#Bruce the muto
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nemesisthetoy · 11 months ago
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Behold, the Frost Queen!
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spodimusarts · 1 year ago
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A Birthday gift for @nemesisthetoy starring their OC Purra catching a yummy Geroza, I mean squid😅
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briamichellewrites · 2 years ago
2012. Brie woke up alone. Mike had already left since he wasn’t supposed to see her before the wedding. He had everything he needed because he had laid it out before going to bed, but he double-checked just in case. The doorbell rang, so she got up and walked downstairs. It was Jessica and Patti. They were helping her get ready before going to the hotel. They hugged her. How was she doing? She inhaled before exhaling. Nervous was an understatement!
That’s because it was the most important day of her life! Patti had her eat a big breakfast because she wouldn’t be able to eat again until the reception. She had a bowl of oatmeal with cut-up apples. They would be meeting Elisa and Linsey at the hotel, where they would be getting their hair and makeup done before getting dressed. Should she change out of her pajamas?
No, they were fine but she should brush her hair and teeth. Patti would get everything together while she did that. She sent Jessica up with her. Mike got to the hotel and greeted his groomsmen. He came wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants with his tux, tie, shoes, and dress shirt. Muto hugged his son. Today is the day! Yes, it was. How was he feeling? It was a mix of nervousness and excitement. That was more than understandable. The thing he needed to focus on was getting dressed.
Brie and her bridal party had gone through a test run with their hair and makeup a few days before. She bought them all matching robes to wear to keep their dresses from getting dirty. She chose to have a braided headband because it looked bohemian. After putting her shoes on, Patti helped her into her dress. She then buttoned it up in the back.
They all took pictures of her with their phones because she looked beautiful! They hired a photographer, who was taking pictures of the entire day from getting ready to the reception. Bruce looked at his son-in-law. He looked great. Thank you. Did he eat breakfast? Yes, he did. He also took a shower the night before. Jason had the rings. He double-checked. Yes, they were in his pocket! He showed them to his brother. Don’t scare me like that! Sorry.
Where were the dogs? They decided last minute not to bring them because they wouldn’t cooperate. That was fine. They planned for that to happen. The photographer got a picture of him looking in the mirror with his father behind him with pride in his eyes. His son was getting married.
The afternoon before, they rehearsed the wedding with their officiant. Though she wasn’t religious, his family was. Muto asked them if they would have a Christian officiant. It was the only thing he asked for, so they agreed. Thank you. He worked with them on what they wanted for a ceremony. They chose a bible verse for their vows.
Finally, it was time to go. Brie followed her bridesmaids and flower girls, Brooklyn and Regan. They both looked so adorable in their matching dresses! They both had baskets with flower petals, which they threw on the floor as they walked down the aisle. Just like they practiced the day before. Jason then walked down with Jessica, Evan with Linsey, and Sam with Elisa. Brie took Bruce’s arm. He asked if she was ready. Yes. He kissed the side of her head before walking down.
Everyone had stood up to see her. Mike put his hands over his mouth because he couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked! Oh my god! Patti wiped tears of happiness from her eyes. Bruce took her hand and gave it to Mike. You look so beautiful, he whispered. After their guests sat down, the officiant started the ceremony.
“We are gathered here today in the sight of God and these witnesses to join together Michael and Brie in holy matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted of God, since the first man and the first woman walked on the earth. Therefore; it is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly. Into this holy estate, these two persons present come now to be joined. Therefore, if anyone can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace”
He read scripture on love. Love was patient. Love is kind. Chester wiped tears of happiness from his face. He hadn’t intended to cry but he was so happy for his best friends! They had been planning everything for a year! Brie thought of every little detail and she had moments where she had anxiety and stress because she wanted it to be perfect! They were kept up to date because she was so excited, she had to tell them.
Mike had found the perfect woman to marry! Their engagement had come out of nowhere but they all believed he had made the right choice in asking her to marry him. During the ring exchange, Jason handed the officiant the rings.
