#Bourbon Palace
emaadsidiki · 2 months
Bourbon Palace (French Parliament)
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livesunique · 20 days
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Palazzo of Capodimonte, Naples, Italy,
Massimo Listri Photography
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spanishroyals · 11 months
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October 12, 2023. Royal Palace, Madrid.
For Spain's National Day, the King and Queen traditionally offer a reception to 2500 guests at the Royal Palace. For the first time this year, Princess Leonor joined her parents at the reception, where they first receive all the guests in the Throne Room in a ceremony known as "besamanos" or handkissing. In the third and fourth photos the Princess is greeting two very special guests, her fellow gentleman and lady cadets at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza.
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
have you seen the Royal Palace of Caserta???? like bring back the Italian royals immediately 😭
uh la laaa
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fungoideale · 5 months
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blackwomanvibes · 6 months
In-Depth Travel Review| New Orleans (Nola)| Episode7|BlackWomanVibes
#Nola #NewOrleans #Travelvlog In-Depth Travel Review| New Orleans (Nola) Review| Episode7|BlackWomanVibes The footage from this 7-episode series is from my New Orleans (Nola) travel vacation from Nov 23 2023 to Nov 28 2023. The commentary and opinions from these videos are my own. 
Episode seven is the bitter sweet end. Watch me chase down a few last minute Nola items JUST to find out nothing in Nola is typical so OF COURSE the tourist attraction stores are closed on a Tuesday like a DAMN HAIR SALON‼️ Needless to say, ordering online is my next go to. Definitely get you some Leah’s pecan brittle‼️😍 While you’re at it get you some decadent hot sauce from Pepper Palace. 🤤 If you’re a HOT 🥵 Girl like me with even HOTTER taste buds, you will not be disappointed. 🌶️ Outside of me comparing and contrasting Black metrics between Boston and New Orleans, I really am at that big grown age where I DO NOT want to tolerate shit I cannot change, *especially in 2024.* I also wanna live in my Black Anarchist Communal Libratory politics. This includes my housing security AND my “rootedness” which is more or less the same. I want to be anchored in a community where I feel seen and can be my most authentic self and that’s not CRACKASS *CLASSIST* BOSTON. LAWD lolol‼️ Thank you for making it to the end of this series‼️ I appreciate your viewership. Like this video and the entire 7-video series, share these videos on your socials and subscribe. Leave a comment of support in the comment section. 
P.S. Please check out all these artists whose songs are featured in these episodes. They are deadass the soundtrack to my life! 
Like the content? Support the content creator cashapp: $BlackWomanVibes 🔮 🧿     
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historiaxvanserra · 4 months
In Hades I Am With You | Coming Soon
Pairing: Rhys x HewnCIty!Reader
Summary: After the death of his High Lady and following a catastrophic war with a deathless God, Rhysand is urged by the inner circle to take a lover from Hewn City to further unite the warring factions in his own court. Loathed to take a mistress, Rhysand strikes a deal with the daughter of one of his death bringers. Her freedom in exchange for companionship and the allusion of intimacy. But how long can Rhysand run away from the painful truth that fate has big plans for him.
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The sound of the high-arching orchestral symphony is cacophonous in the Midsummer air and the voices of the courtiers making merry echoes loudly in your ears. From where you stand near the outskirts of the aching chasm of the Moonstone Palace's grand ballroom you can see the dancing courtiers, like a myriad of technicolor stars that glitter against the black, and the lovers as they steal kisses in the night when the music swells to its heights. Lords and Ladies entangled in the shadowed opal light of the dark palace.
The chandelier hangs above the marble floor like a great quartz stalactite; almost luminescent as it casts the room in an ethereal, silvery hue.
One solitary figure stands out amongst the crowd of courtiers, his skin is of a similar dark hue to the morose Illyrian's that flank the dias, though more golden than carob. Something about the raw power he exhibits; the way his corded arms fold over the broad expanse of his chest, or the sharp cut of his jaw, the aquiline slope of his nose, the clear violet of his gaze. 
His eyes meet yours through the haze of insense smoke and the dancing tide of courtiers and memory comes back to you slowly, and then all at once. With the swiftness of the tide. The distant dreams formed in the folly of youth; some depraved girlhood fantasy as you regard the masked man once more. Only this time you note the dark lines inked into his forearms, and the tell-tale shade of blue-black hair that curls around fine, pointed ears. You would know him by scent alone; jasmine and mandarin, undercut with something inherently masculine. Bergamot and woody-bourbon. 
Your High Lord.
He looks older than you remember him. His face is cast in shadows but even in the low light you can see that the once perfect planes of his face have faint lines etched into them, a testament to his many years ruling The Night Court. He’s softer than you remember but underneath the softness there’s a lingering sense of dark, raw power. You swear its so palpable that you can taste it on the air as he smiles wickedly in your direction. 
Your High Lord, you chastise yourself.
All those years trying to outrun girlhood fantasies and yet, here you are, in the same place, entertaining the same notions that The High Lord might look your way. 
He wears maturity well you think, he carries this world-weary aura paired with his signature dark magnetism that has your heart fluttering wildly in your chest as the dancing sea parts for him as he goes. 
