#Bruno Madrigal x omc
madrigaljail · 2 months
For the 100 drabble thing: 68. Whimper, Jose and Bruno :)
Hookay let's see if I can proper drabble (AUTHOR' NOTE: I cannot, we'll shoot for under a drabble and a half). Sidebar: I have learned I cannot do whump either so let's do some good ol' h/c:
A flailing smack to the face woke Bruno, but it was the mumbling of "no" and "don't" followed by a whimper that roused him fully. In the dark he reached for the hand that struck him and carefully folded it in both of his own.
"José," he said quietly, and began to rub circles into the palm of that hand - cold, poor circulation - with his thumbs. He could just make out José's face, pinched with distress from whatever dreams his mind chose to plague him with. "Querido, i-it's over, you're home, I'm here, we're safe."
Soft voice, slow touches, and soon the nightmare passed and José settled into more restful sleep. As usual it took Bruno longer to do the same: what good was seeing the future if the pain's source was the past?
More whump h/c prompts here!
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applesap-fics · 2 years
Rats are not meant to be on their own. They are social animals. They need members of their own kind to interact with or they get depressed. No amount of comfort can offer the security someone who speaks your own language can. Someone who gets you.
Chapter 5 of my weird aniMadrigal AU is up! Rekindling romance with a slice of grief- or, maybe the other way around.
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sorryiwasasleep · 2 years
Bruno has left behind the Encanto and the Madrigal name. But he never quite shakes the legacy, and when his village is attacked and his family threatened, he steps up.
History rhymes, but doesn’t repeat.
Sustaining an injury only Julieta can heal, his family sets out to bring him back to the Encanto.
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junosaccount · 4 months
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Madrigay Days #1 Discovery
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waitingonavision · 3 months
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Bruno and Moisés in (belated) honor of @madrigaydays: Discovery!
These two can be read as queerplatonic~ Mo is my Encanto OC; he's a Sephardi Jew and a good boi.
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Fic Series
Um, hi! never used Tumblr before to post so this is new!  Just wanted to share a fic series I wrote that’s BrunoxOMC. Imo Steady Walls is the better writing (less hyper fixation and more controlled!)
Main points:  OMC is in his 50′s! 
Love story but with period typical aspects ie homophobia. 
If its not your bag just dont click!
Chapter one of the first story to give you an idea :) 
The shock of events was put to one side in favour of hard work. After being embraced by his family and the town arriving to help rebuild, Bruno quickly found himself lost in the activity of cleaning, clearing and planning; of out with the old and in with the new.
Catching his families eyes, getting soft and shy smiles from his sisters, awkward waves from his oldest nephew and a grinning thumbs up from Mirabel; Bruno felt uncomfortably seen for the first time in a decade. He coped by grabbing a broom, picking up broken house pieces and talking softly to the rats still tucked up inside his ruana.
His mama’s soft voice shocked him upright, and he spun so fast he felt himself get dizzy.
Her gaze still made him feel small and insignificant.
“Bruno, its getting late. We should stop and rest for the night,” Alma took his broom and laid it to the dilapidated wall before holding onto her youngest child’s arm. Bruno nodded and Alma carried on speaking; “The town had been so kind and offered us rooms. I’m sorry my son but we can not all be together…there is not enough space anywhere. Pepa, Felix and Antonio will be staying with the Garcias, Camilo is staying with a friend. Dolores, Luisa and Isa will be with the Lopez, Julieta, Mirabel and Agustin with the Hernandez. Senora Sanchez as a small room for me and Rafeal Dias has a small one for you.”
Bruno felt his blood chill. A stranger. Away from his family? Even when he “disappeared” he was only in the walls – close but not a problem. He had never heard of the Dias family before? Who were they? How long had they been in Encanto? He had missed to much and now he was going to be on his own in a strange place with a strange person –
He was shaken from his thoughts by his mama softly holding his face in both hands and shushing him. Bruno realised he as shaking and muttering. Drawing breath and digging for his smile he gently pulled her hands away with a empty chuckle.