“Do you Michael take Brie to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
“Do you Brie take Michael to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
You may kiss the bride! Everyone cheered as they shared their first kiss as a married couple. They walked down the aisle holding hands with their wedding party. The stressful part was over. Now, they could celebrate with their guests! First, they had to take wedding pictures with their families and wedding party. They followed their photographer outside.
After a half hour, they came back in. Donna hugged her daughter-in-law. Congratulations! She thanked her. During the reception, they sat at the head table with their party. They were both starving because they hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast! The food also looked delicious! The caterers had done a great job getting everything together. Since her feet were killing her, she took off her shoes and put them on the floor beside where she was sitting. Bruce got on the microphone after everyone was seated.
“Thank you all for coming. I’m going to start the toasts. Brie has always been very unique. Wherever there was a group of people, she would always want to be in front performing for them. My wife and I joked that she gave us gray hair because she was never afraid of anything. Even if it meant jumping on a horse and almost falling off.”
Everyone laughed.
“Watching her grow up has been an honor. Yesterday, she was yelling at us in French because her toys weren’t listening to her. Today, she’s getting married. Mike, congratulations and welcome to the family. If you need any advice, don’t hesitate to ask.”
They laughed again. Mike got up and hugged him, as did Brie. They both said I love you. Jessica and Jason also toasted them. Jason joked about with his older brother, while Jessica did the same for her little sister. It was all in good fun and they saw the humor in it. They both congratulated them and wished them a happy marriage. They both thanked them.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia @boricuacherry-blog
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sparrowshrike · 3 years ago
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So I recently came across the Human Design of @nemesisthetoy’s character Bruce the Muto, which looked very similar to my Jet Jaguar, thus prompting this... I wonder what Jet would look like as a MUTO?
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qualxon · 3 years ago
Now I’m curious, how do you think Fodie would interact with Bruce the Muto (~2/3 Hokmuto’s height, seeks radiation to finish growth, can only speak Muto) and Skullcrawler 13 (~100 ft, strategic mind, hunter, can only speak Skull Island’s native language) [Both Titans extremely protective of the other]?
For the sake of simplicity, I'm gonna work with a scenario where she'd meet them both at the same time
Upon seeing 13 for the first time, Fodie would immediately go on the defensive. She's had a nasty run-in with skullcrawlers before, and she doesn't want to take any chances. She wouldn't attack, she'd just stand on guard. Provided that 13 doesn't attack her or show any indication of wanting to do so, then Fodie may begin to relax a little - she'd still keep her guard up, but she'd be willing to attempt a conversation.
Regarding Bruce, Fodie's never had any firsthand experience around MUTOs, so she'd approach that situation with curiosity, but cautiously. Unlike someone such as Godzilla, Fodie's lack of experience means she wouldn't immediately consider Bruce as a threat. Same as with 13, if Bruce doesn't make a show of any aggression, then Fodie won't either.
Now, once she notices that they're together, companions, she'll probably start to relate to them a little more (after all, her mate is a wyvern drake)
If all goes well and they end up of friendly-enough terms, then Fodie would probably be open to offering Bruce and 13 some help if they needed it, with things like finding good hunting grounds or showing them where to find decent radiation sources
Given the likelihood of a language barrier, Fodie's main method of communicating with them would mostly likely be through showing them things, through her body language and bringing them various items and/or getting them to follow her if she's trying to show them a location
To say she'd call them "friends" is a bit of a stretch, but she'd happily settle for calling them acquaintances or "allies" to an extent
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scogito · 3 years ago
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Post muto.
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ryoubakvra · 7 years ago
this might have already been done but, honest to god, i NEED a full AU where billionaire CEO inventor Seto Kaiba moonlights as superhero (or anti hero) Kaibaman, full Tony Stark style
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Click for better quality as Tumblr likes to eat quality! Goodness RIP my art program putting in all of these characters and texts hahaha!
