#Bones McCoy x reader
captainsophiestark · 3 months
Not A Doctor
Bones McCoy x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Star Trek
Summary: Bones' SO hurts themselves on an away mission and has to stitch themselves up as well as they can to buy time for a med evac to the Enterprise
Word Count: 1,533
Category: Fluff, Humor, a little bit of Angst
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"Shit," I hissed, pressing a hand to my side as I slid down the wall. When I finally got up the courage to pull my hand back and look, it came away with a lot more blood than I'd hoped to find. I'd fallen pretty far and managed to avoid any broken bones based on my pain levels, but the wound in my side was gaping and looked concerningly serious.
I could practically hear the extended bridge crew chorusing "I told you so" from here.
As if on cue, my communicator beeped. I grimaced, but managed to take it out of my bag and open it to respond.
"What's up?" I groaned.
"Y/N, where are you?" came the voice of Jim Kirk, one of my best friends and the captain of the Enterprise. "Scotty's reporting he can only find two targets to beam up."
Dammit. That figured.
"I'm... not totally sure. I was trying to follow the signature on my tricorder to that plant I've been looking for when the ground just gave way under me. I'm not sure how far I fell, but I hit something pretty hard on the way down and I've got... quite the gash in my side."
Silence on the other end for a few moments, then:
"Hang tight. We're coming to find you."
The communicator hung up with a click, and I sighed, ignoring the flare of pain in my side. I had faith in Jim's determination and ability to find me, especially with Spock here helping him, but I still needed to do something if I wanted to be alive when they found me.
Thankfully, I'd watched my boyfriend, Doctor Leonard McCoy, stich people up often enough that I felt fairly confident I could do a passable job on myself. I dug some sewing supplies out of my bag that I hadn't removed from my last away mission misadventure, and pulled the hem of my shirt up to get a better look at the wound.
I grimaced, gritting my teeth and trying to prepare for this. I'd been so excited to join Kirk and Spock on this away mission. This planet was supposed to have one of the rarest plants in the galaxy, and I'd been looking forward to finding it since I'd first heard we'd be coming here. And now, I was at the bottom of this pit or cave or whatever, slowly bleeding out, without even a picture of the plant to show for it.
I tried to focus on my breathing as I threaded a needle and put it to my skin. I knew the wound needed to be disinfected before I totally closed it, but I didn't have anything on me to do that with, and I knew Bones would be able to take care of it for me if I could manage to get back to him.
I took a few deep breaths to steel myself, then stuck the needle through. I swore loudly and kept up a steady stream of expletives as I sewed up the wound. I pulled it closed as tightly as I dared, then held my jacket to my waist to try to staunch the remainder of the bleeding.
I sighed, long and hard, then leaned my head back against the wall of whatever hole I'd fallen into. I had no idea how long those stitches had taken me, but it certainly hadn't been quick. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too much longer before I heard Jim and Spock stumbling down some passage towards me.
I focused on deep breaths as the pain continued to throb in my side, completely zoning out to the time and environment around me. Finally, I heard some shuffling movement from a slightly more gradual incline up ahead of me. The voices of my friends echoed out, curious and searching.
"I'm here!" I called back, my voice a little weaker than normal. I cleared my throat, then tried again. "Here!"
A moment later, my friends came into view. Jim grinned at me as Spock started scanning the space, probably trying to decide on the best way to get me out of here.
"How're you holding up?" asked Jim. I forced a smile.
"Living the dream."
He scoffed, then moved to crouch beside me and put one of my arms over his shoulder.
"Spock! Come help me."
"We'll need to get around the corner and most of the way back up the incline we came down to reach a spot where Mr. Scott can register us," said Spock as he joined us. "There seems to be some property of this rock that's prohibiting the transporter signal from reaching us."
"Great," I huffed, grimacing as my friends pulled me to my feet. Even resting most of my weight on them, I was still seeing spots. "This is gonna be great."
Between the three of us, somehow, we managed to get back into transporter range. I almost lost consciousness at one point, but we'd paused, and I'd managed to pull myself back from the brink. When the Enterprise's transporter room finally materialized before me, the relief was palpable, not least of all because Bones was waiting for me.
"Y/N," he said, jumping to attention and rushing onto the pad to replace Jim at my side. With Spock's help, we started moving immediately for the Med Bay. "What happened?"
"I was following the signature of the plant I was looking for on my tricorder. Then all of a sudden, the ground gave way underneath me. It wasn't a straight drop, I don't think, but I fell a pretty long way, bouncing off the rock slide and the walls of the cave I fell into on the way down. I'm bruised, but I don't think it's anything bad besides the cut on my stomach."
Bones nodded. "We'll get you to Med Bay and make sure."
Luckily, my boyfriend was very good at staying calm and focused in a crisis for his patients. He was completely in the zone as he and Spock helped me into a bed once we reached Med Bay, and then Bones started checking my vitals and assessing my injuries. I watched him carefully for any break in his usual bedside manner to tell me if I needed to be worried about something, but none came.
Hopefully that was a good sign, and not just because he was an incredible doctor.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity to me, Bones returned from his testing and reappeared by  my bedside. His hands were on his hips, but he seemed calmer, and definitely out of intense doctor mode.
"Alright, the good news is you'll be just fine. But I'm still gonna need to disinfect the wound and stitch you up," he said. I gave him the best smile I could muster.
"Sounds like a plan."
He sighed, then gently lifted my shirt high enough to give him access to the gash in my side. The light touch of his fingertips sent goosebumps along my skin, but I did my best to ignore them, especially as Bones frowned.
"What the hell did you do to yourself?" he asked, not looking away from his work on my side.
"Uh... I slammed into a rock. We covered this already, remember?"
"No, I didn't mean your injury." Bones paused and looked up at me, the smallest smile tugging at his lips. "I meant these stitches. Yikes."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, making Bones chuckle as he got back to work.
"Okay, whatever. I'm a biologist, not a doctor, dammit. I think I did a pretty good job, considering the circumstances."
"Mm, I guess so. Barely."
"Hey!" I laughed, hitting him lightly in the shoulder. "You better knock it off or I'm gonna start practicing my stitches on you."
Bones snorted, but I could see the smile on his face as he continued working. Thanks to the medical facilities of the Enterprise, it barely hurt as he undid my messy job and redid it with a much better one of his own.
"So... what are you doing after this?" I asked after a few long moments of letting him work in peace. He paused to look up at me again, one eyebrow raised.
"Don't tell me you're hitting on your own boyfriend after only the low-level painkillers I gave you?"
"I can and will hit on my own boyfriend whenever I want, no painkillers required. But I was mostly asking if you had other patients to deal with after me, or if you'd be free to come cuddle on the couch and eat junk food with me. I think it'd really help speed up my recovery process."
Bones' mouth quirked into a smile again as he put the finishing touches on my stitches.
"Well if it's for the wellness of a patient... I think Nurse Chapel might be willing to take over from me for the rest of the day."
"Thank goodness for Christine."
Bones and I shared a smile, then he returned to his work and I watched him contentedly. Obviously, life and death situations on away missions were never ideal—but I couldn't really bring myself to be upset about how this one had played out, even if I hadn't managed to get my plant in the end.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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adamantiumspy · 1 year
of fractures and fabrications
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part 2
pairing: bones x reader
summary: you are captain pike’s daughter and have become inseparable from the enterprise crew, especially jim kirk and leonard mccoy... so when your terrible ex makes a reappearance right when you’re discovering your deeper feelings for bones, only chaos and heartache could ensue
word count: 5380
warnings: swearing, drinking
notes: my first time posting a fic, hope y’all like it! this took me a full month longer to write than I anticipated, and I may be writing this whole fic from bones’ perspective as well...
You never get as much rest during shore leave as your crewmates. While they’re off, free to do whatever they wish with their time, you have to spend a few hours each day back on the docked Enterprise tending to the plant life in the ship’s greenhouses. Jim always insists that you, as a senior science officer, have the authority to pawn off the task to one of your subordinates, but you take pride in doing the work yourself. And lately... well... lately you’re glad for the time alone. For the time away from a certain doctor.
You met Jim and Bones at the Academy, when they were cadets and you were an instructor’s assistant while your ship was on leave. The three of you became thick as thieves in the blink of an eye. Even though your friend group has grown since then, the bond you three share is special. So, a couple months back, when you realized that your feelings for one of your best friends had deepened into something... else... you panicked.
The last time you opened yourself up to feelings was during your own time at the Academy, when you dated a man for four years only to find out he was using you for your connection to your father to get ahead in his career and was fucking your roommate behind your back the whole time. While you know that Bones would never do something like that, the experience has left you scared to be vulnerable again. And Bones is one of your best friends. You aren’t about to ruin your friendship by putting him in the awkward position of having to turn you down.
So you’ve taken to spending more time dedicating yourself to your duties. Here, among the plants, no one will know if you while away the hours daydreaming about the way Bones’ hands would feel cupping your face, how solid his chest would feel against yours, how soft his lips would be...
You snap out of today’s daydreams at the sound of the doors to the greenhouses whooshing open. You look up to see Uhura and Sulu stroll in, the latter looking especially triumphant.
“See? I told you she’d be here,” Sulu says.
You busy yourself with checking each plant’s water level, the task you were doing before your mind wandered. “Of course I’m here. Plants don’t stop living just because everyone else is on leave.”
“C’mon Pike, you can try to deceive the others but you can’t lie to us. We know why you’re really here,” Uhura says.
You mentally curse yourself, regretting a night not too long ago when you, Sulu, and Uhura had gotten drunk and the truth of your feelings for Bones came spilling out of you before you could stop yourself. Since then, they refused to leave you in peace.
“You know, he’s still one of your best friends,” Uhura continues. “He’ll be more suspicious the more you push him away.”
“I’m not pushing him away,” you say quickly, eyes snapping up from the Capellan flower you’re inspecting.
“So then you won’t object to coming out with everyone tonight?” Sulu asks. “Kirk found a new nightclub he thinks we’ll all love and he wants us all to go.”
You swallow.
“I bet if McCoy sees you in something hot it will force him to be much more obvious about the feelings he definitely has for you,” Uhura insists.
“Enough, guys.” You sigh. “I know you want to be helpful, but filling me with false hope isn’t going to work. How many times do I have to say that before you understand?”
Sulu and Uhura share a look, shoulders dropping in defeat.
“Fine,” Sulu says. “Then come out for the rest of us. We care about you and want us all to have some fun.”
You look between Sulu and Uhura, both their eyes wide with hope. You sigh, a smile on the edge of your lips.
“Okay. For you guys.”
Sulu and Uhura cheer.
“Now get out of my greenhouse,” you order, turning back to the plants. “I’ve still got work to do.”
“No you don’t.” Sulu slides up to you, taking the tricorder out of your hands. “I’ll finish up for you. You go with Uhura to get ready for tonight.”
Before you can protest, Uhura grabs you by the arm and drags you out of the greenhouses, off the ship, and across the station to your accommodations. Once you’re back in your assigned room, Uhura dives into your closet. All you can do is sit on the edge of your bed as articles of clothing fly all around you. At one point you have to duck so as not to be hit by one of your hangers. The hurricane of fabric comes to a halt as Uhura unearths a black, figure-hugging, high neck, sleeveless dress with a slit on the side that goes dangerously high.
“No,” you say instantly.
Uhura smiles wickedly. “Yes.”
“No, Nyota–” you start, but Uhura just tosses the dress at you, shoving the rejected garments back into your closet.
“You’ve got two hours to get ready. Meet me in the lobby and we’ll walk over to the club together. If you come down wearing anything but that dress, I am making you turn around and come right back up here to change,” Uhura orders, slipping out of your room before you can voice another protest.
You lay the dress out on your bed. You haven’t worn something like this in a long time, but your friend can be exceedingly stubborn so you decide to let her get her wish.
After a quick shower, you slip on the dress. You put on minimal makeup and decide to leave your hair down, a welcome change from the braided updo you usually do for work. A glance at the clock tells you it’s about time to meet Uhura, so you put on a pair of low heels that match your dress and head out the door.
You meet up with Uhura in the building lobby. She whistles when she sees you.
“That dress looked good on the hanger, but you do it true justice.”
You giggle. “Never stop flirting with me, Nyota. And you don’t look too bad yourself.”
“Oh, I know.” Uhura strikes a pose, showing off her midnight blue dress that seems to shimmer in the low light. She then links arms with you, leaning in. “I’m serious about how good this dress looks on you, but it would look even better on McCoy’s floor.”
You feel heat rise to your cheeks. “Nyota!”
“What? If he’s not gonna start making moves, I’ve gotta start making moves for him.”
You shake your head. “Not funny. Besides, that is the cheesiest pickup line you could’ve chosen.”
The nightclub isn’t too far from the hotel Starfleet procured for the crew’s shore leave accommodations. By the time you and Uhura arrive, the rest of your friends are already a few drinks deep.
“There you two are! I was about to send a search party!” Jim calls, waving you both over to the bar. Your stomach does a flip the moment you see Bones. The easy smile he shoots you as you approach used to bring you platonic comfort, but now it sets every one of your nerves on fire.
“Woah, darlin’. You look incredible,” Bones says as you and Uhura join the group.
Uhura shoots you a knowing smile. “I know, doesn’t she?”
You ignore Uhura, turning to Bones. “Thank you. Uhura picked it out.”
Jim cuts in, handing you and Uhura a shot. “C’mon!” he exclaims. “Let’s dance!”
You barely have enough time to down the drink and place the glass back on the bar before Jim is dragging you onto the dancefloor. For the next hour you choose to forget all your worries, drinking and dancing with Jim, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, and Chekov. You eventually manage to escape back to the bar, joining Bones and Spock. Bones chuckles as you collapse onto a stool.
“Worn out already?” he teases, flagging down the bartender and motioning for a glass of water.
“It’s been a while since I broke out my dancing shoes,” you reply. “But Jim just doesn’t stop. Where does he get the stamina?”
“I do not know,” Spock says.
Bones wordlessly passes you the water. You take it, nerves tingling at the brush of your fingers against his. The alcohol in your system has made you less cautious, so you beam at him.
“Thank you,” you say, taking a sip of water. “You’re always taking care of me.”
You think you see him blush, but you’re sure it’s just the flashing lights playing tricks. Jim and Scotty bound over to the group, gasping for breath.
“You abandoning us already, Pike?” Jim asks, ordering himself another drink.
“Just need a break, is all. Doctor’s orders,” you reply, shooting Bones a begging look.
“That’s right, Jim,” Bones jumps in. “Can’t have one of our best pass out on the dancefloor.”
“Then I guess you’ll have to take her place,” Jim says matter-of-factly.
“Jim, I don’t–” Bones starts, but it’s too late. Jim grabs him by the arm and drags him onto the dancefloor. Within seconds they’re both swallowed up by the crowd.
“Ach, the poor doctor never stood a chance,” Scotty says, shaking his head before turning to you. “Another drink, lass?”
You nod, downing the rest of your water and following it with the shot Scotty hands you. You haven’t felt this warm, this loose in ages, so much so that when your ex-boyfriend and ex-roommate walk into the club it takes a moment for your brain to register it. The second your brain catches up with what your eyes are seeing, you tense up, blood running cold. You feel Spock stiffen beside you. You guess he saw them enter too. Besides Jim and Bones, Spock is the only person who knows about your ex. He was there, after all, studying at the Academy beside you during the whole love affair.
Scotty notices the sudden tension, following both your gazes to see your ex.
“Who’s that?” Scotty asks.
“No one,” you say quickly, turning your back to the door.
But it’s too late. You’re sure he spotted you and before long you hear a throat being cleared behind you. You turn around slowly to see your ex, your backstabbing roommate by his side.
“Long time, no see,” your ex says, his gaze sweeping over you. You say nothing, and neither does Spock, who is scowling at your ex. Scotty takes the scene in before addressing the newcomers.
“My name’s Montgomery Scott. My friends call me Scotty. You are?”
“Matthew Williams. This is my fiancée, Anja Antos.”
You feel like you’re going to throw up.
“It’s nice to meet you, Scotty,” Matthew continues.
“Hold on now, laddie. I said my friends call me Scotty. And it seems like my two friends here don’t care for either of you too much.”
“Oh, that’s just a little grudge they’re holding onto from our Academy days.” Matthew chuckles. “Nothing serious.”
“What are you doing here?” you ask, finding your voice again.
Matthew turns his gaze to you. “Our ship’s on shore leave, and we’re out to celebrate. Anja just passed her bridge officer’s test. She’ll be joining me up on the bridge, where all the action is. You’re still working with plants, right Pike? I’m sure that can be exciting too.”
Before you can defend yourself, Spock says, “Dr. Pike is third in command of the Enterprise.”
You see Matthew’s jaw clench. And if looks could kill, the one Anja shoots you certainly would incinerate you on the spot.
“I see we have much more to catch up on than we thought,” Anja says.
“Why don’t you join us?” Matthew asks. “We can grab some drinks and find an empty booth somewhere to continue chatting.”
You can’t think of anything you want to do less than spend more time with Matthew and Anja, but, as if possessed, you find yourself accepting Matthew’s offer. Before you know it, the three of you are situated in a booth, the couple on one side, you on the other.
“So, you’re engaged,” you say, breaking the silence.
Anja and Matthew smile at each other.
“I finally got him to propose,” Anja says, leaning into Matthew. “It’s nice, knowing you have a partner who’s fully committed to you. I’m sure you’ll find someone who can make you feel that way too.”
“You assume I’m single?”
“You’re not?”
You take a sip of your drink. “That’s really none of your business.”
“So,” Matthew cuts in. “Second officer of the Enterprise. When’d you get the promotion?”
You think about your response for a moment. You’re usually not one for showing off your achievements, but you remember how badly Matthew wanted to command his own ship and how much he hurt you when you wouldn’t help him the way he wanted. So fuck him.
“A few years back,” you say. “When my father was still in command of the Enterprise. Starfleet’s offered me my own ship a couple times since then, but I keep turning them down.”
You see anger flash in Matthew’s eyes. You definitely got to him. Before you can say anything else, Jim and Bones plop into the seats beside you.
“There you are. We were wondering where you’d disappeared to.” Jim grins at you, before turning to the other half of the table. “Nice to meet you. I’m Jim Kirk, he’s Leonard McCoy. You are?”
“Matthew Williams and Anja Antos,” Matthew replies. Anja’s eyes rake over Jim and Bones.
“Matthew and Anja,” Jim repeats, turning back to you. “That Matthew and Anja?”
You give a slight nod and instantly both Jim and Bones throw their arms across the back of your seat, scooching closer to you, as if they coordinated it beforehand.
“We’ve heard lots about you, Matthew,” Bones says, barely concealing his distaste. “About you both.”
“And how do you two know Pike?” Anja asks
“We’re her boyfriends,” Jim says.
You choke on your drink.
“I mean, we’re also coworkers,” Jim continues. “I’m the captain of the Enterprise, McCoy’s the CMO, and Pike’s one of my science officers. But I feel like the whole relationship thing supersedes all that.”
Time seems to slow as your mind calculates both outcomes to this situation. Either you correct Jim’s lie and are forced to endure Anja and Matthew’s gloating as they hold your perpetual singleness over your head. Or... Or you lean into the lie, transform your strong friendships into a three-way relationship, and in the process allow yourself to let your guard down, wear your feelings for Bones on your sleeve without fear of reproach.
So you lean into the lie, and against Bones’ chest. Your hand reaches out towards Jim, taking his hand in yours, fingers curling together. Bones drapes his arm around your shoulders, holding you close. You look over to see Matthew and Anja taking the scene in.
“You’re both her boyfriends?” Matthew asks incredulously.
“Yep,” Bones replies.
“So how’d you all end up together?” Anya asks challengingly.
“Oh, honey, why don’t you tell them?” Jim turns to you.
“Yeah, you tell the story best,” Bones adds.
You realize they’re letting you set the stage as a way to make up for blind-siding you. You decide to start with the truth.
“We all met at the Academy. Jim and Leonard were cadets and I was an instructor’s assistant. We became fast friends.”
“And... what? You fell into a relationship?” Matthew asks.
“No, no, not all at once,” you say, gaining confidence. “It started with me and Jim. He was a charmer, swept me off my feet. Nobody knows how to make me laugh like Jim does. And it was just the two of us for a while, until one day I woke up and realized I’d fallen in love with Leonard.”
The words you’ve been too scared to even think just spill out of you. You look at Bones to see him smiling at you and you have to remind yourself that none of this is real. That his happiness at your declaration is a fabrication.
“In hindsight, I should’ve seen it coming,” you continue, eyes still on Bones. “Loving Leonard is like breathing, always there but you’re never aware of it unless you concentrate hard enough.” You shoot Matthew and Anya a look. “I told Jim immediately because I’m not a cheater. To my surprise he said he was willing to share, providing Leonard felt the same.”
“And you two are happy with sharing?” Matthew asks.
“We’re happy with any bit of love we can get from her. She’s an incredible woman.” Jim grins.
“If it were up to us,” Bones says, “we’d be married already.”
Your stomach flips, mind racing with images of you and Bones as a married couple. Waking up next to him every morning, dropping by the medbay just because, him visiting you in the greenhouses because he misses you, sharing his last name...
You can feel his eyes on you, but you stop yourself from looking at him again, afraid that he’ll see beyond the performance, straight into your heart. Instead, you glance at Matthew and Anja. They are shooting each other knowing looks.
“Baby,” Anja says, addressing Matthew. “I need a new drink.”
“Of course,” Matthew replies, turning to the other half of the table. “If you’ll excuse us for a moment.”
As Matthew and Anja move towards the bar, Jim whispers, “I don’t think they fully bought it.”
