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Our Little Family [Miles Wood] Chapter 20- Meet The New Baby Woody
From B: I know we have some new followers around here! Yay and welcome! So I wanted to give a quick re-introduction to Little Family! It's a blog submission series by our lovely 👢 anon! I do not write this series. I am as much of a fan as the rest of you! This series is also completely independent of Shot In the Dark. KK enjoy!! 🍿
A/N from 👢 anon: Hi guys, it's been too long. I'm here with another update from little family. After this chapter, there is going to be 5 left and we will be closing the little family chapters.
Oh yeah, we have some smut here too.
Since the moment you told Miles that you are pregnant, things changed. He was the perfect partner and dad. When he was home, he took care of you and Lily. So you could have alone time, he knows it can be a lot being pregnant and your baby hitting 2 years old.
Every night that Miles is home, he's rubbing lotion and oil on your bump. Because he loves touching you, knowing that you're carrying his baby and the baby likes his touch too.
You're doing your best to give Lily lots of love. Let her be the baby, too. It's an adjustment, but it's amazing. You're not going to lie, your favorites moments are when she crawls into bed with you and lies on the bump talking to her sibiling.
All your appointments are around Miles' schedule. He wants to be there for you and the baby. Not that he didn't do that for you and Lily before. You're having more happy moments during this pregnancy because Miles is loving you, too. He's your partner and husband now, before he was basically just Lily's dad. You guys had fun, but not like this.
Finding out that you guys are having another girl makes him cry. And he doesn't cry much. Seeing Miles getting more emotional makes you emotional too, more than usual. That's on the hormones.
The first time she kicked was just perfection. All three of you were cuddling and watching a movie. Both Miles and Lily were lying on the bump. And then she kicked, Miles looked at you with teary eyes and a big smile on his lips. Lily asked what happened. And you explained that her baby sister said hi. It made her so happy. Lily kissed the bump and said hi back. You know you're lucky.
Sedona for babymoon was perfect. You and Miles had a really good time together. It was something that you guys needed. Having that alone time and connection was amazing. But getting home to Lily saying that she missed you was the best. It made you emotional talking to Miles later.
Miles' season ended short again, but this time he was down for a day or two and then he decided that he was going to enjoy all his girls.
The day finally comes, and your water breaks in the middle of the night. Miles was asleep, and you had to basically shake him to wake up.
As much you love his sleepy look, this time you need him to move his ass because you're going to be in pain soon. And you would like some meds.
You groan when the first contraction happens.
“Miles, for the love of God. My water just broke.” Miles blinks at you a few times before his brain catches up.
He curses getting up, he helps you get changed, and he goes to wake his parents. To let them know what is happening. He's so frantic because last time he was on the road.
You need to say goodbye to your baby before you go. Miles was preparing her for this moment, letting her know that maybe mommy and daddy would leave without her knowing, but grandma and grandpa would be there with her. And they're going to come back with her baby sister.
You only show that you're in pain when it's just you and Miles. The whole drive to the hospital was painful. Miles had to pay attention to your contractions while driving.
When you guys got to the hospital, Miles stayed downstairs admitting you while you went to your room. By the time he gets there, you are already in pain meds. They make you a little happier.
But then you're in pain again. Miles is by your side the whole time. You get him a cot so he can take a nap. Even if he doesn't want to. He wants to stay up with you.
You're in labor for more than 6 hours. Your doctor comes in to check you, and sees if it's time. Miles asks if it's time, and she says that it's.
He moves to your side and holds your hand. You curse at him, probably hurting his hand, and saying that you're not going to have his babies anymore. A few times during that process.
Miles just encourages you. He kisses your sweaty forehead. He praises you. You feel so weak by the end. He says that you're doing amazing, but hearing him say that she's almost here gives you that extra strength to push.
Hearing her crying filling the room makes your body go limp. You smile while taking a deep breath.
Miles kisses you. “She's here, babe, and she's perfect.” You nod, not having a lot of strength right then.
The nurse puts your baby on your chest. You kiss her head crying, and your baby is finally here. “Welcome to the world, Ella harper Wood.” You kiss her head again.
Miles rests his forehead on yours “she's perfect, babe. We made her.” He kisses your forehead.
The nurse comes in saying that they need her, and you pass her to the nurse.
“Go be with her.” You push Miles towards where she's getting cleaned.
Your doctor works on you to make sure that everything is okay. The few pushes after giving birth and the stitches.
Miles takes one last look at you before he goes with the nurses to follow your baby. The room starts to get less crowded, which is a relief. You close your eyes when you're alone. The only sounds inside the room are the machines connected to you.
You don't hear Miles coming in. He kisses your head, thinking you're asleep. You open your eyes to look at him. You mumble a soft “hey”.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” He watches you with such a worried look in his eyes. You nod but ask for water, Miles goes to get you water. He rubs your arm when he's back, and you slowly drink the water.
“Is everything okay with her ?” You ask between sips.
“Yeah. She's perfect. You did a good job, Mama.” He kisses your head. He's so proud of you. He definitely has a new admiration for you.
You nod and smile. That's what you needed, to know that she's okay.
“Babe, I know I'm supposed to be resting, but I need to call your mom to talk to Lily.” Miles watches you for a second before nodding and grabbing his phone.
He texted her when he was with El saying that the new Wood was born. He facetimes her, Cheryl smiles, seeing her son's face on the screen. She says, "A congratulations and asks," How are you doing? " Miles says that you're tired, but all good.
He says that he's going to give you the phone. You talk to Cheryl a little before asking if you can talk to Lily. She takes the phone to your baby, seeing Lily's face, and you relax a little more.
You talk to her, asking how she's doing, if she's having fun with grandma and grandpa. She says that she is but that she misses you. You say that you miss her too and soon she'll be home with daddy and her baby sister. She gets excited.
You say that you love her before passing the phone for Miles. He talks to her, and you drift off hearing your loves talking to each other.
Miles plans with his mom for her to bring Lily in the middle of the afternoon. He knows you need that and that you feel guilty for leaving her in the middle of the night.
He lays in the hospital bed with you. He just wants to hold you. It doesn't take long for the nurse to bring El for her breastfeeding.
Miles wakes you. He helps you settle before passing El to you. You smile seeing that cute little face. You kiss her forehead, saying that you're her mommy.
It takes a little time for her to latch, but when she does, you relax big time. Miles gives you the space to be with her.
You brush your finger over all her features. Saying that she has the best daddy and the best big sister, that you guys are so excited for her to be part of your family.
Miles stays outside of the door, updating his family, his teammates, and ordering you food. He knows you're hungry.
When he comes back, he sees you counting El's little toes and fingers. Miles is still a little worried, but he sees that you're more like yourself now.
He moves closer to you. “Can I hold her ?” You look at him a little confused.
You chuckle, nodding because, of course, he can pick his baby. Miles picks her up, settling with her in his arms. You watch El stir a little before settling completely in her daddy's big chest.
“Babe, do you mind if I take a nap ?” Miles is shocked that you asked him that.
“Not at all, rest, sweetheart.” He kisses El's head to settle her a little more. You nod before turning to your side.
Miles holds El as long as he can while you're asleep. The nurse comes to get her. He gets your food and then just sits there looking at you. You wake up to those piercing blue eyes staring at you. You blink a few times, getting him focused.
“Can I have more water, please ?” You lick your lips, feeling a little dry.
