#Buffy the vampire slayer imagines
prose-for-hire · 2 years
Stake your bets
Pairing: Faith x reader; Buffy x platonic!reader
Request: hi, would it be okay to request a story or maybe hc's if you prefer about dating faith and being buffy's best friend and trying to make them get along? I love your work, I hope you're not overwhelmed by all the requests you're getting
Requested by: Anon
A/N: I think we can safely say I probably was overwhelmed by my requests lol !! Sorry for the wait, love, hope this one’s okay! 💖
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You and Buffy had been best friends pretty much since her first day at high school. She had sat next to you in English class and you had to borrow a pencil when yours flew across the classroom. She was the best friend you had ever had, you told each other everything and nothing was ever too much information to share between you. I mean, you had saved the world together.
You shared so many amazing memories, some good and some bad. Some absolutely terrifying.
You were so close that you could barely find one of you without the other. You basically lived at each other’s houses. Attached at the hip. You just got on, you couldn’t explain it. Even when you argued, you never feared losing her as a friend. You knew there would be nothing worth losing your friendship over. So, when you started dating Faith, you knew it would be hard for her. But you hoped that she would be happy for you at least to begin with.
You had met Faith in the same way as everyone else when she had ran in and borrowed Buffy’s stake to dust a vamp before introducing herself at the Bronze. You didn’t know what to think of her to begin with, she was obviously very attractive (and she knew about it too). She kept to herself a lot after that, she didn’t really give much away other than that she liked to party and slay.
Her I-don’t-care persona intrigued you and after a while, you found yourself becoming more and more drawn to her. It was slowly at first, you paid more attention to the little things.
How she near always avoided talking about herself seriously. How she got a kick out of helping people but hated to let it show. And the cigarette she would always treat herself to after a really good slay. Even the gum she always bought and chewed on long patrols for something to do. By this point, it had made you wonder if this habit made her lips taste of ‘Very berry’…
You had it bad. You had grown close although she always appeared to be keeping you at a distance. Until one evening, you had asked if you could come on patrol with her. To her, it appeared out of the blue, but you had been trying and failing to ask all week. By Friday, you had worked up enough courage to ask and she shrugged to show that she didn’t mind, and you tried to hide your elation as you walked beside her into the night.
You spoke about anything and everything on that patrol, savouring every time you made her laugh. Real, genuine laughter from Faith was a divine sound. Though, you would never tell her that or risk getting teased within an inch of your life. At the end of the night, you rounded a corner and without saying anything, she slid her hand into yours. She was bold, much bolder than you. You would have waited at least a year to do something as scandalous and intimate as holding her hand.
But not her. Usually, she would have pressed you against a wall and kissed you without even a second thought, but that came a little later. There was something about you that, for once in her life, made her want to take things slow. It meant something. With you. And there was no chance she was letting you go once she realised that she had you.
Your relationship turned into a very well-kept secret. Not only because Faith thought pda and being as soft as she could be with you in public would make her look weak to humans and demons alike. But mostly because by this point, Buffy was starting to get jealous. Not because she wanted to date you, not at all. But because she thought she had been replaced by Faith as your very best friend.
You had tried to balance your time between them equally, honest you had. But there was only so much time in a day and your relationship was new and you found yourself aching for Faith every moment you spent apart.
One day, you woke up by Faith’s side pressed against the soft skin of her back and you knew it was the day you wanted everyone to know about your relationship. You couldn’t describe why or what had made this day so special, it was like any other. You woke up by her side in the mid-morning glow and pressed soft kisses against her exposed shoulder to wake her up. She turned and sleepily reached for you, sighing contently in a way she never had before she started to share her bed with you.
Later that day, when you had reluctantly left your girlfriend’s side, you met up with Buffy for your usual catch up at the Espresso Pump. She told you all of the latest gossip and she passed you an unusual looking rock she had picked up on patrol (you always collected weird looking rocks and trinkets when you went out patrolling with your best friend because sometimes it could get really boring).
You eventually managed to broach the subject that had been making you nervous the entire time you had spent at the coffee shop. You knew that Buffy would never end your friendship over anything like this, but her approval and support really mattered to you. And you just wanted her and Faith to get on.
“I need to tell you something…”
“If you’re gonna tell me you’re a secret vampire I might give you a 30 second head start before I start slaying” Buffy said, a hint of a smile in her voice although she could tell you were a little uneasy. Buffy had firmly decided that she didn’t like Faith. They were too different, they never seemed to agree on anything. Especially not slaying. So you didn’t want to cause yet another argument by admitting that you were dating.
But you couldn’t keep it from your best friend. You had kept exactly three secrets from her before this one and all led to a near-death experience (on your part). So you had learned the hard way to trust her with even your darkest secrets.
“No, it’s, well… me and Faith. We’re together. I think I might love her, actually” You said softly. She had never seen you like this, you had relationships in the past. Good ones, even. But never one like this. Where you had fallen so deeply and so willingly for someone. For your Faith.
“You’ve got to be kidding, the Emo slayer? She-who-must-not-be-tamed?”
“Please, just, hear me out before you start the name calling. What are you, seven?”
“One word: why?”
After a long conversation, that went off on several tangents and consisted of one shared cry and a long hug, you and Buffy were on good terms. You didn’t like keeping things from her and she admitted her own secrets she had been withholding too. Things went back to normal between you and Buffy and were even better between you and Faith. It told your lover that she mattered to you, that you wanted everyone to know that you were with her.
“I told her”
“Yeah? You actually want people to know about us then, huh?” she said this as if she assumed you might be embarrassed to love someone like her. But that could never be true.
“Faith, I love you. I would announce it to the world if I could” you insisted, taking her hand in yours and pressing a delicate kiss to the back of her hand. You swore you saw her blush as she pulled you into her, her lips meeting yours in a way that it never had. It was her way of telling you that she loved you back. She wasn’t quite able to say the words yet, but you knew instantly from the sensitive graze of her lips against yours that she had never felt anything more.
However, it took a good, long while to get Buffy and Faith back in the same room without them both exchanging some kind of snide comment. They were both intensely jealous people, though neither would admit it. But they both cared for you even more so and eventually, came around to trying to get on. For you.
Luckily, you were a person with a plan. In fact, you had made a list. Ten pages long (front and back) of ways you were going to convince them that they should both get along. Some of the most ridiculous ideas included hiring a paid vampire to try and attack them whilst also helping them bond as well as telling them that there was an ancient prophecy that the slayers had to like each other or the world could end.
You chose game night as your first activity. Which, in hindsight was probably not your best idea on the list as it brought with it a big element of competition. Something you could have done without. You had chosen Monopoly at first but there had been a creative interpretation of the rules by both of the slayers and so you had to call the end and pretend it was a draw to save each of them from ripping the other’s head off.
When you settled on poker, after Faith took out some matches to use after Buffy said she didn’t want to use real money. You had been on a losing streak for most of the night and you had been teased twice that it was a good job you weren’t playing strip poker. Something Faith quickly added she wouldn’t want to do with Buffy even if she paid her.
But suddenly, you started to win. Just a few games at first but you got better as the night went on. As did the mood between Buffy and Faith. They were civil, at least, and that was all you could really ask for.
Eventually, you realised that they were letting you win. Not only that, but they had silently agreed on this while you weren’t paying attention. They didn’t like that little droopy look you did when you realised you lost. They did a good job of letting you lose just enough times that you really could have been winning by your own skill. But you had seen glances of their cards every now and again and saw they weren’t playing their best hands.
You never called them out though, you didn’t let on that you knew because they had found a way to work together. To get on even if they weren’t as close with each other as you were with them both. Perhaps they never would be, but what made you glow was that they were at least making an effort. For you.
You ended up having regular game nights to unwind whenever there was no heavy slayer patrol needed, you leaned against Faith, lacing your hands with hers. She accused you of looking at her cards but never moved from the comfort of your touch. Buffy pretended to gag at the proximity you shared but you could see the way the corners of her mouth twitched into a slight smile. She had never seen you so happy and it was truly all she wanted for you. To be your happiest.
It actually went well for a while, you could be yourself around these women and you loved them both dearly, in different ways. You spent most of your time with your best friend and your girlfriend and found yourself having fun.
That was, of course, until Buffy found out about Faith and the Mayor…
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the-crooked-library · 4 months
does anyone else think about Spike and Giles looking at each other and seeing a personification of the most despised and vulnerable aspects of their own past or is it just me
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evieelyzabethh · 3 months
Warmer than a Comforter
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pairing(s): Spike x fem!reader
summary: it wasn't unusual for Spike to 'break' into your apartment, but it was unusual for him to want to spend the night.
warnings: very long (4.4k words), spike being a simp, one bed trope, dry humping, thigh fucking, masturbation, some fingering, slight praise, Spike being Spike, a smidge of possessiveness, and thats about it
It was no secret to anyone your favorite time of day was long after the sun went down. A full-time college student who worked a part time job on top of that was no easy feat. Your time during the day was never your time, it was your shitty professors time who assigned reading after reading that needed to be read for the never-ending stream of papers and theses, it belonged to your shitty boss who piled on tons of paperwork and demanded you be at his beck and call even after you clocked out. As much as you loved them, your time off belonged to your friends; patrolling, looking through dusty-old books, trying not to die every time you stepped out of your apartment.
When you got home (if there was no patrolling to be done), it was your time and while you were tired, you made time for your nightly routine. You'd slip off your shoes and walk in the dark to make it to your room to turn on your lamp, because you'd be damned if you were turning on one of the big lights this late.
You would usually strip down and dig a pair of pajamas out of your drawers before taking a scalding shower. You'd brush your teeth and wash your face, maybe if you had the energy, you'd do a face mask and paint your nails. You'd turn on your stereo or switch on your TV to fall asleep to the fuzzy sound and soft light. This, of course, is what you'd be doing right now had you not walked into your house with company.
You could see him lounging on your bed, the darkness of his attire somehow darker than your unlit room. His duster slung on the back of your desk chair, only clothed in some tight navy shirt and jeans.
"What are you doing here, Spike?" You crossed your arms over your chest, annoyed when you realized he had his dirty ass boots on your bed.
"M' paying my favorite Scooby a visit." You walked over to turn on your lamp, giving you enough light to see how smug he was. His arms sat behind his head, his eyes glittering with amusement. He was doing this to annoy you. He did most things just to annoy you.
"Pay another Scooby a visit." You were dead tired, practically forcing your eyes open. You had just gotten back from work, your bag still in your hand which you used to knock his legs off your bed. He could've been stubborn, but he let you.
You stripped off your hoodie, flashing him your stomach as your undershirt rose with the movement. He whistled, "Scandalous."
"Get out of my apartment." You tossed your hoodie at him while rolling your eyes. He caught it midair, bringing it to his nose to sniff it.
"Smells different. You using a different bodywash?" You hummed as you walked around your room to find something suitable to wear to bed. It was dreadfully hot out, even worse than what you'd expect from a California summer. You had at least 3 fans going anytime you were here, especially since your landlord could never seem to find a permanent solution to the junky A.C unit.
"Midnight Rose. Real fancy stuff." You hadn't even noticed a difference, but of course Spike would. Vampire senses had a way of being intrusive in a way that was only helpful when it came to your cycle and saving you bed sheets.
"I like the other one better: the cocoa butter one. It was fainter. You smelt more like you." You scoffed.
"Duly noted." Your hands roamed over the old t-shirts from high school and camisole tops so old the straps had snapped on a couple of them.
Spike sat up on your bed, untying the laces on his shoes haphazardly before setting them by your bedroom door. He roamed around like you had been, picking up bottles of nail polish and flipping through one of the books on your shelf.
"You could spare me a bit of your attention, love. I mean I did go through the trouble of-"
"Breaking into my apartment?" You interrupted.
"On second thought, it was a bit easy. I pushed it a bit and the window came right out. Are you leaving it open for somebody?" His tone was supposed to sound much more teasing than it did. There was a pang in his chest, probably of jealousy. Much to his chagrin, he was jealous a lot these days and he couldn't quite tell if his frequent visits were enabling that or the very cause of it. Either way, it was hard not to just crawl through your window anytime he pleased.
You acted like you were annoyed and if he had a dollar for every time you threatened to call Buffy on him, he wouldn't need to dumpster dive for furniture. If he had another dollar for every time, you never followed through, he'd be even richer. You said it's because you could handle yourself without her help, but, admittedly, you didn't hate his company that much.
As far as house guests go, it could be worse. It's not like he eats all your food, talks your ears off, or is unfunny. He was just there. A pain in your ass sometimes, like when he insists on being half a step behind you during patrols and never fails to tell you how great your ass looks from behind. Never a malevolent presence, just annoyingly noticeable.
His boots were clunky, and he smelled of faint cigarettes and alcohol. He also hated silence. He was fidgety and anxious, even if his intentions were stealth, he couldn't help but break the tension and open his mouth. At times against his will, he just wanted to be noticed that bad. He just needed to be around you that bad.
"I keep telling the landlord to fix it, but he insists it's just fine. 'Nothin' some glue won't fix'." But you had tried gluing it. Had it not been for the clear shit jammed in the lock, the window would've just come right open with the flick of a finger.
"I could fix it for you." He went ignored while you had made your way to your bathroom, taking your hair down from the claw clip it had been stuck in for the past few hours. A slight moan of relief slipped through your lips as your fingers carded through it to massage your scalp.
"You know how to fix windows?"
"Well...no. But it can't be that hard. I've been around a few hundred years, surely I can figure out how to fix a bloody window." What he meant to say (if he had the balls) was that he would be more than happy to learn how to fix a window for you. It would give him an excuse to hang around, it would keep him in your good graces for a solid month, and he wouldn't have to break an entering anymore. Granted, his preferred place of entry had long been broken and he could always come through the front door, but it was a matter of principle.
You looked him up and down, trying to decipher if this was a set up for a joke or if he was actually serious, but he kept his head down. He hadn't been able to blush since he was a human, but the habit had a way of rearing its head for you.
He was so pretty too. With his high cheekbones and the way the warm light made his complexion look less ghastly. As ironic and cliche as it would be to say, he looked slightly angelic. Like one who fell from Heaven and donned the dark and mysterious charade to make it hurt less. He would burn away under a cross just to make it back to Heaven. Nearly break his spine falling out of windows and bleed out taking stabs if it meant he was closer to your doors. If there was one thing Spike did well, it was devotion.
"You wouldn't even know where to start. I'll just call Xander or something."
"What're you gonna do that for!"
"Because, Spike," you laughed incredulously, confused as to if this was going to become an argument or form a chip on his shoulder. "If I want something fixed, I'm going to call someone who does it for a living."
"But would Xander do it for free?"
"Would you?"
"I wouldn't charge anything of monetary value." You snorted, not surprised at all with his answer.
"You are such a whore, you know that?"
"What can I say, baby?" He leaned against the door frame of your bathroom, where you stood staring at your reflection in the mirror. He was happy that his nonexistent reflection could betray him. He was grateful to be a part of this routine - your routine- in a way that didn't disrupt your peace. It was soft. Almost domestic.
You were so meticulous about the way you scrubbed your face and brushed your teeth. He liked how when you took off your makeup the glitter remained. You sparkled at the right angles, really fucking sparkled. Of course, he was going to sit and stare at you; mascara still not completely wiped away, hair tied back with a fuzzy headband, lips agitated from being bit throughout the day. It was poetic. Second nature to him. He didn't need to breath, but it came to him then, overwhelming and filling his lungs like water until he was full as he stared at you in the mirror with not even his own reflection to judge him.