“Of course they didn’t buy it,” you whisper back. “They were never gonna buy me having two partners. They still think no one would associate themselves with me of their own free will.”
“They’ll buy it if you kiss one of us.”
You widen your eyes at Jim. “If I what?”
You are suddenly acutely aware of the fact you’re still leaning against Bones.
“If you’re worried about our willingness, darlin’, don’t be,” Bones says. “Jim and I got you into this mess and we’re gonna get you out of it. The last thing we want is for those two assholes to think they’ve one-upped you.”
You look between Jim and Bones, both of them watching and waiting for you to act. Once again, your analytical mind processes the two possible scenarios. If you pick Jim, then maybe you can get out of this with a little less heartbreak. But if you pick Bones... well... this could be your only chance to know what it would be like to kiss him.
You tilt your face up and press your lips against Bones’. You focus on how soft his lips feel against yours, committing the sensation to memory. You let yourself pretend, for a moment, that this is a real kiss. That the gentle hand Bones places against your cheek and the parting of his lips to deepen the kiss are because he wants you too, not because he’s helping you get back at your shitty ex and his shitty fiancée.
The kiss ends from a need for oxygen more than anything else. You both take in air, breaths mingling in the space between you, but you don’t pull away and neither does Bones. Your heart is beating so fast, so loud you bet the whole club can hear it over the thumping music.
“Did they see?” you finally murmur.
“Yeah, they saw,” Jim confirms.
You pull away from Bones, heart and head still spinning.
“I, uh... I think I need some air,” you say.
Jim rises to let you out of the booth, retaking his seat once you’re standing. Before you slip away, you lean down and press a kiss against Jim’s cheek.
“What was that for?” he asks.
“I’ve allegedly got two boyfriends, don’t I?” you reply.
You hear Jim chuckle behind you as you make your way out of the club. Once outside, you close your eyes and take in deep breaths of the filtered space station air, emptying your mind of everything that just happened because if you think about it for too long you know you’ll start to spiral. Inevitably, though, your thoughts start to creep back in.
You curse the part of you that loses all semblance of reason when Matthew and Anja are around. If you had a better handle on your emotions, you wouldn’t end up in situations like these, the pair of them digging more knives into your already fractured being. And you wouldn’t have to rely on Jim and Bones to bail you out.
Oh god. Bones.
Your fingers brush against your lips. You were so flustered after the kiss you forgot to take in his expression, couldn’t remember if he’d been happy or disappointed. Then you remind yourself it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter that it was the most perfect kiss, soft and sweet just like all your daydreams. He had done it out of duty.
Maybe you should’ve kissed Jim instead.
You jump, whirling around to see Chekov. His eyes widen.
“I am sorry! I did not mean to startle you. You looked upset as you were leaving and so I thought I would check if you are okay.”
You relax, smiling at him. “I will be. Thank you, Chekov. I just... got a little overwhelmed.”
Chekov nods, gesturing back at the club. “Are you going to come back in?”
You glance at the door to the club, feeling nauseous at the mere thought of facing Matthew and Anja again, or having to look Bones in the face with the ghost of his kiss still on your lips.
“Actually,” you say, “I think I’m going to head back. Will you tell the others I’ve gone?”
Chekov nods. “Do you want company on your walk back?”
“No, thank you. I’ll be alright.”
You watch as Chekov heads back into the club, then start walking towards your accommodations. However, your mind begins to wander and before you know it you’re back on the Enterprise, heading towards the greenhouses. You decide to keep going, figuring you can get a head start on tomorrow’s work while simultaneously distracting yourself from the feelings you don’t want to process right now.
You’re eleven plants in when you hear movement down the hall. You freeze. All crew members have the same access to the ship on shore leave as they do when on duty, but no one has a reason to be on the ship at this hour. There are no phasers in the greenhouses, so you grab a pair of shears and make your way out of the botanical labs, creeping down the hallway towards the sound.
You find yourself outside the medbay, sounds of activity coming from inside. You step forward, the doors whooshing open. Inside you find a man, right hand and face littered with cuts, many still oozing blood. Bruises also cover his hand and face, but the largest one is blooming under his left eye. The man is covered in so many wounds it takes you a full three seconds to recognize one of your best friends.
“Jesus Christ, Len!” you exclaim, rushing into the medbay, dropping the shears onto the closest surface.
“Easy, darlin’,” Bones says. “It’s not as bad as it looks.”
“Not as bad as it looks!” You raise a hand and grab a hold of his face by the chin, turning his head this way and that to assess all the cuts and bruises. You then turn your attention to his bloody, bruised hand, noting how he’s not moving his fingers. That’s a bad sign.
“You wouldn’t’ve even seen me like this if I hadn’t run out of my damn first aid supplies earlier today. Keenser’s still oozing that highly acidic green goo and a coupla lieutenants got caught in the crossfire.” Bones huffs a laugh, before cocking his head towards your shears. “What were you gonna do if it wasn’t me? Snip the intruder to death?”
“Ha ha, very funny.” You eye him for a moment. “Okay, go get on that bed over there.”
“I’m playing doctor tonight. I’ll collect the supplies and meet you over there.”
“Darlin’, I can patch myself up just fine.”
“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you have to. Now go on. Get,” you say, waving him towards the bed.
Bones gives a slight smile before heading towards the bed. You turn back to the supply cabinet, grabbing a metal tray and loading it with healing salve, bandages, rubbing alcohol, cotton squares, and a tricorder. You pause, giving yourself a moment to bottle up all the feelings you’d been ignoring. Bones needs you as a friend right now. You’re not gonna let your love for him get in the way of that.
You find Bones sitting on the edge of the bed, feet dangling over the side. You plop the tray down on the bed beside him.
“The other guy better look worse,” you say, falling into the usual banter you share as you grab the rubbing alcohol, dump a bit on a cotton square, and start to clean the wounds on his hand.
“Trust me, he does,” Bones says, grimacing as you move his hand.
You frown at his reaction, putting the cotton square down and grabbing the tricorder. “Oh yeah? Must’ve done something real bad if he made you do something like this. This isn’t really your style. Jim, on the other hand...” You finish scanning his hand, frown deepening at the readings. Before Bones can say anything, you say, “You’ve got a hairline fracture at your wrist. You’ll need a brace for that, right?”
Bones nods. “We’ve got some over in that cabinet.”
You walk over to the cabinet Bones identified, grabbing the appropriate brace then walking back to Bones.
“I’m gonna add some salve to your hand before I put on the brace to help with the cuts. I’ll try my best not to hurt you.”
Bones nods again. You apply the healing salve as quickly and carefully as possible. Bones gives the occasional wince and you find yourself absentmindedly rubbing your thumb along the side of his hand in comfort. When you catch yourself doing it, you stop abruptly, now acutely aware of the weight of his hand in yours. Before you can stop yourself, your mind wanders to a daydream, one where Bones’ hands are splayed across your back, holding you close to his chest, his lips on yours...
You come back to reality, mentally berating yourself as you grab some bandages to wrap Bones’ hand, hoping he didn’t notice your mind wander. If he did, he doesn’t say anything, watching you as you finish wrapping his hand and slip the brace on. Bones adjusts the straps on the brace to his satisfaction as you grab a fresh cotton square, add rubbing alcohol, and move to the cuts on his face. For easier access, you slot yourself between his legs and try to ignore the sudden fluttering in your stomach at the proximity.
“What were you thinking, Len? You’re a surgeon. You kinda need your hands to do your job.” You start to clean the wounds on his face.
“My hand will heal. Besides, if I hadn’t, Jim would’ve. Hell, Spock would’ve.” Bones winces as you pass the cotton square over the largest of the cuts.
“Spock? Our Spock?” you ask incredulously, dumping the squares on the tray and reaching for the healing salve. You apply small dabs of the salve on his facial wounds.
“Sulu and Scotty nearly had to hold him back,” Bones says.
“Jesus. Who was this guy and what did he do?”
“It was Matthew.”
You freeze, focusing your gaze to meet Bones’.
“What did... what did he say?” you ask quietly.
Bones keeps his eyes on you. “He was talkin’ shit, insulting you. Started by sayin’ you only got into the Academy because of your dad. It only escalated from there. The middle part’s a bit fuzzy, but I remember he said something about how the only reason you’re still on the Enterprise is because you’re fucking the captain and the CMO. Which is just...” Bones clenches his jaw in anger. “Maybe sleeping with Jim would come with perks, but me? You outrank me. Sleeping with me wouldn’t... Anyway, I wasn't gonna let his comments slide, and neither was Jim. Our made-up three-way relationship aside, you are one of the only people in all of Starfleet that’s worth a damn. You run circles around both of those assholes. We tried to tell them to fuck off, but they wouldn’t listen. Chekov was holding Jim back, Sulu and Scotty were blocking Spock, and I guess Uhura thought I’d be rational enough not to get violent. She thought wrong. It was all over before it really started, lots of broken glass and spilled drinks, but I got a few good punches in.”
You lean up and press a kiss against Bones’ cheek, stunning him into silence.
“Wha... What was that for?” he finally asks.
“For defending my honor,” you say. “Thank you, Len.”
“Here I was thinkin’ you’d be upset.”
“Matthew’s an asshole. Anja too. They could get blown up on a starship for all I care.”
Bones chuckles as you finish lathering his injuries in the healing salve. You wipe your hand of excess salve and then grab the bandages. Bones lets you continue to work in silence, watching you as you place butterfly bandages on the largest of his facial wounds.
“Okay,” you say. “All done.”
“Got me all patched up, Doc?” Bones teases.
“As best I could.” You gather all the used supplies and place them on the metal tray. “You’ll need to ice that black eye and change the bandages every once in a while, but you already knew that. And I’m guessing you know how long you need to wear that brace for, or will at least have M’Benga look you over as soon as possible.”
Bones nods. “Thank you, darlin’. You didn’t have to do all this, you know.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Len. I care about you. This is the least I would do for someone I care about.”
Bones says nothing for a moment, then, “I love when you call me Len.”
You blink. Before you can stop yourself, you say, “I love when you call me darlin’.”
You both stare at each other. You open your mouth to say something, anything to break the silence, but Bones beats you to it.
“I wanted to say sorry.”
You furrow your brow. Of everything he could’ve possibly said in that moment, the last thing you expected of him was an apology.
“What for?” you ask.
“For everything back at the club. Jim and I should’ve told you what we had planned beforehand. And I’m especially sorry you had to kiss me.”
“I didn’t have to kiss you, Len. I chose to.”
“Still, you wouldn’t’ve if we hadn’t put you in an awkward position.”
“That’s not true,” you blurt out, immediately cursing yourself.
Bones blinks at you, eyes flicking to your lips. Neither of you moves, simultaneously too afraid to stick to the status quo or break it.
Fuck it.
You kiss him, softly at first, but when he sighs against your lips and wraps his arms around your waist you press yourself against him, parting your lips to deepen the kiss. You cup his face in your hands, mindful of his injuries.
“I love you,” he murmurs against your lips.
You pull back. “You love me?”
Bones gives you a soft smile. “C’mon, darlin’, you must’ve known.”
You shake your head. “Uhura and Sulu tried to tell me, but I thought they were just teasing me.”
“Why would that tease you?”
“Because I love you.” You run your thumbs across his cheeks. “God, Len, I am so in love with you.”
Bones pulls you into another kiss. You giggle against his lips.
“What?” Bones asks.
“Uhura and Sulu are going to be insufferable for a while,” you say.
Bones grins. “You think they’re going to be insufferable? Wait until Jim finds out.”
You both laugh. Then you kiss him again. And again. And again.
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440mxs-wife · 1 year
Written in the Stars
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Pairing: Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy x F!Reader. Other Characters: Jim Kirk, Nyota Uhura, Cmdr. Spock, Christine Chapel (mentioned).
Word Count: 8029
Warnings: Soulmates, show-level violence, Away Team member injury, mutual pining, a smidge of angst due to perceived unrequited love, but FLUFFFFF
Summary: When Dr. McCoy got married, he knew she wasn’t his soulmate, but it didn’t matter to him. After the divorce, he figures he’s missed his chance, due to his age and previous marriage. The Reader joins the crew as the new Science Officer aboard the Enterprise, assigned to Cmdr. Spock’s team. She hasn’t met her soulmate yet, but she seems drawn to a particular member of the Enterprise crew. Could these two lost soulmates have found each other at last?
A/N: If you’ve been tagged here, it’s because you’ve interacted one or more times on a McCoy story of mine, or we’re moots. Whether you like or reblog, I am eternally grateful for your support. If anyone else would like to be tagged on any future Karl Urban character postings, please let me know. Thank you, and enjoy the show!
Dr. Leonard McCoy joined StarFleet and was assigned to the Enterprise after a few unfortunate events. He left for the five-year mission right after his divorce, having known full well that the woman he married wasn't his soulmate. It didn't matter though, because Leonard didn't believe in that stuff. He was impatient, not interested in living alone anymore, therefore not waiting to find his soulmate. At the time, he'd loved Jocelyn enough to marry her. Only she didn't love him enough to want to stay married to him, or so she'd said.
Of course he had his soulmark, just like everyone he knew had one, with his shaped like a starburst and visible on his wrist. At his age, though, he felt that he should have met his person by now, the one he was destined to be with forever. So after the fiasco with Jocelyn, he'd stopped looking, figuring he'd missed his chance. Which is precisely when his soulmate appeared, and where he least expected it.
The Enterprise was making a scheduled stop at Starbase 42 to pick up supplies and some new crew members. Capt. Kirk had sent over the files, which Dr. McCoy decided to review before the ship reached its destination. Most of them looked pretty routine, a couple of ensigns for Engineering, three for Security. Then there was your file.
According to your bio, you were to be assigned to the Science Department, under Cmdr. Spock. You had been in StarFleet for a bit longer than the average crew member, and had risen to the rank of Lieutenant-Commander (LCmdr.). However, to Dr. McCoy, that only meant you carried a wealth of life experience with you. The only family you had left were your two brothers, each with their own families, and a best friend who became more like your sister.
Leonard glanced at the clock and noticed it was time to head to the transporter room to greet the new additions to the crew. Though the information in your file was fairly standard, Leonard couldn't help but give yours a bit more attention than the others. It was like he was drawn to it, wanting to dive into it and find out all there was to know about you. He arrived at the transporter room and walked in, finding Capt. Kirk and the other officers waiting. "All right, Jim. I'm here, so let's get this show on the road," he grumbled.
As the shimmering light-particles of the transport beam disappeared, you had re-materialized aboard the Enterprise. It was your dream assignment, to be on StarFleet's flagship, and you looked forward to working with Cmdr. Spock. And of course, you were excited to be serving with Capt. James T. Kirk, one of the most decorated and colorful captains in StarFleet. But almost as soon as you appeared on the pad, you felt a pull in another direction, something you hadn't experienced before.
Once everyone had arrived, the captain introduced himself and the other commanding officers. Your companions handed over their orders, then exited the transporter room to be shown to their quarters. You stepped forward and handed your paperwork to Capt. Kirk and introduced yourself in the process.
"At ease, Commander," Kirk smiled. "We're a little less formal and bit more family around here, not that I don't run a tight ship," he explained.
"Of course not, Captain, and thank you. I'm honored to be here," you responded.
"Your credentials are impressive, Commander," Spock commented. "I am looking forward to working with you."
"I'm fortunate to be on your team, Cmdr. Spock. Thank you," you acknowledged before turning your attention to the dark-haired man in the blue medical uniform. He was standing off to the side, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. As you took in his appearance, his furrowed brow seemed to relax and you felt that same pull as when you first arrived.
Your silent observance of the man by the door did not escape Capt. Kirk's notice. He walked over to where the man was standing and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Commander, this is our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Leonard McCoy. Bones, say hello to our newest crew member," Kirk grinned.
You stuck your hand out in greeting. "Pleased to meet you, Dr. McCoy," you remarked.
"Likewise," he replied as he took your hand and shook it. The instant your hand touched Dr. McCoy's hand, a jolt of electricity shot up your arm. It surprised you, but you kept your hand in his. What the hell was that? he thought. Instead, he inquired aloud, "Are you all right?"
"Yeah, sure, everything's fine, Dr. McCoy. I'm kind of a little nervous. May I be shown to my quarters, please?" you asked.
"Right this way, Commander," Spock gestured with his arm for you to precede him out the door.
When you reached the doorway, you popped your head back inside and caught Dr. McCoy's attention. "By the way, hope to see you around, Dr. McCoy," you winked and left the transporter room.
"So, that was inter--" Kirk started.
"Jim, no comment necessary," McCoy muttered. Despite his gruff reply, there was the ghost of a smile on his face, thanks to the Enterprise's new science officer. Interesting indeed, he thought.
Once inside your quarters, you started to unpack your bags. You hung up your uniforms in the closet and arranged your toiletries in the bathroom. The rest of your personal items were placed throughout your room. You were surveying your work when you heard a chime at the door.
Your visitor introduced herself as Nyota Uhura, Communications Officer. While you unpacked, she perched on the end of your bed and you got to know each other. She brought you up to speed on herself and life on the Enterprise.
The topic came around to your personal lives, Uhura mentioned that she and Cmdr. Spock discovered they were soulmates a few years ago. "What about you? Have you met your soulmate yet?" she asked.
"Sadly, no, not yet. But I hope my posting here will put me closer to finding out who it is," you replied, thinking back to your electrifying encounter with Dr. McCoy.
"Oh, really?" Uhura was leaning forward, her curiosity piqued. "Who do you think it is?" she wondered.
"Hmm, not sure, but I've been having this certain feeling, like whoever it may be, he's here onboard this ship. Add that to one of the many reasons I'm glad I'm here," you chuckled.
"Well, we're glad to have you. There's a 'Welcome to the Enterprise' party going on later in the recreation area. It's a chance for us to get to know you all, and for you to mingle with the senior officers," Uhura mentioned.
"Sounds great, I'll be there. Um, about what time?" you inquired.
"I believe the captain said it'll be getting started at 1900 hrs.," Uhura replied, then checked the time. "Oops, I'm supposed to be meeting Spock in a few minutes. See you later at the party?" she asked.
"You bet, I'll probably see if I can take a quick power nap before then. Want to be well-rested before meeting up with everyone so I don't say the wrong thing," you replied nervously.
"I understand that, but don't worry. Everything will be fine, and I already have a feeling you and I are going to be great friends," Uhura remarked as she walked to the door.
"Thank you, and I'll see you later," you called. Once Uhura left, you crawled into your bed and settled in for a nap. You made sure to set an alarm to give yourself time to get ready for the party, then closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Back in his quarters, Dr. McCoy was reviewing some information on his PADD when his door chimed. At first, he ignored it, because he rarely had visitors and didn't want to be disturbed. When it chimed again, he rolled his eyes and strode to the door. He opened it, only to find Capt. Kirk on the other side, grinning from ear to ear. "What do you want, Jim? I was in the middle of something important when you interrupted me," he bristled.
"Hey, Bones, good to see you," Kirk replied as he breezed past his friend and plopped into a chair.
"Make yourself at home, Jim, by all means," McCoy stated dryly. "Whatever it is, the answer is no."
"Wanted to drop by and let you know there's a 'Welcome to the Enterprise' party for all the senior officers to mingle with the newbies. Now I know none of them are medical, but it would be nice if you'd put in an appearance. By the way, that new one on Spock's team was pretty cute, wasn't she?" Kirk asked.
"Jim, I haven't got time for this. Besides, what are we, in high school?" McCoy retorted.
Kirk shrugged. "Looks like the two of you shared a moment in the transporter room, that's all," he remarked.
McCoy rolled his eyes at Kirk's observation. "There was no 'moment', it was an introduction. Stop trying to make something out of nothing. Except it didn't feel like 'nothing' when our hands touched, he thought. "Look, I'll try to swing by, if I get a chance. Good enough?"
"That's the spirit, Bones! See you later," Kirk hastily replied, clapping a hand on his friend's shoulder before bolting out of the room.
McCoy shook his head, then went back to where he'd left his PADD. He picked it up, intending to read, but instead stared off ahead, deep in thought. What would it hurt to show up for a drink or two? I suppose that would count as 'putting in an appearance', he reasoned with himself.
His mind made up, Leonard changed into a more casual attire of jeans with a hole in the right knee and a navy-blue Henley. He left the top two buttons undone and pushed the sleeves up to his elbows. He slipped on his well-worn dark brown cowboy boots and dabbed on some cologne before heading out the door to the rec area.
You entered the rec area a little after 1900 hrs., when Uhura said the party would be starting. As soon as you walked in, your eyes scanned the area for her or anyone else you recognized. Fortunately, the captain soon spotted you and waved you over to his table.
On your way to meet him, you wandered past a beautiful mahogany pool table with clawfoot legs. It was covered in blue felt and had leather nets under each of the six pockets to catch any one of the fifteen brightly colored orbs. Hmm, wonder who might be up for a game or two later, you thought as you ran your hands along the rails.
There were two open chairs on the captain's left side, one putting you next to him or, the other, Lt. Uhura. You chose to sit next to Uhura, who immediately stood to give you a hug and raved about your outfit. You were wearing jeans with a pastel purple, off-the-shoulder peasant blouse, along with your black suede ankle boots. Around your neck was a teardrop pendant of your birthstone on a delicate silver chain.
You were about halfway through your first margarita, when you heard a deep voice behind you ask, "Is this seat taken?"
Turning around, you were pleasantly surprised to see Dr. McCoy standing behind you, a glass of bourbon in his hand. "Um, n-no, Dr. McCoy," you stammered. Way to go, you berated yourself with a mental facepalm.
"Relax, Commander," McCoy chuckled. "Please call me Leonard."