“That’s a great offer but, I’ll be fine out here! Bit of camping, keeping an eye on things. You always said I needed more fresh air – it’ll be great! Besides…I’m probably not the best roomie.” Bruno forced another laugh. His mother’s face remained unchanged.
“You can’t sleep outside in dirty clothes on the ground Bruno. And Rafael is a very nice man – he’s about your age. Please, it’s not forever – just until the casita is rebuilt. You deserve a safe and comfortable place to rest.”
Bruno couldn’t hold the soft and beseeching eyes of his mother. He didn’t know why he bothered to fight. He knew he would give in.
The walk from the ruins of the casita was nerve wracking and Bruno felt his skin was 2 sizes too small. The town was unchanged – same bakery, same school, same church. But everything was so different. Ten years of age and time. His family and their hosts had all walked together to the town square, Mirabel hanging on his and his mama’s arms. The talk was tired, the shock of the day starting to wear down the family Madrigal. Once at the town centre, the family had embraced again (Bruno squashed in the middle) before breaking off with their various hosts. Bruno waved, his smile weak but trying as he watched his family split into their small groups.
“Its just over here – I’m on the edge of town. Less noise and more peace that way.”
Bruno was broken out of his staring by a warm voice, deep and clear. Already feeling awkward, Bruno turned towards the voice and croaked “lead the way”.
The man was taller than him. Skin a little darker and hair shorter and straighter with a streak of grey shooting through the forlock. A handsome face in a soft smile, his shoulders were board and he looked strong and healthy. Bruno felt even more scrawny.
With a tilt of the head, the man turned and started walking down one of the smaller streets. Bruno followed in silence.
“Welcome to your temporary home Senor Madrigal!” Rafael announced with a flourish as he opened the door and walked through.
The house was 2 stories and tidy. A wide living space with a small kitchen peeking though an archway. As Bruno nervously made his way to stand in the living room, Rafael walked into the kitchen, throwing the word “drink?” over his shoulder.
“oh no no no I’m fine,” Bruno called back, twisting his hands and pacing on the spot. His eye spotted pictures on the wall, showing children, women and man. The Dias family. Bruno felt his heart break at the thought of his family elsewhere; of being alone. His hands automatically found a beam and started his routine of knock on wood.
The sudden arm movement caused his pocked to stir and Bruno felt paws climbing up his chest to sit on his shoulder. Smiling genuinely for the first time in hours, Bruno lifted the first rat from his pocket into his hands and softly cooed “hi Gabriella, did I wake you?”.
A movement just out of sight of his friends twitchy nose caught Bruno’s eye and glancing at Rafael, who stood in the archway with a look of surprise at his unexpected guests, Bruno realised how odd this looked.
“Ah, erm, eha yeah sorry about that,” Bruno quickly stuffed his babies back into his pocket, “I err…kinda forgot about them…I could sleep outside with them? We are used to roughing it ain’t we guys, hehe. Yeah erm…I’m sorry about…the rats. Not a great first impression. I’ll just go outside…”
Bruno made to turn and leave, his face burning and his fingers twitching with the need to throw salt into the space to cleanse it of his presence.
“My sister is called Gabriella – for a split second I thought you were talking to her. Come, sit, have a beer.”
Stopping in his step towards the door, Bruno turned slightly and noticed for the first time Rafael was holding two beers in his hands. Catching his eye, Rafael smiled warmly, walking to the table and placing the beer on it before sliding it slightly towards Bruno. He took a seat in the single chair facing the window, gesturing to Bruno to take the longer sofa seat.
“Gabriella hates rats but my nephew loves them. He has been begging his mama for a pet ret since he as 4 but…3 years later, still no little amigo. If he was here you would be his most favourite person in the whole world. How many do you have?”
Bruno blinked. This was…not expected. Turning to the sofa, he sat down and held the beer softly in his hand.
“Umm…5 right now. I think the other guys are out doing their thing…Your nephew sounds like a boy of good taste though. These little guys have been my greatest friends these past few years…loyal too.” Bruno felt the tremble in his voice and took a swing from the bottle to buy time. At the first taste of beer in his mouth he let out a small sigh.
