & Roy Welcome 3 White Lion Cubs To The Mirage
Siegfried & Roy Welcome 3 White Lion Cubs To The Mirage
Three new white lion cubs, the latest additions to the Siegfried & Roy animal family, appeared for the first time in public at Siegfried & Roy’s Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat at The Mirage.
Madiba (L), Freedom (C) and Timba-Masai (R), at Siegfried & Roy’s Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat
The cubs – Freedom, Timba-Masai and Madiba – are brothers and were born in Johannesburg, South Africa.…
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