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All characters, including names and media, as well as which group they're in and when their versus poll will open are all under the cut!
Round 1 will be broken up into four groups to avoid having too many polls at once
Group A - Tuesday, Feb 14, 2023
Patrick "Pat" Sprigs/Rey Sprigs (Mega Man Star Force) vs Crona (Soul Eater)
Darcy Wu (Amphibia) vs Raiden Ei (Genshin Impact)
Steven Universe (Steven Universe) vs Kris Dreemurr (Deltarune)
Ferb Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb) vs Benrey (Half Life VR but the AI is Self Aware)
Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones) vs Maxim Kischine (Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance)
Sunny/Omori (Omori) vs Yugi Muto/Yami/Atem (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Uendo Toneido/Patches/Kisegawa/Owen (Ace Attorney) vs Harrier Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
Razputin "Raz" Aquato (Psychonauts) vs Dirk Strider (Homestuck)
Group B - Wednesday, Feb 15, 2023
Abed Nadir (Community) vs Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
Yellow Guy (Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared) vs Jeanne-Marie Beaubier/Aurora (Marvel Comics)
Ienzo (Kingdom Hearts) vs Laudna (Critical Role)
Michael Shelley/Michael Distortion (The Magnus Archives) vs Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods)
"Crazy" Jane (Doom Patrol) vs Raphael Hamato (Rise of the TMNT)
Lord Garmadon (Lego Ninjago) vs Alfendi Layton (Layton Brothers: Mystery Room)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts) vs Veyle (Fire Emblem Engage)
Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House) vs Cecil Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale)
Group C - Thursday, Feb 16, 2023
Oscar Pine (RWBY) vs Shallan Davar/Veil/Radiant (Stormlight Archive)
Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles) vs Jeritza von Hrym (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
ENA (ENA webseries) vs Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100)
Kujou Hikari/Shiny Luminous (Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart) vs Mafuyu Asahina (Project Sekai)
Goldia die Heilige (Pocket Mirror) vs Madotsuki (Yume Nikki)
Gregory House (House MD) vs One-One (infinity Train)
Bruce Banner/The Hulk (Marvel) vs Garu/Karu (NU: Carnival)
Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom) vs Tenma Tsukasa (Project Sekai)
Group D - Friday, Feb 17, 2023
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII) vs Zenitsu Agatsuma (Demon Slayer)
Harvey Dent/Two-Face (DC) vs Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Blitzwing/Icy/Hothead/Random (Transformers Animated) vs Kayano Mikoto (MILGRAM)
Mike/Chester/Svetlana/Vito/Manitoba/Mal (Total Drama) vs Bruce Wayne/Batman (DC)
Sayo Yasuda (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni) vs Nandor the Relentless (What we do in the Shadows)
Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde (Monster High) vs Ingo (Pokemon)
Punch/Counterpunch (Transformers) vs Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Chara Dreemurr (Undertale) vs Ash Williams (Evil Dead)
Thank you SO MUCH for everyone who submitted these lovely characters, I wish them all the best of luck!!! See youse all tomorrow~
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japaneseaesthetics · 5 years ago
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Artist: Muto Katei Title: Engakuji Temple in Kamakura (Kamakura Engakuji) Date: 1954 Medium: Color woodblock print Credit Line: Bruce Goff Archive, gift of Shin'enkan, Inc.
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nemesisthetoy · 2 months ago
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Ahh, Sweet Hibernation
The only quarter of the year where the Rogue Titans know they were safe from provoking the Spiked Alpha Titan until Spring.
While humans were always a looming threat, it was one that could be mitigated through the winter if they dug themselves deep enough.
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shonenlinkage · 4 years ago
Chapter Seven: Timmy’s Decisive Duel
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Timmy Rayman sat down and looked at the board. Sure, he was dreaming of becoming a professional checkers player, but he wasn’t sure if he was going to beat Penny, the jokester of the gang.
