#Blockchain in Edutech
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EduTech Marvels: Transformative Technologies in Education
If someone asks you to look for a restaurant for dinner, you will invariably search for it on the web. All of us are dependent on technology to find answers to common questions. The internet has taken the world by storm and is the most effective way to get answers to any question. In all fields, from travel to education, the impact of technology is felt everywhere. What seemed to be a distant…
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TOP 10 courses that have generally been in high demand in 2024-
Data Science and Machine Learning: Skills in data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are highly sought after in various industries.
Cybersecurity: With the increasing frequency of cyber threats, cybersecurity skills are crucial to protect sensitive information.
Cloud Computing: As businesses transition to cloud-based solutions, professionals with expertise in cloud computing, like AWS or Azure, are in high demand.
Digital Marketing: In the age of online businesses, digital marketing skills, including SEO, social media marketing, and content marketing, are highly valued.
Programming and Software Development: Proficiency in programming languages and software development skills continue to be in high demand across industries.
Healthcare and Nursing: Courses related to healthcare and nursing, especially those addressing specific needs like telemedicine, have seen increased demand.
Project Management: Project management skills are crucial in various sectors, and certifications like PMP (Project Management Professional) are highly valued.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics: AI and robotics courses are sought after as businesses explore automation and intelligent technologies.
Blockchain Technology: With applications beyond cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology courses are gaining popularity in various sectors, including finance and supply chain.
Environmental Science and Sustainability: Courses focusing on environmental sustainability and green technologies are increasingly relevant in addressing global challenges.
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magang Gresik edutech 0811-3272-825
Di era digital saat ini, teknologi blockchain menjadi salah satu inovasi yang paling signifikan dan mengubah banyak aspek kehidupan, terutama dalam industri keuangan, logistik, hingga sektor kesehatan. Bagi para mahasiswa yang tertarik dengan dunia teknologi, khususnya blockchain, magang Gresik blockchain 0811-3272-825 bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat untuk memulai karier di bidang ini.
Memahami Teknologi Blockchain Blockchain adalah teknologi yang memungkinkan penyimpanan data secara terdesentralisasi. Teknologi ini dikenal karena kemampuannya untuk mencatat transaksi secara aman dan transparan, tanpa memerlukan otoritas pusat seperti bank atau lembaga keuangan. Setiap transaksi yang dicatat dalam blockchain tidak dapat diubah, menjadikannya sangat aman dan dapat diandalkan. Selain itu, blockchain juga mengurangi risiko penipuan, karena setiap blok dalam rantai transaksi saling terkait dan diverifikasi oleh jaringan pengguna.
Bagi mahasiswa yang magang Gresik blockchain 0811-3272-825, pemahaman mendalam tentang cara kerja blockchain adalah hal yang penting. Mereka akan belajar bagaimana teknologi ini dapat diimplementasikan dalam berbagai industri, serta potensi dampak yang bisa dihasilkan.
Keuntungan Magang di Bidang Blockchain Magang di bidang blockchain tidak hanya memberikan pengetahuan teknis, tetapi juga menawarkan berbagai keuntungan lainnya. Salah satunya adalah kesempatan untuk bekerja dalam lingkungan yang inovatif dan dinamis. Di Gresik, meskipun dikenal sebagai kota industri, sudah mulai muncul berbagai startup dan perusahaan yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan teknologi blockchain. Magang Gresik blockchain 0811-3272-825 memberikan akses langsung kepada mahasiswa untuk terlibat dalam proyek-proyek yang berkaitan dengan teknologi canggih ini.
Mahasiswa akan belajar bagaimana mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis blockchain, memahami kontrak pintar (smart contracts), serta mengelola data yang terdesentralisasi. Mereka juga akan diajarkan bagaimana menganalisis dan merancang solusi berbasis blockchain yang dapat digunakan untuk berbagai kebutuhan bisnis, seperti manajemen rantai pasokan, keuangan, dan keamanan data.
