#Blockhead series
mary-arts-lol · 3 months
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dumblittlebat · 9 days
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The subtle hints of how sinister and clever Yukiya is/can be and not a blockhead like his father and the others would believe. His older brother knows that Yukiya is prepping him up, not taking the credit, always playing the fool, is used to be underestimated as long as no one bothers him, even though he’s talented with swords and fighting. He protects his town and its people like a hawk from abusive tyrants. This is one trait that will make him a master strategist and a leader someday, a trait that Wakamiya/Nazukihiko will cherish. And greatly needed.
Before After
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Episode 2: The Blockhead and the Second Son
That’s why his recruitment is not only a matter of coincidence and a question of fate, but also a pure calculation on the side of the brothers Wakamiya and Lord Natsuka.
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saintharvest · 7 months
this is exactly how the gumby movie went
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chequered-career · 2 years
gatekeeping your ask until i've finished all of dhmis. still on ep 2 and have watched a little bit of the yt series :D
oh no worries! no pressure take your time :D
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babysukiii · 7 months
regina’s puppy (2)
// regina has a soft spot for you, but when she refuses to accept why, someone else might swoop in and take your attention away from her. //
warnings: mean!regina (not to reader), slightly jealous!regina, oblivious!reader, mutual pining, annoying boys, regina being soft for reader, talks of sexuality
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(this is part 2 to the series, read part 1 here)
when you walked into the cafeteria the next day, you were already fed up with the way people were acting today. ever since you got to school this morning, you were receiving various stares and hushed whispers. it caused an ugly feeling of insecurity to follow you around all morning until lunch. your eyes scan the cafeteria for the blonde, and you see her standing in line. your eyes brighten at the sight of her, and you begin to make your way to her.
“hey gina.” you greet her happily. as soon as she hears your eager voice, her eyes tear away from the person she was talking to, just to look at you. you’re wearing a baby pink long sleeved fitted top, and a pair of dark denim high waisted bellbottoms that regina exclusively picked out for you. her eyes trail up and down your body, before her lips tug into a smirk. you look so different than your usual shy, covered up self. regina’s always thought you were pretty. it was adorable how you could wear baggy jeans and oversized sweaters, along with worn out shoes, and you’d still look cute. but right now, regina thought you were—
“you look so hot.” she blurts out, and one of the jocks that’s standing nearby chimes in.
“hey, y/n, did you do something different with your hair?” he asks from a few feet away, and regina refrains from telling the blockhead to go fuck himself, but she’s curious to see how you’re going to react to the newly found attention. “yeah, i tried a new serum called, “fuck off”.” you snap, frustrated with the unwanted attention you’ve been receiving today. regina’s lips twitch and she can’t hold back the maniacal grin plastering itself onto her face. your eyes widen in regret/horror before you clasp a hand over your mouth. you get this adorably sheepish expression on your face that you flash regina; “i’m sorry, that was so mean. but you’d think i’d have a sign on my head that said “bother me” with how much people have been talking to me today.” you retort, sounding agitated.
“get used to it, y/n. they didn’t realize underneath all those hoodies, there was a girl.” she states, as she takes a tray of food, and waits for you to get yours. you snort at her comment, “that’s exactly why i wore them. they’re like an invisibility cloak.” your statement makes her genuinely laugh, and the sound never ceases to make your stomach flip. you don’t even mind the way people are whispering as they glance in your direction.
you sit right beside regina; trying to ignore the nerves bubbling in your belly. when gretchen and karen approach the table, the brunette eyes you uncertainly. “um… why are you here?” gretchen asks, and you open your mouth to respond, but regina is speaking for you. “y/n is sitting with us from now on.” regina says curtly, her tone stringent and up for no debates. “what!? but she— she didn’t take any of the tests! she doesn’t know any of the rules!! she barely has a social status!” gretchen nearly squeals, while karen offers you a smile. “i really like your top! i saw that at hollister! can i borrow it some time?” the raven haired girl asks, ignoring her best friends freak out.
regina glowers at gretchen, “you were barely anything before me, so you have no say in anything that goes on at this table.” she hisses, causing gretchen to snap her mouth shut. regina’s mood switches quickly, a content smile etching onto her face, “now that that’s settled, karen, why don’t you fill y/n in on our rules.” the blonde requests, and karen nods obediently. “rules?” you inquire carefully, and karen nods again. “yup! we have rules we have to follow in order to sit here. rule number one, don’t wear tank tops two days in a row...” she starts, and you nod as you begin to listen to the strange yet, iconic rules.
you nod along, mentally taking down each one. once karen is finished, your gaze flickers towards regina. “so for the tank top rule, do i have to wear a tank top at least once a week, or is that optional?” you ask, genuinely curious. regina lets out this uncontainable giggle that gretchen and karen had never heard from the blonde. “you don’t have to wear a tank top at all silly, but if you do, don’t wear one two days in a row.” she informs you, and you nod. “what are the tests i have to take to sit here?” you question, remembering what gretchen said earlier. regina shakes her head, “those won’t be necessary. you’ve proven your worth to me already.” she says simply, as she takes a sip of her energy drink.
gretchen gawks at the blonde; her mouth agape. she couldn’t figure out for the life of her, why regina was letting you of all people get away with this. “try this, it’s peach.” the queen bee waves her drink at you, and you take it, sipping a bit. your nose scrunches up in disgust, “ew.” you murmur, and she flashes you a pointed look before snatching the drink back. “what is that?” you question, and she flashes the can at you. “peach-nectarine redbull.” she responds, and you make a face of dissatisfaction.
“what? they’re good! aren’t they, karen?” regina asks, gesturing to the blueberry redbull beside karen’s tray of food. karen nods in agreement, “yup, regina’s fridge is full of them.” the raven haired girl chimes in, and you offer the blonde a look of dismay, “those things are heart attacks in a can, gina.” you scold her. “you shouldn’t drink them so much.” you add, and regina rolls her eyes dismissively, but her heart leaps due to your obvious concern for her wellbeing. “i don’t think i’m gonna have to worry about a heart attack till i’m like forty, y/n, relax. i need these to get through the day.” she says, and you frown.
when the bell rings, you and regina leave the cafeteria together. before you can walk away towards your next class, regina wraps a firm hand around your wrist. “did stacy agree to let you be part of the team?” she asks, and you nod. “yeah, she talked to me this morning. but i don’t think i wanna be a part of her club anymore.” you admit, and regina glowers, “why not? i swear to god if she said something else—“ regina nearly growls, but you cut her off before she can threaten stacy’s life again. “no! don’t worry, gina she didn’t say anything bad.” you promise her, causing her to search your face for any signs of dishonesty.
you don’t tell regina the only reason you no longer have an interest in debate club, is because you’d rather hang out with her after school instead. she shoots you that infamous grin that causes the butterflies in your stomach to repopulate rapidly. “well, i guess that means you can hang out with us after school now. we’re going to karen’s house today, so meet me at my locker after your last class.” regina’s request is more like a command, but you aren’t complaining.
you nod dumbly, as she walks away from you, and your eyes are glued on her the entire time. regina looks over her shoulder, catching your entranced gaze on her. it causes a fire to ignite in the pit of her stomach. she turns away, turning down the hallway and disappearing. your cheeks feel as though they’re burning, and the bell rings, indicating that you’re late for class. you shake your head, trying to push away your regina-induced thoughts before you rush to class.
throughout the rest of the school day, more boys try to talk to you. you’ve never really came out or thought twice about your sexuality; you’ve always known you were into girls. you thought it was pretty obvious, but now you were wondering if it wasn’t. “hey y/n!” micheal, one of the boys in your last period catches up to you as you walk towards the exit of the school. your step falters slightly, as he approaches you, holding the exit doors open for you.
