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coffeenewstom · 5 months ago
So kocht man griechischen Kaffee!
Wer in Griechenland ist, sollte auch Kaffee trinken wie die Griechen. Schon morgens sieht man in den Kafenia oder Tavernen die Männer zusammensitzen, jeder mit einer kleinen Tasse griechischen Kaffee und einen Glas Wasser. So ein Kafenion gibt es in jedem Dorf. Es ist Café, Kiosk, Imbiss, Jobbörse, Informationsquelle und inoffizielles Rathaus in einem. Früher durften sich hier nur Männer…
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machazer · 5 months ago
Fly to the Moon.
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dotanukister · 1 year ago
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Amir Briki
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profmadscientist · 2 years ago
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Various Brink Tussler sketches, plus a Brinkborg/BorgLer/KySsler/BriKy/whatever doodle
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skelekerrry · 1 year ago
Chiki briki and v damki
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Gopnik Grievous because that's just who he is really
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transparentgentlemenmarker · 6 months ago
22 faits sur la Grèce
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1. La Grèce est considérée comme le berceau de la démocratie et de la civilisation occidentale.
2. C'est le pays le plus ensoleillé d'Europe avec plus de 250 jours de soleil par an, soit environ 3 000 heures d'ensoleillement par an.
3. Cela ne s'appelle pas la Grèce : le nom officiel du pays est en fait la République hellénique. « Grèce » vient du terme romain « Grèce ».
4. Plus de touristes que d’habitants : la Grèce attire chaque année plus de touristes que sa population totale !
5. Le grec est l'une des langues les plus anciennes au monde encore utilisée.
6. La Grèce compte des milliers d’îles, mais seulement 227 sont habitées.
7. L'hymne national grec compte 158 couplets, l'un des plus longs au monde.
8. Les premiers Jeux Olympiques ont eu lieu à Olympie, en Grèce, en 776 avant JC.
9. Culture du café : les Grecs prennent leur café très au sérieux ! Le petit café « briki » fort est pour beaucoup un rituel quotidien.
10. La Grèce compte plus de musées archéologiques par habitant que tout autre pays au monde.
11. Le mont Olympe, la plus haute montagne de Grèce, était considéré par les anciens Grecs comme la demeure des dieux.
12. La Grèce possède la plus forte densité d’oliveraies par superficie au monde.
13. Croyez-le ou non, 80 % du territoire grec est montagneux.
14. Toujours proche de la mer : où que vous soyez en Grèce, vous n'êtes jamais à plus de 135 kilomètres de la côte.
15. Les gorges de Vikos, dans les montagnes du Pinde, sont l'une des plus profondes du monde, avec un dénivelé de plus de 1 100 mètres.
16. Ce n’est plus une monarchie : la Grèce est passée d’une monarchie à une république parlementaire en 1975.
17. L'île grecque d'Ikaria est l'une des « zones bleues » du monde, abritant certaines des personnes les plus anciennes de la planète.
18. La cuisine grecque est célèbre pour son régime méditerranéen, riche en olives, feta et poisson grillé.
19. La plupart des constellations que nous connaissons aujourd’hui portent des noms dérivés de la mythologie grecque.
20. Athènes détient le record mondial du plus grand nombre de théâtres dans une ville.
21. La Grèce compte plus de 4 000 danses traditionnelles, reflétant le riche patrimoine culturel du pays.
22. Le "Sirtaki" n'est pas une danse traditionnelle mais a été inventé spécifiquement pour le film "Zorba le Grec"
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rdostuff · 1 year ago
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Chiki Briki V Damke
the most national and stereotypical music genre
(P.S. I do not spread illiteracy and militarism, just showing one of the popular genres of the Internet)
they might look like techno trolls due to how much the music rocks too
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kassandras-one-braincell · 2 years ago
ugh when is it my turn to have an irl kassandra i would do anything for her .
anyways what kinds of clothing styles, jobs, or just general day-to-day life (like their houses) do you think modern!kassie/eivor/soma would have?