Then, he made the move. And surely enough- he got enough points to beat Penny! “That’s my good friend!” She congratulated Timmy as the two of them high fived. 
“Oh! Time for lunch, it seems!” Timmy said. “We’re coming!” Penny said as she and the others hurried towards the cafeteria.
At the lunchroom table, Timmy unboxed his lunch for the day: A baguette sandwich with ham and cheese, a thermos of lemonade, some fresh fruit, and some macaron cookies. 
“Ah, nothing like the fresh meal your mere makes for you.” Timmy said as he enjoyed his lunch with his friends. But Timmy wasn’t the only one enjoying his time in the lunchroom.
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“I’ve got him!” Yugi Muto said as he scanned the Jump Pad onto Timmy’s face. The Pad responded with a Beep! Saying that the photo that Yugi took was a match. 
“You have twelve hours to make a bond. The rest is up to you!” said the woman’s voice, as Yugi teleported away. That afternoon, after a quick trip to Misako’s, Timmy led the gang to his classroom, where the Chess Club often took place. 
“We play chess and some other board games if we feel like it.” Timmy explained. “Nice.” Aaron said. Just then, they met the other members of the Prisma High Chess Club, including its president, a Senior by the name of Flynn Thomas. 
“Timmy Rayman... We need to talk.” Flynn said in a serious voice. “Flynn isn’t like this!” Thought Timmy. “Yeah!” Xavier exclaimed. 
“You. Broke. My. Winning. Streak!!!” Flynn screamed. “Look! It was a good game. You’re waaaay too stuck in the past.” Timmy explained. “It doesn’t matter! I’m telling my parents on you!” Flynn threatened. 
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“But playing a game is about having fun!” Aaron replied. “It’s about being in the moment.” Max said. Lily, Bruce, Isabella, Xavier, Penny, Jake, and Emily agreed.
In anger, Flynn ran out of the room, all the way into the theater. “What’s the deal with you?” Timmy asked. But Flynn didn’t say a word. “We’ll get the school psychologist!” Penny replied as she ran off to get Dr. Laila, the school psychologist, while Jake and Emily bounded behind.
At the moment the trio left, Flynn was changed into a giant King piece Despairius called Chessatron, with the symbol on his forehead. Beside him, Pawns, Knights, bishops, rooks, and a queen surrounded him. “This is gonna be a bigger problem than I thought.” Timmy said.
The moment Penny, Jake, and Emily returned, Flynn had been transformed into the ferocious Chessatron! Dr. Laila fainted immediately, with Emily and Jake catching her in time before she hit the floor. 
“Watch out!” Timmy said as he and his friends hid behind some chairs, while some knights hurtled themselves at the gang. “That was close!” Timmy said. 
“Go, Dark Magician Girl!” said a voice. It was Yugi Moto! Dark Magician Girl was right next to him, holding up her wand with pride. “No way!” Timmy exclaimed. 
“So, ready to duel against this overgrown game piece?”  Yugi asked, holding out a card and watch. “Checkmate, buddy.” Timmy said. The others held up their watches, too.
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“Power Linkage! Activation!” The gang cried out, causing a flash of light to fill the theater. In moments,  Timmy was wearing an outfit very similar to Yugi’s, while the others were wearing their hero outfits. 
“Ready to duel?” Yugi asked. “Absolutely!” Timmy said with a wink. “Let’s do this!” Aaron shouted with enthusiasm.
Soon, the battle was on. Aaron and Goku punched their way to victory, knocking down row after row of pawns. Max and Luffy attempted to strike down the Knights, making them fall to the ground like dominoes. Lily and Naruto worked together to confuse the Rooks, eventually speeding around them before they fell down. 
“This is more like it!” Ichigo said as he and Bruce confused the bishops, making them collide into each other. Isabella, Gon, Xavier, and Jotaro were helping take down the Queen, making her fall down to the stage with a mighty crash. “The weak spot is the forehead. Go!” Aaron said. 
