#Both are bad- and if Adrien is good enough than Felix is good enough
taldigi · 2 years
hee hee hoo hoo I cant wait to see the felinette fucks get all discoursey again
The problems with adrienette started with felinette, and had felinette gone forward, it would have been bad- or possibly more toxic in a different direction- since Felix was never framed as a "pure and innocent sunshine boy" as the show seems to frame Adrien.
Cat's issues regarding nonchalance for his role as a hero and nonstop harassment of Ladybug stem from the original concept, of which was never re-framed to fit the new version of the deuteragonist until it became a roadblock for progressing an already-sluggish story.
Felinette was going to be bad because the show was still going to be written in the direction- and with the philosophy- that Marinette's suffering and misfortune was humorous. And while Adrien Agreste has, at least, the excuse of abuse and ignorance on his side, Felix did not. And from there, I can state, firmly. That Felinette would have been no better than Adrienette.
The idea that PV would have been "better" stems from the fact that, with a more serious (not darker, not more mature, but a more serious) tone, the show may have approached the story differently- and with less freedom to create more-for-lower-quality-3D episodes, the show may have compacted more of it's story into less episodes, resulting in a firmer progress of character development.
However, in the end, this is a result of writing and direction. Felix would have been no better than Adrien, I agree wholeheartedly. But he would have not been worse, either. The show would have still been spearheaded by the same folk who would have picked people to write the story as it matches their morals, humor, and vision for what the show would be. And if those people ultimately made the decision for titty physics on a 13-year old characters, skintight spandex on every little girl in the show, and sexual harassment/teenage girls are stupid and irrational humor then these people would have written Felix as shit because they write Adrien as shit.
And this also means that Fathom, or Luka, or whatever other character they could have decided on would be shit too- had they had made it canon instead of the LS. The same humor would have been draped over it- Luka, white savior, here to save Marinette from silly girl problems with his guitar and nonchalance- laughing at her every mistake and using his man powers to fix it. Look- My point is that he problem isn't adrienette, or marivanily, or kagaminette or lukanette-- its that the writing makes everything it touches toxic via marinette's humiliation becasue that is a CORE ELEMENT OF THE SERIES.
But Adrien was written, and Felix was not. It's hard for some people to really see that. Hell, some people can't see the difference between Pre-canon Felix(who is actually Adrien and PV Felix was named Adrien) and Felix Fathom. So of course people are going to make that claim- that Felix was going to be better. So while we have theories and what ifs, we don't have a solid statement on how old Love Square would have turned out. But we do have canon love square, we have six seasons of it.
But, you know what? Felix was not written. So I will write him instead, and I will write him better. I will write Felinette to be the way I always wanted Adrienette- except he wears a tie and is grumpy and has a punny name about being Lucky when he is not. Felix isn't Adrien- they changed him for a reason! I am interested in that version instead. I like to explore those what ifs. And if you're willing to put me down because of one thing or another outside of that, then get out of my space and leave me alone.
The only time anyone is ever wrong in this whole discussion is when they make the claim that PV = Fathom when actually PV = Adrien.
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I once had a idea of a couple of villains which are everything ladybug and cat noir aren’t
The boy is the well mannered and destructive person who’s always honest, The girl is the chaotic and overwhelming person who always has a plan
Yet both hate Ladybug and cat noir for their own reasons
The boy doesn’t hate cat noir but hates liars and abusive people, and when he discovers monarch was Gabriel (threw my kid through Paris) agreste and how the heroes never defeated him, he goes off and accidentally ruins Adrien’s life (also Felix’s life for stealing the miraculous, lying to kagami about it and trying to ruin Adrien’s life, he would break the bird boy’s spine), and even his hero life by using cat noir has a example of a bad hero (abandoning Paris a couple of times, letting his emotions get in the way, never taking things seriously, always flirting and always getting brainwashed for he’s incompetence). None of it is personal for the boy but he admits he doesn’t care if Adrien gets hurt since the boy believes himself to be a bad person and being a villain is his punishment so he acts accordingly despite his intentions of revealing a lie and making a true change to destroy the status quo being quite heroic, Adrien gets a burning rage towards the boy
The girl hates ladybug for how she has everything (friends, family, fame and power) yet when she sees how she treats Adrien (lying to him under the excuse of not hurting him when it’s actually just hurting Adrien more by praising he’s abuser, being superficial since she’ll fall in love with anyone who acts like Adrien/cat walker, and the constant stalker behavior) she’ll make sure to hurt Marinette thinking she doesn’t deserve her perfect life when she was all alone before being turned into a villain and meeting the boy, she’ll at first seem like a pure evil character but she’s just someone trying to survive, she’s actually someone pretty sweet and friendly (at difference of the boy which is quite shy and closed despite it seeming otherwise, she helped him go through his traumas and he’s doing the same for her) and when she sees someone like Marinette having a perfect life and treating her partner like that would be enough to make her into a venom like for who’ll do anything to bring justice while knowing justice is the wrong word since she’s breaking several laws while making a teenager suffer
And the best part is how the two constantly emotionally support each other properly and are better working together than the bug and the cat, they talk about their problems, always talk and go out together, help each other train their powers and everything, a genuine healthy relationship built on trust, care and partnership
The point of the arc against them could be A-fixing Ladybug’s and Cat noir’s flaws and problems and make them a genuinely healthy couple, B-break them up because after everything, is there any chemistry at this point? They are the water and bread of relationships and the only good about their relationship has civilians is the “Will they Won’t they” the writers have exploited for 5 seasons and may keep going for another 5, and after everything they’ve done to each other in and out of the suit I can’t ship this two in the show anymore
But we all know Adrien will never know the truth, they’ll probably never question what happen to Gabriel, ladybug won’t ever be on the wrong and cat won’t ever suffer the consequences of his immaturity while being a hero for fun who doesn’t care about the consequences
That's a pretty interesting idea. We really need more villains with their own non-Butterfly Miraculous in this show.
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uptoolateart · 1 year
Having had time to process the Season 5 finale, and read people’s very interesting takes on it, my one remaining issue with it is…Adrien and Marinette’s character arcs.
Looking at Adrien first...he was on a journey, man. He started out so naïve and helpless, like this precious little bundle of light and joy who wanted to love everyone. You knew it wouldn’t last. You only hoped he retained that spirit even after he was broken...and you knew he’d break hard.
We watched him grow. Strike Back was huge. Season 5 was huge. We saw him speak up and try to take action. That fight with Gabriel in Representation? One of the best things in the show, in my opinion – what I’d been waiting for, for five seasons.
But what I’ve been saying for years is…I didn’t want him to be ‘saved’. I wanted him to save himself - with her support, of course. After all that growth, I didn’t want him to continue to be the damsel in distress. It doesn’t matter that it’s a boy being saved by a girl, this time. Sure, that turns tables, but it’s not enough. Boys shouldn’t need coddling any more than girls. I wanted partnership.
Maybe I built it up too much in my head. It doesn’t help that I wrote my own Season 5 before the TV version started airing. I guess it’s taking me some time to let go of my ideas and accept that none of it went remotely the way I expected. In a way…that’s a good thing. It’s good to be surprised. Just…
I wanted Adrien to face off with his father, knowing who he was. I wanted him to see his mother and learn the truth of it all. I wanted him to get that closure. I didn’t want everyone continuing to lie and keep him in the dark as if he’s still the same naïve, helpless, precious little bundle of light and joy he was at the start of the whole story.
I’m okay with Gabriel winning. I was actually hoping that would happen, because it’s a great idea. It was also such a Chekov’s gun – we had to see it happen, after all that teasing. Not to mention, there was no way they’d simply kill Gabriel or lock him away in prison, because both would have been too anticlimactic after all the drama. We needed something big and we got it.
I just wanted Adrien to be there for it. Not off-screen, locked in a room. And I know, I know, he took part in the battle in his own way, by having the self-awareness to remove his ring in order to save humanity and avert a Cat Blanc scenario. But Ladybug doesn’t even know what he did. She doesn’t know the extent of the part he played. She thinks she saved him. But he saved her, too…and everyone else in the world…and even he probably doesn’t realise that in full, because he doesn’t know just how bad it could have been, had he learned Monarch was his father.
Looking at Marinette…she has spent this whole show keeping secrets from people. Cat Noir really deserves to know about Cat Blanc - how much trouble has that secret caused? Now she’s keeping from Adrien the whole fact that his father was the villain, and that it all revolved around his mother. When is she going to learn that it’s not up to her to decide what someone should or shouldn’t know? That she doesn’t need to treat this boy like fragile porcelain? You cannot be in a relationship with someone where you treat them like a child. That’s called being his mother, not his girlfriend or partner.
Unless she doesn’t know. I keep coming back to this, in my mind. Maybe in this reality, she’s under the same delusions as Adrien and remembers things differently. Maybe she’s been duped into thinking Gabriel was a hero, too, because he changed everything for everyone in it, including her. If so…yeah, that’s really interesting…and horrible….
But I still wish Adrien had been there.
I just wanted him in the basement. Is that too much to ask for??? In Risk, we saw him pick up that eyepiece thing Felix left behind in the mansion. He pocketed it. He was meant to use it at some point, to find the spots on the painting and find the lift and find the basement. It never materialised, I think because they changed plans when the show got signed for more seasons. That scene was meant to happen and I can’t stand that it didn’t. I accept everything else. I just wanted him in that finale.
And as awesome as Marinette was, unifying the miraculous like no other holder before...it kind of showed that she could do the whole thing without him...and I’m not okay with that. She needs to know what he did.
So, now I’m back where I already was, waiting for everyone to realise he isn’t made of glass and he can stand on his own. Come on, Adrien, come on – show them all what we know you’re made of!
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lostuntothisworld · 9 months
A List of ML Crack Theories I Am Considering
The moon represents Adrichat, and not the Love Square or LadyNoir like the fandom theorizes
Anne-Jeanne Theoxanne du Bocquale is a time traveling adopted daughter of Lukadrien Adrienette
Bob Roth is gonna make good on his promise that Luka is going to sing for him no matter what.
Adrien's bedroom in the Agreste Mansion was originally the Master Suite
Adrien is going to intern at the Dupain-Cheng bakery. It will not end well.
Luka is going to work for the new flower shop next door, by doing flower deliveries. This will end better because of... reasons.
Felix was created out of jealousy over Gabe and Emilie's conception of Adrien, which means it's possible he doesn't love Kagami for herself or the fact they "are the same," but because Kagami was meant for Adrien.
The ring Felix gave Kagami isn't actually her amok, but an identical copy.
Felix's character arc of villain-to-antihero-to-hero will take another twist. He might even team up with Lilamoth. Either way, his character arc is that he is still being controlled by his father, even though he has his amok, and his father is dead. This will be a direct parallel to Adrien's character arc.
Luka's nightmare (which we never find out in the season 5 finale, oddly enough) is that his actions reveal Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities, Monarque finds out, takes advantage of this and secures the Miraculous and makes his wish... Somehow Luka finds out about Ephemeral, and is horrified that his actions caused the end of the world. He goes to Marinette and she tells him that "the timeline doesn't exist anymore," so he shouldn't feel bad that his actions caused the wish to occur. "Everyone makes mistakes." We as the audience know she is trying to make herself feel better about her choices in the season 5 finale. She begins a word salad about how even Chat Noir flooded the entire planet and nearly destroyed the universe in Chat Blanc, but the timeline no longer exists and it's all okay now! So now both boys know they ended the world in deleted timelines.
