#Biscan Cove
dinosaurchurch · 2 years
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Biscan Cove Path
August 4th 2022
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0melancholy · 7 years
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Overnight on biscan cove path 08/21/17
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dinosaurchurch · 2 years
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There’s something absolutely magical about the hours of twilight. I’m happy to have this crossed off my bucket list.
Dusk at Cape St. Francis Lighthouse.
July 27th 2022
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dinosaurchurch · 3 years
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There’s something almost magical about how tranquil Biscan Cove is…
September 15th 2021.
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0melancholy · 7 years
No place I’d rather be 08/21/17
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dinosaurchurch · 2 years
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Happy to say that hiking season has started for me this year. Joined a good pal of mine to do another round of Biscan Cove Path. It was a bit chilly but thankfully the hills blocked the bulk of the wind so that was a blessing. Not bad for -15ºC.
I haven’t done much winter hiking but I’m looking forward to getting out for more, the path wasn’t too icy today but I’ll definitely be grabbing some crampons and some hiking poles for when we get a bit more weather.
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It was a pleasant surprise to see some cranberries still hanging around. I really love this trail for the amount of different berries that grow along the path. There’s millions of blue berries there in the summer, I think if I get the chance I’ll be hitting up the trails with a few buckets if I can. Nothing beats wild Newfoundland berries.
I definitely am glad to have gotten a winter hike in on this trail. Happy to cross that off my bucket list. Hell it was even neat to see some of the snowberries still kicking around. They’re not really edible but they’re cute.
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I’m definitely going to be getting back here to do this trail again, might do the one to cripple cove soon too. Happy hiking folks!
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dinosaurchurch · 3 years
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If there’s one trail I’d recommend people to hike for the views that’s not a stones throw away from the city it’s Biscan Cove Path that runs from Pouch Cove to Cape St. Francis. It’s not a super easy path so it’s good exercise wise with 4 major hills but it’s worth it for all that you’ll experience on the trail.
A real treat would be doing this trail in conjunction with the Cripple Cove portion of the White Horse Path if you’re feeling bold or if you’ve got the time. To go out and back to the lighthouse in Cape St. Francis would add another 7km to what’s roughly a 14km loop if you walk the dirt road back to Pouch Cove.
The hills are tough but they’re very much worth it especially for the berry picking during the summer if anybody gets the chance to get out while they’re in season. The middle portion of this trail has millions upon millions of blueberries, it is known to be a local berry picking ground. I filled up two buckets last year when I went.
I’m really hoping to get down to this trail again before the end of the year but I’m not sure if I will. Maybe.
Photos taken September 12th.
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dinosaurchurch · 2 years
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Biscan Cove Path.
January 12th 2022.
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dinosaurchurch · 3 years
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Stiles cove is absolutely gorgeous. I haven’t had the chance to do the whole thing in the one go since it’s a little far out for me being about 15km one way (so it’d be 30km out and back). I’ve done the beginning portion on either end a handful of times, there’s about a 4km portion in the middle I haven’t seen yet (I’m hoping to before the year is out if I can).
All the rain we had in April turned out to be beneficial, May was great. April showers really did bring May flowers. It didn’t take long to warm up once the spring really got going.
I think one of my favourite things about some of the trails is getting to see the different geology, the sedimentary rocks and the way the layers are folded onto one another is super cool - Stiles Cove Path and actually Biscan Cove Path are fantastic for those views. Newfoundland is varied with what it has to offer for anybody willing to take the time to look.
I’d love to get out to the west coast and maybe hike Gros Morne mountain if I can next summer but we’ll see.
Photos taken May 5th.
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