#Bill Sammon
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justinspoliticalcorner ¡ 5 months ago
Matt Gertz at MMFA:
Vice President Kamala Harris will sit down for an interview with Fox News chief political anchor Bret Baier on Wednesday, reaching out to viewers of former President Donald Trump’s personal propaganda outlet in the closing weeks of the 2024 campaign. Baier’s role at Fox is to provide his network with a sheen of credibility by producing a program that largely resembles a traditional newscast. His program prioritizes stories which flatter the right’s biases and soft-pedals or ignores damaging revelations about Trump. But his presentation is sober, a contrast to the enraged grievance-mongering of the colleagues who follow him in the Fox rotation. As a result, Baier has received an unearned reputation for integrity from some journalists at mainstream outlets — and provoked occasional fits of anger from Trump, who prefers the sort of obsequious propaganda he has gotten from regular Fox interlocutors like Sean Hannity, Maria Bartiromo, and the late Lou Dobbs.
Baier urged network executives to keep Fox from calling states for Biden
While Baier would like to move past Fox’s history of lying to bolster Trump’s 2020 subversion campaign, the Fox anchor is personally implicated in shocking breeches of journalistic standards with obvious ramifications for the coming election. After Fox’s decision desk called Arizona for Joe Biden on election night — infuriating the Trump campaign and many Fox viewers — Baier urged network executives to overrule the decision desk in order to make amends. Baier emailed Fox President Jay Wallace on November 5, 2020, to say that the decision desk’s Arizona call was “hurting us” and should be rescinded. He texted Tucker Carlson, who worried that the network could lose its audience to right-wing rivals, the same day, writing, “I have pressed them to slow. And I think they will slow walk Nevada.” Fox did not retract its Arizona call, which was subsequently vindicated. But Wallace reportedly “overruled the Decision Desk team” soon after, “refusing to let them call Nevada for Biden even after other networks did.”
While his “news” side colleagues left Fox, Baier reupped his contract
Fox’s PR team used to regularly highlight Baier alongside longtime network stalwarts Shep Smith and Chris Wallace to claim that the network had a credible news division. It is telling that Baier is the only member of that troika still employed by the network following what his former colleagues describe as its yearslong transformation into a Trumpist propaganda outlet. After Smith abruptly resigned in 2019, he said “that his presence on Fox became untenable as opinion shows on the network spread falsehoods that hosts knew were lies.”  After Wallace left in 2021, he said it had become “unsustainable” to work at a network where people questioned who won the 2020 election and whether pro-Trump rioters storming the U.S. Capitol constituted an insurrection. They aren’t alone.  Stirewalt said after his 2021 firing that during the Trump years, Fox became “an arm of a political party.” In March 2018, Fox strategic analyst Ralph Peters told colleagues that he would not renew his contract because Fox had become “a mere propaganda machine for a destructive and ethically ruinous administration.” 
After longtime political correspondent Carl Cameron left in 2017, he explained that “over the years, the right-wing hosts drowned out straight journalism with partisan misinformation” and said the network’s stars were “allied” with Trump.
Bret Baier, the interviewer for Kamala Harris’s Fox interview tomorrow, has a long history of partisan right-wing behavior while masquerading as a “straight news” reporter.
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darkmaga-returns ¡ 1 month ago
By Eric Sammons Crisis Magazine
February 15, 2025
This week, President Donald Trump took proactive steps to broker peace between Ukraine and Russia, actions that give me cautious optimism. Of course, his bold initiative has led the warmongers and TDS-sufferers to scream, “He’s a Russian agent!” However, Trump’s moves break through decades of neocon-inspired anti-Russian propaganda to strive for a lasting peace in the region. Essentially, Trump is arguing that Russia is more beneficial as an ally than an adversary and that America’s historical decision to promise NATO membership to Ukraine was a significant strategic error. Both these things should be simple common sense.
The geopolitical landscape post-Cold War presented the United States with a unique chance to redefine its relationship with Russia. But instead of fostering an alliance that could bring about long-term peace, the neocons in both the George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton administrations—supported by the military-industrial complex—wanted to keep the NATO bureaucracy alive. So they treated 1990’s Russia as a weakened enemy to be exploited. It was like kicking a dog that’s already seriously injured. Once the dog heals, however, it’s going to remember who kicked it.
