#Bitcoin price increase
dencyemily · 8 months
Market Dynamics Unveiled: Bitcoin Miners' Signals Trigger Surge in MPI to 9.43
Bitcoin, the pioneer of digital currencies, is undergoing a significant shift in its market dynamics, marked by a surge in its Miners' Position Index (MPI) to 9.43. This surge indicates an increased movement of Bitcoin to exchanges, signaling potential sales by miners. The MPI, a crucial indicator shedding light on miner behavior, is closely monitored by cryptocurrency analysts. As miners control a substantial portion of circulating Bitcoin, their decision to sell can impact market supply, potentially exerting downward pressure on prices.
The BTC/USD pair has been grappling with the critical $45,000 threshold, currently hovering around $42,700. This suggests a hesitant market momentum following a recent downturn in the cryptocurrency market. The surge in the MPI after a correction in Bitcoin's price underscores miners' intent to capitalize on prevailing market conditions or cover operational costs. This development emphasizes the influential role miners play in shaping Bitcoin's market dynamics and the potential ripple effect on prices.
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mariacallous · 2 months
When former US president Donald Trump announced a plan to establish a national “bitcoin stockpile” if he is reelected, the crowd at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, Tennessee, erupted into a fit of celebration. The frontrunner in the upcoming election was speaking their language.
“For too long, the government has violated the cardinal rule that every bitcoiner knows by heart: Never sell your bitcoin,” said Trump during his speech on Saturday, pausing briefly to bathe in the applause. “It will be the policy of my administration to keep 100 percent of all bitcoin the US government currently holds or acquires into the future.”
The US government is reportedly sitting on upwards of 210,000 bitcoin—worth around $14 billion—seized from hackers and through various law enforcement activity. That stash, said Trump, would become “the core of the strategic national bitcoin stockpile.” Republican senator Cynthia Lummis, of Wyoming, later proposed legislation that would see the US government amass 1 million bitcoin under Trump.
Any stockpiling plan would benefit bitcoin owners, if only because it would stop the US government depressing the price of the cryptocurrency by flooding the market with its coins in a sale. Trump implied that stockpiling bitcoin, an asset considered by its proponents to be anti-inflationary by virtue of its capped supply, would also help the government to “end the inflation nightmare that this administration [led by Joe Biden] has created.” Senator Lummis later spelled out his thinking, saying, “We need to create a brighter future for generations of Americans by diversifying into bitcoin.”
But stockpiling bitcoin has little merit, economists say. “I see no [economic benefit],” says James Angel, an economist at Georgetown University specializing in financial markets. “The tangible benefit is that it will get bitcoin maxis to vote for Trump. If you believe in Trumpism, that would be the benefit.”
The idea that an investment in bitcoin will offset losses in spending power to inflation is contingent, says Angel, on two shaky assumptions: that the price of bitcoin will rise and, second, that the government would be able to at some stage sell bitcoin back into US dollars without tipping the market into a nosedive. “The government will push the price up by buying bitcoin, so it will look like it has made a lot of money, but the minute it actually starts to sell the bitcoin to take profits, it will push the price right back down again,” says Angel.
Though Trump is initially proposing a moratorium on selling bitcoin already in the possession of the US government, he loosely implied the US would increase the size of its position over time, too. If Trump were to expand the bitcoin stockpile, he would need to locate funds with which to acquire the additional coins. But the readily available options—to increase taxes, take on debt, or print US dollars—are incompatible with the ambition to drive down inflation and national debt, or pledges made by Trump to reduce taxation. Senator Lummis is reportedly set to propose that purchases be funded partly using money that will be added to the US central bank’s balance sheet after the valuation of gold stores is updated to reflect the going market rate. “The money has to come from somewhere,” says Angel.
Even if Trump were to restrict the reserve to bitcoin seized through law enforcement activity, his administration must also weigh up the opportunity cost associated with holding onto bitcoin. Whereas some assets such as bonds generate a consistent income stream for holders, bitcoin does not, making it expensive to hold.
“The question comes down to what the government would get out of the hoards of bitcoin it would be holding,” says George Selgin, director emeritus for the Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives at the Cato Institute, a US think tank that promotes libertarian principles. The US government has periodically auctioned off the bitcoin confiscated through law enforcement activity. But in choosing to sit on the bitcoin it possesses, “it is failing to realize the market value, which it could apply to any number of other uses, from writing down the federal debt, to paying for other government programs,” says Selgin.
Though Selgin is a proponent of bitcoin for its independence from state control, he opposes the US government speculating on its price on behalf of citizens. “Governments are not particularly astute investors,” says Selgin. “Having the government act on behalf of citizens as some kind of investment trust or mutual fund doesn’t make much sense.”
During his speech in Nashville, Trump namechecked a range of high-profile bitcoiners, including Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, who founded crypto trading platform Gemini, thanking them for their guidance. Afterward, Tyler took to X to celebrate Trump’s plan and congratulate the organizer of the conference for having “orange-pilled” the former president.
But while it is popular with holders of large amounts of bitcoin and industry executives, the ambition to establish a bitcoin stockpile could come at a cost to most everyone else, particularly if the government were to expand its existing holdings, says Michael Green, chief strategist at asset management firm Simplify.
“The only possible way for the US government to buy bitcoin is from existing holders,” says Green. “But if the government uses tax revenues [or issues bonds] in order to buy bitcoin, it creates a situation in which the taxpayer is subsidizing an extraordinarily small subset. Ultimately, you’re talking about creating exit liquidity for a small subset of the population.” It would be like the US government promising to pay over the odds for real estate in California, says Green, but no other state. “This is not materially different,” he says.
The larger the government’s pot of bitcoin, meanwhile, the more beholden it would become to those who maintain the underlying network—the bitcoin mining companies—whose job is to process transactions and shield the network from attack. Effectively, the bitcoin mining industry would become “another special interest group,” says Green, “that the US government would have to step in and bail out” in the event that the sector—renowned for its sensitivity to various factors beyond its control—were to wobble.
Neither Trump nor Lummis responded to a request for comment on the criticisms made against the bitcoin stockpile plan.
Whether Trump intends to carry out the plan to establish a bitcoin stockpile is a separate question. “Trump is a master demagogue, appealing to the emotions of the crowd. It’s pure electioneering,” says Angel. “I think the plan will probably go the way of Trump Airline, Trump Casino, and Trump University.” That is to say, nowhere.
The members of the bitcoin industry were not blind to the fact that Trump was making a pitch for their vote. It is “historic” for Trump to consider bitcoin important enough to warrant campaigning around, says Jameson Lopp, an early bitcoiner and founder of crypto custody business Casa, who attended the conference. But “the way he spoke to us was pretty clearly pandering,” he says. “It felt like he was kind of speaking down.” Though Trump has previously dismissed bitcoin as a “scam,” he has now “realized that it can be beneficial to him,” says Lopp. “He can gain a new, potentially substantial bloc of single-issue voters.”
