jannaphia · 2 years
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i tell you im gonna have a little sweet treat and i pull out this
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ID: a pain au chocolat Phillipe Conticini which is a very large pain au chocolat
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eupat · 1 year
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ils sont tres doues
reseuax : lucas studio off | lucas studio | maxallix | brieux | cloe_zzini | tho
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asfaltics · 4 months
still, still what . 3
  “Nor I either. It’s a matter of taste and personal comfort. Still —” “Still, what?”   ₁
                              ...I have no desire to influence you, my dear. Julie. Still — Dupont [going to the mantelpiece] Still what? Wait until I light the lamp. [He strikes a match].   ₂
                              “Isn’t drama just what you don’t want in a dining-room? Drama doesn’t go with digestion.” “That’s true. How wise you are. Still. . . .” “Still what?”                               Betty looked round her again.... “Oak. A faint smell of beeswax.”   “There is a smell of beeswax.”   ₃
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sources and furthers
1 2616 ex [Henry Spicer], “Hermit Bob” in All the Year Round (September 30, 1865) : 233-240 (235) copy/scan (via google books) : link
2 2616a Eugène Brieux, “The Three Daughters of M. Dupont” / Les Trois Filles de M. Dupont; Translated by St. John Hankin, in Three Plays by Brieux (Brentano’s, New York 1912) : 91 U Michigan copy/scan (via google books) : link
3 2616b Richard Pryce, Romance and Jane Weston (1924) : 133 U California copy/scan (via google books) : link
all still still whats  
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fefeman · 2 years
Welp, didn't win the game jam, even tho our game was cool. Here is our production
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Banned Books Week 5
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Sinclair Lewis’ Main Street was the best selling fiction book of 1921. The book, set in Minnesota (home of Miss Fisher Con 2023) is a satirical account of small town life. Perhaps a bit too satirical - it was banned in Alexandria, MN, because of the way its people were portrayed. “Chapter I - On a hill by the Mississippi, where Chippewas camped two generations ago, a girl stood in relief against the cornflower blue of Northern sky. She saw no Indians now; she saw flour-mills and the blinking windows of skyscrapers in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nor was she thinking of ***** and portages, and the Yankee fur-traders whose shadows were all about her. She was meditating upon walnut fudge, the plays of Brieux, the reasons why heels run over, and the fact that the chemistry instructor had stared at the new coiffure which concealed her ears.” https://gutenberg.org/files/543/543-h/543-h.htm
#bannedbooksweek  #phrynefisher  #missfishercon2023  #missfishersmurdermysteries  
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444names · 2 years
french surnames
Abatin Aleau Ambeau Ambechele Amiolis Amonne Andin Angeree Aouchee Arcoty Ardette Arnierme Aubard Augau Auzille Avalt Babry Bachere Barberte Barrineux Barvance Bastre Beauche Beaul Beault Beaux Belier Bellamois Belletter Biardaud Biguere Bille Bindren Bisonnet Bizois Blairy Blognan Blumets Bodevine Boirenney Boisbois Bolion Boncy Bonguet Bonne Boucete Boucre Bouil Bouillee Boulin Boure Bouse Bouzeille Boveau Bover Boyawte Boyeault Brasborin Brazon Brieux Brion Bront Brouay Brumayde Brumway Brunete Buneauld Burillot Bussoulot Butel Cadel Cadon Cadone Cadoulx Callet Calmo Calmon Camard Campioley Capdeau Cappier Carcher Carnier Casiert Ceaumay Cesin Chair Chalt Chapde Charbe Chard Chareur Charry Chastie Chaud Chore Clault Cloyset Codry Coise Collote Colot Corche Corne Cosis Coune Courguet Court Couvillin Crein Cuine Dabais Dabeau Dagnau Dagno Dalin Dante Daremay Darliau Daront Dault Debly Deboux Debuce Dechal Decommest Decte Dedois DeForeton DeGranot DeJen DeLachert Delarpeer Delineaux Delle Delles Dellete Dellette Delloty Demaie Demarne Demas Dematnois Demene Demer DeMourvin Demukey Demyomme Dencin Denetter Derottre Deshoquet