“i was just wondering if you had any plans right now?” he asks you, flashing you a shy smile. you stop walking, feeling a bit bad as you get ready to reject him, but he continues rambling. “cause there’s this cool burger place that—” he gets cut off by that familiar voice that causes a wave of heat to surge through you. “come on y/n!” regina causes you to turn your head, there’s aways that stupid little flutter in her stomach whenever she see you. though it turns into boiling hot rage when she sees the way that boy is eyeing you shamelessly. you flash her a smile before turning back to micheal, “sorry, micheal, i have plans with regina today.” you tell him, and his face falls. he looks visibly disappointed. “oh, for sure! have fun! maybe we can hang out tomorrow?” he sounds hopeful, and you open your mouth to reject his offer again, but this time regina is intervening.
“she’s not going to be available tomorrow because she’ll be hanging out with me. again. and same answer for the day after tomorrow.” regina’s voice is harsh, and enough to make a grown man cower away. micheal looks ostensibly upset, but everyone knows better than to talk back to regina george. “come on, regina, i was just trying to ask her out—” he tries, but she cuts him off. “well don’t.” she hisses, shooting daggers at him with her eyes. “look at her, and look at you. you’re like an off brand tony hawk. y/n wouldn’t go for you even if you were the last person on earth.” she cruelly says with a sneer.
“now, come on, y/n. karen’s mom always makes the best lemon squares. you’re gonna love them.” she places her hands on your upper arms; fingernails digging into the fabric of your shirt. her grip is firm but not enough to hurt. she leads you away from micheal, and you feel a surge of guilt, but also an unknown heat pooling at the bottom of your abdomen from how upset regina was about micheal. her grip on you tightens, “ugh, he seriously thought he had a chance with you. you can do better than some lame guy on the soccer team.” she rants, as she leads you towards her jeep where karen and gretchen are waiting.
“he’s in my english class. he’s always sat next to me.” you confess, and regina stops in her tracks, taking her hands off you, causing you to stop as well. you look at regina, who has her arms crossed, “well, starting tomorrow you aren’t sitting by him anymore.” she states, her tone signifying that she’s up for no disagreements. “unless you like him.” she adds, sounding borderline unrecognizable. you scoff, “you think i’d like him? i’m actually kind of insulted you think he’s my type.” you respond, and regina feels a strange sensation of relief. she doesn’t understand why the thought of you dating some sleazy guy around here made her blood boil.
regina offers you a satisfied smile, as if she wasn’t just upset a second ago. her shift in emotions is a bit concerning, but you think it’s adorable how bratty she can be, and then content not even a moment later. but maybe you were biased when it comes to regina george, because you thought everything about her was absolutely adorable. “good. then it’s settled, you’re not sitting next to him, or talking to him anymore.” she declares, and you nod obediently. “okay, gina.” your voice is so innocent and light; you don’t sound the slightest bit upset or reluctant to do as she says. she revels in it.
“good girl. come on, lets go. the girls are waiting for us.” her pleased tone sends this thrill of excitement to course throughout you. those words; “good girl”, they caused your tummy to flutter so much it felt as though it was going to burst. you were a blushing mess as regina pulls you to her car. she notices how flushed your cheeks are, and she smirks. “y/n gets shotgun.” regina says bluntly, and gretchen’s eyes widen in bewilderment. “why does she get shotgun!?” she shrieks, and regina scowls, “because it’s my car, and i said so.” the blonde snaps in response, causing gretchen to pout.
you all get into the car, and just like yesterday, regina hands you her phone. “pick a song.” she orders, and you immediately oblige. gretchen’s jaw drops in offense, “you’re letting her aux!? you never let any of us aux!” she points out, as the queen bee pulls out of the parking lot. “y/n’s taste in music is better than yours.” regina deadpans, as you put on a faye webster song. “i love this song.” karen chimes in, and gretchen huffs. “everyone loves faye webster, karen!” the brunette snaps.
karen’s house isn’t as big as regina’s house, but that isn’t shocking. you think regina might have the biggest house in town, and you aren’t even sure what her father does for work. regina was right about karen’s mother making the best lemon squares though. you shamelessly eat three, and regina is enamored as you make endless conversation with karen’s mom. the older woman finds you just as charming as most of the teachers at school do. regina wonders if they notice how sweet your smile is, or how bright your eyes shine when you talk about something you enjoy.
regina notices everything about you. the way the blood rises to your cheeks whenever she compliments you, or remembers a small detail about you. whenever your hair falls below your shoulders in thoughtless curls; she finds herself thinking about how long it takes you to curl your hair in the mornings. sometimes it’s in a ponytail, or carelessly undone. regina often wonders how someone can look so effortlessly good all the time.
she drops gretchen off at home first in order to spend some time alone with you; she tries not to dwell on why. as soon as the brunette is out of the car, regina’s tough facade is crumbling away. “did you see karen’s dads hair? it’s a toupee.” she reveals, causing your eyes to widen as you burst into a fit of giggles. regina swears her heart nearly stops beating at the marvelous sound. “seriously!?” you ask, clearly shocked, she nods, letting out a few stray laughs. “yeah, one time karen dropped it in the toilet. he grounded her for like two weeks.” she tells you, eliciting even more giggles from you. “poor mr. shetty. he seems so nice. it’s not his fault he’s bald.” you comment earnestly.
regina’s heart swells at how adorable you are, and how you look sitting in the passenger side of her car. she gets so lost in her thoughts about you, that she doesn’t even realize the lights turned green. a loud car horn pulls her out of her ongoing thoughts, causing her to scowl and beep back. “fuck you, bitch, just go around!” regina yells, as she rolls down her window to flip off the old man behind her. you gasp, but can’t seem to contain your uncontrollable laughter.