Your thunderous heart almost stops when those violet eyes burn bright against the dark and they’re set on you. The High Lord’s eyes glint in the silver moonglow and something akin to a smirk graces his perfect, parted lips and it’s then you realize he’s approaching you. A slow, stalk as he paces towards you, with all the feline grace of a predator.
And tonight, you are his prey. 
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tiaramania · 4 months
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So I've always read that this picture of Princess Teresa of Bourbon-Two Sicilies was taken at Felipe and Letizia's wedding on this day back in 2004. The wedding was during the day and very much not a tiara event so Princess Teresa showing up wearing the Calabria Ruby Tiara would have been an embarrassing faux pas. I think it's more likely that it's from the pre-wedding gala the day before because that looks like the yellow walls of the Palace of El Pardo in the background. She still would have been the only person to show up wearing a tiara but it's a more understandable dress code mix up since it was an evening gala.
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Does anyone who watched the wedding at the time remember if this was the pre-wedding gala or the wedding itself? Or can anyone find the larger picture that this one was cropped from? The mystery has been bugging me for years.
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howamidrivinginlimbo · 4 months
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The Royal Palace of Caserta
The beginning of the construction was in 1752, ordered by Carlos III of Spain, who also was King of Naples and Sicily. The Bourbon ruler never spent much time in the palace before his abdication in 1759. His son, Ferdinando, did occasionally live in Caserta throughout his life.
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arialice · 2 months
Hey malevolent fans, let me tell you of the most malevolent coded album, Counterfeit Arcade by Shayfer James.
So many of the songs either in lyrics or vibes remind me so much of this show, so in a few words I'm going to attempt to explain my thought process about each song (be prepared, it's long)
Weight of the World - I don't have much to say about the lyrics. They kind of fit.
"That's just the weight of the world/We do what we must to stay alive/That's just the weight of the world/And we'll all be the weak and the weary sometime"
The instrumentals, tune and vibes is what really makes this song shine for me. Piano (obviously), the general deranged vibes and so on.
For the Departed - reminds me so much of part 20, thought I can't personally decide who's 'singing' the song. It lowkey works from both John's and Arthur's perspective.
"Save yourself/I am far beyond repair/They will bury me alive/But I'm not inclined to care"
More inclined to think Arthur because of the lines:
"Now I must finish what I started, oh-oh/I'll write a symphony for the departed/And I have no time for second chances/So I survive on bourbon, blood, and backward glances, oh"
"And so, the scene begins/Your cries become the wind/A desperate plea best left unheard/Then my contrived goodbye/A poet's pantomime/A drunken jester's final words"
Where we belong - this song. It's literally malevolent in a song. This is the most literal one. I would quote the entire song if I could, but here's some key lines:
"I know we're far beyond the point of no return/Let's say we light a fire and be the first to burn"
"Do you recall the day when we went wrong?/Time is flying/Ease your weary mind, we'll be alone"
"There's a freight train coming, barreling around the bend/There's a red light flashing, oh, ladies and gentlemen, this is the end/I do believe that we've a lesson left to learn/So take your seats, your salutations, and your turn"
"And on the way to our salvation, we'll be making plans/To overthrow the king and pick apart the promised lands"
L.V.S (Your Lady Waits) - makes me think about Oscar, specifically BlindFaith. Very much "you are my reason" vibes. I think it's the overall softness of the song, the emotion in it is so palpable.
"Oh, the mountains bow before ya/Oh, the clouds are open wide"
"Oh, and we, my friend/Will meet again"
"Upon this Autumn morn/Your laughter lingers on"
Villainous thing - This song is so, so, so obnoxiously Kayne to me, as in it feels like a song thats meant to be sung by him. The kinda cheery tune mixed with the lyrics sell it for me.
"Welcome, won't you come inside?/Oh I fear the passing year did not deserve you"
"Soaked and shivered from the rain/You have always been a delicate disaster" - singing about Arthur
"Waste no worry for the world/Let it be a tragedy of love and glory/While they wait by gates of pearl/We'll be building palaces in purgatory" - makes me think of him pitching the the deal with John in like a reverse psychology way. "Oh I'm sure Arthur is fine you can keep building your empire here in the Dark World, king."
Battle Cry - Works in general considering the 'monster of the week' trope this podcast sometimes falls into.
"Hear my battle cry, hear that mighty sound/They've come before and many more will try to strike me down/Hear my battle cry, hear that mighty roar"
The second verse is what really stands out to me though.
"I met a stranger on my way to here from God knows where/He won my lover in a dirty game of solitaire/He stole my crown and placed it crookedly upon his head/He turned around, I took him down and this is what I said" - again, thinking about part 20 (can you tell its my favorite?) The 'stranger' is The King/Hastur/Yellow/Whatever. 'But he's not a stranger?' He kind of is. After Arthur and John are together for so long, even the King admits that he doesn't know why his other half would pick Arthur. John himself had been making small steps at redemption, and just those baby steps made him pretty duffrebt from the King.