Detteau Devarte Devere Devetalle Devienze Devill Devoissin Devreaux Digno Doray Dorquetry Doset Douinsone Dubarbe Dubeigett Dubere Dubrien Dubrin Duciass Dugau Dugevin Duher Dukey Dumenty Dupheaux Dupinell Duployet Dupult Duquaisie Durbeau Durberrin Duveuill Entie Entoigne Etier Faboirond Falle Fayeau Ferreau Fillanty Flerneaux Forme Frainand Frandinne Frant Frasetter Frasse Fraste Fravre Frigois Frigue Frudre Gabbé Gagny Gance Gangre Garcharis Gaumas Gigna Giley Gilhivain Girmon Glardin Glariot Gogeau Gokes Gonet Gordac Goult Goulter Gourgne Gourrin Gravat Groude Groyerier Guienain Guilbe Guille Guilly Guily Guissanis Guizeau Guyet Hareau Hauvier Homble Hottemon Huder Hypon Hyppon Jallemon Jamondet Janges Jaquay Jarre Jolion Joyermard Jumet Klette LaBalbeau LaBeanke Labinele Labodbois Laboule LaCalme LaChamas LaComber LaCouel LaCrolleu Lafle Lafoo LaForger LaForpop Lafreau Lageot LaGree LaGria Lambau Lamonglo Lamps Lanbay Lanche Lancy Landeu Landre Lanne LaPettel Lappe Larthil Lasine Lasse Lastin Latel LaVac LaVaste LaVer Lavoix Lebois Lebont Lechemas LeClon LeDubier Lehompy LeJeanc LeJeaux Lelond LeMadois Lemenilin Lemon LeMorier Lepenarre Lerené Leveaux Libar Logeron Loucher Loyeurton Lusett Lustil Lyont Mabaye Madet Madieux Maimont Malche Malion Malvais Mandre Mantalais Maramin Mardin Mareau Maton Mault Mauvis Mazens Melat Mesnes Messe Metoisle Micette Milletter Monyeret Moquette Moravoy Moreger Moriotte Mossard Mouiset Moult Naveratte Navilleau Negrashn Norion Offrette Oftellest Olionnel Olippee Olleaulte Orlier Otheroux Parbon Pardin Partis Patoure Patre Paunt Pecardur Pelle Perantier Perashon Peroury Perte Petteau Picot Pille Pinon Plain Plandry Planson Plette Poieny Poine Poinet Pommendo Priau Prine Prineouge Proilvy Prose Quette Rabideaux Rabreazin Rambe Ramond Ramyo Reilesne Rencel Renette Riaupre Ridous Riertre Rifor Rivill Robeau Robie Robiney Rocheau Roguey Roline Rollary Rommé Rossieu Rostil Rotte Roulignau Rourge Routon Réallot Seurd Sevine Sharcon Simeaux Simonon Sourge Sovee Subuette Surin Sylvait Talexance Tasse Terrane Tesmier Tetre Thiau Thienet Treonane Vadedede Vadont Valbine Valcouria Valin Valloron Vallote Vaschelin Veradiot Verrin Vertell Viller Villock Vilosse Yourdin
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modorama · 1 month
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art | 6eme : Bertrand Cavalier eponymous exhibition at the delpire & co bookshop + Yukata Yamamoto's new exhibition at Alain Brieux Librairie - Permanent Concern consists of a series of smartphone photographs that Cavalier took in the Netherlands in 2021. The objects and situations that he portrays are often recognizable and ordinary: from a plastic table to a brick wall blotched with paint or a girl’s skipping rope. The full zoom used by Cavalier reveals—in much the same way as his presentation of the photographs as monochrome laser prints does—the inherent structure of his subjects and how, as “foreign objects”, they break with the original order. In this way, Cavalier emphasizes the various aspects of urban planning, including among them the unintentional, the “mishap”, which he characterizes as a quality that allows room for a subjective and personal use of the cities in which we live. delpire & co bookshop 13 rue de l’Abbaye 75006 Paris  11h — 19h
- In the studio of Yutaka Yamamoto around Saint-Germain des Prés, which is reminiscent of those of photographers from the beginning of the last century, he creates his photographs by combining the rigor of classical techniques and the simplicity of his themes. He gives them, with a sober elegance, an existence that is sufficient in itself. Yutaka Yamamoto's images go to the essential, demonstrating that his subjects, far from being a tiny part of a whole, carry within them an intimate reality. Yutaka Yamamoto was born in Japan in 1955. After studying at the Tokyo Kuwazawa Institut School of Design, a school whose spirit is based on the Bauhaus concept, he founded the "Design Office Hotel**" in 1979, and was the artistic director of several Japanese women's magazines, as well as Toshiba's magazine. He moved to Paris in 1990 and collaborated with many French and foreign magazines , he also collaborated with Yohji Yamamoto, Kenzo, Hermès.
