#Bucket With A Mars Handle Pattern
seagull-astrology · 1 year
J69 The New Astrology and Belle Bart
Belle Bart, not the Borscht Belt comedienne Belle Barth, who is the predominant search item when looking for the astrologer, is number 69 on the Jones hit parade. He peppers his 1000 nativities with astrologers and esotericists for as Kent McClung of the Hyperion symbols, said when I mentioned this, “Who else would remember them?” Well the late Donna Cunningham, herself an astrologer,did. She had…
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omghallucinations · 1 month
Bang Chan Chart Analysis: in the weeds edition
chart patterns, degrees, fixed stars, aspects, final dispositors, basically all kind of deeper cuts.
ah, bang chan: a double libra gemini rising whose other planets are acting up so much i barely even touched on venus and mercury somehow
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like he's clearly an air sign in every respect--he loooOOOves to talk, he's curious and interested in a lot of different things, he's never met a secret he doesn't want to immediately tell five hundred thousand people on live... but damn some of those other planets (saturn, mars, jupiter, uranus) are loud.
right away i noticed his chart is a bucket chart--every planet is in one half of the circle, except for one planet who becomes the "handle": his aries saturn. saturn is hammering all the other planets on the head so to speak.
saturn: you'll have to come through me motherfuckers
saturn is screaming it's ME i'm the BIG BOSS and as the handle, a lot of things in chan's life are gonna be based on or deal with--for better or worse--saturn stuff (maturation, fear, control, authority, judgment). chan's saturn automatically rockets to the top of his Big Boss list (it will not stay here tho, we've got some other bosses coming).
saturn is in its fall in aries--it doesn't speak the language there. any planet in its fall is usually marked down in influence but i also think it makes the planet more important? chan has to struggle with it. a saturn at home in capricorn (barring other chart factors) is very natural. 8/9 members of girls generation have saturn in capricorn and wow does that make sense. saturn in capricorn prizes Work and is self-conscious/guilty of its feelings (feelings are not productive), it's alllways anxious it hasn't done enough, it is very scared of disappointing people, it's deeply conscious of societal conditioning.
aries is a weird sign for saturn to be in. saturn has a lot of fear, and aries has a lot of fearlessness. aries is a baby and saturn is all about maturation. aries is about acting without thinking, saturn is about making a list and checking it 5 times then deciding not to do it just in case.
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and then. this is fun. saturn goes on the big boss list again because it is unaspected--this doesn't mean there aren't aspects, it means there are no major aspects to other planets. when a planet is unaspected, everyone around you can sure as fuck see the hell out of it, but you can't really. it's center stage but not in the play.
bang chan: i am the cutest, fuzziest lil libra guy :) i just care about my work which is normal :) and i express that care in a very reasonable and chill way :) i just want things to be good! :) everyone around him, shaking in fear from his scathing judgment and innate leadership aura: uh-huh
an unaspected planet is usually a generational thing--chan really popped up like hey girl :) i'm here to really personify our family problems of work, judgement, fear and maturation and just like. make 'em huge and unavoidable. haha. :)
chan's gonna show real extremes of behavior around his saturn, which
in aries seems like it's dealing with issues of creation, self-determination, doing it on my own, that kind of stuff (so he'll deny himself or assert himself too much in turns)
in the 11th house backs that up--the 11th is the aquarius house, so saturn is in aries (a "me" sign) in a "we" (in a sort of detached intellectual sense) house
11th/aquarius usually wants to set u free :) but in a kind of back-handed passy aggy harry styles way, like "i love you so i'll set you free, because i am such an open-minded person, unlike other people (who are tethered to humanity which is both embarrassing and scary to me yuck), also setting you free is less terrifying to me than being perceived :) go with god :) bye :)"
it's in the sun decan, so there's a flavor of "look at me look at me" and identity formation (am i what i produce?)
saturn's most exact aspect is sesquisquare mars which acts a lot like a square, my favorite aspect! squares get such a bad rap but i think they're so much better for your life in the long run bc they force you to deal with things. his mars is in sagittarius, so we have a double fire sign situation: explosive, passionate, loves attention and creation. mars, who also gets a bad rap, is our survival planet. it's like, how are you gonna survive this. how are you gonna get what you want and defend yourself and win (if you care about winning) (chan cares about winning).
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sagittarius mars is gonna go forward kind of joyfully but also in a "fuck you lmao" way. it's courageous bc it doesn't really think anything could go actually wrong. it's gonna Leave if it's bored (and it's already bored). it's gonna wide-angle zoom on the situation and be like "lol embarrassing... for you" and feel 100% sure it's right All The Time. sesquisquare saturn tries to control this force, adds a bunch of fear and repression and Issues (and often in later life, wisdom), so -> chan's gonna really be afraid of his own anger, of losing control of his temper -> ironically he will be unable to stop bouncing between these two extremes to various degrees. u can't control what u can't accept my dude. -> he's also afraid of not being in power, of not winning -> the me/we extreme will also come into play--especially with his sun and moon in libra (that's their whole Thing) sagittarius says "i'm right for objective, philosophical reasons" and aries says "i'm right because i just am bro i don't have to explain myself to you" mars in the 6th house--that drive to assert himself is gonna really go hard at work and in his daily life. this is a #gymbro placement for sure. his daily routine is Let's Fuckin Go At 150% -> his 11th house (where saturn is), loves the idea of people, community, his ideals, is detached from humanity and it comes into conflict with -> his 6th house, which is very much of the world, very critical, very let's get actual shit done and be of service to people sidebar, mars is exactly conjunct the asteroid quaoar-- creation, making new rules and structures, diverging from how things Have Always Been Done, please hold this thought for his uranus, coming up soon
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libra moon at 29 degrees: heard u were desperately trying to maintain equilibrium for emotional security reasons lol
another planet i'm eyeing is his libra moon which is in the anaretic degree, 29. he's very good at this energy but it's gonna test him. with his libra moon he needs contact and dialogue with people to feel secure but it can't get too deep because that's gonna freak him out. he is super comfortable being vulnerable and emotional on the internet because the internet is not real. i mean it's real, but it doesn't feel real. it's the equivalent of over-intellecualising your feelings so you don't actually feel anything (which an air moon always enjoys, as a hobby). just like it's way easier and less scary to be in love with an idea of a person, rather than the actual person! the actual person can really fuck up ur moodboard!
chan needs things to be pretty, equal, even-keeled. libra is such a funny sign because often it gets flattened to this like "cutey pie flirt" stereotype which i would say is almost exclusively libra venus. libra is a cardinal sign--an acting, initiating sign--and can be a lot more controlling than it likes to pretend imo. it's also in his sixth house--he's gonna feel safe when he can be of service to others, when he can get things done, when he can edit shit, basically.
he's also a new moon baby, which gives a moon a fun, aries-y, baby-tries-(food)-for-the-first-time vibe. removes a lot of those libra inhibitions and adds a lot of need to feel special.
chan is so good at making sure he feels safe by trying to keep everything cute and not too deep and staying on the surface or removed from the situation through constant activity and like, pruning everything, trying to perfect everything (therefore not having to actually deal with anything). howmstever, this system is gonna repeatedly implode throughout his life. soz bud. his emotional foundation's gonna get pummeled on and off which sucks because he has an almost manic need
for emotional safety through strategic diplomacy and avoiding confrontation
for emotional safety through constant work and "perfecting" everything
for people to like him everyone needs to like him or he will die
(not the real him, that makes him nervous, the projection of him that he painstakingly curates, that is safer)
it's not especially fun to deal with.
bright side, wisdom in later life!
mercury, ruler of chan's ascendant: pretty much exactly what you'd expect?
as a gemini rising, chan's ruler is his mercury in libra in the 5th but ironically i don't feel like she's as major of a player as some of these other planets. you can see the communication and curiosity focus of his life, and in the 5th house of self-expression, creation. mercury is sextile mars and pluto, a talent for making his voice heard and powerful, trine uranus in the 9th he's confident about and believes in his unique voice/perspective.
like mercury is there and she's important, but she's not like. causing big waves? it's like his life direction, again, important, but i'm more intrigued by...
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mars conjunct pluto opposite his ascendant: oh boy!
this is his one big opposition and it's on the gemini-sagittarius axis (my fave, she's just fun and curious, she's not super dramatic or that difficult although she doesn't exactly make it easy to make... decisions... or get anything done?). however if we were worried about getting shit done, mars and pluto are here to scream. mars conjunct pluto is exactly as dramatic as sagittarius-gemini is not.
this is an exact conjunction and it's wild. anything pluto touches blows up in a way. it makes it intense and secretive and adds the planet to its portfolio of unconscious past life soul security demands.
lmao i just realized that red lights is fully this conjunction lmao oh no. i don't know if i can talk about this conjunction normally. it's very... ... nsfw.
sometimes pluto conjunct mars forces mars into the background and makes the person afraid to assert themselves, but i don't think that's exactly the vibe here, although it's similar. it looks to me like chan has a lot of rage and anger in him that, with his libra placements, he probably has a very difficult time acknowledging or facing. he'll easily internalize it and turn it inward and be a real asshole to himself, and also his temper will flare up randomly and he'll go for the kill shot when he meant to communicate like a normal person. he has a lot of strong desires, he also wants power, but he's gonna hide it and run from the reality there. he does have almost inhuman will, courage and drive tho, he can truly endure anything.
(idk i think he should be a little worried about his physical body, so many of his coping mechanisms depend on exercise/endurance and with pluto--transformation, security--in the sixth house i worry his health might force transformation? ur body can't carry all of ur unspoken shit my bud?)
gemini rising wants to seem very fun, very friendly, very cute, but with mars and pluto on his descendant chan is almost hiding or ignoring a huge part of himself--all those darker impulses which aren't going anywhere. my guy loves a taboo and (redacted redacted redacted redacted REDACTEDDDD). whatever, it's good for creativity and in sagittarius he has a good sense of humor about it.
jupiter: uno reverso???
damn chan really got #blessed here, a lot of that chart was really screaming Issues, Internalized Rage, Fear, Depression, etc, but jupiter really bounced up to be like "never mind haha. i mean yeah, true, but also whatever"
first of all jupiter is in its home house, the 9th--chan's on a Journey, he's eat pray loving, he's Listening and Learning--and it's in aquarius, so that belief system and personal philosophy is gonna be very open-minded, very science fiction, very predicting trends, very ahead of society.
jupiter conjunct his MC: this is what pulls jupiter up to the big boss list. anything conjunct your MC is at the top of your chart--people see it. people notice it about you. and goddamn are people just gonna give him stuff. and they always have. no wonder jyp was like This Is My Special Boy, like that is jupiter conjunct MC to a t.
(the public perception of chan is also gonna be a lot... cuter and more exuberant and fun than the actual man. not that he's not those things. just that the jupiter of his personality is really what people are noticing about him from the outside: his personal vision, his expansive side, all that. they are not looking at that prominent saturn as much, even if saturn is a bigger player)
jupiter trine the sun: another one where people are just gonna like you. for one thing they'll notice chan's good intentions and generosity--altho they will also notice his tendency to moralise and be a liiiiittle condescending--but his tendency towards bouncy optimism (at least outwardly) makes people want to follow him aquarius jupiter trine libra sun: two "we" signs in a big way, except aquarius is "we" like "humanity" and libra is "we" like "you and me", but they unite in a tendency to conflate the personal identity with the group identity--with jupiter and the sun at play it's like chan is able to bring people on board with his identity and personal vision (but he often presents an idealised version of himself who does not have needs, somehow) 9th house trine 5th house: basically a repeat of jupiter-sun, since the 5th house is the leo house--chan has a talent for using his personal philosophy/vision in creative works
our final big boss of the night, perhaps the ultimate big boss: aquarius uranus
chan's aquarius uranus is really talking to everybody. it has by far the most aspects of any planet. uranus has its hand in his ascendant and every planet except jupiter and neptune. with modern rulers aquarius is at home in uranus, and i'm coming around a little bit on modern rulership even if i think it tends to be less prominent than traditional. still:
aquarius uranus: original thought, technological progress, your box is dumb i'm not going in there uranus in the 9th house: he's gonna have an offbeat belief system--no chance he buys into korea's societal norms, or anyone's societal norms for that matter. he's not a conformist. trine his gemini ascendant: whooooo boy he is really not a conformist. when he's not in a Mood he's not judgmental at all, even when he's in a mood he has a real benevolent Ah, Humanity Should All Be Free to Pursue Happiness vibe. gemini couldn't give a shit about morals, and uranus and aquarius think morals are bourgeois. he has a talent for his own difference--some uranus people (like most of ateez, my weirdo darlings) have chips on their shoulders about being different, but chan with his easy trine is just happy to be himself. i mean a trine uranus isn't gonna change the world (unlike harder aspects like squares, who would be more driven to do so) but he is gonna set a good example just through his identity.
this is a fun side of chan! i like this!
square moon: mmmm ok about that chip on his shoulder. although it's not really about being different--it's more about he both wants to be stable and emotionally secure and also free and independent and he's soooooooo fucking stubborn (but he doesn't see it that way because he's Right, not stubborn). he's prone to feeling really itchy and stuck and then making big changes out of nowhere. also he's very intuitive but overly sensitive and when he's hurt he's gonna shut down completely and not tell the person what they did wrong. didn't he give someone the silent treatment? jisung? yeah that's uranus square moon energy. he has a lot of fear around his emotions and only lets himself feel in short sharp bursts. he feels hurt and he cuts out the person immediately without warning to protect himself--even if it's completely illogical he will dupe himself into believing it is very logical and correct, actually libra moon square aquarius uranus: yeah this looks like a "keep the peace even if it is unhealthy" v. "radical change out of nowhere the tower ass" argument, he'll bounce between the two extremes again. heyyy gemini rising i didn't even see u there!!
man. really haven't gotten into everything including his sun in libra (in its fall), his nodes (classic idol 5th-11th axis, soooo many of them have this), etc, but i've been working on this for so long!! aughhH!!
ok drumroll please, let's gather up his chart big players!! normally i would rank these, but i keep changing my mind.
aquarius uranus
aquarius jupiter
sagittarius mars-pluto conjunction
aries saturn
libra mercury (2nd to lastish)
libra moon (definitely last on this list)
tentatively i'm gonna put uranus-jupiter tied at 1, then mars-pluto then saturn then mercury. ugh i don't know though. they're all big players! chan in general has one of those spread-out charts--when you look at the ruler of each planet, he has what's called a "committee" tree
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where there isn't one or two final bosses, and the planets are all connected in one tree rather than being separate. you can see how chan's 3 top planets are sag mars, aquarius jupiter and aries saturn--they all work together and are super interconnected. he's not as single-minded as someone with a singular dispositor (ateez hongjoong has a singular final dispositor tree with his pisces jupiter) but also not as split or conflicted as someone who has split trees (ateez seonghwa has a planet in rulership tree with separate parts).