“Yeah.” Miles picks the cup and helps you drink. “I brought food for you, babe.” You take a big sip before nodding.
“What about you ? Did you eat ?” You pass the cup to Miles. He looks at you, and you know he didn't.
“Why were you staring ?” You ask, lacing your fingers.
“I'm worried about you, babe.” He sighs, running his hand through his hair.
“Why ? I'm okay.”
“You don't look like yourself, I just don't want something to happen to you.”
“Hey, c'mon here.” You cup his cheeks moving to the side to give his big body space.
“I'm okay, I promise you that. I'm exhausted, being in labor in the middle of the night is not fun, and I miss Lily too.”
“Yeah, I know.” He closes his eyes, feeling your fingers brush along his cheekbone.
“I didn't like leaving her like that in the middle of the night. I know she's okay with your parents. And I promise you, it doesn't change my feelings for El. I love her and I'm so happy she's here with us. I'm exhausted and hungry, probably not the best combination.” You smile, seeing you smile brings a smile onto Miles' lips.
You kiss him before asking if he can bring you the food. You hear that giggle as Miles goes to get you the food.
You thank him before putting a lot of food in your mouth. You give him a look, for him to eat too. If you need food, he does, too.
Miles picks your tray of food as you drink a little more water. You pat empty space beside you for Miles to join you. You need hubby cuddles. He's so careful with the wires and iv on your arms. He doesn't need the nurses to come running scared into the room.
You bury your face in his chest, just needing to feel secure. This is one of the most vulnerable moments that he ever saw you, and he'll take care of you.
You guys cuddle until you hear a knock on the door. Miles kisses your head before getting up to open the door.
You hear your oldest voice saying hi, dada. You smile, getting a little emotional, and Miles squats to give her a kiss. Then, he holds her hand to help her walk towards you.
She's holding a bouquet to give to you. Miles helps her to jump into the bed. “Mama” she's so excited as she settles against you. You kiss her head, holding her close to your body. You thank her for the flowers and then bring her to your lap.
“Baby, mommy is so sorry for leaving like that last night.” Lily looks at you with her big blue eyes.
“ ‘s okay mama, I have a new baby sister now.” She's so excited, and it's adorable. You kiss her head before putting her beside you. You guys talk, and the nurses bring El for another one on one with Mommy before feeding.
While you guys talk, Miles shows El to his parents. Then you ask Lily if she wants to meet her baby sister. Lily says that she does.
Miles brings El, placing her in your arms. Lily's little face moves closer to El, she wants to meet her baby sister. She kisses El's forehead, blushing a little at El's reaction.
“She loves you too, baby.” Lily smiles at you as she brushes her finger on El's hair.
Miles snaps a few pictures of his girls together. You kiss Lily's head, letting her have a moment with her sister. Cheryl sends Miles to be with you guys so she can take a few pictures of you.
You cup his cheek, looking at him with heart eyes. You mouth a thank you for him, he rests his forehead on yours and Lily kisses El's forehead again. It's the perfect picture.
He pecks your lips before looking at his family. El starts to get fussy.
“Baby, can you go with Daddy while mommy feeds baby El. After she is done, you can come say goodbye before going home with grandma and grandpa.” Lily nods and makes grabby hands for miles.
He picks her up, giving her lots of kisses, making her giggle. You smile as they leave the room. You shift El for her to be comfortable. This time, she latches right away.
“You're going to have the best big sister, baby.” El wiggles a little because she feels that too, Mommy.
You watch your baby eat, slowly at her own pace. She's so adorable, lots of Wood's genes in her. The caramel hair, the bone structure, she has your nose and mouth. So you're happy. Miles will be in trouble when his girls grow up.
Miles comes in a few minutes later, and Lily has her mouth full of chocolate. And you give him a look, shaking your head.
“There are wipes in the bag.” You point to the bag, Miles nods and picks the wipes to clean Lily's mouth.
Lily comes to join you with a clean mouth. You pass El for Miles to hold her. You kiss Lily's head and tickle her belly. Her laugh is a good sound to your ears.
You look at Cheryl, biting your bottom lip. Then you look at Miles. He's entertained by El.
“Cheryl, can you help me with something ?” Miles almost snapped his head, looking at you.
“Of course, sweetheart.” She grabs your bag before moving to your side to help you get out of bed.
Randy moves to be with Lily, and you move slowly to the bathroom.
“Babe…” You hear Miles calling for you as you enter the bathroom.
Cheryl helps you sit on the toilet, and she closes the door. You take a big deep breath.
“I'm sorry, I couldn't ask anyone else. I understand if it's too personal for you, but I don't think I can have Miles looking at my body right now.” Cheryl is taken aback for the personal part, but she understands not wanting Miles to see you right now.
“It can be a little personal, but you're my daughter too. And I'm here to help you. Not only Miles, you too.” She moves to hug you. “But you need to talk to him. He needs to know that.” You nod, hugging her back.
You and Cheryl work on getting you undressed. You pee and change your pad. Putting on some normal clothes makes you feel happy.
You guys go back into the room. You thank her before moving back to bed again. Miles is holding El and talking to Lily.
You tell Lily that she's going home with grandma and grandpa. Mommy and Daddy will be there soon. You give her lots of kisses before Randy helps her out of the bed. She blows kisses to you from the door. You smile and blow her kisses. El is passed out in her daddy's arms.
She looks so peaceful in his arms. The nurse comes to get El, saying that she'll bring her soon for another feeding. You nod and thank her.
Miles comes closer. He fixes your blanket before hugging you. Your head rests on his abs.
“I'm sorry.” Miles looks at you confused before lifting your chin to look at him.
“Why are you apologizing, love ?” You shrug as Miles give you the look. Don't hide.
“Ahh, I thought I hurt you by asking your mom to help me.” His face goes soft, hearing that.
“Sweetheart, you just had a baby. You can basically do whatever you want. At first, I was a little disappointed, but then I remembered that you're doing what makes you feel comfortable.” He pecks your lips as the tears stream down your cheeks.
“Yeah, I'm not comfortable with you seeing my body right now.” Telling him that shows how far you guys come together.
“I understand, baby. And I'll help you in any way that I can, keeping the boundaries you just set for us.” You nod thanking him.
Your doctor comes in to check on you, and how are you doing. If everything continues like this, you can go home tomorrow.
You ask Miles for food, and if he wants to go home, shower, change, and take a nap, you'll be fine in the hospital. He looks offended by your suggestion.
“I'm not going anywhere until you and El are discharged.” You sigh, closing your eyes.
“Babe, you need to rest too. I'm going to be okay for a couple of hours. I need you to take care of yourself too.” Miles has his debating face.
“Okay. I'll go home, change, and shower, but not nap.” You nod. If this is what you can get from him, it's fine.
You and Miles cuddle as you fall asleep on him. When you wake up, Miles says that he'll go home and bring you food after. You thank him softly.
While you wait, you decide to scroll through your phone to pass the time. You have a bunch of texts from the halves congratulating you, his teammates too. Some say that they hope she looks like you and not Miles. It makes you laugh.
You see Miles post, a picture he took of you holding both of your girls. With the caption:
“My world right here, welcome to the family baby”
It makes you smile, but there is one just for you. With different pictures from your dating years.
“To my strong wife, thank you for giving me these greatest gifts. But also you loved me before I could do the same. I want our girls to grow up to be strong like their mother. You're the best, babe.”
