#Brenda Murphy
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infairwinghellsing · 1 year ago
Wentworth Fanfiction
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dropoutconfessions · 6 months ago
for six months i called adaine adaline, zac murph, murph zac, brennan brenda, ally siobhan, and siobhan ally. i would see people talk about gorgug calling murph zac and would be SO CONFUSSED. (I have prosopagnosia, i would like to say i know who people are now.)
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soggybongwatter · 10 months ago
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Just a girl🐁🍃
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broadwaydivastournament · 11 months ago
Broadway Divas Tournament: Round 2A Audios
New round, all new audio (more or less). In combing through my 58 GBs of personal audio bootlegs, here's a taste of what our favorite Divas can sound like live.
Six more audios to follow
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irishhills · 1 year ago
dinner with the queen
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Eliza isn’t sure how to feel right now. She’s sitting next to Chris at the dinner table, without Blair, just her parents. They’re having the chicken piccata her mother just learned how to make, and it’s good. The conversation is going well. The right kind of jokes, not too many questions about how Chris wound up in honors classes or where he wants to go to college in a few years, nothing odd. Nothing off. And Chris is sitting next to her. Without Blair.
Brenda, Eliza’s mom, is giving Chris a lot of tips about how to win a homecoming race. Eliza can see in her eyes that she wishes they were both on the court, but she’ll settle for vicariousness. She takes a long sip of her water before continuing a speech that feels like it’s been going on for hours.
“Now, what you never want to do is be sarcastic,” Brenda says. “High schoolers love sarcasm in the classroom, but when it comes to voting for their kings and queens, sincerity is key. You have to make them believe you love them.”
“I don’t know if that’s even possible,” Chris says. “How can I love people who think it’s super cool to make a joke out of me?”
“You ask yourself what’s more important,” Eliza says. “Winning the bet against Amy, or losing it.”
Chris shrugs, and Eliza panics. Maybe he’s regretting this already. Maybe he’ll back out of their date to the dance. Maybe he wishes Blair was still here. That’s it. He probably wishes Blair hadn’t left. Why did she leave, anyway? Eliza wouldn’t have minded if she stuck around, so long as she didn’t get in the way of her date with Chris. So, why did she leave?
“You can offer your best compliments to people, before and during the dance,” Brenda explains. “Tell girls you like their dresses. Tell other boys you’ve heard good things about the sports they play.”
“What if they don’t play sports?” Chris asks.
“Then you’ll have stuff to talk about with them,” Eliza says. “Organically.”
“Very good, Eliza!” Brenda says. “Why weren’t you nominated for the court, honey?”
Eliza panics again. She looks toward her father for guidance, and he gives a sympathetic smile to both sides of the dinner table.
“She has years and years, Bren,” Eliza’s father, Jeff, says. “Don’t worry about it now.”
Eliza breathes a long, quiet sigh of relief. Thank goodness Dad is there for her. The truth is that everyone here knows why Eliza wasn’t nominated for the homecoming court, and it’s because she’s too dorky. Her hair is too oily, she wore big, thick glasses until this past July, and because she’s somehow still growing, none of her clothes fit right. She’s not exactly Amy Egan, the prettiest blonde in the tenth grade, and that’s not only because Eliza has red hair. She’s not even the prettiest redhead. It doesn’t matter how great she’d be at running her own campaign. Eliza will always be dorky, and there’s nothing she can do about it but accept it.
But if she has a date … then maybe she stands a chance at being just a little bit more. She has this secret dream of being the prom queen. It probably won’t happen, but if it did … God, for once in Eliza’s life, she’d like to feel beautiful. She isn’t a slim blonde like Amy Egan, nor is she an effortless beauty, like Blair. She needs the little things. The glitter, the pageantry, the one perfect date with the boy she likes best.