Trump was not the only person courting bitcoin fans with promises to take a semipermanent stake in the market. At the same conference, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running against Trump in the election as an independent, presented a more gung-ho plan: The country would acquire 4 million coins—practically 20 percent of the total supply—if he were president.
In that context, the pledges in Nashville were of greater significance as a signal, says Selgin, than for their actual contents. After a period under the Biden administration in which crypto businesses have been targeted, they claim unfairly, by regulatory bodies in the US, the pitches by Trump and others were an attempt to send the general message, says Selgin, “that bitcoin is no longer the enemy.”
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darkmaga-retard · 2 months
John Ellis
Aug 05, 2024
1. Stock markets tumbled on Monday, with Japanese shares at one point exceeding their 1987 "Black Monday" loss, as fears of a U.S. recession sent investors fleeing from risk while wagering that rate cuts would be needed to rescue growth. The safe haven yen and Swiss franc surged, as crowded carry trades unravelled, sparking speculation that some investors were unloading profitable trades to get money to cover losses elsewhere. Such was the torrent of selling that circuit breakers were triggered on stock exchanges across Asia. (Source: reuters.com)
2. Taiwan stocks ended down 8.4% on Monday, a record slump, with tech stocks including TSMC plunging as investors sold off one of Asia's top performing markets this year, spooked by a poor outlook for global tech stocks and the U.S. economy. The main index shed 1,807.21 points, its worst one-day percentage fall, to close at 19,830.88, the lowest level since April 23. The decline was fuelled by a sell-off in tech, and then spread more broadly as the index dipped below the key 20,000 level. (Source: reuters.com)
3. Earlier today, South Korea's stock market marked its worst session since the global financial crisis of 2008, with trading curbs activated for the first time in four years, as tech stocks slumped amid U.S. recession fears. The benchmark KOSPI stock index ended the session down 8.8% at 2,441.55, its biggest percentage fall since Oct. 24, 2008. During the session, the KOSPI fell as much as 10.8%, triggering circuit breakers for the first time since March 2020, which are trading curbs activated when the index falls or rises more than 8% and halts trading of stocks and derivatives for 20 minutes. (Source: reuters.com)
4. A closely watched measure of expected US stock market turbulence surged to its highest level in almost four years today as a global stock sell-off gathered pace. The Vix index of expected volatility in the S&P 500 — commonly known as Wall Street’s “fear gauge” — rose to as much as 41.8 points by morning in London to its highest level since November 2020, breaking above an intraday peak in March 2023 following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. The Vix measures the price of options that enable investors to profit from swings in the S&P 500. (Source: ft.com)
5. U.S. pension funds are beginning to explore investments around bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, a move that could expose millions of former teachers, police officers, firefighters and other retirees to the wild ups and downs of a largely unregulated financial product. In at least five states, industry lobbyists have aggressively hawked the idea, aiming to woo local lawmakers with the promise that digital assets can deliver sky-high profits — often without fully acknowledging the possible risks. The emerging sales campaign contrasts with the broad warnings in Washington that investing in cryptocurrency could leave retirees’ life savings vulnerable to “fraud, theft and loss.” (Source: washingtonpost.com)
6. After more than a decade as a recurring tea-time conversation topic, the delay in retirement is nearing reality in China, set to impact over 500 million workers as the country grapples with a rapidly aging population. The five-year reform blueprint, released last month following a key Communist Party gathering, includes a commitment to raise the retirement age. According to the resolution adopted at the Third Plenum of the party’s 20th Central Committee, China will gradually increase the statutory retirement age based on the principle of “voluntary participation with appropriate flexibility.” For the first time, a key policy document outlines the principles of the reform, fueling expectations that the decade-long initiative will soon be implemented. (Source: caixinglobal.com)
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vophuocthien · 2 months
How to Ride the Uptrend and Maximize Profits
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Capitalizing on a market uptrend can significantly increase your investment returns. Read on for practical tips to navigate market movements and optimize your profits. Start improving your investment strategy today!
How to Predict the Uptrend?
Predicting exactly when the market will experience an uptrend is challenging. Even if experts anticipate an uptrend soon, the exact timing—whether in 2024, 2025, or beyond—remains uncertain. 
The real challenge lies in avoiding premature profit-taking that could cause you to miss out on gains, while also not holding investments too long and risking losses when the market turns.
So, how can we navigate these challenges and maximize our gains during an uptrend? Here are some strategies to consider:
Focus on Your Goals
Monitoring market movements is not sufficient on its own. It’s crucial to establish clear financial goals. Attempting to buy at the absolute lowest and sell at the highest points is an impractical approach since it’s impossible to precisely predict the end of an uptrend. 
Instead, set clear, achievable targets that align with your financial objectives. This approach will guide you in making well-informed decisions rather than chasing market trends.
Use the Four-Year Cycle
The four-year cycle remains a dependable framework for anticipating market movements, even though minor deviations can occur. This cycle can help guide your profit-taking strategy, allowing you to gauge the mid-phase of an uptrend. 
Utilizing a dollar-cost averaging (DCA) approach, particularly from late 2024 to Q3 2025, can be beneficial. DCA involves consistently investing a fixed amount, which mitigates the risk of buying at peak prices manipulated by market whales. For those preferring a safer strategy, DCA can be an effective way to spread investment risk over time.
Stick to Your Strategy
Maintaining a well-defined and disciplined strategy is crucial. This disciplined approach helps you stay focused and avoid making emotional decisions driven by market volatility.
Adhering to your plan, even amidst market fluctuations, is key to successful profit-taking. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your strategy based on your goals and market conditions can also enhance your decision-making process.
Diversify Your Investments
Diversification is a time-tested strategy to manage risk and enhance profit potential. While applying DCA to established assets like Bitcoin, consider diversifying your portfolio by holding presale tokens such as $BUSAI or participating in airdrops. 
Presale tokens are often available at lower prices, offering potential high returns with reduced initial investment. Diversification spreads your risk across various assets, reducing the impact of any single asset’s performance on your overall portfolio.
In today’s crowded presale landscape, distinguishing between genuine opportunities and scams is crucial. For example, the meme AI project BUSAI is gaining significant attention, but don’t let the hype cloud your judgment.
Before diving in, it's vital to thoroughly examine the whitepaper, tokenomics, and the project's backers. If your research checks out, it could be worth considering.
BUSAI stands out with its impressive ecosystem and strategic tokenomics. Its innovative features, such as the interact-and-earn and staking rewards, set it apart from typical meme tokens.
Its tokenomics emphasizing substantial presale, marketing, and liquidity allocations, the project shows strong growth potential. Additionally, BUSAI’s focus on community engagement and cutting-edge technology makes it a distinctive and promising investment in the evolving crypto arena.
By following these guidelines, you can navigate the uptrend effectively and avoid common pitfalls. Stay focused, be disciplined, and make informed decisions to achieve your financial goals.
BUSAI Official Channel: Website | Twitter | Telegram 
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ecosmining · 2 months
What Equipment to Use for Mining Bitcoin Profitably After the Halving?