“you’re so funny, gina.” you breathe out, looking over at her with this expression of adoration, thankfully her eyes are on the road. “i’m so glad that my anger issues amuse you.” she murmurs sardonically, and you release a little chortle. “it’s not my fault you look so cute when you’re angry.” you blurt out, and your entire face changes into a shocked expression as you realize what you just said. regina glances at you, noticing your sheepish expression. she smirks mischievously, “you think i’m cute?” she asks, feigning obliviousness.
you look over at her with a face that says “are you serious?”, and you snort. “you know you’re cute! i mean, you’re regina george. you’re everything.” you say this so easily, it causes her whole world to stop spinning for a while as her inside turn to mush. you don’t even realize the words you say have such an impact on her. the blood rushes to her cheeks, and your eyes nearly widen as regina blushes because of you. “i’ve been called a lot of things before but never “everything”.” she tries to sound nonchalant, and taunting like she always does, but her voice comes out abnormally soft. she doesn’t even recognize herself.
when she turns to get a quick look at you, she sees you’re already staring at her. your eyes hold such a look of admiration as you gaze at her. “i’m just being honest.” you respond, looking away shyly. regina’s heart is in her throat, as if it’s trying crawl its way out of her and into your lap. she tries to focus on driving, but she can’t stop stealing glances at you.
“earlier when you said micheal wasn’t your type, were you just saying that, or were you being honest?” she asks randomly, breaking the short silence. you furrow your brows, “why would i lie about something dumb like that?” you ask in response, and regina shrugs. “so i would shut up about it.” she suggests, and you frown. “i never want you to shut up though. i like hearing you, even when you’re mad.” you reveal truthfully, making her heartbeat stutter. “but i was being serious about micheal not being my type. no guy really is…” you trail off sheepishly.
there’s a sense of satisfaction that comes with knowing regina’s suspicions were correct. you’re into girls, and regina knows you’re into her. she can feel it, and your behavior proves it. “good.” the blonde says, sounding more than pleased as she turns into your neighborhood. regina was right about you; she was definitely going to be able to have as much fun with you as she thought.
a/n: @kate03-27 hope you enjoy!
also, comment if you wanna be tagged in the next part :) thanks for reading <3
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the-eb · 5 days
new "things I noticed in the Walpurgisnacht Rising trailer" post: coherent edition
I'm going with the theory (laid out very well here) that the extra Homuras we keep seeing around are the Clara Dolls, either presenting in a different way or having matured into witches themselves. With that in mind:
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These two shots show the same doll, Nekura, judging by both the headband and the wavy tips of the hair that homura doesn't normally have. Her eyes are also red, and she's wearing the black collar with white outlines reminiscent of her Doll form.
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This looks to be Ibari, though I'm not 100% sure on that, given the colour of the hair. Probably just the lighting. Her role as Pride also fits with the imagery of her scrutinising the audience here, likely Homura in context.
Could also potentially be Noroma (Blockhead), though I don't think the visual fits quite as well. She is said to "laugh at the witch with her eyes," though, which would match with what she's doing here.
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Though this Homura has her original purple eyes and white collar, the unusual headband and especially the engraving on the mirror ("Stupid Venus") make me quite confident that this is Manuke (Stupid-Looking). The band isn't a 100% match, but this also makes sense given that Manuke is representative of Homura during the time between the main series and Rebellion, matching with what's shown in the mirror. The headband is also tied in the same way as Madoka's ribbon was in her hair, which might explain the lack of resemblance to Manuke's headwear.
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Not much to say about this shot, other than that the style and colours of those stairs combined with the familiar pattern around them resembling Oktavia's tail make me think this is a shot from within her labyrinth.
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Other than the clear Icarus symbolism, the main thing worth noting about this shot is the streak of red in Homura's hair, extending out from underneath Madoka's ribbon (or its replacement). Probably an extension of the ribbon symbolically too, showing how bound she is to Madoka.
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Unless these are Magia Record characters I'm unaware of, I think that the unadorned ring and black fingernail marking lend credence to the idea that these are the magical girls who once became witches in the original series. The only one I really have a guess on is this girl, where the fact that she's watching over a kintsugi glass holding the garden where Homura and Kyoko met in rebellion, the roses on her purse, and the glasses lead me to believe that this is Gertrud, the Rose Garden Witch. Her Adelbert familiars are said to have 2.5 vision.
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This book appears to contain images of witches and their familiars. I managed to spot familiars belonging to Charlotte, Elly, possibly Patricia, Gertrud, and Oktavia, as well as Izabel and Elsa Maria themselves, though I'm sure there are more.
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There's a single frame flash of Oktavia here!
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The symbolism of the teacup next to the pool of blood makes me assume that this is Mami (or Candeloro!), though maybe I'm flanderising her. The rim of the cup and saucer do have a pattern faintly reminiscent of a flower, which reinforces this a little.
Please feel free to respond with alternate readings/other things you've spotted in the trailer! I crave knowledge
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spiderlily-w1tch-blog · 2 months
𝚃𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚊 𝙺𝚎𝚒 - 𝚁𝚒𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚕|𝙸𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗
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ft Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto Koutarou + Others(ft voyeurism); Ft fingering, cunnilingus, belly bulge, nipple play, creampie, praise kink
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: I do not own Haikyuu or its characters, all credit goes to its creators and actors
WC: 3,944 (Whoo! A longer one again! :D )
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: Includes insatiable pervy horn dogs Kuroo and Bokutou, belly bulge(huh! another common theme), creampie(i swear you could make a drinking game out of this— take a shot every time there’s a creampie in my book), some explicit BoKurooTsukki at the end(+ Flirty Kuroo throughout), Two(2) uses of “Y/n”, 2nd Person POV, obligatory exhibitionism/public sex warning (Series Warning)
𝔐𝔦𝔫𝔦 𝔑𝔬𝔱𝔢: These scheme-y bois are scheming up a good ole scheme and it’s pretty much just so they can fuck the big blonde beanpole. This also includes a bit of bg pre-established Kuroo x reader x Bokuto and insinuation of future Kuroo x reader x Bokuto x Tsukki, you can think of it as like dating, FwB, casual dating, what have you but pretty much the main thing is y’all gettin frisky
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Tsukishima pointedly only looked at you, feeling awkward with the eyes of his kidnappers friends firmly on him and his movements. He squeezed your breasts as he ground his hips into yours. You bit your lip at the feelings and ground back, gaining more friction for the both of you.
“You gonna start any time soon, Tsukki?” Koutarou teased from the sidelines where he was draped over Tetsurou from where he knelt behind him.
“Yea, c’mon, Tsukki! You’re supposed to be getting your dick wet not your pants!” The raven-haired man called like a sports critic. You huffed out a laugh at the two and only spared them a glance with a playful glare and sticking out your tongue before you turned your attention back onto the tall blonde.
“It’s alright, Kei, take your time,” You said sweetly, lifting your hand to gently guide him down to kiss you again.