Eliza looks at Chris and studies his profile for a little too long. When did she even start to like him like that? She thinks it just happened one day. Like, she spent enough time around him and enough time thinking about him that it just … clicked. That’s how liking someone works. She and Blair have talked about it before, though they each describe it a little differently. According to Blair, liking someone is trying to outrun it until it catches up to you. For Eliza, it’s about recognizing what was always around you, like a warm shawl. Chris is a warm shawl.
“Do you know how to dance?” Brenda asks.
“Like what kind of dancing?” Chris asks. “Because I am very, very good at the Waltz Clog. Blair taught it to me like five years ago.”
Eliza sinks a little bit. Chris can’t help himself. It’s like he has to talk about Blair, or he’ll die. And that makes Eliza feel terrible. Not just because she worries Chris has a thing for someone who isn’t her, but because she doesn’t want to be jealous of Blair. For as beautiful and smart and lovely as Blair is, those are all the reasons Eliza feels lucky to be her friend. She doesn’t want to be angry that Blair is a good person, an impressive person. She likes her too much. Why does it have to be like that? Why are other girls automatically threatening?
She looks at her mother, who frequently mentions what other women are wearing, even when those women are just strangers at stores and restaurants. Especially restaurants.
“Not tap dancing, Chris,” Brenda says. “Just … holding onto your date and swaying.”
“It’s easy,” Jeff says. “If I could do it, you can do it.”
“We could practice!” Eliza says, definitely too eager. “Like … not right now, of course, but maybe after dinner.”
“No, honey,” Brenda says. “After dinner, I want Chris to take a look at some of your father’s ties. Chris, you would not believe the collection of ties my husband has, just upstairs in our room. You’d think you were in a specialty men’s store.”
Chris laughs politely, and Eliza stabs her plate with her fork. It makes a horrible and noticeable scratching sound, which makes her cringe.
“Eliza, honey, careful with the fork,” Brenda says. “I don’t want you to ruin the plate.”
Eliza tries not to roll her eyes. She doesn’t want to ruin the plate, either, but her mother is missing the point, perhaps on purpose.
“I could take pictures of the ties,” Eliza suggests. “If you think that would help.”
“Yes!” Brenda says. “Especially if you use your Polaroid. Oh, honey, I knew that camera would come in handy one of these days. You were so right to ask for it last Christmas.”
Eliza nods. She goes back to her plate and cuts a slice of chicken she doesn’t even want to eat. She tries to make eye contact with Chris about the ridiculousness, but Chris is honestly paying more attention to the queen.
At least Eliza has the Polaroid.
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It is with the UTMOST pride and joy that I announce to you, the project is finally finished!!! The past four months have been VERY worth the wait. I would like to thank everyone who helped make this a reality, as you are all some of the most talented people on Earth, and I would also like to thank Team Starkid for having the amazing characters who brought it together.
For the characters who did not have full names, we had their artists name them! Those characters are:
Smoke Club Girl (tgwdlm) - Suzy English Danny (tgwdlm) - Danny Reynolds Deb (tgwdlm) - Deb Hirsch Hatchetfield Bee (tgwdlm) - Eliza Florez Ziggy (nightmare time) - Ziggy Miller Gabe (abstinence camp) - Gabe Anderson Mary (abstinence camp) - Mary Shaw Noah (abstinence camp) - Noah Henry PJ (npmd) - Patricia Johnson Reese (npmd) - Reese Woods Brenda (npmd) - Brenda Briggs Stacy (npmd) - Stacy S. Murphy-Owen-Martin Brooke (npmd) - Brooke Chandler Caitlyn (npmd) - Caitlyn Hayes Angela's Drama Student (npmd) - Lily Myers Joey's Drama Student (npmd) - Ezra Richter Rudolph (npmd) - Rudolph Svensson Miss Mulberry (npmd) - Missy Mulberry
I'm linking the flip book AND the slideshow versions of this project because I feel like there's an image quality difference, and I want everyone's pieces showcased in the best possible quality. In the flip book, hover your mouse off of the pages, because when you have it on the page blurs a bit.