“Activate Fusion Move!” Timmy said. “We call upon Exodia, The Forbidden One!” Timmy said as he made a large circle which contained a giant named Exodia, who stepped out of the portal. At that moment, Exodia let out a giant laser, disintegrating Chessatron and releasing Flynn.
At that moment, everything went back to the way it was, even if it was for a few minutes. “Looks like your friend is safe.” Jotaro said. “Thanks.” Xavier said, blushing. 
“And it looks like your Bond Blossom has bloomed.” Yugi said, pointing to a beautiful Egyptian lotus that had appeared on Timmy’s watch. “Thanks.” Timmy blushed. 
“Looks like it’s time to head to base.” Naruto said. “Call us when you need us most.” Goku replied, and everything went back to the way it once was.
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Flynn woke up on the stage, with his ice blue bangs being pushed to the side. “Are you okay?” said Dr. Laila, as she touched Flynn’s cheek. 
“We saved his life.” Timmy said, trying not to give away any of the events that had happened moments earlier. “I just want to say that I’m sorry.” Flynn said, coming over to Timmy. 
“I knew that my winning streak never mattered. And don’t worry. I won’t tell my parents on you.”  Flynn said, shaking Timmy’s hand. “Thanks, Flynn.” Timmy said as he retied his long auburn hair, which was getting everywhere.
For the rest of the afternoon until dinner, Flynn and Timmy did a game the right way, with each of them cheering each other on. “That was quite the game, if I do say so myself.” Flynn said as he packed up his chessboard to take home. 
“See ya tomorrow, buddy.” Timmy replied. “You too.” Flynn said. It had been quite the exchange that day- and the Great Ten was almost nearing unity!
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all27g · 5 years ago
Hi, I’m all27g. For the next two months, I’ve decided to start taking commissions to both save up money for Taiyou Con coming up in January (and any other future purchases) and practice more of my writing skills. (Unfortunately, money doesn’t grow in trees)
What I’m willing to write for:
Miraculous Ladybug:
Lukanette (Luka Couffaine x Marinette Dupain-Cheng)
Felinette (Felix x Marinnette Dupain-Cheng)
Voltron Legendary Defenders:
Kidge (Keith Kogane x Pidge/Katie Holt)
RoseGarden (Oscar Pine x Ruby Rose)
HummingBird (Qrow Branwen x Summer Rose)
Puzzleshipping/Blindshipping (Yami Yugi/Atem(u) x Yugi Muto)
Requiem Of The Rose King/Baraou No Souretsu:
Richard (of House) York x Happiness***
ML x DC Universe:**
Daminette (Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng)
Jasonette (Jason Todd x Marinette Dupain-Cheng)
Timinette (Tim Drake x Marinette Dupain-Cheng)
Dinette(?) (Dick Grayson x Marinette Dupain-Cheng)
Jonette (Jonathan Kent x Marinette Dupain-Cheng)
Co(n)nette(?) (Conner Kent x Marinette Dupain-Cheng)
Final Fantasy:
Cloudning (Cloud Strife (FFVII) x Lightning Farron (FFXIII))
Lightis (Noctis Lucis Caelum (FFXV) x Lightning Farron)
(I’ll come back later when I remember what other ships I’m willing to write.)
Prices: It will be through PayPal. You will need to pay first before I make any commission you requested. (The info needed will be given after a commission is guaranteed)
$1=100 words (I won’t charge extra if I pass the word limit you paid for)
$10=1,500 words
$15=2,500 words
I’m also willing to write a full short story if requested (anything 1+ chapters but below 10 chapters) $5 is added for every chapter to the initial price stated below.
$10=one-shot (2,000+ words)
$30=5 chapters (15,000+ words)
Time Frame: I will begin taking requests starting now but officially post the commissions after November 10. If you would like your request to be completed before a certain time, I am willing to discuss. I’ll give a heads up before I post the finished works.
