#Bluemoon Wellness
bluemoonacupuncture · 2 months
Comprehensive Wellness Solutions At Bluemoon Acupuncture Pain and Wellness Center
Bluemoon Acupuncture Pain and Wellness Center offers holistic wellness. To support optimum health and wellbeing, our holistic approach incorporates cupping, dry needling, acupuncture, and other techniques. For any further information visit: https://bluemoonacupuncture.com/
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daggryet · 2 years
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which vinyl should i buy
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 month
Meg Meg Meg! Did you see today's blue moon? It's so beautiful! AND big!
I know it's probably a trick of the light (I have been staring at it for a couple of minutes straight without blinking)
But it actually looks blue!!
Well.... Not like in cartoons, but it has, as if a blue (And purple :0 ) Halo around it! And I can see every creator on it, that you can see with a naked eye!
I know I sound weird, and I know that I sound like a child sharing this with their parents TvT
But I just have one thought in my head when I say this:
"I'm just like the Moondrop fairy's!! I can see the blue moon too! XD"
Sorry If I'm bothering, and have a great blue moon night! 🌝
I did see it! It had a bluish hue to it, I could see!
For fairies, tho, the bluemoon becomes a crystal blue like an aquamarine gem. Kinda like in the Smurfs movie.
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nightmaresyrup · 1 year
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Faraam Knight Armor, I find the teal coloration of this armor very, very fetching! It pair well with the Moonlight greatsword (or the mean, mean dupe Bluemoon GS)!
More grody digital acrylic on crap-surfaces I can't paint on IRL.
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bonefall · 1 year
Super interested in how you plan to write Leopardfoot! I feel like both fanon and canon tend to make her into a sweet mom(tm) who’s super sad that Tigerstar is evil, very similar to how Goldenflower is usually treated. What’s her thoughts on Pinestar and him leaving? How did she influence Tigerstar? What are her political beliefs?
Society has progressed past the need for sad moms who stare tearily at their evil sons and boohoo about all the murder. It's MOTHER AGENCY TIME
BB!Leopardfoot was FEROCIOUS. Her father was the indominable Adderfang, and he taught her about the importance of honor and glory. When Tigerpaw was given to Thistleclaw as an apprentice, she was proud of it. It felt perfect to her-- that her father's apprentice was now her son's mentor.
For his brief rule, she supported Sunstar completely. It helped that he came after the disastrous and embarassing exit of Pinestar, which ruined the legacy that she wanted him to give her son. Pinestar was a damn coward and a codebreaker... and she assured Tigerkit that he was more HER son than his.
She even gives him a life, for Legacy, in defiance of StarClan
She was friends with Bluemoon for a time, but after ascending to StarClan, she learned about the Forget-me-nots.
This changed her opinion of her. Leopardfoot supports Thistle Law, STRONGLY so.
She supported THISTLECLAW when he tried to forcefully void the Queen’s Rights. If Bluemoon hadn't broken the code, then what did she have to hide?
She backed off when Thrushpelt leapt to her defense though, "She didn't reveal it because she doesn't love me are you happy now??"
Leopardfoot: *awkwardly turns away feeling like an asshole now, tea SPILLED, her friend's dirty laundry EXPOSED, thought she was crusading for the law but she just dug up drama*
Towards the end of Pinestar’s reign, he was getting exhausted. He wanted peace. Leopardfoot wanted kittens around that time, and figured that there was no better cat than the son of Oakstar, architect of the infamous Crusade Era.
If Pinestar had no children, a glorious bloodline would have died out. She wanted it for her kits. Pinestar agreed on the condition that he would be their Mi, which she happily accepted.
So when Pinestar left, she jumped into the nursery to take over and had to explain to her kits where their Mi went.
She drove it home to them that he abandoned everything, because his weakness took over. They would never be like him, she promised.
Mistkit died very young. Nightpaw made it to apprenticeship before she also succumbed. Tigerclaw remembers very well how hard it was to lose his sisters.
Leopardfoot herself was taken shortly before TPB, in Spottedleaf's Plague. Her death causes Tigerclaw to have a bit of a moment.
After the trial in Bluestar's Flowers, Leopardfoot leaves StarClan along with a bunch of other Thistle Law supporters, including Thistleclaw himself. She joins the BOTTE at the end of OotS, fighting to the end with her son.
She misses him a lot, and remains in the Dark Forest to the current arc. She chose her path; and has the dignity to walk it.
She does miss StarClan sometimes though, and will tell you stories about it if you ask.
In terms of demon friends, she's somewhere in the clique between the harsher and softer spirits.
She dislikes Morningstar, Cloudberry, and Ryewhisker on the softer end, and has come to resent Thistleclaw and Finchflight on the other, but likes Darkstripe, Leopardstar, and Silverhawk.
Gets along with a range of "mid" level demons.
In particular I imagine she hangs out with Darkstripe a lot. Taste test buddy, he asks her to try his experimental recipes because she's honest but not mean. One of the few Thistle Law supporting cats he hangs out with after the double-death of Tigerstar.
He calls her Lefty. Her official nickname is "Left" but he calls her Lefty.
(Clanmew: her name is Saorpwyyar. Others call her Saopr. He calls her Sapyy.)
Her mom and dad Swiftbreeze and Adderfang are here too, following Thistleclaw like she did, but she's been minimizing her contact with her dad. She feels like she is owed an apology somehow but also doesn't have the emotional intelligence to know that it's what she wants.
She just knows that she feels really bitter talking to him, and that's unpleasant.
She used to be VITRIOLIC with Pinestar, who is also here, even going after him physically when he chose to join in with the Dark Forest trainees. But now... honestly so much shit has happened, she just doesn't like seeing him. She wishes he wasn't here.
I write her being very dignified. She doesn't like to admit publically she was ever wrong and speaks with confidence, quietly backing off and not wanting to speak about her mistakes. She loves her children and her family, but explores the world in a very "self-centric" way, trusting her feelings and personal judgement over anything logical.
A reactionary sort of person, if that makes sense.
Her Land Mar has to develop over time because she is an ex-StarClan migrant (damned souls get theirs instantly after judgement), but it's called the Fence Cliff. It's a picket fence that blocks off a sheer drop, making a sharp turn down the cliff face and acting as a walkway. Follow the fence down the slope, and you can access the Dark Forest's town biome.
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So I made this new au where tsams is a cartoon instead of a vrchat show. It's like the stereotypical kids show but has a lot of dark humor, and a universal swear filter like tadc has. Sun, Moon, Lunar, and Monty are the protagonists while Eclipse, Bloodmoon, and Solar Flare are the antagonists, though Eclipse is the only serious one. Bloodmoon and Flare just like to goof off. Plus anyone who comes from a non toon au get their appearance changed to a more cartoonish look while they're there. And I'm curious to know how Bluemoon would react to ending up there :]
Well Blue Moon is going to be really surprised about the cartoon change. They look round and soft and they don't know what the fuck to do. They will probably test their magic just to make sure It works. Not really knowing what to do with this weird appearance. They will probably take the world as a normal Tsams. Although luckily with there maturity they won't kill on site. So instead is just extreme hostility towards eclipse until they do something. But Blue Moon is still very violent when they do reach that line. Which I honestly don't know how the cartoon world will take.
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warrior-cats-rewritten · 11 months
Alright, so. With only a few hours left, it seems the people voted. Stormtail is a predatory cat who groomed Moonflower into being his mate and Ego Booster, only to nearly dip when she got pregnant with Snowkit and Bluekit.
The moment Moonflower got pregnant, Stormtail emotionally checked out. He didn't want her having kits, giving her attention to them and not him. He started working at Dappletail.
Dappletail lost her siblings when they were young and really struggled with making friends. Kind but lonely, she accepted Stormtail's attention under the false promise he made that he was "just being friendly" and of course Moonflower wouldn't mind, she doesn't really need him around, she's such a good mom anyways, let's not bother her, come hunting with me....
Also, just to make it a BIT more comfortable, she is a warrior by the time of Bluestar's Prophecy. She's just small due to starving early in life, apprentice sized, but not an apprentice. Still very uncomfortable though...
Well, Goosefeather had already caught on. He knew he wasn't strong enough to challenge him, but he could make his life difficult in other ways. He made sure that Brindlekit was not made his apprentice, instead saying to Featherwhisker and Sunstar that he knew "good things would come" is she was apprenticed to Sweetberry.