One more enormous thank you to those who brought this project to life: Writers: @dawningfairytale @theiloveyousong @that-was-anticlimactic @amethystunarmed @bellqmione @tnoy-keraxisraxis @icarus-o7 Artists: @mansion-of-haunts @witchstormm @booigi-boi @zstarcatsz @bird-likes-to-fandom @muppetmagic @l8dawnsovrmonroeville @nibblelinephym @notanerdyprude @peterstankoffski @ren-from-mars @astrolotte @blankensnappeas @angelwiththeblue-box @margo-mania @tipsy-agnostalgic @ratsarecute4 @rat-on-string @spigosaur @wispexists @ampers-and @ruthflemwad @feathertru @oniomn @daiwild @bajablastflavoredsaxreed @cardinaldust @thalassous @idk-tbh-idk @anispelix @lillazyboithings @cloddot @ophii @stephanie-lauter @janet-the-interplanet @alliumroze @kentucky-fried-goth-attire @nonbinarymichaelafton @spiny-dogfishes @gay-little-axolotl @vicariousscrolling @spyruce @thecrabbybarista
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janicekao · 10 months ago
My bw/wm! smut stories
Also can be found on Wattpad @ janicekao
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summerlycoris · 4 months ago
The facts about Vanessa’s history prior to Security Breach. (And a summary of the different companies involved in AR and HW.)
I won’t lie, this (hopefully!) effortpost was prompted by watching Dual Processes latest video about Vanessa, where they state that ‘In AR, Vanessa pretends to be an IT Rep to trick Silver Parasol Games into giving her full access to the game.’ Which was… interesting, to me. Because it showed Vanessa’s email to Steve Wilson, who works for Anna Kwemto, who works for…
We don’t actually know the company she, or her underlings, work for.
Anyway, this isn’t made to target any specific people- Dual Processes’s video about Vanessa is brilliant (no spoilers- go watch it!) despite my quibbles at the very start. And the corporate chains in HW and AR, are confusing and easily mistaken- to the point the fnaf wikia has a lot of errors I needed to shift through while researching this topic…
I’ll lay all my chips on the table straight up- I had to find out a lot of Vanessa's backstory just before Ruin released, because I wasn’t really following fnaf until after Ruin was announced. I’d dipped around the HW days.
But I’d noticed a fair bit that, because few people played AR, and even those who did play AR likely didn’t see all the emails, that there are a lot of assumptions about who works for who, and who does what. False info that led me into believing a lot of misleading information about Vanessa before I looked into it more.
This misinfo even goes as far back as HW- do you think Vanessa works for Silver Parasol Games in HW? It’s a common belief- but I think it’s a misconception. And I’ve brought proof to the table.
Anyway, the point of this is to lay out anything about who works for who, and where they work. Because corporate chains are complicated, in a series that is already complicated enough!
First things first, what companies are we dealing with?
Well, there’s Silver Parasol Games. Which gets shut down and brought out during HW’s development. (Tape Girls Tapes- 1, 10, 15) I’m not gonna try to put years of operation because… no. But I do need to make it clear it shuts down prior to Vanessa beta testing the game.
People working at this company named in HW include Dale, Jeremy, and Tape Girl. If you go off the scrapped fake website for Silver Parasol Games, then the company also includes Gabriella, Tonya, and Aiden. (One of the two girls is likely Tape Girl.)
There is also Another Potential Development Studio, which is unnamed but suggested to be buying out Silver Parasol Games. (Tapes 10, 15). We don’t know much about this company other than Vanessa must work here during HW. [She never mentions a boss, or coworkers with this company.]
For AR, there is Anna Kwemto’s company, which is a subcontractor working for Fazbear Entertainment. It goes unnamed in AR.
The people working at this company include Anna Kwemto, Daniel Rocha, Raha Salib, Steve Wilson, and Mark Cho.