If you like a certain scenario/AU for your commission, include it with your request (with as much details as you want). Please don't forget to include if you like another character alongside some fluff, some yandere, some death, etc.
What I won’t write:
If a request is something I cannot write, I have the right to politely refuse to write it.
If you have any questions I didn’t address, please don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you for your time and have a good day!
*Willing to discuss if you would like Puppyshipping or Tendershipping commissions.
**I’m also willing to write Bruce Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng commissions if requested. (And any other character from this universe with Marinette)
I have only seen the recent animated movies (from a few years ago to now) and some pages from the comics so my knowledge is limited besides what I find on Tumblr.
Also willing to include Terry McGinnis from Batman Beyond!
***Richard deserves happiness whether or not a relationship (of any kind) is involved!
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linkyofmuses-archive · 5 years ago
Cartoon Muses
Stitch - Experiment 626 - Disney
Felix the Cat - Felix the Cat
Morty Smith - Rick and Morty
Evil Morty
Coraline Jones - Coraline
Chat Blanc [Adrien Auguste]
Gaming Muses
Protoman - Blues - Megaman
Commander Claus - Mother 3
BEN - Legend of Zelda/Creepypasta
Fran Bow
Alice Liddell - Alice Madness Returns
Yusuke Kitagawa
Akechi Goro
Minato Arisato
Anime Muses
Saitama - One Punch Man
Mob - Mob Psycho 100
Yugi Muto
Lupin the 3rd
Goemon Ishikawa XII
Kaitou Kid
Shinichi Kudo
Heiji Hattori
Conan Edogawa
Xiao Hei - The Legend of LuoXiaoHei
Marvel/DC muses
Spiderman - Peter Parker
Hulk - Bruce Banner
Joker Jr/Red Robin - Tim Drake
Inertia - Thaddeus Thawne the 3rd
Red Hood - Jason Todd
Nintendo Muses:
Legend of Zelda:
Link/Engi [Spirit Tracks]
Link/Time/Majora [OTT and MM version]
Ninten [Mother 1]
Ness [Earthbound]
Lucas Miller [ Mother 3]
Varik Simmons [Earthbound Halloween Hack]
Niiue [ Earthbound: COGDIS ]
Sonic the Hedgehog:
Zonic the Zone Cop
Scourge the Hedgehog
Nicky the Hedgehog [Sonic Manga]
Fleetway Super Sonic
TV Muses
10th Doctor
13th Doctor 
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tomk4e · 6 years ago
2019/20 Premier League Preview: Newcastle United
2018/19: 45 points (13th)
Strength: Defense
Weaknesses: Manager and goalscoring
Newcastle finished last season winning three of their last five games. This was due to the strong play of their defense. As a unit, the Magpies only conceded 48 goals last season. That tally was better than Arsenal and Manchester United, and only two worse than Wolves.
Aside from Newcastle’s defense, there is nothing outstanding about their squad. It is a team comprised of average to below-average players. A large reason for why Newcastle has been so consistent the past couple years is because of the brilliance of their former manager Rafa Benitez.
Benitez has won trophies with Liverpool, Chelsea and Real Madrid, and his game-managing and tactical prowess helped Newcastle overachieve with the players available. But due to a lack of support financially, Benitez was unable to sign many new players and eventually left.
New Manager Steve Bruce has plenty of experience in the Premier League as a player and manager, but has not been very successful in the latter. Bruce’s last time managing in the Premier League ended in relegation with Hull City.
Newcastle has also not addressed their glaring need for a goalscorer. Leading goal scorers from last year Ayoze Perez and Jose Salamon Rondon are both no longer at the club. While current starting option Yoshinori Muto only scored one goal last season.
In recent weeks Newcastle has spent money to address their lack of a goalscoring threat. Former Hoffenheim striker Joelinton was brought in for $50.16 million. Also, Nice winger Allan Saint-Maximin was also brought in for $20.52 million. Joelinton scored seven goals and had seven assists in Germany, while Saint-Maximin scored six and had five assists while playing in France.