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deadlinecom ¡ 4 months ago
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nodynasty4us ¡ 2 years ago
A keen, dispassionate eye might observe that Republicans would probably be best served by nominating a presidential candidate who does not have to redirect millions of campaign dollars to his own legal fees (or those of his allies), and who does not need to jump on and off the campaign trail for constant visits to the courthouse. But, hey, as his polling gets worse, legal bills might be one area where DeSantis can accurately claim to be competitive with Trump! -- Alexander Sammon in Slate
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fuojbe-beowgi ¡ 2 years ago
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"We’re Asking the Wrong Questions About the Trump Town Hall" by Bill Sammon via NYT Opinion https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/13/opinion/trump-cnn-tv-news.html?partner=IFTTT
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misslacito ¡ 5 years ago
Society of Camera Operators Lifetime Achievement Awards 2020
Society of Camera Operators Lifetime Achievement Awards 2020
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De nuevo vamos a una entrega de premios. Esta me parece que no ha aparecido por aquí nunca. Se trata de los Society of Camera Operators Lifetime Achievement Awards. Los cåmaras tambiÊn tienen sus premios, como debe ser. La cita tuvo lugar en el Loews Hollywood Hotel de Hollywood, California. Os dejo algunos de los premiados, las categorías especiales.
President’s Award: Jamie Lee Curtis. Governor…
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weirdletter ¡ 5 years ago
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Tales of Cthulhu Invictus: Britannia, edited by Brian M. Sammons and Oscar Rios, Golden Goblin Press, 2020. Cover art by Alberto Guerra, info: goldengoblinpress.com.
At the edge of the known world, surrounded by seas wild with monsters, lay an island filled with unknown peoples and mythical creatures. But the Romans crossed that ocean, and added most (never all) of this vast island to its Empire by sword, fire, and bloody conquest. The island of Britain, its various peoples and wondrous natural resources, remained part of the Roman Empire for centuries. But deadly peril lurked everywhere, in deep caves and ancient woods, in marble halls and thatched roof huts, in the legionary forts and along newly built roads. The men and women of the Province of Britannia, native Celt, Roman settler, and Romanized native alike faced these threats, and here are thirteen of their stories.
Contents: Green Water by Andi Newton The Hounds of the Dawn by William Meikle Matched Pairs by Josh Reynolds The Ruins at Raven’s Rock by Glynn Owen Barrass Knockers Down Below by Konstantine Paradias The Isle of The White Lady by Edward M. Erdelac A Layer of Ash by Oscar Rios The Island of the Gathoga by Pete Rawlik Mothers of Flesh and Fire by John Linwood Grant Bill of Goods by William Adcock Their Vulgar Pedigree by Lee Clark Zumpe Blood of the Woods by Morgan Llewellyn Wrath of the Kelpie by Francesca McMahon
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orbemnews ¡ 4 years ago
Fox News Intensifies Its Pro-Trump Politics as Dissenters Depart A pro-Trump drift at Fox News is not new: George Will, a traditional conservative who opposed Mr. Trump’s candidacy, lost his contributor contract in 2017. Shepard Smith, a news anchor who was tough on Mr. Trump, left in 2019. Some Fox News journalists, though, say privately they are increasingly concerned with the network’s direction. Kristin Fisher, one of the network’s rising stars in Washington, left Fox News last month despite a recent promotion to cover the White House and the network’s effort to keep her. She had faced criticism from viewers in November after a segment in which she aggressively debunked lies about election fraud advanced by Mr. Trump’s lawyers. The longtime Washington bureau chief, Bill Sammon, resigned in January after internal criticism over his handling of election coverage, around the time that Mr. Stirewalt was fired. (Mr. Stirewalt was let go along with roughly 20 digital journalists at Fox News, which the network attributed to a realignment of “business and reporting structure to meet the demands of this new era.”) Mr. Sammon has effectively been replaced by Doug Rohrbeck, a producer with extensive news experience on Bret Baier’s newscast and Chris Wallace’s Sunday show. Still, some Fox journalists were surprised when the network hired Ms. Kupec, the former Barr spokeswoman, to work under Mr. Rohrbeck. (In 2019, CNN hired Sarah Isgur, the spokeswoman for former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, as a political editor. After protests from staff, she was shifted to an on-air role and later left the network.) Fox News says its news coverage remains robust. Mr. Baier, its chief political anchor, announced in May that he had extended his contract through 2025. He regularly lands newsy interviews; a recent conversation with Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming grew testy when she faulted Fox News for perpetuating Mr. Trump’s lies about the election and Mr. Baier responded that he had made clear to viewers that Mr. Biden was the legitimate victor. Fox News has a smaller international footprint than rivals like CNN, but it maintains several foreign bureaus and has had multiple reporters on the ground in Israel covering the recent violence there. And despite ongoing criticism from liberals, Fox News remains a financial juggernaut for the Murdoch empire; it is expected to earn record advertising revenues this year, the network said. Source link Orbem News #Depart #Dissenters #Fox #Intensifies #news #Politics #proTrump
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justinspoliticalcorner ¡ 6 months ago
Matt Gertz at MMFA:
Fox News depicts the “decision desk” that calls elections for the network as an independent, data-driven body cordoned off from its right-wing propaganda machine. But the 2020 presidential election showed that this independence is a fiction: Top Fox executives are willing and able to overrule those calls if they think the results would anger Donald Trump and Fox viewers.   With the entire right-wing apparatus — including Fox figures — framing any potential Trump loss in November as a result of fraud, that scenario could easily repeat this fall.