Librairie Alain Brieux 48 Rue Jacob, 75006 Paris
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weirdesplinder · 3 months
I miei film live action vintage Disney preferiti tratti da romanzi
Odio appassionatamente i moderni film live action Disney, rifacimenti di cartoni animati classici che ho amato, ma amavo i vecchi live action Disney degli anni '60 e '70, tratti da famosi romanzi per ragazzi, ecco la lista dei miei preferiti.
4 bassotti per un danese, tratto dal libro The Ugly Dachshund di Gladys Bronwyn Stern
Link: https://amzn.to/4c1t3Mo
Trama: Fran (Frances) e Mark Garrison sono una giovane coppia, felice e recentemente sposata, che possiede una bassotta, la pupilla di Fran. La cagnetta aspetta i cuccioli e quando i due la portano dal veterinario, il dottor Pruitt, per partorire, quest'ultimo mostra a Mark un cucciolo di danese che la madre, non avendo abbastanza latte, ha messo da parte. Il veterinario propone quindi a Mark di prendere con se il cucciolo almeno per il periodo dello svezzamento. Nonostante le iniziali perplessitagrave; Mark si fa intenerire dal cucciolone e decide di portarlo a casa…
FBI operazione gatto, tratto dal libro Undercover Cat scritto dalla coppia di autori di romanzi polizieschi nota come "I Gordon" (composta da Gordon Gordon e Mildred Nixon Gordon)
Link: https://amzn.to/3RxAral
Trama: Nel corso di una rapina, una cassiera (Grayson Hall) viene rapita. Un gatto siamese, che casualmente transita dal covo dei rapitori, diviene involontariamente il portatore di un messaggio d'aiuto che viene colto prontamente dalla sua padrona.
L'isola sul tetto del mondo, tratto ratto dal romanzo di Ian Cameron (alias Donald Gordon Payne) Il cimitero dei capodogli
Link: https://amzn.to/4bakgX8
Trama: Il benestante londinese sir Anthony Ross, dopo aver ricevuto la notizia che il figlio Donald è scomparso nel corso di un viaggio esplorativo nella parte settentrionale della Groenlandia, decide di organizzare una spedizione per ritrovarlo a tutti i costi. A seguirlo nelle ricerche il prof. Ivarsson, esperto in geologia e in culture primitive, e il cap. Brieux, inventore e costruttore di un singolare dirigibile, l'Hyperion. Da Londra, nel 1907, gli esploratori si trasferiscono velocemente a bordo del dirigibile del cap. Brieux per partire alla volta di Port Conger, un'estrema stazione esquimese nella zona dell'Artide. Preso a bordo Oomiak, un indigeno reduce dalla spedizione del disperso Donald, dopo una tempesta e un atterraggio di fortuna, il gruppo di sir Anthony raggiunge un'amenissima terra circondata da ghiacci mai vista prima e mai segnalata in nessuna delle cartine esistenti. Il clima di quella terra è piuttosto mite a causa di fenomeni vulcanici e gli individui abitanti l'isola sono discendenti dei vichinghi…
PISTA! ARRIVA IL GATTO DELLE NEVI, tratto dal libro Chateau Bon Vivant di Frankie e John O'Rear.
Link: https://www.vecchio-cinema.it/pista_arriva_il_gatto_delle_nevi_dvd_1972_dean_jones_67.html
Trama: John Silvester Baxter, newyorkese, impiegato intristito dalla monotonia del lavoro, eredita da uno zio dimenticato l'Imperial Hotel, a Silver Hill nel Colorado. La fallace notizia che l'albergo offra molti guadagni, lo induce a trasferirvisi con la moglie Suzy, i figli Richard e Christine, il cane Cuor di Leone. Ma torva un albergo fatiscente che, come lo informano sul posto, ebbe momenti di fortuna soltanto tempo fa. Caparbio, Baxter trasforma l'albergo ed i numerosi terreni annessi in una stazione sciistica. Ottiene qualche concreta soddisfazione quando un treno di sportivi rimane lì bloccato per due settimane, ma poi l'inadeguatezza dell'albergo e l'abbondante sprovvedutezza della volonterosa famiglia e del personale assunto provocano la catastrofe finanziaria. John cerca di rimediare al fallimento prendendo parte a una gara che offre molto denaro al vincitore con risultati esilaranti.
