#Breha Antilles
phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Really think we should start looking at a “Bail Antilles won the election over Palpatine” AU.
Like, I know Palpatine probably would’ve tried to kill him or make him appear weaker or would’ve just bided his time, but the whole series would be so funny because Bail Antilles is like, nigh unkillable. Dude only died because the planet he was on exploded, they had to blow up Alderaan to kill Bail, this man is immensely powerful.
But also, just imagine??? Palpatine would be like “Chancellor, we’re friends :) you can ask me for advice :)” and Bail would be like “oh yeah sure definitely if I ever need advice I will go to you first” but then just.. never do that.
Because! Bail’s wife is a queen! He would go to Breha first and everyone else second! Everyone would be like “it’s so hard to manipulate our new Chancellor :/“ because Bail just does not ask anyone for advice. Bail offers advice, he does not get offered advice.
Palpatine would’ve tried to kill Bail, but Bail is friends with literally so many Jedi. Bail would just be like “Hey, Obi-Wan, remember that time when you were eighteen when you-“ and Obi-Wan: “I will do whatever you ask without question if you shut the fuck up.” Bail would have Jedi with him all the time, just for funsies and because he’s pals with them. Bail would be like “oh, someone has tried to kill me again… this is an opportunity to spend more time with my dear friend Obi-Wan :)”
Palpatine would try to make Bail appear weaker and Bail would just not fall to the bait. He’d just be like “oh something is going on? Hold on a moment, I’m busy making sure the Trade Federation doesn’t do anything stupid, then I’ll be showing the Senate my fifteen-hundred page slideshow that explains why I’m being nice to the Trade Federation and how helping them will ultimately help the Republic, then I have lunch with Obi-Wan and after that I have tea with Obi-Wan and then I’ll have dinner with Padme, Breha, and Obi-Wan, so I’ll get to it after that- wait, no, Breha threatened to take over the Republic if I was home late again, so I guess I’ll have to get to that thing tomorrow ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯ “
I just… feel like we should discuss the world in which Valorum was cut from Supreme Chancellor only for Bail Antilles to replace him.
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spacefinch · 3 months
My sister guesses Star Wars characters
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Cad Bane (correct!)
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Satine Kryse
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Plo Koon Davy Jones
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Plo Koon (for real this time)
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Captain George
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Slurgr Slurge
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Bail Organa and I don't know
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cottonraincoat · 11 months
wookieepedia has two different pages for Bail Antilles and Bail Prestor Organa and I'm calling bullshit. there is no explanation other than he got married between tpm and aotc and took Breha's name.
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girlrandomstuff · 2 years
A fact that I found very amazing is that the people of Alderaan weren't afraid of the Queen, Breha was such a great ruler that people felt safe and in enough confidency to talk to her, but you know who they fear? Leia's mother, not Queen Breha, no, but mom Breha.
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Thanks Ress “Your mother will skin me alive. I mean this in a literal sense. My hide will be tanned and turned into some kind of belt or purse or other accessory” Batten and Reymus “I have seen deadly combat, mass warfare, I'm not afraid to face it, but you have to be the one who tells the Queen about this” Antilles for showing how Breha as a mother was more dangerous 😂😂
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lajulie24 · 2 years
First Lines Tag Game
I was tagged by @otterandterrierwrites — thank you kindly for the tag!
Rules: share the first lines of your ten most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy, share anyway! ❤️
If we survived the great war: “Luke took a sip of his kaffe and made a face. He wasn’t generally much of a kaffe person, but the erratic sleep schedule of a Rebel squadron commander / aspiring Jedi knight and the unrelenting cold of their current base made it something of a necessity.”
One Half Won’t Do: “Carlist Rieekan’s head was still reeling. What the hell happened? When did I lose control?”
There’s promise in the air: “The celebrations were still going strong, Rebels greeting each other with relieved hugs and joyful shouts, inquiring after friends, warning each other about the Ewoks’ wickedly strong brew. Someone, somewhere had found fireworks and set them off; there were bonfires and impromptu concerts and tearful reunions. The tension and fear that had lain beneath their careful plans and daring escapes had given way to the overwhelming sense of relief that followed a major victory.”
All of the ghouls come out to play: “Nobody was really certain how and when the doll had first arrived. It was one of the steady stream of gifts from diplomats and well-wishers from around the galaxy that had flooded Leia’s office and the Alderaanian embassy as soon as news had broken of an Organa-Solo baby on the way.“
Better than anything else that I’ve tried: “Leia wasn’t exactly sure what had first inspired the idea—was it the memory of the last bits of ice cream she’d savored last night, retaining that cool sweetness on her tongue as her lips closed over the spoon? Was it the arc of that little dip in his throat, seen as he’d swallowed his last bit of kaffe this morning? His lean body tangled in the sheets? The heat she’d briefly felt leaning over him for a kiss before she’d left the apartment? The sound, something between a growl and a purr, he’d put into his intonation of Sweetheart?”
See if you can work me the way you say: “‘A word, Captain?’”
A Girl in Trouble (Is a Temporary Thing): “Silence met Wedge’s story for a good minute, until Han finally spoke. ‘That’s the most fucked up thing I’ve ever heard.’”
Tiny Umbrellas: “Working up a sweat alongside Han was certainly a fair part of how Leia had expected to spend her first real vacation in several years, but this was not exactly what she’d had in mind.“
Our stained glass means nothing without light: “Leia was drinking tea at the dejarik table when he appeared. One moment she was alone, and the next, there was a faint blue glow and a sort of…presence.”
What they could do: “Nobody was supposed to talk about their younglings, the ones who had left. The little ones, mostly toddlers and preschoolers, who had been offered a place, a calling with the Jedi Order. The ones they’d sent off to be with others who shared their gifts, to be in a place where their strange beauty would be understood. Where they could spend their lives in service to the galaxy.”