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In April 2024, the next Bitcoin halving took place. The reward for mining one block was reduced by 50% and is now 3.125 BTC. Due to this, some may begin to doubt mining — will this activity continue to bring in a decent income? Based on our extensive experience, we can confidently say that mining can and should remain profitable even after the halving. In this article, we will discuss how to organize Bitcoin mining most rationally and what equipment to choose for this.
Bitcoin Price Will Definitely Rise After the Halving
Since the launch of the first cryptocurrency, its halving has occurred approximately every four years. In 2024, this happened for the fifth time. Throughout all these years, the price of BTC, its market capitalization, and audience have steadily increased. The popularity of mining is also growing, and new technologies are being developed to increase its efficiency.
The person or team behind Bitcoin came up with halving to control inflation and maintain demand for the coin. Halving benefits Bitcoin and in no way deprives miners of their well-deserved reward. The rarer the asset, the higher its value — this rule works after each halving. That’s why starting mining right now is an excellent idea.
Three Secrets to Keep Mining Profitable
To make money mining BTC after its halving in 2024, you need to:
Buy or rent the latest generation equipment
Reduce expenses
Find a reliable hosting provider
Let’s take a closer look at all these points.
Today, one of the best ASICs for mining Bitcoin is the Antminer 21 series. It stands out for its high hashing power combined with relatively modest energy consumption. The Antminer 21 significantly outperforms miners of previous generations. The manufacturer of this series, Bitmain, is one of the most well-known in the industry. This is a reliable brand with a very strong team, extremely popular among crypto professionals.
To increase revenue, you can purchase multiple devices and combine them into a mining farm. However, this may require too high initial costs. Additionally, you will need to find a place to host the equipment. It not only consumes a lot of energy but also makes a lot of noise. To reduce the noise level, you can buy ASICs with a water cooling system — but they are more expensive than regular ones.
To cut costs, you can rent a miner instead of buying it. Remote providers can afford the most modern ASICs. You will be able to choose one or several machines with suitable characteristics. The provider will take care of the installation, maintenance, and repair of the equipment. Their staff has all the necessary knowledge and skills. Your involvement in mining will be minimal, and you will be able to receive truly passive income.
Another option is to try cloud mining, a more modern and accessible alternative. You will be renting not an ASIC but hashing power. First, you will purchase a contract on the most comfortable terms for you. After that, your task will be reduced to regularly transferring the commission to the provider — and they will take care of everything else. You will start receiving income on the rise in the price of Bitcoin. If you want to increase your profits, you can buy multiple contracts.
Each halving forces mining providers to rethink their strategies and optimize their activities. Some of those who cannot cope with these tasks close down. That’s why it’s important to check the provider’s history — the longer they have been in business, the better.
The second important parameter is customer reviews. It’s not a problem if some of them are negative — the main thing is that the majority are positive. The contract terms of a good provider are detailed and transparent. The support service is polite, informed, and responds promptly to customer inquiries.
ECOS meets all the criteria of a first-class provider for remote mining. This company is located in the free economic zone of Armenia, where cryptocurrencies are legal, and miners are exempt from taxes for 25 years. The Razdan power plant provides stable access to cheap energy. The security of the territory where the equipment is located is guaranteed by armed guards. The equipment downtime is close to zero. If an ASIC breaks down, it will be promptly repaired on-site, without wasting time sending it to the manufacturer’s service center.
ECOS clients can choose a cloud mining contract from existing options or create their own, individual one. The selection of equipment rental or purchase options is also very large. Clients appreciate ECOS for its transparent terms, reasonable prices, and quality service. This is an ideal provider for beginner miners who are just taking their first steps in the industry. Experienced miners note the exceptional reliability of ECOS, honesty, and timely payment of rewards.
ECOS Client Case
To confirm the above theory, let’s consider a real case of one of the ECOS clients. Let’s denote him by the nickname anto******duate.org.
Immediately after the previous halving in 2020, he bought an Antminer T17 for $699. The hashing speed of this miner was 38 terahashes per second. Four years ago, this model was considered advanced, one of the best on the market.
From November 25, 2020, to November 1, 2021, anto******duate.org earned 0.08026213 BTC with his Antminer T17, which in fiat currency amounted to $5,327. Hosting and miner maintenance costs were only $1,080. The client received a net profit of $3,548. Mining turned out to be a more profitable activity for him than buying bitcoins. If he had bought bitcoins, his profit would have been only $2,900.
To estimate your upcoming expenses and profits, you can use the calculator on the ECOS website. We hope that with the help of this tool, you will see that mining BTC can still be profitable even after the halving!
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harinibw · 3 months
Bitcoin, the leading cryptocurrency, has recently faced a significant downturn, trading around $56,697.32. Despite this bearish phase, there are signs of a potential rebound. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) stands at 28.41, indicating oversold conditions typically seen as buying opportunities. Candlestick patterns with long lower shadows suggest buying pressure at lower levels, hinting at a price reversal.
Influential analyst CryptoJack is optimistic, predicting Bitcoin will surpass $100,000 despite the current downturn. He believes Bitcoin is near its bottom, aligning with technical indicators suggesting an oversold market.
Market data from CoinMarketCap shows Bitcoin’s market cap at $1.12 trillion, a 2.63% increase in one day, while the 24-hour trading volume has decreased by 38.03% to $31.91 billion, indicating consolidation. Traders are cautious, but the oversold RSI and bullish patterns support the possibility of a rebound. Watching for signs of reversal could signal the start of a recovery phase.
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unpluggedfinancial · 8 days
How the SEC’s Rumored Rate Cut Could Supercharge Bitcoin’s Momentum
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The financial world is buzzing with rumors about the upcoming SEC meeting on September 18th. Analysts are speculating that we could see a significant interest rate cut—potentially a full 50 basis points. If this happens, it could ripple through markets worldwide, but one sector that stands to gain the most attention is Bitcoin.
In times of economic turbulence, Bitcoin has continuously proven itself to be an asset that defies traditional expectations. The upcoming SEC meeting may represent yet another turning point in its already fascinating evolution.
The Ripple Effect of Interest Rate Cuts on Traditional Markets
To understand why this is significant, it’s important to look at how interest rates influence traditional financial systems. When rates are high, borrowing becomes expensive, dampening consumer spending and corporate investment. Conversely, a rate cut encourages spending, stimulates investment, and injects liquidity into the markets.
Historically, interest rate cuts have caused stocks and bonds to rally. However, with rising inflation and increasing uncertainty in fiat currencies, many investors are questioning how long traditional markets can sustain their growth without inflating a massive bubble. This is where Bitcoin enters the picture as a hedge against economic instability.
Why Bitcoin Benefits from Lower Interest Rates
Bitcoin, often dubbed "digital gold," thrives in an environment of financial uncertainty. When central banks pump liquidity into the market by lowering interest rates, the excess capital needs somewhere to go. While traditional assets like stocks or real estate may rally in the short term, they are still tethered to an inflationary system.
Bitcoin, by contrast, operates on scarcity. Its fixed supply of 21 million coins makes it a deflationary asset, immune to the debasement seen in fiat currencies. When interest rates are cut, and more money flows into the economy, Bitcoin becomes increasingly attractive as a hedge against inflation.