Pssh, it's not like I've given this any extensive thought in the past or anything... That would be weird... Who would do that haha
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I would let's go
Kassandra dresses like a dad who lost his passport in Tenerife on holiday and has been stuck cycling between the same 4 hawaiian shirts since three Tuesdays ago, but owns a few casual suits for work.
She's a historian and museum curator. Specialises in the history of weaponry, occasionally giving guest lectures on ancient swords at universities. Mention any type of weapon and she will not be able to stop herself from rambling about its evolution over the centuries.
Has a pottery wheel. You know that scene from Ghost (1990)? Yeah. Very reliable with the ladies.
Ikaros is her pet eagle, do not ask her how she manages to get him pet insurance because she may have lied about his species.
She has a vegetable garden (her pride and joy, this might as well be her child with how well she takes care of it) and a briki to make coffee with. Kassie always starts her day off with freshly brewed coffee the traditional Greek way, some bread and some fruit, which she always plates too much of because Ikaros likes to steal it.
She's a great cook.
Dozens of books on old weapons are dotted about her home and some (so many. so fucking many holy shit) model replicas because she's a fucking nerd.
You cannot turn a corner inside her home without seeing at least three family photos. Family includes Myrrine, Alexios, Barnabas, Herodotos, Markos, Alkibiades and Phoibe. Nikolaos is in prison for trying to yeet his stepchildren off a cliff.
Phoibe is her goddaughter who calls her "auntie" and Auntie Kass absolutely gives her the world.
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Eivor serves lumberjack realness. Flannels, cargo pants, work jeans, yes she has a tool belt, yes she looks a damn treat in it. All she's missing is the hard hat and the protective visor. The axe is in her workshop.
She wears glasses. This isn't up for debate.
Tattoo artist by trade and has a degree in literature. Her love for poetry knows no bounds. She specialises in black and grey realism and her pieces are breathtaking.
Speaking of poetry, her colleagues bully her mercilessly for being a "big old sap". She has fancy paper to write her poems up on, and a wax sealing kit for handwritten letters. She's old fashioned like that.
Technology is a demon she would rather not trifle with. 100% complains about the need for there to be an app for everything, but she does appreciate video calls so she can see her people.
As a hobby, she pursues woodworking and blacksmithing, sometimes selling her creations. She'd make the engagement ring she proposes to you with herself
Dwolfg (or Chewy, or Mouse) Nali and Dandelion Puff are all beloved members of her household. The neighbours' kids named them all; sometimes she babysits Knud and Sylvi, and of course Eira has to tag along.
Her fridge is full of boring meal prep (you better wife her up and cook for her) but her pantry? Brimming with baking supplies. Ma'am loves to bake. Sure, she eats a lot of grrr protein big strong macro gym buzzword meals, but she loves bread and cake. Big muscles but she likes to eat, so she isn't lean, I'm gonna stop before this gets unreasonably gay
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Soma, look, this is gonna be specific, but there's foundations for this in game (her metric fuck ton of rugs in the longhouse). She evidently likes fancy things. Her modern!AU occupation: owner and ceo of a sustainable luxury jewellery brand. Recycled metals, gemstones that are sourced/synthesised sustainably, everything is ethically manufactured and her employees are paid well.
She's from humble beginnings, so she does loads for charity and really enjoys quiet domesticated tasks.
Waistcoats and tie when she's attending businessy things, simple t-shirt or jumper and joggers when working from home. Outside, she wears a few rings that she designed.
Not a particularly great cook, but she's a mean pastry chef. She has a massive sweet tooth. Loves to start her mornings with a homemade croissant and a cappuccino.
There is a post-it note above her desk to reminder her to straighten her posture because she tends to sit like a fucking goblin.
Her home is pretty eclectic, which takes people by surprise given her organised manner. Lots of blankets strewn over the couch, lots of knickknacks she collected over the years, some sentimental ones from Lif and some ruder ones from Birna. A few sketchbooks are scattered about with designs for work.