And this one makes you cry, not hearing what he thinks of you often and your hormones. It make you soft. Miles is becoming the best husband.
When Miles come with food, you're feeding El after spending some mommy and daughter time with her. His hair is still wet, and you know he showered and left. You just hope he loved Lily before leaving.
Miles comes closer, he pecks your lips and brushes his finger over el's head. Little girl stirred but didn't stop eating.
“I love you.” That big grin shows on his lips again. “I love you too.” He kisses you before putting the food on the table.
While El eats, he takes the containers out to put them on the tray for you. His mom made food for you. You get emotional again, Cheryl is just amazing.
El finishes eating, and you shift her for a burp. Then Miles picks her up for cuddles while you eat. You're half way through your dinner, and she starts to cry and get fussy. You stop eating to tend to her.
Miles stops you saying that he got this. He sits with her, strips his shirt, and does skin to skin with her. It takes a couple of minutes, but then she settles.
You smile at them. Miles is really an amazing dad. Miles looks at you, so in love. He still can't believe you agreed to have more of his babies.
The rest of the night flies by. There are some moments where El gets super fussy. But you guys work it out as a family.
The next morning you get discharged, going home makes you so happy. Miles is so careful that it's a little funny.
The whole family is waiting for you guys. Lily comes running to you, and you give her lots of kisses. You take a shower at home and then just cuddle the rest of the day.
Later that night in Miles' arms, “Thank you for giving me this life.”
Miles pecks your lips. “Always sweetheart, it's what you deserve.
You snuggle closer, enjoying the quiet for now.
Life at home has been an adjustment for sure for the next couple of months. El struggled a little bit, but thankfully, you had Miles and his parents.
Lily was perfect the whole time. Thankfully, hers and El's nap schedules were different. So you could love both of your babies, giving Lily that mama and daughter time.
She's getting so smart, definitely a little sassy. Miles doesn't know how to handle it, and you think it's funny.
Miles has been perfect, too. Your marriage continues getting stronger and closer. All the bumps made you guys better.
Then Miles' season started, you all had to make another adjustment. You called Miles crying a couple times in the middle of the night. His heart broke every time. He hates seeing you like that.
But when he's home, he's home. He's taking care of Lily and El, so you can have some me time. For you to have a long bath and things like that.
You're glad that you and Miles made sure Lily continued as a toddler. She didn't need to grow up because of her sister. That's so important to you.
You and Miles started taking date nights with each other but also with Lily. And you like how things are going, that's something you always wanted. Her being a kid.
Miles is such a gentleman and respectful when it comes to your body issues after pregnancy. He gives you the space necessary to feel comfortable enough.
One night, you decided to be bold. Your doctor cleared you a while back, but you didn't feel good enough to go through it.
You're in the bathroom looking at yourself in the mirror. You bought lingerie that looked good, but now they feel a little off. You're nervous, taking one last look in the mirror. You take a big deep breath before sliding the robe on and moving to the master.
Miles is scrolling through his phone. He lifts his eyes, looking at you with a soft smile. You just go for it, opening the robe and letting it slide from your body. Miles puts his phone to the side and shifts so he can be closer to you.
“Holy shit, babe. You're fucking gorgeous.”
Your cheeks get warm at the way he's looking at you. Miles moves to where you're standing.
He stops in front of you, pulling your hands to touch his body. “Can I touch you, gorgeous ?” You take a deep breath as you nod.
“Baby, I need to hear you say the words.” It's important to him that you say what you want.
“Yes, you can.” His smile brights the whole room. He leans to kiss you. First, he just rests his hands on your side. As you stop overthinking, his hands wander more through your body. Your hands start to wander his body too, shoulders, hair, neck, his arms.
He likes that a lot and humms into the kiss. Miles cups your ass cheeks before scooping your legs to wrap around his waits. Feeling his bulge between your legs makes you moan.
You missed that feeling for sure. Miles starts to gives your body love. He looks at your face, to see if you're uncomfortable. He kisses every possible inch of your body.
As much as he would like to go to town on your boobs, he just cups them softly. Because he knows they're still uncomfortable for you.
“Woody, I need you.” Miles chuckles as he kisses your ribs. He sits on his heels, and you lift your head to look at him.
“Babe, we need a little more foreplay. I don't want to hurt you.” You know he's right, but it doesn't make it easier for you to wait, after waiting for so long.
Miles makes his way back to your lips. He kisses your jaw line, cheeks, the corner of your mouth, and your lips. You sigh, having his lips attached to yours again. You nibble his bottom lip to have his attention. Miles moans before facing you.
“Please.” Your voice is like a whine and Miles agrees. He pulls your underwear down before stripping himself. Your eyes go wide seeing his big cock erect for you.
You moan as he smirks. Miles strokes himself and uses his fingers on you to open you up a little. He lines himself and starts to slide inside you. But your body is resisting him big time.
“Babe, we can stop. It's clearly painful for you.” Miles moves your hand from your face.
“But I want it, I need you. It's time.” Miles chuckles a little bit. He pecks your lips. “Do you want to try with the lube ? We worked for us before.” Your hand plays with his abs while you think.
“Yeah, we can try.” He smirks before getting up to grab the lube. He settles himself again between your legs, pouring lube on his hands.
Miles strokes himself, spreading the lube. He puts a little on you too.
“Are you ready, babe ?” You watch Miles line himself with your entrance.
“Yeah, I am.” Miles smiles before sliding in.
“Tell me, if I'm hurting you or it's uncomfortable, babe.” You nod, before mumbling an okay. Miles slowly slide inside you as your nails dig in his shoulder. But when it doesn't hurt, your grip is lighter. You open your eyes to see Miles staring at you with a smirk on his lips. You look down seeing that he's completely inside you.
You smile at him as you brush your thumb on his cheekbone before bringing him for a deep kiss. Feeling adjusted to his size, you wiggle so Miles can start moving to build up the tempo.
You missed this so much, Miles is careful building up the tempo. He knows that it's going to be tricky making you cum today, but boy he's struggling himself. Having your tight heat around him again after so long, makes him crazy. He's going to focus on you for now.
He moves his thumb to rub circles on your clit. You moan moving your hips toward his finger. Miles changes your position to go deeper inside you.
“OH, fuck.” You cover your face, but Miles moves so he can see you.
“Babe, I'm hurting you ?” He slows down his movements.
“Nope, it just feels so good.” Miles smirks as he leans to kiss you. He increases the tempo again, knowing that you're okay.
You call for him a few times, and Miles know that you're close. He rubs a few more firm circles, bringing you over the edge and bringing him over the edge too. It's not a crashing orgasm but enough to make you happy and make yourself tight around him.
Miles groans as he moves his hips. “God, I love you.” You smile, bringing her for a kiss, you lick his bottom lip. “I love you too.”
He chuckles and pecks your lips. He pulls out and settles before pulling you to his body.
“Thanks for waiting for me.” Miles kisses your head seeing you play with his chest hairs. “Always, I'll always wait for you,sweetheart.”
You kiss his chest, enjoying his body before needing to pee. “I'm going to shower. Do you want to join me ?” He looks at you a little surprised because it's been a while that you asked to be this intimate with him.
“Yeah, I do. And I got El next, you can rest.” You smile thanking him with a little smooch before you get up to move to the bathroom.
You guys take a shower together. Miles is so soft and gentle, touching your body. He makes sure that you're feeling okay with his touches. He smiles softly. He knows that it's not easy, but he's so proud of you.