"I'm gonna hop in the shower."
"How rude, without me?" Damn, he sounded like a bloody idiot. You only looked him up and down, trying to appear deeply disgusted but stopped just shy of mildly annoyed.
"Get out of my apartment before I stake you." You slammed the bathroom door in his face, hiding your blush behind the wood.
"That's not a no." His voice is muffled behind the door, and as much as you'd like to believe he didn't hear it, you did laugh.
Spike had to have been a cat in a previous life, is what you decided when you found him still on your bed, nose in some magazine he found pretending to care about the newest Natasha Denona palette.
"That crypt must be uncomfortable as hell for you to still be here." You skated around your room to sink beside him. He reaches across his side to pull out a bottle of water and hands it to you.
"Your showers are hot as hell; I'm surprised you didn't pass out in there." He flips through the pages nonchalantly, pretending not to be incredibly fixated at the water dripping from the nape of your neck and disappearing into your shirt.
"You would've loved that, wouldn't you? Getting to play 'knight and shining armor' while I'm conveniently naked." The sound waxy pages being torn was a surprise. So much of you and his banter was contingent on the assumption that neither of you meant anything serious so nothing would become anything.
Spike, who spent most of his mortal adult life swallowing his feelings until his stomach became an endless chasm where his feelings went to fester rather than die, was more than okay with this unspoken arrangement. Sarcasm was a second language to you. You were used to your words not mattering, especially since in your group of friends, your existence seemed to matter far less than everyone else's. You wondered if that was why you and Spike got along so well.
He just got you. Maybe a side effect of him being around you whenever he could. He just got you. In a stupid way. In an annoying way. The kind of way that made you worried that reading minds was also one of his vampiric powers. He wormed his stupid way into your brain, slithering around in his own sort of Spike way til you didn't know where his influence began.
He did sort of have this hypnotic way of speech. Maybe because he was a poet. Poets have to have some sort of hypnotic power, right? Surely, there was some connection between rhythms and brain waves that made the effect of Spike's voice so persuasive. Maybe it's not the rhythm and it's just the honesty. Ironic, since the basis of your "relationship" was built on never assuming that the other meant what they said, but who cares. It gave you guys flavor. Something to keep things interesting.
"I'll have you know; I am a very old-fashioned guy with manners." You snorted as his response. He talked about his "old-fashioned" ways a lot. Maybe to convince you that he was a gentleman. Gentleman your ass, you'd seen what he kept in his crypt.
"My deepest apologies for assuming that a guy that used railroad spikes as a murder weapon of choice wouldn't be above jumping at the opportunity to see me naked."
"Am I that transparent?"
"When it comes to mirrors, yeah." His scoff was lost in the sound of a car horn going off across the street. Damn, you needed a new place. He had complained to you about the noise before. If you didn't leave near a busy street, he would try his luck spending the night far more than he already did. Each blare deepened the scowl on his face as he flinched at the sound, even louder from where he sat in front of it.
"Those death buggies have to be the worst thing to come out of the 20th century. So obnoxious, and for what?"
"I imagine they are more convenient than horse drawn carriages."
"Yeah, more convenient and not even half the charm." He turned his head to gaze out the window. "It's not even a nice car! I'd rather ride around in the fucking Angel Mobile than drive around in that thing."
"You are so dramatic. Usually I just," you swing your leg over his waist, straddling and reaching over to close the window. He swallowed hard at the feeling of your chest pressing against the magazine, the only boundary between him and you, and the nonchalance of the action. "Shut the window." You felt him tense beneath you, his right hand awkwardly meeting your hip, blue eyes staring up at you through dark eyelashes. "Then again, I'm not a pansy who needs complete silence to sleep."
He cleared his throat before he spoke. "I sleep in a cemetery, love, ain't much noise around those parts." His eyes wandered everywhere they could but the worst part about beautiful people is that there is no unsightly place to avert your gaze. He couldn't stare at your gorgeous eyes, or your stunning nose, or your lips to distract himself from the steadily growing boner that you were sitting right on top of. You were no better than he was.
Within the context of the unspoken agreement, this meant absolutely nothing. The boner was just a normal reaction, that didn't have to mean anything. The way he was looking at you was a bit hard to ignore, but that was the way he always looked at you. He was a lot closer right now, sure, but that stupid lovesick look that you have spent years trying to ignore, totally just a joke. Not real at all. A trick of the light, in fact. The hard-on was very real though.
After sitting there for a few seconds too long, you shift your weight to move back to your side of the bed, but his hands keep you in your place. " 'm cold", he mutters, his thumb rubbing circles between where your shorts meet your bare skin.
"Yeah?" You feel him pressing up against your core. "I didn't think you could get cold."
" Me either but-", you lowered yourself completely on his clothed dick and the groan he let out was salacious. "Here we are." The frigid way he moved made his lie believable. Incredibly cautious, hesitant. No idea what to do with himself. He ran his hands along your thighs, up and down your side, one cold hand sliding underneath your shirt, rubbing the hem of it between his pointer finger and his thumb.
You leaned forward, warm breath fanning against his nose. It smelled like mint. You smelled like some sort of cocoa butter. Smooth and soft on top of him and he didn't know if you were going to roll right off or melt into his skin. Your hands come to the sides of his face, and you stare intently at him. He felt like he was under a microscope with the way you looked at him like you were committing each detail of him to memory so that even when you closed his eyes, it was still him burning in the forefront of your mind.
"You gonna kiss me?" You whispered, pressing yourself further into him. He let out a breathy laugh.
"What, a guy's always gotta make the first move?" With that, you leaned down to give him what was meant to be a quick peck. A tester. A tease. But when you give Spike an inch, he takes a mile, and he took the opportunity to devour you. Mouth open, sloppy, wet kisses while his hands worked as eagerly as his tongue did. You were a calming presence, slow and sane as you grabbed fistfuls of his shirt to try and ground the both of you.
Breathing through your nose, you inhaled him. The faint smell of smoke, the fresh smell of whatever he washed the gel from his hair with, the distinctly Spike musk. Your thighs wrapped him more closely, subtly grinding into his lap, ignoring the slight burn on your knees from the friction between them and your sheets. His large hands covered swathes of skin, cooling you where you grew too hot from his touch. When he had his fill, he broke away from you, still nose to nose, a string of saliva still between the two of you.
"Do you wanna spend the night?" Your voice was somehow meek as if there was any way in hell he would say no to you. He breathed out, turning his head into the crook of your neck, leaving searing kisses on your silky skin, worshipping at his altar, and thanking who or whatever got him here tonight. He kisses you from your neck, along your jawline, to the corner of your lips.
"Yes", he whispers against your skin. He bucks his hips into you, the imprint of his cock and the rough material of his jeans kissing your pussy through the thin layers of material. You nearly choke on his tongue at the feeling. Fuck.
Your eyes are closed, hips moving furiously against his, too blissed out to even care about the steadily growing wet patch in your underwear. You're lost in kisses, kisses that overwhelm and confuse and steal your breath until you wonder how much you need to breathe anyway. Along with not needing to breathe, you learned they must have incredible resolve. He chases you. Not like how a wolf chases a lamb but how the sun chases the moon.
He pulls and you push for breath, some sort of reprieve, some time for your mind to catch up with your body because right now everything but the way the seams of his jeans catch your clit is one of the only things on your mind. He pulls you, still, his hands squeezing at your waist, moving up to cup your breasts, thumbing at your nipples, and flicking the already hard peaks. And you push, still, not in protest but in harmony. Your hips pressing down, his jerking up. Your hands tugging his hair, his squeezing your waist. It was good. It was so good.
"What is the point", he starts breathlessly, "of these damn shorts if they're so thin. You're leaking right through, love." He smiles against you, sharp teeth grazing against your cheek as he smirks.
"Take 'em off me then." For once in his life, he takes his time. The desperation of his prior movements forgotten as he looks at you as he trails a finger from your chest down between the valley of your breasts, to your navel. He draws invisible shapes along your stomach, diamonds, hearts, and letters spelling m-i-n-e. And he stalls there. Looking from beneath you, smug as you ground yourself onto his dick in an attempt to move him along.
He was amused. Fascinated. You in your own world, mewling, moaning, putting on a show just for him. Choosing to ignore how sticky your panties had gotten, how much they stuck to your cunt as you wiggled your hips as if you could get any closer. Your tits moving with you, the way your mouth was slightly agape, the way you keened when you rubbed against him just right. It was no motivation for him to move his hands at all, not when it was much more rewarding to angle his hips up and make you see stars. "You gonna cum like this?" He crooned, full of fake sympathy.
"You're really gonna make me get myself off." You rolled your eyes, maybe out of pleasure, maybe out of faux annoyance. Either way, his hand slithered to the waistband of your shorts and dipped even deeper. He left feather-light touches on your clit which sent jolts of electricity up your spine. Overcome with the tightening feeling in your belly, your hands grabbed at his shoulders as your hips worked and worked you snapped. Impossibly wet and dazed, you rocked into him until the high had passed and the stars had left from behind your eyelids leaving only Spike.
His fingers still, in your panties, he moves to slide them and your shorts off your body. You hover slightly, still too sensitive to rub your bare pussy against him. You fidget with the button of his jeans and zipper, Spike's hands coming to cover yours to ease the shakiness. Maybe to give the appearance that he was much calmer than he was. He was painfully hard, and you felt it when you palmed him through his boxers after getting his pants down enough. Where his tip sat was a wet spot. You smirked.
"Did I get your dick that wet?" A shiver went down his spine. The heat from your palm was felt through his boxers. Your hand was barely big enough to cover it. Before either of you was prepared for it, he flipped you on your back. His hands sat on either side of your head while yours removed him from his boxers. He was so big.
You tore your gaze away from his cock to meet his gaze. He still looked at you the same. Pupils widened from lust, cheeks with a slightly pink tinge, lips puffy, eyes looking down at you with the same look they always had. It's then he leans down to kiss you for the millionth time. No urgency, less messy, a kiss like he was trying to wake you from a thousand-year slumber.
Your hand still on his cock, you pumped it a few times, swiping your thumb against his tip to lubricate his dick. He groaned into your mouth, humming in pleasure. You try to line him up to sink in your hole, but he slaps you on the wrist. "Don't want your cunt tonight," he mumbled in between kisses, "Jus' let me feel you."
He pumped his cock a few times before slotting it in between the meat of your thighs. The veins and ridges of his dick would occasionally slide between your folds, but that wasn't the focus. No matter how much you wiggled for him to plant his cock so far deep it kissed your cervix, you were ignored as he squeezed your thighs together, panting as he fucked them.
The juxtaposition made your head dizzy. The softness with which he kissed you and the fervor of his dick between your thighs, them getting wetter with the accumulation of precum leaking from his dick. It only forced him to press harder, leaving handprints from how hard he gripped. "Such a pretty thing, aren't you." He sighed out, his pace still even but his breaths far from it. "Go ahead and touch that pretty cunt f' me."
As much as your brain wasn't working, it wasn't needed to do what you were told. Bleary-headed, your hand traveled from the outside of your leg to between your folds. Still wet from your previous orgasm, it didn't take much to just slip a couple fingers in, moaning as you did. One hand toyed with your tit as the other toyed with your clit, your hips wanting to buck into your hand had it not been for Spike's palm on your stomach.
Had he had the composure, he would have made some sarcastic comment. Slow down, love, what's the rush, is what he would've said had his thrusts not been as sloppy as they were. He pulled away from your lips to see the mess he was making. White beads pooled on the skin of your stomach, dripping down your thighs like liquid pearls. And you. Low warm light bouncing off your skin, lip tucked in your teeth, staring right up at him. It took all of him not to cum at the sight.
Not before you did, he decided, which by the way your moans pitched up wasn't that far away. Each "accidental" slide into you was met with a jerk of your hips. "Stop it", you squealed, the bucking of your hips screaming otherwise.
"Feels too good, doesn't it." Then he did it again. His large hand drifts around before grabbing your abandoned tit, groping it until you hit your limit again. Your chest heaved unevenly as you tried to catch your breath as Spike's hips sped up, stuttered, then stopped as his cum splashed on your stomach and breasts.
Spent and not knowing what to do, he kisses you again. He smiles into it, and to his surprise, you do too. Like it was the only thing that made sense to do. The fuzz gradually fades from your mind, the noise from the multiple fans running and the faint humming of electricity apparent again. There's a breeze coming in from your window and you giggle.
"Are you still cold?"
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liam-summers · 4 months
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Bangel + Forehead Touch
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theseventhveil1945 · 11 months
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER Created by Joss Whedon (1997-2003)
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readingbookelf · 3 months
The Defense Rests - Spike
Summary: The Scooby-gang holds an emergency meeting when they find out you're dating Spike.
Pairing: fem!reader x Spike
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You’re at Giles’ home, currently being yelled at by Xander, who apparently saw you kissing Spike last night. Instead of just talking to you about it, in private, he called an emergency meeting. Hence the yelling while everyone else just stares at you.
“Spike is a psychotic killer and you’re handing yourself to him on a silver platter. Have you forgotten how he came into our lives? What he was going to do to Buffy for his precious Dru? Who is also nuts in the head, I might add,” Xander practically yells in your face.
“I did not forget, but I’ve used my eyes these past few months. Spike has helped us out more times than one, even when he didn’t need too. Also he hasn’t attacked anyone in months…” you trail off at the end knowing the only reason he hasn’t attacked anyone is because of the chip the Initiative has planted in his head.
Xander scoffs, ready for round two, but Buffy jumps in.
“Xander, you have to admit he’s helped us out… a lot in the past few months. Figuring out who the initiative is, what they do, even fighting demons or helping out with the latest threat. I’m not pro-Spike and I still don’t trust him, but if he makes y/n happy then that’s enough for me. Also I’m the last one to condemn anyone for dating a vampire,” Buffy finishes with a wink towards you.
“Thank you, Buffy,” you whisper.
“So we’re going to ignore the fact he would kill us all if he didn’t have that chip in his head,” Xander asks.
“Xander, last week you admitted that Spike has grown on you. What about all the times you spoke about ‘everything we’ve been through together’ just to try and convince Spike to help out? Don’t you think you’re being hypocritical,” you ask softly.
Xander scoffs but doesn’t make another move to convince you Spike is the devil incarnate.
“And on that note I’m out of here. I’ve got a bed that’s calling my name,” you say before getting up.
“Don’t you mean a certain someone who’s waiting for you in your bed,” Willow quips, wiggling her eyes.
Everyone groans.
When you walk through your front door, you find Spike on your couch watching a movie.
“Home already or you haven't left yet,” you ask the blond man.
“Home for the night,” he replies while smiling at you cheekily.
That smile never fails to make you weak in the knees. You let yourself fall onto the couch next to Spike while letting out the biggest sigh of your life.
“The scooby doo-meeting was that bad, huh,” he asks. “The end of the world again,” he chuckles.
You look at Spike and see the concern shining in his eyes. He puts his arm around you and pulls you close into his side. You let your head fall on his shoulder and nuzzle close.
“The end of the world for Xander,” you scoff.
“What do you mean,” Spike asks.
“You were right that someone was watching us last night. After seeing us together Xander followed us and saw us kiss. Hence the emergency meeting,” you explain.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Spike exclaims while jumping up.
Immediately your hand circles around his wrist. You give a little pull to make him sit down again. He sighs and sits down next to you once more.
