#Boyd X Jackson X Scott
ryoto-kuki · 2 months
Derek: I think I'm in love with Stiles
Erica (been knowing) : Really,we didn't know!
Boyd (also been knowing) : What a surprise.
Scott: (didn't know) : Actually?!?
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andreafmn · 7 months
I'm Not Afraid | Chapter 17
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Word Count: 3.5K
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack, as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
A/N: uh oh, things are changing...
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There was a tense air between (Y/N) and Derek as they reached her house. He helped her off the bike and kept his hand on her lower back as they walked to her front porch but did not say a single word. His stare was a million miles away, and she could tell his thoughts had been running rampant in his head.
“Are you okay, Derek?” the girl finally broke the silence as she slid her key into the door. “You feel weird. Like, distant.”
“I’m fine,” he said, his stoic façade still plastered on his face. “I just need to make sure you’re home safe before I get my pack.”
“They’re fine. They’re hiding up in my room.” She pulled out her phone from her pocket and showed him Isaac’s text confirming that they had locked themselves in her house. “But I need to know what you’re hiding right now because I know something’s up.”
“Everything’s fine,” he huffed. “Why are they here?”
“I thought they’d be safe here,” she responded. “Don’t change the topic, Derek. You know you can’t lie to me.”
“I just… we gotta stay away from each other for a while, okay? Believe me when I say, it’s for the best.”
The answer took (Y/N) aback. She stepped away from his touch, as though suddenly it burned her. His words had seemingly come out of nowhere. They were in a good spot, she thought. They weren’t exactly in a relationship, but they weren’t not in one either. They had been speaking consistently for the past couple of weeks, they had seen each other when they could, and they had kissed. God, did they kiss. “I-I-I don’t understand,” she stammered as she blinked away her confusion. “I thought we were good. I mean, I know our situation isn’t exactly ideal, but I didn’t think it was going bad.”
“It’s just not the time to deal with feelings, (Y/N),” he sighed. “I have to focus on how to get rid of the Kanima and why Scott would betray us. I simply don’t have the bandwidth to focus on you too.”
“Oh, I didn’t know I was such a distraction,” (Y/N) scoffed, putting another step of distance between them. “You know, it was only a few weeks ago that you were saying you wanted this to work. No matter how long it took or what hurdles we had to go through. You said I wouldn’t have to go through life alone, not while you were here. Was that all just bullshit?”
“It wasn’t… It isn’t…” He ran his hands across his face in frustration, letting out an infuriated groan. “With everything that’s going on, I can’t risk being close to you, (Y/N). The more time that passes with the Kanima here, the more hunters will arrive. Especially now that I have a target on my back, thanks to your cousin. Being with you only makes that target bigger, and it puts it on my pack too. I have to make the right decision for them.”
“So, everything I’ve done to help you guys out means nothing?” she cried, biting down the tears that threatened to spill. “I’ve stuck my neck out for you on more than one occasion. I think I’ve proven to be an asset to you and your pack when it comes to my family.”
“You have and I’m grateful,” he said. Derek took a beat before continuing. It seemed he knew the next words out of his mouth would drive a wedge between them that he wasn’t sure would ever be removed. “I just don’t know if one day you’ll turn on us like Allison has done to Scott, or even like Kate did to me.”
If there was anything he could say that would drive (Y/N) away, it was that. Her fears of one day becoming like her aunt still haunted her to that day. It was a quiet but haunting rumble in the pits of her mind, fed by her insecurities and her fears, and very much alive.
“A-are you serious?” (Y/N) wanted to appear confident and confrontational. But she couldn’t help the way her voice broke. “Do you really think I’d be capable of doing something like that?”
“I can’t be sure, (Y/N). I want to believe that you won’t and that you and your father are truly on our side, but I have to take precautions. It’s not just my life that’s at stake.”
(Y/N) didn’t know if his words stung more than the unchanging expression on his face. There was no care, no compassion. She wasn’t talking to Derek, her sour wolf. She was speaking to Derek, the alpha. “What brought this on, Derek?” she asked. “What made you change your mind all of a sudden?” 
“It wasn’t anything specifically. It’s just… the situation we’re in is basically unheard of, and I need to make sure that I’m putting a hundred percent of my brain into resolving this,” he said. “And if Scott isn’t going to help, then I have to find a way to end this once and for all. I can’t be worrying about the hunters coming from your side too.”
 Words died in the girl’s mouth as she tried to conceal the hurt that coursed through her veins. It was a betrayal like no other. “Is that really how you feel?” (Y/N) asked, her resolve quickly coming undone. “You once told me that you knew that I would never be like Kate. That there was no way I could be that heartless. Does that mean you lied? Have you always felt this way?”
And with determination like she had never seen from him, he said, “Yes.” By then, she couldn’t hold back the tears, but she wouldn’t let him see her hurt. She couldn’t keep the drops from falling, but she could keep her sobs inside. “(Y/N)…”
“Go,” she said sternly, facing her door and giving him her back.
“(Y/N), I…”
“I said go, Derek,” she restated, raising her voice. “You can call your pack after. But you need to get out of here right now.”
Before he could say another word, (Y/N) slipped into her house and locked the door behind her. Shuddering cries threatened to break through, so she clasped her fist into her mouth and bit down. She did not want him to hear her. He’d been able to shatter her heart with a few words, but he did not deserve to know her pain. Not anymore.
As the tears fell, she remembered the cuts on her face. Every time another drop fell, it sank into the open wound, mixing blood and salty water down her cheeks. The sting was enough to subside the pain in her chest, but not enough to make it go away. And all she wanted was for it to go away.
Suddenly, soft steps on her stairs forced her head to snap forward to see a witness to her despair. Erica wore a sympathetic smile on her face, something that surprised (Y/N) out of her tears. It had been the first time she had even held a kind gaze toward the girl, always throwing sarcastic comments or unnecessary jabs her way. But at that moment, she came to her as a friend.
“Let’s fix up that face,” she said. “Where’s the first aid kit?”
“Uh, um,” (Y/N) cleared her throat. “There’s one under the kitchen sink.”
“Let’s go.”
The blonde helped her up from the ground and followed her quietly into the kitchen. She didn’t throw snarky remarks her way or make fun of the way her face was most likely a disaster. All she did was remain silent and try to help.
Once the first aid bag was on the counter, Erica patted a stool to instruct the girl to sit. Something she very much obliged to before the werewolf set to work. She put on a pair of black gloves and set to clean the wound with cleansing wipes, clearing away any debris or tear that might have mixed with her blood.
“This is gonna sting a bit, okay?” Erica announced as she uncapped the liquid stitch bottle. “Do you need something to bite down on?”
“No,” (Y/N) smiled softly. “Go ahead.”
The girl winced softly as the liquid touched her skin, but it was quickly replaced with the comfort of Erica’s soft hands pinching the slash closed. She repeated the step two more times before cleaning the area once more and covering it with a gauze bandage. “There,” Erica said as she finished bandaging her arm as well. “The wound should breathe during the night to help with the healing. Try to keep it dry or without direct water contact for about five days, and you should be good.” 
“Thanks,” she said. “You’re good at this.”
“I’ve had one too many falls not to be,” the girl chuckled as she put away the kit. “It’s actually the reason I’ve always wanted to become a doctor. I wanted to make sure no one else went through what I did.”
“Why can’t you?”
“At first it was because I was so behind in school, I’d never get the grades to get into a good school,” she shrugged. “Now, with the whole werewolf thing, I don’t think I could.”
“Why not? I think now it’ll be so much easier for you,” (Y/N) offered. “Now, you don’t have to deal with the seizures, and you can focus on your schoolwork. Later on, I’m sure any school would be begging to have you go there.”
“I don’t know,” the blonde sighed. “I guess, after seeing everything I have and going through what we have in such little time, I think med school seems stupid in the grand scheme of things. I would love to live a normal life, but I don’t think I was ever meant to. I mean, at first, it was epilepsy. Now, it’s the fact that I’m part wolf, part human, and I have yet to get that under control.”
Seeing Erica be vulnerable and sweet surprised (Y/N), and it was a welcome distraction to whatever it had been that had gone down with Derek. “You know this is going to end someday,” she tried to comfort her. “We’re gonna beat the Kanima, and the hunters will go back to their own lives. Life won’t always be like this.”
“How can you be so sure? Something tells me there’s always gonna be something in this town,” she chuckled dryly. “The only way to go back to normal is to leave.” 
“Is that what you want? To leave Beacon Hills?”
“I mean, it’s a plan,” she shrugged as she sat beside (Y/N). “I didn’t think it would be like this. The constant looking over my shoulder, the fear that I’ll be caught, the fear that I’ll be killed. I wanted the strength, the power that came with being supernatural. But I didn’t really measure the danger that came with it. Unfortunately, not every hunter can be like you.”
“I think that’s the first time you’ve ever complimented me,” (Y/N) chuckled. “Don’t know how I feel about it.”
“Don’t get used to it,” the girl grinned. “But seriously, you have no reason to protect us like you have. I mean, apparently, even lovesick Allison turned on lover boy.”
“Yeah, grief makes you do unthinkable things,” she sighed. “Especially when you have a monster like Gerard whispering in your ear.”
“And he doesn’t whisper in yours?”
“God no. I don’t think he particularly likes my family. At least my dad and I.”
“Ooh, family drama?”
“None that I know the details of, but I know it has something to do with me and some woman from my dad’s past,” (Y/N) explained, remembering the not-so-hushed words from her parents. “Also, my dad sort of sides with the wolves rather than the hunters. He thinks their methods are too extreme and cause more harm than good. He told me he wants to change the group from the inside out, but it’s hard.”
“And you believe him?” Erica inquired, biting the skin from her fingers. (Y/N) could see she hadn’t noticed yet. It was something she did before turning, a way to calm her senses when everything seemed too much. “Do you really believe he’s on our side?”
“He helped me find Derek tonight, and he covered for me about the rave. I don’t think he would lie to me about that. My mom on the other hand…”
“Can’t stand us?”
“Well, you can tell her the feeling is mutual.”
“Hey,” (Y/N) exclaimed with a smile. “That’s my mom you’re talking about.”
“No offense,” Erica laughed as she threw her arms up in surrender. “But seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever said this, but thank you, (Y/N). I’ve unnecessarily been a bitch to you, and you don’t deserve that. So, I’m sorry.”
“Am I really getting an apology from Erica Reyes? I think I might be dreaming.”
“Oh, come on,” she chuckled. “I’m trying to be serious here—vulnerable. I am grateful for what you’ve done for me, even when I was horrible to you. You didn’t have to.” 
“Well, you got the bitch part down, I didn’t think I needed it, too,” (Y/N) grinned before she took Erica’s hand and smiled warmly. “But it means a lot that you apologized. Thank you. Maybe from here on out, we could be friends. I honestly need more in this town.”
“I think that would be great,” she beamed. “I’ve been needing a dose of estrogen after so many months surrounded by testosterone.”
As the girls laughed, footsteps came down the stairs and quickly joined them in the kitchen, followed by the pitter-patter of claws against the hardwood floor. “Well, look at these two fraternizing,” Isaac told Boyd. “Never thought I’d see the day.”
“I would be rude not to when it’s her house,” Boyd shrugged. “Which, again, thank you for letting us hide out here. We haven’t really received any other instruction from Derek.”
“Yeah, and I don’t think you will anytime soon.”
“What do you…?” Isaac’s words died in his throat as he noticed (Y/N)’s bandages and the smell of iron in the air. He was quick to rush to her side, inspecting her visible skin for any other wound. “What the hell happened?”
“Ah, just a small run-in with Jackson,” she shrugged as she knelt to pet Brody, scratching him on the spot behind his ears he loved so he wouldn’t worry about her. “I’ll be fine. I just don’t heal as fast as you guys do.”
“How serious was the cut?” Isaac asked Erica, knowing (Y/N) would only wave him off. “Was it deep? I knew I should have gone with you to the station.”
“It wasn’t deep enough to need stitches, Isaac. She’ll be fine.”
