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kirisclangen · 1 year ago
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They/she, 84 moons, nonbinary
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jupiterclan-clangen · 4 months ago
PROLOGUE: StarClan cats have been fading quicker than before, which soon causes the entirety of StarClan to fade; besides four cats—four StarClan cats by the names Jupiterstar, Mercurystar, Saturnstar, and Venusstar are forced further into space, and each cat takes place in the planets they were named after; Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, and Venus. As moons pass by with no more StarClan and cats dying rapidly with no place to go, the four original Clans are entirely whipped out. The four, now SpaceClan, leaders take it upon themselves to seek out four living cats worthy of creating four new Clans and grant them nine lives, which they thankfully had the power to do. Weedpath to Weedstar of JupiterClan, Bounceeye to Bouncestar of MercuryClan, Pebblespots to Pebblestar of SaturnClan, and Bleakshock to Bleakstar of VenusClan.
Weedstar finds and recruits cats. He then leads them through the forest to find a place to settle and call JupiterClan. The seven soon-to-be JupiterClan cats find a natural grotto and decide to call it home. They bring sticks and moss to make a nursery den and use the leftover moss as moss beds. On the journey to JupiterClan camp, Weedstar lost one life due to protecting his cats from rouge cats in the area, and he is now down to eight lives. (The other three leaders recruit some cats and find places in the forest territory.) Weedstar announces that one of his cats, Silentfur, will be the Clan deputy. Mumblestrike was already announced as the healer earlier by SpaceClan. Airpaw, an apprentice at the age of ten moons, is apprenticed to Silentfur after discussing what to do with the apprentice that Weedstar had recruited. Shadowspots, an elder, can’t stop suggesting using feathers in the moss beds. Brightpaw trains with his mentor, Fishchaser.
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owlart18 · 6 years ago
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Some of my ocs as warrior cats!
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lavendertoastmoth · 2 years ago
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shout out to the time when my leader, Bouncestar, who was old, alone, and pregnant straight up murDERED A FOX OVER A GOAT
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raveeon · 6 years ago
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More cats!
The first image is my sweet trans boy Oxpelt!! I love him and his trans wife Bouncestar alot :'))
The other three is my new vent character 'Animosity', who is a sad girl that deserves a break and flowers
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davidjonesdavid-blog · 8 years ago
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@Regrann from @bouncenewsng - We have #amvca2017 winner, @davidjonesdavid in the building. What questions do you have for him? #BounceNews #BounceStars #amvca #movies #nollywood - #regrann
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kirisclangen · 1 year ago
Tulipclan: Easy-going, Mellow, and Strong
Quite the opposite to Honeyclan, these cats are loud, outgoing, and tend to be chill with just about anyone. Thy have a bit of a competitive streak, which leads to a playful rivalry with Beetleclan, but it take quite a lot of actually get under these cats’ skin. Don’t take that as a sign of weakness, however, because what they may lack in numbers compared to other clans, they more than make up for in terms of fighting prowess and personality. Tulipclan cats tend to decorate themselves a lot more than most clans, simply because they think it’s fun. Tulipclan is led by Bouncestar, and is camped in a sweet-smelling clearing in the forest territory.
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leafpool-loves-ashfur · 4 years ago
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Echostar, Sneezepetal, Poolfire, Swallowwing
Leader - Deputy - Medicine Cat - Medicine Cat (Apprentice)
Tom, She-cats -  ShadowClan
Mother: Sneezepetal
Siblings: Echostar*, Poolfire, Swallowwing
Echostar’s Mate: Petalbriar
Echostar’s Children: Bouncestar, Maplekit*, Bramblekit*, Mintkit*
(*Warrior names unknown)
Sneezepetal was an ordinary warrior born into an ordinary, plain family of nobody exceptional. She lived a normal life as a loyal ShadowClan warrior. She was never anybody important, but she dedicated her life and soul to ShadowClan. In her opinion, the current leader and deputy weren’t the best. She also had a distaste for RiverClan, who ShadowClan were currently at odds with. They were allies with SkyClan at the time while RiverClan were allied with WindClan. ThunderClan had chosen to stay out of any possible conflicts, but they were allied with WindClan before the RiverClan-ShadowClan tensions started. Sneezepetal, like most average warriors, viewed her clan as the best, and disliked those who went against the warrior code or got into half-clan relationships.