“Who does he think he is? He’s dating a vengeance demon for god’s sake,” Spike spits out.
You rub his shoulder trying to calm him down.
“There was a discussion. I defended you. Buffy jumped in. Everyone is more or less okay with it. I’m kind of done talking about this, Spike. Xander’s opinionated. I’ve seen the way he was with Buffy and Angel.”
You shake your head at the end. The uncomfortable memory resurfacing. He was so mean to Buffy. It’s hard dealing with the supernatural world as a human. You realise how fragile your life really is. It causes Xander to act out like this, and it’s not an excuse, but it gives him some leeway when he explodes.
“I still hate that you had to sit through that meeting all by yourself. I should’ve been there. I’m part of this relationship,” he says fiercely.
You take his hand and squeeze.
“You were. There was this little annoying voice that sounded a lot like you edging me on while I was defending you…and calling Xander names I won’t repeat,” you chuckle.
A twinkle lights in Spike’s eyes. He presses his lips firmly on yours. A moan slips past your lips by the sheer force of it all. Slowly you pull away.
“I like you. You like me. And everyone else can suck it,” Spike says before kissing you once more.
194 notes · View notes
witchthewriter · 2 years
𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 & 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈
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𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐳 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧🌼 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭🌻   𝐁𝐮𝐲 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞?🎁
𝑨𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒃𝒐𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 (not taking requests)
𝑾𝒉𝒐 𝑰 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 🔮
➥ (requests are open) ➥ smut ✅ (18+ only) ➥ comissions
𝑊𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑐𝘩-𝑢𝑝 𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑏𝑜𝑎𝑟𝑑?
                                                 ⸻ ✶✺✮ ⸻
𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏 𝑫𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚.
𝑪𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
・Game of Thrones / Merlin ⇢🦋Merlin and Pod pining over you would include ⇢🦋Jaskier and Jesper pining over you would include ⇢🦋Ivar with a Targaryen s/o would include
𝐴 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝘩𝑜𝑟𝑛𝑠 & 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 🌹
↳ “ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ꜰᴇᴇʟ ʙᴀᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴏɴᴇ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʙʀɪɴɢꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ᴊᴏʏ.”
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⭑ Feyre Archeron ⇢ fancast ⇢ being in a poly relationship with her and rhysand
⭑ Rhysand ⇢ fancast ⇢ being in a poly relationship with him and feyre ⭑ Cassian ⇢ fancast ⇢ being his s/o would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship with him and nesta ⭑ Azriel ⇢ fancast ⇢ being a witch & his s/o would include ⭑ Mor ⇢ fancast
⭑ Amren ⇢ fancast ⇢ being her mate would include
⭑ Nesta Archeron ⇢ fancast ⇢ being in a poly relationship with her and cassian ⭑ Elain Archeron ⇢ fancast
⭑ Lucien ⇢ fancast
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒓🥕
↳ "ɪᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ᴡᴇɪʀᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ɪɴ ᴀ ʀᴇꜱᴛᴀᴜʀᴀɴᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇʟʏ ʟᴏꜱᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ��ɪɴᴅ."
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⭑ Carmen ‘Carmy’ Berzatto ⇢ being the new employee at the shop would include
𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑆𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑠 🏴‍☠️
↳ “ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴍᴏɴꜱᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ. ꜱɪɴᴄᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ꜱᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴠɪɴᴄᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴀᴍ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱ. ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ɪᴛ.”
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⭑ John Silver ⇢ being a fearsome pirate and married to him would include
𝐵𝑢𝑓𝑓𝑦 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑉𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝑆𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟🌷
↳ "ᴅɪᴅ ᴡᴇ ɴᴏᴛ ᴘᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ‘ɢʀʀ’ ɪɴ ɢɪʀʟ?“
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⭑ Buffy Summers ⇢ dating would include  ⭑ Willow Rosenberg ⇢ dating would include
⭑ Angel ⇢ dating would include ⭑ Xander Harris ⇢ dating would include ⭑ Rupert Giles ⇢ being his s/o would include 
⭑ Spike ⇢ with a short s/o would include ⇢ with a british s/o would include ⇢ with a trans ftm s/o would include ⇢ smitten spike (imagine/drabble) ⇢ how he would win your love ⭑ Faith Lehane ⇢ being her s/o would include
𝐶𝘩𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑁𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑎  🍃
↳"ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴀ ᴋɪɴɢ ᴏʀ Qᴜᴇᴇɴ ᴏꜰ ɴᴀʀɴɪᴀ, ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴀ ᴋɪɴɢ ᴏʀ Qᴜᴇᴇɴ ᴏꜰ ɴᴀʀɴɪᴀ."
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⇢ being a fairy and the pevensie’s s/o, visiting them in the human world would include
⭑ High King Peter the Magnificent  ⇢ being his wife would include
⭑ Queen Susan the Gentle ⇢ being a fawn & dating her would include
⭑ King Edmund the Just ⇢ being his wife and part narnian would include
⭑ Queen Lucy the Valiant  ⇢ being her best friend would include  ⇢ being Lilliandil’s sister and lucy falling in love with you would include
⭑ Prince Caspian  ⇢ being married to him would include
⭑ Eustace ⇢ visiting narnia with him would include
⭑ Mr Tumnus  ⇢ being his s/o would include
𝐷𝐶 ⚖️
↳"ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇᴍ. ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?”
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⭑ Harley Quinn ⇢ dating would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship with her & ivy would include ⭑ Black Canary ⇢ being a vigilante & her s/o would include ⭑ Poison Ivy ⇢ fancast ⇢ being in a poly relationship with her & harley would include ⇢ being a gotham city siren & dating Ivy would include ⭑ Selina Kyle/Catwoman ⇢ dating would include
⭑ Wonder Woman ⇢ dating would include ⭑ Aquaman ⇢ being a gotham city siren as well as his s/o would include
𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒆 & 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅
↳"ᴛʜᴇ ᴠɪʟᴇꜱᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴍᴇɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪᴄᴋᴇᴅᴇꜱᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴡᴏᴍᴇɴ ʟɪᴋᴇᴡɪꜱᴇ ᴍᴀʏ ᴅᴏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛɪᴍᴇ, ꜰᴏʀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀꜱꜱɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘɪᴛʏ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ ꜰᴏᴜɴᴅ ɪɴ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋᴇꜱᴛ ᴏꜰ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛꜱ."
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⭑ Visenya Targaryen ⇢ fancast ⇢ being a Velaryon and her s/o would include
⭑ Rhaenys Targaryen ⇢ fancast
⭑ Aegon Targaryen  ⇢ fancast
𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝘩𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠 ♔
↳"ᴛʜᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ɪꜱ ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴜʟʟ ᴏꜰ ᴛᴇʀʀᴏʀꜱ.“
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⭑ Daenarys Targaryen ⇢ being her s/o would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her and sansa would include ⭑ Sansa Stark ⇢ being her wife would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her and margaery would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her and dany would include ⇢ her falling in love with a serving girl would include
⭑ Robb Stark ⇢ being a secret lannister and his wife would include ⭑ Jon Snow ⇢ being his s/o would include ⭑ Sandor Clegane ⇢ being his s/o would include ⇢ sfw alphabet ⭑ Podrick Payne ⇢ being a witch & his s/o would include ⭑ Brienne of Tarth ⇢ being her chaotic s/o would include ⭑ Margaery Tyrell ⇢ being a baratheon and her s/o would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her and sansa would include ⇢ being Dany’s sister & in a secret relationship w/ Margaery would include ⇢ how she would comfort her s/o would include ⇢ sfw alphabet
⭑ Jaime Lannister ⇢ being a Targaryen and his s/o would include ⇢ sfw alphabet
𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 ⚡️
↳"ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴏ ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴡʜᴀᴛ.”
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🇲​🇦​🇷​🇦​🇺​🇩​🇪​🇷​ 🇵​🇷​🇪​🇫​🇪​🇷​🇪​🇳​🇨​🇪​🇸​
⇢ Smut with them includes ⇢ the marauders as dads would include
⇢ the gryffindors as dads would include
⭑ Harry Potter ⇢ dating would include ⇢ your wedding 
⭑ Hermione Granger ⇢ dating would include
⭑ Ron Weasley ⇢ being his chaotic s/o would include
⭑ Fred Weasley ⇢ being muggle-born and his s/o would include
⭑ Neville Longbottom  ⇢ being married would include
⭑ Luna Lovegood  ⇢ having a transgender s/o would include
⭑ Draco Malfoy
⭑ James Potter ⇢ being in a poly relationship with him and remus would include
⭑ Sirius Black ⇢ being his s/o would include
⭑ Remus Lupin ⇢ fancast ⇢ being his s/o would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship with him and james would include ⇢ sfw alphabet
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐻𝑜𝑏𝑏𝑖𝑡 ※
↳“ɪ'ᴍ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ᴀɴ ᴀᴅᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀᴇ!”
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⭑ Kili ⇢ being a hobbit & his s/o would include
𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑛 🐉
↳"ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍꜱ ᴅɪᴅɴ'ᴛ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴜꜱ ᴋɪɴɢꜱ. ᴅʀᴀɢᴏɴꜱ ᴅɪᴅ."
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⇢ reacting to a bad dream  ⇢ holidays with them would include ⇢ how they show their love
⭑ Rhaenyra Targaryen ⇢ having a crush on you would include ⇢ in a secret relationship would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her & harwin would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her, daemon & harwin would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her and alicent would include
⭑ Daemon Targaryen ⇢ being his wife would include ⇢ being his s/o and bonding with caraxes would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ him, harwin & rhaenyra would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ him & aemond would include ⇢ with a chinese dragon seed s/o would include
⭑ Ser Harwin Strong ⇢ being his wife would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ him and rhaenyra would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ him, daemon & rhaenyra would include ⇢ first interaction ⇢ him falling in love with you would include ⇢ nsfw alphabet
⭑ Rhaenys Targaryen II ⇢ her falling in love with a younger woman would include
⭑ Alicent Hightower ⇢ in a secret relationship would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her and rhaenyra would include
⭑ Aemond Targaryen ⇢ being a stark and married would include ⇢ with a dragon seed s/o who claimed cannibal would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ him & daemon would include
⭑ Otto Hightower ⇢ nsfw headcanons ⇢ with an enfp wife would include
⭑ Jacaerys Velaryon ⇢ fancast ⇢ being the firstborn baratheon princess, a witch and his s/o would include
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐻𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠🥂
↳"ᴍᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴅᴅꜱ ʙᴇ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜰᴀᴠᴏᴜʀ!"
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⭑ Katniss Everdeen ⇢ having a crush on you would include
𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐴𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑢𝑟: 𝐿𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 🗡
↳“ᴡʜʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴇɴᴇᴍɪᴇꜱ ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ?”
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⭑ King Arthur ⇢ having a crush on you would include ⇢ being betrothed would include (pirate!reader)
𝐿𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑅𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 ֍
↳ “ᴅᴇᴇᴅꜱ ᴡɪʟʟ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʟᴇꜱꜱ ᴠᴀʟɪᴀɴᴛ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀᴇ ᴜɴᴘʀᴀɪꜱᴇᴅ.”
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⭑ Aragorn  ⇢ with a chaotic s/o would include
⭑ Legolas ⇢ being his s/o would include ⇢ being his pregnant wife would include
⭑ Arwen ⇢ being a witch under gandalf & her s/o would include
⭑ Boromir ⇢ being a witch & his s/o would include
𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑙 / 𝑀𝐶𝑈 ☾
↳ "ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴅᴏ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴀʟʟ ᴅᴀʏ.“
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⭑ Wanda Maximoff/The Scarlet Witch ⇢ being Ultron! Wanda’s s/o would include ⇢ being WandaVisions! Wanda’s s/o would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her & nat would include ⭑ Natasha Romanoff ⇢ dating would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her & wanda would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her & steve would include ⭑ Yelena Belova ⇢ being a witch & yelena’s s/o ⭑ Druig ⇢ being a witch and dating would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ him & bucky would include ⭑ Steven Grant / Mr Knight ⇢ steven helps reader while at work on her periods ⇢ how you & steven got together ⇢ dating the avator of Ra would include
⭑ Frank Castle ⇢ being his s/o would include
⭑ Loki ⇢ dating would include ⭑ Frost Giant Loki ⇢ dating would include ⭑ Thor ⇢ dating endgame thor would include ⭑ Bucky Barnes ⇢ being his plus-sized s/o would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ him & druig would include ⭑ Steve Rogers ⇢ with a plus-size s/o would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ him & nat would include
𝑀𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑛  ♚
↳"ʏᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴛᴇɴɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ꜱᴘᴏᴏɴ?"
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⇢ how the knights show their love ⇢ how they court you ⇢ the knights as fathers ⇢  your first time together
⭑ Merlin ⇢ being his s/o would include ⇢ with a s/o who doesn’t have magic would include
⭑ King Arthur ⇢ falling in love with a kindhearted witch would include
⭑ Queen Guinevere ⇢ being her s/o would include ⇢ sleepover w/ her and morgana would include
⭑ Morgana ⇢ being a princess who falls in love with her would include ⇢ sleepover w/ her and gwen would include
⭑ Sir Percival ⇢ being a witch & his s/o would include
⭑ Sir Lancelot ⇢ being fae and his wife would include
⭑ Sir Gawaine ⇢ being his wife would include ⇢ being merlin’s best friend and having a crush on gwaine would include
⭑ Sir Leon ⇢ being his wife would include
⭑ Sir Elyan ⇢  a journey with him would include
𝑃𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑦 𝐵𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 ✧
↳"ᴍᴀʏ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇ ɪɴ ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ ᴀ ꜰᴜʟʟ ʜᴀʟꜰ ʜᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴠɪʟ ᴋɴᴏᴡꜱ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ.”
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⭑ Thomas Shelby ⇢ being his s/o would include
⭑ Alfie Solomons ⇢ being his wife would include
⭑ Arthur Shelby ⇢ being his s/o would include
⭑ John Shelby ⇢ being his s/o would include
⭑ Ada Shelby ⇢ being her s/o would include
𝑃𝑖𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑛 ☠
↳"ɴᴏᴛ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʀᴇᴀꜱᴜʀᴇ ɪꜱ ꜱɪʟᴠᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏʟᴅ, ᴍᴀᴛᴇ.“
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⭑ Captain Jack Sparrow ⇢ him being fond of you would include
⭑ Elizabeth Swann ⇢ being her pirate s/o would include
⭑ Will Turner ⇢ being an immortal pirate & his s/o would include
𝑆𝘩𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤 & 𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑒 ✺
↳ "ꜰɪɴᴇ, ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴠɪʟʟᴀɪɴ.”
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⭑ Kaz Brekker ⇢ being his s/o would include
⭑ Inej Ghafa ⇢ being her s/o would include
⭑ Alina Starkov ⇢ being her s/o would include (sfw)
⭑ Nina Zenik ⇢ being an inferni grisha & her best friend would include
⭑ Zoya Nazyalensky ⇢ protective headcanons ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her & genya would include ⇢ with an INTP s/o would include
⭑ Matthias Helvar ⇢ being his wife would include
⭑ Genya Safin ⇢ being her gf would include ⇢ zoya’s younger sister being with genya would include ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her & zoya would include ⭑ Nikolai Lantsov ⇢ dating would include ⇢ having a pirate s/o would include
The Darkling ⇢ being a moon summoner and his s/o would include
𝑆𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑠 ⛺
↳ "ᴛʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀꜱᴇ: ᴜɴᴘʀᴇᴅɪᴄᴛᴀʙʟᴇ."