The New York Times interviewed Fox decision desk overseer Arnon Mishkin for a Wednesday article on how outlets are “preparing to make calls in a very tight race — and ensure that viewers and readers believe them.” Mishkin said “that he and his team would be siloed off in a room inside network headquarters, and that he had no concerns about outside interference.”
“One hundred percent of the job is to look at the numbers,” Mishkin told the Times. “Just look at the numbers and report out what the numbers are saying.” But the 2020 election showed that between Mishkin’s team reporting “what the numbers are saying” and Fox anchors presenting that information to the public, the network’s executives can step in to overrule the calls.
Fox’s election night call of Arizona for Joe Biden was controversial, the Times noted, angering Trump and ultimately triggering the exits of decision desk leaders Chris Stirewalt and Bill Sammon. As Fox viewers revolted following that call, the network went into overdrive pushing Trumpian lies about election fraud swinging the results — which its executives and stars didn’t actually believe — and eventually triggering a massive defamation settlement with Dominion Voting Systems. But the Times stressed that Fox refused to bow to Trump campaign demands that the network rescind its Arizona call, while leaving out the network’s subsequent decision — pushed by its top executives and “straight news” anchors — to slow-walk future calls if they might similarly anger viewers. 
Fox president and executive editor Jay Wallace “overruled the Decision Desk team including Bill Sammon, Arnon Mishkin, and Chris Stirewalt, refusing to let them call Nevada for Biden even after other networks did, a level of interference that had been unheard of in past elections,” Peter Baker and Susan Glasser reported in their 2022 book, The Divider.  Wallace’s reason for overruling Mishkin and company had nothing to do with “the numbers,” according to Baker and Glasser. “Because of the Arizona projection, calling Nevada would give Biden enough electoral votes for victory,” they wrote. “Wallace did not want Fox to be the first to call the election and declare Biden president-elect.” Fox CEO Suzanne Scott had wanted to go even further, Baker and Glasser reported, suggesting the morning after the election “that Fox should not call any more states until they were officially certified,” an unheard-of process that could take weeks. Fox “straight news” anchors Martha MacCallum and especially Bret Baier emerged in post-election reporting as key figures who sought to stymie the decision desk’s calls.
GOP propaganda organ Fox “News” doesn’t have an independent decision desk free of interference, as Fox decision desk head Arnon Mishkin admitted that he and his team would be siloed off.
In 2020, after the channel’s decision desk made a controversial call to put Arizona in Joe Biden’s column, executives put a stop to calling any further states just so Fox couldn’t be the first to put Biden over 270 with a call of Nevada and that any future calls be based on viewer support.
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a-wandering-fool ¡ 6 years ago
Via Daily Caller:
The Democratic National Committee announced Wednesday that they are not allowing Fox News to host any Democratic presidential debates this election cycle, citing the network’s alleged “inappropriate relationship” with President Donald Trump.
DNC Chair Tom Perez released a statement indicating that he wants the Democratic message to reach as many voters as possible, but also claiming that Fox is “not in a position to host a fair and neutral debate.”
“I believe that a key pathway to victory is to continue to expand our electorate and reach all voters. That is why I have made it a priority to talk to a broad array of potential media partners, including Fox News. Recent reporting in the New Yorker on the inappropriate relationship between President Trump, his administration and Fox News has led me to conclude that the network is not in a position to host a fair and neutral debate for our candidates. Therefore, Fox News will not serve as a media partner for the 2020 Democratic primary debates.”
Perez’s decision is based on reporting in the New Yorker that alleges Fox News has become a propaganda outlet for the Trump administration and no longer operates as a news outlet. The Democrats will host their first primary debate on NBC in June and their second on CNN in July, according to CNN’s Brian Stelter.
