#Body swap Au
percivore · 7 months
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My brain is so severely rotted by kidlaw at this point I cannot think of ANYTHING else 🌷🐯
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demapatto-art · 2 months
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All | more body swap sillies
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pillowspace · 11 months
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spoiler alert: he hasn't yet
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pemizart · 1 month
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Forgot about this but i remember being weirded out when drawing Logan smiling like that
since this is getting attention here's my kofi
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1001knightsalone · 2 years
i see your “body swap au where Enid dresses up in all her colourful clothes as Wednesday” and I respect it
but what if, hear me out, Enid experiences colour the way Wednesday does?
it hurts her eyes to look at her own side of the room. she gets migraines walking through all the bright shops in Jericho. and when her arm brushes against Wednesday’s, it feels as though he skin is being seared off.
Wednesday, for her part sees no need to change out of Enid’s colourful clothing, in fact, it’s kind of nice to be able to wear something of Enid’s without taking antihistamines.
when Enid mentions that it feels as though she has just pressed against silver, Wednesday opens a chest stocked full of Epipens and allergy tablets. Shoves a few of each into Enid’s hands and gets back to the task at hand.
Enid is left to realise that Wednesday was not kidding, even a little bit, about being allergic to colour.
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u3pxx · 2 years
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a compilation of klapolly doodles ... but they've swapped bodies ⁉️ huhhh???? (aka i put the boys in one of my favorite tropes pftt)
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mari-lair · 11 months
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more body swap!
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bellatheinkdemon · 7 months
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gardenoflupins · 6 months
Bodyswap AU / @wolfstarmicrofic / 976 words
Remus should have known something was wrong.
He woke up feeling refreshed and strong which was unlikely after a full moon. When he inspected his arms he knew something bad had happened. There were no scars from the bites he had given himself last night. Along with this, he could see black hair falling down his shoulders.
He scrambled out of his warm bed to the closest mirror in the odd room he had woken up in.
Remus skidded to a halt when he was face to face with Sirius Black, looking at him with wild eyes and a heaving chest.
Remus’s mind ran with all sorts of horrible thoughts before he decided the mirror was cursed.
That was until he remembered he could literally see the difference in his body.
Spiralling with paranoia, Remus leaned against the mirror and stared at the wide, light grey eyes looking back in terror. Not an expression he has ever seen on Sirius.
It hits Remus coldly when he remembers Snape’s threat from the beginning of the week about how he was going to make Remus regret it when Remus told the headmaster that Snape found out his secret and was going to out him. Obviously, Dumbledore forbade it and Snape was left restless and bitter.
But this?
Turning Remus into the most popular boy, one he hardly knew, was ridiculous and futile. He changed Remus’s appearance, so what? At least now he was temporarily hot.
Remus evened out his breathing. This was fine. He would fix this before classes started. He leaned his back against the mirror and looked around the room. He took in the music posters and the way the room had unfamiliar things scattered around.
Worse, he saw James Potter blinking blearily from his own bed. Remus froze, thinking for the first time that maybe this wasn’t some type of fucked up polyjuice potion and that perhaps Snape had discovered a way to swap his body with someone elses.
The blatant reason blares through his mind. It was so someone else would take in their wounds and make the connection that Remus was a werewolf.
His hands began to shake. Who was he swapped with? Snape? Mulciber? Definitely with someone out to get him.
He’d run to the infirmary to see if he was right. As he darted to the door, James intercepted him. Remus hadn’t realised he had gotten up.
“Where are you off too? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he yawned.
Don’t reply, don’t reply, don’t reply.
What would Sirius say?
Where was Sirius?
It dawned on Remus that Snape had probably swapped his body with Sirius’s. Somehow, that was almost worse. His eyes fluttered shut.
“Nowhere,” he breathed.
Remus could not get rid of Sirius’s friends. They followed him everywhere and always pestered him with conversation. He was gnawing on a fork by lunch because he hadn’t seen Sirius all day and couldn’t visit the infirmary alone.
He could burst into tears from anxiety.
Surely, if things were horrible, a professor would have pulled him aside.
The more he waited, the more his paranoia grew. He couldn’t hide it from Sirius’s friends who watched him like hawks but didn’t press after how stressed he’d been the first time they tried.
“Can I sit here?” a voice asked from behind.
Remus stiffened, knowing that voice intimately. James and Peter looked curiously at the speaker. Slowly, Remus turned around, feeling faint and pale.