He also made sure that Dappletail would leave him. When they got closer, Goosefeather decided to get more involved with checking up on Dappletail. He offhandedly would make comments about how Bluemoon and Snowflower barely know him, that he all but ditched Moonflower... That he already seems so distant now.
Dappletail takes matters into her own paws and dumps him.
Meanwhile, Goosefeather is slipping different herbs into his food, making Stormtail weak at the heavy cost of eating WITH him, taking some damage too. It makes Goosefeather unhealthy, but it hurts Stormtail much more.
With Stormtail in the elder's den with him, Goosefeather manages to sneak a Yew berry seed into a cuckoo they share. It kills Stormtail, and hurts Goosefeather so badly that no one suspects it. However, it would be the last thing he really got to do properly. As he slept, he began the mission that would destroy his own mind once and for all.
Protecting his sister and everyone else he loves, Goosefeather chases Stormtail away from Highstones. Every single night he chases him away, never allowing him to reach Starclan. Badgering him, if you will. It ruins his mind, seeing so many ghostly cats all around him each night, never truly resting...
It kills Goosefeather, in the end. But when he joins Starclan, he makes sure that Stormtail never does. And makes VERY sure that Stormtail's spirit is left behind when Starclan leaves the Forest.
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scifriskyxy · 5 months
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I've been meaning to make Mlp oc for a LONG while
I never found the motivation to do it until now, day hello to the semi silent knowledge hoarder of the icy wasteland of the north
She's an Alicorn that came before Celestia, Celestia did detect her and seek her out once she herself became an alicorn ,she lives in her lonesome, collecting all knowledge from all races preserving them, she gave Celestia the knowledge to seal people in the heavens which aided in her fight to found equestria
Bluemoon doesn't like to rule ,she's technically would be the princess of stars if crowned, but she's just known by the keeper of knowledge by those who study magic,not much is known about her ,what's striking about her is that she has aspects of a vastly different never before seen subspecies of earth pony that give her hooves specialized to do well in the snow giving her a further boost to her defenses ,she's far heavier to make up for her weight she has bigger and stronger wings, her feathers resemble those of a snowy owl allowing her to fly around silently she unlike the other alicorns her growth and magic seems far slower based on her not that ethereal appearance she has
She has obviously gone through her fair share of battles by her split yet still working horn and missing leg/arm?? Hoof thing.
Legends has it that an alicorn took out an entire army on her own by burying them all in an endless blizzard of ice and snow
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cannibaleclipseau · 7 days
(WIP ⚠️)
This is my new blog for my WIP AU - LOCKUP (Cannibal!Eclipse AU). I’m still figuring out this whole thing. Asks available (will make status posts about this once in a while).
LOCKUP (Cannibal!Eclipse AU) is a TSAMS/TSBS au ran by @ryomaandgundhamkin (main blog). Current main character list: Eclipse, Sunstone, Bluemoon, Bloodmoon
Timeline records and lore will be posted on this blog or my main.
You can ask this blog anything that’s not too NSFW (usually I recommend no suggestive themes) and probably not anything TOO gory/gross. I have authority to delete or block any asks that may be inappropriate or against my terms, or that just make me uncomfortable in general.
Warnings for this blog. The following will most likely be included in this blog, along with others I may add later. Please take this as a warning. If you are uncomfortable or don’t like any of these topics, I recommend you not proceed:
-Guns, a large range of weapons (knives, needles, scissors, saws, chainsaws, swords, spears, homemade weapons, claws)
-Physical and emotional abuse
-Heavy depictions of gore/blood
-Bright lights
-Extreme violence
(And many similar topics to the following. This will be updated. If you think I may have missed anything, please notify me.)
This blog might be inactive constantly, along with my main due to school and other activities outside of school. I’ll try to keep up with both blogs to the best of my abilities, so I apologize if it’s a bit slow here! (I don’t know how to manage even ONE blog so it’s going to be chaos managing this as well.)
THANK YOU!! (have a good day/night)
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bluemoonacupuncture · 20 days
Information About Valley Acupuncture And Wellness
There is no doubt that valley acupuncture and wellness offers numerous therapies that perfectly fit if you seek holistic health and wellness. Bluemoon Therapies and Motor Point Acupunctures are two of the most outstanding methods for dealing with numerous physical and emotional problems among the different available treatments. We will examine the effectiveness of these novel treatments in improving health in general.
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Valley acupuncture and wellness: The best healing technique
It offers a comprehensive program of traditional and contemporary acupuncture methods for delivering health services. This holistic approach emphasizes the treatment of symptoms and understanding the main reason behind their discomfort or lack of balance. The tranquil atmosphere at our facility provides patients with a chance to try out several treatment choices that are personalized for them.
Bluemoon therapy: One of the best approaches to relieve stress and vitality
Undoubtedly, bluemoon therapy is a singular treatment available at a finer price. The therapeutic modality includes traditional acupuncture with many modern techniques for fighting stress, enhancing vitality, and finding emotional balance. The therapy was given the name "Bluemoon" in recognition of its exceptionally rejuvenating properties—very much like the once-in-a-blue-moon refreshing phenomenon.
In this session, a practitioner will stimulate the natural healing processes of the body using certain specific acupuncture points. This modality decreases stress, improves sleep, and increases energy levels. It mainly benefits all those people who have undergone constant stress, anxiety, or fatigue. Harmonization of the flow of energy in the body by the therapy of bluemoon can bring tremendous changes in physical and emotional health.
Motor point acupuncture: Targeted relief for muscular issues
One more advanced treatment offered by Valley Acupuncture is motor point acupuncture. As the name suggests, this is a technique aimed at the stimulation of the so-called motor points on the human body—precise areas at which nerves and muscles meet. The stimulation provided for these points aims to restore proper muscle functioning, decrease pain, and increase mobility.
It is particularly excellent at treating muscular pain, tension, and dysfunction. This will, therefore, be more helpful to athletes or those involved in strenuous physical activities who frequently develop muscle strains or aches. The fine needles are inserted at very specific areas along the motor points, which will help regain balance and function in the affected muscles.
Some of the benefits associated with motor point acupuncture include:
Pain relief: Motor points help in managing chronic pain and decreasing muscle soreness.
Improved mobility: It treats muscle imbalance, which leads to improvements in movement and flexibility.
Better recovery: It promotes healthy recovery of the muscle from muscle injuries, strains, etc.
Integrated Therapies to Reflect Optimized Results
Valley acupuncture merges bluemoon therapies and motor point acupunctures in a comprehensive concept for health and wellness in the human body. If bluemoon therapies are applied to ease general stress and regain vitality, motor point acupunctures find their problems in muscular disturbances. It thus allows a very wide range of health concerns to be effectively addressed.
These therapies added to your wellness routine will make a huge difference in your physical and emotional being. From relief from chronic pain and stress to living a more energetic life, the professionals at Valley Acupuncture help you reach better health through dedicated expertise.
Wrapping Up
The Valley Acupuncture offers a comprehensive and tailored strategy for wellness that includes modern remedies such as Bluemoon Therapy and Motor Point Acupuncture. With these therapies, you are empowered to discover new zest in life, manage pain better, and become more generally healthy. Valley Acupuncture and Wellness is a recommended place to go if you want to enjoy the rewards of acupuncture in a supportive and professional environment.
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lepidopteralabyrinth · 4 months
Pawn Behaviors - Beyond the Rift
From arisenreborn's post :)
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Self-explanatory, the things you're gonna see them doing the most, probably in line with their inclination
𓆩⟡𓆪 Tieve:
Tieve is naturally inclined to pair up, both in and out of combat. While she tries not to play favorites too much, she does tend to gravitate towards more experienced pawns (especially women).
She is quick to defer to other pawns when it comes to guiding the Arisen places and when she does take the lead, she has a habit of forgetting that some people can't levitate...
She tries. So hard.
𓇢𓆸 Andras:
Andras tends to position herself either ahead or behind the rest of the group, depending on her vocation at the time. She likes the opportunity to react before combat really starts.
She enjoys camping more than inn stays, and is quite happy to lead any Arisen to her preferred spots.