Look back at early 2020: interest rate cuts across the board as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic saw a flood of liquidity enter the financial system. Not only did traditional markets recover, but Bitcoin's price surged to record highs, further solidifying its status as a store of value in uncertain times. A similar scenario may unfold following this rumored rate cut.
How This Potential Rate Cut Might Impact Bitcoin’s Price
If the SEC cuts interest rates by 50 basis points, it could trigger a similar injection of liquidity into global markets, causing a surge in speculative and institutional investment into Bitcoin. Lower interest rates often lead to a decrease in bond yields and traditional savings account returns, prompting investors to seek better returns elsewhere. With inflation rising, Bitcoin’s status as a hedge becomes even more compelling.
Furthermore, as the Fed continues to shift monetary policies to avoid a recession, more people are losing faith in fiat currencies. Bitcoin, with its decentralized nature and inherent scarcity, is increasingly seen as a safe haven during these periods of monetary manipulation.
This rate cut could bring a new wave of institutional buyers who recognize that traditional assets are over-leveraged and potentially overvalued. They may turn to Bitcoin as a hedge against continued inflation and fiat devaluation, adding more momentum to its upward trajectory.
Mitigating Volatility with a Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) Strategy
While Bitcoin’s potential for growth is significant, it’s also known for its volatility. Sudden price fluctuations can be daunting for both new and experienced investors. This is where a Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) strategy becomes crucial.
DCA involves investing a fixed amount of money into Bitcoin at regular intervals, regardless of the asset’s price. By spreading out your investment over time, you reduce the risk of buying large amounts at a market peak and capitalize on market dips. This method helps smooth out the highs and lows of Bitcoin’s price movements and reduces the emotional stress that often accompanies trying to time the market.
In the long term, DCA allows investors to accumulate more Bitcoin at a lower average cost. It is a disciplined, low-risk approach to building wealth in Bitcoin, particularly useful in times of market uncertainty—like the potential market shift following the SEC's interest rate decision.
Bitcoin’s historical price volatility can be a deterrent to those not used to the crypto space, but a DCA strategy ensures that you keep building your position over time, regardless of short-term price swings. In the end, consistent accumulation of Bitcoin is a strategy that has proven to pay off for patient investors.
What This Means for the Bigger Picture
The SEC’s potential decision could be a pivotal moment in the ongoing adoption of Bitcoin. With inflation pressures looming, many people are looking for alternatives to protect their wealth. Centralized financial systems continue to show signs of fragility, and Bitcoin offers a way out—a decentralized, censorship-resistant alternative to fiat currencies.
In a world where central banks are losing control of their monetary policies, Bitcoin represents a beacon of financial independence. Every rate cut further highlights the cracks in the existing financial system, and each one brings Bitcoin closer to mainstream acceptance.
Conclusion: Preparing for What’s Next
September 18th could mark a major turning point in both traditional markets and the Bitcoin ecosystem. If the SEC moves forward with the rumored rate cut, expect a ripple effect that will send Bitcoin into another wave of adoption and price appreciation. As we’ve seen in previous market cycles, Bitcoin thrives when the rules of fiat finance begin to falter.
For Bitcoiners, this moment reinforces the importance of staying the course. While short-term market fluctuations can be nerve-wracking, the long-term trajectory is clear: Bitcoin is the future of money, and its value proposition strengthens as centralized systems continue to stumble. This potential rate cut is just one more chapter in the ongoing story of Bitcoin’s inevitable rise.
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novagad · 20 days
What is best time for crypto trading?
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There are no general rules about when to buy cryptocurrencies. It's usually not a good idea to buy at the top of a bubble, and it's usually not a good idea to buy when the price is falling. As the wisdom of the merchant goes, never take the knife off. The best time can be when the price is stable at a low level.
Cryptocurrency trading is a broad topic and determining exactly when a crypto bubble is in place and when it will burst is not an exact science. Today it is difficult to answer questions that are easy to see. Sometimes a coin starts to rise and once it crosses a major historical resistance line, many believe that the bubble has peaked when the real recovery is just beginning.
For example, few people buy $1,000 worth of bitcoins or $100 worth of Ether because the price seems too high to them. But after a few years, those prices seem like a bargain that won't hit the market again.
This is definitely not financial advice, but some general guidelines to help you decide when to invest include:
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Don't compare the crypto bubble with a traditional bubble in mainstream finance. A ten percent increase or decrease in the value of a cryptocurrency can fluctuate daily. It may be a 100% bubble, but often it's just the beginning. 1000 percent chance it's a bubble, but it's not guaranteed to burst.
Don't buy it just because it's in the water. It can be different, so it takes time to observe the changing situation.
Don't buy it because you're afraid it will explode tomorrow. Be informed and buy when you are sure of your entry point.
Don't fall for reactive selling or "paper hands". Selling too early will ruin your plan and can hurt your ROI. Impose. Diamond hand. The money revolution has just begun.
With Fiordintel you can secure your crypto wallet with our advanced cryptography security solutions. keep your accounts safe from all forms of cyber infiltrations. You can also inform them about any kind of scam related to cryptocurrency and hopefully they will try their best to help you. For more info: go DM me.
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jesszavala1 · 1 month
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Bitcoin, the world's most well-known and debated cryptocurrency, has come a long way since its creation in 2009. In its more than ten years of existence, it has gone from being a technological curiosity to a high-value financial asset, and its price has fluctuated dramatically. As Bitcoin reaches the 57,000-dollar mark, many are wondering: What's next? Is Bitcoin preparing for a big move that we should know about? This article explores the current reality of Bitcoin, its potential future movements, and the factors that could influence its price.
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The Rise of Bitcoin
To understand the present and future of Bitcoin, it is important to remember its history. Bitcoin was created by an entity or group of people under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The idea behind Bitcoin was to create a decentralized digital currency that did not rely on any central authority, such as a bank or government.
Since its creation, Bitcoin has gone through several stages. Initially, it was mainly used by technology and cryptography enthusiasts. However, as its value began to increase, it attracted the attention of investors and speculators. In 2017, Bitcoin reached a price of nearly 20,000 dollars, only to dramatically fall in the following months. However, interest in Bitcoin did not wane, and in 2020 and 2021, the price of Bitcoin began to rise again, reaching new all-time highs.
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Bitcoin at 57K: What Does It Mean?
At the time of writing this article, the price of Bitcoin has reached 57,000 dollars. This price is significant for several reasons. First, it shows that Bitcoin has gained wider acceptance as a legitimate financial asset. Large companies, such as Tesla and MicroStrategy, have invested billions of dollars in Bitcoin, and many traditional financial institutions have begun offering cryptocurrency-related services to their clients.
Second, the current price of Bitcoin reflects growing confidence in its future. As more people and institutions adopt Bitcoin, its value as a store of value and medium of exchange increases. However, it is important to remember that the price of Bitcoin remains extremely volatile and can change quickly.
