#Bruce Boston
melancholy-recluse · 1 year
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Snapshots from the Shadow City || No. 3 || Randle
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bookjunkiez · 2 years
The HWA Poetry Showcase Vol. IX Virtual Book Tour
The HWA Poetry Showcase Vol. IX Virtual Book Tour
Horror, Poetry Date Published: 11.07.2022 The Horror Writers Associations presents their ninth annual Poetry Showcase, featuring the best in never-before-published dark verse. Edited by Angela Yuriko Smith, this year’s featured poets are Stephanie M. Wytovich, Geneve Flynn, and Naomi Simone Borwein, plus dozens of poems from the talented members of the Horror Writers Association.   This volume…
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gffa · 1 year
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If you ever think that you're overdoing Bruce Wayne's helicopter dad tendencies, just remember that after he fired Dick from being Robin and Dick took off to tour with the circus for awhile without telling him, that Bruce sent Deadman to spy on him and report back. NOBODY is doing helicopter parenting like Bruce is doing it.
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emo-batboy · 8 months
Tbh I was always under the impression Metropolis is NYC and Gotham is Boston. Like iirc Arkham is based on an asylum that was in Danvers MA? The east coast city rivalry vibes feel pretty identical to me. Gotham's organized crime has big whitey bulger energy to me idk.
Gotham has always been adjacent to NYC.
Before DC decided NYC was a real place in their universe, Gotham and Metropolis were considered to be the light and dark side of the same Bay Area, taking up residence where NYC would be. Afterwards, Gotham has always been placed squarely across the Hudson River from NYC in North NJ. Until they couldn’t decide where Metropolis is.
Metropolis is a child of divorce.
The first time DC claimed it was in Delaware was the 70’s. (I don’t know why. They just did.) I think DC realized that making NYC a part of the universe meant they couldn’t make Gotham and Metropolis twin cities anymore so now, whenever they want to bring that dynamic back, they either ignore NYC altogether or move Gotham to the Delaware Bay and claim Metropolis is in Delaware.
But ever since Metropolis was a city, it’s been in NY. It’s been in NY since the 30’s. Usually, it’s placed somewhere above Manhattan, particularly near Westchester or just outside of the NY Metropolitan Area. So in my head, it’s about an hour above NYC but still west of Connecticut.
I like the concept of them being twin cities, but they have such different vibes that I can’t imagine them being right beside one another, and I think a lot of comic writers know that too. So I always place Metropolis in NY. Maybe it’s further upstate like DC sometimes claims, but Gotham and Metropolis are always within three hours of each other without fail.
But yeah, the more you know :) toodles
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kstarlitchaotics · 3 months
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Heh who wants to tell him especially when one of them will work with him later 👻
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down4caitlin · 1 month
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One thing Caitlin gonna do is get rid off her cursed shoes (she didn’t even had a BAD game but that ankle scared d fuck out of me fr) glad she gives them to fans this little boy was literally abt to cry so cute, soo… cc you adding more Kobe’s to the collection cause now you’re running low.
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hawkzeyes · 2 months
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I am going to go out on a limb here Bruce and say that he indeed was trying to kill you 😭 he tried to slam a semi truck into you babe. He possessed Robin with a gun to shoot you. Very sweet of you to believe in the best of Boston tho
The Brave and the Bold #86 (1955-)
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Knight Terrors: First Blood (2023) art by Howard Porter
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
Lost Boys
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Superfam
Summary: After Jonathan Lane Kent wipes himself from existence by canceling his own timeline, he finds himself stuck in the afterlife where he meets Jason Todd. He still wonders about the life un-lived on Earth, and how his parents would've felt about him.
Jason Todd, who is making the most of being dead, struggles with the reality of what he's left behind. He has one wish and one wish only: to send his family one final message.
Chapters: 6/?
Characters: Jonathan Lane Kent (Laney), Jason Todd, Catherine Todd, Boston Brand, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, John Constantine, Raven, Talia al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake
Relationships: Platonic JayLaney
Additional Tags: Angst, Platonic Relationships, Magical Jason Todd, Resurrected Jason Todd, Queerplatonic Relationships, Canon Divergent AU, POV Multiple
Chapter Six: Happy Trails (Jason's POV)
After my resurrection, I started seeing things and hearing voices, but they weren't talking to me. They were talking about me. After my dip in the pit, I knew I was stuck with them. Sometimes in the daytime, I would lie awake and listen to them talk. The spooky one would come and go, but the one in the weird Superman costume never left my side. Sometimes I felt like I knew him from somewhere. Sometimes he would sing songs to me when we were alone or talk as if he didn't know I could hear him. I wanted to give in and speak to him most times, but I was afraid that I'd lose my mind completely if I did.
I didn't realize how much I would need him until I found out about Tim Drake. "You all right?" Talia asked. Her voice was clear, calm, and tinted with a hint of concern.
"Sure. Why wouldn't I be all right?" I lied. Once she was gone, I could hear the faintest whisper from my imaginary friend. I started to cry as I continued to try to ignore him.
"Jason, I'm so sorry," he said loud enough for me to hear. I looked away from the wall and directly at him. "Jason? You can see me?"
"What do you want from me?" I asked in tears. I finally succumbed to it. It didn't matter to me anymore if I was losing it or not. I just wanted to talk to somebody.
"Jason, it's me. Have you been ignoring me this whole time?" he asked. I nodded.