Things you might witness under slightly rarer circumstances or after you've been traveling together for more than a few days, probably more of their Arisen’s deeper influence
𓆩⟡𓆪 Tieve:
If the Arisen stays somewhere she can't follow long enough (or just stays still for a while) she'll occasionally fall asleep on her feet. 
She loves rabbits and will point them out with equal enthusiasm to directing the Arisen to more useful pursuits.
She takes special care to maintain her appearance. Wearing mostly white in the wilds ain't easy.
𓇢𓆸 Andras:
Andras will stop to examine reliefs and sculptures encountered, like the ones near the mountain shrine and scattered across Battahl.
If there are Straightforward pawns in the party she may join them when they sit down somewhere.
She’ll occasionally stifle a laugh at some behaviors, particularly successfully employed trickster abilities like the false floor.
Witnessed under some of the most extreme or odd of situations. 
𓆩⟡𓆪 Tieve:
If an Arisen gives Tieve an order that well and truly pisses her off, she will feign incomprehension or follow the letter of the command in as frustrating a manner as possible. She may not be able to directly disobey, but if she really wants to she can ensure her compliance is unpleasant for everyone.
If she spots a Pawn she knows from another world she'll point them out to whatever Arisen she's with. She gives rather effusive praise of her favorites, though she gets rather flustered if this is mentioned to the pawn in question.
𓇢𓆸 Andras:
When near large bodies of water –especially the ocean– Andras will very rarely wander out to the boundary, just out of reach of the Brine. 
In some specific locations Andras will go on a long winded explanation of a place's history, like pawns in DD1 at the Bluemoon Tower or in the Catacombs. The truth of her tales is usually up in the air, and he'll often bring up several different theories.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Tieve:
Tieve's most notable symptom is disregard for the Arisen. Finding somewhere to nap while others are fighting for their lives, bolting after whatever catches her eye. She also loses her regard for people or animals, watching blankly if they get hurt. An absentminded sort of presentation of the plague.
𓇢𓆸 Andras:
The biggest hint from them, aside from the red sheen to her eyes, is that when bothered they'll be quite prone to monologue. Even in battle. Especially in battle. Long, bloodlust ridden rants about the cycle, about human nature, anything that he can think of.
How they regard the Arisen in general and how that impacts the way they act towards them
𓆩⟡𓆪 Tieve:
Tieve is usually more composed in front of other Arisen compared to her own. She tries to be the model Pawn. Eager to please and unfailingly respectful, to a concerning degree.
She's quite fascinated by the different relationships of Arisen and their Main Pawns, and spends some time observing any pairs she accompanies.
𓇢𓆸 Andras:
Andras tends to be easygoing but distant with Arisen beyond the rift. If they earn her respect with good deeds and compassion for them and other pawns he may open up, but that takes a while, and generally she considers most Arisen as just employers.
How they might interact with other pawns
𓆩⟡𓆪 Tieve:
Tieve treats other pawns with a similar respect to the Arisen. She'll often refer to them as ser (as most pawns do non-pawns) unless specifically asked to stop.
 While she will make an attempt to steer her fellows towards behaving with some decorum, it's not meant harshly, and on a general basis it's more playful teasing than actual reprimands.
𓇢𓆸 Andras:
Andras is pretty friendly with her fellow pawns. She tries to learn their strengths and weaknesses to work together as seamlessly as possible, and gets frustrated at times by unpredictable sorts.
Though she's not unaware of her own inexperience, she tends to take on a protective and mentoring attitude towards other pawns, and relishes any opportunity she's given to learn from others and teach them in return.
Things they might say while traveling, or seeing particular sights.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Tieve:
[Seeing Moonglow at night] “If only those flowers did not fade so quickly once plucked…”
[Monsters sleeping] "They look cute like this! One almost forgets how dangerous they are."
[Near Morgues] How lonely these places seem. Like the sorrow of their visitors sinks into the very stones."
[Wandering Vermund] "The people here show such reverence for the Arisen, though they've had no Sovran for many a year. Do you think they will persist in such fervent belief when a true Arisen ascends the throne again?"
𓇢𓆸 Andras:
[While walking near areas where griffins frequently attack] “I wonder if we might be able to catch hold of a griffin and let it fly us to our destination? …No, forget I said that.”
[While exploring the Misty Marshes] “I suppose we ought to be grateful this muck isn't poisonous. Doesn't make it smell any less foul, though."
[Overlooking the Vernworth aqueducts or other large ruins] "Mankind is ever fond of creating structures like this. And time is equally so of bringing them down."
[Near Griffin nests] "A griffin's aerie! Ware the owner's wrath, if you want a closer look."
How are they normally in battle VS do they have any particular foes that evoke unique reactions out of them?
𓆩⟡𓆪 Tieve:
She's a very devoted healer! She has a regrettable tendency to throw herself into melee to heal her companions, one that more then once has nearly seen her back to the rift. She also uses Celestial Paean early and often (she worked hard for it, she's going to use it), which allows her friends to tear through enemies like tissue paper...but also leads to her collapsing either during or immediately after battle which she finds equally humiliating and dangerous.
Wolves and other canine enemies terrify her. Their agility and their usual tactic of separating one member of a group from the others and swarming them makes them rough for a support caster.
𓇢𓆸 Andras:
Andras is steady and cautious, and he's adapted well to swapping vocations thus far! She struggles a bit with being too cautious as an Archer, repositioning rather than risking any damage.
Enemies capable of possession (drakes, phantoms, etc.) seem to draw their ire moreso than others. Whether it's simply a desire not to be turned against her master or a deeper loathing of feeling controlled is impossible to say.
➵ NPCs: 
Do they have specific reactions around any particular NPCs?
𓆩⟡𓆪 Tieve:
Tieve will listen to musicians with great interest, lingering until the Arisen is quite a distance away.
She's very fond of Beren and Trysha, and she'll suggest visiting them to the Arisen if they're near their homes. She enjoys Doireann's company, especially since she can translate for her so she can speak Elvish to the Arisen.
𓇢𓆸 Andras:
Andras is wary around guards. They won't go so far as to pick fights, but she has no qualms about doing so.
She tends to remain rather uninterested in people from world's other than "hers". She'll be kind, especially to children, but she tries not to get too attached.
Any unique dialogue or actions concerning specific quests?
𓆩⟡𓆪 Tieve:
[During A Beggar's Tale, after he's concluded multiple stories] “Are those the only stories he knows? The elder in Harve tells better ones, though they make less sense.”
[During A Poisonous Proposal] "Far be it from this pawn to question the Arisen's judgment. All the same, should you change your mind, I would be most delighted to cure the toxin."
[After successfully completing Saint of the Slums] “Usurping the mantle of healer in such a wretched fashion…truly, people are capable of cruelty beyond reckoning. ‘Tis well you put a stop to it, Master.”
𓇢𓆸 Andras:
[After Caged Magistrate] "To think it would be so simple to escape Vernworth's gaol...don't take this as an invitation for a repeat performance, Arisen. Like as not they'll tighten security after this."
[During Heel of History] "So much knowledge locked away at the whim of a mortal ruler, now brought to light again. What was it that old man said? "The truth may be denied, but ne'er changed."?"
[a short while after the previous dialogue] "If you wouldn't think me too bold for saying so, Master, I cannot help but see a similarity between that unjust ruler and the Queen Regent."
"Whether fell curse or simple censorship, what is hidden cannot remain so forever."
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lemme-just-oops · 1 year
What your davorite Arcana Twilight Character says about you:
Arcturus: You just crave comfort. Your life has been filled with expectations you were never able to meet, and now you crave someone to just look at you and smile. Take a break, let your thoughts rest for a moment. Your life will get better.
Alpheratz: You value yourself that other people cannot always understand. You are not arrogant or overly confident, just aware of your capabilities and skills.
Pollux: You are the youngest in your damily. Probably a bit spoiled.
Sirius: You believe that you are a good person. You act kindly and politely, and you believe that your kindness would be what fixes him. But you know very well that you want to be absorbed by his darkness. You want to join him. You are still jumproping on the line between good and evil.
Spica: Either you are an old soul trapped in a young body or you are a young person who just wants guidance while this chapter in your life keeps getting more complicated.
Vega: "I can fix him" and you actually can. You just want to draw out the best in other people, you see the potential others have and value the opinions of others more than you like. Also, you probably are bluemoon.
Rigel: You are tophatmaker.