His own face stared at him with a raised brow. Sirius looked sickly in his body but he hid his pain well. Not waiting for his response, he flopped down next to Remus.
“Looking good, by the way.”
Remus cringed into himself and Sirius kicked him sharply under the table. Remus flinched. “Ah— thank you? I mean, I know.”
Sirius gave him a very unimpressed look with Remus’s evaluation of him. Remus chewed on his bottom lip, drawing Sirius’s gaze to it. Right, of course. He wasn’t in his own body. It was surreal to see himself sitting next to him with expressions he didn’t usually make. Those at least screamed Sirius Black.
Fortunately, Sirius ignored his usual group of friends who gawked openly. Remus didn’t know what he’d do if he went into his usual chatter with the boys. He could see that Sirius’s temperament today was reserved and displeased.
Sirius side eyed him. “Can I ask why?”
Remus looked at him with despair, this wasn’t his doing at all. “Snape,” he answered mournfully.
Sirius looked past him to glare hatefully at the Slytherin table. The snarl on his face was the harshest expression Remus had ever seen. “Stupid fucking cunt,” he snapped.
Remus jolted, not expecting it. He started worrying that Sirius was very unhappy to be in a werewolf’s body. He obviously knew what Remus was by now, especially if he spoke to Madam Pomfrey.
“Cruel, tactless, piece of shit,” Sirius listed with agitation. James and Peter stared at him with eyes wide with shock and glee. They would surely harass him later with gratitude. Brilliant.
“Let’s go to Mada—“ Sirius’s eyes flicker to his friends. “Professor McGonagall wants to talk to us about doing study sessions together.”
Remus caves in on himself. He was going to be in so much shit. He irrationally thought of Aurors waiting for him outside.
Sirius places a hand gently on his own and Remus looks into his kind eyes. “Hey, you’re alright, I promise. I’m going to fix this.” He casts another venomous look at the Slytherin table. “And I’m going to fucking kill him.”
Remus holds his breath. Perhaps, their shared hatred of Snape would save him. He lets Sirius tug him out of his chair and doesn’t let go of his hand, clasping it tightly for support. In response, Sirius rubs a thumb soothingly over it.
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pridoo · 8 months
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coming soon!
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brucewaynehater101 · 18 days
I remember this one shot where tim & bruce swaps bodies while bruce is as batman in some jla meeting. Tim just continues it perfectly.
This is the body swap au, btw
Anyways, would Tim do a good job as Batman?. I think if Tim sees the swap as something brief he would do his best. (But we all make them swap long enough to Tim having enough time for long term plans) so if Tim gaslights himself into believing they would swap back after some weeks, he would do better. He thinks he can do better as a way to show he can be Batman without being a evil one(he's fighting the gun Batman allegations).
Still, it would be funny that in his "I'm gonna fix Bruce's life while am here plan".
Tim acts less as a classic moody batman while in the atalaya. Gives more and kind advice. He talks with Superman about his situation with Kon. He helps Flash with his eating schedule. He helps Arthur with whatever is going on in Atlantis. He shuts off all of the surveillance on Bruce's coworkers, just to mess with Bruce.
He just avoids Martian tho.
Then, it's been a month since the swap. They don't seem to find any way back. Tim cannot lie to himself anymore and the Batman duties are becoming way too much.
Then Bruce dies in Tim's body.
Tim never wanted to be Batman, neither to be like Bruce. But he messed Tim up. Tim never wanted to be like Bruce Wayne. And now he is living his nightmare, every day since Bruce death, Tim has to wake up and avoid his reflection. Tim never wanted to be like Bruce Wayne and now everyone call him the wrong name. Bruce died and Tim does what he does best, he sacrifices. He ditchs his identity any hope of being Tim Drake, so Batman can rise once again.
(The last paragraph is a little darker end of the version of this au where Bruce dies in Tim's body. I happily would read some of your ideas where none of them dies tho. There's just so many aspects os this au we can develop more, also we need more bruce pov of this).
Here is the post being referenced!
[I'm sorry to say that 90% of Bruce POV's are just gonna be him suffering.... I can try, though. Put up a valiant effort]
Let's really pack in that angst, shall we?
For this AU, Tim has been compared to Bruce so many fucking times.
At first, despite his shaky relationship with the grieving man, he took it as a compliment. He was like his hero Batman!
It started with Alfred fondly tutting over Tim's capacity to neglect self care duties and his shared interests. The older man would sarcastically ask Tim if he was following Bruce's footsteps of being a loner who sits in his basement all day (just teasing and joking and slight reprimanding).