You gave him your name in return, stating it was better than being called "Commander" all the time. "Especially with so many of us around," you joked.
The captain finally noticed that Dr. McCoy had joined the table and taken the seat next to him. "Bones, you made it after all. Good to see you!" Capt. Kirk exclaimed.
"Why thank you, Jim, I was beginning to wonder if you were even going to notice," McCoy replied.
The doctor's nickname used by the captain did not escape your notice, but you filed it away to ask about later. "So, Leonard, tell me about where you're from," you started.
Your conversation with Dr. McCoy stretched far into the evening, the two of you asking questions to better get to know each other. Eventually, your Q & A transitioned to the pool table for a friendly game of 8-ball. One by one, the others left the recreation area and returned to their quarters. Neither you nor Leonard noticed you were the only ones left until you were deep into your third game of pool, with you lining up your shot.
Standing up after watching the #15 roll into the corner pocket, you looked around at the empty recreation area. "Leonard, what time is it?" you asked.
He checked the time and was surprised at the hour as well as the deserted room. "It's after midnight. Guess time really does fly when you're having fun," he grinned. "Your shot, darlin'," he drawled. You noticed his Southern accent was a bit more pronounced after a few rounds of bourbon.
"Okay, but after I knock in this #12, I'm on the 8-ball," you smirked. You took your time to survey all the angles before settling in to take your shot. With a smooth, fluid stroke, the cue ball connected with the object ball, which went in the side pocket. The 8-ball was of little challenge to you as well, sailing into the exact pocket you intended.
"Well, I guess that's the game, then," McCoy remarked. You gave him a small curtsy before placing your cue stick on the table and returning to finish your drink. "Where'd you learn to play like that?" he wondered.
"Had a pool table in the basement growing up. I used to spend quite a few hours a day, practicing until I was good enough to win against my brothers and all their friends. Then I met my best friend at the Academy, and we took turns, um, how shall I say this? Oh, yeah. Separating the new recruits from their money," you grinned sheepishly.
Leonard threw his head back and laughed. "You are full of surprises. Which leads me to my next question, and feel free to punch me for it if you want, but I have to know. How is someone as lovely and fascinating as you are still single?"
You felt your cheeks grow warm with the compliment. "Well, I won't punch you for asking a question like that. The simple answer is, I haven't found my soulmate yet."
McCoy gave you a sideways glance, one eyebrow raised. "You believe in that? One person, one heart, all that?" he wondered.
"Sure I do, don't you?" you replied. "I mean, a person as handsome and charming as you isn't attached to anyone either. Why is that, if you don't mind me asking?" you quizzed.
"I don't mind you asking, darlin'," he replied, then took a sip of his drink. "I was married once, but it didn't take. At the time, I loved her, and even though she wasn't my soulmate, I didn't care. I was too impatient in my youth and didn't want to be alone the rest of my life, so we got married. When I came onboard here, I was fresh off my divorce. When I met Jim, I told him that my ex got everything, and 'all I got left is my bones'. Probably why he calls me that," he muttered.
"Hmm. And here I thought it was because you were in the medical field. You know, a doctor used to be called a 'sawbones', I figured that's where it came from," you quipped.
"I guess it could go either way, although your explanation is a little less depressing," Leonard conceded.
You reached over and covered his hand with yours, trying to ignore the small spark at the contact. "Your soulmate is still out there, waiting to be found. I'm just sure of it," you remarked.
McCoy gave you a hopeful smile. "You think so? I guess I figured that with my age and jumping the gun and marrying Jocelyn, that I missed my chance," he replied.
"What do you mean, 'with my age', you're hardly an old man, Leonard. Besides, I'm betting that you haven't missed your chance, so keep the faith," you winked. "Come on, Doc, it's late. Walk me to my quarters?" you asked.
McCoy drained the last of the bourbon from his glass and stood up from the table. His grin grew wider as he held out his elbow for you to take. "Shall we, shweethahrt?" he said in his attempt at a Bogart impression.
You laughed as you looped your arm through his, and he tucked it in closed to his side. "Leonard, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship," you answered.
And it was. At first it was you and Dr. McCoy, two friends sharing breakfast together on most, if not all, mornings. Sometimes the captain, or Spock and Uhura would be there, which made for lively discussions. But you were most content with the days it was just you and the good doctor enjoying each other's company.
It wasn't just the mornings, you took turns hanging out in each other's quarters, watching old movies or reading together. Other times, it was sharing stories about your lives, your families, even your Academy days. Being with Leonard was a comfort for you, a natural and easy friendship to fall into.
The first time you noticed your thoughts wandering from friendship to more was one night you were cooking dinner in McCoy's quarters. Your room was not equipped with a kitchenette, only a replicator, so Leonard offered to let you in to his to make dinner. He had some last-minute duties in the MedBay, but said he would join you later.
You were putting the finishing touches on your Cheesy Chicken and Broccoli casserole to put into the oven, when Leonard strode through the door. He stood behind you, put his hands on your shoulders and glanced down at the dish. "That looks amazing, sweetheart," he grinned and gave your shoulders a squeeze before heading to the showers.
As you watched him walk away, you couldn't help but notice how domestic the whole scene was, and how comfortable it all felt. Leonard coming home to you after a difficult day in the MedBay, to see you making dinner. Of course, it could also just as easily be the other way around, with him in the kitchen, waiting for you to come home. Then you shook your head to clear those thoughts. Although the two of you had become best friends, that still kept you in the "friend zone", right?
Leonard reached for his towel to dry himself off after his shower. Coming back to his quarters to see you in his kitchen was a comforting sight to see, not to mention how natural it felt. Like it had been that way for years instead of the months since you'd gotten to know each other. Lately, there was many a night he'd lain in bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering if you were having as much trouble sleeping as he was.
Ever since he met you in the transporter room, Leonard knew there was something different about you, but couldn't put his finger on it. That night the two of you spent in the rec area at Jim's "welcome" party was one of the best he'd had in a long time. Sitting and talking with someone, finding out you had like interests and similar values was refreshing for him. You were sweet, intelligent, and you made him laugh, something his friends thought he needed more of in his life.
Most of his time was spent in the MedBay, caring for others, but there were times when he wanted someone to care for him. You certainly fit the bill for that as well, such as when you stopped by with a coffee for him on one of your breaks. Or when you sneaked into his office to hide scraps of paper with jokes written on them to make him chuckle. And your home cooking was some of the best he'd had since the last time he visited his ma on Earth.
There were dozens of reasons why and multiple occasions when he wished there was more than friendship between you. However, after his experience with marriage to Jocelyn, he was a little hesitant to pursue anything beyond friendship with you. Jim would probably say he was "spooked", whereas Leonard would counter that he was "protecting his heart".
Early on, you'd admitted to him that you believed in soulmates and were still looking for yours. He'd been down the road once where he ignored the concept, if only to avoid being alone for the rest of his life. You deserved that one person, that one heart that Fate had decided truly belonged with you. He'd never want you to settle for a life with him if he wasn't your soulmate. Thus, he continued to keep things with you in the "friend zone".
A couple of weeks later
"You want me to do what, now?" you asked the Captain.
"I know you heard me, Commander," Kirk replied. "It's a few weeks until Valentine's Day, and I think it would be a great idea to have a celebration. Music, food, drinks....and you dancing with a certain country doctor would certainly be all the entertainment I'd need for a while," he smirked.
You, on the other hand, rolled your eyes at his obvious matchmaking attempts. "Jim, we're just friends. And I resent your insinuation that Dr. McCoy would want anything to do with me beyond that," you retorted.
"Why is that so hard to believe, that Bones would be interested in you as more than a friend?" Jim persisted.
"Because...." you murmured, your gaze dropping to your hands in your lap.
"'Because....' why?" he gently prodded.
You huffed in exasperation. "Because I'm me, and he's....handsome, witty, fascinating, charismatic and could have any woman in the universe he wants. I've seen him at those diplomatic functions, Jim. Women more or less throwing themselves at him, hanging all over him and what does he do? He just smiles at them and turns on the Southern charm. Soulmate or not, what chance do I have," you whispered.
"Wait, he's your soulmate? How do you know? More importantly, why haven't you told him?" Kirk peppered you with questions.
"You're just full of curiosity today, aren't you?" you sassed. "I saw his soulmark on his wrist, and it matches mine here." You tilted your head and pulled your hair back to reveal a matching starburst behind your left ear. "I've been in love with him since that 'welcome' thing you arranged, when we talked and shot rack after rack of 8-ball till after midnight. But I want him to love me for me, not due to some pre-destined, matching tattoo on our bodies."
Kirk stepped out from behind his desk and took the chair next to you. "Listen. I've been friends with the man for a long time. I've seen him at those diplomatic galas, and let me tell you that I haven't seen him look at any of those women the way he looks at you," he explained.
"Now I know you're out of your mind," you snorted. When Kirk tried to protest, you held up your hands. "Stop. Okay? I'll do as you ask, plan your little Valentine's Day party for the crew. It's a nice idea, and I think we're due for some fun around here. Just please quit trying to push me and Dr. McCoy together, huh?" you pleaded.
Kirk reached over and sandwiched your hand in his. "Although I know I'm right, I will honor your wishes and stop forcing the issue with you and Bones. Fair enough?" he asked.
You nodded and stood up from your chair. "Yes, thank you, Jim. I appreciate it. If anyone needs me, I'll be in my quarters, trying to figure out how to put this thing together," you replied. You gave him a weary smile before exiting his Ready Room.
Jim waited until you were out of his office before voicing his thoughts. "I may have agreed to honor your wishes, but that doesn't mean I can't go at it from Bones' point of view," he vowed.
The following week, you were busy transforming one of the large, rarely-used conference rooms Jim set aside for you into a sea of red, white and pink. There were pink paper hearts attached to the walls, along with red cutouts shaped like Cupid with his bow. The long conference tables would be used for food and drinks, and were set up along the outside edge of the room.
You were scanning through the food and drink list on your PADD when Leonard walked in. A bright smile graced your face at the sight of your best friend. "Why, hello Len! What brings you here?"
Leonard scanned the room before answering. "So this is the 'secret project' you've been working on for the past week," he replied. "I've been looking everywhere for you. I started in the lab, then I checked your room. Had to ask the ship's computer for your location," he remarked.
"Yeah, sorry, Jim put me in charge of this, so here I am. And it's not a 'secret project', as you called it. We have all these decorations and the tables will be full of drinks and all kinds of foods," you explained. "While we're on the subject, I have something to ask you, Leonard."
"Oh? What's that?" he wondered.
"Well, this is going to be kind of a formal, dressing-up kind of thing. And there'll be music and dancing, so I was wondering....if you'd like to go with me....as my date?" you asked.
Leonard froze. A date? he thought. His heart wanted very much to take you up on your offer to accompany you to the party. He could picture you all dressed up in a formal gown and your hair perfectly styled, a veritable vision of beauty. His next mental picture was of the two of you walking into the party with your arm safely tucked into his side. His brain, however, reminded him that this was a Valentine's Day dance, and you two were not romantic partners, only friends.
You must have heard his brain's internal reminder loud and clear and interpreted his hesitation as a decline of your invitation. "You know what, never mind. It's all right. Forget I asked," you backpedaled. "I'm sure you have much more important things to do than go to a stupid dance with me," you muttered as you gathered your PADD and other supplies.
"Wait a minute, where are you going?" McCoy implored.
"Uh, I forgot I told Cmdr. Spock that I would come into the lab later and see if I can make some more progress on my assignment," you explained. "So, I'm sorry, but I can't meet you for dinner tonight, Dr. McCoy," you added, then hurriedly left the room without a backwards glance.
Leonard stood gazing at the floor, hands on his hips and shaking his head. As he stood in place, he was trying to figure out what just happened and how he knew he had to fix it. Uhura was watching your interaction with Dr. McCoy since he joined you, so she walked over to him. She placed a hand on his arm to get his attention. "Dr. McCoy, are you all right?" she asked.
He looked over to see the concern in Uhura's eyes. "I....I don't know," he rasped. "I think I made a huge mistake with her and I may need your help."
She led him over to one of the chairs, where he filled her in on his conversation with you. Uhura listened intently, waiting for him to finish providing as much information as he was willing to share. When he finished, she was silent as she thought about her response. "I'm going to ask you a few questions, and I want you to say the first thing that comes to your mind." McCoy nodded. "Are you in love with her?"
"Yes," he immediately answered.
"As a friend, or more than a friend?" Uhura asked.
"More," McCoy hastily replied. A startled look crossed his face at the realization. "I'm in love with her," he whispered. "But she said she was still looking for her soulmate, and I don't know what her soulmark looks like or where it is."
"Dr. McCoy," Uhura gently chided. "Do you really need visual confirmation of her soulmark to know that you belong together? From that first night, everyone could see it, based on how the two of you looked at each other, how you interacted. How long did it take you to realize that everyone had left?" she giggled.
McCoy grinned. "We didn't really notice much of anything outside of ourselves until after midnight. She'd just beaten me two games out of three at 8-ball," he chuckled ruefully. "I have to find her and tell her," he declared as he hastily stood up.
"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. I don't know if now is the best time to tell her," Uhura warned, taking his arm to stop him.
"Wha--why shouldn't I tell her right away how I feel about her?" McCoy asked, confused.
"She may not be in the right frame of mind to hear it right now. Think about, Dr. McCoy. She gathered up her courage to ask you to be her date to the dance. When you hesitated to answer, her brain told her not only was your answer 'no', but that you didn't reciprocate her feelings. That's why she bolted out of here, she was trying to protect herself from embarrassment, from her heart being broken any further. Give her some time, then try and talk with her again," Uhura advised.
"How long should I give her?" McCoy asked.
"Try again after a couple of days, Doctor. She should be ready to talk by then," Uhura replied, gently patting his arm.
You checked your notes again, frustrated that the data was not matching up with the results. Irritated, you pushed away from the table and flopped onto a chair. You closed your eyes as your fingers massaged your temples, trying to stave off the impending headache.
"Are you all right, Lieutenant?" Cmdr. Spock asked. "It is late, and I have observed that your evenings are usually spent with Dr. McCoy. May I ask why you are here instead, working?"
You took a deep breath. "I'm fine, Cmdr. Spock. Just trying to keep my headache at bay, that's all," you replied, managing a weak smile.
"If you are feeling a pain in your head, I am certain Dr. McCoy can relieve it with a hypospray," Spock suggested.
"Not when he's the cause of the headache," you muttered.
A puzzled look crossed Spock's face. "I do not understand. Is there some sort of problem in your relationship with Dr. McCoy?" he inquired.
You took a deep breath before explaining the events of the afternoon, beginning with Capt. Kirk's assignment of the Valentine's dance. Then you told him about asking Leonard to be your date for the dance, and how mortified you were when he declined your request. "The only relationship I have with Dr. McCoy is one of friendship. Though my feelings for him have gone beyond the friend level, I should have known better that his do not, and likely never will."
"To assume that Dr. McCoy does not think of you as more than a friend without his express verbal confirmation is not logical," Spock replied. "You must ask him how he feels about you."
"Since when are the human heart's desires logical? Anyway, I'm sure I've already embarrassed myself enough for one day. Permission to return to my quarters?" you asked.
"Permission granted, Lieutenant. I sincerely hope that your personal difficulties with Dr. McCoy will soon be resolved," Spock offered. "It is also not logical for two people as compatible as the two of you to be separated."
"Thank you, Commander," you remarked. "For your counsel and your understanding." You gave him a small smile, then left the lab.
You had almost reached your quarters when the captain requested you to come to his Ready Room. "On my way, Captain," you replied, tapping your communication badge. In your head you grumbled that you hoped his request had something to do with real work and nothing to do with Dr. McCoy.
In the captain's office, you were briefed on an upcoming Away mission, in which you would play a part. A fairly routine mission, you were tasked with gathering soil and mineral samples that would be catalogued upon returning to the Enterprise.
The area where your team would be working had been declared as deserted. That meant you would not be at risk of encountering any difficulties from any local inhabitants of the planet. All in all, a good mission to help me gain experience as part of an Away Team, you thought as you stepped onto the transporter pad.
You also hoped that going on this mission would also help you sort out your feelings about Leonard and figure out your next move. As much as you didn't want to, you were going to have to distance yourself from him. It'll only be for a couple of days, you reasoned. When I get back, Len and I should probably have a talk about what happened and what it means for us going forward. Decision made, you picked up your PADD and reviewed the parameters of the Away mission.
For the past two days, the MedBay environment was not the most pleasant place to be. Dr. McCoy had been more demanding and grumpier than usual. His staff had no idea that his thoughts revolved around you and how badly he needed to talk to you. He was trying to do as Uhura suggested, by giving you time to yourself. When he could no longer wait to speak to you and confess his feelings, he put Dr. M'Benga in charge and left the MedBay to find you.
He checked your quarters first, but when there was no answer, he figured either you weren't there, or you knew it was him and didn't want to answer. He left and headed down to the conference room, but no one there had seen you for the past couple of days. Finally, he tried the lab, praying to find you there. When he asked Spock where you were, nothing could've prepared him for the answer he received.
"What do you mean, she's on the Away Team?" McCoy demanded.
"I should think my response is fairly self-explanatory, Doctor," Spock replied.
McCoy rolled his eyes. "She's not ready for an Away mission yet, anything could go wrong down there!" he exclaimed.
"On the contrary, the Commander has proven to be more than competent in performing her duties. The captain and I felt that this relatively low-risk mission was the perfect one to introduce her to this aspect of her duties," Spock explained.
"Since when does something deemed 'low-risk' ever turn out that way? You don't understand, Spock, I can't lose her," McCoy implored. "Not before I've had a chance to tell her I love her," he whispered.
A faint smile graced Spock's features. "It appears I was correct in my theory regarding your feelings towards her," he answered. His tone that could almost be considered smug, if not for the fact that he was half-Vulcan. At the confused look on Leonard's face, Spock relayed the conversation the two of you had after he'd found you in the lab working.
"So she cares about me like I care about her," McCoy murmured. "What time are they scheduled to be back? I have to be there right when she gets back so I can tell her how I feel. I've already wasted too much time," he muttered, then jumped up from his chair. Before he could walk out of the lab, Capt. Kirk was at the door.
"Good, you're both here. The Away Team is returning to the ship ahead of schedule. It appears that they ran into some problems on the planet's surface. Something about a run-in with a band of native inhabitants," Kirk explained. "Possible weapons discharges and there may be injuries," he reluctantly revealed.
"StarFleet's report stated that the area in which the Away Team would be working was declared as deserted," Spock pointed out. "There should have been no reason for any discharge of weapons."
"You see?? This is exactly what I was talking about, Spock!" McCoy exclaimed, his arms waving in the air. "How could you send her down there, Jim? She's not ready for something like this," McCoy snapped.
"I chose the team based on their skills and how it matched the intel we were given. Do you really believe I like putting people I care about in harm's way??" Kirk retorted sharply. "I have a job to do, but so do the two of you. And right now, the Away Team is depending on you to carry out those duties to the best of your ability. The personal stuff can be sorted out later, all right?" Kirk barked. "For now, let's just get everyone home and safe."
Spock and McCoy nodded and each of them went their separate ways to begin assisting in the missions aftermath. Kirk was on his way back to the bridge, while Spock was gathering his equipment. "Captain?" McCoy called out before Kirk had fully exited the lab.
"What is it, Bones?" Kirk asked wearily.
McCoy walked over to join his captain at the door. "I'll be in the MedBay, standing by for any casualties," he replied, then started down the hall.
"Thank you, Doctor. And Bones?" Kirk added, causing McCoy to turn and catch Kirk's gaze. "She'll be all right. Besides, you probably owe her a dance, right?" he smirked.
"Among other things, Jim," McCoy admitted before finally resuming his path to the MedBay.
When McCoy returned to the MedBay, it was a flurry of activity. The casualties had already arrived, only three of whom were being worked on by multiple teams. Head Nurse Christine Chapel met him near the entrance to give him a PADD with a rundown of the injuries. He had just started scanning the list when he heard, "DOCTOR!! Dr. McCoy, we need you over here!!"
McCoy all but sprinted to BioBed #3 and was shocked at the sight before him. You were the injured party, with a stab wound to your left shoulder that had seemed to stop bleeding. There was a moderate head laceration near your hairline, but its bleeding also looked to be under control. However, it was the 6-inch gash across your stomach that was of utmost concern, because it was still steadily leaking blood.
"Oh darlin'," McCoy whispered as he pushed your hair back from your face and tucked it behind your ear.
"Hey, Dr. McCoy," you rasped, which sent you into a minor coughing fit.
"Shh, take it easy, sugar. We're going to take good care of you, get you all patched up good as new," he soothed.
"Len....'m sorry....about earlier," you wheezed but were thrown into another coughing session. "Ow, it hurts," you whimpered.
"Hold on, sweetheart, I'll get ya something to take away the hurt," McCoy promised. One of the nurses promptly handed him the hypospray containing the pain med. Leonard gently rolled your head to the side for better access to your neck. He pushed your hair out of the way and pressed the hypospray to your skin and delivered the pain medication.
When McCoy withdrew the instrument, he was startled when he saw your soulmark behind your left ear, a starburst that matched the mark on his wrist. It was you. You were his soulmate, the one he should've waited for and he was the one you were waiting for. As he stood next to you, he felt the bond between you grow, as it sent a wave of warmth through his body.
You somehow found his hand and took it in yours, giving it a gentle squeeze before dropping it. The movement and seeing your hand hang limply at your side was enough to snap Leonard back into action and tend to your injuries. "All right, let's get this bleeding stopped so we can close up this gash and clean up these other wounds," McCoy ordered, getting back to the task at hand.