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rasshu-benaiokny · 1 year
Gyutaro’s Age (decent read share this if you agree plz. I don’t even want credit, just throw it everywhere )
Ive been looking around on tumblr to see if the legendary “Gyutaro is a minor” argument persists here too and it did a year back with little bit of people talking about it here and there. Ive seen many people say that he’s a minor without concrete evidence and instead its “he looks like…” or “daki is this so he has to be this…” similar to Tiktok. so im going to debunk and provide my own evidence that Gyutaro is not a minor. Because i feel slighted when i see others get bashed because of a mistranslation on VIZ’s part.
But i do not blame anyone for accidentally believing that Gyutaro is a minor because well… it was in the English Manga, so it had to be true! Right…? Im just here to defend my Gyutaro peeps thats been fighting out there.
Ultimately i do side with the demons do not age after they are turned even if there is evidence to contradict such a statement (unfortunately that is spoiler territory but most people know the reference). But since demons not aging could be referring towards demons not “deteriorating” like a normal humans i don’t have a firm stance so i don’t think bad about others who claim that a character’s actual age is their canonical demon age. Personally i switch between sides; demons don’t deteriorate nor do they mentally grow up after being turnt.
- overall, i do not care for demons that died as kids to be put in lewd situations like Daki or Rui (But i dont care for bashing anyone actively if i see it because its not really doing anything productive for me)
- But i do not like that Gyutaro fans or non Gyutaro fans will automatically label him as a minor because of a rumor started from a manga error. Just to turn around and then use the words “pedophile/cp/etc” to somehow justify your misguided hatred? those words are very serious claims and should never be loosely used. It devalues such claims making it harder for REAL ones to be identified and caught.
- I personally like to view Gyutaro as 20-23 despite his most consistent age being 26 due to his demon age (126). (Which is stated in the Japanese wiki/ the English Wiki is a blood bath between fans even if the admins believe Gyutaro is an adult)
- so i will support my claims by debunking the most prominent “gyutaro is a minor” arguments and then at the end i will add my own/ others evidence to support the Gyutaro is an adult claim
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Argument 1: The one that started it all; The VIZ error
Every claim that states that “Gyutaro is a minor” derives from the english manga panel where Gyutaro says something akin to “when I was 13, and you stabbed that samurai” and it played out like Gyutaro was referring to himself as being 13 when he was turned into a demon that day BUT this was actually an error due to the fact that the original Japanese copy was actually written wrong. In the original Japanese copy, when gyutaro was referencing an age, he was referring to no one. From how it’s written, the view could believe either Ume was 13 or he was 13. (Or at least that was the vibe i had gotten from some native Japanese folks i talked to; one doesn’t even look at demon slayer as they said quote “how it was written was strange?”)
Viz Rendition (Do not blame VIZ; it happens every bluemoon, theres an actual list of their mistakes too)
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The Original One (From what ive been told, its phrased weirdly and its confusing to translate effectively)
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The Fan Edit (Fan edits are popular among the manga portion of anime fans so i wanted to clear up that this IS a fan edit that got popular)
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So with that being left up in the air, most fans and non gyutaro fans had to wait until the anime came out and surely enough, the anime confirmed that Ume was the 13 he was referring to and not himself. So that nearly eradicated the most common “Gyutaro is 13” arguments by far (though some who have been misinformed still use that argument) But this still doesn’t confirm he’s an adult just yet as those same people who said he was 13, simply moved it up two years and said he was 15 so heres my next debunk
- And just to add because some kny fans did NOT realize that Gyutaro and Daki/Ume are NOT twins and Gyutaro is canonically the older brother.
The anime rendition (most anime do tend to clear up manga inconsistencies anyway)
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Argument 2: the CURRENT META, Gyutaro is 15-16-17 claim.
After the “gyutaro is 13” claim was debunked completely, many people switched up their arguments and said he was 15 due to the age gap in kimetsu academy between him and his sister (16-18) a two year age gap. This one is easy to prove wrong but you would have to know how to process math and comparing skills which everyone SHOULD have; ill attempt to explain it to my best ability regardless. There are a few main points debunking this and its easy to see.
Reason One (KimAcademy ages don’t correlate): Using Gyutaro’s and Ume’s age gap is unreliable due to the fact that everyones ages would have to correlate aswell. Heres a few examples. Ume is canonically 13 but in the AU, she would be 16 to fit into the narrative. But since Gyutaro is 18, people claimed that he would be 15 in canon. Unfortunately that is not true because every character would need to correlate and be aged up 2 years which isnt true (IE: akaza stays the same).
And even if Akaza was the exception, other characters have differing ages like Yushiro, Murata, Kanea (if you buy into the when you die you dont age)
Reason two (Gyutaro was not two when Ume was born): With people saying he was 15 when he died also means that people are willingly to believe that he was only two when Ume was born. (If you believe that, skip forward where i bring logic into this and human development… plus a 2-4 year old taking care of and infant isn’t possible since people want to use realism here)
Reason three (The kimetsu Academy spinoff is a spin off that doesn’t effect canon): like many official spinoffs and alternate universes, these types of media don’t affect the actual canon. Like how all of the demons are reincarnated but the KnY series shows that a demon cant do that, only humans can. Plus, this AU is specifically school based so changing popular characters to fit a notion like that is common and SHOULDNT be cited as concrete proof. (I dont see people claiming that ume is 16 nor that yushiro is a middle schooler.)
- maybe if the official AU was modern themed only and not modern school themed then this claim could be effective but there are huge contradictions that using the AU cant be a realistic source
Argument 3: “he looks…” IE, you don’t understand Gyutaro’s character yet.
This is the MOST infuriating argument and it hurts to see Gyutaro fans use this because this is literally why he acts the way that he does! And this is also where my proof starts to appear because its based off of not Gyutaro’s appearance but Ume’s?! Back to the point, this argument is simple to debunk. When no one has any more proof they base his age off of his looks and there is SO much proof to debunk this that its crazy. I love it when people do this because i gottem in a lock hold and then they get mad.
Reason 1 (thats not a gyutaro exclusive thing, its an art style):
- Basing ages off of looks wont get you ANYWHERE with any demon slayer characters; its literally sounds like “but daki looks like an adult” claims. We know how unreliable looks are.
- better examples of characters looking a different age from their canon age (this is both anime and manga referenced): Yushiro, Daki, Genya, Nezuko (unfortunately her adult demon form causes issues), Shinobu, Sabito, Muzan, Akaza, and even tengen’s wives. These are just a handful of characters that people get confused by because of appearance. Its mainly because of the style that most characters are drawn in (Big forehead, big eyes in the middle point of the head) style which makes everyone look younger. Reading the manga, I even thought Akaza was really young when he died (im good now though)
Reason 2 (Gyutaro is built different)
- I see this argument where people pull up gyutaros flash back screenshots without realizing the key factor in it all. But at first, i didn’t get it either because he barely changes physically but guess who does; Ume shabana. If you pay attention at Gyutaro’s WHOLE flashback, you will see that there are a total of 3 freagin time skips!? I only noticed two but someone pointed out that theres another but its so small that no one bats an eye! Heres the shots in order but this comes with speculation about his exact age in each screenshot, so i will elaborate with logic, biology, and comparisons in the kny art style. The manga actually gives more proof for his age so ill parrot it in this section too.
The first stage ( This is way before ume was even conceived as this is the stage where Gyutaro was alone and was ultimately beaten by his mother in an attempt to kill him. He was unable to defend himself)
- he is the smallest in this scene and to use the “he looks” trend against everyone who uses that argument without thorough analysis; when comparing his body structure to similar structured characters in demon slayer, he resembles Tanjiro’s smallest brother who was 3. (Which immediately debunks the “Gyutaro is 15” completely at this point)
-this was also the stage where he did depend on his mother for food; and unfortunately he wasn’t provided much. He was just the “useless child that shouldn’t be alive”
- So the best age range for this scene and the context given in the manga as well; Gyutaro would be 3-5 years old since this was the stage where his mother beat on him the most
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The second stage; the baby Ume era(this is a longer stretch of time since hes referring to it as such; the stage where he was learning how to survive, being picked on by others, and when ume was born etc)
- This was now the longer stretch of time where the manga has more context to help! And now we have a new character to help us understand visually! (And when my preordered book comes in, i will have better visuals too)
- firstly we can see that Gyutaro is older from the start now; hes taller with alittle more defined muscles, though his face is still softer so he isnt an adult here. It would be less likely at this stage anyway as he still lived under his mother and hasn’t been thrown out.