DLZ Shipping Solutions- a company that shipped animatronics parts to… they don’t say which company. But we at least know which person- Lisa Jameson (regional director of logistics for an unknown company.)
Their employees include Jimmy Hauss, (before getting fired) and James Strand.
Fazbear Entertainment- has a variety of teams and job positions. I’ll try to list them all here, though not in order of operation sorry. Kayla Stringer- Legal. Vanessa A- Security. Luis Cabrera- IT. Shonda Ford- legal. Greg Abernathy- IT. Dan Ximenez- IT. Jerome Khan- Accounting. James Campbell- IT. Todd C- Office Staff. Aiden Jackson- IT. Ivan Gagarin- Accounting. Diannah Larimore- Marketing (laid off). Maria A- Marketing (laid off.). Cheryl M- Office Staff. Anand G- Legal.
All from here on out have unknown job roles- Kenneth Freeman, Christie Buckley, Ben Pulley, Karen Soto, Brenda Tanaka, Stanley Howser, Jack Sims, Jay Murphy, Charles Ramirez. Jim Campbell.
There are also basic login details from some unknown people, from another unnamed company in ‘Security Incident Log- September.’ They are J_B and A_L.
There are also more workers who don’t have a specific company they’re tied to- but are working with the Funtime Service. These include Nora- R&D. Tristan- Compliance. Charles- QA. Isolde- Customer Service.
Okay. So that’s the raw data. Kowalski- analysis!
Jim and James Campbell are… interesting. They could be brothers. They could just have the same last name. They could just be a mistake- someone misspelling a name and accidentally making two characters where there should be one.
Honestly, I’m assuming it’s a mistake. AR was being made in that timeframe where Scott was pretty hands off about the story, and barely communicating with Steel Wool about SB. This is likely just a mistake that no one cared enough about enough to notice or correct. Like Luis being in IT in AR, then in Marketing in SB. Without any foreshadowing that he was transferring.
I wish they’d clarified which company Lisa Jameson, Nora, Tristan, Charles and Isolde worked for- or if they worked together, even. It sounds like they all work with the funtime service, based on the emails. But I can’t be sure of it, because none of the Nora/Tristan/Isolde/Charles emails reference Lisa, and vise versa.
It’d be useful to know if they work for Anna Kwemto’s company, Fazbear Entertainment, or somewhere else entirely. Because that’s the key to figuring out whether Anna Kwemto’s lot were scanning circuit boards for game development (unlikely for the timeline- but as said in the Jim and James rant- Scott wasn’t communicating with his teams. And its unlikely Steel Wool was communicating with Illumix either.) Or whether they were scanning circuit boards to recreate animatronics for the funtime service.
If Lisa was working for Anna- then it’s fairly cut and dry. They’re working in a warehouse storing animatronics, with an office attached for more hands-off staff.
If Lisa was working for Fazbear Entertainment in-house, then that leaves the possibility that Anna Kwemto’s lot weren’t running the Funtime Service. (Since Lisa’s emails imply her warehouse has ‘active animatronics’ too- including Bonnie eating a cat… which… I could’ve done without knowing thanks game.) And the Nora/etc emails explicitely talks about the new animatronics being sent out with the Funtime Service.
Also, sucks not knowing for sure who and where from J_B and A_L are. I’m assuming that they’re unnamed people from Fazbear Entertainment’s IT department- considering when Vanessa hijacks herself an IT email address, it has the same layout (V_A). But it’s not confirmed and no one with these initials is written as working for Fazbear. (Unless I missed something- please let me know!)
With Anna Kwemto’s company- it scans circuit boards of animatronics, which is why people might confuse them with Silver Parasol Games. However, they are never stated to be involved in game development. And by the time Vanessa has left Another Potential Development Studio to join Fazbear Entertainment, Silver Parasol Games should no longer exist as a separate entity. (Considering it was going to be bought out by Another Potential Development Studio while Vanessa was working there.) Timeline-wise, Anna Kwemto being the head of Silver Parasol Games doesn’t add up. And circuit boards could be scanned for a variety of reasons- say, if you’re making replicas of old animatronics for the funtime service.