Deciding to move forward,(which was all his decision, thank you very much, it had absolutely nothing to do with the two blockheads he calls friends urging him on) he moved his hand down your body to slide underneath your skirt and stroke over your panty-clad cunt. You moaned at finally feeling the stimulation you were nearing desperate to get. He seemed mesmerized by the sound and slid his hand up your mound to slip his hand into your panties.
You felt his fingers glide through your wet folds and you moaned even louder. You threw your head back and subsequently exposed your neck to him. Taking the opportunity, he dipped down and attached his lips to your throat, and kissed at the exposed skin. He made his way to the side of your neck and bit into the juncture of your shoulder, hard enough to leave a mark but not enough to draw blood.
When his fingers were coated in your slick, he moved to slide his middle and ring fingers into your twitching cunt. The heel of his hand ground into your clit as he immediately set to work, pumping his fingers in and out of you. Lewd squelching sounds paired with your moans to fill the otherwise relatively quiet room. He bit his lip at the feeling of your heat and the sounds of your pussy and your pretty moans filling the air.
“Damn, Tsukki-poo really had it in him!” Kou teased the blonde, not even trying to fake whisper to Tetsu. Quickly enough it switched to a quiet sharp gasp before a muffled groan. As Kei teased your cunt and worked on marking up your neck, you let your head loll to the side both to give him more access and to look over at your boys. Tetsu had pulled Kou into his lap and had his cock out and in his hand as he jerked him off and made him a whining, grinding mess in his lap. You bit your lip with a smirk at them and a satisfied groan at Kei thrusting his inside of you paired with the lustful sight.
You moved your hands along Kei’s body and your right landed on the back of his head to thread through his blonde locks, the other sliding up his chest to land on his shoulder, squeezing in appreciation. He moaned lowly against your skin and shifted to pressing kisses to the flesh rather than harshly nipping and sucking. His fingers left your hole and began stroking through your folds again making you whine at the loss. He chuckled and his lips moved across your skin, leading to your lips once again when he lifted his hand from your chest to lightly grab your face and turn you to face him again. Quickly, you lost yourself in the kiss and gladly accepted his tongue prodding into your mouth.
“Fuck, Tsukki~! You’re pretty good with your hand, huh?” Tetsu teased him while teasing Kou’s cock and chest. You inwardly rolled your eyes and simply kept Kei occupied with the kiss. He growled into your mouth and, Kami, if that didn’t make your cunny gush with a new wave of arousal. You felt him smirk against your lips and his hands quickly moved to grasp the waistband of your panties and pull them down your legs.
He pulled away from your mouth and stood up to bring your legs up as he pulled your soaked panties off. Once the fabric was out of the way, he spread your legs with your feet planted on the makeshift ‘alter’ as Tetsu and Kou insisted on calling it for ‘ambiance’. Really, it was just a good-sized table you could lay on with an intricately designed cloth over it. It served its purpose either way so you supposed it didn’t really matter. From where he stood at the end of the table between your legs, he set his big, fuck, so perfectly big, hands on the inside of your thighs beside your knees and slid them up slowly.
He squeezed the flesh at the tops of your thighs before he released one and lifted his hand to his face. He started at his cheek and slid his hand up into his hair, taking his glasses with it. With his already narrowed eye lowly lidded and his swollen lips barely parted, sweat from the heated activities slowly dripping down his face, he looked sexier than you’d ever thought possible. You almost wanted to clamp your thighs together at the tingling in your pussy. Before you got the chance to decide, Kei fully took off his glasses and put them aside and got to his knees.
When he got there he moved his hands to wrap under your thighs to lift them onto his shoulders. He wrapped his hands around your thighs, just below your hips. He locked eyes with you with another sultry gaze before he let his eyes fall closed as he leaned in and licked a stripe up your folds. He ended with his lips around your clit and hummed at your taste. The vibrations immediately had you moaning and trying to buck your hips but he kept you in place with his strong hold.
He set a quick pace almost immediately. He flicked his tongue over your clit and sucked on it, alternating between that and sliding his tongue through your folds and dipping the wet muscle into your hole with every other swipe. He lapped at your cunt and slurped up your wetness with vigor. You could vaguely hear your boys groaning in pleasure. If it was their own activities or watching Kei go down on you, you weren’t sure, nor could you bring yourself to care.
You moaned and whined lewdly and writhed as much as his hold would allow you. As he worked you with his tongue, he shifted his hold to slide his arm further around your thigh to reach your dripping cunny with his perfectly long fingers. He glided his middle finger through your pussy lips and his mouth focussed on your clitty and prodded the hood. His fore and middle fingers abruptly pushed into your little pussy and your back arched off the table.
“Fuck-! Kei! Oh, Kami- Oh Kami!” The dual sensations on your already sensitive flesh drive you mad. He opened his eyes to look up at you and lapped and flicked and sucked at your clit as he drove his fingers in and out of you at a harsh pace.
Looking down, you caught his eye and the intense look in them was the final straw, the knot you hadn’t even realized was building already snapped and you came on his fingers and his face. With his fingers still moving in you, he moved his face down to lick at your folds, collecting your juices on his tongue. He only gave you a moment of reprieve as he pulled back and ran his tongue over his top lip with a smirk. He kept eye contact with you as he licked his fingers clean, making your face heat up even further.
“You taste so good, Y/n..” He groaned with a hum of approval. He fully unwrapped his arm from your thigh and moved it to have better access to your cunt. He rubbed his deft fingertips over your glistening, sensitive cunt and then pushed them back in. At the new angle, he could reach new spots inside of you. He could curl his fingers and hit directly against that spongy spot. With your first loud cry, he dove back in and happily went back to practically devouring your pussy and your clit.
“Ke-Kei-! Please! Please, oh Kami-!” You didn’t know what you were pleading for, if it was reprieve or if it was for more.
“Good girl. You’re being such a good girl, baby.” Kei muttered against your cunt, a smirk evident in his voice and you could feel it against the too-sensitive nerves practically on fire from too much stimulation. Nonetheless, the praise had you whining and arching as much as you could. You could only babble at that point, no coherent thoughts could even begin.
You felt the knot begin to tighten again and the buildup was much faster than it was before. With Kei licking and sucking and nipping and slurping at your cunt and his fingers fucking into you, it was all you could do to not blackout from the pleasure. With one particularly strong suck against your clit timed exactly with curling his fingers, you came with a whorish moan and your one free leg jolted to wrap around his shoulder and back.
Your orgasm was even more intense than the one you’d had not even 5 minutes prior. He pulled back to breathe and to appreciate the sight of you coming undone with his fingers still plunging into you relentlessly. As he did, however, he was in for a pleasant surprise. When he pulled back to appreciate his work, your fluid came gushing out of you as his fingers kept their pace. You squirted. You really squirted. He made you squirt. He smiled triumphantly and saw how your arousal had practically soaked the outside of his pants. He let up with his thrusts and slowly slid his fingers out of you. He slowly stood as he set your other leg down to dangle over the edge of the table.
