#Buffy inspired poem.
Just a flash of gold in the night, A hidden danger for all who hunt, Tonight it is they who must run, This stake most certainly won't be blunt.
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Photo by the amazingly talented Gia @l0veisntbrains this story is inspired by her photo.
Buffy wakes up snuggled next to Spike. She smiles for the first time in a while she is waking up next to Spike. She has Spike back and they love each other, bonus they are not living on a hellmouth. They both have been busy and today is the only day they both have off together.
Spike half asleep half awake brushes his lips over her bare shoulder. “Happy Valentine’s Day Buffy.”
She glances over her shoulder at him. “Happy Valentine’s Day Spike.”
He opens his eyes and smiles at her, he rolls over and opens the nightstand drawer on his side of the bed. He turns back to her with a little square box. “Your first prezzie.”
She gasps excited. Buffy loves getting presents. She quickly unwraps the little box and inside the little box sitting on a tiny pillow is a silver skull ring with ruby eyes.
Buffy glances up at him. He takes the ring out. “So many years ago we were under a spell and got engaged but we’ve come so far from then and now under no spell I want to ask you if you would marry me and make me the happiest man on earth.”
“Oh Spike of course it’s yes!” Buffy tackles him back onto the bed kissing him. They both laugh as they remember they both said that under the spell too. He slips the ring onto her finger.
“Happy Valentine’s Day luv.”
She pecks him on the lips again. “Happy Valentine’s Day honey.” She frowns and he tucks a piece of hair off her face. “What’s with the face
“I feel like my gift to you fails in comparison now.”
“What did you get me?” Spike loves getting gifts and especially from Buffy.
Buffy leaves his embrace and moves about their bedroom Spike enjoying the view of Buffy in her little sleep shorts and tank top. She comes back from their living room with a wrapped present.
When he unwraps it he smiles she knows him so well she got him a book of poetry a first edition limited edition. “Here’s the best part.” She flips through the pages looking for the page she wants. She stops and points to one of the poems.
“By William Pratt.”
He looks over at her and she smiles so proudly at him. He can’t believe he is seeing his own name in this book he is a published poet.
Spike leans over and kisses her passionately. “You don’t know what this means to me, thank you.”
“You’re welcome, it took me forever to find it, I eventually found it in this little shop in London that sold rare books.”
He places the book on the nightstand and wraps an arm around her bringing her underneath him. Peppering her with kisses their hands entwine. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
As they are getting dressed it hits Buffy she sits down on the footstool they have in their closet. He finishes getting dressed and finds her looking at her hands and at the ring very in her head. “Hey what’s going on in that brain of yours.”
She shrugs and he bends down In front of her and kisses her on the temple. “I just remembered the last time we told everyone we were getting married or when we told them we’re together. Nobody except Dawn was happy for us. I know our last engagement was spell induced but still us becoming a couple wasn’t, I love you and that never changes but you and Giles have come far but no where as far as you used to be, Wood doesn’t want to be in the same room as you. You and Faith are good and you help out with the Slayers in training. Giles and I have come far in our relationship since sunnydale. I just want them to be happy for us.”
“Want me to take them out?”
She chuckles. “Knew I could get a grin.”
“I love you, I can’t wait to be Mrs. Pratt.” He entwines their fingers.
“You’ll have to be waiting a long time because I’m taking your name, I’m becoming a Summers.”
She smiles down at him. “William Summers. I like it.”
“Sounds better than Buffy Pratt.”
She shrugs. “Do you think they will be happy for us?”
“Dawn will, Connor will be happy because Dawn is happy, Faith will probably say it’s about time. Willow will be happy. Xander no matter how much time it’s been to him I’m always going to be that guy. Wood probably not. He might even pull you aside and ask if there’s anything wrong with you. Like he did when we announced we were dating. Giles it’s iffy on if he’ll be excited. He’ll be happy that you’re happy. When the news gets back to captain forehead he’ll be pissed, that will be fun.”
Buffy side eyes him and looks down at her ring. “One thing that hasn’t changed is we still have each other.”
“That’s never going to change, come on it’s time for breakfast, and if we don’t go down Dawn will barge in again.” Spike pulls her up off the footstool and kisses her. They both remember after Buffy came back from helping out in the battle against the senior partners. She came back with Spike. Him and Buffy were up all night talking about everything, and figuring out what their relationship is going to be. They fell asleep after the sun came up. They were snuggled up together. They didn’t go down to breakfast, next thing they know the door to their suite is being slammed open and Dawn is shouting, “‘Stop doing it like bunnies, you missed breakfast.’”
Buffy didn’t want negativity so she told a few people of her engagement and they were all happy for her. As they are leaving the dining room Buffy slinks her arm around his waist. “What do you say we go back to our suite and stay in bed all day we could order champagne and chocolates celebrate our engagement and Valentine’s Day.”
He smiles down at her and kisses her hair bringing her even closer to him as she snuggles into his side. “I would love to but I have to put the finishing touches on your surprise.”
“My surprise? What did you get me?”
He chuckles. And kisses her on the nose. “If I told you it would ruin the surprise.”
She pouts up at him and he smiles down at her kissing her pout away.
Buffy and Spike’s suite is the biggest in the castle, when Giles bought the castle for all the new slayers to stay in. He gave the room to Buffy as a show of affection and forgiveness. When Giles originally gave her the room some of the still new slayers were not happy that Buffy, a then single woman and Buffy being Buffy, got such a big room. When she came back from LA with Spike he moved in with her. Their suite consists of two bedrooms, a walk in closet, a huge bathroom and a living room.
While Spike was off on his secret surprise mission Buffy took a bubble bath, painted her nails. As her toes her drying Spike comes back. “Buffy come with me.” He goes to pull her up.
“Spike! My toes are not done drying. I don't want to mess them up.”
He sighs he really wants to show her his surprise, but he knows not to mess up fresh nails and especially a Summers mani/pedi. She has painted her nails pale pink.
“Where are we going? Am I dressed ok?”
She’s in blue jeans and a blush lace tank top she hasn’t put her sweater on yet, she was just lounging around their suite. “You look beautiful. I've always loved this outfit on you.”
She blushes even when he first saw this outfit when they almost ran into each other outside the bathroom all those years ago in Sunnydale he complimented her on her outfit saying she looked nice. “Can you get my shoes when you come back my toes should be dry.”
He comes back with a pair of white heels. She raises an eyebrow why did he choose those shoes. She watches him bend down and blow on her toenails to make sure they are dry then slowly slide the heel on her foot.
When he’s done he takes her hand and they walk out. She has put her black sweater on too. He brings her hand up to his lips. “So where are we going?”
Instead of ruining the surprise he tells her. “Shortly after I got her I couldn’t sleep one night nightmares of what I’ve done and of the battle with the senior partners. I didn’t want to wake you so I slipped out of bed and was wandering around the castle. I found this beautiful hidden area. It looked like it was taken out of a book. I would go there at night if I couldn’t sleep or wanted to think.”
“That was seven years ago, you found a secret place in the castle and didn’t tell me.”
He shrugs his shoulders. “Recently I wanted to know if this place was just as beautiful in the daylight as it is in moonlight so I enlisted Spike's little helper and was informed that it is just as beautiful in the daylight as it is at night.”
“Spike’s little helper?” Her tone evidently teases him.
“Sod off.” She chuckles.
They are in the back hallway and go through a shadowy arch which leads to a heavy door behind that is a private chapel, they go through the private chapel but stop at the marble statue of a head, Spike moves the head back to reveal a secret passage. They go down a hallway, and they stop at the end.
Dawn and Willow come out of one of the secret rooms at the end of this hallway. Buffy looks at them then at Spike. “This was your surprise?”
“No, this is only step one of my surprise. You need to change for the second part.”
She goes to open her mouth but he puts a finger up to her lips. “You were dressed for this part but not for the next part. Don’t worry I have it all figured out. Trust me.”
Buffy nods. “You go with them and I will see you soon.”
He kisses her on the lips delicately and goes into the room opposite the room Willow and Dawn came out of. “Do you know what is going on?”
“We’ve been sworn to secrecy.”
Buffy looks at Dawn. She is in a suit and Willow is in a nice floor length champagne colored dress. Then she enters the changing room and there’s a white dress hanging up.
“Oh my god! Just have to ask, am I fighting the master again and am I dreaming?”
Dawn and Willow shake their heads. Buffy’s face breaks out into a huge smile she knows what Spike’s surprise is. She can’t believe it. “Spike, I love him.”
She looks over at Dawn, “You’re one of Spike’s helpers?”
The younger Summers smirks. “I can’t say I’ll lose my helper title.”
“I never thought all those years ago when we first encountered Spike that we would end up here. He’s really changed. He did all of this for you.”