"I don't know who you are or if you're real. I just—. Can you sit down?" I asked. He nodded and sat at the table. I pulled myself together and sat back down. "Who are you?"
"Jason, it's me," he pleaded with me, "It's Laney. We're best friends. Why don't you—? Jason, don't you remember me?"
I shook my head and laughed. "No... I don't know who you are because you aren't real. You're not. This is just my brain damage and emotional trauma manifesting itself," I rationalized. Laney frowned. I pushed a hand through my hair and took a few nauseated breaths.
"This isn't who you are, Jason. We used to talk about it all the time... You said you wanted to tell Bruce you loved him, that he was a father to you. I know you're hurt, but has that changed?" Laney asked. I didn't answer him. "You don't believe me, do you? How can I prove it to you?"
"Prove what to me? I don't even understand what you're—."
"I'm a ghost. We were friends in heaven or the afterlife or whatever it was... And you disappeared, but Boston and I—. We uh—. I don't exist anymore, but you can do everything that I can't. You have a second chance, and Catherine wanted that for you," Laney whispered, "Jason..."
I started feeling panicked when he mentioned Ma, but I pushed the feelings back and went to bed. He stayed with me even after our conversation. When I woke up, Laney was still there, and his friend was back. "I'm not leaving him... Boston, I promised myself I would never leave him. So you can give me the address of the nearest person who can see ghosts, or you can come with us and help me prove that we're not just hallucinations," Laney snapped. I lay still and listened.
"The closest person I know isn't the kind of guy you ask for help. He's more trouble than he's worth—."
"Who is he, and where is he? Boston," Laney pleaded angrily through his clenched teeth.
"If he can prove that you two are real, I'm game... Actually, matter-of-fact, if you two are real, I'll do whatever the hell you want me to," I replied. Laney floated above the ground in a seated position, biting his nails. "Scout's honor."
"Jason, you were never a scout," Laney replied, "If we can prove that we're real, I want you to do just as we planned. Talk to our families."
I nodded, and Boston shook his head. "Jason, kid, you don't wanna go on and learn the hard way. Why can't you just take our word for it?" Boston asked. "Jay..."
I looked at Laney, and he softened up. "Jason, if you can't remember me, then you can't believe what I mean when I say that I know you in ways that you don't even know yourself anymore... And you won't be able to see that I just want to help you."
I wondered if he loved me. The way he spoke to me was like nothing I'd ever heard. I sometimes thought my mind made him up for comfort. Maybe he was real, and he was trying to protect me. I knew one thing for sure, everything he said was what I wanted to hear. I think that's what scared me the most. If he wasn't real, all I was doing was second-guessing myself.
They continued to argue back and forth, and I took my shower and got dressed before cutting out. Laney followed closely behind me. "Two choices. San Francisco, but you run the risk of seeing your brother or Louisiana meet this Constantine guy, and I hear he's more trouble than he's worth," Laney offered. Both choices sounded terrible, but I think he knew I'd pick anything over the idea of running into Dick. "Jason, I know you don't wanna risk seeing Dick if he's in San Francisco, but—."
"But nothing. I'm not risking everything I have planned. What happens if you're just my mind's way of sabotaging me?" I asked. He looked over my shoulder and waited for me to make eye contact.
"I don't want to sabotage you... I'd never do that. Jason, I know you're scared of what he'll say or think or do... But, just try to think. If this Constantine guy is as unpredictable as Boston says, don't you think you'd be safer if—."
I stopped just as I realized how crazy I must've seemed, talking to thin air. "Listen, on the off chance that you're real. Cool, great, good. But, on the chances that you're just a pretty little kindhearted and nurturing hallucination, my mind made up to change me back into the sweet boy you're saying I used to be... I don't wanna take any chances on screwing this up," I mumbled.
"You weren't always sweet. You were just as stubborn dead as you are alive. Either way, I promised your mom I'd find you, and I did. You're alive. I can't take that away from you, but I can look out for you," Laney whispered, "You don't have to talk to me out here. I know what it looks like. Just know when you find out that I'm not a hallucination and that there is actually someone on this planet that would move heaven and hell for you... I won't rub it in."
Secretly, I kind of hoped he was telling the truth. I needed him. Like it or not, I didn't know how I'd be able to bear the loneliness without him. So that was it. I was on my way to Louisiana to see a man about a ghost.
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evilhorse · 9 months
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Do not literally put words in my father’s mouth, demon.
(Knight Terrors #3)
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ufonaut · 1 year
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"You're my father. I'd risk the universe for you."
"Well... I'd risk the universe for my father, too. In fact, I have."
Justice Society of America (2022) #5
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dailydccomics · 2 years
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Zatanna helps Bruce find his inner magician  Batman: The Adventures Continue Season Two #1
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gffa · 7 months
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"Nightwing and Deadman face the ghosts of the circus, as presented in spectacularly horrific detail by Kelley Jones!" (Brave and the Bold #13, 5/28/24) YESSSSSSSSS DICK GOING BACK TO THE CIRCUS AND WITH DEADMAN THERE I BET IT'LL BREAK MY HEART AND YOU'RE GIVING ME A SIMONE DI MEO COVER? I AM GETTING FED THIS MONTH
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lindholmline · 1 year
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why-i-love-comics · 1 year
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Knight Terrors: First Blood #1 (2023)
written by Joshua Williamson art by Howard Porter & Brad Anderson
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musicmags · 2 months
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