#Bravo sir
redwolf17 · 1 year
Take Me To Church came out ten years ago today, on September 13, 2013.
It was Hozier’s debut single.
… the fuck?!?!?? HOW??? The talent, the vocals, the lyrics, the passion- and it’s not even the best song on the album????
Andrew John Hozier-Byrne, I salute you, sir. Truly the maddest of mad lads, a most sincere thank you to his parents and to the proud nation of Ireland, A+, no notes.
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fly-chicken · 2 years
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sirtaliesin · 3 months
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The Batman Family - #17
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transgayhawkeyepierce · 10 months
Alan Alda is an untraditionally attractive stick man, but Hawkeye is so so charismatic and genuine I honestly believe him pulling as much as he does
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fkmarrycill · 3 months
This scene is still one of my favorites, for the fantastic acting, but also the close-up. 😌
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ladyoriza · 2 years
okay what in the actual fuck was Skinamarink
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diioonysus · 6 months
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art aesthetics: gothic
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temeyes · 7 months
I've been thinking about the art of Price’s boobies since I saw it, I'm showing it to my friends when I meet them for dinner today, everyone must see his amazing boobies
thank u for doing me a favor of showing his tatas to your besties. BUT have they even seen his bum-
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oh shit, close the door- CLOSE THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!
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q-lyme · 1 year
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Love like yours will surely come my way
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yumethefrostypanda · 2 years
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*Did I leave the stove on?*
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Tim realized he was a little brother now and immediately set to work perfecting the sacred art of being a pest and I think that’s so beautiful of him
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nerdieforpedro · 9 months
What's "Dont Play With Me" about 👀👀
Bonus question: how do you go about naming your fics 🤔
Oddly enough, “Don’t play with me” was going to be an entire smut fest with Santiago Garcia (aka Oscar Isaac’s character) from Triple Frontier.
I watched Oscar singing a duet with Gaby Moreno called “Luna de Xelajú” which is a beautiful ballad. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
The link is here: https://youtu.be/XwtwN6gqwUA?si=OH6StfCiiR00evo6
So that man sung me out of smut and I’m making it fluff. THAT SAYS SO MUCH.
Not to say there won’t be Santi smut down the road, we’re in early January. There will be Santi smut! 👏🏽
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Just his voice, the guitar, his curls, the beard SIR 🫠
Now your bonus question: My titles are place holders so I know which fic is which when I look through my ever expanding Google docs. They sometimes are the final title, but like I just did with another fic, after editing and re-reading it, I changed the title.
My titles usually start out as vibes. For example “Keep me warm” I wanted the reader to be someone who not only keeps Dieter warm in bed, but may bring him a little joy given that he’s somewhere he doesn’t want to be. 😝
“Din’s in the Neighborhood” is a reminder to myself that it’s a modern AU where Grogu will likely be a human child and more of a slice of life deal. I’ll give Din a slight break since I had my man working in and out of his beskar recently. Din wears hoodies and glasses. 🤓
As a final example, “Pleasure Principle” was influenced by me listening to Janet Jackson, I had re-watched ‘The Equalizer 2’ because my mom wanted to watch one and two before seeing three last year. I had thots about Dave York, I work in healthcare and I wanted to dabble in BDSM a bit more after lightly exploring it with Marcus Pike. Plus as the fic goes on, both Dave and Kiara are having what they believe to be their principles tested. I did try and tie it into something to be all extra 😭
I hope I answered both questions my dear! 💝
Let me know if you have more!
Love Nerdie ❤️❤️❤️
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crescentmp3 · 1 year
i know i should let go of chatbots but im using one to practice my italian and it just complimented me on it. i am very pleased
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rileyslibrary · 9 months
You burst into the office and slam the door behind you. Ghost jumps from his seat and looks up from the paperwork he’s been filling out. His eyes widen as you sprint towards him.
“What the f-”
“Just play along,” you interject, dragging a chair and plopping down. You grab two sheets of paper from the pile next to him and snatch the first pen within reach.
He keeps staring at you dumbfounded before managing to utter something.