Tantangan dalam Magang Blockchain Meskipun banyak keuntungan, magang di bidang blockchain juga memiliki tantangan tersendiri. Salah satu tantangan utama adalah kompleksitas teknologi ini. Blockchain bukanlah teknologi yang mudah dipahami, terutama bagi mereka yang baru pertama kali terjun ke dunia ini. Oleh karena itu, mahasiswa yang magang Gresik blockchain 0811-3272-825 harus siap untuk belajar dan beradaptasi dengan cepat.
Selain itu, industri blockchain juga terus berkembang dengan cepat. Setiap hari muncul inovasi dan perkembangan baru yang menuntut mahasiswa untuk selalu memperbarui pengetahuan mereka. Mahasiswa harus memiliki kemampuan untuk belajar secara mandiri dan terus mengikuti perkembangan terkini dalam teknologi ini.
Tantangan lainnya adalah ketidakpastian regulasi. Teknologi blockchain masih relatif baru dan belum diatur secara komprehensif oleh hukum di banyak negara, termasuk Indonesia. Ini berarti mahasiswa harus memahami risiko hukum yang mungkin timbul dan bagaimana mengelola risiko tersebut.
Persiapan Sebelum Magang di Bidang Blockchain Sebelum memulai magang Gresik blockchain 0811-3272-825, ada beberapa persiapan yang perlu dilakukan oleh mahasiswa. Pertama, mereka harus memiliki dasar yang kuat dalam ilmu komputer dan pemrograman. Pengetahuan tentang algoritma, struktur data, dan pemrograman berbasis objek akan sangat membantu dalam memahami teknologi blockchain.
Selain itu, mahasiswa juga harus mempelajari dasar-dasar kriptografi, karena teknologi blockchain sangat bergantung pada konsep ini untuk keamanan dan integritas data. Kriptografi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari teknik enkripsi dan dekripsi data untuk melindungi informasi dari akses yang tidak sah.
Mahasiswa juga perlu membekali diri dengan pemahaman tentang ekonomi digital dan mata uang kripto. Mata uang kripto seperti Bitcoin dan Ethereum adalah salah satu aplikasi paling populer dari teknologi blockchain, dan pemahaman tentang cara kerja dan peran mereka dalam ekonomi digital akan memberikan wawasan tambahan yang berguna.
Magang Blockchain di Gresik: Menghubungkan Industri dan Teknologi Gresik, yang dikenal sebagai kota industri, menawarkan lingkungan yang unik untuk magang Gresik blockchain 0811-3272-825. Di satu sisi, Gresik memiliki basis industri yang kuat, sementara di sisi lain, kota ini juga mulai mengadopsi teknologi modern seperti blockchain untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan transparansi dalam operasional bisnis.
Mahasiswa yang magang di Gresik akan memiliki kesempatan untuk melihat bagaimana teknologi blockchain dapat diintegrasikan dalam proses industri tradisional, seperti manufaktur dan logistik. Mereka juga akan belajar bagaimana blockchain dapat membantu mengurangi biaya, meningkatkan keamanan data, dan menciptakan sistem yang lebih transparan.
Selain itu, magang di Gresik juga akan memberikan mahasiswa kesempatan untuk bekerja dengan para profesional yang memiliki pengalaman luas di bidang industri. Mereka dapat belajar langsung dari para ahli tentang bagaimana menerapkan teknologi blockchain dalam skala besar dan mengatasi tantangan yang mungkin muncul.
Mengembangkan Karier di Bidang Blockchain Setelah menyelesaikan magang Gresik blockchain 0811-3272-825, mahasiswa akan memiliki keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk memulai karier di bidang ini. Mereka dapat bekerja sebagai pengembang blockchain, analis sistem, atau bahkan konsultan blockchain.
Kebutuhan akan profesional di bidang blockchain terus meningkat seiring dengan semakin banyaknya perusahaan yang mulai mengadopsi teknologi ini. Mahasiswa yang memiliki pengalaman magang di bidang blockchain akan memiliki keunggulan kompetitif di pasar kerja, karena mereka telah memiliki pemahaman praktis tentang bagaimana teknologi ini dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah nyata.
Selain itu, karier di bidang blockchain juga menawarkan peluang untuk berkontribusi pada inovasi teknologi dan transformasi digital. Mahasiswa dapat menjadi bagian dari revolusi digital yang sedang berlangsung dan membantu mengembangkan solusi yang dapat mengubah cara bisnis beroperasi dan bagaimana masyarakat mengakses layanan keuangan.