She has a record player and an ungodly collection of country vinyls. It's okay. Nobody's perfect. It's what makes her human.
Also needs to wear glasses, but wears contacts usually because she insists the specs make her look "old", oblivious to the distant sounds of feral lesbian screaming whenever she puts them on.
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jartita-me-teneis · 2 months ago
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21 hechos sobre Grecia que no sabías:
1. Grecia es considerada el lugar de nacimiento de la democracia y la civilización occidental.
2. Es el país más soleado de Europa con más de 250 días de sol al año o alrededor de 3.000 horas de sol al año.
3. Hola, no Grecia: el nombre oficial de Grecia es en realidad República Helénica. "Grecia" proviene del término romano "Graecia. "
4. Más turistas que locales: ¡Grecia atrae a más turistas cada año que toda su población!
5. El griego es uno de los idiomas más antiguos del mundo.
6. Grecia tiene miles de islas, pero sólo 227 están habitadas.
7. El himno nacional griego tiene 158 versos, por lo que es uno de los más largos del mundo.
8. Los primeros Juegos Olímpicos se celebraron en Olympia, Grecia en 776 a. C.
9. Cultura del café: ¡Los griegos toman en serio su café! El pequeño y fuerte café "briki" es un ritual diario para muchos.
10. Grecia tiene más museos arqueológicos per cápita que cualquier otro país del mundo.
11. El Monte Olimpo, la montaña más alta de Grecia, fue creído por los antiguos griegos como el hogar de los dioses.
12. Grecia cuenta con el mayor porcentaje de cobertura de olivos por superficie terrestre en el mundo.
13. Mountain Marvel: lo creas o no, el 80 % de Grecia es montañosa.
14. Siempre junto al mar: no importa dónde estés en Grecia, nunca estás a más de 135 kilómetros de la costa.
15. El desfiladero de Vikos en las montañas Pindus es uno de los más profundos del mundo, hundiendo más de 1.100 metros.
16. No es monarquía: Grecia pasó de una monarquía a una república parlamentaria en 1975.
17. La isla griega de Ikaria es una de las Zonas Azules del mundo, el hogar de algunas de las personas más antiguas del planeta.
18. La cocina griega es conocida por su saludable dieta mediterránea, incluyendo aceitunas, queso feta y marisco a la parrilla.
19. Muchas constelaciones que vemos hoy tienen nombres derivados de la mitología griega.
20. Atenas tiene el título de la ciudad con más teatros del mundo.
21. Grecia cuenta con más de 4.000 bailes tradicionales, mostrando el rico patrimonio cultural.
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elbellaco002 · 2 years ago
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Su nombre, Briky Báez, de Naranjito Puerto Rico, chicha por ver la leche correr, le gusta hasta por el culo, según los comentarios que me han llegado, le gusta beber, fumar marihuana y hasta hueler perico.....le gusta estar arrebata a la hora de chichar
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balapann-blog · 6 months ago
Day 19 - 24 September - Thessaloniki
Woke up quite early due to the fact that we are now an hour earlier that we were before. I nipped out and got some coffee from a shop and wrote my diary from the day before. I then went out and looked at 5 of the 15 or so churches in the city that are Unesco world heritage sights. They are all Byzantine churches that had been turned into mosques by the Ottomans when they took over Selonica as it was called in the 15th century. They were subsequently turned back into churches when the city became part of Greece in 1912, which seems fair enough. I did see an old Ottoman bath house that looks pretty dilapidated and the google reviews all spoke about how much of a shame it is that the ottoman history is not being looked after by the government.
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I then met Nin and we had an espresso fredo (Briki on Exmouth Market do these and I highly recommend them!) in this nice cafe and then went to the Jewish museum.