The main conflict of season 6 will be the reveal of Ephemeral and Chat Blanc. Season 7 will end in revealing The Truth to Adrien. Season 8 will be about figuring out how to sever Adrien's connection to his amoks, and the Peacock Miraculous.
Luka will be the one to reveal The Truth to Adrichat
Luka will help Adrien sever his connection to his amoks and the Peacock Miraculous. The Miraculous Ladybugs can't bring back a sentimonster after the amok has been destroyed, but Second Chance can give them infinite tries to figure out how to sever the connections.
Human sentimonsters can do and be anything a normally created person can do EXCEPT reproduce. Sentimonsters cannot create life.
The Peacock Miraculous broke because Emilie tried to create two sentimonsters at the same time: Adrien's and his twin sister's embryos. Adrien was created second, and thus the reason the miraculous broke.
Adrien is his own dead twin sister, which is why he has two amoks
Adrien was not his original planned name. He was actually named after his dead twin sister Adrienne, once his parents learned he was connected to both amoks. I'm partial to his original planned name being Celeste, which is a unisex name in France.
Emilie and Amelie (identical twins) are both sentimonsters who share one amok (The moonstone star brooch that Emelie wears)
The actual moon is a sentimonster, and Adrien will time-travel 4 billion years into the past to recreate the Theia Impact in a future season after a long character arc of personal growth, healing, and accepting The Truth. (I'll admit this one is more wishful hoping than anything else lmao)
The light that Lila/Iris saw at the end of the finale is her time traveling future self (I messed up the exact details of how she gets ahold of the Rabbit Miraculous in my original post, but I still think it's plausible)
Ladynoir is dead. Marichat is dead. Ladrien is dead. I think they're going to kill Adrienette sooner rather than later.
Adrien falls in love (or thinks he falls in love) with Marinette due to an amok order by a time traveling Lilamoth. (Adrienette getting together pretty much opened the way for Gabe to get his wish, and thus Lilamoth's acquisition of the Butterfly Miraculous.)
After a rewatch, and studying the transcript, I think there's a possibility Maribug would have kept The Truth from Adrien even if Gabe never asked her to.
Gabe failed his redemption character arc of moving on and letting go of Emilie. Emilie's dying wish was for Gabe to move on, properly parent Adrien, and allow him to choose his own happiness. Instead, Gabe made his own wish in order to be with her in death, abandoning Adrien. But before he did that, he gave Marinette his blessing to be with his son, with stipulations that she never tell him The Truth. I think Gabe ALSO passed on his failed character arc to Marinette. She is going to have to learn to let Adrien go.
25. Lukadrien is Endgame
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Miraculous: Redemption and Validation
So, what makes Chloe (before the events of the Season 3 finale) and Felix all that different?
Both were born to wealth. Both were raised to be generally bad people. Both did bad things. Both strove to be better. Both are blond(e).
So why is Felix's abuse and trauma validated and redeemed, while Chloe's is dismissed? What is actually different about them?
Another character who functionally achieves "redemption and validation" is Gabriel. He goes on to whatever comes next to be with Emilie (if that wasn't her alongside Nathalie), and is remembered as a hero who gave his life to stop Monarch. But he tormented Paris for months, is directly responsible for the trauma of countless people, and even his decision to die (potentially) leaves Adrien as an orphan and conveniently lets him escape from the consequences of his actions.
Or how about Zoe? She's basically got half of Chloe's backstory due to the fact that they share a terrible mother. But she's "nice", so her experiences are validated.
Kagami? Also rich, also abused (albeit in a different way than Chloe is), also does some questionable stuff. But she's validated.
Marinette? There's an entire episode dedicated to validating her stalking tendencies!
Adrien? Vaguely validated, but the show often doesn't care enough to do more than a "he's sad because his dad sucks and his mom is dead" about it before moving on to something else.
The story does more to validate Jessica Keynes than it does to validate Chloe! And I bet half of the people reading this had to look up who that even is!
I think the culmination of this is Miraculous Paris, where we get some glimpses into a "reverse world", where Gabriel is a hero and ChatBug are the villains. What's weird is that while Shadybug and Claw Noir have their issues validated (which also turns them to the side of good), Shadynette turning issues and trauma is that she was tormented by Chloe.
This tells me two things.
Validating people's issues and trauma, and then helping them over come them is a way to help others become better people.
Chloe is apparently evil in every timeline, even the ones where we clearly see she was trying to be better.
It's almost like Chloe is unfairly singled out as being "irredeemable", even as the series preaches that understanding and validation can result in people overcoming their trauma, turning their lives around, and becoming some of your most trusted companions.
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trashyangelic · 1 year
Does anyone wanna take this prompt for Miraculous Ladybug? [If so please tag me or msg me if your going to take this.]
Ideas for Prompts:
Salt/Bashing: Lila Salt, Bustier Salt, Damocles Salt, Alya Bashing, Adrien Bashing Sugar/Redemption: Nino Sugar, Chloe Redemption, Akuma Class Redemption Pairings: Chloe/Nino, Lukagami, Felinette Others: Bad Teacher Caline Bustier, Lila Rossi Exposed, Jealous Adrien, Endgame Felinette
Let's say Lila got exposed by Marinette's Circle Squad (as in Nino, Chloe, Kagami, Alix, Sabrina, Max, Kim, Rose, Nora Cesaire, Juleka, Luka, Felix, and Aurore) while Marinette had stayed home cause her parents is not letting her go to school cause of victim blaming that they got angry on Bustier telling her about their daughter 'to be an example' which really pissed Sabine off.
Sabine is willing to do this to keep her daughter happy but also suing Bustier, Damocles, Lila, Alya, and lastly Adrien even though she didn't want to but she heard enough from her daughter that he is bystanding this whole situation and telling her little girl to 'take a high road' advice which is a horrible advice.
Instead of expelling Lila like she wanted to do she must remain in the school and learn to be an outcast after being outted last Friday when her mother found out about her crimes and trauncy from her classmates but also participating classes by doing her own homework and attend two months of detentions. The police and the School Board Member found something interesting on the school footage then show it to Mrs. Rossi that her daughter is willing to assist terrorist.
As Lila is remain house arrest along with the restraining order from The Dupain-Chengs but also being banned from their bakery except her mother who is a regular customer that comes to the bakery once a while.
As for Bustier and Damocles both got sued by two parents from Marinette after all the stress they gave her she has to go theraphy. Chloe volunteered to be Temporary Ladybug as Dame Taches (Lady Spots) while Marinette goes to theraphy for a good reason for her health being Ladybug for too long was a bit stressful and need a break so she can be the Dragon Miraculous while Kagami became the Temporary Black Cat.
As for the Black Cat Miraculous it was taken away from Chat Noir/Adrien by Ladybug last Sunday about his incompetnent behavior it is now Kagami's job as a temporary Black Cat as Kuroneko. Now for the Bee Miraculous it was lent to Nora Cesaire since she was the only one that Marinette can think of doing instead of Alya since Nora knows the truth what her sister did to Marinette.
Chloe called Amelie Graham de Vanily and Felix to come over to Paris but stay in her hotel than in the Agreste Mansion but told them the whole fiasco with Adrien being passive and other stuff. Chloe also suggested to Marinette to give Felix the Fox Miraculous he will be the Temporary Fox Hero. Since Sabrina has the dog miraculous with her just in case.
Now for Adrien he finally found out thanks to Lila that Marinette likes him. But its far too late for him since Marinette is over with him and her parents doesn't want him near their little girl anymore.
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theerurishipper · 1 year
I remembered seeing an old post that comparing Marinette and Chloe and how they have similar behavior. I forgot the detail but the more season I watch, the more it clicked.
They both don't think of problem as "how it affect others" it's always "how it affect me", they both think of Adrien as a property, they both also never get a "no" from their parents, now I think again. In Animaestro Marinette insist that she want to help despite her clumsyness and they end up give in with Sabine say "we should make double batch just in case".
And I think that's why Marinette is the way she is : she's good at putting boundaries but bad at respecting other boundaries, she thought if she insist enough they'll give in (and she's not wrong, almost everyone in the show end up give in to her demand/request, event Su Han) Her parents spoiled her in different way than Andre does to Chloe but in the end, they're spoiled and never/rarely get a "no" from their parents, they let them do what they want.
I wish I could say the difference between them is that Marinette has higher moral ground than Chloe but after s5 I don't know if that's valid.
Reding back now I feel bad for Adrien because those who pursue him think of him more as a property than actual person with feelings, except Kagami.
I think that's uncharitable to Marinette. She does have trouble understanding others, but it's often when she's trying to help and she always means well, it's just that she isn't good at considering others' perspectives. Chloe on the other hand doesn't care about the people she torments (I don't include Andre in this list for obvious reasons). The one exception to this is probably Sabrina, whom she likes but treats poorly regardless.
And I don't agree with the comparison between Andre and Tom and Sabine. Tom and Sabine are good parents. I don't think them agreeing to let Marinette help them is a bad thing, in fact it's good that they are allowing her such opportunities. She didn't browbeat them into anything or ask for anything that was unreasonable. Marinette's parents don't spoil her, they give her responsibilities (Timebreaker), and they do take her to task when they have to, (Simon Says). We see less of that in the future seasons, but we don't see much of her parents in general, so.
I also disagree that they think of Adrien as property. Both Marinette and Chloe think Adrien is perfect, as does almost everyone else, but they also genuinely care about him. Marinette tries to help Adrien many times throughout the show (The Collector, the New York Special, etc.) and Chloe also cares about Adrien as a person (Felix). Marinette is bad at recognizing Adrien's feelings and sometimes her crush on him overtakes that care for him (Glaciator 2), but she does care.
They can both be self-centered and can think of themselves, yes. But their reasons are entirely different. Chloe thinks about herself because she doesn't care about whether she hurts someone or not, because she considers herself better than them and derives joy from hurting them. Marinette is self-centered because she can be very anxious about things, and this can cause her to get stuck in her own head and forget to think of others. It's something she needs to work on, but she's also shown that she does try to work on it. Of course, Chloe isn't evil or anything and most of her worldview is derived from her abusive mother and her enabling father, but still.
But I will mention this:
I wish I could say the difference between them is that Marinette has higher moral ground than Chloe but after s5 I don't know if that's valid.
I do sort of agree. I harp on and on about the protagonist-centered morality that began pervading this show in Season 4, and that is once again the problem here. Marinette is not as bad as Chloe thanks to her intentions being pure and because of her willingness to grow and change, but the narrative started to justify her actions, which started getting worse. I think she can't be compared to Chloe, because the mistakes they make are different and stem from different situations and reasons, but my point that Marinette is never portrayed as being in the wrong still stands. She's the most amazing person in the world, and everyone must apologize to her.