“Babe ?” You look at him with soft eyes.
“Yeah ?” Miles kisses your cheek.
“I'm so proud of you.” You look at him confused.
“Why ?” Miles pushes your hair from your face.
“Because you took your time, you reached out when you were ready. You gave me another baby, you make my life better every single day.” You smile as your cheeks get warmer.
You kiss him, because that's the only way you can express what you're feeling. Miles helps you get out of the shower wrapping around the towel, he lets you finish your night routine.
You come back to the bedroom and Miles is holding your underwear.
“We can keep these babe, they look so good on you.” You shake your head before joining him in bed.
He wraps those strong big arms around you. And you fall asleep so quickly, the girls got that from their mama for sure. Just like he promised, Miles takes care of El in the middle of the night.
#The first time she kicked!!! 🥹#Girl dad Miles CONFIRMED#Lily is already the big sis!#Get me to Sedona asap plz#but only with Miles#LMAO! Not gonna have any more of his big ass babies. I get it#BABY ELLLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELCOME!!!!#Counting her fingers and toes… im sobbing!#Stopppp omg! Lily is so excited!!!#Ohhhh his mom helping her in that vulnerable moment#But Miles wants to do it 😭 and also so understanding about the why#Ross definitely said he hopes the baby looks like you#We love a sweet baby daddy Instagram post!#Nothing hotter than a dad doing skin to skin with their baby 🤤#Love the date nights with Lily too along with for each other#DAMN RIGHT HE DROPPED THAT PHONE!!!#Wooodddyyyyyyy#Team lube!!!!#this was pure soft fluffy sweet perfection!#miles wood x reader#our little family#👢 anon#blog submission
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Now, let's stiffen up your profile a little. Upload some photos or short video clips or, you can even make a description for your bio. It's essential to leave your contact information so that people can reach you. You never know when someone may want to get in touch.
The Floyx wizardry is not limited to that. It is not about community engagement but being part of a Decentralized social media. It is about being in the loop and empowering yourself not to be tamed by others, whether good or bad.
Now, the best part – Floyx is on web3 technology. It may be said to be the spine that supports the entire sentiment of decentralization. Consequently, while building your online persona, you are also a part of the movement changing the digital world. What are you still doing here? Join Floyx and be a part of the new age of the internet. This is where collectiveness comes in.

Image Submission:
The increasing influence of pictures as visual content demonstrated its ability to catch and engage people on the internet through new innovative ways. Floxy offers an image submission platform that allows users to upload amazing visuals with which they can identify a brand and content strategy.
By applying strategic optimization techniques such as descriptive alt text, titles, and captions with keywords related to decentralization, users can improve their SEO efforts and increase the chances of their content being discovered and shared across the internet.
Not only this, these photos may constitute a source of backlinks from websites looking for visual content for the enhancement of their pages or articles on the use of the Web3 social media platform.
Video Submission:
With the rise of video content, it comes as no surprise that Floyx, a web3 social media platform, holds an understanding of how essential multimedia is for SEO strategies. Knowing the main idea of decentralization, Floyx is a decentralized social media platform that provides users with a safe and transparent environment.
With the video submission feature, members can post stories that have the power to affect and pass the message on to the audience. Videos can be optimized in Google by using relevant metadata such as titles, descriptions, and tags with keywords associated with the decentralized social media platform. It will increase the visibility of users on video-sharing platforms and attract backlinks from websites embedding or linking to video content.
In addition, videos are inherently shareable, which makes them a powerful tool for acquiring organic backlinks and expanding the reach across digital channels that operate on Web3technology.
Blog and Article Submission:
Content is the soul of SEO, the basis of competitive and effective digital marketing strategies. Floyx allows users to make informative and interesting blog posts and articles, which makes them experts in their fields.
Through regular publishing of relevant content that includes keywords covering web3 social media platform, attractive headlines, and structured formatting, users should have an upper hand in search results and attract some backlinks from other sites searching for valuable resources and ideas.
Additionally, sharing blog posts and articles using social media (across different platforms) and industry forums increases their reach and attracts more traffic with inbound links from many other websites interested in the decentralization topic.
Long Podcast Videos:
Podcasts are essential players in digital media because they offer people a simple, enjoyable way to absorb information and entertainment. Floyx completely understands this. Therefore, they enable you to share long podcast videos. It is now easy to bond with your audience through great audio content.
Integrating podcast video descriptions that are comprehensive and include transcripts and niche keywords, as a web3 social media platform, can be used to enhance your ranking on search engines and get backlinks from podcast directories and other related websites. Besides, podcast content creates audience loyalty and engagement, which leads to repeat visits and social sharing, which improves SEO performance and generates valuable backlinks.
Monetization for Premium Content Writers:
Floyx recognizes the valuable content from the rest. That is a gift to those writers who pursue high-quality work. Their focus is on quality, initially including subjects like decentralization and Web3. Floyx enhances its authority and offers an opportunity to earn while it shares its knowledge. It is a win-win: valuable content for users, the creator's reward, and the entire community for decentralized social platforms like Floyx, which capitalizes on the philosophies of decentralization itself.
Uncensored Digital Space:
Floyx is incredible in times of censorship being the root problem. Here, you can say whatever you want without fearing a thing. In this case, you can post anything on decentralization, which inspires creativity and genuine conversations. This openness attracts people looking for something new and makes people interested in the decentralized social media platform. Floyx promotes ideas to flow freely; this helps it to build a lively community. Thus, engagement and SEO strengthen through shares and links on this web3 social media platform.
Floyx is a one-of-a-kind platform for SEO and comes with features to help you create relevant backlinks for decentralized social media platform and the decentralization movement. Besides abilities like profile submission, posting images and videos, blogging, and making money, Floyx offers the chance to be a star in the Web3 world and get many visitors and links from reputable sources on Web3 technology interested in you. Furthermore, Floyx is about letting you express your opinion freely, which leads to conversations, and people start sharing and linking naturally, thus building a lively community of people passionate about decentralization. Are you a marketer, content creator, or biz owner? If so, Floyx has everything you need to do great SEO, expand your audience, and grow in the Web3-dominated world of decentralized social platform and web technologies.
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Finix Revolutionises Business Transactions with the Launch of Payouts
Finix, a leader in payments technology, announced the introduction of Payouts, a standalone product set to transform the landscape of fund disbursement. In response to the common hurdles faced by businesses—siloed payment flows, complex vendor relationships, and delays due to bank approvals—Payouts emerges as a user-centric solution. The platform enables efficient, large-scale money transfers through a single, developer-friendly API, eliminating the need for extensive technical integrations.
Versatile Use Cases
Payouts presents an efficient solution for a wide array of situations, encompassing gig economy wages, business-to-business (B2B) account payables, contractor payouts, tax refunds, insurance claims, tips, sales commissions, and numerous other scenarios. Richie Serna, CEO and co-founder of Finix, emphasises the significance of addressing challenges faced by businesses when sending money at scale. With Payouts, companies of all sizes can configure their payment flows swiftly, minimising complications and intermediaries.
Key Features Enhancing Efficiency
The platform introduces essential features catering to the diverse needs of businesses:
24/7 Card Payout Availability: Businesses can disburse funds to cards in near real-time, 365 days a year, ensuring continuous operational efficiency.
Real-time Bank Account Validation: Integration with Finix allows businesses to link and validate bank accounts in real-time, expediting the process and reducing dependency on traditional banking timelines.