“Such a good girl for me..” He breathed and leaned over you to give you sweet kisses as reward for cumming twice on his fingers and mouth. You lazily returned them as best you could as you panted heavily. You heard two voices, albeit off by a beat, mutter ‘Holy Shit…’ and knew it was your boys watching in amazement.
“Kei…” You breathed, looking at him through hazy eyes as he rubbed his hands over your hips and hovered not even an inch above your face. He understood what you wanted with one look and smirked.
“My good girl…” He breathed back and stood up only enough to quickly undo and shuck his pants off along with his boxers. You couldn’t help but stare at his cock as it bobbed up and hit his toned stomach with a ‘plap’.
“Hey, guys, what are you still- holy fucking…” You vaguely heard a voice speak at the entrance of the gym as the door squeaked open. You couldn’t bring yourself to care as you were only focussed on getting Kei inside of you.
You spared some recognition that Yaku stood in the doorway with some others. Kenma with his eyes blown wide and Yamamoto, Tanaka, and Nishinoya were there too, likely drooling. Asahi’s face seemed to be quite red and his eyes were also open wide. Lev had trailed behind them all and before he could fully enter the doorway Asahi turned and rushed him away, shouting something along the lines of ‘No! You should not see that! I shouldn’t have seen it! None of us should have seen that!’ as he went.
“Please, don’t let us stop you, carry on,” Yaku smirked and meandered in, pulling a still-stunned Kenma behind him. Yamamoto, Tanaka, and Noya eagerly followed, not once taking their eyes off you. Kei stayed hovering over you but shot a glare at Kuroo and Bokuto.
“‘Oh, don’t worry. We promise that we locked the door!’ Hmm?” He sassed them and continue to glare at their sheepish half-grins. Quickly enough, though, Kei had simply rolled his eyes and pulled his T-shirt over his head. He planted his hand on the table, right next to your head with a hungry gaze locked on you.
“I guess like short stack said, I won’t let them stop us.” He growled, not even paying any mind to Yaku’s indignant yell. He swooped down and captured your lips again as he moved to pick up your leg once again. He tosses your right leg over his shoulder and used his other hand to align his cock with your spasming hole. “Ready? You still gonna be my good girl?” He hummed and it was almost enough to get you wholly dazed all over again.
“Yes.. Oh, Kami, Kei- yes.” You nod frantically and he quickly complied. With your two previous orgasms, you were relaxed enough that he could thrust in fully in one go without issue. You moaned so loudly it could almost be a scream and arched off the table into his chest as he bottomed out. “FUCK-!” Your cry was cut off by Kei sealing his lips over yours. As soon as your cunny walls loosened their steel grip enough that he could, Kei started moving his hips. He pulled back slowly and snapped his hips forward. With your one leg over his shoulder, he could reach deep inside you in the first go and your other leg hooked tightly around his waist to pull him as close as possible.
“Fuck, baby… Oh, you feel so fucking good.. So fucking perfect…” He panted out against your lips as he sped up his movements. As he moved his hips against yours, he let his hands wander. His right hand gently but firmly hold the side of your neck and tilt your head enough to bring you into a kiss before he slid his hand down your shoulder, onto your chest, onto your breast. While his tongue invaded your mouth, he groped and squeezed your tit in time with his thrusts. In, squeeze, out, release, in, squeeze, out, release, repeat. His left hand groped the meaty flesh of your thigh and curled around to plant on your lower belly.
It was then that you realized his cock pumping in you made a bulge there. He pressed down with each thrust in and added to your pleasure and let his cock head press perfectly into your g-spot. With his big hands, he engulfed your breast wonderfully and was able to keep pressure on your lower belly with his fingers as he shifted his hand’s position to thumb at your clit. Your eyes rolled back behind your eyelids and your walls fluttered around him and lewd, whorish moans escaped into the kiss, leaking out into the room. Muffled moans and grunts sounded from beside you and you figured the new arrivals were thoroughly enjoying the show.
Kei drove his cock into you and released your mouth, letting your moans and cries flow freely into the room. He trailed wet kisses down your jaw and onto your neck, stopping to suck a hickey just below your ear. Once he was satisfied with the dark mark he left, he moved down and left soft and sloppy kisses in his wake only stopping to leave another dark hickey or to bite the flesh. As he continued down he left claiming bites and hickeys on your collarbone and along the expanse of your chest until he reached your tits. His hand shifted from groping to toying with your nipple, pinching, tugging, rolling. He quickly set to work sucking more hickeys there before he licked your pebbled bud between his lips when your back arched with a particularly well-aimed thrust in your pussy.
“Sho… Sho fuhking goo’.” He murmured the praise against your skin and the subsequent nibbles to your nipple brought you closer to release.
“Holy mother of fuck…” Yaku’s voice was almost entirely drowned out by your moans as were Kou’s slightly muffled moans. Kei’s hand on your chest slid down your side and gripped your waist as his pace got harsher and quicker, though messier. His lips quickly switched to your now vacant tit and lapped at your nipple in between marking you up with hickeys and bites. You threw your head back, thunking against the table, though you paid little mind to the shoot of dull pain against your skull.
You heard the telltale signs of Tetsurou edging Koutarou. His desperate whines for release as he begged in a breathy voice. Tetsu chuckled at him, enjoying the tears that always welled in his eyes as he squirmed and begged. You heard other muffled grunts and groans that you were able to identify easily enough as Yamamoto and Tanaka. A more high-pitched moan joined them but was even more muffled that you still were able to flesh out as Nishinoya. Yaku had been mostly quiet except for the occasional commentary that was covered up by the sounds of you moaning lewdly and of skin slapping skin.
Your mind was quickly filled back up with the pleasure-filled haze of Kei pounding your cunny and trailing open-mouthed kisses up your chest and back to your lips. His thrusts had more power than ever and they were getting sloppier with each go. His voice rumbled against your lips and his thumb faltered in its rhythm every so often as his other hand gripped your waist tighter. Your thigh started to burn with the continuous stretch but you couldn’t help but disregard it for the pleasure at the forefront of all your senses. Your other leg still hooked around his hips tightened and tried to keep him buried inside you while you teetered on the edge of your third orgasm of the night.
As you wiggled beneath him both wanton for more and desperate for reprieve, you allowed him a new angle. It had him slamming directly into the top of your canal, right against your cervix. It sent you hurdling over the edge and your back arched higher than ever, your nails dug into the cloth and scratched at the table beneath, your toes curled, and your muscles constricted almost painfully. Your walls clamped down around his cock and constricted fully around him, faltering his thrusts with their vice grip.
“Oh fuck! Oh fuck, good girl- good fuckin’ girl. Oh good fuckin’ girl, baby.” Kei moaned out into your mouth and kissed you like his life depended on it as his orgasm wracked through him. His cum flooded into you and it brought a second wave of high rolling over you before the first one even subsided. The feeling of fullness with more cum spurting out and filling you even more had you shaking and you could feel Kei in much the same state.