(But that’s getting into speculation- while it’s implied they’re a subcontractor running the Funtime Service for Fazbear in the emails, there’s no explicit proof. Only the email from Raha Salib to the rest of the crew talking about an unknown user giving commands to all ‘active animatronics’ really gives us a hint to them running the Funtime Service. And that doesn’t neccesarily mean active animatronics are from the Funtime Service.)
‘Where are you getting a timeline from Summerly?’ from the games.
Vanessa gets infected by Glitchtrap, because circuit boards are sent to Silver Parasol Games and scanned into the Freddy Fazbear Virtual Experience. (The in universe VR game Vanessa’s working on) Vanessa can’t start being possessed by Vanny and acting weird around Luis before she get’s possessed- so HW must happen before the storyline events of AR.
During the story of AR, Vanessa (most likely Vanny puppeting her) locks out all of Anna’s workers, including Anna, after they scan some circuit boards and got a virus. Because they’ve been locked out, all ‘active animatronics’ become impossible to control. Around this time, either Vanny or GGY sends out a data package using a new account- ‘_pizzaplex’ that presumably 1. Targets the pizzaplex currently in the process of either being built or operating, and 2. Infects the animatronics there.
(Again- Scott was hands off during this time. I know this contradicts The Storyteller.)
If it was any other way around, Vanessa wouldn’t be infected with Glitchtrap during AR. She’d just be… being extremely weird for no good reason. Doesn’t make sense storywise.
Ultimately, these random companies and workers aren’t important except for acting as reference points- who works where and whos coworkers with who?
The important part is Vanessa. And this post does have something to say about Vanessa. Mainly, what I’ve already included- no, she did not work for Silver Parasol Games. But also something I had falsely believed prior to doing this research- she didn’t work at Fazbear Entertainment before working as a security guard there during AR, either. Or at least, that’s never proven. She works for the company that buys out Silver Parasol Games. Then probably job hops between games, to get into a position that is more useful for Glitchtrap. A position at Fazbear Entertainment.
It’s never explicitly stated that Vanessa (or Vanny) is sending the tutorial emails to customers of the funtime service. But considering the focus on collecting remnant, the sender being ‘FAZ//...AR ENT##AIN_!MENT’, and the repetitions of ‘funFUNFUNfun’ and similar throughout those emails… It’s likely Vanny is sending out those emails after hijacking the funtime service animatronics. (Which would explain why she wanted to work at FazEnt, and why she locked out Anna Kwemto’s lot if they were running the Funtime Service animatronics for FazEnt.) Basically, in order to control the animatronics, she needed to control the subcontractor (s) and have a position in FazEnt to exploit.
Why did she want to control the animatronics? Remnant, probably. The modified emails sent from ‘FAZ//...AR ENT##AIN_!MENT talk about collecting remnant. And some of the animatronics sent out through the Funtime Service emulate the Funtime Animatronics… like Funtime Freddy and Circus Baby. Who would have stomach hatches, if whoever replicated them didn’t think too hard about what they were building.
Basically, Vanny needed remnant. Possibly for rebuilding Afton. Possibly for fixing the Mimic. She could risk herself getting remnant personally… or she could get some machines to do it for her. These machines would also be useful for, say, disposing of some meddling therapists at a later date.
This may even explain what the scooper's there for in Ruin. Vanny may have been using the scooper on the Funtime Service rentals to receive their remnant after they killed someone.
Anyway, that’s all I got for now.
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jgroffdaily · 4 months ago
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Jonathan Groff, Ruthie Ann Miles, Brian Stokes Mitchell, More Join Stars in the House Election Day Vote-a-Thon
Seth Rudetsky and James Wesley Jackson will host the six-hour event supporting the Entertainment Community Fund.