"You'll sacrifice the truth to justify your sins/But I don't need an excuse to let the darkness in" - again Arthur and the King. The King does 'bad' shit simply because he wants, yet when Arthur does something moraly 'bad', he has to justify it to himself.
Peace - Very part 31, aka Arthur's Scratch induced nightmare.
"I'd rather live alone than live a lie/I will never deserve peace" - the confessions we get from Arthur about how he felt about Bella
"I spoke to the ghost on my way to asleep/But the boards in the floor called my footsteps a thief" -reminds me of the argument with James. My line of reasoning is that James is the 'boards', and he's calling him a thief because he 'stole' Bella's life by stepping into it, marrying her when he didnt love her, if that makes sense.
"I will never deserve peace/I will never deserve peace/I will never deserve peace" - general self deprication
Diggin' Up Hatchets - makes me think of Larson or in general season 3. A little bit cult-y. It's mostly tune and vibes but the lyrics kind of work
"We're diggin’ up hatchets today/And sharpening the blades/In case, a stitch of hope remains/In this hell that we've raised"
"Hey! We're witnessing the waking of the dead/We’re ripping all the wires from our heads"
"We're burying mercy and grace/In unmarked shallow graves"
"There’s a plan for us lunatics and liars/We have faulty gears and wires/They can't save us, but they’ll do the best they can"
Under the Willow - John theme song in my mind, can't convince me otherwise. Song about discovering one's self and purpose.
"Mother, mother, I think I found my soul/While I was hiding under the willow"
"I've been the portrait of despair/Despite this hat and badge I wear/I've been a captive and a coward" - 'hat and badge' in this case is the crown and robe of the king
"I met a wise man under the willow/Lover, lover, look for me no more/I've been right here under the willow" - Arthur, obviously
"I've been a bastard and a fool/Rewritten nearly every rule/But I believe I'm worth redemption" - the redemption line alone is perfect.
Godspeed - the Jarthur divorce song. Arguing with someone but knowing that in the end you'll find each other again.
"There’s many ways to hide a heart that bleeds/But I prefer the ease of rolling up my sleeves" - might be imagining bit I sweat once John told Arthur that he wears his heart on his sleeve, if not I apologize.
"You’ve got some nerve to be coming/around with that card up your sleeve/And those thorns in your crown" - I think 'card up your sleeve refers to a plan, a secret, which John had many of
"Funny how the night is not as long,/when you depend upon/The dark before the dawn" - John deceiving Arthur many a times. Works well with the repeating line "I used to be someone that you could belive", Arthur starts ignoring and going against John (see, the entire thing with Oscar)
"Good luck, godspeed, I know I’ll see you again/I’ll always call you a friend indeed" - They always get over it and play nice again, until the next argument of course.
Have a Seat Misery - Coda and Intermezzo vibes. Short and sweet. Reads like a conversation between Kayne and Arthur.
"Have a seat, misery/Lord how I’ve missed you/Don’t go crying to me/That I kept you away for too long/Just put your feet up, friend/cause I read all your postcards/And in a way, I am happy to say/That you’ve never been gone"
"Let me light that for you/Seems your hand’s a bit shaky/We’ve got damage to do/And I know you’ll need smoke in your chest/So have a seat, misery/And don't ever mistake me/Of all of my friends, you know/You are the one I like best"
Conclusion/TLDR: Counterfeit Arcade by Shayfer James is, to me, THE malevolent album. Are some of these conclusions a stretch? Probably considering some of the lyrics I didn't present do actually go against the messages of the show, but I had fun writing this and the good(things matching up really well) outweighed the bad(some contradictions). Also go listen to the album or just Shayfer James in general
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marianadecarlos · 26 days
hewwo ma amie !! i came as stated cus bourbon - habsburg infodump exchange
I would actually want a presentation about mariana de austria ... im a loser who doesnt know much about her ! i read about her when she got to spain and was confused about spanish (that was so real from her) but i dont know more cool stuff about her at all ... so feel free to tell me anything you find remarkable about her !