“Dude, calm down,” Boyd chuckled. “She’s tougher than she looks.”
“Thank you, Boyd,” she smiled toward the boy. “I really appreciate the vote of confidence. You should learn from him, Lahey.”
“Yeah, it’s all fun and games until you get seriously hurt,” he grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest. “I can’t believe I let you go there by yourself. I should have been there.”
“And risk getting caught by my grandfather? Absolutely not,” she reprimanded. “As a matter of fact, all of you need to lay low because while Jackson is still the Kanima, more hunters will keep flooding into town, and I don’t wanna risk any of you getting caught. If you need a place to stay, I think I can talk to my dad and help you guys out. Maybe tell my mom the basement flooded and keep you guys there?”
“Thanks, (Y/N),” Boyd smiled. “We’ll talk to Derek first. See what the next steps will be.”
“Yeah,” she scoffed lightly. “And if you can find out what the hell is going on with him in the meantime, I’d greatly appreciate it.”
The four of them spent the next hour in her kitchen, talking and laughing like normal teenagers until Erica and Boyd said they were too tired to still be awake and headed to (Y/N)’s room. But not before the girl turned and thanked Argent for giving her a night where she felt normal. After that, only Isaac and her were left downstairs.
They had moved into the living room, where (Y/N) rested her head on his lap, and Brody curled up right beside them. Henry had texted her that he and her mother would be staying over at Chris’ house and that he’d keep her posted on anything that would be going down.
“I don’t understand what happened, Isaac,” she sighed as she felt his hands running through her hair. “Everything was going great until just an hour ago. What made Derek change his mind?”
“Honestly, I wish I could tell you,” he said. “But Derek’s not one to really talk about what’s going on in his head. The only time he’s ever been nice to me is when you’re around. He’s quite a dick when you’re not around.”
“But he’s still your alpha.”
“It’s not like there are many options here,” he chuckled. “And I guess I feel a bit indebted to him. If it hadn’t been for the bite, I’m pretty sure I would have ended up in the hospital, or even worse…”
Isaac couldn’t bring himself to say the words, instead taking in a shuddering deep breath. (Y/N) could see his eyes getting cloudy with tears as fear overtook him. Even if that part of his life was buried, there was no way to repress the memories.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that, Isaac,” she responded quietly, taking his free hand in hers. “And I’m sorry you had to go through it alone. I wish I could have at least been your friend back then.”
“I think you came at the perfect time,” he smiled softly. “Just long enough to get my shy and adorable side and stay to see my resurgence into an amazing and confident werewolf teenager.”
“You know, some people would say cocky and self-absorbed.”
“Well, those people would be wrong,” he chuckled. “But you did come at the right time. Those last couple of months, you actually gave me hope. If we had spent more time together, I think I may have even refused the bite.”
“Would you have, really?” (Y/N) mused. “Would you have given it all up?”
“I think so,” Isaac shrugged. “I mean, people around us don’t seem disturbed by what’s going on in this town. All I would have to worry about is whether or not I could pass my classes, and well, social services I guess.”
“Not funny,” she reprimanded, slapping him softly on the chest. “But the supernatural does suit you.”
“It does, doesn’t it?”
“Oh, calm down, Lahey.”
“I’m just kidding, Argent,” the boy laughed. “As for Derek, all you have to do is give it time. He can be a moody one.”
“Something feels different this time, though,” she sighed. “I don’t know what it is, but something’s just off.”
The last thing Derek had wanted was to make her cry. Hearing her sobs through her door made his heart wrench in his chest, and all he could do was get as far away from her as he could. His legs took off in a soft run at first but quickly turned into a supernatural sprint that had his lungs aching for air. All he could do was run.
Soon enough, the scenery of houses and cars turned into trees and bushes. Leaves crunched under his feet, and branches snapped as he stepped on them. Even when a rock stood in his way and threatened to make him lose his balance, he simply kept running.
He wished (Y/N) knew that what he did had been for her own good. If she wasn’t by his side, there was no way she could be used as a bargaining chip. Especially not with Peter back. He didn’t trust his own life in the hands of his uncle; how could he entrust him with (Y/N)’s?
By the time he had reached his family’s house, his body ached all over. Frustration filled his veins, and his limbs ached with the need for violence. He let out an exasperating scream before his fist went through a wooden board. He didn’t know if he wanted to keep breaking down the house or just sit down and cry. As much as he wanted to be by (Y/N)’s side, he knew that the best thing for her would be for him to stay as far away as possible. He had lived long enough with loneliness, though none as hurtful as this one for a long time. (Y/N) would soon enough move on from him, and he’d be the one to carry the hurt. As long as Peter was in town and her family would punish her for her affiliations, he’d just have to stay away.
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 2 months
I’m seriously considering rewriting teen wolf but I lack any writing skills
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TW and CW before you read this long long long post: mentions alcoholism, child neglect and abuse, past SA, past grooming,and talk of chronic illness.
And my biggest warning!! I am a queer disabled person and I make some (a lot) of these charecters queer, disabled, plus sized,and or poc. If you don’t like that then leave. Unlike the original show, I want minority’s to not only be in the series but to have actual story’s and stay in the story’s. Not be written out. I am the woke mob that conservatives warned you about and I’m turning all your faves into minority’s
And finally before we get into this..
This is a total rewrite so befor anyone gets on me for not being remotely accurate or “WhY doNt YoU wRiTe YOuR OwN StoRY” uhhhhhhh don’t feel like it and I like these charecters soooooo 🤷 this post is long as hell so get a snack
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Imagine this for me if you will
*I start rubbing my glass orb as the camra starts zooming in to my vision*
So our story is located at beacon hills local collage…
I HATE that teen wolf is set in high school! This could be b/c I’m in collage and want these charecters to be more relatable to me BUT I also think you can just do more with them if they are in college. In the teen wolf series, the writers and directors sexulize these HIGH SCOOLERS. IK that through out the show they go back and forth on ages and birthdays but we do get the information that in season 1 Allison turns 17 and is embarrassed about it b/c she’s been held back and is therefore older then everyone els. That would put the rest of the highscoolers at 15/16 at best. The fact that you are doing shirtless thirst shots to charecters who are underage??? Weirdo behavior in my opinion. I get that high schoolers can be sexually active, make sex jokes, and arnt innocent (I was a highscooler not long ago. I am freshly 20) but having a bunch of adults seriously thirst trapping a 16 year old…. Not something I care for. IK Tyler was 20 when they filmed season 1 so they weren’t technically doing anything wrong but idc. I’m not being a prude or anything. I understand that it was to appeal to the teenage audience. Obviously teens are gunna find other teens attractive BUT you could have just made them incoming collage freshman so that they are all at least 18. Also that makes all the death defying trips they go on a little more reasonable. IK jjk has highscoolers dying and fighting left and right but I think that show also is very aware of there teen age charecters and that’s what makes jjk a tragedy. It’s supposed to be sad that these kids are being put to war. Teen wolf was supposed to be a supernatural thriller drama seemingly more focused on drama while sprinkling in some violence for fun. (They also never go as on the ptsd this would cause but in my rewrite ptsd will be discussed) AGIN befor I get hate. Yes, you can write about kids and teens going through traumatic life or death situations as they do happen in real life and there are fantastic fiction and non fiction story’s like that (it is a great example of traumatized children) but I just think it would be better if it was set in college. I know it’s called teen wolf so a name change would probably be needed but semantics.
Beacon hills collage is a local collage that is relatively easier to get into as it’s not very popular and is not in a prime location and is kinda limited on what can be studied. I like the idea of beacon hills being a smaller town as it adds to the ambiance and smaller towns are well known for myths and the idea of the supernatural. I also think it would add to some charecters feelings of being outsiders b/c of their supernatural powers as they have to kinda hide who they really are in fear of losing social standing in there local communities and non supernatural family.
The charecters and why they are there…
So here’s where I’m really gunna throw you for a loop. This version of teen wolf has stiles stilinski as its main charecter. IK, huge suprise from the stiles kinnie but hear me out!! I think the story would be compelling if we were seeing the supernatural world through a humans eyes. Also stiles is not the only character that gets focused on, it’s just this time it’s through stiles eyes
Stiles is a smart guy. I mean like ivy level smart but when we start the story, he’s moving into his shitty shared dorm with Scott at a school that almost anyone can get into. Everyone in stiles life (which is Scott, his dad, and ms.Mccall) are really confused as to why stiles didn’t apply and go to a “smart people school” and get the hell out of beacon hills. For stiles that more obvious. Stiles lost his mom young to frontotemporal dementia. Through his elementary school years his dad and him were her care takers (along with Mellisa who they made friends with when moved to be on hills but she’s a nurse so she didn’t have a lot of time and she also had to raise Scott) as all her relitives live in Poland. (I think she would have been in America on a student visa for school and some how Noah and Claudia get together and moved to beacon hills to have stiles) stiles didn’t really understand what was going on but still tried to help his mom but things obviously got worse and as they got worse Claudia started suffering from the symptoms. She was more agitated and yelled at stiles saying things that truly did damage to stiles and his dad. She would try and sneak out of the house, would make inappropriate comments, have huge outbursts, and mild delusions. This would have been especially hard as this was the complete opposite of the sweet, adventurous, loving mother, wife, and friend. When she did die Noah turned to the bottle and for awhile just wasn’t a very good father to stiles. Noah never hit stiles but he was just neglectful. When he wasn’t at work, he was drinking and that just hurt stiles more. He would look for praise and love from his dad but his dad just wasn’t there. Some nights stiles would stay over at Scott’s house as melisa understood what was going on at the time. The sheriff (after a very firm and angry talking to from Melisa) sobers up tho it’s hard cuz he wants to be there for stiles. He lost his wife and he can’t lose his son. With a lot of hard work and help from his son and the community, he becomes a great loving dad. He’s not perfect but he try’s. A couple years later when stiles is in high school he gets a call saying his dad got shot in the leg (he’s still the sheriff so the job can lead to problems) . Stiles is obviously freaking out unlike his dad and stiles kinda pushes school to take care of his dad. His dad makes sure he’s still doing good in school but stiles really just wants to take care of his dad. The sheriff eventually recovers but he still has to use a cane (much to the sheriffs dismay) and stiles starts making him eat healthier and makes him go to his physical therapy appointments. He takes care of him. All of his dreams about collage are more in the back of his mind as he wasn’t to be there for his dad cuz he can’t lose his dad. When collage application time comes around, Noah forces stiles to apply to a collage (“any colloge will do stiles! You’re not giving up your education and futer to take care of me!”) and stiles being the sneaky stubborn little shit he is apply for the one closest to home. It’s not the best collage but it’s near his dad and hey! Scotts going there!
(Also forgot to mention but stiles is white more specifically half polish on his moms side AND HE HAS ADHD. It’s not a joke or something that can be debated. In my series stiles has adhd and it affects his life)
Speaking of Scott (BOOOO)
Scott is one of my least fav teen wolf character but he is important to the story and when I write him, he’s cool. So Scott is stiles bestie! He is mixed Latino (moms side) and white (dads side) He’s a little bit of a himbo. He means well and is very loving. He was raised by his lovely single mother as his dad is out of the picture. He wasn’t fantastic at school and stiles helped him study. Now while he was not the best at school (mostly math and English. Personal head canon Scott hates English class cuz he doesn’t really care about the touchy feely stuff that comes with it. Although he’s supper sweet and caring, he just prefers to be presented with facts) he was fantastic at lacrosse! Him and stiles were on the team in high school (stiles dropped it to spend more time helping Noah after he got shot which he was sad about but family comes first for stiles) Scott didn’t really care where he went school wise and when he herd stiles was going to be on hill college, he wanted to go to and he just so happened to get a sports scholarship do hey! Why not go. He wants to be a vet and is a huge fan of dogs. Scott gets bit (not sure by who. Idk if I want to keep the Peter story line) and becomes a werewolf in collage where our next charecter comes in.
(I have more to say about Scott but that goes into story and not why he’s at beacon hills collage
*sniff sniff* is that a weird loner I hear??
