#Brielle lavellan
wyvernscales · 7 months
“Dearest Mi’Var,
As you may suspect, the contents of this correspondence must remain of the utmost secrecy. I shall get straight to the point. In response to your inquiry: it is true. I was of Clan Sabrae, and I was Ethlas Mahariel.
I have spent many seasons wondering if we would ever connect again. I have spent just as many wondering what I might say to you if we ever did. I don’t think there are words enough to explain my choices, nor enough to convey my deepest apologies.
I wish I could tell you that the secrecy of my identity was a selfless one. That it was a sacrifice for the Clan’s safety. That’s what I told myself in the beginning. In truth, I was afraid. Afraid of facing the Clan again. I failed our Keeper once; I scarce thought she would wish to hear from me again. Yet in doing so, I failed you twice. And for this I apologize. I can’t imagine the grief you must have felt.
I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, but I shan’t expect it.
Enclosed, you will find a relic of our people. It is an Elvhen sending stone, created to connect two souls across space. If I may make one request of you, I ask you to please use it. I wish to hear your voice again... I miss you terribly.
May June’s fire keep your blade ever sharp, Ethlas Atheranion Mahariel”
— A letter from Warden-Commander Elias to Inquisitor Brielle Lavellan
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cherrypinkink · 6 years
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Preparing for Battle
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blackdaggerart · 4 years
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Drawn January 2017.
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triflingshadows · 3 years
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DA OC requests from last week!
Destiel Lavellan for @wondlas
Arvaari Adaar for @whenyoulosesmallmind
Fyodor Amell for @merrillapologist
Tighe Lavellan for @queen-scribbles
Briell Surana for @quenthelicious
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shards-of-narsil · 7 years
Thanks a ton for tagging me @aveline-the-dragon-slayer!!
Place all Dragon Age companions in order from most to least trustworthy, including your OC’s!
1. Niko Lavellan 
2. Dorian
3. Cole
4. Varric
5. Josephine
6. Cassandra
7. Sera
8. Leliana
9. Cullen
10. Iron Bull
11. Vivienne 
13. Blackwall
14. Solas 
1. Varric
2. Aveline
3. Merrill
4. Bethany or Carver Hawke
5. Anya Hawke
6. Fenris
7. Isabela
8. Anders 
1. Dog 
2. Brielle Cousland
3. Alistair
4. Leliana
5. Zevran
6. Wynne
7. Oghren
8. Sten
9. Morrigan 
I tag anyone who’d like to do this!! please tag me in it if you decide to do it!! 
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viridityjemina · 9 years
@triaelf9 asked me some questions about my inquisitor, Brielle Lavellan, so here we go!
If your Inquisitor could go anywhere in all of Thedas, where would they go?
Depends on when you ask her, lol. Before Trespasser? Rivain. After the events of JoH, she wanted see another culture that accepts spirits, maybe speak to a seer or two. After Trespasser, she’d tell you a cabin in the woods, lol.  She’s pretty much had her fill of travelling and would much rather settle down and relax.
What is their least favorite enemy to fight?
Red Templar Shadows. She had a near fatal encounter with one in the Emerald Graves that left her bed ridden for nearly a month and in fear of red lyrium of corruption. Plus, the ability to repress magic has always made her wary of fighting templars - at least until she gets more weapon training whilst getting her knight enchanter specialization done.
When your Inquisitor is feeling down, how do they perk themselves up, or how do their friends help them out?
Honestly, Bri would just want some peace and quiet. A moment to re-center. Preferably with a cup of tea. So if she’s at Skyhold? Typically, Cullen would meet her in her room with a cup of her favourite tea and they’d spend the evening in quiet solitude. On the road, her companions would do the same thing, except around the fire. 
I tag @river-bird with the following questions about Niamh!
What is their favourite weapon?
If Varric gave them a nickname, what would it be? 
Someone is encroaching on their love interest. how do they respond?
Questions taken from here.
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wyvernscales · 1 year
Symbols I associate with ocs - Worldstate: The Maker’s (un)Chosen
Talani Brosca: hands, bruises, daggers, nail marks/scratches, keys, crates/barrels
Feja Aeducan: pearls, anything art deco, sequins, gold, perfume bottles
Elias Mahariel: fire, the color green, puddles, tall grass, pine trees
Cian Hawke: the sea, the color blue, oil paintings, the sky, round staircases
Brielle Lavellan: leather, sunflowers, honey, the color yellow, bees, the sun
Elara Lavellan: old books, bundles of drying herbs, quills, feathers, botanical drawings
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wyvernscales · 1 year
YK, I think Elias probably does manage to get in contact with Skyhold because his little sister is the Inquisitor and his ex-wife (does faking your death void out a marriage?) and daughter go there too.
