#Blossoming Connection
teegeewrites · 1 month
Blossoming Connection - Chapter Two: Enter Princess Daisy
“Come on, Luigi! Quit dragging your feet! We have to be at the castle soon!”
Mario was lucky his focus was straight ahead; otherwise, Luigi's lethal glare could have reduced him to cinders a hundred times over. Luigi wished he could still be nestled in the cozy warmth of his bed, but Mario had yanked him from his dreams at an unearthly hour, insisting they dress swiftly to reach the castle bright and early.
Waking up early was second nature to Luigi; he was typically the one to greet the dawn, while Mario relished the luxury of sleeping in. Yet, today, Luigi craved a slower start to his morning. In an unusual twist, Mario was the first to leap out of bed, hastily pushing Luigi to get ready. In the flurry of activity, Luigi didn’t have a chance to enjoy breakfast, not even a quick granola bar. As they made their way, his stomach growled in protest, reminding him of the meal he had missed, and he couldn’t help but wish he had grabbed something before Mario hurried him out the door. The discontented rumble from his belly must have reached Mario's ears, causing him to whirl around and direct his attention toward him.
“Sorry about that, Luigi,” Mario chuckled awkwardly while rubbing the back of his head. "The princess asked us to come to the castle early. She said we’d have breakfast there."
"I really hope so," Luigi sighed, giving his brother a pointed look. "You’d better have a good excuse for making me tag along."
"Wow, I always thought I was the grumpy one in the mornings!" Mario laughed, giving Luigi a hearty slap on the back that almost sent him flying. "We're talking about the princess here! You know she’s got something really cool planned for us!"
Reluctantly, Luigi had to concede that Mario was right about Peach. She always came through with unexpected delights and generous acts, and he suspected this occasion would be no different. With that in mind, he gave Mario a weary yet understanding smile. “I guess you’re right.”
“Of course I am, fratellino!” Mario boasted with his hands on his hips. “Also, the castle's kitchen has the best breakfasts in the whole kingdom! Your stomach will be happy in no time. So, are we ready to keep moving?"
Amused by Mario's lively spirit, Luigi nodded with a chuckle. In a playful gesture, Mario draped an arm around Luigi's shoulder, and together they strolled down the path that led to the enchanting Peach's castle.
The sun was just starting to rise, its light creeping over the horizon when the Mario brothers approached Peach’s castle. The Toad guards at the entrance saluted them with respect before swinging the heavy wooden doors wide. The brothers returned the salute with friendly smiles as they ventured into the castle.
Peach stood in the main lobby, her beauty as vibrant as ever, welcoming Mario and Luigi with a dazzling smile that could brighten anyone's day. With the time it usually took her to get ready in mind, Luigi speculated that Peach had been awake for several hours. He felt a flicker of envy at the idea of having that kind of time to dedicate to getting ready.
"Mario, Luigi! I'm so glad you both could make it!" Peach's eyes sparkled with joy as she approached them with open arms. Leaning down just a touch, she enveloped Luigi in a warm embrace, who gladly reciprocated the gesture. Afterward, she gently cradled Mario’s face and pressed a soft, loving kiss on his lips, causing a slight quiver in his knees.
“Oh, for crying out loud!” Luigi exclaimed, feigning irritation. “Do you guys really need to be all lovey-dovey at this time?” He made a silly face and stuck his tongue out in mock disgust.
With a shared glance and mischievous grins, Mario and Peach turned to Luigi, ready to respond. They leaned in for a series of affectionate Eskimo kisses, their noses playfully touching before their lips met again, this time lingering a bit longer. Luigi, unable to resist the moment, dramatically clutched his stomach and bent over as he pretended to retch. Mario and Peach erupted into laughter, enjoying the lightheartedness of Luigi's antics, with Luigi soon following suit.