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Factors Influencing the Price of Bitcoin
To better understand the future of Bitcoin, it is useful to consider the factors that can influence its price. These factors include:
1. Institutional Adoption
As mentioned earlier, the institutional adoption of Bitcoin has been an important factor in its price increase. When large companies and financial institutions invest in Bitcoin, this not only increases demand but also provides greater legitimacy to the asset. Additionally, institutional adoption can lead to more infrastructure and services related to Bitcoin, making it easier to use and store.
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2. Regulation
Regulation is a key factor that can influence the price of Bitcoin. In some countries, cryptocurrencies are strictly regulated or even banned, which can limit their adoption and use. However, in other countries, regulations are more oriented towards providing a clear legal framework for the use of cryptocurrencies, which can encourage their adoption.
Government regulatory approaches can change quickly, and any news about regulatory changes can have a significant impact on the price of Bitcoin. For example, if a major country announces new restrictive regulations, this could cause a drop in price. Conversely, if a country announces favorable regulations, this could drive the price up.
3. Technology and Development
The technological development of Bitcoin and its infrastructure can also influence its price. Bitcoin is an evolving technology, and improvements in its scalability, security, and usability can increase its attractiveness and value. For example, the implementation of technologies like the Lightning Network, which improves the ability to perform fast and low-cost transactions, can increase the adoption and use of Bitcoin.
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4. Competition from Other Cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency in the market. There are thousands of other cryptocurrencies, some of which have different features and functionalities. Competition from other cryptocurrencies can influence the price of Bitcoin. If an alternative cryptocurrency gains popularity and adoption, this could divert attention and investment from Bitcoin, affecting its price.
5. Market Sentiment
Market sentiment is an important factor that can influence the price of Bitcoin. News, rumors, and investor emotions can cause significant price fluctuations. For example, positive news about Bitcoin adoption or technological advancements can drive the price up, while negative news, such as hacks or regulatory issues, can cause the price to fall.
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What's Next for Bitcoin?
With the price of Bitcoin at 57,000 dollars, many are wondering what's next. Is Bitcoin preparing for a big move? There are several theories and predictions about the future of Bitcoin, some of which are optimistic and others more cautious.
1. Optimistic Predictions
Some analysts and Bitcoin enthusiasts believe that the price of Bitcoin could continue to rise in the future. These optimistic predictions are based on several factors, including institutional adoption, the scarcity of Bitcoin (there will only be 21 million Bitcoins in existence), and the growing acceptance of Bitcoin as a store of value and medium of exchange.
For example, some analysts have predicted that the price of Bitcoin could reach 100,000 dollars or even more in the coming years. These analysts argue that as more people and institutions adopt Bitcoin, demand will outstrip supply, driving the price up.
2. Cautious Predictions
On the other hand, some analysts are more cautious in their predictions. They argue that the price of Bitcoin is extremely volatile and that there could be significant corrections in the future. These analysts point out that the price of Bitcoin has experienced dramatic drops in the past and that this could happen again.
Additionally, some analysts warn about regulatory and technological risks. If governments implement restrictive regulations or if technological problems with Bitcoin arise, this could negatively affect its price.
Bitcoin has reached a price of 57,000 dollars, marking an important milestone in its history. However, the future of Bitcoin remains uncertain and is influenced by a variety of factors, including institutional adoption, regulation, technological development, competition from other cryptocurrencies, and market sentiment.
It is important to remember that the price of Bitcoin is extremely volatile and that any investment in Bitcoin carries risks. Those interested in investing in Bitcoin should do their own research and consider their own financial goals and risk tolerance.
Ultimately, Bitcoin is loading a big move, and only time will tell which direction it will take. What is certain is that Bitcoin will continue to be a topic of great interest and debate in the financial and technological world.
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alqotaefe · 1 month
The impact of the spread of digital currencies on the global financial system
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The spread of digital currencies has significant impacts on the global financial system, and these can be summarized as follows:
Challenging Traditional Financial Systems:
Digital currencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, offer a way to trade without intermediaries like banks, reducing reliance on traditional financial systems.
Increased Financial Innovation:
Blockchain technology, which underlies most digital currencies, has opened the door to new financial technologies such as smart contracts and decentralized finance (DeFi).
Regulatory Challenges:
The lack of unified regulations for digital currencies poses challenges for countries and central banks as they seek to establish legal frameworks to protect investors and combat money laundering.
Impact on Monetary Policies:
Digital currencies may affect central banks' ability to control monetary policies and manage inflation, especially if they become popular as a means of storing value.
Threat to Financial Stability:
The volatility of digital currency prices may lead to financial risks, particularly if they are widely used in investments or as a payment method.
Cross-Border Transactions:
Digital currencies facilitate money transfers across borders without the need for intermediaries, enhancing global trade but also complicating international efforts to combat financial crimes.
Financial Inclusion:
Digital currencies provide an opportunity for individuals who are excluded from the traditional financial system to access financial services, thereby promoting financial inclusion.
In summary, the spread of digital currencies has a profound impact on the global financial system, creating new opportunities while also presenting significant regulatory and economic challenges.
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talkstrading · 1 month
Understanding Asset-Backed Digital Currencies
Cryptocurrencies bring fresh ideas combining digital innovation with conventional finance as they develop. One such fascinating advance is asset-backed digital currency (ABDC). For people engaged in crypto, bitcoin, and FX trading, knowing these currencies might open fresh paths for stability and investment. With an eye toward their advantages, hazards, and practical uses, this blog article seeks to simplify ABDCs.
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What are Asset-Backed Digital Currencies?
Digital currencies classified as asset-backed ones are those based on a real asset. ABDCs are linked to actual assets like gold, real estate, or commodities, unlike simply speculative digital currencies. This connection seeks to offer more outstanding stability than conventional cryptocurrencies, which can show quite volatility.
Benefits of Asset-Backed Digital Currencies
Stability: ABDCs' backing by physical assets makes them more stable than other digital currencies, as was already discussed. For those seeking long-term gains, this consistency makes them a safer choice.
Knowing that their investment is supported by a tangible asset helps investors to have more confidence in handling their money.
How Do ABDCs Differ From Traditional Cryptos?
Traditional cryptocurrencies like bitcoin have no physical value, which results in high price volatility. By being connected to actual assets, ABDCs, on the other hand, preserve a more constant value. Because of their stability, they appeal to traders looking for advantages from cryptocurrencies free of the related dangers of sharp price swings.
The Appeal of Stability
ABDCs are known for their remarkable stability. For example, gold-backed crypto offers a secure way to preserve the enduring value of gold. This stability reassures investors, making ABDCs a favoured option for conservative traders in the crypto industry.
Linking Physical Assets with Digital Innovation
ABDCs connect conventional banking and contemporary technology by associating digital currency with tangible assets. This combination provides the assurance and confidence that come with tangible assets while also utilizing the effectiveness and convenience of blockchain technology.
Popular Asset-Backing
Various categories of assets can be used to support ABDCs. Gold is a favored option due to its historical significance and stability. Nevertheless, commodities, real estate, and even fiat currencies may support these digital currencies. Different investors have distinct preferences, and each form of backing provides distinct benefits.