Then there were the heroes that remarked on Robin's uncanny ability to do the batglare or translate Bruce's grunts.
When Steph and Tim got into arguments (and Tim was being a grade A asshole), Steph would compare Tim's emotional incapability and distrust with Batman's.
Dick, in the heat of the moment, has yelled at Tim to stop acting like Bruce (they got ice cream afterwards as an apology).
Jason has tsked and grumbled and shouted about Tim being molded into Bruce's shape/image.
Even Babs has made a comment or two.
While they didn't mean to hurt Tim (unless they were fighting [for which they would both usually make up and apologize]), it caused a small dig and insecurity to Tim's own self-image.
He wanted Bruce to be proud of him.
Tim wanted to be nothing like Bruce.
Then you add on the 16th birthday, Bruce's shit with Steph, how Bruce treats his other kids, other canon events, gun Batman, and Tim losing the rose-colored glasses of childhood?
Yeah. Tim doesn't want to be Bruce.
It seems fitting, after stealing Robin, that he'd get stuck under the name of the man he grew to see as a warning.
It figures that his choice in saving Batman lead to Tim's loss of self.
[Hmm... I can do another post chatting about Bruce or no one dying if you would like.... Or someone else dying before the truth comes out :)]
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stellocchia · 1 month
Has anyone thought about the possibility of a body swap AU where Blue and Killer are the ones getting switched around?
'Cause with them being the right hand men of the Dreamtale brothers, I think it could be quite interesting.
I feel like Blue being suddenly thrown into such a hostile environment would be rather scared at first, but also, as he's himself, he'd most likely be rather optimistic about the situation. After all, he can help the team from the inside, right? He can certainly convince them to do the right thing now!
But, well, things are not so easy. Killer is the one who knows Nightmare best. He's the one to handle his worst moods and often the one to prevent them from happening, and literally none of the others wanna be here either.
I'm pretty sure he'd be found out rather fast and, once that happens, Nightmare will be pissed. After all, he doesn't do well with sharing and he did not approve of Killer being taken from his side by some weird bout of stray magic.
On the other hand, Killer would also be rather lost. He's an observant guy, so he'd probably be able to fake it longer than Blue if he tried (and I do think he would try, because this is a brand new game for him to explore), but his luck would run out eventually. Mostly because he's a bit too pragmatic and ruthless to pass for Blue for long.
I also think he wouldn't necessarily expect the tensions he finds within the Star Sanses (I cannot help but imagine that Dream and Ink would butt heads a lot. They're like an old married couple from a sitcom. Which does contribute to them taking longer to figure out what's going on with Blue).
Though I do think that Killer would spend all the time he isn't busy impersonating Blue, trying to discover the mechanics behind the body swap and running experiments with his new body and this situation he's found himself in (stuff like trying to figure out if he can feel pain inflicted on Blue's body, or if his emotional range has improved, if he still can trigger other stages, stuff like that). So I'm pretty sure that by the time he's found out he will have a plan down.
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demapatto-art · 2 months
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All | who's who
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pillowspace · 11 months
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DCA -> Y/N body swap AU
previous art #1 | previous art #2 | previous art #3
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cartoonybus · 2 months
love händel body swap episode when
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todorokis-girl · 3 months
It's MY Body - Chuuya Nakahara x F!reader
Soulmate AU
When Chuuya Nakahara and Y/N, a member of the Armed Detective Agency, wake up in each other's bodies, they are shocked to discover they are soulmates. Navigating their opposing affiliations, they must find a way to reconcile their feelings and work together.
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The morning sun streamed through the window, casting golden hues across the room as Y/N stirred awake. She blinked groggily, feeling unusually heavy and disoriented. The bed beneath her felt foreign, the room unfamiliar. Panic surged through her veins as she bolted upright, her breath hitching. She looked down at her hands—hands that were calloused and larger than her own. She was feeling stronger, more agile, and surrounded by the masculine elegance of Chuuya's apartment, though she didn't know it was his quite yet. His hat was perched on a stand by the door, his coat neatly hung, and the lingering scent of his cologne enveloped her. She walked to the mirror, her reflection showing Chuuya's piercing blue eyes and signature red hair.
“What the hell?” she muttered, her voice deep and commanding. Familiar.