who is your favourite bourbon ? :3
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Thank you for this Question:
Queen Mariana of Austria is known as the Mother of Charles II of Spain and the niece/wife of Philip IV. She was Queen Regent when her husband Philip IV died and ruled on Carlos II's behalf until he was 14. Like Charles II, Queen Mariana was a victim of the classic “decline of Spain” paradigm. She is defined by 19th-century historians as “weak,” “unstable,” and “ignorant” but also “Machiavellian,” “scheming,” “with a German outlook” (meaning foreign), at times “melancholic” because she suffered from migraines, and was overly pious and uninterested in politics because she “dressed as a nun." She was accused of handing power over to her favorites; Jose Everardo Nithard and Fernando de Valenzuela. In reality, She was smart, strategic, strong, decisive, and seemingly tactile. Her favorites played a dominant role in her regency but her strong and decisive personality and her extensive and consistent participation in all aspects of government suggest otherwise. She faced two political crises during her regency the first was in 1669 resolved by her dismissal of Nithard; the second, between 1675 and 1677, ended with Valenzuela’s fall and her exile. There is evidence in state papers to prove that she did not surrender power to them. Speaking of Jose Everardo Nithard, He was Mariana's tutor, friend, and later her confessor. He was made inquisitor General. As for Valenzuela, Known as the palace elf, due to his influence and connections to people in high places. He married a woman who is part the queens valet. He provided Queen Mariana information about gossip and rumors that were circulating in Madrid. Valenzuela got more influencial overtime which created tension between him and the court. He was Mariana's protégé. Their friendship caused controversy and nasty rumors where made about them as a result. The worst one I believe was the rumor of Queen Mariana sleeping with Valenzuela. The fact that people actually believe that rumor makes me angry. Mariana was dressed as a nun because this is the type of dress worn by Habsburg widows. She made a few changes to the garb like having princely folds and lavish materials. Queen Mariana was exposed to the Spanish cultural traditions because Mariana's mother is Philip IV's sister. She was exposed to Italian culture because of two generations of italian empresses. Mariana both observed and participated in court ballets, rituals, and ceremonies; her dance master, Santo Ventura, was highly regarded. Boys received this kind of instruction as well. Leopold I, for example, was an avid consumer and practitioner of theater and music as emperor. At the age of seven, for example, Mariana publicly greeted her parents on their return from the Diet of Regensburg in 1641 by saluting her mother in the Spanish style and her father in Latin. When the fourteen-year-old performed a similar greeting in Trento, this time as queen of Spain, she had had at least seven years of practice. Queen Mariana was educated and spoke Latin, Spanish and German well. Judging by her education and her fleunt spanish, I doubt she struggled speaking spanish. I read somewhere that Queen Mariana as a child loves playing with dolls. She was cheerful, obedient, and lively girl. Her marriage to King Philip IV of Spain was always described as a terrible marriage because King Philip "cheated" on her, their different personalities, and massive age gap. In reality, They had an affectionate relationship and King Philip was loyal throughout their marriage. He described himself as a change man and would give Mariana everything she wanted. They did struggle financially though and at times could get caught in a series of arguments. I mean no marriage is perfect.
Gossip writer Barrioneuvo reports that one day The Queen asked for pastries and commented that she was not served for some days. She was told that the pastry cook would not supply the palace until a large outstanding bill had been paid. She removed a ring from her finger and ordered a servant to exchange it for pastries; Manuelillo de Gante told her to put the ring back on and gave the servant a copper to buy some tarts so that the Queen can finish her dinner.
Queen Mariana was the woman behind Castillio De San Marco, After a pirate attack in June 1668 roused Mariana into action. Queen Mariana was horrified receiving this news because the attack was so brutal. On March 11, 1669, the queen regent issued her decree ordering the viceroy of New Spain to send subsidies to the city. She also added funding for the building of a masonry fortification and additional soldiers. To oversee the project, she sent Don Manuel de Cendoya to St. Augustine as the new royal governor. Her judgement protected and spurred the city’s growth over the following decades. This growth even led to a later governor requesting the same regent queen for a new two-story, coquina Governor’s House in St. Augustine.
Mariana was a good mother-in-law to Marie Louise of Orleans. After the wedding of Marie Louise, Carlos introduced Marie Louise. Marie Louise bowed to her but Queen Mariana grabbed her hands and told her to stand; and said "Call me mother" with a smile.
Mariana in the year 1696 felt pain in her breast turns out she had breast cancer and she tries her best to hide it because she did not want Maria Anna of Nueburg to take over. The pain was unbearable that she asked the doctors to check her breast. When they examined the Queen they found a huge tumor in her breast. Their is no treatment for this and she was offered relics and prayers. When she died.
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Reports of miracles attributed to her quickly began to circulate. These miracles and her body’s reported “incorruptibility” three years after her death led to a beatification proceeding in the last years of Carlos’s reign. Mariana’s path to sainthood, however, came to an abrupt end when the new dynasty, the Bourbons, took power. Both the beatification proceedings in 1698 and its abandonment in 1702 were as politically motivated as everything else in her life had been
I won't give too much information on her regency because there is a book about it called Queen, Mother, and Stateswoman Mariana of Austria and the government of Spain by Silvia Z. Mitchell. This book is my source about her and the reason why I made this blog so her side of the story will be known. Other sources are from https://governorshouselibrary.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/mariana-de-austria-the-queen-behind-the-castillo-de-san-marcos/?fbclid=IwY2xjawE5D5UBHUpP8HVhtFboR9ZThC2j5LNDLj531pKjmVxtGQbf7A2yMOo2AuNxqEU3Qw
I like 4 bourbons, Philip V, Luis I, Fernando VI, and Carlos III. If I had to choose one it would be Carlos III because he modernized Spain and imposed great reforms.
Sorry I took so long to reply
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amateurvoltaire · 4 months
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I'm still neck-deep in my studies of the Vendée, and what I've found particularly fascinating is that nearly every (1) prominent general not only boasts an impressively cool portrait but also sports a rather fetching nickname.
The nicknames are sourced from the Memoirs of the Marquise de La Rochejaquelein. How reliable is she? The lady lost her father and both her husbands in two separate Vendéen royalist uprisings, so she's hardly an unbiased chronicler. However, it's a reasonable assumption that, irrespective of one's views on the beliefs of these six men, they exhibited considerable courage and grace in their tragically brief lives—something even their Republican foes, begrudgingly, acknowledged.
