#Bocas Del Toro
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telaviv-delhi · 6 months ago
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Dolgok, amiket ne igyatok: Dragon, siente el poder. Az Orbánból facsart hullabólé fékolajjal ízesítve, mindez Németh Szilárd másnapos fingjával buborékoltatva, mindezt Semjén Zsolt szentlelkével és szájszagával felspécizve, Balog Zoltán áldásával és a fitymája alatt lapuló túróval.. Csak elszánt mazochistákna! Viszont ez volt a legolcsóbb a kínainál (itt a teljes kiskereskedelmet kínaiak uralják, ritka a helyi arc a kasszagépnél). A kínai az új... najó, hagyjuk.
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the-flying-trex · 4 months ago
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A dream 🇵🇦
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royarap · 1 year ago
Gracias gracias gracias desde Playa Bluff
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conlosdiascontados · 2 years ago
Atardecer en Bocas del toro, Panamá - 10 Junio, 2023.
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colorsoutofearth · 2 years ago
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Bocas del Toro Archipelago
Photo by Art Wolfe
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rashido95 · 2 months ago
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Bocas del Torro, Panama by Jimbos Padrós
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infinitetravel · 5 months ago
One hour with Cristobal Tapia de Veer across the jungle of Panama
One hour with Cristobal Tapia de Veer across the jungle of Panama
Get ready for the ultimate cultural immersion as we, the fearless tourists, venture into the heart of Panama's rugged mountains and picturesque poor villages (also known as 'reservations' where indigenous people still exist, apparently). This hour-long journey, accompanied by the haunting White Lotus soundtrack by Cristobal Tapia de Veer, will make you feel the real, raw authenticity of local life as we cruise past Las Lajas, Santa Catalina, and Bocas del Toro in our bus—because, who needs a slow, respectful exploration when you can barrel through it all with a camera in hand and a sense of entitlement?
Watch as we—disconnected from reality and privileged beyond belief—stare out the window with a mix of awe and mild guilt, pretending to understand the depths of local culture, while the indigenous communities carry on with their non-tourist lives, completely unaware of how we��re subtly ruining their serenity with our Instagram-worthy snapshots and ‘authentic’ bus selfies. Because let’s face it: nothing says 'respectful traveler' like interrupting their daily life for our own amusement.
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viviendoelsurf · 7 months ago
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El regreso del KING OF BLUFF https://rainsandcorporation.blogspot.com/2023/03/rainsandshop-inigo-gainzarain-regresa.html
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marge0220 · 10 months ago
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captainamorysailing · 10 months ago
Visiting The Red Frog Marina Island | Sailing Bocas Del Toro Panama | S02:EP26
Are you looking to embark on a mesmerizing journey through the vibrant waters of Bocas Del Toro, Panama? Join us in our latest sailing episode as we visiting the Red Frog Marina Island in Bocas Del Toro, Panama. Our latest episode is filled with adventure, fun, and unforgettable moments as we set sail with my sailing partner Winnie and dance on the boat party!
Experience the natural beauty of the Red Frog Marina and its pristine beaches as we dock our sailboat and delve into the island's wonders. From the rhythmic beats of music to the soothing sounds of applause, every moment is a celebration of life and love.
As we navigate through the azure waters, Winnie showcases her dance moves, bringing joy and laughter to our sailing journey. When it's time to unwind, we head ashore to explore the local scene, indulging in refreshing beverages and soaking in the laid-back atmosphere.
But our adventure doesn't stop there! From encounters with friendly locals to unexpected twists and turns, our sailing series is filled with excitement at every turn.
So, come aboard and join the fun as we sail through the Red Frog Marina, dance on the boat, and create memories to last a lifetime. Don't miss out on the ultimate boat dance party – an experience you won't forget!
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bluejb · 2 years ago
Octopus curry with coconut milk
After some time disconnected from blogging and social networks, I am back with a new recipe from the fantastic book T’ach of traditional Panamanian recipes by chef Charlie Collins. Today’s recipe comes from the province of Bocas de Toro, a kind of Caribbean paradise in Panama. I leave you here a link so you can learn a bit more about this beautiful Panamanian province. With very few ingredients…
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telaviv-delhi · 6 months ago
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Dolgok, amiket ne igyatok: Dragon, siente el poder. Az Orbánból facsart hullabólé fékolajjal ízesítve, mindez Németh Szilárd másnapos fingjával buborékoltatva, mindezt Semjén Zsolt szentlelkével és szájszagával felspécizve. Csak elszánt mazochistákna! Viszont ez volt a legolcsóbb a kínainál (itt a teljes kiskereskedelmet kínaiak uralják, ritka a helyi arc a kasszagépnél). A kínai az új... najó, hagyjuk.
És lőn, hogy a földön minden dolgot megteremtett az Úr, de az emberek szíve megkeményedett, és szomjúságuk oltására nem a tiszta források vizét keresték, hanem az alvilág italát, a *Dragon* nevezetű pokol szülötte üdítőt.