Gold Backed Cryptos as a Prime Example
Gold backed cryptos are among the most well-known examples of ABDCs. These currencies are connected to the value of gold, providing a consistent and trustworthy investment possibility. Investors worried about the volatility of the crypto market choose gold-backed cryptocurrencies often because of their known stability and long-term value. Moreover, cryptocurrencies are a good option for investors since they offer the security and ease of digital transactions.
Those interested in the benefits of cryptocurrencies and concurrently lower the volatility usually connected with the crypto market find this hybrid investment appealing. By linking their value to gold, these digital assets offer a consistent source of value and good protection against economic uncertainty.
Risks and Considerations
ABDCs are not without risk even if they provide stability and security. The value of the underlying asset varies, thereby affecting the value of the digital money. Furthermore, the legal and regulatory environment for ABDCs could be difficult for investors.
Real-World Applications
ABDCs are being used practically in many different sectors. In the commodity market, they provide flawless physical asset settlement and trade. ABDCs help fractional ownership and real estate investment, therefore increasing the accessibility of property investment. These uses show ABDCs' adaptability and promise in changing established markets.
Comparing ABDCs with Other Cryptos
Stability is where ABDCs stand out from other cryptocurrencies, most importantly. While conventional cryptocurrencies present high-risk, high-reward prospects, ABDCs give a balanced strategy by integrating digital innovation with the dependability of real estate.
Future Prospects of ABDCs
With growing acceptance and creativity, ABDCs seem to have a bright future. As more investors realize their advantages, asset-backed digital currencies should become increasingly common in the financial industry. This development will probably result in more technological and application innovations, improving the whole value proposition of ABDCs.
Final Thoughts on ABDCs
Asset-backed digital currencies (ABDCs) are a big innovation in the finance sector. For investors in the crypto, bitcoin, and forex trading fields, they provide a convincing mix of stability and inventiveness. Deep awareness of ABDCs and their possibilities helps investors make wise judgments and find fascinating prospects in the digital economy.
Ultimately, the rise of ABDCs signifies a pivotal moment in digital finance. These currencies offer a reliable and safe investment opportunity, combining traditional assets with cutting-edge technology. If you want to expand your portfolio and reduce risks, ABDCs provide an attractive solution. Stay ahead of the game and delve into asset-backed digital currencies today.
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recentlyheardcom · 2 months
Bitcoin Price Surges Past $63,000: The Key Reasons
After a decline to $53,600 last Friday, the Bitcoin price experienced a major recovery over the weekend, exceeding the $63,000 threshold today. This marks a massive 17% increase since last Friday, reaching this level for the first time in two weeks. The rally can be attributed to several factors that collectively propelled the premier’s cryptocurrency’s price upward. #1 The “Trump Bitcoin…
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trader-sg112 · 3 months
Bitcoin Bounces Back: Insights into BTC's Recent Price Surge
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Bitcoin (BTC) has experienced a rollercoaster ride in recent weeks, hitting a low of $54,278 after peaking at $73,000 in March. However, the cryptocurrency has shown remarkable resilience, bouncing back to $57,705 with a 1.79% increase over the last 24 hours. This rebound comes amidst growing expectations of renewed inflows into the cryptocurrency market and positive sentiment among investors.
Bitcoin's recent price movements highlight its volatile yet intriguing nature as a digital asset. The dip to $54,278 marked a significant drop from its all-time high earlier this year, reflecting ongoing market uncertainties and periodic corrections typical in the cryptocurrency space. Despite these fluctuations, Bitcoin's ability to recover and surpass $57,000 underscores its enduring appeal and the confidence investors have in its long-term potential.
Analysts attribute Bitcoin's bounce-back to several factors. First, there is increasing institutional interest in cryptocurrencies, driven by their potential as a hedge against inflation and economic instability. Institutions and large investors are increasingly viewing Bitcoin as a store of value akin to digital gold, which bolsters its credibility and demand.
Moreover, regulatory developments and broader economic trends play crucial roles in shaping Bitcoin's price trajectory. Positive news regarding regulatory clarity or mainstream adoption often boosts investor confidence and leads to price appreciation. Conversely, regulatory uncertainty or negative headlines can trigger short-term selling pressure and price dips.
The recent recovery in Bitcoin's price also reflects broader market trends. Cryptocurrency markets, including Bitcoin, often move in tandem with global economic indicators, such as inflation rates, geopolitical tensions, and macroeconomic policies. As global financial markets navigate these uncertainties, digital assets like Bitcoin provide an alternative investment avenue for diversification and potentially high returns.
Looking ahead, market observers are cautiously optimistic about Bitcoin's prospects. While short-term volatility remains a constant feature, the long-term outlook for Bitcoin continues to attract attention from both retail and institutional investors. As the cryptocurrency ecosystem evolves and matures, Bitcoin's role as a transformative financial asset is likely to solidify further.
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tokenlauncher · 3 months
Solana’s Impressive One-Year Growth: Can We Still Trust Its Potential?
Solana’s impressive one-year growth has caught the attention of many investors and enthusiasts in the cryptocurrency space. As a relatively young blockchain platform, Solana has experienced a remarkable surge in popularity and value within a short period. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind Solana’s phenomenal performance, examining the catalysts driving its success and evaluating its technological advancements. Ultimately, we aim to provide insights into whether Solana’s current trajectory makes it a trustworthy investment option for the future.
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1. Solana’s Phenomenal Performance in 2023
Solana’s SOL token had a great year in 2023, performing better than many other popular cryptocurrencies. Its impressive growth in the crypto market showed that it could compete with the best. Now, let’s take a closer look at how Solana performed compared to Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Solana’s Impressive Growth
Based on data and market analysis, Solana’s price increased by an astonishing 900% in 2023. This incredible growth pushed the cryptocurrency to reach a yearly high of almost $125 during the Christmas season. The sharp rise in value indicated that more and more investors were interested in Solana and believed in its potential.
Outperforming Bitcoin and Ethereum
When we compare Solana’s price increase to that of Bitcoin and Ethereum, we can see that it did much better than these leading cryptocurrencies. Although Bitcoin and Ethereum also had significant growth, Solana’s rise was even more impressive, showing that it could be a highly profitable investment choice.
Understanding the Reasons Behind Solana’s Success
Two main factors contributed to Solana’s success: its tokenomics and positive investor sentiment.
1. Tokenomics: A Well-Designed System
Tokenomics refers to how a cryptocurrency is structured economically, including its supply and demand dynamics, usefulness within its ecosystem, and rarity. Solana’s tokenomics were carefully planned to encourage people to get involved and reward those who held onto their tokens for a long time. This strategy attracted investors who were looking for sustainable profits.
2. Positive Investor Sentiment: Confidence in the Market
Investor sentiment, which means how confident or optimistic people feel about investing in something, also played a big role in Solana’s achievements. In 2023, there were several positive changes in cryptocurrency regulations worldwide, making it easier for people to trust digital assets like Solana. The overall positive attitude toward cryptocurrencies in general further boosted Solana’s outstanding performance.
