#Brooklynn death
nattule29 · 1 month
Ranting about Benrius
GUYS! Just had a thought, I was just reading @crocs-simp fanfic of “When you call the last light down” (SO GOOD BTW!) and this idea kinda popped in my mine when I read the end of ch3 (!small Spoilers to the Fic!)
“…, we’re all here for you, just one phone call away. Promise” And I was like, man do I see the irony kinda in that. When Darius was going through it he didn’t call anyone. Soooooo I was going to make a small comic or drawing of Ben kinda reaching out to Darius, but Darius just keeps pushing him away and kinda ghosting him.
One scenario I have in my head is at Brooklynns funeral. The camp fams kinda comforting each other, even though Kenji isn’t really comforting anyone he’s still accepting hugs and giving them back. Meanwhile Darius is in the corner sobbing alone (whomp whomp) Ben tries to reach out and say something but Darius just pulls back, leavening as soon as he can. Then the whole not keeping in Touch thing to, I don’t have the biggest idea on that yet.
A Benrius angst if u please. Sadly I probably won’t be drawing this as soon as I want to possibly not at all if I don’t get a break from life :/ But I’ll try my hardest to get around to it.
AND I WOULD LOVE TO SEE A FIC ON THIS (just saying) I would write one but I’m ass at writing
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dakooftacos · 4 months
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Anywho, Magma Studio art jam round 2 with some of the Chaos Theory story artists to celebrate Chaos Theory Release weekend! Thank you so much to everyone who's taken the time to watch and get invested in our show. :] - Contributors included @neunhofferart, @tio-trile, @kngstr, Fernando Caire, and myself
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louthestarspeaker · 2 months
Okay but guys Brooklynn ABSOLUTELY knew how her death would affect the others.
I mean the nublar six know death. They know it intimately from both sides. For a month, Brooklynn thought she lost Ben, and realistically Haps's death would have affected her too. She knows what grief feels like. She's been on the other side of it too, her fathers thought she was dead for over half a year by the time she returned. She's seen exactly how her death would affect the people she loves.
And she still didn't come back. That's the choice she made. I feel like when you divorce her from that choice ("she didn't know how her death would affect her friends") you lose a great deal of the power and agency in her character, and in the narrative tbh.
Brooklynn is a bargainer, she has been since she was little, and it's not something she grew out of. She will take stock of a situation, and weigh things against each other, and give her energy and time to what she decides is most important. When we first met her, this was popularity, social media statistics. But these priorities began changing as she grew closer to others. The others' friendship, their feelings, their safety, she begins to take these things into account too. Like when she helped Sammy find out more about Mantah Corps.
Yes, at first, Brooklynn didn't know how to connect with people outside of the internet, or how to be a good friend. But she learned. Taking a snapshot of her in season one JWCC at the age of thirteen and applying it her as a 20 year old woman in Chaos Theory ignores the growth of her character.
ALL of that said, there is still something Brooklynn looked at, weighed it against her friends' grief and pain (and her own), and decided "this is worth more", and she didn't come back.
That makes Brooklynn sound like an awful person, but honestly taht's no at all what I'm getting at. My theory is that th thing she bargained for is her friends grief is their safety. By pretending to be dead she was protecting the others. If Brooklynn's secrets died with her, no point in going after them I also think it worked. After all, the Handler didn't go after others for six months, and that's because Ben kept digging into things.
ALSO also let's not forget that Brooklynn is literally the survivor of an attempted murder. By a corrupt branch the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT no less. I feel like that's something that gets swept under the rug a little? Maybe she's hiding out purely because her life is in very grave danger. Maybe deciding not to come back wasn't some great act of heroism and self-sacrifice as we would traditionally define it. Maybe she's just very scared of very real threats. Like what if it's not actually about anyone else, what if it's just about her? If it is, I think that's as good a reason as any of the others
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ripmyfictionalfriends · 3 months
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Ben Pincus, the boy you are
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kitabearuwu · 4 months
Major Chaos Theory Spoilers (again)
I found more evidence that may relate to my earlier theory about Ben’s girlfriend!!
As I said in my first theory post, I think Ben’s girlfriend could possibly be Brooklynn in disguise.