Marinette is not a bully. She's not cruel and she's not arrogant. She's not like Chloe. But there's not just one type of mistake in the world, and Marinette is making an entirely different kind of egregious mistake by doubling down on her lying and covering for Gabriel, all after she spent a while deceiving her partner. She hasn't grown as a person, she hasn't learnt to consider other people and listen to them, she hasn't learnt not to deceive them (which is especially bad since that was the whole point of the conflict last season), she's doubled down on her flaws and her mistakes and she's gaslighting her boyfriend into loving his abuser. And the show portrays her as in the right.
(And not to be nitpicky here but I think the Season 5 finale dashed the idea that Kagami respects Adrien as a person, because she also seems to be on board with the lying and the gaslighting, so.)
I think it's not fair to compare Marinette to Chloe, but as of the Season 5 finale, she's awful in a completely different way. And honestly, I wish I could chalk it up to it being OOC for her, but it's not. She's poorly written as in she doesn't develop and is always justified, but honestly, it's not out of character for her, and so I can't even wave it away like that in my head. And she angers me more than Chloe does, because like, at least Chloe gets called out. But yeah, that's what I think.
Thank you for your ask!
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sasuhinasno1fan · 3 months
Long awaited kiss - Lukadrien June Day 11, 12 + 13
So I had the idea for Winx Club, it's not the same Winx Club au I've done before, this is different. I did try diving a little into the lore throughout the story but if it seems interesting, maybe I'll make a post about what I imagine this AU to be like. Anyway, it ended up falling into three prompts so I mixed them all. Enjoy.
Royalty Another fandom au Magic
Adrien- fairy of the sun
Luka – fairy of sea
Nath – fairy of art
Marc – fairy of stories
Max – fairy of technology
Nino – fairy of music
Kagami, kim, alix, ivan (dates mylene, fairy of nature) – specialist
Marinette, chloe, felix, alya – witches
Sabrina – goes from witch to fairy
Rose – fairy of joy
Juleka – half mermaid
“What do you think?”
Luka looked up from his phone, texting the others and took in the sleeveless tailcoat with ornate embroidery Adrien wore.
“It’s nice.”
“What he means to say,” a familiar voice said, as a near identical person walked off his own clothing platform and stood next to Adrien, “is that it looks better on me.”
Felix wasn’t wrong. The Witch was more fitting in the suit, with the cravat and knee-high boots, seeing it was more his style. His put together hair and all-knowing eyes seemed to tie everything together.
“What do you think? Can I be a better Prince of Solaria?” he asked, puffing out his chest and waving, Adrien rolling his eyes.
“Ok, not for me then.” He said, pushing his cousin off the platform and pulling up the screen again. Felix sent the outfit he wore to be bought and picked up under his name, the magic dropping and leaving him in his normal clothes before he dropped next to Luka.
“How long have you two been here? I thought the plan was to go to the beach?”
“Juleka is going to meet us there, she just has to get here from Andros. The others are exploring and we’re meeting the Specialist at the beach. Are the other Witches coming?” Luka asked.
“Marinette dragged Alya back to her home planet though she will be there for the coming out ball. She’s been getting flack for being controlled by Lila. As if half the school wasn’t under that fox’s spell. Literally.” Felix said. “They’re only bothering her because of her whole easy ability to use both fairy and witch magic, so half of them think she acts likes she better than she is. It’s like they’ve never had a conversation with her.”
Most of the Witches at Cloud Tower were, well, as nasty as their magic typing casted them as. They weren’t any nicer when there’d been a dark force operating from their school during first year and draining the school to summon dark creatures to attack everything with the Magix dimension. Not even when Chloe had been the person the dark force was after, her and her sister Zoe.
Second year revealed said force to be Lila, or whatever her actual name was. She managed to take control of Marinette and used her ability to use both sides to locate and collect to codexs of all the schools and Pixie Village to reach the Realix dimension and the Ultimate Power. Even after all that, it seemed they still stuck to being rude and mean.
“I’m assuming you took care of them?” Luka asked.
“Oh no, Chloe took care of that. No one is allowed to bully Marinette except her. But enough about them, let’s talk you two. How have things been since the final battle?”
Luka looked back at Adrien, who switched to another suit that didn’t look good. During said battle where Marinette was stuck in the mind controlled dark version of herself, the Fairies, Witches and Specialists tried fighting Lila, anything to get an advantage over her. Adrien hadn’t been there originally, at the entrance with Nathaniel to keep the monsters Lila had from storming them. Luka had been fighting against Lila and one of her hits managed to get him really bad, slamming into the ground hard enough his transformation dropped. His injuries were bad, like really bad. He didn’t remember much before Marinette snapped out of it and used her own healing powers on herself and the others, but he did remember Adrien begging him not to go.
And a kiss. Luka would have thought he was dreaming or hallucinating with the blood loss, had Adrien not gone completely red when he woke up. They hadn’t spoken about it since.
“Well, I’m here and the others are, around.”
“Uh huh.” Felix said. “You two haven’t said shit have you?”
Luka didn’t bother responding when Felix knew the answer already.
“Ok, this. this is the one.”
Luka turned from Felix’s knowing look to take in what Adrien put on.
“Wow. Much better.” Felix said. Luka was finding it hard to find words.
“Do you like it?” Adrien asked, looking nervous.
“You look amazing.” Luka was eventually able to get out.
“And on that note, let’s go pay and meet the others. Or you two can catch up on your own.” Felix said, trying to throw them a bone.
“Ah, it’s ok. Luka’s coming with me to the castle first.”
This was news to him but Luka nodded.
“Alright then. Food and then beach?”
“Well, we actually have one more stop, but you can go ahead, we’ll meet you there.” Adrien said, his order sent ahead and got off the platform, left in his clothes. “Luka has an appointment to get to first.”
The trip to the beach had been cut short when the waves went out of control. Luka couldn’t understand it, not knowing the reason for the near tsunami sized wave that appeared, only that he felt mermaids in the water nearby. Juleka had gone under looking for anyone, but she only caught the tail end of mermaid guards swimming away. The trip had been cancelled and everyone headed home to get ready to come to Solaria.
Luka was focused on his phone, biting his nail as he hoped to get a reply back from his mom. Mermaid guards were mainly in Andros and Luka’s mother worked at the castle in close quarters with the royal family.
“Nothing still?”
“No. it might be nothing but that wave was sudden. The sea was, I don’t know, not angry, but…I don’t know. it just, it wasn’t normal. Would your dad know anything?”
Adrien hummed, trying to think. His father wasn’t the best ruler and hadn’t been since his mother’s death. He was getting better, actually trying but for the most part, “Nathalie is the real person who runs the kingdom. We can ask her, assuming she’s not too busy. Dad’s on the Solarian Council but Nathalie really does the work.” Luka nodded, looking back to his phone, seeming to ignore the hair falling out of his bun. “I really like your hair. I don’t know if I mentioned it to you.”
During the final battle as the Specialist flew them to Lila’s castle, Luka had made a joke that if they made it out with minor injuries and Marinette back with them, he’d get his hair longer, a choice he’d been debating the whole school year. Luka tried arguing when Adrien told him of the appointment he made, that his own injuries weren’t minor.
“We all survived and Lila was defeated for good. If you don’t like it, just cut it off.”
His hair was now just past his shoulders when out and the blue in his hair was brighter with the new growth needing to catch up. Luka looked like a siren already in his fairy form, the longer hair made it even better.
“Thank you.” Luka said, tucking the strand back. “Everything is probably fine. we only defeated Lila, what, nearly 2 weeks ago? There’s no way that she’d regain any power that quickly, even if she could. She was essentially poisoned by Marinette’s healing powers eating into her own powers.”
“exactly. It’ll be fine.”
“Ok.” Marc said, exiting his dorm.
The group split up back to their schools after the cancelled beach day, most wanting to repack with Adrien’s invitation to stay at the castle for the summer. Those who went home, promised to be at the Solarian castle when the party happened the next day. Adrien was just hopping nothing bad would happen, that Luka’s worry over Andros was just a small thing that wouldn’t spell Lila regaining power and coming back.
“I’ve repacked my bags, but now I don’t have space for my books. Or Nath’s art supplies. He had to want to go traditional this year.” Marc finished.
“I have another bag under my bed. Just use that.” Luka said, fiddling with his phone before finally putting it down.
Marc went back into his shared room with Luka as Nino ran into the common area of their dorm.
“Alya asked for help convincing Marinette to come to the party. I have to head there before Chloe gets wind and tries her hand.” The music fairy said, grabbing his bag and pushing his suitcase towards Adrien. “Can I send my bag ahead with you?”
“Sure. call if Marinette still says no. I’ll beg if I have to. In fact, if anyone else is ready, we can head to Solaria now.” Adrien said, pulling his silver ring off his finger and tossing it, the ring turning into Adrien’s sceptre.
“We’ll be there later, you go!” Marc called, Nino agreeing as he waved and darted out the room.
Adrien shrunk all the bags and held his hand out for Luka to take. “Just us then?”
“Ready when you are.”
Arrival at the castle was quite subdued, just the way Adrien liked it. they were greeted by Nathalie and Gorilla, Adrien’s main bodyguard until he began school at Alfea.
“Your father is working on the finishing touches of your party.” Nathalie had explained when Adrien wondered where his father was.
Adrien decided not to question it too much and instead showed Luka the entire castle, from the gardens, the different hallways full of tapestries and finally, his favourite room of all.
“Welcome to the Hall of the Universe. Every single dimension is represented as a planet and it’s always spinning. The shinning one? That’s Solaria.”
“Andros, right there.” Luka said, finding the pale pink and blue planet that represented his dimension. “It’s kinda weird to think that if we decided to finish our fairy education on our own dimensions instead of accepting the invitation to Alfea, we would have never met.”
Adrien looked over at Luka, who was still focused on looking at his planet. He had to beg his father to let him attend Alfea. If he let him talk to Feragonda and have him be in a complete single, he wouldn’t have been assigned to the Kwami dorm, wouldn’t have found the amazing friends he had, would have never gotten the chance to meet Luka. he would pass on Lila and everything she did but everything else, he’d do all over again.
“What?” Luka asked.
“Oh, uh…nothing. Come on, I’ll show you to your room while I go find dad.”
Felix picked up another jewellery box and opened it, blinding both him and Luka with the bracelet’s shine.
“Moons below, that’s gaudy. No surprise there though.” he said, looking at the not left with it.
Adrien was speaking with his father and Felix had arrived with his mother as Luka was trying to decide how to keep himself occupied. Felix wanted to poke around Adrien’s gifts and Luka needed advice and a bit of help, which was why he wasn’t stopping the Witch.
“Can I ask you something?”
“I asked my mother already; she doesn’t know what’s going on with Andros.” Felix answered.
That was helpful to know but, “it’s about my present for Adrien.”
“Oh. You know, you don’t have to get him something. Most of this is because this is Adrien being formally recognised as the heir of Solaria. That and a decent number of them wanted to thank him for helping to save the Magix dimension after Lila’s first attempt at control.” Felix reassured.
Luka pulled out a box from his jacket pocket and handed it to Felix. The necklace inside was simple, a gold crescent moon and dangling from it in the centre was a stylized sun with an opal set in it.