Meanwhile, across town, Chuuya Nakahara awoke in a similar state of confusion, in a world entirely foreign. He groaned, rubbing his eyes, only to find them softer and more delicate than he remembered. He sat up, feeling an unaccustomed lightness and the silky sensation of long hair brushing his shoulders. He looked down at himself, eyes widening in shock. he stood up to look at himself in a near by mirror, the reflection staring back was of a young woman with hair cascading around her shoulders, eyes wide with shock.
“Y/N?” he whispered, his voice unfamiliar and soft. "This has to be a joke," he muttered, his voice higher and more feminine.
The two spent the first few hours in a state of utter bewilderment, trying to come to terms with their new realities. Y/N, now in Chuuya's body, felt an overwhelming surge of power coursing through her veins—an intensity she had never experienced before. She struggled to control it, fearing she might unintentionally unleash his ability, Corruption.
Chuuya, on the other hand, found himself in awe of the gentle yet profound connection to nature he felt within Y/N's body. He could sense the wind whispering secrets to him, the plants responding to his emotions, and an innate ability to influence the weather. He marveled at the raw, untamed power that seemed to flow so naturally through her.
After a frantic exchange of phone calls and a hasty meeting, they stood face-to-face in a secluded alleyway, away from prying eyes. The air between them crackled with tension and unspoken questions.
"How did this happen?" Y/N asked, her voice shaky "Did you do this?" The accusatory tone, evident.
"I have no idea," Chuuya replied, crossing his arms and trying to appear composed despite the turmoil inside. "I didn't do this, But we need to figure it out. Fast."
Their eyes locked, a mixture of distrust and curiosity flickering between them. They had always been on opposing sides—Y/N, a dedicated member of the Armed Detective Agency, and Chuuya, a formidable executive of the Port Mafia. Their encounters had always been fraught with tension and conflict, but this was different. This was personal.
As they navigated the complexities of each other's powers, they began to notice subtle, inexplicable connections. Y/N could feel Chuuya's memories and emotions, his fierce determination, and his loyalty. Chuuya, in turn, experienced Y/N's gentle compassion, her unwavering resolve, and her deep connection to the world around her.
It was during a particularly tense moment—when Y/N, in Chuuya's body, struggled to control his ability—that the truth dawned on them. As she faltered, Chuuya instinctively reached out, his touch grounding her, stabilizing the overwhelming power within.
Their eyes met, and in that instant, they knew.
"We're soulmates," Y/N whispered, her voice filled with awe and disbelief.
Chuuya's eyes softened, a rare vulnerability breaking through his usual tough exterior. "Looks like it," he murmured, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Fate has a twisted sense of humor, huh?"
The realization brought a mix of emotions—shock, disbelief, and a strange sense of completion. Despite their differences, despite the chaotic circumstances, they felt an undeniable bond, a connection that transcended their individual selves.
But the weight of their affiliations hung heavy between them. Y/N looked away, her expression conflicted. "Chuuya, we're on different sides. This—this complicates everything."
Chuuya sighed, running a hand through his borrowed hair. "I know. But maybe this is fate's way of telling us there's more to this than just sides."
As the day wore on, they learned to trust each other implicitly, relying on the newfound understanding that being soulmates brought. By the time the sun set, casting a warm, golden glow over the city, they had grown closer than ever before, their shared experiences bridging the gap between their worlds.
When the world shifted once more, returning them to their original bodies, they stood side by side, the weight of their experience settling between them.
"So," Chuuya began, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "wanna come back to my apartment?"
Y/N laughed, her heart lighter than it had been in ages. "Absolutely. Not. I'm still with the Agency."
"And I'm still with the Mafia," Chuuya replied, his tone serious. "But maybe we can find a way to make this work. The universe has spoken, and I'm not in the habit of saying no to a beautiful woman."
She rolled her eyes, overwhelmed and exasperated. "You're impossible, you know that?"
Chuuya smirked, the usual confidence back in his stance. "I've been told. But seriously, Y/N, this is... something neither of us can ignore."
Y/N sighed, her mind racing. The idea of being soulmates with someone from the Port Mafia was ludicrous, yet the connection she felt with Chuuya was undeniable. "I guess we can figure it out as we go," she said, her voice softening. "Just... don't expect me to make it easy for you."
"Wouldn't have it any other way," Chuuya replied, his eyes glinting with determination.
As they stood there, side by side, the lines between their worlds blurred just a little. It wouldn't be easy, and the path ahead was uncertain, but for the first time, they felt a flicker of hope. They were bound by something greater than their affiliations—something that defied logic and expectation.
And together, they were ready to face whatever came next.
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