For some reason, you couldn't move your right hand due to some sort of weight on top of it. You were having a hard time opening your eyes as well, though you did manage to crack them open halfway. There was an IV in your left arm and as for your right side, you smiled when you saw a familiar crop of dark hair. Leonard was hunched over the edge of your bed, his head resting on his elbows and covering your hand. You could only imagine how tired he must be after the events of the past few hours.
The Away mission was your first since you came aboard the Enterprise, and not exactly the low-risk scenario as mentioned in the file. The briefing said the area had been declared uninhabited, but the natives you encountered proved otherwise. Some of their weapons were rudimentary by StarFleet's standards, while others looked confiscated from other unsuspecting visitors.
You were the first to be attacked, by a stab to your left shoulder and blow to the head, then all hell broke loose. The wound in your midsection was caused when you stepped in to defend a fellow crew member. You were relieved when you saw the familiar surroundings of the MedBay, and even more relaxed when Leonard's face appeared. However, you'd have given anything to take away the pain and worry you saw in his eyes as he hovered above you, assessing your injuries.
Gingerly, you felt around on the bed for the call button, not wanting to disturb the doctor sleeping at your side. Your slight movement caused him to lift his head and for his eyes to immediately zero in on yours. A sleepy yet relieved smile graced his face as he slowly reached up with his right hand to cup your cheek. "Hi," he whispered.
"Hi," you whispered back. "How long have I been out?"
"About twelve hours," he answered. "You had me worried there, sweetheart," he murmured. "I thought I wasn't going to get the chance to tell you something very important."
"I'm here now, though. What is it you wanted to tell me?" you asked. You shuffled around in your bed, trying to raise yourself to a more upright position. Leonard saw what you were doing and helped to rearrange the pillows and angle of the bed to where you wanted it.
Leonard returned in his chair and pointed it so that he was gazing directly at you. He brought your hand up to his lips and kissed the back of it. "Ever since Jim handed me your file, I knew there was something special about you. I felt it when we shook hands in that transporter room, and I think you felt it too," he replied.
You nodded. "Felt like electricity shooting up my arm," you smiled.
"Exactly. The more I got to know you through the time we spent together, the more I believed in the idea of a soulmate. I only dared to hope you were mine. I saw the mark behind your ear, so now I know you that are the one I belong with in this life. Even without that, darlin', I fell for you anyway. Your kindness, generosity, your gentle spirit and so many more reasons are why I love you," Leonard remarked.
You could've been knocked back unconscious with a feather. Of all things you thought would happen when you woke up, a love confession from Leonard wasn't anywhere near the list. Although it made you happy to hear that he loved you in return, there was also a part of you that was having doubts.
Leonard mentioned that he'd seen your soulmark, and that he'd fallen for you anyway. Jim knew about the matching marks, and how you wanted Leonard to love you for who you were, not some cosmic tattoo. You'd put your heart on the line once when you asked him to the dance, and it didn't end well. Did you dare take that kind of chance again?
"Sweetheart, please say something," he implored hoarsely.
"Guess this means you owe me a dance?" you replied with a watery smile, as you decided to take the leap. "Len, of course I love you, and not because of some mark put on us by Fate. You are the one I've been searching for, and you're well worth waiting for."
That was all the confirmation Leonard needed, and more. He stood up from his chair and walked around to the left side of your bed. You scooted over a bit to leave room for him to sit on the edge of your mattress. Leonard placed a hand on either side of your face and tilted your head up to meet his gaze. As his left thumb gently caressed your cheek, you latched your hands to his wrists, with your finger tracing over his soulmark.
Leonard leaned his head towards you, tenderly brushing his lips over yours at first, then returning with more passion. His soft yet insistent lips moved with determination, expressing the depth of his emotions for you. When he nipped at your bottom lip, you gasped in surprise, creating the perfect opening for him to slip his tongue in to explore your mouth. Your sweet sound of pleasure that escaped seemed only to spur him on.
The kiss broke before the alarms could be set off on the BioBed for your elevated heart rate or any other escalated vital signs. Leonard leaned back slightly to give himself and you a chance to catch your breaths. He gingerly brushed the hair back from your face and tucked it behind your ear. "So beautiful," he whispered.
"And all yours," you whispered back. Your hand drifted up for your fingers to run through his dark locks, your nails scratching his scalp. The gesture earned you a deep sigh from him and he closed his eyes in contentment. "Have been for a while now, you know," you added. "I love you, Leonard McCoy."
Leonard opened his eyes and smiled softly. "And I'm all yours, my body and soul belongs to you. I love you too, sweetheart," he remarked as he touched his forehead to yours.
The two of you stayed like that, holding each other, until the sound of a throat being cleared broke the silence. Leonard turned his head slightly then rolled his eyes at seeing Capt. Kirk and Cmdr. Spock. The captain wore a look of smug satisfaction at seeing his two friends finally getting together. On the other hand, Spock's face held a look of concern about your recovery from your injuries.
"Guess you can't outrun Fate, can you, Bones?" Kirk crowed. "Seriously, though. I'm happy for you two," he winked.
Spock turned to you. "It would seem that you have received sufficient confirmation of Dr. McCoy's feelings towards you, correct?" he asked.
"Complete confirmation, Spock," you answered. "Did you come to gloat too, or was there something else you needed?" you inquired.
"Vulcans do not gloat. I am merely checking up on the health of one of my team members. It is fortunate that Dr. McCoy was able to successfully treat your injuries and put you on the road to recovery," Spock observed.
"Fortunate indeed," you concurred. Off to the side, you spied Uhura making her way to your bedside under what looked like quite a head of steam.
"I leave you two alone for five minutes, and you're down here causing trouble. Hi there honey, Dr. McCoy," Uhura greeted you and Leonard. Her words to you and Leonard were in direct contrast to those she aimed at Kirk and Spock. "All right, these two need their rest, so off you go. Bye sweetie," she winked. After your friends exited the MedBay, you and Dr. McCoy breathed a sigh of relief.
"Never want to be on her bad side," Leonard quipped. "Alone at last," he murmured, brushing the back of his knuckles on your cheek.
"Just the two of us now," you replied. You shuffled over further in your bed to make room for Leonard. He settled in next to you, curling his arm around you and guiding your head to rest on his shoulder. You slung your arm around his midsection and snuggled into his warm embrace. "Sweet dreams, Len. I love you," you mumbled.
"Goodnight, my love," he whispered, kissing your temple and closing his eyes.
Tags: @marvelouslytrekking @spacedancer1701 @anna-phora @hailbop1701 @writercole @lassie-bird @huffle-pissed @phoenixisred @wayward-dreamer @erindiggory @strangesgirl @dumpsterhippie @genevablog26 @lokis-deares @medicatemedrmccoy​
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marvelouslytrekking · 2 months
Pairing: Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Reader Summary: Written from the prompt: "I would believe that you're fine, but you have a goddamn knife sticking out of your leg, so." Word Count: 1417 Warnings: Mention of death, yelling, knife, injury, brief mention of disaster A/N: I haven't written much in forever and today I opened Google Docs to maybe try and write and I found this untitled and just sitting there. I really don't remember writing this but I guess I did so here it is! Enjoy :)
You were on a planet that had just had a major natural disaster hit their capital city. There were many casualties and you had come in to offer assistance and to bring them much needed supplies.  You were at a medical facility helping to triage people coming in with various injuries.
You had been tasked with assessments before directing the injuries to the treatment they needed. You were also helping with some of the more minor injuries if there was a lull in people coming in. While you knew your work was less exhausting than that of some of the other doctors and nurses who were doing back to back surgeries or other more intense work, you were still exhausted. You were also sure you had skipped a few breaks and honestly weren’t sure how long you had been at this posting. 
As if he had read your mind, suddenly Dr. McCoy appeared beside you. “I swear I haven’t seen you take a break all day. When was your last break?” He questioned.
“I honestly don’t remember,” You told him truthfully. 
“Well then what are you doing standing here, shoo, go take a break and come back a little refreshed.” 
You went to argue but he gave you a look that told you not to even try. You sighed and dramatically handed off the padd to another nurse before you stepped out of the school that had been turned into a makeshift hospital.  You immediately took a deep breath and realized just how long you had been cooped up in that building. You would never admit it to Bones, but you had desperately needed the break.
You had started to go for a walk. You should have probably been more exhausted than you were but you found yourself being restless. You didn’t want to get yourself lost so you were just walking around the block because you would be able to keep the school in your vision and you knew this area was one of the least affected so you wouldn’t find yourself in rubble and impassable areas. 
You had rounded the corner of the back of the building happy to be away from the chaos and be able to enjoy some quiet when you notice a man approaching. “They killed my wife! How could they let her die!” You heard him yelling. You felt bad for him, he had just gone through a tragedy and it wasn’t something that could be helped. It had seemed that he was just yelling at the world and not anyone in particular, but suddenly he was directly in your face. “How could you let them kill her!!” 
“I’m so sorry for your loss sir, but I am sure they did everything that you could.” You tried to diffuse the situation. You were trying to remember if you had seen this man when you were triaging people, but you had seen hundreds of people and at a certain point, the faces began to blend together. 
“No! You said she’d be okay, that it was just a simple injury and then we waited hours and now she’s dead. You killed her!!” 
You were trying to process what he was saying but before you could say or do anything, he was lunging at you. You hadn’t been prepared for the attack so he managed to knock you down on the stairs behind you. You were trying to push him off you when you heard the back doors opening and someone yelling. You let out a breath of relief when the commotion scared the man off and he ran off within second of the person starting to yell at him. 
“Oh my god! y/n, are you okay?!” You suddenly released the voice was that of Dr. McCoy. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” You responded. You were still a little stunned from the encounter and you began to slowly pull yourself up to a better seated position.
You watched as the doctor looked you over. You rolled your eyes, “You know, I am a nurse, when I say I am fine, I mean it,”
“ Well, I would believe that you're fine, but you have a goddamn knife sticking out of your leg, so." He responded with an annoyed look.
“What are you,” You started to respond before looking down to where his eyes were and realizing that he was right, there was a knife sticking out of your thigh. “Oh.”
“Yeah.” He sighed, “So how ‘bout we get you back inside and get you taken care of.”
“I am pretty sure this is a yellow case at best, I can take care of this myself. I am sure you have much more important things to be dealing with.” You told him. However, you did allow him to help you get up from the stairs. You made sure not to put any weight onto your left leg. 
“Well I think having my favorite nurse out of commission puts you higher on the priority list” He told you.
“Oh, and here I thought you didn’t have favorites.” You chuckled.
“Don’t tell Christine, she’ll be very upset and no one wants that.” He joked.
“Your secret is safe with me.” You smiled. 
You still wanted to protest that you could take care of yourself, but you also had to admit, you didn’t mind being taken care of by the doctor so you allowed him to lead you to a table and to patch you up. 
“What happened?” He asked gently as he began to cut the fabric of your uniform pants away from the knife blade. 
“I really don’t know. It happened so fast. He was yelling about how his wife died and then next thing I knew he was in my face saying I killed his wife and then before I could even try to respond, he had jumped me.” You explained. “I was trying to remember who his wife was. He said I told him it was a minor injury. I don’t know if I diagnosed her wrong. I mean maybe I am to blame.”
“Hey,” Bones stopped what he was doing, putting his hands on your shoulders and forcing you to look at him, “You did not kill her. You have been doing your job to the upmost degree, there is a lot that can go wrong when we are trying to take care of this many people. We can’t control everything, he was just misplacing his anger. You are not to blame.” 
“I mean, what if I am though?” You were trying to listen to what he was saying but all you could think about was how you couldn’t even remember who the women who died was. “I mean I can’t even remember looking the women over, what if I over extended myself and was too tired and missed something.”
“Listen, I know what you're going through right now, but honestly if you don’t remember her you might not have even been the one to look her over. And I promise, as your direct superior, I would not have let you stay here if I thought you were a danger to yourself or others. Nor would you let yourself get to that point.”
You knew he was right but it was so hard to believe it when you stopped to think about the life that was lost. 
“Thanks Len,” 
“Anytime. You know where to find me if you need to talk about this type of stuff.” He told you. From there he worked in mostly silence. He made sure to warn you of incoming pain and apologized when you winced anyway. 
“Alright you’re all good. Now get yourself back to the ship and rest for a while.” He instructed once you were patched up. 
“Wait, I thought this was about making sure I could get back to work?!” You protested. 
“You have already been here well over the maximum allowed for hours, and you were just stabbed. You need to get some rest. Once you have had a good 10 hours off, you can come back and work if you’re feeling up for it.” 
“But-” You tried to interject. 
“No buts. Get some sleep. That’s an order.” He said, authority behind the statement. 
“Fine, but I am not going to be happy about it.” You gumbled. 
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I want to cover bones face with little kisses so much just aaaaaaaaaaaaa I want to kiss him so fucking much
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starryeyes2000 · 1 year
Dating Advice: Bat Cave
Read on AO3 or FFN
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Pairing: McCoy x Gender Neutral Reader
Rating: Teen, mild references to sex
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: His romantic night did not work out as McCoy so carefully planned.
Excerpt: The trio hung as right-side up bats, hooked to rafters via restraints binding their wrists, dangling three feet from the ceiling. Similar heavy ropes shackled their legs which suspended above the floor, low enough for bare toes to graze its surface, high enough to prevent easing the torment of arms and shoulders bearing all body weight.
McCoy pivoted his hips, swinging to his left. For two seconds his eyes met Kirk’s and he said, “I blame you for this.”
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Taglist: @bardic-tales @themaradaniels @meganlpie @cobe76 @sistasarah-sallysaidso @arrthurpendragon @coping-via-clint-eastwood
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Leonard McCoy, please? Thank you!
Oh, I am enjoying writing my grumpy medic once more. I hadn't realised how much I missed him.
Shore leave was always an 'occasion' due to it being so rare! It was definitely strange seeing people out of uniform, the professional lines now officially blurred as rank melted away for the next 24 hours. Everyone was excited, but Leonard McCoy's smile had a different reason behind it.
"Hey, you coming?" Kirk asked his friend, nodding towards the door. They plan was to go for drinks and then find somewhere to eat in the vain hope it would soak up some of the alcohol.
"Yeah, just waitin' for..." He trailed off as he spotted you out of the corner of his eye. His smile grew as he turned towards you, watching you scan the crowd until your eyes fell on him and a smile of your own lit up your face.
"Ah." Kirk smirked knowingly. He had been trying to set the two of you up for what seemed like an age, but it looked like maybe the good doctor had finally grown a pair and asked you to join him.
"Hey." You grinned as you jogged over to join them, and it was in that moment both men realised you thought this was a group activity rather than a date. "Ready to go?"
The pained look that flashed across Leonard's face both amused and pained his friend, but there was no way Kirk was about to make this situation easier for him.
"Let's go. You look lovely by the way, I'm not sure anyone's told you that yet." He shot a pointed look at McCoy who simply rolled his eyes.
"Beautiful darlin'." He agreed, noting the shy smile that appeared at his compliment. Perhaps this wasn't a total lost cause after all.
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lilacliquors · 2 years
characters i will write for: updated list and fandoms
dane whitman
steve rogers
matt murdock
peter parker ( insomniac!verse )
miguel o'hara
soldier boy
billy butcher
hughie campbell
the corinthian
jim kirk
bones mccoy
poe dameron
cal kestis
simon 'ghost' riley
johnny 'soap' mactavish
philip graves
alejandro vargas
kyle 'gaz' garrick
rodolfo parra
tomas vrbada ( smoke )
syzoth ( reptile )
johnny cage
bi - han ( sub-zero )
kuai liang ( scorpion )
shang tsung
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mahbonesmccoy · 2 years
Title: Peaches
Summary: In which a Vulcan (reader) is smitten to the grumpy, blue-eyed doctor of the Starship Enterprise.
I finally managed to finish this after a hectic schedule. It's not beta'd so I'll just die 💀💀. Enjoy reading!! <3
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littleoddwriter · 2 years
What about something with McCoy and a plus sized reader who is used to fatphobia from their doctors and is scared to meet him.
Oh and maybe they work in engineering and is one of scotty's best workers and friends and come in for an injury(classic red shirt)
The idea is that they are pretty active and work out a lot but just have a slower metabolism and hold onto fat easier
Dr. Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy & PlusSize!GenderNeutral!Reader (No Relationship) | Headcanons
Hi there! Thanks for the request, I hope you like these. <3
notes; Plus Size!Gender Neutral!Reader; Past Fatphobia; Anxiety; Injury; Hurt/Comfort.
You had your first physical to even board the ship with a different doctor, so you've never met Dr. McCoy before. So when you get hurt on the job and are told to go to Dr. McCoy, you're terrified. You twisted your ankle, so what if he said that it was your own fault because of your weight?
Anxiously, you wait for him to come into the examination room, wringing your hands and breathing heavily. All possible scenarios are running through your mind, screaming at you to get out, lest you make another experience of being told you're too fat and should work out more.
You are working out. A lot. You are an engineer, you have to be fit. But due to your slow metabolism, it doesn't quite show that you work out so much.
At last, Dr. McCoy comes in and your breath stutters to a stop. What is he going to say to you? Will he just look at you with disdain? Will he even take you seriously?
He greets you and asks what's wrong. Nothing but professionalism surrounds him. Hesitantly, you explain that you twisted your ankle by having it get caught between machinery. He asks which one and you point at your right ankle.
Carefully he takes off your boot and sock and pulls up your pants' leg to get a good look at your injured ankle. It's starting to get swollen and is bruising.
He prods your ankle with his fingers, asking you to tell him if it hurts and how much. You wonder why he doesn't just use any of his many tools to assess your injury. That's what other doctors do, at least.
After that he does use one of the tools to get an in-depth look. Apparently you've got a torn ligament in your ankle. He makes quick work of taking care of that and telling you that you'll be off duty for about six weeks at most and that you'll have to come in regularly so he can see how it's healing.
You're surprised that so far nothing about your weight has even come into talk. Registering what he's said, though, you ask if you could really not work out in those six weeks. He says 'no'. Bed rest and walking on crutches it is, plus leaving your foot elevated and cooled until the swelling has gone down and the bruises are gone.
He tells you that you also have to take up exercising slowly once you're back on both of your feet. You dread it. But he smiles at you, genuinely smiles at you, and says that you shouldn't worry. You're healthy as a horse otherwise and you should just rest for now.
You feel like maybe seeing him more than once now won't be such a bad thing. He may be the best doctor you've ever had. Not just because he's not fatphobic, unlike others, but it is a reason for it.
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adamantiumspy · 1 year
of bar brawls and bruises
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part 1
pairing: bones x reader
summary: you, captain pike's daughter, are one of bones' best friends, so when he discovers his feelings for you may run deeper than friendship he has a hard time acting normal about it... and then your ex comes back into the picture
word count: 6272
warnings: swearing, drinking, bar fights
notes: I'm embarrassed by how long it took me to write this after part 1 but here it is! this is the same fic as part 1 but told entirely from bones' perspective (both fics can be read in any order)
“She’s been avoiding me.”
Jim looks up from his lunch to glance at Bones. “Who?”
Jim shakes his head. “She hasn’t been avoiding you. Why would she be avoiding you?”
“I don’t know.” Bones runs a hand over his face. “But I’m losing sleep over it. I’ve been thinking about every recent interaction I’ve had with her to try and figure out what I’ve done and I’ve come up with nothing.”
“When was the last time you talked to her?” Jim asks, taking a bite from his sandwich.
“Two days ago,” Bones replies, picking at his fries.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t exactly call that avoiding you.”
“But the conversation lasted all of two minutes. I asked her how the plants in the greenhouses were doing and if she’d have time to hang out after she was done. She gave me the plant update but said nothing about hanging out and then scurried off.”
“Maybe some of the plants aren’t doing well. You know how she gets when they’re sick or dying,” Jim says, popping a fry in his mouth.
“She usually tells me that. And it’s not just that interaction. The last few movie nights she’s sat next to you when she usually sits next to me. When I run into her in the hallways she hesitates, like she didn’t expect or even want to see me. And...” Bones looks down at his plate. “And she doesn’t smile at me much anymore.”
“She doesn’t smile at you?” Jim asks incredulously.
“Yeah, she used to give me these big, beaming smiles. They made me feel like the sun was shining on me. And now I’m lucky if I get a small one.”
Jim stares at Bones. “Oh my god.”
“What?” Bones asks.
“You’re in love with her.”
“What?” Bones’ eyes widen. “What are you talking about? She’s our best friend.”
“Our best friend that you’re hopelessly in love with,” Jim says, pointing at him with a fry. “C’mon, Bones. You’ve kept track of how often she sits next to you. You noticed when her smile changed. You’re in love with her.”
Bones blinks. “But I’ve felt the same way about her for as long as we’ve known her.”
Jim raises a brow. “Then you’ve been in love with her for as long as we’ve known her.”
Bones thinks back over the years. “Oh... Oh... Oh no... That must be why she’s avoiding me.”
“What are you talking about?”
“She must’ve figured out I’m in love with her and she doesn’t know how to let me down gently.”
“How would she have figured it out? You didn’t even know.” Having run out of fries, Jim reaches across the table and starts stealing from Bones’ abandoned plate.
“I don’t know. Maybe I subconsciously made a move. It’s the only thing that makes any logical sense.”
“Remind me to get Spock to give you a lesson in logic.”
“Fuck off.” Bones leans back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest.
“Bones,” Jim starts, brushing the crumbs from his hands and giving his friend his full attention. “I think you’re reading too much into this. Pike is definitely not avoiding you on purpose, okay?”