Stars in the House, the award-winning streaming variety show co-hosted by Seth Rudetsky and James Wesley Jackson, will return for its second Election Day Vote-a-Thon November 5 beginning at noon ET.
Joining hosts Rudetsky and Jackson for the six-hour event—supporting the Entertainment Community Fund—will be the newly announced Matthew Broderick, Neil Patrick Harris, David Burtka, Rachel Bloom, Jonathan Groff, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Ruthie Ann Miles, Josh Groban, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Adrianna Hicks, Skylar Astin, Robin de Jesús, Bellamy Young, Linda Lavin, Donna Murphy, Victoria Clark, Jackie Hoffman, Iain Armitage, Jelani Remy, Julie Benko, Christine Pedi, Pearl Sun, Ta’Nika Gibson, and Luis Salgado's R.Evolución Latina.
These artists join the previously reported Lin-Manuel Miranda, Martin Short, Rosie Perez, Wayne Brady, Jessie Mueller, Shoshana Bean, Judy Kuhn, J. Harrison Ghee, Anika Larsen, Emily Skinner, Andrea Martin, Will Swenson, Brad Oscar, Javier Muñoz, Peri Gilpin, Merle Dandridge, Celia Keenan-Bolger, Rachel Bay Jones, Nina West, Lauren Patten, Kevin Chamberlin, Ali Ewoldt, Sam Gravitte, stars from the original Broadway cast of Hairspray (Marissa Jaret Winokur, Laura Bell Bundy, Kerry Butler, and composer/co-lyricist Marc Shaiman), members of the cast of Glee (Amber Riley, Kevin McHale, Jenna Ushkowitz, Heather Morris, and more), improv group Broadway’s Next Hit Musical, and Chicago stars Charlotte d’Amboise and Brenda Braxton.
The guests will discuss their voting experiences and deliver musical performances.
Stars in the House airs on its YouTube channel and StarsintheHouse.com.
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shannendoherty-fans · 4 months ago
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1993 - Uknown TV Guide Issue
In a blast from our past, we came across Shannen Doherty's 1987 TV GUIDE 'report card'
Is Beverly Hills brawler Shannen Doherty facing expulsion from her role as high-school senior Brenda Walsh? Well, her disco debacle of last December –the one in which Doherty allegedly decked a fellow dance-floor diva– has certainly put her in media detention. Imagine our surprise, then, when we delved into our files and discovered this "report card" clip from 1987. In it, TV GUIDE placed a sweet-16 Shannen at the top of her class: one of the few straight-A students among her child-star peers, as graded by former child actress Andrea Darvi Plate.
Well, Doherty is no longer sweet 16, but here's hoping her "innate goodness" will carry her through her final-semester slump.
A Shannen Doherty
Show: Our House, NBC. Role: Kris Witherspoon. Student: Shannen Doherty, age 16. Overall grade: A. Breakdown: Cuteness: A: Talent: A; Potential: A Comments: Shannen, a veteran of such family fare as Father Murphy and Little House: A New Beginning, is a fine dramatic actress who shines in the role of Kris, a young girl eager to join the Air Force in order to eventually become an astronaut.
Almost alone among her child-actor peers, she projects a refreshingly non-saccharine brand of sweetness. Says Sheila Manning, a top Hollywood casting director who knows many of these TV kids personally: "Shannen is unusual. She has an innate goodness. Being a child actress hasn't touched her." Well, that is unusual! May Shannen. shine for years to come.
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infairwinghellsing · 1 year ago
Wentworth Fanfiction
Just some short drabbled, oneshots and snippets that came into mind, featuring an inmate Brenda and Governor Joan. They haven't met before, so this will be AU.