- he was now, becoming independent since he wasnt under the care of his mother completely, or lack there of. Now venturing to hunt for his food like raw snakes, mice and bugs (which isn’t healthy in the slightest)
- due to him not eating like a growing kid should, we already can tell he was malnourished and this will lead to his stunted growth in the next stage
- but before we move on, i HAVE to introduce the most vital piece of evidence; Infant Ume. using the information from the official kny manga; Gyutaro had the strength to fight back his mother when she tried to harm Ume which means hes not the helpless 3-5 year old we saw at first. And adding up everything else we have, we have a rough estimate of him being (10-15 years old) during Umes birth.
- and using the kny power scaling, it isnt too far fetched that Gyutaro could overpower his mother to keep Ume safe. Though he was jobless at this point so he hadn’t had practice to actually “fight” just yet
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The last stage (The malnourished part that everyone seems to look past and somehow complete miss an obviously older Ume?)
- this is the ending stage were Gyutaro and Ume get turned into demons but heres the funny thing that tells me that people aren’t paying attention to their claims. So many people will use these pictures in conjunction with the one above claiming that Gyutaro is the same age in both when Ume grows exponentially!? Its hard to see because there isnt a clear difference in gyutaro himself but we can use Ume as the deciding factor!
- Comparing the lower photos with the upper ones, we can tell that gyutaro has aged up because of his facial structure is now defined instead of soft. His clothes are now new and not tattered, he is actually taller, and Ume is canonically “13” now.
- what does that mean? That means ume has aged 13 years since the last time skip, so gyutaro did too, making him over 18. The mother has died by now so Gyutaro is Umes sole provider other than herself and her line of work. Gyutaro has grown up to become strong enough to beat up other adults in the district like samurai and other strong “men”. He very well is an adult, maybe living on his own making ends meet for him and his sister since he has a canon job. Hes just so fragile looking because he never had enough nourishment to help him grow.
- so Gyutaro’s final age range when he becomes a demon is his mid twenties. Since adding 13 years shoots him past the “gyutaro is 18” claim that ive seen too.
- and before anyone compares his height to douma’s in the last scene. Douma is a behemoth and comparing a malnourished/growth stunted/hunched gyutaro to douma is unrealistic because even akaza(who is pretty healthy) would look up at that man. Gyutaro is actually around the samurai’s height; the one that burned Ume. (The official entertainment ark art book also shows that gyutaro is taller than Ume by a decent degree- thats on my tiktok for anyone to see)
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Last Arguments: these are the lesser claims ive seen, other takes and extras from other languages manga like Spanish and Japanese manga, sites, and blogs.
The one i use: Gyutaros and Ume’s demon ages were agreed in Japan but i cannot find any English translations. The preordered entertainment district book may contain additional information. Ume’s demon age is 113 and Gyutaro’s is 126 and knowing that Ume and Gyutaro were turned into demons the same day by douma we can infer that Gyutaro is 26. Its not a headcanon as so many claim it to be since its derived from a canonical source.
There is a newer rumor claiming Gyutaro to be 23 and people are citing a book that doesn’t have an English translation yet and i have yet to look into it. Its worth a mention if anyone has links or scans i can use. I am not shy of buying to see if its a real product.
There is an extra explanation for Gyutaro’s small and malnourished stature and that is congenital syphilis. (I will not go into detail but there are many parallels to this disease and Gyutaro’s human AND demon appearances but research at your own risk, pictures can be disturbing)
Ive seen people add on that Gyutaro and Ume are probably Half siblings (same mother different father) due to their mother being a p— in such a intimate career and area. Its less likely that they share the same father yet even know their real fathers (this was just a small thing i wanted to point out, it has nothing to do with the argument)
Gyutaro’s voice aids to his age as in his flash back you can distinctly hear his younger voice in the snowing scene compared to his cries when ume died. In my opinion, he doesnt have a really high nor a really low voice, similar to akaza or douma. But if he was a kid during the end of his flashback, he should’ve sounded like the snow scene where he was around 16-19 from how Ume is depicted.
Gyutaro does NOT act like a child compared to daki and even daki is a stretch. Gyutaro is extremely mature in his mindset but he is very hatred driven. He is very mature as he thinks more about the benefits for his little sister rather than himself. Hes going to be driven by jealousy so he will act selfish it’s mainly for Ume, plus selfishness is not a kid exclusive trait. When he doesnt get his way, he doesnt act out by whining and attempts to deduce a way out of his stressful situation. But he his pretty toxic as a man… toxic masculinity be damned
A thing that i didn’t realize but another pointed out; Gyutaro has no need to alter his demon appearance because hes not in a profession that needs him to, so why does he look so tall as a demon? They theorized that his demon appearance should be similar to how his body shouldve grown up to be like, like his kimetsu academy counterpart that isnt malnourished.
(So yeah, thats a good amount of what i could manage to fit on here, obviously theres more proof but im only limited to 10 photos so i couldn’t show everything i wanted to. This is my magnum opus i guess, so if you are dealing with anyone who claims that “gyutaro is a minor”, show them this, share it everywhere, i dont even WANT credit! I just want my fellow homies to be allowed to love an ugly ass man without some person saying “hes a minor”)
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fernnshxj · 4 months
Not a request, I just wanna say something! If you have not seen the tags I have left in some of your posts, mostly the ones with your, mine and @lucy6767’s OCs being friends and all, and I have come up with a dynamic name for them!
You know Miori and Joan (aka Häxa) have BlueMoon as a name right? Well, with the addition of Lucy, I came up with the name Nymphaea Foxes! Nymphaea is part of the scientific name of the Blue Lotus Flower and I thought it would fit well with the group. Basically this:
Blue color of the flower: Miori The flower itself: Joan (since her motif be a Moonflower) And the Foxes part: Lucy cause she a fox lol Do tell if you like this name or have anything better in mind! I thought it was fun coming up with a name for the group!
the them ur so right
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i think the name is pretty! nymphaea is such a pretty word i die
i should draw the sillies more but i be doodlin miori in other aus and it’s too cringe to post hehdnjdjdjdn or i b doodlin fanfic stuff that’s spoilers bc yeah
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animalechochamber · 5 months
Wc au writing, BlueQuince meeting and a lot of talk on how she loves:
(brief mentions of blood and lots of memories.)
Bluemoon loves in the way of a warrior, the only way she’s ever learned how to. She learned it from a father who was in her life like the passing storm he was, a distant drop of rain to an overpowering force tearing the trees from their roots. She never got her mother’s version of affection besides in the self sacrificing way. Her sister got that piece of her as well.
Her love is of service. A duty. She showed it by wrapping around those who were worthy and never letting anything get in. Or at least trying to not let anything in.
(The horrible feeling of cold crept in under her well made shell and stung. Ice, frost, snow, an impossibly small kit only covered in down succumbing to its greedy teeth. It’s little evergreen tail lost in the endless white winter around them.)
She knew the land that bowed to her step like its endless twisting trunks grew from her own body. An ever stretching expanse of green leaves and brown bark. The rocks under her paws were always the same. The birds singing above were always the same. The swaying shadows were always the same. It all held her like the warm pelt of another. She was alone yet so set in her place out here. She was of the moss and flowers, her blood pulsed and bled out into it all around her.
But the normal sound of her feathered fellow was cut off- and everything was new. Startling so.
(That same chill stabbed through the few unprotected parts of her and she felt herself shiver once again. No snow, no snow, no snow-)
Her legs warped and ran her forward. They didn’t need her brain to instruct their movement, they knew the ground underneath it, they knew to go before she froze to the forest floor. The act made her warmer. Blooming in her with an adrenaline that put her in overdrive.
Bluemoon broke out through a thorn bush, not even feeling its claws dig into her. And she was still hot. No longer from the forced movement that overtook her- no now it was from the anger that made her body bare up to fight. Thistleclaw stood behind his apprentice, the young naive Tigerpaw, instructing the striped kit to attack a scrawny little thing. It was shaking. The vibrations passed through the land and right into her own stiff stuck legs, like how she could sense a mouse hiding in a burrow. She knew the pairing of Thistleclaw with any young one would go bad but this. This was over the line. Sunstar had only done it to try and appease the enraged warrior after he was passed over for deputyship.