That’s right boys (and lady’s and gender non conforming people) it’s DEREK HALE TIME!!! Derek is Chinese (moms side) and Latino (dads side) and a born werewolf! His mom was also a born werewolf while his dad was human. Derek much like in the original series shows up in the first couple chapters (I’m thinking of this like a comic/webtoon instead of a tv series) to help Scott control his wolf. He does not go to beacon hill collage, I want to make that clear. He’s seemingly only there to help Scott cuz he herd through the wolfy grape vine that a wild werewolf bit Scott. He lives mildly close to the collage (as do a lot of the town. It’s about 30 mins away from Melissa and Noah) and while he seems mean and like he doesn’t care about Scott and stiles except for the fact that they are now an annoying problem that he has to deal with, he genuinely wants to help and have Scott acclimate to becoming a wolf. Derek is autistic and struggles to express how he feels and gets supper frustrated easily. This explains his behavior (being aggressive, not understanding that stiles is joking most of the time, wearing that gd leather jacket every day) but does not excuse it. That boy needs therapy. The reason he is living in beacon hills still is 1st b/c it’s familiar and 2nd and more importantly b/c his family all died there and he doesn’t want to leave them until they get justice. Yep that’s right folks, hale house fire happened and you wouldn’t belive who caused it. That’s right Kate argent is back (BOOOOOO IM RUNNING HER OVER WITH MY CAR) Kate argent burned the house down and I actually want to go over how she did it. She groomed 15 year old Derek when she was 25. I’m keeping that plot line BUT I want my version to actually talk about how fucked up that is. Derek suffers major ptsd from Kate and everything she did. She took advantage of a child and although she’s portrayed as evil in the show, they kinda just gloss over it and they make it seem like Derek was never affected by it. That all changes here. Grooming genuinely leaves a lasting affect and I think that not only does his autism make it hard to connect with people but his trauma with Kate makes it that much harder to be in relationships. That’s not to say he never forms another relationship, there just kinda flings. He mostly argues with stiles as to what should happen with Scott and how to help him. They both think they know what’s best and if they just came together they would work a lot better. I think this could truly lead into a enemy’s to lovers slow burn with Derek and stiles slowly starting to trust etchother (I’m a operative slowly pushing my sterek agenda)
Holy shit is that Lydia Martin??????
Now I would like to apologize as I don’t have a lot for Lydia as I’m still trying to figure out her story. What I do know is that she’s white (both parents) and she’s a supper smarty. Why would she stay at becon hills collage. I’d like to maybe take it in the direction that she stayed for Jackson (also booo) Jackson and Lydia both went to becon hill high with stiles and Scott. Jackson was going on a sports scholarship and I think that Lydia’s parents kinda force these gender roles on her that she needs to follow him and take care of him. She struggled with her identity in the show and I want that to continue into my series. I belive she’s trans and she still wants to be seen as a “normal” woman so she pushes her dreams only mildly behind (she’s still a bad ass and is still set on her dreams but family pressure and societal pressure goes crazy) in later chapters I think her and Jackson break up and with encouragement from the pack and maybe Jackson himself (I kinda want him in the pack but more redeemable. Maybe idk) she apply for ivy league scools and gets in and comes back intermediary to rejoin the pack on hijinxs. I also want her to overcome her identity and how she needs to present to be accepted. This is not saying she dresses less girly. She’s still the girliest girl. This is more to say that she doesn’t need to pretend to be a damsel to be a valid woman.
Now this is cool and all but what about the rest of the pack???
Great question. I have only really fleshed out the first couple of chapters. I haven’t really even thought about the relationships (romantic ones) or the rest of the plot (I need to bounce ideas back and forth and unfortunately the person I bounce those ideas off of is writing her own book and is very busy) so while I can’t give huge reasons why all the pack is there I can give mini facts and what not!
Erica is originally from Arizona! She came to beacon hills collage (btw I just found out I’ve been spelling beacon wrong… I’m dyslexic and too lazy to change it so sue me) cuz it was quiet and befor she was bitten, she was shy and preferred the quiet
Erica still enjoys the quiet as she was epileptic befor the bite and although she’s cured b/c of the bite, she still fears that she will have a attack if she’s not carful
Boyd and Erica start dating a little bit after both being bitten. They didn’t know etchother until after the bite and found out they share a lot in common!
Boyd was set to go to the military just like his father but got disqualified for having diabetes that required medication. He came to beacon hills collage to get away from his disappointed father
Boyd is the only one as of now that holds a job while at college. He works as a line cook at a local dinner
Erica after the bite starts working at the same dinner as a server
Issac is the youngest member of the group as he is 17 when they (everyone els except Derek and Allison) are 18. Yes you can be 17 in collage.
Issac has extreme ptsd from the start of the series at the hands of his dad
Issac is at beacon hill university b/c his dad forced him to go as that is where he went and he wants Issac to follow in his footsteps
Issac has mild beef with stiles as Scott saved Issac from being beat up by a group of guys and he now wants to be besties with Scott but Scott’s befriend is stiles and neither stiles and Issac are very good at sharing
Issac is Derek’s kid with out the legal binding. Derek first met Issac when the big bad of the week kidnapped him to get to Scott. Stiles and co obviously go and save him and Derek is the one who gets him out of the binding and comforts him while Scott and stiles are beating some freaks.
Derek is the one to give Issac the bite
Issac stays with Derek over the summer so he doesn’t have to go back to his dad
Jackson was a bully to stiles through out high school but starts to get better after some trauma bonding
Stiles does not easily forgive Jackson for his lowkey ability bullying of him in high school and cuz he still has a crush on Lydia but they arnt enemy’s
Jackson was adopted as a newborn by his two moms
Danny is also attending beacon hills on a sports scholarship but he is from Hawaii so he didn’t really know any one coming in but he is friends with Jackson and Scott as they are on the lacrosse team team together
Allison is the oldest of the collage students being 19
Allison was held back a year after moving around too much
Also I wanted to write Jackson as straight cuz I hate the narrative that you have to be bi or pan to date trans people and I wanted Jackson to be a dick but like not homophobic or transphobic but I later found out that Jackson being queer is canon and I did not want to write that out. But yeah, Jackson Whittemore says trans rights
That’s cool and all evens but can you make a more brief summery of all the characters?
Yes I can dear viewer!!
Stiles “Mieczyslaw” stilinski
Half polish
Trans (ftm)
Smart, sarcastic, jester
Has adhd
Scott McCall
Mixed Latino American
Nice, empathetic, gullible
Plays lacrosse
Turned wolf
Derek hale
He/him (he’s also fine with they/them but he doesn’t use them for himself )
Mixed Chinese Latino
Bi/pan (wolfs don’t care about labels)
Born wolf
Quiet, reserved, cautious
Care taker of Issac
Lydia Martin
Trans (mtf)
Smart, head strong, bold
Dating Jackson
Human???? (Idk yet)
Erica Reyes
Sarcastic, sometimes shy, pop culture nerd
Turned wolf
Vernon Boyd
Quiet, collected, serious
Has diabetes
Turned wolf
Issac lahey
Unlabeled sexuality wise
Loyal, hyper vigilant, nervous
Has ptsd from dad
Has generalized anxiety disorder
Turned wolf
Jackson Whittemore
Abrasive, stubborn, put together
Was adopted by his two moms
Smart, sporty, friendly
Ok but what’s the story??
All right, let’s get into the meat and potato’s (speaking of which, I’ve been craving mashed potato’s like really bad)
So the story starts with stiles and Scott unloading the jeep of all there stuff for collage while the sheriff watches. He wants to be there to see his son off and Mellisa couldn’t come to see Scott off cuz of work so he’s also there for Scott. Just general banter of “you sure you don’t need my help boys? “No old man we got it, stop worrying” “hey don’t talk to your dad like that!” Just a lot of that. After unpacking it becomes night and Scott heads off to bed while stiles stays at his desk just dreading school starting. He’s worrying about his dad, hating that he didn’t just go to an ivy, just genral dread. On top of that, he’s always been a social outcast. Having adhd, being trans, and being Jackson’s number 1 opp tends to do that to you. Cut to school starting, his first day does not go well. No one talks to him, jackson seems to be thriving in the party crowd so now he doesn’t feel comfortable attending futer party’s, and he just misses his old life. Sure he was a loser but he was a loser with his dad and Scott and ms.McCall around. It’s just rough so when he gets back to dorm, he wants to curl up and sob but Scott suggest they go play lacrosse so Scott can practice cuz he’s on the lacrosse team.
“Come on stiles! It’ll be like old times!! I need help practicing blocking!”
He agrees but he wants to get dinner first (stiles as a little over the recommended hours for class taking and chose later classes so he could sleep in so he gets out later then Scott) by the time they get to the field, it’s dark so there’s no one around really. They are playing around and stiles is feeling a little better when Scott accidentally hits the ball out into the forest that just so happens to be right next to the practice field.
“Oh I’ll go get it!”
“Idk Scotty, it’s kinda dark out there”
“Nothings gunna happen dude! We live in California. What’s gunna get me?”
Scott run out into the woods to grab the ball. Stiles waits kinda anxiously for scott when he suddenly hears Scott scream. Without a second thought stiles runs into the woods too look for Scott. He sees him laying on the ground, lower half of his torso covered in blood with a rip in his shirt. Stiles obviously helps Scott up and calls an ambulance (“don’t call an ambulance stiles… there so expensive.” “Well I don’t think that matters rn cuz YOUR BLEEDING OUT OF YOUR STOMACH!”) the hospital patches him up and makes sure he doesn’t have rabies and alerts the school that there is a wild animal near the woods on campus and to watch out. They send everyone home. The next day stiles leaves Scott to recover while he’s in class. He forgot to charge his phone so it’s dead all day. When stiles comes back to the dorm he finds a freaked out Scott.
Scott lifts up his shirt
“All right dude no need to- wait. Where’s the bite mark?”
Proceed to many days of digging and Scott experiencing werewolf like symptoms. Stiles is so hyper focused researching that other than school, he is doing nothing but research. Stiles then figures it out but it’s a little out there. He finds Scott in the library in a small study group and he pulls him away to give him the news.
“Scotty, I think IK what’s wrong with you but you have to be open. I think you might be a werewolf.”
Scott is laughing his pants off while stiles insists that he’s being dead ass
“He’s right you know.”
Both of them jump and turn around to see no other then BUM BUM BUM Derek Hale. But they don’t know him yet… except for stiles who knows about the tragic hale fire.
“I’m who are you.”
“Derek hale” stiles and Derek say in union
Derek’s a little shocked and asks how he knows his name. Stiles then states his dad was on his case years and years ago. Derek doesn’t really want to talk about the hale fire so he just growls and moves on. He makes the duo folllow him out of the library and starts telling them that he heard through other weres that someone was bit by a rouge wolf. He wanted to get to him and help him befor trouble got to him first and subtly shows them the shift. Stiles won’t stop asking Derek questions while Scott is processing this huge news. Stiles is off putting by how aggressive Derek is and pulls Scott over and whispers to him saying that maybe Derek bit him. Derek having super hearing obviously heard that. Cue stiles and Derek bickering when Scott just yells at them to stop and he breaths in and goes
“What do I do now?”
And that’s all I got! Thank you for listening to me rant and if you ever wanna disscus my retelling, I’m always down!! I have so much to say. Have a nice day!!
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
The Badger and The Snake: 1
Note: All the first years are fourteen and graduate Hogwarts at twenty in this, Derek is sixteen while Stiles is fourteen
Tagging: @axelwolf8109 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @lynsrosegarden @pollyna @taechnology777 @greek-freak101 @thebejeweledwatercat
Board by the talented af @ravenclaw-seeker
Eventually pairings: Stiles x Derek, Allison x Lydia, Issac x Scott, Ethan x Jackson, Aiden x Cora.
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"Let me look over you" Noah Stilinski fretted over his son, Stiles was slightly uncomfortable but kept it in. To be fair, neither of them knew Stiles was a wizard until about two months ago.
"You write letters to me whenever you can okay?" Noah held his son's shoulder. "Of course dad" Stiles got surprisingly choked up. Noah hugged him close and let go after a minute.