Tagging: @keys2thefalcon @diplomaticprincess @inelegantprose @yoyomarules @theorganasolo and anyone else would like to play!
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sw5w · 6 months
Alderaan Seconds the Motion for a Vote of No Confidence in Chancellor Valorum
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace - Deleted Scene: Bail Organa of Alderaan 00:14
And just for fun, here's an edit of the previous shot, with the bluescreen background replaced with the Senate (and a hovercam droid thrown in).
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Bronze Age Star Wars (Ted) pointed out on Twitter that in the 2nd issue of the original 1977 Marvel adaptation of A New Hope, Princess Leia names her father "Bail Antilles" adding further confusion to this character's name and role. When Jimmy Smits was cast as Bail Organa in Episode II, the issue was finally laid to rest.
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itstimeforstarwars · 3 months
Re: Last names--I thought Bail taking Breha's last name was canon. My 'fun'explanation is that Bail's last name was Antilles same as the senator before him since it's the most common last name in Alderan. So you have John Smith, succeeding John Smith as senator. When the papers run stories on people they have to be all 'John Smith of TownName derides John Smith--no relation--and John Smith--no relation--reports blah blah'
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So this led me down a fun wookiepedia hole---apparently Bail taking Breha's name is now Disney canon (since 2021)! In the Disney canon, his maiden name is apparently Prestor, whereas in legends canon, Breha is the one who took his name, and her maiden name is Antilles.
I do love your headcanon though, and I had very similar ones too! I think it's very funny for Bail's maiden name to be Antilles, and for him to succeed Senator Bail Antilles.
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love~
Ooh this is fun! tysm!
Some of my favorite fics I've written working back from most recent:
without any strings attached (Star Wars, Fox/Bail/Breha, no order 66 / canon div happy ending au)
false confidence (series) (Star Wars, Codywan, modern au)
I'll Make My Way Up to the Stars (The Old Guard, Quynh & Nile, canon div au)
there'll be days like this (series) (Marvel, t4t Bucky/Clint)
(would you) rescue me (Marvel, Bucky/Clint, urban fantasy au set in The Tarot Sequence universe)
And because this is fun, here's some of my favorite podfics I've made:
trade your heart for bones to know (Star Wars, Jon Antilles/Jaster Mereel, written by blackkat)
Why Not's and How To's (Star Wars, canon div au, multi-ship, written by trixree)
Wild Sage Growing (AFTG/TSC, immediately post-TSC, written by herojourney)
Begin Again (Star Wars: The Bad Batch, canon div, Crosshair & Mayday, written by niobium)
My Heart's Red Muscle (Star Wars, canon div au, cyborg au, Waxer/Boil, written by cacodaemonia)
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kbirbpods · 5 months
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Voiceteam 2024 has brought about the need for a new pinned Dear Podficcer Letter! This is kind of a year-round one of sorts for ease of access. This are the fandoms/tropes/etc that I always love, not just what I am hyperfixated on! For events I tend to focus on hyperfixations + always have the section about what I will make outside of my wants ~
So, please look below the cut for my general letter.
Recent-ish letters: Purimgifts '24 | ITPE '23 | Summer Swap '23
Things I Like, Regardless of Fandom:
THEMES: trans/nonbinary characters (extra points for neopronouns); gender exploration in general; found family (genfic or otherwise); angst with a happy ending; polyamory; good asexual or aromantic representation; genfic
TROPES: fix-it fics!! extra points for time travel or time loops in fix its; fake dating/marriage; mutual pining; soulmates (AU or just clearly soulmates); crack treated seriously; rivals-to-friends/lovers; oops only one bed; secret identities
AUs: soulmates soulmates soulmates; regency era (or any different era); modern AU; crossovers, provided i know the other fandom or the fic doesn’t require knowledge of the other fandom!; college/sport AU; fantasy/fae AUs
Star Wars AUs/Tropes (yes they need their own categories): no Order-66/Order-66 happens differently; force sensitive clones; Jon Antilles lives; [insert clone here] lives; Anakin doesn’t fall; Palpatine dies; Domino Squad Lives; force sensitive Leia; modern AUs; trans clones
PODFIC SPECIFIC: anything epistolary (texting/chat fics especially but letters and such are also fun to explore); including music / SFX if you’re comfortable; including bloopers if you have them/are comfortable exposing them
RATINGS: Contrary to popular belief I do not hate explicit fics so really any rating but I generally prefer G-M because I can be picky about what explicit content I’m absorbing.
Do Not Wants (triggers, squicks, please no):
major archive warnings (major character death is okay so long as it’s temporary and resolved); unhappy endings; I really don’t like pregnancy, which includes MPREG (I like omegaverse dynamics minus that aspect) - kidfic is cool I just don’t want pregnancy as a theme & especially not graphic depictions of it; suicide/self-harm “on screen” (mentions of past suicidal ideation/self harm are fine if not a flashback/graphic); non-/dub-con or any depictions of rape (once again, recovery is okay if done well); adult/minor relationships or relationships with unaddressed/starkly imbalanced power dynamics; any sort of poorly depicted mental health tropes (no BPD or other personality disorder bashing, no institutionalization, no “split personality” as a trope) - i really like explorations of PTSD/trauma but it has to be handled with fidelity and gentleness; and I have a random trigger about cockroaches
as a note: I do not like slave!fic but acknowledge that the situation of the clones is, at it’s core, a form of slavery. so while i ask for slave!fic AUs to be fully avoided, I do appreciate fics that tackle that aspect of the Clone Wars series with tact, fidelity, and honesty.
Fandoms & Characters I Would Love to Receive:
Star Wars: I love so much Star Wars that to split them like I did on AO3 would make this post too long. I think it’s easiest to say this: I prefer Clone Wars, Rebels, Rogue One/Andor, anything about Jon Antilles, anything about Hevy & the Domino Squad, anything Ahsoka Tano, Mandalorian culture (including Din & Grogu content!), and Mandoa as a language.