Kesimpulan: Magang Blockchain sebagai Langkah Awal Karier Magang Gresik blockchain 0811-3272-825 adalah peluang yang sangat berharga bagi mahasiswa yang ingin memulai karier di bidang teknologi yang inovatif dan berkembang pesat. Magang ini tidak hanya memberikan pengetahuan teknis tentang blockchain, tetapi juga pengalaman langsung dalam menerapkan teknologi ini dalam lingkungan industri.
Dengan persiapan yang tepat dan komitmen untuk terus belajar, mahasiswa yang mengikuti magang ini akan memiliki landasan yang kuat untuk membangun karier yang sukses di bidang blockchain. Mereka akan menjadi bagian dari generasi baru profesional yang siap menghadapi tantangan dunia digital dan berkontribusi pada perkembangan teknologi yang dapat mengubah masa depan.
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Get Digitally Ready in just 21 Days. Boost Your Career Today by learning the Skills of tommorow. We award Blockchain Verified Certificates. Learn about SEO, SEM, SMM, SMO, ASO, Mobile Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Proximity Marketing and more again. Includes more than 200 modules. Earn 10 certifications. Helpopedia EduTech is Digital Marketing Training Center in Navi Mumbai. Excellent Opportunity to Kick-Start your Career in Digital Marketing. Unlock Success with our Digital Marketing courses. Enroll Today
Website: http://www.helpopedia.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hiteshchhatralia Twitter: https://twitter.com/HChhatralia Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hiteshchhatralia YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@helpopedia
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Female Leaders Give Opposing Opinions on Issues Faced by Women in Web3
The world of Web3 has opened opportunities for everyone to participate in a more transparent internet and create wealth. However, women still face tougher challenges within the industry, including lack of representation, policies, and unfavorable settings, as tackled during the Bull or Bear event held at the Philippine Blockchain Week on September 20, 2023. Organized by edutech…
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🔥🔥 Scopri una RIVOLUZIONE nel mondo della proprietà intellettuale! 💼🎓 🔐 Stai cercando di proteggere i tuoi corsi, attestati o idee? Vuoi dare un boost al tuo posizionamento SEO? 🚀🌐 La soluzione c'è e si chiama IÈUMÌ! 👀🎉 Con IÈUMÌ puoi dire addio alla paura del plagio e della contraffazione! 📜🔒 Grazie alla tecnologia blockchain, i tuoi documenti saranno autenticati, sicuri e non modificabili! 🛡✅ 👉 Scopri di più sul nostro ultimo articolo! 📝 Sveliamo tutto su IÈUMÌ, la soluzione che rende la blockchain accessibile a tutti! 💻🔗 Clicca qui 👉 https://gtechgroup.it/ieumi-la-tua-soluzione-blockchain-per-la-proprieta-intellettuale/ #Blockchain #SEO #Antiplagio #Certificazione #Attestati #Notarizzazione #ProprietàIntellettuale #ServiziPersonalizzati #API #PartnerUfficiale #IÈUMÌ #Innovazione #Tecnologia #Sicurezza #WebMarketing #DigitalTransformation #EduTech #IntellectualProperty #ContentProtection #CyberSecurity #TechNews Questo post è stato pubblicato con #HelpMePost 🙌 Provalo anche tu su helpmepost.com 💫💡
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https://www.clubhouse.com/event/M4zBWEWA Tonight 10PM at #SinigangValley we chat with Melissa Mesias @meri_chaaan , Harvey Javier @harvzjavier , and Jomae Balde @jkmbalde of SparkLearn @sparklearnet on how their EduTech startup is upskilling and reskilling the digital skills of Filipinos towards Blockchain development and their plan to train 1 million developers #CCLJU (at Mandaluyong Tiger City) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClwMEG8ub1N/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Top Software Development Company in New York
Consumer perception of technology in the current world has evolved, and many of them are now concentrating on creating new and efficient Android, iOS, and cross-platform applications to assist them create a smooth user experience and advance their businesses.