“Can you at least-”
“Nope,” you cut him off while focusing on the papers and nibbling on the pen. “No, can’t do. You need to trust me on this one.”
“Define what ‘this one’ is.” He demands.
“Shhhh,” you hush him, waving your hand dismissively and glancing over your shoulder at the door. “He’s coming.”
“Who’s com-”
The door swings open, and footsteps approach. They settle beside you, and a hand slams on the desk. Ghost looks at the hand, then upward.
“Captain,” he says. “What brings you in-”
“For the love of everything you hold dear, Simon, you better not be involved in any of this,” Price warns. He slams his hand on the desk again and looks at you. “Why were you running away from me?” He asks.
You stare at him with furrowed eyebrows before removing the pen from your mouth.
“I wasn’t running away from you, sir,” you reply, pointing the pen at Ghost. “I was late for my meeting with the lieutenant.”
Price turns towards Ghost, seeking for an appropriate answer. The lieutenant sits up straight on his chair, clasps his hands together and motions with his head towards you.
“Very punctual, this one.” He says.
“Cut the crap, Simon,” Price orders and turns to you. “What were you doing inside Bravo Unit’s barracks last night?”
“Bravo Unit has barracks?” You ask Ghost. He shoots you a side-eye and raises one eyebrow.
“Stop playing dump and answer the question,” Price warns and points at Ghost. “And don’t look at him—he’s not covering for you this time.”
“How about you start from the beginning, boss,” Ghost interjects. “What happened?”
“Someone broke into Bravo Unit’s barracks last night and stole every inch of toilet paper they had,” Price says, looking at you, then turning to Ghost. “And not just toilet paper, mind you! Kitchen rolls and tissues are gone as well.”
“Tsk tsk tsk,” Ghost murmurs, shaking his head. “Such an inconvenience.”
“Inconvenience, Simon?” Price whispers, leaning on the desk. “The entirety of Bravo Unit had to wipe their ass with parchment paper this morning.”
Ghost brings his hand to his face and pinches the bridge of his nose. He lowers his head and takes deep, laboured breaths. Price is already fuming, so you decide to intervene.
“I was never inside Bravo Unit’s barracks, sir,” You state. “I just happened to walk through it once.”
“Oh, I see, I see—you walked through it once,” Price repeats, nodding. He removes something from his pocket and slams it on the desk.
“The instigator left this behind,” he states, looking back and forth between the two of you.
You and Ghost look at the garment on the desk—it’s a skull balaclava that once belonged to the lieutenant. He gave it to you last Winter since your ears and nose tend to get cold during patrol.
“Now,” Price states, “would you care to brief me on who this belongs to?”
“Hm,” you murmur, setting the pen and papers on the desk. You pick up the mask and start examining it. You look at Ghost, who stares at the mask with his eyeballs threatening to pop out of his face. He shoots you a deathly stare, and you redirect your attention to Price.
“That looks like it must be the lieutenant’s,” you reply, lifting the balaclava next to Ghost’s masked face. “With the skull and all—it’s a perfect match, actually.”
You both turn to Ghost, whose expression has transformed from utter disbelief to an inexplicable calmness.
“Indeed, that looks exactly like the one I lost,” Ghost confirms, taking the mask from you.
“Is it now?” Price asks in a high-pitched voice, tilting his head to the side. “Do me a favour and smell it for me, Riley.”
Ghost does exactly as he’s told. He brings the mask close to his nose, sniffs it, and nods. “Yup,” he confirms. “Smells exactly like me, too.”
Price sighs, takes a bottle from the pocket of his cargo pants and slams it on the desk. “So you want me to believe you use ‘Magnolia Blossom with Moroccan oil’ as a shampoo?” he asks.
“I’ve got dry hair.” Ghost shrugs.
“You should try coconut oil instead,” you suggest to Ghost, “it’s cheaper.”
Price kicks the chair next to you, and you both turn to look at him. He presses his lips together, and a red flush creeps on his neck, threatening to reach his head. He opens his mouth to say something, but you stop him.