My main ships are: Cody/Obi-Wan, Kallus/Zeb, Hevy/anyone (consensual), Finn/Poe or Finn/Poe/Rey, blackkat rarepairs (mainly Jon Antilles/anyone), Jon Antilles & Fay (platonic), Waxer/Boil, Fives/Echo, Kanan/Hera, Quinlan/Fox(/Jon), Quinlan/Obi-Wan(/Cody), & Fox/Bail/Breha [also Clone OC ships!!] My favorite characters are: Hevy, Fox, Cody, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Leia, Poe, Fives, Luke, Jon Antilles, Fay (Legends)
Ted Lasso: My favorite ships are Roy/Keeley/Jamie, Ted/Trent, Roy/Keeley, and Jamie/Dani. Ted & Rebecca as platonic soulmates/besties in general. I love explorations of how much Dr. Jacob sucks and fix-its for the ending!
Batfam/DC: I can be picky and yet not? Basically, I just prefer no inner-Batfam fics of the boys because I truly view them as brothers. Jason is my boy forever & always. My favorite ships are Jason Todd/Roy Harper(/Kori), Dick Grayson/Wally West, Harley/Ivy, Tim Drake/Kon, Tim/Bernard, Tim/Kon/Bernard, and Wally/Artemis from Young Justice. This is the fandom that I specifically am obsessed with found family in. – I love exploring Alfred being the boys’ Grandpa and Bruce’s complex dadhood!
The Locked Tomb: I’m definitely Gideon/Harrow on main; I really like fics where one or both of them are trans/nonbinary. Nona is my favorite character so explorations of her found family (the household or the friends or all of them) are important to me. Cam/Pal is important to me. I love modern AUs a lot.
Our Flag Means Death: Obviously Blackbeard/Stede is a big deal and I ship it forever. But my heart belongs to Jim/Olu and any explorations of Jim’s gender identity! Pining Izzy Hands makes me weak, as long as he’s not being abusive towards Edward or Stede, so Izzy/Ed or Izzy/Ed/Stede is always choice.
ATLA: Always and forever a Zuko/Sokka shipper, specifically obsessed with found family in this, gen fic exploring the universe at all is super important to me!!!
All for the Game: Jean/Jeremy forever and always. I will always always eat up Jerejean fics. Of course Andrew/Neil. Renee/Allison. Andrew/Neil/Kevin is perfection. And really just... Gen fics around the Foxes or Trojans will always bring me so much joy.
A RARE ASK: I am super into both Dragon Age & Mass Effect. The former is much easier to find fandom for and there are a lot of fics with blanket permission statements. For Dragon Age, DA:O is my favorite (especially Alistair) or any sort of Hawke!centric fics. But in April 2024 I became re-obsessed with Mass Effect & anticipate it lasting a while. My rare ask is for Mass Effect fics - specifically Shep/Garrus or Shep/Liara (or them as a triad). Or gen fic!! But I feel like I am on an island here lol
MISC OTHERS: The Old Guard; First Kill; The Adventure Zone (Balance & Amnesty); Red, White and Royal Blue; Good Omens; The Tarot Sequence; Teen Wolf; Fallout (New Vegas, Fo4, & the show); Legend of Zelda; and Buffy (especially genfic & crossovers).
Authors with BP that I love, as a starting point:
Flowerparrish, trixree, wanderingjedihistorian, hoebiwan, blackkat, cac0daemonia, elismor_aswell, SunsetsOverLA, friendoftheJabberwock
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Star Wars 'What if?' AUs, Part 4
Part three here
Darth Bane’s Rule of Two never quite caught on, but the Sith of today don’t actually know much about each other because there’s so few of them. Palpatine’s plan fails in several key parts because another Sith’s plan got in the way. AND because the Jedi never discounted the idea that the Sith were back - because they never actually left. The Enemy of my Enemy is still my Enemy, and with the Sith all getting in each other’s way, the Jedi and clones manage to eke out a win.
Whatever happened to Dexter Jettser? I’m not knocking what Bail Organa did for the Rebellion, but Dex was Obi-Wan’s friend too, and he already had contacts in low places. So this story would have him either following up on all the things the Jedi Order never had time/experience for (who really ordered the clones, who was the Sith Master, how can we issue a shutdown order to all the Separatist droids?) during the war, or else afterwards he helps give the nascent Rebellion a huge boost.
Anakin gets apprenticed to the most appropriate possible person - Nico Diath!  Who is also from Tatooine, has a family home there in fact, and in canon his Padawan was his nephew. Also, Nico felt a burning hatred for slavery in general and Hutts in particular. Anakin finally gets to (help) free all the slaves, and Nico helps teach him about attachment and the perils thereof, and how to love your family without being so possessive of them you fall.
Supposedly it was one of Darth Plagueis’ experiments with midichlorians that led to Anakin’s birth - what if he was born to someone else? Shaak Ti could be good. Breha Organa would be too young, unfortunately. Mother Talzin would be interesting, especially since males aren’t valued on Dathomir - would Anakin take Maul’s place in canon, or would he be so powerful she’d keep him with her? Or, what if he was born to An’ya Kuro, aka Dark Woman. She’s got very unusual, and cruel ideas about proper use of the Force (while still considering herself Light!) and how to teach it. But would she consider a ‘Force-sent’ pregnancy something she would follow through on?
Or maybe Dark Woman is the one to find and apprentice Anakin. If you know anything about her, you'll realize this could be a story just as dark as canon, but I’m suggesting either Anakin ran off like Jon Antilles did, or Jon and his friends (Nico, Knoll, Fay) found him and removed him from Dark Woman’s influence.