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⭑ James Cook  ⇢ being his s/o would include
𝑆𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐴𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑐𝘩𝑦 🍀
↳"ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ᴀʟʟᴏᴡ ᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛꜱ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ʟᴏᴜᴅᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ.“
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・how they act when they have a crush on you
⭑ Jax Teller ⇢ being his old lady would include
⭑ Chibs Telford ⇢ being his old lady would include
𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 ☢
↳"ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ɪꜱ ɢᴏɴɴᴀ ɢᴏ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʏ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ. ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ. ʙᴜᴛ ɪᴛ'ʟʟ ɢᴇᴛ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ. ɪɴ ᴛɪᴍᴇ.”
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ᴍɪsᴄ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴs:
─ being the resident badass in hawkins ─ being a witch in the hawkins group ─ being the chessmaster with heart in hawkins ─ being the cranky grandparent in the hawkins group ─ being the wine aunt/uncle in the hawkins group ─ movie night with the gang
⇢ being their short s/o would include
⭑ Eddie Munson ⇢ dating would include ⇢ modern dating headcanons ⇢ Vampire! Eddie headcanons  ⇢ being his s/o would include ⇢ s/o with arthiritist would include ⇢ drabble from his secret admirer ⇢ nsfw alphabet ⇢ having a platonic autistic relationship would include ⇢ with an ENFP s/o
⭑ Steve Harrington ⇢ babysitting w/ steve  ⇢ dating would include ⇢ having a relationship like goose & carol ⇢ with an autistic s/o would include ⇢ your cat liking steve includes
⭑ Jim Hopper ⇢ dating would include
⭑ Joyce Byers ⇢ dating would include
⭑ Jonathan Byers ⇢ dating would include
⭑ Argyle ⇢ dating would include ⇢ with an autistic s/o would include
⭑ Nancy Wheeler ⇢ dating would include ⇢ lil date drabble ⭑ Robin Buckley ⇢ dating would include
⭑ Chrissy Cunningham ⇢ going on a date would include
𝑇𝘩𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐺𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 ♚
↳ “ɴᴏ. ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ꜱᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴇ ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴏɴ ᴍʏ ᴏᴡɴ— ɪꜰ ɢɪᴠᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴘᴇʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴍᴀᴛᴇʀɪᴀʟ.”
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⭑ Aelin Galathynius ⇢ fancast ⭑ Rowan Whitethorn ⇢ fancast
⭑ Dorian Havilliard ⇢ fancast
⭑ Manon Blackbeak ⇢ fancast ⇢ dating would include
⭑ Yrene Towers ⇢ fancast ⇢ being a witch and her s/o would include ⇢ poly relationship with yrene, elide and reader
⭑ Chaol Westfall ⇢ fancast
⭑ Aedion Ashryver ⇢ fancast
⭑ Lysandra ⇢ fancast
⭑ Elide Lochan ⇢ fancast ⇢ being her s/o would include ⇢ poly relationship with yrene, elide and reader
⭑ Lorcan Salvaterre  ⇢ fancast
⭑ Fenrys ⇢ fancast
⭑ Gavriel ⇢ fancast ⇢ being his mate and looking after him would include
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑧𝑒 𝑅𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟🌳
↳“ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɪɴ'ᴛ ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴅ… ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɪɴ'ᴛ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ.”
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⭑ Thomas ⇢ being with someone who has ADHD would include
⭑ Newt ⇢ jealous of his medjack gf would include
⭑ Minho ⇢ with a plus size s/o 
⭑ Gally ⇢ being his s/o would include ⇢ with a short s/o
𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑔𝘩𝑡 ✺
↳“ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍʏ ʟɪꜰᴇ ɴᴏᴡ.”
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⇢ the cullen’s nicknames for you
⭑ Bella Swan ⇢ being her s/o would include ⇢ being her witch s/o would include
⭑ Edward Cullen ⇢ with a witch s/o would include
⭑ Carlisle Cullen ⇢ nsfw headcanons  ⇢ with a shy s/o would include
⭑ Esme Cullen ⇢ nsfw alphabet
⭑ Rosalie Hale ⇢ being her vampire mate would include ⇢ nsfw alphabet
⭑ Emmett Cullen ⇢ with a witch mate would include
⭑ Alice Cullen ⇢ being a human and dating would include ⇢ having a witch mate would include
⭑ Tanya Denali ⇢ being her vampire soulmate would include
⭑ Paul Lahote ⇢ nsfw headcanons
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝟷𝟶𝟶 ⚘
↳"ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀ ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜ, ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ɪᴛ.“
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⭑ Bellamy Blake ⇢ being apart of the 100 and his s/o would include
⭑ Octavia Blake ⇢ being her s/o would include
⭑ Raven Reyes ⇢ ’the raven & the wolf’ (imagine, wife reader)
⭑ Commander Lexa ⇢ being her wife would include
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑈𝑚𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝐴𝑐𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑦 ⛱
↳ "ꜱᴏʟɪᴛᴜᴅᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ᴅᴏ ꜰᴜɴɴʏ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍɪɴᴅ.”
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⭑ Klaus ⇢ with a writer gf would include
𝑉𝑖𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 ⚔️
↳ "ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ ɪꜱ ᴏɴʟʏ ɢɪᴠᴇɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴏꜱᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ᴀʀᴇ ᴘʀᴇᴘᴀʀᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇᴍꜱᴇʟᴠᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ɪᴛ ᴜᴘ.”
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⭑ Ragnar ⇢ sfw alphabet
⭑ Bjorn ⇢ being with bjorn would include ⭑ Ivar ⇢ ivar with a chubby s/o
⭑ Ubbe ⇢ sfw alphabet
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑊𝑎𝑙𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑑 💀
↳"ʀᴇꜱᴛ ɪɴ ᴘᴇᴀᴄᴇ. ɴᴏᴡ ɢᴇᴛ ᴜᴘ, ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏ ᴛᴏ ᴡᴀʀ.“
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⭑ Daryl Dixon ⇢ dating would include ⇢ proposal imagine ⇢ with a plus size s/o would include
⭑ Rick Grimes ⇢ being coleader of the group and his s/o would include
⭑ Negan ⇢ having a crush on you would include
𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑊𝑒 𝐷𝑜 𝐼𝑛 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑠 🥀
↳“ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛʜᴇꜱᴇ ᴠɪʀɢɪɴꜱ."
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⭑ Nadja ⇢ nsfw alphabet
⭑ Guillermo ⇢ being a werewolf and his s/o would include
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑊𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑟  ✶
↳ "ʙᴇᴡᴀʀᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴ ᴏʟᴅ ᴍᴀɴ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴘʀᴏꜰᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴍᴇɴ ᴜꜱᴜᴀʟʟʏ ᴅɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜɴɢ."
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⭑ Yennefer of Vengerberg ⇢  nsfw headcanons
⭑ Jaskier ⇢ falling in love with a princess would include ⇢ falling in love with triss merigold’s sister would include
↳ "ᴋᴀʀᴍᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ ɪɴ ᴀʟʟ ꜱʜᴀᴘᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱɪᴢᴇꜱ. ɢᴜᴇꜱꜱ ɪᴛ’ꜱ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
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⭑ Rip Wheeler ⇢ being his wife would include
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Spike x reader - before I laid eyes on you
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Sitting under the street lamp, you smiled to yourself as you pulled the pen away from the notebook you were drawing in.
You had been at it for a couple of hours, your wrist hurt a little bit, but since you hadn’t had a break that was to be expected.
What wasn’t to be expected was the sense you had from behind you that there was somebody creeping up on you.
You heard whoever it was stop.
“How did you know I was there?”
“I know many things, just like I know who you are Spike, I know you’re here to kill me.”
Spike walked around the bench, and he sat down in next to you, leaning back as he lit a cigarette, resting an arm on the back of the bench.
You didn’t look at him, you simply just went back drawing in your notebook.
“You’re not even going to run away? You know that does take all the fun out of killing you pet.”
“I know I would never stand a chance trying to run from you.”
He hummed, nodding his head as he smirked a little bit.
“Is that so?”
He glanced down at the notebook, leaning over to look at what you were doing and you covered it.
Reaching up you placed a finger on his forehead and pushed him back.
“Oi, don’t touch the merchandise.”
“It’s not ready yet, if you want to look you have to wait.”
He huffed a little, and you smiled, going back to your drawing.
“Is this a trap? Am I being set up?”
You shook your head.
“No, they don’t even know I’m out. It’s the only time I can find time. Plus, if it were a trap I’d be an easy hostage so I don’t see any situation in how you can’t win.”
He smirked a little again, nodding his head in agreement.
You glanced up at the building in front of you, studying the design, the structure, the colours.
Looking back at your notebook you carried on, hands moving on their own, as if you had drawn this exact building a million times, burned in your brain.
Spike watched you intrigued.
You made no effort to run away from him, no effort to scream or fight or try save your life in any kind of way.
It made him curious, and it took all the fun out of him wanting to kill you because for him it was all a game, the thrill of the chase, an instinct all hunters had, but you didn’t seem to have the instinct to flee.
You put your put your pen into your bag, and you slowly tore the page from book, and you set it on the bench.
“So, you made me pause my killing so you were able to finish a drawing?” He scoffed.
He picked it up, and he studied it.
It looked so real, as if you had picked up the building from the street and crammed it into the tiny page of a book.
“Intriguing, I wonder if you’ll want to draw what it will look like when I snap your neck.”
He looked up and you were gone.
“What the hell?”
Spike stood up, trying to find any sign that you were somewhere still around, or that you had even been there but there was none aside from the paper in his hands.
Spike flicked his cigarette across the e street and he began to walk up to the building.
You really hadn’t missed a spot of detail when you were drawing it, everything was there, from small cracks in some of the windows to the emblem at the front of the building.
That wasn’t the first time Spike met you, but it was the first time he was intrigued by you, and not in a way that made him want to kill you.
He noticed that when the he was fighting with Buffy or the others you weren’t there.
They made sure to keep you as far away as possible, but then as the nights came he would find you accidentally around the town.
He would just be on the hunt and he would stumble across you just sitting there, in your own little world as you drew something new and his attention would be focused on you.
And tonight was no different, he found you sitting at a table outside some late open cafe, a cup of coffee in front of you, your notebook on the table as you looked around.
Spike slipped into the seat in front of you.
“Hello love.”
“Should I be concerned for the amount of times you come to visit me?” You asked.
“Well, you should know better than wonder alone at night, especially in a town like this. Never know when a big bad will jump at you.”
You gave a small shrug, pulling your scarf a little tighter around you.
Spike watched intensely, and he leant back in his chair.
“Well, you seem to appear most nights, yet you still haven’t killed me.”
“I will one day, after all, it’s no fun if I kill you right away.”
You let out a soft laugh, picking up your cup so you could take a drink, then your turned your attention back to your drawing so you could finish it.
“Can I ask you something?” You asked.
“Depends on the question.”
Spike took your cup so he could drink some coffee and he set it back down, picking up the menu to browse the boring food.
“Why won’t you kill me?”
Spike looked up at you, slowly setting the menu back down.
“Do you want me to kill you?”
He didn’t say it with excitement, you could hear the curiosity in his tone, along with confusion.
“If I ask you to would you?”
“Maybe, might sire you, that could be fun.”
You shook your head at him.
“No sire, just pure death. As in nothing after, I won’t wake up again.”
“Now talk like this concerns a bloke love.”
You sighed, shaking your head.
Ripping the page from the book you handed it over to him and stood up, finishing your coffee before you began to make your leave.
Spike quickly got up, catching up to you in a few long strides and he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
“Ah, ah, you’re not running off that easily. You can’t just say something like that and not expect follow up questions.”
“Please Spike, I really don’t want to talk about it.”
You carried on walking and Spike followed you, not saying a single word he simply just looked at you every so often.
Truth be told he would have killed you the first chance he got, now he didn’t want to, even if he could that thought never crossed his mind, but you didn’t need to know that, or about the chip.
You just had to think he was the same big bad.
“I’m not quite sure that was an invitation for you to follow me.” You said.
“I don’t need an invitation.”
You hummed a little bit, clasping your hands behind you as you turned around to look at him.
You smiled softly, walking backwards and he rose a brow at you.
“You can only go so far.”
“I can be rather convincing if I do say so myself, I’m sure I can convince your parents to invite me in.”
“You could try, that might be a bit hard if you live alone.”
Walking up to your house, you opened the door and stepped inside, grinning at Spike as he stood outside.
He wore an unamused look on his face, watching as you sat down on the stairs.
“Now that just isn’t fair love, don’t I get an invite?”
“Hm, I don’t think so. You’re nice company outside but at least u know I can just leave you at the door.”
He placed a hand on his chest, leaning on the doorframe.
“Ouch, now that hurts love.”
You smiled softly, and Spike looked around the hallway, all framed paintings and pictures that looked exactly like the ones you did.
You got up, turning the light on so he could see better, and it worked.
He could see better, a lot better
Now you were out of the dim streetlights, into some bright light that actually illuminated things Spike could see you better.
He could see you clearly.
“You’re blind..” he said quietly.
You smiled weakly, nodding your head as you walked back over to the steps to sit down.
“Not fully, mostly. I can still see a bit, my eyes are sensitive to the light, but I found a few spells that can help me navigate around.”
“A witch?”
Spike looked at you, it wasn’t obvious to anybody that you were blind, but he could see the blank look in your eyes, you looked at him but you didn’t.
He would’ve thought maybe you were just awkward at eye contact, but he could see it, the faint gloss that covered the outside of your iris, slowly creeping.
There was something else.
A sickly paleness to your skin.
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked.
You sighed, resting your head on the wall behind you, and you looked over at the open door.
Spike was sat in your doorway, in his hands the new picture you had made of a deer, and it was so lifelike just like all the others.
“Cancer, in the brain, the uh.. the blindness might be a side effect of the tumour but they can’t be sure.”
“What do you think?”
“Maybe it’s making it worse yes, but I’ve always had problems with my eyes, ever since I was a child. Either way I’ll go blind.”
Spike nodded his head, looking up from the drawing.
You still held a small smile on your face.
“Do they know?” He asked.
Your smile a little.
“No. Spike you can’t tell them, they don’t need to know. Not with everything going on with you know.. well.. you… demons..”
“Right, right. It would put a damper on everything considering they think I’m just missing.”
You nodded.
A small silence fell over the pair of you.
“How long?”
You said nothing.
“How long do you have?”
You let out a heavy sigh.
“I don’t know, I’ve been offered surgery to try remove the tumours.”
“Have you accepted?”
Spike stood up, slamming his hand on the doorway.
“Well why the bloody hell not?!”
“Either it works, and I still go blind, I die on that operating table, or I die of cancer. All three sound like rather poor choices.”
“But there’s a chance you could survive, you said it yourself you found a way to make it more bearable with the blindness.”
You walked over, sitting against the door and he sat back against the frame on the otherside looking at you.
“It will most likely come back.”
“Then.. then they cut it out again, they keep doing that.”
“Spike, they can only do it so many times before they stop.”
He furrowed his brows, eyes staring into yours.
“You’ll still die…”
He put the drawing in to his pocket, and he rested his head against the wood.
“That’s why you asked if I would kill you. Because you don’t want to die to the tumour, at least if I did it you would have control in your death.”
You nodded your head, and a soft smile gracing your face once more.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of the cool breeze coming through the door.
“Very well.”
You opened your eyes.