Mondá az Úr az ő népének: „Ó, ti balgatagok, halljátok meg az intő szót! Ne igyátok a *Dragon*-t, melynek címkéjén íródik: *Siente el poder* (Érezd az erőt). Mert ez az erő nem az én erőm, hanem az Orbánból facsart hullabólé, melyet a legocsmányabb fékolajjal ízesítettek. És látni fogjátok, hogy az italt Németh Szilárd másnapos fingjával buborékoltatják, míg az ördöglihegésű Semjén Zsolt szent lelkével és szájszagával spékelik fel e szentségtörő nedűt.”
És lőn, hogy csak az elszánt mazochisták, kik megvetik az életük értékét, nyúltak e szörnyű ital után. De azok, kik bölcsek voltak, féltek és távol tartották magukat e bűnös keveréktől.
És mondá a próféta: „Bár ezen ital volt a legolcsóbb a kínaiaknál, ne feledjétek, hogy mi olcsó, az néha drágán megfizettetik. Mert íme, a földnek kiskereskedelmét a kínaiak uralják, de ritka az a helyi arc, mely mosolyogva kínálja nektek e szörnyűséget.”
És így zárta mondandóját: „A kínai az új... najó, hagyjuk. Ne a sárkány erejét keressétek, hanem az élet vizét, mely tiszta és szent. Mert bizony mondom néktek, ki issza a *Dragon* italát, annak lelke elvész, és teste is megfizet.” Ámen.
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Ilyent se vegyetek a kicsiny szájacskátokba.
És lőn, hogy a földnek minden táján, kik porból vétettek és porrá lesznek, megkóstolták a *Surti Mix* nevezetű szörnyűséget, melyet az Úr ellensége, az alvilág mestere, küldött a világra.
Monda az Úr, „Ím, lássátok, mit hozott el nektek a kárhozatnak fenevada! Egyvelegje a búzának, melyet oly sokáig becsültek, és vegyítettek hozzá tüzes fűszereket, hogy a nyelveknek s a gyomroknak kínjait nevelje.”
És amikor megnyitották a zsákot, a gonosz szelleme kiszabadult, és betöltötte a helyet kénköves füstjével. Az emberek nyúltak érte, de mikor ajkaikhoz emelték, érezték a csípős chili és a citrom savanyú elegyének maró hatását, és fohászkodtak a mennyek Urához, hogy szabadítsa meg őket e gyötrelemtől.
De az Úr mondá: „Bízzatok, mert ez a próbatétel eljő, hogy megtanuljátok, miként álljatok ellen az ellenség csábításának. Ne feledjétek, a szívetekben van az erő, hogy ne kóstoljatok többé e bűnös snackből.”
És látták, hogy kik fogyasztják e keveréket, a szenvedés ráncaival lettek megjelölve, gyomraik összeszorultak, s nyelveik égtek, mintha a pokol tüze lobogna bennük.
És lőn, hogy a népek közül sokan megfogadták, hogy többé nem veszik fel e halálos ínyencséget. De voltak olyanok is, akik újra és újra visszatértek hozzá, mert megfertőztettek a bűnös kívánalom által.
Ámde mondá az Úr az ő népének: „Álljatok ellen az ördögi *Surti Mix* csábításának, hogy megmaradjatok az igazság útján. Mert bizony mondom nektek, jobb a kenyér morzsáit enni, mint e gonosz keveréket, mely a lélek és a test kárhozatát hozza el.”
És így szólt az Úr, és az emberek hallgattak rá, elfordulva a *Surti Mix*-től, mely a pokol harapása volt, s helyette békét és nyugalmat találtak a tiszta ételekben, melyek az Úr áldásával teltek. Ámen.
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travelnshit · 2 years ago
An Excursion Around The Islands
I wouldn’t say Bocas Del Toro broke the bank but the bank is definitely very traumatised and is currently sat in the corner weeping into a bottle of Tescos Value vodka. We’ve splashed out on food and drinks out, mostly at JJ’s and I still can’t stop thinking about those buffalo wings. Life changing. Bastimentos is disproportionately expensive to get to, plus we did the bioluminescence tour which…
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seromnipresente · 8 months ago
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argentina acaba de ganar frente a Perú 2 a 0, amo a nuestros hermanos peruanos, en el partido del '78 salieron a apoyarnos contra los ingleses culo roto
GRACIAS que lauti se haya sacado la mufa de encima🙏 esta muy calenton (me provoca cosas))(muy hombre trola?)
otra cosa: chile quedo afuera!!!!!! por traidores hijos de puta
aimar cuando le informaron que tenía que reemplazar a scaloni dijo "no me hagan esto, por favor!!" lo amo
messi en la banca????? tristisimo, dejenme sola (pero ganamos igual porque el grupo se la banca)
yy somos los únicos que no recibimos ni UN solo gol, saben por qué? si muchachada tenemos las hermosas manos del dibu😻 miau
no hablo más porque me vuelvo más trola, besitos💋
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Panama Real Estate Opportunities
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Welcome to Panama Real Estate Opportunities – your trusted guide to discovering the hidden gems of Panama’s real estate market.
I’m Ryan, the face behind this venture, and I’m here to navigate you through the vibrant and diverse world of properties in this beautiful country.