“We all have, I know the vampire who when we first met said on Saturday I kill you would become one of my best friends, my boyfriend, and soon my husband. Spike is always trying to make me happy or laugh and he does I’m so happy with him.”
Dawn and Willow help Buffy into this floor length strapless white wedding gown. The top of the dress is beaded, there is a light pink ribbon around her waist, and the rest of her dress is very flowy. While Willow goes to do Buffy’s hair Dawn goes to leave but Buffy stops her rushing over to give her a hug and whispers to her. “I wish mom was here.”
Dawn nods and hugs her sister. “She would be so proud of you, she hoped you would get married one day. Plus she has always liked Spike.”
Buffy chuckles. “Yeah I remember coming home from college and there would be two cups of hot chocolate in the sink, mom had said Spike came over to watch Passions and they had hot chocolate.”
Dawn laughs. “Is there anything you want me to tell him?”
There’s so many things Buffy wants to tell him she closes her eyes and takes a breath. Trying to collect her thoughts. She smiles when she whispers in Dawn’s ear.
Dawn squeals as she nods and is so happy she practically bounces out of the room and across the hall.
Spike is tying his black tie, to match his black suit and white dress shirt. “Wow Spike you look amazing.”
“Thanks Niblet. Is she mad at me for surprising her like this?” Spike knows Buffy hates secrets in a relationship and he kept her in the dark about their wedding location but also the wedding so he wants to know if he’s going to be marrying a mad Buffy or a happy Buffy.
“Not at all actually she has a message she wanted me to tell you. ‘She can’t wait for you to be a Summers.’”
“I can't believe you’re taking our name.”
Spike looks over at Dawn; she has always been a little sister to him and soon she will be officially. “Your sister radiates Summers. I couldn't take that from her.”
Dawn wraps her arms around her vampire brother. “I’m so happy for you guys.”
Willow has fashioned Buffy’s long hair in a low messy bun. She also French braided some of her hair and wrapped it around the top of Buffy’s head and left two pieces of hair dangling on each side of her face. “One more thing then you’re ready.”
She places a long veil at the back of Buffy’s hair. “You look beautiful Buffy. I’m so happy for you and Spike.” Willow dabs at her eyes trying not to cry and mess up her makeup.
Buffy and Willow come out of the room and go down another hallway and Giles is waiting for them at the end of that hallway he is in a black suit matching Dawn’s. “Giles?”
“You asked me all those years ago if I would give you away I would be honored.”
Buffy blinks trying not to cry and mess up her makeup. “There is one thing I have to say….. Spike and I are getting married!” She holds up her Skull ring. Buffy throws her arms around Giles and he hugs her back. “I’m so proud of you Buffy and I’m so happy for you, I know in the past I haven’t been the biggest supporter of your relationship with Spike but seeing you together for the last seven years, I can see how happy you both make each other.”
Willow hands her a tissue to dab her eyes; she also hands Buffy a silver ring with a red ruby in the middle. She smiles at her. Willow leaves through the door and Giles looks down at Buffy. “Are you ready?”
She nods.
They open the door and Buffy gasps; she can’t believe what she is seeing. It's breathtaking, majestic and beautiful. It’s this wooded garden filled with fairy lights shimmering everywhere in every tree and on the ground. The sun does not shine directly on this garden; it's shaded by all the black trees.
Underneath the tree at the end of the aisle made of fairy lights is Spike in a suit with a light pink rose on his suit jacket, Dawn is behind him and Faith is also in a suit and she is next to him as the officiant.
This is not a big wedding so the guest list is short and it’s only the Important people and Andrew is their only guest outside of the wedding party. Andrew is also the videographer; he has his camera and is recording the whole thing.
As Buffy and Giles walk down Buffy mutters. “A daytime ceremony in the park underneath the trees indirect sunlight only.”
“What was that?”
Buffy looks up at Giles and shakes her head. “Nothing.”
Giles walks Buffy up to where Spike is and places her hand in Spike’s outstretched hand. Buffy hugs Giles again. He takes his seat in between Andrew who has already started crying and Dawn’s boyfriend.
Spike squeezes her hand and they both mouth I love you.
Faith smiles at the happy couple, she was surprised that Spike was asking her to officiate the wedding. After everything she has done to Buffy and that one time she hit on Spike in Buffy’s body. Maybe because she knows them but is still an outsider in their relationship she is the perfect person for this.
“I’ve known Buffy longer than I’ve known Spike. When Willow brought me back to Sunnydale one of the first people I ran into was Buffy and Spike. I punched Spike thinking he was attacking a young girl we got into a fight and then Buffy punched me in the face. She checked on Spike before she had her quippy line for me. They watched as the young girl was actually a vampire attack me I took care of the vampire. The next day Spike and I were talking in the basement smoking and needed a little breather from the wannabes we were getting along. Buffy came down and you could feel the shift in the room. Buffy was jealous, Spike tried to assure her he could pick up on it immediately. They always could read each other and knew what the other wanted from just a look. When Sunnydale collapsed I saw Buffy take Spike’s hand. I saw the look in her eyes and she did not want to leave him. Like I said I’ve known Buffy a long time I’ve never seen that look in her eyes for any one of her than Spike. That pure love and trust. Buffy knows whatever happens she always has Spike and when you look at Spike you can see the same look of pure love devotion Spike knows Buffy will always have his back. That’s real to find someone like that in this world. That's incredible. They have had so many people tell them that this would not work or that Buffy deserves better. When you look at them they make each other better. There's been ups and downs like every relationship but they make it through together.”
Neither Buffy nor Spike knew where Faith was going to go with her speech. Buffy is surprised it was actually a touching speech. Spike wipes a tear off Buffy’s cheek and she softly smiles at him.
“Did you write your own vows?”
Buffy’s eyes widened when she just found out she was getting married half an hour ago. She didn’t know they were writing their own vows. Spike swallows. “Buffy, I have loved you even before I knew I loved you. I’ve lived in the shadows for so many years. Meeting you, fighting beside you, falling in love with you, you are my own personal sunshine. I've seen the best and worst of you and I’m still here, you're the one Buffy, I will always be next to you, I’m not leaving you.”
Buffy sniffles that was beautiful she is going to take her lead from Spike. Words and Buffy sometimes are not mixy. “William, I loved you even before I could admit it to myself. You have always been there for me and I’ve been there for you too. You turned my world upside down and it has never gone back to normal but I wouldn’t want it to. You fought the monster inside of you and you won you’ve done things nobody ever would do. I’ve always believed in you. I’ll always be next to you too, I’m not leaving you.”
Spike smiles at her and it’s genuine and full of love his eyes sparkle in the fairy lights. “Do you Buffy take Spike to be your wedded husband for richer or poor.” Faith went to continue but realized sickness and in health Spike doesn’t get sick and till death do you part Spike is already dead. “For the rest of your life.”
Buffy side eyes Faith and she noticed that pause and the words for the rest of her life. “I do.” She places the ring that Willow gave her on Spike’s ring finger. The ring is from the same gem that the ring of Amara was made from.
“Spike, do you take Buffy for rich or poor in sickness and in health for the rest of her life.”
He also side eyes Faith, maybe he should have asked Andrew who is still crying, Giles handed him a tissue. “I do.” Spike places a silver ring with a diamond in the middle on her finger.
“By the powers invested by me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Spike cradles Buffy’s face in his hands and passionately kisses her. One of his hands has gripped the back of her neck while her arms wrap around his neck pulling him even closer to her. His tongue licks her lips asking for entry and their tongues caress and they continue to kiss.
Giles, Andrew, Faith, Dawn, Dawn’s boyfriend Connor, And Willow all clap for them.
Wind beneath my wings begins echoing through the trees and Buffy looks up at Spike, surprised. “You remembered?”
“Of course I remembered.” He places a hand out for her. “Can I have the first dance Mrs. Summers?”
She chuckles and smiles at him, placing her hand in his. “Of course you can, Mr. Summers.”
Buffy and Spike sway to Bette Midler singing. Buffy asks. “How did you do all of this? I can’t believe you remembered so many things from when we planned our wedding so many years ago in Giles' living room.”
He kisses her hair as they sway to the music. “Before we left to go find Red I put our notes in my pocket and I kept them all this time in my pocket. It started out as a reminder of when we were truly and deeply happy but as time went on it became sentimental, something I had to have with me.”
She kisses his neck lovingly. “Thank you Spike. for giving me the best wedding I could have ever asked for.”
“I wanted to give you everything you deserve.”
“And you have I just married the man I love. I can’t picture my life without you in it.”
He presses his lips to her forehead.They sway to the music and Buffy cups his cheek and looks into his piercing blue eyes. “This has been the best Valentine’s Day ever. I love you.”