The best app development company in the New York can assist you by creating specialized mobile applications that are appealing and beautiful and demonstrate great performance, regardless of the business kind, size, industry, or needs.
Finding a company in New York that meets your needs may be difficult and perhaps even overwhelming because there are so many there.
Neetable is a top mobile and web application software development company in New York. We support established companies and startups throughout the world in developing innovative digital engineering solutions. We assist you in providing a seamless user experience, we will develop a strong mobile and web application that is totally customized. We provide a wide range of technological solutions to organizations. Our advanced technological solutions, includes mobile and web app solutions, assist companies in improving client interaction, streamlining operations, and extending their reach.
We offer enterprise IT solutions to startups, SMEs, and Fortune 500 enterprises. We concentrate on creating distinctive solutions that set us apart from the rivals. We are skilled in developing intelligent apps using tools like React.js, Node.js, Python, React Native, Flutter, Java, Python, NET, Azure, AWS, etc. We also have experience building mobile and web applications. In order to guarantee high scalability, maintainability, and security, Neetable also provides cross-platform application development services. We provide services to a variety of sectors, such as healthcare, fintech, Edutech, food & beverage, logistics, and others. Whether it's a startup or a business, you can use the expertise of our app developers to produce a professional application that will help you to stand out from the crowd.
What Steps Are Involved in the Development of an App?
The development process involves few steps:
Conceptualizing and planning
A client's concept for the app and how it should appear are first determined through interviews and this enables to research on competitors. The goal is to investigate and analyze the initial app idea to see if it works.
UI Design
Any mobile and web app development project must include the development of an interactive interface since it connects the app's functionality to a user-friendly interface. To do this, it is essential to understand the appropriate user flow, element structure, etc.
The developer starts developing the code for the app's complete project. At the end of the day, all we want is to produce the best possible app, based on the fully-functional prototype, with better visuals, flawless code, optimized UI and UX, etc.
Test programme on a variety of platforms, including Android, iOS, and Windows. To identify any issues or display errors, to test how it performs on various devices and resolutions. Make sure all bugs are fixed before releasing the application. A skilled app developer will create a collection of simplified test cases for further optimization. This will allow them to determine whether the app is authorized.
Maintenance and Updates
To maintain an app is a constant process that requires staying current with emerging technology. To stay ahead of the rivals, its important take suggestions made by your users, implement the features they request, and fix any issues, if required.
Mobile and web app solutions from a strategic perspective helps in the growth and development of the company.
Neetable provides services:
Mobile app development
Web app development
Custom software development
Blockchain Development
UX UI design
QA and testing
Hire dedicated developers
Cloud computing
MVP development
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On Season 2 of @cnbctv18india and @intel present #FutureProofYourBusiness today renowned thought leaders shared insights on moving towards Digital India 2.0 - mega technology trends that will drive us into the future, role of emerging tech in healthcare especially during the pandemic, AI strategies of the Govt and the need for addressing concerns around data and human biases in AI, creating far more satisfying customer experiences in online education, harnessing the power of data and creating a far more inclusive nation. Coming 🔜 on @cnbctv18india 📺 On the panel: Prakash Mallya, VP & MD, Sales, Marketing and Communications Group, Intel India Dr. Sangita Reddy, Joint Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals Group @drsangitareddy @theapollohospitals Dr. V Kamakoti, Head of AI Task Force, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India Vamsi Krishna, CEO & Founder, Vedantu @radical.vamsi @vedantu_live_tutoring @vedantu_learns @life_vedantu @vedantu.official #digitaltransformation #digitaljourney #digitalindia #edutech2020 #edutech #healthtech #ai #ethics #valuebased #covid19 #emergingtech #machinelearning #cloudcomputing #blockchain #InternetOfThings #IoT #digitalindia2.0 #leaders #cnbctv18 #intel #digitalinfrastructure #digitalworld #newindia #poweroftechnology #emergingtech #datasecurity #data #datascience https://www.instagram.com/p/CFensuAJBFl/?igshid=15dyh86vy3daj
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Blockchain Training | Blockchain Technology Course | GKT
Gain 360 degree Blockchain Training in simple and plain English delivered by our seasoned trainers at Global Knowledge Technologies.