Fox News Senior Vice President Bill Sammon slammed the DNC’s decision in response, stating, “We hope the DNC will reconsider its decision to bar Chris Wallace, Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, all of whom embody the ultimate journalistic integrity and professionalism, from moderating a Democratic presidential debate.”
Keep reading…
There afraid of getting asked hard questions..
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notesonnotes ¡ 6 years ago
Notes On: Fairshake
Today, we’re checking out Fairshake. They are a band from  the suburbs of Atlanta, mainly the Marietta & Woodstock areas,   with amazing vocals and lyrics that tell a story. Members are: Shayne Goss (Vocals & Guitar); Tucker Harding (Vocals & Guitar); Dan Wilson (Percussion) and Chase Sammons (/bass). The songs are personal, and some are heart wrenching, but nonetheless, they have a message: Keep Going.
The band members each have their own stories, and have come together to do something they love, and it shows. Their songs are full of emotion, and, if you’ve been to a show, I’m sure you can hear it in Shayne’s voice, and see it. If you haven’t heard of, or checked out Fairshake, now is your chance to get a little insight, and check out their music.  
What would you describe your style as?
90's Vibe Pop Rock, but as we collectively write our next EP (working with Jeremy Nichols and Ben Cato of The Dangerous Summer) we see our sound graduating to early 2000′s Pop Rock sound. 
Who are some of your influences?
Shayne's biggest influences are definitely first and foremost their idol Butch Walker ( Singer Songwriter & Producer) & Marvelous 3, as well as Third Eye Blind, Against Me!, and Veruca Salt. Other collective influences, though allover the place, include Relient K, Motion City Soundtrack, Foo Fighters,The Dangerous Summer, Breaking Benjamin, Thrice, The Story So Far, The Wonder Years, Paramore, and Gin Blossoms. 
How did you all meet? When did Fairshake start an what's the story behind your name?
Fairshake Counsil actually started in the Spring of 2008 if I remember correctly. My best girl friend sang my songs for me while I played guitar. At the time we were going for an acoustic indie pop sound with a southern soulful voice. She left shortly after the project began. The idea behind the name Fairshake is a group of artists who come from different repressed backgrounds but have worked to overcome their obstacles, no matter how hard it was and they give hope to others that they can also be their best selves. That everyone can get a "fair shake". I dropped "Counsil" off the name in 2014 after my 3 year hiatus. I came back as a solo act and released demos in January 2015. It was the revolving door of members until 2017, some getting hit with the door on the way out and others that are still good friends but with different ideas of what they wanted out of a music career. As for me, I want to make it in this industry. I believe I finally found the mates that want to do the same. Dan Wilson (of Atlanta's Pop Punk Wild'n Crew LIKE MIKE) helped with the self titled record in 2016, releasing in 2018 (a long wait I know) and they decided to stay as they were attached to the music and want the same things I did. Tucker Harding came into the light on lead guitar as he was already a fan and had already filled in for a couple live shows. Tucker brought Chase Sammons along with him in the fall of 2017. Things seem to be coming together.
The self titled record released a few singles with music video. The first being "Valium" in October 2017. Along with "Sun Kissed" (January 2018) and  and "Hey Doctor" (April 2018) [Videos will be posted below.]
All videos starred Tucker and Chase on their instruments, but unfortunately the recordings were dated at this point, being recorded with previous band members. If you have seen our show, I am sure you can agree that the live performance sounds more fitting as the songs have matured and our chemistry has blossomed. If you haven't seen us live, well, this is your invite to the party! We look forward to getting in the studio this Spring with our friend Jeremy Nichols, and one of our influences, Ben Cato of The Dangerous Summer. New Single Coming this Summer!
How do you go about setting up a tour? What are some of your tips?
TOUR. Shayne knows too many people, but not enough. Biggest tip with setting up tour if you are a DIY band... be firm and when someone says "No", ask them if they know anyone they can refer you to that will say, "Yes". Not necessarily in those exact words, but it's likely they know someone who can help you accomplish your goals. It is hard not to take things personally when you are speaking about pay, housing, booking a showcase for your own art, but you have to realize that venues are coming from a business perspective as well. Maybe you will grow and it will work out when you ask them next time. Persistence! 
How do you handle stress on the road?