Spike leans his forehead against hers and smiles. “I wouldn’t have wanted to spend it any other way. I love you so much Buffy.”
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sunnydaleherald · 3 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, June 23rd
GUNN (yelling): —I'm not happy! (throws him into a rack of comics) THWACK CLERK (to Angel): Jeez! He gonna hurt me? GUNN: Think Daredevil 181. I'm Bullseye, you're Electra. One wins, one dies. Get what I'm saying? THWACK CLERK: Yeah, but we're kinda crushing the dark horses.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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One, Two, Three by harlow_turner_chaotic_ace (Buffy/Faith/Kendra, T)
When the Morning Comes by harlow_turner_chaotic_ace (Buffy/Riley, Riley & Graham, T)
I come bearing a poem (made of Seasonal Spuffy creators' notes) by thenewbuzwuzz (Buffy/Spike, T)
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Rumor Has It by charlottenewtons (Buffy/Faith, T)
Strawberry Jam by Ashmaenas (Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Faith - fantasy, Explicit)
nothing novel, nothing strange by myrmeraki (Spike, Fanged Four, M)
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The Sound of Silence by Joan963z (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
All a matter of acceptance by onlyone87 (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Buffy’s fevered knight by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Her Hero by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
When Two Souls Fall In Love by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, PG)
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Shockwaves by Grief Counseling (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
His Heartstrings (Are So Thin) by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Incarnate, Ch. 8 by Sigyn (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Fixer Uppers, Ch. 7 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2] Ch. 9-10 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Spiked, Ch. 3 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
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With Sprinkles, Ch. 41 by dogbertcarroll (anime crossover, Xander, FR15)
Psyer Ch. 6 by JoshuAB (Psyren manga crossover, Xander, FR15)
Dawn Before the Sun: The Doomsman’s Daughter, Ch. 6 by Luna (Lord of the Rings crossover, Dawn, FR15)
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So It Goes... Ch. 7 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Bruises, Ch. 27 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Perfect Clarity, Ch. 27 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Spuffy Sticker Design & Speedpaint by fancyflautist (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Famix: Fool for Love by agentkikirogers (Buffy/Spike, cover art somewhat NSFW)
Drusilla calligraphy: Do you love my insides?... by driven-to-abstraction (worksafe)
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Vid: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Cinematic Teaser Season 1 by Tony Webster (bigbadllama) (ensemble)
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She-Mantis - digital ink by Josh McGary (Natalie French's bug form, worksafe)
Willow and Tara Chibi Style by yellownicky (Willow/Tara, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Out of Mind, Out of Sight; E01E11 by ravenya003
Buffy season 5 is fucking genius by spookylij
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Brideofcthulhu is promoting her fanfic (stories largely inspired by the Dark Horse comics)
[Community Announcements]
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Otherworldly Chemistry (btvscrackships.livejournal.com) Opens its Dreamwidth Community (otherworldly-chemistry.dreamwidth.org)!
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otherworldly_chemistry | Posting Guidelines
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Wrestling with your Demons: a new twitch series whose creators will review episodes of BtVS while playing WWE 2k24
[Fandom Discussions]
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I've always taken it for granted that... Spike and Drusilla will eventually reunite by lilatara, aphony-cree
i wish cordelia and fred had been better friends but also... by moistvonlipwig (with a vid rec by cobalt-knave)
can’t stop thinking about willow sleeping in buffy’s bed while buffy stays awake all night... by lesbianmarrow
the season of buffy that feels the MOST dated is actually s7 by moistvonlipwig
mental illness on this show is portrayed in such a weird way. by abitch-in-the-matrix
buffy in Two To Go saying to jonathan "if she kills you two, she crosses a line" by earhartsease, draculasstrawhat
if the Mohra Demons can make vampires human… by zorilleerrant
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What happened to Eve after "Not Fade Away"? hosted by OptionNo1672
Do you ship Faith/Gunn? by LightBlueSky55
What happened to the gallery? (s5 spoilers) by bumbleonyx
Housing questions by SafiraAshai
An Amends theory, Angel spoilers! by TastyApple2023
In each season, which episode really embraces the season's theme? (not a finale or premiere) by Cailly_Brard7
what’s your favorite buffy outfit? by nana6ee and others
Alternative names [for BtVS and AtS]? hosted by debujandobirds
What should Oz have done in “Wild at Heart?” by Neat_Apricot9706
Younger viewers: what's your take? hosted by Background-Roof-112
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Amber "Tara" Benson Scheduled to appear at Midsummer Scream Halloween and Horror Convention on July 26-29 in Long Beach, California
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2024 Supanova Perth Kids In Perth Interview with James Marsters
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Sydney Supanova Expo 2024 Reports, Pics & Videos (James Marsters) via jamie_marsters
James Marsters' next scheduled con appearance is Perth Supanova Expo Jun 29-30 - via jamie_marsters
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breaniebree · 1 year
Writing Fanfiction in the HP Fandom
Hello All!
This is not something I usually do (i.e. post anything outside of fanfic updates), but I wanted to write a little something about Fandom.
I recently finished reading a book called "Family Don't End With Blood" which was a wonderful collection of essays about people who came together over a love of Supernatural. It included personal moments about the fandom from some of the cast, some of the fans, and some of the people involved in charities or organizations that have stemmed out of the television show and I found it absolutely inspiring! I even teared up a bit (especially reading Jared's chapter). You can find my review on my personal bookstagram brie_reads if you're interested in learning more.
But, I decided that I wanted to just reach out and say something about the idea of fandom and what it means to me because this collection of essays truly inspired me.
I started reading Harry Potter in September of 1999. I was (not to age myself here) 12 years old and my stepmom bought the first three books for my younger brother in an effort to get him more interested in reading. It worked, but I also devoured the books alongside of my brother. I couldn't wait for The Goblet of Fire to come out and fell immediately in love with the characters of Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, and Ron Weasley. There were of course other characters I loved, but those ones just meant something to me. I still don't think I can fully explain what it was that first drew them to me, but I was hooked. I began writing fanfiction in 2004/2005, but never really got into publishing my work until almost 2006 after reading Half-Blood Prince and being furious at Harry for breaking up with Ginny (the noble git).
By writing Harry Potter fanfiction, I became involved in a fandom community and it was something I'd never really ventured into before. Sure, I had a chat group about Buffy lovers on ICQ and AOL, but a true fandom was something different. By loving Harry Potter and sharing my love for the stories (and my own fanfic stories) I've made incredible friends. One of my oldest online friends I met through communication boards on Sink Into Your Eyes that delved into email sharing, instant messaging, and more. I've made friends of all ages, some older than me, some younger, and from all over the world.
I've exchanged story ideas with people, discussed possible scenario changes, and laughed and cried over things we loved from the books themselves to other amazing fanfics. I've made some incredible friends and I've unfortunately lost some incredible friends along the way as well -- people who cut me out of their lives due to disagreements or miscommunication -- and I've gained new friends in people who not only love what I write, but actually care what I have to say about funny and pointless things like how I think Harry would react in ridiculous situations.
I joined Harry Potter facebook groups (way back for us oldies when you had to have a university or college id to even have facebook) and followed Harry Potter fandoms on Twitter. I joined Tumblr (and have recently gotten over 1300 followers which is mind blowing to me so thank you) to share in my love of the fandom and have seen the most incredible artwork, read the most beautiful stories and poems, and seen things that make me wonder if we read the same books at all LOL.
But the pure joy of being in a fandom of people who love the same things is unlike anything I've ever experienced anywhere else. Now, as a woman in my mid-30s, I look back and think of how much it has impacted my life. It's opened my creativity. It's helped me grow into myself as a person and accept who I am. It's watched me grow up. The Harry Potter fandom has become something I love even more than the original novels that drew me in.
Like everything, there are toxic parts as well. People who are toxic in their views, in their comments, and in their reviews. People who get close to you, only to break you down. But there are also amazing people who fight back against those toxic vibes and remind all of us why we love the Harry Potter fandom. It's the Harry Potter fandom that made me branch out into liking other fandoms, to show off my inner nerd, and most of all, to come to the realization that even if I don't know your real name and even if we've never met, it doesn't mean we can't bond over a shared interest.
You are appreciated.
You are respected.
You are valid.
You are loved.
That to me is what a Fandom represents.
Be positive. Keep smiling. And most of all, know that this fandom means you are not alone.
Share the love. Thank a creator. Tag a friend who you met because of the fandom and appreciate.
Thank you.
Breanie aka Bree
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undercover-ballerina · 2 months
Of Drought and Downpour - Chapter two
A Dramione story, with a tiny Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover (in the following chapters) inspired by the song 'It's Raining Men'
“Ladies!” said Pansy as she sat down in a plush, turquoise armchair at Sugar & Spice. “Did you see the Prophet yesterday? Skeeter went all out with her spiteful comments. She’s calling us troublesome! But it was good advertising. The shop was so busy today, I think I’m going to have to hire new clerks, and quite possibly double my sewing crew.”
