#Brian Kerwin
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zanephillips · 2 years ago
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Torch Song Trilogy (1988)
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haveyouseenthismovie-poll · 4 months ago
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thosesadsuburbanghosts · 1 year ago
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27 Dresses (2008)
"Love is patient, love is kind, love means slowly losing your mind"
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erstwhile-punk-guerito · 9 months ago
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famouxben · 2 years ago
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Brian Kerwin, The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo, 1979
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kwebtv · 1 year ago
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Beggars and Choosers - Showtime - 6/19/1999 - 12/12/2000
Comedy / Drama (42 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Brian Kerwin as Rob Malone
Charlotte Ross as Lori Volpone
Tuc Watkins as Malcolm Laffley
Christina Hendricks as Kelly Kramer
Isabella Hofmann as Cecile Malone
William McNamara as Brad Advail
Paul Provenza as Parker Meridian
Keegan Connor Tracy as Audrey Malone
Bill Morey as Emory “E.L.” Luppin
Carol Kane as Lydia “L.L.” Luddin
Sherri Saum as Casey Lenox
Beau Bridges as Dan Falco
Alex Zahara as Wayne
Ben Bass as Brian Peske
Colin Cunningham as Herb Kolodny
Rudolf Martin as Nicky Krasnakov
Klodyne Rodney as Latitia Martinez
Kaj-Erik Eriksen as Carey Malone
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theoscarsproject · 2 years ago
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Murphy's Romance (1985). Emma moves to a ranch with her son after a divorce and befriends the older Murphy, but things turn complicated when her ex shows up.
I feel like Sally Field has a monopoly on 'Single Mother Finding New Life on a Farm in 80s Cinema' roles, and that probably makes this one of the worser ones in that particular cinema canon. I don't know, if anything, this was just fine - little boring, but generally inoffensive. Watch Places in the Heart instead. 5/10.
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vintagewarhol · 2 years ago
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duranduratulsa · 24 days ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Television 📺 Showcase...Tales From The Crypt: Judy, You're Not Yourself Today (1990) #tv #television #horror #talesfromthecrypt #judyyourenotyourselftoday #thecryptkeeper #johnkassir #francesbay #CarolKane #briankerwin #90s #dvd #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsastelevisionshowcase
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camyfilms · 1 month ago
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27 DRESSES 2008
You write the most beautiful things. Do you actually believe in love and marriage and just pretend to be a cynic or are you actually a cynic who knows how to spin romantic crap for girls like me?
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brummie-man-interests · 5 months ago
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Brian Kerwin (October 25, 1949) is an American actor.
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swampflix · 10 months ago
Movie of the Month: Torch Song Trilogy (1988)
Every month one of us makes the rest of the crew watch a movie they’ve never seen before, and we discuss it afterwards. This month Brandon made Boomer and Britnee watch Torch Song Trilogy (1988). Brandon: On a recent vacation to San Francisco, I found myself in the Haight-Ashbury location of Amoeba Music, digging through the LGBTQ section of the record store’s used Blu-rays & DVDs.  There were…
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year ago
Jack (1996)
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Anyone with a trained eye will see past the schmaltz and recognize 1998's Patch Adams as a manipulative, unfunny drama that cast Robin Williams in an attempt to be both hilarious and uplifting. For years, I kept a copy of it on DVD so that whenever I heard anyone sing its praises I could give them a reality check by sitting down and watching it with them. I don't know what I was thinking wasting my time like that. This brings us to Jack, which makes Patch Adams look like a finely crafted wine. Made two years earlier, Francis Ford Coppola tries to melt your heart. Instead, you'll want to die of embarrassment.
Jack Powell (Robin Williams) was born with a strange condition that makes him age four times as fast as normal. Home schooled for the first ten years of his life, Jack is finally allowed to go to school with students his own age when his doctor (played by Bill Cosby) convinces Mr. and Mrs. Powell (Brian PKerwin and Diane Lane) that it will be good for him.
This movie has a premise but it doesn’t have much of a plot. Jack is ten years old but looks forty. The kids at school think he’s a freak until they realize he’s a giant that can easily beat any of them at basketball and walk into any store to buy naughty magazines. Eventually they realize that’s not always a good thing. So what? The idea (I think) was that it would both tug at your heartstrings and make you laugh. Jack will look like the Crypt Keeper by the time he graduates from high school. His life will be cut short. How tragic. Meanwhile, Robin Williams, everyone!
Williams isn’t necessarily bad at playing a ten-year old. He does the best he can but the role is fundamentally unconvincing. You see a grown man jump into his parent’s bed and you can't help thinking about some SNL-type skit in which one of the cast members dresses like a kid for comedy's sake. The joke there was that they're not fooling anyone. This movie asks you to suspend your disbelief. It can't be done. A couple of scenes might make you chuckle but you can so easily see that these were not part of the script; they were lines Williams threw in and the editor decided to keep. The biggest hint is that no 10-year-old would say them.
It takes no time for Jack to reach maximum cringe. Bill Cosby plays Jack’s surprisingly non-comedic doctor (he’s being unfunny deliberately) and Jennifer Lopez, his teacher. All the scenes of Jack and his friends farting in cans convince you there won't be any romantic scenes between the 10-year-old and his sexy teacher but you’re nonetheless kept on edge. This movie could get THAT bad. It’s already pretty dreadful as-is, with Jack’s best friend’s mom (played by Fran Drescher) playing the stupidest adult you’ve seen in a long time. Her son, Louis (Adam Zolotin), hasn’t been doing his homework so she’s coming over to talk to the principal. Jack pretends to be him so the real conversation can't happen. That sounds like it could work but Jack stumbles over his words so badly it’s a wonder mom believes anything he says. Maybe she thinks the "principal" is just that hot for her that he can't speak properly. This scene embodies the entire film. We see where the movie could go horribly, horribly wrong, and where it might’ve actually been hysterical in a demented kind of way.
“No! Please! Stop!” Are words you better get used to if you plan on watching Jack. Writers James DeMoncao and Gary Nadeau aimed to make a bizarre tragedy, a pumped-up version of one of those “disease of the week” dramas fused with a coming-of-age story. Or maybe Francis Ford Coppola thought Robin Williams acting like a child while everyone around him pretends like that’s a perfectly normal thing would be hilarious. I don't think anyone expected it to be the low point in many talented people’s careers. It might've been interesting if it were absurdly bad or a little more tone-deaf. As is, "Jack" is a car crash you're more than happy to look away from. (February 18, 2022)
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erstwhile-punk-guerito · 11 months ago
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years ago
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5 Against the House (1955) Phil Karlson
May 21st 2023
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kwebtv · 1 year ago
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Tuc Watkins, Charlotte Ross, Ben Bass, Carol Kane, Bill Morey, Brian Kerwin and Isabella Hofmann in "Beggars and Choosers"
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