It had been a month and a half since Mario and Peach officially began their romantic journey, and despite his lighthearted teasing, Luigi felt a genuine sense of pride in their enduring relationship. He had always been their cheerleader, but watching their love unfold wasn’t without its challenges. In the early days, Mario and Peach would often invite Luigi to join their outings, but he would politely decline. He understood their intentions were good, yet it stung to see them together. On the rare occasions he did tag along, he couldn’t shake the feeling of being a third wheel. There were evenings when he returned home feeling downcast, especially when they seemed lost in their own world, sharing tender moments that left him on the sidelines.
Thankfully, Mario and Peach were not entirely oblivious to Luigi’s feelings. They reached out to him, apologizing for unintentionally sidelining him, especially knowing he was still healing from his crush on Peach. Their empathy and awareness helped heal his heart, and two weeks after their relationship became official and he shared his feelings, Luigi could confidently say he had moved on. He still held a deep admiration for Peach, but now it was strictly as a friend, just as she viewed him.
Yet, watching Mario and Peach bask in their love stirred a different kind of envy in Luigi. Their happiness sparked a longing within him, making him question if he would ever find a love like theirs. Although Peach had comforted him with the promise that he would meet someone special, his confidence in that notion was fading. The Mushroom Kingdom, as he saw it, was largely populated by Toads, amiable Goombas, Koopa Troopas, and Bob-Ombs, with hardly any humans in sight. Luigi was accustomed to seeing interracial couples back in Brooklyn, but the notion of interspecies dating was completely alien to him. He never entertained the idea of a romance with a Toad or Koopa Troopa.
He believed that if he wanted to find love, he would need to return to Brooklyn should the opportunity arise. However, the thought of leaving Mario behind was too painful to bear for him. He would never dream of putting Mario in the awkward position of having to choose between him and Peach. It was equally unfair to put Peach in a situation where she might lose the only person that she had formed a romantic bond with, especially considering her home was a world devoid of human companionship. Thus, Luigi came to terms with the possibility that he might live his life without ever forming a romantic connection.
“Luigi,” Mario called with worry etched across his features, pulling Luigi from his reverie. “Are you okay?”
With a bashful smile, Luigi shook his head, realizing he had been caught daydreaming. The knowing look on Mario’s face confirmed that their twin bond had revealed his inner musings. He chuckled while scratching the back of his head in a playful manner. “Everything’s just fine, Mario.”
A faint line formed on Mario's forehead, a clear indication that he was not entirely convinced by Luigi's claims. Luigi let out a resigned sigh, anticipating the relentless questioning that would surely follow as Mario sought to uncover his hidden thoughts. To his surprise, Mario simply offered a gentle smile and rested a comforting hand on Luigi's shoulder, easing some of his tension. However, Luigi couldn't help but notice a strange undertone in Mario's smile, as if he were concealing a secret. Nonetheless, he quickly dismissed the idea, thinking he was reading too much into it.
“Uh, Princess,” Luigi addressed Peach, who in response arched an eyebrow at him with a small smile, “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but why did you invite us here so early this morning?”
Peach's eyes lit up a little as she delicately placed a gloved hand over her lips. “Oh, right! I suppose I owe you an explanation, Luigi. We’re going to have a special guest visiting us in the Mushroom Kingdom this week. That person should be arriving shortly.”
Luigi's eyes grew wide for a moment before his brow knitted in confusion. He had a hunch that this 'special guest' was yet another diplomat or royal from another kingdom here for a political conference. If true, he couldn't fathom why he was needed since Mario typically accompanied her to such gatherings. He had sat in on a few early meetings and had been bored to tears by the drawn-out discussions and topics that were well beyond his comprehension.
In one of the sessions, he found himself unintentionally in the spotlight while visiting Slumberland. The stares he received suggested he could easily be mistaken for a lumberjack, considering the countless logs he had sawed. He recalled his face feeling like a volcano on the brink of eruption and yearned for a spell that could make him fade into thin air. He found himself apologizing to Peach repeatedly after the meeting, feeling guilty for how it reflected on her. However, Peach, ever the gracious spirit, insisted that he needn't worry about it and acknowledged how monotonous the meetings could be. She even lightheartedly remarked that the meeting had been one of the most amusing she had ever facilitated. Mario, on the other hand, teased him about it for several days, never failing to throw a few playful jabs in their conversations. Consequently, Luigi refrained from attending those conferences unless it was absolutely necessary.