“the sun can open into a locket.” Luka explained, watching Felix find the catch and open the empty pocket. “I was hoping you can point me in the direction of Adrien’s favourite picture of his mom. And if you think it’s a good idea.”
“I swear to Red Flame Dragon, if you don’t tell him how you feel but he doesn’t get it seeing this, I might actually murder the both of you. yes I will help you get the picture. I know exactly which one.”
“Your highness, oh!” standing in the doorway was a woman wearing a stripped jumpsuit, an oversized white hat and obnoxious sunglasses. There was something familiar about her. “Prince Felix, what are you doing in here?”
“I’m allowed to be here. Luka, this is Audrey Bourgeois, Dutchess.”
And Chloe and Zoe’s mom. The one who made sure each daughter could only handle one type of magic, which got Lila’s attention in the first place.
Magic could bend either way, some more aligned with Light like Faires and other aligned with Dark, like Witches. A person could go either way, depending on what their magic felt most comfortable in, which was why Sabrina transferred out of Cloud Tower and to Alfea after the first battle against Lila. Marinette was one of those rare people who could handle both, despite being more aligned with being a Witch. Chloe and Zoe, however, could only ever handle Dark and Light respectively. Any attempt to dive into the other side didn’t end well. doing the spells together worked, but never apart. Lila needed someone who could do both which was why she went after Marinette next when Zoe and Chloe didn’t work out. their magic had been stolen and it nearly gotten them killed, all because their mother wanted her kids to be perfect and special.
Chloe was Adrien’s best friend and he’d promised Audrey full hell when he finally saw her again after they found out the truth.
“I hope Adrien will enjoy my present; the bracelet was expensive.”
“Oh, I’m sure it’ll shine bright.” Felix said, point to the box he just opened. “Can I help you?”
“I was just curious if he knew that his babysitter was leaving. I saw her things being removed from her room.”
“That’s because my father’s proposing.” Adrien appeared behind Audrey and Felix closed and tossed the box to Luka to hide in his pocket again. “Dad said he wanted to use the party as a way to have everyone here so he can ask Nathalie to marry him. I don’t mind, Nathalie is going to make an amazing queen of Solaria.”
That seemed to piss Audrey off. “But she has no royal breeding.”
“And yet, she has more grace and elegance than most members of high society I know.” Adrien said, quickly looking Audrey over and giving a fake smile. he’d give that to the Witches who wouldn’t leave Marinette alone for being friends with Fairies. “If you don’t have anything else, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Luka blocked the sun as he watched the Specialists ship touch down. Max had to of asked to give it a go because it was one of the smoother landings.
“The party has arrived!” Nino called out as the gangplank extended and let everyone off. Nino’s suit was much fancier than the one he wore for their first-year mixed school dance. There were still music notes sewn into the lapels of his jacket. “Luka!”
“Welcome to Solaria guys. Adrien wanted to come greet you put he’s been pulled in to helping his father make the surprise perfect.” Luka said, seeing Chloe walk down and head straight for him. She started to tug at his jacket. “Marinette ask you to do her job?”
“Why do you think I’m doing it? How else am I getting her off the ship?”
“Chloe, it’s a cropped jacket! It’s not supposed to go any lower!” Marinette, dressed in a pink dress Luka knew she designed herself, rushed down and moved Chloe away. “You look very nice. The gold detail looks like suns.” She commented, adjusting his collar.
“Honestly, it kinda matches Adrien’s outfit.”
“Does that mean we’ll have an answer to the ‘will they, won’t they’ debacle?” Nathaniel asked, the mix of colours working with his white suit.
“You, do not get to judge me.” Luka remarked. “let me know when you and Marc have talked.” Luka smirked as Nathaniel shushed him while Marc came down with Alix and Kagami. “We have a bit of time before we’re supposed to join everyone in the ball room. I can give you the quick tour.”
Kagami took charge as she normally did, leading the large group towards the back doors to the castle. Chloe pointed out a few things they walked around. They started up a flight of curved stairs when Luka spotted Audrey. She was leading a girl, probably about their age down the hallway they were walking towards. There was something about her short brown hair and fox-like eyes that seemed very familiar.
“Who’s that?” Zoe asked.
“Who cares? She didn’t see us and we don’t want to see her. Come on, before she hears us.” They all went in the opposite direction, though Luka kept looking over his shoulder. When brown eyes met his, his stomach clenched and he turned away.
“Are you ok?” Juleka asked, her black dress fitting her almost like the mermaid she was.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. anything from mom?”
“No, nothing. Honestly, it didn’t go through but every channel I checked says everything is ok. It’s the other mermaids I’m worried about. I haven’t heard from them either. Do you think Adrien would be mad if we headed for Andros tomorrow?”
Luka gave her a dry look. “you say that as if he wouldn’t shove all of us onto the ship so we can all go.”
“That’s very true. Speaking of Adrien, are you going to give it to him?”
Luka nodded. “Felix has it now. I’ll get it back when we go in.”
They eventually made it back downstairs and into the ballroom. It was amazingly decked out, fit for a prince but just understated enough that Adrien would love it. Roses with starlights were all over in vases on the table, green table clothes in all shades and the faintest piano music playing. Gorilla waved them inside before refocusing on his group of guards. Kagami, Chloe and Zoe seemed at ease surrounded by so many high members of society, while Marinette and Marc looked nervous.
“What if they know who I am?” Marinette asked, hiding her face in Alya’s arm.
“Then they know a highly skilled Witch who has the ability to use Fairy magic and that’s it. anyone else tries to dig deeper will be dealt with by being kicked out. or worse, by Adrien.” Felix said, appearing in the outfit he’d chosen, the sleeveless tailcoat still looking good on him. He slipped Luka the jewellery box before looking at Marinette again. “Or I can deal with them. Can’t let Chloe have all the fun.”
“Or maybe we save the scathing comments for after Adrien’s long-awaited party?” Sabrina suggested.
“At least until after the surprise. Adrien might kill us if it’s ruined.” Luka pointed out.
Many of the group asked for answers on what the surprise was but Felix and Luka continued to not say anything. Audrey finally made it in, obnoxious ballgown and all but thankfully she ignored her daughters, which left Chloe in a better mood. Kagami was just being talked out of using her Dragon Sword as a way to eat meat on a stick when trumpets started to go off and the doors at the top of the stairs swung up to reveal King Gabriel of Solaria. Dressed in his standard white, he walked out, head held high. While Nathalie was definitely the one who ran the kingdom while he dealt with his grief, he was still a king, no matter what a person said.
“Welcome everyone, guests and citizens of Solaria. Today is an auspicious day. Today, my son is recognised as heir of Solaria. My son has been at Alfea for the past 2 years learning to become a great fairy and with time, the Guardian Fairy of Solaria. But it hasn’t been without its challenges. He has done out dimension proud though, standing against the dark force once known as Lila with his friends and saving us all. I truly couldn’t think of a better person to lead us when the times comes. Please, join me in formally welcoming, Prince Adrien Emile Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste, Prince and Heir of Solaria!”
Gabriel moved, starting the applause as Adrien came out. the dark grey and tan of his tunic, like Luka promised, matched with the gold throughout. The crown on his head was delicate and fitting of a sun fairy. Adrien took his father’s hand as he led him down the stairs, where everyone bowed.
“I have one more announcement to make before the party formally starts. And not to worry, I have Adrien’s permission for this. as most of you know, I lost my wife 4 years ago, the Moon Queen Emile. I turned into myself and I admit, not been a good king after her passing. But this dimension was well looked after by one of her dearest friends and a person I don’t know where I’d be without. Nathalie?”
Not a look most people would see on the woman, Nathalie was surprised when Gorilla took her ever-present clipboard and pushed her to take Adrien’s hand. She started to look disbelieving when he joined the adults’ hands and took a step back.
“Nathalie, I don’t know where this dimension would be without you. I don’t know where we’d be without you. you’ve never given up on me and try as I might, it became hard not to ignore how it made me feel. You told me that you thought Emile would be my only love and how you were fine with that. You were wrong. She’s not my only love and I know what she meant now when she told me to always keep my heart full. Nathalie, even if I was not king, I would be forever lost without you and I can’t bear to lose another I love again. Will you marry me?”
Eyes shiny with tears, she nodded, Adrien leading the applause and cheering this time. He gave his father a small box, bouncing away as he continued clapping. Luka caught his eye, sharing a smile. it was hard not to be swept up in all the love. Adrien was fine sharing the spotlight with his father and his new fiancée but if Luka was going to do this, he wanted it to just be them.
“Please welcome the first dance of your king and future queen!” Adrien called, rushing over to his friends so the adults couldn’t say no. “Stars and suns, finally! I thought he’d never propose.”
“How long has that been brewing?” Nino asked, the only one other than Chloe and Kagami who’d interacted with Nathalie the most, not to mention Adrien’s father.
“pretty much since first year. Dad’s stuck in his ways and Nathalie would never overstep if she thinks she is. But before the final battle with Lila, when we were heading towards her hideout, I called him and told him he had to. I didn’t know if we’d all survive and I didn’t want him facing another loss alone.”
“Well luckily for him, Lila is gone and his son gets to spend the whole summer break with him planning a royal wedding. I already accept my invitation.” Alix teased.
“I think it’s a sign for us all to not take things for granted. And with that, to the dancefloor!” Alya decided, grabbing Nino.
All the pairs joined them, Alix getting Zoe to join while Chloe dragged Marinette. Sabrina had been quickly spirited to the dancefloor by a court boy who caught her eye.
“Should we join them?” Adrien asked.
“Actually, can I talk to you? I wanted to give you your present.” Luka said, pointing towards the open balcony doors. “Or are you not allowed to disappear just yet?”
“Not there. Over here.” Adrien led Luka to an alcove that was thankfully clear of people. They could see the ballroom even if they weren’t seen. “So, what’s up?”
Luka took out the box Felix had given him and presented it. “Felix was snooping at your presents and I know comparatively, this is pretty simple, but I hope you like it.”
“I’m sure I’ll love it.” Adrien reassured as he took the box. “Oh, it’s so pretty.” He said as he opened the box.
“The sun is also a locket.” When Adrien let out a stuttered breath and his smile got bigger, Luka said, “I know Nathalie has been like a mother to you and you’re really happy she’s joining the family, but I also know how much you love and miss your mom. Now you can always carry her with you.”
“Thank you. oh,” Adrien put his hand to his neck, fingering the high collar of his tunic. “I can’t wear it right now. The after party that Chloe planned, I have a different outfit. Will you help me put it on then?”
“Of course.” Luka promised. Now seemed a good a time as any. “I was also wondering if we could talk, about the final battle.”
Cheeks going pink, Adrien looked at the ground, keeping the box with his necklace close to him, like it was a pillow he wanted to hide behind. “W-which part?” he stuttered.
Luka took the smallest step forward, trying not to be discouraged by Adrien moving back. He was getting redder though. “I think you know which one. I just, I don’t want to think it didn’t happen, because I know it did.”
“You nearly dying isn’t something anyone would forget.” Adrien threw in.