Selonica had at one point, the largest Jewish population in Europe, many of whom ere Sephardic Jews who had settled and thrived in the city under the Ottomans after their expulsion from Spain. Almost the whole population was killed when the occupying German forces transported them to the extermination camps in Poland. They had a room which had the names of the people confirmed killed which was incredibly stark. The gallery of Srebrenica had something similar with photos of the confirmed dead (a much smaller number compared with here) each of those people was a person with a life, a family, friends, interests, and when you hear deaths in numbers that is often lost. I think we as a society have a problem being able to communicate and conceptualise the scale of the violence that has happened in the last hundred and twenty years, and that the impact of it remains to this day in our politics and in our society.
The city, despite being in the Ottoman Empire for so long has almost no Muslim population after the forced population swaps in the early 1920s. Lots of the 1m Greek who moved from Anatolia and Thrace we settled here as well as in Attica. At the time of the Armenian Genocide that took place at then end of WW1 there were large numbers of killings of Christian Greeks and Assyrians which continued following the Greco/Turkish war in 1919-22. Which considering the multiculturalism of the Ottoman Empire, the fact that people who would have lived in an area for hundreds maybe even thousands of years then have to move to another country just because of their religion or language, is one of the great tragedies of the nationalism of the early 20th Century (and beyond).
After the museum, we went to the seafront and walked along it. We were originally going to go to this Feta bar we had read about but in the end we went for a giros which was absolutely delish (as I write this I have only had food in a wrap in this city. We then walked to the Hagia Sophia (church no.6) and looked around. We were going to go to the Rotunda church but that was closed on Tuesdays (as are lots of things it seems).
We then walked back to our flat and chilled out for a bit and then went to the bar on our corner for a drink. We had a strange situation where the dogs of a guy sat beside us bit the owner of a shop next door and no one really seemed to bat an eyelid.
The weather is really nice, not too hot but still quite sunny. We then went to a shop and bought food for dinner. After that I read till I went to bed.
Where we ate - Derlicatesen all Souvlaki, at home
What we liked - Both were very good loved the souvlaki
Day 19 - 24 September - Thessaloniki
Woke up and went on a run to the bus station in order to buy our ticket to Alexandropoli tomorrow. We then took a bus back into the town and had our first fredo coffee of the day (fredo-cappucino), we then went to apartment and got ready for the day. We went to the do a quick-fire blitz of churches before lunch. They really were stunning, with fragments of frescos and mosaics. One of the places we went to was the rotunda which was pretty amazing.
We then went to a place that had been recommended in an article which we weren’t enamoured by and the food was a bit cold. After that walked along the water and moved toward the Byzantine museum, it was very hot so we tried to stay in the shade and were very happy when we went into the building and it was very cool. The museum was very interesting and informative, it had lots of mosaics and frescos as well as lots of stone headstones and pillars etc.
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After that we had a very nice coke and water in a cafe outside another museum which was needed as we were thirsty and it was very refreshing (as it was still pretty hot). We then walked up towards the flat. On the way I bought a hat, which was good because I had been looking to buy a hat for a while because the one I have is not very nice (although it is very useful and washable). We had another coffee and went back to the flat and chilled out for a bit.
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We then got up again and went up to the top of the hill behind us where some of the old walls are. There was a lovely view over the whole town which was great. After that we went to a tavern called Iggis which we had heard from the same article, which was actually delish, it was in a nice setting and we had some great food and some lovely wine. After that we walked back to the flat and chilled out.
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Where we ate - Local, Iggis
What we liked - Local - not very good, quite expensive an disappointing, Iggis - really nice, we had a some white tarama, and fava beans, as well as a salad of wilted spinach leaves with mint and lemon which was lovely. I then had a beef and smokey aubergine dish and Nin had a great pork neck grilled, there were great chips too!
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of-chitin-wrought-peering · 7 months ago
I Gaf What She's Doing
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thebirdwhodoesart · 1 year ago
BG3 Tavs/Ocs
Hello hello!! This is my masterpost for my Tavs and the bg3 ocs I have.