Even so, Luigi felt it was worth asking to clear up any confusion. “Just who exactly is this guest visiting us?”
Rather than answering his question, Peach merely smiled at him. Similar to his feelings with Mario, Luigi found her smile to be oddly intriguing. There was a playful glimmer in her eyes and a sly curve to her lips. He stifled the urge to roll his eyes as a sardonic grin threatened to emerge while surmising that she and Mario were in on some secret regarding this mysterious visitor.
Peach usually updates him and Mario on the identities of the guests visiting the castle for political affairs, so her decision to remain silent was definitely out of character. He thought it best to ask her and Mario for more details, as there was a strong chance that Mario was also acquainted with this individual.  He was on the verge of pressing Peach and Mario when the main entrance doors glided open with a soft whoosh. Two royal messenger Toads made their entrance, and he felt a spark of excitement. A smile crept across his face as he anticipated the chance to finally uncover the identity of this enigmatic individual.
"Your Royal Highness! Master Mario! Master Luigi!" one of the messengers declared with a loud and lively tone, prompting Luigi to ponder how an individual could possess such volume and vigor at this early hour. "I am honored to present to you, Princess Daisy of the Sarasaland Empire!"
Princess Daisy? Sarasaland? Luigi felt a flash of recognition at both the name and the place, but the details eluded him like a fleeting shadow. While he tried to connect the dots, he settled into his familiar spot to the left of Peach, with Mario taking his usual place on her right.
Two elegant lines of trumpet-playing Toads swept into the lobby, taking their places on either side as they filled the air with a melody that was foreign to Luigi. He pondered whether it could be the anthem of Sarasaland. Once the Toads finished their lively fanfare, a figure stepped through the main doors. The sunlight streamed in, casting a bright glow, and all Luigi could make out was a shadowy outline that seemed to resemble a human. Following closely behind, a small troop of hardworking Toads arrived, each one hauling a mountain of luggage, which they neatly placed aside with a sense of purpose.
The sound of the front doors gently shutting pulled Luigi's focus back to Princess Daisy. As she approached with graceful poise, the details of her form became clearer, and what he took in made his eyes grow wide and his breath momentarily falter.
Her auburn hair, elegantly parted with bangs, cascaded into a wavy bob that curled gently upward beyond her shoulders. This hairstyle perfectly complemented her round face, which boasted a light, flawlessly blended tan. Large, friendly blue eyes sparkled as they met the gaze of those around her, and her lips, delicately dressed in a lively orange, formed a smile that was warm yet carried an air of regal sophistication. A golden crown sat regally on her head, reminiscent of Peach's, but uniquely hers with what was most likely two brilliant viridian gems encased in charming white petals, a striking alternative to the sapphire jewels that adorned Peach's own crown. Resting on her ears were earrings that perfectly matched the enchanting flower-shaped gems of her crown.
She wore a floor-length gown that mirrored Peach’s, yet it was infused with enough originality to shine on its own. The main variation was the color scheme; Princess Daisy’s piece shone in a bright yellow accented with orange and white, in stark contrast to the light pink that Peach cherished. The garment was embellished with elegant white, petal-shaped accents on its puffy sleeves and a matching collar. Dark orange panniers at the waist added a pop of color, while the base was adorned with two rows of frills matching the color of the panniers, creating a striking difference from the single dark pink frill on Peach’s dress. The ensemble was beautifully accented by a brooch that resembled the flower-shaped jewels in her crown and earrings, resting gracefully on her chest. She wore short white gloves, each with charming petal-shaped cutouts that added a touch of elegance to her hands.
Luigi had no doubt about one thing: Princess Daisy was strikingly pretty and looked to be in the same age range as him and the others.
