#Black lagoon Le Majeur
ashitakaxsan · 2 years
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Le Majeur chan has made it:) She’s incorporated in Black lagoon cast,on the good side of Rockevy.And i do like her:She’s tomboyish,beautiful with pretty, curvacious body:)
Le Majeur is of modest personality, loyal to friends and others who help her. When her confidante the first L'auriculaire dies Majeur feels resentful over her death,indicting Le Pouce for it and not forgeting the issue.She also has a tranquil mentality, as well as calmly listening to japanese music. Plus le majeur imo is precisely translated “The mayor”,not middle finger.
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rocknroll7575 · 3 months
Could be worse. At least Jaune ain't dating someone in her line of work. Imagine Balalaika finding out that he was dating someone like Cinder or Emerald.
Jaune: You kidding? She'd be disappointed if I dated someone like Fall since she's just some stuck-up сука acting like she's the smartest person in the room... as for Emerald, Mom kind of likes her, though Mom does have someone lined up for me... though I don't know if they like me...
Le Majeur: Hm?
Revy: What?
Le Majeur: I felt like someone was talking about me sis
Revy: *Smiles* Maybe it was Jaune~!
Le Majeur: *Looks away* Perhaps...
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bob-tumbluh-land · 3 months
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Smiling Lagoon
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Okay so, Black Lagoon Chapter 116 - Balalaika is shown with a new look, all retro, and she is a casino owner now? (hmm she made Le Majeur dress up like a bunny for her) But what is going on with this new design - the meek expression and soft dialogue? Making her stick thin without muscle, aging her down like 20 years?
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Whichever assistant drew this, pls, where is the tired, physically strong, teeth-baring B who runs the underworld?
How did we go from this
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To this?
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reality-liver-n0 · 1 year
This is going to be my worst post to date (in my opinion)
But after the anguish and turmoil that has hit Balalaika fans after her appearence in the latest chapter like her lack of muscle/strength that we know she unleashed on Rock, the fading of her scars, and other things I decided to investigate myself to see how much she changed.
The majority of these pictures are from the anime. Sad, I know, and hopefully once I find the direct panel from the manga that mirrors it I will edit or add more to this post.
I will start this by saying that Anime Balalaika is an absolute fucking unit. Like reviewing the pictures I realized that she's built like a very beautiful Russian tank and that is really the best description here.
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Do you see what I mean? It's most likely the coat but still, it has to touch her shoulders to even drape.
Although, it depends on the scene as she can be like this too
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Her shoulders are less defined and aren't quite as cut as the top ones but her muscle is there at least.
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Above is the Virgin Rock as physical comparision
She's obviously fucking built way beyond his physique and she knows it. She corners him in or crosses her arms while his remain at his side as he tries to be unaffected. And honestly, kudos to him. He stood pretty strong in this scene and I think he knew he had to do that to even try and talk on her level.
I mean we've seen what happens when he doesn't. Disclaimers ahead, Rock is in for a rough ride. I on the other hand, laughed my ass off when I took these screenshots.
Also, here is what I personally think went through Balalaika's head in each scene and the progression of it.
% Anger Level - Annoyance
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Jesus Christ, he's on this bullshit again. Sounds like one of those family dogs I keep having to put down.
% Anger Level - Frustrated
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Maybe if I make it clear I'm pissed right now he'll have some sense left in him. If he says one more word I am going to make him the hood ornament for the car.
% Anger Level - Hostility
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Just looking at this cigarerette is giving me an idea. I could just throw him like I could with this. Sooner or later he'll be stepped on; fire dying out.
% Anger Level - Rage
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I'm certain his face will never change in his casket
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With one strike I could gouge his eyes out. Maybe then he'll see justice.
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You've sealed your fate Rock. Now you'll suffer the death of a true hero.
(Woohoo! 🎉You passed the slideshow and now I'll do my commetary. Here's a Boris photo as a reward.)
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This is the face he wanted to make right when Rock started talking.
Anyway, I must have forgotten just how Balalaika threw Rock since I took those screenshots. I knew that she did it but somehow forgot that she did it with one arm. Or at least how much power she put into flinging him like a ragdoll. LIke she fucking lifted him in the air with one hand and with a single move had him on the hood in split seconds.
Here's a funny picture I caught mid-shot as well
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His feet aren't touching the ground. He's fully straight as if he didn't have have a second to take it in, meanwhile his hands are just open and it's like he forgot he was even alive. No doubt, he had a vision that when Balalaika even reached for him that she just punted him to the afterlife.
Meanwhile, I cannot imagine the raw terror Revy must have felt seeing this happen.