Speaking of Dark Woman’s former padawans, one of them was Aurra Sing. A misunderstanding led Aurra to start developing a lifelong hatred of Jedi, and she killed several of them. What if Sidious decided to have more than one ‘Jedi Killer’ as his clone template? Supposedly Force Sensitives can’t be cloned because they turn out brain dead since the Force knows who they are, BUT either you can ignore that or - harvest the DNA, kill Aurra, then create the clones. She’s not alive for the clones to be affected by.
Or, canonically Aurra was on Tatooine watching the Boonta Eve Classic. What if she decided to try and take Anakin as her padawan?
Aurra Sing got kidnapped by pirates (which she thought Dark Woman arranged as part of her training), but what if she got rescued by Mandalorians? I’m thinking True Mandalorians, so she would be there to keep them from dying/getting killed like in canon. She faces off against the Jedi on Galidraan, some of them recognize her, and after it’s all over she goes back to the Temple just long enough to tell them how messed up Dark Woman’s training is, before leaving again. This leads to the Jedi Council taking a closer look at how initiates and padawans are taught and making changes, which ultimately, when combined with the True Mandalorians becoming the leading faction on Mandalore, derails Sidious’ plans.
Next idea involves a time crunch - Obi-Wan’s time on Melidaan (or Mandalore, protecting Satine) coinciding with the clones being taught on Kamino. Early in the process (when the oldest clones are physically 10-12) the clones rebel and escape Kamino. They either end up on Melidaan and help the Young take down the Elders before helping them set up a new community together, or they end up on Concordia trying to track down Pre Viszla so one of them can challenge him for the Darksaber and the clones can become the newest faction to rule Mandalore. Or they don’t have enough fuel/need an emergency landing and end up on Melidaan on their way to Mandalore. Basically a lot of teens and tweens getting their Lord of the Fly on, but a happier ending where they kill all the bad adults (including Sidious and Plagueius).
The Jedi Temple is apparently on top of some type of Force Nexus which allows it to be much bigger on the inside than outside, and they have a giant menagerie full of plants and animals inside it. Sounds like a great place for all the Jedi in the Temple to retreat to when Darth Vader and the 501st come to kill them all. And who really knows how a Force Nexus works? Maybe enough force sensitives crying out for other Jedi to help/to stop the clones from hurting their friends transports the whole Temple (and maybe all Jedi around the galaxy) to, like Lothal or Tython (and fries all the chips).
Barriss Offee is the one sent back in time, to her child body, young enough in the midst of her freak out she runs into a still-alive Sifo-Dyas. She tries to pass off her future knowledge and panic as dreams of the future, he talks about his own visions, and Barriss ends up explaining what his visions meant. Together they start a new Jedi schism aimed at non-violence in order to prevent the Jedi being involved in the coming war.
Apparently Etain Tur-Maken was in the Temple during Darth Vader’s attack on it and died defending a group of younglings. What if Anakin was completely not shielding his mind while leading the attack and when he got near enough he heard her thoughts about her clone lover, Darman, and their son? He’d start thinking about his unborn child with Padme and just…stall out.  Consider also that he could then look around at the children and see a bunch that, coloring-wise at least, look like him and/or Padme. Etain manages to subdue Anakin while he’s caught in a mental maelstrom of worry for his unborn child.
After the Rusaan Reformation, the Jedi took the rule of dismantling their armies to mean no more Knights. All the Jedi on Coruscant are part of the Services Corps (Agricorp, Exploricop, Educorp, Medicorp). Anyone wanting to use lightsabers on a regular basis or be a warrior monk ends up transferring to one of the other temples (or maybe they have their own Temple on, like, Tython or Lothal). Palpatine falls into the same misunderstanding that the Senate has, thinking that the majority of the Jedi are the ones on Coruscant, so his ultimate plan for taking over the galaxy is different since it doesn’t involve clones chipped to turn on their Jedi. Then when Palpatine stages his takeover he’s blindsided by the large number of Jedi Knights that had been wandering around the galaxy fixing problem ‘as the force wills’.
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walkawaytall · 10 months
Q and V?
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
Oh, for sure. I rarely erase scenes outright -- they get shoved into a document with their brethren for possible use later. Though there are some scenes/snippets that I don't think I'll ever use. Like, this one is very specific to Purpose of Heritage, but I felt it didn't fit well where I originally put it, and its only purpose really was to reveal that Han has, at some point, said he doesn't get romantically involved with people he works with, which I found a different way to do, so...it's probably not ever going to go anywhere:
“Did you know you have a reputation?” she asked. Han pointed at himself, brows raised. “Me?” Leia chuckled and jerked her head in Chewie’s direction. “Him too. Pilots in general, apparently. I was informed that keeping the company of pilots leads only to…” What had Einara said? “‘Mortifying heartbreak’.” Chewie rolled his eyes. Han snorted and shut the switchblade. He set it on the table gently. “Oh. Yeah.“ “‘Yeah’ it’s true or ‘yeah’ you’ve heard the rumor?” He shrugged and she squinted at him thoughtfully. “Why am I just hearing about this? I only hang out with pilots.” Han pointed at Chewie. “He’s married.” He continued, ticking names off on his fingers. “Bey’s married, I don’t get involved with people I work with, Luke is…Luke, and Antilles…” He trailed off, chuckling softly. “Antilles just doesn’t talk about his business.” [I don’t think there’s much business to speak of, anyway,] Chewie added. “That too,” Han agreed. “Ah, so I hang out with antisocial pilots.” “‘fraid so, sweetheart. Got stuck with a buncha losers.” He shot her an amiable smile.
V: A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fic? Breha Organa for sure. I love the bits of her relationship with Leia and Bail that we get to see through various pieces of media, but I do feel it's rare to see her in fic. I mean, I get it; her ending is tragic and there's not much of a way around that. But even in like...time travel fix-its, she's often not really around, and that is a bummer.
Thanks for asking!
Fanfic Ask Meme
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spacefinch · 3 months
Finch Rambles: Rebels edition
Some headcanons about Commander Sato and Mart Mattin, brought to you by my old journals.