Even though the Inquisition manages to send a letter to the Heroes of Ferelden, Elias probably wouldn’t recognize Brielle’s name anyway. The last time he saw her, she still went by Mi’var Mahariel of Clan Sabrae instead of Brielle Lavellan. Maybe he uses a phrase that her brother used to use all the time and she gets curious. Warden Elias has always been a mysterious one. Everyone knows he was a Dalish mage, but his surname and clan name were always a secret. She started asking questions to Leliana and Morrigan, who both dodged her questions. 
So she just decided to write a letter. One simple question: “are you Ethlas Mahariel?” Signed Inquisitor Mi’var Atheraniel Mahariel of Clan Lavellan.
She got no response. Until one day a Warden appeared at Skyhold with a wooden box meant for the Inquisitor. Inside was a palm-sized rock that Elara identified as an Elvhen sending stone and a letter.
That’s probably a hell of a conversation I’m not emotionally equipped to handle tho.
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wyvernscales · 1 year
The Nightmare’s Taunts
Brielle Lavellan: “You can’t save everyone. In fact, you’re too weak to save anyone. Not even yourself”
 Fearlings: Bears
Greatest Fear: Dependence
Tessa Adaar: “Shouldn’t your mouth be sewn shut, you dangerous thing? Whether Templars of Arvaarads, you need a tighter leash.” 
Fearlings: Arvaarads 
Greatest Fear: Confinement
Rynn Cadash: “Mommy isn’t here to save you now, is she? How’s your new found independence treating you?”  
Fearlings: Carta enforcers
Greatest Fear: Powerlessness
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wyvernscales · 1 year
I cleaned up Brielle’s character page because there were some grammar and lore things I wanted to fix and its literally 5k words.
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wyvernscales · 1 year
Woe, full names be upon ye
Mi'var "Brielle" Atheraniel Mahariel of Clan Lavellan Cian Ronan Hawke Feja Anika Aestyth Valda Angyalka Aeducan Eth'las "Elias" Atheranion Mahariel of Clan Sabrae Talani Brosca Elara Assanniel Sabrae of Clan Lavellan Ghilana Elariel Sabrae of Clan Lavellan
Lucia Mairyn Evandra Cousland Marguerites "Rita" Hèloïse Caron Adelaide Elspeth Hawke Hissera "Tessa" Adaar Adralla "Aria" Anne Trevelyan Marzia Mercar
Alaric Theodemir Amell Syl'vhenan Andras Kirta Deka Kader Nikolas Kay Hawke-Amell Rihannon "Rynn" Shea Cadash Lorelei Surana
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wyvernscales · 3 years
Tagged by @miolumie to do this quiz as some ocs. I decided to use my Inquisitors
Why do you hurt?
Brielle Lavellan
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Tessa Adaar
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Rynn Cadash
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Tagging: @hardinginhightowns @syysnaakka @lyrium-spa @y3ncy @icaxrus @breadedsinner @noire-pandora @swoleas 
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wyvernscales · 3 years
♥️ Philautia - What does your character like the most about themselves? Yes, they have to choose at least one thing, or more! Is there any reasoning behind what they chose?
Thanks for the ask! 💕
Brielle loves her muscles. She loves the way they look, most certainly loves that women like them, and loves that she can defend and protect others with them. She knows that she’s no mage and doesn’t have the dexterity of a rogue, but she can stand in the front and protect those who stand behind her. Always training to get stronger, she tries to make those few who get sacrificed count. I thinks she’s also rather proud of her dedication to that.
Ask Game
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wyvernscales · 3 years
Modern Elara would unironically own “live, laugh, love” decor and modern Ghilana and Brielle would absolutely slander her on TikTok for it
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wyvernscales · 5 years
Everyone Validate(C) me and rb my character page I spent hours on:
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It is she... Brielle 
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wyvernscales · 5 years
30 Day Challenge: Day 12 - Religion
Is your OC religious? If so, what do they believe? How pious are they? If they’re not Andrastian, how do they deal with Andrastians/the Chantry? Have they ever had a big or important religious experience?
For the Inquisitor: How do they react to being proclaimed the Herald of Andraste? What do they think about the Well of Sorrows? Mythal? The Evanuris/Creators? Fen’Harel?
Despite her ancestry, Brielle does not believe in the Creators. At first it was a form of rebellion from the clan, but it became genuine after seeing the different beliefs held by the humans. Both groups are just as pious, but both can’t be true. The events of Trespasser really shake her, and she goes through a bit of a crisis after getting back to Skyhold. Lucky, Sera is there to support her.
Brielle wants nothing to do with the Well of Sorrows and outright refuses to do anything with it. She encourages Elara to drink from it despite Morrigan’s protests.
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