#Bristlenose Catfish
evanesce-art · 11 months
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Fish time
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mental-autopsy · 1 year
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my strange wet goblin beast with his rubber glove face
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xcarchariasx · 1 year
Bristlenose catfish (Ancistus sp.) make a snack of the unfortunate (unidentifiable) remains of a fellow tank member at the Coburg Aquarium~🐟
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subbalakshmisastry · 6 days
Albino Bristlenose Catfish At Lokaranjan Aqua World
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palaeoplushies · 1 month
It's Wet Beast Wednesday gifset of my beautiful wet beasts!!
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They're Bristlenose plecos and they love their algae wafers more than sharing
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Have you done bristlenose pleco facts?
I have not! Let's change that.
Daily fish fact #589
Bristlenose pleco!
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Also called a bushynose pleco. They're named after their facial fleshy tentacles! Adult males will have tentacles all over their face, but females only tend to have them on their snout. They're common in aquariums due to their peaceful nature.
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waterskies · 5 months
Finnley nomming on a cucumber~
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theiris1002 · 5 months
Got a good video that has every fish I have in it.
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mystic-oarfish · 1 year
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Would rather breath air than deal with a water change ✨
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cyprinella · 2 years
20G Fish Tank-15.jpg by Jeff Koski
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kintatsujo · 8 months
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Day 6 of Zorafying the fish-uary 2024 prompts
I uh, took a suggestion and did two catfishes after all, a bristlenose pleco and a black bullhead, who I decided to characterize as a couple of old men because I thought it was funny, lol
I am SUPER happy with both of them but I'm especially pleased with Mr. Bullhead being such a fucking sea monster while Mr. Leoni looks like he's running a restaurant as a front for the Zorani mob, lmao
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plaguedocboi · 1 year
One of my bristlenose catfish is a very big idiot who has decided to live in the cucumber. I dont know why. Perhaps a food-house is just appealing to him. I was so worried when he refused to leave it, i thought he might got stuck or somehow strangled himself. In there for three days!
Catfish are such fascinating creatures
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spidermilkshake · 1 year
The bookshelf-shaped standard tank that fits 35x12x12 that I wanted is shipping, along with the added cat tree that mom's always wanted for a while to make four in their greenhouse... so... hopefully when it arrives mother will not be Proper Controlling despite be having all the stuff already and such.
It's only a 24 gallon long, with a lil sponge filter and pump as well as some good sandy substrate with a bit of added Stoney River pebble as well, which should be fine for eventual corys and/or bristlenose pleco. Following schools will depend on after plants and bottom-feeders arrivals, of course. If I end up with breeding shrimp or possibly smaller fish like dwarf oto catfishes and endler guppies (my two limited species for the 10 gal) I could move excess of those to the big one, and excess shrimps to a small one I've yet to have if I slip in a cheap 2.5 or something later.
I have all the substate for the new one, as well as some anacharis which will work nicely, and eventually a new banana plant. The other plants I want I will need to be on the lookout for since I would like to try to aquascupt a tank which has only North American native plants as part of the environment for the varying fish/inverts (I want pearl weed, a cardinal plant, and a micromeria (Creeping Charlie) as well as Jungle Val for it along with some Azolla and other plants!.
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gingerlee-holds · 9 months
Pokerants: Gorebyss
im using a random pokemon generator, i think i might stick with that moving forward. i had a little trouble getting to five problems about them but i got there in the end! just had to do a bit of stretching but my physical therapist says thats healthy. anyways uhhhh i love you guys
today is Gorebyss, this fella! #0368
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this is what i gleamed from the 'dex:
they live in the southern seas at extreme depths, their body withstands enormous water pressure, and they're unharmed by ordinary attacks due to its body structure
they insert their thin mouth into prey to drain the bodily fluids, they feed on seaweed between rocks, and their body color becomes vivid after feeding
they have a light pink body color, which becomes more vivid in springtime or with rising water temperatures, and in Alola, it's almost blindingly vivid
its leftover prey meat sinks to the seafloor to become food for other pokemon
and now, screaming time
firstly, the Dex states that because its body can resist high water pressure, it can resist a lot of attacks. this is friggin ludicrous, genuinely- deep-sea creatures are not plated in heavy armor, thats not how that works at all!! look at the blobfish!! if you tried to stab that thing, it would die hilariously quickly, especially if above water! deep-sea fish have flexible bodies and soft tissues, which is to say, they gotta be squishy!! the bottom of the deepest trench on earth, the Mariana Trench, has over 1000 bars of pressure, which is like 100 african elephants balancing on your head. the one thing you dont wanna be down in the deepest parts of the ocean is rigid, because you'll get crushed like a soda can - you gotta be squishy, so that when youre crushed by the pressure, you can continue living.
also,,, quick sidenote, why do Gorebyss have seashell bras? look at the picture again, why does the Gorebyss have two seashells on its thorax??? do they have fucking boobies under there?????
secondly, it sucks the body fluids out of its prey like a spider or an insect. a wha? a wha??? it sucks??? this is a good opportunity to tell you about the types of feeding habits fish in the real world can display! 1, there are the surface feeders, which eat food off of the surface of the water - these are the bettas and guppies and such. 2, there's the bottom feeders, which eat leftover debris, like catfish. 3, the herbivorous fish that eat plants (algae aren't plants, they're protists which is the catch-all category for the creatures that are too weird for taxonomists to deal with), these are fish like Crossocheilus oblongus. 4, there's the weirdos who eat algae, like Bristlenose Pleco, aka, those fuckers they keep in the aquariums who suck on the walls lmao. and 5, there are the hunters, like tetras and barbs. "sucking the bodily fluids out" like a goddamn mosquito is not one of those five!!