When she gave birth to her first litter, which included Echokit and Poolkit, she loved all her kits dearly, although she wasn’t close to their father, who was absent from their life. When Poolkit became a medicine cat apprentice, Sneezepetal couldn’t be prouder and would always mention her brilliant little she-cat in any conversation. She was her pride and joy. She loved her other kits too, of course, but Poolpaw, eventually Poolfire, especially. Echopaw was not exactly envious of his sister’s special attention, but he did wish his mother was as proud of him. He found a cat similar to him, Petalpaw of RiverClan, who he bonded with, and when they became warriors, they were mates despite their clans hatred of each other.
To his surprise, he was actually appointed deputy when the previous one passed. Sneezepetal was shocked too, but all of her pride was quickly placed on him. She had gone from a simple warrior from a nobody family, to a mother with a deputy and medicine cat for kits! She had another litter at the time too, one of the kits Swallowkit. Poolfire’s mentor had recently passed, so Sneezepetal, obsessed with having her kin be important and in power, slowly convinced Swallowkit to become interested in being a medicine cat, and Poolfire, always wanting to please her mother, accepted Swallowkit as her apprentice, even though a part of her wondered if StarClan would accept her little sister. Swallowkit and her siblings had yet to become six moons when the clan leader passed and Echostar was the new leader. Echostar didn’t know who to appoint as leader. There were many cats in the clan who he thought would make excellent leaders one day, but would his mother want him to appoint his kin as deputy? She was certainly expecting him to do so- she could see it in her eyes. But Echostar knew his siblings well, and he knew none of them were leader material, so he made the confused decision of making his mother deputy. She was still a queen, but her kits would soon be six moons anyway. The clan questioned his decision, and he questioned himself too. He was mates with a RiverClan she-cat, and she was pregnant too. He had been so stuck in the mindset of pleasing his mother, that he thought of her and his family before his clan. Was he really fit to lead?
Regardless, he stuck firmly to his decision. Sneezepetal was overjoyed, realizing it wasn’t only her kin that could be important and powerful too- but she herself could too. Dreams she had always thought were too high in the clouds were suddenly right in front of her. She was quick to be the best deputy she could, organizing many patrols, monitoring every cat’s movements (except for Echostar, who she put too much trust in, as she remained completely unaware of his meetings with his RiverClan mate), training her kits’ to be the best warriors they could. Some believed she overstepped her bounds, getting into every cats’ business like a ThunderClan cat (although, ironically, during these times, ThunderClan seemed to want nothing with the other clans). While Echostar wanted to resolve tension with RiverClan, his mother, along with most other ShadowClanners, did not want to. In fact, Sneezepetal wanted to become more proactive than reactive, like the previous ShadowClan leader had been.
ShadowClan and RiverClan remained enemies, despite Echostar wanting otherwise, and fought each other even more. It wasn’t until Berrystar passed and the new leader Pebblestar demanded peace that tensions could finally settle… as best they could. Echostar was extremely surprised, pleased and proud to find his son, Bouncecloud, had been made deputy of RiverClan, even if his son didn’t know he was his father. Pebblestar and Echostar ended up becoming good friends, creating an alliance between RiverClan and ShadowClan, despite Sneezepetal and Poolfire’s opposition to it. Swallowwing, on the other paw, was extremely happy that her brother could make peace with RiverClan rather than continue aggressions like their mother wanted. As Swallowwing grew up and realized how much she yearned to be a warrior, she admired her mother and older sister less and less. She never gave up her position as medicine cat, as she had already come this far, but she was always displeased and unsatisfied with it. She even briefly trained with Dark Forest cats, but she never harbored enough hatred to become evil. She was perhaps the only cat who knew about Echostar and Petalbriar’s affair, and she kept the secret well, even happily, which might be due to the fact she had grown close to WindClan's medicine cat, Reedseed.
Echostar: “Pale gray tom.” Sneezepetal: “Gray and white tabby she-cat.” Poolfire: “Gray she-cat.” Swallowwing: “No description given.”
Fun Fact: In StarClan, Sneezepetal became one of the more prominent StarClan cats. She also figured out about Echostar and Petalbriar’s love, and became enraged. She still gave Bouncestar a life though.
Echo’s Wiki Page. Sneeze’s Wiki Page. Pool’s Wiki Page. Swallow’s Wiki Page.
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