It had been so long since he had had a beer.
“Are they clean?”
Bruno swallowed quickly, nodding and finally turning to face Rafael.
“Oh yeah, these guys are like constantly cleaning. Seriously they are cleaner then me most of the time – no nasty bugs or germs on these guys. They been raised on Julietta’s cooking so they are real healthy too.” Bruno had no idea why he was talking. He wanted to go. But the beer was good and sofa was soft and he was so tired…
He froze when Rafael rose and sat on the other end of the sofa.
“So lets meet them all – I take an interest in all my guests. Besides I would like to tell my sister some good rat stories” Rafael smiled at his again, learning back against the arm rest.
Bruno nodded “er yeah just let me…”
He placed his beer on the table (my beer his mind whimpered) and lifted his ruana to peek in the pockets of the garment and his shirt. As if waiting for the light to open, 5 furry bodies scurried up, tiny feet tracing patterns on his shoulders and arms as they assessed their new surrounding.
“So you met Gabriella – total sweetheart. This one is Ernesto, that one is Raul…
Rafael lay in bed that night thinking.
Bruno Madrigal was a strange man. So nervous and jumpy. He half felt the man was going to run screaming out of the house. Rafael supposed a decade living in walls would do that to a man.
Still the youngest triplet seemed harmless – certainly not the bringer of evil and ill will the town had made him out to be when Rafael had first arrived.
He was just a man – a nervous man, with a love of rats and a very rich and creative imagination (hearing some of the telenovels the rats had preformed for Bruno had Rafael in hysterics). It was sweet how much love and care he had for those small creatures.
He was shy too, catching himself every so often and averting his gaze and his shoulders collapsing into himself. When Rafael had shown him his room and the bathroom to clean up in, Bruno “knocked on wood” on each door, his eyes and smile shameful as Rafael watched him preform the age old routines. He apologised for everything and eventual Rafael had had to take him the shoulders and firmly tell him it was fine – to be himself.
Bruno’s reply was a twisted smile and a soft “sorry – I’m not the best house guest am I?”
“Well the rats vouched for you so I’ll put up with it,” Rafael smiled back. That got a genuine smile from the other man.
He looked good when he smiled. His whole face lit up and his eyes lost their haunted look. Rafael could see a handsome, beautiful man in that smile. Rafael had felt a small flutter at that smile, at those green eyes and soft lips lifted in a sweet arch.
Rafael may have had his arm twisted by the Madrigal Matriarch to take in her youngest son, but Rafael was starting to look forward to company in his empty home. To helping Bruno.
The sweet man who loved rats and was clearly very lonely.
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madrigaljail · 3 months
Rating: M (yeah i did it, maybe)
Bruno had spent most of his life not caring about sex, or relationships, or things related to either, but with a new relationship comes a few new discoveries.
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madrigaljail · 3 months
…they kissed on the corner of A1A and 21st streets, and Bruno was so happy and so distracted that for a moment he forgot he wasn’t just a guy out on a date with his gorgeous man. He didn’t notice the woman with the camera on the opposite corner.
For @madrigaydays prompt "kiss", which was last week. AKA that time celebrity!Bruno took his boyfriend to Miami, forgot he was famous, and they got outed. Modern!celebrity!AU!Bruno/transmac OC, here's a more thorough introduction to Eli.
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madrigaljail · 11 months
Encantober # 15 - Midnight
Oh looks it's the inevitable Brujosé
“Wait,” Bruno said.
They stopped what they were doing, which was making out on a bench in the garden behind the church. Not the best idea and not at all planned, but the kiss goodbye at the end of an evening spent at Casa Martinez had  turned into two, then more once they settled on the bench. The back door of the rectory was steps away, and they should have snuck through it and up the stairs to José’s room but…the air was warm, the moon was bright, they had an awful habit of enabling each other to take risks, and so-
“Everything ok?” José asked. When Bruno asked for a pause it was usually due to being  overwhelmed or uncertain so the question was expected, as was the soft, soothing play of fingertips in his curls. It was nice, the concern was nice, but a flash of moonlight reflected off José’s wristwatch and Bruno shook his head.