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anyway this has been really interesting! for someone with what seems at first glance to be a very unified chart (air moon, air sun, air rising) he has some interesting conflicting energies--altho i'm sure he sees himself as just an air person. i'm sure he is lowkey aware of that mars and pluto conjunction but i'd bet he really pretends he does not see it (except for in REDACTED REDACTED EXTREMELY REDACTED situations), and he truly cannot see his saturn at all (altho everyone else can!).
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purplesurveys · 1 year
What was the last film you watched, that made you feel emotional? That’s a tricky one as I don’t watch really watch movies anymore, much less cry over them. The last memory I have of crying is over Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha but this was nearly two years ago.
Does anyone you know ever recommend books to you? Everyone kind of has an idea that I don’t really read, so no.
What was the last idea you had, that didn't quite go to plan? Not quite just my own idea, but Angela, Hans, and I had planned to go to Bruno Mars’ shows this weekend. Didn’t go to plan when we realized no one was selling their tickets. I LOVE Bruno Mars and would have wanted to see him, but considering I’ve just come from a trip and was recently at a concert I wasn’t as desperate as I would’ve been and also not as disappointed when it was becoming increasingly clear that we wouldn’t be able to see Bruno.
Is there a type of accessory that you always wear? I wear a bucket hat a solid 80-90% of the time I’m out.
What traits/behaviours do your pets have, that you find cute? Agi will force you to pet him/rub his head. Just sit down somewhere, have your hand where he can reach it, and he will keep nudging it such that it leads you to the crown of his head. 
As for Cooper, when he feels like whining, he does these little passive-aggressive whimpers that feel like he’s grumbling to himself softly but actually wants you to hear him. OH and I also love how, despite tending to be possessive around his humans, when it comes to his absolute favorite toy he always gives it up for Agi who usually grabs it away from him whenever we play fetch.
Has your phone fallen out of your pocket at any time recently? No. I never put it in my pocket for that very reason. I typically just have it in my hand as it’s the most secure you can be with it.
Are your nails long, short, or somewhere in between? They’re short. I never trim them with a nail cutter, though; I just tear(?)/pull(?) them out myself. It’s also an anxiety bit as I like to fiddle with my nails when I’m feeling stressed or bored.
What's the newest item in your make-up bag? I have never bought makeup. Bea did get me lip balm from her recent Seoul trip if that counts as makeup?
Is there anyone who 'likes' a lot of your posts online, but you don't talk? Sure.
Who was the last person to 'like' one of your photos on social media? How did you meet that person? That would be Jaynie. I think we met in Grade 2? Quickly became close as we were seatmates and always had recess and lunch together, until she transferred schools in Grade 5 and we didn’t talk for a very long time. The reason we were able to reconnect two years ago is pretty unsurprising – we both turned out to be ARMY. We both watched Yoongi in Bangkok (albeit different dates) and funnily enough were on the same flight back to Manila, which was the first time we had seen each other in 15 years.
Have you eaten a sandwich at any time recently? What was the filling? Yeah I had some kind of chicken katsu sandwich from a Malaysian 7-Eleven.
What was the last sound you heard, that you found unpleasant? My mom nagging on me earlier tonight – she'd been pretty short with me in particular this entire day for whatever reason, but that bit was the last straw my patience could possibly handle for a day and I immediately went upstairs for the night after that.
Does the shirt you're wearing have any kind of pattern on it? I wouldn’t call it a pattern but it has a pretty dope design! It’s half-green and half-white and is split in the middle, both front and back. Looks like this:
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Do you use a notebook? What does the cover look like? I don’t.
Have you ever spilled nail varnish on anything you owned? Nope. Never in danger of that as I don’t own any nail products anyway.
What was the last song that you recall singing along to? Take Two, BTS.
Do you have a box of matches anywhere in your house? Yes, we keep them around in case the power goes out.
Is there anything that you plan to buy in the near future? Nothing any time soon as I plan on doubling down on savings after my trips. Apparently my family is planning a trip to Incheon for Christmas too so I need to save for that as well so that my visa application can look decent.
Have you experienced any pain or discomfort today? Earlier today I scratched my nose a tad strongly so that stung for a few minutes.
What made you feel cheerful today? Went to UP to have lunch, BIG YAY as I haven’t been there since December; then livestreamed Yoongi’s Seoul concert which everyone thought was the last in his tour until he announced 3 additional shows in Seoul this August. :D Who knows, I might get a JJK1 announcement tonight too????? WE’LL SEE IN 22 MINUTES
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astrolocherry · 6 years
Important, Significant and Unique Birth Chart Conditions
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Planets making exact aspects by degree (O˚ orb or difference of separation) like in chart #1 with Venus 11˚ conjunct Mars in Leo 11˚ 
Planets within 10˚ of the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) like in example#2 where Uranus is 16˚ Sagittarius and the 4th house cusp is 25˚)
The Sun in opposition to the Moon (Full Moon) or the Sun conjunct Moon (New Moon)
Planets making no aspects (unaspected planets) like in chart#3 where the Sun in Aquarius is sitting by itself 
Signs in their own ruling planet (Mars in Aries and Scorpio, Venus in Taurus and Libra, Mercury in Gemini and Virgo, Moon in Cancer, Sun in Leo, Pluto in Scorpio, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Saturn in Capricorn and Aquarius, Uranus in Aquarius, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces)
Planets that form a Mutual Reception occurring when two signs reside in one another’s ruling planet and share or exchange energies out of benefice … for example, if The Sun is in Aquarius and Saturn is in Leo a mutual reception occurs because the Sun rules Leo and Saturn rules Aquarius and we interpret this as the Sun being in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius
Aspect Patterns such as Grand Trines, Grand Crosses, Grand Squares, T-squares, and strong oppositions such as the Grand Fire Trine in chart#4
Stelliums (4+ planets in the same sign or house) shown in chart#5 where Venus, Moon, Jupiter, and Mars are conjunct in Leo in the 3rd house
The ‘Splay’ chart temperament type or a chart configurations that adhere to no pattern or temperament type 
Planet with the most aspects, or planets stimulated exclusively by the harsh aspects like conjuncts, squares, and oppositions example#6, and focal point planets that filter the chart such as the handle planet in the bucket chart 
One planet solely occupying a complete hemisphere like in chart#7 where the only sign in the West is Saturn in Scorpio in the 7th house
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gg-astrology · 5 years
Astro Masterlist Pt. 2 🔮
Astro Masterlist Pt. 1 🔮
Hey there! 🔮 Part 1 and part 2 are now split up because ‘the post was too long!’ on part 1!🔮 Even though part 2 seems to be organized by signs, there are more posts about specific signs you can check out in part 1 as well! 🔮 I’m still working on how to phrase it properly, but basically part 1 should cover everything else + details while part 2 complements that? 🔮 Please check both out, I’ll add a navi for it as well 🔮
Signs 🔮
12 signs + comforting | 
Mercury texting styles | 
Aries Moon in 6th |
Aries Mercury/Venus + Creativity? | *In 3rd
Aries Venus |
Aries Venus in 6th | *Opposition Libra Jupiter/Trine Leo Mars 
Aries Saturn in 6th |
Aries MC | 
Aries Stellium in the MC | 
For those wanting to find balance between their Aries/Pisces placements | 
Taurus Sun/Mercury in 8th |
Taurus (Sun/NN) in MC position |
Taurus Moon Roast |
“Why do people think Taurus Moon are Confident ?”| 
Taurus Moon in 4th/opposition Scorpio Mercury in 10th |
Taurus Venus |
Taurus Venus in 5th | 
Scorpio Moon -Taurus Moon: Helping/Caring For Each Other |
Taurus/Scorpio Duplicate |
Taurus/Scorpio Intercepted |
Gemini Roast |
Gemini Moon in 8th |
Gemini Moon in 10th | 
Gemini Venus (ft. Help from An Actual Gemini Venus) |
Advice for when people try to tell you ‘oh but you were flirting’ (for the Gemini Venus) |
Gemini Mars rx conjunct IC |
Gemini Saturn (Gemini Saturn rx in 1H) |  pt. 2
Opposite Signs - Gemini/Sagittarius in the Luminaries |
Gemini in the MC | 
Gemini Stellium in 10th/MC |
Cancer Moon in 9H | 
Cancer Mercury/Jupiter square | 
Cancer Venus/Mars in 10th + Cancer MC | 
Cancer Venus in 12th |
Cancer MC + Pisces Mars in 5th: Jobs? | 
Cancer NN in 11th |
Cancer Saturn in 8th | Cancer Saturn rx | 
Scorpio Sun (9H) Leo Moon (6H) - Career Thoughts? | 
Brief on Leo Mercury |
Practical Tips for Self Help: Leo Moon in 8H 🦁 |
Leo in 10th | 
Leo MC : Positivity | 
Leo in 12th +  Placements/Rulers |
Where Leo rules: You’ll be treated like royalty? | *Leo in 12th 
Leo/Aquarius - On the Silver Screen? | 
Leo stellium in 2nd | *depends on their placement
Virgos and ‘Organization’ |
Virgo (asc) being ‘obsessed with cleaning’? | *busting
Virgo asc + Gemini Mercury in 10th | 
Virgo Sun and Virgo Venus: Why acknowledging the Planet’s Important (Different Functions between them) | 
Virgo Mercury in 12th |
Virgo Venus | *how to help, positive reaffirmation
Virgo Venus and debunking stereotypes | 
Virgo Venus (+ Capricorn Sun) | 
Venus in 12th (+ Virgo Venus) |
Mars in Retrogade (+ Virgo Mars) |
Virgo Mars in 5th/Scorpio Pluto in 8th Square | 
Virgo Chiron in 5th |
Mars in Libra (rx) |
For the Libra Placement Person 💕  |
Guide to/Defining Rising Signs + Libra Rising (For the Libra Rising person) |
Libra Mercury/Venus |
Libra MC |
Libra in 12th |
Libra Chiron in 3rd |
For the Scorpio ASC/placement person | 
Scorpio/Aries ASC: inclinations for sports/physical activities? |
Scorpios: are they attracted to invulnerabilities in people/less emotions? |  *busting
Scorpios: shouldn’t they be into horrors? (not.. really?) | 
Scorpio Decans as Different Coffees |
Scorpio Sun (9H) Leo Moon (6H) - Career Thoughts? | 
Scorpio Moon | 
Scorpio Moon in 4th |
Scorpio Moon -Taurus Moon: Helping/Caring For Each Other |
Vocal Tones: Mercury in Scorpio/Leo in 3rd |
Scorpio Mercury rx in 3H |
Scorpio in 6th (Venus + Mercury) |
Scorpio Venus/Mars in MC | 
Scorpio Moon/Mars conjunct |
Scorpio Venus/Mars : Caring for them | *Venus/Mars conjunct
Scorpio Mars/Chiron + Sagittarius Pluto/Lilith in 3rd | 
Pluto in 12th/Scorpio Pluto: How to Help |
Coping with Plutonian Energy (+ Scorpio, Pluto, Square aspects to either)|
Taurus/Scorpio Duplicate |
Taurus/Scorpio Intercepted |
Sagittarius in 12th and Capricorn Stellium in 1st |
Sagittarius Aspects (to other Signs) |
Sagittarius Moon |
Sagittarius ASC/Rising |
Sagittarius Mercury rx - How to help |
Sagittarius Mercury (in 3rd): Appreciating yourself | 
Sagittarius Mercury: What other Signs do we prefer (in mercury)? | *subjective to each person! 
Sagittarius MC | 
Opposite Signs - Gemini/Sagittarius in the Luminaries |
Sagittarius/Capricorn - How the 7th house and Venus plays together |
10H Sagittarius Stellium | 
Sagittarius Pluto in 11th |
Taurus ASC/Sag Venus in 8H |
What do: when a Capricorn might’ve hurt your feelings |
Capricorn Moon in 1st , Capricorn Uranus/Neptune in 1st |
Capricorn Moon in 4th |
Capricorn Moon and Opening Up | *not a description
Capricorn Venus in 8th | 
Capricorn Venus in 10th |
Capricorn Venus/Neptune Conjunct | *debunking why Capricorn Venus/Neptune =/= Pisces Venus (or why Venus/Neptune doesn’t necessary = Pisces Venus) 
Capricorn Sun/Neptune Conjunct | 
Capricorn Neptune in 5th | 
Capricorn Chiron in 1H | *brief
Capricorn Chiron in 6H |
Capricorn Chiron in 7H |
Capricorn Chiron in 10th (and other placements here) |
Capricorn on the 5th House Cusp | 
How to Help Capricorn in the 12H- Sun | Moon | Mercury | ASC - Neptune in 1st
How to Care for a Capricorn - Cancer | Virgo - Pisces |
Caring for your Capricorn or/and Aquarius Placements | pt. 2 
Beauty of Capricorn Risings ❣️ |
For the Capricorn Stellium/7H Individual (Mercury, Venus, Chiron) | 
What do for Stellium in 10th (Capricorn Stellium) | 
Aquarius Roast |
Aquarius Moon + in the Sea of Waters (how to help w/ rationalizing vs feelings) |
Preparing for the Saturn Return for the Aquarius Saturn native |
Aquarius - Flirting, Crushing, Treating People |
How to Help Moon in 12H and Aquarius 8H (Sun/Mercury/Venus/Neptune) |
Aquarius Mercury/Neptune: How to help with day-dreaming | 
Aquarius Mercury/Sun conjunct: Combusted Mercury | 
Saturn transit for the Cap/Aquarius | 
Aquarius Saturn + Pisces Venus in 2nd | 
Aquarius Saturn in 8th | 
Aquarius Stellium in 10th | 
Aquarius Neptune/Pisces Uranus Gen (Mutual Reception) |
Pisces Ascendant/Neptune in 10th |
Pisces Sun in 6th | 
Pisces Moon in 8th | 
Pisces Moon in 10th |
Pisces Mercury |
Pisces Mercury/Mars conjunct |
Pisces Venus in 11th |
Pisces Mars | 
Pisces Saturn in 8th |
Pisces Saturn in 11th |
Pisces Eros in 11th |
Pisces Ceres in 4th | 
Neptunian People |
For those wanting to find balance between their Aries/Pisces placements |
++ 🔮
How to get positivity with Pluto in 12H  🌑 |
Earth/Mutable Sign “Glitches” |
Earth signs in Love? | 
Coping with Plutonian Energy (+ Scorpio, Pluto, Square aspects to either)|
Opposite Signs - Gemini/Sagittarius in the Luminaries |
Mars in Retrogade (+ Virgo Mars) |
How to Help Moon in 12H and Aquarius 8H (Sun/Mercury/Venus/Neptune) |
Saturn Bucket Handle : Bucket Chart | 
Empty 10th? |
ASC at 29′? |
Venus rx | 
Cardinal Venus (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn Venus) | 
Water/Moon Dominant |
Moon Dominant |
Uranus Dominants | 
Pluto Dominants | 
Mars/Pluto/Lilith in 4th | 
Mars in 1st | 
Jupiter in 6th/7th vs Jupiter in 1st/12th | 
Saturn in 5th | 
Saturn in 8th |
Pluto in 8th |
Pluto in 6th |
Sun in 10th conjunct MC? or Sun in 9th conjunct MC? What’s the difference? |
1st house clarifications: appearance/physicality |  pt 2 | 
1st house: stellium including venus clarifications | 
Having placements in the 1st: what does it mean? |
6th House - What does it mean/imply? |
7H - Career and Stuff | “Is it all about love?” 
