#Bire Larson
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technicallycrookeddreamer · 3 months ago
Fox Wolfe Pink Yung Pocket Watch Times Wolf High School Uniform Samurai Ribbon Asuka Jacky Jake Wendy Audrey Comic Con San Diego Adult Swim Indie Anime meme #Fox Wolfe Pink Yung Pocket Watch Times Wolf High School Uniform Samurai Ribbon #Asuka #Jacky #Jake #Wendy #Audrey #Comic Con San Diego #Adult Swim #Indie #Anime #meme @homestuckresources @countryhumans-kokoroyu @warnerbrosentertainment @dreamwoker2 @canadaflag @anime-manga-forever-otaku
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pedropcl · 6 years ago
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Brie Larson as Carol Danvers in Captain Marvel
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hiddlesthirlwall · 6 years ago
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Brie Larson, Avengers: Endgame press tour, 2019.
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mozicom · 8 years ago
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KONG: KOPONYA-SZIGET március 9-től a mozikban!
A főszerepben: Tom Hiddleston és az Oscar-díjas Brie Larson!
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owlswallpapers · 5 years ago
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#tom #hiddleston #tomhiddleston #Tom #Hiddleston #tom #holland #tomholland #Holland #brie #larson #brielarson #Bire #Larson #BrieLarson #chris #hemsworth #chrishemsworth #Chris #Hemsworth #ChrisHemsworth #wallpaper #wallpapers #Wallpaper #phone #loki #Loki
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🔥 Marvel
I’ll give you a bunch:
Iron Man 3 is not good, at all.
Guardians 2 >>>>>> Guardians 1.
The Increidble Hulk is not a bad movie. Not great, but not bad.
The X-Men are going to be so much better in the MCU then they were with Fox. Same with the FF.
It’s really not a big deal the TV shows and movies don’t cross over more.
Nothing Bire Larson said during the press tours was offensive enough to warrant the stupid backlash, y’all are just overly-sensitive panises looking for any reason to be mad. Dunno why this is even unpopular, but it sure seems to be.
Oh yeah, and Captain Marvel is not military propoganda. Not sure why this is unpopular, guess people really love making bad takes.
The only character Joss Whedon actually understood to any degree was Hawkeye, and every MCU film he wrote had atrocious writing. The Avengers is still good, but only in spite of his awful writing. The Russo Bros. are far more competent at writing ensemble pieces with the characters.
Ultron was a genuinely good villain who suffered because Joss Whedon wrote him.
Howard the Duck needs a major role in a movie.
A Black Widow movie is inevitably going to suck. ScarJo canot carry a movie for shit.
I’m open to Natalie Portman becoming Lady Thor. 
Thor had the worst supporting cast in the franchise until Ragnarok gave him a great one.
No movie in the DCEU is worse than Thor: The Dark World.
I think Malekith should be retconned so we can get a Malekith more in line with the comic version.
Gunn, the Russos, and Waititi are the best creative talents so far. Their films are the top of their class.
Thanos > Killmonger, but Killmonger >>>>>>>>>>> Loki.
Going off of that, Loki is way better as an anti-villain than a straight up villain.
Everyone misunderstands Thanos so much. You’re not supposed to think his plan is good or smart; he’s the MAD TITAN. He’s a very well-written villain, and again, I hate that this seems unpopular.
It is criminal that Man-Thing and Namor aren’t canon yet.
MJ is a really annoying character in Homecoming, but the trailers for Far From Home make her seem a bit better.
If Mysterio is legitimately a hero, it would be more interesting than him being a villain.
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supremequeenofthenerds · 6 years ago
How hot is that celebrity: Brie Larson Emma Stone Chadwick Boseman Priyanka Chopra
OooO lets see
Emma stone 
nope not my type / alright / cute / adorable / pretty /  gorgeous / lord take me now
Chadwick Boseman
nope not my type / alright / cute / adorable / pretty /  gorgeous / lord take me now
Bire Larson
nope not my type / alright / cute / adorable / pretty /  gorgeous / lord take me now
Hehe, this is fun 
Hey let’s play how hot is this celeb?
edit: I removed P Chopra because of all that shit she said recently about Pakistan, and I’m sorry i can’t divorce that opinion from her.
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whispersinthegrass · 6 years ago
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“Bire Larson didn’t have enough facial expressions in the teaser”.
Ok but these are Chris Evan’s expressions form the Winter Soldier trailer. There’s quite a bit of scowling going on. Maybe those critics should be telling him to smile more too.
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pedropcl · 6 years ago
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Brie Larson as Carol Danvers in Captain Marvel
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imageoscillite · 11 years ago
Check out Brie Larson, Kristen Stewart and Anne Hathaway in the new Jenny Lewis video. 
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