“I will do it under one condition.”
You titled your head a little.
“What’s that?”
“You agree to the procedure, if it fails then you hang on for as long as possible, then when the time is right you ask and I will give you a quick and painless death.”
“No resurrection?”
“None, just death.”
You agreed to his terms, and the following day you went back to the hospital to speak to your doctor about the procedure.
Spike was there, lurking in the hallways away from the sunlight, and when the door to your room was opened he stepped aside and waited.
You closed the blinds and he walked in, closing the door behind him.
“They ran some tests, they need to take it out now, and I’ll be hospital bound for a while.”
“Right, you should call your friends. In the event that you die of course.”
You laughed weakly.
“The doctor is doing it, I guess that means I won’t be seeing you around huh?”
Spike sat on the edge of your bed.
“I’ll be around.”
You smiled, and reached up, gently touching the side of his face and he said nothing about it.
You could tell his was smiling though, from the little crinkles at the corner of his eye.
“Thank you.”
Spike got up, leaning forward he pressed his lips to your forehead and took a step back.
“Good luck love..”
With that he was gone.
He hasn’t told you about the chip in his head, that even if he wanted too he wasn’t able to hurt you, but he definitely didn’t want to hurt you.
He couldn’t hurt you, it would hurt him, but if it came down to it and it was what you wanted then no amount of pain in his skull would stop him from granting you that wish
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finalgirl1984 · 2 months
Wouldn’t it be messed up if some known potentials where just kidnapped? Kendra was given up to be raised by her watcher. I imagine most parents aren’t going to surrender their children to a random british guy showing up on their doorstep. And even if they are given proof of the supernatural and fully believe this guys talk of monsters and slayers, thats still not much better is it? “Yeah give us your kid so we can raise them into child soldiers.”
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prose-for-hire · 5 months
Evol (or, a backwards love story)
Pairing: Spike x reader
Request: Hey I love your spike x reader fics I was wondering if you could do one were like they both have a crush on eachother and he invites her over to his crypt but it's super fluffy and he makes it all romantic with candles and shit
Reader isn't a big fan of pink but doesn't like hate it or anything (just a heads up in case you love pink (like me) and it takes you out of the story).
Requested by: anon
A/N: Be kind please this is the first fic I've done in ages! Hope this is okay, love 💖
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You had been in deep thought, your mind travelling ahead of you as your limbs tried to follow. But your wandering mind had led you down an unknown path. You had taken a strange turn somewhere and found yourself in unchartered territory.
You were at a crossroads, in almost pitch darkness. The streetlights had disappeared a couple of streets ago and you weren’t entirely sure where you were. You were fumbling through the dark now, trying to find something to hold onto, to anchor you.
You found yourself connecting with something, a figure in the shadows. You groaned, the last thing you needed tonight was to get eaten, your top was brand new. You recoiled slightly but a pair of steady hands righted you. He, of course, could see in the dark.
“What’re you doing round these parts, pet?” His voice came from the darkness, retracting his hands, a flame from his lighter ignited so that you could see.
“Got kinda turned around… I’m lost”
“Can’t have that, can we, love? If you’re not careful somethin’ nasty might eat you up” His eyes glinted with amusement, his lips curled slightly in that irresistible way he did. Even when he was being ‘evil’ he was attractive to you. You were doomed to fall for him.
“What did we talk about Spike?”
“Too much?”
“Only a little” you smiled despite yourself, now unable to look up from your feet. You were afraid that you would reveal too much, he could read you like a book. He always had, ever since you met a year ago.
It was tongues and teeth. Blood and sweat. You were backed against the wall, the vibrations from the music pulsing through you. You grasped the black t-shirt that clung to him so perfectly, the vampire you had only heard about.
You knew he and Buffy had faced each other on numerous occasions, you just happened to miss him each time. You had met them in college and had only known of the stories about William the Bloody at this point. But you always liked to judge people for yourself, anyway. And, well, you hadn’t realised how beautiful he was, you had been taken by him as soon as he stomped up to the bar and sulkily ordered a beer.
You heard voices through the crowd, through the headiness of that moment. Voices you recognised. You pulled away, your face a picture; as if you had seen a ghost. You weren’t supposed to be here,
“Go home” He had hissed, covering you as you slid away. Taking Buffy’s attention.
You should have known then he had a soft spot. Or, well, the potential for one. Usually he would have relished the awkwardness of Buffy walking in to find you kissing a vampire. Drinking with demons and beating them at kitten poker. But if he had the chance to do that again he wasn’t going to ruin it by getting the ultimate mood slayer involved, now was he.
But you hadn’t ever had any real time alone since. Sure, sometimes it felt like you were both the only people in the room but there was barely a chance to even allude to what you had done let alone reignite the moment again. Though he of course tried at every moment he got.
“Got have plans, love? My crypt’s only down the way” he spoke softly, almost tentatively if you didn’t know better.
“I’m late. I’m supposed to meet some… friends” You hesitated and you knew he caught it before you looked back into his eyes. Eyes you were slowly being lost in.
“Not those bloody losers again. You’re better than them”
“Those losers are actually my friends”
“Friends that you hide yourself from” He shrugged, not entirely able to drop it. He couldn’t hide his distaste for Buffy and the others.
Despite it all he gestured with his head, offering to take you to your friends. Even though you knew Sunnydale quite well after moving into your dorm a year ago and running around the town many times after (or often away from) demons, you still got lost a lot. It was a kind of running joke amongst the other scoobies.
He lit a cigarette as you rounded the corner, only pausing to offer you one which you declined with a soft smile. A smile that made him want to drop to his knees and declare his undying love for you. It pained him, how soft he was for you.
He shoved the other hand in the pocket of his duster, jaw tensing as he saw your friends speaking rapidly, apparently concerned about something. Willow noticed you first.
“We thought you’d been all ookified, we were worried!” She flung herself around you with a big smile of relief.
“You got lost, huh?” Buffy said with a smile, which quickly dropped when she noticed the company you were in.
“Yeah, Spike helped me get my bearings. Thanks, again” You grinned, despite Xander and Buffy’s distaste. Anya patted your head a little patronisingly at your habit of getting yourself lost.
“Anytime, pet”
“Yeah, right, evil dead is only good for being evil… and dead”
“Not that I’m not enjoying the boy’s wit, but I’ll be off now” He addressed only you, hoping to keep the barbs at his expense from the group to a minimum. Someone muttered something distasteful about Spike, which was of course in his earshot, but he didn’t turn back around.
“He’s, like, the lowest of the low.” someone agreed, shaking her head at the figure walking away.
You weren’t sure why that moment was the moment. Why you spoke something that had been so safely unspoken.
“Spike! Spike, wait-”
“Y/n, what’re you doing?!” your friends called after you, still in earshot as Spike ditched his cigarette and swung around to face you.
“Love, you go and do the friendship thing with the meddlin’ kids, okay? I’d rather stake myself than spend an evening with them”
“I know, I was wondering if the offer’s still on that is, well, I’m free tomorrow night”
He put both hands in his duster, rocking on the balls of his feet and looking down. It was as if he thought you were being cruel to him. Taking him up on his offer just to hurt him by rejecting him in the next breath with all your friends watching. He had to know you better than that, surely.
You reached for his arm, willing him to feel what you felt. Know what you knew. That you and him were meant for each other, that this chance that you were trying to take meant a lot. For someone you had kissed so passionately before it was strange how nervous you were suddenly at even grazing his skin.
“After sunset, tomorrow at your crypt?” You asked softly, though the vulnerability in your voice bled through. He saw it, he saw that your intentions were pure. There were some gasps and some vague unimpressed whispering from your friends behind you but you couldn’t bring yourself to take notice.
Instead you waited with bated breath for his answer. You knew he had offered earlier but there was always the chance he was doing it to tease you. That he had no interest in you. That he was playing with you, looking for something quick and easy. You could do that, of course you could, if it meant being close with him. But it may just break your heart beyond recognition.
This purgatory, which only lasted a second, felt like it lasted hours. Your grip on him tightened, as if you were afraid he would slip away from you.
He nodded, to anyone else it probably looked as if he wasn’t bothered. What he didn’t know was that you could read him in the way he did for you. You saw the slight upturn of his mouth before it disappeared, you noticed the way his eyes searched you with wonder for a fraction of a moment. You knew then, for sure, he felt for you as deeply as you had started to fall for him. Everything you had learned about him you held close, collecting it as the most valuable treasures.
You arrived the next night a minute after the sun set and promptly knocked on the door of Spike’s crypt. You could hear some scuffling about from behind the door and a lot of a British accent muttering ‘bloody bollocks’ every so often which made you smile softly.
You waited patiently until he swung the door open, allowing you to walk in. You gasped, he had transformed the main level of his crypt for the evening. There were candles everywhere, on every single available surface and surrounding the sofa where there was a couple of blankets piled up and a stack of VHS tapes.
There were wilted roses that had shed their petals all over the floor beside the TV set and you tried to ignore the high probability that these came from a few of the graves surrounding the crypt. Stuck haphazardly to the walls were pink and red hearts made from crepe paper and various strips hanging about.
I mean, it was a huge fire risk but you tried to ignore this fact as you appreciated his scattered decorations. You assumed that Spike was ensuring you were aware that he thought of this as a date.
“How was your night with America’s most haunted?” Spike asked, you could tell he was genuinely interested if you had a nice evening after he left you at the Bronze.
You told him everything in complete detail, you were a keen storyteller and he adored this about you. You spoke in such detail that he could picture himself there beside you as the night played out.
“Drink, pet?”
You looked around as he started rummaging around with bottles and glasses. You read the words on some of the hearts, your brow furrowing slightly.
“EVOL? I think it’s spelt-”
“No, love, it was meant to be- they’re from the craft store. They, well, I didn’t want it to scare you off now did I?” He turned the heart around, the word was actually ‘love’. He hadn’t wanted you to think he was coming on too strong so he had hidden the word. Though the rose petals and the various pink and red crafts might well have done that if you hadn’t realised how deeply you felt for him.
You laughed, you couldn’t help it. You hadn’t been sure if he was making sure that all this romantic stuff didn’t take away from him being bad. Telling you he was ‘evil’.
He passed you a glass, different from usual where he would just drink straight from the bottle. You were surprised to note that it was your favourite drink. It was incredibly endearing that he had learned this about you, or perhaps it was his favourite and you just had that in common.
The glow of the candlelight accentuated his features, casting shadows from his cheekbones. You felt yourself leaning into him as he spoke animatedly, it was entirely involuntary. When you thought about it, you had done everything in reverse. You were tentatively courting after sharing a much more passionate moment the night you properly met. You much preferred it this way though, in some ways it cemented now just how much Spike had grown to care for you through the stolen moments you had together through the year.
Quick glances and lingering touches. The way he had thrown himself in front of a demon to ensure you would be safe. The way he always offered to walk you home, even if he was shot down every time by the slayer. He always made jokes in the hope that you would laugh.
The evening was lovely, you shared drinks and watched films together, while Spike made biting commentary on each scene. You were wrapped in a blanket while he stayed room temperature. He sat a little more rigidly than usual, seemingly unable to relax. He wanted the night to be perfect. He was concerned he might say something wrong, something a little too murderous and off-putting.
You hadn’t really been paying attention to the film. He had done everything to try and prove he was a man worthy of your love. You could sense he was holding back but you loved him for who he was, the flaws wrapped into the thread of his personality were just as important to you.
“I really like you, Spike. You don’t need to impress me, you know that right? I’m already yours, if you’d let me be” You spoke barely above a whisper. He turned to you, searching your face before a smile grew slowly on his lips. It was a smile you had only ever seen him give to you.
“You’re tellin’ me I can take all this sodding pink bollocks off my walls now then?”
“I mean, it’s a real improvement from the cobwebs but it’s not really my colour,” You grinned, pressing your lips to his quickly before pulling away.
You leaned against him as the night progressed, leaning your head into the crook of his neck. He shifted as you moved down the sofa so that you could comfortably rest against him. He inhaled, savouring your scent. It felt like home. He closed his eyes, focusing on your heartbeat thrum steadily. You were truly here, by his side.
Your body was made to fit beside his, you knew this as if it was fact. You couldn’t imagine a future where you wouldn’t hold each other. Or share moments such as this. The warmth from the candles and the care and attention that Spike continued to show you told you that his feelings at their core were clearly no act, his execution had been slightly exaggerated only because he hadn’t really dated in the usual way for a good few decades.
He slid his arm along the headrest behind you and you settled into watch the next movie. After a moment you realised his eyes were still trained on you, he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. When you looked at him, giving him a quizzical look, he just gestured back at the screen with his head a soft smile on his face.
If this was the first proper date, you were looking forward to the rest. In fact, as his arm snaked around you and pulled you close, you were not sure you would ever be ready to leave.
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evieelyzabethh · 11 months
Sugar and Spike
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pairing(s): Spike x fem!reader
summary: after a night of patrol goes wrong, Spike starts noticing some changes in himself, mainly that Buffy's sweetest friend won't leave his mind and that she would never look at him the same if she knew what he wanted to do to her.
warnings: smut!!! a smidge of yandereness, kinda a sex or die fic, possessive spike, handjob, unprotected piv sex (wrap it before you tap it), oral (fem receiving), praise kink, biting/marking (mentions of blood), a little bit of spanking, overstimulation, riding, fingering, veryyy little plot, and I think thats about it.
In hindsight, they should've kept a better eye on him. It was an odd night of patrolling, the usual gaggle of vampires being a demon or two this time around. Big tall thing that appeared out of nowhere and left as soon as it came. Spike, always with little regard for the consequences of his actions, ran right in. Ran so hard he went right through the demon as it went into smoke. He breathed it in before going into a coughing fit, as if he could feel it in his nose and lungs, spreading in his chest like a vine that pulled everything impossible tight before releasing him like he was never in its grasp . Red flag one.
It fell on him like rain, some clumping into what looked like pink sparkles in his hair, on his jacket, his worn boots. He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair, pulling away expecting to see it gunked together, but there was nothing there. It felt like his hair had been hit by my mist, slightly damp and cool. It seeped into his exposed skin, adhering itself into a pink sheen which also disappeared after only a few minutes. He remembered trying to brush it off, expecting it to feel wet but it was just slick. It was admittedly infuriating, especially since the feeling wouldn't go away. Red flag two.
“Buffy!” He shouted, rubbing his hands on his jeans as if it was going to wipe away the phantom feeling, but his complaints were met with apathy. 
“There’s nothing there, Spike.” A groan bubbled in his chest. 
“Astute observation, Slayer, but it feels like something’s there.” You were there beside him, something that would’ve gone unnoticed had he not been hit with your scent as your fingers brushed against his hand. He pulled away quickly out of instinct, not as subtle as he would’ve liked to because you noticed and scampered off in between Buffy and Giles. The distance between you and him got larger and the two of you talked about a mall trip you had planned and Willow was the only one to stick with him. She humored him, allowing him to shower at her place and taking a sample of skin only to find nothing. No residue, nothing abnormal, nothing had changed at all. Red flag three.
But he was sure it was fine. Nothing had really changed. You had been a bit cautious though.
You were prone to worrying, and he couldn't blame you. There was a lot to worry about when your best friends hunted demons and one of them was a literal creature of the night. You worried about Buffy so much he genuinely feared you would collapse from all the stress you put yourself under. Pursuing a nursing degree so they could avoid hospital visits unless absolutely necessary because none of you had the money. Having him train you in basic self-defense because you hated feeling like dead weight. You took up Latin and all of the other dead languages in those old dusty books just so you could be useful. You tied yourself in knots just to be sweet. God, you were so sweet. Even to your own detriment, like pure sugar that was going to rot his teeth eventually.