7H placements and how to “Accept Love In Your Life” |
Loving Yourself 7H placements pt II |
7H placements (stellium) pt III |  *aspect to Neptune singleton
How to help with 0′ degrees (Sag Pluto) |
Saturn Individuals: On the topic of lying/dishonesty (Can they lie) |
Saturn minor aspects (quintile and biquintile) - what it do? |
8th House debunking myths | 
9th and 10th House Stellium | 
10th house: Careers and a take on long-term establishment of the self publicly (for those of us who aren’t instantly popular/famous)  | 
12th House brief help |
1st/7th House Brief Consideration |
1st/7th House Longer Explanation | 
Venus in 6th |
Venus rx |
Venus in 8th pt. 1 -- Can Venus influence the ASC? | pt. 2 - How Do People See Venus in 8H/How is it affected? |
Sun in 12th |
Venus in 12th (+ Virgo Venus) |
Retrograde Planets - Natal Mars rx |
Jupiter-Saturn Aspect + In the 8th House |
Saturn and Jupiter - A bit more on the Importance of Saturn | 
Saturn/Jupiter in 1st |
Saturn in 10th I
Positive Saturn in 6th (well-aspected) |
+ Aspects Specifics
Saturn/Pluto conjunct (brief) |
Saturn/Pluto Opposition | pt 2 | 
Pluto/Saturn square ASC | 
Pluto/Uranus sextile (5th and 7th/Sag and Aqua position for this case) |  
Pluto/MC conjunct | 
Mercury/Neptune square (12H mercury, 3H neptune) |
Venus/Jupiter square |
Moon/Mars - Masc? | *deeper look into it 
Sun/Neptune trine |
Sun conjunct Saturn pt 1 |
Saturn Opposition Pluto | 
Venus square Mars (natal and synastry) |
Mercury/Jupiter Square | 
Pluto or Saturn/Mars opposition: Help? |
For the Moon/Saturn square and Mars/Saturn square person |
Advice for Quincunx aspects: How to help | 
Moon/Mars trine |
Mercury/Neptune: How to help with day-dreaming |
Sun/Neptune Conjunct |
Venus/Mars conjunct |
Neptune/ASC square | 
Preparing for the Solar Return with the 12th House placement |
12th House Stellium in the Solar Return | *looking on the bright-side/putting it mildly ver.
11H Pisces Sun trine Scorpio Pluto 7H - re-affirmation of anon’s interpretation |
Interpreting Uranus/Neptune?? A DIY direction help |
Sagittarius/Gemini NN (1H/7H) + Kite Aspect Pattern |
10th House/Angular Houses (ASC/IC/DSC/MC) + How To Find House Rulership  |
What do when you have Planets in 12H - Planet in 1H? |
Easy For Beginner (Brief) Stellium |  What is it? What does it Do?
Stelliums |
Stellium and Empty Houses - What to do with them? |
Are Stelliums Bad? (Short Answer) |
The rulership of stellium is important? |
7H stellium |
5H Stellium (Taurus Stellium as well) |
9th and 10th House Stellium |
11H stellium - how to help |
10H Aries Stellium |
8th house -> 10th house Stellium: When You Realize Your Personal Planets Are In A Different House (+Saturn, Venus, Mercury in Pisces) |
2nd House Stellium/Succedent Houses + Stellium and How To Handle Them|
8th House Stellium | How To Deal With Stellium (8th House) + Venus | Neptune | Uranus |
Saturn in 8th House (general positive traits links + my own opinion on them) |
When There’s Two Stellium Houses: How Aspects Are Affecting Them + How To Read Aspects Between Stellium |
Does the ASC count in a Stellium? |
Sun-Moon Combinations 🔮
**MASTERLIST: Sun - Moon Catalogue ☀️ 🌙
*can apply for other axis/placements too
Synastry/Compatibility  🔮
Synastry: Mars and Venus - Who’s more ‘dominant’/’willfull’? | debunking the idea of Mars = having to be dominant and anyone not ‘alpha’ enough being a ‘weak’ mars 
Exploring the Cancer Mars: Impregnation Kink Theory | *expansion honestly
Mystic Rectangle in Synastry | *for siblings specifically 
Synastry: “I can notice if I’m interested in someone, but I don’t know if they’re interested in me” | thinkpiece
Synastry/Compatibility ‘ best matches’ | opinion 
What to Check? | 
Compatibility: Trine connections vs Stellium | 
‘Soulmate’ connection and what it probably means? | *NN and Vertex context
Soulmates pt. 2 | 
Sharing sun-moon: does it mean you get along? |
Oppositions in Synastry | pt 2: conflict resolution | 
Squares in Synastry | 
Grandtrine in Synastry | 
Neptune Aspects in Synastry: How to Help | 
Neptune in 1st | 
Orbs in regards to Synastry |
Adjusting synastry for platonic relationships! |
What you can still do w/o birthtime |
Is your Venus making squared aspects? (the Leo Venus, Scorpio Venus ver) | What to do when it is actually squared (the Aries Venus, Cancer Venus ver)
What to consider mayhaps (brief) |
Synastry (w/o Birth time) + Why We’re Attracted to Artists (Same Sign x Different Planets) |
How to kinda figure out compatibility (w/o Birthtime) + Same Sign x Different Planets|
Astrology - Recognizing ‘Bad People’ | (*answer: you can’t generalized people like that or explain/blame their action on astrology)
Synastry for “irresistable attraction @ first sight” and “long lasting passion” (brief) |
Why are we drawn/attract certain signs? | *loosely
Placement that may have you starting to date later than ‘normal’ (mid 20s) |
Possible Aspects for Love at First Sight |
Figuring out Vertex to someone’s personal planets/axis - How it works (brief) |
Chiron/Chiron | 
Synastry - Lilith conjunct Venus/Mars |
Lilith in Synastry- aspecting Moon | Venus | Neptune |
Moon-Opposition-Lilith |
Lilith- trine- MC |
Lilith trine Lilith |
Lilith/Neptune conjunct |
Personal Planets/Axis
ASC/ASC conjunct - Does it Count? | pt. 2 (ASC/ASC opposition) |
Same Moon: Does it affect Synastry? |
Moon/Moon conjunct |
Venus/Moon square | *debunking myth, this aspect isn’t in synastry but if one person has this natally 
Moon/Moon in Aquarius |
Moon/ASC conjunct |
Brief on Possible Sun - Conjunct - Venus (w/o degrees) |
Synastry - Sun-Conjunct-Venus (mutual) || How important are orbs? |
Synastry - Venus-Conjunct-Pluto | Venus-Square-Pluto |
Synastry - Abundance of Aspects (+ Venus-Mars| Moon-Mercury) |
Quick Answer: Sun - Moon conjunctions |
Synastry - Sun  conjunct  Moon |
Synastry - Jupiter conjunct Pluto |
Double Whammy Sun - Square - Moon (for both people) |
Mars/Pluto Aspects in Synastry |
Mars in 1st or Mars/ASC conjunct in Synastry |
Chiron/Venus square in Synastry |
Venus/Uranus Square |
Venus/Venus Conjunct |
NN/SN 🌙 aspects to Angles |
Venus-Opposition-NN |
Venus - Conjunct - NN |
South Node - Conjunct - Venus |
SN conjunct Moon/Jupiter - NN opposition Moon/Jupiter |
6H/8H Squares (NN/Moon) + Synastry of Moon-conjunct-NN (with regards to NN/Moon square in the nc) |
SN conjunct NN |
Vertex in Synastry |
Vertex and Consent |
Synastry  - Vertex- Square- NN/SN |
Synastry - Moon - Square - Vertex |
Synastry - Jupiter/Vertex Square | 
(My Fav) Synastry Mid-Heaven Aspects |
Signs/House Specifics:
Synastry and Composite: Positive Venus/Sun aspects |
Overlays: Sun in 9th | 
Overlays: Venus in 12th and Mars in 2nd | 
Overlays: 8th house and 6th house | *brief
Overlays: 4th house and 11th house | pt 2.
Overlays: 10th house | *Venus, Sun, Mercury
Overlays: Saturn in 2nd and 7th House |
Overlays: A moon in 1st (Pisces) - B moon in 12th (Aquarius) |
Aquarius Stellium in 1st |  Aquarius Lilith in 1st
Aquarius ASC - Aquarius Venus Interaction |
Aquarius Venus - Virgo Venus Interactions |
Aquarius Venus - Pisces Venus Pros n Cons/Compatibility |
Libra/Cap and Gem/Cancer - What to look for with Synastry together |
Cap - Leo Platonic or Otherwise | Cap Leo pt. 2 (if they ever annoy you/you find them annoying)
Overlays: Sun in 11H / Sun in 8H - clearing up ‘does it mean unrequited love?’ | *answer: it doesn’t, aqua venus might actually like this so don’t worry there’s pie for everyone.
Capricorn - Aquarius (Neighbouring Signs) How Do They See Each Other? |
12H in synastry overlays (Jupiter/Uranus) |
Wanna be clingy but also independent? Contradictory Sag Venus |
Cancer Moon - Virgo Moon Brief Compatibility (context: Nurturing) |
Capricorn Sun/Aries Moon - Capricorn Sun/Libra Moon Compatibility |
Sagittarius Sun/Capricorn Moon - Pisces Sun/Cancer Moon  🏹 Compatibility |
Synastry for Sag-Pisces Venus : Clearing up Stereotype pt.2 |
Libra - Virgo Compatibility |
Libra- Sagittarius Compatibility |
Sun in 1st House Overlay ☀️ |
Saturn in 1st House Overlay 🌒 |
Sun- Chiron Aspects |
Pisces - Virgo Venus Compatibility (+Scorpio Mars) |
Pisces - Virgo Suns: First Meet  👯‍♀️|
Capricorn Moon - Aquarius Moon |
gemini moon - scorpio moon |
Capricorn - Libra Compatibility |  pt. 2
Capricorn - Leo Compatibility |
Scorpio - Virgo Compatibility |
Capricorn - Scorpio Compatibility | Capricorn - Libra Compatibility | Air Placements working with Earth/Water Placements (+ Personalized For the Anon’s Friend) |
Courting a Sagittarius Sun | Capricorn Moon - Venus (w/ Aries Sun -Moon | Gemini Venus) |
Scorpio - Taurus Mercury (+context from Sag/Cap + Aries/Gem) | https://gg-astrology.tumblr.com/post/183409179731/hiyai-was-reading-through-your-asc-decan-posts
335 notes · View notes
astrognossienne · 5 years
chart patterns: the bucket configuration
In a natal chart, there are 10 planets that are represented. These planets are usually arranged in configurations called chart patterns. One notable chart pattern is the bucket configuration. A bucket configuration is a chart pattern in which one planet is on the opposite side of the other 9 planets in a chart. This one planet is commonly referred to as the “handle” of a bucket configuration. Bucket configurations denote a sense of destiny. The planet at the handle of a bucket configuration drives the entire chart, giving it extra power and emphasis in the life. The sign and house position of the handle usually indicates the kind of energy the native most frequently expresses as well as the area of life through which they seek satisfaction. In general, those with this configuration have a laser-like focus on a goal and are determined to realize this goal.
For example, Marilyn Monroe’s chart features a bucket configuration.
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As you see, nine of her planets make a bowl configuration (more on this in my next installment). This bowl is concentrated mostly in the southern hemisphere, with the exception of her Neptune in the 1st house. Her fourth house Saturn is opposite of the rest of the planets on this chart, so this planet position is the handle. Her Saturn in the 4th happens to be very common when it comes to family issues such as being unwanted, abused and neglected by the family, if there is a family. This planet position also denotes problems with the mother as the mother is ruled by the fourth (in Monroe’s case, her mother was mentally ill and institutionalized, so her home life was unstable and unhappy); conversely, the 4th can also mean issues with the father (in Monroe’s case, her father was absent, so she looked for father figures all her life). Incidentally, her 4th house Saturn is at 21 degrees of Scorpio, indicating loss, so here it is easy to see there was no family, as well as a very tragic childhood and no domestic stability. This Saturn also tightly squared her moon which amplified her problems with her mother. From the age of five, she was shuffled back and forth from orphanages to foster families where they only took her in during the depression for the bit of extra money that came with her. With one sole exception, no one wanted her and she lived her life with deep emotional scars from this. She found it difficult to let go of the past, and it was difficult for her to establish her emotional independence from the confines of the ghosts of the family she never had and always yearned for.