"Give them hell kid" Stiles laughed and boarded the train.
He walked to the first compartment he saw. "Can I sit here?" "Sure" A tan skinned kid smiled politely, his companion rolling his eyes but not saying.
"I'm Stiles" "I'm Danny" Danny turned to his friend. "Jackson" The other kid rolled his eyes again. Another boy ran in, hiding in a corner. "What did you do this time McCall?" Jackson grinned.
"Might've angered the Steiner twins" He squeaked. "I told them Slytherin and Ravenclaw are for smart people and they aren't smart"
"One of this days you're gonna get punched" Danny laughed.
"Yeah yeah, I'm Scott by the way" He held out his hand to Stiles who shook it. "I hope I'm in Slytherin" Jackson said. "Ravenclaw" Danny said.
"Gryffindor" Scott sighed. "I don't really have one I want" Stiles shrugged. "That's smart, you won't be disappointed then"
Stiles giggled and even Jackson cracked a smile. "Hey Jackson" A young girl with long black hair walked in. "Hey cus" He teased.
"Stiles, Scott, Danny" He introduced quickly. "This is my cousin Cora" "Hi" She waved politely. "So Derek and Laura are definitely trying out for Quidditch this year"
"After they flew into our house twice?" Cora laughed. "I still can't believe my dad's gonna be the potions teacher" Jackson hid his face.
"Peter Hale?" Scott tilted his head. "Uh yeah" "Damn dude"
"Am I supposed to know this? I'm technically muggle born" Stiles muttered. "The rest of our family died in a house fire when we were babies, my dad and cousins survived, it was rumored that a rival wizarding family did it" Jackson said bitterly.
"What if I don't get sorted" Scott whined nervously. "Maybe they'll keep you because of pity" Danny joked. "Ha ha"
Stiles couldn't hear anything, not the headmaster who Jackson was glaring at, not the fricking hat singing.
"Allison Argent!" A teacher called out. Jackson looked like he was about to throw something, Cora glared. Two teens from the Slytherin table looked away like she was beneath them, a teacher clenched his jaw but manages to look unbothered.
"Ravenclaw!" The hat yelled out. "That was awkward" Scott said.
"Cora Hale!" Cora took a deep breath. "Slytherin!" She whooped and ran to her brother and sister, who Stiles deduced were Derek and Laura.
"Isaac Lahley!" A young boy with curly blonde hair but too pale skin walked up shaking. "Gryffindor!"
"Lydia Martin!" A girl with strawberry blond hair skipped forward with confidence. "Slytherin!"
"Danny Māhealani" Danny patted Jackson on the back. "Slytherin!" "Aw man"
"Scott McCall!" Scott squeezed Stiles' arm, Stiles squeezed back
"Gryffindor!" Scott almost ran to the table with the Sorting hat on, the Slytherin teen boy that Stiles saw earlier, Derek, covered his mouth to keep from laughing.
"Aiden Steiner!" Aiden shoved past Stiles. "Ravenclaw!" "Wait what?" Aiden's twin said scandalized. "That's what happens when you act like a fool" Jackson whispered to Stiles who laughed.
"Ethan Steiner!" Ethan looked absolutely miserable. "Slytherin!" "They can separate twins?" "I guess"
"Stiles Stilinski!" Stiles was happy that it apparently didn't show his full name. 'Hmm, you're definitely loyal and smart, let us see' The hat said in Stiles' head. "Better be, Hufflepuff!" Stiles went to the table that was clapping for him.
Scott gave him a thumbs up and a grin. "Jackson Whittemore!" "Slytherin!" Peter Hale smiled genuinely and clapped for his son.
"I'm Kira!" The prefect sitting by Stiles shook his hand. "This is...wow" He grinned at all the food. "The head of house is my mom"
"That's so cool!" Stiles grinned.
Allison Argent was laughing with a few other Ravenclaws, Scott was arm wrestling with another Gryffindor, and Jackson and Danny were flirting with a couple of Slytherins.
"Boys dorm is here, you'll have to room with Boyd and Liam" Kira said. Stiles was looking around the Hufflepuff common room in awe. "I love plants" He grinned. Kira smiled fondly.
"Yo" Boyd waved from his bed, Liam looked at Stiles with a small glare. "Hi" Stiles waved.
"We're second years, you're our only first year so..." Liam mumbled. "He's just cranky because he wants to cuddle with his boyfriend from Gryffindor. I still says Theo is crazy enough to be a snake!"
"Shut your face" Stiles laughed and sat on his bed, taping a picture of his dad onto the headboard.
Day one of Hogwarts had done well, hopefully the next months did too.
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z0mbie2b0y · 4 months
So I have a teen runaway/ on the run (which I will explain in another post) Au with the pack (also TW for the mentions of Survivor guilt, alcohol and child neglect and abuse) and I wanna say the most likely their reasons why
Erica: she probably thought she was a burden to her family
Jackson and Lydia: to most likely escape the ideas of who they should be/ what there parents wanted them to be
Stiles: most likely thought that he was a burden to his father (this could be because of his father's issue with alcohol so maybe John said something when drunk)
Allison: to get away from her family views and them pushing her to be something she's not
Issac: to get away from his dad's abuse and wanting to find a place where he could belong
Scott (AU where his dad is around for high school): he probably thought he was the only thing keeping his mom with his father so maybe he thought if he wasn't there his mom could leave/ be free(his father was most likely an Alcoholic who was maybe more verbally abusive and maybe physical when he was over the deep end)
Boyd: he blames himself for his sister going missing and maybe he experienced child neglect as a result
Derek (Teen Derek AU BTW): some of the Hales survived and he blames himself for the loss of his father, some of his siblings, Peter's Fiance and adopted children, and for Peter being in a coma. So he thought if he wasn't around the wound that he made would finally close up.
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gremlinbabe · 1 year
Teen Wolf Headcanon: sterek edition
Derek likes singing random songs when he’s home alone and one day Stiles forgets to take off a cloaking spell and catches him and tells the pack. No one believes him and Derek doubles down on being more cautious of his surroundings when singing. So stiles waits out Derek for six months and he’s finally able to catch a video of Derek hale singing Obsession by Aventura.
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doyelikehaggis · 2 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Brett Talbot x Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf)
Requested by @rhyslahey
Brett stops Scott before he can knock on the door. Lori groans but he doesn't take another step, looking directly at Scott.
"You're absolutely positive we'll be safe here?" He doesn't ask because he doesn't trust Scott, but because he needs to see that he believes this is the right decision as well. For Lori's sake more than anything.
Scott understands. "I promise. No one is going to find you here. Not Monroe, not Gerard. Nobody knows this safe house exists outside of the pack."
He assured him of that before they even left, but now that they're in France, so far away... Far away is good. For the time being, at least, until things settle down and it's safe for them to return home.
"And this friend of yours, the one who lives here," Brett begins, eyebrows raising, "you're sure we can trust him?"
"Brett," Lori says impatiently. She can't stop looking around them every few seconds, worried they're going to be crept up on.
Scott nods once more and wholeheartedly says, "You can trust him. Isaac is one of us, and he knows we're here."
Taking a deep breath, he finally lets Scott go ahead and knock on the door. He keeps himself back a bit as footsteps approach them on the other side of the door. His arm slowly creeps out to push Lori back if necessary.
The door opens. They're immediately ushered inside, and Scott offers for them to go first but Brett insists. He walks in behind him, keeping Lori close at his heels.
For a safe house, it's a pretty nice apartment. They all move into a big room with two couches and double glass doors that lead out onto a balcony. The thin, grey curtains are drawn enough for him to spot the Eiffel Tower in the distance.
Brett turns his back to it as Isaac, he presumes, walks in. He and Scott have a moment together, sharing a hug and a general greeting. Then Scott turns to him and Lori with a smile.
"Guys, this is Isaac. An old friend," he says, and turns back to Isaac as he continues, "this is Brett and Lori. I told you what's been going on, and that they need somewhere to sort of lay low for a little while. We're hoping not more than a couple weeks."
"You never know with Gerard," Isaac says darkly. "I thought he was gone for good and now you tell me he's back. And with a new sidekick, like Kate wasn't bad enough?"
"Except, he's her sidekick, apparently."
There seems to be some doubt in that for both of them. Brett keeps his eyes on Isaac, and only shakes his head in response when he asks him and Lori if they want something to drink.
Isaac leaves the room to get some water and a croissant for Lori, who complained that she was starving, to Brett's annoyance. He did offer to get her breakfast at the airport and she called him overbearing.
"You'll both be fine here," Scott says to them softly. He seems to be talking more to Brett than to Lori, who's already wandering the room, admiring the framed art on the walls.
Brett says nothing, but glances around as well. It really doesn't look like a bad place. Maybe a bit more open than he would like for the place they're meant to be "hiding out" but it's high-up and in a whole other country from Monroe or Gerard. Could be worse. He and Lori could be dead.
Stepping closer to him, Scott lowers his voice like it'll make any difference. "Are you okay?"
For a second, he's tempted to admit that he's scared. Terrified, actually. Of being found. Losing Lori. Being in a place so far from the only people they were able to call family. His stomach lurches at the thought of Satomi.
He clenches his teeth and nods, forcing a tight smile. "Mhm."
"I can stay tonight, if that would help. But I would need to go back tomorrow. With everything going on back in Beacon Hills, I can't stay too long," Scott says, looking and sounding like he feels horrible about it.
"It's fine," Brett says. "I get it. They need you. We'll be fine here, like you said." His eyes dart to the kitchen door where he can see Isaac buttering Lori's croissant. He nods his head toward him. "And he seems nice enough."
Scott nods with full sincerity. "He's one of the best I know."
Then Brett decides. This Isaac guy must be the real deal. When Isaac returns to them a moment later and offers him a glass of water, he accepts it with a slight smile of gratitude.
"Feel free to head through to the bedroom and get some sleep," Isaac tells him, glancing back at Lori as well, then turning back to flick his eyes up and down Brett's rigid form. "You look like you're about to drop dead from exhaustion."
Lori snickers. Brett narrows his eyes at him. His mouth curls into the first real smile in the past forty-eight hours or so.
"I'll remember to throw on some makeup next time I'm on the run," he replies dryly. "Thanks for the compliment, Jean-Paul."
"You know I'm not actually French."
"That's a shame," Brett says, unscrewing the lid from his bottle. He walks around him and Scott, pointing down the hallway they came in through. "Bedroom's down here?"
"Yeah, on the right." Isaac then turns to Scott and Lori in confusion as Brett goes to find the room. "Why's that a shame?"
He smirks to himself as Lori wearily answers, "He's always said he wants to date a French guy. Or even just one who can speak the language semi-fluently."
"Oh," Isaac says. After a beat, "I'm pretty fluent."
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northernbluetongue · 2 years
I don't know if I've posted about this before but I wanted to share this adorable and funny Sterek Fanfic!!!
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sundrop-writes · 2 months
you were nice to me and acknowledged my existence so i hope you know that means you’ve unknowingly asked for all my dumbass, hyper-specific 12AM bullshit thoughts.
you can turn this into a mini blurb or teen wolf pack headcanon - whatever works for you, but who do you think in the pack is would be into you wearing a necklace (or any form of jewelry really) with their name/initial on it? are they buying it for you or is it something you would have to initiate, do they want one too with your name/initial on it?
i know it’s not everyone’s thing but i think it can be really adorable 🥰
if this isn’t your vibe just let me know, no biggie 🩷
This is absolutely my vibe!!! I love this prompt so much omg. Also, I love it when people come to me with their random 12am bullshit - whether it's just to rant in my inbox about fictional characters or to suggest fic ideas. This is what Tumblr inboxes are for
My requests for Teen Wolf are open!! Just make sure to read my rules first!!
What would the pack think of you wearing a necklace that represents them?
A/N: I changed it from an initial to a representative symbol, partially because of a tiktok that Star sent me the other day of someone selling Teen Wolf necklaces in an Etsy shop that I can't stop thinking about and I want one so badly, and partially because I think Derek's tattoo would make a really amazing necklace.
