#elias lavellan
wyvernscales · 6 months
“Dearest Mi’Var,
As you may suspect, the contents of this correspondence must remain of the utmost secrecy. I shall get straight to the point. In response to your inquiry: it is true. I was of Clan Sabrae, and I was Ethlas Mahariel.
I have spent many seasons wondering if we would ever connect again. I have spent just as many wondering what I might say to you if we ever did. I don’t think there are words enough to explain my choices, nor enough to convey my deepest apologies.
I wish I could tell you that the secrecy of my identity was a selfless one. That it was a sacrifice for the Clan’s safety. That’s what I told myself in the beginning. In truth, I was afraid. Afraid of facing the Clan again. I failed our Keeper once; I scarce thought she would wish to hear from me again. Yet in doing so, I failed you twice. And for this I apologize. I can’t imagine the grief you must have felt.
I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, but I shan’t expect it.
Enclosed, you will find a relic of our people. It is an Elvhen sending stone, created to connect two souls across space. If I may make one request of you, I ask you to please use it. I wish to hear your voice again... I miss you terribly.
May June’s fire keep your blade ever sharp, Ethlas Atheranion Mahariel”
— A letter from Warden-Commander Elias to Inquisitor Brielle Lavellan
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ladiemars · 2 months
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reviving the tragic lavellan i made when i was fifteen + her spawn. i’ll give you three guesses as to who the baby daddy is 😒
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leaphia-art · 3 months
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Inquisitor Elyas Lavellan
I started a new Dragon Age Inquisition game and this is my inquisitor :> It's an AU version of my oc Elias (I'm not sure if piercings are a thing for dalish elves but it's part of his original design, so I'll keep it here too)
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arendaes · 1 month
I've been typing up some headcanons and backstory into my OC server on Discord between tasks at work and I just want to share a couple things.
One, just realized as I was typing that I gave Ari ADHD like me.
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Two, Paizo changing the Changeling ancestries between first and second edition (and now the subsequent ORC license) has made figuring out Elias' backstory a mess, but since he's not a character I'm ever actually going to play in a tabletop game I've decided to just judiciously combine the two.
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Three, just some stuff for Amaris since it was initially writing about her that opened the floodgates and made me want to start working on everyone's again.
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prideandpiracy · 4 months
God I can't wait to remake my inquisitor 9 years older and with the body adjustment options I always wanted for her 😭 Elia baby I miss you
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songcfmuses · 2 years
character tag drop
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pikapeppa · 3 months
hi!! i've been rereading your fics in all of the veilguard hype and i just wanted to say your writing is just so good, i love your dialogue and characterization, especially how perfectly you write solas! like it really feels so true to how he speaks and carries himself!! so yeah haha just wanted to say happy veilguard summer and ty for sharing your awesome fics with the world!! 🥰 have a nice weekend!
Awww thank you so much!! I love how Dragon Age readers/friends have been poking their heads out of the woodwork and we're all getting in touch with each other again in the hype, IT'S THE CALLING 🤣🤣🤣
I'm so happy that you enjoy the characterizations, especially re: Solas -- he's such a tricky biscuit, so this is the most wonderful praise!! 🥰 Actually, I hope it's okay if I use this ask as an opportunity to plug some of my fics...
Pikapeppa's reading list for refreshing your Dragon Age memory: fic self-recs for those who don't have time to replay Inquisition
(see below the cut for more!)
Lovers In A Dangerous Time: in a nutshell, Fenris is the Inquisitor with Hawke as his wingwoman. This fic is literally a novelization of DA:I with the mindset of "what would Fenris do?" It covers all of Inquisition and touches on every sidequest, and also covers all the DLCs: JOH, Descent, and Trespasser. So if you don't have time to replay Inquisition, you can basically read it here LOL. There is also some theorizing sprinkled throughout about various Big Unanswered Questions™ in Thedas!