Jun Sato could be the youngest person in the room and still give off “older brother” vibes.
He’s the oldest of two brothers. I hc that the younger brother (Mart’s father) is named Isamu.
His ways of showing affection are hugs, warm smiles, and polite compliments. Hugs are usually only given to people he knows well.
Sato has known Bail Organa since the Clone Wars. And he’s visited him and Breha on Alderaan many times. That being said, he gets along well with Princess Leia.
Briefly crossed paths with Anakin and Padme during the Clone Wars, and saw enough of their interactions to have the (correct) suspicion that they were lovers. He chose not to tell anyone, not even them.
Before the events of Rebels Season 3, Sato keeps in close contact with Mart and his parents.
He calls Isamu via hologram before going on a mission, and sends Mart holos of all the planets he’s visited.
Early on, he’s able to visit Mykapo fairly often, but it becomes increasingly difficult as his responsibilities as a rebel commander pile up.
Eventually, he’s only able to make it home a couple times a year—- one of those times being on Mart’s birthday.
During such visits, Sato travels to Mykapo alone. Most of the lower-ranking members of Phoenix Squadron believe he is on a solo recon mission.
Following his brother’s untimely death, Sato tries for days and days to contact Mart, but gets no answer. Part of him fears the worst, but he also holds out hope that Mart is still alive.
Someone inevitably asks why Sato can’t just go look for his nephew. His response: “I have a literal squadron to look after!”
Mart’s ways of showing affection:
Hugs. Lots of them. He can just tell when someone needs one.
Punches, but with love. (Reserved for his squadron mates and Zeb)
“Hey, wanna play this hologame with me?”
“I’ll just sit here and keep you company”
Letting other people fly the Hammer (his ship)
Mart goes into hiding after his father is killed, and purposely doesn’t contact his uncle. Not because he doesn’t want to talk to him (there’s nothing more he would want), but because he’s scared of what the Empire would do if they intercepted the transmissions.
Mart is about 3 years younger than Luke Skywalker. And they’re both rebel pilots who have Wedge Antilles as a mutual friend.
His friendship with Luke is partly “whoa this guy blew up the Death Star!” and partly being the chaotic younger brother.
Not impressed by the fact that Luke is a Jedi. (Mart has met two Jedi all ready, and they were much better with a lightsaber than this guy.)
Although Mart would gain some respect for Luke’s Jedi powers after between the events of “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi.”
People Mart has hugged:
His parents
Commander Sato (aka Uncle Jun)
Gooti and Jonner (fellow Iron Squadron mates)
Kanan Jarrus (after Hera was captured)
Hera Syndulla
Zeb Orrelios
Sabine Wren
Ezra Bridger
Kallus (who still hasn’t told Mart how much he needed that hug.)
Chewbacca (#1 expert on Wookiee hugs)
Rex and Wolffe
Jacen Syndulla (Hera’s son.)
Han, Luke, and Leia
Just about anyone who needs a hug.
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polypodweek · 8 months
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The first batch of requests is in! You can find them under the cut. You can also find them right here =D
Request by kbirb Ted Lasso (TV) Keeley Jones/Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt my BLORBOS cubed no rape/non-con/dub-con please! happy, slice-of-life preferred for these 3
Request by kbirb Our Flag Means Death (TV) Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet/Israel Hands Oh Steddiehands. Another ship that's all angst, all hurt/comfort, rarely fluff. Feel free to lean into the darkness - provided there's no rape/noncon or suicide. Sure, I'd love a fluffy, slice-of-life podfic for these three. But I know that might be very difficult to do. So hurt me, I'm fine with that.
Request by kbirb CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo/CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives/CC-1010 | Fox [points] hurt them No but this is one of those ships where things don't seem to need to be sunshine and roses for me to love the fic. Give me angst. Give me angst no comfort. Give me hurt/comfort. Or give me pure fluff! Slice of life!! Throw these 3 at a wall and see what sticks and I will find joy in it. No rape/non-con please.
Request by kbirb CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo/CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives/CT-782 | Hevy Sometimes my brain thinks I made this ship up and I'm so glad when it pops up as a taggable ship. Anyway, caveat would just be that I don't want rape/non-con. Otherwise, any character added into the mix is good. Oh and no Codex. For these three, I really prefer happy and fluff fics, but I also do like hurt/comfort fics!! But Hevy must live.
Request by kbirb Batman - All Media Types, Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics) Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason ToddRoy HarperKoriand'r (DCU)Jason Todd This right here is my DC OT3 for sure. I'm such a JayRoy shipper but throw Kori into the mix??? [chef's kiss] Caveats: I don't ship Batboys with one another and I don't want rape/non-con. Otherwise, go hog wild! Found a fic that's the OT3 but with another character or characters added in? Go for it. Just no Batboys being ship with Jay please!
Request by kbirb Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Quinlan VosCC-1010 | Fox/Bail Organa/Breha Organa I literally just would like happy, slice-of-life podfics of either of these ships. Or hurt/comfort. Also not even super restricted!!! You have a ship that has the 3 in the ship but there's a fourth person?? PLEASE, gimme, I will accept!!! Basically only restrictions are these: I don't ship Cody/Rex and I don't want any rape/non-con fics. Otherwise, go hog wild!!!!
Request by Flowerparrish Star Wars - All Media Types CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo/CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives/CC-1010 | Fox LIterally anything for these three sfw or nsfw fine
Request by Flowerparrish Star Wars - All Media Types CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Quinlan Vos CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi/CT-7567 | Rex Additional: Fox/Quinlan/Jon Antilles likewise I just want the blorbos smushed together sfw or nsfw fine
Request by Flowerparrish Ted Lasso (TV) Keeley Jones/Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt happy ending for them would be great! sfw or nsfw fine
Request by Flowerparrish Leverage (US TV 2008) Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer Happy or heartfelt! sfw or nsfw fine
Request by Flowerparrish Marvel, Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics) James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton/Jason Todd Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton/Steve Rogers chaos trio! sfw or nsfw fine
Request by Flowerparrish Star Wars - All Media Types Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars) poly relationships featuring clone ocs!