She felt herself barrel into Thistleclaw, paws against his back pushing him into the dirt, his grey fur tangling into her drawn claws. But instead she swiped her tongue to stop this- whatever this even was.
“Thistleclaw what do you and your apprentice think you’re doing?” She asked, letting her claws sink into the earth to hold herself in place while she spoke. He turned to her with a heat, his hatred for her boiling up once again. Tigerpaw stepped back and slunk down, suddenly realizing the white warrior was here. That wounded kit was still shaking and frozen in place despite being able to escape now.
Thistleclaw puffed himself up and pushed his voice to be more confident and less outright angry at her intrusion to his ‘training’. “I’m teaching my apprentice to defend his clan.”
“This is not how you train Thistleclaw. Defending borders doesn’t include attacking a lost kitten!”
All he did was give a lick to his chest, as if he was in the right. Tigerpaw still kept himself small. She couldn’t help but soften her expression when it went to him. “This kittypet crossed into our woods, and my apprentice was teaching it a lesson. Do you want more soft bellied pests in Thunderclan’s land? Taking our food when they have enough given to them for nothing? We would starve is all these collared self called cats decided they wanted to try warm blooded food for themselves!”
Bluemoon bristled at the way he spoke like he owned the tabby, and she hissed lowly at how he took this time try and call her weak. “The kittypets know the woods aren’t for them Thistleclaw and thrashing an innocent kit won’t stop the occasional hunting by them-” While she hated it, she steeled herself into a boulder and tried to end this.
“-And I would hate to have to report your bloodlust and bad teaching to Sunstar. If he saw this clear lack of honor he’d be sure to replace you as Tigerpaw’s mentor. Maybe to someone he actually trusts.” Her words hit like a falling branch, knocking his head in and making the grey tabby shrivel. A sneer showed across his previously smug face, that underlying grudge growing again. She knew if he forgot the power she had over him he would’ve thrown himself at her right here. He might’ve done it anyways, if he was entirely sure he could actually defeat her.
Instead of putting himself in a worse place he twisted his head to Tigerpaw and called the apprentice to follow him, slinking away with heavy paw steps.
Bluemoon had to hold herself from grabbing Tigerpaw and not letting him back alone with Thistleclaw. But that would’ve only ended with the two grown warrior fighting. If she saw him like that again though she would be sure to report him to Sunstar. And he knew that.
Finally, as the heat drained from her and into the cooler earth she looked to the injured kit. It was small, and almost all black with one white paw. It’s huge glazed over blue eyes burning a hole through her. That love, her version of it, reared its powerful head and almost took over all of her. She felt herself again in that stuffy nursery, in a nest she never imagined herself back in, with three little paws kneading her belly. That same exhaustion almost made her collapse beside the kit but she wasn’t there. She was here. And it wasn’t hers. Still she loved it despite the sharp part of her sinking its teeth into her and telling her to never get attached again.
She shook it out and drew a tongue over the hits head. Trying to stop its shaking.
“It’s okay. It’s okay. It’ll be okay.” She cooed as she licked away the salty blood that welled from the wounds across the kits face. It would scar. That set the dying embers of anger in her belly back alight. But she tried to keep that away to focus on the current kit in front of her.
Bluemoon didn’t know really what she was supposed to do at this point. It was a kit from a house, the smell of those places mixed in with the milky scent was there, even under its smell of overwhelming fear. It was probably hungry too. And cold.
(The temperature of this mystery kitten made her chest tighten. Her nose was frozen again. It was winter again. It was winter again. The sound of the river distant as the grief stabbed into her gut. She couldn’t save-)
She pulled her head from the frost and tried her best to warm it up. Small and frail against her, almost lost in her longer coat. She could save this one. She could save this. After a bit of curling around the kitten in silence, the warrior pulled her tongue from the place it stuck to in her mouth. As if it would shatter from anything above a whisper, she spoke so soft the wind could’ve easily taken her words away.
“Where’s your home kit?”
It looked up at her. Blue eyes slightly less clouded over. “O’er the fence. One with the bush”. Its voice was small and shaky still, with that kitten talk that made her melt immediately.
“I’ll bring you back kit. It’ll be okay. It’ll be okay.”
The warrior walked the strange streets and felt so out of place. The ground wasn’t soft or kind or comforting in anyway. It was the most disconnected she’d ever felt. The stronger breezes felt like they could steal the kit from her jaws. She didn’t tighten her hold but she did puff herself up bigger to combat it. Tall branchless trees stood over her and glowed unnaturally. Little stars seemingly trapped in their tough cages illuminating the black paths that carved between the many houses all around. They’d lit up just a little while ago but they still freaked her out. How had twolegs been able to catch the stars themselves? And why put such forces into these strange traps? It was wrong. She imagined her sister’s own spirit stuck in one. That made her stomach twist so bad she’d had to stop and duck into a darker more compact trail to breathe.
Now out of her hold and a little less shaky, the little kit stood and stretched a bit. Though it was slowly and with its eyes watching her the whole time. As if worried she’d snap it in half for stepping wrong. They stayed there for a while to rest. The sound only that of monsters roaming the paths and other strange clanging noises Bluemoon had no idea about.
“Thank you Miss.” the kit said shyly, looking down at its paws with a little bit of a frown as if upset by its own tongue.
“No need for thanks kit. Those cats never should’ve attacked you. I’m sorry they hurt you hon-“ she swallowed the endearing term. She couldn’t get attached.
The kit looked at her again with those eyes. So so blue. She didn’t know if its eyes were just that color or if it was still young enough to have that innocent blue in its eyes. Either version made her angry at Thistleclaw.
It had a thought at the tip of its tongue, possibly worried at what saying it would do but wanting to anyways. Finally the kit gave in and spoke “My names Tiny.”
“Hello then Tiny. I’m Bluemoon.” The name fit the little kit but she couldn’t help but feel like the name was half thought. It’d be tiny forever. She’d of named it something more like Midnight, for its incredibly dark pelt and startling white paw- the fact that slipped into her thoughts made her shiver. Cold again. Always cold. This wasn’t her kit. The sooner she found its nest the sooner she could move on.
“Blue… but you’re not blue.”
Bluemoon couldn’t help but chuckle at that. Her mind moving past at least. “No I am not blue but that’s just what I was named. Moon makes it a little more suiting doesn’t it?”
The kit- no Tiny thought for a bit and then nodded. Still a little confused but not going to question her name. Funny little thing. Though she wondered about how considerate it was of its words. Most kits just said what they thought freely. It reminded her oddly of herself. She hoped this kit wasn’t too much more like her though.
“Tiny do you know the way to your home? I’m pretty lost here.” Bluemoon asked as she stretched, getting ready to start walking again. She wouldn’t like to be here all night, especially not with such a small kitten. It was most definitely hungry by now.
Tiny shook its head slightly but then lifted its eyes back up as if figuring something out. “It’s next to a blue one though. And its fence is brokn.” It said, a long yawn following the little description. Poor thing. But Bluemoon now knew she was looking for a blue house. Well the house next to one but that would be easier to find. The warrior dipped down and scooped up the kit carefully, tucking it closer into her fur so it was slightly more covered as she walked forward.
Bluemoon had found two houses so far but neither had a house next to them with a broken fence. Her paws felt shredded from the rough terrain and her muscles were sore, walking and holding a kitten for so long was really wearing her out. Finally after she climbed up on a roof she saw another blue house. If this wasn’t the one she’d start her way back home.
The building wasn’t far from the woods and she probably would’ve checked it initially if she hadn’t started her searching already farther into the twolegplace. The house looked like most of the rest of them. Plain strange walls. So many objects she had no words for. Before she went up to check around she said a small prayer. And then she walked forward, coming from the front to then climb into the fence to see into it. The yard was like most of the rest as well except bushes lined the back wall. It wasn’t that odd but maybe, just maybe this was the one? Bluemoon did a quick look around before jumping down and luckily only smelled cat here.
Her heart soared as her ears caught the wailing of a cat, an anxious cry that made her know she was in the right place. Carefully the white cat jumped down and set Tiny at her paws. Having heard her the one that was yelling came around, looking almost like she was going to try and chase Bluemoon off herself but switching immediately upon seeing the little kitten.