Scorpio is on the cusp of the 4th, with ruling Pluto in Cancer tightly conjunct the cusp of the 12th house; this adds further emphasis on the above. Cancer Plutonians like Monroe experienced upheavals regarding family, and 12th house planets are often unfortunate. So although she was a double air sign (Gemini sun, Aquarius moon) and air dominant, this, in addition to her inability to have children all contributed to her rather watery unhappiness, insecurity, neediness, and sensitivity. The co-ruler of Scorpio, Mars, is in her 8th house (in Pisces) which is conjunct Uranus. This was why she was such an electric light as far as her presence and persona were concerned. It’s also why there was such insecurity and sensitivity; she had a rootlessness due to the separation from her insane mother, which led Monroe down an impulsive, uninhibited, and ultimately destructive path that was her undoing. This conjunction is in the eighth house, so Monroe’s feelings about the origins of her own subconsciously forceful yet idiosyncratic life path ran very deeply. When you get all of this, her life has been fated for some reason. All the bowl planets led to the various events of her life as well as her ultimate self-destruction, but the handle was what she spent the rest of her life reaching out for: a stable and happy family and domestic life.
**song inspired by Marilyn’s bucket pattern: “Reaching Out”  by Kate Bush
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anya-moon · 5 years
Tarot+astrology for September, 2019
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Tarotscope is a mixture of tarot and astrology. I pull cards for every astrological sign asking to get a message for September and then I read cards basing on the knowledge of situation in stars.
*Situation in stars during September*
The first part of September brings us strong earthy energy with Sun in Virgo and 6 planets in Earth signs. It’s telling about grounding and need to transform day-to-day life: how can you bring more healthy, empowering things in your day? where do you need more mindfulness? is there something you were thinking to get rid of - limiting patterns, clutter in head or your room? Time to work with that. Being organized, making lists and checking where are you in your journey can be a great help. And don’t forget to take good care of your body and praise yourself for any new achievement. Stay simple and realistic.
Full Moon in Pisces on September, 14 together with Mars-Neptune opposition will make us to face our spiritual needs, mostly in identifying and expressing them. There is an emphasis on keeping a balance between spiritual needs and order in daily life.
On September, 18 Saturn will turn direct and we’ll be asked to take care of our responsibilities and come down to earth.
Another important event in the stars is going to hit us on September, 21 when Jupiter will form the square with Neptune. There might be a lot of struggle with dreams, faith, expectations going at that time. You might question your daily routine, feeling unsatisfied, disillusioned with something, trying to avoid things by writing new beliefs and philosophies. Restlessness is going high that time, so be ready for a lot of wandering, lack of grounding.
New Moon on September, 28 will appear in Libra. This is a time to give attention to your relationships and work with partnering skills.
Chariot - Eight of Wands (reversed) - Two of Cups
It seems like in September you’re going to rush for your goal, with all the strength, determination and control. You might be very energized, feeling power moving through your body, ready to start a new campaign or cut through all that stuff which you didn’t know before how to approach. Just make sure that you don’t disregard such things as planning and details, they’ll help you to stay organized, healthy and simply save your sanity while you’re on a mission. You’re not going to enter the state of uncertainty, doubts and chaotic actions, if you’ll keep things balanced, handling work and relationships, your amazing project and daily chores, reality and your expectations, mind and body. You might enter wish-fulfilling partnership in September. Enjoy the opportunities and challenges and proceed to your aim with grace.
Eight of Pentacles - Six of Wands (reversed) - High Priestess (reversed)
You might find your relationships with friends or your community confusing, you just don’t feel that people understand you nowadays in a way you wish, there is no joy, satisfaction in a way you communicate with each other. You feel for something different and your high energy vibrates in another aspect of you - witchy, independant, open for pleasures, romances, full of your personal power. You’re enchantingly beautiful, ready for new adventures. Time to follow your heart’s desire, express yourself openly and be an inspiration for others. Even with all that romantic, intuitive energy, huge opportunities are open for Taurus working with new projects, ideas, goals. It’s time for hard work, painstaking research and extraordinary effort. Time when you’re ready to study new things, cross something off from your bucket list. Still make sure that you’re realistic with any of your pursuits in September not to get overwhelmed.
Temperance - Ace of Swords (reversed) - Six of Cups (reversed)
Family will be in the center of your September, this is an area where you’ll have your challenges and certain things to face and deal with. You’ll work with bringing balance, peace and harmony in your family life. It’s a time for making memories with people you love, to make your home beautiful, filled with guests and tea cups. With a lot of airy energy going, you might create some tension, so again you need to keep balance and stay patient.
You might feel uncertain about your goals, plans and where you’re heading now, it can be an indication that you need to take your time to discover your passion, inspirations and desires before setting off for new adventure. No matter what, stay in physical reality and try to use the opportunities presented, they’re here, don’t waste the chance.
King of Swords - Wheel of Fortune - Seven of Cups
September can feel a little bit hectic, you have a lot of ideas which pull you in various directions, you might find yourself busy trying various options. It’s nice to pause sometimes and see where you put your energy - is it simply mirages and unrealistic dreams you try to follow.
The theme of learning and communication is particularly strong during September. You will be able to connect with your family, friends, neighbors, conversations about small things is a key to your success. You’re going to enjoy a lot time of intense communication, interrupted relationships might be renewed and current might bring more fulfillment.
Spending more time on learning and collecting information will help you to develop your project and proceed further without the hustle and bustle which you’re going to create if you follow your habit to act out of blue, with no or little planning and research. Full Moon can be especially overwhelming for you, bringing a sense of discontent with your current path or impatience if you’ve no big plans for the future, try to pin to creative side of your project if you’ve any or just stay at present moment not to miss opportunities if you’re uncertain where to go.
Page of Swords - Devil - Queen of Swords
The huge wave of earthy energy is coming to you in September, you’re making things happen, fulfilling you strong desires, enjoying all that materialism. With such intensity of experiences, sometimes it's great just to hold back and wait when the right things come to you. You might pay more attention than usual to the practical, simple side of life but try not to rush things, not go through them too quickly or it might ruin your success. It’s better to focus on main projects and opportunities. This is a great time for improving your health or work with environment, any creative and independently working people are going to see their projects flourished. In general, September is stunningly good for self-improvement through better attention to work, finances and health.
September should be a good month for improving your position, for reaching safety and stability, anyway around New Moon you might reach the peak with some challenges about keeping boundaries, borrowing or lending, facing up recent excesses or some issues from the past. It’s essential not to turn a blind eye to a problem area and if you don’t feel like having all the support and resources you need, discipline yourself or tone things down just a little.
With Saturn turning direct, time will come to start to develop more straightforward and clear approach to meeting and facing your responsibilities. More clarity are coming to your job projects or wellness and health, you’ll improve your planning and decision-making skills. Keeping to simple activities will help you to develop a clear vision of where you stand and what is all about. Self-discipline in your project will play an important role. Sounds like in September you’re going to bring more maturity and judgment in your life.
You might meet a variety of people this month so your success will depend heavily on communication and connection.      
Nine of Swords (reversed) - Two of Wands - King of Cups
Your personal strength is growing high in September and your self-influence, goal-setting skills and boldness in pursuing your dream are unusually strong this time. You’ll find yourself more active and involved with life, opening yourself to the world, having that beautiful sense of personal presence, self-assurance, a sense of freedom and being true to yourself. If you were hesitant in starting a new adventure, that’s a right time to set off.
Full Moon will bring a whirlwind of emotions, mind unrest and actions with your close partner. You might be exhausted trying to discern between facts and mirages in your psyche and at a certain point to find that you don’t know whom to believe in, others will seem to you so elusive. You might need to let go of your desire for others, step back a little, especially in your relationships with close partner, so you’ll see clearer their intentions.
Anyway, emotionally you’ll go further in September, as far as it might be a time of reinventing yourself. People around will notice your charm and get attracted to you, still it’s essential to stay with your personal core and do what works for you, not trying to please others and spend the energy on how to make other people feel good.
Three of Pentacles - Hermit - Ace of Cups (reversed)
Your inner world is active during September and you might like to close some projects, relationships and situation to withdraw and be renewed. September may bring deep introspection, rest and search for a higher meaning and realization of your true path. This is definitely not a time for demanding or competitive activities, to start new projects or bring yourself and your ideas in front of people. Soul-searching is your main theme during this month. However the last week of September may bring you a new energy and if you used effectively that time of rest and observation in September, in the beginning of October you’ll push forward with your plans successfully.
Romantic life and relationships might be complicated, especially near the time of Full Moon, but the situation may improve swiftly and at the end of the month you’ll find a lot of support and opportunities to be surrounded with people, to move from your private shell and make people notice your attractiveness and charm. Anyway there are some loose ends to tie this month - relationships behind the scene or from the past.
Work matters can be frustrated and you will try to escape from pressure. You need that break - rest, rest as much as possible. Even so your job may need some moderations and adjustments, go outside to find sparks of inspiration. All that may feel discouraging at first but ultimately will lead you to the path which is truly yours. Try to seek balance and don’t let emotions to rule you, take breaks, rest.
Judgment - Five of Pentacles - Five of Wands
In the beginning of the month you will experience fresh, transformative energy which helps you to figure out what you want and set long-lasting projects, with this kind of energy you’ll feel centered and sure about yourself, not afraid of facing responsibilities and issues coming from the past. You might feel yourself in high demand, working in a team, taking a lead on some social project, it’s a good time to join group or making associations. You’re bound to take too much sometimes, make sure to check that tendency.
While September is a sociable month for you and you’ll get the most success from working in team, to the end of the month you may need to slow down to be emotionally renewed, to tie up loose ends and to allow yourself to lay down.
Money, values or romantic life can be a source of some tension during September, you may be fired up with the things close to your heart and feel that while having so many ideas, you don’t get enough support from people or current circumstances. Your feelings and relationships with friends can become more intense during that period.
Your imagination is powerful during this time, it’s difficult to say if somebody is trying to deceive you or you see only what you want to see. Try to be open to see the situation clearly, you might need to address some things in your life which were neglected, wasted or overestimated. It’s a key to building your confidence and clear vision.
Five of Cups - Three of Cups - World (reversed)
Your career life is in focus in the beginning of September, but as month advances your energy shifts towards search for happiness, you’ll enjoy immensely the company of friends but it can also inspire new ideas and eventually lead to success. Around Full Moon watch for illusions which can force you to follow mirages.
Improving your little world - family life and your living conditions - might be really important, even if you feel like not having time for such things, but without certainty and order in this area you might find yourself uncertain in others areas of life as well. Think how you can bring more imagination and creativity in dealing with family things which cause you feel guilty and insecure. Try to redirect your feelings and orient them for a useful aims.
You’re able to make a great leap towards your aim in September, your energy is high, making you feel on top of your game - and that’s really so, you’ve anything you need to move towards with grace and impress others, to be able to transform any obstacle in a change to grow and improve.
The last week of September is strongly for social life, you might meet someone very special for you during that time through your community, social interactions, friends. Inspiration will come suddenly that time so you can pick up new exciting interests.
Knight of Pentacles (reversed) - Page of Pentacles (reversed) - Five of Swords
You’ll be more adventurous, experimental and spontaneous than usual during September seeking how to get out of the rut and experience something completely new. Excited? Go ahead, a lot of opportunities for travelling, study, publishing, sharing and all together are opening for you. As adventurous as you are during September, at times you may feel restless, unable to concentrate, some communications may be confusing.
Lack of structure and self-discipline may hold you back from getting some peace and rest you need. Be aware that the more organized you are, the more confidence you have in connecting with others, sharing ideas and learning new skills. Don’t be discouraged to find some disappointing moments in your educational projects, interactions with people, that eventually will push you up and connect with your dream.
Seeking new experiences and being exposed to a wider range of ideas, you’re going to find your way to expand your mind. You’re moving out of comfort zone, planning, dreaming big, getting experiences in preparation you need for very robust October.
Six of Pentacles - Nine of Pentacles (reversed) - Ten of Pentacles (reversed)
This month’s energy shifts from inward to outward, you’re up for new experiences and situations where you’ll share and broaden your perspective. Travelling, cultural events and other activities to widen your horizons are in focus, you’re coming out of shell.
September ask you to make some adjustments on financial level. Be more aware of money issues and sharing as boundaries can easily be crossed, take care of your valuables and consider improving your life and relationship through more imagination, romance and gentleness.
Another thing to be aware during September is overdoing actions that take you away from responsibilities. Concerns, guilt, doubts should be addressed so you’ll be able to move forward. Getting more organized in areas connected with money, resources, capabilities will improve the situation. Knowing where you stand and where are you heading can help you as well.
Your personal life will speed up this month, conflicts regarding power dynamics or money can challenge you and you need a lot of patience and good communicative skills to go through that.
Nine of Wands - Sun - Death
September is going to be exciting month for close relationships, social life and interaction with people. You’ll be charming, influential, you’re a counselor, negotiator, creative director. People in your life might show you more, even indirectly, about the direction you need to take. Through conversations and interaction you will learn a lot. September will remind you a need for closeness, special connection with someone and the beauty of connecting with people in general.
Near the time of Full Moon emotions can be overwhelming, and even if these mood swings seem to come out of nowhere, make sure you pay them attention and make necessary changes. Disorientation and feeling of personal insecurity, doubts can leave you feeling less capable. Uncertainties now can be connected with your self-neglect. No matter how overwhelming it may seem, be aware that it’s temporary, move forward step-by-step, day-by-day, have a trust, you’ll get there! Try to be organized, it’ll help. With Saturn turning direct on September, 18 you’ll feel ready to move forward, some truths will be revealed, so your relationships, life goal, aspirations and plans become clear, you’re ready to take more responsibilities.
Relationships can become exotic, dramatic, highly stimulating towards the end of September, your desire to pour all your energy into certain project or connection is really strong. It can be a powerful experience of transformation, you basically are going to break through your boundaries, old ways of thinking, there are a lot of opportunities for huge growth and transcendence.  
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alitheamateur · 5 years
The Grind- Chapter 17
Warnings: Language. In-ring violence.
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Once I got inside to join the others, I found them all huddled on the foamy, red rubber wrestling mat that spanned over half the room. Probably planning my demise. I dropped my duffle and belongings off in the ladies locker room on the way, and downed a lukewarm bottle of water, then with a sigh of heavy, anxious breath, I made my way to boot camp.
“Alright, chick. You good to go?” Tia was the first to speak, and I hesitated to find the right response.
“Uh, I think so? But, by the looks of you three conniving little shits, I’m not sure.” I replied as I began the series of pre-workout stretches they’d shown me.
“Willow is gonna start out with some really, really basic stuff with ya’. Simple kicks, some jab patterns, and there’s a fairly easy little takedown I want to try to show you, too. Sound like a plan, Elliott?”