Flexible Payment Maximums Based on Industry: Customisable disbursement limits for push-to-card and bank transfers provide businesses with the flexibility to scale their operations effortlessly.
All-in-One Platform: Through seamless integration with Finix’s comprehensive platform, individuals can utilize a single API to facilitate payments, including ACH transactions, real-time payments, and card transfers via Mastercard Send™ and Visa Direct.
Embedded Compliance: Finix conducts necessary compliance checks on recipients ahead of transactions, ensuring secure and compliant money movement.
Reliable, Detailed Reporting: Businesses can manage payout services effectively with out-of-the-box tools, customisable reporting, and detailed recordkeeping.
Strategic Collaborations
Finix leverages partnerships with Mastercard Send™ and Visa Direct, enabling card-based payouts for U.S. businesses. Silvana Hernandez, Executive Vice President, Product and Engineering, North America, Mastercard, and Yanilsa Gonzalez-Ore, North America Head, Visa Direct, express excitement about streamlining global money movement.
As Finix continues to evolve, Payouts reinforces the company’s commitment to providing dynamic solutions that empower businesses of all sizes. The platform enables secure, real-time fund transfers, allowing companies to focus on their core priorities—product development, customer satisfaction, and business growth.
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Our Little Family [ Miles Wood] - Chapter 21 Family of 4 and the future.
Author note from 👢 anon: Hey b, I know you're not feeling well, and since it's been a while. Here, have some little family!! There is some smut here and miles being adorable.
Two years since the day you said “I do” is the best day of your life. And of course the girls' birthdays are special for you. But marrying Miles wins.
Last year, you guys did something small since you were pregnant and a little moody. Miles still took you out for dinner. He was amazing, especially you having your hormones all over the place.
This year, he sent you and Lily for a mother and daughter date. El stayed with him at home. Having a six month old makes it a little harder for traveling during this time. So this time you guys will stay home.
You and Lily have a special spa day. She's so big, and you're so grateful that Miles gave you this moment with her. You're doing the best you can to love her and have some alone time with her.
You and Miles text each other a bunch of silly pictures of the girls. You send him Lily picking clothes, and he sends you El sleeping on his bare chest.
You stopped to pick up your lingerie, and you sent Miles just the sneak peek of your burgundy and blue set. He texts you a bunch of emojis, and the best one is the eggplant there. You chuckle to yourself, Miles texts you to go pick something at the store for him. You go there before heading home.
Lily is getting a little grumpy because she's sleepy. So it's time to go home. You needed this so badly, your man knows you.
As soon as your car starts to move, Lily falls asleep in her car seat. You call Miles.
“Hi, love.” he greets you, making you all soft.
“Hey handsome. Can you do me a favor ?” You can hear miles moving around.
“Yep, tell me.” You shake your head. He's so silly, and you love him.
“We're a few minutes away from home, but Lily is sleeping. Can you come and help get her if El is not up ?”
“Yeah of course, but you know El will be up.” He's not wrong.
“Thanks, I'll see you soon. Love you and happy anniversary.” You can hear Miles smiling just the way he replies.
“Love you too, happy anniversary, babe.” You smile before ending the call.
You check Lily in the mirror, and she looks more and more with Miles. She's totally his mini.
Opening the gate, you see Miles waiting outside for you guys holding El all bundle up because it's cold. He makes her wave for you. She looks like she just woke.
You put the car in park and Miles walks towards the car. He opens the door for you and leans in to kiss you.
You kiss him, El's warm cheek before switching. You pick up El, and he moves to grab sleeping Lily from her carseat.
“Babe, you can go inside. I'll take everything after Lily.” You're smelling El because you missed her baby smell. You blink at him. “Are you sure ?” He just smiles at you. You bite your bottom lip before taking her inside.
You sit on the couch stripping and doing the same with El. Just catching up with your baby girl. Miles takes Lily to her bed and then takes the things he asked you to get for him.
He's glad that you didn't look in your backyard. He comes to wrap his arms around his girls because he missed you. He kisses your hair as you rest against his body.
“Thank you for today, babe. I needed it big time.” You can feel him smiling on your head. “You're welcome, my love. You deserve it.”
You enjoy this moment being held by your husband while you hold your youngest. You're definitely having family cuddles later. You need Lily to be part of this moment, too. For now, the little girl will have her sleep.
You lift your face to look at Miles. “Babe, did you make El do tummy time today ?” The look on his face shows he didn't.
“Nope, we decided that we were going to cuddle the whole time.” You send him a look. “But… but babe…” He pouts, and you need to keep your posture because he's too adorable.
“Babe, you know she needs to do tummy time.”
“I do, but she doesn't like it, and she's so cute.” You start to laugh, shaking your head. “I know we make cute babies, but she needs to do it, or she can't skate with you or play with Lily.” El shifts her head a little and coos.
“See, she wants to play with her big sister.” Miles sighs because he's not winning this one. You peck his lips quickly before shifting to put El on the floor.
You lay with her. At first, she struggles, but then she keeps going. You say that you're so proud of her. Miles takes at least five minutes to stare at your ass, and then he decides to join both of you.
El makes her little sounds, you just stare at her. This is your life, 2 year anniversary with the love of your life, two amazing daughters. You really thought this life wasn't for you, but it is and you're going to enjoy every moment possible.
After tummy time finishes, you shift to feed her. She likes that a lot. Miles stares at your face as your daughter eats happily.
“Are you jealous, babe ?” Miles clears his throat. “Yeah, I am. I miss your boobs sweetheart.” You chuckle and mouth ‘soon’ for him. He likes that very much.
For now, you're going to enjoy your love and this soft moment.
“Hon, can you check if Lily is up.” He makes a funny face before you pull him for a kiss. “Look, I think she would like to see your face when she wakes up. I know, I do." That's all he needed. Miles' face lights up the room. He kisses you.
“Just like their mama, I see.” You shrug. It's not a big deal. You like to see that toothless face in the morning.
Miles comes down with Lily in his arms, and you smile, seeing him with his mini. She wants to see her baby sister before El sleeps. Thankfully, El is almost finished with eating, and they can spend time together.
While Lily holds El and talks to her softly, you ask Miles about dinner. He says that only Lily needs food to be cooked today. You're confused, but nod and go start her dinner.
Miles will watch the girls while you prepare Lily's dinner. With El probably going to sleep soon, you guys will have some family love before both girls are sleeping.
With both girls done for the night, you can finally have some alone time with your husband. But when you got to your room, Miles wasn’t there. The box he asked you to pick up for him is on the bed with a note on it.
“Wear this and that lingerie ;) meet me in the backyard” You shake your head but do that.
When you get there, Miles is in his wedding suit, holding a bouquet to the most gorgeous backyard settings, a table for you guys to eat, twinkle lights, a new fire pit that you asked for him to do. Your hands go to your mouth as you walk towards him. He did this for you. That's incredible.
He's incredible, Miles reaches for your hand, and you give it to him. He kisses you tenderly, making your knees feel weak. He gives you the flowers, and you thank him with another peck on his lips.
Miles pulls the chair for you, and you thank him as he pushes your chair. You look around so amazed by what he did during the afternoon. Miles snaps a few pictures because you look gorgeous, but your reaction is better than he thought.
“Happy anniversary, baby.” You clean your throat before looking at him. “Happy anniversary, hon.” You reach for his hand amazed by what he did.