With Princess Daisy halting just shy of them, Peach stepped up, enveloping the space with her warm and regal demeanor. "Princess Daisy of Sarasaland," she greeted with a stately disposition, "it is a privilege to welcome you to the Mushroom Kingdom. I trust your trip was pleasant and without any difficulties."
Princess Daisy nodded with a warm smile and gracefully curtsied before Peach. “I sincerely thank you for your gracious reception, your Highness. It is an esteemed honor to visit your beautiful realm.”
The two princesses locked eyes for a brief moment, and then Princess Daisy's eyes twinkled with delight and her lips blossomed into a cheerful grin. “OK, enough of this royal charade!”
"Agreed!" Peach responded, her face lighting up with a big smile. “Get over here and give me a big hug!”
Princess Daisy's cheerful smile stretched across her face as she rushed toward Peach and pulled her into a warm embrace, which Peach gladly reciprocated. "Girl, it’s been way too long since we last hung out in person!" she beamed.
"Oh, it totally has!" Peach cheerfully affirmed. "I’m really glad you made it!"
“There was no way I would miss my bestie’s birthday if I had anything to say about it!”
The moment Luigi heard the word "birthday," it struck him like a bolt of lightning—Princess Peach's birthday was coming up at the end of the week! A sense of relief washed over him as he understood that Princess Daisy's visit was not for another political affair. With a grin, he began to think creatively about what gift would bring joy to Peach on her special day.
Peach stepped back from the embrace and softly lifted Princess Daisy's hair from the bottom, her hand moving with a tender touch. “Your new hairstyle looks amazing! When did you have it done?”
“I'm really glad you like it, Peach!” Princess Daisy smiled proudly. "I had my hair cut about a month ago. I really loved my long hair, but I wanted to switch things up and fell head over heels for this style. It’s also a lot easier to manage! I’m always amazed at how you keep your gorgeous hair looking so perfect!”
“With a ton of love, some serious care, and a whole lot of patience, especially that last bit,” Peach giggled softly while rolling her eyes, causing Princess Daisy to follow suit. Once the laughter died down, the Sarasaland princess turned to Mario with a bright, friendly smile. She bent down to envelop him in a snug hug, and Mario embraced her back with equal affection.
“Mario! It’s so nice to see you again!” she exclaimed happily after releasing the hug. “How has my brave hero been?”
Hero? Hearing Princess Daisy refer to Mario as her hero made Luigi’s eyebrows shoot up in astonishment. He began to wonder when Mario had come to her aid when it suddenly clicked for him. This was the same Princess Daisy who Mario had bravely rescued from an alien some time back. What was that alien’s name? Tatangy? Tatooga? The name escaped him, but he figured it didn’t really matter. After receiving a plea for assistance from Sarasaland, Peach implored Mario to embark on a mission to liberate the nation from said alien. Without a moment's pause, Mario accepted the call to action. After successfully completing his mission, Mario returned to the Mushroom Kingdom, he animatedly shared tales of his daring adventure with Luigi. Luigi listened with delight but couldn't shake off a hint of jealousy, wishing he could have joined in on the adventure. However, Mario urged Luigi to stay put, just in case Bowser or any other danger chose to strike while he was gone. Even so, a proud smile slowly emerged on Luigi's face, reflecting his admiration for his brother’s heroics.
"I've been doing great, thank you!” Mario answered with a friendly smile. “How about you? Has everything been alright in Sarasaland since Tatanga's invasion?"
"Thank goodness, no," Princess Daisy wiped her forehead in a playful way that had everyone giggling. "But seriously, that creep hasn’t shown his ugly mug after the licking you laid on him! Sarasaland has really stepped up its security since then to make sure nothing like that goes down again, and so far, it’s been smooth sailing."
“That’s good to hear,” Mario nodded.
Princess Daisy nodded back before a teasing smile lit her face. “So, I hear you and Peach are an item now.” Mario and Peach both nodded in agreement. “Finally! You wouldn’t believe how many times Peach has cried to me, all upset, wondering if you liked her. I kept telling her she had to take the first step since you were too shy, being a plumber and all. I’m guessing she finally made her move, huh?”