Moreover, even if the cool monikers might be embellished, they're somewhat incidental to the broader mythos surrounding the Vendéen generals(2)
The truly intriguing part is the blatantly obvious piece of Royalist propaganda embodied by the six portraits and what they reveal—not so much about the portrayed subjects, but about the man who commissioned them: Louis XVIII (3).
Every Vendée General needs a Good, King-approved, Profile Picture
Now, I'm no expert on Louis XVIII, but he seems considerably more sensible than either one of his brothers. During their reigns, both the previous Louis and the subsequent Charles X appeared to have missed the memo that the times were changing, managing to piss off masses of people. Louis XVIII, in contrast, was painfully aware of the precariousness of his position. These portraits show as much.
Understandably, imagery during the First Empire tended to avoid commemorating the Revolution or acknowledging its victims. The Bourbon Restoration opted for a different tack: it sought to acknowledge the allegiance to the crown of those who opposed the revolution without reminding the public of the implications of such loyalty: namely war; a very bloody war.
In 1816, Louis XVIII commissioned a series of portraits to adorn the Hall of the Guards at the Palace of Saint-Cloud, depicting generals of the Vendée. Since he is often (apocryphally) quoted as saying that he owes his crown to the Vendée, the subject matter makes sense. The result, as you can see, was suitably glorious (4).
However, comparing these paintings to those of the Vendée created during the Third Republic by artists like Julien Le Blant, Paul-Émile Boutigny, Alexandre Bloch and many more reveals a notable omission: the blood, the violence, the enemy. Now, before you argue that it's just the era's style, go take a look at some of the paintings of Napoleon’s generals—many depict the enemy lurking ominously in the background. Yet, for portraits of six men who fought in a conflict so brutal it's sometimes termed a genocide, these images are remarkably sedate.
*Spoiler Alert*: It’s intentional.
Louis XVIII wasn’t an idiot. He clung to the throne by the skin of his teeth. Now, I’m speculating, but he probably liked his head enough to want to keep it firmly on his shoulders. He might have been grateful to the Vendéans and eager to indulge in a bit of old-fashioned Royalist propaganda, but he wasn’t about to spark another civil war over it.
Thus, these portraits, intentionally devoid of any overt warfare imagery, focus instead on symbols of monarchy and religion. We see the white flags of the Bourbon kings, rosaries, sacred hearts and white cockades adorning men who appear more like martial saints than soldiers.
Bonchamps's portrait lacks even a weapon (he holds a quill). In his painting, Cathelineau (5) is so laden with rosaries and crosses he might as well have raided the Vatican Gift Shop. Lescure's portrait drowns in Christian symbolism to the point of satire. Charette appears to be triumphant and is dressed in the outfit he had on when he entered Nantes after the Treaty of La Jaunaye. D’Elbee is an outlier, painted during the reign of Charles X after a decade of rosaries and white cockades, allowing the artist some leeway with the excessive symbolism.
Of all the portraits, that of Henri de La Rochejaquelein by Pierre Narcisse Guérin(6) stands out as the most striking. The young leader is portrayed in a dynamic posture, which projects a sense of forward movement and leadership yet avoids any overt display of aggression. La Rochejaquelein is the only one clearly portrayed amidst battle, in a heroic poise, aiming his gun at an invisible off-the-canvas enemy. Guérin gives us just a hint of the Republican army by showing the tips of Republican bayonets in the background—just enough to suggest opposition, yet not enough to relive the battles.
Notably, while dripping in Royalist symbols, his portrait eschews overt religious iconography beyond the Sacred Heart. In fact, the painting goes so far as to replace what is known to be La Rochejaquelein’s flag with a more royalist-focused one.
The Conspiracy of La Rochejaquelein’s flag
How do we know this? Well, the actual flag was preserved by the Beauregard family, whose ancestors held commanding roles in the Vendéen army. What’s written on the flag is not “Vive le Roi” (7) but “PRO ARIS REGE ET FOCIS”, translating to “For Our Altars, King, and Hearths”. Notice the order—king follows altars? Now, before you suggest that neither Guérin nor Louis XVIII could have known what was inscribed, I will concede that Guérin might not have, but Louis XVIII actually handled the flag a year before commissioning the portrait.
After Rochejaquelein's death, his comrades took the flag to Charette's army, which continued to use it. In 1814, one of Charette's former officers presented it to Louis XVIII. The king then gifted it to Louis de la Rochejaquelein during the 1815 uprising. After his demise at the Battle of Les Mathes, Auguste, the last of the three La Rochejaquelein brothers, preserved it until 1832 before, prior to his exile, bequeathing it to the Beauregard family, to whom he was related.
So, putting my metaphorical tinfoil hat firmly in place, I will conclude that it seems the King didn't want to share the dashing young Compte de la Rochejaquelein with the Pope.
Jokes aside, Rochejaquelein’s portrait was the first completed, likely reflecting the true intent of the King’s propaganda effort: to reaffirm a Royalist identity and provide a heroic image that could encourage unity rather than division. Over time, the overt Royalist symbols were toned down—probably because someone hinted to the king that he was being a bit much—but one element remained consistent: the absence of violence.
