#Birling day
elektricangel · 1 year
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I see you, John Finnemore 🥃 🚖 ✈️
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politelymenacing · 6 months
I don't want to say I'm the best sibling in my family, but no-one else got dad a gift for today, so....
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placetnemagistra · 1 year
Just need to shout derangedly about the Cabin Pressure / JSFP allusions in Good Omens 2, please add your own!!
Yellow Bentley — yellow car
Aziraphale as the incompetent detective / newspaperman with a Clue — the Birling Day episode where Arthur & Martin incompetently investigate Douglas’s theft of the Tallisker
Crowley ordering a large Tallisker — also Birling Day
A number of JSFP sketches where people who are total opposites are thrown together for long periods of time (eg the wildlife cameraman who doesn’t like snow leopards and the gay leopard Professor who absolutely adores them) or are bickering/unlikely but devoted spouses (the train driver and the train manager; the “Don’t Know Much About History” song sketch) - it’s a whole dynamic!! It has prepared him for this assignment!! (As has the practice of people being irrelevantly but cheeringly gay)
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crumbly-apple-pie · 2 years
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I need Samantha Shannon to know that these five words in this order are spectacular
[ID: text from a day of fallen night, reading, “Wulf hirpled towards a birling,” /end ID]
thank you so much to @maileesque for the ID :)
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weaponizedducks · 5 months
happy proving mr birling wrong day! (anniversary of the titanic sinking) and also kate winslet and leo di caprio
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virgoscringe · 29 days
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a portrait of the lovely Finch from a story @birlwrites is working on!! thank u for comming + trusting me with ur girl Birl i love her so deeply i hope she wins forever 💗💗💗
a closeup added bc Finch has the cutest face and i loveee how the lil heart brooch turned out heheh
(comms are still open! mwah!!)
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i am currently kinsidering sheila birling. tumblr please help me how do i know and why am i like this
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birlwrites · 8 months
i'm having to do a lot of stopping and revising and rewriting as i work on this part, which is good because it means i am rlly improving some of my technical skills and making the story much more impactful, but also bad because slow 😡
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can-of-w0rmz · 1 year
My English teacher’s been off for a long while so we’ve had a good load of substitute teachers, and one of them is teaching us An Inspector Calls and can I just say, is so much less dry than my actual English teacher. I’ll be real, classic lit nerd though I may be, I don’t like that play. Honestly can’t really stand it. But we’re leading a hate campaign against Gerald Croft now? Hell yeah I’ll write an essay for you on him let’s get this bitch! You give me those quotes and references on why he’s a dick I barely paid attention to his character but it’s drama now and I have personal beef with him let’s go
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lemongrablothbrok · 8 months
Random ass headcanon that From Eroica With Love and Cabin Pressure take place in the same universe. Don't ask me why; it makes sense in my brain somehow.
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ship-of-skitties · 11 months
kieran pokemon is so eric birling core
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wide-mindeddreamer · 5 months
gadies and lentlemen, goys and birls, it’s time for round five of Unhinged Shirts I Would Give Greta Van Fleet!
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as always I do this for The Giggles ™ have a wonderful day
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o-uncle-newt · 2 years
For everyone excited about Good Omens S2 and particularly Muriel:
If you haven't yet LISTEN TO CABIN PRESSURE! As of right now Muriel is striking me as somewhat of a female version of the Cabin Pressure character Arthur Shappey, who is a) one of the great fictional characters of all time and b) not only played by but also of course written by the phenomenal John Finnemore, who ALSO co-wrote Muriel! And indeed, that scene from NYCC is incredibly Shappean, or should I say Finnemorean. Cabin Pressure incidentally also has some incredible plotting (including mystery plots like the Birling Day episodes), hilarious jokes, brilliant character development and possibly the number one ending of all time. Also perfect found family vibes!
Basically, once again I am SO glad that JF was brought onboard for the comedy side of Good Omens 2 and the “kind of quiet and gentle and romantic” vibe that Gaiman mentions in this is so up his street it's not funny. (Also the specific JF anecdote Gaiman brought up in the NYCC panel was quite frankly very reassuring to me.) I am incredibly excited for this!
(Also listen to the rest of JF's stuff- his Double Acts has 1.75 half-hour rom coms, Hot Desk and Penguin Diplomacy, which may stop just short of the CLEARLY inevitable ending but otherwise has impeccable vibes, some of which are actually very Good Omens-esque. And Souvenir Programme is genius, with S9 a totally different kind of genius that I personally found incredibly impactful, as fellow listeners can tell from the fact that I subsequently named my Tumblr and AO3 accounts after quotes from it.)
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spaceradio · 3 months
Cabin Pressure episode tournament - more polls at #cabin poll
Limerick - S2E6
An interminable flight with a very baffling cargo gives the crew the opportunity to pass the time by alternately opening their hearts up to each other and persuading Arthur not to play charades.
It's the highlight of Douglas and Arthur's year - taking nice old boy Mr Birling on his annual day-trip to see the final Six Nations match, and get heroically sloshed. Martin, however, has difficulty working out what they see in him.