thirdly, the Gorebyss vividly changes color in warmer water, like one of those hot wheels cars. alright. fish changing color is something that happens in the real world, but its uncommon and usually a result of other factors, not just temperature. for instance, cuttlefish (while not being fish) change color to camouflage into their surroundings using cells called chromatophores. cuttlefish are cephalopods though so a flounder's coloration might be a better example. some fish use bright colors to attract mates, or warn predators away (like lionfish! poison dart frogs also do this, its called aposematic coloration!). a creature becoming brighter in warmer waters is more characteristic of some types of shrimp, but even then its not a vivid change like the pokedex describes
fourthly, the pokedex states in the beginning that the Gorebyss feeds by sucking the body fluids out of prey, (which may be why its name is a combination of 'Gore' and 'Abyss' ooo very dark very edgy) but then later on it states that it uses its long tubular mouth to feed on seaweed between rocks. which is it, pokemon, because those are two very different things! in nature, function always comes before form, which is to say, an animal's natural appearance is only ever because it serves a role. a mouth adapted to sucking bodily fluids (pokemon are cowards and can't say the word 'blood') and a mouth adapted to eating seaweed are very different! for instance, take a look at that picture of the Gorebyss again, look at its mouth, then close your eyes and picture Dory from Finding Nemo. pretty different, right? dory is a pacific blue tang, and blue tangs get most of their food from eating seaweed in coral reefs. those two mouths, Dory and the Gorebyss, couldn't be more dissimilar!
and fifthly, the specific detail that, when the Gorebyss finished slurpin up the juices from their prey, the carcass just falls to the seafloor to be eaten by other pokemon is a bit simplistic, i would have liked to have gotten more specific details on what happens next. yes this is pretty nitpicky but i wanted to get it up to five so leave me alone. once a marine organism dies, the scavengers (we call em detritivores in the business) get to it first: these are crabs, starfish, and the aforementioned bottomfeeders! then, it begins to decompose thanks to algae and bacteria. the food web, especially the ocean floor food web (which is overlooked too much) deserves to be recognized for its vast complexity! tell me about the bottomfeeders goddammit!!!!
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palaeoplushies · 1 month
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Some of my bristlenoses.
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ardentguilt · 11 months
Dash game thingy
Are you named after anyone?
((I guess. My mother got the name from a character in a Tom Cruise movie. I think the movie was Cocktail))
When was the last time you cried?
“What? Me? Cry? Haha. No.”
((4+ years ago))
Do you have kids?
“Oh 8oy. Yeah. 3 from a previous relationship 8ut they’re off doing their own thing nownights and one from a current relationship.”
((Definitely not. No interest or ability to have bio kids but I’m open to maybe one day adopting an older kid if I ever feel ready for that))
What sports do you play/have you played?
“They made us play gru88all as wrigglers 8ut other than that is 8eing a pain in the empire’s ass a sport?”
((Used to do Archery and was freakishly good at it despite being shortsighted and not having glasses back then. Kinda wanna get back into that. Used to run as a kid and was pretty good at it. Also used to do tae kwon do but I don’t do sport nowdays.))
Do you use sarcasm?
“What do you think?”
((Mostly no and if I do it’s not often or usually intentional because autism.))
What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
“Um….I dunno? Is there something specific you should notice first or…?”
((No clue. I don’t like to make eye contact so I guess maybe..hair color? Outfit? Never really paid attention before))
What’s your eye color?
“Right is teal 8ut my left is all fucked up and damaged red.”
((I guess green-brown? I’m a weirdo and they’re still shifting every so often but seem to be settling into the green-brown sort of range. Apparently they’re supposed to settle while you’re still a kid??))
Scary movies or happy endings?
“I don’t have any real preference, I don’t mind an occassional scary movie 8ut romantic stuff is mostly just the same things repackaged with different actors so it’s a 8ut 8oring. I prefer action, sci-fi and drama”
((Same as the muse tbh))
Any talents?
“Conditional immortality. I’m essentially an escaped imperial experiment. They fucked me up good and I’m VERY hard to kill and even then unless certain criteria is met I won’t stay dead”
((Where do I start? I’m the weird cryptid of my local town. Deceptive strength for my appearance. I don’t feel most physical pain. I heal abnormally fast. I have abnormal night vision, tongue spines, teeth that keep growing back when removed, hypersensitive hearing, my core temperature is above the norm for a human. I befriend wild animals like a Disney Princess…))
Where were you born?
“8rood Cavern C-1768-Z4, Central Alternia.”
((NSW, Australia))
What are your hobbies?
“Horticulture, 8artending and criminal mischief.”
((Reptiles, minerals and videogames))
Do you have any pets?
“Not at this stage no.”
((2 cats who are siblings Willow & River, an abundance of fish [spotted silver dollars, freshwater angelfish, bristlenose plecos {standard color, super red & albino}, bumblebee gobys, Gourami {golden Pearl, honey, coral blue, neon stripes}, phantom glass catfish, freshwater mussels, mystery snail, tetras {neon, Cardinal & rummy nose}, loach {yoyo & banded kuhli}, Siamese algae eaters and 3 generations of swordtails] and 2 central bearded dragons Spike & Puff))
How tall are you?
“Not counting horn height 8’8” 8ut if we’re including horns it’s 9’5” last I checked”
((Last I was measured it was something like 170-172cm))
Favorite subject in school?
“Eww no”
((School was hell on earth so hometime))
Dream job?
“You know I’ve always wanted to open my own 8otanical store….”
((Working with reptiles, specifically in the area of rescue and rehabilitation. I’m working on qualifications to get there but with that I have obtained currently I’m qualified for volunteer work. Just need a first aid course and snake handling course and I’ll have everything officially to get into it fully))
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