The Love That Grows From Violence: this is a Felassan/f!Lavellan romance fic set post-Trespasser. For those who don't know, Felassan is a character in the novel The Masked Empire who was an agent of Fen'Harel, and whom Solas killed at the end of the novel. This fic addresses the questions: 1) what if Felassan was made Tranquil instead of being killed by Solas in the Fade? 2) What if Felassan and a bitter Solasmanced Lavellan fell in love? and 3) what if Felassan actually told us everything that Solas refused to share? This fic is my attempt to pull together the existing lore and meta (with references back to all the original sources) to try to answer as many Big Unanswered Questions™ as I could.
A meta post about the qunari that I put together after reading Tevinter Nights, with my own theories about how Sten might play into things. I also wrote a Sten/f!Mahariel fic that's set immediately post-Origins; it's a romantic tragedy, but it does contain some discusssions about the Qun that may be interesting to refresh our memories about the Qun/the qunari for when Veilguard drops.
A oneshot about Varric and Solas that I wrote after the very first Dreadwolf trailer dropped back in 2020. It seems relevant again now... LOL
Solavellan fic: pure smut and romance. In case you wanted to refresh your memory of how he captivated us in DAI -- or, alternately, if you didn't romance him and want to know why the Solavellans are the way we are LMAO, you can read my take on the romance. 🤣 I have two Solavellan series on AO3: one for my own Elia Lavellan, which has a sad ending, and for Elbenherz's Nare Lavellan, which is "unfinished" in the canon universe, but includes a modern AU with a happy ending.
Beyond that, I have written romance fic for a ton of pairings in Dragon Age if you're just looking for some smut and romance! You can check out all my DA works on AO3, but I've written (M/F) pairings for the following LIs: Fenris, Solas, Abelas, Felassan, Blackwall, Cullen, Samson, Cole, and Sten, and most recently, a little oneshot of Teia and Viago from Tevinter Nights.
Again, Nonny, THANK YOU for your lovely words, and I hope it wasn't weird to hijack this ask for some self-promotion LOL!! Sending you all the love and a happy Veilguard summer!
A QUICK CAUTIONARY NOTE: if anyone does want to chat with me or send me an ask about Veilguard, please do not mention any spoilers from the Game Informer article. I want to go into the game with as few spoilers as possible when it's released, and I'm unhappy that I've already seen spoilers without meaning to. Thanks in advance! 🥰🙏
-- all the love from your friendly neighbourhood Pika! xoxo
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lunareaum · 1 year
REMINDER THAT THIS IS A PLOT BASED BLOG. without plotting there's very little chance we're interacting in any deep way. like this for me to chase you down to plot. my muses are here. list of fandoms and characters under the cut in case you wanna take a quick peek.
arcane - jinx buffy the vampire slayer - buffy, dawn and giles dceu - harley quinn game of thrones - drogon, nymeria, lady and sansa stark the walking dead - sophia peletier, sue rhee (oc) a song of ice and fire - elia martell twilight - alice cullen cyberpunk 2077 - judy and v detroit become human - alice, markus and north dragon age - artoria amell, athelya tabris, branson rutherford, linni lavellan, lydia achilleos (oc), lynnwith gregorius (oc), marian hawke, morrigan, oriana cousland fallout 4 - andy littleton (sole survivor) far cry 5 / new dawn - jane manfred, nicole rookfield, faith seed, joseph seed life is strange: true colors - alex chen mass effect - aria t'loak and commander shepard the elder scrolls - kynarethia (oc), lilith (oc), nocturnal telltale's the walking dead - duck jr.
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bogunicorn · 2 years
I'd like to know about the Bittersweet and Strange AU
Context! Bittersweet & Strange is my Solavelyan BatB AU that I wrote in October, and it's right over here. And the ask meme this is from is right here!
5(+) Headcanons for B & S (which got long so they're under a read more oops)
Hospitality and Temperance (this fic's version of Lumiere and Cogsworth) have backstories I wasn't able to work into the fic as-is -- or rather, the ancient elves they're reflections of -- were both close to Solas before he put up the Veil.