“Yes, ma’am. Let’s get it going!” I loosened up my stiffening neck from side to side.
“That’s the enthusiasm, I like to see! Let’s get it on!” Willow clapped with me a firm hand to the shoulder, then proceeded to lightly massage over both my blossoming trap muscles, encouraging a calmness over me.
I spent over 6 hours in the gym that day. Not only because it was Saturday, and I sadly had nothing better to do, but I was enjoying myself. Not so much however,  the tender slash drying up on my right cheekbone from the obvious perfectly executed take down move that my overzealous friend had gone over with me. The crew wasn’t taking it lightly with me, but they also weren’t laughing me off the mats when I so clearly didn’t belong there, stammering and stumbling around for majority of the lessons. Willow reassured me not squander my progress so quickly, and that she had been very pleasantly surprised at the talent of my technique.
“I think your background with basketball is definitely behind the skill of your footwork, Liv. You’ve definitely got that natural-born athleticism in ya’.”
In spite of how flattering their compliments were, I still felt like a flopping fish out of water in this world. Their world. The Muay Thia, Jiu Jitsu combinations hadn’t been a total shit show, thankfully, and I felt fairly good about some of the little jabs I had countered with Tia, but that creeping doubt still swam through me. What the hell was I trying to prove? Was I doing this to feel closer to.. him? There wasn’t a shadow of doubt that Tia and the others wouldn’t let me get myself seriously injured, and I figured they must not see me as a total waste considering the countless hours of training they were walking me through, so I kept trucking along. Nursing the glimmering flame of excitement and the thrill of fighting that had ignited in me.
Willow sent me off to the showers with a swift smack to the rear, laughing at the wince it elicited out of me. The next afternoon would be the birthday celebration Tia had so, so, SO persistently insisted on throwing, with my actual big day falling on the Independence holiday on Monday. I painfully wondered if I’d even have the legs to move from my bed to the shower when I woke up the following morning, much less paint on a stupid, dopey party grin.
The Sunday sun had risen, along with my dead to the world slumbering body. I still smelled the lingering aroma of the lavender medicinal salts I had soaked in the day before. Once the moment I reached the apartment, and again directly before bed, hoping to maybe get some painless hours of sleep. Before I even assessed my pain level, I moved only an arm to reach for the bottle of anti-inflammatories I had brought to bed with me, knowing no doubt when I did muster the energy to make the move towards the bathroom, I’d run face first into the cement wall of soreness.
I stepped every so gingerly off the side of my heightened bedside, desperately needing to release the gallons of water I had drank the previous day per Tia’s instruction. Glancing instinctively towards the medicine cabinet mirror over the sink, I grimaced dreadfully at the bulbous cut that had slightly bruised overnight. Tia’s elbow tag to my face connected lightly, however directly on the bulging point of my cheekbone. After relieving myself, I flushed and leaned down to turn the bath handle, opening the spout, only not turning the knob much past the coolest temperature. If I was expected to rub elbows with Tia and the rest of my party guest list, I’d need to pull out all of the first aid stops for sore, tight muscles. After pouring the chilly mop bucket filled with ice to the brim into the already clear, glacier like bath water, I stepped over the side one foot at a time, sucking deep breaths to help adjust to the goosebumps multiplying over my body.
After soaking beyond the time I could stand, I emptied the tub and harshly knocked the handle to change to the hottest setting, and washed the coolness off under the scalding shower head. I rummaged through the bottom drawer of the vanity in search of the antibiotic ointment I was sure I had bought when I first moved in the place, to smear over the open slit under my eye. The gash would definitely raise whispers in public for the next few days. I was about to drop my robe and begin dressing when my phone buzzed twice on the countertop.
Andrew: Hey, birthday girl. Better come get your celebratory blend at the shop this morning, we won’t be in tomorrow. You know I can’t let The Grind bigwigs deprive their best customer of her free birthday beverage!
My favorite barista saving the day, of course. For the last two years, Andrew made it a point to treat me to a free coffee down at The Grind for my birthday. The first morning I discovered the little gem tucked away on the corner was actually my first birthday in the city. Andrew, being the employee of the year he is, chatted me up, spilled the 411 on some other little hidden treasures in the city, and insisted on welcoming me  with my choice of beverage on the house. The mousy, sweetheart was one of the good ones here in the dog-eat-dog city.
I increased the pace, and pulled the locked door closed behind me, heading down the road for my awaiting morning pick me up. I parked farther from the entrance than my usual front and center spot, hoping the still rising heat of the summer sunshine, and gentle exercise of walking may loosen up my painful, creaking joints. I pondered keenly over the idea of an actual birthday celebration since I moved to my new home here, knowing Tia would surely pull out all the bells and whistles for my day, because that’s the exceptional friend she was. Her itinerary would began with she & I shopping at our two favorite boutiques down at the square, then and early dinner with the rest of the party crowd before her final surprise of the evening. I poked and prodded at her text the night before, telling her it was of utmost importance that she fill me in so I wouldn’t have to blindly pick an outfit, but me imploring protests were all for naught.
I shook out of the growing daydream and I made the last turn into the propped open door of the shop. The morning hours were dwindling, along with the early crowd, so Andrew was able to catch my eye when I entered, the edgy wonderment on his face instantly obvious to me. I leaned over the counter, no one else in line so his attention was all mine.
“Good morning, Drewby. What’s up? I think I’ll do a mocha frap this year! I need the sugar rush!”
“You got it,” he answered, but his tone still iffy.
He walked over to his blender and began mixing and adding ice, and I turned my back to him nonchalantly scanning over the few faces left in the shop, recognizing some familiar frequent flyers. The people watching distraction was interrupted when I heard Andrew nearing behind me, clearing his throat. I was flabbergasted when I was met with his hand outstretched with my order, and an overflowing, pungently sweet bouquet of creamy pink peonies sitting on the empty bar.
“Andrew! You did not! Oh my gosh, Drew.” My screeching appreciation drawing attention in the almost otherwise soundless room.
He exhaled a heavy sigh with a raspberry sound on his lips and shifty eyes. “Wait, Liv. S-slow down for a second… they’re uh, they’re not from me.”
I tightened my brow. “Tia! That sly little bitch. I swear, she’s so beyond over the to-“ my second assumption was suddenly hushed by Andrew.
“They’re from Colton, Liv. Not Tia…”
I couldn’t make sense of my own English, native language to process his abrupt interruption. How? When? Why?
“Here, babe. There’s a card.” he pulled a white envelope from the center of the vased garden of pink. I looked to the card, then to his gaze, the card, then his gaze again. I wasn’t sure I had the clear eyes or mind to comprehend whatever he’d written in it, and did I even want to? Against my screaming better judgment, I hastily clutched it from Andrew.
This is the least I could do. I think you said these were your favorite.
Hopefully I didn’t screw that up to.
Hopefully they make you smile.
Happy Birthday, 2-1.
Love, Colt
I recognized his unsteady, marred handwriting instantly. They were undoubtedly from him. Andrew reached over to catch the lone tear dropping down my cheek, and I cringed as he grazed over my cut in doing so.
“How, Drew? Explain.” I demanded through a sorrowfully clenched jaw. My hand chattered, clutching with the jaws of life onto the note.
“He came by at open this morning. He was waiting outside the door before I even turned the lights on,” he began with a hesitant chuckle. “When I let him in, he asked me if I thought you’d be in anytime within the next two days. He said he couldn’t find a local shop that was delivering since it was a holiday weekend, and he wanted to make sure you got them. The guy looked honestly like hell, Liv. I couldn’t say no. I mean, they’re just flowers so I thought they were innocent enough. I should’ve known. I’m sorry, I should’ve minded my own business.”
The one lonesome tear was joined now by some other escaping friends, but was it sadness? Relief? Could I truly be happy with the unforeseen gift?  What was he expecting in return? What this supposed to be his apology? Millions of demanding, uncontrollable question marks pounded my brain, nearly beating me into a foggy oblivion.
“Don’t be sorry, goodness, Andrew. That’s so, so far from necessary, honestly. Thank you for getting them to me. They’re beautiful though, aren’t they?” I sniffled, childishly wiping at my running nose with the back of my hand.
“Um, YES! That pouty little brute opened up his wallet for these. There’s got to be like, three dozen of them!” I couldn’t help but allow myself a smirk amongst my emotional chaos.
“I know, that bastard. What am I supposed to do, Drew?” I pulled the shimmering vase closer to inhale the fresh, poignant sea of pink.
“Seems like you’ve got a whole lot to think about, my friend.”    
 My 23rd birthday came and went, Tia’s careful and thorough celebration checklist passed with smooth sailing. She hadn’t overlooked a single, miniscule detail from the champagne she had chilling for us when we arrived at our first shopping destination, to the heinous pink boa she snaked around my neck when we were seated with our guests at dinner downtown at the snazzy surf-and-turf, apparently very happening restaurant, concluding from the hordes of hungry customers waiting out front to be seated. Andrew had joined with his plus one, my gym rats Austin, Willow, and Cal, who also brought his latest lady endeavor, the clerk who assisted us earlier at the boutique, she and I had become friendly as of late, Kate from my apartment building, and of course Tia’s on again-off again boy toy, Ethan.  My small circle was all there to shower me with gifts, hugs, and probably three too many birthday shots.
I couldn’t hide the rousing satisfaction I felt having all my cherished ones together in one room. Almost all. I’d have given a thousand sacrifices to have had Sara sharing the moment. And of course, well, you know who, as well. I attempted to contact him via text to express my reluctant gratitude, however the message never connected. He’d either gotten a new number in the passing year and a half, or I had been added to the block list…
That night ended with my best friend absolutely taking the cake. Her well-kept last event of the night turned out to be a concert on the outskirts of the city at a new outdoor amphitheater. We spent roughly 3 hours under the breezy Pittsburgh, summer sky being serenated under the dim stars by Gavin Degraw, a lifelong favorite of mine. The expectation surpassing performance finished with a literal bang as uproarious fireworks echoed over the grounds, colors I didn’t know I could see in the sky exploded continuously. I nearly considered caving in to Tia’s repetitive, forward romantic advances towards me and kissed her out of overwhelming appreciation for the weeks of finalizing she’d exerted into the whole night, along with the amounts of cash she’d spilled out, I’m sure. When I settled at home in the wee hours, I melted into bed for some much desired rest. The pink, cascading bouquet of peonies on my nightstand being my last conscious vision before nodding off. They had almost sang me to sleep that night. All 32 of them. I counted. 
TAGS: @torialeysha @eap1935
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46ten · 6 years
Do you believe that Hamilton cheated on Eliza more than once? I really hope not and choose to believe he didn't. But I would like to hear your opinion on the matter.
I’m not even sure he cheated with Maria Reynolds! But since he claimed to have done so, let’s hold in this post that AH did indeed have an affair with Maria Reynolds that he truthfully described in the Reynolds Pamphlet.
I approach this matter with two questions:
1. What is the evidence for other extramarital affairs?
2. What can we discern/opine about AH’s attitude/proclivity towards extramarital affairs? 
Evidence for other extramarital affairs:
There is no solid evidence  - no one ever claimed to have had an affair with AH, as far as I’ve seen in the historical record. No one who talked to someone and had them tell the story claimed to have had an affair with AH either. There aren’t claims of other children fathered by him after his marriage (except for him as the father of one of Angelica Church’s children, but that gossip dates from the late 19th century). In contemporary accounts. there’s gossip about AH as an adulterer - though more commonly general character slurs - but it’s very difficult for me to determine whether that gossip predates knowledge of the Reynolds affair (late 1792) by AH’s political enemies. How often was he alluded to as an adulterer before that time? I don’t know - if someone else does, please share.
This is what Callendar writes about AH in 1797:
The accusation of an illicit amour, though sounded in notes louder than the last trumpet, could not have defamed the conjugal fidelity of Mr. Hamilton. It would only have been holding a farthing candle to the sun. On that point, the world have previously fixed its opinion. In the secretary’s bucket of chastity, a drop more or less was not to be perceived. The History of the United States for 1796, p 222 (discussion of Hamilton starts at p. 206). 
Most of the strong accusations come from people who sharply differed from AH on other matters. Of contemporaries of AH, John Adams is the person from whom the most serious accusations flow of “fornications, adulteries, and incests.” and so on. Is Adams credible? Considering that he waited until AH was dead to make these accusations, and also accused AH of being an opium addict, I’m not inclined to take his charges seriously. 
By the way, Chernow points out that John Beckley, copier of the Reynolds letters who was likely the person sharing copies letters with Jefferson and his co-horts so that information about AH’s affair was widely known by his political enemies within weeks of his 15Dec1792 confession, labeled AH a “double adulterer,” and then Chernow states he was presumably talking about AH having had affairs with both Maria Reynolds and Angelica Church. I guess that Chernow doesn’t know that the definition of a double adulterer is a married person having an affair with another married person - one is committing adultery with a partner also committing adultery, hence the “double.” It’s not having extramarital affairs with two people. So whenever Beckley stated that, he was referring to the affair of AH with MR. 
So was there really that much gossip that AH was an adulterer, or was it gossip about how much of a flirt AH was? I have seen a lot more of the latter.  For example, Troup writes to King (May 1799):* 
Though not yet in the field of Mars he maintains an unequalled reputation for gallantry -  such at least is the opinion entertained of him by the ladies.  When I have more leisure, I will give you the history of Baron [Ciominie*] & Mrs. Church as published by our Gallant General.
Look at how AH writes to Suki Livingston: 
Of all delinquencies, those towards the Ladies I think the most inexcusable. And hold myself bound by all the laws of chivalry to make the most ample reparation in any mode you shall prescribe. You will of course recollect that I am a married man! AH to Susanna (Suki) Livingston, 29Dec1792 [And he was writing this two weeks after offering a confession of a nearly year long extramarital affair!]