“No, no I don’t think so. I know my Charmix wasn’t enough to keep me protected so my transformation dropped. I know I was hurt badly when everything hurt. I knew you were there, calling my name. your hands run warmer when you’re transformed.” Luka said, managing to get Adrien take one of his hands. “I know you were begging me not to go and I wanted nothing more than to tell you I wouldn’t. not unless you wanted me to.”
“You like giving people what they want.” Adrien reminded.
“And you like making people happy. Aren’t we a pair? I know, when it started to feel like it was fading away, you kissed me. I didn’t want our first kiss to be like that. I wish I kissed you when we were on the pavilion.”
After the battle, a party was had at Alfea and Luka had gone looking for Adrien who’d disappeared. He found him by one of the gardens, standing on the pavilion, standing in the moonlight. Sun fairy he might be, but Adrien was also made for moonlight. There’d been a charged moment when Adrien looked over his shoulder and looked at him and Luka regrated not saying anything then.
“Why didn’t you?” Adrien asked, finally looking at him.
“I’m an idiot? I can’t stop thinking about losing the chance to do it if I don’t say anything. Adrien, you’ve, enchanted me since the first moment we met. The more I got to know you and the closer we became; I just couldn’t help falling for you more. the song in your heart has been replaying in my head constantly. I want nothing more than write a symphony for it.”
Adrien let out an embarrassed laugh. “no need to go that far. You could just kiss me.”
“Can I? Kiss you and date you and be with you?”
This time, Adrien was the one to step forward, staring up at Luka. “I didn’t want you to leave because I didn’t want to lose a friend. I didn’t want you to leave because I couldn’t bare losing you, not before you knew how much I wanted to be with you.”
Not needing words, Luka started to lean down, Adrien closing his eyes when Felix came around the corner.
“Adrien, your dad – fuck!” he cried when the two sprang apart. “I have the fucking worst timing.”
“It’s fine.” Adrien reassured. “It’ll happen,” he promised, squeezing his hand in Luka’s.
Felix looked like he was struggling to walk away and let them have their kiss but he groaned and held out his hand like he normally did so he could drag Adrien places. “Your dad wants to really start the ball with a dance with you. I had better not see either of you for at least an hour after the dance.”
Adrien went to his dad while Luke rejoined the others, all of whom had looks on their faces like they had had a guess as to where they disappeared to.
“So, anything you want to tell us?” Nino asked.
“We confessed, but no kiss.”
“Seriously!” Zoe said. “We’ve been waiting for just that for like nearly 2 years at this point.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault.” Luka said as Adrien and his father went to the middle of the room. “Adrien still has duties right now. But soon.” Catching his favourite green eyes and gentle sunlight smile, Luka couldn’t help but smile himself. “Very soon.”
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
ML Fighting Game Arcade endings (Part 1)
(Its been a while so I decided to do some Fighting game ending revamps. The endings of which depending on which character wins or loses. If the Character is a villain, their last opponent is Bug Noire, if their a hero, their last opponent is Monarch.)
Ladybug's ending:
Monarch had be a monster attacking all of Paris for the last year. It was a shock to learn that the Monach was none other than Gabriel, the Father of Adrien.
It really wasnt an ideal win, but Ladybug knew she had to do what was right. She took the miraculous from Monarch and cast miraculous cure.
Paris has started to heal, and while it took some time, even Adrien seems to be doing okay. Sometimes doing the right thing isnt easy, but it will always be the right thing to do.
Chat noir's ending:
Finding out that Monarch was his father was not an easy thing to accept, especially with him screaming that chat noir had 'Ruined everything'.
Chat noir stared at the man that his father had become and shook his head. He stood by what he said about him in the past. It would be tough, but he still had people in his life that loved him.
He hopes that maybe his father did find peace, but he would not let that take away from his path to happiness. He would finally live freely like his mother wanted.
Queen Bee's ending: (Queen bee is one of 4 characters that can choose who her final opponent is )
Good ending:
Monarch's defeat was a shock to everyone, especially with it being because of Queen bee of all people. Paris was unsure of how to react, but Queen bee's next statement shocked them next.
"Im sorry, for everything. I know this is not enough to fix the damage ive done, but I promise I will keep working to do so, if you will have me."
Paris was shocked at such a humble declaration, perhaps even chloé could be a hero if given the opportunity.
Bad ending:
Bug noire was no match for the tenacity of Queen bee. All she needed was one hit and it was over, Bug noire's kind heart was her weakness and Chloé exploited her.
Now with both miraculous, Chloé made her wish. She was the true queen bee of the world, everyone loved her and all were beneath her feet. Chloé would always be the queen bee, that was certain.
Ryuuko ending:
Monarch was no match for the powerful Dragon miraculous wielder. She knew what Monarch was capable of and who he was thanks to Felix.
Ryuuko turned her sights to her mother, finally standing up for herself and taking destiny into her own hands. She wasnt alone anymore and she would never be again.
Kagami now started to live life free of the demanding controls of her mother and started to pursue her passions. Ryuuko will also be around to sure no other children ever have to suffer from the controlling tyranny of controlling parents.
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Hello, genuine question but what about Chloe makes you sympathize with her but not Felix? (I meh about both of them. I was just genuinely curious because when it comes to those 2 people seem to always either love them or hate them)
@moonasthetic basically summed it up when they reblogged my post right here, but I will still give you my thoughts:
The reason why I see Chloe as more sympathetic than Felix is because while yes, both of them went through abuse and trauma that caused them to be the person they are today, I can't and will not sympathize with Felix due to how inconsistence his writing and arc have become. Throughout S4 and S5, we are shown to have Chloe be deemed as this irredeemable, heartless, and evil monster despite earlier seasons claiming that while she was an annoying brat, she was never deemed as a malicious witch as much as Thomas Astruc and the producers/writers want you to think. Bullied, insulted, belittled, and teased people? Yes. Wanting to actually cause them harm to the point where they're legit traumatized by her? No.
Meanwhile, with Felix, while yes they did foreshadow him the reason why he is this way is because he's a sentimonster and he's constantly ashamed of him, they right out make him do these heinous crimes such as stalking and harassing someone [Kagami] all because he feels that they have a "connection" or are "similar in a way," and committing genocide just so all the "little pwecious and misunderstood sentimonsters can live in peace and harmony," or whatever stupid crap they can pull out of their ass. (And yes, I did say this all in a mocking tone on purpose because that's how much I hate how this theory is true.) But does he ever get called out for it? Does he ever get thrown to an abusive person and force to live with them? Does he ever suffer the consequences for his actions? Hell no. They just make him go "Aww, he's a sentimonster that was abused! Let's feel bad for him!"
And yeah, I know what you're thinking:
Oh really? Let's go back and see some of the karma she did receive; whether they be too little or too big.
-In "Pixelator," she's denied a ticket to go to a Jagged Stone concert. Why? It's possible maybe she was seen as annoying to Jagged or maybe it was her punishment to treating Alya and Marinette poorly in this episode.
-In "Kung Food," Her father kicks her off the Judging Table after founding out that she was the one who intentionally sabotaged Wang Fu's soup. (And wow, I just realized that was one of the rare times Andre was an actual father.)
-In "Dark Cupid," she gets her looks ruined by Kim after humiliating him and then Sabrina sabotages her poster of Adrien when under Dark Cupid's spell.
-In "Despair Bear," she gets flour spilled on her after being rude to Mylene.
-In "Queen Banana," she gets indirectly kicked off of the movie group because she kept changing and bossing everyone around.
Oh, and in "Miracle Queen." she's kicked off the team for good for betraying Ladybug. Isn't that one already enough to say that she got karma for her awful behavior?
There's probably a few more that I'm missing, but these are the ones I can think of ATM.
To put it an end to this all, I can't see Felix as sympathetic due to how they decided to pull the sentimonster theory on us to make us sympathize with him, and to me, it basically says "Hey, as long as you're a sentimonster, you're automatically forgivable and a redeemable person!"
That's all I have to say.
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nothingtherefornow · 2 years
Honestly, the fact that people to get so offended over the idea of Chloe and Lila being worse than Gabriel. Kind of makes me roll my eyes ar people screeching about the misogny of two teenage girls being called evil.
Both Chloe and Lila have both have been shown to knowingly willingly try to take advantage of the fact that Gabriel is an abuser to use for their benefits…
The reason I honestly agree with the assessment that they are both worse than Gabriel comes down to one simple thing. If you took away the miraculous from Gabriel, he probably wouldn’t have the guts to do literally any of the stuff that he does. All his confidence and all his power to do what he does come from the fact that he has that magical brooch.
Chloe and Lila have both been shown to not need a miraculous to want to do evil things to people. It is it so shocking to people the idea that teenage girls can be pretty awful coming from a girl who was frequently bullied by other teenage girls yeah teens can be awful to each other.
Portraying something in fiction doesn’t equate to condoning/normalizing behavior.
I adore this analysis of yours ^^ ! Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts :) Even if I'm a girl myself I was a little bothered that fans felt so ofended over the idea that Lila and Chloé could be worse than Gabriel. But for me it was kinda logic that they would be worse than him, because they are supposed to be the next Big baddies once Monarch is out of the picture. And Ladybug and Chat Noir became strong enough that the ml writters will have to put them against crazier villains in order to rise up the stakes
I had never thought of the kind of person Gabriel would be without the butterfly miraculous, but I think we had a glimpse of it in the episode Queen Wasp where he was ready to stop everything for Adrien's sake (and he even complimented Marinette, while in this season 5 she seems to be the second person he despises the most after Ladybug T_T). It is also the period when Gabriel had not yet developed the habit of controlling Adrien with his amok. Gabriel had not been totally corrupted by power yet in this episode, while for season 5 there is no doubt that he has descended into madness and took a liking to evil, but it was a slow descent into hell, he got worse every season, and his abusive, toxic and obsessive behavior also escalated.
Chloé and Lila on the other hand ... They're different. Of course there was a period when Chloé softened between season 2 and season 3, but the Derision episode will show us how bad she really was, and unfortunatelly became once again. This episode will also reveal how much Chloé has a very twisted and wicked view of how the world works.
And Lila is no better, if not worse. I still get goosebumps thinking back to this scene when she's cutting Marinette's face from a bunch of photos she took from a distance either by herself or by paying somoene to do it, declaring loud and clear "soon you'll have no one and nothing left Marinette". My only though after this scene was : PSYCHOPATH !
And I don't know if you've read the bible, but (SPOILER WARNING FOR THIS PARAGRAPH !) the fact that Lila can go as far as managing 3 false identities at the same time just to get attention and popularity is kinda messed up. Also her intelligence level must be as good as Felix's if she can pull something like that so easilly (also it probably helps her that most ml character are guillible dummies ^^')
And let's not forget that Chloé and Lila willingly got themselves akumatized at one point just because they were offended. They are willing to wreck havoc for the most pettiest reasons of all.
And also, while during season 5 Gabriel is mostly motivated by his madness and hunger for power and control, his original purpose was still intriguing and understandable, to bring a loved one back to life.
Lila and Chloé on the other hands, what do they want, what are their motivations ? Simple : destroying the life of another teenager girl who barely did anything to them. They are only motivated by petty jealousy and the desire to hurt.