“I had to ward the floo against Harry on Sunday! He kept calling, asking me to get back together.” Ginny scoffed. “He sent a bloody singing gnome while I was in a training session today. With flowers and a poem! Not even an original one, he basically plagiarized the one I wrote for him when I was eleven! I don’t know if it was more embarrassing or ridiculous. And then…” She paused for suspense. “He wrote me a letter, three sentences really, saying that we can wait till after the World Cup to have our first child! He still doesn’t get it!”
“Godric, he’s persistent! I’ll talk to him, Gin.” Hermione chuckled. “I received so many owls I lost count. From every man I’ve dated, save from Ron, including the ones who are now married!” She smirked. “I incedioed them all! I’m totally fed up with men. The toys I bought the other day can keep me happy for a while. I need to detox from all the drama and the paternalism.” She said rolling her eyes.
“Oh, those toys were a smart purchase! I tried the one that looks like a little bunny and it provided for a very entertaining hour. I can’t wait to try the others!” Luna giggled.
“A toast!” Laughed Pansy lifting her cappuccino. “To muggle sex toys and letting men stew in their own juice!” The others followed her example.
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Hush, Identity, & the subversion of the female scream
We have talked before about how music and the absence of music are critical to the Buffyverse, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the episode, “Hush.” Season 4 is all about identity, shown through the Scoobies discovering who they are in this new season of life, and their conflicts and the monsters they face often highlight this through the theme of identity theft.
Sunday & her gang feed off the insecurity of incoming freshmen while also stealing their things. Kathy steals Buffy’s soul in an effort to form a new life away from her family, Buffy tries on Parker in an attempt to have a normal life, Xander and Giles try new hobbies and jobs in an effort to figure out where they belong, and the entire premise of the Initiative is to change the demons and monsters—taking their basic instincts and making them something else.
In “Hush,” the writers cleverly continue this theme of identity, not only through Buffy and Riley revealing their secret identities to each other, but through the Gentlemen and their silencing of the most human expression of identity—the voice.
Because of this, the music plays a significant role in not only accentuating the silence of the characters, but also in revealing the insidious nature of the Gentlemen. Joss Whedon and “Hush” composer, Christophe Beck, drew inspiration from multiple sources, including Tim Burton and composer Danny Elfman, as well as the orchestral accompaniment of silent films. But the biggest influence undoubtedly comes from “Danse Macabre,” the piece that accompanies Giles’ non-verbal presentation of the Gentlemen.
Written in 1874 by French composer Camille Saint-Saens, “Danse Macabre” is a tone poem, originally composed as an art song, to be played while someone recites an old French superstition. The story was an old legend about Death appearing at midnight every year on Halloween. Death calls forth the skeletons from their graves to dance for him while he plays his fiddle until dawn. Beck cleverly calls back to the piece in his music for “Hush”—the solo violin reminding us of the devil’s fiddle, while the use of dissonant intervals, known as the devil’s tritone, reminds us of the devil himself. Beck will utilize a similar trick in writing the theme for Wanda in Wanda-Vision, where his use of devil’s tritones hints at her darker side.
Coupled with the many phallic symbols and Joss Whedon’s original intent for them to represent a certain class, the Gentlemen can be seen as a repressive patriarchal symbol, and a metaphor for classism, sexism, and even assault. They penetrate, violate, and silence their victims, tearing out their hearts and stealing their voices. Their nice clothing, smiles, and even their names convey an idea of white-washed social assimilation, yet their lethargic mannerisms and precise medical tools betray a calculated and intelligent malevolence. They are able to get away with their abuse due to their silencing of not only the victim, but the community as a whole.
The book, “Music, Sound, & Silence in BTVS” makes a comparison between the scene of the Gentlemen stealing away the town’s voices, and Kathy trying to steal Buffy’s soul, arguing that these correlating images show that “the voice represents something of the essence of a subject and its materiality brings to life an enigmatic element of the individual. This visualization of voice, disembodied from its source but still “live,” marks a clear appreciation for the voice as a material body in itself—a physical trace and a distinct object.”
So often in film and media, the cry of women is shown as that of the conquered, not the conqueror. French film theorist and composer, Michel Chion, in his essay “the Screaming Point,” asserts that “the female scream, the woman’s cry, represents a misfortune and a sexual vulnerability available for the pleasure of the male spectator.” Yet in true Buffy form, the show subverts the female scream and imbues it with strength. “Music, Sound, and Silence” writes, “Buffy’s scream is more in line with what Chion describes as the male “shout,” imbued as it is with power and mastery. Buffy wields this masculine shout as she does the phallic stake: both are her weapons for penetrating and obliterating the Other—the monster, the demon.”
In the end it is the cry of the victim, a woman, that exerts her dominance and destroys her oppressor.
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cleoenfaserum · 5 days
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Run Lola Run (German: Lola rennt, lit. "Lola Runs") is a 1998 German experimental thriller film written and directed by Tom Tykwer.
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The music video for "It's My Life" by Bon Jovi, released in 2000, was inspired by the film. The music video for "Ocean Avenue" by Yellowcard is also seen by some to have been inspired by the film, as is the opening scene of Buffy The Vampire Slayer episode "Beneath You", where a pink-haired girl is seen running through a German street to techno music reminiscent of the movie. (read more Wikipedia)
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FRANKA POTENTE as LOLA in RUN LOLA RUN (1998) source leofromthedark origin Nov 14, 2022
The story follows a woman named Lola (Franka Potente) who needs to obtain 100,000 Deutschmarks in twenty minutes to save the life of her boyfriend Manni (Moritz Bleibtreu).
Run Lola Run - Wikipedia Run Lola Run (1998) - IMDb 7'6
1214-1link https://ok.ru/video/8038789089900
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
I poem I fell in love with in high school. And it is still one of my unforgettable favorites.
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“I fear thee, ancient Mariner!” from Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Willy Pogany (1910) source the-evil-clergyman origin Dec 3, 2021
Listen to this marvelous recitation as you read:
1214-2link https://youtu.be/1raSUYAr0s0
This blog is not about the movie but the poem.
1214-3link https://youtu.be/QYsizp2SNyc
Nor is about the music ...
1214-4link https://youtu.be/gewer650wqc
When legend becomes spoken
Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Orson Welles, Larry Jordan Part 1
1214-5-1link https://youtu.be/4EpuaCaPML8
Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Orson Welles, Larry Jordan Part 2
1214-5-2link https://youtu.be/j6TYaeI-NKQ
Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Orson Welles, Larry Jordan Part 3
1214-5-3link https://youtu.be/DKk43D5W_K8
Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Orson Welles, Larry Jordan Part 4
1214-5-4linki https://youtu.be/yqDxAFW7jL4
Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Orson Welles, Larry Jordan Part 5
1214-5-5link https://youtu.be/qJ7fjTB9xbw
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booksbabybooks · 1 year
If the Apocalypse comes, trip me
Yesterday was apparently National Poetry Day, which inspired me to do some fun noodling with poems. I have two versions of this – one a bit darker and less rhymey! – but thought as it’s Friday I’d share the fun one
If the Apocalypse comes, trip me*
(*with apologies to Buffy)
If the Apocalypse comes, trip me
And know it’s what’s best for us all
I am not built of whatever it takes
To survive once societies fall
I possess not a single life talent
That would serve in the end of our days
I can’t outrun a Zombie, I’ve never built a fire
I’m too stiff for survivalist ways
I get anxious at mild inconvenience
I would faint in the case of real fear
Give me a weapon to aim at a creature
I’d most likely shoot my own ear.
I would never survive a dystopia
For a start, I’m too fussy with food
I’m not eating slop, served from a pot
The bones of our enemies, stewed
Vegetarians can’t become cannibals
It’s more than our systems allow
Who gives up bacon for 38 years
Just to eat businessmen now?
I wilt and I whine in hot weather
And complain when the days become cold
I am scared of the dark and small places
I’m not living outdoors now I’m old
I am soft with weak wrists and trick ankles
My strength is outmatched by a leaf
I’m not made to be woodsy and agile
At best, I’d be comic relief.
No, better for all if you just let me fall
Which I will, like a ton of old bricks
But I’m luscious and plump and well-moisturised
Let them eat me all up till they’re sick
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2021 Fic Year In Review
Thank you to @fanfics-fix for tagging me~ 😂
Total Number Of Completed Works:
Can I just put posted works instead? Lmao, if I were to put completed works, there is only 5 maybe? Okay, I have 9 completed works and I’ve posted 12 works in total. One of them is a gratuitous porn I wrote on another pseuds, so there.