“No, yeah, I’m fine, but-” He took hold of José’s hand and pulled it away so he could study the watch’s face. His shoulders slumped. “It’s after midnight.”
José smirked. “Are you going to turn into a pumpkin?”
“Why would…nope, not playing figure-out-the-reference.” He gave José’s hand a squeeze before he let it go, then slid himself down the bench a little to create space between them. “It’s Sunday.”
After a little pause José closed his eyes, nodded, and turned so they were facing the same direction. He folded his hands neatly in his lap, Bruno rubbed a fold of his ruana between his fingers, and it looked for all the world like they’d spent the evening contemplating the sculpture of the Virgen con el Niño which was situated across the path. 
There was a number of things they were putting off talking about, and Bruno knew very, very well that delaying those conversations wouldn’t make them any easier. Soon. They’d sit down, properly, and figure the big things out soon.
Assuming they could keep their hands off each other for five minutes, and that the number of Madrigals who knew about them stayed below critical gossip mass.Don’t think about Mass.
Suddenly, José snorted. 
“Guess I’m the one who turned into a pumpkin.”
The corner of Bruno’s mouth twitched into a smirk.. He didn’t need the context to land the next joke. “That’s too bad. I know you were hoping for a plantain.”
“That’s enough,” José said and shot him a glare, which managed to be intimidating despite the need to bite his lip to keep a straight face. “Go, get thee gone, devil.”
“Alright, alright!” Bruno hopped to his feet, tried to smooth his rumpled clothes, and regarded the priest with a fond smile. “I, ah…this was nice, even if it got cut short.”
“...yes, it was,” José sighed, and appeared to become preoccupied with his hands. “We’ll have to- we’ll make up for it, soon.”
Even without taking a peek into the future, Bruno could feel that tricky conversation coming at them faster now. He nodded. “Yeah, we will. We definitely will. Uh. Goodnight?”
“Goodnight, cariñi- goodnight, Bruno.”
He took the near-slip of the pet name as a sign things would work out, then flipped up his hood and slipped out of the garden as he had on several other nights. He struggled to stay awake in church the next morning, and was pleased to catch José yawning during Flores’ homily.
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madrigaljail · 2 years
I feel you on the burnout. I think I'm there too.
Crack idea: The rats actually go to confession.
The slightly less crack idea: The family trying to organize all of the animal friends that live in Casita for the Feast of Saint Francis (I've been doing research!)
Rat confession rat confession rat confession!
“This is Nodgraedxil-”
Bruno blinked and shook his head. “No, no, that’s Jorge Junior, because of that time he got a thimble stuck on his head when he was a baby.”
“Tío.” The tone in Antonio’s voice was far too close to the disappointed-and-exasperated one Félix used sometimes. “That’s not his real name. And he says you promised not to tell anyone about that again, was that a lie?”
“...technically, I guess?” Bruno looked helplessly at José, who shrugged. 
“I’ll put it on your tab,” the priest muttered, then leaned down to get a closer look at the rat in Antonio’s hands. To his credit he kept his expression neutral; Bruno knew he was not convinced of the little creatures’ charms, which made him agreeing to do this an act of professional courtesy. “And what does, uh, Nadgerd-”
“-have to confess?”
After ruling out the confessional itself they’d opted to do this in the little chapel off the main altar, as it offered both privacy and an appropriate level of formality for the proceedings. Bruno perched on the edge of a pew, José - dressed in his frock and collar - sat on a chair facing him, and between them stood Antonio, who had taken the rat from his uncle and presented him to the priest for absolution.
“He steals berries from Señor Queso because he’s jealous. He wants to play Ratón Pérez in a concert some time. So…he confesses to theft. And envy.”