And that tends to be the pattern with any accounts of AH, as they are: he is in a social setting - dinner party, ball, etc - perhaps liquored up a bit, and is flirting with upper class women who know his wife (and are even related to her, as with Angelica). This is “safe” behavior from a man who prides himself on being chivalrous and a gallant - in the quote above, AH knows that Suki (who he has known for nearly two decades and is a distant cousin of his wife’s) isn’t going to take seriously that he’s offering her sexual favors.**
As for Angelica, I think others (Brookhiser and Cooke among historians, runawayforthesummer and aswithasunbeam here on tumblr) have covered how unlikely an affair between her and AH would have been, besides the common-sense argument: would you really sleep with your sibling’s spouse/spouse’s sibling? (Though let’s not mention a couple of Hamilton grandkids when it comes to that.) There’s so much that has been assumed that the historical record argues against - how much time AC actually spent in NYC in 1789; the shoebow/garter story…I’ll just yell my own complaint: JOHN B. CHURCH EXISTS! I also seem to recall that one of the first mentions of “incests” in the record, perhaps through Adams, noted that he’d had affairs with his wife’s sisters (plural). This is a comment on his closeness to his wife’s family (and possibly meant as a stab at the larger family’s political ambitions). I wish I could remember right now where that quote came from, but I don’t, so don’t quote it! 
AH’s attitude towards extramarital affairs
This is entirely my opinion, which I think is reasonable: I do not think AH had other affairs because I do not think he thought of himself that way.*** He prided himself on being honest, good-hearted, and disciplined. He writes about the importance of domestic tranquility and happiness (the latter he frequently states as the most important thing to him). 
AH was fully aware of the alternatives to sexual chastity within marriage. Growing up in the West Indies (and with his parents), AH would have known sexual relationships outside of marriage were very common. AH knew about Gouverneur Morris’s habit of seduction and affairs (usually with married women) - he jokes about it to him!  Having a mistress was not uncommon among men in his social class; and prostitution was common in Philadelphia. But AH was a thinker and an analyst, and I think he weighed these activities against what he thought was best and proper socially for himself. I have written before that one of the aspects of the 1780 letters to ES that I find most striking is how carefully he’s weighing - and being explicit to ES about - what kind of marriage he wants, in accordance with the expectations about marriage for that time. He makes it very clear that eroticism and sexual intimacy are very important to him, but then speaks of it as part of sacred bonds and ties sanctioned by God: the “unrestrained intercourses of wedded love,” “delicious caresses [that] marriage sanctifies,” etc. [See here for a post I wrote about AH’s expectations for marriage.] Briefly, I think a husband having affairs contradicted the way he saw himself in his relationship and working within the world. And the one time he attempted to have a formal mistress, it failed spectacularly. (And I think his naivete and just plain clumsiness speaks to his inexperience with at least a prolonged affair.) 
You can read my collection of some of his public statements on marriage here, but certainly the most frequently quoted is this: 
…to speak figuratively, he will regard his own country as a wife, to whom he is bound to be exclusively faithful and affectionate, and he will watch with a jealous attention every propensity of his heart to wander towards a foreign country, which he will regard as a mistress that may pervert his fidelity, and mar his happiness.  Gazette of the United States, March-April1793. [Note that this is published after his affair with MR has ended.]
When it comes to his own affair, here is what he states: 
This confession is not made without a blush. I cannot be the apologist of any vice because the ardour of passion may have made it mine. I can never cease to condemn myself for the pang, which it may inflict in a bosom eminently intitled to all my gratitude, fidelity and love….
[A man] would know that [a conjugal infidelity] would justly injure him with a considerable and respectable portion of the society—and especially no man, tender of the happiness of an excellent wife could without extreme pain look forward to the affliction which she might endure from the disclosure, especially a public disclosure, of the fact. Those best acquainted with the interior of my domestic life will best appreciate the force of such a consideration upon me. 
…there is nothing worse in the affair than an irregular and indelicate amour. For this, I bow to the just censure which it merits. I have paid pretty severely for the folly and can never recollect it without disgust and self condemnation. It might seem affectation to say more. Reynolds Pamphlet, 1797
So again, it’s infidelity as disrupting his happiness - and as a result of his failing. I simply don’t think serial adultery fits with his way of perceiving himself in his marriage and in society. 
*I haven’t seen this original letter to verify if this copied text is correct. 
**One could argue that EH didn‘t mind about AH’s affairs, but I don’t find it convincing. I think both AH’s letters to her - his references to never making her blush, his “most faithful” sign-offs - along with his very clumsy handling of his affair (he throws a lot of money at James Reynolds, with the only threat being “I’m going to tell your wife”), both speak to a strong disapproval of infidelity. Everytime I glance over his account in the Reynolds Pamphlet, I want to scream “just gaslight your wife, Hamilton!” The fact that he instead goes along with the blackmail makes him a better person than I! 
***I’m old(!) and experienced enough to define cheating as follows: lapse in judgment meets opportunity. It has almost nothing to do with the value or state of relationship or affection for one’s partner.
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“Alternate dimensions,” Kate says. If she doesn’t sound impressed, it’s because she isn’t.
“An infinite number of ‘em,” the old woman – Margo - agrees, with a wicked grin. “Means they can’t ever kick you outta alla them.”
“And this has been a major concern in your life.”
Margo meets Kate’s eyes, gestures to herself.
“Yeah, I still don’t know who you are, so that’s effectively meaningless to me,” Kate says.
“ ‘s not much to know. Me and the band tour galaxies. When things get too hot we skip dimensions. I hadda leave one in a hurry, and now here we are.” She grins, holding her arms wide, and Kate narrows her eyes.
“No, I don’t buy it. You’ve been teasing me about being curious ever since you picked me up, you’re not really gonna pretend that this is all there is to it?”
“Kid, I said we skip dimensions. We tour galaxies. Your planet’s scientific community’s still trying to work out if there’s mold on Mars, am I right?”
“Okay, yeah, fine,” Kate admits. “That’s…pretty cool.”
Margo’s smile is almost bigger than her face.
“And now you’re part of it. You’re welcome,” she says. “Be one hell of a story to tell the grandkids, eh?”
“Yeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.” Kate tries not to grimace.
“Come on, you’re having fun,” Margo says, hitting Kate in the shoulder with the back of her hand. “Now get this bucket of bolts moving again before I blast your head off and take your car.���
“You wouldn’t,” Kate says, but she stomps down on the clutch and shifts into first anyway.
The Bug starts rolling again, slow at first but then picking up speed. Now that she’s not tearing through the forest with all the weight of momentum on her side, Kate notices that it’s not just her slow reflexes that made it hard to dodge the jumping trees – the ground itself seems to suck at the Bug’s wheels, making it sluggish and slow to respond.
“Why did you decide to take us here of all places if we’re trying to get away from someone?” she asks, and Margo scowls.
“Look, it was the closest parallel that wouldn’t have dropped us straight into the same place as another version of this car with other versions of you in it and fused all our molecules, instantly destroying that entire universe and possibly causing a ripple effect that would eventually collapse the entire infinite multiverse.” She kicks her feet back up on the dash. “That a good enough answer for you?”
“Okay, that sounds pretty bad,” Kate admits.
“No fuckin’ shit.” Margo tucks her hands behind her head, leaning back. “Plus, with any luck those harpies’ll get a false positive from one of those other parallels with you in it, and we can lose ‘em in the thick of it.”
They’re still going slowly enough that Kate feels like she can risk a glance over at Margo. “Who – what are they, anyway? And why are they after you?”
“You heard of the Kindly Ones?”
“From Greek mythology?” Kate asks, shifting down and stepping hard on the gas. The Bug lurches, jumps, the sucking softness of the ground dragging it back even as it strains to speed forward. “The Furies?”
“Yeah, maybe don’t call them that while they’re in earshot,” Margo says, with a glance back over her shoulder and out the rearview window.
“What? Wh- are they?” Kate tosses a frantic glance into the rearview mirror, sees nothing but leaping trees moving in seemingly random patterns. She knows just enough of classical mythology to know that if the Furies are what’s following them, then her initial impression that they’re something to be feared was probably not strong enough.
“Nah,” Margo says, dismissive, and laughs at the look on Kate’s face. “Chill, you’re the jumpiest fucker I’ve met this side of the Milky Way. We’re not bein’ chased by a buncha myths.”
“Then why would you bring them up,” Kate hisses. The sentence has no sibilants in it, but she manages.
“We’re bein’ chased by something way worse,” Margo says, conversationally. “The Greeks called ‘em the Kindly Ones. Shakespeare had Macbeth’s witches. And us -” She pauses, tilting her head sharp to one side to crack her neck. “You ever seen Mean Girls?”
Kate swerves around another tree, hangs a hard left to avoid driving straight off a cliff.
“You’re saying that you’ve been chased across multiple dimensions by the stereotypical nasty popular chicks from every teen dramedy from about 1995 to 2010,” she says. The words fall out of her mouth sounding exhausted, flat.
“Yup. Hang a right here,” Margo says. Kate glances over to give the woman an incredulous look, notices that she’s totally engrossed in fiddling with the silver cube.
“We’ll drive directly off that cliff if I do.”
“I know that,” Margo says. “Now, before we lose our window.”
“So now I’m driving off a cliff to avoid being caught by a two-dimensional bleach-blonde valley girl caricature who might…call me a whale? Insult my hair?” Kate snaps back.  “Yeah, I kinda don’t fucking think so.”
“You were down to ram that Bimmer in front of us, no questions asked,” Margo says, and the words are crisp with annoyance.
“Yeah, see, a monster insurance payment is a little less intimidating than certain death or dismemberment on an alien planet!”
“Fuckin’ pussy,” Margo mutters, and then reaches out and grabs the wheel, giving it a hard yank to the right.
Kate’s heart stutters to a halt in her chest. She tries to wrench the wheel back, but Margo’s clawed hands and skinny arms have a grip that’s like steel and the car’s momentum in the sludgy ground makes it hard to turn. Kate gives the wheel another futile tug anyway, and is rewarded with a piercing look from Margo. She knows, somehow, to her bones, that the old woman would easily cut both her hands off just to make sure she didn’t alter their course off this cliff, and feel not the slightest shred of remorse.
The horizon races up to meet them. The Bug’s front wheels slip over the edge, the undercarriage grinding along the overhang until the back wheels slide free as well. For an instant, the bottom of Kate’s stomach plummets as a feeling of weightlessness overwhelms her –
- then there’s a flash, a sickening lurch, and the Bug thumps about a half-inch down onto an underpass and takes off like a rocket, the smooth, hard pavement under its wheels finally giving it traction. Kate’s jolted, but not hurt; more just startled and shaken and feeling like she’s drunk six or seven large coffees in a row.
“Now what did we learn?” Margo says, smug, from the passenger seat, and Kate brushes hair out of her eyes to get a better look at her, lounging against the seat like nothing had happened. “Trust me. I know what the fuck I’m doing.”
Kate opens her mouth to speak, can’t find anything to say. She shuts her mouth again, shakes her head, bangs the flat of her hand against the steering wheel. The horn beeps, once, startling both of them.
Kate takes the nearest exit, pulling off onto the shoulder once she’s sure she’s not going to get run down by trucks coming off the overpass. The Bug rolls to a halt, and she kills the engine, ignoring the pucker of annoyance in the middle of Margo’s forehead and her protest that she never told Kate to pull off.
Kate takes a deep breath, composing herself, and slowly trying to pry her clenched fingers off of the steering wheel. They don’t seem to want to move.
“You need to get out of my car,” she hears herself saying, without looking away from the windshield. There’s a chip in it she hadn’t noticed – unless it’s started raining.
“Excuse me?”
“Out. Of my car.” When Margo makes no immediate move towards the door, Kate pointedly clicks the ‘unlock’ button.  
“Whoa, what brought this on?”
“You made me drive off a fucking cliff,” Kate says, still staring at the chip – unless it’s a raindrop. “I don’t know who the fuck you are. I don’t know why you decided to pick on me. I don’t really care. I am done with this bullshit, okay? I am done with – with leaping trees and alternate dimensions and mythical mean girls and resurrected extinct species and the whole fucking mess! I am a graduate paleobiology student, not some kind of – of fucking space wizard’s apprentice! My life is normal! And it’s hard enough as it is without all this – this - high-concept sci-fi bullshit!” She bangs her hand on the steering wheel again, and the horn gives another short, sharp, unnecessarily cheery beep.
“Whoa,” Margo says, holding up both hands, palms out, in Kate’s direction, like she’s expecting her to lash out. “Somebody’s grumpy.”
“Get out of my car,” Kate repeats.
“Fine.” Margo reaches out, tugging on the door handle. The door cracks open, letting in a breath of chilly air that swirls uncomfortably around Kate’s ankles. “Try to do a girl a favour, yeesh.”
“You have a very, very skewed definition of the word ‘favour’,” Kate says.
“Whatever. ‘s not like I had to bring you along, I coulda just taken your car. But I figured you’d get a kick outta seeing the world behind the curtain. Figured you were clever, and curious. Thought you thought for yourself.” Margo shoves the door the rest of the way open. “But I guess you’d rather just be normal.”
“Yeah, I actually don’t think of that as an insult. And you’re still in my car,” Kate snaps. Margo sticks out her tongue – which, Kate is unsurprised to see, has a barbell through it – and swings her legs out of the open door. She looks back over her shoulder to fire one last parting shot at Kate, who has almost completely succeeded in tuning her out.
“Fine. Looks like we’ve shaken ‘em anyway -”
She stops, the rest of her sentence dying on her tongue. Kate can instantly tell why. She hasn’t heard anything, hasn’t seen anything – hell, nothing at all has indicated that they’re not alone here on the side of the road. And yet.
The crawling feeling up her spine is familiar, the same sick shudder as the first time she’d gone to the pool and realized that other kids were laughing and whispering, looking in her direction, falling silent when she came near only to break into uncontrollable giggles when she passed. The same sinking sensation as when her friends had invited her to go shopping with them – at a store that only ran up to a size 6. The same crushing sense of being pinned in place as when she’d finally, finally cut off all her long hair and her mother had taken one look at her, feeling delighted and light and free, and asked sadly what she thought she had going for her now.
The same hot, tight feeling that talking with Marcia Ledbetter tonight had left her with.
It doesn’t come as any real surprise, then, when a perfectly-manicured hand, too flawlessly smooth and unblemished to be quite real, clamps down hard on Margo’s shoulder.
“Margie,” the eerily perfect blonde says, through teeth like a string of little white pearls, her ocean-coloured eyes flicking up in Kate’s direction for only the skin of a second before turning, dismissively, away. “Long time no see. Have you been staying out of trouble?”
She laughs at her own joke, and two more voices join in from behind Kate. Kate spins, to find the blonde’s redheaded and dark-haired counterparts smiling winningly and emptily at her as the redhead swings open the driver’s side door. Gentle but inexorable hands pull Kate out of the car, despite her resistance, like she’s nothing more than a recalcitrant cat.