Why? Because I want to and that's all the reason and more to post them. This whole list is subject to change, but never to remove character.
And eventually get decent character descriptions after, but right now I don't care.
this is all dnd races too, now name time
Orirel Dawndream (Princess)(High Elf) Liadainna Sonata (Noble)(Wizard) (High Elf) Hallie Tavire (Entertainer)(Bard)(High Elf) Cassandra Cassear (Soldier)(Fighter)(High Elf) Ianfir Springwish (Sage)(Druid of the land)(Wood Elf) Nadja (Sage)(Druid of the wild)(Wood Elf) Celesti (outlander)(Cleric of the moonlight, Selûne) Nautica (Outlander)(druid of the Sea stars)(Sea Elf)
-Half Elves-
Gregor Tavine (Acolyte)(Paladin/Cleric, Luthander, Oath of devotion)(half High Elf) Stella DeTavrus (Entertainer)(Bard)(half High Elf) Noelle (Folk hero)(Druid of the land)(half Wood Elf) Camilei (Outlander)(Druid of the land)(half Wood Elf)
Zuko Taveri (Noble)(Sorcerer)(More devil then tief) Jeanette Tavrett(Outlander)(Ranger) Viana Blackrose(Entertainer)(Bard) Bee (Urchin/Criminal)(Rogue, thief) Dessa (Folk hero)(Rogue, assassin ) Dorcas (Haunted one)(Warlock)
Pailu (Soldier)(Fighter) Balrot'hik (Soldier)(Fighter) Dri Giphlak (Soldier)(Fighter) Nimber Ith'la (Soldier)(Fighter) Jeth K'thlaigha (Soldier)(Fighter)
Talaliira Taav (Soldier)(Fighter) Miz'ri Tav’neri (Sage)(Wizard) Ryld Everht'tar (Charlatan)(Bard) Nadal Kenndar (Charlatan) (Half drow-half tiefling) Zillia Dyrr (Outlander)(Cleric, Eilistraee)
-Half Orcs-
Brak Brak (Outlander)(Barbarian) Briki (Outlander)(Barbarian) BlackTusk (Soldier/Outlander)(Barbarian) Tak (Soldier/Outlander)(Barbarian)
Emnir Stoutheart (Soldier)(Fighter) Delaney StoneBeard (Guild Artisan)(Fighter) Jethro Bibbs (Soldier)(Fighter)
"Brick" Shithouse (Soldier)(Fighter) Linsire Thistlesky (Outlander)(Paladin) Kilga Elish (Outlander) Jimmie Barrel(Outlander)(Bard)
Aridon TwilightBrace (Entertainer)(Bard) Giancarlo Douvil - Formally known as Thimble Bimplestein (Entertainer)(Bard) Throbbie (outlander of the underdark) Shadynasty (Entertainer)(Bard)
Mellea (Entertainer)(Druid, circle of spores) Gus(Acolyte)(Monk) Aarav (Acolyte)(Monk)
Coil (Fighter) Porci (Wizard/Uses rapiers to extend her reach)
Illyanna (Thrall of a ulitharid) Ariel (Thrall of a ulitharid) Coral (Guild Artisan)(Druid, circle of (sea) stars) Ammi (Outlander)(Ranger) Pearl (Mariner) (Gunner) Narissa ("Noble")(Jellyfish wizard)(half triton half human) Kai (Outlander)(Pirate)(half human half triton) Calder (Soldier)(Paladin, path of ancients) Caspian (Folk hero)(Fighter) Delmar (Outlander)(Ranger)
Merissa Lana Orabell Nyrissa Minato Ren
Dusk, fae under shar (Sage)(Wizard) Nissa (Spawn of Bane) Twiggy (Noble)(Druid)
Pomeline (Outlander)(Ranger)
Ananassa (Outlander)(Druid/Bard) Plu (Sage)(Bard)
Zovik (Acolyte)(Monk) Vonn (Outlander)(Ranger) Gurr (Charlatan)(Rogue)
Janki(Outlander)(Bard)(Calico) Meena (Sage)(Wizard)(Scottish Fold) Melon (Criminal)(Rogue)(Norwegian Short Hair) Sam (Folk Hero)(Barbarian)(Orange) Theodore (Haunted one)(Bhaal Spawn)(Rogue)(Oriental shorthair) Whiskers (Acolyte)(Monk)(Japanese Bobtail) Princess (Acolyte)(Monk)(Egyptian Mau) Molli (Guild artisan)(Sorcerer, wild magic)(American shorthair)