“I see,” José said gravely. His gaze shifted from the rodent to Bruno and managed to convey exactly how delighted he was by this ridiculous situation, and Bruno felt his heart melt a little. Maybe it wasn’t just professional courtesy. “And is he sorry for what he has done?”
Antonio waggled a finger at Nodgraedxil, who sat up on his haunches and grasped it in his front paws, then nuzzled his fuzzy face against it. The boy hummed. “He says yes, but that he still wants a chance to be Ratón Pérez.”
This particular rat, Bruno knew, had proven difficult to train and simply refused to stay in one spot not matter how much positive reinforcement he received. Still, it was worth another try, so he shrugged and nodded. 
“Alright. Next time, Jorg- Nodgraedxil will have a turn. But only if he stops stealing berries.”
“Yes, he has to…show penitence,” José agreed while failing to keep a straight face. He sat back and cleared his throat. “Nodgraedxil, I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
The humans made the sign of the cross. The rat squeaked and scratched behind his ear with a back foot.
“Can he have a bread snack now?” Antonio asked in a stage whisper.
José thought about this, then folded his hands. “Not right now, but when your tío brings him up to the altar next Mass, he will.”
Bruno’s jaw dropped and he  looked from his nephew to his rat to his…whatever they were, about to protest, but Antotio was beaming at him happily, and José gave him a wink, and he settled back in the pew, sighing.
“Fine. But I’ve got like four more rats in this ruana so you’d better make sure you’ve got enough rodent-sized sacraments to go around.”
“And grape juice!” Antonio enthused. “He says he wants the grape juice too.”
Bruno snorted. “Maybe you can serve it to them in a thimble.”
Nodgraedxil, outraged, leaped over and gave Bruno a reproachful nip on the hand. This caused some swearing, which resulted in a whole new round of confessions.
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madrigaljail · 1 year
HAPPY EASTER have some blasphemy from the docs featuring everyone's(?) favorite(??) idiots. Once again: author gave up Catholicism for Lent once and forgot to pick it up again.
“Forgive me, padre, for I have sinned, it’s been…eh, a few months since my last confession, sorry. I’ve never been good at this, it’s a failing. But! The gaps are getting shorter, like it won’t ever be, y’know, ten years again. Heh.”
“Right, still too soon. A-anyway, where to begin..well, I’ve been doing a bit of lying, but it’s lying by omission, y’know. Oh, the ol’ classic of disobeying my mother; nothing major but I know it still counts. There’s been a couple of parties, and I did engage in revelry, I know that’s frowned upon if it’s…excessive.”
The silence continued, punctuated by a tiny sigh.
“...oh shit, it’s you, isn’t it.”
The obscuring screen slid to the side and yep, yes, there was José, wearing his most dour expression.
“Hello, Señor Madrigal.”
“Padre Guzmán. Ah. I…wasn’t expecting you.”
“I dunno, it’s usually Flores!”
“We’re taking turns, of course we’re taking turns.”
“Right. Obviously.” Bruno stared down at his hands, fretful. “We really should have, I dunno, rehearsed this.”
“No. Absolutely not.”
“Not like that!” 
The silence resumed, more awkward than before.
“Well. At least I already know the more…you don’t need to say anything about the fornication or unnatural desi-”
Bruno boggled at him. “I wasn’t planning to!” he hissed. “That- no, nope, not happening. Do people really confess that stuff? Cuz I can’t imagine.”
“Yes?” Padre Guzmán lifted his eyebrows. “The truly repentant do.”
“Oh. Right.” Then: “Do you? Confess, about all that?”
There was a pause, and he looked upward before drawing a breath and nodding. “I have, yes.”
“...uh huh..” Panic panic panic.
“Not to Flores, God no, but…in the past, I have.”
That sounded significant, and the priest looked troubled. Bruno wanted to follow up on that but before he could Padre Guzmán held up his hand.
“Is there anything more you wish to confess?”
“Ah, no, I’m- that's all.” No regret, no remorse, no repenting. Bruno would ponder the full implications of that later. “So…right, contrition: Lord God, in your goodness have mercy on me: do not look on my sins, but take away all my guilt. Create in me a clean heart and renew within me an upright spirit.”