She was a chubby black molly with warm eyes and odder white markings. She was small in stature but something about her gave Bluemoon the feeling like she could’ve beaten her if she had attacked immediately.
“Oh Tiny! Oh my baby my baby!” She sobbed as she carefully wrapped herself around the kitten, frantically licking warmth into its skin. The mother switched back to defensive when she noticed the new wounds in her kits face. The fur on her back lifted and hackles raised, now launched up to stand over Tiny with the power of a protective mother. Blue backed off and made herself less threatening, which was hard as she was rather tall compared to Tiny’s mom. But before anything happened Tiny moved between them.
“Momma momma momma! It’s okay it’s okay! Blue bought me here. She didn’t hurt me she helped me get back!” Tiny cried, trying its best to look bigger and break through its mom’s anger. Luckily she listened. Tiny’s mother softened slightly but still pulled her kit closer to her again.
The two cats just stared for a second. The distant crickets chirping as if it was a normal night. She only wished it was.
But the black and white molly relaxed more at last and laid down, her head nudging the ground to tell Bluemoon to as well. “Thank you for bringing back my little trouble. I don’t know how to make it up to you. I don’t know what id do with myself if my baby never came home.” She said kindly, blinking gratitude into her gaze. Bluemoon blushed a bit and tucked her paws underneath her fur to be more comfortable looking.
“No problem miss-“ She started to say before the molly cut in.
“No need for any misses. it’s Quince. Any cat who takes care of my babies gets to know my name.” Quince said with a laugh that made her smile with just its sound.
“Well then Quince my names Bluemoon. It was no issue getting it home, I just hope Tiny’ll be okay with the scratches and all.” She finished saying, a smile across her face as she tried to not take too much complimenting. The kit never should’ve been hurt in the first place. Guilt grew in her again. Some amount of it always hurt in her, but she tried to keep it from her pelt.
Quince shook her head harshly “Bluemoon… you’re one of those outside cats aren’t you?” She asked with a little edge of unease in her voice again.
Bluemoon swallowed carefully, trying to figure out what to say exactly. How is she supposed to respond? She is of course but she didn’t know if the fire would leap back her new acquaintance if she said so. But she couldn’t lie.
“Yes ma’am I am. I’m a warrior of Thunderclan-“ She started to say trying to be as careful as she could, still not knowing how she should explain all that happened. “- but I didn’t hurt your kit. Another warrior did and I promise you he will get a punishment for it. Warriors aren’t supposed to attack any cats that can’t defend themselves, and are never ever to harm a kitten. If you’d like I can head back. All I wanted to do was make sure Tiny got to a safe place.”
The cat across from her clearly didn’t know how to respond either. She had started to bristle back up again but the fur laid down as Bluemoon spoke. And she now just watched, eyes searching across her own to see whether she believed her or not. Presumably she wasn’t worth attacking because Quince went back to being more comfortable, that gratitude glowing in her face again. She bit back her own thoughts on that. Better to not show a lot of herself to a stranger. Let alone the things that bother her.
“Well thank you then. I hope he is dealt with however you warriors deal with your own.” Quince passed another lick down Tiny’s face before she got up and took it inside, probably to rest. That kitten needed plenty of sleep after the day it’s had. A want to follow made her twitch but she bit it off again. That’s not her business. She wasn’t Tiny’s mother. For a bit she sat there in the grass waiting to see whether she was to leave or stay. It was darker with the strange light coming from the inside of the home into the yard. But she stayed mostly in the natural light, looking at the moon above her. Finally at last she decided it would be best to leave so she got up and jumped to the top of the fence. She could’ve gone under the bushes and out the broken part but the would involve more noise and scrambling then she wanted.
But as Bluemoon stood ready to make her leave Quince came back out from the house.
“Hey! Don’t leave just yet Blue- not without a final thank you.” The black cat called and Bluemoon immediately turned around. She didn’t know why. A deep part of herself told her to leave. She wasn’t even supposed to speak to kittypet’s in the first place, and now she had wandered through their domain for hours to give back a kitten. But what was a little longer in the end? Shoving it down she jumped back to Quince. She knew if her father were here he’d of grabbed her by the scruff and dragged her back like she was a kitten herself.
She stood in front of Quince who looked at her in a way that made her forget her father entirely.
In the round cat’s maw was a flower, its blue petals stiff but beautiful. It didn’t smell like anything close to other flowers.
“I don’t know if warriors have these sorts of things but it feels wrong to not give a gift for you bringing me back Tiny. It’s just a fake but it’ll never wilt.” Quince had dropped it on the grass and was looking right into her own eyes, and Bluemoon almost felt like she was blessed. The stars blinked above her as if to say, go on, to her. The warrior had never felt so lost for words. And despite only just meeting her she felt the same protectiveness well up and wash over her. She felt like a guardian to Quince and her kits. She felt like her only duty was to her. She was a loyal warrior and yet now she had another to care for. So much took over her that she simply blinked before grabbing the gift that felt more special then anything else in her life. And even though she hadn’t said anything to Quince the cat dipped her head and turned back around to go to her house with its warm light and odd smells.
Bluemoon barely even felt her body as she turned around and leaped over the fence. Didn’t acknowledge as the trees blurred around her and the stray plants brushed against her. She felt the rocks under her paws but she also now felt the cats that were far behind her.
As she made her way back to camp she stopped and sat under a tree she hadn’t visited in a while. One with five stones and beautiful moon flowers around it. Tucking herself in its sheltered scoop of roots, she slept. A new flower tucked right at her chest.
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bonefall · 11 months
This is a bit of a vague, broad request (so sorry about that!) but do you have any more info on the Dappletail extended family that hasn’t made it to our ears yet? Any masterposts about them or about individual cats like Darkstripe? I loved the Cricketclaw post a lot and I’d love to see more of these complicated goobers!
Sure! But it won't be comprehensive-- I need to make them a whole post like I did for the Dragonkin family over in RiverClan.
I've been calling them Dapplekin lately, but if we zoom out a little further, I've been calling the whole family the "Tawnyrain" line. I think we could call them Rainkin for the example here.
The Rainkin family descends from Rainfur and Tawnyspots. Tawnyspots is now the FATHER of Dappletail and Thrushpelt, bringing him in line with the statement that he was an old deputy when he retired.
Tawnyspots was an old friend of Sunstar. I imagine he also had a ton of apprentices, he was a responsible and nurturing kind of guy.
Rainfur was gorgeous. She was light golden with those lighter "dapple" stripes you see in Dappletail and her kits.
She is also where the humor came from. She loved the CORNIEST jokes. For some reason I just find it very funny that every cat in BB whose prefix is "Rain" gets a sense of humor.
Tawnyspots: "Hey Rainfur!! What did the tired honeysuckle say to the oak? Leaf me alone I'm bushed!"
Rainfur: (WHEEEEEZE)
The family gets the mane from Tawnyspots.
They were just NICE people, y'know? I think Bluestar looks back at them fondly, they were like the super sweet neighbors in the apartment next to you who would bring over extra food in old, stained tupperware.
And that extended to their kids. Dappletail and Thrushpelt are extremely meaningful to Bluestar, the both of them are sweet as overripe blackberries.
Dappletail has a really BAD case of resting bitchface. I channel a bond villain when I draw her or think of her voice.
She loves telling stories and explaining things, because she is good at it.
When Ravenkit and Dustkit's mother died and their uncle was extremely sick, and she'd just lost Featherkit and Darkstripe skeddadled with Graykit, she looked after them.
I think Ravenpaw's love of storytelling comes from her. Unfortunately though, she gave him a great power, as a kid he had a bad habit of Making Shit Up.
It definitely comes from Dappletail, who never says "I don't know." She will hypothesize, speculate, and seek answers, but doesn't use idk.
"Dappletail, where is the tunnelbun?"
"I saw it last shift, Graystripe had it. He probably took it."
Her kits all actually have the same biofather. I don't know who it is though, I imagine she met him after Rosetail told her a secret story about her honor sire in Chelford, but it might be a Clan cat. But he's monochrome gray; all of her kits are the same color as him.
THRUSHPELT meanwhile, ALSO a ball of sunshine,
I wrote a joke about him saying howdy ONCE and it became a core memory. Guy who says howdy.