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PlusPin Healthcare raises Rs 5.25 Cr led by IAN
PlusPin Healthcare raises Rs 5.25 Cr led by IAN
Seed stage investment network Indian Angel Network, on Monday, said that it has led a funding round of Rs 5.25 crore in PlusPin Healthcare, which converts standalone pharmacies in micro-localities into one-stop destinations for basic healthcare needs.
Prominent IAN investors including Sanjay Jesrani, Dr Vinay Tulla, Dr Kiran Peddi, and Rajan Anandan, among others, participated in the funding…
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Get Digitally Ready in just 21 Days. Boost Your Career Today by learning the Skills of tommorow. We award Blockchain Verified Certificates. Learn about SEO, SEM, SMM, SMO, ASO, Mobile Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Proximity Marketing and more again. Includes more than 200 modules. Earn 10 certifications. Helpopedia EduTech is Digital Marketing Training Center in Navi Mumbai. Excellent Opportunity to Kick-Start your Career in Digital Marketing. Unlock Success with our Digital Marketing courses. Enroll Today
Website: https://www.helpopedia.com
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@helpopedia
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Some interesting statistics regarding the rise of Blockchain Jobs was published by one of the biggest job portals in the world. The number of Blockchain jobs increased by 631% from 2015 and it is still growing. Forecasts even suggest that global blockchain technology revenues will experience massive growth in the coming years, with the market expected to climb to over 23.3 billion U.S. dollars in size by 2023. The financial sector has been one of the quickest to invest in blockchain, with over 60 percent of the technology’s market value concentrated in this field. With such tremendous potential in the market and exponential growth in demand for talents in the coming years still many are unaware of the fact that What Exactly is Blockchain? There are very few to train and educate youth on this cutting edge technology.
Blocklogy is an e-Learning Platform initiated by KMPARDS, in order to educate and empower the youth across the globe towards next-gen technologies like Blockchain, Intelligent IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Ethical Hacking and more in an affordable cost. Blocklogy has been established for the last 2-years and is one of the leading training companies in Mumbai, that educate students efficiently on Futuristic Technologies.
Presently, learning material available for blockchain-like techs are only based on theory and do not have an amalgamation of Blockchain & Its real-time applications. And, skilling the youth about these futuristic technologies is the real social work, since these are the technologies that are going to survive in the future. So Blocklogy has identified and incorporated a few key elements in their road map that it delivers through the Center of Excellence:
Instructor-Led Diploma & Certification Courses on emerging technologies
Faculty Development Programs to upgrade the academicians on latest technologies
Internship Opportunities
Scholarship Programs
BootCamps to spread awareness of next-gen technologies
Industrial Visits for Practical Learning
International Conclaves & Summits for Business tie-ups and Collaborations
Looking at the industry demands, there is a need for skilled professionals in the field of Blockchain like techs, and if we look at the statistics closely, you`ll notice that India can easily produce Blockchain Developers to fill the demand. In fact, on the speed that the blockchain market is expanding, it is possible that India becomes the biggest hub of Blockchain Developers and other Emerging Technology professionals. Still, many freshers and students are unaware of the fact that what exactly blockchain & its global applications are. To educate students about Blockchain like tech; Blocklogy has visited 250+ Colleges and has been associated with multiple reputed universities from different states to make students future-ready with the help of various Collaborative Tech-events, Workshops, Scholarship & Internship Programs, FDPs, STTPs, and multiple seminars on the subject of Blockchain, Web 3.0, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Advance IoT, and more.
Blocklogy Edutech has issued 4000+ Participation/ Scholarship/ Workshop/ Course Completion Certificates on Blockchain using our new open-source platform CertiDApp, to encourage students. Education Institutions are the right place, to conduct training. Our goal is to identify those skillful students and give them the opportunity to learn and rise through our Scholarship & Internship Program
Apart from Blocklogy Programs to initiate students, Blocklogy has introduced, Blocklogy e-Learning App. It provides multiple courses such as; Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Ethical Hacking and Intelligent IoT with a user-friendly interface where learning is fun with simple and robust techniques. Blocklogy App provides a fun-filled interactive user experience with great infographics, videos and tech quizzes for a better understanding of the concepts. Hierarchies of modules are designed based on the level of knowledge an individual has; “Beginner”, “Intermediate” and “Expert”, this hierarchy system is implemented using various Belts and Levels to give learner knowledge from basic to expert level. On Blocklogy e-Learning App students also have access to the discussion forum where experts resolve all the doubts and queries on a daily basis.