Request by Flowerparrish The Tarot Sequence - K.D. Edwards Brand Saint John/Rune Saint John/Addam Saint Nicholas happy pls! sfw or nsfw fine!
Request by Flowerparrish Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg Eskel/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion preference for happy ending, but angst is good if it ends hopeful/happy! hurt/comfort is delightful. miscommunication/misunderstandings sfw or nsfw fine!
Request by Flowerparrish Star Wars - All Media Types Poe Dameron/Finn/Rey happy and ignoring a lot of sequel movies canon preferred!
Request by korechthonia Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Myles the Mandalorian Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze CC-2224 | Cody/Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Quinlan Vos Padmé Amidala/Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi/a third is a recipe for politics, strong personalities, chaos, or some combination of the above and I am invariably here for it. no non-con or pwp please
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jayaorgana · 5 months
Raymus Antilles was very good at stuff later on, like he was a hero and was remembered as a hero and for good reason, but like during the Clone Wars? Very clearly, just like Breha's cousin, she was trying to help out, and Bail was like, "He can be my driver, I guess..."
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
Post Order 66 - Part 15
Padawan Kanna Rae has the most stressful conversation of her life. Lots of other things happen! Tagging: @starrrgazingbunny, @thestarwarslesbian, @xylionet
"So, Padawan Rae," Mace Windu pinned her in place with a severe stare that made her feel like a misbehaving child, rather than a woman in her mid-twenties, "I'm very curious to hear about what's been going on in the last three years."
"There's no need to be so harsh, Master Windu," Knight Aayla Secura said with a warm smile, "I'm sure Kanna will tell us everything," She favored the slightly younger woman with a fond smile.
"Right. So...a lot has happened," Kanna admitted, "We're headed to Outpost Thresh, in the Outer Rim. It's where the majority of the Jedi live now, as well as a large number of the Vod'e."
"Majority of the Jedi?" Mace asked with a tilt of his head.
"Well, the Emperor kind of ignored the corps. I guess they weren't Jedi enough?" Kanna replied with a shrug, "So Home has become very welcoming for our people. And the addition of the MediCorps has been a boon, since the Vod'e all need their control chips removed, as well as some gene therapy."
"You've been busy," Aayla said with a delighted smile.
"It's been three years." Kanna murmured, "The only reason I survived the Purge was because my Master flung herself over me, and then Master Vos smuggled me out of the temple." She shook her head, "Anyway, the Starsinger will be meeting us at Outpost Thresh."
"And that's where Bly is?" Aayla asked.
"On the ship, yes." Kanna nodded, "He's under the care of Master Obi-Wan, seeing as you managed to make him force sensitive. Somehow."
Aayla blinked, "I did?"
"A pretty powerful force sensitive at that, or maybe just willful. He was able to lift me with little trouble, after all."
"Huh." Aayla looked even more surprised, "Curious."
"This is all well and good," Mace said, shooting Aayla a quelling look, "But what is the state of the Galaxy at the moment?"
"Be more specific."
"Right. Well, the Temple is being turned into the Emperor's palace. The Inquisitors are out there hunting Jedi and force sensitives. And Vader still has the 501st under his thumb.'' Kanna listed, "Alderaan is now firmly under Imperial command, with the Organa's having to fake their deaths to protect their daughter. Naboo is being watched closely, which never made sense to me but now does."
"Who's Vader?" Aayla asked, her lips turning down in thought.
"Darth Vader, the Emperor's Enforcer." Kanna paused, and her lips curled up into a bitter smile, "Known to the Jedi as Anakin Skywalker."
"...fuck." Mace pinched the bridge of his nose, "I was hoping that his fall wasn't going to be quite that serious." He admitted through a sigh, "Who's in command of Outpost Thresh?"
"Ah...technically Captain Rex, I believe. But Breha Organa might be the one in charge there now." Kanna replied with a thoughtful frown, "As I understand it, she is a warrior queen."
"And who else from the Council is still alive?" Mace asked.
"Ah, well. Obi-Wan is, he's on the Starsinger. He says that Master Yoda is alive somewhere in the galaxy. Master Fisto is dead," Kanna glances at Aayla, who nods in agreement, "And I was able to verify the deaths of Master Mundi and Master Poof."
"And the others?"
Kanna shook her head, "I don't know. Wolffe swears that he's directly responsible for the death of Master Koon, but as he was shot down...and I don't know about the others."
Aayla frowned, "I can't believe that Master Quin refused to come with us," She muttered grouchily.
"I get it. Master Antilles is a good man, but Quin doesn't trust him much." Kanna replied, "I doubt that he'd do something to risk the Jedi at this point, but-"
Mace shook his head, "Jon is a fine Jedi. It's a shame that his actions never endeared him to the wider Jedi population. Specifically Vokara and you,"
Kanna scowled and folded her arms, "I know keeping grudges isn't the jedi way, but he set back out work on the Rakghoul vaccine centuries."
"And he was censured for it." Mace reminded Kanna, before he turned to look out the side window as the ship lurched in a way that indicated that it was about to land. There was a massive ship, that looked more like a yacht than anything else. He paused, "Does anyone know that you've found us?"
"Nope." Kanna stood and stretced as the ship landed on the landing platform, "Respite is secret, even now." She pressed a button allowing the door to open and she stepped off the ship, a bright grin crossing her face as a small blond blur flung itself at her.
"Hey kiddo!" Kanna scooped the little boy into her arms, and snuggled him close, "Were you good for your buir'e?"
"Always!" Luke giggled as he hugged her tightly.