Because yeah Chloé always enjoyed hurting Marinette more than anyone else even before she became jealous of her, and Lila seems to have developped an hate-obsession toward Marinette even more intense than the hate she feels for Ladybug, and for what ? Just because Marinette called Lila out for her lies twice or thrice and is currently Adrien's girlfriend ? The boy both Lila and Chloé covet llike he's a thing to possess ?
When there is no rationality behind someone's motives, only madness remains. And crazy antagonists who take pleasure in making others miserable can sometimes be even more terrifying than rich powerfull business man obsessed with power.
There's no denying anymore that both Lila and Chloé are not only bad persons, but also a little deranged in their head. So what happens when you give wicked teenagers more power than they already have ? They become worse, because if they can get away with hurting even more people because that's something they enjoy, what's really stopping them ?
What the fans seem to ignore is that even at 14 years old, people can be pretty messed up in real life. It's much rarer than adults doing evil around them that's for sure, but it happens. I even remember a real case where two young girls below 12 years old murdered a 2 years old kid and an old lady just "for fun". And there's many others example with boys, some can even start committing rape when they're just 14. So why is it that hard to beleive that 14 years old girls have the potential to be more evil than an adult man when they grow up ?
Also can we really talk about misoginy when the main hero character who must face those two crazy girls is also a girl herself ? And when said girl is the protagnoist while her boy partner is the deuteragonist ?
Miraculous Ladybug seems to focus much more on the performances of its female characters like Kagami, Alya, Alix and Zoé for example. And then the star characters of the New York and Shanghai specials were also female. The series has probably chosen two female characters as the future antagonists who will be "worse" than the previous one, because they are characters that we have known since season 1 as rivals of the heroine, and who also evolved alongside the season, but towards the path of evil. After all, when the good becomes better, the bad must become worse.
But I think the detail that might show that fans are wrong to howl mysoginia is that somehow, Gabriel is the one who gave Chloe and Lila opportunities to become even worse. His akumatizations and plans involving Chloe and Lila can be seen as a way of corrupting the two young girls, their viciousness is something Gabriel has always indirectly encouraged for his plans. So is it so surprising then that the student would manage to surpass the master ?
For those who have read the bible, I seem to remember that the synopsis of an episode mentioned Chloe and Lila as "the best minions and allies of Monarch" So if Chloé and Lila became worse than Gabriel, it's because Gabriel himself influenced them.
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sillyangstfic · 2 months
Woke up and got to thinking again! First off, I think that Felix would at least appreciate becoming human because staying a sentimonster would mean outliving everyone he loves and I don't think he's emotionally stable enough for that. Neither is Adrien. But I've taken your input and have reworked it: instead of making them fully human, the potion just makes their human side more dominant. This makes it so that they're less durable than a sentimonster but more than the average human + them no longer being tied to an amok (or their own heart/soul/brain becomes the amok). Why do I want this? Just for the sake of one fucking scene:
Gabriel, paranoid that Felix was onto him, stole the ring that used to be his amok. Adrien and Felix confront Gabriel in his Hawkmoth lair for everything, all the pain and suffering he caused. When Gabriel's usual bullshit doesn't work, he tries to use to amoks to force the pair into obedience. Except it doesn't work and he bluescreens at his loss of control. Adrien and Felix transform and Gabriel fucking loses it. Cue super awesome emotional battle between Chat Noir & Argos VS Hawkmoth while they wait for the rest of team miraculous to show up.
Also, hot take: Amélie should be the one to kill off Gabriel. The bastard spent years neglecting her nephew, deprived her sister of a good death sorrounded by loved ones, tried to kill her nephew on multiple occasions, and tried to kill her son. There's also an element of FINALLY having a competant adult in the room because all of team miraculous are CHILDREN and Fu did jack shit for them. They need a competant adult to take care of them and handle the problem's they never should've had in the first place.
Seriously just let her casually walk up to Gabriel and stab him and just leave him for dead as she moves on to care for her kids.
Bonus: You are absolutely right, we should've had a PeaDragonSnake (PDS) trio. Be it platonically, a polycule, or just a Golden Trio scenario where only two are dating but the three are so inseparable that you can't tell who's dating who. Personally I'm partial to the final option with FeLuka + Bi Kagami desperately pining for Zoé. Zoé is pining just as hard but is too much of a gay disaster to approach and Chloé is making Kagami travel to The Lands of fucking Morder and retrieve the Sword from the Stone just to prove herself worthy of even considering dating her sister. Here are the fics that converted me: FeLuka & ZoeGami.
I have a particular scene in mind where the trio is just blackout drunk. Kagami is serenading really bad poetry to describe Zoé's beauty while Felix & Luka are just making out in the background. Amelie picks them up before clothes start flying. Cut to another bar where its Chloe, Sabrina, and Adrien blackout drunk. Chloe is smugly recording Adrien being pathecially whiny that Marinette isn't picking up (it's like 2 am) and is starting to cry while Zoe is having gay panic at how pretty Kagami is in that photo. She shares it with the whole class.
In addition, Kagami's confrontation with her mother should've been a sword fight on top of a skyscraper in the middle of a storm. There's a barrier preventing Chat Noir and Ladybug from entering, on one side ya got Kagami (no miraculous, just a cool sword blessed by Longg) and on the other ya got (willingly) akumatized Tomoe. Tomoe is spouting her usual controlling bullshit while Kagami is silent and glaring daggers at her mother. The only other people in the dome are Luka and Felix who refuse to leave Kagami without backup. Cue epic fight scene that ends with Tomoe losing both her arms and a leg. Kagami also loses a few chunks of skin. It ends with Kagami taking away her mother's ring and disowning her as a traitor to the Tsurugi clan unworthy of the name (oh how the turns have tabled). Meanwhile Tomoe is absolutely terrified of how beastial her daughter became and backs off. Both stubborn bitches refuse Ladybug's miracle cure cause they need the scars to remember. (inspiration)
After that, conversation at the Tsurugi household is practically dead. Tomoe is ashamed at her loss and breaks just thinking about her prosthetics. Meanwhile, Kagami healed rather nicely (curtesy of the side effects) and is thriving while she switches between the Couffaine boathouse and the Graham de Vanily penthouse.
Ykw that scene’s pretty good human!senticousins propaganda
Also hello? How is this the first I’m hearing of this. Amelie should absolutely get to murder Gabe
Thank you for the fics also, Ima go read those
Okokok while I am a Feligami shipper, Zogami hits like hello? Oh yeah. Up there with Kagaminette for me
I think Kagami should get to write bad poetry about whoever her love interest is, and also anything and anything. I think she should be our Martin Blackwood and write horrible poetry for us
Chole getting blackmail material I see
Kagami sword fight?! Kagami sword fight?! Hell yes
Here’s my idea for that: I like the storm bit, and the showdown, top of a building is peak, but instead of Felix and Luka being there, them trying to be there, to support Kagami, but like LB and CN being unable to due to the storm
Hear me out: Kagami’s mother figures out that she’s the dragon miraculous user and uses that to get her alone on the roof, and then confronting her by handing Kagami (still transformed) her sword. Kagami, knowing she’s caught, decides to detransform and fight her mother like that, as her daughter. They battle and eventually Kagami wins, and her mother rejects the akuma on her own, accepting the loss
As a foil to Gabe, I’d have her mother learn from her mistakes. She cuts off her deals with Gabe and grows closer with her daughter. She listens to her wants more, and while she’s still strict and has high expectations, she also becomes more lenient about letting Kagami do what she wants and enjoys
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On Adrien/Chat Noir and control
Good news is, I finally figured out why Adrien seemed depressed af in Jubilation. Bad news is, I had to write an essay to explain why.
I have previously explained how Marinette is desperately trying to control everything because she knows that else, things may turn out bad (be it an akuma or her romantic relationships).
Now, I think that Adrien is basically a foil to Marinette in that sense: he is desperately looking to let go of control.
See it from his perspective: Adrien's life's every detail is controlled by Gabriel. He is expected to be always fully in control of himself and his desires as so that he can fulfil the rigid expectations of his father. This is not only in terms of his schedule, but also relates to the fact that he represents the Agreste brand. Gabriel himself says that his son is "perfect." All this perfection implies Adrien having perfect control how he looks and how he acts. Imagine how exhausting that would be.
So obviously, Adrien is looking for a way to let go of that control. We can argue that there are two types of control for Adrien: Gabriel's control on him, and by extention, Adrien's control over himself. And how does he blow off all that steam (especially in seasons 1 to 3)? By becoming in Chat Noir.
Being Chat Noir allows Adrien to let go of both types of control. His is doing something extremely dangerous - something that surely his father would not condone independent from his personal beef with the superheroes. In a way, being Chat Noir is Adrien's way of rebelling to Gabriel's control.
But there is also the secondary emancipation of control: when Chat Noir, Adrien gives up control of himself. He is acting all goofy, free, flirting right and left with Ladybug, expressing his feelings freely. He doesn't have a brand image to uphold and he is naturally noble enough to not do anything that would tarnish the superheroes' image anyway.
Him giving all control over extends also deep into his relationship with Ladybug. He gives full control to her, but not the same way he does with his father: he does it willingly, trusting that Ladybug would do the best. And she always does (again, s1 to 3).
But then in season 4, we start to see that change. Ladybug urges him to have a control over his feelings and his loving outbursts to her. Other heroes come to play, shifting their duo's dynamics. Ladybug is more controlling than ever, which makes him feel like he is now not giving up control, but losing it. Then he realises that Ladybug wants a responsible partner, someone who can be in charge when she is wrong (see Kuro Neko, where she keeps insisting that the sentimonster is akumatised Chat Noir, an error that is rectified thanks to Cat Walker taking the lead). And he decides to be that responsible hero.
This loss of control also is mirrored in his civilian life. While Adrien agrees to letting Felix tell Gabriel his desire to stop modelling, at first he believes that he is letting go of control. But quickly he realises that Felix has his ulterior agenda and that he has in fact lost control over his life.
We see him reclaiming control at the end of Strike Back and in Multiplication. Now control isn't something that is forced on him: he is willingly taking it because he wants to support Ladybug. He wants to be a good hero.
By the way, it is no coincidence that Ladybug starts falling for him at the same moment. See in Strike Back how the moment he extends her his hand, there is a lightening behind. The "coup de foudre" aka "the lightening", which means falling in love in French. Because for the first time we see Ladybug yielding control to Chat Noir, both in terms of their hero work (how he builds up her courage back) and romantically.
And from that point onward, we see Ladybug yielding more and more control and Chat assuming more and more of it. In Multiplication, she confides him the Bunny Miraculous. And throughout the season, as Ladybug loses control falling for Chat Noir, she also loses the control over their superhero operation. At first, Chat Noir fills that gap by saving multiple times (Determination). Then, in Passion, he finally asks to control the situation:
How many times have you made complex plans from objects like a heater or playing cards, all the time never telling me anything? Today, it is your turn to trust me. Will you?
We finally see a Chat Noir who is willing and able to assert control over the superhero activities nearly as much as Ladybug. He finally slips into the role of equal partner.