Total Word Count:
21,728 (noice)
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected?
Eh, always less for sure. I am a major procrastinator and I also churn out fics really slowly... The inspiration doesn’t always come. I did write like... 1k ~ 2k words here and there for my wip that is not getting posted yet. This year has been a great year for poems~ @fanfics-fix knows what I’m talking about since I shared with her.
Fandoms I’ve Written In:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Teen Wolf
Most Popular Story Of The Year?
The Implications of Having a Boyfriend... apparently. I will get this fic finished soon!! It’s just so hard writing date scenes or double dates when you’ve never been on dates 🤣🤣😆😆
What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year?
afraid at the chance of love hands down. It’s the cutest story I’ve ever written and it also came to me as a dream.
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year?
Um, write more, I guess? Try to post more story... if I can. Trim my wip ideas... like seriously, I have a ton of them and I need to get some of them out at some point. I feel it’s sad if I can’t get them out at some point.
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year?
Hmm, not really? I mean, does modding an event count as a writing risk?
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion:
Honestly, I have no idea. I don’t rec my own fics to anyone ever, if you read it then it’s cool; if you don’t read it, that’s also cool. I’m living the fine line of wanting validation in the form of comments and also not caring if I only got kudos and no comments. I do appreciate the people who have left comments!
Most Fun Story To Write:
Hmm, cannot really say... afraid at the chance of love, I guess? I had initially wanted to post only Derek’s POV but writing Stiles’ abridged POV went much faster in my draft as a “summary” of sorts and then I ended up posting Stiles’ POV first. Derek’s POV was fun to write because of the friendship and banter I’ve written between Erica and Derek and Boyd. 
Most Unintentionally Telling Story:
I really don’t know about this. I’m still experimenting and I just want these two idiots to fall in love in many different scenarios~
Biggest Disappointment:
The Taylor Swift Song Event that sank before it even started. However, I’m still gonna be writing all 5 songs, at some point. I’ve already have words for 3 of the songs.
Biggest Surprise:
Suddenly getting back into Tumblr again. I’ve been a lurker on this site for more or less 3 years, I have mutuals but I don’t really use this site to interact with anyone. And then @fanfics-fix slid into my DMs and suddenly I’m interacting with other people in the Sterek fandom~ 😆😆
My Favorite Part Of Fandom This Year:
Meeting new people, definitely. Making friends in general is my favorite because I am making new friends like @greyhavenisback @princecharmingwinks @radio-chatter I will try to interact more with other people, I’m still people shy most times.
Um, I’m not tagging anybody since most people would have been tagged already lmao.
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Que Será Será
Summary: Buffy asks Angel if he has any classical literature suggestions, essentially, as she is trying to get into the stuff (but isn't really being successful there) as she's back in school and taking some English classes again. It's posed as a simple, innocent question, but Angel can tell that something is bothering her about having to ask it at all. Oneshot. Fluff. Future fic. Canon/AU.
Que Será Será
"Angel, do you have a certain book you think I might like? Uhh... let me clarify. Something that's maybe akin to classical, but also not that to get me started in somewhat liking the style?"
Angel looked up from the dish he was working on for the Scoobies' upcoming Thanksgiving dinner and regarded Buffy curiously.
Thankfully, the molé he'd made to go over the turkey was already done and placed in the fridge, and the turkey was ready to go in the oven now. And everything else was either being brought by others or could be made in the morning, if someone realized that they'd forgotten something at the last minute. So, Angel slid across sunflower shade of their kitchen counter and gave the love of his life his undivided attention now, smiling at the woman for a moment with the look he reserved only for her.
"Why the sudden interest in having to read a certain reading style at all, Buffy?" Angel asked, curious, peering down at Buffy to try and better see into her beautiful candy-colored eyes. "You should just read what interests you. What? Are English majors trying to say that anything not a classic isn't 'real literature' again?"
And that seemed to be the answer, as Buffy was suddenly swiftly walking away from Angel with her cheeks stained cherry.
For a second, Angel thought about not following after his fiancée. Even though Buffy had asked for his help here, it was still pretty clear that she was embarrassed that reading wasn't exactly her favorite pastime. And Angel knew that if he offered her quick reassurances, it might actually infuriate her more and then he'd have the Slayer on his hands… even as they talked about non-Slaying things.
But at the same time, Angel imagined that leaving things as they were would also make matters worse. And he never wanted Buffy thinking that she was less than she was.
So, his decision made, Angel jumped off the kitchen island and followed Buffy into their living room, that was very much inspired by the sea, and wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind. And he definitely took it as a good sign that she leaned into his embrace, instead of getting into her crate of weapons underneath their favorite tan couch to find a stake and end him on the spot. "I don't know why you let what others think get to you, Buffy. They're just being snobs. Even I, someone who grew up during these 'classical' times, think there are much better stories out there than this classic literature now. But if you're still adamant that I help you find something kind of classical that you'll like, know that I will."
"I don't know, Angel!" Buffy sighed at once, pulling away from the vampire, after he'd worn his heart on his sleeve—and this did break Angel's heart some, he wouldn't lie, but he got the sense that Buffy had left his embrace moreso to sort out her own feelings, than because she was upset with him at all—as she set out to pace around the room. "I guess because I'm not getting any younger? And the Slaying has finally slowed down, which is what I've always wanted… But now I need to start thinking about my career. I'm back in school, and…
"I don't know! Maybe it's crazy… But I've actually thought about going into something English related, since even though I was never really great at it, I also wasn't really sucky girl when it came to it, either. And I always did like poetry, like with that beautiful book of poems that you got me for my birthday. But the more I hear people talk about me, I just- I don't know."
As Buffy talked about the insecurities she was now feeling over English Lit, because of people's words to her, Angel couldn't help feeling how he'd once come to be self-conscious of his drawings.
One of the reasons he'd never pursued that talent of his while he'd been human, was because Angel's father had always said that his art was good (one of the few compliments he'd ever afforded him), but not good enough, compared to some of the others in the land. The man had said that maybe if he worked at it every day, he'd eventually be able to do something with it. But until then, he would surely know a hard day's work and the feel of sweat on his back.
Angel had often wondered if it was that—as well as Darla driving the point home that he'd never have his father's approval, after the demon in him had killed his father—that had driven Angelus to become the most artistic vampire the world had ever known, but in such a sadistic way.
Not wanting Buffy to experience anything like that at all, Angel stopped her walking around the room now by gently catching her hand.
"Angel, what-" she started.
But he silenced her by putting a finger to her lips and winking. "There's always going to be someone out there who started earlier than you did… and because of that, has training, and knows the 'right' way to do things. But that doesn't mean they're better than you and that you should give up. Or that you'll never outshine them. I mean, it's never too late to start something, Buffy. Believe me. You should know that better than anyone. Weren't you the one who sponsored my redemption? I certainly started that late, but look at me now."
And at that, Buffy was grinning with a look that Angel thought that she used only for him—something he appreciated for sure—with her nose all bunched up, dimples at her lips, and her candy apple eyes sparkling. "You're right, Angel. Thanks for reminding me of that… around Thanksgiving, no less. I mean, I'm a Slayer who was found by the Watcher's Council late and did things in the most untraditional way… and the best way they could have been done that way, really. If anyone's going to rock out the next great American novel, it's going to be me."
Continue to slay vampires some… read whatever her heart desired… write the next best novel… and be a great mother, Angel knew, as Buffy pressed her lips to his now. He couldn't have agreed with her more.
Author's Note: Wow. This story kind of completely snowballed into something else entirely. Buffy and Angel were supposed to get into a conversation about "The Scorpio Races" by Maggie Stiefvater, but that didn't happen at all. Oh well.
Also, I don't actually think there's an accented "é" in the dish "mole" (though I spelled it "molé"), that I mentioned above. It's a Mexican dish and mole is, like, another word for sauce. And part of me wanted to write mole sauce or something, but then that would be redundant. And then I was tempted to just write mole, but then I was worried you guys would think Angel was cooking a mole or something. But whatever. I will gladly have spelled this wrong, I guess, just so you guys know Angel WASN'T cooking a mole.
Hope you guys liked this:)
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Everybody Needs a Hobby
Spike x Summers! Reader
Warnings: some colorful language, implied smut, S5 spoilers mentioned
Description: You’re frustrated with the crude reality of life in Sunnydale. You want something you can love that won’t go up in flames. One night, you pick up a poetry book from the library and Spike stops by to give you a vivid reading.
You need something to take you out of the violence of your everyday life.