“Where’d you pick up this stray, Margie?” the blonde asks, looking Kate over head to toe with the kind of laser focus that makes Kate suddenly and acutely aware of the way her hair has fallen out of anything remotely resembling a style, the way her dress is folded up at the hem and the spreading stains under her arms, Wanda’s makeup melting down her face.
Margo’s stare over the top of the Bug, as the blonde hauls her out of it, is cutting. “I didn’t ‘pick her up’. She ain’t mine. She wants nothin’ to do with me.”
“Well, we can’t always get what we want,” the blonde says, her voice dripping with mocking, insincere sympathy. “Now move it. The Argument’s waiting.”
The way the Mean Girls move between dimensions is different from Margo’s. Kate watches for any sign of a silvery box, or any other device that might be what’s moving them, but she doesn’t see anything that looks like it. It just seems like the blonde tosses her hair, and they’re somewhere else.
‘Somewhere else’ is a little dimmer than the side of the road, the flaring flame-colours of the sunset giving way to a cool, eerie blue-green light that seems to be emanating from the pale stone of the ceiling that arches at least two storeys overhead. The Mean Girls hustle Kate and Margo along the hall before Kate has a chance to really take the place in, the blonde leading as the brunette and the redhead bring up the rear, pinning Kate and Margo between them.
“What is this place?” Kate asks, watching the pillars pass by overhead. Art Deco, she figures, mixed with a little Vernean futurism. The softly-glowing stone looks almost translucent, like the verdigris-coloured light is gently beaming through it from somewhere behind. The bronze detailing around the pillars is a nice touch.
Nobody answers her question, but the brunette takes the time to give Kate a look like Kate’s just asked if she can go out with the most popular boy in school, and make a disgusted clicking noise at the back of her throat.
“The whole Argument, huh?” Margo’s saying, and Kate turns her attention back to the building they’ve found themselves in. The stone under their feet rings with each step, the high, empty space echoing with the sound. “Wow, this’s gotta be some kinda big deal, to drag ‘em all out here in between Ladies’ Nights Out.”
She doesn’t get any more response than Kate did, but she doesn’t stop talking, her flat, sarcastic slur filling up the echoing silence. “So what’m I gettin’ hauled into the principal’s office for today? Not the Belthazar smuggling job, that one was over more’n five galactic cycles ago and helped get badly-needed ammonia to the Venusians, it was practically a humanitarian mission. Maybe that prince on Caramis? I already told the police I had nothing to do with that, it was a total coincidence we were both in the same ixval den that night -”
“Nobody cares, Margie,” the redhead says, rolling her eyes. Margo bristles like a hedgehog.
“Margo. Margo Brown. Get it right.”
“Whatever, Margie,” the brunette says, and she and the redhead both titter behind their hands. Kate just barely manages to resist rolling her own eyes.
“Sure, okay, Jessica,” Margo says, short. “You know, your eyebrows are looking a little asymmetrical there.”
The brunette’s eyes flick up, nearly crossing as her brow creases in worry and she raises both hands to her temples. Then she seems to realise what she’s doing, and the worry turns into a glare that she turns on Margo like a laser beam.
“At least I have two separate eyebrows,” she says, in a way that Kate can only describe as ‘snottily’. “What was your mother again? A sasquatch?”
The redhead snickers.
Margo half-shrugs one shoulder. Her expression is blank, unperturbed.
“Girls,” the blonde says, warningly, and both the redhead and the brunette toss their hair and turn back to face her back, though not before the brunette throws a vicious glare in Margo’s direction.
The massive hallway eventually ends, leading into a lower-ceilinged corridor lined with ornate doors. Every one of them looks different, some plain metal doors, some fake-woodgrain with fake-brass plaques and names inscribed on them, some real solid wood with real brass plaques, some elaborately carved and dark as though they’ve been sunk in a bog for ten thousand years, some with intricately wrought iron screens, one or two sliding glass doors, and one revolving door that swishes automatically into motion when Kate, Margo, and the Mean Girls pass by. None of them look at all aesthetically consistent with the corridor, its eerie underwater light and carved embellishments, or the tangle of coppery pipes and cranks and gears that coil, like a nest of snakes, along the ceiling overhead. It doesn’t take Kate long to realise that one pipe connects to the top of every door.
As they pass by a door with an arched stained-glass window overtop, a flat black stripe on the pipe leading down into its trim suddenly lights up, a vivid Mediterranean blue-green. The blonde steers their little convoy to the left, away from the door, as it swings open and a woman steps through. Her blonde beehive is perfectly coiffed, her cat’s-eye glasses bright red and bejewelled, and it takes Kate a moment to look past the superficialities and realise her face is familiar.
“Was that -” Kate starts to ask, as the woman turns and starts to stride down the corridor towards the massive hall they’d first arrived in.
“Me,” Margo interrupts, sounding bored. “One of these dimensions’ version of me, anyway. Off-brand me.” She sounds proud of the joke, so Kate doesn’t laugh.
“I thought having two of a person in the same dimension would cause your molecules to fuse and the whole multiverse to collapse in on itself.”
“Where’d you get that dumbass idea? I said if you did a jump and landed in the same place as yourself, everything would explode, not if you shared a dimension with another you. Hell, that’d really put a crimp in my style.”
Kate chooses to ignore this.
“Where are we, anyway?” she asks, looking back down the corridor of doors behind them to see if she can catch any others about to open.
Margo doesn’t sound at all impressed – in fact, she sounds downright pissed off. “Peggy’s place.”
“It’s Margaret, actually.”
Kate spins.
The woman standing at the end of the corridor of doors, leaning against the railing of a little balcony, is instantly unmistakable. From the top of her short, stylish silver hairdo to the tips of her sensible low-heeled leather pumps, she looks – well, Kate’s first thought is that she looks like a banker. Prim and proper, attractive in a way that doesn’t call undue attention to her, professional and businesslike. Put-together.
And yet, even with her carefully-plucked brows and silver-screen-perfect makeup, the faces are identical. And there’s something in the jut of her hip and the cross of her arms, the slight hint of frown drawing her silvery brows together, the angle of her upper lip and the cold intelligence in her strangely pale eyes –
“Margaret Brown,” she says, her gaze settling for a moment on Kate, who can’t help but feel she’s being laser x-rayed by it, before turning to Margo. “I know how much you hate being called by the wrong nickname, Margie. I’d thank you to extend me the same courtesy.”
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seagull-astrology · 1 year
J69 The New Astrology and Belle Bart
Belle Bart, not the Borscht Belt comedienne Belle Barth, who is the predominant search item when looking for the astrologer, is number 69 on the Jones hit parade. He peppers his 1000 nativities with astrologers and esotericists for as Kent McClung of the Hyperion symbols, said when I mentioned this, “Who else would remember them?” Well the late Donna Cunningham, herself an astrologer,did. She had…
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Astrology (a Targeted Primer for Football Fans)
This is a master post of astrology-related FAQ and terminology designed for people who come to this blog as football fans and don’t know a lot about astro. Most of the terminology section will be too elementary for anyone who comes to this blog as an astrology aficionado, but astrology aficionados should skim the FAQ.
Please feel free to use the Ask box if you have a question, especially about a specific term. If necessary, I’ll add to this primer.
Q. What is the point of all this? 
A. Much to my surprise, I’ve found astrology to be an effective tool that helps me better understand the needs of my nearest and dearest. I am also fascinated by astrology’s uncanny ability to help me analyze why certain people, moments, and objects capture a group’s attention, adoration, or scorn. My primary purpose here is to analyze the football friendships that have captured fans’ imaginations in order to understand 1) why these players click so well and 2) why fans respond so strongly to these partnerships in particular. 
Q. [non-astro FAQ] I notice you usually refer to these as “partnerships,” “friendships” or “bromances.” Care to elaborate on your word choices? 
A. For many reasons, including my private nature and my experience of my own sexuality, I dislike referring to a partnership as a romance if the people involved have not elected to call it that. However, I understand others see it differently, and I never preclude the possibility that some of these partnerships have romantic elements that the individuals involve do not wish to disclose. I try to use language that is inclusive enough to encompass a variety of meanings. 
On a semi-related point, I totally reject the idea of The One (soulmates, whatever). Just because Player X and Player Y help complete one another does not mean that only Player X and Player Y complete one another. In other words, please don’t use these analyses as ammo to attack anyone--spouses, other players--who “threatens” your OTP.
Q. Back to your first answer--I notice you didn’t talk about using astrology to predict things. I thought that was one of its purposes. What gives?
A. In my experience, astrology is great at pinpointing significant times in the native’s life and much shakier about explaining the why. In general, using timing techniques makes me uncomfortable because I don’t like saying, “this date doesn’t look good but I can’t tell you why.”
Q. Why are you always harping on about exact birth data?
A. Exact birth data is required for a complete analysis, as well as most timing techniques. While it is possible to do a lot of meaningful analysis of a chart that doesn’t have exact birth data, there are always limits. I always try to be very clear about those limits when they present themselves in a particular analysis.
Q. It seems like you do mostly synastry and don’t use composites. Wouldn’t composite charts be better since they help us understand how others outside a relationship perceive it?
A. Again, even if I wanted to, I couldn’t. No exact birth data. That said, I’m one of those folks who has never gotten useful results from composites. However, if I ever happen to analyze a partnership where exact birth data is available for both individuals, I’d be happy to let someone who gets results with composites do a guest post. 
Q. Sometimes your writing gets a little...involved. Why?
A. This is where I plead amateurism as an excuse. Many of the partnerships I analyze are ones that speak to me in part because the players involved share commonalities with my own horoscope. So yes, there will be moments where I project to try and convey the full meaning and impact of an astrological aspect...and moments where I project because the players involved are really special to me. Obviously I’m not perfect, and I reserve the right to edit my analyses if I re-read them and decide, “This was a bit much.”
In order to save space, I direct all of you to CafeAstrology if you are really new to astrology and want to learn more about the basic meanings of the planets, signs, and houses. The terms I list below are ones that frequently tend to pop up in the type of analysis I do on this blog.
Angles A term that is generally used to refer to the 1st/7th house axis and the 4th/10th house axis. In general, when people talk about “the angles,” they’re usually referring to the Ascendant (1st house cusp) and the Midheaven (10th house cusp). The 4th house cusp is usually just called the IC (for Imum Coeli) or Nadir. The 7th house cusp is the Descendant.
Ascendant The Ascendant is the cusp of the first house. It is an extremely important astrological point, as it represents the ‘mask’ the native presents to the world. When a person doesn’t seem like a typical representative of their Sun sign, it’s generally because they strongly exhibit their Ascendant instead. 
Aspect When two planets form certain angles in the horoscope, they are said to be in aspect. Aspects can be harmonious or challenging. On this blog, I will generally use the following aspects: the conjunction, the sextile, the square, the trine, and the opposition. All those aspects have an entry on this list.
Aspect pattern When more than two planets or sensitive astrological points make aspects to one another, sometimes patterns emerge in the horoscope. Common aspect patterns (all with entries on this list) include the Grand Cross, T-square, Bucket, and Magic Rectangle.
Bucket pattern This is an aspect pattern where a number of key planets are clustered one one side of the horoscope, with only one planet or point on the opposing side (that is called the singleton or the handle). The singleton has a lot of work to do, as it has to single-handedly balance the energy of the chart. If the native can master the singleton, there can be great success, as we see in the example of Pep Guardiola.
Conjunction An aspect formed when two astrological points are nine degrees apart or less. The two points do not have to be in the same sign. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo has Jupiter at 29 Capricorn and Mercury at 6 Aquarius. Even though the planets are in different signs, they are only 7 degrees apart, so they are in conjunction. The closer the aspect, the more powerfully it manifests. Numerous factors, such as house placement and the planets involved, determine whether the conjunction functions harmoniously or not.
Grand Cross An aspect pattern involving opposition and square aspects. Planet A is square Planet B and opposes Planet C, which itself is square Planet D. Planet D opposes Planet B. This aspect generates a tremendous amount of energy flow that often creates an overwhelming drive in the native. However, because of the inherent stress of the square and opposition aspects, it is likely that the native will go through low points due to being unable to handle the constant tension. 
Magic Rectangle An aspect pattern involving trine and sextile aspects. Planet A is sextile Planet B, which is trine Planet C, which is sextile Planet D, which is trine Planet A. This is considered a fortunate aspect pattern that allows the native to know a lot of ease in life, as the rectangle energizes the sometimes languid trine/sextile aspects, but the fact that the MR features trines and sextiles instead of squares and oppositions like Grand Cross makes it less likely to go haywire. For an illustration of what a Magic Rectangle looks like in a horoscope, check out Lukas Podolski’s. 
Midheaven The Midheaven is the 10th house cusp. It represents the highest point in the chart and is thus associated with one’s social standing, reputation, and success with the public. 
Opposition When two planets form a 180 degree angle in the horoscope (+/- 9 degrees), they are in opposition. This is considered a challenging aspect.
Orb It’s rare to have planets that are exactly 120 degrees or 90 degrees apart, etc. To measure whether or not two planets make a close enough aspect for it to “count,” we look at the orb, or the difference between the actual angle two planets make and the ideal angle required for an aspect. For example, Robert Lewandowski’s Mars and Neptune are 94 degrees apart, while a perfect square is 90 degrees. Thus we say he has Mars square Neptune with a 4 degree orb. I have listed the orbs I used in the entries for the individual aspects. Sextile When two planets form a 60 degree angle (+/- 5 degrees), they are in sextile. This is considered a harmonious aspect.
Square When two planets form a 90 degree angle (+/- 7 degrees), they are square. This is considered the most challenging aspect, all other things being equal. However, many successful people have squares in their charts, as squares generate a lot of energy.
Stellium When four or more planets or points are in one sign, that is a stellium. Eric Dier has a pronounced stellium in Capricorn.
T-square Perhaps the most difficult aspect pattern, a T-square happens when Planet A and B sit in opposition and are both squared by Planet C. Steven Gerrard has at least one and possibly two T-squares. This is a frustrating aspect pattern because, unlike the Grand Cross, there is no outlet for the energy. The squaring planet simply interferes with the exchange of energy from the opposing planets. This aspect pattern often creates natives who have a strong need for others to complete them.
Trine When two planets make a 120 degree angle (+/- 7 degrees), they make a trine aspect. The trine is considered the most powerful of the harmonious aspects.