In summary, Solana’s SOL token had an exceptional year in 2023, outperforming major digital currencies with its impressive growth trajectory. The significant price appreciation showcased its potential as an attractive investment option. Factors such as tokenomics and investor sentiment played critical roles in driving up the value of the SOL token.
2. The Factors Behind Solana’s Success
Solana’s rapid rise in the cryptocurrency market can be attributed to several key factors that have set it apart from its competitors:
1. Fast Transactions
Solana’s ability to process transactions at an incredibly high speed has been a game-changer. With transaction times of just a few seconds, Solana provides users with a seamless and efficient experience, addressing one of the major pain points of many other blockchain networks.
2. Low Fees
Another reason for Solana’s success has been its significantly low transaction fees. Unlike other blockchain networks where fees can vary widely based on network activity, Solana has consistently maintained low fees, making it an attractive option for both users and developers.
3. High Throughput
Solana’s high throughput capability has allowed it to handle a large volume of transactions without sacrificing speed or efficiency. This scalability is crucial for supporting decentralized applications at scale, making Solana an appealing choice for developers looking to build and deploy complex applications on the blockchain.
The platform’s ability to seamlessly support decentralized applications at scale has further propelled its growth, attracting developers and projects seeking a robust infrastructure for their decentralized solutions. These factors combined have contributed significantly to Solana’s surge in popularity and value within the crypto market.
3. Evaluating Solana’s Technological Advancements
Solana has made significant progress in technology, standing out with its innovative solutions like Proof of History and the Tower BFT consensus mechanism.
Proof of History: Solana’s unique approach to timestamping transactions provides a verifiable time source without the need for a central clock. This innovation enhances the overall efficiency and scalability of the network.
Tower BFT Consensus Mechanism: By incorporating this consensus algorithm, Solana achieves high throughput, enabling it to handle a large number of transactions at an impressive speed.
It’s also important to evaluate the network’s current status regarding security and scalability challenges. While Solana’s technological advancements have positioned it as a leader in the crypto space, there are still concerns about security measures and scalability. Monitoring how Solana addresses these challenges will be crucial for its competitiveness and long-term growth.
4. The Risks Involved: Can We Trust Solana’s Future Potential?
As we explore the impressive growth and technological advancements of Solana, it’s important to assess the risks and uncertainties surrounding its future potential. While Solana has gained significant traction and investor confidence, it’s crucial to approach any investment with caution and do thorough research.
Sustainability of Rapid Growth
Solana has experienced rapid growth in the past year, surpassing many other major cryptocurrencies. However, we must consider whether this growth can be maintained. Here are some factors to think about:
Market Volatility: The cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility, with prices often experiencing sudden changes. While Solana has shown resilience so far, there’s always a risk of a market correction that could affect its price.
Regulatory Scrutiny: As digital currencies become more mainstream, they also attract more regulatory attention. Solana may encounter regulatory challenges as governments work on establishing frameworks for cryptocurrencies. Any negative regulatory actions could have a significant impact on Solana’s future.
Technical Vulnerabilities
Despite Solana’s impressive technological progress, no system is completely secure from vulnerabilities. Here are some technical risks to consider:
Network Security: Like any decentralized network, security is a top priority. Although Solana has implemented innovative solutions like Proof of History and Tower BFT consensus mechanism, there’s still a possibility of security breaches or attacks.
Scalability Challenges: One of Solana’s strengths is its ability to handle high throughput and fast transactions compared to other blockchains. However, scaling a blockchain network brings its own challenges. As the network grows and more decentralized applications are built on it, ensuring both scalability and security becomes more complex.
Importance of Research
Given the risks involved in investing in cryptocurrencies like Solana, conducting thorough research is essential. Here are some steps to take:
Research: Gain a comprehensive understanding of Solana’s technology, team, and community. Stay updated with the latest news, developments, and any potential red flags.
Risk Management: Diversify your investment portfolio to reduce risk. Only allocate a portion of your investment capital to cryptocurrencies.
Professional Advice: Seek guidance from financial advisors or experts who have deep knowledge of the cryptocurrency market and can offer valuable insights.
It’s also worth noting that the cryptocurrency industry itself faces several challenges. By acknowledging the risks and taking appropriate measures, you can make informed decisions about Solana’s future potential as an investment option.
As we wrap up our exploration of Solana’s outstanding growth and potential, it’s evident that the cryptocurrency has shown remarkable promise and resilience in the ever-evolving digital asset landscape. However, whether this momentum can be sustained in the long term remains a topic of debate. The impressive technological advancements and the community’s growing confidence in Solana certainly position it as a strong contender in the crypto space.
To make well-informed decisions about Solana as an investment opportunity, it’s crucial to stay abreast of the latest developments within the Solana ecosystem. By keeping a keen eye on how the platform evolves, new partnerships, technological upgrades, and regulatory developments, you can better assess its potential for sustained growth and its suitability for your investment portfolio.
While Solana has demonstrated exceptional growth and technological prowess, staying informed and vigilant is key to understanding its future trajectory as an investment asset.
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harinibw · 3 months
Binance announced it will delist several crypto trading pairs, including AI/TUSD, BTC/AEUR, CHR/BNB, ETH/AEUR, GAS/FDUSD, and LQTY/FDUSD. The exchange advised traders to adjust their positions and leverage to avoid liquidation. This move is part of Binance's risk management strategy to ensure market stability, although it has led to speculation about its impact on crypto prices.
The announcement has affected market sentiment, causing varied price movements. Ethereum (ETH) is trading at $3,312.83, and Bitcoin (BTC) at $60,428.36, both showing a slight decline. Sleepless AI (AI) is at $0.6741, with a minor increase in the last 24 hours but a weekly decrease. Chromia (CHR) is trading at $0.234, showing positive performance. Gas (GAS) is at $3.57, facing declines, while Liquity (LQTY) is valued at $0.8867, with mixed performance. These fluctuations reflect the market's immediate reaction to Binance's decision.
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unpluggedfinancial · 9 days
The Imminent Bitcoin Supply Shock: What You Need to Know
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In the world of Bitcoin, a significant event is looming—an event that could reshape how investors, institutions, and even everyday people view this digital asset. The Bitcoin supply shock is fast approaching, driven by increasing institutional demand and a continually decreasing supply of new Bitcoin entering the market. Understanding this imminent supply shock, and how it could influence Bitcoin’s future value, is crucial for anyone looking to navigate the evolving financial landscape.
Understanding Bitcoin’s Fixed Supply
Bitcoin is unique in that its supply is capped at 21 million coins, making it one of the few truly scarce assets in existence today. Unlike fiat currencies, which can be printed endlessly, Bitcoin’s supply is hard-coded to be finite. This scarcity is further heightened by the fact that every four years or so, a process called a halving occurs, which reduces the amount of new Bitcoin that enters circulation by half.