Magia d'estate, tratto dal libro Mother Carey’s Chickens dell’autrice Kate Douglas Wiggin
Link: https://amzn.to/3VHWzB7
Trama: Ambientato circa nel 1899 a Boston. Dopo la morte di suo marito la signora Carey e i suoi quattro figli, due femmine e due maschi faticano a tirare avanti solo con la pensione del defunto, devono trasferirsi in una casa più economica, e la figlia maggiore Nancy, molto intraprendente riesce a scovare una bella casa in campagna dove potrebbero stare gratis facendo dei lavoretti di manutenzione. Non sanno che chi gliela offre lo fa senza il benestare del proprietario Tom Hamilton, assente ormai da anni. La famiglia si trasferisce e gioisce dell’atmosfera campestre, le due figlie si innamorano entrambe del giovane maestro locale ma solo una potrà conquistarlo e starà nella saggezza della madre consolare la delusa, Nancy, che presto troverà però un nuovo pretendente proprio in Tom Hamilton che era giunto in paese proprio per cacciare la famiglia dalla casa che voleva vendere.
Il fantasma del pirata barbanera, tratto dal romanzo omonimo di Ben Stahl
Link: https://amzn.to/3XymkW5
Trama: Un giovane insegnante di educazione fisica si trasferisce a Godolphin per allenare la squadra di atletica della cittadina. Prende alloggio in una locanda posta su un isolotto gestito da vecchie zitelle discendenti del pirata Teach detto Barbanera. Finisce cosigrave; coinvolto nei maneggi delle vecchine per preservare la casa del loro avo dalle mire di un pericoloso gangster intenzionato a trasformarla in casa da gioco. Addirittura il giovane riesce a evocare il fantasma del vecchio bucaniere che interviene in soccorso delle sue discendenti.
Pomi d'ottone e manici di scopa, tratto dal romanzo omonimo di Mary Norton
Link: https://amzn.to/3Vs1yES
Trama: Per Carey, Charles e Paul si prospetta un'estate ben noiosa, mandati a stare da una vecchia zia che non sorride molto, con una domestica anziana e severa in una casa enorme, dal giardino senza fiori. Ecco perché i giorni passano lentissimi, tutti uguali l'uno all'altro! Ma il giorno in cui Miss Price cade dalla scopa, per i tre ragazzi comincia la più incredibile delle avventure. La loro vicina di casa, infatti, è nientemeno che un'apprendista strega, anche se i suoi incantesimi non sempre funzionano come vorrebbe. Tra la matura signorina e i piccoli vicini si stabilisce subito una grande amicizia, e sarà grazie al pomo di ottone di un letto, stregato da Miss Price, che i quattro faranno i più straordinari viaggi nel tempo e nello spazio. E chissà che, viaggiando viaggiando, l'incerta e titubante strega non finisca per trovare nientemeno che l'amore..
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crying at the way they just left lucas behind i am sincerely unable to can 😭😭😭
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therosespitznogle · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: BRIEUX at fils Wrist Watch, New Battery, Runs Perfectly.