Warnings: descriptions of canon level violence, I tried to make the reader as gender neutral as possible (please let me know if I messed up anywhere on that), Isaac's low self eesteem due to his father's abuse, mentions of Jackson x Lydia, references to sex (but nothing descriptively smutty), I think that's it.
Includes: Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes (I got tired while writing this so that's all the characters we have lmao)
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Derek would love it. It would be his idea - he would be the one to give you the necklace.
He met you shortly before becoming an Alpha, and you were the defining member of his pack. You were the first person he had bitten in order to turn them - you had been bleeding out outside of the Hale house after Peter had stuck his claws through your stomach, sensing Derek's attachment to you (even if it was something that Derek himself hesitated to admit), and he had called Derek weak for taking a liking to you. So the moment after Derek had slashed Peter's throat open, making him the Alpha, he had used his new found power to bite you, ultimately saving your life.
You were someone he had once viewed as his weakness, but he had come to realize that you were his ultimate strength. You showed him how to interact with Erica, Isaac, and Boyd with kindness and understanding, you showed him how to harness his Alpha power with more than just the anger he harboured inside. You showed him love - something his isolated heart hadn't felt in years.
To him, the triskele tattoo on his back represented the three forms of a wolf could take - the powerful, leading Alpha, the following Beta, and isolated, weak Omega. It represents how a wolf can rise to power, but he can also fall to weakness if he's not careful.
When he gave you a necklace with that same symbol as its pendant, he explained to you why it was so important to him that you wear it.
"You have helped me rise to my full potential." He told you, pinning the clasp behind your neck. "Every time I look at this around your neck, I want to be reminded of that. I want to be reminded not to fall to anything less." He kissed the base of your neck, causing you to break into a large smile as his thick, warm arms wrapped around you from behind. "I need to be reminded to serve you a good, loyal Alpha every single day. Not to fall back into my former weaknesses."
"I thought I was your weakness?"
"No. You're my strength."
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Isaac would be unsure about it. And it most definitely was not his idea.
It started with you and Lydia hanging out before a lacrosse game - the two of you were getting ready in her room, and while she finished up her makeup, she said 'oh!' as if suddenly remembering something, and then went to her jewellery box. You looked on in curiosity as she pulled out a necklace, and when you squinted closer, you saw that it was a silver pendant with the number 37 on it.
"What's that?" You asked.
"It's Jackson's jersey number." She told you. "It's good luck for a player's girlfriend to wear his jersey number, and I didn't want some big ugly jacket with the numbers written on the back."
It made you wonder if you should wear Isaac's jersey number to the game, even though the two of you had been playing around with dating, not exactly official. Isaac was hesitant on PDA and labels. Lydia encouraged you, though, and she ended up using a red lipstick to write his number 14 on your cheek, making you look like a crazed fan - but everybody at the game already knew who you were there for.
Before the next game, Lydia gifted you with a necklace similarly to her own, with the promise that she wouldn't have to freeze her ass off in the stands alone - and to her, it was like the two of you had matching best friend necklaces, representing the lugheads that you cheered for on the field together. At first, you only wore it to games. But then you found comfort in wearing it all the time.
Isaac, of course, took notice of this - his eyes easily magnetized to the number 14 glimmering on the silver chain around your neck.
He felt like he didn't deserve to have a mark on you. He was undeserving of claiming you, undeserving of being called your 'boyfriend'. He was worthless, and you wearing something that represented some kind of serious relationship between the two of you - why did you want him? Why?
After a long, tiring night of talking, some tears, and eventually some kissing - he finally understood. And from then on, he was more than proud to have his 14 constantly shining around your neck.
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Scott would love it. But it would be your idea.
The two of you had to date in secret - your family had a loyalty, an alignment with the Argents, so you couldn't be seen with Scott in public, creating a deep frustration between the two of you when you couldn't hold hands in the hallways or go on 'real' dates like other couples could. Scott expressed a deep frustration at loving you, being your boyfriend, but not getting to be yours twenty-four seven like he wanted to, and that's what caused you to come up with the idea.
You got a silver heart locket necklace, and inside, put a picture of the two of you. Well - it was a piece of the picture of the two of you. You grabbed a photo of the two of you kissing, and cut out the space that had formed between your necks when your lips came together in a kiss - to anybody else (most important, if your family saw it) it would have looked like a photo of blank sky. But you and Scott were the only two people in the world who knew what the photo truly was.
And you gave him the rest of the photo with the missing heart shape cut out between the two of you so that he could be reminded of your next words every single time he looked at it.
"The space between us isn't what matters." You told him firmly, pointing to the space you had cut out of the photo. "No matter how big that space gets, we always know how much we love each other. We'll always have each other."
From then on, every single time he looked at the silver heart dangling around your neck, it was something he remembered with a smile. No matter how far the two of you had to be apart, no matter for how long - your love kept you together.
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Stiles would absolutely love it. It would be his idea.
Stiles would be incredibly shy and shitting his pants nervous about asking you to wear his numbers, but the week before, you had asked him to be your boyfriend after a roaring success of a first date that he had no clue how he landed with you. His first game as a first linger was coming up, and he felt like things could only go up from here.
He had you, he was first line, so - he steadied his courage as he tightly gripped the black velvet box that had the shiny gold necklace in it, praying that this wouldn't be too much, too soon. Praying that he wasn't going to scare you off.
"Um, hey." He greeted you at your locker, a ball of nervous energy that had you giving him a questioning eyebrow.
"Good morning." You smiled at him, wondering why he was acting so strange. You leaned in and kissed him on the lips - a light, chaste kiss in greeting, and he felt himself nearly knocked over by the joy of it.
This was really real. He had you.
"What's that?" You asked, motioning toward the box in his hands.
"Oh, uh - a gift." He said. "For you."
"Stiles, you didn't have to. It's not my birthday or anything."
"I know." He said. "I want to - to do something special. To celebrate you being mine."
An intense wave of butterflies overtook you at this, and you look on in awe as he opened the box, presenting the necklace to you.
"It's - um - it's my jersey number. Ya know - 24. Just - it's a thing that people usually do, wearing their boyfriend's number... and I - am I being too weird? I'm sorry." He went off rambling the longer that you didn't speak, and you quickly raised a hand to his wrist, trying to calm him with a soothing touch there.
"I love it." You assured him with a smile. "Thank you. I can't wait to wear it."
"I could... help you put it on now?"
You nodded enthusiastically, and he excitedly grabbed it out of the box.
From then on, you never took it off. You were more than proud to be his, and proud to show it off by wearing the necklace.
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Erica would fucking love it, but it wouldn't really be intentional on either of your behalves.
One thing Erica never expected about becoming a werewolf - how possessive it would make her. But being able to smell when someone had touched you, being able to hear how hard your heart pounded when you were scared or anxious - it made her want to rip apart anybody who even looked at you the wrong way. The two of you weren't even officially dating. Your friendship always crossed weird lines - you were the only person who was kind to her when she was an outcast, and after she transformed, you were the only person she knew for certain didn't just want her for her body.
The sex between the two of you was amazing, but you never talked about feelings.
One night in the haste of undressing, she dropped a necklace on your floor - a nameplate necklace that her parents had gotten for her birthday a few years ago. You didn't want to forget to bring it back to her, and you thought it was funny, a kind of joke - so you put it on. You thought nothing of having the name 'Erica' dangling around your neck in bold silver letters.
When Erica saw it - it drove all of her wolfish instincts insane. Seeing her claim on you, her name literally written across you - it took everything she had in her not to throw you across a table in the middle of the library and fuck your brains out, then and there.
And she saw the way other people reacted to it too. The way guys would go to flirt with you, but then their eyes would dart down to the necklace and then look to her, as if finally noticing her presence glaring at them, telling them to back off - and then they would scatter in fear. It was the first time in weeks that the two of you actually had peace.
So she implored you to keep it. She loved having a silent little claim on you. After all, wolves love claiming their territory, right?
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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statticscribbles · 2 years
Stiles Stilinski x Male!Reader x Scott McCall
63 and 12
12.Roommate AU and  63.Everybody Knows/Mistaken for Couple 
“Roommates.” Stiles hisses and Kira just shakes her head.
“It’s easier to share than try to find a place of our own!” Scott tries to convince Erica when she asks why the three of you always come out together.
“Wait; you share a bed? All three of you?” Boyd and Derek spend three minutes laughing and another five trying to tetris the three of you onto the imaginary queen bed you all share.
“They can’t do it without touching; they have ot touch...”
“What’s wrong with platonic cuddling?” You snap and Stiles agrees.
“Yeah, nothing wrong with that; or platonic morning wood; or the occasional threeway as long as you don’t kiss; or the occasional kiss as long as you use protection or the-” Issac and Theo are grinning at each other.
“Will you all fuck off!!!”
“I believe you.”
“Thank you Jackson! Can’t believe I’m saying that.” Scott and Stiles slump a little relieved the teasing is over.
“I mean you really think Stiles could keep his mouth shut if he ever got a chance to score with his two top crushes?”
“His what?” Scott’s eyes widen as he turns from Jackson to Stiles and back again.
“I take that back; I hate Jackson the most.” Stiles deadpans and you can see Derek sliding Malia five bucks.
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Changes pt 1 - Scott McCall x Reader
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Pairing: Scott x Reader
Prompt: None!~ Just came to me brahh
Warning: NONE! 
If it’s one thing the pack was sure of it was that you were very much like Stiles’ long lost twin. Stiles had even insisted you call him big brother, though you refused. However if anyone could match the rambling of said hyperactive spaz it was you.
Only you didn’t have ADHD it was just your personality. Which had still earnt you a seat at the table with what you had once assumed to be the popular kids however turned out to be a very different group.
You somehow found yourself entangled with werewolves and all other type of supernatural people but just like Stiles you loved it. Even with his fear Stiles loved the adrenaline of chasing down the bad guys and putting them to a stop. Just like you.
The pack was full of couples who had been together since before you joined and some after. Aiden and Lydia had got together just before you joined. Erica and Boyd had been together since long before you got there. Allison and Isaac had come together just after you joined the pack. Derek and Stiles still hadn’t got together but that didn’t mean everyone stopped calling them an old married couple.
Liam and Theo were still bouncing off one another but anyone could tell they’d eventually explode and fuck each other much to the disgust of the Alpha. The last couple was fairly new and recently came back to join the pack. That would be Ethan and Jackson. Which shocked everyone except you and Lydia. Mainly because you never really met Jackson.
It had been months since Jackson came back with his significant other and everything was relatively settled except the only people in the group who were single were you and Scott. Obviously if you didn’t count those who had yet to pull their head out their asses. Kira had been gone too long and she and Scott had officially put an end to their relationship.
You couldn’t help but pout as you remembered that even Peter had started dating a beta from another pack just outside McCall territory. You only let out another sound of distress when you realised even Melissa and Chris had started dating.
The parents of the pack officially had a better love life than you.
“You’re doing that thing again.” Derek snorted as he sipped his coffee.
“What thing!?” You replied, sarcasm evident in your voice.
“That thing that Stiles does when he angrily eats his food because he’s thinking about something that pisses him off.” Derek chuckled making Scott look up from his homework.
“Oh yeah he used to do that when we talked about you a lot.” Scott commented, his adorable lopsided grin making an appearance.
“I did not!” Stiles screamed, causing Derek to growl making him shut up very quickly. Stiles flung himself over Derek and made grabby hand at him which apparently Derek understood and handed Stiles his coffee.
“Only a little bit Stiles.” Derek commented not even taking his eyes of his newspaper.
“Yeah yeah, Okay Sourwolf.” Stiles chuckled before taking a sip and handing it back to Derek.
“You guys seem…extra close…” Scott commented as he sipped his coffee with a raised brow.
“Did you guys finally fuck?” You snorted, sarcastically as you crammed some waffle in your mouth, but when Stiles blushed and Derek choked on his coffee which caused you to begin choking on your waffle. Scott patted your back a little roughly but you gave him a thumb up and looked at the apparent new couple.