The 2024 Halving: The most recent halving occurred in 2024, reducing the block reward from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC. This means that miners, who validate Bitcoin transactions, are now receiving half as much Bitcoin for the same amount of work, effectively slowing the influx of new Bitcoin into the market.
This process will continue until the year 2140, at which point no more new Bitcoin will be mined, and only the circulating supply of 21 million coins will exist. While that’s over a century away, the effects of Bitcoin’s decreasing supply are already being felt today.
Institutional Adoption and Its Impact on Supply
One of the key drivers behind the imminent supply shock is the increasing presence of institutional investors. Over the past few years, major corporations, hedge funds, and even some governments have begun accumulating Bitcoin as part of their long-term strategies.
Institutional Holdings: Large companies such as MicroStrategy, Tesla, and BlackRock have added substantial amounts of Bitcoin to their balance sheets. These institutions aren’t just buying Bitcoin to trade it—they’re holding it as a store of value, effectively removing large portions of the supply from circulation.
Long-Term Impact: Unlike individual traders, institutions often accumulate assets for the long haul. This means that the Bitcoin they purchase isn’t likely to return to the market any time soon, reducing the available supply and contributing to growing scarcity.
As more institutions jump on the Bitcoin bandwagon, the circulating supply available for everyday investors shrinks further, setting the stage for a supply shock—a period where demand far exceeds the available supply.
Why a Supply Shock is Imminent
Several factors are coming together to create the conditions for this supply shock, and it’s worth understanding why it’s not just a hypothetical event, but something that’s likely to occur sooner rather than later.
Continued Institutional Interest: More institutions are beginning to see Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation and economic instability. With governments around the world printing money at record rates, the appeal of a finite asset like Bitcoin grows stronger. As institutional demand increases, more Bitcoin will be taken off the market and held in reserves.
Decreasing Available Supply: Every Bitcoin halving event cuts the supply of new Bitcoin in half, but this reduction is now coupled with institutional buying. The amount of Bitcoin available on exchanges is shrinking, making it harder for people to buy Bitcoin without moving the price up.
Rising Global Adoption: Countries and companies around the world are warming to the idea of Bitcoin as a legitimate asset class. This isn’t just an institutional trend—retail adoption is increasing as well. As more people and organizations accumulate Bitcoin, the pressure on the already limited supply grows, pushing us closer to a supply shock.
The 2036 Inflection Point: Running Out of Bitcoin
A key moment in Bitcoin’s supply dynamics is approaching in 2036—a date that could be a major inflection point for the cryptocurrency. By that time, 99% of all Bitcoin will have been mined, leaving only 1% to be mined over the next century.
99% Mined by 2036: With each halving, the amount of new Bitcoin being created drastically reduces. By 2036, the Bitcoin network will have released 99% of its total supply of 21 million coins. This means that almost all of the Bitcoin that will ever exist will already be in circulation by that point.
The Final 1%: Mining the last 1% of Bitcoin (around 210,000 BTC) will stretch over the next century. With each halving event, the reward for miners is reduced by half, making it progressively harder to mine new Bitcoin. By the year 2140, when the fixed supply of 21 million Bitcoin is fully mined, the final mining reward will be just one satoshi (0.00000001 BTC). At that point, no new Bitcoin will be created, and miners will rely solely on transaction fees.
The halving mechanism ensures that, while Bitcoin will continue to be mined, the amount added to circulation each year will become negligible compared to the amount already in circulation. This creates an environment of extreme scarcity, where Bitcoin becomes a truly finite resource—more scarce than gold or any other asset known to humanity.
What Does This Inflection Point Mean?
When 99% of Bitcoin is mined by 2036, the remaining supply will be distributed more slowly than ever before. This moment marks a significant shift in Bitcoin’s supply dynamics because:
Price Pressure Will Increase: As the amount of new Bitcoin entering the market slows to a crawl, scarcity will drive up its value. By 2036, we can expect Bitcoin to be far more difficult to acquire, with a much higher price floor due to its rarity and institutional adoption.
Institutional Holdings Will Dominate: Since much of the available Bitcoin will already be in the hands of long-term holders and institutions by 2036, the remaining Bitcoin will be distributed among a much smaller pool of new buyers. This could create intense competition for the few Bitcoins that remain available for trading.
Scarcity Becomes Absolute: Once 99% of Bitcoin has been mined, the market will face a new reality—Bitcoin will become one of the most scarce and sought-after assets ever created. As institutions and investors scramble to secure a piece of this increasingly finite resource, the effects on price could be staggering.
Potential Outcomes of the Supply Shock
When supply is limited, and demand is growing, prices tend to rise. This is a basic economic principle that applies directly to Bitcoin. Here are a few potential outcomes of the looming supply shock:
Price Appreciation: With fewer Bitcoins available for purchase, and demand increasing, the price of Bitcoin is likely to rise. Historically, after each halving, Bitcoin’s price has seen significant upward movements. As we approach the point where supply truly begins to run dry, we could see even more drastic price increases.
Liquidity Crunch: A supply shock can lead to a liquidity crunch, where it becomes harder to buy Bitcoin without driving up the price significantly. As more institutions hold onto their Bitcoin long-term, there could be fewer coins available for trading, leading to thinner order books and sharper price movements.
Increased Scarcity: Bitcoin’s scarcity will only grow over time. As more entities hold onto their Bitcoin as a long-term store of value, the asset becomes increasingly difficult to acquire, adding to its allure as "digital gold." This scarcity is what sets Bitcoin apart from other assets and could make it one of the most valuable assets of the 21st century.
What This Means for Investors
For investors, the impending supply shock presents both challenges and opportunities. Here’s what to consider:
Long-Term Value Proposition: Bitcoin’s finite supply and growing demand make it an attractive asset for long-term investors. If the supply shock occurs as anticipated, those who hold Bitcoin could see substantial value appreciation over time.
Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA): One strategy to consider is Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA), which involves buying small amounts of Bitcoin regularly over time. This helps investors accumulate Bitcoin without worrying about short-term price volatility. Over the long term, this strategy can help you build a position before the full effects of the supply shock set in.
Hodling: Holding onto Bitcoin during periods of scarcity could be a powerful investment strategy. Those who understand the long-term value of Bitcoin’s scarcity are positioning themselves to benefit from future price appreciation as the supply shock unfolds.
In summary, the imminent Bitcoin supply shock is not a matter of "if" but "when." With decreasing new supply, increasing institutional accumulation, and growing global adoption, the conditions are ripe for a significant market shift. As Bitcoin becomes increasingly scarce, those who understand its value and act early could find themselves in a favorable position.
The 2036 inflection point—when 99% of all Bitcoin will have been mined—marks a critical moment in the timeline of Bitcoin’s journey. From that point forward, Bitcoin’s scarcity will become undeniable, and its value could appreciate significantly as demand continues to rise.
For investors, the key is to stay informed, consider strategies like Dollar-Cost Averaging, and most importantly, recognize that Bitcoin’s value is rooted in its finite supply. As the world continues to turn to Bitcoin as a hedge against economic uncertainty, the coming supply shock could prove to be one of the most important financial events of the next decade.
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