You try painting. Relaxing watercolors aided by books you pick up at the library, bright acrylics splashed across canvases. Soon your room is filled with artwork that ranges from clumsy to talented. You start giving paintings away to make space. Birthday presents for your friends, surprises for elderly neighbors, just-because gifts for Spike to make his crypt more colorful (he laughs at them, hurts your feelings a little, but the next time you’re in his bed you see them peeking out from behind a curtain). It works, for awhile, but you crave something less solitary. Plus your artwork takes a darker turn when you wake up from nightmares, which is frequently.
You turn to yoga classes at the YMCA. Twisting your body into poses is a different kind of hell after a night out with Buffy, but the stretches take so much of your focus that they force you to stop overthinking. Then your instructor turns out to be a former genie with a sinister agenda and you have to drop the class. It was getting expensive anyway.
You join a intermural volleyball team, but after a gruesome loss one of your teammates takes up the dark arts. You start baking and almost burn the house down. Even community service gets dangerous when the blood bank is ambushed by vampires.
“I’m just so frustrated,” you explain to Dawn one morning at breakfast. “I mean, I love all of these things and I want them to work out, but Sunnydale poisons everything. It’s like I can’t even have a hobby on the Hellmouth.”
She peels a banana with manicured fingers. You dropped her and her friend off at the salon last week and now it’s like every motion has to be fit for a hand commercial. “Fighting vampires is a hobby.”
“No, it’s a full-time job,” Buffy says, swiping an apple off the counter. “And (Y/n) already has two of those.”
“Well, there you go.” Dawn shrugs on her backpack. “You don’t need a hobby.”
You do, though. Spike insists on supplementing your income with his, so you’ve cut down your hours at the office and you’re only taking weekends at the diner. For the first time in years, you have time to relax. You don’t want to waste it.
Buffy spots the sour look on your face and nudges your arm. She drops the core in the trash and washes her hands under the sink.
“Maybe it’s time to go back to school,” Buffy suggests. “I know it’s the middle of the semester, but you could apply for next year.”
You don’t want to make her feel bad, especially since she’s in the same situation as you, but school doesn’t feel urgent when you’ve got the apocalypse going on every other year. Plus you don’t even know what you’d major in. There’s no degree for monster fighting.
“Yeah, maybe.” You finish your yogurt, check the time on your watch. “Come on, Dawn, I’ll drive you to school.”
After you drop her off, you head into the office. It’s slow today. The coffee machine gurgles to life every thirty minutes to keep the employees awake and the copier sits silent in disuse. Barbara and Anne giggle together in the annex over a tin of buttered cookies. The phone rings at the reception desk only twice in the morning. When you answer, no one’s there.
You spend most of the day looking up courses that you might be interested in. There are a few that catch your eye, but you can’t fathom how you’d put them together into a degree.
One of them, creative writing, jumps out at you. You used to write when you were in your early teens. Mostly angstsy poetry about how no one understood you and how invisible you felt. It’s embarrassing to look back on now, but then it had felt like a statement to the world.
Writing made you feel known. You gave it up when you went to college, mostly because it seemed impossible that it would ever amount to anything and partly because you didn��t have the time or energy to focus on it. College seems silly now, all that effort for a paper degree when you know what’s really out there, but if you went back you wouldn’t be going just for the degree. You’d be going because you love to learn.
It’s not so important that you get published and famous anymore. You don’t need the spotlight when you’ve already got the most important job in the world: taking care of your sisters. It’s fine to work in the office and at the diner where you’re nothing more to people than another employee. You know you’re making a difference, even if they never will.
But your heart aches a little for what you might’ve had if life hadn’t gotten in the way.
That night, you stop by the library to pick up some books. Just to see if you still have a passion for them the way you used to. Sunnydale’s library is open until ten p.m. and you stay curled up in an armchair in the fiction section until close. You check out four books to take with you: a poetry anthology, Little Women, a collection of short stories from around the world, and a YA novel. You figure that if you try all different genres, maybe you’ll land on something you love.
Your walk back to the house is uneventful, thankfully (having just renewed your library card, you don’t want to have it revoked if something sinister takes a bite out of your books). You have a late night snack with Dawn since Buffy is still out hunting and then take your books up to your room.
You leave the window open so you won’t have to get up if Spike drops by and curl up in bed with the anthology, a notebook on your bedside table in case of inspiration. You’re not totally sure when he comes in; it feels like hours and seconds since you opened the book. The words are swirling around in the soft light of the room, bouncing off the bed frame and the dresser, colliding with your closet door and knocking the paintings askew in their frames.
“Shouldn’t leave your window open like that, love. Something wicked might find its way in.”
His shirt is off already, you register, as he peels the book from your fingers and kisses you deeply. You make a noise of protest against his mouth and he pulls back, eyebrows raised.
“What the hell book is that, to have you so absorbed you don’t even notice me come in?” He picks it up, dangles it in front of you. “Can’t be porn. Because, obviously, what you’ve got in front of you is better than porn. You Summers. All repressed and self-righteous. If it’s the bloody Bible or The Guide to Enlightenment or some—”
“Don’t make fun of me, William,” you retort, snatching it out of his grasp. “It’s a good book.”
“Must be,” he scoffs. Then he reads the cover. His features flicker through three different emotions in the span of five seconds. “Poetry?”
“Don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m not— Here, give me that.”
Grudgingly, you hand it over, and he settles in between your legs, his head resting on your breasts. He picks out the filthiest, most sexual poem he can find (which is still incredibly tame by his usual standards) and recites:
“‘I want a red dress. I want it flimsy and cheap, I want it too tight, I want to wear it until someone tears it off me. I want it sleeveless and backless, this dress, so no one has to guess what’s underneath. I want to walk down the street—’”
His voice is low, soft, like he’s switched into someone else in the moments between his choosing the poem and his reading it. It makes you shiver. His hand slides up your thigh, at odds with his careful, thoughtful voice.
“‘I want to walk like I’m the only woman on earth and I can have my pick. I want that red dress bad. I want it to confirm your worst fears about me—’” At this, he shifts position, moves the underwear beneath your pajama shorts aside and slides a finger up. You bite your lip. “‘—To show how little I care about you or anything except what I want.’ I like that one, what about you? ‘Confirm your worst fears?’ ‘How little I care about you or anything except what I want?’ Sound like someone you know?”
You hardly realize he’s switched from the poem to conversation until he pauses his ministrations beneath the bedsheet. He’s angled toward you now, one hand twisted under the sheets and his back against your inner thigh, a toothy grin on his face as he repays you for earlier.
“You’re such an ass.”
He ignores this instead of cutting in with his typical I’m evil, duh speech, nuzzles your neck. “I’d like to get you into a dress like that, love. Have you walk down the street in it, showing off—” He sucks at the skin, hard. You cry out. “But then we have to have a way of letting everyone know you’re mine, don’t we?”
“Spike.” His name comes out a moan, a quiet prayer.
“You want another poem? I’m liking this book.”
He returns to his regularly upright seated position, pretends to adjust his reading glasses, then flips through the pages, leaving you wanting. He lands on a sonnet, airing the words out to the open room as you squirm. Finally, you decide to take matters into your own hands, but he stops you, bursting into a new stanza.
“Here in the electric dusk your naked lover tips the glass high and the ice cubes fall against her teeth...”
He replaces your fingers with his own, guiding you through the poem with a small circles. When you beg, he undresses for you, sets the book down.
“You’re just an erotic hallucination,” he breathes, touching everything as if to make sure that the line isn’t true.
He’s teasing, but a part of him clings to these words in a sad, sweet way. When he’s finished and you’re spent, he rolls over onto the other side of the mattress and his mood shifts again.
“I loved a girl once,” he says, and it stings, even though he talked about Dru often when you first started up and even before, like he wished to hurt you into wanting him. “I wrote her this poem. I used to write a lot, before. I was hopeless that way.”
His voice isn’t soft now. It’s almost angry, like he has been during sex at some points. Passionate and raw and mad at someone that wasn’t you. Flickering back and forth between past and present.
“You probably would’ve liked William,” Spike says. He barks a strangled laugh. “He was just your type. A scrawny mama’s boy who lived through his books.”
He was almost gentle earlier. You can’t understand why he switches like this, between acting like he can’t go on without you and twisting the knife. You roll onto your side.
“Might’ve been, once,” you murmur. This pillow talk is almost worse than the nights when he leaves right after to get his fix, claiming you’ve made him hungry. “Boys like that wouldn’t look twice at me now.”
“Don’t beat yourself up, love.”
You can hear the smile in his voice though. He likes that your self-esteem is low. It feeds his ego, that he can hurt you even though he can’t drain you dry. He’s soulless, after all. On some level, he probably does need you like he says, but it’s not pure. It never will be. He can try to help you when it suits him, restrain himself from severing ties because he craves closeness, but he’s still Spike.
“They’re scared of me now.” Your arms cross under your breasts. You’re not self-flagellating tonight, not really. You’re in the mood for the truth. “They know.”