“If anything, she’s avoiding everyone. She’s holed up in the greenhouses all day because she insists on doing the work herself. But if you’re so worried, I’ll think of something to get her to come out with us.”
“Like what?”
Jim thinks for a moment, then snaps his fingers, eyes widening. “That new nightclub I pointed out to you the other day! We’ll get the whole gang to go, that way she can’t say no!”
Jim jumps to his feet. “Nope, no arguing. I’m gonna go put the wheels in motion.”
Before Bones can stop him, Jim runs out of the diner, leaving him to pay for the food and make his way back to his quarters alone. When he gets back to his accommodations, he doesn’t turn on any lights. He throws his jacket onto the bed, grabs himself a drink, sits on the couch, and starts to think.
He starts to think about you.
Bones always knew his feelings for you were deep, but the moment Jim said the word ‘love’ he knew he was truly fucked. Before, thoughts of you usually involved mental notes to mention something that reminded him of you, or the sound of your laugh on loop in his head. Now that he knows his feelings are love, those thoughts have become... significantly less pure.
One look at his bed has him imagining you in it. He imagines your lips trailing kisses along his jaw, down his neck, across his chest. He imagines how your lips would feel wrapped around his–
No. No. You are one of his best friends. He cannot be thinking about you like that. You wouldn’t want him thinking about you like that. And then, as if to taunt him, his imagination conjures up the inverse scenario, him kissing up your thigh until he reaches that point right between your legs. Bones blinks. Dying would surely be preferable to the torture he is putting himself through.
Jim bursts through the door without knocking, sending the last thoughts of you flying out of Bones’ mind. Bones scrambles to grab a pillow to place over his lap.
“Jim, what–”
“My plan has been executed!” Jim exclaims, brushing past Bones and heading straight for his closet. He throws open the doors and starts sifting through the hangers. “I’ve spread the word to most of the crew, so the club will be packed. Plus I ran into Uhura and Sulu and, once I explained everything, they were more than happy to go and cajole Pike into joining.”
“When you say you explained everything...” Bones narrows his eyes at his best friend.
“Oh, not that. Your secret’s safe with me. I just mentioned how Pike’s been distant lately and they seemed to agree.” Jim throws a shirt and some pants at Bones. “Wear this.”
Bones doesn’t even argue. He’s learned there’s no point when it comes to Jim, especially when he’s on a mission. Bones gets up, the remaining evidence of his daydreams now gone, and changes out of his clothes and into the dark jeans and button up shirt.
He’s barely done rolling up the sleeves to his elbows before Jim is dragging Bones out of his quarters, down the hall to Jim’s room so he can quickly change, then back out again to head to the club.
The nightclub is just opening when they arrive. Besides them, there are about five other people—locals—three huddled in a booth and two more at the bar. Bones shoots Jim a look.
“We couldn’t’ve waited an hour? Waited for more of the crew?”
Jim claps Bones on the back. “Where’s the fun in that? Besides, you wanna be here before Pike gets here.”
“I think you just wanted to start drinking already.” Bones watches as Jim flags down the bartender.
Jim grins at him. “You know me too well.”
The bartender passes them two glasses of whiskey. The pair clink their glasses together before taking a sip of their first drinks of the night.
As time passes, the crew starts trickling in. Scotty shows up after half an hour, Keenser trailing behind him. Spock arrives ten minutes later and beelines directly towards them, taking up his usual spot at Jim’s side. Chekov and Sulu get there after an hour. Jim pulls Sulu aside to ask him something, but they talk too quietly for Bones to hear anything. Even if he could make out what they were saying, it wouldn’t make much difference. His gaze hardly lingers from the doors, anxiety rising with every passing minute. You’re not here yet. Why aren’t you here yet? He definitely did something to upset you.
Bones feels Jim’s hand on his shoulder.
“You know,” Jim starts, “staring at the door isn’t gonna make her appear any faster.”
Bones nearly chokes on his drink. “I’m not staring.”
Jim gives him a teasing smile. “No, of course you’re not.”
“I just...” Bones’ gaze flicks back to the doors. He can barely see it now, the club is so packed. “What if...”
“None of that,” Jim says. “She’ll be here.”
Another hour goes by before you and Uhura walk through the doors to the nightclub. Bones forgets how to breathe. A warmth fills his chest at the sight of you, so full of love and hope that he wonders how he ever thought it was just friendship. Your hair is down, framing your beautiful face, and your dress... your dress. He catches a glimpse of your bare thigh through the slit in your dress and a thousand dirty thoughts enter his mind before he can stop himself.
“There you two are!” Jim calls, waving the women over. “I was about to send out a search party!”
In the time it takes you and Uhura to fight through the crowd, Bones banishes the dirty thoughts from his mind. Regardless of how he feels, something is definitely going on with you. You need him as a friend right now, and he intends to show you that friendship is all he expects from you.
When you finally join the group, Bones gives you a smile.
“Woah, darlin’,” he says. “You look incredible.”
Bones freezes. Uhura says something to you, then you look at him and say something else, but he hears none of it. He just complimented your appearance. Sure, he’s called you darlin’ before, and he’s given you plenty of compliments on your clothes, but never has he complimented how you look in your clothes. That wasn’t very 'friendship only’ of him.
Jim saves him, swooping in and carrying you off to the dancefloor, most of the others following behind. Bones slumps against the bar, left with only his drink and Spock.
“Are you alright, Doctor?” Spock asks.
Bones opens and shuts his mouth a few times before downing the rest of his drink.
“I’m fine, Spock,” Bones says, placing the glass on the bartop. “Just a little out of it today, is all. I’ll be right back.”
Bones escapes to the men’s room. He’s grateful when he sees there’s no one else in there, marching straight to the sink and splashing some water on his face. He needs to get it together. He tells himself nothing’s really changed. You two are friends, you don’t know he’s in love with you, and the fastest way to fix whatever is causing you to be distant is to act normal.
Bones stares at himself in the bathroom mirror. He can do that, can’t he? Act normal around you? Maybe he’ll have more luck if he just pretends to act normal. Pretending is something he can definitely do, he reasons. Much easier than forcing himself to revert back to how he felt about you before.
He steels himself, wiping his face of excess water and love, and walks out of the restroom. Bones makes his way back to the bar, where Spock is still stationed. Spock says nothing as Bones rejoins him, and for once he’s grateful for the Vulcan’s quiet nature.
An hour later, you’re bounding over to the pair, gasping for air as you collapse onto the stool between them.
“Worn out already?” Bones teases, flagging down the bartender and motioning for a glass of water. Teasing is allowed, he tells himself. You two tease each other all the time.
“It’s been a while since I broke out my dancing shoes,” you reply. “But Jim doesn’t stop. Where does he get the stamina?”
“I do not know,” Spock says as the bartender slides the glass of water over.
Bones wordlessly passes you the water. You take it, beaming up at him like you used to. For the first time in weeks, he feels like the sun is shining on him. Pretending is definitely working.
“Thank you,” you say, taking a sip of water. “You’re always taking care of me.”
Bones blushes. He ducks his head, hoping you didn’t see. Before he can say anything else, Jim and Scotty bound over to the group.
“You abandoning us already, Pike?” Jim asks, ordering himself another drink.
“Just need a break, is all. Doctor’s orders,” you reply, shooting Bones a begging look.
If you keep looking at him like that, Bones is sure he would do anything you asked.
“That’s right, Jim,” Bones says, keeping his voice as even as possible. “Can’t have one of our best pass out on the dancefloor.”
“Then I guess you’ll have to take her place,” Jim says matter-of-factly.
“Jim, I don’t–” Bones starts, but it’s too late. Jim grabs him by the arm and drags him onto the dancefloor. Within seconds they’re both swallowed up by the crowd.
“How are you doing?” Jim asks once they’re alone... well, as alone as they can be on the dancefloor of a packed nightclub.
“I’m a mess, Jim,” Bones confesses.
“I can see that.”
“I think... I think you’re gonna have to talk to her.”
“Me?” Jim looks at him confused.
“Yeah, you. You’re a neutral party. You can find out why she’s been so distant.”
“Why not you?”
Bones runs a hand through his hair in frustration. “Because if I’m the reason, then she’s not gonna tell me, is she? Besides, I... I’m having a hard time treating her like just my friend. I don’t want to burden her with my problem.”
Jim eyes him for a moment. “Yeah, you’re doing a shit job of acting normal.”
“I know.”
Jim sighs. “Okay, fine. I’ll talk to her.”
The pair push their way off of the dancefloor and make their way back to the bar, only to find you missing. Scotty looks concerned and Spock is... well... Bones has never seen the Vulcan look so angry.
“What’s going on?” Jim asks. “Where’s Pike?”
Scotty starts to explain, bumbling through an interaction it was clear he didn’t quite understand. When he says the names ‘Matthew’ and ‘Anja’, Bones’ blood runs cold. He feels Jim stiffen beside him. The countless stories you’ve told them both over the years about your ex spring to mind, causing Bones’ hands to curl into fists. Spock points them in the direction you went and Bones takes off, Jim running after him.
“Hey, wait.” Jim grabs Bones’ arm, pulling him to a stop. “We’ve gotta have a game plan.”
“The game plan is to go over there and get her the fuck away from them,” Bones spits out.
“We don’t even know if they’re that Matthew and Anja.”
“Did you see Spock?”
Jim drops his shoulders. “Fair point.”
Bones starts moving again, but Jim pulls him back to him.
“Listen,” Jim starts. “Let me take the lead. How’re you at improv?”
“What? What has that got to do with anything?”
“Don’t worry about it. Just do as I do, okay?”
With that, Jim lets him go and they continue marching across the club, zeroing in on the booth you’re seated at with two strangers. Without waiting for an invitation, they each take a seat on either side of you. You blink at them in surprise.
“There you are. We were wondering where you’d disappeared to.” Jim grins at you, before turning to the other half of the table. “Nice to meet you. I’m Jim Kirk, he’s Leonard McCoy. You are?”
“Matthew Williams and Anja Antos,” the man—Matthew—replies smugly. What a prick. The woman—Anja—rakes her eyes over Jim and Bones. Bones shifts slightly closer to you.
“Matthew and Anja,” Jim repeats, turning back to you. “That Matthew and Anja?”
You give a slight nod. Jim immediately scooches closer to you, throwing his arm across the back of your seat. Bones follows his lead, mimicking Jim’s actions and ignoring the butterflies he feels from being so close to you.
“We’ve heard lots about you, Matthew,” Bones spits out. “About you both.”
“And how do you two know Pike?” Anja asks.
“We’re her boyfriends,” Jim says.
Bones does his best to hide his surprise. He can feel his heartbeat in his throat.
“I mean, we’re also coworkers,” Jim continues casually. Bones considers killing him. “I’m the captain of the Enterprise, McCoy’s the CMO, and Pike’s one of my science officers. But I feel like the whole relationship thing supersedes all that.”
Time seems to slow. Bones tries to regulate his breathing. He needs to sell this lie, for your sake. And then he realizes he doesn’t have to lie. He can just let himself be in love with you out in the open. At least for as long as this charade lasts.
Maybe he doesn’t have to kill Jim.
You suddenly lean against his chest and, for the first time that evening, he relaxes against you, draping his arm around your shoulders. He watches you curl your hand in Jim’s, then looks up to see Matthew and Anja taking the scene in.
“You’re both her boyfriends?” Matthew asks incredulously.
“Yep,” Bones replies.
“So how’d you all end up together?” Anya asks challengingly.
“Oh, honey, why don’t you tell them?” Jim turns to you.
“Yeah, you tell the story best,” Bones adds.
Bones realizes it’ll be better for you to lay out the terms of this imaginary three-way relationship. Then he and Jim can adjust their actions accordingly.
“We all met at the Academy,” you start. “Jim and Leonard were cadets and I was an instructor’s assistant. We became fast friends.”
“And... what? You fell into a relationship?” Matthew asks.
“No, no, not all at once,” you continue. “It started with me and Jim. He was a charmer, swept me off my feet. Nobody knows how to make me laugh like Jim does. And it was just the two of us for a while, until one day I woke up and realized I’d fallen in love with Leonard.”
Bones forgets how to breathe again. He’s beaming at you before he can stop himself. You look up at him, returning his smile with a smaller one.
“In hindsight, I should’ve seen it coming,” you continue, eyes still on Bones. “Loving Leonard is like breathing, always there but you’re never aware of it unless you concentrate hard enough.”
Bones decides he’s going to pretend every word out of your mouth is true. At least until this charade is over. He’s already growing far too fond of how happy they make him.
Your gaze snaps back to Matthew and Anya. “I told Jim immediately because I’m not a cheater. To my surprise he said he was willing to share, providing Leonard felt the same.”
“And you two are happy with sharing?” Matthew asks.
“We’re happy with any bit of love we can get from her. She’s an incredible woman.” Jim grins.
“If it were up to us,” Bones says, “we’d be married already.”
The moment the words leave his lips, he realizes how true they are. He’s only consciously known how he feels about you for less than a day, but he can’t imagine living a life without you. Bones’ gaze slips back to you, but you’re still looking at Matthew and Anja.
“Baby,” Anja says, addressing Matthew. “I need a new drink.”
“Of course,” Matthew replies, turning to the other half of the table. “If you’ll excuse us for a moment.”
As Matthew and Anja move towards the bar, Jim whispers, “I don’t think they fully bought it.”
“Of course they didn’t buy it,” you whisper back. “They were never gonna buy me having two partners. They still think no one would associate themselves with me of their own free will.”
“They’ll buy it if you kiss one of us.” Jim looks over at Bones.
Bones is definitely going to kill him.
You widen your eyes at Jim. “If I what?”
Bones’ mind races. He wants to kiss you. He wants to kiss you badly. But he also doesn't want to force it, so he decides to put you at ease and give you options.
“If you’re worried about our willingness, darlin’, don’t be,” Bones says. “Jim and I got you into this mess and we’re gonna get you out of it. The last thing we want is for those two assholes to think they’ve one-upped you.”
You look between Jim and Bones. A part of Bones hopes you pick Jim. He doesn’t think his heart could take it if he knew the taste of your lips and knew he could never kiss you again.
Bones isn’t ready for it when you tilt your face up and press your lips against his. He freezes for half a second before his body takes over, gently cupping your face in his hand, parting his lips to deepen the kiss. This is better than he ever could have imagined.
He doesn’t want the kiss to end, but he’s running out of oxygen. You both take in air, breaths mingling in the space between you, but he doesn’t pull away and neither do you. He hopes beyond hope that he doesn’t look as lovestruck as he feels.
“Did they see?” you finally murmur.
“Yeah, they saw,” Jim confirms.
Bones eyes you carefully as you pull away from him.
“I, uh... I think I need some air,” you say.
Jim rises to let you out of the booth, retaking his seat once you’re standing. Before you slip away, you lean down and press a kiss against Jim’s cheek.
“What was that for?” he asks.
“I’ve allegedly got two boyfriends, don’t I?” you reply.
Jim chuckles as you slip away and out of the club. Once you’re gone, he turns to Bones, smiling smugly.
“How was the kiss?”
“Fuck off,” Bones says, but there’s no bite behind it. His gaze still lingers on the club doors.
“C’mon,” Jim nudges. “Let’s get back to the rest of the group.”
The pair abandon the booth, heading back to the bar. They find Spock and Sulu, each nursing their own drinks, eyes glued to the club doors.
“What’s going on?” Jim asks.
Chekov appears through the doors and makes his way over to them.
“She says she is going back to her room,” he announces.
Bones’ shoulders slump. He fights every instinct inside him telling him to go after you. If it were any other time, he would, but he suspects he’s part of the reason you don’t want to come back. Better to leave you be for the night.
Scotty and Uhura make their way over from the dancefloor.
“What’s going on?” Uhura asks.
“Pike went back to the accommodations,” Sulu informs her.
Uhura frowns. “What happened?”
Jim, Bones, and Spock all exchange looks. Then they explain about Matthew and Anja. At the end of the story, Sulu, Uhura, Scotty, and Chekov all look horrified.
“Where are they?” Uhura asks, voice dripping with venom.
“Uhura, don’t,” Jim warns.
“I’m off duty, Captain.”
As the rest of the group tries to talk Uhura down from murdering your ex, Bones tunes them out. He thinks about your kiss instead. He thinks about how soft your lips had felt against his, how you’d melted against him. Now that he’s gotten a taste of you, he wants more. He and Jim will definitely have to talk about this later.
Bones hears your name. It interrupts his train of thought, but it’s not spoken by any of his friends. He turns and sees Matthew and Anja a little ways down the bar.
“What did you just say?” Bones asks, raising his voice.
His friends all stop and look at him, gazes moving down the bar to see Matthew and Anja.
“I think you heard what I said,” Matthew says, turning his body towards Bones.
Bones moves down the bar towards them, the rest of the group trailing after him.
“I’d like you to repeat it.”
Matthew looks from Bones to his friends. “I said Pike only got into the Academy because of her dad.”
“Excuse me?” Jim spits out.
“C’mon, she was seventeen. People rarely get into the Academy when they’re minors.”
“I did,” Chekov says through gritted teeth.
“And I’m sure you got there on your own merits,” Matthew says condescendingly.
“You should leave,” Bones says, voice low.
“Please.” Anja laughs. “You can’t possibly be serious. You can’t all like Pike enough to be defending her like this.”
“Try us,” Sulu says.
“You don’t have to pretend with us.” Matthew smiles knowingly. “I’m sure the only reason she’s still even on the Enterprise is because she’s fucking the captain and the CMO.”
Spock looks more enraged than Bones has ever seen him. Scotty and Sulu both put themselves between him and Matthew so that the Vulcan can calm himself. Jim makes a motion towards Matthew, but Chekov grabs his arm and pulls him back. Uhura is shaking with rage. Bones’ hands are in fists.
“Fuck. Off,” Bones growls.
“Or what?” Matthew taunts.
Bones punches him. Matthew doesn’t have a moment to recover from the unexpected attack before Bones is swinging again, sending him sprawling against the bar, drinks spilling across the bartop and tumbling to the ground. Anja screams, but they all ignore her.
Bones pins Matthew to the bar, punching him again and again. Matthew scrambles for purchase, hand landing on a glass which he smashes across Bones’ face. Bones stumbles backwards. Matthew lunges at him, the pair falling to the ground. Bones wrestles with Matthew, each man throwing a punch or two when he can.
The crew, having frozen at the first punch Bones threw, springs into action. Jim pulls Matthew up and off of Bones, Chekov and Sulu getting their crewmate off the ground. Matthew lunges at Bones again, but Jim pushes him back towards Anja.
“He said fuck off,” Jim spits out.
Matthew looks from Jim to Bones to the rest of the crew. Bruises are starting to form across his face, surrounding cuts that pepper his features. His lips are starting to swell and his nose is definitely broken. Bones doesn’t feel like he looks much better, his face throbbing and his hand hurting like crazy.
“Hey!” the bartender shouted, getting everyone’s attention. “All of you, out!”
Anja pulls Matthew away, the pair scurrying out the doors before any more punches can be thrown. The seven members of the Enterprise crew file out more slowly, breathing in the cool night air.
“Jeez, Bones. You could’ve warned us at least,” Jim says. The others murmur agreements.
“I just did what all of you were thinking,” Bones replies.
“Damn right,” Uhura says.
Jim takes in Bones’ appearance. “Let’s go back to the hotel. I’ll comm M’Benga while we walk over.”
Bones shakes his head. “I’ll take care of myself.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Jim starts steering Bones towards their hotel. “Let me at least get Chapel to come and take a look at you.”
“Jim, I’m serious, I can take care of myself.” Bones extracts himself from Jim’s grasp. “Besides, I need to get supplies from the Enterprise anyways.”
Before anyone can say anything, he splits off from the group, heading in the direction of the spaceport. The adrenaline is starting to leave his system, the pain from his injuries becoming more and more apparent. He picks up his pace and before he knows it he’s on the Enterprise, heading towards the medbay. He passes the greenhouses on his way down and he thinks about you for a moment, but the pain is almost overwhelming at this point so the thought of you vanishes almost as quickly as it came.
Bones makes it to the medbay. He opens up the cabinets and is rifling through supplies when the doors to the room whoosh open. He turns in surprise, locking eyes with you. You’re standing in the doorway, taking the scene in, still in that distracting dress and holding gardening shears.
“Jesus Christ, Len!” you exclaim, rushing into the medbay, dropping the shears onto the closest surface.
“Easy, darlin’,” Bones says. “It’s not as bad as it looks.”
“Not as bad as it looks!” You raise a hand and grab a hold of his face by the chin, turning his head this way and that, analyzing the state it’s in. You then turn your attention to his bloody, bruised hand. He can almost see the cogs turning in your head as you take his injuries in.
“You wouldn’t’ve even seen me like this if I hadn’t run out of my damn first aid supplies earlier today. Keenser’s still oozing that highly acidic green goo and a coupla lieutenants got caught in the crossfire.” Bones huffs a laugh, hoping to lighten the mood. He cocks his head towards your shears. “What were you gonna do if it wasn’t me? Snip the intruder to death?”
“Ha ha, very funny.” You eye him for a moment. “Okay, go get on that bed over there.”
“I’m playing doctor tonight. I’ll collect the supplies and meet you over there.”
“Darlin’, I can patch myself up just fine.”
“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you have to. Now go on. Get,” you say, waving him towards the bed.
Bones gives a slight smile before heading towards the bed. He sits on the edge, feet dangling over the side. While you collect supplies, he tells himself not to read too much into your actions. You’re helping because you’re one of his best friends. That’s it. He’s not gonna let his love for you get in the way of your kindness.
You walk over to the bed, metal tray in hand loaded with all the supplies you’ll need. You plop the tray down on the bed beside him.