“DAISY!” Peach squeaked loudly, her face flushing a deep shade that echoed her panniers. Luigi was astonished; he had never witnessed the usually composed Princess Peach in such a state of fluster. It was a sight that he found oddly humorous, and he couldn't help but stifle a chuckle.
"Well, that answers my question!" Princess Daisy chuckled. “In all seriousness, I’m genuinely thrilled for you both. Mario, you better treat my girl like the queen she is, or you’ll have to deal with me! Got it?!"
"Loud and clear!" Mario said with a playful salute, but then his expression turned serious. "I’d never dream of hurting her. I’d rather suffer myself than break her heart. You have my word on that."
Peach smiled warmly and put her arm around his waist. Mario returned the gesture with a smile of his own.
"That's exactly what I was hoping to hear!" Princess Daisy grinned, giving Mario a warm pat on the shoulder. With a twinkle in her eye, she pivoted to focus her gaze on Luigi.
Luigi’s body tensed up as Princess Daisy's eyes roamed over him with the back of her hands confidently placed on her hips and an intrigued smile. He couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability under her intense scrutiny, a nervous gulp escaping him as sweat threatened to trickle down his hairline. Some thoughts nagged at him while in this position—were his boots muddy, did his overalls have a stain, or was there something caught in his mustache? He noted that she was taller than both him and Mario, yet just a fraction shorter than Peach, making her wordless examination feel all the more intimidating.
Upon completing her assessment which seemed to take an eternity, Princess Daisy’s lips gracefully parted, revealing an astonishingly white and perfectly crafted set of teeth that took Luigi's breath away. He had always thought Princess Peach's smile was unparalleled, yet Princess Daisy's captivating smile could give her a serious challenge in the realm of dazzling grins.
"You must be Luigi!" Princess Daisy said, her voice bright and welcoming with her dazzling grin still on display. "Hi, I’m Daisy! It’s awesome to finally meet you! Mario and Peach have told me all about you!"
“Nothing too awful, I hope,” Luigi muttered under his breath, earning him a bunch of confused looks. Feeling a bit embarrassed, he rubbed the back of his head and bowed to Princess Daisy. "Uh, I mean, it’s a pleasure to meet you, your Highness!"
Before he could process what was happening, a rush of warmth surged to his face, and he felt his eyes nearly pop out as a pair of slender, yet powerful arms enveloped him in a vice-like grip. On top of that, a captivating blend of vanilla and floral scents tantalized his senses, wrapping him in a fragrant embrace that was hard to resist. When he glanced up, he found Princess Daisy's cheek pressed against his, revealing her as the source of both this unexpected embrace and alluring fragrance.
"You are just too adorable!" she squealed, her voice echoing in his ears. "No need to be so formal! Just call me Daisy, not your Highness or even princess like you do that little Miss Proper over there!" Peach let out a playful huff in response.
"Yes, ma'am," Luigi breathed out, but the utterance only resulted in a more ferocious grip, leaving him gasping as if his ribs were threatening to puncture his lungs.
“Hey, none of this ‘ma’am’ stuff, either! I’m not old enough to be a grandma yet!”
"Y-Yes, Daisy," Luigi responded, his voice trembling slightly. Thankfully, that was enough for her to dial back the intensity of her hug, allowing it to settle into a more casual embrace.
“See? That wasn’t so bad now, was it?” Daisy flashed another radiant smile that nearly blinded him when she finally let him go. With their faces just a breath apart, he noticed the charming freckles adorning her cute button nose, making her even more delightful.
“I take it that Princess Daisy has arrived! That lively and cheerful voice is one I know all too well.”
The moment the refined voice echoed through the room, Luigi and his companions turned to see its origin. Toadsworth entered the lobby with a genial smile gracing his face beneath his bushy white mustache. Daisy's eyes sparkled with delight as she spotted the advisor and in a burst of excitement, she rushed to him, lifting him into the air with an airtight hug.