Recently, I was giving the soundtrack a listen and discovered something pretty interesting about two of the songs
Listen to the 4 chord progressions in the songs “In Love” (the scene where Darius admitted he was in love with Brooklynn) and “Campus Visit” (the flashback of Ben and Brooklynn)
The first two chords of each progression are the same in different keys
Then, the last two chords are complete opposites. “In Love” has chords that go down to lower notes, and “Campus Visit” has chords that go higher. Additionally, Darius’s is slower while Ben’s is faster. All of these facts lead up to “In Love” being framed more negatively, while “Campus Visit” is framed more positively.
Curating music for a series is full of intention, and typically, the people who make the scores will make songs alongside other songs to keep the same vibe throughout while still giving off different emotions with each piece. The utilization of such a similar chord progression between two scenes is typically used to correlate the same meaning behind each scene, either consciously or subconsciously.
Brooklynn and Ben’s scene is not inherently romantic, but the chord progression in the background, the same one used for a romantic scene later on, could be a good indicator that the writers plan to frame these two characters in a more romantic light later down the line.
Music is subtle, but intentional. I find it interesting that these two chord progressions are so similar when one scene is literally a confession and the other is not related to love at all but features two characters that may or may not be currently dating.
But yknow I could be totally crazy and reading way too much into things too. Who knows LMAOO I just figured it’d be fun to share anyways
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morurui · 4 months
“B-but Brooklynn faked her death and put the nublar five through grief” #notmyproblem #brooklanderforever
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st4rrmii · 3 months
I want Chaos Theory to go more into detail with the characters' trauma, esp Ben, I want to see how he acts during another pterodon attack, I want to see how he reacts to heights, nearly falling from a high height. I know it's a kids show, but I feel like we never got a proper look into Ben and his trauma, like we did get glimpses into it, and I think he's very well written, but I want to see it at more than surface level, dude was assumed dead for probably around a month and had to survive by himself on a dino infested island and you expect me to believe he's doing pretty decent all things considered? I wanna see a real look into his paranoia and anxieties surrpunding Brooklynn's death, I wanna see how he feels knowing he introduced Brooklynn to the website that ultimately lead to her "death".
I want to see Ben treated as more than a comedic relief for more than a few scenes.
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swan2swan · 4 months
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slowlydehydrating · 5 months
I was thinking more about it, if it is Brooklynn that is thought to have died or gets kidnapped, what if she actually didn’t? What if she faked her own death or disappearance because she realized she was getting too close to something and didn’t want risk her friends’ safety because she genuinely believed they might not actually come out of it alive this time?
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magic-glasses · 5 months
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jesse-pinko · 4 months
Brooklynn is to JWCC what Katara was to ATLA I just got here and I can already tell y’all are sleeping on her… she’s so well characterized she’s so Girl Detective she’s righteous to a fault she has chronic tunnel vision she questions everything around her her drive is unmatched she steamrolls right over the feelings of others she has nothing but pure unrivaled contempt for any form of authority she doesn’t even need a last name she’s Brooklynn bitches!!
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campbenji · 2 months
it's going to be ben. ben knows that brooklynn's alive doesn't he. oh i'm gonna fling my head into a rock
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howtodrawyourdragon · 4 months
Why yes, Chaos Theory, I did want to listen to Brooklynn's screams as she died. That totally made my day!
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snowywolf1005 · 4 months
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When I started watching my childhood show that just came out... I started to notice something DPW Mateo guy explained, darius and kenji about himself.
I saw allosaurus attack brooklyn, and Mateo was shocked to see when he came out of his hiding spot.
Then I saw brooklyn was alive and lost her hand. Then I noticed something that darius and mateo was there of brooklyn death last night.
I bet what they saw was her left hand.
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fishfrommars · 4 months
Scary characters award:
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Death from Puss in Boots?
Or Raptor Lady?
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loonymooony · 5 days
i feel the need to promote this masterpiece of a fic, and not just because I’ve read it 366 times (yes, AO3 counts it for you) but because it’s truly a work of art and if you need me I will be impatiently waiting for chapter 14 because I CANT WITH THE ANGST
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