Kei let his head lazily fall from yours and rest in the crook of your neck, his hot breaths blowing heavily against your skin. Your chests were pressed together as you both gulped for air while you both still twitched from your strong orgasms. Without the sounds of your pleasured screams and sloppy kisses and sweaty skin colliding you could hear the others more clearly. You recognized gasping grunts from Yamamoto and Tanaka before who you placed as Nishinoya gasped and coughed like his mouth was previously occupied. It combined with weak, tired moans like from the aftershocks of orgasm. Yaku and Kenma had been mostly quiet, Kenma even moreso with only a few muffled gasps and whimpers and moans.
Koutarou was a bit louder, though. He came with a barely muffled shout and relieved moans left him as he weakly slurred ‘thank you’s to Tetsurou. The latter simply chuckled and said his responses smugly with Kou laying limply against his chest in his lap. With muttered words you couldn’t make out— though you weren’t sure you would have been able to even if you weren’t entirely fucked out— Kou bounced back instantly.
“Congrats, Tsukki-poo~!” Koutarou called out excitedly and scrambled to stand from Tetsurou’s lap.
“Yea, you did good. You did real good. Didn’t he, Y/n?” Tetsu’s voice remained its usual cool and slightly teasing. You weakly bobbed your head in a nod and made an affirmative noise earning chuckles from your boys.
“Then I guess it’s settled, huh, Kuroo?” Kou asked, a teasing tone to his own voice as well.
“Just one more thing to do.” You heard feet moving across the floor towards you both and you turned your head to nose at Kei’s hair as a warning. He lifted his head to press a light kiss to the corner of your mouth as he hoisted himself up to rest on his elbows as the two approached.
“So, is this the part where you teach me the secret handshake?” Kei teased the two with a wicked smirk on his face as he look at them. Tetsu chuckled as he walked up until he was at the top of the ‘Alter’.
“Something like that.” He smirked and bent at the waist to reach eye level with the blonde, “Welcome to the club.” He teased before he moved forward and planted a kiss on his lips. Kei was only shocked for a moment before he relaxed into it. You watched the kiss from below and as you saw Tetsurou’s tongue swipe at Kei’s bottom lip your walls weakly twitched around his cock that was still buried inside you.
“Fuck-“ He hissed and pulled away from the captain. Said captain smirked, clearly amused, and glanced down at you with a quirked brow. Your face heated up and a warm shiver wracked up your spine as you bit your lip and tried to give him an innocent smile.
“Oh quit it with the innocent act, princess. You and I both know you're a naughty girl unless you get fucked dumb.” He growled out with a teasing lilt as he leaned down and gave you a sloppy kiss with spit running down your cheek into your hair. He pulled away with a smirk and licked his lips of your and Kei’s spit coating them.
Kou stood excitedly beside the table by your head and as soon as Tetsu pulled away fully, he dove in and captured Kei’s lips in an eager, passionate kiss. The speed and suddenness of it threw the blonde off for a moment before he did his best to match the energy. Kou’s tongue had fully invaded his mouth and when they parted, their tongues lolled out with thick strings of saliva connecting them. The sight alone had you almost clenching again had your muscles not been entirely worn out by then.
“How’s it feel, babygirl? You got a new plaything,” Kou asked with excitement overtaking the teasing in his voice.
“Perfect…” You breathed with a tired smile as he fully planted his lips on yours for a hungry kiss with just as much energy as he had given Kei. Kei, who you could taste on their tongues. The owl pulled back and, in contrast to his overexcited exterior, pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead and made you smile at his gentle sweetness.
“Wait, what club?!”
“Can we join?!”
“How is this part of a club??”
“… Are there any qualifications?”
Ah, you’d forgotten about them.
— — —
Crossed out if I can’t tag you for some reason!
@frosch-thefrog @hellsingalucard18
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chocsra · 11 months
inspired by a convo w my friend and another drabble! just a short short drabble, sorry for the wait!
the infamous, violent teenager nakahara chuuya had many nicknames for people.
mackerel, dumbass, octopus, womanizer, assface, weak piece of shit, blockhead, little punk, you name it. the only respectful nickname he utters for somebody is 'sis' for koyo, or calling the boss, well, 'boss'.
other than that, he's all on insulting nicknames, or uses someone's real name.
until you persisted with that dumbass nickname.
vibrant hues filled the corners of your eyes, a huge prize deal in your local arcade just arose. you and chuuya decided to hang out and split it if you won, of course. he was currently calculating the amount of tickets you'll win depending on each game, muttering: 'yeah, uh huh, that'll b'good's.
when he finally finished mumbling, you sweep in and sarcastically inquire: "smart cookie, aren't'cha?"
smart cookie, smart-fucking-cookie.
he thinks its the lamest nickname ever, you only use that shit on little kids. and he wouldn't mind that much if you only used it in a sarcastic manner, but you didn't.
"dumb cookie, dumb cookie." you would pair with the disappointed head turn and a series of 'tsk tsk tsk..'s. ".. you're the dumb cookie!" he would scoff in a retort.
smart or dumb, it was paired with cookie. everytime he passed by the soft dough in grocery stores, he thought of you. everytime he thought to himself: "oh yea, that's pretty smart." a memory of you saying that stupid nickname would cross his mind.
sometimes, he accidentally called his scary ass subordinates, 'dumb cookie' too.
in conclusion, nakahara chuuya hated smart actions, dumb actions, cookies, and you. (kind of.)
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flowerbitz · 9 days
Random x-men rambling "foxverse version" bc the og trilogy movies made me think i could do the characters some justice:
I'm starting with Storm because she is absolutely the coolest and she is my fav since back then, younger me just wanted to be a cool superhero girl who could shoot out lightning and change the weather. I was absolutely obsessed when i saw that's she's even cooler in the comics, to me she will always be that girl!!
The thing is...this princess barely talks in the movie...short screen time, short lines and barely being able to show off Storm's personality and character ALSO her powers being so watered down, yikes.
Storm is so sweet and kind, they missed an opportunity to give the characters besides Logan some humanity, give them an actual personality and not just have them standing there. Halle Berry you did what you could and i love you for that but i feel bad it's not fair?!
Another character that i adore so much but was forgettable in the movies is Jean, now that i don't have a fucked up attention span i can read comics in peace but back then in middle school, i only watched the movies and only saw some things here and there on twitter/tumblr. So it's good to know that she's not a complete blockhead in the comics and animated series!!
I have a very weird feeling for Jean in the movies bc Famke did what she could, it's not her fault, it's like the writers were scared of showing how powerful she is...same thing with Storm, we know why i don't even have to mention it!!!