The more time you spent together, the more the rot seemed to take his brain than his teeth. His mouth never got anywhere near you; Buffy made sure of that. He wished he could say it was because she was babying you too much, that you were also tired of Buffy making Spike seem like the biggest mistake you could ever make. To be fair, he hardly knew you. He knew of you; he knew of the pink wardrobe and the fluffy socks and the pretty shoes. He knew of you as Buffy's cute neighbor who stopped by so often that you might as well live with them. You weren't being a baby, you were being cautious, even more now. He almost wished you didn't believe him as much as you did, maybe you'd keep visiting him. He hadn't seen you in days and it was really starting to take a toll on him. His leg bounced and he got in the bad habit of biting his nails, which was starting to get annoying with how often he had to repaint them.
If you were here, you would repaint them. You would sit your pretty self on his busted couch, and you'd have a little bag with you with all your pins and charms that jingled like the earrings that dangle from your ears. In your bag would be at least three shades of pink, a range of blacks and greys, and a wild card or two, maybe a blue or a green. You'd let him pick his color, despite knowing he always went for black. You asked anyway, just in case he decided to go with pink just to humor you. Had you walked through right now, he would've obliged. He would've done anything you asked him too. It wasn't even that he was lonely, but it was getting to suffocate in here. It was getting hot, like a fire was spreading. Each breath felt smoke filled, his skin was on fire, his skin was getting damp, like the dust had fallen again. His hand was shaky as he put a cigarette between his lips and lit it, surely the smell would break him out of what had to be a daze.
If you were here, you'd make a joke about him needing to air the place out. He'd probably open the door and call that enough air, but he liked his privacy, and he didn't like the idea of anyone just being able to waltz right in. You would want to make a joke about no one wanting to visit him, but you’d bite your tongue at the fear of being too harsh. You always got that look in your eye when you thought something that could be misconstrued as mean. You took your lip into your teeth and your pretty eyelashes flitted and you looked away. He thought about what it would be like to bite your lips, wanting to see what they looked like, all red and even prettier than they were before. Just a taste, that's all he wanted, a taste.
He got up to open up the door only for that phantom feeling to return. All over his body, it felt like he had stepped out into the sun, like every molecule that made up his body was vibrating and mere seconds from combusting. His breathing got ragged, his chest rising and falling rapidly and his brain going into overdrive. He squeezed his eyes shut as if it would make it go away, but even from behind his eyelids, you were there. The idea of you, your smile, your laughter, fuck the very way you said his name. It sounded so nice coming from you. 
The way you said it when he got injured in a fight when you would patch up his wounds and have a bag of blood for him to replace what he lost. “Spike.” you would say. Like he should’ve known better than to just throw himself into danger. Not even bothering to consider the possibility that he did it to look heroic, or maybe in your care with your hands over his chest. There’s no reason for him to be this beaten and bruised from some baby vamp; William the Bloody. Spike? He had pride, but not as much as Angelus. It was easily quenched by the fact that he was in no way losing with your delicate hands tracing over faded scars on his chest and feeding him blood while they were just dust. 
“Spike.” Buffy would say, her tone laced with less concern and more disapproval. She knew something was up. After all they had gone through together, vampires should’ve been nothing for him. He had to space out his “fuck ups” just to get her off his back, just to get her voice out of his head. She didn’t say his name like you did. 
There wasn’t much better than how you said his name when it was just the two of you. Being together in his crypt, sometimes in your own bedroom which you had invited him into much to Buffy’s chagrin. “It’s Spike,” you had said, “how many times have we saved the world with him? I think he’s earned it.” It sent shivers down his spine. He would’ve saved the world so much sooner if it meant being able to be in your space. If it meant getting to hear you say his name through fits of laughter, trying to regain your breath while still finding enough to utter his name. “Spike.” you said, your hand over his while you giggled. He felt that heat now, felt the heat of all your touches culminating right now. All over his skin, tensing his muscles, holding his chest as he fought for breath himself. 
While he had the chance, he should’ve raided your underwear drawer. Now he was left to fist his dick with just the memory of you. You wouldn’t notice a pair or two gone, surely you wouldn’t. It was the type of small thing you would overlook because really what is a pair or two. You wouldn’t want him to be in pain, hearing his situation now, you’d feel like it was all your fault. The least you could spare was a pair of your prettiest panties for him to wrap around his cock while he fisted himself to the thought of you and how you would say his name now. 
The closest he’d gotten would be after a big battle. You had taken a beating, by the time you had gotten to a safe space you had lost a dangerous amount of blood, but the sounds that came out of your mouth were so delicious. And you trusted him to carry you to safety, your bloody hand wrapping itself around his bicep to maintain some tether to consciousness. “Spike.” your voice dripping with pain, but even that wasn’t enough to mask how pretty you sounded. He felt bad then for how hard it got him, but there is such a thin line between   pain and pleasure. The only difference now would be circumstance, and he would never hurt you. This would be good for you, the both of you, you just had to let him. You just had to say his name. 
“Spike?” In that moment, he knew there had to be some high power looking out for him when he heard your voice. Dream-like, and soft, like the wind could have blown it out and away from your lips. “Spike?!” you said again. He couldn’t tell if it was his shred of restraint or his body’s unwillingness to listen to his brain that kept him glued to his couch. 
“Now really isn’t a good time, love.” He tried to keep his voice level, he really did, but it was too much. And you weren’t stupid, he heard the heels of your shoes against the hard floor and smelt you before he even saw you. And fuck you smelt heavenly. 
“Are you okay? What happened-” You looked like you had a halo above your head, or maybe he was much further gone than he had thought. You cut yourself off in shock. When you had walked in, you hadn’t expected to catch Spike with his hands down his pants. 
“You know what, I’m just gonna go a-and come back later.” You tried to smile in an attempt to make the situation less awkward than it needed to be, but he grabbed you by your wrist. 
“Wait-I just need-fuck. I just need you to stay for a bit. I don’t feel good.” Your eyes met and you saw the sheen of what you assumed to be sweat covering his chest and face. His pupils blown out, his hair out of place, his labored breathing, like he couldn’t catch his breath. Oddly enough, the sheen had a pink tinge, and despite the fact that his fangs were protruding, his vampire face hadn’t appeared. You reached out to touch his forehead to surprisingly find a temperature. He groaned at the contact, both wanting to melt into your skin and like it physically pained him. 
“What happened?” He declined the answer, instead pushing his head more into the palm of your hand, tipping his head to sniff the inside of your wrist. “What are you doing?” You tried to pull away and put some distance in between the two of you, but he pulled you back, even closer than before. 
“You smell so good.” He nosed his way past your wrist and up your arm till he made it to your collarbone, trying to find where he could hear your blood pump the loudest. “Stop it!” you pushed against him as soon as you felt the tip of his fangs attempting to break skin. To both of your surprise, he let you. It looked like it pained him to do so, his eyes screwed shut and his hand gripping the arm of his couch until the wood snapped. 
“If this is about the demon thing, I’m gonna go get Willow, okay? You just need to stay right here.” The authority you had laced in your voice was cute. 
“Just stay here with me, yeah? There’s no need to get Willow. We don’t need Willow.” His voice had dropped an octave, his pupils blown and his brain damn near empty. Anything went in one ear then out the other as he held your hands in his, staring through you as if daring you to defy him. 
“Spike, you aren’t well.” You had tried to reason, but all he heard was that you weren’t saying no because you didn’t want this. You were concerned for his well being, even when he had you pinned down and his teeth at your neck, each breath moving you closer to him drawing blood, you were saying no because you were concerned he didn’t want this. You somehow thought he didn’t want you. 
“I’ve never felt better, baby.”, he said-practically fucking growled. Hell if he wanted you, he needed you. He pressed himself into you, his hands grabbing at anything he could to ground himself, his left at the base of your scalp and his right bunching the fabric of your skirt in his hands. He breathed into your neck, nipping and nicking at bare skin then soothing it with his tongue and kisses. He worked himself up over you, taking and taking until he was drunk, his tongue lolled out as he put his head on your chest.“Can I fuck you.” 
You had been caught in a daze yourself, his words had barely registered. You had more sense than he did at this point, finding enough resolve to shake your head. “Please.” he begged, groaning it out through clenched teeth. “I need you to make it feel better, please God just make it feel better.” He had pushed his hips into your hand, his weeping cock leaking onto you, pleading with you to touch it. “I’ll make it good for you, I swear, just be my sweet girl, yeah? Just make it better.”
You experimentally rubbed the tip, and he whimpered. His hand grabbing your wrist so fast a look of shock flashed across his face. You took that as a sign to pull away but he put your hand back around him, pushing your hand up and down his base. “Too much too quick, love.” 
Any hesitancy you had was swallowed as he smashed his lips into yours. It was urgent and quick, almost bruising how hard he kissed and held you as if you were going to disappear at any point. He tugged at a handful of hair, catching you in a moan that he used to force tongue into your mouth, sucking it as you pumped his dick at a painfully slow pace. 
His kisses made you breathless, and it was then you realized that he likely forgot in his haze that you actually needed air. He moaned into your lips, the sound spreading throughout your body and shaking you to your core. It wasn’t lost on him how damp your underwear had gotten, had he had the strength to pull away to touch you he would, but the mere seconds his skin would be off yours was enough of a deterrent to keep him in place. 
You tried to move away, but his hand kept you in place. “Don’t move.”, he rushed it out, a tone that otherwise would’ve been more commanding had he not been weak himself. “Keep going.” His hips bucked and stuttered, his movements becoming erratic the more faint your touches became. Like it was a warning; let me up for air and I’ll keep touching you. He whined at the thought of you pulling away. That wasn’t fair. 
His lips parted from yours, settling for the corner of your mouth before moving to your jawline to your neck, then just under your ear. You gasped for breath, you numb with the ecstasy of air and the feeling of his rushed kisses. He was getting close. Your hand was covered in his sticky pre-cum, his cock even more so as your hand moved alone over him, his own hand now grabbing at your shirt at the feeling. You squeezed at the bass, a motion he clearly enjoyed with how his body tensed up. A series of obscenities flowed from his pretty lips as he came, spurts of his cum getting over your pretty pink skirt, an image Spike would get himself off to later. 
You didn’t get long to sit in what just happened when he was on you again, laying you on your back and ripping your skirt clean off. You moaned something that sounded like “My skirt!”, but neither one of you were really worried about it. 
His lithe fingers were quick, rubbing you through the fabric of your panties, while he kissed up to where you wanted him excruciatingly slow. His hands rubbed and teased at the soft skin of your thighs, marking bruises everywhere he went. 
He moaned into you, sniffing you once again, before finding a place he wanted to dig his fangs into. Maybe it was how delicately he stuck in his teeth, maybe it was the lust blown fervor, but it didn’t hurt as much as you anticipated. In fact, you moaned at the intrusion, unable to know what to do with yourself as he sucked and lapped up the blood he had drawn. Your fingers wove into his hair, as if he could be pulled any closer to you than he already was. “You taste so good. So good.” And he let you know as such. The obscene noises that flew from the both of you, the slurping and whines, the pop of his lips as he traveled from one spot to another. But that’s not how he intended to eat you whole.
You were unbelievably wet, soaking through your panties and even Spikes fingers before he took pity on you and decided to pull them aside and plant his fingers into you. Now, you weren’t a virgin, but you had never had sex that felt as good as this. Never had someone in you that had hundreds of years of practice beforehand. 
“You’re doing so good, Sweet Girl. So good, can’t get enough of you.” What was an attempt to calm your nerves, had you keening and over the moon, the praise bringing tears to your eyes as you ground yourself in his hand. That didn’t move him along any quicker, his tongue still collecting anything you would give him like he hadn’t been fed in years. 
“Spike!” You called out, which finally seemed to get his attention. He saw the glass-like look your eyes had taken and the pout on your face. You looked like you were about to cry. Poor thing, so desperate. He said he’d take care of you, make you feel good. No point in denying the inevitable. 
You whined when he pulled out of you just to choke when he began to devour you. His nose at your clit and his tongue plunging into. “Thank you.” he muttered into you, like this was some divine gift to him. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” The combination of his praise and how good he was giving it to you made that coil in your belly tighten and tighten until it threatened to snap. And he just kept going. Completely in his own world, the only thoughts in his mind being about you, how you smelled, how you tasted, god you were so good to him. Letting him eat you out like this, helping him like this. He shouldn’t have expected any less from his girl. His sweet girl. No one else's, you couldn’t be anyone else's after this. His grip tightened around your thighs at the very thought. “Mine.” he said, the vibrations hitting your core deliciously. “Mine.”
“Yours Spike, all yours.” He hummed in approval, inserting two fingers back into you while he kept up his electric pace. He held your hand as it began to be too much, your back arching off the couch and your thighs closing around his head as he just kept going. You called his name as you came, high and higher until it became too heavy on your mouth and you couldn’t say anything at all. The grip you had on his hand had loosened, but he hadn’t let up. He still rambled into you, “Again. Again. Again. Please.”
You didn’t know if your hips were bucking into him or try to wiggle away from him. Either way, both attempts were unsuccessful. With how hard he pulled on your panties they had snapped and had been thrown to the side for the simple crime of being in his way. His forearm lay on your hip keeping you in place. Your hand still laid in his, him squeezing it as if it was any comfort from the inescapable feeling of his tongue licking your thoroughly soaked pussy. 
Your toes curled in your frilly socks as you came again on his tongue, and you foolishly expected that to be enough. You would’ve asked him to stop if you could pant out anything more than whines. You would’ve pushed him away if you could manage anything more than weak taps on his forearm. “No more.” you whispered out. “Can’t.” His fingers rubbed your hand as some form of encouragement. 
“Yes you can, love.” You shook your head weakly, scooting your hips back only for him to swiftly smack your pussy. You preened on the contact, and he drank in the arousal that gushed out just from that. “My sweet girl isn’t gonna disappoint me, is she? She’s gonna make me all better, isn’t that right?” Your brain was so fogged out you couldn’t even produce a response. You just groaned and squirmed, unable to brace for impact when he smacked you again. 
“Spike!” You cried out, but he didn’t care. Heknew you were feeling good from how much you gushed while he tongue fucked your cunt. It was just a bit too much for you right now. You would feel better, you just needed to let go some more. He tried to relax you, tried rubbing mindless shapes on your skin to calm you down as he worked you through your third orgasm, but you just heaved. Your tits bounced with how heavily you breathed, and yet after all of that, he still didn’t feel better. Why didn’t he feel better?
Despite the relief that came from him pausing his abuse, you still whined as he sat up from behind your legs. With your taste still on his tongue, he kissed you. You sighed into him, the feeling of his large hands moving from your hip to under your shirt to touch your tummy and rip your bra in half. You didn’t even notice him moving you into his lap and setting your thighs on either side of him so you straddled him. He thumbed your nipples, pinching and rubbing over them while he relished in the feeling of you cunt so close to his dick. 
You didn’t seem to catch on either as he slid in between your folds, too lost of him finally kissing you again. You moaned into this kiss as his fingers dipped to toy with your clit before he whispered in your ear. “Just one more.”