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kwebtv · 7 months ago
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Shannen Maria Doherty (/ˈdoʊ.ərti/; April 12, 1971 – July 13, 2024) Television and film actress and director. During her career in film and television, Doherty played a number of notable characters, including Jenny Wilder in Little House on the Prairie (1982–1983); Maggie Malene in Girls Just Want to Have Fun (1985); Kris Witherspoon in Our House (1986–1988); Heather Duke in Heathers (1989); Brenda Walsh in Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–1994), 90210 (2008–2009), and BH90210 (2019); Rene Mosier in Mallrats (1995); and Prue Halliwell in Charmed (1998–2001).
In 1982, Doherty had guest spots on TV series including Voyagers! and Father Murphy, which was created and produced by Michael Landon. She appeared in an episode of Magnum, P.I. ("A Sense of Debt"), followed by an early episode of Airwolf ("Bite Of The Jackal"). (Wikipedia)
IMDb Listing
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greysmed · 12 days ago
mod, pode adiantar alguns mwfcs?
Claro, residente! Perdão a demora e segue a listagem parcial da moderação!
America Ferrera, Ashley Moore, Auli'i Cravalho, Bianca Lawson, Brenda Song, Brie Larson, Camilla Luddington, Camila Mendes, Cierra Ramirez, Constance Wu, Emily Blunt, Erinn Westbrook, Eva Longoria, Fiona Palomo, Gemma Chan, Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Alba, Jenna Coleman, Kate Hudson, Kate Winslet, Kelly McCreary, Laura Harrier, Liz Gillies, Lucy Liu, Margaret Qualley, Naomi Scott, Natalie Portman, Nicole Kidman, Phoebe Dyvenor, Rachel McAdams, Rachel Weisz, Sandra Oh, Simone Ashley, Taylor Russell, Zendaya, Zoe Kravitz. Adam Brody, Alfred Enoch, Alex Landi, Alexander Skarsgård, Anthony Hill, Avan Jogia, Chris Carmack, Chris Evans, Cillian Murphy, Harry Shum Jr., Idris Elba, Jason Momoa, Jay Harrington, Jake Borelli, Keanu Reeves, Manny Jacinto, Mark Ruffalo, Niko Terho, Oscar Isaac, Paul Rudd, Regé-Jean Page, Robert Sheeran, Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, Scott Speedman. Asia Kate Dillon, E.R. Fightmaster, Elliot Page, Emma D'arcy, Indya Moore.
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broadwaydivastournament · 11 months ago
Broadway Divas Tournament: Round 2A
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We made it. We survived the first round with only minimal emotional devastation. Round 2A will begin tonight, Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. EST. And because I don't have enough to do, look forward to all new propaganda propagated by yours truly. Send me more to add to the garden.
Polls will also feature all-new bios taken from the modest collection of vintage playbills, and extensive collection of personal playbills I've amassed over my short life. It's going to be a fun mix of early-career bios, shows from the last few years, and anything in between.
Round 2A: ALL POLLS HERE Debra Monk vs. Carolee Carmello Laura Linney vs. Audra McDonald Jayne Houdyshell vs. Stephanie. J. Block Brenda Braxton vs. Paula Leggett Chase Christine Baranski vs. Judy Kuhn Harriet Harris vs. Carmen Cusack Donna Murphy vs. Mary Beth Peil Judith Light vs. Marin Mazzie
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Rules and Guidelines
Round 1D Winners | Round 1C Winners | Round 1B Winners | Round 1A Winners
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skillzyo · 2 years ago
okay so like. I’ve been under the impression that Ryan Murphy officially announced he was doing a Glee reboot and everyone was mad at Brenda Song for joining the cast and I was like, “Okay, but Brenda Song is just trying to get paid. We should just be mad at Ryan Murphy.”
And I’m really glad I didn’t bring this up with Rob while we were hanging out today because I just realized before making this post that it was just a hyper-realistic dream I had and not something that was actually happening.