Mace and Aayla stepped off the ship after her, and the people who had gathered stilled, and became quiet. And then they erupted into movement.
Commander Bly, supported by his brothers, stared at General Secura with wide, wet, eyes. And Aayla saw him, smiled, and ran over to him. She stopped just before she reached him, and she reached out and touched his cheek.
Bly didn't say anything, he just stumbled forward and fell into her arms.
And while they were reuniting, Obi-Wan walked over to Mace and was hugging the older man, they were speaking to each other in quiet voices, but both were radiating joy into the force.
"This is a terrible idea," Red eyes lingered on the massive battleship just outside the viewport, before she turned and regarded the man sitting next to her, "We're two people-"
"We'll be fine," He glanced at her with a small smile, before he focused on the battleship once again, "No one knows that ship better than you do, and with the jamming device you made, we'll be able to knock out the vod'e without hurting them."
"What if Vader's on the ship?" Anxiety twisted in her stomach, and her grip around the steering yoke tightened.
"He's not."
"He isn't." He looked at her again, "Come on, cyar'ika. I did my own recon before suggesting this. Vader isn't even in the system at the moment. I promise." He smiled at her, "Trust me."
She gnawed on her lower lip for a moment, and then she sighed, "I do trust you, there's just so much that can go wrong with this-"
"The plan is simple. Simple enough that it can't go wrong," He replied gently, as he reached out a tucked a strand of hair out of her face, "We'll get in, and you'll activate the jamming device. The Vod'e will fall unconscious, and we'll release the mouse droids," He glanced back at the crates of mouse droids behind them, "The droid will traverse the ship and destroy any trackers that might be in, or on, the ship. And then we'll knock out...or kill...any of the natborn soldiers on board, and we'll steal the ship."
"You make it sound so easy,"
"That's because it is easy. Don't worry, cyare. I won't let you get hurt."
"I'm more worried about you, honestly." But his confidence in the plan was comforting, so she rolled her shoulders and directed the shuttle towards the hanger.
He laughed, "Come on, cyar'ika, this plan has been three years in the making, and made by people much smarter than either of us. All we have to do is not mess it up."
"Yeah, yeah."
The comm crackled to life, "Imperial Shuttle 2378. You are late for your normal delivery." The vod'e on the other end of the line said flatly.
She pressed a button on the console, "Affirmative, Dock Control. We had to take a round-about route to avoid pirates."
There was silence for a moment, "Understood. Please proceed to docking bay three. Welcome back to the Resolute." The line crackled shut, and she exhaled slowly.
"In for a credit, so they say," She said with a wry twist of her lips, as she carefully directed the shuttle to the correct dock. She directed the ship through the barrier, and settled it on the landing pad, and then she glanced to the side, "Alright. You're up."
He grinned at her, pulled on his helmet, and pressed the button on the device that was located at his feet. It activated slowly, at first, then then it lit up like a Life Day Tree.
She looked out the front window and watched as the men in the hanger slowly crumpled to the ground. As soon as there was no movement in the hanger, she reached back and opened the first of the crates holding the mouse droids.
"Seems to be working," Her partner said quietly as he opened the door to the ship and allowed the small army of droids off his ship. "And now for the hard part." He strapped twin blasters to his hips and stepped onto the ramp.
"Be careful, Jesse."
"You worry overmuch, Raiya." His helmet tilts towards her, "I'll be back in a bit, cyare."
"And your name, for the record?" It was utterly dehumanizing, the way that the Clones were being treated. Completely blank armor, nothing denoting rank or any individualism.
It was sick.
"You want me to spell it for you, mate?" Cal's gaze flickered to the side, to where Spark was sitting, looking like he was having a casual lunch with a friend, rather than talking to someone who could, and would, kill them if he was ordered to.
"Sure thing! It's F-U-C-" Spark grunted as the second clone punched, "Hey now, that's not very nice." He managed to get out, after he spat some blood on the table.
The first clone stared at him impassively, or, at least, she thought so. The helmet made it really difficult for her to determine if there was any emotion there at at.
He turned his gaze towards her, and Cal lifted her chin slightly, a small smile on her bright red lips, "Will you be more corporative?"
"Not likely, no." Cal said agreeably, "Tell me, darling, what happened to your paint?"
The clone stilled, and the pen in his hand shook slightly, "I am a clone, I don't have the right to any distinguishing marks."
"Hm. You used to though. What color did you wear?"
"Didn't know the 501st was still on Coruscant," She flickered her gaze over to Spark, concern on her face, "Thought you all fucked off after you murdered the babies at the temple." There was something cruel and biting on Spark's face. But then...they had taken the Jedi Massacre hard.
"The Jedi were traitors-"
"Oh, aye. Those babies were definitely shifty little shits. Out there learning how to walk and talk." Spark said, sarcasm dripping from his tongue, "Completely nefarious."
The pair of clones in the room were tense, "Good soldier's follow orders," The interrogator finally said.
"Bullshit," Cal spat, "Good Soldiers question shit orders! Good Soldiers think!"
The interrogator slammed his hand on the table, and Spark shifted, as though to try and fling himself between the clone and Cal, "The pair of you are being questioned in regards to the terrorist activity that has been seen on Coruscant recently."
"Then why are we in binders," Spark snapped.
"You resisted arrest."
"Yeah, because people who go off with you lot, don't get seen again," Cal grumbled.
The interrogator stilled, and he reached up and ripped off his helmet.
A familiar face with a perfectly regulation haircut. And a very distinctive and familiar tattoo on his face.
Cal felt her heart sink into her stomach. Dogma.
She glanced at Spark, who had gone completely still. His eyes scanning the face of the man sitting across from him. The man he once planned to spend the rest of his life with. There was no recognition on Dogma's face.
Spark didn't wilt, didn't look away from the cold, hard, truth staring him in the face. Instead his face went cold, and he lifted his chin, "If you're not charging us with anything, let us go."