Someone probably already said this but, you introduce a character, her very first scene in the movie being in a political debate, she knows what's she's talking about, she's fighting for a good cause, we get that she has a high position maybe, that's she's a doctor AND a teacher...and then you throw all of that way, because the men in her life are more important?? more important than her personality, her beliefs, her character???
Then you have Scott, the leader of the X-Men and an absolute bum who doesn't do anything because the writers didn't what to do with him, besides telling Logan to backoff and say some snarky comments here and then getting killed of screen.
Also there are so many things wrong with Logan too, his writing is just a bit more bearable than the others so do with that information what you will...
Why was this man suffering much more than Scott when Jean died, and why didn't we even get Storm's actual reaction bc you know those two are best friends?? sisters?? Are we sure that the writers knew that the team was ACTUALLY found family?? And correct me if i'm wrong...why did they cut so many scenes that could have shown the relationship between all the characters??
Don't start me with Rogue bc no one gave a shit about her obviously, they scrapped everything that made her character, forgot everything about her one movie later and deleted her off the narrative ://
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touchlikethesun · 7 months
i’ve been thinking about haikyuu name meanings again, so i thought i’d share two of the name meanings that make me smile a lot :)))
木 boku - tree 兎 to - rabbit (?) 光 kou - shining, glory, pride 太郎 tarou - “great” son or first son 赤 aka - red, communism (??) 葦 ashi - reed (?) 京 kei - ten quadrillion; other readings (kyou, tokyo), capital city 治 ji - govern, regulate
so i’ve purposefully kept the direct kanji meanings, even tho most of them are simple and/or non sensical when applied to bokuto and akaashi’s character. but i've done so to replicate my own confusion and (hopefully) eventual satisfaction when i’d worked tho the many layers of word play.
so the first character of bokuto’s name 木 (tree) i originally thought was supposed to tie him to owls, yknow bc owls are often sitting in trees, and that might be part of it, but when 木 is used in adjectival constructions (so instead of ‘tree’ it might mean more ‘wooden’) and applied to people it often carries pejorative connotations of stupidity, close to the english ‘blockheaded’ - which i have to admit. did make me chuckle. (note: i thought there might be some connection between boku and boke the insult kags is always launching at hinata but they seem to be unrelated go figure)
兎 (to) was another confusing one, since ordinarily 兎 is the character for usagi (rabit), but when read as to there didn't seem to be any real mean associated with it, which is funny because most of the names in hq!! have more thought put into them then that. i was just about to write it off, when i looked up the two kanji together on wiktionary and-
木兎 mimizuko - alt. spelling for eagle/horned owl
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see above: eagle owl and bokuto koutarou for comparaison.
so basically in bokuto's name there is both a pun calling him a bit thick and a pun with the type of owl that inspired him how fucking incredible is that??? i personally love it
光太郎 (koutarou) seems to be a bit more of a traditional name, and we also have a very clear in-universe explanation for it's meaning. bokuto is the youngest of three with two older sisters, and it seems mr and mrs bokuto were very proud to finally have a son (ehhh patriarchy sucks sorry it is what it is) and wanted to give him a name that reflected their feelings. however, i do also think that 光 can also be taken to represent bokuto's presence in the series as a whole.
the first meaning of 光 being 'shining' obviously makes me think of the most bokuaka line in all of canon "we are the stars of the world" (ik some translations use protagonists in place of stars but shhh i'm being symbolic plus the vers i read used "stars"), because bokuto is such a star, he shines so brightly, and motivates so many people (the least of whom being akaashi and the rest of fukurodani). bokuto was always destined for glory and stardom in volleyball, but i think he's also just. so bright of a person. like yes, ofc he has his moods and his caprices, but that doesn't change how much he just, well, shines, brightens up a room. i don't know how much of this was intentional or accidental, but i like it.
like with bokuto's name, i ran into a bit of trouble with 赤葦 (akaashi) at first. literally, it means red reed, which didn't really seem significant. although 赤 (aka) also means 'red' as in 'communist' so now even tho it is certainly not at all the intended meaning i now and forever will headcanon akaashi as being a communist or someone at the very least well versed in communist theory. however, like with bokuto, akaashi's name is actually a reference to アカアシフクロウ (akaashi-fukuro) or アカアシモリフクロウ (akaashi-mori-fukuro), so another type of owl
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i've already talked about what i find so amusing about 京治 (keiji) in this post, but to summarise here (actually maybe this counts as an expansion?), the most relevant part to akaashi's character is the second kanji 治, meaning to govern or to regulate. 治 is sometimes used on it's own, but it is also often used in compounds related to peace, healing, (and politics, my commie akaashi headcanon wins again hahaha).
i think akaashi's character evolves from what it was intended to be, and i'm not sure how accurate this meaning is by the time we reach the end of canon (or maybe i've just been reading to much bokuaka fic and it's skewing my perception of him), but akaashi started out a bit like bokuto's external emotional regulator. for someone with as insane mood swings as bokuto, mood swings that other people struggled to understand and react to, he must have had quite a hard time, and indeed we're shown that his difficulties managing his emotions seriously and negatively affects his performance on the court. enter akaashi. akaashi, who through careful observation, quickly learns to not just react to bokuto's mood swings, but to understand them, their causes, and even eventually to anticipate them, effectively giving bokuto the tools he needs to learn to control his emotions and continue giving his all like akaashi knows he can.
i think it's relevant that 治 is also used to talk about healing and peace, (and not just governing which has rather unfortunate implications of control and coercion that i don't particularly like) because that is what akaashi's presence in bokuto's life ultimately provides, as evidenced by bokuto's growth by the end of the series ("hey look guys i'm just a normal ace!" meaning he's learned to manage his emotions by himself, something that i think would have been a much longer and harder journey without akaashi's influence).
when i said i'm not sure how accurate 治 is when applied to akaashi's character by the end of the series, i mean that i think it downplays the reciprocal nature of bokuto and akaashi's relationship, because for as much as akaashi helps bokuto manage his mood swings, bokuto also provides a lot of emotional support and motivation to akaashi. and i'm not sure this was something that furudate had already taken into account when first coming up with these characters.
i think there might be smaller symbolic meaning relating to akaashi's position as a setter, but that's really only a minor detail i think...
anyways, there you have it! bokuaka kanji meanings and thoughts!! do let me know if you have different interpretations, or if i've missed something, i really really reallyyyyy like talking about things like this but for now brb i am going to go read like a dozen bokuaka oneshots xx
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mary-arts-lol · 2 months
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felidrae · 9 months
With the recent released episode I went back & binge watched the previous episodes. There are many things I could talk about that I want to see more of (example if Penny introduced her daughter to the rest of the crew- I feel Steve would be utterly devoted to her since he’s a clown & has a soft spot for kids as seen from that one customer interaction)
BUT I’m bias and have a fascination in examining possibly veiled relationships & going into the speculative deeper details/interpretations. So I’ll start w/ that.