“The other guy better look worse,” you say, falling into the usual banter you share as you grab the rubbing alcohol, dump a bit on a cotton square, and start to clean the wounds on his hand.
“Trust me, he does,” Bones says, grimacing as you move his hand. He doesn’t want to talk about Matthew right now.
You frown at his reaction, putting the cotton square down and grabbing the tricorder. “Oh yeah? Must’ve done something real bad if he made you do something like this. This isn’t really your style. Jim, on the other hand...” You finish scanning his hand, frown deepening. Before Bones can ask about the readings, you say, “You’ve got a hairline fracture at your wrist. You’ll need a brace for that, right?”
Bones nods. “We’ve got some over in that cabinet.”
You walk over to the cabinet Bones identified, grabbing the appropriate brace then walking back to Bones.
“I’m gonna add some salve to your hand before I put on the brace to help with the cuts. I’ll try my best not to hurt you,” you say.
Bones nods again. You apply the healing salve as quickly and carefully as possible. You’re being so gentle with him. Bones gives the occasional wince and you rub your thumb along the side of his hand in comfort. He imagines a scenario where your hand is in his because you want it to be. Where you rub your thumb along his hand because you love him, not because he did something very stupid, something he’s afraid you’re gonna be mad at him for when he tells you.
He watches you as you finish wrapping his hand and slip the brace on. Bones adjusts the straps on the brace to his satisfaction as you grab a fresh cotton square, add rubbing alcohol, and move to the cuts on his face. For easier access, you slot yourself between his legs. Bones’ stomach does a flip.
“What were you thinking, Len? You’re a surgeon. You kinda need your hands to do your job.” You start to clean the wounds on his face.
Bones fights a smile. You only call him Len when it’s just the two of you, and because you’ve been avoiding him he hasn’t heard you say it in weeks. And now you’ve said it twice.
“My hand will heal. Besides, if I hadn’t, Jim would’ve. Hell, Spock would’ve.” Bones winces as you pass the cotton square over the largest of the cuts.
“Spock? Our Spock?” you ask incredulously, dumping the squares on the tray and reaching for the healing salve. You apply small dabs of the salve on his facial wounds.
“Sulu and Scotty nearly had to hold him back,” Bones says.
“Jesus. Who was this guy and what did he do?”
Despite his fear, Bones refuses to lie to you. “It was Matthew.”
You freeze, focusing your gaze to meet Bones’.
“What did... what did he say?” you ask quietly.
Bones keeps his eyes on you. “He was talkin’ shit, insulting you. Started by sayin’ you only got into the Academy because of your dad. It only escalated from there. The middle part’s a bit fuzzy, but I remember he said something about how the only reason you’re still on the Enterprise is because you’re fucking the captain and the CMO. Which is just...” Bones clenches his jaw in anger. “Maybe sleeping with Jim would come with perks, but me? You outrank me. Sleeping with me wouldn’t...” Bones cuts himself off. He wants to tell you the truth but that doesn’t mean he has to reveal his feelings for you. “Anyway, I wasn't gonna let his comments slide, and neither was Jim. Our made-up three-way relationship aside, you are one of the only people in all of Starfleet that’s worth a damn. You run circles around both of those assholes. We tried to tell them to fuck off, but they wouldn’t listen. Chekov was holding Jim back, Sulu and Scotty were blocking Spock, and I guess Uhura thought I’d be rational enough not to get violent. She thought wrong. It was all over before it really started, lots of broken glass and spilled drinks, but I got a few good punches in.”
You lean up and press a kiss against Bones’ cheek, stunning him into silence.
“Wha... What was that for?” he finally asks.
“For defending my honor,” you say. “Thank you, Len.”
“Here I was thinkin’ you’d be upset,” Bones murmurs.
“Matthew’s an asshole. Anja too. They could get blown up on a starship for all I care.”
Bones chuckles as you finish lathering his injuries in the healing salve. You wipe your hand of excess salve and then grab the bandages. Bones lets you continue to work in silence, watching you as you place butterfly bandages on the largest of his facial wounds.
“Okay,” you say. “All done.”
“Got me all patched up, Doc?” Bones teases.
“As best I could.” You gather all the used supplies and place them on the metal tray. “You’ll need to ice that black eye and change the bandages every once in a while, but you already knew that. And I’m guessing you know how long you need to wear that brace for, or will at least have M’Benga look you over as soon as possible.”
Bones nods. “Thank you, darlin’. You didn’t have to do all this, you know.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Len. I care about you. This is the least I would do for someone I care about.”
You care about him. Bones has always known you care about him, but the way you just said it makes him hope that you might... that if he just...
“I love when you call me Len.”
Bones watches your face intently, but your expression doesn’t change. Shit. He just made a fool of himself for nothing.
“I love when you call me darlin’.”
Bones blinks at the returned confession. He thinks he imagined it. You both stare at each other, unmoving. Bones breaks the silence before you do.
“I wanted to say sorry.”
You furrow your brow. Bones thinks he’s definitely making a mess of this, but he’s too far in now. He has to see it through.
“What for?” you ask.
“For everything back at the club. Jim and I should’ve told you what we had planned beforehand. And I’m especially sorry you had to kiss me.”
“I didn’t have to kiss you, Len. I chose to.”
“Still, you wouldn’t’ve if we hadn’t put you in an awkward position.”
“That’s not true,” you murmur.
Bones blinks at you, eyes flicking to your lips. Neither of you moves, simultaneously too afraid to stick to the status quo or break it.
You make the first move again, kissing him softly. He sighs against your lips and wraps his arms around your waist. You press yourself against him, parting your lips to deepen the kiss, your hands cupping his face.
When you part for air, Bones resolves to confess. If this is going to happen, he wants to be all in.
“I love you,” he murmurs against your lips.
You pull back. “You love me?”
Bones gives you a soft smile. “C’mon, darlin’, you must’ve known.”
You shake your head. “Uhura and Sulu tried to tell me, but I thought they were just teasing me.”
Bones furrows his brow. “Why would that tease you?”
“Because I love you.” You run your thumbs across his cheeks. “God, Len, I am so in love with you.”
Warmth blooms in Bones’ chest, all the love and hope he’d tried to squash coming back to wash over him. He pulls you into another kiss and you giggle against his lips.
“What?” Bones asks.
“Uhura and Sulu are going to be insufferable for a while,” you say.
Bones grins. “You think they’re going to be insufferable? Wait until Jim finds out.”
You both laugh. Then he kisses you again. And again. And again.
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440mxs-wife · 1 year
The Deal With Love
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Pairing: Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy x F!Reader. Other Characters: Jim Kirk, Nyota Uhura, Christine Chapel, Dr. Jordan Wallace, Dr. Dylan Clark, Martin Sinclair (OMC’s).
Word Count: 9316 
Warnings: Fake dating, friends to lovers, well-meaning friends, alcohol consumption, some angst, conniving businessmen, but FLUFFFFFY ending.
Summary: One night, Dr. McCoy shows up at the bar owned by James T. Kirk, The Space Dock, with a problem. He’s about to close a deal with a major hospital, which will benefit his clinics. The hospital execs invite Dr. McCoy and his wife to their charity gala, where they hope to finalize the deal. However, Dr. McCoy isn’t married, so he asks the Reader to pose as his girlfriend, and she agrees. Only problem is, they have feelings for each other that have so far gone unspoken. Will they be able to go back to being “just friends” after the deal is done, or will there be heartbreak?
A/N: If you’ve been tagged here, it’s because you’ve interacted one or more times on a McCoy story of mine, or we’re moots. Whether you like or reblog, I am eternally grateful for your support. If anyone else would like to be tagged on any future Karl Urban character postings, or would rather leave the Crazy Train, please let me know. Thank you, and enjoy the show!
Leonard McCoy had wanted to be a doctor for as long as he could remember. He read nearly every medical textbook and magazine article he could get his hands on. As a junior and senior in high school, he received special permission to help out in the nurse's office. That's also where he happened to meet his best friend, James T. Kirk, or "Jim", as he was known around school.
After graduation, their paths diverged for a time, with Leonard headed to medical school, while Jim opted to pursue a degree in business. Several years later, Jim was the owner of a highly successful bar in downtown San Francisco, called The Space Dock. Only the best bartenders in the city worked at Jim's club, where the line frequently stretched around and down the block, starting on Thursday nights.
Leonard, on the other hand, spent his years slowly building his first neighborhood clinic into a total of three successful ones. His clinics provided the best care in the city, regardless of a patient's financial status. Each clinic worked in general medicine, while also specializing in one other particular area of health care. It was this model that caught the attention of Martin Sinclair, the CEO of one of the top healthcare facilities in the city, Bayview General Hospital.
Tonight, Leonard was invited to meet with Sinclair and several of the board members to discuss a business matter. The board wanted to propose the acquisition of the McCoy clinics, bringing them under the hospital's umbrella. Leonard would still be very much involved in the day-to-day operations but would have access to more and better technology to serve his patients.
After drinks and an expensive meal, Sinclair asked Leonard for his thoughts on the business proposal. In his mind, Leonard was jumping for joy at the opportunities being presented to him. On the outside, though, his poker face was in control. "I appreciate the offer, which I must admit is rather generous. However, I hope you understand when I say I'd like to discuss this with the other members of my staff at the clinics," he responded.
Sinclair and the other board members all assured him they understood, and after dessert, they all walked out to the valet station. Everything was going well at this point, with each side thinking they had the upper hand. While they were waiting for their vehicles to be brought around, Sinclair turned to Leonard. "Oh, you must invite your wife to join us at our next event. My wife is always looking to meet new people and make friends," he remarked.
Leonard gulped. "My-my wife?" he questioned.
"You are married, aren't you?" another board member asked. At the look on Leonard's face, he explained. "We're all married. You see, we find that when a colleague is married, it shows a certain amount of stability in his life, someone who's going to stick around. Not someone who we spend all of our time training, only to have them leave to go to some other hospital. So, when do we get to meet her?" he wondered.
"Well," Leonard began. "Thing is, I'm not married," he admitted. "N-not yet, anyway," he hastily added when he saw the faces of his potential co-workers. "I do have a girlfriend, though. A wonderful woman, who I've been involved with for almost five years. Been thinking of asking her to take the leap, but I haven't found the perfect moment yet," he sheepishly grinned.
The group burst into laughter and some of them clapped a hand on Leonard's shoulder. They all agreed that Leonard should bring his girlfriend to the hospital's charity gala, scheduled to occur in three weeks. Sinclair and the others hinted that they also hoped Leonard would have a decision on their offer by that date. He assured them that he would consider their offer, and in the meantime, he would be needing two tickets for the gala.
After he left the restaurant, Leonard headed for The Space Dock, to hang out with Jim and get his opinion on the deal. He needed some outside perspective, and he knew Jim would help him on that front. Leonard was still nursing his first glass of top-shelf bourbon when his eyes fell on you. He was usually around on Friday nights, watching as you made and served drinks to a packed club. However, this being a Wednesday night, he was surprised to see you working.
Leonard's eyes followed you as you took a tray laden with drinks over to a table of boisterous patrons playing cards. You set each drink in front of its recipient and smiled before turning to leave the table.
What happened next nearly had Leonard catapulting out of his seat. He watched in horror as one of the men reached out to try and pull you onto his lap. Fortunately, at the last second, you scurried out of the man's reach, then returned to confront him. As you spoke, his face seemed to get more and more pale and when you left again, he had a terrified look in his eyes.
You returned to the bar to wipe off your tray with a wet cloth, then smiled as you turned your attention to Leonard. "Oh, good evening, Leonard, how's everything going?" you asked.
"Going all right, everything okay with you? I saw what almost happened over there, what did you say to him?" Leonard wondered.
"I reminded him that his son, Mason, was a student in my class, and that I know his wife. I also mentioned what would happen if he or any of his friends with him tonight try to pull a stunt like that again," you replied.
"Really? What did you say you would do?" he couldn't help but ask.
You leaned in closer, and Leonard followed suit. "Um....I told him that if it happened again, I'd have to tell his wife about it at the next parent-teacher conference," you smirked. "He knows she's kinda scary about stuff like that."
Leonard threw his head back and burst into laughter. "Here I thought I was going to have to teach him a lesson in how to treat a lady, but you handled it just fine, darlin'," he remarked.
"While I appreciate the sentiment, I've handled worse before. Used to work in my uncle's bar when I needed money for college. Most of the customers were ex-military, a relatively good bunch for the most part. But occasionally we got a wannabe in there or some hotshot recruit who thought he could say or do whatever he wanted," you shrugged. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to fetch some more bottled beer from the cooler."
Leonard shook his head and watched as you walked through the swinging doors leading to the walk-in coolers. It wasn't long before Jim was standing in front of him, wiping down the bar top. "Hey Bones, what brings you in here? And on a Wednesday of all days?" he asked.
The doctor gave Jim a quick smile, then told him about the dinner meeting he had with the execs from Bayview General Hospital. Leonard explained the particulars of the board's offer, and what it all would mean for his practice. Then he brought up the unusual conversation that occurred outside at the valet station. "I mean, it was beyond weird. He said they're all married, that it represented 'stability' in a person's life," he grimaced at the memory of the conversation.
Leonard motioned with his thumb to where you were clearing the empty tables, while still keeping an eye on your rowdy table of customers. "What's she doing here tonight? It's only Wednesday, and if I'm not mistaken, she has a job as a 2nd-grade schoolteacher in the morning," he pointed out.
"My regular Wednesday bartender called out with a family emergency, so she volunteered to take the the extra shift," Jim shrugged.
"That's got to be tough, working all week as a schoolteacher, then here on the weekends," Leonard mused. He watched as you now washed glasses behind the bar.
Jim kept his eyes on his friend while Leonard observed your routine of washing and rinsing the glassware for the bar. "Yeah, but she does it all with a smile. Hey, what are you going to do about a girlfriend or fiancée for this gala thing?" he asked, changing the subject.
Leonard's concentration on you broke for a quick second to respond. "Hmm? Oh, the hospital gig. Don't know yet," he murmured, his eyes back to observing you. "I wonder if....nah," he shook his head.
Jim started to catch on to Leonard's train of thought. "Why not?" he asked. "C'mon, she's perfect! Second grade schoolteacher, wholesome occupation. Plus, the two of you have been friends for a long enough time that it'll be believable that you two are a couple," he explained.
"Hmm. Wow, I can't believe I'm saying this, but Jim, you might be right," Leonard chuckled. "Doesn't hurt to ask her, right?"
You chose that moment to bring over a tray of washed glassware, and latched on to the end of Leonard's question. "Ask who, what?" you wondered.
Jim looked from Leonard to you and grinned. "You know, I just remembered, I've got some paperwork to do in my office. I'll catch up with you two later," he winked and patted your shoulder on his way out.
"Len? Everything all right?" you asked.
It was now or never, Leonard thought. "Do you have a minute? I have something I'd like to talk with you about," he started. You flashed him one of your beautiful smiles, which gave him the courage to share the events of his evening and to ask for your help.
After he finished giving you the details of his plan, you silently digested the information. While he spoke, you were leaning forward, but now you were reclined in your chair, your palms flat on the table in front of you. It was a rather unusual thing to ask of you: pose as his girlfriend/fiancée to impress a bunch of hospital execs for a business deal.
The decision should have been a no-brainer. Do this favor for a friend by wearing a fancy dress to an upscale event with dinner and drinks. But in your case, it wasn't exactly that clear-cut of a decision anymore. Especially since lately, your feelings for Leonard had tiptoed across the line of simple friendship and into something more.
Sure, by the time Leonard came in on Friday nights, he usually had a grumpy look on his face. One that sometimes took until halfway through his second bourbon to begin to disappear. The other bartenders generally steered clear of Leonard until that point, except for you.
In your eyes, Leonard is exhausted and stressed-out from giving everything he has to treating his patients to the best of his ability. You admired him and couldn't imagine doing what he does, or how he does it, day in and day out, all with the utmost grace and dignity. The least you could do was pour the man a drink to help him relax from a day like that.
Leonard found himself studying your face, looking for any indication of your thoughts about his plan. "Well?" he prompted, breaking you out of your concentration. "What do you think? I'm willing to throw in some cash, or prizes, if that helps," he chuckled nervously.
You grinned at his attempts to alleviate any tension, or to possibly influence your decision. "Oh, no, no, Len. You don't have to do anything like that. I'll do this for you, no strings attached," you affirmed. Given the potential for heartbreak, you were aware that you may regret this, but there was no way you could turn him down. His friendship meant too much for you to do that. Somehow, you'd have to learn to live with the consequences, should they arise.
Just as Leonard thought it was about to all fall apart when you seemed to hesitate, you surprised him by agreeing to his plan. And though you'd said, "no strings attached", Leonard knew his heart was already somewhat tethered to yours. Perhaps these thoughts he's been having of something more with you aren't that unrealistic after all.
Leonard relaxed in his seat at the bar and reached out to take your hand in his. "Well, I don't quite know how to thank you for this, darlin'," he drawled. "They told me the gala was about three weeks from now. As soon as I have the exact date, I'll let you know, in case you need to go shopping or something," he mentioned. "At least let me help you by covering that expense."
You tapped your chin, pretending to think, then turned to Leonard. "Hmm. I s'pose I can live with that," you replied with a smile. "I'm sure I will need to get something to wear, at some point anyway. Not much call for a ballgown and high heels in my 2nd-grade class," you chuckled, as did Leonard. "But my dress remains a secret until that night," you advised, holding up your index finger.
"Fair 'nuff, sweetheart," Leonard grinned.
The two of you chatted for a little while longer until it was time for Leonard to head home. He hardly ever stayed much past eleven on Fridays, and it was now edging close to midnight. "I'll be here Friday night, as usual, so I'll see you then," he remarked. Before he left, he took your hand in his and pressed a kiss to the back of it, then gave you a roguish wink.
Your eyes followed Leonard as he walked out of the bar and into the night. The navy-blue dress slacks he was wearing clung perfectly to his backside. The top two buttons on his white dress shirt were open, giving you a tantalizing hint of his broad chest. His suit jacket was slung over one shoulder as he waved goodbye to Jim with his other hand.
Jim stood next to you and observed the way you ogled his best friend with your lips slightly parted as you watched him leave the bar. It wasn't until the door closed that you snapped your mouth closed and returned to the task at hand. "So, did Bones have anything interesting to say?" he smirked.
Your head swiveled in Jim's direction, and you rolled your eyes at the smug look on his face. "Oh, shut up, Jim," you muttered.
Later that night after your shift at the bar, you were reflecting on Dr. McCoy's offer as you relaxed on your couch. All you had to do was to pretend to be the woman in his life, long enough for him to sign the agreement for the business deal. After the hospital's charity gala, you could break up with him, and you go back to being just friends. He made it sound uncomplicated. But will it really be that easy?
You could tell yourself all you want that you agreed to his plan because it was about one friend helping another. However, it wasn't that simple, considering your feelings for Leonard, even though you were sure he didn't return them. This arrangement made you wonder if or how you could ever go back to being "just friends", after you'd known what it was like to be his. As your eyelids drooped, your thoughts drifted back to that night when you'd first met Leonard.
"Good evening, what can I get for you?" you greeted with a bright smile.
Leonard seemed to wince at your cheerfulness. "Bourbon. Please," he grumbled.
You delivered his drink and watched as he threw it back in one go. "Another?" you asked, to which he nodded. "Rough day?" you wondered as you replenished his drink.
Leonard paused mid-sip on his second drink. "Look, I know that bartenders are supposed to be great listeners, but please. I just want to enjoy my drink without anyone trying to shrink my head, especially one of Jim's new bartenders," he muttered. "No offense."
"None taken, but I have a deal for you. I have a joke for you, and if you don't laugh or crack a smile, your next drink is on me. However, if I do get a laugh or smile, no matter how small, you have to say something nice," you proposed.
Leonard's head tilted in curiosity and said he'd take your deal. You told your joke, but you think you messed up the punch line, because Leonard had no reaction. "Guess that means you owe me a drink, darlin'," he remarked.
"I reckon I do," you replied as you poured his next drink, then introduced yourself. He gave his name in return, and he watched as you ran the bar with precision, charm and grace. Throughout the night, you checked in with him, offering little tidbits about your life, while he did the same. You noticed that as the evening progressed, his time between refills got longer, while his laughs and smiles were more frequent.
Eventually, it was time for him to leave, but not without flashing you a smile and mouthing, "thank you". Whether that was thanks for your care and conversation or for making him smile, you didn't care. You had made a difference and that was enough for you.
>>End of Flashback
From that very first interaction with Leonard, a beautiful friendship was born. He came in every Friday night after work, and you got to meet his and Jim's other friends. Soon after meeting everyone, you were welcomed into the friend group as if you'd been there from the beginning. It was a feeling you didn't want to lose, especially once your arrangement with Leonard was over.
Noticing the time, you got up from the couch and stepped into the shower, praying that the hot water would ease your aching muscles. You also hoped it would relax you enough to the point that your brain would slow down enough to let you sleep. For now, you decided to let things happen naturally between you and Leonard, and try not to overthink the situation. Easier said than done, but I've got to try, you thought as your head sank into the pillow.
"Well, it's about time," Uhura remarked. You had invited her to lunch because you needed a semi-neutral third party to help sort through your emotions.
"Wait, what's that supposed to mean, 'it's about time'?" you asked.
"I mean exactly that, it's about time Leonard wised up and asked you out on a date," she clarified.
"I suppose it is technically a date. I get all dressed up in a beautiful ballgown, Leonard picks me up from my place and we go to this hospital charity gala thing," you explained. "I'm there so that Len can project an image of 'stability' to the board members. They're all married, and if they think we're together, they'll want to do this deal with him."
