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riomed · 2 days ago
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sushrutbrainandspine · 1 year ago
Unlock the secrets of brain health! 🌟🧠Learn about different forms of brain tumors and their causes. Awareness is the first step towards prevention.
🌐 Explore our website for more information and reach out for any queries or appointments! 🏥💻 Visit us at www.sushrutbrainandspine.com 📧 Email us at [email protected] 📞 Contact us at 9810324401
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paperngrace4recovery · 2 years ago
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“To You at Three for Thirty” Written to convey the golden orb of connection that spans time; that treasured moment of parenthood. #parenting #love #connection #childrenarejoy #huntingtongardens #huntingtongardenspasadena #motherhood #fatherhood #braintumorsurvivor #braintumorsurvivorsthrive #instagood #poetry #poetrycommunity #womenpoet #womenpoetry #poem (at Huntington Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoVjAiJJr5A/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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membranepharmaindia · 2 years ago
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Let's stand together to raise awareness about brain tumors, support those affected, and inspire hope for a brighter future. 💪💙
🔬💡 On this important day, we acknowledge the strength of individuals facing brain tumors and express gratitude to the healthcare professionals working tirelessly to improve outcomes. Together, we can make a positive impact. 💪💙
Follow : @membranepharmaindia
Follow : @membranepharmaindia
Follow : @membranepharmaindia
#BrainTumorFight #BringingHope #CreatingChange #BrainTumorResearch #SupportingPatients #JoinTheCause #BrainHealth #AdvancingTreatment #BrainTumorSurvivors #CommunitySupport #TogetherForACure #InspiringLives
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urganic-tuts · 2 years ago
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'Join the Global Movement on World Brain Tumour Day!"
Today, we stand united to observe World Brain Tumour Day, a day devoted to raising mindfulness about brain excrescences and supporting those affected by this gruelling condition. Brain excrescences can impact anyone, anyhow of age, gender, or background, and it's pivotal that we come together to drive progress in exploration, treatment, and support.
Did you know that brain excrescences are the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in children and grown-ups under 40? This stunning statistic highlights the critical need for increased mindfulness and support. Today, let's commit ourselves to making a difference in the lives of those affected by brain excrescences.
On this World Brain Tumour Day, we encourage you to
Educate yourself and others: Take the time to learn about the different types of brain excrescences, their symptoms, and available treatment options. Partake this knowledge with your network to raise mindfulness.
Support exploration andadvocacy: contribute to associations working lifelessly to advance exploration, ameliorate treatments, and advocate for better care for brain excrescence cases. Every donation counts and brings us one step closer to chancing a cure.
Let's make our voices heard and produce a world where brain excrescences are conquered. Together, we can make a difference and bring stopgap to those affected.
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Sensory Overload: The Hidden Obstacle to Brain Injury Recovery
The Negative Impact of Sensory Overload on Brain Injury Recovery
#RT Sensory Overload: The Hidden Obstacle to Brain Injury Recovery https://ctbraininjury.com/post/sensory-overload-the-hidden-obstacle-to-brain-injury-recovery… The Negative Impact of Sensory Overload on Brain Injury Recovery Brain injury recovery is a complex process that often involves various therapies and treatments to help patients regain their cognitive, emotional, and physical abilities. However, one of the lesser-known factors that can hinder recovery is sensory overload. This phenomenon occurs when the brain is inundated with information from the five senses--light, sound, taste, touch, and smell--and is unable to process it effectively. As a result, the brain perceives this as a threat and goes into fight, flight, or freeze mode, which can exacerbate symptoms and delay progress in rehabilitation. Increased Anxiety and Stress When the brain is overwhelmed by sensory input, it can trigger anxiety and stress responses. These heightened emotional states can exacerbate existing symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, and cognitive difficulties. Moreover, chronic stress and anxiety can impair neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to adapt and rewire itself, which is crucial for recovery after an injury. #sensory overload, brain injury recovery, #rehabilitation, #anxietyty, #stresss, cognitive function, sleep disturbances, emotional dysregulation, calm environment, #neuroplasticity, #occupationaltherapy therapy, physical therapy, cognitive fatigue, sleep schedule, weighted blankets, fidget toys, gradual exposure, stimulating environments, professional support, neuropsychologist, sensory aids, interpersonal relationships, functional recovery, independence, sensory stimulation #tbisurvivor #tbirecovery #tbiawareness #strokesurvivor #strokeprevention #strokerecovery #stroke #strokeawareness #braininjury #braintumorsurvivor #brainhealth ABI Resources is a reputable organization that provides exceptional support to individuals and families in collaboration with various government agencies and community service providers, including the Connecticut Department of Social Services DSS, COU Community Options, the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services DMHAS, Connecticut Community Care CCC CCCI Southwestern Connecticut Area on Aging SWCAA, Western Connecticut Area on Aging WCAAA, Allied Community Resources ACR, Access Health, and United Services. ABI Resources collaborates care with renowned institutions such as UCONN, Yale, and Hartford. As a community care and supported living provider, ABI Resources is dedicated to offering high-quality and personalized care to enhance the lives of those it serves. Medicaid MFP Money Follows the person program / ABI Waiver Program / PCA waiver. https://ctbraininjury.com/post/sensory-overload-the-hidden-obstacle-to-brain-injury-recovery
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amberpetriece · 5 years ago
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Self reminder. I’m trying to see the future clearly and hoping this battle will be over soon. 💕🌺 #braintumorawareness #gograyinmay #braintumorsurvivor (at Baytown, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAouNFnBKqU6ddy7x2w5dawTm2e3z0LZ_1aFv40/?igshid=ccmnrrqpe7fv
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reasontoliveadventures · 5 years ago
Playing a round of disc golf at Steele Creek park with old friends.