Hospitality was the original steward of Skyhold and lived there from the day it was built to the day he died - which was a few decades after the Veil came down. He eventually died of old age (one of the first elves to do so), and his remains were found and buried by the next inhabitants of the fortress.
Temperance was an archivist named Elia, a "neutral" recorder of history who lived in the Shattered Library before it was, you know, shattered. Elia had an affinity with wolves, and the spirits who helped her in the library usually took lupine form while doing it. Solas was infatuated with her when they were both very young (in elfy terms), and Elia... was not terribly interested in him. At the time, Solas was cocky, hotheaded, impulsive, and had a reputation for playing a little fast and loose with his conquests. Worse, Elia had been in charge of recording his exploits for a while by then and found his meddling to be obnoxious and a nuisance.
See, as an archivist, part of her job as well as personal philosophy was that of neutrality, and even from the start, Solas was a troublemaker with strong opinions about everything. And Elia wouldn't let him near her until he demonstrated that he was interested in her as a person and not just trying to get into her pants. Solas ended up shapeshifting into a wolf and living for a while among the spirits who worked beside her. After a year in her service, Solas revealed himself and admitted that, while he continued to disagree with her on principle, he understood and appreciated Elia's perspectives and dedication to her work.
They were on and off for basically forever, even marrying and divorcing a handful of times. In the war between Fen'Harel and the Evanuris, Elia tried to maintain her neutrality. Late in the conflict, however, she realized that the Library's supposed "neutrality" actually meant de facto siding with the Evanuris, and fully sided with the Dread Wolf's rebellion. She eventually died in Skyhold when the Veil went up, the trauma of the spell too great to survive.
There isn't really reincarnation in this situation, but like a spirit's energy being scattered and reconstituting in the future, some of Elia's soul managed to survive the ages. In Bittersweet & Strange, she was (partly) reborn as a young elf named Eala who's currently living in the shape of a wolf, and is likely to remain so if she isn't found -- but in another life, things go very different for Solas and Eala Lavellan.
Outlander is my most middle-aged-mom favorite show, and I use a bunch of members of the cast for faceclaims for my DA characters. Eva Trevelyan is Caitriona Balfe (and was actually originally named Claire when I was initially making her), I have a male Hawke on my roster that I use Sam Heughan for, my female Hawke is named Marsali (Claire's apprentice in later seasons/books), and B&S's resident Gaston and perpetual villain in Thayet's backstory is Tobias Menzies.
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In B&S, Eva and Drader don't have a ton of interaction because Eva never makes it into a Circle. In regular Inquisition continuities, she usually avoids him entirely because she's sent to Monstimmard, since Thayet is there as a Templar and it's a big conflict of interest. But in a campaign where Eva becomes Inquisitor and is raised in the Ostwick Circle instead, she's taken in immediately after Thayet leaves the Circle in a rather dramatic and violent way, leaving Eva basically alone to weather the bad taste Thayet left in Drader's mouth.
So when Eva is Inquisitor, Drader is still the Backstory Big Bad, but it's much less the story about intrigue and mage resistance that it is when Thayet, Ramsay, and their First Enchanter are around, and much more about survival and religious abuse.
Although, funny enough, Eva and Drader having "matching" faceclaims and this contentious dynamic developed separately.
The whole cast of B&S spends time in Tevinter immediately after the story. Where Thayet and Solas move on pretty quickly on their quest to ~see the world~, Eva and Locke stay as Dorian's guests for much longer. It takes a while and a bunch of irritated letters, but their father eventually decides to make this situation useful and puts Locke to work in the Tevinter branch of the family's shipping company. Eva ends up learning magic from a series of tutors in Tevinter; the Circles there are intensely competitive and almost impossible to get into if you're not a citizen or a foreigner with very wealthy Tevinter relatives. Dorian's parents continue to host them for their entire time in Tevinter, and Aquinea (Dorian's mother) actually warms up to Eva and gradually steps in as a maternal figure.