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A Meditation on the (True) Legacy of Coretta Scott King
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I just finished reading a really interesting article about the late great Coretta Scott King (link below). I decided to look up her double-A rated natal chart on Astro.com and write a little something something to kick off the first weekend of Black History Month:
Mrs. Scott King had a Taurus Sun (in the 8th house ruling her 11th house); a Pisces Moon (in the 6th house ruling her Midheaven/10th house); and a Libra ascendant.
With Libra rising, Venus in Gemini in the 9th house is the chart ruler (and the ruler of her Taurus Sun).  Mrs. Scott King was an accomplished singer, which was a very important part of her identity, but something that she had to scale back to keep the peace in her marriage (Libra).  
Libra rising also speaks clearly to her beauty and grace, of course, but with Venus in Gemini in the 9th house, we expect to see someone who loved traveling and writing and advanced study.  In fact, Mrs. Scott King studied at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, where she received a bachelor in music degree.  In addition, she traveled extensively during her lifetime as part of her work as an activist.
Two things struck me instantly about her chart:  It has a loose "bucket" aspect pattern, with Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius (in the 3rd house of early learning, neighbors and siblings, ruling the 4th house of family, roots, "the end of the matter) as the "handle."  
Saturn in Sagittarius retrograde is someone who sees the future and is very outspoken about social and religious issues, but in doing so, inadvertently challenges the status quo (the father, authority figures) and pays a heavy price for it, in life and after death.  This passage from the Guardian article sums up it up quite nicely:  "Stripped of their long histories of activism and their continuing critiques of American injustice, both Parks and Scott King were held up and honored as self-sacrificing mother figures for a nation which uses their deaths for a ritual of national redemption."
Most of the remaining planets in Scott King's chart are engaged in this "bucket" aspect pattern, except for the elusive Neptune, retrograde in Leo in the 11th house (ruling her 6th house which holds the Pisces moon, Jupiter in Pisces - the dispositor of her Saturn rx in Sag - and Uranus in Aries) and transformative Pluto in Cancer in the 10th house (ruling her 2nd house of personal resources and values). 
I always thought Mrs. King had a regal bearing that can't be explained by that Libra ascendant, and it's clear why, with the ruler of her Moon in the sign of Leo.  With her Neptune in the path of the transiting North Node in Leo over the past year or so, it makes sense that a powerful rewriting of her story has emerged to challenge our collective "understanding" of her life.  She was definitely way more than a wife, and a mother; her peace/antiwar activism not only had a huge influence on the civil rights movement, but on her husband.  Where he wavered, she stood strong, a idealistic lioness ready to fight for what was right.
Pluto in Cancer in the 10th house (with Mars in Cancer TIGHTLY conjunct the Midheaven!!) speaks to the unspeakable acts of violence and harassment that she and her family (of birth and the one that she made with Dr. King) had to endure throughout her life - many of which were state sanctioned, public and cowardly (Mars does not do well in Cancer, and can be passive aggressive, and quite toxic).  Astro.com also reports that she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer toward the end of her life.
Despite the challenges presented by the heavy planets of Saturn, Neptune and Pluto in her chart, Scott King persisted and her legacy lives on through all of us who desire and work earnestly toward peace, justice and equality for all.
By the way:  It's not shown on the wheel, but if you check out the aspect grid, you'll notice that Mrs. Scott King’s Chiron is placed in the early degrees of Taurus in the 7th house.  Astrologer Jessica Davison writes about natal Chiron in Taurus:  "...The wound is to your sense of self-worth and body which may manifest in the following ways: Deep insecurity rooted in the body; Fear of the loss of safety and security; Find it hard to trust in the abundance of life; Holding on and clinging to possessions and/or people; Tendency to devalue yourself and life in general; Avoidance of risk; Cautious with money and materialistic." The struggle for Mrs. Scott King was real, and felt in her body, but her gifts and contributions to the world were profound and helped influence several generations of (Black) women striving for excellence. 
"I am not a symbol, I am an activist: The Untold Story of Coretta Scott King”:  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/feb/03/coretta-scott-king-extract
Chart data:  https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/King,_Coretta_Scott 
Chiron in Taurus:  https://jessicadavidson.co.uk/2015/04/30/natal-chiron-in-taurus/
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matewayer-blog · 7 years
HP 250 G4 Bargain Laptop
Welcome to a Biomedical Battery specialist of the HP Laptop Battery
Small businesses have a number of choices these days when it comes to outfitting employees with affordable computers. HP has thrown another option into the ring with its 250 G4, an affordable budget laptop that comes with a full-fat Intel Core processor that's more capable of handling business applications compared to others in its price range.
It can be picked up for as little as £224 (around US$269) online, which places it squarely in budget territory and even on an even footing with Chromebooks and low-end 2-in-1 devices.
In terms of its design with battery like HP HSTNN-LB6V Battery, HP 246 G4 Notebook PC Battery, HP 256 G4 Notebook PC Battery, HP 14g-ad004TX Battery, HP TPN-Q132 Battery, HP 15g-ad007TX Battery, HP 15q-aj006TX Battery, HP 15q-aj105TX Battery, HP Pavilion 15-ac166TX Battery, HP Pavilion 15-ac196TX Battery, HP Pavilion 15-ac636TX Battery, HP ProBook 450 G2 Battery, the 15.6-inch 250 G4 looks like a budget offering. That's not saying much these days, with bargain bucket devices such as HP's own Stream 11 and Stream 14 bringing a splash of color to the low-end. Howeverr, the 250 G4 really is clad in black plastic from head-to-toe (or lid to keyboard base). HP has attempted to make it look less boring by giving the black base a thatched diamond effect, which is repeated in a silver mesh pattern on the lid, but it doesn't prevent the machine from looking dull.
Even at the low-end, laptop makers have reduced the travel of their device's keyboards - and the 250 G4 is no exception. Its chiclet-spaced keys are of a decent size and typing is as pleasurable and fast as you will experience on a laptop in this price category. There's a roomy trackpad underneath that refrains from sticking as you scroll across it, and is paired with click buttons that both feel and sound cheap to use.
There's not much to shout about where the G410's display is concerned. Its lowly pixel-resolution of 1,366 x 768 is too cramped for multi-tasking and makes it difficult to pin apps or browsers side-by-side to use simultaneously. However, this is compensated somewhat by the display's high peak brightness which makes it easy to read websites, menus and labels without eye fatigue.
Horizontal viewing angles are average at best due to the TN panel used, and vertical ones are even worse. Color saturation and contrast is sufficient for everyday web browsing and general use, but you would be better off hooking up a desktop monitor for image editing.
The good news is that you can at least hook up the G410 to an external display using either the VGA or HDMI port build along the left-hand edge. They're accompanied by an ethernet port, two USB 2.0 ports, in addition to an optical drive, another USB port and an SDcard slot.
A low-resolution display is the all that mars an otherwise impressive package here. It's rare that you'll get an Intel Core-series processor lurking in a laptop like the HP 250 G4, and that alone means that businesses should at least consider it for workers who undertake certain tasks. It's not the prettiest or lightest 15-inch laptop out there, and users will need to hook it up to an external display for working with multiple applications or browser windows side-by-side.
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gg-astrology · 5 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could talk about your chart ruler being a singleton. Chart rulers and singletons are both supposed to be very powerful, correct? So is it twice as powerful if your chart ruler is a singleton? My chart ruler is Mercury and it's the only planet in an air sign.
Hey there! ❤️💕
Expansion on Singletons - Different types ⬇️
🚫long post 🚫
*it doesnt exist in a vacuum 
Firstly, I blinked twice at the ‘twice as powerful’ comment bc generally, with your chart ruler – the idea is that it’ll shade/tones your chart, thats why we look at it. We call it the chart ruler because we want to see what is part of the ‘dominant’ in the chart. This is across the board for everyone as well. Chart ruler says a lot about you, but it’s also like a little blurb so you can actually dig into the story later. Reading the blurb isnt the same as having read the whole book. Hopefully, it’s not like that for you (and youre a good book).  
So let’s examine each component carefully– the chart ruler is doing what it’s supposed to be doing, giving you a look at what it is that is ‘dominant’ in your chart. Singletons can give you insights onto what effects you and how you work. It’s a component where you have to examine what it does and why we function the way we do.  For reference– for anyone else curious about singletons – you can have different kinds of singletons as well. Not just elemental ones, but ones by modality, orientation on the chart, polarity or orientation of the signs too. 
Say for example, I have a bucket chart. A cluster of placements on one side, and a planet that’s oriented on the opposite. That’s also a singleton. You can have more than one as well, say I have fixed and mutable placements – there’s only one Capricorn sun that’s cardinal. And the Aquarius Mercury is the only air sign I have in my chart. There’s a wide range of reference point for singleton– if you want to give it a look and figure yourself out as well! ❤️💕 
With that said, sometimes things aren’t the same for everyone’s singleton. Say there’s a Virgo Mars on my 10th, but I have a Sag, Cap, Aqua, Pisces cluster on the other. I could consider the Virgo Mars a singleton– the way I’d understand it is in reference to a bucket chart handle – which is that the singleton works to motivate, drive and access everything else in my Sag,Cap,Aqua,Pisces cluster against it before I take action with anything. Everything I do is somewhat tinted by this Virgo Mars in 10th. Because that’s how I’d delineate a bucket chart, with the singleton in context (always in reference to the planet that its in).
On the other hand, I could also look at this Aquarius Mercury I have and see it as a singleton. It isn’t a singleton by orientation– it’s conjunct to my Capricorn placements and it forms a stellium essentially. So immediately, if I was doing a bucket chart delineation I wouldn’t have picked it up to talk about it on there (not in that context). But it is the only placement I have that is in air. This singleton’s context is different. What other aspect is it making? Aquarius Mercury (some people) consider to be exalted. Its’ conditions is usually good enough, the signs expression working with the will of the planet. This elemental singleton is squared to my moon (amongst other aspects its making), I overthink my feelings a lot, sometimes having problems with my subconscious and accepting it. This is a different delineation for a different singleton context.  
To actually answer your question, look at it’s component individually first. Carefully examine it. There’s a lot you can get from just researching deeper into singleton. Assuming from your air mercury –carefully observe how it’s working within your chart. Maybe it’s the only one from it’s modality and element, maybe it’s in the orientation of the sign/placement on chart. A singleton can be singletons in many different ways, or even just one way. The way we delineate it depends on what we’re putting it against. As it can show what we should do with it, or where it fits in the overall scope of things.
You can have a bucket handle in the same element of another placement and still consider it a singleton because of the context. That Virgo is trine to the Capricorn placements, but it’s oriented in a time/space on the chart that is working differently. In the context of this, delineating within the context of houses/chart patterns can be helpful.
An air mercury being the only air placement you have in your chart – against say pre-dominantly earth-fire based placements. Will have to be looked at against where the placement is (houses) what aspect it may be making, what the overall placement is doing in your chart. Figuring out the context walls and what you’re putting it up against is the hardest part. And since we’re dealing with a single placement that is in an element that is rare in the chart, also observing where the other air signs rule certain houses in your chart is also part of the contextualizing prep work. 
These are somethings to consider, since you’re trying to move on from the blurb into the actual story - not the other way around? If that makes sense? Sometimes the blurb just has quotes from others, so we’re trying to dig into the meat of the book, not the book summary at the back.
Anyways I hope this is kind of helpful ❤️💕 ❤️💕  Thank u for sending a great q in! ❤️💕  I hope this is good! ❤️💕  And i hope it helps those who might find themselves having singletons in their charts as well ❤️💕    
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Authorize Of The Clairvoyant.
Among the best things about Halloween is that live4younow.De you can be any person or thing for a few hrs, and nobody assumes that is actually unusual or wonderful. Although that couldn't be looked at off The United States, this was transmitted online for those who could not view that. Shepherd's Crossing is definitely one of the far better Harvesting Moon duplicates on call and is definitely worth your money and time. However, I perform understand there will definitely be room for lots of business making a major splash in an industry that goes off zero to a lot of billions over a short opportunity frame. That is actually a truth that more little ones are born upon the evenings of a full moon compared to every other evenings from the year. Some astrologist's point out that specific moon patterns are responsible for nourishing the passion you give as well as acquire; that the moon affects how attached or even detached you end up being, which it figures out just how much unhappiness you'll feel during the course of mental occasions. Therefore, our experts perform just what every cozy blooded all American would certainly do, as well as go ahead to our favored car aftermarket devices internet outlet and also find some our team like! Conclude your Gemini New Moon Ritual with a basic request of many thanks and welcome the nurturing assistance of those which enjoy you both incarnate as well as dis-incarnate to help you with your dreams becoming truth. Adridada: Your Libra asc is owning you crazy in this particular circumstance, and also Moon in Pisces has a terrific inclination toward depression, as well as any type of human on the planet can barely reside gladly along with the range and the enigma of your situation. This takes place a few times a year, having said that generally when our company refer to supermoons, it is when the moon remains in its own full stage during the night and our company can observe that. This time, it is a dark incredibly moon due to the fact that photo voltaic eclipses just happen during the new moon phase. The Moon is uncommon given that the various other rough worlds in the Planetary system either have no ancillaries (Mercury as well as Venus ), or even have little satellites that are actually possibly captured asteroids (Mars ). In fact, there are actually hundreds of complimentary web page layouts to select from consisting of themes which are made for world wide web choices in profiles. Yet as William Least Heat Moon records Blue Freeways, Monotony lies just along with the visitor's limited perception and his failing to discover heavily good enough." I passed acre after acre from sunflowers, their seedless heads soaking in desolate meekness like the marching ranks from a beat soldiers. Among other points, he saw that the Moon was actually not an excellent sphere it goes without saying however had scars as well as mountains, and also the Sun had sunspots. If the handle does not exist in the HOSTS documents, the browser is going to talk to the consumer's ISP DNS web server for the web handle and the moment gotten are going to route the individual to the site. Citation needed The effect that developed the Moon might additionally have launched plate tectonics, without which the multinational shell would certainly deal with the whole world, leaving no area for nautical crusting citation needed This is achievable that the large scale mantle convection must drive plate tectonics could possibly not have arised in the absence of crustal inhomogeneity. And - eliminate me - those Karvachauth series when the idol takes a look at the moon via the filter and also the dapperly hero action in the framework merely in the scar from opportunity to merge her religion that theirs is janam janam ka saath have actually invariably resulted in me excavating my head deep in popcorn buckets.
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