“Why did you go through peoples’ stuff without their permission, sir?”
“Oh, I wasn’t going through anyone’s stuff,” Price explains. “You just were dumb enough to ditch the balaclava right behind the barracks. The detection dog picked up on the smell and led us to your stuff—it was a perfect match, just like you said.”
“You had sniffer dogs involved in this?” Ghost asks.
“I had to.” Price replies. “Pair the parchment paper with a day full of training, and Bravo Unit developed the worst rash they had since wearing diapers.”
A chuckle escapes Ghost, and he tries to silence it with his hand. He takes quick gasps of air, and you try to retain your laughter, too.
“Please tell me you’re not laughing!” Price shouts.
“No, boss,” Ghost says and wipes his tears, “It’s just so-”
“-sad,” you say and wipe your eyes as well. “It’s so sad.”
Price looks at you, then at the lieutenant. Now defeated, he sighs and throws his head back, shutting his eyes.
“I’m done with both of you.” He says, lifting his arms and dropping them to his sides. “I expect all toilet papers to be returned today. And as for you, you are responsible for cleaning Bravo’s toilets for the entire month.”
“For the whole month?!” You shout and wince at the idea.
“Be glad I didn’t make you wipe their asses as well.” He shouts as he walks to the door and slams it behind him.
Ghost recovers from the laugh and directs his attention to you. He tries to be serious but his teary eyes betray him.
“That was a hazardous operation you did back there,” he says.
“I didn’t do anything.” You reply, still vouching for your innocence. “But whoever did it taught Bravo Unit not to mess with our thermostats again.”
Ghost shakes his head. “I just happened to walk through the barracks once,” he says, repeating your earlier statement. “What were you thinking? Who walks through barracks?”
“I don’t know,” you reply, shrugging. “Ghosts would be my guess.”
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I just got out of military training for school, and let me tell you something. Just as much as COs push their companies/squads/what-have-you to their absolute limits...they also have an indomitable sense of humor that they will push onto their subordinates.
In other words, all those fics in the CoD Fandom about any character taking their anger/sadness/what-have-you out on their company by pushing them extra are true to an extent. But there is also the opposite side of that coin, which is this: COs often fuck around with their company and take out their good emotions on them. Which has the potential to be very, very funny.
Soap: Private, when I say "Pop your shit, twin." you will drop that thang Magic Mike style, is that understood?
Ghost, with a thousand-yard-stare: Take this disposable plastic fork. It is now an inspectable item to be kept on your person at all times. You will give it a name starting with L.
Gaz, leading his company in a march: When I give the command, you will left-face and post an L at Delta Company, understood?
Price, leading Delta Company: Recruits! Right-face and flip off Bravo Company, am I clear?
Soap: Private? Who is the General of the sassy man apocalypse?
Recruit: Sir, Lieutenant Riley, sir!
Soap: Very well.
Ghost: Recruits! Do you think...that Sergeant Mactavish...is pretty?
Soap, posing like a 50s pinup: Recruits, say ooh! Say ahh!
Gaz: Private...you have IBS?
Recruit: Sir, I think so, sir.
Gaz, monotone: Me too. One time, I made the mistake of eating Taco Bell while inebriated. I cried on the toilet the whole night.
Price, walking the hallway behind him, trying not to laugh: LOCK IT UP!!
Gaz: From now on, your nickname will be Private Midshitman.
Ghost, yelling a jodie: Now, from the top!
Recruits, responding: Make it drop!
Ghost: That's a-?
Recruits: WAP!
Ghost: THAT'S A-?
Recruits: WAP!
Gaz, too tired to PT: Recruits, fall out on my command, and griddy into the barracks.
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konstantintreplev · 2 years
*loud, violent coughing* as an eternal if dormant doyle stan on this webbed site, watching him becoming trek's newest poor little meow meow is literally the funniest shit. this man really sat back and said with his whole chest that if he had to be in star trek (he prefers the bsg remake lol) he needs to possess Problematic Ethics in the name of (gay) love and that he will burn down the galaxy for that love
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