The remaining five Vendéean generals' portrayals as dignified, pious leaders rather than battlefield warriors are a rather perfect metaphor for the narrative Louis XVIII sought to promote throughout his reign—a narrative of reconciliation, remembrance, and a gradual, non-confrontational restoration of the monarchy to what he perceived as its rightful, almost divine, station. Essentially, Louis XVIII was too smart and fond of his head and crown to go all-in on the whole absolutist monarchy thing (8).
... If you've actually made it this far and read this whole thing, please know you're one of my favourite people in the whole wide world...
(1) Apart from Stofflet, for reasons I won’t speculate on here because this thing is already over 2000 words long…
(2) This was all I intended to mention before I tumbled down a rabbit hole into the realm of early Restoration imagery and emerged with a mini-essay on early Restoration propaganda...
(3) the former Count of Provence and brother to the guillotined Louis XVI)
(4) The Louvre Collection has a number of paintings marked as being commissioned for the guard room in Saint Cloud. In chronological order, they are:  
Henri Duverger, comte de La Rochejaquelein - Guérin, Pierre-Narcisse (1816)
Louis-Marie de Salgues, marquis de Lescure (1766-1793), général vendéen by Lefèvre, Robert (1816)
Charles-Melchior-Artus marquis de Bonchamps (1760-1793), général vendéen by Girodet de Roucy-Trioson (1816)
Jacques Cathelineau (1759-1793) généralissime vendéen by Girodet de Roucy-Trioson  ( comissioned in 1816 but exposed in the Salon of 1824)
Pierre Jean Baptiste Constant, comte de Suzannet by Mauzaisse, Jean Baptiste(1817)
François Athanase Charrette dela Contrie by Guérin, Paulin (1819)
Louis Duverger, Marquis de La Rochejaquelein by  Guérin, Pierre-Narcisse (1819) – this is Henri de La Rochejaquelein’s baby brother, he died leading the Vendee revolt in 1815
Louis, comte de Frotté, général vendéen by Louise Bouteiller
Maurice Joseph Louis Gigost d'Elbée by  Guérin, Paulin (1825) – Comissioned by Charles X
Antoine Philippe de la Trémoille, prince de Talmond, général vendéen  by Cogniet, Léon - (1826) – Comissioned by Charles X
Louis-François Perrin, comte de Précy (1742-1820), général vendéen by Dassy, Jean Joseph (1829) – Comissioned by Charles X
(5) Fun fact: Cathelineau’s son stood for his father’s portrait
(6) Not to be confused with Guérin, Paulin
(7) According to his wife, this would have been Lescure's flag
(8) Very in character for a king who refused to be crowned. And this is a good thing. Especially seeing how his little brother turned out…
Crosefinte, Jean-Marie. Les Drapeaux Vendéens.
La Rochejaquelein, Marie-Louise-Victoire. Memoirs of the Marquise de la Rochejaquelein.
Mansel, Philip. Louis XVIII.
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redeemers-and-dragons · 6 months
Tales from the Celestial Nexus: Part 1
Narration: The Celestial Nexus is a breathtaking palace suspended within the cosmic expanse, encased in a shimmering crystal sphere amidst swirling galaxies. Within its circular walls adorned with divine murals, gods from all pantheons convene upon a luminous platform, surrounded by thrones of celestial design. Illuminated by an eternal flame and ancient runes of wisdom, the Nexus is where divine beings unite to discuss matters of cosmic import, forging alliances and shaping the destiny of existence itself. In one of it's many many meeting chambers, the gods and goddesses meet to discuss the various issues and notes of interest within their shared domains...
Hiatae: *Bangs gavel* Alright, as this meeting's designated Lead Chair, I formally begin the "Cross Pantheistic Gathering of the Family Domain". Would any member here like to bring forth an agenda?
Boldrei: *Raises hand giddily*
Rest of the Council: *Exasperated sighs*
Lliira: *Rubs her hands together* Oh this ought to be good.
Hiatae: *Pinches the bridge of her nose* Yes, Boldrei of the Sovereign Host?
Boldrei: *Stands up, clears her throat, and pulls out a scroll* Thankyou, Hiatae of Jotunheim. I have an important update on my Champion-
Luthic: *Sneers, while picking clean one her orc tusks* You mean, "Farm Boy"? What did he do this time? Marry a pair of horses?
Yondolla: Oh that'd be adorable! Did he?!
Boldrei: *Pouts* NO! In fact he didn't, Luthic of Neshrik! My brave knight, Sir Arc of Bourbon, has taken up his first Redemption Quest, and is now going out on his first adventure!
The Council: *Some scattered congratulations and polite clapping*
Berronar: *Boredly stroking one of her Dwarven braids* That's dandy and all Boldrei, but is there an actual agenda you're getting at? Because we all have several other domain gatherings after this that'll take up enough of our, and most importantly my, day as is.
Boldrei: What I'm trying to get at is since Jaune is now on the road, and I wanted to inquire if any of you had any followers that may be able to lend him aide if he happens to cross their path? Hopefully single and fertile?