Kh'thrër (Outlander)(Barbarian) (Red) Iltead (Folk Hero)(Barbarian) (Red) Heseth (soldier)(Barbarian) (Red) Ag'garith(Outlander)(Barbarian) (Silver) Cur'reem(Outlander)(Barbarian) (Copper) Au'theri(Outlander)(Barbarian) (Gold) Hebi (Outlander)(Eastern dragonborn)(White)
Alice(Folk Hero)(Wizard/Master of potions)
Nerivyre (Outlander)(Druid of the land)
Deshk(Noble)(Arcane trickster) Zhihu(Entertainer)(Rogue)
Gl'bgolyb (Ulitharid)
Cornir (Sage)(Paladin) Inea(Fallen)(Fighter) Navosi (Imprisoned)(Paladin)
-Succubi and incubi-
Wysteria Nyxxis (Nyxxxis) Velvet
Namoris (Soldier)(Paladin) Gauss (Soldier)(Paladin)
Boingo (Myrkul Spawn)
Briar (Spawn of Mystra) Rowan Jasper Fir Wynnie
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tamsinswriting · 8 months ago
WIP Wednesday
@anachronismstellar thank you for the great ask. I'm always happy to write about Golden Girls/Good Omens. Here's your snippet.
"It looked like the demon could use a strong cup of coffee and a Greek coffee was the perfect solution to feeling run down. One of the ladies at Shady Pines had taught Sophia how to make it—though they had to sneak in all the utensils and ingredients needed—and she hadn’t forgotten how.  Sophia went to the cupboard and pulled out a small, metal briki and some powdered coffee. Then, she added one spoon for each cup and some water. Then, she set the briki on the stove and turned it on.
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nesiacha · 9 months ago
Fernand and Helene Iveton a couple in the Algerian revolution the beginning of the End (part III)
In the previous post, we discovered the impact of Henri Maillot's death on Fernand Iveton. Together with a group including Félix Colozzi, Mohamed Hachelaf, Abdelkader and Jacqueline Guerroudj, Georges Accampora, and Mohamed Bennaceur, also known as Tewfik, Yahia Briki, they formed the Commando of Greater Algiers. They were supported by chemists like Daniel Timsit and Taleb Abderrahmane, a maquisard who came down from the maquis to assist the FLN in Algiers. Their operations included sabotaging wagons at the port and setting fire to international cork factories. One day, Fernand Iveton was assigned the mission to eliminate Gerard Etienne, a member of the colonialist organization Main Rouge, an ancestor of the notorious OAS. Fernand agreed, but the operation failed, and Mohamed Hachelaf took over the task.
To better understand the following events, it is important to contextualize Algiers in 1956. Executions of FLN militants by guillotine were in full swing, starting with the Algerian revolutionaries Ahmed Zabana and Abdelkader Ferradj, with many others following. These were mock trials under a military tribunal, where even the condemned were denied execution by firing squad—a practice viewed as an insult, which even the staunchly pro-colonial executioner of Algiers admitted should logically have been a firing squad given the military tribunal setting. However, many FLN militants, as well as innocent Algerians unrelated to the FLN, were executed by guillotine. This colonial "justice" was a farce, the extent of which would soon become apparent.