"Well howdy doody thistleclaw"
He definitely says Hello in some weird way. Guy who answers the phone with Yellow. Man who says shucks unironically
And then surprises you by being one of ThunderClan's strongest fighters. If you swear in his good Christian Minecraft server he'll fucking gut you
Dappletail is not the stronger twin. Thushpelt is as thick as a twig but you get in a fight with him and you hear Dark Souls
That's part of why Bluestar could never allow ThunderClan to get taken over by Thistleclaw. The strongest fighter... goes on the front lines.
Moonflower was the strongest fighter too, once.
Unlike Dappletail, Thrushpelt also never needed to know the full story. Bluemoon ADORED him. If she was ever about to overshare for his sake, with the thought that he deserved to know, he would stop her.
"If I should know it, I will learn it in StarClan."
When Bluestar picked her first deputy, she knew it had to be him.
And he was a fantastic deputy, and a great uncle. Super supportive guy, calls you Sport and ruffles your mullet.
He got taken out a few weeks after Featherkit, which was devastating to Dappletail. She is comforted, however, by the idea that Thrushpelt can look after her.
I got into Cricketclaw and Darkstripe recently so I'll try not to repeat too much
Cricket and Dapple were actually extremely upset that Graystripe halted the fight over his kits.
Cricketclaw especially, she doesn't give a shit about Crookedstar and his sadness, she would have invited him to Cry About It, "MY nespring"
Dapple is 50% more diplomatic; "Silverstream is gone. Stormkit and Featherkit's family is here."
Feathertail's name makes them both Emotional, she actually has a tail pattern a lot like Dappletail's
On that note, yeah. They both did not want Featherpaw and Stormpaw to go back. They were both actually pretty upset about it
Cricketclaw got in a FIGHT with Mistyfoot for saying they could go home
How dare you even SUGGEST that actually, go back to the Clan that WANTED TO EXECUTE THEM???
I don't think Cricket could compose herself enough to say goodbye, and she was FURIOUS at Featherpaw for taking the offer. Her final words to them was probably just at Stormpaw alone;
"Don't let your sister decide your whole life for you. You'll always be OUR family."
I don't think Stormpaw actually appreciated it much. Stop making this harder! I know this is a bad idea! I have to be there for Featherpaw when this shit all goes south, god damn it!!
Dappletail and Graystripe are sad but supportive of the twins' choice. Cricketclaw is maaaad
And Stormfur and Feathertail... man
Feathertail sees the good in everything, to a fault. She believes it will all work out if we stick together, and that everything that happens is meant to be.
Stormfur does not agree
He watched his whole ass mentor get wasted, PARTIALLY by his uncle.
He saw people he thought where his friends watch his execution, some curious, some cheerful. All of them just watching.
People don't die clean. His blood didn't anoint the earth, it just gushed and choked. There's no such thing as a noble murder
Everyone rejects the Dishonor Title they gave Stonefur, saying that Tigerstar was not ordained by StarClan.
Stormfur doesn't see how that matters. The stars watched, too.
It was Deerfoot, Swansong, Jaggedtooth, Wetfoot, Mosspelt, and others who saved him... and it was normal cats, just like them, who built the Bonehill
So again; what does it matter that Tigerstar wasn't given the authority by StarClan to change his name?
His mentor was named Heartworm. And that is the only angel he prays to.
If they hadn't gone back to RiverClan, Feathertail never would have been chosen for the journey. Never would have died.
And the destruction of the Forest killed his family in ThunderClan. Devastated them. Even Graystripe was taken.
So when Leopardstar nodded at the "sign" Mothwing claimed she saw, when RiverClan hardened in TNP, and when it kicked out the pawful of Tribe cats who had come to help these ingrates get set up in a new territory...
He was done with Clan Culture. There was nothing left here, for him.
I don't even plan for him to be in love with Brook yet, going to the Tribe was about getting the fuck away from all this.
Yes Feathertail's grave is there too, but I think his feelings are super complicated.
Cricketclaw was right, he let her decide his life, and because of her he didn't get to say goodbye to his family. He would have been in ThunderClan, maybe even been able to save some of them.
At the Tribe, he lives in the Cave Ward. The least populated ward, and practically a temple-town.
At first he thought he would be more of a hunter, but he quickly learned he really doesn't like how you hunt in the highlands. It's a VERY leggy activity, lots of hiking, running, coordination. It was different than he expected.
Anyway I'll stop there because I could write an SE on how Stormfur adjusts after his immigration and I would actually be interested in doing it. Like, really take the chance to show how the BB!Tribe works and explore the feelings of moving to a new place.
It's a theme that's personal to me as a writer tbh.
Graystripe meanwhile... he never gets over Silverstream. Not even with Millie. I don't think he realizes it, but he really is always looking for the glimpse of himself in a happier timeline
And boy oh boy does it fuck up his next litter.
I've spoken about them all before and I plan to collect it all in one place at some point, but briefly,
Graystripe can't ever take a side when Millie treats Briarlight poorly, and just ends up enabling Millie's ableism
Millie is frantic over Briarpaw's injury, and says some AWFUL things right to her face, making the entire situation about herself
But Graystripe will be like, "your mother says things she doesn't mean :( she loves you, you know"
He can't deal with the possibility of losing Millie, too. Or any of his kids. It's something that Briarlight and Blossomfall come to realize, with time and wisdom.
Bumblestripe meanwhile... he's not really smart enough to ever realize that. He just keeps breaking himself on trying to get Graystripe to see him
But Gray is ALWAYS seeing his first litter, and comparing them. No milestone goes by where he's not cheerfully bringing up some story of how their older siblings were, how he wishes they could see them.
That's where he goes, in the end. After extreme carnage from the Impostor, Graystripe decided that he wanted to spend the last of his life with Stormfur in the mountain.
(Graystripe's Vow is now Ferncloud's Parting, FERNCLOUD is gonna go confront her brother)
Thankfully, Briarlight had her mentor Honeysnake to help her realize her worth... but Blossomfall and Bumblestripe meander for meaning into really toxic, dangerous places for their whole lives.
Blossomfall trains in the Dark Forest because she feels so alienated and disconnected from the Clan at large, only stopping in the BOTTE in the last wave when she faces up against Briarlight
She confronts Briar, and she just... cocks her eyebrow. "ILL END YOU" "no you won't."
Squirrelflight actually tried to tell Bramblestar to make an exception with his Dishonor Titles for the DF trainees, realizing that that Blossomfall's problem was alienation.
She wanted Blossomfall to be put into a Secondary Apprenticeship, specifically for the Construction Patrol since Dustpelt was killed. Something where she'd see her work pay off, and she'd be helping to take care of the Clan.
But Bramblestar rejected it, because it would be unfair. If everyone else is getting Dishonor Titles she will get one too; she shouldn't be REWARDED for what she did. It's a punishment.
So she was Shredbloom for a while. None of her problems were addressed and she ended up joining The Kin later, eventually being rescued by Heathertail and her plan.
Returning to ThunderClan was on her family's vouch, bringing the kits she'd given birth to in The Kin with her, and she was on THIN ICE
She mouthed off at the Impostor in typical Blossomfall fashion once, early in his reign, and she got hit with a DEVASTATING second Dishonor Title; Clearface.
"Because it would be better off if we could see right through her."
Bumblestripe became one of the Impostor's favorite lackeys, exploiting his failed relationship and resentment of Dovewing
Briarlight was murdered in the dog attack that Sparkpelt barely survived, and Stemleaf is killed in the assassination attempt on the Impostor.
Bumblestripe accompanies the old people, Ferncloud, Cloudtail, and Graystripe, during Ferncloud's Parting. He says goodbye to his dad in the mountain, and finally meets the Famous Stormfur...
And learns that he's just some fucking guy.
You live your whole life trying to hold up to this standard of a distant, unknown brother in the mountains, and then you learn he was Just A Dude all along.
He went further south with Cloudtail and Ferncloud too, to make sure they were safe. They are old and it is a long journey.
And that's where they all are to the current point of BB! In ThunderClan, the active Rainkin Family is Bumblestripe, Blossomfall, Plumstone, and Shellfur, and all of them want to support Spotfur as she raises Stemleaf's children.
They refer to themselves as "Graykin" currently; their last relevant ancestor. In Clan Culture, families tend to split at a grandparent or great-grandparent.
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