Council: *Groans in annoyance*
Boldrei: *Looking at the Council* What? What is it?
Yondolla: *Awkwardly clasps her hands together* W-well, I'm not too sure if my girls will be willing accommodate... those certain needs. But if he does happen to cross a Halfling village, I'm sure they'll more then welcome him for supper and provide a warm bed, to sleep in that is.
Berronar: My kind won't bar him from our Under Cities. But I hardly expect any self respecting Dwarven woman will take up a human for romp.
Lliira: *Leans on her desk, the rest of her floating up into the air as she kicks her feet* Why not send him to one of my groves? I'm sure the nymphs will have a wonderful time with a cute boy like him~
Luthic: *Darkly chuckles* Or I can send you one of my war bands. The girls could use some target practice.
Hiatae: *Smacks gavel* That's enough from you two! Boldrei, I think its wonderful that your... "Champion" is taking his first steps, but I think most of the Council would agree that until he actually makes a name for himself, we see no reason to arrange our own followers to seek him out as a mate. For now, the best I'll do his not let my girls accidentally step on him.
Boldrei: Oh is that what's this about?! My Jaune isn't good enough for your followers?! Well, I tell you you're missing out! He is the Goodest Boy! You'll see! You'll all see!
Hiatae: *Smacks gavle* Order! ORDER! Boldrei, don't make me call your husband in here again!
Boldrei: *Crosses her arms and sits down pouting.* Hmph!
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spanishroyals · 11 months
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Under the watchful eye of Carlos III portrait in the Room bearing his name at the Royal Palace and decorated with the motifs of the order, Princess Leonor receives the Collar of the Order of Carlos III created by her great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
Kid scenarios gender bent and regular. Really liked the idea. If possible and when you have time.
Oh goodness let the madness continue
(S/N)=son name
(D/N)= Daughter name
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(Lmk Wukong) You couldn't believe that. You will never expect your life to end up the way it was. You were once a palace Warrior Guarding the peaches of immortality and now you've got kidnapped by the one who kept stealing those peaches. And now you're her husband Mildly sick of her affection for you and quietly hitting the bottle whenever she leaves. This was not what you signed up for as you were by yourself again drinking bourbon. You were soon attacked by a tiny figure.
(???) Baba! I found baba!
You look down to see a tiny monkey girl. Who looks exactly Like your wife and that Already scares you. And then you heard other tiny little voices
Oh God
Meanwhile with Sunny Wukong She's been pretty down lately. She came back from another date with you. But it seems like you are more annoyed than ever when you got back. She brushes her fur quietly with tears in a corner of her eyes. She knows your marriage has been in a rough patch lately. But she really wants to fix things up with you. But it just seems like you hate her The more she tries.
Monkey (S/N) Are you thinking about him again???
Wukong Looks up to see a little boy sitting on a Nimbus cloud. He look exactly like you but with her sunny disposition.
Monkey (S/N) I would have thought by now that you would know when he's really feeling and when that's just his face
Wukong was confused Who is this tiny cub? Where did he come from? and dad? Was he talking about you?
(Lmk Wukong) As a matter of fact I am He's been loving me a lot less lately and I don't know what to do. Why does my husband hate me😥
The mysterious club look towards his mother. It was no brainer that his father was a tough nut to crack, not mention very anti social. But there is one thing he disagrees with her about
Monkey (S/N) He doesn't hate you
(Lmk Wukong) How would you know???
The younger monkey thought to himself
Monkey (S/N) Follow me please
If the monkey queen was confused but dead what she was asked And followed the cab to a remote location of the island and There the two saw something incredible. It was you sitting in the middle of a lot of little girl. Cubs that look exactly like her. Some were hugging you,others were climbing on Your back. There were two that was talking your ear off and a tiny little one sleeping on your lap. And you know what's the crazy part you're a smiling. You are smiling at all these little girls.
Monkey (S/N) Dad doesn't hate you mom otherwise you wouldn't have all of us
Tears appeared back and the monkey queen's eyes as she feels a lot more hopeful for you and her future
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(HIB Wukong) It's Happened again. You and your wife got into yet another argument and she stormed off. Leaving you laying where you were. Why doesn't she get it? You're tired of watching her tire herself apart for other people's approval. And for what her appearance you like her face I should be enough for her. You are proud of everything she does and achieved. Even if she failed, you're happy to know she tried, and that is enough for you. Why can't she understand that.
Monkey (M/N) What a drag😒
(???) We totally get it
That's when you look up to see a pair of Twin teenager Girls who Interesting enough Is looked exactly like your wife but was just as exhausted as you.
Meanwhile, your wife was stopping around brooding to herself when she smacked into a smaller figure.
(???) Watch were you going you hag!
(HIB Wukong) The hell did you call me?!
That's when she turns to see a grouchy Little boy glaring up at her, interesting enough he exactly like you But he was grouchy like her.