You guys have a really nice dinner. Miles pulled all the stops, and you're pretty sure it's the same chef from your wedding. You sneak a few gorgeous pictures of your husband while you guys eat.
After dinner, Miles leads you for a dance, the same song you guys danced to on your wedding day. You rest your head on his shoulder. “You didn't have to do all of this.” Miles kisses your head “Yeah, I did, babe. I wanted this for our first anniversary, but you were pregnant and not feeling it. So, year two, I had to bring it up.”
You kiss his chest, enjoying those strong arms around you. “I think, I'll never stop thanking you for our life. The life you gave me.” Miles lifts your chin to look at him. “The way that I see, you are the one that gave me this life. You took the chance on me, not the other way around.” You lift your chin for a kiss. Miles kisses you as you guys sway together to your song.
Then Miles walks you over to the fire pit. He brings a mocktail for you and a drink for himself. He sits beside you, throwing an arm over your shoulder. You lean against him.
“Best present ever.” Miles chuckles, kissing your head. You guys sit beside each other without saying much. The comfortable silence. You watch the flames dancing, the way they reflect on his ring.
“Wait, did you put on your wedding band just for tonight?” You look at Miles a little surprised. “I thought it would be a nice look. It's been a while.” You nod because he doesn't wear his wedding band too much, just on special occasions.
Your hand moves to play with his ring, Miles sighs. He knows that you guys have come so far, and he wants to apologize for everything that happened before. But he also knows you're not going to let him say anything.
You snuggle closer to his side, taking in his cologne and his presence.
“Babe, are you going to let me ride you like our wedding night ?” Miles groans, throwing his head back. “Sweetheart, you're going to kill me like this.” You smirk, kissing his side.
You guys cuddle, enjoying the fire and the drinks. But then El wakes up, you hide your face on his side with a groan. He says that he'll check on her. You nod, saying that you'll be in bed.
You lay in bed with your pretty dress waiting for your husband, and he's taking way too long to join you. You decide to get things started. You grab your toy and start to touch yourself. Not really bothering about taking the dress or the panties off. Just pushing the dress up and the panties to the side.
You use the toy until you feel that you're wet enough, and then you slide a finger inside, building up. Miles opens the bedroom door.
“babe, do you want dess…..” his voice trails off at the view in front of his. You with two fingers inside yourself pumping in and out. Miles groans as he locks the door.
He moves to settle between your legs, pulling your fingers out. You whine and pout, but Miles already has your fingers in his mouth, licking them clean. You curse watching him tasting you. He leans to kiss you, then takes this moment to slide one finger back inside you, making you moan into the kiss.
Miles smirks as your nails cling on his shoulders.
“I'm the only one who can have fingers inside you.” You sigh into his mouth as his tongue runs through your bottom lip. Miles takes a long, deep stroke with his finger inside you. He wants an answer.
“Yeah, only you. Please, babe, give me more.” Miles nibbles your jaw. He's getting his way with you now. You buckle your hips towards his finger. Miles smirks, looking at you. He touches your boob over the dress.
You moan as Miles slides in the second finger. He rubs circles over your clit with his thumb. The stimulation makes you get closer to your orgasm, but then Miles stop his movements. He makes you whine and you give him a pouty look.
“Jerk.” Miles chuckles as he sits on his heels. He offers you a hand to help you up. You take it. He strips you out of your dress, and you help him take his suit off. You smirk seeing his bulge. You like that effect on him.
He slaps your ass cheek before turning you around. You place your elbows on the bed while Miles runs his fingers through your folds. He hums feeling how wet you are. He pushes your underwear to the side giving him perfect access to your pussy. He runs his tip through your folds gathering some wetness, then he rubs his tip against your clit making your ass jerk towards him.
Miles giggles and before you can say something he is sliding his cock inside you. You moan feeling every inch of his cock moving inside you. He brushes his finger along your spine as you adjust to his size. When you are good to go, you slowly start to move your hips. You can’t see but you're pretty sure he's smirking.
And just like that, Miles take control over the pace. He holds himself by your underwear, creating a different friction for you. Occasionally, he slaps your ass cheek. When it hits your ass you throw your head back. You're a mess under him. Hiding your face on the mattress to muffle your sounds.
The room smells and sounds like sex, the sound of how wet you are for him, his balls slapping your ass and your ass slapping his lower abdomen. Miles grunts, groans, and praise drives you insane. You mumble his name a few times, he moves his thumb to your clit rubbing circles. You cum so hard around him that he struggles to continue moving his hips. You are so tight.
Miles curses as he moves his hips. Once he knows you are good, he pulls out. You whine feeling so empty. He sits beside you on the edge of the bed, you look at his cock wet and creamed with your cum. He smiles patting his thigh and you know what he means.
You smile as you shift, but before you go on a fancy ride. You lick his length before taking him inside your mouth. Miles curses because that's probably one of the sexiest things you did in bed. He taps your cheek, he needs you to stop or he'll cum in your mouth.
You lick and then kiss his tip before straddling him. You sink down slowly, bringing a throat moan from him. You sigh when he's fully inside you. Miles just stares at you.
You kiss his jaw, then lips as you start moving your hips, Miles hands come to your hips, helping you keep the rhythm. Occasionally, you let Miles take the charge. But mostly it's you.
Miles balls starts to get tighter by the second, he moves his hand to touch your clit to bring you over the edge with him.
“C'mon babe…cum with me.” He's struggling, and you're going to help him. Speeding up a little plus his finger on you. Miles can't hold it back anymore. You feel his seed inside you, triggering your own orgasm. You milk Miles until his last drop.
You rest your forehead on his, with your mouth open, catching your breath. Miles rolls both of you so you can be comfortable. He brushes his hand over the red mark on your ass.
“Happy anniversary, baby.” You smile, kissing his nose.
“Happy anniversary, love.” Miles gives you his signature smile.
He gets up with you on his lap, carrying you to the bathroom. He lets you pee as he starts a warm shower.
You guys shower together. Miles helps dry you. While you go through your night routine, he just watches you from the door. Then you guys move to cuddle to bed. Until your baby needs one of you.
Summer has been amazing. The girls are having a blast spending time with their grandparents. You definitely love the alone time with your husband. Reconnecting with Miles is something that you need badly.
You loved being pregnant with El, but at the same time, you guys lost a little of that connection that you had. Now it's getting better and that's all that matters to you.
Just spending a couple hours alone with him on the boat helps you. Being his wife, having his love is the most amazing thing ever.
El's first birthday is coming up, so you guys decided to stay in Massachusetts to celebrate with his family. Today, you guys are out doing a few last-minute shopping with the girls.
You guys decided to stop and eat dinner. Lily's face is covered with food, making El and Miles laugh as you clean her face. His genes are too strong even with their laughs.
You smile at El as she opens her mouth for mMiles to feed her. Your daughters are the most amazing gift in your life. They're perfect in their own little way.
You and Miles are talking about a few more things that you need to buy for the party. When you move your eyes, there is a person in front of your table. You don't recognize her at first, but then it hits like a bus, that's Miles ex.
He looks at you, so worried that you're going to lose it again. Last time wasn't cool. You take a deep breath and offer her a polite smile. She asks about how you guys are doing, then asks about the girls.
“Our daughters.” The way Miles beams at your reply that's exactly what he needed. You don't want to sound petty or anything, but you say with your full chest that you guys are married now, that it's been two years, and you guys couldn't be happier.