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williamgunst · 2 years
Retour des Montgolfiades près de Metz : ce qu'il faut savoir sur cette 8e édition
Retour des Montgolfiades près de Metz : ce qu’il faut savoir sur cette 8e édition
Montgolfières, hélicoptères, parc d’attractions… A Maizières-lès-Metz (Moselle), les Montgolfiades reviennent en force. Voici le programme de cette 8e édition.Bonne nouvelle pour ce week-end prolongé : le parc des Brieux à Maizières-lès-Metz (Moselle) accueille les Montgolfiades à partir de ce vendredi 12 août jusqu’au mardi 16 août 2022.Au programme de cette 8ème édition : vols traditionnels en…
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hasty transcription and translation so not super accurate but you get the gist
luc: oh la la ils vont tous chez brieux ou pas ? max: tu penses ? luc: je sais pas max: il doit avoir vraiment une maison immense luc: il est tres grand brieux
luc: oh la la are they all going to brieux; house or no? max: you think so? luc: i dont know max: he must really have a super big house luc: he is very big/tall brieux
reseuax : lucas studio off | lucas studio | maxallix | brieux | cloe_zzini | tho
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or-something-better · 2 years
July 7, 2022
 (A bit from a Night at the Bar)
Goes around turning on all the lights
I got food
I hope you brought enough to share
I do
Awesome, need to heat anything, or is it good to go?
It’s good to go
Then here..  Puts a clean tablecloth over one of the longer tables so Henry can lay out his food
sets up the sandwiches
walk into the bar and sit at the bar Sup Sammy?
pours myself a cold beer from the tap, tonight's special draft is Brieux .Takes a drink. just hoping to play some games and have a few drinks
I made sandwiches
Can I get some whiskey bro? Thank Gabe for normalcy here smiles
grins and hands my brother the bottle how about you take it a bit slower than usual tonight huh?
Wha... Me?? Whatever do you mean bro?
I mean, you're gonna need that liver another 50 years, Gabe willing. Take better care of it. Henry, what kind of sandwiches?
All kinds
Are you mom now Sammy? Oh wait... Mom didn’t care what I did
gives him that really? look, but lets the matter drop
Do I just build my own? brings over a stack of paper plates
Sure Scobey
😁 builds a sandwich Shaggy would have been proud of I got so busy in the new Bunker I forgot to eat today. I'm starving
Geez Sammy you think that gonna fit in your mouth?
My mouth is full can't answer, so I just nod. swallows and takes a deep breath as the food reaches my stomach,  Henry, you're a life saver
You’re welcome
shakes head as I make a sandwich almost as big and I laugh
Sam: Hey Alex what are you planning for Skyler's first birthday? It's coming up soon, right?
Yep his birthday coming up I not sure yet maybe BQQ and swimming?
Don’t Drown Sammy?
I can swim Dean, Dad taught me remember?
Yeah let me just throw you in the pool and let you fight your way out
And I use "taught" loosely...he threw me in the lake and said "swim son"
See? Exactly
Get out of my head Sammy
chuckles at the Winchester #twinning
Push him in pool
Push who you?
Not a good way to teach a kid Alex
You think I dont remember I almost had to revive your ass
Sam: Hey, Henry can you swim?
I thought dad was gonna kill me. For helping you
I can swim I used to go swimming in the river with my brother
Helping me? I remember you kept backing up just one more step every time I got close!
Henry, Did you learn from normal swimming lessons?
No my brother taught me
Till you went under dad told me to leave you and I couldn’t
Slaps Dean in the shoulder See! His brother taught him to swim
He had a more normal life than we had Sammy. How often were we even near water
Thinks a minute Only when a case turned out to take us to one...three maybe four that I can remember. Sound about right to you?
Even went blackberry picking
Something like that so when did I have a chance to teach you properly without dad being a douchebag?
That one two weeks we spent in Indiana, I used the City pool twice when I was supposed to be at the library
Dad would have killed you if he would have found out
I have never done that Henry, but I bet it's nice
Nothing wrong with being the nice one who let you get away with everything
It’s nice then I use the blackberries to make the pie
Don't I know it takes a beer and thinks it was worth the risk. The lifeguard was beautiful
I mean how many kids can say they got to eat cereal three meals a day?
Sam: Now you're talking Dean's language. I liked cereal.
You got the cereal even when I didn’t get any yet
You got plenty too
When? You ate it all. I tried to make you SpaghettiOs that one time and you begged me for the last bowl of cereal from the box
I was like five!
You forget you’re the only one who ate that night. Dont ever say I didn’t take care of ya
Wasn't saying that Dean. I know all the things you did, no way I'll ever forget them or make them up to you goes and refills my glass from the tap
I wouldn’t expect you to finishes off my bottle setting it on the bar
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osiderg · 2 years
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Thirsty Thursday NOLA! Starting @brieuxcarre (at Brieux Carré Brewing Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci0XensOA_z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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