Thayet drops her surname except for when she's visiting family or dealing with nobility. Most people who meet her have no idea who she is, and she prefers it that way.
Solas has a bitch of a time sleeping like a normal person after being basically "conscious" and lucid dreaming for so long. He has no regular circadian rhythm whatsoever and naps constantly because he doesn't totally know how to judge his own levels of fatigue.
Bonus! Thayet has the scars in her shoulders, of course, but the scar on Solas's heart from being run through only appears on his astral body or in dreams.
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dispatchwithlove · 2 years
G, M, W and X for the fandom asks?
Hello! So sorry it took me so long to get to this. Life is busy and/or bumpy sometimes! Ok, here goes:
G: What was your first fandom?
I think technically it would be Dragon Age. I got into it so hard! and I started reading fanfic because I loved the world and characters so much. And I may have some DA tattoos 😊
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you into.
Well, there's an ME writer @tiger-lilly13 who writes AMAZING shakarian fics. I liked their fics so much I tried out a Predator fic of theirs, having no interest in the fandom prior, and I'm now a big Predator fan.
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Ooo, this is fun but hard.
Garrus Vakarian, Mass Effect
Elias Ainsworth, Ancient Magus Bride
Cassandra Pentagast, Dragon Age
Viktor, Arcane
Anya, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
X: 3 OTPs form 3 different fandoms
Shepard and Garrus, Mass Effect
Elias and Chise, Ancient Magus Bride
Lavellan Inquisitor and Cullen Rtherford, Dragon Age
Thanks for the asks! They were fun! 😊
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csaberific · 1 month
So during the pandemic and beyond my MTG habit got worse bigger and now I have a bunch of paper decks.
Also for funsies I tried assigning a color combination to each of my BioWare player characters and picking a commander that fit them.
Victor Shepard: Esper / Chromium, the Mutable Hunter Shepard: Red / Neheb, the Eternal Griff Ryder: Boros / Iroas, God of Victory
Gaius Amell: Blue / God-Eternal Kefnet Victoria Aeducan: Orzhov / Liesa, Shroud of Dusk Samuel Cousland: Green / Fynn, the Fangbearer Adrian Hawke*: Red / Godo, Bandit Warlord Elias Hawke: Orzhov / Nalia de’Arnise Olivia Hawke: Black / Yawgmoth, Thran Physician Lukas Adaar**: Bant / Estrid, the Masked Rhaiel Lavellan: Selesnya / Gaddock Teeg Hathorn Cadash***: Izzet / Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph
Caeres Gavelt: Dimir / Xanathar, Guild Kingpin Raynus Kyr: Boros / Feather, the Redeemed Chrysos Thonaris: Naya / Mazzy, Truesword Paladin Vylarn Stanaas: Dimir / Phenax, God of Deception Thiar: Esper / Kamiz, Obscura Oculus Graython Thonaris: Izzet / Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain Arelan Paethos: Jund / Korvold, Gleeful Glutton Idalrei Szu: Gruul / Chishiro, the Shattered Blade Naethalas Gavelt: Rakdos / Mogis, God of Slaughter Ignaciel Othun: Temur / Riku of Many Paths Devrian Krasu: Mardu / Isshin, Two Heavens as One Dyanthe Thares: Azorius / Geist of Saint Traft Liathru: Grixis / Zevlor, Elturel Exile Shaylene Krasu: Simic / Ezuri, Claw of Progress Zephiel Oculis: Abzan / Karador, Ghost Chieftain Xaia Thalton: Jeskai / Hinata, Dawn-Crowned
Of these commanders, I've only built Isshin, and in a different way than a more Devrian-esque Isshin deck would function.