Something in her changes, she probably thought you brought your daughter to visit her dad, and you and Miles were done. She congratulates you guys and then leaves.
Miles just looks at you in awe, your voice didn't change, your body language was the same, and you are so proud of being with him and being loved by him. This confidence is sexy and he loves it.
As you guys continue to eat, his eyes change. He definitely has desire there. The girls finish eating, and you guys get ready to leave. While you put El in her stroller, Miles comes behind you. “I’m so turned on right now.” You just look at him blinking a few times. “Later Babe.” He squeezed your hips before helping Lily out of the highchair.
You have El with you while Miles holds Lily's hand. You all leave the restaurant and go to a few more stores that you need to go to. At the second store, Miles is so damn grumpy that it's funny.
“Babyyyy, please can we leave now ?” You look at him a little surprised. That's too whiney even for him.
“Babe, we have to buy a few more things before we go.”
Miles pouts, and you shake your head at him. He moves closer to the girls for you to finish buying what you need. They're going to wait for you, because it's faster that way.
You get everything that you need, then walk back to where they're waiting for you. You watch Miles with the girls; it’s clearly they're his daughters. Lily is his mini completely. El has Miles' bone structure and brow curls. She has your nose and your eyes, but she is still a Wood. El's personality is a little more similar to yours, but she still has her dad and sister’s golden retriever vibes.
Miles spots you and smiles. Then he murmurs something to Lily, and she comes running to you. El follows slowly, holding her dad's big finger. You squat to hug Lily first and then hug El. You look at Miles with a smile on your face, hearing both of your girls say Mama.
Moments like this show you that, choosing Miles before he did, then choosing Lily was the best decision you ever made, and El too. Having another baby was perfect. You get some kisses before Miles helps you get up.
After paying everything, it's time to go home. With both girls secured in their carseats and everything in the trunk, it's time to go home. Miles drives, and you just chill. The girls are chatting away in the back. You look at them before checking the time, and boy, they're close to the girls' nap time, but it looks like they don't want to sleep.
Miles laces his fingers with yours. He brings your hand to rest on his big thigh, close to where he wants your hand. You look at him when you feel his semi-erection. He just shrugs seeing your “how ?” Look. Now you understand why he was grumpy.
But for that to happen, the girls need to be sleeping. And the way they are right now, Mommy is not going to have a lollipop later.
Getting home, the girls go to their playpen while you put everything away. Miles comes behind you, pinning you against the counter. You can feel his semi on your ass. You grind against him with a smirk. He holds your hips hard “don't be a brat babe, or I'll fuck you with the girls awake.” You need to cover your mouth to muffle your moan.
He smirks because he knows he won this one. Miles kisses your neck before you guys listen to El calling for dada. “Get them to sleep, and we will have some fun after.” He agrees by kissing your cheek.
You finish putting everything away for the party. You get to the living room, and the girls are still up. Miles is a little annoyed, and both girls are fighting their sleep. This went on long enough, time for mommy to step in.
You sit on the floor with your back using the couch as support. You call for both of them to come cuddle with Mommy. They both snuggle one on each side. You wrap your arms around them and kiss their heads. You hum a lullaby while playing with their hairs, just like you do with Miles.
The girls hold hands over your stomach as their eyes start to blink. Miles just stared at you in awe.
“How ?” You smile for his picture and then shrug.
“I have my ways too. They go down easier for you, but you know I have to survive the road days.” Miles chuckles and nods.
Almost 10 minutes later, the girls are out in your arms. Miles carries one by one before he comes to get his main girl. He pulls you into his lap, crashing his lips so hard on yours. He curses against your lips.
“Fuck I wanted this since the restaurant.” You pull back looking at his gorgeous blue eyes.
You just stare at him, as much as you would like to know why. You don't have much time, you'll find out later. You crash your lips on his as you start to grind. Miles moans into the kiss. He hooks your legs around his waist and gets up from the couch. Carrying you upstairs, stops kissing you so he can see, but you kiss his neck instead.
You're making this very hard on him, and you enjoy it. Miles places you in the bed after locking the door. You reach to take his shirt off while he works on your pants.
“I love it when you're confident, babe. It's so damn sexy.” You smile, digging your heels on his ass bringing him close. Miles chuckles before connecting your lips again. You reach for his cock, stroking over his sweats.
That's all you kids need right now. Miles works on getting you wetter and ready for him. Can't lose much time with two girls at home.
This time, it's a little needy and fast. But it's amazing as always. You and Miles just stare at each other with the softest smiles ever after having sex.
Miles draws little circles on your shoulder blades.
“Babe…” Miles calls for you, and you shift a little to look at him better. “Yeah ?” He smiles, making you all soft.
“Do you like this house ?” You don't know where this is going, but you can see that he thought about this.
“For the summer, I do.” He nods “and for living here ?” He's not making any sense for you, but you know this is important for him.
“What do you mean ?” Miles shifts so he can look at your eyes. “You know, for when the girls are in college and I'm retired. I love Massachusetts, and I would like for us to live here when I'm done." Now he makes sense.
“Oh, so we're discussing this now ?” Miles gives you his ‘I'm sorry’ look, but nods. You shift again, sitting against the headboard and putting your shirt back on.
“Okay, I like Colorado, and I kinda knew this is where you want to be after you called it quits. Just didn't think we would have this conversation so early…” You squeeze his hand.
“...I'm going to be where you want to be, I'm certain of that. But no, I don't like this place to live for the rest of our lives together.” Miles smiles, feeling much better about this, and he kinda was hoping you would say that.
“So what do you think if we bought land here and built our dream house ?” You look at him in disbelief. This man is crazy. “Miles are you sure ?” He looks at you with a pout because you called him by his name.
You shake your head at him and peck his lips. He smiles again.
“Yeah, babe, I'm sure. I want us to have our dream house. I want you to have your dream house. You do so much for us and never ask anything. I want to give you this and so much more.” You hold his hand.
“Okay, we can start looking next summer. But it's going to be your house too, okay ?” He nods and kisses you before you need to get up and pee.
On your way to the bathroom, you ask him to check on the girls. And he does exactly that. You find Miles close to El's room door. He pulls you into his arms for you to look. Lily is in bed with El. They're giggling and talking to each other. You relax in his arms, watching your two girls.
“We're so lucky.” He kisses your head in agreement.
You guys got so lucky with the girls.
#the smut#the domestic bliss#the SMUT#the confidence of reader#this one truly had it all#dont even get me start on the ending#so perfectly wonderfully soft!#miles wood x reader#blog submission#👢 anon#miles wood imagine#our little family
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Transforming Education: How E-Learning Platforms Empower Students Globally
#Inside Techie#Education trends#Modern learning#Digital learning#Lifelong learning#Blog submission#Education blog#Innovative education
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#crivva#indian social network#blog submission#free article posting#pr posting#free blog posting#free pr submission#free blog submission#crivva social
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What is Blog Submission in SEO?
Blog submission in SEO refers to the process of submitting your blog to various blog directories, search engines, and online platforms to increase its visibility and reach.
It is an effective strategy to improve your blog's search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic.
When you submit your blog to directories and platforms, it allows search engines to discover and index your content more easily.
This means that when users search for relevant keywords related to your blog, there is a higher chance of your content appearing in the search results.
