paschal107 · 1 year
Progress On My Start-Up Venture
The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the progress of my small business venture. My business focuses on cooking different types of African foods, including beans, rice, breadfruits, eggs, and yam, which are popular in countries like Nigeria and Ghana. My target audience is the African community living in Canada.
Since starting the business, I have gained valuable experience and insights into running a small business. I have encountered both successes and challenges and have learned important lessons along the way. One of the biggest successes of my business has been my ability to tap into a niche market. The African community in Canada has limited options when it comes to finding authentic African food, so my business has been able to fill that gap. I have received positive feedback from my customers about the quality and taste of my food, which has helped to build my reputation.
Another success has been my marketing strategy. I have utilized social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to promote my business, and this has helped to increase my customer base. I have also partnered with local African community organizations to reach a wider audience.
One of the major challenges I have faced is the difficulty in sourcing some of the ingredients needed for my recipes. Some of the ingredients are not readily available in Canada, and this has caused delays in fulfilling orders. Another challenge has been balancing my responsibilities as a business owner with my other commitments, such as school and family. Over the past few months, my business has generated a revenue of $500, with a net profit of $280. While these numbers are not significant, I am proud of the progress I have made, and I believe there is room for growth.
As mentioned earlier, I have utilized social media platforms and community partnerships to promote my business. I have also offered discounts and promotions to attract new customers and retain existing ones. Running a small business has taught me valuable lessons about time management, marketing, and financial management. It has also given me insight into the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship.
However, I believe my business venture has been successful, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have started and operated it. I plan to continue growing my business and expanding my customer base, while also applying the lessons learned to other areas of my life.
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paschal107 · 1 year
Progress On My Start-up Venture
On the progress of the small business that I was assigned to start. My business involves cooking different kinds of food like beans, rice, breadfruit, egg, and yam, which are eaten by different countries in Africa such as Nigeria (my home country), Ghana, and other African communities living here in Canada.
So far, the business is going well. I have received positive feedback from my customers, who appreciate the variety of African dishes that I offer. They especially enjoy the authentic taste of the food, which reminds them of home. Also, word of mouth has helped to bring in more customers, which is encouraging.
One of the challenges I have faced is the lack of access to some of the ingredients needed to cook certain dishes. For example, some of the spices and vegetables that I need are not readily available in the local grocery stores. As a result, I have to go out of my way to find these ingredients, which can be time-consuming and costly.
Overall, I am pleased with how the project is coming along. The positive feedback from my customers has been very encouraging, and I am enjoying the process of learning more about cooking and running a small business.
I am learning that running a business requires a lot of hard work and dedication. It involves more than just cooking delicious food; I also need to manage my finances, marketing, and customer service. I have had to develop my organizational and time management skills to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
Through this project, I am learning more about my strengths and weaknesses. I have discovered that I have a passion for cooking and that I enjoy sharing my cultural heritage with others. However, I have also realized that I need to work on my time management skills and my ability to prioritize tasks effectively.
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paschal107 · 2 years
Strength and Weaknesses
Ever since I was a student of Anambra State University in 2019. I have been to several interviews and made public speech. One of the few things I experienced was the confidence my physical appearance gave me, even when I was not sure enough i would deliver. Again I initially wanted to come all perfect in knowledge but at some point i realized that the PERFECTIONISTS MINDSET is a devourer of self confidence. So I paid less attention to my weaknesses, focused on my strength, sellable qualities, experience and ideas on subsequent interviews and yeah that changed the game for me. A lot of individual in the industry are not recognized or exploring not because they are not good in their career but because the lack self confidence. As a child when i was growing up, In my primary school, we had what is called morning information.. when pupils come out individually or as a class to perform before other pupils and teachers, either to give speech or recitation. Most other pupils like me would shamefully hide behind, murmuring and moving our mouths LACK OF SELF CONFIDENCE to speak in public. This was also the case in classroom I couldn't answer questions I knew very well because i thought I wasn't sure, WHAT IF I FAIL; THEY WOULD LAUGH AT ME. This happened to me through my primary and secondary education. Guess what!!? This started affecting me when i entered the Real world, when I got into the University and saw my self in a position to lead the people and also I had interviews. I then started building and possessing a good confidence by going to YouTube channels to get motivations. I struggled with lack of confidence but I got my strength when I got determined to achieve success in life.
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paschal107 · 2 years
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Dangote cement company (Message map)
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