In one fluid motion, he slipped his dick into his cunt, catching you as your limbs went weak. He was so big you felt your eyes water with the pressure of him being in you. You could tell he was struggling to stay still, but the haze had worn off enough for him to regain some sense. He still waited eagerly for you to adjust, brushing the fallen tears from your eyes and kissing your checks to make it all better.
“Too big. It’s too big.” You stuttered. It was all you could manage to mutter out. He cooed at you, his dick growing harder than he thought possible at the feeling of it all and the praise. 
“I was made for you, Pretty Girl, you can take it.” You yelped as he jerked his hips into yours, but he just couldn’t help it. You were so pretty like this, all fucked out and dumb. Not a thought behind those eyes of yours and the only thoughts he was capable of was you. How warm you were, how wet you were, how tight you were. You were squeezing him and  milking him dry and as much as he tried he just couldn’t stop him self from fucking into you. 
“I’m sorry.” and he meant it. You weren’t ready and he couldn’t even tell if he was ready, his body had a mind of his own and he felt himself just slipping into the feeling of being enveloped by you. “Just too good. You’re too good. My good girl. You’re gonna take all I give you, aren’t you, love? You gonna be my sweet girl and take it?” His voice was breathy and low and impossibly hot. 
All you could manage was a soft ‘mhm’ as you took him in. It wasn’t like you had any other choice as you bounced on his cock, gripping at his chest and taking in each moan you earned as you drew blood from your scratches. 
You felt every inch of him, felt the tip of his dick hit your cervix and kept pounding at it like it was his job;  like he would die if he didn’t. You can’t do anything but take it as you screw your eyes shut and just try to breathe as everything in your body fights to hold on to some feeling. It was impossible to think, not when Spike’s hands were all over you and his touch was so incredibly hot. Even stranger, a pink glow began to emanate from him, that or you were closer to passing out than you originally thought. . 
He kept you close to his chest as you both chased your impending highs together, your lips meeting in the middle as you moaned and sighed into each other's mouths and he was a goner, rambling like a mad man in your ear, thanking you endlessly for something he couldn’t put his hands on. Maybe it was your release, that you felt coming like a truck. He squeezed at the fat of your hips, pulling you even closer until neither one of you could tell where the other started and ended and you came like that, so close that you were almost suffocating, but a different kind from before. 
He came not long after you, his dick still inside spurting his cum inside you and keeping it in there with little intention of coming out any time soon. That pink glow had faded from before, fading away until there was nothing there and the slight pink tinge from before was gone too. His eyes drooped a bit, his blue irises that you hadn’t realized you had missed finally reappeared, his pupils returning to normal and his fangs retracting. 
He hung his head in your neck and you felt his temperature drop a bit, no longer boiling hot. He refused to move his head from his spot though. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was ashamed of what just happened. 
After the both of you had a moment to catch your breaths, he removed himself from inside you, stalking off to find something to wear now that your outfit was completely ruined. He even had the decency to turn around while you changed, granted he had a hard time looking at you anyway. 
“You’re gonna wanna deep clean that couch.” You said to break the silence. You were surprised you got a chuckle out of him. 
“Yeah. I don’t normally do this sort of thing on there.” Another moment of silence passed between the two of you.
“You know, we can go back to my place and I can fix your nails. I can tell you’ve been biting at them.” He didn’t need to be told twice either. The place still stunk of sex and his head was feeling clearer than it had in days, he couldn’t stand to be there right now.
“About all of this…you won’t tell Buffy, right?” You giggled. 
“Not if you don’t.” And that was more than enough for him.
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liam-summers · 10 days
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02.09 | 03.12
↳ Buffy and Angel + When the person you love doesn't care about the thing you think makes you unloveable.
Requested by @keanherself 💖
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Spike x reader - my good thing
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Standing on the edge of the field, you smiled a little to yourself as you looked up slightly at the endless amount of stars that were above you.
You were out there waiting for the meteor shower to start, it had been something you were looking forward to the whole month.
Just something for you, without college, or hunting the supernatural, or having to listen to everybody complain about everybody to you.
This was time for you.
At least it was supposed to be.
You heard a branch snap, and you turned around, watching as the white haired vampire came stumbling out of the trees, brushing his jacket down.
You sighed, but you offered him a small smile when he looked up at you.
“How did you find me?”
“Slayer told me where you were, or, roughly where you were.”
You nodded, and he walked over, standing next to you while you turned back to carry on watching the stars.
“They want me to bring you back to help them.”
You nodded a little, turning around so you could face where the calorie had just come from.
“Alright, lead the way.”
Spike furrowed his brows a little.
“I said they told me to get you, not that I was going to actually take you, I just wanted out of the boring meeting and decided to see what it was you were doing here and if it were any fun.”
You smiled at him, shaking your head a little.
“Sorry Spike, I don’t think this will be any fun for you.”
“Who says it won’t? What are you doing anyway?”
“Well, I’m waiting for the meteor shower, this one doesn’t happen all that often, but it’ll be twice as big as any of the others, it’ll cover the whole sky!” You beamed.
You turned back to the sky, putting your hands into your pockets.
Spike glanced at you a little and scoffed.
“You’re right, that is boring. Later.”
“Bye, have a good night!”
You beamed at him again, and Spike began to walked away before he stopped.
He glanced at you just standing there unprotected, not a single care in the world and he cursed quietly to himself.
They would kill him if something happened to you, or even blame him, so he had to turn around and make his way back over to you.
“How long does this take?” He grumbled.
“Spike you don’t have to stay, I’ll be alright, I’ve got this whole area cornered off to monsters.”
Spike furrowed his brows a little.
“Then why did I find you?”
“You’re on the list of people who can come through it.”
The way you said it so happily and casually with a smile on your face.
You said it like it was so casual, so normal, as if he were one of the humans you were always hanging around with.
Not that he was a powerful vampire and the only thing stopping him from ripping your head off was a little chip in his brain.
Or one of the two things stopping him at least.
You were bouncing on the balls of your feet, and you reached out to the grass, brushing your fingers along it.
A few bugs flew up, lighting themselves up and spike jumped back in shock.
“What the hell kind magic was that?!”
You laughed a little.
“No magic, they’re fireflies!”
You grinned that innocent little grin when you found something absolutely fascinating, not like demons or vampires or anything like that.
But a pure, wholesome fascination, like when someone brought you a new book you had never seen, or you had completed a new spell perfectly for the first time.
It was a pure, innocent grin that made Spike wonder how despite everything that had happened, everything you had seen or been through you could still be so happy and bright about everything.
Spike watched the fireflies as they danced about a little bit, and he shuffled back a little as one came near him.
“Come on Spike, they won’t hurt you. They’re harmless.”
“They’re bugs that glow in the dark, I don’t like that, it’s not natural.”
“They’re natural, compared to most things in this town at least.”
You reached up, gently guiding the firefly away from him back towards its friends.
“There’s loads of them in the grass, it’s so cool when they all fly upwards, like it’s like the stars all fell from the sky!”
“It would be a total disaster if the stars fell from the sky love, even you know that.”
You shrugged a little.
“Well, yeah. But it’ll still be pretty at least, if that’s the last thing I saw before I died I’d be okay with that.”
Spike glanced down at you.
“Really, burning stars, millions of them falling from the sky and you would be okay if that was the last thing you saw before one of them killed you?”
You laughed a little.
“Okay, okay when you put it like that maybe not so much, but I mean come on, you have to admit it would be nice.”
“Can’t say it’s what I would want to see before I died.”
You looked at him in curiosity.
“Then what would you want to see?”
Glanced looking at you before he turned away again.
“That’s none of your business.”
You grinned again, and you looked back out at the grass.
“You know what you need Spike?”
“What that?” He asked.
“You need to have some fun, not like beat demons up and drink blood kinda fun, like just pure, wholesome fun, you know? Like road trips and… and things like that!”
He rose a brow at you.
“Now I may have forgotten but I’m pretty sure the whole part of being a vampire is I can’t go out in the sun. Plus what’s so wrong with my lifestyle?”
You sighed, turning around to look at him.
“Everybody treats you like a monster, you help them and they still don’t trust you despite everything. And I mean yeah they probably have a reason to, but I think you’ve been a vampire for far too long.”
“Maybe I have, I’m pretty okay with that though. You seem to value life so much, tell me, why is that? Won’t you just die in the end anyway?”
You shrugged slightly, turning your attention back towards the sky.
“Well, yeah. That can make life pretty morbid.”
“Then why are you always so happy?”
“There so much beauty, it varies from person to person, I like the small things, the unnoticed things. Stars, nature, old paintings and vintage music.”
“So, you’re an old person in a young persons body?”
You laughed, smiling softly at him.
“Life is short spike, and unpredictable. If we don’t pay attention to what’s right in front of us, it’s easy to miss it until it’s all gone. Then it’ll be too late.”
“For a vampire life is long, I have all the time in the world.”
“You’re immoral to old age, not to death itself Spike.”
You sighed, and you turned back to the stars.
“One day you’ll die too, and you’ll regret all the things that you never did. Stop trying to be the big bad for once, just be happy.”
“That’s a disgusting statement, I am the big bad, I will always be the big bad.”
“Uh huh, the big bag who’s scared of bugs!”
Spike tried to grab your arm but you ran into the grass and he ran after you, immediately getting swarmed by the fireflies.
He swatted his hands around, accidentally hitting you and he yelled in pain, clutching at his head as he dropped to his knee.
“Bloody hell! It’s like a death trap here!” He yelled.
You knelt next to him, placing your hands over his on his head.
You whispered something, and the pain rattling around in his skull faded.
Spike looked up at you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for your to get hurt.”
“I’m the one that hit you. What did you do to me? Why doesn’t it hurt?”
You smiled at him, moving your hands away from his and you rested them on your knees.
“It’s a healing spell, it takes your pain, that’s all, or at least lessens it, which for you would be like me taking it away.”
You sat down, leaning back on your hands as you looked at the hundreds of fireflies dancing about, lights slowly moving around.
Spike sat there watching you, a hand behind him, the other resting in his knee, and he turned his gaze up to the sky as well.
A few meteors shot across the sky and a small gasp left you.
“Spike look!”
“Yes love, I can see them I have eyes you know.”
He looked back at you, sitting up a little bit so he was able to see you a little better.
You wore the softest smile, a gleam of excitement in your eyes.
“They’re so beautiful…”
“Yeah, they are.”
You chuckled a little bit.
“I know you’re looking at me, I can feel your eyes on me.”
Spike got up, and he moved over, crouching in front of you, his arms resting on his legs.
“Is that so wrong?”
You turned your head towards him.
Reaching up, he carefully placed a hand on the side of your face, and you looked at him in utter confusion which made him chuckled a little.
“Come now, you really can’t pretended you haven’t noticed anything.”
“Noticed what?”
He sighed.
“Come on love, I know you know. I just need to know if you feel the same way.”
You didn’t reply and he sighed again.
He’d been trying to make it obvious to you, without directly telling you. He tried being nice, he tried being mean, he tried getting you things or just following your around.
Now he was just going to be upfront about it.
“You’re so soft, so gentle. You are everything somebody like me doesn’t deserve, somebody I would never deserve, I’m evil, you’re good. It could never work out.”
“So, then why are you here?” You asked quietly.
“Because I want you, and I don’t care how selfish it is. I want one good thing for myself, I want you to be that one good thing I have.”
He leant forward, brushing his lips against yours.
“Be that one good thing in my life…” he whispered.
You smiled, leaning forward, connecting your lips either his.
Your hands gently gripped at his jacket, pulling him a little closer.
Spike smirked into the kiss and you pulled away, and he chased your lips trying to kiss you again.
“Spike the meteors..”
“Alright! Alright.”
You smiled, shuffling around and you laid your head in his lap, staring up at him, the shooting stars above his head.
You reached up, gently touching his cheek.
“I know you’ve been trying to get my attention for months.”
“So… you’ve been ignoring me then?”
You just grinned a little.
“I wanted to be sure I guess… that I wasn’t going to be just another you know.. like.. conquest or something…”
Spike placed his hand on yours.
“Now I could never do that to someone as pure as you, I could never hurt you in such a way love.”
He lifted your head, and shuffled down so he could lay down as well, resting your head in his chest.
Your hand held his, running your thumb along the back of his hand, small circles against his skin.
It was a strange feeling for him, we was used to violence, aggression, anger.
With you it was care, compassion, gentle.
He was sure if he had a soul, and a beating heart this would probably be what you would consider to be true love and happiness.
Spike never understood your whole love for nature and all the little things, but in this moment he did, he really understood it.
It wasn’t the first time he was so close to you, but it was the closest he’d been to you, and he loved it, he loved your warmth, and how soft you were.
It wasn’t killing or being the big bad, but this was definitely his new favourite memory he would remember for as long as he lived, he just hoped there was time to make many more.
He hummed a little.
You sat up, and you leant down, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“I’m glad you’re here.”
“I’m glad you’re here too love.”
He pulled you down into his embrace, and you rested your head on his shoulder, going back to look at the night sky
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Dance With Me (Spike x Y/N)
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Request: No. Part 3 of the Multi fic.
Synopsis: Being a cursed slayer is hard. Harder when a vampire won't just leave you alone.
TW: None.
Word Count: 1.2k
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Sun has set and the air is thick with fog. It’s eerily quiet in the cemetery. Not a creature to disturb the atmosphere. Inside the mausoleum there permeated a different energy.
Heavy sighs and lustful laughs can be heard. The sound of passionate kissing and groping is evident in the quiet of the night. Spike held you close to him on the sofa. Like a predator that caught his prey. You sighed in his mouth as you melded in a fiery storm of desire. His hands roamed your upper back, trying to unclasp your bra. You didn’t protest. Everything was going well. Too well. You came out for air. Heavy eye contact was made. As if you could communicate your deepest desires with one look.
As Spike was ready to go in for another round of erotic contact a loud noise was heard. He looked up but nothing was there. Another thud nearer still. He felt in a haze. As if something was amiss. As he looks back down at you, you disappear. His dream is broken. He wakes up with a gasp. Another dreaded dream of the cursed slayer. He felt surprised that his attention had shifted so suddenly to the new slayer. His heart still belonged to Buffy, or at least that’s what he liked to believe. However, these heavy sensual dreams were more frequent as of late.
Outside y/n roamed the cemetery, hacking away at heavy foliage near the wooded area. Another night out on the hunt. If it could stop, that would be an improvement to y/n's life. Being cursed to hunt demons for over 1,000 years is less of a privilege and more of a punishment. The world may be safe, but y/n loses her grip on reality. Every day is the same. Wake up, go to work, wait till the sun sets and hunt. Everything was the same with a little twist, this time around. Spike being the lemon to her lemonade. She regarded him as an equal, someone that she enjoyed being around, but the lord knows he was bad for her. With his British accent, bravado and underlying poet heart. She had met many like him, but he had a spark to him. A light that others missed. She hadn’t seen him since their slow dance. You could say that tonight her hunt was partially focused on finding him again.  
The cemetery was empty, quiet. The fog gave it an eerie ambiance. Y/n was guarded and ready for a fight. No, hoping for a fight. A crack in the distance catches her attention. She walks closer, hoping to encounter a demon. She pounces on a bush, wrestles with a branch or two to find nothing. A bunny on its way to its hide out.
"Attacking critters, are we?" A smug voice called from behind.
Y/n whips her head around to find him, leaning on a tombstone. She made a mental note of how ridiculously big the tombstone was. She feigned annoyance.
"You can never be too sure in the Hellmouth. What are you up to in this cryptic place." She brushed off the twigs and leaves that gathered in her hair.