Back with you and the two girls You tiredly told them the issues between you and your wife. The two quietly listened to what you had to say before sharing their Thoughts on the matter
1p Monkey (D/N) Mother isn't trying to get the world's approval
2p Monkey (D/N) She's trying to get yours
This confuses you, You thought your wife knew about how You felt about her why is she So Paranoid now
1p Monkey (D/N) You are the only one who treated mom with some kind of decency
2p Monkey (D/N) You were with mama since the very beginning you are her greatest treasure. She loves what she has with you and she doesn't want to lose that.
1p Monkey (D/N) If she has to change some part herself Even if it's a slight adjustment, that means she'll have less of a chance to lose you.
Your stone heart breaks in two as you thought about the twins's words.
With Sunny Wukong she is stopping in the woods back to you next to the boy She bumped into earlier
(HIB Wukong) Ugh Why are you still following me?
Monkey (???) Don't flatter yourself hag. I'm simply trying to find my sisters so we can go home
Wukong did Not like the attitude of this little boy. But it seems to be familiar
Monkey (???) Aren't you the monkey queen?
(HIB Wukong) Yes I am
Monkey (???) What happened to your lazy husband?
That's When will Wukong stopped First of all, who is this kid to insult her husband and second. She should really be getting back to, but she's a little nervous. You could still be angry with her and wouldn't want to talk to her.
(HIB Wukong) Not that you would care of anything but We had a disagreement
Monkey (???) Is that right my old man and The woman always getting into a fight. She would storm off and the old Geezer would stay at home and brood But in the end, the old hag always runs back to him.
(HIB Wukong) Sounds exhausting
Monkey (???) Well that's how their relationship always worked. They would Argue almost every day She could be screaming at him and he could just be giving underhand Insults. But she would always come back home and demand cuddles from him. Dad would tirely hug mom before they give their silent apologies. It may be toxic to the outside world. But that's the only way they're relationships going to work.
Wukong Was suffering a bit of deja vu, That sounds exactly like you and her not that She will ever admit that but that was Dangerously similar. Then it hits her
(HIB Wukong) Hey I think I may know where your sisters are
Monkey (???) I think I know too
The two walk back Is to the cottage just to find you sitting there with the twins. The little boy runs out to his sisters and hugs them, as they returned his affection You and Wukong Is walk towards each other in silence
Monkey (M/N) There seems to be some things we need to discuss together
(HIB Wukong) It seems You're right
You told them hug each other as the Is chids watched the two of you
Monkey (S/N): Man the old hag and that geezer really don't change🤮
Monkey Twins: And we wouldn't have it any other way☺️☺️
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) This is war. Tensions were high as you and your wife were on A chinese standoff against what seems to be your kids from the future. Your son was glaring into your soul standing right in front of his mother while you did the same. Your daughter and wife were having a hissy match mini cat fight Trying to display dominance over the other as Your little girl hung from your shoulder. It was a hot freaking mess and Neither master tang or the pilgrims knew what to do in this situation at all. But all I can say is that everybody's possessive Instincts have punched a hole in the ceiling As the family of four afford for their respective Parents and children.
Monkey (S/N) Mama is mine😡
Monkey (M/N) Well I had your mama first 😡
Monkey(S/N) Why??? is not like you wanted her in the first place
Monkey (M/N) Between you and me, I didn't want her. But that doesn't mean anybody else can have Her especially you
You and your son continued to glare at each other and while you're Wife and daughter would just Hissing at each other till one of you submits.
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(NR Wukong) You're not sure how this came to be. First of all you're sitting next year's son who Says he's from the future and one of your daughters who is Taking a nap while clinging on To you as you watch your two oldest twins, gossip and chat with their mom as they do each other's make up I'm brushing there fur. Out of all the bizarre things that your wife has caused you to be part of this has to be the The final straw.
(S/N): Dad why is this happening to us aren't we good monkeys😥😢
Monkey (M/N) Well, you are, I clearly did something to the universe to p*** it off. And now i'm married to An immortal crackhead who Exploited my love For alcohol.
Monkey (S/N) I feel sorry for you😔
Monkey (S/N) I pity you the same kid😮‍💨
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(Netflix Wukong) It was complete chaos down at the village. The monkey queen and her son From the future apparently Are running to The Town square as the villagers ran in the opposite directions. Not only were they under attack by some demon gang but Her husband and her daughter choose this as an excuse to finally bite the collor off. They flew off the hinges, When the two finally arrived The demon invaders were running for their dear lives. As a little girl, no older than 4 was hanging off One of them while throwing makeshift grenades at them. And then there was her husband running around the battlefield. Chopping heads off left and right it was a bloodbath.
(Netflix Wukong) I gave birth to that?!?😨
Monkey (S/N): You did I was as shocked as you are but dad was pretty stoked so
Wukong Was at a loss for words as she stood next to her son
Monkey (S/N) Although now they're looking at some of these Bodies This would be very good for my taxidermy hobby
Wukong Slowly turned her head to face her son
Monkey (S/N) Don't worry mom I usually wait until they're already dead i'm not A monster
Oh god is this what is like to be the only sane one?😥😥
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lux-vitae · 1 year
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Hésiode et La Muse (Hesiod and the Muse) by Eugène Delacroix (1891) at the Bibliothèque du Palais Bourbon (Bourbon Palace Library), Paris, France
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