The priest nodded. “Very well. Pray the rosary to the Fatima Prayer, perform an act of charity, and…oh, do something nice for your mother. I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
They both made the sign of the cross and murmured an amen.
“Thank you, padre,” Bruno said, getting to his feet as the screen slid closed. Then he paused. “Uh. I’ll be over on Tuesday?”
The screen slammed open again and José glared. “Not here, you- a full rosary, including the decades, three acts of charity, and you’re meditating on the mysteries for the next two weeks.”
“Go in peace, Señor Madrigal.” There was another sigh. “I’ll see you on Tuesday.”
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madrigaljail · 2 years
“Ok, ok, yeah, but…d’ya think it’s possible someone might, I dunno, think I’m. That I could be. You know. At…trac…tive?”
Each syllable went up a couple of notes, accompanied by a lift of his eyebrows, and somewhere along the line he’d drawn in on himself, hands worrying the brim of his hat at his chest while he smiled like he was both eager and terrified for the answer. His heart hammered and a flush rose in his cheeks and this was quickly becoming one of the most humiliating moments of his life.
They stared at him silently for a moment, and then Félix chuckled.
“Ey, I know what this is,” he said and gestured with his own glass of lulada. “You’re going through The Thing. You get to a certain age, you start getting insecure about yourself, your looks…don’t worry, I’ve heard it happens to guys sometimes.”
Julieta narrowed her eyes at him as he took a sip of his drink. “Really, Lex. I think I remember you spending a few months casually mentioning that you were still ‘potent,’ and when Pepa dared you to prove it we ended up with Antonio.”
José continues to try and settle back into life in the Encanto with mixed results. Bruno get diagnosed with "midlife crisis" and takes the opportunity to give himself a little makeover. They still don't talk, but progress is made. Meanwhile la familia Guzmán are still absurd, Dolores drops a bunch of chisme, Julieta and Félix practice playing tejo, and genderflipped!Bubo shows up.
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madrigaljail · 2 years
I should post some writing for José's birthday but all I've got in the drafts is Shippy Sad Boy Hours so here you go. Hurt/comfort, T-rating for implied sex, cw for Bruno-typical negative self-talk and José-typical survivor's guilt, these guys are a mess and I love them.
Bruno slipped into José’s room with stealth born of practice, locked the door behind him, and halfway through saying “hey” his crooked smile faded. 
José closed his journal and glanced up, his eyes dull as their gaze slid over him. “Hey.”
It was not a good night, then.
There’d been a few of them in the weeks since all of this had begun, when arranged meetings would get derailed by a history he was only just learning the full shape of. A million years ago at the cantina Bruno had tried to establish that, because of his visions, their knowledge was mutual. Turns out, he didn't know a damn thing, including how best to offer comfort.
“Should I…do you want to- I can go.”
That had been the answer, once, but José shook his head. “Shouldn’t be alone,” he murmured, then got up from his desk and shuffled to sit on the edge of the bed and drop his head into his hands.
Bruno nodded, kicked off his sandals, then moved to sit behind the other man and slide his arms around him, resting his head on the back of his shoulder. After a few moments with no response Bruno shifted up to press his lips to the nape of his neck, silver hair tickling his nose. It had brought approval, laughter, or a little shiver in other moments.
Now, there was stillness.
“I’m here.” He still wasn’t sure if those words, applied to him, were reassuring or not. All he knew was that he felt totally inadequate but made himself set that aside, this wasn’t about him, not really. “Whatever you need, José, just tell me.”
He could go away, he was good at it, he knew exactly how to handle that and-
Finally José drew in a deep breath, let it out slowly, and reached over to stroke one of the arms that encircled him.
“Thank you.” He glanced over his shoulder, which he then shrugged, and Bruno scooted back so they could both fully sit on the bed. It was appropriately small but, well, by now they knew quite well how to share it. “Sorry, I’m…maybe not great company. Stuck thinking about things I don’t want to.”