Having so many emotional and artistic people in one vehicle can have it's ups and downs. We definitely cry together more than we laugh. And by cry I mean good cry, it is survival mode out there on the road. We have our weaknesses and strength and all acknowledge them. Each one of us steps up to the plate to lead and I think that is what helps things go smoothly. We love each other and this is a team effort. 
What is your favorite show to date? Favorite show? 
Seeing as we have done weddings, birthday parties, graduations, holiday parties, bar gigs, opened for larger bands and even counting the disastrous gigs that gave us amazing stories, it is hard to pick one. We would like to think that our favorite show is still out there. 
What is your dream venue?
SUPER BOWL. That means you've absolutely made it right!? 
Where do you see yourself/selves in 5 years?
Five years from now, we see each one of us full time musicians. No more of these side hustles to pay the bills. Each one of us has Fairshake and are individual artists with our own talents and side projects in music. We would like to think all of this hard work will pay off by then.  
And lastly, are there any shout outs to other bands or anyone that has helped you in the past that you'd like to recognize?
The Dangerous Summer: https://www.facebook.com/thedangeroussummer/
Like Mike: https://www.facebook.com/likemikega/
Joe Warren at Masquerade: https://www.facebook.com/joe.warren.695
Cascadent: https://www.facebook.com/cascadentBand/
Resident One: https://www.facebook.com/residentoneband/
Sarah and The Safeword: https://www.facebook.com/sarahandthesafeword/
The Keepsake: https://www.facebook.com/TheKeepsakeBand/
Mike Liorti (Former Rosedale): https://www.facebook.com/ROSEDALEmusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thefairshake
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefairshake/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefairshake/
Website: https://fairshake.bandcamp.com/
Sun Kissed
Hey Doctor
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rnewspost ¡ 2 years ago
Dominion lawsuit claims Fox News viewers thought Trump loss bad for ratings
That worry — a real one, judging by Fox’s ratings in the election’s aftermath — played a key role in Fox not setting the record straight about unfounded fraud claims, the network’s accuser contends. “It’s remarkable how weak ratings make good journalists do bad things,” the filing quotes Fox Washington news executive Bill Sammon as saying. The details were included in a trove of private…
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fiercestpurpose ¡ 2 years ago
In the days and weeks after the 2020 elections, the Fox News Channel repeatedly broadcast false claims that then-President Donald Trump had been cheated of victory.
Off the air, the network's stars, producers and executives expressed contempt for those same conspiracies, calling them "mind-blowingly nuts," "totally off the rails" and "completely bs" - often in far earthier terms.
The network's top primetime stars - Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity - texted contemptuously of the claims in group chats, but also denounced colleagues pointing that out publicly or on television.
Ingraham called Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell "a bit nuts." Carlson, who famously demanded evidence from Powell on the air, privately used a vulgar epithet for women to describe her. A top network programming executive wrote privately that he did not believe the shows of Carlson, Hannity and Jeanine Pirro were credible sources of news.
Even so, top executives strategized about how to make it up to their viewers - among Trump's strongest supporters - after Fox News' election-night team correctly called the pivotal state of Arizona for Democratic nominee Joe Biden before other networks. A sense of desperation pervades the private notes from Fox's top stars, reflecting an obsession with the erosion in ratings.
"It's remarkable how weak ratings make... good journalists do bad things," Bill Sammon, at the time the network's Washington Managing Editor, privately wrote on Dec. 2, 2020.
The audience started to erode severely that fall, starting on Election Night itself. Fox executives and stars equally obsessed over the threat posed by the smaller right-wing network Newsmax. Hannity texted Carlson and Ingraham that Fox's Arizona call "destroyed a brand that took 25 years to build and the damage is incalculable." Carlson shot back that it was "vandalism." Others hosts, including Dana Perino, were equally shocked.
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mondonews ¡ 3 years ago
Jan. 6 Hearings Focus on Fox News Call That Made Trump’s Loss Clear
Jan. 6 Hearings Focus on Fox News Call That Made Trump’s Loss Clear
At Fox News, there was little drama over the decision to project Joseph R. Biden the winner of Arizona. But the relationship between Trump and the network was never the same. Shortly before 11:20 p.m. on Nov. 3, 2020, Bill Sammon, the managing editor for Fox News in Washington, picked up the phone in the room where he and others had been reviewing election returns. On the other end of the line…
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ednamiller45 ¡ 3 years ago
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marcel334 ¡ 3 years ago
INSIDER John L. Dorman 2 hours ago ---------------------------------
Mark Meadows describes freak out at the White House after Fox News called Arizona for Biden.
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