The bombing on Rue de Thèbes in August 1956 was a turning point. Two ORAF members, with police complicity, planted a bomb just before the Algerians' curfew to maximize casualties. The bomb exploded at 11:50 PM, killing over 80 people and seriously injuring 14. Many families in the Casbah were left homeless and without assistance. Everyone knew the culprits, but the incident was met with general indifference. Only a few lines were written about the tragedy, and the investigation falsely blamed Algerians for the attack. However, the act was claimed by a leaflet signed by the "Committee of Forty," which declared that for every European killed, a block of the Casbah would explode. Among the perpetrators was sub-prefect Achiary, known for his role in the May 8, 1945 massacre of Algerians.
The Algerians in Algiers were outraged and sought revenge. The FLN calmed them, promising similar retaliatory actions. This latest attack on Algerian civilians erased the last scruples most Algerian nationalists had about bombing locations frequented by European civilians. Violence escalated to a new level, with the FLN planting multiple bombs, including in cafes. This marked the beginning of what is known as the Battle of Algiers, although some historians like Gilbert Meynier prefer the term "Repression of Algiers" for this episode. The explanations for this part of history are vast and would require multiple posts.
Most PCA members integrated into the FLN disagreed with this approach. They supported targeting ultra-colonialists who already killed and generals involved in crimes but opposed killing innocent European civilians. Fernand Iveton naturally shared this view. He confided this in his wife Hélène, without giving her operation details for her safety and that of the network. He condemned the indiscriminate violence against European civilians, including children,impoverished civils , and believed it would lead to a dead end.
Nevertheless, Fernand was committed to the revolution. He decided to sabotage the gas plant where he worked using a bomb, ensuring no one would be injured. Taleb Abderrahmane made two bombs, Jacqueline Guerroudj transported them, and gave one to Fernand, who set it to go off late in the evening to avoid casualties. After this action, he planned to join the maquis ( The rule of the FLN was that to become a maquisard, one had to be wanted). However, the plant foreman, Oriol, suspicious of Fernand due to his CGT delegate activities, saw him enter a room with a beach bag and leave empty-handed. He alerted the police, who found the bomb. Fernand was arrested, marking the beginning of a nightmare for him and his loved ones.
Fernand was insulted by the police. Paul Teitgen, secretary-general of the Algiers prefecture, had forbidden the use of torture on Fernand Iveton, but his orders were ignored. A police commissioner assured his officers they would be covered for whatever they did. Fernand was brutally tortured, both physically and psychologically. He held on for his wife, Henri, his comrades, and others, needing to last at least 24 (or 48) hours to protect the network and evacuate everyone he knew. He was also threatened with harm to his wife.
The police demanded the location of the second bomb and his accomplices. When Fernand felt he might break, he cleverly claimed a blonde woman had given him the bombs (Jacqueline Guerroudj was brunette), misleading the police into suspecting Raymonde Peschard, a well-known PCA militant. They mistakenly believed she was behind the Milk Bar bombing (actually carried out by Zohra Drif). Raymonde Peschard, whose alias was Taous, evaded arrest and joined the ALN before being killed by the French army in the maquis on November 26, 1957.
When Fernand felt he could no longer hold out, he named Félix Colozzi and Mohamed Hachelaf, believing they had escaped. Mohamed Hachelaf's wife was arrested, but Félix Colozzi was not evacuated in time due to suspicious movements near his home. Both Fernand and Félix were tortured horribly. Helene, following Fernand's instructions, destroyed his hidden papers when the police arrived at their home. She delayed them by pretending to sleep and arguing through the window, buying time.I think her experience of hiding resistance fighters during the occupation of France by Nazi Germany must have helped her to deal with these situation . Ultimately, she let them in after ensuring any evidence was destroyed. The police arrested her as well.
Helene faced police attempts to turn her against Fernand. They falsely claimed he was unfaithful, but she retorted that it was fashionable to be cheated on and the police commissioner’s wife was probably cheating on him too. When asked about her knowledge of her husband's militancy, she lied, claiming ignorance and stating her love for him. The commissioner grew angry, but Helene remained calm. She was put in a cell next to prostitutes who cheered her defiance against a policeman insulting her husband. She earned the nickname "the tigress."