Uhura rolled her eyes. "You two, I swear," she muttered under her breath. "Do you not see the way Leonard looks at you? Wh-when we're at the bar and you bring over the next round of drinks, his eyes follow your every move. They stay glued to you until you get back behind the bar," she stated. "I'm tellin' you, that man is smitten with you."
"Nuh-uh, he watches so that if I start to have any trouble because the tray is too heavy or something, he can jump in and help," you countered. "Doesn't mean he has feelings for me, or that he's 'smitten' with me, or anything else like that," you grumbled.
Uhura waved off your feeble explanation. "Never mind that. What happens after the hospital's thingamajig? Does everything go back to 'normal' with you and McCoy?" she wondered.
That's the sixty-four thousand dollar question, isn't it, you thought. "I suppose so, I mean, I don't think either of us have thought that far ahead. Once he signs the contract and the deal goes through, he said I could break up with him and we'd go back to being friends," you explained.
As if Uhura could hear your thoughts, she remarked, "But you're thinking, 'what if that's not what I want', right?" You nodded at her keen observation as she reached over and covered your hand with hers. "Then you have to tell him. Take the leap and trust that Leonard will be there to catch you," she added.
You took a deep breath as you considered Uhura's words. "I'll keep it in mind. For now, I need your help to find a gown that will blow his socks off," you grinned.
"I can definitely help you with that, let's go!" Uhura exclaimed.
Across town, a meeting was being held between Dr. McCoy and the two chief physicians at his other clinics. He explained the terms of the deal with Bayview General Hospital, and what it would mean, especially with patient care. The conversation took a turn similar to yours and Uhura's when Leonard mentioned that he would be going to the hospital charity gala with you.
"Really? It's about damn time," remarked Dr. Jordan Wallace, one of his colleagues.
Leonard turned his surprised look towards Dr. Wallace. "Now, what's that supposed to mean?" he wondered.
"It means, Dr. McCoy, that we've been waiting for you to ask her out on a date since you first told us about her," answered Dr. Dylan Clark, another of his colleagues.
Leonard shook his head. "It's not like that between us, we're just friends who have known each other for a long time. They'll assume she's my girlfriend, and why should I correct their assumption?" he pointed out. "I suppose, technically, it is a date. We'll both be dressed up in our best, I'm picking her up from her house, and she'll be by my side for the evening," he explained.
Drs. Wallace and Clark looked at each other, unable to believe that Dr. McCoy, their friend and mentor, was this clueless about his feelings for you. "So, there's nothing more between you? This is only a business deal? What happens after the deal is signed, do you go back to being 'just friends'?" Dr. Clark wondered.
Leonard took a deep breath before answering. "I guess we haven't thought that far ahead, you know, about 'after'. It's not like I haven't ever entertained thoughts of something more with her," he admitted with a wry grin.
"What's so special about her anyway?" Dr. Wallace asked.
"Where do I start?" Leonard grinned. "She's intelligent, selfless, compassionate and has a great sense of humor. Her day job is a 2nd-grade schoolteacher, which should qualify her for sainthood on that alone. But she also works weekends at Jim's bar for some extra cash. On top of everything else, she's one of the most beautiful women I've ever met," he finished.
"Oh yeah, you're gone for this woman, Doc McCoy," Clark chuckled, as did Wallace. "My advice to you is to tell her how you feel. She sounds like an amazing person, and from what you've told us, you'd be perfect for each other. Take the leap and trust that she'll be there to catch you."
Leonard waved his hand to try and get the meeting back on track. "All right, all right, enough about my love life," he grumbled good-naturedly. "So, what are our thoughts on Bayview's offer?" he inquired, getting back to the business at hand.
After lunch with Uhura, you had found the perfect gown, a floor-length burgundy one with tulle overlay and cap sleeves. It had gold sequins on the bodice, at the waist and on the skirt. You found a pair of gold pumps along with some earrings and a necklace to match.
When you got home, you phoned Leonard to let him know so he could match his pocket square to the color of your dress. "Not even a hint as to what it looks like, darlin'?" Leonard chuckled.
"Not even a little hint, Len. A girl has to have some mystery about her. Keeps a man guessin'," you added with a grin you hoped he heard through the phone.
"Well, all right. I s'pose I'll let you have your mystery, sweetheart. Can't wait to see you this Friday, though," Leonard replied softly. "You'll be all dressed up like a princess, while I play the part of the frog," he joked.
"Fortunately for you, a princess can turn the frog back into the prince with only one kiss. And I will be more than happy to bestow one on you. Even though you're already a prince in my book," you remarked shyly.
"That's mighty kind of you to say, sugar," Leonard replied quietly. "Sweet dreams, darlin'," he responded.
"Sweet dreams of you, Len," you whispered, then hung up.
On the night of the gala, your friends Uhura and Christine came over to help you get ready. As you'd told Leonard, there wasn't much occasion for a ballgown and fancy shoes in your classroom. For this reason, you desperately needed your friends as reinforcements. Luckily, Christine was an expert with hair, which she put into a classic updo for you, with a few loose, wispy tendrils to frame your face.
Uhura was your cosmetics expert, keeping it at neutral colors for the most part. While at the same time, she was subtly enhancing your "existent beauty", as she'd called it. However, you were having trouble sitting still for her to apply the eyeliner and mascara. She finally stopped and asked you, "All right, what's going on? I can't finish your makeup if you don't stop fidgeting. What's wrong?"
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "It's just....tonight might not be as easy as I thought it would be. I mean, yeah, sure, it'll be great when he holds my hand, or puts his arm around my waist, but that's because we're pretending," you explained. "We're putting on an act for those hoity-toity hospital execs so they'll sign this deal with him. What if I make a mistake and blow everything? And....I don't want it to be pretend anymore," you finished in a small voice.
"Oh, honey," Uhura brought you into a hug, being mindful of your hair. "It's going to be all right. Leonard will be by your side the whole night, and he won't let anything happen to you. Just relax and follow his lead. You two have been friends for such a long time that this should almost be like second nature to you," she pointed out.
"Yeah, you're right. If something's going to happen, it should do so naturally, as it would if no one is watching," you mused.
"Exactly, keep it natural. If you want to hold his hand, reach for it. If you need to hold his arm, take it," Christine chimed in. "And if he wants to kiss you, well," she grinned. "Then lock your lips with his and hold on for the ride," she cackled.
Once the laughter died down, Uhura returned to her task of your makeup. As soon as she finished, she and Christine helped you step into your gown and zipped it up. You slipped your feet into a pair of gold pumps with a low heel and headed out to the living room, where you'd left your jewelry. Right after you'd secured your crystal earrings in place, there was a knock at the door and you froze in place.
"He's here," you whispered, your hand rising to cover your mouth.
Uhura rolled her eyes with a grin as she rose from her chair. "Relax, honey, I'll get the door, even though I know it's for you," she smirked. She checked the peephole, turned to you with a wink and a nod of her head. You nodded back and waited with bated breath as she turned the doorknob.
The sight that greeted you was one for which you were not prepared: Leonard McCoy in a tuxedo. The man was devastatingly handsome enough as it was, no matter what he wore, but a tuxedo?? He was a menace to be sure, but in the best of ways. "Good evening, Dr. McCoy. Won't you please come in?" Uhura prompted.
"Thank you, Nyota, I....," Leonard's voice trailed off when his eyes landed on you. "Whoa, sweetheart," he whispered. "You look absolutely exquisite this evening. Truly breathtaking," he added with a warm smile.
"Good evening, Leonard. And thank you," you returned his smile a bit shyly. "You look rather dashing yourself. Charming and handsome is quite the lethal combination, I'll have to keep my eyes on you," you teased. In front of you was the box that held your jewelry for the evening, the necklace still in the case. "Oh, um, excuse me a moment, last part of getting ready," you motioned to the box.
Leonard stepped over to where you were fiddling with the clasp on your necklace with shaking hands. He covered your hands with his own and eased the delicate chain from your hold. "Allow me," he murmured. You turned your back to Leonard and watched as the pendant with your birthstone came into view. An involuntary shiver coursed through your body when Leonard's hands brushed the soft, short hairs at the nape of your neck, which did not go unnoticed.
His hands traveled from your shoulders and down the length of your arms, capturing your delicate hands in his larger ones. Leonard gently nudged you to pivot until you were facing him, a tender smile on his face. "Pretty as a picture, darlin'," he remarked, causing the heat to bloom in your cheeks.
"Hey, that's a great idea," Christine chimed in, holding up her phone. Leonard slipped his arm around your waist, tugging you closer to his side, while you moved to rest your left hand against his chest, palm side down. "Smile," she prompted.
Leonard had shifted so he was facing you more than he faced Christine's camera. His right hand lightly covered your left one, and his eyes focused solely on you. The corners of his mouth twitched upwards in a secret smile, one you were glad only you could see. "I am one lucky man tonight," he whispered. "Shall we?" he asked, to which you nodded.
You picked up your gold, quilted-leather handbag and dropped your phone inside to join your wallet. Leonard held out his arm, so you curled your hand around it and he tucked it close to his side. "Time for us to go. I bid you good evening, ladies. I'll try to have her home at a reasonable hour," he chuckled.
"Take all the time you want, it's not like she has a curfew or anything," Uhura snorted with laughter, which earned her a glare from you. Christine caught the exchange between you and Uhura, which caused her to break out into laughter as well. Leonard grinned and shook his head as he led you out to his car.
Christine pulled up the picture she took of you and Leonard and sighed. Uhura stepped over to peer over Christine's shoulder and let out a sigh. "They're so in love with each other, but neither one of them will admit it. That picture says it all," Uhura remarked while Christine nodded in agreement. "Send that to me, will ya?" she asked.
At the event, you and Leonard were the last of your group to arrive, but that was to be expected. He introduced you as his girlfriend, and explained that you have been together for about five years now. Leonard mentioned that you had met at Jim's bar, and how he knew as soon as he met you, that he wanted to get to know you better.
It made your heart flutter to hear Leonard say that, but you wondered if it was part of the act, or if he truly meant it. You pushed it to the back of your mind when Leonard guided you out onto the dance floor.
As you swayed back and forth, there was a softness in his eyes. Leonard pulled you closer to his side and his hand covered yours, which was laying flat against his chest. When he moved to rest his cheek against the side of your head, you could feel him smile.
After dancing, it was time to find your assigned table for the sit-down dinner. Somewhere between the main course and dessert, the men adjourned to discuss the business proposal from Bayview General Hospital. That left you to fend for yourself with their wives, but you were determined to keep up the façade for Leonard's sake.
Martin Sinclair's wife asked you what you do, and you responded that you were a 2nd-grade school teacher. You earned some polite nods and murmurs of affirmation from a couple of the wives. However, you also got the feeling that the other wives were not known to work outside the home, if ever or at all.
You scanned the room and noticed that the other executives had left Leonard by himself at the bar, sipping a bourbon, no doubt. As gracefully as possible, you excused yourself from the table to check on him.
Not knowing whether the meeting went well or not, you approached Leonard with caution by carefully laying a hand on his bicep. "Len, is everything okay? Where did the others go?" you asked. When he turned to face you, you were greeted with the widest smile you'd ever seen on him.
Leonard looked like he could hardly contain his excitement. "Everything went smoothly, they walked me through the points of their offer. All three clinics will remain open, we continue to serve patients, with no changes in the staff levels. Everyone gets to keep their jobs, and we can all keep doing what we love," he gushed. In a rush of enthusiasm, he pulled you into his arms, lifting your feet off the ground as he gently twirled you around.
When your feet were finally back on the floor, you stayed within Leonard's tender embrace. "All this time," he murmured as his fingers tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "We've known each other all these years. How am I only now realizing that--" his last thought was interrupted by his phone ringing in his pocket. He explained that it was Dr. Wallace calling to see about the deal, and nodded when you indicated you were going to freshen up.
As you were leaving the ladies' room, you had only opened the door at a small crack when you heard two of the executives talking about the deal. They were congratulating themselves at getting Leonard to accept their terms, a few of which sounded different than what Leonard had told you.
One of them said that one of Leonard's clinics would have to close, because it wasn't profitable to accept all patients without adequate insurance. You decoded that it meant staff would be let go, and the city would lose a valuable and much-needed healthcare resource. Leonard would never agree to a deal that included those terms, thus you had to tell him before he signed anything. You waited until the men left the restroom area, then made your way back to the table.
Leonard checked his watch, anxious at the amount of time you were away from him. He was just about to go and look for you when you had returned to the table. "There you are sweetheart, I was about to send out a search party," he teased. His smile dropped when he saw the look on your face. "Is everything all right?" he asked quietly, growing more nervous by the minute.
"Not really, and I need to talk to you before you sign anything," you rushed out, then moved to a corner of the room near your table.
Leonard's face shifted to a look of concern as he rose from his chair and joined you. "Sweetheart, what's going on?" he wondered.
You relayed what you had heard on your way out of the ladies' room. When you got to the part about the clinic closing and the staff changes, Leonard waved his hands in front of you. "Wait, stop, that's not what's in this deal. They assured me--" he remarked, but you interrupted him.
"I think they told you whatever they needed to so that you would sign their deal. One of them said that it wasn't profitable to accept patients without 'adequate insurance coverage'. That was the reason they were closing one of the clinics," you explained.
Leonard vigorously shook his head. "No, no, you must have heard them wrong. Let's get back to our table so we can finish our evening," he demanded, reaching for your hand.
You pulled your hand out of his reach. "You can't sign that deal, Leonard. Please don't. You've worked so hard to get to where you are, and you're doing so much good for the city. I am immensely proud of you for that. But these men don't have your best interests at heart. All they see is profit and loss," you muttered.
"Can't you see what this deal means to me and my staff? To my patients? We can keep serving our patients like we always have, except now we'll have access to so many more resources! This deal is a good thing!" he exclaimed.
"Not if it comes at the expense of your patients, your staff and yourself," you replied sadly.
Leonard paused for a moment. "You know, it all must look so simple when viewed from the perspective of a 2nd-grade school teacher and part-time bartender," he shot back, his hands on his hips.
"What exactly do you mean by that?" you retorted.
"I mean, it's kind of hard to take the advice from someone whose biggest decision is what subject to teach a bunch of second graders every day. Meanwhile, I need to consider how I can best meet the needs of my staff and my patients. On top of that, I have real life-and-death situations to deal with." He watched as the color drain from your face at his response. Once the words were out of his mouth, he wanted nothing more than to cram them back in.
"Is that what you think about my job? About me? That my profession is inferior to yours, or that I am somehow 'less than'?" you countered. When Leonard didn't respond, you dropped your gaze to the floor. "Right. Well, you got your deal. Therefore, you no longer need me, so now we can break up. And I don't ever want to see you again," you croaked. "Goodbye, Leonard," you whispered. You picked up the skirt of your gown and rushed back to the table and grabbed your handbag before running out of the venue.
"NO! Sweetheart, wait!" Leonard shouted. He started to race after you, but was stopped by Mr. Sinclair.
"Is everything all right, Dr. McCoy? Looks like a little trouble in paradise, if you ask me," Sinclair smirked.
Leonard looked the hospital CEO in his eyes. "Yeah, well, I didn't ask you. The reason we were arguing was because of something she heard about your business proposal. You know, the part where you close one of my clinics and people lose their jobs. I believe you forgot to mention that in our agreement. I'd hate to think you'd lie to me about such an important aspect of the deal," he challenged, crossing his arms over his chest.
For his part, Sinclair looked nervous for about a half second, then quickly recovered. "Is that what she's up in arms about? Dr. McCoy, she's a school teacher. What does she know about making such complex business deals? Besides, we were going to discuss the staffing issue with you after the deal was signed. That way, we can decide how to best incorporate your resources with ours," he lied smoothly.
Leonard ran his hand over his face as he realized you'd been telling the truth and prevented him from making the biggest mistake in his life. Well, one of the biggest anyway. "I don't believe this. First of all, how dare you insult my girlfriend like that! Especially when she was right about you. Secondly, why would you lie to me about something this important?" he huffed. "Never mind, I don't care to hear your reasons or your excuses. Deal's off," he snapped on his way out of the ballroom.
As soon as he burst out of the front doors, Leonard's eyes frantically searched up and down the street, praying for a glimpse of you. A flash of gold caught his eye just as you finished tucking your skirt inside the taxi and you closed the door. Leonard ran and shouted for the taxi to stop before it pulled away from the curb, but it was too late and you were too far away. He pulled out his phone and dialed your number, only to have his call go directly to voicemail. With a string of curse words, he tried to call you again and again, with the same result.
Leonard slumped against the building trying to catch his breath, while silently mulling over what he'd lost this evening. He blew the deal, but for a good reason and he had no regrets about his decision to do so. There was no good reason for what happened with you, though, and there were oh so many regrets. He trudged to the valet station and handed over his ticket. Time to head home and see how long it would take to drown his sorrows in bourbon before he simply passed out.
When the taxi dropped you off, you noticed that Christine's and Uhura's vehicles were still in your driveway. No doubt they want to hear how the evening went, you thought with a grimace. You fumbled in your handbag for your keys, but stopped when Uhura yanked open the door. Her eyes grew wide at seeing you alone on your front porch with Leonard nowhere in sight.
"Did I see you get dropped off by a taxi?" she asked. You nodded and dropped your gaze to the ground, not wanting her to see your face with your eyes red and puffy from crying. She stepped back enough to allow you to enter the house. You stepped out of your shoes, then picked them up and took them to your bedroom. "What happened? And where's Leonard?" Uhura inquired.
You heaved a deep sigh. "I need to get out of this dress first, then I promise I will answer all of your questions," you replied wearily. Before she closed your door, Uhura unzipped your dress so you could step out of it and put it back on the hanger. Once you had changed into your pajamas and fuzzy slippers, you stopped in the kitchen for a glass of water, then took a seat on the couch.
"The evening started off so well. Every time Leonard introduced me to someone as his girlfriend, all the butterflies in my stomach took off in flight. Deep down, I knew it was for show, but at the time, I didn't care. Anyway, we had a couple of dances before a lovely dinner. Then, right before dessert and coffee, Leonard and the execs stepped away to discuss the deal," you explained.
"Leaving you with the wives, I assume. That must have been fun," Christine muttered, rolling her eyes.
You chuckled softly and nodded. "It was okay. All part and parcel of the whole 'fake girlfriend' gig, I suppose," you mused. After taking a long drink of your water, you continued. "I saw Len standing by the bar, so I went over there to see how it went. He was so happy when he told me that they want to do the deal and explained some of the terms. I think he was about to say something important, but one of the doctors from his clinic was calling him for an update. So I excused myself to the restroom."
"All good, so far. What happened next?" Uhura asked.
"When I was coming out of the ladies' room, I heard two of the execs talking about the deal. Their terms were very different from what Leonard told me. I waited for them to leave then I returned to the table. I must've looked upset, because Leonard and I stepped aside, then I told him what I'd heard," you remarked.
"And how did he take it?" Christine wondered.
You took a deep breath and dropped your gaze to your hands, where your fingers were twisting in your lap. "Um....not well? I guess? He didn't believe me, said I must have heard wrong. I tried to convince him not to sign anything, because they were lying to him just to get him to agree to the deal. Then he...." your voice trailed off.
"Go on, what did he say next?" Uhura inquired in a tight voice.
"He said uh....he-he kind of indicated that as a 2nd-grade teacher, I have a rather simple view of things. That I couldn't possibly understand how complicated this deal is, or how beneficial it will be for everyone," you swallowed back a sob.
"He said that??" Christine gasped.
You nodded slowly. "I told him that if that's what he thinks of my job, of me, then he didn't need me anymore since he got his deal. I said we could break up now, and I didn't want to ever see him again. After that, I ran back to the table, grabbed my purse, and bolted out of the venue. One of the valets hailed a taxi for me, and Leonard's been blowing up my phone ever since I left." From the couch cushion next to you, a text notification sang out, so you held up your phone for Uhura and Christine to see.
Uhura made a noise of disgust, then scowled and held her hand out. You passed over your phone, which she promptly turned off then handed back to you. "There. Leave it off for the night, and you can decide in the morning if you want to talk to him," she advised, and you nodded in response.
The weekend passed without any contact from you, which did nothing but fuel Leonard's concern for you. As far as he could tell, his text messages went unread and he had no idea if you listened to his voicemails. He went to The Space Dock on Saturday night, hoping to catch you at work. Jim told him that you'd taken the weekend off for personal reasons, deepening Leonard's anxiety about you.
That night after the gala, Leonard indeed went home and had more than a few swigs of bourbon. He wanted to drown out the memories of the evening, even though it had all started so well. Leonard was proud to introduce you to everyone as his girlfriend, something he wished was his reality, not fiction. The two of you even enjoyed a couple of turns around the dance floor before sitting down for dinner.
After the main course, the business portion of the evening occurred, where Sinclair and the others outlined their proposal. Everything seemed good on paper: no staff reduction and no clinic closures, just business as usual with access to more technology. He shook hands with Sinclair and the others, who advised him that the contracts would be sent to his office for signatures.
It all started to fall apart after you got back to the table and told him what you'd heard. You tried your best to convince Leonard that this deal wouldn't benefit him the way he thought it would. Problem was, he was too wrapped up in seeing its advantages that he didn't want to believe in anything that would threaten it.
So he lashed out and said those awful things to you, belittling your profession, diminishing your sense of self. Leonard could swear he witnessed the exact moment your heart shattered into thousands of pieces from the force of his words. And the light leaving your eyes was something he never wanted to see again as long as he lived, especially since he was responsible. You ran out before he could catch up to you and the taxi took you away from him before he could stop it.