“Oh my god! GIRLS! STEREK IS HAPPENING!” Suddenly you heard loud banging before Erica, Allison and Lydia came into view with wide eyes.
“Sterek?” Derek asked confused before he looked at Scott for answer but Scott just smirked.
“It’s your names combined.” You replied honestly making Stiles sigh dramatically.
“So which one bottoms?” You questioned making a very prominent blush show on Derek face.
“You can’t ask people things like that!” Derek snarled making you frown.
“Jackson who’s bottom?” You yelled from the kitchen knowing he’d hear you in the living area.
“Me. My ass is too good to resist.” He replied easily.
“Mason who bottoms!?” You yelled again.
“We switch. I’d asked why but I don’t wanna know!” He screamed back earning a chuckle from Lydia.
“If Stiles wants to tell you he can but my lips are sealed.”
“It’s obviously Stiles who bottom’s I mean have you felt his ass.” Erica snorted but Derek quickly growled causing her to immediately shut up.
The questions and guesses continued through the morning before Stiles eventually told you all that yes he was bottom. Scott had tuned out the very private conversation because they were both like his brothers but that didn’t stop him from giving Derek a very small warning that if he hurt Stiles he’d be dead.
You were currently watching Liam and Mason play video games, as you cuddled into the corner of the couch by yourself. As you looked around and saw all the couple you felt undeniably sad. Lydia was sat on Aiden’s lap as she helped him study for finals. Theo was sending Liam goo goo eyes. Cory had Mason sat between his legs as he played video games.
Erica and Boyd were napping on the floor, Derek and Stiles were surprisingly openly cuddling while reading their own books. Jackson and Ethan were scroll through their phones as Ethan teased him about something and Isaac was laid on Allison’s stomach as he napped and she read something on her kindle.
As you looked around you spotted Scott sat by himself as he read a book most likely for school work. You smiled sadly at his cute eyebrows that were currently drawn down in concertation. You got off the couch and strolled outside the newly built pack home, sitting yourself on the porch swing.
You took a deep breath and tried to forget about the feelings you’d buried months ago. You had, had a crush on Scott from before you were even a part of the pack but when you joined the pack you were told he was with Kira so you buried your feels, but after they broke up he seemed happy being single so you buried them even deeper until all you felt was a dull throb.
Recently your feelings had been trudged back up due to someone asking you if you would ever turn into a wolf. That when you got thinking about not only the risks but also the perks. You could be equal to most of your friends for one but not only that, you could also feel the connection the others felt with Scott. Which made you ultimately think about the feelings you had buried.
“Hey you okay?” A soft kind voice asked from the front door which you hadn’t even heard open. Damn werewolves.
“Y-Yeah I’m fine…” You lied but as soon as you saw him frown you knew he’d heard your lie.
“You can talk to me you kno-”
“I think I want you to turn me.” You blurted out, cutting his sentence off before he had the chance to finish it.
“I won’t turn you.” Scott replied as a deep frown set in on his face.
“Why not!?” You snapped, thoroughly offended he flat out refused.
“Because you said you ‘think’ instead of I ‘know’. I won’t turn you unless I know it’s what you want 100%.” Scott sighed, his frown quickly disappearing and being replaced with what you would guess was sympathy.
“I do want to be turned. The only thing stopping me is the fear my body will reject it because I’m weak…” You’d been in the pack for a few months but no one had figured out how weak you really were. You had a few health problems but they weren’t noticeable unless you voiced them which you were thankful for.
“You’re not weak your human and that’s okay.” Scott retaliated, his smile encouraging yet pointless because he had no idea of your problems.
After Scott comforted you a little you decided to go finish your homework. As you sat down you noticed a slight pain in your wrist but chose to ignore it. You’d become very good at ignoring the pain so none of the wolves knew.
You were writing for half an hour when it started again but worse. You knew you needed to leave but if you rushed out of here in a room full of werewolves they would notice. You stood up and turned to the pack with a smile. You knew your back was going to start hurting soon and if you didn’t leave everyone including the humans would know.
“Guys I’m gonna get goi-”
“Sit down now.” Scott growled, causing you to freeze ignoring his command but not long after he shot over to you and grabbed your face.
“Why are you in pain?” He asked his eyes full of worry.
“Scott let her go.” Derek sighed sadly.
“Stiles drive Y/N home.” Stiles nodded like he knew what was happening.
After you left Scott turned to Derek with red eyes letting out a warning growl. Derek rolled his eyes and sat down to read his book.
“What the hell did you do that for!? She’s obviously in pain!”
“DO YOU THINK I DON’T KNOW THAT? DO YOU THINK WE ALL DON’T KNOW THAT!?” Derek screamed making everyone stop their tasks.
“You all know she’s in pain and no one tried to tell me!?” Scott yelled angrily when finally Theo spoke up surprising everyone.
“She’s stubborn Scott. We keep our mouths closed because we can do more that way. She thinks we’re oblivious, so whenever we get the chance we take her pain without her realising. It’s sneaky but it’s the best way. Its human problems we will never understand again. It’s nothing deadly from what I can tell it’s her joints or nerves surrounding the joints. I don’t know what’s wrong with her but I know it’s not deadly and that’s what matters. When we all figured it out Derek stopped us from saying anything because she obviously didn’t want us to know. That’s her choice and we should respect it.” Theo sighed, everyone nodding in agreement.
“It’s really nothing deadly?” Scott muttered with a concerned look on his face that made Lydia and Derek smile.
“Do you really think I wouldn’t tell you if the girl you’re in love with was dying?” Stiles muttered from the door, a sad smile gracing his face. Thankfully your house was only a 2 minute drive from the Hale house so when Stiles walked through Scott relaxed a little.
“She wants the bite but I think she thinks her body is too weak for it but she’s wrong. I actually think she could be one of the strongest wolves this pack has ever seen. I can smell it on her.” Derek commented making Scott nod in thought.
That night Scott thought about whether turning you would be an option he would consider. He spent all night worrying about if you were in pain and that lead to him making his finally decision. He knew turning was your choice but the least he could do was give you that option.
The next morning you walked into school with Lydia only to be pulled to one side by Scott. His eyes were sad but it wasn’t pity you saw it was an apology which thoroughly shocked you.
“If you want me to turn you I will but only if you sure it’s what you want.” Scott murmured making sure no one outside the pack heard you. Your eyes widened at his words but you felt relief and happiness flood you.
Would these damn problems finally disappear? Could you finally do everything your friends could do? Running? Partying? Drinking without having to stop your meds?
“I want it.” Scott smiled and stroked your hair softly before giving you nod and telling you to come to the pack house after school.
Throughout the day you thought about how Scott’s hand felt on your hair. Not the fact you’d be a werewolf soon but the fact that the only guys you’d ever liked, had touched your hair. You snorted at yourself and thankfully no one heard.
Lesson’s dragged on but when they finally ended, you ran to the parking lot and spotted Stiles who was getting into his Jeep. You ran over and hopped into the passenger side making him raise an eyebrow at you.
“To the hale house! GOOOOO!” You screamed making him nod dramatically like you’d just given him some kind of dangerous mission.
Once there you hopped out as Scott pulled up on his bike. You leaped onto his back and giggled.
“Werewolf me Mr.Alpha!” Scott burst out laughing but grabbed behind your knees so he could piggy back you into the hale house.
“Really Y/N werewolf me Mr.Alpha? Really?” Stiles snorted making you shoot him a glare as you made it inside, but eventually chose to ignore him.
We had our Friday night pack meeting and then your text your Mom telling her you were staying at Lydia’s all weekend which she quickly okayed. Afterwards you and Scott went to your bedroom in the pack house for more privacy.
“Where is the best place to b-bite?” You stuttered nervous about the outcome.
“Usually the waist but if your uncomfortab-” Before he could finish you stripped off your shirt and stood there in your skinny jeans and lace black bra.
A silence fell over you both as Scott gaped at you causing you to squirm under his gaze. Goosebumps appeared on your skin as you tried not to think about how it would feel to have Scott take you against your bedroom door.
“Okaaay well this is sufficiently awkward so hurry up and bite me.” You sighed, sarcastically making him quickly snapped out his gaze with a blush.
“S-Sorry.” He muttered but despite his word he got down on his knees in front of you and gripped your hips twisting you slightly so he could get a better angle. He looked up at your waiting for your permission but with the sight of him on his knees in front of you, it made you bite your lip quickly forgetting you needed to nod. He inhaled but as he did his eyes went wide, shooting a look at you that was very much full of shock.
“Don’t say a word.” You muttered angrily, a blush taking over your face. He nodded shyly and decided it was better he bite you before things get even more awkward. His eyes glowed red and he looked up at you before he slowly sunk his teeth into your waist.
It hurt, you couldn’t deny that as the screamed that ripped from your throat was high pitched and enough to have Derek and half the pack burst into your bedroom. Scott pulled his fangs out and quickly stood up blocking you from everyone’s view. He held you up as you began to wobble on your feet.
“Allison get the first aid kit. Lydia help her cover herself. I’ll be back once she’s settled.” Scott instructed his eyes glow red as he peered over his shoulder letting them know it was a command.
Lydia rushed over and held you up with difficulty making Erica run in to help as Lydia slipped a blanket around you. Allison ran back upstairs and started on cleaning the wound as Scott dragged all the males out the room.
“Sorry we burst in like that we just panicked.” Mason sighed, his response making Scott smile sadly.
“I knew she’d scream but I wasn’t expecting a friggin’ Lydia scream. She almost put Lydia to shame.” Aiden joked making Liam nod in agreement.
“Remind me to make her walls soundproof soon.” Derek muttered to Stiles who smirked silently.
“Why would she need soundproof walls?” Scott asked softly, his head tilting to the side in confusion which never failed to make him look like a lost puppy.
After a few hours a frequent checks on you everyone sat down to discuss what would happen next but before long it was late and the pack decided to check on you tomorrow. Everyone was sleeping soundly through the night as the bite healed over with everyone none the wiser.
-> Part 2
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ryoto-kuki · 3 months
Stiles: What's the most polite way of saying 'fuck off bitch'?
ThePack™: Umm...
Derek: Respectfully,fuck off bitch.
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andreafmn · 1 year
I'm Not Afraid | Chapter 12
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Word Count: 4.5K
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack, as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
A/N:  sorry this update took so long. It's sometimes hard to try an work around all the inconsistencies of the canon plot and it kills my inspo. But enjoy! 💖💖
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Outside the warehouse, (Y/N) could feel the loud music bustling its way through the walls. It made her pulse beat at time with the tempo. She could feel the bass of the music pumping inside her, building the nervous excitement that she already felt. She was ready to make herself nonexpendable to both Derek and her family. All she wanted was to prove just how great of an asset she could be.
Her parents had been training her for as long as she could remember. Using the “it's a tough world out there” excuse for it, they had submitted her to hours and hours of self-defense and weapon training. (Y/N) knew she was good enough to be put on the front lines of this war, even if no one believed in her.
It all made her miss her parents. For the longest time, they were the only constants in her life. The only people she could get close to without fearing that she would lose them. They had been her biggest supporters and she needed their vote of confidence now more than ever. She needed to feel like at least one person was in her corner.
(Y/N) saw Isaac and a disgruntled Erica, joining their side before they entered.
“So, what’s the plan?”
“Shouldn’t you already know?” Erica scoffs. “Although, I wonder which version you’re asking for. Our plan or your family’s?”
“Lay off, Erica,” Isaac grumbled. “All I know is that we need to find Jackson and stop him from getting his next victim.”
“And how exactly are you going to do that?” (Y/N) asked. “Last time I checked he has a paralyzing venom and superhuman strength.”
“Element of surprise?” the blond chuckled. “Look, we still need to meet up with Scott. It’s his plan after all.”
“Fine. Then let’s go.”
The three of them walked into the building. The stench of sweat and alcohol filled her nose, every one of her senses telling her to turn back around. But not even her fight-or-flight response would keep her from helping that night. She would be respected –one way or another.