(*) Originally Alexander Hawke because the name Adrian was used for a Shepard; since I haven't played that Shepard in over a decade the name's now freed up lol
(**) Originally Luthais Trevelyan; same choices, beefier mage
(***) Originally Hawthorne Cadash; went for a dwarfier spelling on the same name
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wyvernscales · 1 year
Symbols I associate with ocs - Worldstate: The Maker’s (un)Chosen
Talani Brosca: hands, bruises, daggers, nail marks/scratches, keys, crates/barrels
Feja Aeducan: pearls, anything art deco, sequins, gold, perfume bottles
Elias Mahariel: fire, the color green, puddles, tall grass, pine trees
Cian Hawke: the sea, the color blue, oil paintings, the sky, round staircases
Brielle Lavellan: leather, sunflowers, honey, the color yellow, bees, the sun
Elara Lavellan: old books, bundles of drying herbs, quills, feathers, botanical drawings
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faet0ld · 1 year
#faet0ld. private, primarily friends - only fantasy multimuse written by nan (22, she/her). sideblog to @omegahs. muse list below.
persinette. mlle. de la force fairytale, with inspiration drawn from rapunzel & petrosinella. fc: mar.ia val.verde.
maia / thumbelina. original andersen fairytale, with some inspiration taken from the movie. fc: none.
johanna / all - kinds - of - fur / thousandfurs / allerleirauh. brother's grimm fairytale. fc: madd.ison jai.zani.
elisabeth. the six swans fairytale. fc: isab.elle conn.olly.
margot. diamonds & toads fairytale. fc: ta.mla kar.i
prince eric. little mermaid 2023, with some inspiration taken from the stage musical. fc: jonah ha.uer kin.g.
D&D / BG3
princess daefina roxana reaegis. original character. astral elf, aberrant mind sorceress, rightful heir to the throne of the celestial kingdom of praezar. fc: ther.ica wil.son - rea.d
diana casta. original character. aasimar, bard of the college of glamour, savior of elturel. fc: rile.y hem.son
dame aylin. the nightsong, paladin of selune.
isobel thorm. the beacon of last light, cleric of selune.
teyrn bryce cousland. headcanon based & canon divergent. fc: jam.es pur.efoy
teyrna eleanor cousland. headcanon based & canon divergent. fc: cla.ire forl.ani.
fergus cousland. headcanon based & canon divergent. fc: char.lie vic.kers.
leith cousland. original character, non - warden cousland. fc: don.al fi.nn.
sura tabris. hero of ferelden, headcanon based & canon divergent. fc: sop.hia br.own.
asha surana. hero of ferelden, headcanon based & canon divergent. fc: priy.anka bos.e
elias hawke. the champion of kirkwall, headcanon based & canon divergent. fc: sea.n tea.le
maella lavellan. inquisitor, headcanon based & canon divergent.
nicolette trevelyan. the herald of andraste, headcanon based & canon divergent. fc: alic.ia von ritt.berg
jowan / "levyn". headcanon based & canon divergent. fc: ale.xander vla.hos
ursula erwood. original character, bann of white river. fc: ade.laide kan.e
euphemia erwood. original character, lady of white river. fc: s.ai benn.ett
roisin erwood. original character, lady of white river. fc: con.nie jenk.ins - gre.ig
sophie hatter. the land of ingary trilogy. book based. fc: ni.cola coug.hlan
arya stark. asoiaf. headcanon based & canon divergent. fc: emi.lie sat.trup and mi.llie bra.dy
akordia t'rissbreena suilea'ibhain. / bree. high fantasy original character based on the "lost princess" trope. bg3/d&d & da verses. fc: an.ya cha.lotra
willa. high fantasy original character, just a centaur from the forest.
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seeminglyseph · 2 years
Cassandra: so many gods in your pantheon, is there no room for one more?
Elias: okay, but we already have an abusive negligent father god, your Maker needs to get a new shtick.
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aki-pls · 6 years
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Inktober day 8 - Tempest
The calm before the storm.
Tried to illustrate the three main abilities of the Tempest class - the Flask of Frost, Flask of Fire and Flask of Lightning. Apparently can't do anatomy today. Don't even get me started on drawing the elements.
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roanela · 4 years
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Shitty phone pictures of my Inquisitor Elias Lavellan please love him
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