#Belle Bart Astrologer
seagull-astrology · 1 year
J69 The New Astrology and Belle Bart
Belle Bart, not the Borscht Belt comedienne Belle Barth, who is the predominant search item when looking for the astrologer, is number 69 on the Jones hit parade. He peppers his 1000 nativities with astrologers and esotericists for as Kent McClung of the Hyperion symbols, said when I mentioned this, “Who else would remember them?” Well the late Donna Cunningham, herself an astrologer,did. She had…
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omnistpilgrim · 3 years
I've resolved to study and re-read more spiritual texts this year (starting 2022), and share quotes I like. (note that this isn't meant to be a list of recommendations, just a record. not all of these have been spiritually edifying to me.) List of what I've read so far:
Anglicanism/ Episcopalianism
The Book of Common Prayer
The Dhammapada- translation by Eknath Easwaran
Peace is Every Step- Thich Nhat Hanh
Radical Acceptance- Tara Brach
The Faith Explained- Leo J Trese
Theology For Beginners- Frank Sheed
True Devotion to Mary- Louis de Montfort
The Modern Saints- Gracie Morbitzer
The Secret of the Rosary- Louis de Montfort
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
This is My Body, This is My Blood- Bob & Penny Lord
Good News About Sex & Marriage- Christopher West
The Story of A Soul- St Therese of Lisieux
Christianity (general)
The New Testament
The Screwtape Letters- CS Lewis
The Heart of Christianity- Marcus J Borg
God Can't- Thomas J Oord
Mere Christianity- CS Lewis
The Wisdom Jesus- Cynthia Bourgeault
The Universal Christ- Richard Rohr
The Case For Christ- Lee Strobel
The Great Divorce- CS Lewis
Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul- John Philip Newell
Searching for Sunday- Rachel Held Evans
Unlearning God- Phillip Gulley
Saving Jesus From the Church- Robin R Meyers
Christianity (biblical analysis)
Inspired- Rachel Held Evans
What is the Bible? - Rob Bell
The Uncensored Bible- Kaltner, Kilpatrick, & McKenzie
The Gay Gospels- Keith Sharpe
The Bible Doesn't Say That- Joel M Hoffman
The Sins of Scripture- John Shelby Spong
Paul and Jesus- James D Tabor
Reclaiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World- John Shelby Spong
Forged- Bart D Ehrman
Jesus, Interrupted- Bart D Ehrman
Zealot- Reza Aslan
Jezebel- Lesley Hazleton
101 Myths of the Bible- Gary Greenberg
Divine Feminine
The Way of the Rose- Clark Strand & Perdita Finn
Missing Mary- Charlene Spretnak
Circle of Mysteries- Christine Lore Weber
The Goddess in the Gospels- Margaret Starbird
Now is the Hour of Her Return- Clark Strand
Waking Up to the Dark- Clark Strand
Wild Mercy- Mirabai Starr
The Woman With the Alabaster Jar- Margaret Starbird
Druidry/ Celtic Paganism
The Book of Hedge Druidry- Joanna van der Hoeven
The Druidry Handbook- John Michael Greer
The Druid Path- John Michael Greer
The Book of Celtic Myths- Jennifer Emmick
Sacred Nature- Karen Armstrong
Filianism/ Déanism
The Gospel of Our Mother God
Hellenistic Paganism
The Iliad- Homer
The Odyssey- Homer
Mythology- Edith Hamilton
The Bhagavad Gita- translation by Barbara Stoler Miller
The Upanishads- translation by Eknath Easwaran
The Complete Illustrated Guide to Hinduism- Rasamandala Das
Hinduism: A Very Short Introduction- Kim Knott
The Qur'an- translation by Abdullah Yusufali
The Tanakh
When Bad Things Happen to Good People- Harold S Kushner
The Book of Mormon
Paganism (general) / Wicca
The Spiral Dance- Starhawk
Paganism- Joyce & River Higgenbotham
Drawing Down the Moon- Margot Adler
The Path of a Christian Witch- Adelina St Clair
Tarot Fundamentals- Sasha Graham
Astrology- Carole Taylor
Tarot Magic- Donald Tyson
Wicca: A Guide For the Solitary Practitioner- Scott Cunningham
Cunningham's Book of Shadows- Scott Cunningham
The Witch's Book of Power- Devin Hunter
The Deep Heart of Witchcraft- David Salisbury
Faith and Practice- Baltimore Yearly Meeting
A Testament of Devotion- Thomas R Kelly
Living the Quaker Way- Philip Gulley
A Quaker Book of Wisdom- Robert Lawrence Smith
Letters to a Fellow Seeker- Steve Chase
Poems from the Sikh Sacred Tradition- Guru Nanak
The Tao Te Ching- translation by Stephen Mitchell
The Tao of Pooh- Benjamin Hoff
Other/ Interfaith/ General Theism
A World of Prayer- edited by Rosalind Bradley
The Interfaith Prayer Book- compiled by Ted Brownstein
God of Love- Mirabai Starr
A New Earth- Eckhart Tolle
How to Believe in God- Clark Strand
Holy Envy- Barbara Brown Taylor
The Power of Now- Eckhart Tolle
Atheism and the Case Against Christ- Matthew S McCormick
Letter to a Christian Nation- Sam Harris
Why I Became an Atheist- John W Loftus
God is Not Great- Christopher Hitchens
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Though they are not spirit communication devices, I’ve become quite enamored with astrological apparatus over the last few years. Some, like planispheres, are important for tracking the actual movements of the planets through the stars. Others, like Belle Bart’s Barascope that makes occasional appearances here, are important for translating those planetary movements into influence for astrological readings, effectively producing an accurate horoscope chart for the user to interpret. Then others, like this 1932 Horoscope Wheel by the Horoscope Sales Company, are just fun and even a little hokey, just providing a generic character reading based on the twelve signs of the zodiac that anyone who has ever asked “What’s your sign?” should already know about themselves. But hey—it’s neat, colorful, and fun—and we could use more of that these days. #astrology #astrologer #zodiac #horoscope #divination #fate #future #fortune #thestarsforetell https://www.instagram.com/p/B7TT-yalXGt/?igshid=3bxesxwj3ed
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seagull-astrology · 1 year
J69 The New Astrology and Belle Bart
Belle Bart, not the Borscht Belt comedienne Belle Barth, who is the predominant search item when looking for the astrologer, is number 69 on the Jones hit parade. He peppers his 1000 nativities with astrologers and esotericists for as Kent McClung of the Hyperion symbols, said when I mentioned this, “Who else would remember them?” Well the late Donna Cunningham, herself an astrologer,did. She had…
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