Monday morning found Leonard at his desk, which was full of paperwork that needed various levels of his attention. Instead, he stared at his phone, willing you to answer at least one of his text messages or respond to one of his voicemails. Even if you told him to never contact you again, it would be some kind of answer. He was about to call Uhura or Christine for an update on you, when the door to his office flew open.
"What in the hell did you do that night?" Jim thundered. Leonard's office assistant, Abby, was close behind, trying to pull Jim back out of the office.
Leonard motioned to Abby that everything was okay and that he would take care of the situation from here. She nodded and closed the door behind her, then Leonard turned his attention to his visitor. "Now, Jim I-" he started.
"She quit, Leonard. My best bartender quit. Said she was sorry, and that it was for personal reasons, but she refused to elaborate. Now, I'm aware of her agreeing to be your pretend girlfriend, thus I can only surmise that something terrible went down that night because of it. So, out with it. What did you do?" Jim demanded, his arms crossed over his chest.
Leonard took a deep breath before responding. "Okay. Here's what happened," he relented, then ran through the events of that night. Jim eased himself into a chair and as he listened, he did a thorough review of Leonard's appearance. Dr. McCoy had a weekend's worth of stubble, coupled with a defeated expression on his face. Whatever happened, Jim could see that it greatly affected both of you, because he knew you weren't faring much better.
When Leonard finished his story, Jim sat back in his chair and let out a heavy sigh. "Wow. What are you going to do now?" he asked.
"I don't know, Jim. Right before you walked in, I was about to call Christine or Uhura to see if they would at least tell me how she was doing. However, I'm pretty sure they won't tell me anything. 'Girl Code' and all, I suppose," Leonard muttered, then he turned his sad expression to Jim. "I need to know how she is and explain how sorry I am for what I said," he implored. "And I have to tell her how I feel."
Jim thought for a few minutes then sat up in his chair and leaned his elbows onto Leonard's desk. "I have an idea, but it's nothing elaborate," he started.
"Go ahead. At this point, I'll do just about anything to get her back. She deserves the world, and I want to be the one to give it to her," Leonard declared.
Jim clapped his hands, then rubbed them together with glee, the complete opposite mood he had when he walked in. "Okay then. Here's what we do," he grinned.
"All right, class, when I get back, we'll start the next chapter for Where the Red Fern Grows," you promised. "For now, finish up your math worksheets from earlier today, otherwise please sit quietly until I return," you directed. A few moments ago, you'd received a text message from Margaret, the principal's assistant, asking you to please come down to the office.
When you were still a few feet away, you gasped in shock to see Leonard standing there with a bouquet of white and yellow tulips and pink roses. You stopped short in your path to the office, not wanting to be seen. Just as you turned around to go back to your classroom, Margaret called out your name and you cursed under your breath. Leonard's eyes caught yours and you could see the apology and regret, but you weren't exactly ready to forgive him quite yet.
"Margaret, what's this all about? I was getting ready to start our reading session when you called me down here," you narrowed your gaze. "I really don't have time for this. Besides, I told you that I don't want to ever see you again. I'm going back to my class," you directed at Leonard, then turned on your heel and started walking down the hall.
Leonard rushed out of the office and managed to catch your arm, which you promptly removed from his grasp. "Wait, please sweetheart, I need to talk to you," he pleaded.
"You said enough that night, Leonard McCoy. Your feelings about me and my chosen profession were made quite clear at the gala. I hope you still got everything you wanted after I left," you replied. "Now if you'll excuse me, my class is waiting to see what happens next with Big Dan and Little Ann," you remarked as you resumed your path back to class.
This time, Leonard didn't stop you, only stared after you to see what room you went into then wandered after you. He only got a few steps when Margaret tapped his shoulder, a laminated card on a lanyard in her hand. "If you're going to be roaming these halls, you must have a visitor's badge," she explained.
Leonard slipped it over his head then gave Margaret a brief smile. "Thank you."
"Listen. I don't know what's going on with you two. All I know is that in these past few weeks, she's been smiling a little easier and seems happier. I hope you work out whatever it is between you, because she's one of the best 2nd-grade teachers we have. You'll find her in Room 23B," Margaret winked.
Leonard's face broke out into a huge toothy grin. "Thank you, Margaret. I don't intend to let her get away," he winked back and headed for Room 23B. When he arrived, he noticed that the glass window by your door was covered in construction paper cutouts of stars. Each star had a student's name on it, and at the top of the window read the caption, "Reach For the Stars".
He peered into your room, where you were reading from a well-worn, leather-bound book, Where the Red Fern Grows. Although he couldn't hear your words aloud, Leonard could tell from your facial expressions that you were bringing the story to life. It was at that moment he saw how much of your heart and soul were invested in your profession. He understood more now why his words had hurt so much that night.
Leonard was about to walk away when a student turned towards the door and caught his eye. The student must have said something to you, because you stopped reading and quickly left your seat. You marched towards the door and yanked it open. By the time you slipped out into the hallway, you were fuming. "Are you out of your mind? How dare you interrupt my class time!" you hissed.
He held up his hands, pleading with you. "Wait! Please! All I want is a chance to explain myself. If you want nothing more to do with me after that, I promise I'll respect your decision," Leonard promised.
You shook your head. "No, you need to go home, Leonard, because I cannot have this conversation with you right now," you retorted. You spun on your heel and reentered your classroom, pulling on the door to close it behind you. However, it didn't completely latch, leaving a sliver of opportunity.
Leonard took a deep breath, checked the bouquet in his hand and nudged open the door. He saw your eyes widen with each step until he was standing before you at the front of the room. "I don't believe this! Leonard, please, now is not the time for--" Leonard stopped your rant with a swift press of his lips to yours.
At first you fought the urge to give in to what you've wanted since you first met Leonard, so you don't return his kiss. Not at first, anyway. But Leonard was persistent and didn't let your resistance deter him in the slightest. "I'm sorry, but this was the only way I could think of to get you to stop talking," he murmured.
Suddenly you were aware that twenty-five pairs of eyes were trained on the two of you, which caused a heat to bloom in your cheeks. "Um, don't look now, but we have an audience," you replied sheepishly.
You looked at the faces of your students, some smiling, but all fully paying attention to the drama unfolding before them. No doubt your real-life story was more interesting than the book your class was currently reading. You were their beloved teacher, and they had to see how it would play out.
At this realization, you snapped back to reality and the situation at hand. "Just answer me one thing, Leonard. Was any of it real for you? The stories, the compliments, did you mean any of it? I know what we said when we started this, but I've wanted it to be real for a long time. I-I am in love with you, Leonard McCoy," you declared softly.
Leonard audibly sighed with relief. "Sweetheart, of course it was real. I meant everything I said about you. When we met, how happy I was to be with you these past five years....how beautiful you were that night," he revealed. "And still are," he whispered. "I'm in love with you, too," he affirmed.
You tenderly cradled his jaw and stroked his cheek with your thumb, smiling when you felt him lean into your touch. "Class, what do you say? Show of hands for inviting Dr. McCoy to join us for the rest of class," you called, your eyes still trained on Leonard. Every hand shot straight into the air. "It's just me reading Where the Red Fern Grows," you murmured.
A grin slowly stretched across his face, then he leaned forward to touch his forehead to yours. "Good thing Margaret set me up with a visitor's badge, huh?" Leonard chuckled. "I would love to join you and your class," he remarked.
"Remind me to thank Margaret on my way out today," you giggled. Leonard nodded, then took your hand in his and pressed a kiss to the back of it. He picked up an empty chair and positioned it near your chair at the front of the room. When you reopened the book, you winked at Leonard before returning to where you'd left off in the story.
Tags: @marvelouslytrekking @spacedancer1701 @anna-phora @hailbop1701 @writercole @lassie-bird @never--doubt @phoenixisred @wayward-dreamer @erindiggory @strangesgirls @dumpsterhippie @genevablog26 @lokis-deares @medicatemedrmccoy @rooweighton @mamamercurymist @d-doki-doki @malmeansbad @imamotherfuckingstar-lord​
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ml080504 · 19 days
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starryeyes2000 · 1 year
Good Morning Darling
Read on AO3 or FFN
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Pairing: McCoy x Fem!Reader
Rating: Mature after redirect to AO3 or FFN
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: Leonard McCoy. 4:45. In the morning. Wanting to play.
Excerpt: “You’re awake,” Len says in a happy voice when my eyes slit open. I lay on my side facing him. He is standing on the threshold between bedroom and bath, his back casually leaning against the doorframe. Light from the other room silhouettes his body.
“Because you woke me up.” I lift my head off the pillow. The chronometer shines: 4:45am. “What’s so important?” I slump down. My fuzzy brain formulates a response. “Never mind. Just come to bed.”
“Righto.” The corners of his mouth tick upwards.
“I mean go back to sleep.” My eyes close.
His throat clears again. And again. Every thirty seconds for another two minutes.
Damn Spock for teaching Len how to keep time with an internal clock. “What,” I growl, reopening my eyes.
Continue Reading on: AO3 or FFN
McCoy x Reader Masterlist | Author Masterlist
Taglist: @cobe76 @sistasarah-sallysaidso @bardic-tales @themaradaniels @chickensarentcheap
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toboldlygohome · 5 months
"I'm not giving up on you!"
Leonard McCoy X Reader
Summary: Following a terrible attack on the Enterprise, Dr. McCoy does everything he can to save the heavily-injured reader.
Character(s): Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Warning(s): Wounds, Death, Implied violence, Ends in fluff
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Dr. McCoy carefully navigated the sea of bodies, careful not to step on any one of them. The Enterprise had been boarded little more than thirty minutes ago. Bones followed the path of destruction, hoping to find some survivors. No such luck.
McCoy scanned every body for signs of life, but yielded no results. He grimaced and trudged onward. He hated this feeling of powerlessness. So many good people were dead and there was nothing he could do about it. If only he had gotten down here sooner, maybe there wouldn't be so many casualties.
Leonard rounded a corner and was disappointed to find even more bodies strewn all over the floor. But amidst the flashing red lights, he saw you. You were leaned against the wall, blood staining your blue uniform. His tricorder picked up your heartbeat and he immediately hurried to your side.
"Hey, can you hear me?" He asked, snapping his fingers near your ear. Much to his surprise, you slowly opened your eyes.
He couldn't believe you were alive, let alone conscious. Your arm was a mangled mess of burns, you had a massive laceration in your lower abdomen, you were sitting in a pool of your own blood, and you had a terrible concussion. Your groan came out as more of a choked gurgle.
Leonard wasted no time in prepping a hypo to ease your pain. "Can you speak?"
"Yeah," You managed weakly.
"That's good. That's really good. Can you tell me where it hurts?" He asked.
"It hurts everywhere," you murmured.
"Perfect?" You asked.
"It means you still have feeling in your limbs. That's a really good sign," Bones jabbed the hypo into your arm and started digging into his bag. He had to get you stable if you were going to have any hope of surviving this. "I'm Dr. Leonard McCoy. Can you tell me your name darlin'?" He asked, trying to ease you into a sense of calm.
"Ensign Y/N Y/L/N. Biology department."
"On, I know about you, you're the one who wrote that dissertation on the possible medical uses of Aldebaran Serpent venom. You graduated top of your class in the starfleet academy. I heard you've got a promotion coming up." Leonard said, hoping to keep your mind alert. He didn't want you passing out with that concussion, not until he was sure there wasn't some internal bleeding going on that his scanners weren't picking up.
"Yeah, if I make it that far..."
"You're gonna make it, trust me." He swallowed. You could see it in his face. The chances of you living weren't very high.
"You're a terrible liar doctor McCoy...I'm gonna die here, aren't I?" You whispered.
"I brought the captain back from the dead using the blood of a homicidal maniac. I've performed greater miracles than this. You ain't gonna die, not if I have anything to say about it." He said, already working to disinfect the gaping wound in your stomach. "Just keep talking to me, can you do that?"
"I'll try..." You struggled to keep your eyes open. "I-I... I smell something burning..."
"Don't worry about that." Leonard said firmly. "Just...tell me about..." He grasped for a topic that wasn't your maimed body or the smell of burning hair. "Tell me about home. What's your family like?" Leonard started to autosuture the laceration.
You ignored his question and tilted your head down to look down at the damage. Bones grabbed your face and forced your eyes up to his. "Don't look at it. Just look at me, okay?"
"Mkay...nice face at least." You smiled weakly.
"Oh?" he got back to his work, but kept talking. "I've always been told I got a face only a mother could love. What's so nice about it?" He asked.
"You have pretty eyes... and..." You lost your train of thought.
"And what darlin'?"
"I got pretty eyes and what?" he asked, fighting against the knot appearing in the pit of his stomach. He didn't know you, but he'd like to. You were a tough cookie and he respected the hell out of it. He could see it in your eyes. You still had so much to offer the world... the universe. He couldn't let you die like this. He wouldn't let you die like this.
"Oh...I like your...your forehead wrinkles...makes you look distinguished," you attempted another smile.
"Gotta say sweetheart, that might just be the nicest compliment I've ever received." Leonard met your gaze for just a moment before returning to his task.
"Well, I've got more where that came from..." You leaned your head against the wall and looked at the ceiling. "...Might throw up..."
"If you feel like you are, just tell me. Okay darlin'?"
You both fell into silence and Leonard labored to think of some way to get you talking again. The autosuture wasn't working fast enough for his liking. He still had about two and a half inches to go. If he didn't work fast enough, you were gonna die.
"...Everything's all fuzzy. Cold." You murmured. A low rumble echoed through the halls as if punctuating your dark statement.
"I bet. You lost a lot of blood, but you'll be okay." Leonard clenched his jaw.
"There are others...gotta help the others McCoy. I'm a lost cause."
"You are no such thing. I'm saving you dammit." He didn't have the heart to tell you the other people in the hallway were already dead. A sudden, sharp jolt shook the ship. Leonard grunted as he tried not to fall into you.
"I'm gonna die... I never even got to ask out that doctor. Never had the guts..." You mumbled, eyes struggling to focus on anything.
"What doctor?" Leonard asked as he continued closing you up.
"Y'know. The grumpy one." You said.
Leonard's expression darkened. He was trying dammit, but not nearly hard enough. You were growing delirious. You didn't even realize what you were admitting to him. Your eyes fluttered closed, but you kept talking.
"I don't really know him, but he saved a friend of mine once... He's uh..." You gathered your thoughts. "He's real smart. So dedicated to his patients. I really admire that... Also got this dry sense of humor, and a really handsome voice. I wouldn't have minded taking him out sometime. Buying him flowers." You hummed.
"He's the kind of guy you bring home to mama, I think...Well...My mama at least." You looked at Leonard, eyes swimming with grief. "I'm not scared. You have to tell her for me. That I wasn't scared...I have people back at home. Can you tell them I love them?" You whispered, just as Leonard finished closing your abdominal wound.
Leonard breathed a sigh of relief as he started wrapping you with a bandage. "You're gonna tell them yourself darlin'. You're gonna make it, you know why? Because you're strong. Resilient as a rubber band." He tied off the bandage and started going to work on your arm. "I'm gonna get you stable and we'll get down to the medbay, then you'll make a swift and miraculous recovery, just in time for you to earn the rank of Lieutenant. How does that sound?"
"..." You didn't respond.
"Y/N?" He asked. Your eyes were closed. Your heartbeat was growing fainter by the second. "No No. Dammit, come on! I'm not giving up on you!" He emptied hypos into your arms and legs. A cocktail of medicines were brewing inside of you, fighting to keep your heart beating. He waited with baited breath for your readings to change on his tricorder.
Eventually, your heartbeat grew stronger and your breathing deeper. Then, to his astonishment, you opened your eyes again.
"Welcome back, you gave me a start there." Leonard flashed a relieved smile.
"Sorry...didn't mean to fall asleep," You smiled back.
Suddenly, the red lights turned off and the hallway lit up in its usual bright white light.
"I know darlin'. You're awake now, that's what matters." He pulled out his communicator. "Nurse Chapel, do they have the bastards detained?... Good. I need a stretcher on deck 15, as well as a recovery team. Prep the protoplaser and the burn chamber for the arrival of ensign Y/L/N." After her confirmation, he hung up and pointed his scanner down the hallway to see if there were any more heartbeats. Nothing.
Bones sighed and hung his head. The bastards were thorough, he had to give them that. He found only one survivor out of how many hallways? He was curious about how the security team managed to take them down, but that would be a conversation for a different time.
"Goddamned bloodthirsty space beasts..." He hissed.
"Tell me about it," you chuckled. "Certainly did a number on me, huh?"
"How are you feeling?" Leonard leaned against the wall beside you.
"Numb all over... I suspect you had something to do with that?" You turned your head to look at him.
"I injected you with a hypo for pain relief right when I found you." He met your eyes.
"Funny. I don't think I remember that."
"You're definitely on the loopy side. Can't tell if it's from the blood loss or an adverse reaction to the medicine, but we'll figure all that out soon."
"You can go now. Someone's coming to get me right?"
"You ain't getting rid of me that easily. I'm staying with you until your stretcher arrives." He crossed his arms.
"But there's got to be others that need help too, right?" You closed your eyes. "I'm fine, you should help them."
"It's against protocol to leave a critical patient alone. I'm not leaving until your ride arrives." Just then, he heard the sound of the hover-stretcher. "Speak of the devil, it's about goddamned time." He stood and addressed the two nurses. He spoke to them in hushed medical lingo. You had no idea what he was talking about, but it didn't sound good.
Leonard helped load you onto the stretcher. "I'm passing you off to Nurse Bell and Nurse Valinsky. They're going to take great care of you."
"As opposed to you taking bad care of me?" You smiled tiredly.
"Very funny," He smirked. "I'll catch up with you soon. Don't miss my face too much, you hear?"
"You're asking for the impossible, Dr. McCoy," You joked. The nurses guided you down the hall and around the corner. Leonard stared out at the crowded hallway, hoping his recovery team would arrive soon. Until then, he would just have to look for living patients on his own.
A doctor's work is never done.
When you awoke, you felt heavy. It was dim in the medbay and all was quiet, save for the occasional beeping of the biobed. You attempted to sit up, but winced the moment you put pressure on your arm. From the shoulder down, your limb was covered in bandages. You felt a deep ache all the way through your body and decided it was best to lay back down.
You tried to remember how you ended up here, but everything after the initial attack was a blur. You remembered the grumpy doctor, you remembered him mentioning your dissertation, he said something about pretty eyes, and you remember being so tired, but trying so hard to focus on him.
You looked around the room, hoping there might be a nurse nearby. Instead you found a room full of people sleeping in biobeds. There was a light on in the office at the end of the room, but you had no way of knowing if there was actually someone inside.
You scanned the controls to your left until you found a call button. Once you pressed it, you heard shuffling in the office. Much to your surprise, Dr. McCoy came shambling out.
"It's about time you woke up," Leonard took a look on your screen to check all your vitals. As you watched him, the events of your last encounter came flooding back. Distinguished forehead wrinkles? Seriously?
"Your heart-rate is kicking up," Bones smirked "Is that because of me?" He joked.
You rolled your eyes, "how long was I out?"
"About forty-eight hours."
"Two days?!"
"Better keep it down darlin'. Don't want to wake the neighbors." He slowly raised the bed into a sitting position and handed you some water.
"Thanks," you said hoarsely, "I didn't even realize I was thirsty."
"That's what I'm here for." He grunted as he copied some data from your biobed to his PADD.
"Bringing me water?"
"Keeping you from dying of dehydration," Bones corrected.
"Aw, and here I thought I had my own personal butler," you smiled and sipped your water. 'He really does have pretty eyes,' you thought while watching him work. Who were you kidding? It wasn't just his eyes that were pretty, it was all of him. You cleared your throat and took another sip. "Anyway, what are you doing here so late? I didn't think you worked gamma shift."
"I normally don't, but there are a lot of reports to file and not a lot of time to do it."
"That bad huh?...How many dead?" You asked softly.
"Fifty-six," Leonard sniffed pulled out his kit.
"Damn... and what about the pirates?"
"In custody back at Yorktown." Leonard administered a hypo into your arm. The soreness melted away almost immediately, but the ache in your chest didn't.
"I would have been one of them if it weren't for you..." You whispered. "You didn't give up... even when you should have."
"Any doctor worth his salt wouldn't give up on the likes of you, not when you were so keen on living. Ain't seen nothing like it in a long time. Your body just kept going long after it should have shut down." Bones explained, "And you kept telling me it was hopeless, but I could tell you were hoping for a miracle."
"So you gave me one," You smiled up at him.
"I told you I would. They don't say I have legendary hands for nothin'," McCoy smirked.
"Still, thank you for not giving up on me," you laughed. "I definitely owe you one."
"Ask out that doctor of yours and we'll call it even," Leonard spoke so casually, you nearly didn't register what it was he just said.
"I-I- my what?" You asked, dumbfounded. Your heart-rate picked up again and Leonard couldn't mask his amusement.
"You should get some rest, Nurse Chapel will be by in a few hours with some food for you. We're putting you on a soft food diet until your internal wounds heal some more. If you need anything before then, you know where the call button is." Bones started back to his office, but stopped just short.
"Oh, and Y/N?"
Leonard sent you a smug look. "I like daisies," He said before disappearing behind the door.
You laughed and rested your head on your pillow. 'Daisies huh?' You thought to yourself. You weren't sure how you were gonna pull that off this far from Earth, but if Dr. McCoy could perform miracles, why couldn't you? Of course, the flowers would have to wait until you were released from medical care. You didn't mind too much though, Dr. McCoy was going to be there to take care of you.
And he wasn't giving up on you anytime soon.
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