"Toadsworth!" Daisy beamed, gently brushing her cheek against his. “It’s great to see you again! How's my cherished uncle figure doing?!"
"I’m doing quite well," Toadsworth responded, his tone cheerful yet slightly breathless from Daisy’s affectionate squeeze. “It’s truly wonderful to see you in such high spirits. However, might I kindly request that you set me down before I turn into a rather squished mushroom?"
Daisy gasped softly before putting Toadsworth down with care. “Heh, sorry about that!” she laughed a bit sheepishly. “I can really get into the moment sometimes.”
Toadsworth offered a kind nod in her direction. “No need to worry, my dear. I know you have the best intentions.” He then shifted his focus to the rest of the group, his smile exuding warmth. “I am pleased to announce that breakfast is now ready to be served. Please feel free to make your way to the dining hall if you wish to join us.” He then waddled in the direction of the dining space.
“Great, because I’m starving!” Daisy hopped with her fists raised. "I didn’t eat much before coming here."
With a rumble that echoed through the room, Luigi's stomach made it clear it was still hungry. The sound sparked a wave of giggles among his friends, causing him to sheepishly rub his belly.
“From the sound of it, I’m not the only one!” Daisy said with a mischievous wink, causing Luigi's cheeks to heat up as if he were gnawing on two warm bags.
"It seems like we could all use a little something to eat,” Peach remarked with a warm smile. "Let’s gather in the dining hall and enjoy what I’m sure will be a lovely breakfast together."
“Right there with you, Princess!” Mario said with a big smile. He bowed and offered his hand to Peach, who softly giggled with a hand over her mouth before shyly accepting it. Together, they strolled toward the dining hall with their fingers linked.
Luigi’s smile was wide as he watched Mario and Peach leave hand in hand, but that joy was interrupted when a pair of gloved hands seized his elbow. Turning, he found Daisy gazing at him with a playful flutter of her eyelashes. A rush of blood surged to his face, leaving him momentarily speechless.
"Oh, Luigi..." Daisy cooed, her words laced with a teasing undertone that made him gulp nervously. "This princess is perfectly capable of going alone, yet she has her sights set on a certain someone to accompany her to the dining hall. She’s curious if that someone would be interested in joining her."
Luigi may have been a man of simplicity, but he certainly grasped what Daisy was hinting at. Despite the way she made him feel all flustered and tongue-tied, he couldn't resist the allure of escorting a beautiful princess to the dining hall. With a deep breath, he donned his most confident smile, ready to embrace the moment. “T-That person would be more than honored to do so.”
“Yeah, that’s the spirit!” Daisy cheered, her bright smile illuminating the air as she kept her hands on his elbow. "What are we still doing here? Let’s get some food!"
"Hey, take it easy, Daisy!" Luigi laughed as she tugged him a few paces toward the dining hall. Daisy flashed a shy grin before linking her arm with his. Luigi, picking up on her enthusiasm, grinned back as they headed toward their culinary adventure together.
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teegeeteegee · 1 month
Chapter 2 is now available. Anyone who wants to read it here can check my side blog:
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appleblocks · 3 months
i hope you know that glowsquid joel lives entirely rent free in my brain GHDJS thank you for creating him <33
Joel: "You're welcome for my flawless existence."
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(I drew this as fast as I could after receiving your ask!!! Thank you so much!!!!! I gotta draw him more often, for sure)
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insensible-waters · 24 days
Sketch I did earlier of our favorite old man
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And my kinda halfassed attempt at coring it that ended up with a very different vibe than what id intended when I started
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I originally just wanted to practice coloring his hair and then I ended spending the least amount of time and effort on that in the end, Oopie ig
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quuerbee · 2 months
Ok going off of the assumption that Chung Myung is left handed (STATED IN NOVEL!!!!) and that his left arm got cut off at the shoulder in his fight with the heavenly demon as the plum blossom sword Saint (which I uh. Don't really exactly remember if the arm is stated) (OK NVM IT WAS HIS LEFT ARM I JUST CHECKED) then that means he cut off the heavenly demons head with his NON DOMINATE HAND.