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irishhills · 1 year ago
when i walk through the door, i'm a debutante
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Eliza comes home from Blair’s house with a skinned knee and Vivaldi stuck in her head. Her mother is horrified.
“Eliza!” she yelps, running from her white carpeted stairs to the doorway. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing, Mom,” Eliza says. “Blair was teaching me her ballet dance. She’s summer in a Four Seasons ballet. I’m not very good. I fell in the driveway during the grande jeté.”
Mom shakes her head and leads Eliza to the bathroom on the first level of the house.
“I knew I shouldn’t have let you quit your lessons,” she says.
“But I was bad at ballet!” Eliza says.
They walk into the bathroom, and Mom flips the light on. When Eliza gets a look at herself in the mirror, she cringes. Was her hair that greasy when she left for Blair’s early in the afternoon? Was it that stringy? Mom’s hair is full and clean. Mom’s hair is always full and clean.
“That’s the point of lessons,” Mom says, so tired. “Knee up.”
Eliza places one foot on top of the toilet seat as Mom looks for disinfectant and Band-Aids. She sighs as she gets everything ready.
“You know, you’re almost done with sixth grade,” Mom says. “Next year will be seventh grade. Thirteen years old.”
“I know,” Eliza says. “I’m excited.”
Mom applies the disinfectant to her knee, and she inhales sharply between her two front teeth. She’s been thinking about those a lot lately, too. If her father wasn’t her dentist, and if he didn’t insist upon waiting for her skull to finish growing, she knows her mother would have put her in braces. Fortunately, for some reason, Mom trusts Dad with her whole heart. Eliza’s not sure she can say the same thing about the two of them, but it may be too early to tell.
“I remember when I was thirteen,” Mom says, a little too wistful. “I went to my first school dance then.”
“Did you have a date?” Eliza asks.
She doesn’t know why she even asked. Of course her mother had a date. Her mother is the kind of woman who has always had a date. She was probably born with one, right there outside the hospital, ready for dinner and a show. Mom has the same caramel hair as Eliza, but the difference is that hers looks good. She has a smooth complexion, not like the weird acne Eliza gets near her hairline. She knows how to put on makeup. Whenever Eliza tries to experiment with lipstick and mascara, she always ends up looking exactly like the Joker – the one from the old TV show, too.
Mom, by contrast, has never looked bad a day in her life. She was the most beautiful girl in school, and now, she’s the most beautiful mom in the PTA. When Mom was a teenager, she was a debutante, a tradition she desperately wants to pass along to Eliza when she turns seventeen. They’ve been counting the years since Eliza hit double digits. When she was ten, it seemed glamorous. Exciting. Then Dr. Egan said something about how First Communions and debutante balls are just about teaching women to get married, nothing more, and Eliza wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She just couldn’t believe somebody as pretty as Amy Egan, someone so tailor-made to be a prom queen, got to have Dr. Egan as a mom. If Eliza got to have a mom that cool and forward thinking, maybe she wouldn’t feel like she had to hide behind bulky sweaters all the time.
Of course, Mom always tells Eliza that she’s beautiful. She just needs to take care of herself – don’t skin your knee, wash the dirt off your face, have an apple on your way to Blair’s house so you’re not too hungry, wear a dress if you don’t like the feeling of last year’s pants. It’s like it’s Eliza’s mission not to listen.
“You are going to have beautiful teenage years,” Mom says. “As long as you look where you’re going and …”
“Take care of myself,” Eliza says. “I know, Mom. I’m sorry I’m a klutz.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry about. I just want … I want you to know that you can do that grande jeté. You don’t have to fall if you don’t want to.”
It will be a very long time before Eliza understands what her mother is trying to say. For now, she hears it only in the wrong. That Eliza is living life wrong. That she’s walking and talking and dancing wrong. That she’s being a teenage girl wrong.
She nods and looks down at her knee. She can barely see where she was all scratched up and bleeding just moments before.
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