(Y/N) followed Isaac and Erica into the rave, even as her limbs begged her to turn back. And maybe she should have listened. The flashing lights and the thumping bass strangled her but her mind had been made up. They would get Jackson that night, no matter what.
Their eyes followed the crowd, their heads in full alert. Everything they did could only end one of two ways –trapping Jackson or another death in their hands. And deep down. (Y/N) wanted to be the one to do it. It would be her only chance to show everyone what she was made of.
“(Y/N), why didn’t you tell me that Allison was going to be here?” Scott questioned as he joined the trio, worry evident in his eyes. “More than that, that your family is here?”
“I told Derek,” she defended herself. “I thought he would have told you too. I promise this wasn’t meant to be an ambush, Scott. Next time I’ll tell you myself.”
“No, it’s okay,” he sighed. “It’s just that seeing Allison here took me aback. I didn’t think I would have to worry about her tonight.”
“I am sorry, Scott. I thought after this morning you might have already known how big our family’s involvement had gotten.”
“Seriously, (Y/N), it’s okay,” he smiled reassuringly. “But I want to make sure things go on without a hitch. So, Isaac, I’m gonna need you to tranquilize Jackson.”
Scott pulled out a silver tranquilizer gun, presenting it to a surprised blond. “Why me?” he questioned, doubt clouding his eyes.
“Because I gotta make sure the Argents don’t completely ruin the plan. Okay, you better do it intravenously which means in the vein. When you find him, you pull back on this plunger right here. In the neck is probably going to be the easiest. So you find a vein, you jam it in there, and pull back on the trigger.”
“Don’t you think I’m the better choice here?” (Y/N) interjected, her hushed voice hiding her anger. “I’m the only one here that we know is immune to Jackson’s venom.”
“You also don’t heal like we do,” Scott responded. “It’s not that I don’t trust you with this, (Y/N). But the less people that get hurt, the better.”
The girl was sure her face was growing red, anger bubbling deep inside her. One more person to add to the people that did not believe in her. “Fine,” she said. “But I’m staying close by and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
“That’s alright,” he smiled weakly. “Just be careful.”
“Oh, I doubt this will even slightly hurt him,” Isaac laughed, inspecting the small gun.
“No, I mean you,” Scott explained, his eyes trained on the blond. “I don’t want you to get hurt. Any of you.”
As the shaggy-haired boy left, Isaac followed him with his gaze. There was surprise in his blue eyes and a slight hint of confusion. “You okay?” (Y/N) asked her friend.
“Yeah, I just… he cares.”
“Of course he does,” she smiled. “Why wouldn’t he?”
“I don’t know. I guess, I’m still not used to people caring,” he said sheepishly before slipping on his confident façade as Erica joined them. “Okay, so, me and Erica will distract him. I’ll tranquilize him and you make sure no one sees us carrying him out.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Erica responded. “Too bad you’re missing out on the action, (Y/N).”
And where the Argent girl would have normally bitten back, she remained quiet because the blonde was right. She was missing out. Because her family didn’t trust her and neither did her friends. Even under the guise that they were just trying to protect her, she knew it was because they didn’t think she could do it. That she couldn’t pull her weight.
But instead of sulking, (Y/N) followed them to where Jackson was already prowling. The dance floor was packed with sweaty bodies, pushing against each other, leaving very little room to work around. They justled around, fists pumping and elated smiles on their faces. Too enthralled and oblivious to know what was happening right under their noses. These people were at a party with no knowledge that two killers walked amongst them.
Erica was the first to reach Jackson, snaking her hand around his neck to attract his attention in a sultry manner. Then, Isaac joined them, pretending to be just as interested in Erica as Jackson seemed to be. They were at a party, (Y/N) thought. That was what people did at parties.
They grind against one another, pretending there’s some sort of instant connection that could get them lucky that night. Call it pheromones or call it hornyness, most of the people in her vicinity were falling victim in that game. And it made her wonder, that maybe with the right person, she could also be one of those victims. She could imagine that she was just a normal teenager, enjoying a loud and flashy rave, waiting for the moment the guy she was with would kiss her.
But (Y/N) wasn’t there with anyone and she wasn’t normal. She hadn’t even been born into normal. No, she was there making sure Jackson didn’t turn into a bloodthirsty reptilian and off his master’s next victim before Isaac could knock him out. As Isaac and Erica closed the distance between their bodies and Jackson’s, the blond boy pulled out the tranq gun, ready to make his attack.
And Jackson noticed. He sported his Kanima nails and sunk them into the pair’s stomachs, muttering something she couldn’t quite decipher. Isaac and Erica twisted in pain, the gun falling from the boy’s hand as he groaned in discomfort and dropped to the floor.
(Y/N)’s eyes were focused on the silver gadget on the floor, close to being trampled by the moving bodies. That was her moment and she would take it. Rather than helping her friends, she dove for it, gliding through the crowd to get to it.
She heard Isaac telling her to stay back, but the adrenaline was already pumping through her veins. She was capable, she repeated to herself. (Y/N) needed to get the tranquilizer and stop Jackson from getting to his victim. Once in her hands, her palms trembled at how cold it was; heavier than she had thought too. But it was there, and she had the power to stop him.
(Y/N) stalked quietly toward him. His eyes were trained directly in front, too distracted to think that she could be right behind him. And she knew she had to be quick. One wrong move and everything would have been for nothing. Without another grueling thought, she pressed against him and sank the needle in his neck, pulling the trigger as she felt it disappear into his skin.
What she didn’t account for was his weight falling completely onto her. She tried her hardest to keep him up, but it wouldn’t take long before his body would bring them both to the ground.
“That was a very dumb thing you did, (Y/N),” Isaac said as he took Jackson in his arms.
“But I got it done,” she smirked. “Now, let’s get him out of here.”
Between him and Erica, they carried Jackson’s unconscious body out of the dance floor and into a small room where they were supposed to wait for Stiles and Scott. The tension inside was thick, choking to the point that it was almost unbearable. The Reyes girl was angry that she had failed to do her task and that (Y/N) had jumped in to save the day. Meanwhile, Isaac was angry that she had gotten herself into a dangerous situation.
“You can’t seriously be angry at me, Lahey,” she whispered to her friend. “I did what I had to do to get him here.”
“And what would you have done if you hadn’t?”
“Something we won’t know because I did, Isaac,” she retorted sternly. “Contrary to popular belief, I am capable of a lot more than any of you give me credit for. Even for a human.”
“The problem is you are a human, (Y/N). You can get hurt and there will be a time that we won’t be able to help you.”
“And that’s a risk I am willing to take. Just like all of you are.”
Before Isaac could answer, the door swung open, putting the two werewolves on high alert.
“Just me,” he said as he threw his hands up in front of him. “Don’t freak. Is he okay?”
“Well,” Isaac said, his eyes trained on (Y/N). “Let’s find out.”
His claws sprouted from his hand, ready to sink into Jackson as he had done to him minutes before. But he did not get the chance to enact his revenge. Even in his unconscious state, the Whittmore boy was still sentient. His arm flew up, stopping Isaac’s and bending it until he finally released it.
“Okay, no one does anything like that again,” (Y/N) called as Isaac fell back. “So much for not getting hurt?”
“Shut up,” he muttered toward her, inspecting the damage in his hand. “I thought the ketamine was supposed to knock him out.”
“I think this is as good as we’re gonna get,” Stiles said. “So let’s hope that whoever’s controlling him decided to show up tonight.”
“I’m here,” Jackson said, startling everyone in the room. His voice was chilling and devoid of any humanity. “I’m right here with you.”
“Jackson, is that you?” Stiles asked, crouching in front of Jackson’s seemingly tranced body.
“Us,” he responded. “We’re all here.”
“This is getting too ‘We are Legion,’” (Y/N) muttered. “Too biblical for my taste.”
Stiles shushed her before turning back to the knocked-out boy. “Are you the one killing people?”
“We are the ones killing murderers.”
Stiles continued his sleuthing into Jackson’s subconscious, and possibly into who was controlling him. He reiterated everything they already knew. They were killing killers. That much was certain. But they didn’t understand why. Who had they killed that had prompted so much bloodshed?
“They murdered me,” Jackson answered again. His head was trembling as his eyes turned red and yellow, his transformation into the Kanima slowly slipping in. “They murdered me!”
“Okay, more ketamine,” Stiles mumbled. “The man needs more ketamine.”
“It’s all gone,” Isaac answered.
“You used the whole bottle?” (Y/N) exclaimed. “And that didn’t even last.”
Then, Jackson stood snarling at the teens, his head convulsing rapidly as reptilian skin ate at his human one. They stammered out of the room, slamming the metal door behind them. But it wasn’t enough. It never would have been enough. They were dealing with a creature with unparalleled power and speed, and he had one thing to do. Jackson broke through the metal walls, disappearing into the club, and getting lost in the crowd. Everything they had done had been for nothing.
They moved toward the exit, getting trapped between the people that had already grown tired of the party and were leaving. It separated them into pairs. Stiles and (Y/N) were outside first, looking around for any sign that the murder had taken place and that someone else knew. But people milled out of the warehouse as though nothing had happened. As though no one had seen a thing.
“What is that?” (Y/N) questioned, pointing at the black dust that seemed to circle the building. “Planning on building a ring of fire if Jackson escapes?”
“It’s mountain ash,” Stiles whispered as they moved toward his Jeep, a safe distance away from the door. “Supposedly, it keeps supernaturals where they are.”
“How do you know they won’t cross it?”
“We’ll have to see.”
“Hopefully not too late,” she said. But her words died as Derek jogged toward them, a look of worry on his face. His eyes were on her quickly, trying to speak without any words. “Um, we sort of lost Jackson inside.”
“(Y/N)!” Stiles exclaimed at her blurting. “We did. But, uh…”
At that moment, Isaac and Erica walked out, their gaze falling on the black ash. It was as though they were staring at a ten-foot wall in front of them, with no way through. Whatever that powder was, it had worked. Too well.
“I did something!” Stiles celebrated.
“Look at us humans doing something,” (Y/N) smiled. “And still they underestimate us.”
“What did you do?” Derek questioned, turning his attention toward her. “I thought I told you to hang back.”
“You don’t tell me what to do, Derek,” she bit back. “And I did what I had to. Because last time I checked…” Before they could continue arguing, a loud growl broke through the air. (Y/N)’s head snapped toward the sound, somehow knowing who it belonged to. “Scott?” she whispered. “Is that Scott?”
“What?” Stiles questioned her as everyone’s gaze fell on her.
“Break it,” Derek directed. But Stiles refused.
 “Scott’s dying!”
“Wait, what?” Stiles asked her. “How do you know that?”
 “Oh, my god, Stiles,” Derek groaned. “Just do it!”
With a wave of his hands, Stiles broke the barrier and Derek ran right through. And before anyone could argue, (Y/N) followed. She didn’t understand why she had been able to hear Scott. All she knew was that she did and she could feel the pain and weakness in his call. He was begging for help and she had been able to listen.
“You should have stayed back,” the man beside her grumbled as they ran to where the growl had come from. “You could get seriously hurt.”
“I want to help, Derek. And I will,” she spoke through gritted teeth as they snaked through bodies in the room. “We have no idea what we’re walking into.”
“Fine,” he responded defeatedly as they reached a door at the back. “Just stay back.”
As he opened it, Scott’s weakened body was strewn on the floor. His face was toward the floor and, without the twitches he made, she would have sworn he was dead. Derek burst in first, swaying as soon as he did. 
Suddenly, a flash of red jumped from the darkness beside the door and lunged a knife directly into Derek’s back. Victoria struggled with him, waving the blade as they fought for dominance. Whatever was in the air had weakened him and was making her a worthy adversary.
“Get… Scott,” Derek managed to croak out as he fought the Argent woman, crashing into the wall behind them.
(Y/N) dropped beside the boy, thinking of a way she could carry him out of the room without his help. She started snaking her arms under him, pulling his torso toward her to drag him out. But the little headway she made was destroyed as Derek stumbled onto her, making her fall alongside Scott.
“What the hell?”