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ultimateswiftiefanclub · 5 years ago
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Moms who are nifty are also the biggest Swiftie!
Love that my mom and I bond over our love of Taylor
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zoemdblog · 2 years ago
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Fun with Sunflowers and Princess Leia. Do you see a hidden LO-LA59? Jacket customized by @dragonwhisperer23 T-shirt: @afanofshop with art by @doodlesporkdoodles #sunflowers #princessleia #bespinleia #braintumorsurvivor https://www.instagram.com/p/ChOi_7asQ8m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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riomed · 8 months ago
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Brain Tumor Symptoms: What You Need to Know & How to Seek Help
Brain tumors are unusual cell growths that can form in or around the brain. They can be either cancerous (malignant) or noncancerous (benign). Some grow quickly, while others develop slowly over time. 
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paperngrace4recovery · 2 years ago
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Excerpt from my poem, Afterwards. Grief expressed after the surgery. Grief from relief and change, from remembering before and now, from difference and frustration. #braintumorsurvivorsthrive #brainstunorsurvivorsstories #braintumorsurvivor #braintumor #healing #staystrong #grief #healing #healingeecovery #loveyourself #beyou #reflection #meditation #lovelife #blessed #poetry #express #poem #instapoem #instapoet #womenwriter #writerandpoet #poetsofinstagram #poetsociety #oaktree #oaktreetunnel (at Violet, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjSpL5Ou7A2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sensacore · 3 years ago
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A Brain Tumor is just a number of Abnormally Growing Cells that do not have any Idea What the Mind is Capable of.
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agassorg · 3 years ago
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#braintumor #braintumorawareness #neurooncology #braincancer #tumorcerebral #neurooncologia #neurocirurgiafortaleza #braintumorwarrior #bedahsaraf_ui #braintumorsurvivor #rscmkencana #terapikankerotak #acousticneuroma #vestibularschwannoma #anwarrior #braincancerawareness #neurochirurgie #gammaknife #braintumorawarenessmonth #bedahsarafindonesia #rscm #tumorotak #braintumourwarrior🧠🎗🌻 #neurosurgery #braintumour #braintumorresearch #braintumorlife #brainsurgery #kankerotak #braintumourawareness (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CehwroOPB6o/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gamzecita · 3 years ago
A Farewell to Arms
- İsminiz?
- Gamze
En az 4 farklı kriter sayıp verdiğim kahve siparişimin son aşamasında sorulan soruya son zamanlarda ilk defa yüksek sesle ve kendimden emin bir şekilde cevap verdim. Sanki kahveyi yetiştiği yerden kendim getirmişim, havanda dövüp öğütmüşüm gibi. Bundan bir kaç ay önce olsa, oyundan atılmış bir çocuk gibi ürkek, kırgın çıkardı bu ses.
Hastalığımı öğrendiğim 2019 yazından beri bedenim ve zihnim saydammış gibi hissettim. Kim gözlerime baksa, kiminle 2 dakika muhabbet etsem içimi görüyor, zihnimi okuyor, tüm yaşadıklarımı biliyor gibiydi. Bilmiyorlarsa da bilsinler istiyordum; herkes bilsin, herkes görsün hem kırıldığım hem güçlendiğim yerlerimi.
Son zamanlarda bu cam vazoymuş gibi yaşamaya duyduğum ihtiyacın giderek azaldığını hissediyorum. Ayaklarım yere daha sağlam basıyor. Beynimde yeşeren tümörün hikayesini kimseye anlatasım yok artık. "Sanki hiç yaşanmamış gibi" diyemem tabii; adını her duyduğumda hala irkiliyorum. Ama artık, onun bir parçam olduğunu yavaş yavaş kabulleniyorum. İçimde ayaklarını yere vura vura isyan eden, "Neden ben?" diyen kadın sakinleşti. Kafasının içindeki delinin her an her şeyi yapabileceğinin farkında ama meydanı ona bırakmıyor. Elinden gelen her ne ise onu yapıyor ve sonra evin en güzel köşesine geçip çayını yudumluyor. (Ki yeni evinde güzel bir köşe bulmak hiç zor değil :) )
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İşte tüm bu nedenlerden ötürü bu blog'a bir son vermem gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Yazılarımdan kaçını okudunuz, kaçı uzay boşluğuna karıştı bilemiyorum. Ama yine de 1 kişiye bile ilham olmuşsa ne mutlu bana. Bu çılgın yolculukta yanımda olan herkese en kocaman sevgilerimle. Hoşçakalın...
Not: Çok yakında kimi kurgu, kimi kuruntu; hayatlarımızla ilgili düşüncelerimi paylaşacağım yazılarımın yer alacağı yeni bir blog yazmaya başlayacağım. Okusanız ne güzel olur!
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d-namx · 3 years ago
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Love of my life! #father #fatherhood #fatherdaughter #braintumorsurvivor #braintumorwarrior #musiciansofinstagram #musician #musicproducer #elpasolocal #elpasoartist #elpasoproud #elpaso #elpasotx915 #elpasomusicscene #elpaso915 #elpasomusic #elpasotx #edmlife #edmfamily #edmmusic #edmnation #edmlove #edmlifestyle #edm #edmdance #edmproducer #edmvibes #edmproducerlife #edmlovers #iglesianicristo🇮🇹 (at El Paso, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR5HUkqDBZw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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