Neither Joelinton or Saint-Maximin can be considered prolific. However, there is promise in both players. The Magpies already have a solid defense,so these new signings or current players must score goals. Otherwise Newcastle will struggle to stay in the Premier League.
*Edit: Newcastle continued to add to their attacking options during deadline day. England center-forward Andy Carroll returns to his boyhood club after leaving Newcastle eight years ago. Carroll will likely come off the bench to impact games. The Englishman is tall and throws his weight around to attack crosses and hold up play for other attacking players.  
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briamichellewrites · 2 years ago
Brie found her wedding dress! All she needed to do was try it on and buy it. It was a beautiful 1930s-inspired floor-length dress with lace, sleeves, and a silk sash that went around her waist. She preordered it online and was going to try it on once it arrived at the store. Jessica, Patti, and Donna agreed that it was gorgeous! Her sister and stepmother were flying in the next week to do wedding planning and dress shopping. She was so excited to have them!
Bruce and Patti were kept updated with the progress of the wedding planning. She and Mike toured venues before going over which one they were going to go with. They chose the Crystal Ballroom of the Beverly Hills Hotel. It had enough space for its guests to enjoy themselves, eat dinner, and dance the night away. They also booked hotel rooms for their out-of-town guests.
Their menu had a mix of vegan and non-vegan options for Rob and Brad. The caterer understood that their wedding would be alcohol-free, due to one of their guests being in recovery. Instead of wine, they chose mocktails (non-alcoholic cocktails), sparkling juice, and alcohol-free wine. The juice was selected for the children. For dinner, they chose: a charred filet mignon, a grilled center-cut ribeye, a vegetarian miso tofu, or an Indian brochette.
For dessert, they would have a S’mores bar with different variations, as well as the wedding cake. They chose a chocolate mousse cake with raspberry filling. It was delicious! She joked about getting hungry just thinking about the food. Mike laughed and agreed. It was going to be the best day of his life because he was marrying his best friend. Linsey, Jessica and Elisa were planning a bachelorette party.
Jason and Brad were planning the bachelor party. They both joked that it would not involve strippers. Mike laughed and thanked them. It would likely be a LAN party or a video game party. Brie’s party would probably involve a spa day or something very girly that didn’t involve alcohol, since she was underage. She left the planning to them because she wanted to be surprised. Phoenix jokingly asked if it would involve male strippers. No.
With every step, they were getting closer to their wedding. Muto and Bruce were helping him with what he needed to do. They all needed to rent or buy a tux, but they didn’t have to do that until six months before the wedding. Since the venue was going to be bigger than anticipated, he asked Phoenix, Brad, Rob and Chester if they wanted to be ushers. They would be honored!
He was happy to finally find something for his band to do, since he felt a little guilty about not including them. They were his brothers and he wanted them to be a part of his special day. They talked about going to Paris or Tokyo for their honeymoon. It would be warmer in Tokyo. He thought she would enjoy the city. She was very interested in going and learning about his culture. They could go to Paris another time. He found a package for a tour of Japan.
The website would take care of everything, including hotels. He would do more research before they decided. She ordered tuxedos for their dogs. They were adorable with a white shirt, black vest and a bow tie. The dogs were less than thrilled when she put them on.
brielikethecheese: If this isn’t adorable, I don’t know what is! For those wondering, the tuxedos lasted all of five minutes before they were begging for me to take them off. Dogs will be dogs.
Bark! Bark! Bark! After taking the picture, she quickly went over and took the tuxedos off. Thank you, human! That was not very comfortable! Mike told her she tried. How much money did she spend? They were only twenty dollars, plus shipping. That wasn’t too much. She was going to keep them for memory.
After spending the evening with Brad, Chester, and Jon, they were ready to just be by themselves. Brad had crashed their party and they were too polite to ask him to leave. He finally did after a couple of hours. During that time, he and Jon caught up on their lives and careers. She did her best not to show that she was not all that comfortable having him there.