And this parallels Adrien's home life. In Multiplication, Adrien finally tells his father that he doesn't want to be a model anymore, which Gabriel agrees (for obscure reasons that deserve their own post). Following this period, we see Adrien completely let go of himself even if for a brief scene in Jubilation, where he is sitting in his messy room surrounded by junk food and shopping bags, indulging himself quite depressively in a video game.
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Suddenly, Adrien has lost one of the two forms of rigid control over him: the self-restraint of being a model. To a certain extent, Gabriel's control also decreases, given that his schedule isn't as busy as before.
So what does he do? He abuses this total lack of control by letting himself go fully, eating junk food, shoppin till droppin, playing video games for hours. And likely after few days (maybe weeks, the timeline isn't too clear) of pure bliss, he realises that not having a minimum of control over himself sucks. Hence, the depression. But I think he will pull through: he will learn to assert control in his personal life not because he must, but because he wants to. Just like the way he learned to do it as Chat Noir.
While throughout the seasons Marinette grows increasingly controlling to the point of snapping at the end of s4 and starting to yield some of it, we see Adrien do the exact opposite: in the first three seasons, he is seeking to let go of control, which leads to him losing control over his life at the end of s4. So starting from the end of s4, he starts to reclaim control over his superhero and teenager life.
In a way, you could think that Marinette's control curve (increasing, peak, decreasing) is a total opposite to Adrien's (decreasing, rock-bottom, increasing). And now as season 5 proceeds, as Marinette learns to let go of control and Adrien learns to assume it, they are equalising.
And the most beautiful part? Marinette encourages Adrien to take control over his life, Chat Noir teaches Ladybug that she can yield some control to him. It is the perfect circle square.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
(Miraculous Ladybug anon)
I just wanted to add a few things so you can understand even more why the fandom is going nuclear because of the finale:
Adrien didn't just ignore the bad things his father did. Because Gabriel's wish rewrote reality, Adrien doesn't even remember all the abuse he suffered at the hands of living under him.
The only person who does know is Marinette (who was allowed to figure out who Gabriel was instead of Adrien), but she was told by Gabriel to never tell Adrien what a massive scumbag he was in life and instead focus on the times he tried to be a good father. I'm not even being hyperbolic here. Gabriel literally told Marinette to tell Adrien to remember the times he did the bare minimum in trying to be a good father.
Even though Felix screwed over Ladybug by stealing all of the Miraculous except hers and Chat Noir's at the end of the last season, once Ladybug gets all the Miraculous back, he gets to be part of her superhero team, meaning he gets a forced redemption too.
And finally, when someone criticized Chat Noir's absence on Twitter, Thomas Astruc responded by citing the events of Chat Blanc, as if the actions of the characters in an alternate timeline was enough to justify keeping Adrien out of the conflict that was started by his own father (Link for proof: https://twitter.com/Thomas_Astruc/status/1675405463536402432).
Safe to say, absolutely nobody in the fandom is happy with the finale other than Thomas's biggest simps.
I'm...going to believe you on the Thomas Astruc thing after finding screenshots, cause guess which bitch is blocked by Thomas Astruc on twitter?
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But also...yep...I am so happy to have dropped this show. Because holy shit.
This show really did have Gabriel abuse Adrien, both emotionally and physically, and literally either akumatize his son twice, showing he'll use his son even to get what he wants, or he'll endanger Adrien with akuma's literally out to hurt/kill him and in this finale alone, literally locks him in a isolation chamber, only to then turn around and have Adrien remember none of Gabriel's shit (the akumazations being the only thing that makes sense he doesn't remember cause both times those timelines were erased), just so Adrien can't have any reactions to the Hawkmoth shit and so that the show can have everyone praising Gabriel at the end.
And I just...again, I'm not going to get mad at Marinette here, she's fourteen for fucks sake and isn't the only one to know who Gabriel was by the end (you can't tell me Nathalie forgot, let alone Plagg and Tikki and Felix), but like, show really had Gabriel die doing what he does best: manipulating a child who has no idea how bad his treatment of Adrien could get (all Marinette knows is that Gabriel's controlling at best) and through the two, basically tried to reinforce Gabriel being a good dad somehow (cue coughing fit from that bullshit) while ignoring all the shit Gabriel has done.
And I am not even surprised at the Felix thing, just rolling my eyes as its honestly not as worse as the show trying to act like Gabriel's a good guy in reality. And funny Thomas Astruc brings up Chat Blanc as wasn't that the same episode that showed Gabriel as soon as he found out his son is the holder of the black cat miraculous, yeeting his child into the Eifel Tower and basically akumatizing said child after going at him emotionally and also tried to akumatize Marinette prior cause of him finding out his son is happily dating someone cause Gabriel never lets a chance to akumatize someone (mainly children) go? Funny episode for Thomas Astruc to bring up as an example of why Adrien can't fight Gabriel in the same episode that acts like he was a good person/dad.
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raeuberprinzessin · 1 year
Making Amends - Forgotten - Prompt 17, Chapter 26
@felixmonth, @stainedglassm
Summary: For Felix Month 2021 - beware, the chapters are not in chronological order^^
When Felix loses a bet with his cousin, he has to make amends with Adrien’s friends. Well, at least this provides a good excuse to spent a lot of time with Adrien’s “very good friend”, a certain designer, who may or may not be described as tolerable … or cute. This may not be so bad. Yeah, not bad at all.
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Felix stared at his notes and blinked slowly. Could it really be? He leaned forward and once more read through his checklist and all the details he had jotted down up until this point.
He turned around to look for his apprentice and when he spotted him, he excused himself and walked over to the table he and Mylene sat at.
"Sorry to interrupt. Ivan, could you take a look at this? I can't help myself, I feel as if I have forgotten something," he explained and placed everything in front of the other boy. Ivan let go of Mylene who he had embraced right before Felix had come over. He as well as his girlfriend leaned over the papers, the notebook, and the tablet.
"I can't see anything you might have forgotten. As far as I can tell, you've thought of everything. The venue, the catering, the personnel, the guests," he listed and pushed everything back over to Felix. "I don't know what might be missing. Maybe you forgot something else? Is there any birthday you should have remembered?"
Felix shook his head. There were only very few people whose birthday was important to him on a personal level. His grandparents' assistants took care of everyone important for business reasons and told him when he had to sign a present.
"What about Sabrina?" Mylene suddenly asked. Both boys gave her a confused look. "Sabrina?" he finally probed when she failed to offer any more explanation.
"Yeah, your bet with Adrien, you remember? As far as I can tell, you already did something for everyone else, except for Sabrina."
Mylene was correct. He had mentally put a check behind the punishment for the bet and completely forgotten that there was still one last person. He probably didn't remember, because Sabrina was always around Chloe and didn't seem to have much personality beyond her role as Chloe's sidekick. He felt a bit ashamed to admit, he had unconsciously not considered her as her own person.
"I think that might be it. Thank you, Mylene for reminding me. I shall go and correct this immediately," he announced, packed his stuff and turned to leave.
"Need help with that?" Ivan called after him and Felix gave him a small shake of his head over his shoulder. "Probably, but I really should at least try first. Pray that Chloe doesn't annoy me enough for me to do something reckless. We really need that venue."
Chloe Bourgeois was undoubtedly the most obnoxious, annoying, insufferable, infuriating, immature, horrible, despicable, outrageously vile brat to ever walk the face of the earth! At least this was Felix's very objective opinion.
Marinette had been pretty confused when he had stormed into her room and exclaimed, "Calm me down or I'm afraid you'll have to de-akumatize me because I'm done and more than willing to end that scion of a mangy mutt and a hornet!"
Marinette didn't hesitate and only a moment later Felix found himself lying on the chaise lounge with his head bedded on Marinette's lap. She hummed softly and gently brushed with her fingers through his hair. It was a heavenly feeling and Felix felt himself calm down and his eyes closed almost instantly. This was nice. Maybe he should get enraged more often if this was the payout.
For a few minutes, he simply didn't think of anything and just enjoyed being spoiled by his not-quite-yet-but-maybe-hopefully-soon-girlfriend. He planned to officially ask her at the gala after her show. She would have a bit more time then since everything would be over and the holidays would start only a week later. He wished he could invite her to stay at one of his family's estates, maybe the one he taught her horseback riding at. But he realised that she would rather stay in Paris and not leave for several weeks, even though she could use the horse miraculous to come back at any time.
"Do you want to tell me what happened that got you so upset?" she finally asked. Felix didn't reply right away. The sensation of her fingernails scratching gently over his scalp was extremely distracting. "Chloe Bourgeois has to be my most formidable foe," he finally answered, "which I feel insulted by since she's everything but formidable."
"Ah," he could hear Marinette's amused smile in her voice, he didn't need to see it, but he opened his eyes to sneak a glimpse nonetheless, "your arch-nemesis." Felix snorted at that. "Chloe isn't important enough to be an arch nemesis, more like a minor antagonist. She's a nuisance."
"I wouldn't have thought that a nuisance would be capable of getting you this riled up," she teased. But since she didn't stop her ministations Felix didn't mind. "I'd say Gabriel is my arch nemesis. And one day I will deal him a fatal blow."
"No murdering your uncle," Marinette stipulated, but didn't comment on this any further. Instead, she started to gently tug on his hair. "If I'm done with Hawk Moth before you're done with Gabriel, I'll even help you."
"I don't need to murder him. I just want him to suffer and regret everything he did to Adrien, my aunt and my family. I'll get a lot more satisfaction out of that." He didn't want to create a martyr. Adrien would never be free of Gabriel’s ghost if he died too soon, he would always feel morally obligated to do what his father would expect of him.
"So, Chloe made herself a nuisance. How exactly did she provoke your anger this time?" Felix sighed and tried to sit up, but Marinette just raised a brow and he obediently relaxed again.
“Today I was reminded that there is still one classmate left before I can call my punishment finished. I completely forgot that Sabrina is her own person and not simply an extension of Chloe,” he recounted his earlier revelation. Marinette just hummed in understanding and continued with her almost rhythmical tugging. “I went to talk to Sabrina, but thanks to Chloe I had no chance to have a conversation. Sabrina didn’t dare to acknowledge me after Chloe told her to act as if I was not there. In the end, Chloe even said I should do something else for her since that’s what Sabrina would want. And I really don’t want to do anything else for her.”
“Understandable. Sabrina might be the hardest person to do something nice for. Of course, the nicest thing would be distance to Chloe, so both of them can do some growing on their own, but you and I know that that’s not going to happen. And I don’t think Sabrina would call that as doing something nice either.” Marinette lifted one hand and rummaged around in some box on the desk. “But I think there is still something that can be done. And since Sabrina is especially hard, I’ll help you.”
"You will? Thank you! I have no-" Felix had sat up and stopped when he caught himself in the mirror and the strands of hair Marinette still held between her fingers.
"Did … did you braid my hair?" he asked bewildered. Marinette leaned forward and fixed the small braid with the hairpin she had just pulled out of the box on her desk and whispered, "I regret nothing."
“We could have met him at your place.”