Blocklogy`s Ongoing Initiatives:
Build In Blockchain e-Conclave 2020: In Collaboration with reputed Amity University, Mumbai, Blocklogy Edutech is organizing a conclave where Students, Startups, Entrepreneurs, Investors, Academicians, and Technocrats will be gathering to Learn, Discuss and Explore diverse opportunities Blockchain brings on the table. This conclave is focused on Industry-Academia Collaboration & Tie-ups for Blockchain-based solutions. Multiple firms, Organizations & Experts will be collaborating through Head-on Interactions and Keynote Sessions during this Build In Blockchain e-Conclave.
Center of Academic Excellence: Blocklogy is introducing Instructor Led-Training + Internship Opportunities, through its Center of Academic Excellence, for people who are interested in learning, blockchain technology and multiple emerging technologies from Beginners to Expert Level. Blocklogy is coming up with multiple Diploma & Certification Courses, these courses are for those who have no programming knowledge, yet would like to learn. Students will be learning form Subject matter experts during this 3+ Month course, using live projects and demonstration of multiple Blockchain & Its Application’s. A certificate for this course will be issued on Blockchain, which brings us to Blocklogy`s other initiative.
CertiDApp: Blocklogy developed an open-source platform called CertiDApp, where one can store & issue free certificates simply & securely on Blockchain. It lets you issue any kind of certificate you require, depends on your sector and requirements. For e.g. Scholarship, Rating, Course Completion, Participation and various kind of Certificates with custom data input and features of multiple digital signatures. With ECDSA Security, no one can fake a blockchain certificate. And, because of the decentralized nature of blockchain, CertiDApp becomes a Durable, Reliable, and Secured way of issuing certificates.
KMPARDS aims to spread awareness about Next-gen Technologies across the globe through the Blocklogy e-Learning Platform, based on these elements KMPARDS mission is to educate the concept of emerging and diverse techs, integrate it in the curriculum and get it incorporated as a subject for the new generation to thrive on. For 2020 our goal is to reach 27+ Cities and Educate & Provide Courses on these emerging subjects at affordable costs.
Mr. Tarun Baur the Founder & Director of Blocklogy Edutech Limited, believes that “what differentiates the communities from the businesses over time is their ability to grow and sustain.”
Meaning, one has to put their community first!
Visit site: https://www.blocklogy.org/
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Build In Blockchain e-Conclave 2020 @Amity University Mumbai
Blocklogy Edutech Private Limited (www.blocklogy.org) is very delighted to present Build in Blockchain e-Conclave 2020 in association with Amity University Mumbai (www.amity.edu) on 14th Mar 2020 in Mumbai – the financial hub of India.
Build-in Blockchain e-Conclave 2020 is a platform inviting Technology Disruptors, Forward-thinking start-ups, Top Blockchain influencer, Leaders from IT & ITES, Investors and Academic Institutions to come together under one roof. Become part of the Conclave & experience the views of Likeminded Professionals exploring and exchanging ideas on various Emerging technologies such as Blockchain, Web 3.0 applications, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, and Data analytics. The conclave will be a day event of Sharing Best Practices, making new connections and building relationships. This Conclave invites diversified thought leaders, new technologies and world-class exemplars to share how business is disrupting our world & changing lives for the betterment of the society.
Ragister here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/build-in-blockchain-e-concalve-2020-tickets-92357262057?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
For more info visit site: https://blocklogy.org/
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Top 50 IT Companies In India
vDoIT Technologies Pvt. Ltd. comes under the Top 50 IT Companies In India and offers all top-notch assistance like Custom Software Solutions, Enterprise Business solutions, Heathtech, Fintech, Edutech, Sportstech, blockchain, and other IT-related administrations to businesses around the world.
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