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bimboficationblues · 1 month
the tumblr leninist "clique" (which is looser and less consciously organized than people on her make out) does have its fair share of developmentalism and i understand if that makes you wary, but a lot of them are from the global south where developmentalism as problematic as it is for the class struggle as you alluded to, is a consideration that weighs more heavily on the psyche for reasons i wish you white global north leftists would empathize with more and a lot of them are some of the loudest advocates for more nuanced understandings of the global south on this site. it sucks because you're all genuinely smart people but the shading and vaguing is a very "tumblr" thing to do and not a very comradely thing to do. which i guess is fine. it's just tumblr after all but i can't help but feel like people can do better even if the material stakes are low
was it comradely for (a certain Leninist in this cluster) to organize protracted smear campaigns calling communists she disagreed with pedophiles
I hear what you’re saying re the developmentalism piece, likewise for the value of offering more thoughtful perspectives on the global south (indeed, I’m friends or mutuals with some of the people you are referring to). but like, my issue with the clique is not even necessarily that they hold positions I don’t agree with or think are detrimental to class struggle - that’s part of it, but at the end of the day it’s all just posting, and I’m a big-tent birl. rather, I think a group of very specific people (like, 5-10 names) are smug incurious assholes who got their political education through memes/aesthetics/rhetoric, and make it a bunch of other people’s problem by being self-assured, loud, and wrong. it’s personality more than politics, though the former will manifest in the latter (hence my original complaints).
And well, I feel that being vague is generally more constructive than getting into an online squabble every time I see those specific people say something annoying. though you are probably right that it’s not more constructive than simply remaining silent and rolling my eyes. such is the tempting curse of the blogger. sorry.
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hello everyone! pleased to present the 2022 Cabin Pressure advent listenalong! beneath the cut are the prompts for the episodes, which i will post every day but this is a headstart if you want it!
the first episode will be Abu Dhabi on the 29th, which is next Tuesday and you're welcome to join in however you fancy - write! draw! make liveblog posts! i would absolutely love to coordinate a live listen again, but my timezone has now become problematic. that said, i still propose that if we want to gather at around 6 or 7pm GMT, either on discord or on tumblr or whatever, we'll see what we can do about having a group listen.
any questions or comments please just shout! okay, bye! love the airport!
29th Abu Dhabi
a missing scene: The run up to Carolyn calling Martin a berk
a word: ice
a question: Who is your favourite character?
30th Boston
a missing scene: Douglas’ conversation with ATC
a word: home
a question: What’s your favourite Arthur moment?
December 1st Cremona
a missing scene: Arthur and Martin in the Garibaldi
a word: nuts
a question: What’s your favourite Douglas moment?
2nd Douz
a missing scene: Douglas and the cricketers
a word: big
a question: What’s your favourite Carolyn moment?
3rd Edinburgh
a missing scene: Martin giving Mr Birling the hat
a word: maps
a question: What’s your favourite Martin moment?
4th Fitton
a missing scene: Arthur and Douglas in the flight deck
a word: rain
a question: What’s your favourite episode?
5th Gdansk
a missing scene: Previous games of itemised lists
a word: salt
a question: What’s your favourite word game?
6th Helsinki
a missing scene: Arthur’s holiday scheming
a word: gift
a question: Which is your favourite series?
7th Ipswich
a missing scene: Martin and Douglas revising 
a word: pool
a question: Who’s your favourite minor character?
8th Johannesburg
a missing scene: Arthur and Martin’s golf buggy conversations
a word: shade
a question: Who is your favourite friendship?
9th Kuala Lumpur
a missing scene: Arthur rehearsing his story for Martin
a word: service
a question: What’s your favourite ship?
10th Limerick
a missing scene: Carolyn and Arthur creating poetry
a word: sunset
a question: What’s your favourite MJN family moment?
11th Molokai
a missing scene: Christmas in Hawaii
a word: cracker
a question: What scene makes you laugh the most?
12th Newcastle
a missing scene: Playing Trivial Pursuit
a word: games
a question: What’s your favourite Herc moment?
13th Ottery St Mary
a missing scene: Martin twisting his ankle
a word: river
a question: What’s a scene you know by heart?
14th Paris
a missing scene: What’s Carolyn up to during all the nonsense?
a word: glass
a question: Which Birling Day is your favourite?
15th Qikiqtarjuaq
a missing scene: Arthur giving bear lectures
a word: facts
a question: How did you get into Cabin Pressure? 
16th Rotterdam
a missing scene: Martin practicing his speech
a word: honey
a question: What are your favourite Cabin Pressure fics?
17th St Petersburg
a missing scene: discussing the plan
a word: names
a question: what’s a scene that makes you cry?
18th Timbuktu
a missing scene: Arthur’s preparations for Birling Day
a word: colours
a question: What’s your favourite piece of CP fanart?
19th Uskerty
a missing scene: Herc receiving the sheep
a word: drinks
a question: Do you like anything else by John Finnemore?
20th Vaduz
a missing scene: Carolyn and Theresa meeting
a word: dragons
a question: What’s your favourite Theresa moment?
21st Wokingham
a missing scene: Arthur and Wendy’s adventures
a word: puzzles
a question: If you could change something about CP what would it be?
22nd Xinzhou
a missing scene: Stuck in the traffic jam
a word: waiting
a question: What would your dream CP revival episode be?
23rd Yverdon les Bains
a missing scene: Martin telling Theresa he got the job
a word: capsized
a question: Which part of CP do you find most relatable?
24th Zurich
a missing scene: OJS’ first flight
a word: gold
a question: What does CP mean to you?
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