The topic: Cesare & Doctor (Allen)
Cesare & Doctor seem to have a deeper relationship than how Cesare has one w/ the rest of the employees.
Firstly, from what we’ve seen Cesare seems to only see his employees as just that- employees. He has no inclination to form a bond since we haven’t seen him hang out w/ them outside of work nor use their real names (unlike Steve) but instead uses their costume titles; this is so he doesn’t get attached. Cesare is a man on the job & once the job is done he will finally rest- no need to get attached when he’s dead already.
While Cesare is full of energy, theatrics & is just all over the place in general he doesn’t really seem to take nonsense from his employees nor engage in peer discussions; when he DOES interact it’s limited & mainly snapping:
- Frances asking him to try the bad food & he immediately shuts it down by saying he doesn’t eat food. While I understand where he’s coming from as a zombie there’s no real reason to not at least try it- Not eating something thats no longer needed doesn’t mean he can’t humor her.
- Conrad asking him how old he is. He could’ve lied but instead tells him to never ask him that; then again this could’ve been a “asking someone how old they are is rude” type of thing
- Conrad asking if he’s been to a FTC before & he says “no, I’m a virgin around here” then immediately goes straight back to business “I’m sure my reputation proceeds me however”
- Conrad asking to take lens off is immediately shut down cause Zombie man needs to stay hidden
(Notably, the only time Cesare snaps at Doctor is when he tries to negotiate w/ Cesare over the costumes.)
As stated his interactions with them are mainly orders or stopping them from revealing “ brand secrets” / asking questions. Even they (Conrad & Frances) have no internal familiarity w/ him since they call him “Boss”. It’s all strictly business.
The only people we have seen him fully interact w/ that isn’t a quick remake is Steve & Doctor; Steve makes sense- he’s a long term target who’s foiled his attempted captures time & time again. They got history/beef. Doctor however is just a regular human who’s employed by him- there shouldn’t be any history between the two that would establish the amount of interaction that aren’t simply orders (then again the interactions they do have is also related to business.) as well as treat Doctor more fairly from the rest YET Casare uses a nickname for him which is something we haven’t seen him do w/ the others, dramatically worries about Doctor when he’s down, is more abrasive towards him and counts on him w/ tasks such as gathering information whilst being impressed by him; Doctor is his right hand man.
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Doctor in turn does something the rest don’t do- he calls Cesare by his name. This is significant. Why script it to where Frances/Conrad only call him “Boss” but Doctor frequently uses his actual name; this is a personal/friendly undertone. Cesare seems to have no issues with this either which if you go based on Cesare’s character & view on his employees would seem unusual. The only time we see him calling Cesare “Boss” is when he’s shocked/unsure about him.
Overall Cesare displays traits that would suggest he’s slightly more fond towards Doctor (I believe he enjoyed his time with the other employees- he’s just a blockhead & wants no strings attached) & Doctor in return reciprocates. Heck, Doctor is listed as a “Morality Pet” trope though it’s downplayed in the series- so far.
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Secondly, the question is why is this specific relationship different from the rest? Well, another thing that’s good to note is the parallel between the two Foodtrucks:
- both have extravagant themes to hide the identities of the employers
-both have three employees that are human
-both sell bad burgers
- both are employers who came out of the ground & aren’t human
From what we’ve seen from the latest episode Steve was in the Earth’s core unconscious until he woke up & dug himself out; causing Tim to be the first to find him. Tim is also arguably Steve’s right hand man since he wears a chef’s hat & in “Down” he is the only one from Bigtop that exclaims a sentence of shock when everything is revealed.
Now this is where the speculation(or delulu) comes into play: both Tim/Doctor are right hand men & both exclaimed in shock at the revelation; so what if like Tim, Doctor was the first to find Cesare? We don’t know exactly how the recruitment happened but Cesare is aware they are all theatre majors (interestingly he specifically mentions puppets when saying this- marionettes are puppets) so either he went out of his way to a theatre group & found them OR Doctor was his first employee who brought his friends along since the pay is nice whilst they get to perform.
If Doctor was the first to find Cesare he took enough interest to make the proposal. This could be for many reasons however given the context of the story it would make more sense if Doctor reminded him of when Cesare was alive- Cesare is a performer & it would make sense he would reminisce about it causing it to make decisions for him.
Personally I would find it fitting if like Cesare, Doctor enjoys puppets- his voice would be perfect for it. (But that is a headcannon & not speculation.)
In conclusion, the relationship between the two is noticeable different from the rest for a Zombie who was using them as a means to an end & learning more on the why would be desirable to see as well as flashbacks about how Zomburger & the relationship dynamics began; seeing how they’re all (Bigtop & Zomburger) handling the revelation that their bosses weren’t human is definitely something we will be seeing.
That’s mainly it- it’s a bit of a rant but I’d like to hear your thoughts/headcannons
Bonus photo:
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“You’ve got some nerve.” Episode 2: The Blockhead and the Second Son
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saintharvest · 4 months
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i love putting the blockheads in situations
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oobbbear · 4 months
Ah yes, now my animated music vid playlist will be handy!
Fan animated section but great
Charlie's inferno by Urser
Vampire series by Daria Cohen
OR3O Clover series
DKC m: Return to Krocodile Isle by alex Henderson
Run, Rabbit, Run by LiteralHat
Now for some official ones i love!
Caracan Palace with Mirrors, Miracle,Rock it for Me, Lone Digger, Moonshine and MAD
Stromae with Carmen
Delta Heavy with Get By, Ghost, White Flag, Hold Me, Take Me Home, Punish my love
C2C with Delta
McBaise with She's a Big Boy, Water Slide, Wood
Fever the Ghost with SOURCE (Felix colgrave animation)
Stuck in the sound with Let's Go
The Shins with The Rifle's Spiral, Pink Bullets
SIAMES (ofc) with My Way, The Wolf, No Lullaby, Mr. Fear, Summer Nights, All the Best
Skip the Use with Nameless World
June with A Little Messed Up
Flobots with Handlebars
Freak Kitchen with Freak of the Week
Goldfish with We Come Together, One Million views, Get Busy Living, Washing over me, Fort Knox, Talk To me, Forever Free
Jinkx Monsoon with Cartoons and Vodka
Blockhead with The Music Scene
Twiztid with Dead & Gone
Pearl Jam with Do the Evolution
John Hickman with Cascade
Jay-Z with The story of O.J.
Mystery Skulls witj Endlessly
Britney Spears with Break The Ice
Daft Punk with their classic Interstella series
GRADES with King
Coldplay with Something Just Like This, Adventure Of a Lifetime, Hurts Like Heaven, Daddy
One T + Cool T with The Magic Key
Ryan Woodward with Thoughts of You
Expect a part 2 in a bit
HOHOHOHO I’m shaking this like a kid found a jar of cookie thank you thank you thank you
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