Bruno shook his head, then reached out to cup José’s jaw. It was the sort of getsure that was finally starting to feel natural instead of scripted, and warmth spread through him when the touch was leaned into. He debated saying something and got as far as opening his mouth, but their eyes met in a certain way so instead he nodded. And then they were kissing.
José’s hands slid under his ruana and pressed against his spine to hitch him closer, and Bruno pushed up on his knees to accommodate that, fingers sliding into the short hair behind José’s ear to hold him steady. It was a slow, needy connection, an anchor to the here and now which they both appreciated just as much as the frantic times which led to hastily discarded clothing and mutual admonitions to keep quiet.
They really needed to do this elsewhere, but the obvious place was still too full of nosy Madrigals for either of their liking. For now.
The kiss ended and José guided them down so they could lay facing one another and could easily exchange absent touches. Bruno wanted to keep kissing, to see where it went, but settled for worrying at his lower lip.
“I want to tell you about Maria Fatima,” José said, his thumb tracing the angle of Bruno’s chin. It was almost enough to be distracting, but he shook his head. A name, a person, someone who should be remembered but won’t be unless their story was told.
Bruno, famously, never forgot anything, and rarely refused knowledge.
“Tell me.”
Maria Fatima was a nun in Medellín who looked at the young but not young enough novice José, with his letter of recommendation from a priest no one had heard of in a parish which did not exist, and did not trust him. She harassed him, demanded scripture quotes, oversaw his service to the community and pointed out every flaw, but when the time for his ordination came she held silent. She guided those who needed his console to him, which in time became a less than safe practice. She was stern, cantankerous, smart as a whip, had the bravery of a dozen men, and could not help but speak her mind.
José did not relay the end of Maria Fatima’s story. In fact most of his stories did not have endings, unless the conclusion was all that could be told. The boy at the market. The woman on the balcony. Bruno tried not to fill in the blanks on this one but kissing away his lover's tears left little room for even his imagination.
In the end the night went as many did and they chose the most base form of distraction, groans of relief smothered by hands over mouths and deep, desperate kisses, and then at last came an answer.
“I need you to stay.”
“You said…whatever I needed. Stay, Bruno, until the morning. Please?”
Oh God, that was…by now he could sneak back into the house at any time, his sisters knew, Dolores knew, but first he’d have to get home, and that was-
The bed was small, but they knew how to share, and Bruno was gradually learning exactly what that meant. He’d deal with the sunrise when it came.
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sorryiwasasleep · 2 years
Meet the Ruiz-Madrigal* Family from my ‘To Fall Apart, To Reunite’ Fic!
Diego Ruiz- 51 years old.
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Bruno Madrigal- 50 years old
María Ruiz- 11 years old
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Oscar Ruiz- 7 years old (his hair is actually a coppery ginger but the picrew didn’t have that so shhhh, maybe one day when I have funds I’ll actually commission a pic of this fam)
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Lupe Ruiz- 2 years old
*the kids don’t use the Madrigal surname because neither does Bruno anymore. He introduced himself as Bruno Rojas when he arrived in his new town. Diego and the kids know the truth, but when adopting them, he and Diego decided they didn’t want to have the kids ALSO using a fake last name. So they don’t use it. *shrug*
I didn’t include one of Lupe because I didn’t know how to design a child on picrew, but she looks like a little Mirabel.
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sorryiwasasleep · 1 year
The world can be cruel, especially if your name is Bruno Madrigal.
But sometimes, there are good parts.
When he leaves the Encanto and ditches the Madrigal name, Bruno learns some hard truths about the world, but he also finds acceptance and maybe even love.
Chapter 5: The Next Steps
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sorryiwasasleep · 2 years
Port in the Storm:
The world can be cruel, especially if your name is Bruno Madrigal.
(even if he doesn't use the Madrigal part anymore)
But sometimes, there are bright spots, and when he leaves the Encanto, he finds shining lights and comes into his own.
(New runaway Bruno fic- prequel to my ‘To Fall Apart’ one but not necessary to have read!)
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