“Consistency and patience are key elements of maintaining a professional blogging presence. Moreover, your blog is a big part of your SEO efforts, which is another facet of your marketing strategy that you can somewhat control” – MarketingProfs
Benefits of Blog Submission in SEO:
Among the many benefits of blog submission for SEO, the following three continue to be the most significant:
First, it helps to increase the visibility of your blog. By submitting your blog to directories and platforms, you are increasing the chances of your content being seen by a wider audience.
This can lead to more traffic and potential customers for your blog.
Second, blog submission can help to improve your search engine rankings. When search engines index your blog through directory submissions, it indicates that your content is credible and trustworthy.
This can positively impact your rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).
Third, it can also contribute to building backlinks for your blog. Backlinks are links from other websites that point back to your blog.
Search engines consider backlinks as a sign of credibility and authority. When you submit your blog to directories and platforms, it increases the chances of other websites linking back to your content, thus boosting your SEO efforts.
“Building high-quality backlinks will always be a crucial part of SEO, and the important thing is to build the right links that will positively impact your website. Ideally, backlinks that not only move the needle but also increase brand awareness and drive referral traffic” - Ahrefs
Getting started with Blog Submission in SEO:
To get started with blog submission, you can begin by identifying relevant blog directories and platforms in your niche.
Look for directories that have a good reputation and high domain authority.
When submitting your blog, follow the guidelines provided by the directory or platform. This may include filling out a submission form, providing a brief description of your blog, and including relevant tags or categories.
SEO Link Building Tactics - Expert Advisory:

Image Source - Search Engine Land
Pro-Tip: Before submitting your blog, make sure that it is optimized for SEO, else the whole strategy doesn’t work favourably.
It's also important to note that blog submission is just one aspect of SEO. It should be complemented with other SEO strategies consistently.
In conclusion, blog submission in SEO is the process of submitting your blog to directories and platforms to increase its visibility, improve search engine rankings, and build backlinks.
By following best practices and optimizing your content, you can make the most out of blog submission as part of your overall SEO strategy.
Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Why Blogs Fail? [Top 7 reasons along with pro-action plans for success].
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The current status of my project is going well as planned. I have define my design brief starting with my defined, how might we statement:
"How might we overcome age stereotypes (demographics of 50-80 years of age) in the workplace and recognise it's impacts on employee experiences and organisational culture"
my design vision is to create an inclusive and diverse workplace environment that challenges and overcomes age stereotypes, fostering a culture where individuals of all ages are valued for their unique experiences, skills and contributions...
The tools that I am using for this project is the triple diamond methodology as I am familiar with it through the three years of study. I am familiar with how to use it, which I find very helpful because I think it can take time to understand how frameworks works. The triple diamond method is for systemic design of services, in which I think my project will be heading to a solution relating to service design. The toolkit I will be using is the Human Centred Design.
The strengths of using this tool is that toolkit as it focuses on serving people in this project which requires us to centre human needs. It can be valuable for addressing stereotypes in the workplace, which is the centre and main focus for my project. The toolkit's iterative process allows for continuous feedback and improvement, as this is an important aspect of increasing the likelihood of creating a successful product or services. The flexibility that it can be adapted to different context and projects, making it applicable for wide range of challenges I might encounter during the project.
The weakness of using this tool is that, it can be time-consuming especially during the research and user-testing phase as it might not be suitable for project with tight timelines. While also involving human and their needs, balancing the user needs can sometimes lead to competing interest and design compromises.
The current challenges that I am facing is having enough preliminary research to support my statements. This is the current challenge that I am trying to solve and I will resolve this by using my time wisely as background research is very important to show that we understand the problem and brief that we are trying to solve. I will also seek my fellow students for help and feedback.
The part of the project that has made me happy is creating the mood board, the theme of my miro board as well as filling out the online worksheets of the diversity works awareness spectrum, intersectionality, and wheel of privilege and power worksheet, as these tasks does not require much thinking and it involves colours.
The part of the project that has made me sad is the concept of my project that either young or old employees are facing stereotype biases in the workplace. It is saddening to see the 62% of employees are experiencing this and 90-95% of workers age 50-80 reported having personally seen or experienced age discrimination. It Is sad that people who have witness this ca possibly be bystanders to these occurrences.
Miro board: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVM1F4xZw=/?share_link_id=675506462198
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What would you feel in her place?
#bd/sm kink#bd/sm slave#domination and submission#collar#bd/sm blog#humiliation kink#degrading k1nk#degrade kink
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By the way, a lot of readers tend to be surprised about it whenever I talk about it so here's another post to say that independent projects literally live and die by their audience's enthusiasm!! Even if YOU can't support something financially, spreading the word or making fan stuff to create a cool space for other folks to hang out in and engage with the work is just as important! My own comic was going to end this December without funding, and the only reason we've made as much progress as we have towards the goal was because my readers made such an effort to help it find the support it needs.
Indie creators are on our own out here, the only thing that can help us is the audience!! Every share or comment helps even if you think it doesn't!! Literally just existing in a tag so it's not totally dead when someone else goes looking is contributing something really significant to the projects you love, please don't forget how much power you hold as a Reader Of Things.
#also hey you know a cool thing about tiny fandoms#if you show up and put your whole ass into it you will almost certainly be The Best Creator for that fandom lmao#get in early it's free real estate baybee#this. was supposed to go to the rec blog oops#Its Fine i stand by it but the By The Way was meant to follow the latest submission someone sent in sorry for being cryptic lmao
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Ukraine Secures Vital $1.34 Billion Funding Boost Amidst Western Funding Concerns

Ukraine has received a crucial injection of $1.34 billion in funds from the World Bank, a lifeline aimed at supporting non-security-related financial and economic stability. The country’s Ministry of Finance announced the disbursement on Monday, underlining its significance as Kyiv faces potential delays in funding from the United States and the European Union, impacting its defence capabilities against the ongoing Russian invasion.
Financial Composition and Utilisation
The funding comprises a $1.086 billion loan from the World Bank, a $190 million grant from Norway, a $50 million grant from the United States, and a $20 million grant from Switzerland. This financial support is designated as the Sixth Additional Financing under Ukraine’s Public Expenditures for Administrative Capacity Endurance (PEACE) project. The funds are earmarked to offset non-security and defence-related expenditures in Ukraine’s state budget, covering areas such as old-age social payments and salaries for state emergency service employees.
Ukrainian Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko highlighted the critical role of international financial assistance in maintaining the country’s financial and economic stability during the ongoing conflict. He expressed gratitude to Japan, the United States, Norway, and Switzerland for their consistent support and solidarity.
Challenges and Growing Uncertainty Over Western Support
Amidst the funding injection’s significance, challenges persist on the Western front. The White House warned the U.S. Congress that funds designated for aiding Ukraine could run out by year-end, given Russia’s intensified efforts to disrupt the country’s energy infrastructure. Congressional Republicans in the U.S. have expressed scepticism toward approving additional funds for Ukraine, complicating the aid package’s progress.
Similarly, in the European Union, Hungary’s blockade of a €50 billion ($55 billion) aid package has created an additional hurdle. The EU is set to revisit the issue in January, reflecting a broader concern in Kyiv about potential “fatigue” among Western backers as the conflict prolongs. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reassured an active foreign policy in January, emphasising efforts to strengthen Ukraine and secure continued military aid, macro-financial assistance, and political support. The funding dynamics continue to be a crucial factor in Ukraine’s ability to navigate the complex challenges posed by the ongoing conflict.
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