My Journey to Panama Real Estate: Born with a natural inclination towards exploring new horizons, I found my calling in Panama – a land of contrasts and opportunities. With years of experience in the real estate industry, coupled with my extensive local knowledge, I realized that Panama’s property market was a treasure waiting to be discovered. This realization led to the birth of Panama Real Estate Opportunities, a platform dedicated to helping others find their dream property in this tropical paradise.
Why Choose Panama? Panama stands as a beacon of stability and growth in Central America. Its booming economy, rich cultural heritage, and breathtaking landscapes make it an ideal location for investors, retirees, and anyone looking to start a new chapter in life. My goal is to make your transition to life in Panama as seamless and enjoyable as possible.
More Than Just Real Estate: While real estate is my profession, the ocean is my passion. When I’m not scouting for the best properties, you can find me riding the waves, as an avid surfer. The Pacific and Caribbean coasts of Panama provide some of the most exhilarating surfing experiences, and I’m always eager to share my favorite spots with fellow enthusiasts. Fishing and boating are other pursuits that keep me connected to the natural beauty of Panama. There’s nothing quite like the thrill of a fishing adventure in the open waters or a peaceful day spent boating along the scenic coastline.
These experiences have not only given me a profound appreciation for Panama’s natural wonders but also a unique perspective on the lifestyle that this country offers. Your Guide to Panama Living: At Panama Real Estate Opportunities, we do more than just help you find a property. We introduce you to a lifestyle. Whether you’re seeking a beachfront villa, a cozy mountain retreat, or a vibrant city residence, I am here to guide you every step of the way.
Let’s Embark on This Journey Together: Your dream home in Panama awaits, and I’m here to make that dream a reality. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together. Welcome aboard!
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maujr35 · 25 days ago
Beautiful letter from Colombian president Petro to Trump:
Trump, I don’t really enjoy traveling to the US much; it’s a bit boring. But I admit there are commendable things. I like visiting the Black neighbourhoods of Washington. There, I saw a full-blown clash in the capital of the US between Black and Latino communities, with barricades. It seemed nonsensical to me because they should unite.
I confess that I like Walt Whitman, Paul Simon, Noam Chomsky, and Miller.
I confess that Sacco and Vanzetti, who share my blood, are memorable figures in US history. I follow their legacy. They were murdered in the electric chair for being labor leaders, killed by the fascists who exist both in the US and in my own country.I don’t like your oil, Trump. It’s going to destroy humanity because of greed.
Maybe one day, over a glass of whiskey—which I accept despite my gastritis—we can speak frankly about this. But it’s difficult because you consider me part of an inferior race, which I am not, and neither are any Colombians.
If you’re looking for someone stubborn, that’s me, period. With your economic power and arrogance, you might try to stage a coup like the one against Allende. But I stand firm in my beliefs. I resisted torture, and I’ll resist you. I don’t want slaveholders near Colombia; we’ve had too many, and we freed ourselves. What I want for Colombia are lovers of liberty. If you can’t join me in this, I’ll look elsewhere. Colombia is the heart of the world, and you didn’t understand that. This is the land of yellow butterflies, the beauty of Remedios, but also of the colonels like Aureliano Buendía, one of whom I might be—the last, perhaps.You may kill me, but I will survive in my people, who existed before yours, in the Americas. We are peoples of the winds, the mountains, the Caribbean Sea, and freedom.You don’t like our freedom—fine. I won’t shake hands with white slaveholders. I shake hands with white libertarians, heirs of Lincoln, and with the Black and white farmers of the US. At their graves, I cried and prayed on a battlefield I reached after crossing the mountains of Tuscany in Italy and after surviving COVID.
They are the US, and to them, I bow—not to anyone else.Knock me down, Mr. President, and the Americas and humanity will respond to you.Colombia now stops looking northward; it looks to the world. Our blood comes from the caliphate of Córdoba, the civilization of its time, from the Mediterranean Roman Latins who founded the Republic and democracy in Athens. Our blood carries the spirit of enslaved Black resisters brought here by you. Colombia is home to the first free territory in the Americas, before Washington, across all of the Americas. There, I take refuge in their African songs.
My land has artisanship that existed in the time of the Egyptian pharaohs and the first artists of the world in Chiribiquete.
You will never dominate us. We are defended by the warrior who rode through our lands crying for freedom—Bolívar.
Our people are somewhat fearful, somewhat shy, naïve, and kind, but they will know how to reclaim the Panama Canal, which you violently took from us. Two hundred heroes from all over Latin America lie in Bocas del Toro, present-day Panama but once Colombia, murdered by you.I raise a flag, and as Gaitán once said, even if I stand alone, it will remain aloft, with the dignity of Latin America, which is the dignity of the Americas—something your ancestor didn’t understand but mine did, Mr. President, an immigrant to the US.
Your blockade doesn’t scare me because Colombia, besides being the land of beauty, is the heart of the world. I know you love beauty as much as I do. Don’t disrespect it, and it will show you its sweetness.
I am informed that you impose a 50% tariff on the fruits of our labour entering the US. I will do the same.Let our people sow maize, which was discovered in Colombia, and feed the world.
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