Fernand, meanwhile, was taunted by soldiers who showed him newspapers branding him a bloodthirsty criminal. Fernand mislead the police about an FLN hideout, manage to escape but was recaptured and beaten again.
The police released Hélène. She made sure not to acknowledge the police officers and took a taxi. The driver, named Farouk, noticed that she was sad. She confided in him, explaining that she could not bear the thought of her husband being tortured. This likely brought back painful memories of her uncle being tortured and killed by a Nazi officer during World War II in Poland, as mentioned in the first part. When Farouk learned that she was Fernand Iveton's wife, he was completely surprised. While Iveton was seen as a brigand and a traitor by the colonial authorities, he was becoming a hero to the Algerian population. When Hélène tried to pay for the taxi, the driver refused, saying that the wives of fighters do not pay.
The French authorities, including Robert Lacoste, celebrated thos. Soustelle falsely claimed Fernand wanted to blow up the entire city. Lacoste demanded Fernand's execution, a move meant to discredit the Algerian movement and paint it as communist-led to reduce American support.
It is important to understand that during the UN meetings, France was frequently called out for its conduct in Algeria and faced increasing international criticism from many countries such as Tunisia, Egypt, and others. The USSR remained neutral on this issue until it aligned with Nasser, but the FLN was able to count on significant diplomatic support from China as well as from the United States. In New York, M’Hamed Yazid and Hocine Ait Ahmed, later replaced by Abdelkader Chanderli, maintained contacts through the UN with the Americans.
An anecdote: in 1957, Senator Kennedy, although he was speaking in a personal capacity and not on behalf of the American government, stated that it was necessary to "accelerate the movement towards independence in Algerian policy." But now, an communist named Fernand Iveton was caught in the act of sabotage in the name of Algeria’s independence. This was an opportunity to try to discredit the Algerian movement and suggest that this revolution was primarily the work of communists, perhaps even under Moscow's influence, and that consequently, the Americans should stop supporting them. This was a desperate and foolish strategy by the French government, but Iveton paid the high price fot these. French newspapers like Le Monde gleefully branded him a brigand. Not to mention the colonial newspapers.
The French Communist Party abandoned him. Helene sought Gaston Amblard’s help, but the PCF forbade it, calling Fernand’s actions a "provocation" ( words of Leon Feix). The lawyer Gisèle Halimi explained in her book Le lait de l'oranger that she was outraged and ready to defend him, and she sent him a note. He sincerely thanked her but said that as a communist, he could only accept help from a communist lawyer. . Ultimately, Albert Smajda, a third-year communist trainee lawyer, defended Fernand, assisted by Charles Lainné of Secours Catholique a very good lawyer who defend the equality between algerians and Pieds Noirs . Both knew Fernand should not be executed in theory, but the charged atmosphere made anything possible. Fernand fought for clemency, refusing to be demoralized and the two braves and engaged lawyers will fight for save Fernand Iveton life.
Helene prepared clean clothes for Fernand for his trial, insisting they be delivered in person. Initially refused, the prison director, moved by her determination, assured that Fernand would receive them. On her way out, she noticed a policeman following her and told him to get out. Fernand and Helene, committed to each other and their cause, prepared for a new battle for save his life.
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counterdestroyer · 7 months ago
Coffee brewing methods ranked by how Punk Rock they are
Batch Brewer at a late night diner that hasn't been cleaned in years
Any method where the grounds and water are put in a pot and boiled over a flame (Ibrik, Briki, Cowboy Coffee, etc...)
Drip Coffee Machine
Instant Coffee
Moka Pot
French Press
Pour Over (it gets points for being DIY but loses points for being fussy)
Japanese Coffee Siphon (loses a lot of points for being overly elaborate, gains points for involving an open flame)
Espresso Machine
Keurig, Nespresso, anything that uses pods.
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You should probably see more things then
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