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She is scared as hell here. Keep in mind that this entire exchange she can't see Balalaika's face or Rock's. Both their backs are to her until Balalaika throws Rock. Still, I doubt that she really could've seen him past Balalaika's frame. Meanwhile, she's probabaly just processing that Balalaika's strong enough to do what she just did. Most likely she already knew she has a lot of physical power, I mean look at her, but this is the first time she's seen it and it happened to the worst person possible.
I can fully say that Balalaika is a fucking beast in hand-to-hand combat with the body to match it. And this is only focusing on her throwing Rock! She already snapped a neck by this point. Rock saw that and again, he does have some courage or maybe stupidity to even do this since he saw that with his own eyes.
Revy hasn't. And I don't think Rock told her, at least not until he knew they were back in Roanapur and safe. He was still traumatized by it too so chances are he is suffering some recurring nightmare of it. To top it off, this event alone was so visceral in his mind that he draws a direct comparaision to Chang, symbolizing how truly helpess he was.
With all that out of the way here isthe recent manga depiction of Balalaika
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(no comment needed)
Here are the earlier depictions of her in the previous chapters. All the thanks to @crystallinee-waters and @progmanx for the posts concerning the chapters and the usual girlboss stuff 💅
Love you two for that
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In conclusion the only explanation for this is that Chang used his CIA connnections (Eda) to tamper with the latest chapter to make himself look cooler. And I guess he had enough mercy to include Rock in that upgrade too, for whatever reason.
Hero of the chapter was definitely Le Majeur
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Homegirl got sacraficed by Balalaika to the gays
Which will probabaly be another cursed post sometime in the future with the Holy Trinity (Balalaika, Revy and Le Majeur)
✊ They're staying strong and holding down the series' reperesentation of the ABC Mafia
(😔 not canonically tho only Le Majeur has officially come out, or got outed by her comrade. But then Revy saved her ass and definitely did not hear anything and now does not knows what Le Majeur really is.)
A homosexual 🌈
Okay. I think I'm finally done with this, and I went off the rails by the end but this post now exists so I will return to my secluded hole 🕳️
(Forgot to add buff Revy too, so here she is)
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She can be both happy and mad but she's still jacked af (and silently judging you at all times because of your gayness)
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slowlypalewinner · 8 months
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colorfulfoxengineer · 9 months
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prnsn001 · 9 months
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Black Lagoon, Vol. 12
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izzidane · 6 months
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From the Manga.
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randee0 · 1 year
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original artist: @mag_aleg on Telegram
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ashitakaxsan · 2 years
A new girl joins in there:Le Majeur.
The previous arc of Black Lagoon,”L’Homme Sombre” brought us hints regarding the mysterious leader of the pirates,Dutch. With the all girls commando team hunting down the Black man,who participated in a failed coup attempt in Nigeria.
And when L’Auriculaire decided to get rid off Le Majeur  it seemed “wise”.It wasn’t!It was a so STUPID decision.Le majeur was shot on her left eye,bleeding....Would she die?
NO,Rockevy treated her in a very Nice way.Revy chan proved to be Effective talker.Once she heard it from Revy ”you know who shot you.Don’t you?”she understood she was discarded bby her “comrades”,to die.
She made up her mind to join against the treacherous team.She did so.
Now she’s get’s accustomed to Roanapur,with the great deal of courtesy of Rockevy.
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The chemistry between Rockevy and Le Majeur is Wonderful.Wow,Le Majeur chan is a Cute girl:) I say a Kudos to Hiroe sensei for this Great Work he’s making:)
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rocknroll7575 · 3 months
What about Neo; how’s her relationship with Hotel Moscow.
She's just as afraid of them as Roman because, while she hasn't Met Balalaika or Boris, but has had a run-in with Revy and Le Majeur, who she knows are mostly employed by Hotel Moscow, and nearly has been killed by them
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rokurookajima · 2 years
most recent black lagoon chapter really has
1. rock answering the door with revy in bed unclothed behind him…. HELLO?!
2. revy adopting a daughter
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crystallinee-waters · 2 years
Chapter 113 of Black Lagoon is just 50% Balalaika compromising for Revy’s sake, admitting she will “play along” for her and agrees to let her keep her new war criminal gal pal and Revy in return promising she will kill Le Majeur for her if she betrays Balalaika, and 50% Revy being chivalry and flirty with Le Majeur and takes care of her for two entire chapters. Black Lagoon, aka ✨ Gals Being Pals ✨ .
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(Credit for scans: ACF team)
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reality-liver-n0 · 1 year
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