I know realistically Chung Myung probably only had his left arm cut off towards the middle/end of the battle, considering his (?) sword was embedded in his left shoulder, but he had to of had SOME experience fighting unbalanced (both with having an entire arm's weight be missing and also fighting with his non dominant hand).
This, in addition to Chung Myung being the designated teacher, it really makes sense that Un Gum would ask Chung Myung for help. Chung Myung already knows all the techniques left handed because he IS left handed. And unknowingly to Un Gum, he HAS experience being forced to fight with his non dominate hand.
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plumbogs · 6 months
i am on a one man mission to make people stop comparing alex goth to the god damned terf book wizard boy . thats actually hte deepest part of my motivations
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boysslove · 9 days
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Damn interruptions!
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beccawise7 · 2 months
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Music heals the soul. Transcends borders, languages, beliefs. Music sparks emotion and ties to memories for us... often as nothing else can.
Smile today. Remember. Sing. Laugh. Live it well... for so many who can't any longer.
~beccawise7 💜🖤
"If ever there's a summer when we just can't be together, there'll be half of me where lights not gettin' in. I'll see that photo i took of you with the blossom tree above you and I'll just be glad I loved you like I did."
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cookie4hope · 3 months
Haru: So if you had one, how would you na-
Rin: Sakura!
Haru: !?! Pfffttt... Hahaha
The most honest laughter erupted from the boy which was never fazed to show any emotion.
Rin was floored his eyes were and he keeps staring at him. He must have been asleep because it felt like a weird dream.
Suddenly Haru stopped and turned his head away again. But Rin could tell his embarrassment by his red ears the flush spread down to his neck.
Rin: Romantic, right?
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gaydexvocaloid · 1 year
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teegeewrites · 1 month
A Chapter Two preview from Blossoming Connection:
"Mario, Luigi! I'm so glad you both could make it!" Peach's eyes sparkled with joy as she approached them with open arms. Leaning down just a touch, she enveloped Luigi in a warm embrace, who gladly reciprocated the gesture. Afterward, she gently cradled Mario’s face and pressed a soft, loving kiss on his lips, causing a slight quiver in his knees.
“Oh, for crying out loud!” Luigi exclaimed, feigning irritation. “Do you guys really need to be all lovey-dovey at this time?” He made a silly face and stuck his tongue out in mock disgust.
With a shared glance and mischievous grins, Mario and Peach turned to Luigi, ready to respond. They leaned in for a series of affectionate Eskimo kisses, their noses playfully touching before their lips met again, this time lingering a bit longer. Luigi, unable to resist the moment, dramatically clutched his stomach and bent over as he pretended to retch. Mario and Peach erupted into laughter, enjoying the lightheartedness of Luigi's antics, with Luigi soon following suit.
It had been a month and a half since Mario and Peach officially began their romantic journey, and despite his lighthearted teasing, Luigi felt a genuine sense of pride in their enduring relationship. He had always been their cheerleader, but watching their love unfold wasn’t without its challenges. In the early days, Mario and Peach would often invite Luigi to join their outings, but he would politely decline. He understood their intentions were good, yet it stung to see them together. On the rare occasions he did tag along, he couldn’t shake the feeling of being a third wheel. There were evenings when he returned home feeling downcast, especially when they seemed lost in their own world, sharing tender moments that left him on the sidelines.
Thankfully, Mario and Peach were not entirely oblivious to Luigi’s feelings. They reached out to him, apologizing for unintentionally sidelining him, especially knowing he was still healing from his crush on Peach. Their empathy and awareness helped heal his heart, and two weeks after their relationship became official and he shared his feelings, Luigi could confidently say he had moved on. He still held a deep admiration for Peach, but now it was strictly as a friend, just as she viewed him.