"We could really use your help." Dogma said.
"I don't give a fuck." Spark spat, "I don't help baby killers."
There was silence, for almost a whole minute, and Cal had to fight to not squirm in discomfort.
"You're both free to go."
And then the cuffs were removed and they were unceremoniously dropped outside the building, escorted by droids.
"Don't." He rubbed his face, and for a moment Cal saw the deep grief etched there, "It was like he didn't even recognize me, Cal. Like I was nothing to him, like I was never anything to him."
She reached out and touched his hand, "Maybe it's time we reached out to Senator Chuchi?" Cal asked softly.
He looked at her, so pained, and then he tugged her into a hug and dropped his head on top of hers, "This was never supposed to be our fight." He murmured into her pink hair.
Cal closed her eyes, and she remembered loud laugh, gentle hands on her skin, and a deep voice whispering promises in her ear. She remembered how Fives looked at her, the last time she saw him. And she realized that she was the lucky one. Fives was dead...but at least he died knowing that she loved him.
Dogma didn't remember Spark. Or her. Or the long nights spent at the Daines' house listening to too loud music, and eating too greasy food.
"I think this became our fight the day we fell in love with soldiers in the GAR, my friend."
"...this fucking sucks, Cal."
"Yeah. I know."
Rex stared at the display, his heart in his throat.
This was...well, bad was an understatement. He looked up at his vod'e, to see if any of them had any ideas as to how to make this situation better.
"How did he find us," Bail asked, his gaze locked on the display of the Resolute. The massive war ship was slowly entering the atmosphere, and looked like it would land on the outskirts of the settlement, "We were so careful."
"The Galaxy is only so big," Kanna was trying to sound calm, but her arms were tight around Luke, and Fox was leaning heavily against her, "We were bound to lose eventually."
"Could we fight?" Ahsoka asked, her voice panicked as she kept glancing to where the kids were playing, "Or at least start an evacuation?"
"And go where?" Rex asked, feeling very numb.
"Why is the ship moving so slow?" Obi-Wan asked, frowning at the image, "Normally the ship should have landed by now."
"Maybe they're enjoying our panic?" Dusk asked.
Actually...Rex focused on the ship again, and he frowned as well. He knew the Resolute, and there was no reason the ship would be moving that slow. "It...almost seems like whoever is piloting isn't used to something that big."
"That can't be right." Fives said with a frown, "I can't see Sky-...Vader getting rid of his pilots."
Mace closed his eyes, and he seemed to focus on something, "...there aren't any jedi on board that ship." He said, sounding awed, "In fact, there are a lot of people alive, but most of them feel like they're very deeply asleep."
The room descended into confusion.
"Hail the ship," Breha said, sounding every inch the Queen that she used to be. All eyes turned to her, "Hail the ship and find out who they are and why they're here."
"...alright." Rex reached out to the comm, and he entered a code he knew by heart.
There was nothing for a moment, and then the holo-table flickered to life. And Rex stared, stunned.
At the other end of the holo was a very familiar Chiss woman. "...Raiya?" Rex asked, stunned.
She blinked, and looked just as surprised as Rex did, "Captain?"
"What are you doing on the Resolute?" Rex demanded, "I heard you left the GAR!"
"I did! I moved to a civilian job-"
"Raiya! Who's on the horn?" Another voice, a vod, called from out of view.
"It's Captain Rex," Raiya called.
"Really?" There was movement, and then a familiar figure pressed into view, "Shit. It is. Hey vod."
"Jess-...What? How? You died!"
"Eh, not so much. Look, We can catch up after we land the ship. We have the entirety of the 501st with us, and they all need to be de-chipped." Jesse said, "And they need gene therapy, but we might need to reach out to the doc for that."
"Why aren't they awake?" Obi-Wan asked.
"Well, because we technically kidnapped them and stole the ship," Raiya said cheerfully, "We'll be landed in about 10 minutes. I've never piloted something this big, so I'm taking my time."
The holo cut off, and the room was silent again.
And then people sprang into movement, Rex sent out a call to the medical jedi, informing them of what was about to arrive, and while he did that, Bail was sending an update across the settlement so people wouldn't panic any longer.
And then Rex left the base, to go to the landing site. He missed his brother, and he wanted, needed, to know how he survived.
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the light that shines
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vAZHGRw
by theragingstorm
Nine interconnected stories of the Rebellion, its people, and its aftermath.
Words: 7342, Chapters: 1/9, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Andor (TV), Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars: Rebels, Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Cassian Andor, Ahsoka Tano, Jyn Erso, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Vel Sartha, Cinta Kaz, B2EMO | Bee (Star Wars), K-2SO (Star Wars), Brasso the Ferrixian (Star Wars), Bix Caleen, Luthen Rael, Saw Gerrera, Han Solo, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, Alexsandr Kallus, Wedge Antilles, Mon Mothma, Quinlan Vos, Reva Sevander | Third Sister, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bail Organa, Breha Organa, Owen Lars, Beru Whitesun, R2-D2 (Star Wars), C-3PO (Star Wars), CT-7567 | Rex, Jacen Syndulla
Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s), Minor Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla - Relationship, Minor Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso - Relationship, Minor Cinta Kaz/Vel Sartha
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rebellion Era (Star Wars), Jewish Themes, Family, Friendship, Canon-Typical Violence, Aftermath of Violence, Bittersweet, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Love, Jedi Culture & Tradition (Star Wars), Planet Ferrix (Star Wars), Art, Karis Nemik's Manifesto, Mandalorian Culture (Star Wars), Queer Themes, art and love as acts of rebellion, Hanukkah-inspired, the sw holiday special lucasfilm doesn't want you to know about, Hanukkah themes, the real miracle will be if I actually get this finished on time, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hopeful Ending, My First Work in This Fandom, Planet Tatooine (Star Wars), Planet Alderaan (Star Wars)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vAZHGRw
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