“She’s gone,” Derek whispered, his eyes falling to where he had just been fighting with the woman. “Sorry, there’s wolfsbane in the air. It’s making me weaker.”
“It’s fine,” (Y/N) mumbled. “Let’s just get him out of here.”
They draped one arm of his around their shoulders and dragged the boy back to (Y/N)’s car under her instruction. There was no other way they could transport two hurt werewolves any other way. Carefully, they rested his body on the passenger seat before (Y/N) buckled him in.
“Where’s your bike?” Derek mumbled, holding his left arm, and trying to conceal the blood that was rushing out.
 “I told Isaac to retrieve it from my uncle’s this afternoon,” she shrugged as she closed the car door behind her. “Something told me the SUV might have been the best bet tonight.”
“Well, I can…” he tried to speak quickly but a wince of pain killed his words. “I can drive. You should get your bike.”
“Isaac’s got it,” she said. “And I need to get the car back to the house somehow.”
“And you trust him with it?”
“As much as you would trust me with your own car,” she retorted. “Now, you’re hurt and clearly still a bit buzzed from the inhaled wolfsbane. So stop arguing.”
“Fine,” he grumbled. “Just don’t kill us before we get there.”
“Can’t make any promises,” she smirked. “Now get into the backseat, sour wolf.”
They drove in silence to the veterinary office, their eyes meeting in passing through the rear-view mirror. There were so many words unsaid between them but too many things had happened that overwhelmed them. One more talk at that very moment and they would probably say something one of them would regret. As much as (Y/N) wanted to talk to him, Derek looked too weak to withstand a screaming match with her.
All the anger she felt toward him dissipated as she saw his head fall back in pain, his wounds not healing as quickly as they should have. At that moment, (Y/N) wanted to comfort him. If it hadn’t been for Scott’s unconscious body on the seat next to her, she would have driven him to her home and taken care of the wounds herself.
Instead, she parked in front of the small veterinary office, where Deaton was waiting for them. He hurried to the passenger side, helping Derek carry Scott into the operating room in the back. They laid the boy on the metal examining table and allowed the doctor to do his work.
“Derek, I’ll get to you as soon as I am done with him,” Alan said. “I just have to make sure his healing starts before any real damage is done to his lungs.”
“I can help him,” (Y/N) offered. “I know enough about first aid to close a couple of cuts.”
“Oh, um, are you sure?” the doctor questioned. “I know he’s in pain, but it’ll only take a couple of minutes.”
“Let her,” Derek groaned. “Anything is better than keeping this wolfsbane inside.”
“Alright then,” the man conceded before handing (Y/N) a medicine cup filled with a black powder. “Make sure you place this directly on the wounds before you close them.”
Deaton handed (Y/N) a tray of supplies and a pair of gloves and showed them to his smaller check-up room as he tended to Scott. The two kept quiet during every step. As Derek removed his shirt and (Y/N) washed her hands, as she wiped away the blood that stuck to his skin and pressed the powder into the stab wounds, as she sutured the cuts and bandaged them. All quiet.
“Thank you,” Derek croaked as he broke the silence. “For everything you’ve done tonight.”
“Well, I couldn’t very well leave you guys to die because of my family,” she shrugged. “I’m doing what anyone would have done.”
 “I don’t think anyone else from the Argent clan would have saved us.”
“Well, they don’t count as anyone,” she chuckled. As he tried to join her in laughter a wince fell out of his mouth as he moved his arm too fast. “How bad does it hurt?”
“Better now,” he sighed, sinking into the chair he was in. “I want to apologize, (Y/N). When you called, I never meant to make you feel like you weren’t capable.”
“You don’t ha…”
“I do, (Y/N). You have to know that what I said was because I can’t see you get hurt. I spoke rashly and I need you to understand that I didn’t mean it. You’re more than able to do everything we can do, I just can’t bear if something happened to you because of it.”
“Sooner or later, everyone will just have to accept the fact that I am a part of this world and that I can help in ways others can’t,” she responded as she sat beside him. “I just want to feel like I am valuable to the pack and not just another human you need to protect. I know there are things I can bring to the table that no one else can.”
“Like how you were able to not only hear Scott’s howl but to know that he was hurt,” he said. “Or how you never crossed the mountain ash threshold.”
“What’re you talking about, Derek? I heard Scott’s howl because it was loud and I didn’t cross the line because I had no need to,” (Y/N) chuckled. “Nothing else is happening there.”
“I don’t think that’s true, (Y/N). You’re different somehow, and I’m sure there are other unexplainable things that have happened to you. I mean, you’re even immune to the Kanima’s venom for some reason.”
(Y/N) kept quiet because it was true. Just like she had felt that Deaton was more than he led on or how she simply knew that Scott was dying. It was something that had happened to her over the years. Sometimes, she just felt things. But she didn’t know how to explain it to Derek. She was probably different, but she didn’t know why or how.
“Don’t know what you want me to say, Derek,” she sighed. “If I am anything other than human, my parents have not told me and I haven’t found out. But I would rather talk about anything else. Please, no more unexplainable things.”
“Alright,” he smiled softly, the only thing he could muster with the pain. But his smile didn’t last long, his face falling into a worried frown. “Something happened tonight when I was struggling with your aunt.”
Her eyes fell on his, questioning the dread that befell on his face. “What happened, Derek?”
“I bit her as we fought,” he confessed, his gaze falling to his bandaged arm. “I-I… I thought it was the only way she would let me go and I simply did it.”
“Derek, you did what you had to do,” she replied, placing a hand on his arm. “Whatever happens next, it’s not your fault.”
The man sighed before he continued, roaming his eyes over her hand. “Do you know what hunters do when they are bit or scratched deep enough?” When she shook her head no, he continued. “They kill themselves. Rather than accepting the change, they choose death over becoming one of us.”
“And did you? Bite her deep enough?”
“I did,” he admitted. “I did and now…”
“It’s still not your fault,” she reassured. “My family is so scared of becoming a werewolf that they’ve become monsters themselves. To choose death over a life like this, I think it’s cowardice. And that’s on them.”
“Why do you think so differently? I don’t think I’ve ever met a hunter, let alone an Argent, that thinks like you.”
“My father. Something tells me my father cares more about werewolves than he lets on,” she smiled. “But he’s on your side just as much as I am. And if it’s ever necessary, he’d help you as much as I would.”
“Two Argent hunters choosing the supernatural side over their family. Never thought I would see the day,” he laughed, the tension leaving his shoulders with every chuckle. “How did it take this long for our paths to cross?”
(Y/N) smiled at him; grateful the conversation was finally shifting. “Well, I’ve been all over the country and there’s a couple of years of difference between us,” she stated teasingly. “I’m sure that’s why it took so long.”
“But you’re here now,” he said, his eyes falling to her lips for a second.
“I am,” she grinned, slowly leaning toward him. “I am right here, right now.”
“Good,” he smiled, inching closer and closer.  
But a knock rang through the room and their eyes snapped to the open door. Deaton stood by the doorway, a knowing smile on his face. “I wanted to let you know that Scott’s awake,” he said. “And I know you’re recovering, but I do have to wake up early in the morning.”
“Of course,” Derek responded. “Thank you.”
As soon as the doctor left, the pair broke into quiet laughter. The universe had stopped them once again and she didn’t know if fate was trying to keep them apart or make them work for it. It had also become cruel how many times they had been so close to kissing before they were interrupted.
“We could just get it out of the way,” she offered. Her head fell onto his shoulder. Looking at his face was temptation enough. “Maybe the next time no one will walk in; finally break this curse.”
“No, (Y/N),” he sighed with a smile. “If we’re doing this, we’re doing this right. Not rushed or just to get over it.”
“Fine,” she whined. “I guess you’re not going to jail tonight.”
“That’s good to know,” he chuckled. “But it is time for all of us to go home. Unfortunately, none of this is over yet.
Next ->
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 3 months
Sterek/ mostly stiles fic idea if anyone wants to take it off my hands cuz I can’t write
Stiles wants a day off. He has not had a normal day in months and he just wants time to himself.
Stiles: guys I want the day off. No one come to me with ya werewolf bullshit, I will be busy
The pack: WHAT
Derek: hey guys, he works hard and we deserve some alone-
Stiles: that includes you Derek
Derek: WHAT
Hijinks ensues b/c the pack wants stiles attention and help but want to respect his boundaries
Derek just wants to be with his bf and can’t imagin why stiles would not want his clingy, emotionally stupid, and all together mess of a boyfriend there 
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plotbunnybreeder · 3 months
Change in Perspective
In the midst of trying to learn how to control shifting into his beta-wolf versus the Kanima, Jackson somehow gets stuck as a full-shift wolf. Having only recently broken up with Lydia, he goes to the only other person he thinks could actually help him: Stillinski.
The Stiles he meets is so much more than the clumsy nerd he saw at school and he has no idea what to do with this revelation.
Stiles is mostly physically healed from his lovely time with Gerard (may he rot in pieces), but he's jumpy and nervous and he really can't afford to have panic attacks again and keep his dad away from the supernatural and Erica and Boyd are missing and-- and he really needs help but he's starting to think he can't rely on Scott anymore.
Lucky for him, a (hopefully) friendly wolf shows up and Stiles figures out it's a werewolf stuck in a full-shift and they charades their way into a trade of services. Stiles will figure out how to help the wolf shift back to human, and the wolf will be Stiles' sidekick and help keep everyone safe.
a Wolf!Jackson x Stiles no one asked for
Inspired by: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4484927/chapters/10195879#main
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gremlinbabe · 1 year
Stiles/teenwolf headcanon /ficlet?: Stiles can’t shoot to save his life but you know what he is good at… 👀 Rigging.
(Canon divergent/everyone alive, everyone is 18+ , & pack includes: Derek, Erica, Boyd, Issac, Lydia, Danny, Jackson, Kira, Scott, Jordan, Allison, Maila, and Cora)
So good in fact that applies his knowledge from making traps, pulleys, and fixing many a broken possessions for the pack over the years into more educational, experimental, and artistic purposes.
He starts his practice in classes and test his skills on mannequins. He gets praised by the teacher so much on his quick uptake that it motivates him into pursuing the skill more professionally.
He gets so good that he eventually becomes an assistant and even further down the line he’s asked to teach the class or take over by the teacher.
And this is all good and fine until unbeknownst to him one of the pack members finds out (Erica, Lydia, or Danny) and spills the beans.
About half the class is full and stiles is waiting on the other half when the entire pack (using fake names to infiltrate the class) shows to the class & starts bombarding him with questions. Fixating on him like a new chew toy before he cuts them all off saying “This is my profession. And you will respect the effort, passion, and time the people here and myself put into this business. This is an art and you will respect it. I take pride and joy in this job and the art and beauty that goes into it. So if you guys aren’t serious about it you have to leave now!” He chews them out. The pack looking stunned and rightfully ashamed. But he wasn’t done and continued saying “if any of you are interested you can stay and see if you like the class.  This week the rope bunny can be anyone randomly selected in class through draw. But if you decide to come again, next week, that’ll be a different story.”
The silence that followed was deafening but the pack members were all still curious enough and felt guilty over their disrespect of his craft, that after a bunch of looks shared between all the members they decided to stay to see stiles’ skills.
Stiles addresses the pack saying “Because of your interference and interruption this week, which ever member of my friend group walks in last next week will be the rope bunny for the duration of the class.” The entire class nods their heads and the class goes fairly smoothly. A random student in the back was selected for this weeks volunteer. The pack finally got to see stiles in his element and he might’ve showed off a little for his pack but it went well. By the end of the class he answers all of their questions and shoos them out. Pleasantly surprised to see all of them filing back in the next week. And stiles was true to his word.
The last pack member to walk in was Derek. Too caught up on something with his phone he hadn’t realized he was the last pack member to walk un. “Alright tall, tan, & muscular you’re my rope bunny for the day so off the phone ”
Dereks neck snaps up to see who stiles was talking to only to realize it was him. Stiles never thought he’d see the day that that man’s face would turn that shade of red.
Oh. This is about to be a interesting class.
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