"Vampire plus cemetery equals home."
She felt dumb. "Oh right, god forbid you find somewhere that doesn't smell like death"
"I like to call it musk." He grinned and walked closer. He fiddled with her hair, pulling the remaining twigs out of it. "Are we hunting tonight, cursed slayer?"
She snatched her hair back. "It’s just slayer and yes. I heard that a big demon was hiding out here. You didn't see a skinny little rascal full of horns and pointy teeth, did ya?"
"The description paints a picture but none that I’ve seen. Why not entertain yourself with some vampires while you wait?"
"No can do. That's Buffy's territory. I just hunt demons now a days.”
Spike raises his eyebrows, incredulous. “A retired slayer?"
"No, to loop back to your original point, I’m a cursed slayer. Part of the ordeal is that I can't kill vampires and they can't kill me. So we're eternally stuck with each other. Poetic, ain't it?" Y/n makes a face of defeat.
Spike takes a breath, processing what you just said. He is thoroughly amused by your circumstances. Enthralled with the idea that you can't hurt him and he can’t hurt you. Equals.
He proceeds to laugh after a pause. "You're pathetic."
"Super rude." She pushes past him. She regrets seeking him out. Of course, regardless of how she feels about him, he is still evil.
He reaches back for her only to miss her hand. The slight touch sending shivers down his spine. What a nit he has been. If she were like Buffy, she would’ve bantered with him. Picked a fight. Y/n is much less tolerant of his teasing.
Y/n walks with purpose deeper into the cemetery woods in search of the demon. Spike follows her.
"What do you want Spike? Let me be pathetic in peace." She's angry and hurt.
This is why you don't share about your curse. It makes you feel defective, useless. She thought.
He steps in front of you, hands up in a defensive stance. "I’m sorry. I didn't mean it as an insult"
You laugh. "How else am I supposed to take it?"
"I’m not used to people taking what I say to heart. I was expecting an insult back."
"Yes, please make fun of my suffering. I just love being eternal. If you’re looking for a fight, go somewhere else. Now move, this pathetic cursed slayer still has work to do."
As you walk away, he beats himself up internally. What a fucking idiot he's being. How can he reach out to you if he's too busy pushing you away? So, he follows you again without a word.
Screeching is heard from a couple of miles away. A pained scream from an unknown being. There's a clearing in the woods and an animal is seen thrashing and fighting for its life. Y/n crouches low, eyes on the demon feeding on the animal.
"That our guy?" Spike sneaks behind you.
You don't answer. You pull a sword from a sheath strapped to your back. You're ready.
You go in fast with a big swing. You miss by a small margin. The demon confronts you and you go at it. His slim form permits him to be agile while you're slightly slowed down by your weapon.
Frustrated, Spike gets tired of being on the sidelines. "Mind if I cut in." He slugs the demon unexpectedly.
The demon stumbles and before he can get his bearings you slice into the demon’s chest cavity. The demon screams out in pain. His body slumps with a disgusting thud.
"That was easy." Spike smirked.
You're frustrated with him for insulting you and the even more for cutting in. It was clear that coming out tonight was a mistake. You turn around and start to storm off, sword in hand. You hated how overly sensitive you felt around Spike. He was just another vampire. So, why were you so hurt by him?
"Wait..." Spike begs.
You swing your sword and place it inches away from his face. He steadies.
"I liked our dance the other night. It felt right. Can we do it again sometime?"
"Are you gonna insult me again?"
Spike pondered it. He liked getting under her skin. "Not unless it turns you on."
You laughed, you couldn't help it. This dolt of a vampire had you in a chokehold and you didn't know why.
"Do you know how to waltz?" She asked.
Spike grimaced. "A bit uppity for my taste but I'll do it." He pushes your sword away and steps closer "But only for you."
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i-heart-slashers · 2 months
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prose-for-hire · 1 year
High Stakes
Pairing: Spike x witch!reader (gn)
Request: I was wondering about maybe one where spike and reader are in a relationship like a really healthy one and he is completely in love them but the scooby gang ask them to do some really big draining spell because they are more powerful witch then willow and like reader starts to panic once leaving the magic box with spike and he is super concerned and like they start to have a panic attack and he immediately starts calming them down and looking after them and it’s just really fluffy and angsty.
Requested by: @witchb1tches
Warning: Reader has a panic attack. Crying. 
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There was a storm brewing. The sky was dark but only you could feel it. You were at one with the elements. A powerful sorcerer who had unfathomable power. As you waled briskly through the streets, your hands laced with Spike’s, you tried to push down your anxieties and focus on the feeling of his hand in yours.
You and Spike had been together for years. He adored you with ever fibre of his being and you matched his love in every way. It was a love that others only dreamed of. You had met at a demon bar one evening and in attempting to impress you, Spike had picked a fight with half of the bar. When he got in trouble and they all tried to jump him at once, you stood up raised your hand, making the entire crowd slam into the back wall of the bar as if shoved by an invisible force.
Spike had just stared, mouth wide open as you winked and left him in the bar, saying your goodbyes. Although you didn’t agree with love at first sight, the ground started humming and the breeze that whistled through your ears on the way home telling you that you had met the one. You waited though, to see if he would make the first move. To test if it really was fate.
You had run into each other several times after that and after getting over the fact that you were friends with the Slayer, he built up the courage to ask you on an actual date. He had even brought flowers that looked suspiciously like they had been swiped from a nearby grave. He had been rather bashful and it had been incredibly endearing, you only understood later on why he was so nervous of rejection.
You had been laying in bed when you got the SOS message from Xander. Some big evil this or some creepy spell that. You knew you had to come as fast as you could and your vampire insisted he was only coming to try and score a nip of blood, but you knew him better than that.
“Don’t know why they think you’re at their every bleedin’ beck and call” Spike had been sulking the entire way there, his unlit cigarette bobbing from his mouth as he spoke. He mostly did it to see you smile, he was very fond of your smile. He did this, especially when he sensed that you were feeling tense about something.
“Spike, it’s the end of the world, we can’t just hold each other and wait for it to get us”
“If it was the end of the world, we’d be doin’ more than cuddlin’. That I can tell you, pet” he pointed at you, his cigarette between his fingers as a curl of smoke escaped his smirk. You rolled your eyes and pushed him playfully as you walked.
“I have power, it would be wrong not to do something to help”
“No, what’s wrong is callin’ up a vampire in the middle of the afternoon while he’s trying to sleep! Apocalypses are ten-to-the-bloody-dozen ‘round here, we could have finished our nap and still caught the next one, I wager”
“That may be true, but-” You started to defend your younger friends and Giles, but that was when you sensed it. The coming storm had distracted you but now you saw it. The Magic Box was ablaze, green fire licked the building and what looked like a tornado inside the store fanned the flames.
You ran straight into the fire, with Spike trying to pull you back. You shot him a meaningful look, your intentions sending your thoughts and reasons into his own head. He nodded, understanding, the fire was magically suspended, something (probably Willow and Tara) was working against the damage.
When you both arrived, Spike had a hand firmly on your waist, he knew that in this sort of fight, you were the one that was doing the protecting. He was man enough to admit that. But it didn’t stop him wanting to ensure that you were by his side. Safe from harm’s way.
The scene was pure chaos, and not in a nice, neat, easy-to-calm way. You had ceased many of those for your friends before. This one was different. An invisible tornado had whipped up around the store, the noise was so loud it was near impossible to hear yourself think. Anya was trying to hold down anything valuable from getting more broken while Giles and Willow were screaming incantations over the din.
“No bloody way” Spike muttered, taking you hand and trying to lead you out again. There was no sodding, buggering, bloody way that you two were getting involved in this one. The slayer and her little friends could fry for all he cared. Just so long as it didn’t involve you.
Buffy was trying to fight the air around her, with Xander on back up, as some force kept attacking the two that were trying to reduce the amount of fire that threatened to consume them.
That was when you saw it. In the centre of the room, the eye of the tornado.
“Th-that book…” You said softly. You knew that book, you could feel the ancient power rolling off it. Humans couldn’t touch that book unless they were powerful enough to withstand it’s hold on their souls.
And seemingly, Tara had touched it. She was suspended in the corner of the room, eyes black and her hair to match. She was a good witch, but not powerful enough to withstand something like that. You weren’t even sure that you were.
How had they found it? Why was it here?
No wonder the world was ending. One chapter, no one sentence even, from that book spoken aloud by someone that didn’t know what to do with it and the whole fabric of this dimension, and many others, would tear and scatter until it was no more.
That book was supposed to be suspended in a hell dimension and, you later found out, Willow had received it as a Birthday gift from an unnamed admirer.
“Y/n, we need to do this, now!” Buffy shouted over the noise. It was a lot worse than you had expected. Time was speeding up, lives were in danger and the whole thing seemed to be resting on you. You wavered, the others couldn’t see it over all the chaos. But he could. Your Spike. Your protector. He was the only thing that could ground you.
“Piss off, would you! You saw what happened to them last time” Spike stepped up to the Slayer menacingly, his leather duster whipping around him in the artificial wind. He cared about you, deeply, none of your friends could deny it. He was worried about you, doing so many spells for them he thought they took it for granted that you could just bounce back and be fine. He told them as much whilst simultaneously throwing a few punches at this invisible being that was trying to fight the room.
You were stood there, seemingly daydreaming as you stood still as the mayhem raged around you, just staring at the book.
“Y/n, the stakes are high, are you, ah, able to do this?” Giles asked, pausing from chanting as he realised that you were now using your own power to hold off the fire.
“We don’t use that word in our house, stakes that is. What with the whole burning at the stake bit” Spike cut in, throwing a punch and overbalancing when it didn’t connect with anything. He managed to style it out, rolling and landing back onto his feet.
“And the dusty vampire thing” You agreed distractedly, pressing your lips against his as he got up from the floor beside you.
“Yes, yes, well? Are you able to do it?” Giles was growing impatient with the man that was always so close by your side. Both Giles and you knew what you had to do. It was something that no other could do. If you didn’t do this, Buffy would never be able to get the upper hand. You may all perish in an instant.
“I can stop time, isolating it so that Buffy can still move will, uh, take a lot… But, luckily for you I am blessed with a lot of power” You insisted, feeling their resolves falter slightly. Buffy had never faced anything like this before. The Hellmouth opening was nothing compared to complete obliteration of dimensions.
The way your power works, you would be pushing against time whilst also pulling Buffy into the present with you. Shifting more than yourself was known to be near-impossible when stopping time. You had done it once before but it had taken a lot out of you.
Spike stayed stood by your side in all of this, only fending off anything that came towards you now. You nodded at him gently, he was always in awe of you, but more so every day.
It was a lot of pressure and the responsibility was crushing. But you persevered, Spike nodding by your side, giving his unending support without even having to say a word. You took a breath, closed your eyes and raised your arms, chanting rapidly.
You did it. When you opened your eyes time had stopped, your love frozen by your side. 
Buffy nodded at you, able to move as you held the very threads of time together. It was already taking a toll on your body. It was like you were hanging over the edge of the universe, grip so tight that your knuckles whitened, grimace on your face as you tried to stop everything from tipping into nothingness.
You stopped time long enough for Buffy to decloak the invisible force, the Slayer was already weakened from the earlier fight but managed to kill the demon that had emerged from the book. It bled profusely, spraying the floor with an orange goo.
“Don’t- not on the book!” You screamed, if any demon blood got on that book literally anything could happen. But none of it good.
With one final flourish, Buffy managed to slay the demon and take its weapon, a long staff that had been invisible until now that was needed to return Tara back to them.
While you were watching her, you were hurting, aching all over, you couldn’t hold it any longer. While Buffy finished, you had a spinning wheel of dimensions in your mind and you dropped the book into nearest Hell dimension, hoping it could hold it.
You dropped to the floor as the book disappeared, the wind stopped and everything went silent. Tara was back to herself after a ceremonial wave of the staff, now propped up in a corner by Willow as everyone else skidded towards them. A battered Buffy included.
“You okay?” Spike asked it quietly, as you got to your feet, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention from the group. You nodded once but he wasn’t convinced. He knew you inside out and he took your hand tenderly as he spoke.
“Yeah, I-” You started but the look he gave you told you that he knew. He could sense it. You weren’t doing okay.
“I, uh, I just need some air” You said, grappling with yourself to get out of the magic shop, your hand no longer clasping Spike’s. He was on your heels, throwing a glare behind him at your friends as he went.
The others called their thanks to you as you left, while Xander tended to Buffy’s battle wounds. Your friends all loved you but they didn’t understand certain things about you. You were known as being a little odd, you went missing for periods of time and you frequently shied away from praise or gratitude. But they were fond of you all the same.
You were overwhelmed. Drained and scared you hadn’t done the right thing. What if that book was summoned in another dimension and you could do nothing to stop it? What if you had killed thousands of others by only saving the dimension you lived in?What if it came back and a different chapter opened, one where you couldn’t fight it?
Once outside, the storm had started. The thunder cracked through the air as your heart hammered through your chest. Your chest writhed in pain, as if several hands were scratching at you from within, trying to claw their way out of you. You couldn’t take a full breath, your breathing quickly shallowed, as if something was wringing out your lungs.
It had been creeping up on you ever since you had started the spell, but it had just crashed on top of you like a ton of bricks. You slid down the wall you had been leaning against, clutching your heart and fighting for breath. You were panicking.
“You’re okay, love, ‘m right here with you” Spike knew immediately what it was, crouching down beside you the ghost of his touch hovering over your shoulder as it erratically rose and fell.
“I- I can’t-” You stammered, lightning violently cracking through the air as you spoke.
“You’re okay, love.” he soothed, taking big unneeded breaths of his own to give you something to focus on. You tried to speak but he shook your head, you needed to focus on your breathing, “Breathe, Y/n, that’s right.”
He continued to breathe with you, your fingers numbing and your chest feeling like it was caving in. You felt like you needed to reach inside and stop it somehow but you could summon no amount of power or magic to stop it. This made it worse, you couldn’t control it. You couldn’t stop it and the storm raged on, worse this time as the thunder came from within.
“You’re safe, I’ve got you. Not gonna let anythin’ nasty get you, just take your time” He knelt before you, so that he was all that you could see.
As you slowly managed to regulate your breathing, you stayed sat in the same position as before. Rain started to fall as your tears broke, rolling down your face as the rain pelted down from the sky. You reached for him and he held you, arms wrapping around you as raindrops rolled down his cheeks.
You both stayed, crouched on the floor with the rain hammering down and soaking you both as he pressed the most tender kisses. First against your forehead, then your temple and finally a gentle peck against your lips.
Eventually, Spike moved, only to remove his leather duster to drape it around your shoulders. You hadn’t brought a jacket despite his insistence back in your shared crypt. He didn’t feel the weather and even if he did he would have done the same. Just as he knew you would for him.  
“Sorry about…”
“Don’t you ever apologise. You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met, you got nothin’ to be sorry for. I meant it, I always mean it. I’m here for every part of you” The look in his eyes told you that he meant every word. There was no reason for you to ever feel embarrassed, especially not around him. You would never be a burden, nor an inconvenience.
“Thanks” you murmured, but the look he gave you told you that him being here for you was not something he needed to be thanked for, he loved you after all. He was by your side always.
“Let’s get you home, love, catch your death out here” he joked, a watery smile on your face as you pulled his jacket around you. He encouraged you to lean against him as you walked, his arm firmly around your shoulders, the weather clearing if only slightly as you went.
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