“We could have. But the probability of Sabrina and Chloe coming here is zero,” Marinette retorted. She took a step back and gave the coffee table in his parlour a critical once-over. After a moment she stepped over to the floor-to-ceiling window and pulled a small side table over, so it would stand slightly to the left while she opened the right wing of the window. Felix observed her pulling the sheer curtain back over the opened half of the window, so it would blow in the gentle late spring breeze. Finally, she turned around and took the vase with the fresh flower bouquet she insisted on buying and placed it on the side table instead of the coffee table. Afterwards, she rearranged the pastries.
“The coffee table looked too cluttered,” she explained when she caught his perplexed face. This made him snort, “Well, you plundered half of the bakery display.”
“Most of that was for your mom and Ines for using your apartment for the meeting. At least a little compensation for the trouble. I know what Officer Raincomprix prefers, after all, he’s a regular at our bakery.”
Felix made the wise decision to not engage any further in this argument. Marinette had promised to help him with his last atonement and he knew how much she cared for details and perfection. And he also knew how she could get a bit snappish when there wasn’t anything else she could prepare to ensure said perfection. He was glad that he was one of the few people she felt comfortable enough around to not mask her nervousness with a grimace of a smile. And a snappish Marinette was still better for her than a spiralling Marinette. He could deal with that.
A knock sounded and after Marinette called Ines, their housekeeper opened the door to let them know that Officer Raincomprix had arrived.
“Thank you, Ines. Please let him enter.” Felix stood up again to step next to Marinette who now had a pleasant smile on her lips. Sabrina’s father stepped into the room and the housekeeper closed the door behind him.
“Thank you so much for coming, Officer Raincomprix,” Marinette immediately greeted him. Felix came up next to her to shake the hand of his guest.
“Please take a seat. Would you prefer coffee or tea or something else?” Felix asked. He fell effortlessly into the role of a host, after all, he had several lessons teaching him etiquette.
“Coffee, please. Black,” the man added after a moment. He seemed a bit nervous and awkward as he eyed the pastries but didn’t dare to take one.
“Feel free to help yourself to some pastries,” he offered the man after filling his cup with coffee. After serving the guest he filled Marinette’s cup with coffee but left enough space so she could fill it with some milk and sugar, although he knew she wouldn’t add the horrendous amount she usually preferred. It was unbecoming to add too much sugar when the drink wasn’t prepared in private.
He filled his own cup with black tea and added a splash of milk.
“You wanted to talk about Sabrina?” the man opened the conversation. He had a croissant on his plate but besides putting it there he hadn’t touched it or his coffee. Marinette paused in stirring her cup of coffee, then put her spoon down and gave Officer Raincomprix a reassuring smile.
“Sabrina is not in trouble, Officer Raincomprix. I asked you here on behalf of Felix.” She tilted her head slightly in his direction and he nodded. “Felix joined the class several weeks ago and on his first day, he lost a bet. The price for losing that bet was to do something nice for every member of the class. The only one, he hasn’t done anything for yet is Sabrina. Since she is always around Chloe Felix hasn’t been able to get to know her like the other classmates, which is why I asked you here. Maybe you could tell him a bit about Sabrina or something that would make her happy?”
The man seemed to relax at that. More than that, he seemed exceptionally excited about the opportunity to talk about his daughter and Felix could easily see how much he adored her. He learned that Roger Raincomprix had raised his daughter mostly on his own. Sabrina’s mother, a woman going by the name of Cecile Morel, was a successful ballet dancer. Whenever she was in Paris she would call, but she usually had engagements elsewhere.
“Cecile loves Sabrina. I know this and I’m sure Sabrina knows, too. But she is also very free-spirited and needs to roam and amaze people with her talent all around the globe. She would wilt away if she had to stay put. It wasn’t easy to tell her to follow her passion, but back then we were constantly fighting and that was even worse for Sabrina.”
"Do you think Sabrina misses her mother?" Marinette asked in a gentle voice. Felix didn't contribute a lot to the conversation. He preferred to listen and think. He probably wouldn't be able to convince Sabrina's mother to stay, going by what her father told them. But maybe it was a possibility to at least bring her back regularly? Although Felix's preferred profession was acting for movies and television shows, he had some contacts in the field of theatre and stage performance. But his idea would take some time. Getting someone a recurring engagement at the state ballet would be hard. Potentially even harder than getting someone a spot on the ensemble. He couldn't decide that. Marinette and he would only be able to use their influence to heavily encourage the artistic director to engage Sabrina's mother more often.
"I think she misses her at least a bit, but she usually doesn't talk about her a lot," the man replied. Marinette nodded. "I can imagine. I had no idea until now that her mother is a professional dancer, but I know that Sabrina would like to join the dance club at school. I once heard her and Chloe talk about that."
Felix noticed Marinette's suddenly stormy look. She had a lot more patience with Chloe than he did, but it still angered her that one word from the mayor's daughter would deter Sabrina from doing something she wanted to do.
Officer Raincomprix nodded slowly. "I am glad she has a friend," he started, "and I also think that Chloe needs a friend. I'm just questioning whether this friend has to be my Sabrina. I just hope Sabrina finds new friends at the lycée. Maybe some friends who won't simply override her wishes. I already know that she and Chloe will go to different schools. That was a huge discussion at home, but the deciding factor was that she wants to study law to become a judge one day."
After that, there wasn't much new information and finally, Officer Raincomprix announced that he had to leave.
"Please take some pastries with you. I have seen Sabrina eye the raspberry vanilla and the honeydew macarons the last time I've seen her at our bakery. Maybe you would like to take a few so she can try them?" Marinette offered, playing the perfect host once more. The man thanked her and packed a few macarons, a croissant and a pain au chocolat into a box. They accompanied him to the door and returned to the parlour to discuss what they learned.
"So, I assume you won't try to get her an internship with one of your lawyers?” Marinette placed a mocha macaron in front of him and arranged the leftover sweets in a way nobody could tell that some were already missing.
“It would have to do something with law, but considering how her father talked about it, I’m led to believe that her reason for pursuing a law degree is a yearning for justice and not the fine art of verbal and psychological warfare our lawyers practise. If that was something she liked she probably would have no issue asserting herself against Chloe.” Felix shook his head. “No, I would like to try to give her the chance to spend more time with her mother. But I think I might need your help for this.”
He looked at her and Marinette sat down and let him know to continue.
“I was thinking that maybe we could invite her mother to dance at the gala after the fashion show. If I remember correctly the artistic director of the Parisian State Ballet is a guest as well as the director of the Parisian Institute for the Performing Arts. Of course, we can’t make either of them engage her or make her take a possible offer. But we could mention to the art director how awed we are by her talent and how disappointing it is that she isn’t performing in Paris more often and maybe the director of the institute would consider engaging her as a guest lecturer.”
Marinette tilted her head slightly and nodded slowly.
“Try to contact her. Ask her if she would be willing to perform at the gala and tell her that of course she would be invited to the silent auction and the fashion show before the gala as well. You can mention that Sabrina and her father would also be invited. If I heard correctly she doesn’t necessarily try to avoid her daughter, she just finds work more often elsewhere. And since it’s already a bit on short notice, this might convince her. If your mother doesn’t want you to use your staff to fly her in or your money to buy her a plane ticket and a hotel room if she wants to stay at a hotel, I know my family would be fine with it. I’m sure you can make all the necessary arrangements.”
She stood up and stretched a bit. “Do you think you need more help from me?” she asked. Felix shook his head and stood up, too. “I think I’m fine and can do everything else,” he told her and pulled her for a half-hug into his side. “Thank you for helping me with this. I would have had no idea how to go about Sabrina.” He leaned over and gave her a small peck on her cheek. The smaller girl looked up at him and gave him a self-satisfied grin. “You’re welcome!” she smirked, returned the peck and then stepped out of his hug to take the two massive plates full of sweets and pastries.
“Now, eat your macaron! I made a batch of mocha macarons, especially for you,” she ordered and left the room. If someone asked him later how she opened the door although both her hands were occupied by heavy plates, he wouldn’t be able to answer. And Marinette would try to prevent anyone from revealing her mysteries.
“Amelie, Ines! Would you like some sweets?” he heard her call as he bit into the mocha macaron and enjoyed the mix of bitter and sweet flavours on his tongue.
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I’ve always really disliked the idea of Adrien and Felix being Sentimonsters.
I mean, I don’t think the concept itself is inherently bad, but that clearly wasn’t something the writers had in mind before the introduction of the Peacock Miraculous. We only see hints of Adrien being a Sentimonster after the theory became popular in the ML fandom. There aren’t any moments in seasons 1 or 2 where we can go back and say “oh, now that we know he’s a Sentimonster, that makes a lot more sense.”
And it honestly makes the whole show and it’s world building all the more needlessly complicated and convoluted. Like, if Adrien was a Sentimonster the whole time, and Gabriel had his Amok, how the heck would it even be possible for Adrien to disobey his father and attend school in Origins?
In /theory/, I don't mind the plot of 'they were Sentimonsters all along'. I don't mind the idea of other added in characters like Kagami or Zoé being Sentimonsters.
Honestly I kinda love the existential discussion that can come from such characters. At what point does programming become a person? Is artificial life truly real? So on and so forth. Anything from the Velveteen Rabbit to Chobits to I, Robot.
But yeah there are. There are so many plot holes.
Adrien is able to disobey Gabriel for the first two and a half seasons. Not even 'wiggle out with loopholes' but just straight up disobey.
Gabriel and Nathalie never sense that Chat Noir is a Sentimonster.
When Gabriel suspects Adrien of being Chat Noir, he doesn't use the Amok to force Adrien to tell the truth.
The Peacock Miraculous can casually create Sapient Life. This is not an issue for Ladybug killing them though.
So on and so forth.
Hell, Sentimonsters weren't even introduced until /the last five minutes of Season 2/.
Which brings me to another point re: the lack of setting this up: the actual lack of setup.
Let's compare this to two other recent series that did mystery/reveals WELL. Gravity Falls and Steven Universe. SPoilers for both of these ahead.
Gravity Falls had the reveal of Ford overall.
They set this up from episode one. The mystery of the Author of the Journals, Stan seeming to know more than he lets on, etc. Throughout the next season and a half, we got little hints to all of that. Some more subtle than others. But enough that the fandom caught on!
And it was a good mystery that even when we thought we were going to be proved wrong, thanks to Alex Hirsch trolling us with McGucket, there was still enough evidence to it.
Which made everyone scream when Ford actually showed up and confirmed that Stan had a secret twin who wrote the Journals.
Steven Universe had the reveal of Rose Quartz being Pink Diamond.
Throughout just Season 1, we are introduced to hints. Gems can shapeshift. Rose had secrets. There was a Gem Rebellion that Rose was the leader of. The Diamonds exist. Old ruins on Earth show an insignia with white, blue, yellow and pink diamonds, while modern ships show only white, blue and yellow. All sketches of Steven/Rose's Gem include it being diamond-shaped but just pointed inward.
And even when we get the reveal of Pink Diamond's existence, though thinking that Rose killed her, that's still a good reveal that made sense and builds up the next half of the mystery Rose being Pink.
These were great! They were good mysteries and had the fans going very early on!
And again, compare it to ML, who doesn't start this big mystery/reveal until half way into Season 3.
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