Did she eventually put the cast iron skillet away? Yes, she did. They all went into the kitchen with her and Chester, where she put the purchases where they belonged. She then gave the dogs their new toys. They were so happy with them! Thank you, human! Chester mentioned having a doggie play date. That would be a very fun idea! Did he get a dog? Yeah, he adopted an eight-week-old Boston Terrier named, Bruiser. His kids loved him.
How many kids did he have? He had four boys: Jaime, Isaiah, Draven, and Tyler. Jaime and Isaiah were the biological brothers of his ex-girlfriend. He adopted Isaiah in 2006. Draven was from his first marriage and Tyler was from his second. He had split custody of all of them. Did he have a good relationship with the mothers? Only his first wife and ex-girlfriend. He fought very hard for Tyler.
It was not a clean divorce. She fought back against everything. He was ninety-nine point nine percent sure he was never getting married again. They laughed. He got married for the first time right out of high school and he rushed into his second marriage after his divorce. It was not something he recommended.
“No offense to Brie and Mike.”
“Nice save. We won’t cut you out of the will”, she joked.
“How’s wedding planning going? Are you closer to running off to Vegas”, Jon joked.
“It’s going well. We’ve made a lot of progress. There are moments where I do think about going to Vegas but not this far into planning.”
They figured out how to have his band be involved in the ceremony. Good for them. How about the bachelor party? That was being planned by his brother and their friend, Brad Delson. He was leaving it up to them what they were going to do. What about her? She was leaving it up to her sister and their friends, Linsey and Elisa. No, they wouldn’t be having strippers or getting drunk on alcohol.
She couldn’t drink anyway! Exactly! He laughed. It would most likely be a spa day. She told them she preferred to be surprised. Did they have a DJ? Yeah, Mike asked his friend, Joe to play during the reception. It was going to be so fucking cool! She was thinking about cutting her hair.
“What? Why”, Chester asked devastated.
“It’s hard work taking care of long hair.”
“How short are you thinking?”
“My shoulders. That way, I can still get it styled.”
They would have to have a memorial service for her beautiful long hair. They laughed. She went over and grabbed a scissors. After pulling her hair into a ponytail, Mike adjusted it to be shoulder length. He then used the scissors to cut off the ponytail.
When he was finished, she ran to the bathroom. Oh my god! She came back. What did she think? It looked so fucking awesome! She felt like a new woman! Chester told her she looked great! They all admired her new hairstyle. She would wash it later to get rid of the little hairs. They all took pictures of her with her holding the ponytail. Chester congratulated him on his work. Thank you!
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia @boricuacherry-blog
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years ago
Happy Birthday, Adrian!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/v0RMczJ
by Lord_Adrian_Richter, Screwiescrap113
A short piece written by my dear friend Screwie as a birthday present to me. It was really sweet of him to do this and I wanted to share with everyone.
Thanks, Screwie! Love you, man!
Words: 761, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: RWBY, Mortal Kombat - All Media Types, Dragon Ball, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), MonsterVerse (Legendary Pictures Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, What If...? (TV 2021), Transformers - All Media Types, Smallville, Castlevania (Cartoon 2017-2021), Teen Titans (Animated Series), Batman - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Pyrrha Nikos, Son Goku (Dragon Ball), Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Tony Stark, Sonya Blade, Kara Zor-El, Glitch, Kong (Legendary | MonsterVerse), Mothra (Legendary | MonsterVerse), Jinshin Mushi | MUTO Prime, Ahsoka Tano, Sari Sumdac, Godzilla (Legendary | MonsterVerse), Trevor Belmont, Jirou Kyouka, Kaminari Denki, Peter Parker, Koriand'r (DCU), Bruce Wayne, Johnny Cage, Clark Kent, Chloe Sullivan, Pete Ross, Bulma Briefs, Optimus Prime, Victor Stone
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/v0RMczJ
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