“Know what?”
“They know, on some level—” It sounds silly, only it isn’t, not to you. “—what I’ve done. And no amount of watercolors or yoga classes is going to change that.”
You didn’t realize it until you said it out loud, how much you were trying to be the girl you were before your mother’s death. How much you missed her and the almost casual slayage that was common before Glory. Sure, the world almost ended a couple times, but you knew how it would turn out in your heart. This— with Buffy, with Dawn— you have no idea.
You lapse into silence, purposefully even your breathing out so it seems you’ve fallen asleep. He gets up not long after, rustles around your room for a moment in a way that makes you nervous, and then pulls the window shut behind him as he exits onto the roof. You fall asleep at some point, drifting in and out of a dream featuring you at the office in a nightmare distortion of your boss’s birthday party until your alarm goes off.
You sit up and smack the button off, sending a piece of paper cascading to the floor. It isn’t until after you’ve brushed your teeth and fully woken up that you retrieve it. It takes you a full thirty seconds to process the first line of the pretentious and somewhat offensive poem Spike left you.
It’s disgusting. It’s explicit. It’s replete with words that you have to look up.
You love it.
When you go down to breakfast, Dawn cracks jokes about the dazed smile on your face until Buffy shushes her and sends her off to finish getting ready for school.
“Seriously, are you okay though?” she asks when the two of you are left to yourselves. You could ask her the same question, with the already scabbing gash on her forehead, but you settle for a quick shake of the head. You feel like you’re burning up, like she can see through you to all the things you did last night.
“No— I mean, I didn’t sleep well.” You pour yourself a cup of juice and take a seat at the table, trying to suffocate your grin. “But I think I found my new hobby.”
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, November 9
SPIKE You made the biggest mistake of your life, and I'm gonna make you pay. Oh, yeah. (punches video game control buttons) Feel my wrath, gorilla throwing barrels. (his game makes a losing sound) Bloody hell.
~~You're Welcome~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Slayer Dreams by badly_knitted (Buffy, Angel, PG-13)
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His Life, His Adventure, Her Love by apachefirecat (Spike/Buffy, Fred, PG/K+)
No Fairy Tale by apachefirecat (Buffy/Spike, R/M)
Team Happiness by apachefirecat (Spike/Buffy, Dawn, PG/K+)
Spike's Turn by apachefirecat (Spike/Buffy, past Angel/Buffy, PG-13/T)
Going Bump by apachefirecat (Spike/Buffy, Dawn, PG-13/T)
Sharing Tales by apachefirecat (Spike/Buffy, Xander/Anya, Willow/Tara, Giles, PG-13/T)
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Afternoon Sun by kateykakes (Buffy/Angel, T)
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Poem: November 21, 2001 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by acekoomboom (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Damage Case, Ch. 23 by Axell (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Learning To Be Love's Bitch, Ch. 12 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Learning To Be Love's Bitch, Ch. 13 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Odd Ducks, Ch. 8 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, G)
Even Ground, Ch. 8 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Whispers In Pegasus, Ch. 4 by calikocat (Stargate crossover, Xander, FR15)
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California Dreamin', Ch. 2 by LittleTayy (Buffy/Spike, R)
Consequences of Bargaining, Ch. 21 by All4Spike (PG-13)
h o n e y / t a s t e, Ch. 1 by LittleTayy (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Cartoon: scene from Anne by Paul Gadzikowski (heroofthreefaces) (Joyce, Giles, worksafe)
Resource: B06// YOU ARE MYTHSTAKEN - a psd by calisources (inspired by Buffy)
BTVS “Every Outfit” “the Replacement” by whatshisfaceblogs (Buffy, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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AtS episode "You’re Welcome" discussed by TeeHeeTummyTumsss and others
[Community Announcements]
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[Fandom Discussions]
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Buffy Summers is consistently the one character most willing to come to Faith’s defense by coraniaid
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Riley is definitely one of the most characters on Buffy by TheMoondance
Empty Places Defenders? by Magic Glitter Kitty
fresababyy would love to see your collection of action figures
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nonesuchrecords · 3 years
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Chris Thile’s Laysongs will be released on June 4, available to pre-order here. Thile and Nonesuch Store pre-orders include a print of the album cover image autographed by Thile.
Laysongs is his first truly solo album: just Thile, his voice, and his mandolin, on new recordings of six original songs and three covers, all of which contextualize and banter with his ideas about spirituality. Recorded in a converted upstate New York church during the pandemic, Laysongs features the three-part “Salt (in the Wounds) of the Earth,” which was inspired by C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters; a song Thile wrote about Dionysus; a selection from Béla Bartók’s Sonata for Solo Violin; “God Is Alive, Magic Is Afoot” based on Buffy Sainte-Marie’s adaptation of a Leonard Cohen poem; and a Hazel Dickens cover.
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S4. Ep22. Restless
Defined by Joss Whedon as the coda (a concluding passage of a piece or movement, typically forming an addition to the basic structure) to season 4, “Restless” is easily one of the more divisive episodes of the series, with fans either loving or hating it. Separated into four different acts, each from a different Scooby’s dream perspective, the episode brings the focus of the season back to what really matters: the characters. According to Whedon, he felt the season’s overall story arc had not been as cohesive as it could have been, so he wrote “Restless,” an episode he described as “a forty-minute tone poem.”  
“Dynamic editing contributed to the surrealistic nature of the episode. Abrupt cuts from close-up to extreme wide angles and sudden shifts from normal speed to super slow-motion are used in Buffy's dream: several sequences become slow-motion partway through them, then revert to normal speed as they continue. Xander's dream features mismatches between sound and image: characters are sometimes shown not speaking even as their voices are heard. Additionally, silence is used frequently, to both reflect the characters' disorientation and to unsettle the audience. Whedon cited films by Steven Soderbergh as his main inspirations for the odd editing, especially The Limey and The Underneath. He also listed Orson Welles' version of The Trial and Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut as inspirations for many of his shooting and editing decisions.” -Wikipedia
The episode received two nominations for the Hollywood Makeup Artist and Hair Stylist Guild Awards, for Best Contemporary Makeup in a Series and Best Contemporary Hair Styling in a Series. It also received high praise upon its airing, with critics such as Syfy.co.uk saying, “This surreal episode marks the show’s turning point, as it moved from a very well executed urban fantasy drama series to something more creative, more thoughtful, and more surprising than pretty much anything else on television.”
Often included on lists of the best “Buffy” episodes, “Restless” is one of Joss’ favorites, saying "Most people sort of shake their heads at it. It was different, but not pointless."
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morningsound15 · 4 years
For the fic writer ask game: 3, 11, 31, 39
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do?
actually yes! maybe not to write WHAT i write but definitely HOW i write
i don’t think i’ve ever talked about this but my first real fanfic fandom like the first time i got INTO fanfic in a real way was through skins (uk). do y’all remember skins? i was obsessed in early high school. so it’s not the FIRST fic i read (that was probably harry potter, i finished the books & did not want the story to end & through that desire to continue reading those books found fanfic way back on ff.net in like 2009) but the first time i like sat down and read every fic for a certain show/couple, it was skins.
there was one writer on ff.net called HyperFitched - now this was in like 2011 or so that i found these fics, so keep in mind i was young & haven’t re-read them so i’m not sure how they hold up! - but they would put out these unbelievable multi-chapter skins fics, like hundreds of thousands of words each. and i would gobble these stories up! like i couldn’t stop reading them. i remember sneaking my ipod touch into freshman year gym and reading these stories while i pretended to work out, because i just could not put them down. i will link to some of the ones below that i remember devouring in case anyone is interested, but these stories absolutely were what first got me thinking about things like subtext, shipping non-canon couples, the ability of fans to take source material and expand upon it & (in my mind) improve it, the idea of a slow-burn, of miscommunication, of pining, of sex in stories (oh the way i reacted when i realized people wrote these characters having semi-explicit sex!! what a game-changer). so it kind of was the precursor to pretty much everything about how i write fic! i wonder where this author ended up & if i can ever find them & send them a message... would love to do that lmk if anyone knows
but anyway - i fist came to AO3 because of skins! i ran out of skins fanfic to read on ff.net & wound up at AO3, and that’s how i got into tumblr, etc. etc. etc. but the fic that impacted me the most on AO3 is one i always recommend every time someone asks me for ficrecs because it’s just unbelievable, it was published over a decade ago, almost 100k words, like under 400 kudos (a crime!!) and i still reread it a couple times a year
transatlanticism by thememoriesfire it’s a katie/effy post-skins fic that sends me into the stratosphere like i am obsessed with the way this story is written & the way it unfolds & how the characters interact & how so little happens! the entire story revolves around basically just two characters talking to each other & trying to figure each other out & it’s one of the best things i have ever or will ever read! changed my perspective on fic length, on character development, on dialogue, helped me understand consistent tone of voice & characterizations etc. maybe none of y’all care about this stuff because you don’t care about skins but you don’t need to know that show to love this story! you really really don’t
anyway here are some HyperFitched stories i loved in 2011! fanfic styles have come a long way since the ff.net days so these might seem a little dated but they were very impactful to me. also people don’t write fic like this any more! kind of makes me nostalgic for simpler times
99 Problems - there’s a companion fic to this but basically all the skins characters are part of a circus & effy is losing her mind but katie helps her recover, there’s drugs & sex & sexy circus shenanigans, photography & love & aerial silks?? maybe i will re-read this actually because that’s all i remember of it but again, this consumed every waking moment of my life for as long as it took me to read it (which was probably like 4 or 5 days)
I Hold a Force I Can’t Contain - this is the emily/naomi companion piece to 99 Problems but i always liked katie/effy more tbqh
The Bend In The Wave
The Explosive Heart
11. How do you come up with your fic titles?
lame & not unique but mostly song lyrics / stuff from poems / bits of prose. i have a lot of difficulty coming up with titles, but i like the idea of a song or poem tying a story together it helps me nail down tone & themes a lot more easily.
31. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
my favorite character to write for is faith lehane (buffy), & after her lena luthor (supergirl). i like characters who have been hurt in impossibly difficult ways & who are trying to work through that hurt, characters who need to overcome their traumas, & the compelling thing to me about faith particularly (but lena too) is how her base instincts are violence & chaos; she’s been hurt so badly, so when she’s threatened she lashes out & causes more hurt. but she still wants to be good, & it’s just a matter of making herself accept that she is/can be good, that other people CAN see her that way. i am so drawn to that kind of character & it forms most of my writing.
most of my followers who follow me for my writing are bechloe stans! some harry potter folks too (there’s not a ton of really good f/f harry potter stories so people are always asking me for recs & stuff but it’s hard - there definitely are amazing works in that community but there’s not a huge breadth of non-smut fics & weirdly? a lot of them are about pansy parkinson? idk how that happened in fandom how the lesbians just decided pansy was their gal but i don’t like her so i never read those fics :/ sry rip). anyway all that to say is no my followers don’t really influence who my fav characters are to write for, because if it was up to them i would only write for like 1or 2 fandoms lol
lmk if you’re here for other fandoms! might help me in terms of which story i should work on finishing next
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
i think that i don’t (usually) take the easy way out in stories! i like to let the characters breathe & grow, i like to let the story move in the direction it needs to move in, even if that means i have to change or scrap what i previously planned out, even if that means i have to increase the word count from a 6k word one-shot to a 20k word one-shot (aka that korra story i just posted). perdition was originally supposed to be a 4-6 chapter story that only took place over their college years! but then it turned into a monster
thank you so much for these questions!
Fic Writer Ask Game!
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anarcoqueer1994 · 5 years
Idea: some teacher giving Marty shit for being trans so TJ steps up and the teacher is like "Why do you care are you trans or something?" Then just TJ obliterates the teacher with yes I am
So a short story inspire by an idea from one of my favorite folx on here. I am always down for more trans stories. Also slight inspiration from that one episode of Dawson's Creek where the shitty English teacher forced Jack out of the closet.
One more thing, please remember you are so valid regardless of your gender identity (or lack there of) and if you have shitty people in your life telling you differently, they are wrong.
So anyways here is "Bad Teacher" or Jesus fucking Christ, can Marty get a break?
The summer between Marty's 6th and 7th grade year, he came out as trans. He began presenting in a more masculine way. His parents were outraged and refused to accept it. But when he got back to school, it was a different story. He showed up on his first day of 7th garde and no one seemed to care. People that knew him by his deadname, were for the most part respectful towards him, while some people just assumed he was a new student. He even talked to his teachers, and even when his own parents would not respect him, his teachers did.
Things were going fine for three years, but everything changed his sophomore year of high school.  His English teacher, Mr. Williams, was a total asshole. Marty has been pretty up front about his transition to his teachers. He made it a habit to meet with his teachers on the first day of class and let them know his valid name and pronouns. He found it was easier and less awkward then correcting them in class. So he did the same with Mr. Williams. But unlike every other teacher, after hearing Marty's request not to be deadnamed, he didn't seem to care what Marty wanted.
"Now Mara" He seemed to almost smirk as Marty cringed. "I address every one of my students by the name given to me on the class roster. No nicknames."
"But sir, it isn't a nickname. It's my real name." Marty said, almost pleading.
"No. Its Mara. Now, you may be excused." He said coldly.
"No buts." He cuts the boy off. "As I said, you are excused."
Marty left the classroom dejected. There was no winning this guy over and his parents weren't any help either. Sometimes he was so jealous of TJ. He even felt bad about being jealous of his best friend. Obviously he was happy for him, but it was still hard. TJ's parents had been so supportive. His parents let him start on T before freshmen year and even let him get his name legally changed. So that stupid roster had his actual name on it and not his deadname. Mr Williams, and most students had no idea that TJ was trans. Marty wishes he had that freedom.
But he didn't. So he did his best to speak as little as possible in English in hopes of avoiding his teacher speaking at him. This worked for a few weeks, Mr. Williams not having an excuse to say the name. He hated the feeling of seperation he felt when he was addressed by the name that even sounded alien to him. It was bad enough he had to listen to his mother calling him that everyday(his dad doesn't really speak to him.) To top it all off, this is one of the only classes he doesn't share with Buffy, the person who always has his back. On the flip side though, at least TJ and Cyrus are in the same English class.
Then one day, everything fell apart.  Mr. Williams was collecting their poetry assignments. They were told to write about how they are feeling, so that is what Marty did. He spilled his heart out over a crinkly sheet of white note book paper. 
When he got to the front of the classroom with all the poems, he smirked. "How about we read some of these out loud?"
Marty immediately said "I thought you said these were personal."
Williams looks at Marty over the top of his glasses. "I am the teacher. I can change my mind. Now, get to the front of the classroom, Mara..." The entire room freezes as he continues. " You are going first. " Marty looks down but out of the corner of his eye, he sees both TJ and Cyrus' faces shift to anger.
"Please..." Marty begs. "I don't want to read it." He tries to ignore the name.
"Get up here, now." He says harshly. "Or you and everyone else here can take a zero on the assignment." There was a collective groan from the class.
Marty slowly gets up from his seat. As he does, TJ whispers, "You don't have to do this, man."
Marty gives him and Cyrus(who is sitting right beside him) a sad smile before walking up to the front. His hands are shakey as Mr. Williams hand him the poem. He looks down at the page filled with hurt and disapproval and every personal thing that he didn't think he'd be reading out loud. He starts reading. He can barely get through a couple lines before his voice cracks and he stops.
"Well, come on. Continue, Mara." The teacher says in an arrogant tone.
Marty turns his head with a few rebel tears threatening to fall at any moment. His voice is broken as he says. "Why are you doing this to me?"
"Because I'm the teacher and I can."
With that, Marty throws the paper to the ground and runs past him out of the room.TJ and Cyrus instinctively stand up to follow him. Mr. Williams shoots his attention to them. "Where do you think you two are going?"
Cyrus stays quiet but does not sit down. TJ knows Cyrus would be too nervous to talk to disobey a teach so he responds instead. "To see if he is okay!" The blond replies.
"She made her decision. Now get back in your seats before I write you two up too for disrupting my class."
HE was crying, sir! Do you not have a heart?!"
"Settle down, Mr. Kippen! Or I will see you in detention tomorrow!"
"You know what?! Do it then, give me as many damn detentions as you want." Cyrus puts his hand on TJ's shoulder to calm him down.
"Why are you doing this? Why do you care?" He says sternly.
"Because Marty is my best friend."
"Mara." Williams corrects.
"No, Marty. He is my best friend. But you want to know why else I care?" He asks rhetorically before looking to Cyrus for reassurance. Once he does this he knows there is no going back. Cyrus slides his hand down to TJ's, interlocking their fingers so TJ knows he has backup. TJ takes a deep breath. "I care because I'm trans."
He hears a few shocked whispers from around the room but it's their teacher that looks the most dumbfounded. "You mean, you're a girl, too?"
"No, I'm a guy. And you are a teacher who is about to have two complaints filed with the school board for discrimination. " Now it is TJ who is smirking as he pulls Cyrus with him and past the transphobe pretending to be a teacher.
They find Marty sitting against the row of lockers down the hall from their classroom. Cyrus and TJ sit on either side of him, and Marty just cries. TJ knows he will fill his friend in later on what went down but right now he just needed to be.
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