Yet, watching Mario and Peach bask in their love stirred a different kind of envy in Luigi. Their happiness sparked a longing within him, making him question if he would ever find a love like theirs. Although Peach had comforted him with the promise that he would meet someone special, his confidence in that notion was fading. The Mushroom Kingdom, as he saw it, was largely populated by Toads, amiable Goombas, Koopa Troopas, and Bob-Ombs, with hardly any humans in sight. Luigi was accustomed to seeing interracial couples back in Brooklyn, but the notion of interspecies dating was completely alien to him. He never entertained the idea of a romance with a Toad or Koopa Troopa. He believed that if he wanted to find love, he would need to return to Brooklyn should the opportunity arise. However, the thought of leaving Mario behind was too painful to bear for him. He would never dream of putting Mario in the awkward position of having to choose between him and Peach. It was equally unfair to put Peach in a situation where she might lose the only person that she had formed a romantic bond with, especially considering her home was a world devoid of human companionship. Thus, Luigi came to terms with the possibility that he might live his life without ever forming a romantic connection.
“Luigi,” Mario called with worry etched across his features, pulling Luigi from his reverie. “Are you okay?”
With a bashful smile, Luigi shook his head, realizing he had been caught daydreaming. The knowing look on Mario’s face confirmed that their twin bond had revealed his inner musings. He chuckled while scratching the back of his head in a playful manner. “Everything’s just fine, Mario.”
A faint line formed on Mario's forehead, a clear indication that he was not entirely convinced by Luigi's claims. Luigi let out a resigned sigh, anticipating the relentless questioning that would surely follow as Mario sought to uncover his hidden thoughts. To his surprise, Mario simply offered a gentle smile and rested a comforting hand on Luigi's shoulder, easing some of his tension. However, Luigi couldn't help but notice a strange undertone in Mario's smile, as if he were concealing a secret. Nonetheless, he quickly dismissed the idea, thinking he was reading too much into it.
What could Mario be hinting at here...🤔
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teegeeteegee · 24 days
Chapter 3 is now up.
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Day 4: Green Life Gem
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She's Just Gem!
Absolutely adore her in Secret Life <3 Her and her bandmates wer elike the biggest thing in the WORLD. Like their loyalty and dedication to each other was absolutely INCREDIBLE! Was listening to Cottagecore while drawing this, and honestly? Gem and the Scotts song!!! For real!!!
Thing to appreciate about Green Life Gem: Honestly so impressive how well she adapted to the series! Jumping into the task head on, finding people to make an alliance with... Ohhh her and her bandmates!! Her protecting Scott and Impulse, solidifying their band, ALREADY MAKING HOUSES!! Well, of course, it's Gem! In a server known for builds not lasting too long or simply being practical or bit-orientated, hers was as Gem as it can be: pretty and perfect <3
✿Reblogs would be greatly appreciated!! Spread that Gem love!!✿
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bugeyedfreaks · 1 year
I appreciate ur blog bc there are a lot of blossom hate/under appreciation bc she’s the typical level headed nerd who is full of herself unlike her cool sisters who have unique personalities and flaws and both are quirky unlike blossom bc she’s the boring sister..she even mentioned it in the ppg movie once? Anyways blossom is my favorite and I never see any posts or content about her character and I appreciate u understand her n make some good analysis abt her sometimes i just wish there are other blogs that I can read abt blossom
You’re right! She mentioned it in one of the interviews for the movie!
(also okay I haven’t seen this in a while but I’m cringing at the “there’s no other female superheroes other than Wonder Woman” line because kgkdjcoshsicd okay now is not the time to unpack THAT 😩)
And thank you! It does pain me that she isn’t as popular as the other girls, and I think a big reason for that is that she’s just so misunderstood because of those kinds of stereotypical things (like nerd ≠ boring and all that). I just think she’s neat and a cool, nuanced character who I will absolutely defend from mischaracterization any chance I can get.
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quuerbee · 2 months
IS CHUNG MYUNG LEFT HANDED??? (minor spoilers)
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